S"S' if I " f'l nit anb fmv Tilt " REPUBLICAN." y . . ' Terms ol pubrripuow ... . :...; tl..-. mitntlia. f I 25 MBH PaBTINUTON ON THE Alt p. . . . , S0 If A R It TSI MPROVE u . 2 00 ir time witliin the year, tf paid after H expiration of the year, Terms of AdvertUlnj;. Advertisement, are Inserted in the Hcpublicnn . . L r..ll,,arin(P rati. ! 1 Insertion. I do. $ 40 I 75 I a J do (I uio's, II 00 Wlmt. ni-rt von iriiinir todo, you bad woman's boy?" Bit id Mrn. I'artinjrton, sis ko jiurtscd through tlio kitchen into (lie garden. "Down with tlio Bcnostn i' t'M !" ho shouted, und ho looked out '.. . : ..1. . uiu. dm tnnnf h wi.ii'- On anuare. f14 lines.) till III Ol'Unuia l n.U ,r-. , ",BII..I I 00 Vila bu.sl, fall before the artillery sword J-A'i ?... o it I uui mill uie younsiur nun band. "You'd better go to .Molasses One Square, .Illation if you want to do that," she Twoutrei said, restraining his hand as it was ro"Tunn,' litled ngninst lier favonU' Iik hsia, le.i. nivjf aoulumn, ly to decajiitatc tlio plant mai mk bad watched with almost a mother's ciro lor three winters. "JWr me !" -he murmured, halt to heri-elf, "what terrible thing war is, when even the ( hildrcn show such signs of consan guinity, and brother is pit tied against brother ! 1 can't hoar to think of it. laac, dear, yo down and buy nie an xtradition of the paper." Ike depart t (I with a half dime, and from the Ono column, 3 months t 12 50 : 4 0 : i 00 : A 00 : 8 00 tl 00 00 8 no to no 12 oo 20 00 3 do. (I 00 2 00 2 60' 12 wo ; $7 oo; 10 00 , 12 001 14 on 15 00 1 35 00 r. Over three weeks and lens llinn llirce uiotun. ij ecnts per sia:e fur cash insertion. Eti.ciia net c. not ei:fo.ding S lines are in tried fiT tin year. AJvortif )inanl n't msral with the number or E-trtiiinsdosired, rill be t .ntinuei until forbid it.d cdiarged nccord'.r.g to these terms. E YE, EAll AND ZUiAG PHYSICIAM & SI AYER'8 I t CATHARTIC "UWAUlii. 1 ft i PRINTING. fact that no change came back, Mrs. n-1 t." do I'artinton supposed the price wasr.nis id. B)::iri.i, IVill, An Iuhii rV.M.u.K Tksant. ''I'll I rouble you for my month's runt, inud ura," said a landlord, last .Monday, to ouo of bis tenants. "Js itycr rii.tye ax for now?" "Yes, mam, two rooms at t-cventy li.e cents icr week, each." "Ah, now, cantyo wait a little time? Sure the likes of ye must have plenty ofnioney," replied the woman, looking at tho thin' bent form of the landlord with great contempt. "l'ut my dear woman, the money is due, and " Olt, murther, i it dearing me yc arc' an honest married woman, and blessed mother of siren boys, each big enough to lick the life out "of ye. Out if mv house ve monster." and unable t, , to give to her indignation in words :;hc seized his coat' collar and fairly threw him into the street. The own er intends to let an agent collect the rent of that house in future. Trr.HNiTY has no gray hairs. Here the (lowers fade, the heart withers, man grows old and dies' the world lies down in tho sepulchre of ages ; but time writes no wrinkles un eternity ! Stupendous thought ! earth has its beauties, but time shrouds them for the gntvc; its honors are but the sun bhine of an hour , its palaces they are but guilded sepulchres ; its pleasures they are but as bursting nu nines, m.iom, Xot so in the untried bourne. In the Cumsiao, dwelling of the Almighty can come no Jootseps of decay. I ts way will know- no darkening eternal splendor for- t he approach of night. wfLSomo years ago, Mr. Kidwell was preaching to a largo audience in a wild part of Illinois, and announced ftjr his text; "In my fathers house tiiero aro many mansions." He had scarcely read tho words when an old coon Htood un and said : "1 tell you folks that's a lie! I know his father well; lie lives fifteen miles from Lex ington, in old Kentuck, in an old log cabin, and their ain't but one room in the luniso." Major Jack Downiso; Once said to Gen. Jackson : '(iin'ral, I have al- ways observed that those persons w no t-nijn haven creat deal to Miv 'about heinjr Woodwunl, ready to shed their last drop of blood, aro amnzin purtic'lar about the first drop. A pleasant, cheerful wife is as a rainbow net in the sky when her hus band's mind is tossed with storms and tempests ; but a dissatisfied and f;et full wife, in the hour of trouble, is liko one oflhoso fiends who are appoin ted to torture lost spirils. A sad thing it is in human nature, that a man 'may "aide others in a good path, without walking in it him self: that ho may pilot others well o- ver dangerous reefs, and j'ct wreck his own vessel, on its first and only pas sage over the sumo rocks. "Angels in tho grave, will not ques tion thee as to the amount of wealth thou hast left behind thee, hut of good deeds thou hast done in the world, to entitle theo to a seat among the bless ed." Koran. Follow the lawsof Nature, and you will never be noor. Your wants will be but few. Follow the laws of the world, and you will never be rich. Yon will want more than you can uc. quire. If it be important to know whether j Tnocn mmt.s, ClKcrl.AHS, Jl.VMilill.l.S, U.