Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 21, 1861, Image 2

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Sie drltarfiflb $tpublitair.
the number ; i.nd that Hie war must be
further prosecuted in 01 der to demonstrate
to tho world that the South, in case of
reparation, would bo the weaker pprty !
Will tho people submit to bo taxed, and
nf! a ITflfTTfl I " 'A bloody and deperte encounter ensued, Class No. t. Horses owned in County'.' Citl
I HK W AK II ft 11 ft ! with great loss on both sides. km' JWk, Hal 2 in 2, on time. ;
li nl llin M imuinriiinii freh- ........ .... I
Class Nc. 21. ),
to have their Verity burdened with n THE BATTLE IX JIlSMOUltl
nationnl debt that will eat out their sub GEN. SlE(iEIS CO.MJLAND.
stunce for gemmations to come, for a pur- sT, Loins, August H. Tho correspon-
poso so unLecoming a christian nation? dent of the St. Louis Democrat, writing
' ..... ... iii.. c...... 1 1. 1 I.... ilomu .
Wednesday Morning Aug. 21. 1881.
fsenaration .,. como -if 'is no lVotn Holla, fur,. inhes the following items : "the Victory is our. Ihe ba.tle last,
separation .,. como it is no 0p, w ,minmand ,wedal tha OJ hours. Our loss is peat Gen. l.yn
other escape for us-in Cods name .et us 0ttti0011ilciS tivoi. lilty miles west of this s among the dead. Wo took six nice,
have it without the shedding of any moro ',,in,.c yesterday (Tuesday) eveninn.whero of artillery Iron. Siegel, destroyed 1;
... f . ' . ...... . i 'l'l... nximnnliil mill IllllU lililllV Ill'lSOnulS III
ureat loss on bolli sides. I sens J urat. liest z in o. on tunc. lu.t . ,i,in r.,r Farm ir,......, r... .
Five reciments of the Missourians (reb-
n- ! i i .l.ii.. I riiiirj-IIou5 nnd Stable.
. . & , . , i i- uvt viuuiiiir uorau. ur uiuio, ouuur sauuiu. 1 . , " . .. . .. t
els) weiepanio stricken, thrown into uia-. yuit the Umtc Beat Design t.,r Dairy House,
f order and tlod. Gen. Trice made two in- 1!cst trotting ilorjo, or single lmr- ' ; J'" Ju'si" ''r V.7 ,Uox'! ,
leflcctual nltenipts to rally them. The J ness, (. Uone. "r bridge, with plaiu( '
... . n. i . . . . . I cot linii than ?!il font. 1
'Louisiana regiment gallantly auncreu hoh ironing juur 01 norsos, or mnro, in -
iuucii. . , . w..i iiimtr rubrics n,,l i.
Oen. Pi ico led tho Third and Fifth Ar- J5'"' l1",' V"6' or m"e' ' " 1 1 chmeru. 1 J'-
i. ...i i. .1 .....,.. llcst walkrig uorto, or mure, do do J
-i.ui ...uiuluu.u. , ; .., ' .,, , 1W Cokiiiir-Klnvn. nn.l ... ...,.!
i.l.ASS -o. v. i-inecp ana wool. 1 : , . . ,, . . .
..vr. ...ft"' v. , IIWI V
Sil Li" it Ccidkiiip -Kluvc, wootl or coal
fort. A.SSKMB1.V,
11. EAKLV, ofKlk county.
J. MCKOLSON.ofJctrcrHon to,
MoCulloch in a letter of tho 10th says : I
"The Victory is ours. The baltle lasted Best Hiick, any brood, AIUh'b Furm linot; A- $2 00
yon "fst Kwe, any lnei'd, do do do 2 00
.t.og l.fst 3 Mieep fnttenvil lor mutton, I 0(1
i :,. l.Ll l Liiiinhii, .... . : uu
llls ii-.. i.'i ..r I l nn
1... . ji;i i ivui o ui num. - , iiv
blood. he ha'l cncaii.i.i-d for tho night. The cuimnmm, mm iour iiiumj .iuu., ., uesl .,,,4.,, llf wou, . Uiploma.
Wo know that to raise our voice in be. stage route 10 .spiitu.l,l lias be-n nban- ' ' ,-,'.'.r..,i, 1., U f-om "00 to' Class No. 10. .SV.W, .,,1 u.