-u:iHv done JOB An exteusivo stork of Jobbing materia enables tlifl iibli.-brr of t lie "11,-pvbiienn' lo:iiiiir,ui ee I J the J '.:U':i llmt ho is prepa 1 .-;,lu .,r IV .i'.ie-, 1 iT3 : in, P.i.'i., Firm rx.i, , l.r.i.s, t T'CKt.-n, nr. '1 cvciy liinicf ii::;ivs in a conn .iyi cl o. .c. A :1 outers will be excculsl w itli ncnt ness and diypa'eh. J. J). (100DLAXDK!! . CO. COUNTY l)Tui:CT()ItY. Time ur Holding Court. Si-fund Monil;iy (if Juiuiuiy, Third Monday of March, Tli i rJ Mdiiil.iy of June, 1'wurlh Monday or .Seitenil)cr, In each year, ami continue two wceke if no ce.-.ary. County OlilciTS. l'rcs't Juiljie.Ilnn. Samuel binn. ltcllcronro. As'to Juilges'.llull Win b Moore, Clem lielil. Hon I'.ciij IloiifiUl, bitthcr-liurg Shcr.lT. Freil'k tl. Miller Clearfield I'rotliHnotnrjs.bihn b. Cuttle, " Itig. A Hee. James Wi gry, " IiiMrict Att'y Hohcrt J. Wallace, " Treiifiirer, '. H. (iimdlnnder, " U. Surveyor, II. 1!, Wright, tilen III Coiiiiiii.'ii'r.sWiii. M'l'racken, buinher City Wm. Mcrrell, Clearfield S. ('. Tlunnw-'oip Murriiliilo Auditor. Jb C, bow man, f hilipslmrg Iaao W. liial,::l,i loarlK'Ul J. 1). Fliaw. Coroner, Ueorgo Kielinril, l.M of I'ohUMIiccs. Xttlllr P. -V (1. W. Cnlwell ,VrT K!':r. T. A. .M'dhee J. V'. Cf..-7.r.! iV bcwin rmiih Popps, Clearfield llrii3, r. II. Miller liradlunl, wooillam:, na. v, i,.u:i;j llrady, I.Hthershurg, H. II. Monro. r- ''oiHiy, John iicherling Jim- llloom Si: WING MACHINE. P J! I C .".S Fit O M $ 4 0 t e $ 7 0 . I Tho bOl bOIR SKWINO MACHINE. n en- Crningof which is hern rcircei.te'l, has now I hecoiuo n reeognied favorito wherever it! has heen introduced, and ic. hevolid nuestion, tho best, as well ns the hnndiniueit, low-iirieed Sewing Machine now heforo the iuldiu. No. 1 A ruin 11 and very ncut Miicliim for Family use. No 2, A large. Machino fur quiltins teavy work and for Plantation use. Thi." Machine in much admired for its simplici ty, mid f.ir its reliability and durability it ')" r'urpursed. A child twelve yean can rua it with ease ; nud yet it will few from tho coarsen! cloth to the finc.-t Swiss. There U no troubls of re winding the thread, ns it is taken from the H'ools. It has no belts to civu troublo, and will run backwards ns well us forwards, aril still sews ecimlly perfect, and without danger of breaking j needles. It runs by friction, end by closing the box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, wo have no hesitation in recommending it as the bcM fan ily Sewing Machine in use. I Tin' Mltnctiiij Vronitm.i Anitnltil tlic uhure Machine : J At the Fair of the f'rankin Institute, ISiS, tho First Premium. I At the l'ennsylvnni.i Ptnto Fair, at Philadel-' phia, September 21, ISi'J, tho Firit Premium a biplouia. At I li o PennM-lvani Plate Fair, held lit Wyo. ming, lSlitl a Silver Medal. For tlio best lioiible Thread Machino. nt I.an-: raster County Fair, held Octobsr, l5i'.l a Silver Medal uses appertaining to ino & i n mm .-w. ........----- - ,d I.isebarge. from the Ear, raa be speedily ci ro I by )r. bonr Scentil.e icr diseases that have bullied the skill ol'the so eall.d distingui; hod pl.ysui Trcntiucnt ; suuiu. 10HMEl!t.Y Pl.v.'ienn nnd Surgeon to the l'.rompton bung Hospital, of London, l.nglana, now of P H TSP.t nti ll, Pa., begs leave to announce to all Invalids, that, owing to the wan, -i,,,,!.:'!,. hi. friend., he h'as included to pay profe-.-innal visit, to the ft, , and by arriving nt the div set forth, can be conjulled by the i.ni.cUd. until Male and 1 u' 1 r -ii ... . , i the Head, and and many other APPOINTMENTS. CbAIUOX, nt Clnik's Hotel, fiom the lith of May to the Istof Joue. COUSICA. at Whitiner"s Hotel, Juno 1st. Ajtain, Sept. 1st and -d. ; ItHOOKVIbbK. nt the American House, fr.mi :!d t lli Juno. Again. Sept. .,d, 41 h am otn Lb'TIIKHSbClUl, at l!eed Hotel, Juno Mill and 11th. Again, Sept. Kill, and 1 ltli. CbKASFIKbU, Johnson's lb.tel, Juno 12th to Mi l. Again, S. pt Ulli and Uth. HKbbEFON rE, .Morrison's Hotel, from June Klh 'o l'Jth. Again, ,-ept. I llh and i nn. TVltO.NE CJTV, at Mrs. Thoihiis' Hotel, Juno 2!tnnd 22d. Again, Sept. hth and 10. n. At his INF1UM AUV, from June 22d tojuly l"lli. Listen to tho Voico of Truth and Itsasoa ani Profit by it. The time has come when all who will, can escape the iron grasp of Mercury, by rn'linr. vilb'mt delay, to see the well known and justly ciM.ralod Eclectic Ivimpean I'.iys.can, I'r. ..." . . -i i i ..,!. ,.i,,.,.i..,1 fp.,,11 1 b most choice imors ti nil in i n. will ailiiiinis.er ino.