Uoned, inn inn s iock nrotijiiii neie. , . . , 11 lli l!iir mm IhimI
Tl.o V it S ti..l.l l.n. nrri. U0 k.llel and .IH) 10 allll wou.i.lcd. j ''. ""V reed.
L.i ...i.uini... ..,.ii7. r .i.n. Ar. .Sit'ircl h Jorces wore 'ursuetl to irma . . .'..,. '
co-military ouacks, and i.erhans the still' lice. !fR'1J- u thought that iloullochj w .,., Wl, ,,.,., ,i 0 00
1 . ,1 a i..,i 1 1.. . n... i. . .. a would then attack him. tk ! I!o.-MIi,l-. f,um,ruml tittiuti f. . I. HM'l 2 00
1 A .'i.iitnin fun. 1 lit. ( 1.1. 1. SipitoI. Iitlt he Hi'st I'l,' uinli'r h ..winllin nlil. I 111)
Class No. 11 'u iliy.
half of peace, is to incur the denunciation ,l
of the "On to liichmond" brood of politi-
About Iwentv-live Iarce wntrons
.luilives from frpnnglield have
here, and others are oa their way.
9M Io.wt ITuif. t'urmi r itntl (ittritt m i'.
fuuilives from SnriiiL-lield havo reached A captain caujini uen. .-legei, uuv nr iusi rig unuor u moan... om,
Foil ANStK'iATK Jl l'(;f,S,
J. 1). THOMPSON, off'iiru-cnsn
JAMES BLOOM, of BI..01.1 Tp.
rjVARI.) PERKS, of Mom
JACOB JU'XTZ, of Brady Tp.
roit TitKAsntr.n,
JOSEPH SHAW, of l.awiviu'c
roll At lUT.ili,
CT1AS. S. WORlU;LL,of(.'licb.t
it without Miy tcriois. ''War is disun
ion War is final, eternal separation,"
'mid the Idle Seiintcr Poii'das. If so, whv
t continue the war? A state of peace can-
not bo worse, and is net one-tenth part as
I ( I ex it itf.i vc. Those w ho oppose 1 II elloi ts
' ' !'.. imiifA tl.nnl.l ('iii-nili I I . n ,r . i . 1 . . iv i t 1 1
severer denunciation of i lint other class
whoso watchword is "no comp'oinise with
. : i: i). i i... ... . " ' : . . . i.,..i
itui-ii iii UIUI9. nui viii uui...-, ju,jj0 jicliiido is renortod to bo at -' j
try more than no hate those who seek to ISig Tunnel, twenty-live miles from here, oi .wceny, oi me reueiai ann, was
desitUe it. ltlessed will, pence, a few ' it'll 1.SU0 men malcontent, but vei jK"'1'''- f,,o,H,0
1 ... ... , , ' ,. , . lilt hsattcnt on is pa d to himorh s move. I J he enemy s (Lnion) loss is nom -.000
years will snhVe to restore it as the great- .)0lts ;3,000!
et power on e-irth hence donunciation ', ... y . . .'r ,r !, Ark., Aug. I.T. McCul-
.... . i. .j..' .'i''.- ......... n,. i ki.ii ii. i.ii'...ii li 1 1 .... iiiiiiii I u f'nliw
J'lirtirutiirtt. inaml, about twenty miles from Spring-
St. Lons, Mo., Annust 13. Under date Hold.
o: .pringlield, lth, the corres- dcneral llai dee met and captured Hie ('i.ass No. Y.1t.i, U-Urn and b. li
pondtntof the M. Louis Democrat (ur-'wholo Federal forces, mid is now bringing J Jlnmr.nmil'Cidin-nt.n.i.
lushes a letailed account ot I lie battle oi them buck !
Wilson's creek. 'J'he main facts are tho I
'lime us those already telegraphed. 1 he 7',,, ,VV. Urimrtril to he hi uui'mut I l!o.t Side Hill plow,
Iiost-I'itrlitr Stove,
id best Parlor iSlnvc,
lii'ft I'ust Iron Fence.