-c uiny n uu uu.. o,.,.: ......... ....... i,v,iiii I'.im. which are prepared under liisown supei vision, and therefore avoid ug the use ofall . . u.xs, which were never designed for llio system, to take which unm, tlion.aiuis nam lam. u . Ai. you Ht. fcfcu , Older. Willi 0..r .!..' I ri.it.a,mt,g,ifMl"k COllfotlW(ll Tl. w toif,..reorienlu.p,ll.jJ crlon illin. IckiMM is cwi)ln m.7j" aid l averM iT and should Hy. Take Ay or'. deaiisu out tin, dlaunlia Uiors purify lb Hwj let the fliiMuiof mj i tcud tu They .llmulut. ftP of Hie body lute vurwmTr I llvity, nurllv the u.i... .. I the olstruetions lrk T I A ,. -.1.1 UMttW. l.l Ik. 1.1- .t.n, i. lu ii.itornl function. Mionn, If not mu. . I H urt ohtii tlinnsvlves and the .nironoding orpan Jjl ilm-liiR iifiier.il nnivatton, pitl-ring, an iL I liilu In lliis iwinlitl'in, oipu.C'l by tlix itemijrm ,.il;o .cr' Tills. nd se bow directly tliojr xmott ui ti -itnrai ncll.in of tlio system, aud with it tin boo.,, f.liir; of lii iilib niin. What U li ne anil k, .irni . I his ti irial ini.l cimiinon coiiipliliii, la aim trrn'iBtJ nf llio i(.-i w uli 'l ami ilHiRcroiis distempera. .inriiilre nlfi ct exw ls tlietll. Causul by similar ol,j,. ti .m mid d. innp iiiciils of the uatunil fuuctiuu al 1 Imlc, limy aro rapwiy, anu many oi im-in siimj.c,! I.y Hi kuim wean. Nouo who know UnfiitinnotUn, l iMs. will iiikIc'I t' employ them wlnfc sutTnim h Hi,, ilhiiiili-rs Ho V ruin. t-;.ii,.ii,.iiti 1 i liadlag idiyslilnns In Knieofa. pria i il i itux, aau lioin oiuor nun auowu piailt ft S'lll. I ii Zi.i-ii'iii-ii'nj Mticliant if .9. ioui'i, Pl.tlyt I Ha. Av.ii: Vnar I'ilN aro the partRon c,f all a ,1 pun in iiii-oi-'iiii'. i n i' v ni,u .wiu-i in., n.no aauFbta I 11,-,-r his H'inM o;i,ilt ll"l lliioniaiiu iki iimi uwi prvT,jl i.irur.i'i!,' I,T ),'.iis. hit uioniur invi wen Kitijt rrin I iimlv nll'i l, , Willi uiolrnes aim pinipiu" no lurmu, and gone N early graves. TIUXCS TO 1JK IIKMKMIJKIIKI). i Urmrmhi r that Dr. T.ort wants no patients but these fully capable of ..ppreeiadn; and dis'iii-; guishingthe servicer of u regular thorough bred physician, from a paltry, unlearned nud trilling ''"Iw wiiVr, Ir. llort'. remedies mid treatment are entirely unknown to all others in this country ; prepared from a life spent in too great hospitals of Europe and the orst in llie .-.utitry. .', ,. m'..r, thutbtr. bort bus a more cMcuded practice than any other physician in Wc.leia 1 t.in- K A'clacm.rr, that cili.en. of education, and our popular men, are all well i cuniintcj with, and take eroat pp-asliro in recommending ut. imri 10 uie auneieu. ( HrmrmUr, that lr. Hurt makesno falso representatioiis to gull the unfortunate, Put all .u sj II AW. f 1'. 0. (lien Hope, Ilowcr, Chest, Cush, Ostend, Clearfield llriJ3, Woodland, I.iithersburg, Troutville, JeiTerson bint, Forest, New Washington)! J. M, Cumiuingi llurnside, Ja. MeMurray ho tiiithl'iiliy carried out. JlcMi iulii r, that 'Jr. Port pays every attention to diseates of a chronic nature. ylCT Certificates of Cures may bo seen at his respuctivo rooms. ir Port is furnished with over six thousand letters of recommendation from some ol flic most distin.'iiisbed men living. Also has nwtnded to him diplomas trmn some of the most ee. el. rated llospilals and Inlirmaiies in Europe, for his uiipnrallelled obsci vations in Iiia-iiosis, iiii.l uhscn.i- e lag remoilies lor uie cure oi uiseiiscs nun imiu iki.."i"'v i tions in niseovi . t i , . t. , i i i .i ol mo nieiii'.-ai in .iii-s;.!.,!.. At the MarylandMnlo lair, held nl tho Mary-. ' . . .vii1:., to consult tli 1S;..1,I I .l.ii., .I., iiiii.ii'f. In lii.nsi'll' Ti mo 1 i ll ite.l. Please bear in mind nl Dr. Port will be in your place. Persons ilesi.nus of consulting linn will ibr :i great lavor by oiling on the first day of his anival. as bis rooms are so ollcu crow.l- cd, it is utterly impossible to attend lo the anxious solicitations of ji II. Dr. lici t xwli arrive ut cam of the al.oic places on the first coach on the day appointed. Please estetid tho invitation lo all iiivpni aciu.iiiiiau:cs, nun uohs'- j". "- land lnsti'ulc, Paltimnrc, Md., October, under strong coiiipelif 1011, a silver .Medal was awarded to this Machine. At tho Now Custlo County Fair, held at Wil niingt.ui, Delaware, Octoler, lbU a Diploma. Tho above Machino nro tnmiufnctiired by (lltltl.l V. UOWUM', Ullmiiitou, Del. S A L ES ROOMS. No. "20 ArcL Street. Pliiladclphiii, Pa. No. 8(11 Markut Street, Wiliningtnii, Del. S. 1). HAKEU, ninrbl-ly T20 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Trf-Persons wrisliing to sco the abovo Mnchinc In operation, can do so by calling nt Iho resi dence of D. V. Moore, in Clearfield borough. JAMK8 T. l.KOXAnil. W M, A, WAI.LAOK. Clearfield, Clearfield, Covington, French ville, Karthaus, Curwcns ville, cnrwenarille, a. rixiar c. riNJav ii;in!;inii anb CoIIcdioir (Ofiatc Doctor, is caii)"st!y rc'iue.tcd, eo us to receive 20. 