2d best Ciml Iron Koiieo,
l.i'st sii'eiiiicn lot of TiliMiirr,
2d lj c t do do do
liest fieiimen of Iilncksiiiilliin,
lie: t rlnciinen of (lullfinilliili,
llest i-in'cinirn of Iron Turning,
JJesI SlimvuV Uulli,
best l'lale ciutiiiir.
li'.-t Original Invention in die eountr,
1 lie iil.uvo trcii;iums aro
....iliilt'i..tili....l i.i t w. nioin.i. t Til. I
, iinma it,. i
t Cnn nrin.p Plii.-l; no. ll.nii l 1
lieilVH'Hl lUlKeV, .... Ull l."ii, u:hihi I'b'i'i . wuuiy u w
best dis play of Chickens,
Cl.Ass No. 12. Vl'.uiiiy.
Owner of te.iin and jduw lio
plows green sniint tlio lie.-l,
Yviui'j yifmrrg Mtutiitl. end
Owner of team nnd jdow who plows MnLMo
tlio best, Aihii t lurui h'n'b, and
beft plow for stiiblilo or sward,
I Ilesl mil-soil plow, Hurry' fruit (iunh u, A 1
1 .
A IJllMiillli n... i
lUMiid. d for mi V U Ino above urtieln ..r ..i ,.
1 00 od.
llet di.-day of Table and 1'otket Ciitlsry,
I of Aineiienn Manuietiire, j:
best display of lMged Tools,
be.-t di.-pluy of Fariiiing tiud 1'ieU iMfl
3 00 , Cuss No. IM.- Ve.U-.:ft Hi '
.'! SO be.-t Fnuii.y enrriaga $j best bii',";v, j k
best firm wa'on 4 bed Sleigh. j y
be.-t l.iiinb.'r Sled 2 I best Curl 1 m
lie.-t Wbei'iliurrow, I
2 Oil A I' may b'. ni -riled for arlirl.'s in a.-
ela-s not niaiHil'aetiirml in tho county.
ISKAEfi TKST, of ('lenrried bor.
.!. W,
roit Cf Ht O.N OR,
POTTKK, of Uh-nrA
The present deplorable situation of our
ruuntry is truly alarming, and should x-
rito every man to action who is capable of
some good reason why the war should be
continued. Until this ir: done those who
are entrusted with the admit. istration of
public affairs must be held responsible as
've'l for what is, as fur w'nit is not. done.
The Republican Ticket.
The liepublican County Convention was
held in this place la-t Friday. The at
tendance seen eJ to be piite large- com
prising the old war-horses of the party,
many ;f whom have now spent a full quur-
origiimting n single human reflection.-- ' l0T 01 ! eentury in a yearly contest with
Notwithstanding ourboaslid intelligence
as iv peoplcf no man can fail to see that
our wisdom nvaihjth us but litllo in our
prctwiit liou'jles, and that wo ere last
drifting into a boundless sea of confusion
and anarchy. Do our people forget that
this boasted intelligence can do them no
good as long they refuse to exerciso the
iidvanlugus they possess by means of I his
intelligence? Do they forget that virtue
ii not hereditary, and that nationul folly
often uturps the place of notional wiidoni?
Wo assume that, suiting asido a certain
class of mad-caps and fanatics both North
and South, all the rest of the Anie'rican
people havc--oi Irul but a few months
n go but ono national hope and object,
Tiz: the preservation of the 1'nion, the
'(institution, our present form of representative-
government, and tho perfect
equality of the teveral States. That all
tbeso blessings ate now in most inmincnt
danger of destruction, cannot be denied.
IIi eour public rulers mudo use of tho
proper efforts to avert this threatened ru
in ? Before a nation takes up the sword
it is bound to exert every effort to eflect a
peaceful settlement of the matters in dis
pute. If it fails to do so a just God will
hold tuch nation responsible for nil the
horrors of the war thus rashly common'
ced. Have ivo as a nation exhausted all
tlm means at our command to effect a
peacolul settlement with the .Southern
Stales? Were (hero not some things left
u:ulon, that should havo been dene, to
cfTcct a reconciliation, before we put or
the habiliments of war? .In- ice now ilnUrj
that which is wpnicd oj'v.t us a (vHl-Jairin:i um!
I'oJ-uduriurj ycojitc, to i,luj the thxr r'rutrrnti
Wo are aware ihal it will be answered,
that the Confedeiatcs "struck the first
blow" that tho attack upon Fort Sum
ter made tho .Secessionists the aggressors,
nnd justified a rrsort to war on die pin t ol
tho federal government. Grant all this.
Still we should renieiiibir thai this blow,
nnd this insult, came not from a foreign
nation and government, I ut from mistar
ken and misguided members nf our uw.i
household children of the same carcnt-
Pemocraey, and as often e.iine oil' second
best. Here and tljcrj a nmv an I strange
couiitcnaiici! ims to be met with, but as u
body it was the greatest collection of old
er.-.i'oii.Hi'Cv we have iiicl with for many a
day. They were a icspectablo body ol
men, however, and if they performed
their business to their own nnd tli.-ir par
ty's satisfaction there should be no coin,
plaints for wo are quite certain Unit no
others could have pleased the l'eniociacy
better. It was "excellently well" done. arc J. I!. McEnally for
Daniel Livingston of Cjrwcnsvillo for
Samuel Seining of New Washington,
and David Adams of Hoggs, f ir Associate
John Spackman ol'Giraid, for Commissioner.
G. II. Lytic of Lumber City for Treasu
rer. Jacob Mock of Morris, for Auditor.
Mr. McKmdly is now before the people
of Clearfield county as a candidate wjoinst
the party that elected him District Attori
ney some years ago. Originally a Whig,
lifter locating in this place hu attached
himself to the Democratic party, was very
zealous and active, though behaving very
much like a "cat in a strange garret," or
like the boy thai "couldn't get the hang
of liie new school house," after his elec
tion to tho oflicc of District Attorney he
found it convenient to array himscll
against the party that bestowed upon him
this ' trilling honor," and has been most
zealous in his efforts to overthrow the
Democracy ever since.
Mr. Livingkton is entirely free from the
slightest taint of Democracy a pol led
gentleman, good citizen nnd clever fellow
but no liii.teh fur Fd. Veiks.
Messis. Scbring and Adams arc like
wise perfectly free from Democratic contamination.
enemy s camp ex tei.dei along the creeK ,, f (;,,, ;,-. Jhri.vm,
lor t'.iree mile.-, cncloseu liy high grounds ' ;
on each side, upon which a greater part of I 1H ", via New Orleans, Aug. 10.
Ihe engagement was fought. It does ot ,f',e". I'-vans, vy:lh the Seventeeulli and
appear lint the Confederates were driven I'-'J-';i Legimenls, ll.e
b.ick any considerable distance, but their l1"1' "' ini1 biehu.ond Ilmvil.
charges .vcre all rei.uli-ed, and they bum- , P"-".'1' J-'-'B 1 nioriiin.
,i . , ......... ....,,!,..,.. in inirsuitof l.iUllol Uanks' Division. who
isouiimii. V. Kilt. i' . .lu. !..,.. ; . ... . ...:. I .
and bm-gau'o to prevent its capture. The ; "11VU l,t,t" "epfetiaiing on i u.s " , iiest Stalk or Straw i.'utnr. - -ciicmv'
had twent vone niccos of artillery i Potomac 1 ho enemy will probably bo j k,!( ),.. i.Hcr f, pul,,fw.s,
a.ida largo body of cavalry. captured, as ihe i ncr is swollen, ami inei.
Gen. Si-el attacked the rebi li from the escape to the other side is thus proven
-mi r lii.iil ii Kiii.ii ii In. ln.or.1 froni (.... ..r ICU
al Lyon's command, and drove them
hack half a mile, tak:ng posiessioi: of
iheir ciimp, which extended wcstwaid to
the Fayeitevllie road. Jloro :i terrible
lire was poured into his ranks by a regi
ment he had permitted lo advance within
x lew pace, supposing
From Sit nd ij II iidI;, Ml.
l.Ai.TiiioitK, Auc. 14. A letter from
Sandy Hook to day says that a gentleman
MarliiHliurg, yesterday, reports
Ilest Cultivator. - - - - 1
Ilest Clod-t'ru-lier Olid boiler combined, I
llcst (irnin Drill, J111' Farm Haul:, & 1
Itert Horse liuKe, ?1 Inl I best Keiiper uud
liest Corn Slieller. 1 Ull .Mower, . II (10
best Threshing 111:1 j be.-t Corn planter 1 (II)
ihine, - - It 0(1 I Ilest l'aiininj; Mil! 2 00
best lUv bileliin Machine, - - I (III
liest Ox 1 oUe nnd llnwy, I (in
. 2 III)
2 IH)
best Original Invention of . 'i ieultunil
! Implement. - ,1 IH
I All urtieles 1 iiiiini.i'ated in this class not made
j '11 the county, but produced upon exhibition, if Cl.i
, noiiliy ol It, will be awarded 11 Oiploina.