'dl. 21. J O II N C) U E L L , UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE m.u, TRIM- IsQcatcdat A. H. Shun' MHi, one mile Fnat vf L'lcarfii il bnrvnjh, Dceater, Ferguson, Fix, (lirnrd, it (loshen, (iriiliniii, liulieh , Huston, i .Ionian, Kiirtl.iius, Knox, bawrenee, Morris, i Penn, ii Pike, Philip, burg, Mar roll, Helen Post Office, I.ccounto'8 Mills, Paid Hills, Shawsville, (f riihiinilon, iinlhs Millr, Madeira, Tyler. Penntiold, Ansonvillo, lilt I.iek, New Millport, llreckcnridge, Kylertown, Morrisd lie, Lumber City .f lirnmpinii Hills, Curwensville, Illoouiingvillc, It nekton, Jeffries, LEONARD, FINNEY &Co C I- E A R V I L I), CLEAIlFlKUi COUXTV, PA. jnil.l.S ot. KXI OANRK, K1TKS ANnlinAKTS PISI OlMK i) posits itix i.n i:d, Collfttiotu made and proceedt promjitfy remitted F.xrliaiic on the Citlrs constantly on band. Jt-if-Office on Seccad St., nearly opposite the . to COUPT HOUSf ; and sir.os.one of which is a Folding Ma.. " sealed letter envelopes, free ck rgc o ;, .uitablo for CABINS ON KAKT8, which !''r ''"'""l" l'"K l'tl"- ess I . r,.l 1 ! .,..,,11 enm.iass.and emi.lied and I ! J- " U,T0"' . 1 Vll',rJ Asmh.m. Imi., 2 This Post Oflice will do for Chest township paper ill answer lor rcriiMin tounthip M. .:. Frank 1 A ll.,lin J V W Schiiirr j Samuel Way Centre enmity Edin. Williams Elk county, Pa. C. Miguot Wil I in in C'arr A. 11. Shaw T. H. Forcce. J. A. He; arty C. J. Pusey. David Tyler II. Woodward F.lica Clin so (I. lluckadorn D. K. Mokel J, W. Thomps'n Jus. Thompson J. McClelland II. v. Spencer, i -i ' i-'j benefit to everyone A. C. Moore, t jD point of health, Samuel Way comfort, and ennv;niencc. Michael Wise. I lH . Ill l.i.H tar. slway be found at his of- W.Y. Johnson fire, on tho corner of Front and Main streets. T. Henderson when no notice to the contrary appear, in this Respectfully informs tho citiicns of Clearfield and adjoining comities, that he is at all times prepared to manufacture, nt the shortest notice, Hair, llnsk, and Straw .Mattresses in an kinds tross. can be folded in small compass, and emptied and refilled at ploasiiroi and very cheap. Ho also trims Cat ringes, make, repairs to all kinds of Carringo Trimming and I phoUtcry, nnd makes Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick uess or length. .SuCountry Produce. Corn. Husks, or Cash taken in Etehnnge for work, rAII orders left with nny of the Merehsts Clearfield borough will hi promptly niton Jul deczn NKW itEHLPll'n un SIM- RM A Tti; niii:EA. no.v.utn A-SiK lATI.lN, Pllll..Pl:l.PIIIA, A -- -fClnif (infi'fllfliill titllhti'llill III 'i .'" ilmriiirNf, in- tin i Hi a tin- A'i'i k nml llnti-i-i'i 'l. (ifflii lnl I'ifi l i'iii lif Hint I'ln iiin'i: lli'i n'i , Hmi fjlClUtlllJ fur lc I'lliC nf l)imilHi nf till! .Mill OriillM. Mriui'il. Anvii K given giulii, by the Acting Surgeon. Vai.i aiii.k. iiki'.iIits on Spern atorrhiea, and other diseases of the Sexual Oigans, and on t lie ni.w liK.MKi.ir.s employed in the Dispensary, sent No. 2. S. Ninth St., Philadelphia G I 2lmy ly. S A. M. HILLS i JLOUIt, IiACOX, TOBACCO, LKiVOJIS OF ALL KL1& SALT, OILS, PAINTS, & (iROCERIlN, DENTIST. t V'fjPWSACiTi the lieih in proper aT For fale vol y Hir!i. for Cami, ly 1,9 sr"' I O. Ii. M EUR ELL, Propernttention to I NEW GOODS! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF I Al operation! la ti: V.ne of his profession I performed in the latest and tno.t improved ' styles, and guaranteed for u:,o year against all iiturnl failures. In basemen I of Mcmti'U it PiigNVs Store, Cletrtu-M, Pit- ri-b-27. rn II E II 11 I T IM ll 13 V 1 13 M s AMI BLACKWOOD'S M A O A 7. 1 N E. A T Altltl ACi: ;i 11)1 Ileing a private Oi'i"" aV. blMllilC' LtOOdS nhout tob. married, both male and female, in, AT TM r (Ml P fH TnifK ! cerylhii g eouccrning the physiology and rela-1 Al lllI.Cllt.Al l.A.ll BlUltl.. ;tinsof our sexual system, and the production or prevention ol otT-pnng, includi.g all die newj I am just recoiving nnd opening n carefully selected stock of Spring and Humiimr good. ol almost every description, A' beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress goods, of tho newest nnd latest style.. Also a groat variety of useful notions. DUY-dOODS AM) NOTIONS. I THE LONDON Q1IAUTKI1LV, (Conservative.) 