! Class No. II. .l.'v.'.f .., l-umdn'i ft
1 , . J
Jtei i nix.
N.. '27.tWi..-t.
lie.-t Iirus.-ing bureau
Ilest Llllllo, 1
lie.-t .-et of' C,aii. 2
li. it variely o Cliaili, 2
Im-sI set Tirlor l-'urn'e, 1;
l;. -l l.'lli.l; ilw.;;!.!-. Iio'c I
' ()( (It t
H.-t disi layi.f Cabin, t ivnro,
Cl.Mi No. 1:8.- (;,r..;i.;.
best .-peciin "i of I'ino ware,
nest .-ola, j
liest bxti'ii.taUfj t
llu-t Va.-h stiiDl,l t
liest Contro table' ft
licit l'ed.-te:,1,
lie.-! t.iii-c Cbuiri u
liest wind
li -sl ivilicl
li.'.-l sel i
No. :
liest I sliillis
lies! '. Ilea Is
li st 'J do e.
iw sa.-li, 1
iv.-: lind, 1
tin ineastll'es.l
. :'). - lin:S U
k- celery, Dip.
c:il.l.:i? .Iilc
Callow 'r.;1(lc
it was the
hist 11 "iinent. Mis men, t bus taken by
surpi i-o, were scatered considerably, and
('ol. Solomon's men could not be rallied
immediately in consequence.
Gen. Sigel lost five of his guns, the oth
er being brought away by dipt. Flagg.who
coir polled his prisoners to drag it ott'tho
field. Our troops captured about 1U0
Our loss is about 200 killed and from
six to feven hundred wounded. That of
the enemy cannot be less than double
ours, their force having moved in largo
budic and our artillery playing on them
with terrible effect. Lieut. Col. Lr.iud,
who coiuniiiided the rebel force at lioone
ville, and since acted as aid to Gen. Price,
was taken prDoncr.
The body ol'G.m. Lyon has been em
balmed for conveyance to bis friends in
! Connecticut.
The following additional names of offi
cers killed havo been ascertained : dipt.
Maion, 'if liie 1st lowu regiment; dipt,
lirown, same regiment ; Major Shaffer, re
ported, but not conlirmed.
Wounded Cap!. Goltsclialx. 1st Iowa;
Cap!. S iv i ft and dipt. Halten, 1st Kansi s;
t'apt. (iilbeit, Jst infantry; dipt. Cole,
1st Missouri; Lieut. Drown 1st Missouri.
Atjiiirn ut St. Jjoui'k.
St. Loi is, August II. Provost Mar
shal McKinsliy has issued a proelmna
tiin, calling upon all good citizens to
obev the rules it has been deemed niees-
sary to establish in order to ensure and
preserve the public peace. The civil law
will remain 111 force, and military author
ity bo used when the civil law proves
inadequate to maintain the public safety.
Any violation of this order will be follow
ed by prompt punishment, regardless of
persons or positions.
'fhe livening Missoui ian nnd Iiulhtin,
two secession papers, have been supples-1
''ho rrporti that General Hardee- is
marching cn Pilot Knob and ol tho ile
st rue! ion of the bridges on the Iron Moun
tain Itailroud, prove to be talse.
The houses of two piominent sece-sian-ii-ts
were searched to-day, by order of the
provost marshal, I ut nothing of a rebel
lious character was found in them.
small parlies of irregular Secession caval-
best Dee Hive, S I 10 best Slump Puller " 00
lie.-t l'l.liil.i lli-. r oO lie.-l (iiain Cradle, 1 00
liest IS Hand -ruki- I Oil 1
Iowa 1 ry scouting in thai section of the country ! best lot of ibirdeuin tools, - 1 00
IIIIU lliinv Ullllgupon our picked unu 1 lie.n eel 1111 -1111113 iiiensu-, owncu oy 1 a.-uier .1 . i;0s-t ti.ill' IjiiKliel .!' ;i l o.j
nion fugitives, as well as paying frequent Cuss No. IV When, lUirhi, I .ivi. (!'. All must hnvo'l.