1 THE EDINUCRtill KKVILW, (Tory.) 3 T1IK NOltTH IiHITISH liUVlEW, (Fr o Church.) I-TI1E WESTMINSTEll KEVinV.', (Liberal.) 5 r LACK WOOD'S ED IN II I' MO II M All A7.INE (Tory.) r i: it m s . For any one of tho four Hevicws, For nny two of tho four Reviews, For nny throo of tho four Iteviews, lor all four of the Uoviews, Honnets, Shawls, Hats and Cnps, Hoots and Shoes, n largo quantity, Hardware, Qieenswnre, Drugs and M.diuinos, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths. (J u o c i: R I E s , Fish, Uaeon and Flour, Mackerel in J J and 1 barrels, of tho best quality, nil of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friend., nnd the public generally, are respectfully invited to cull. rf-N. 11 All kinds of f,7f. .V and approvod ClH STHY I'KODVCK taken in exchange ol (ioods. Clearfield, Juno 20 1SC1. WM, F, IHWIN. discoveries nov.r before given in tho English liinguage.by WM. YOUNd, M. D. This is really n valuable nnd interesting work. It is written in plain languago fur tho general reader, and is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young ' married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having llio least impediment to married life, .should rend this book. It discloses secrets that every one should he acquainted with j still it is n Fr Plackwood's Mngiuine, i book Hint must bo luckcil up, nnd not lie aiioiit i'ur p,,i, lw 1 and ono llcvicw, tho house. It will be sent to any one on receipt For blackwood nnd two Iteviews, of twenty. five cents, in specie or postago stamps, j.'()r lsluckwood and three licvicws, Addicts Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 410 Spruce st. For lllaokwood nnd tho four Iteviews, I abovo Fourth, Philadelphia. Pa. ! N. lb Tho price in (ircnt llritain for the live pi.-rAtliicli.il and t 'n'iii fnniifc No matter Periodicals above-named is :!1 per annum, wh it may ho your disease, boforo you place your-! llep.iblishcd by ! self tinder tho care of any ono of the notirimis' LEON AUD SCOTT A Co., j (Juaeks, nntivo or foreign, who advertise In lh: innrbl-fon 51 Oold Street, New York, I or nny oil er paper, get a copy of cither of Dr. --; '",.., 7i. ', ". i Young's books, nnd rend it cnrofully. It will bo TMi t tj Ml 1 1 l.s! The advertiser, tli. uii.nr, ..f anrlnv v.... i. unv n dnllar. n,,r JL having Veen restored to health iii a few health, nnd possibly your life. , weeks by a very simplo remedy, after hnving suf. lis. YfiTMl mn enn.nlii.d nu invnf tl. forod for several yearn with n severe lungalfec. diseases described in his publications, at hi. oflico, No. 416 Spruce st, above Fourth. n7-ly per nnnuin. $;) 00 h nn li no in oo E N - E C II (I M I L I Gcruiant.iwn, Pa. AfcCA ii iTu y & Co.,' Importers, and Wholesale Dcnb rr in C A It I 13 T I N V S , 1 III' (; t. 13 T ! (ill. (LOTUS, MATTl.Sns, ,fc. WarclioiiKO. No, .r)()'.l t'licstiiut, Stnul, (Opposite State llotisv,) npr"'SI-ly rniiaiiri.i'iilA. (JIlAlliS!! llIAlliS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! The iit.lersigiied has now unhand, al his Fur niture Ilonms on Market st., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Lit.'. Foundry, a l.irg.i .took of CIIAITM (IF A 1.1. klMS, manufactured out of the hist materialr, finished j n a very superior manner, and which ho w ill sell 1.0 II' l'Oli ( ASH, II ist long experience in the business makes him feci confident that his chairs are mado in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, and will still. 1 the test of trial. Person wishing to purchase chairs should cull at nn.-e aud get them nhile they can be had at the low, t rates. J '. UN TKOl T.M AN. Mar.27-ISM-tf. Wis lie up! W"Eic ue! I,.CKSMITIII;. Til K subscriber re. IS pectfitlly informs his friends nnd the public "ciii iallv. that he, is now well 0 .iblislied in his NKW SHOP en Pine street, o p. .site the Tow n . 7 110 Hull, in tho borough uf tlcarfieiil. and upon lit j 8 (in own hook, nnd where lie is prepn-ed to do ail Slltl'woik in bis line in the very lust styl; , and on 5 00 'the shortest notice. His old custor ers are re.--7 00 Ipeetfiilly atl.cd not to forget him, and nny mini-1 her of new oiks are respectfully invited to give: hi in a trial. F.IXi H TOOLS. Hi. repnlalioii ns n Maker 1 and Hepairer of Edge tools should of iltvlfrecurc hi in a liberal putrumiiic. (JEOIUiE C. PASPMOHE. April 21, IS0 1 -if. In l,,-i I.aii.