I'esl hall lainliel t.i'iio potalo.
liest ipiarl of windsr r b.'ans.
!'.c.-l v nil. ty "f .- 0 1.-I1.
Ile.-t variety ol melons,
lip-t Sweet Potato.
I ..1 1 ... r 1. . 1
1...1 111 1, i.Ji
liest l.ol of liurlm, 1
lie-t I'.-.inl I,jri '
. : ,...... i- ... ,,
" ' ",f Ulrtt.
Il '.-t ! bii. rarroii, a,
Ib-st J bii.niU'.iii,-,iit
"e. i ; 011. t.i. bet,
ind 1 0(1
' 1 III)
visus 10 iiHMOivn. ic.iie liny a pun; up-; I;,.t Acre of inter beat, , I ; -d A 'i 00
pronciied within two miles ot Harper s 1 )!o,t cr(, ,,r pp, j,,,. wbeat,
Ferry, nnd tired upon our pickets and re- I l..r.v,i .,i ;,-ttiinr;-i I y'Tntnd :l Oil
treated. I best Field of wheat, I lo lo acres.
Last, night, it is reported, n party ofloO .l.,o.-.-,i i4;,-;.oi..i-.r I am,-, nnd :i no
rebe l cavalry captured three men of our I I!lSl "e, "f ''unV 1 2
2d cavalry win, fere stationed on picket, l'l,r;., 0 ,,,,
just outside ol Iiariier s l erry. 1 ,.0..t Kne r, ,', ,,,. 1 y,.,., , ,1 2 liu
I he camp remains very quiet. Al. ihe , p.,.,, Acre or live. Ar .1. 1 ;.,, n 2 no
troops appear to have perfect conlidenco .' bent bushel ol Corn ears, ' "
in Gen. Jinnks nnd his statl, as well as in Heet ii ai res of li'iekivheat, '
the brigade oflicers. 11,,fl u"'",1 lliat
l'arties fiom Winchester repoi t that 'icit "'ha l".,n. dg
only 4,0(10 inilit'a aro in rendezvous (here 1 j 1 . j.'l''.""' .
lor the purpose of being drilled and (lis I .!V". ' ',,,rn'.!,'.".'.,i
. ,. , nest acre 01 I In .or sTOd,
ciplined. I he same authority Mutes that i!o,t j , u,.,,,,,,, ,,.
there are two regiments of regulars at Lov- is,., t J nere ofSoi-bum,
ettsville, only 11 bout eight miles distant." llcst j lucre of Peas,
- best m To of bulab t;as,
GEN. I'-LAI titiiAltli A FlIKXi n AMI It.M.I.- He.-t j bushel of Timothy ,e
ian Cross. A correspondent of theCor.ri-1 1!o'' 1 "' l0 1,1 tenets,
erdes Flats Fnis contrudicts the slate- ; 5 "''ri'. "' Tl" ";i''. - : . , -nien.
pub.i-hed in several papers to tho ! Z" Z
ellect that Gen. Nenuregard is ot (. anadian .(,, .t. luniished bv toe exhibitor,
decent. According to the writer, Die ; must lo inemnred, or weighed, and a
General is a jii'iiiubon of the French Huron ! furnished at (lie l air.
lc Beauregard, while bis mother is a de J Aiplicnnt lm piciniums mu.-t furnish ihe com.
scendant of tho Italian biniilv oi mi'tco null a .-tatiineiit si-iu-d by tliuo-,1
! 00
1 00
2 mi
A nil
2 "0 I
1 ftf,
I 00 I
1 in 1
1 on I
(' ;l. ( '. rrii s, Sid!',,.
be.-t Ceulli incn' lion's 1111-I S U
liest l.ndy.s' ilnotsaud Siloes,
lie.-l display of b'-ol-iind lue.-,
iiest Travelling i'luuK,
lie-1 'i'ie; Harness,
tiest Can i.i:;. llanies--,
llc-t Single Harness,
lb -t i'liduig bridle and Ma liii'-ile.
liot (leiilleliians' l.j.lio- ."-.iddle, l.adys' biding .-'addle,
2:-n lli-p'biv of .'.iddlel V.