- A it.r our .liil.l wua cureJ, alia ala, u, I'iII ,i,l lli,,v l.avu cured hi-r. ' ' ABA MOKOItlMl Aa a Family Phjalc. Fimii Dr. K. II'. (UrtierigM. AVit Orlani. Y air Pill, nro the prince of purges. Their Mcdiaw I ipulili.s ui ias any mlliarnc w sisi'bi. Tbe; mil, I. init vol v coil on ami iiounui lueir acivoau, I.,S. Will, ll Ml IK J. lU.'lll HITUIUUlllO 10 in Hi Ibe ik, I It,-.. Incut nl ill-. lli ntlni lie, Silc kllcnilnclie, Foul Stom.a I y Vniii l)r. frUv rf lliiyd, JhlUmor, Hi: .n ll.u). Aviit: Ican.i t antiwar vou s'if c jms.t I 1 havn cit-e ( Willi your cms ouut.r man lo Kay nil ftj fi'tr fr-vf ii-Wi a nnv.itire viniicine. 1 lilase Rntt dsi ,,.i,.i on i.t, etT,'i:l.l;il .i.lli.'irtic In lll.V ilitilv cnutMt am ilU, ai,. mi l lM lit.lii' ns I l that y.air I'ills aaura mK but J liave, 1 ol course vame iiiwn uiauiy. I'tTTsnirao, Pa., Mstl. IMS lm. J. 0. Arm. Fir : I have been reti'nt.s.ly tori I Die ivr,t aim,1,7,1. hiiv lioiir can lime hit aitauorli. i.f ro.ii' I'llls. It sc.. ihs to arise fl'nni a foul Munat.1 wbi.'ll M.av ..siuhm nt oil,'.'. V., .iii ullli ui-i.,it rnsnprf. T!7. W. MtPltlv Cfril nf Sunn VUii, llllinii. nisoiilev. Mver CHinipUliiti, A'. '.m r. Tir -ilur' 11.11, rf A' ill V'vkCt). V..1 l...l arf. lour I'll', ip1.nl.nl.lv n lnot, 1 1, Ma I s. ns nn tiH'rti-nr. l ot I Had tlilr Isan liriitl , I tli l.i.,-1 i. iy i.iaik.il IiiiIi'kI. Tbvy linve hii.l) I , ti. u i,i.i.i,l in,,ru eMcltial rr tlio curu ol Siimairal ,,i ni.fi ili.iii uv i.im rthn-.lv I can Hu'iitiuii. I ihwttJ. i. i, e Unit t"'liui. al l. ii,:il. a I'liiKatite iilikliinu l it t :o eoiili.li'liLe ii tin' "S , mi, I l.o . , n, rii lSnAt of Tub I.tiitut, I iirl.il,.. I. ,. I),!.'., ;tl, ti ll., 10, I'm 1 I bavo lliisl y,or I'ills la mv iiciicrnl ai.a IiimmlI .!s.-i;o. ..r..- si in'. ua ma.lu tlR-iii, iiii.I cmuna UssitaKhl iu ll.cy a,o tliu bcsl nilllii, uc e I'tninny. lit tl 1..IHU n. tioll i ll lll. liler ii li'-k u..,l (Iv-iilua, nwal iiiioully ll,,.y nia an n.l.Hiral'lo i..i.dy for drimtimiMii .1 IliM nr.m. Indruil, 1 l.a.t, H.,l,nl Uiiml axMtrfl ..I,.... rli.'i'ic s nllitiiilo Unit 11 ,lid not ri-salily rsilkl tll.Ul. fll.lslll.lll.T V llrr. Ai.O..) HA I.L. M I J 1i j.c'u n nj fst J,a .si thjc I I)y a ntcry, Dlnrilian, Itilax, V or nil, I V,.i 111: J. (j. Urtrn, uf Clttwift. Ymir I'iils b..vu bad a I,, or li lnl hi iny Siri,. nl' I... 1 1 ll.. an in fstis ni as of the IwstinH'iwnuI ar. vv.t 1 .1111,1. ill. ir iiit.i ui la,.- .fT'--t ui'iai tlislimwul llicm an ux.cll.-lit icu.rily. wliao Rtviai In sii.ullil.aNl' 'limit tlystittrrtt aii't th.trriurti. itnir iikai4'.,. make tlicm via y ncri'iiinl I. nud tuinriii.nt it lis tl of wnii.uii aud i-liil.lrca. Dyspr piila, Iinimrlt)' of the IlfooH, 7Vi.ni Arc. J. V. limti, l.tl ir if .M.Vi.f lV.ifit4,J, lm. Arm: 1 baio n,d your PilU wish ettinrdim sn. t i.s in my fun. ily nu.l i.i.iot, Ums.. I ainri'l.dto.iil la ilislivss. 'I'n r.'K.llnlo the nrirans of dluiia I .nrify tl.n MimhI, lliay ai tint v.'iy Iwst ivmsay 1 k ,'vit kitoirii. .mil 1 can ciiiiil.l.'iitiy rucamiaruii nh. my friend-. Vein., J. V. lltMal Wiim'f . tVvoniliiK C-. N- V., Orl. W, i I'r. lit Sm : I am n-iic .Voor Pallia, tic I'llli In nt sl li. i'.i.li,l flu, I tti.'iu an i ac.'ll.'Ot purcallvo Ine . I, in un, I i.iinf v l.'ie fi.iiii',i. t'.f Hi' 6f. ' JOHN ll. Vt.CH.M,M. irc.iliLi Drl my i I'liriilyiilH, etc Fn.M Dr.J. . Wttujhn M uttft'l Omtl$. T'hi iihii li run in it I said ..f your Pills frlliniii'l r .aiiitnr. II oilier. nf our niitcniitv him. ft'Uisi it.. ns i 111. ... i ... ns I ha..', thny si. ..old j .in nit III )". I In; ll f,,r III.. l li. lit nl ll.o liiilllllll lis n)n auflW tr-1 II. ul .oi.iH lint, w l.i. li. nltlintiKli laid si.ikIi In IW 11... iiro.'i iiilor f otl... that nr worse. I Wk'iis liirnnt In orliriliale ill ll,.' Ilvur, bill J Ul Pllllali-CIl la au nod emu llie .iissivie. 7Vi.m Jlft-s. F.. S1ii.nl, V,.ji',fiii on.? .t.V.'ir., IM I 111!,! our or two lni-.rr. il.isi'S of vnm Till". IskB U '' .r,i r time, nre x. rll nt pr. a, .,!,. , f Ins linli..' I , ..-ii wli.'.i wii-nyor paitiaiiy sit,.ri.s...i, ana ip(' .ir. ol.i.,1 t,. ',. tint ll.e lltmiu !t an, I tri rm. a- I n... nl, tlic l,ot pliisio wu bavii Hint I reviwiw . no nllic, lo my ,:iti -'its. . From the for. I'r. fnc'.n. ',' .W-'W? ? 1. , ..it, ll.,, r Sim run, uli (in.. .Ull. !. 1 I M.Anrtin S:r: I ,.1, ,nl,l ! iiii--iiili-l.il fnrtWat- rniir skill bus l,i, 1,1 in.' If I n t i'"rt ail"' : j. ii. A i': I - ,1 i i rn. I'1"1" mi 1 1 ,clit ". I riiiliiiir ii. iiiM',,1,- lm hi, i. !ii' Ii '"'!' 'I b' c'iihk""' 1 (,.,. ,,l.,illili..i,li,..r I li . I llio I.r-t ,,ri,lti la'' I .ll,..A.. .new worc nil I M, iiiml l.v l,s ..lirlcif! I e s(', Hint ai-rnt in hill initi o. Pi'. Ms, loan!". 1 "r Pills. 1 lieir i-tl.i'tn wen- Mow. but tre By rwi".l In the list of tin in. I nia in ir : nlluly v t.11. Simti: riu vara, rat, n Ii, a.-', !.'. IV. I Tn. Avrn: I lmve I.iwii lit' l ntr In' vnar M'k lihrnmnti- OW 11 painful ill-n" tied I'S'I sffli'1''" f.r yins. i.ci;m' turn lt M. st i f lbs Pills In market enisle iilin h. allliMiirh a v.ilual In i -ni.- lv In sl.illal ! ,1,,,, .,. i . ,,i.l;,. ,.,n I,,,,,, il,., dm, is ,!..(...S lint fl'.Hi.lrlit 1 1 ftll'tW ll flir:,nf i,,l nS. I III, lilt tin Lisrawry ul llllluTal Sll'.st ill ,i whulrrf. Prioo, 25 oonta por Dot, cr C Sixeifof" Prsparcd by Dr. J. C. AYEK & CD , ?s r S)l.l by C. II. Watson, flciiitcH t Irwin, t'unvciisvillc : 1". Arnold, Lumen, Monlgotnciy A Cn., New Sainii; J- '. li'"'' Mnrri.dnle, C. II. busier, riiilipsbiirg: J"' ('huso, Ausonville : and by dmlcrs cvorjw"0' Co ii si Ipnl I on. Cost Ir .lira., dnjinrci lllieuiiintUiii, (Joul, Neuralgia, I STItlM(i ' 111 A!- 7 V. WALTER BARRETT. a man will cheat you if ho can, sotintl "TOiM.i at la -a , w.ii attend prompt y n in. in v j , l and faithfully to nil legal business entrusted to Jtim rut UN Uinm iiiuiu,iu r.si in m i l, his eaie. in the several Courts of Clcnrlicld nnd adjoin. r.g counties. OfM Ue one formirly occupied by 0. K. you cheat somcl'ody cine. Willi timcnml patience tlionmllicry leal'liecoincs natin. AVli.it cliflkulty is, there at which a man should fjuail, when a worm can nccomplish ho much from n loaf. A man who covers himself with costly ni'imrel nnd ne'decln his mind, is like ono who intimates the outside of tion, and (hat drrd diseaso Consumption, is anx ious to irnko known to his flk -sudercrs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with tho di , .clions for preparing nnd using tho satr.e, which they will find a suro euro for Consumption, Asthma, IJrcnrhitis, lc. The only object of the ' ndverliser in sending Iho prescription i. to bene i fit the nlllieted, and spread information which ho conceives to bo invaluable, u id ho hope, every (LUIiFillD MOM M ABE I'MTUl Thankful for l.nst favors and s..li''iti" rf'i ture natiiiiince. 1 would reri...cl!iilly sunn"' i 1 1 , ii I I baa., on bund ,,,.i,i. nnd will CuDII: : keen nt (he Pottery in this Imrouirh, na """'l liarrett Oct. 2f :h, 1819 ly. OIIERT J. "iVALLACE, 7iT)n.Kr at Law, Clearfield, Pa., Cthee in I bin's How, op- osilo tlieJiurr.nl office. dec. 1, 1S58. tf. It $35 00 1 sufl'erer will try his remedy as it will co.t them HAYS the entire cost lor TUITION in the 'MK. nnd n,,,y prove a blessing, 1' most popular nnd successful C'O.MM ERClAl. c",n ""'""f l$X?XTw tfT ST'IIOOL in the country. I pwards of Twklve n,,,lro;" . ".' tu.w 'M .. lkMiiiKl. young men, from TUirv-mm.T differ. nmU 'Hiamsburgh, kings Co.. N. ja. n. i.AimiMRn. Altltnil.lt tfe TI'.ST, Altorheya at Law cnt States, have heen educated for business bore within the past three years, some of whom have ' been employed a. HOOh-KhLPillS nr suluries $2000 00 Immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing Clearfield, Pa., will attehd promptly to Col of accounts when they entered the College hi.1 liOUKO nnd Hits within in tho dark. ' l"ti' Agencies, Ac, 4o., in tleartlolil , -r.Munster.soni liairpncc. , Centre and Elk couhties. July 3D. y Students enter at any tune, and review when Ignorance and conceit nrc two ot tho worst Qualities to eonihat. It is WATCH & JEWELRY J. Q. HARTSWICK, M. D. rnsth-easier to dispute with ft Htates- iyicin ana surgeon, vasii easier iouisiuu iui nniaus i cloarfield May 30i i860. muu iiuin uiuuiviiiiiu. TIIIK un.lvrsigned respectfully informs his customer, aud tho public generally, that he has Just received from the Knst, and oi en nil al l.ia eatnlil isli men I in C ll A H A f K UltW tliey please, wiliiout extra cnarge. Ch?iirftolil, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, I For Catalogue, Specimen, of Penman;,hip, and w. .,... ..jj...,,, r ,iifrm.,i ,,uiiii. Viow of the CULLED K, enclose five letter stamps from B fin , piece , fu ,clli whi(,b he wi to J K.N KINS A SMITH, , .n , ,i,. ,nn, Pitnannitlitn (iriiAK fur fmuTi hp In : . . ' , i " . . - t v.-. " , . , ' . "pVK. M. WOODS! havlif clanged hi. loci An inventive vnnkco Las produced1 I I .; r,nm rr.n..iia n.mii.u ri. lin fipparatUS WlilCll llO Bays IS ft CUro ! pectfully offer, hil profes.ional .ervice. to Ut Iornnorin2. JlctaHtcnsupoiuiicinoiun1oll'"n"-" r ... ..u.u.i,. .. , . i i i: . 4 at Residence on Second street, opnont It at or a gutta-iiercha tube leading to the U Cmns, E.q. my X Js. Blooper's own car. A rocont philosopher has discover-' C' KRATZER & SON. d ft niuthod to avoid being dunned. c MEM CHANTS, n,l dealer. In Board, and ,ir it 9 tt i . . Shingles; Oram and Produce. FRONT btreet, "How r How ' How V Lvcrybody ,bov , AehAemy clcwfield Pfc, aiks. Xcftr rumn debt. I Juno 12th, oi. 1 May IS, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa THOM AS J. M CUI.I.OUC.H, Attorney at Law. j Office on Market atreot, opposite Mossop's flora tiearneiu, rn, n in aueno promptly to collec tions, Sale of Lands, Ao. novT-l ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AX tne rooum ni liira aub. mv wnoa uoi Clearfield, MERCI1AN1S, and eiteniive Manufacturers of Lumbar, July 13, I860. txnhnnge for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the inn! reasonable priees. ALL kinds of Clock., Watches and Jewelry, carefully repaired and H'nrrnaferf. A continnane of patronage I. solicited, Sept, 19, i860. H. F. NAUOLK. J. D. THOMPSON, lalacksmlth.Wurrn.Bugi(ifs, Ae., Ac., ironed J3 rn short notice, and the very beet style, at hit 11 stand In the borough of Curwensville. Dc.:, 1860. HMI.S l 11111. ADI.I. i. iitlmm Ksritrnii nl timtinit I A ' Ji..r ! ! .' KXCITlMi I'OOT HACK between the Pliiladiilphin l'olire and tho nolorioiis For ger at'd counlci fcilcr. .In airs l!u liiitinn Cross ! ! Cross lleeantured ! ! ! ! Il seems to be tin. trener- il I onlnion in Cleni 'field. I 'ml il Cross had worn n ..r .. .1....I ,l;.i.... .i ..i il, M,.tl,,li.tCbir-l nn;. Ar L'..hL ci..... v i. ..ir i........ .i....i... , v ' . .. ...,. ,fntl j I'" r . i.ii.ii .in. .un, ,, ft i jiriro stm k hi r roc k cry sm u j would not bo till vn yet. However, Miorty is ' milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Milvf pip ' not much put out at missiuir Ins custi in : but At. a e nnd also no cxti nsive tisiurlnitiii would anniiunco tu nil rcA' f bra.'h't "1 l.iiii'ilti nml Itrll dkii, nnd women and children ' rosettes for c rnie un hoiii.es. and other ' in Cleartield. and Siiinemahi.tiinir in i.arliciilar. .11,,,.. that l: is prepared lo furnish thelu with II... its.' Ai.v mi.ul.litiirs not on band isboes and tiaiters of liny style or iniltern. stitch. ..n .i,,.ri ,..; 11.,, f,r.i brick V so, sewed or pegged, (and as he is a short f.. ' n,l kept for sale. low; on snort nuueo. ah Kinns ol country i.roiiuco taken in ex-1 change, nnd rash not n fused, licpairini; dono 1 in the neatest manner nnd charges moderate, ut llie Miort Mine Mmp on r-ocon.l Mreel, opposite Kee.l, Wearer Co. store, Y It A A K rlllOHT. N. Ii, Findings for salo Sept. 2li, lKC.ll- 7b Persons out of Employment. A(JHiT3 AN'l i:i). . i. v a iika.,.i .n.:..n ,.n ,,r res aiw who'leaale dealers. P. bKlTZISO Clenrlleld, may 23, lSllb ly. Cabinet, Chair Making, T 01IN (1 I L1C1I, of tho borough 'f 1 1",nT.. ft Pa., will be prepared nt all lime. l"- 11 lift ! ,ttf.bJ i.. v.. l., i. .1.,,,-a .nil ( nnticA. nnd in a workmanlike manner, lb I'. J T r,..,i nr il... l'.,;i...l i..r 1.....1 1. ... .1... ..1.1 . 1. .!, north in . 1 1 j vu.tiivj inv I ,,, 1, , ii.ii,:,, (,', i. pi 11 era ij. a. viu rui,v.. - - rtj'l fIV) cnirnire in the sale of some of tho best and Market street, .Id door east ot luiru ., a I most clogantly illustrated Work, published, opposite the old Jew store ; where he i" uur publications are 01 llie uiosi interesting consinniiy on nan.i a large assoi.u"- - rharncter, a inptel to the wants of the Farmer, hogony nnd Cnne Bottom Chairs, an d l J Mechanic and Merchant; they are I ablishcd in Ware of every description, which he wi" I .u. .i 1 1 :.. .1.. Lr. 1. 1....... . ilm same IU I lilt, uesv Sl IU .IlU VUllllll ill IUU UIV v iiiiiiinii. "i u an irnnuiiiii,,! h i u.n iw -.!.., I .1 I I , 1. - 1 ! I A.n 1. .. I 1 n 1 1. a 11 1 V ii.i iimiiiier. hiki uro auiuij n iuuou iu ma a.i- v. ud iiuu w.f.-w v n, mw v.."..v . Am 1. r ' 11 U..1.1 t .1. 't ...,1 11; b r r...k;..i na on h.0 "I iftTo men of enterprise aud industrious hab- aista in part of Dressing and Common ,1 lis. this busine.a offers an onnortunity for DrtUit- Sofas, Sowiiis and Washing Stands, P" I able employment seldom to be met with. Book Oases, French and Field Post 1" j, Jf5L.Prr.ons desiring to act as agents will re-' linlnp, Breakfast, Centa-e, Cnrd and r eoive promptly by nnil full particulars, terms, bles, Ac. Coffins manufactured and del" de., by addressing LEAKY. OETZ A co., l'ub, any place desired. No. J24 North itrect, Philadelphia. I February , 1859. no. 4, Tob It Oct JI, 18S0-ly. I -.V....V--a77T;.-:J-!7iL.. ' ..;.ei-- IT HU'ORS for Medicinal Y'Vnfl,'?"A k PKIMK LOT of Fresh Prugs just receiv- 1 J Port and Sherry Wine, Nectar ' "j. I 1 ti and oiei at JJAT6W1CKS. ' Uol'and Oit-at uaiv Uol'anfl Uia-at