I'e-.-t Sole bcithcr.
Ile-t I'ioi.-bcd ll.-iiness.
licsl il'upbiv of nny t. i 1 1 1 1 of I,i ither.
'iubc imivle by exhibitor,
.'mi rai -ed b; tli,
"I iV-
! N
1 M
3 l
1 01
1 (H
I. fS
i 1
' oil oi
Kit nitiile b
r.-l. Mains-'
M Itl II
-tr.iw Matra
IV. 1 I'.
1 1,11 ! ii..;, 11
ico iu 1 1 . ,, .
.1 I. est Il-lir
1 11 e v '
I:, -t Handbill,
hest Cn I,
lie.-t 1 1.1, allien!
I":li, I,1 nil III. I .r i-. , 11 .. .1 .. ! t ....... 1 r..P .. : 1 . l.t
must state, lis correctly n thcyian. the hind ami I'1' t " 1 11 i 11 Ti'e, ;
conilithoi of tho pi-ex buis crops j the kind and be.-t lirai Lets,
ipialitity of s.-cd used, nnd too time and of! I;': l'i'tt"iy,
putiin-it in tlie Kiotin.l. r,,t, "r
I": 1 I . r 1 1 . . " '
i icio 1. mps jor c.iiiouion. or
.- Ill ll'iO bj ll,
a Lady,
j under a blede of vcracily.of the
1'li-mui.s cute iny
1 1 '
llil V of lil.lill .
I Hi
1 H
! f.
1 Hi
lie.-t I'ii-o bricli,
best biitli.
C,; Ac.
intendiii; to do .so, mar frb'c notice to the Kxej
sauiiiied by a eoiuiii:tle e,
( .
I 1 ' it I I ' t 'I' I r l t r euilivnc 1 Ullellill
.... 1,1 1 1 ' Hive Coniniittee at any time, mid have (he held 1 lie.-t availald
I mensural uud
J 11 In' In hi ilt tin- liiiriiihli id ( inirjliid i5nnv"'g.
(( TiU'ftdiiij, Wuhii sdili. Thitf.idili j Class No. Ii'i Urea I iind Ver
illid J-infill, tin' l.i'i, li'di, 17 ilinl Ue.-t ii l.oavcr. of whoiit lireal,
IS,, ,l,s f Ortnhrr, .1. J)., lSlil
lie.-t boaf of Col 11 bread,
liest Loaf of e blend,
(inn l.'i'.i 1. '-.ii I li'ia n.-.tiit-ml I lm ....o.'i.on.
Mr. Lytic, we presume, is expected to i,..,,;,,,,' ol ,1C r. lS. K0fP1.Vc Corps iu St.
break into the Democratic pasture, and j Louis, to comprise live regiments of in.-
plav lerrible havoc, inasmuch as, if we are! fan try, wilb a re.-crve or two companies to
correctlv informed, ,e is nmcg (he very If!" VV0WJ,,I.,:,,;8 lXt?. iln,1, lwo
" c . ' j battel :es of light artillery. II18 troops
no. urivi u-n iiin.i iiiu i-'i ii.uvi.iiijiiiii.
Mr. Sparktnan is a respeclable citizen
age Willi us and that whilst the parental Uit that wont work. It has been ofter
rod of correction may be properly used, no j uied, and as often failed ; and we
leeliug ol vengeance should be harbored.
Na'ions, liko individuals, should not dis
regard the loesons given us by our Jirine
Teacher on this point.
'flic first great object of our government
ih( uld be Peace. A government that
oaiviot live in peace with its citizens, or
,cn, .., . . n !"'co"om w"l"clo 01 "moiH'0 '-;signnl lights were plainly seen from here
Hfi .- i 11 nil lin nri'frr mnnl nl nil U.. neni . i . c . .
, -e-.- ..1 -. ,,,,. in the UuecC.on ot Fairfax Court
ttieicioro lor peace a pence Hint will be
honorable and enduring. Or, having no
confidence in tho efforts now making to
ecu quer a peace ny me sword, we are in ' bone "
favor of at least tiying to negotiate pence.
t'pou what term it is possible lo eflect a
I. F. Ivi'.WKII.KIt, Sec IV til IT.
liKVi V. IitviN, Cor. Set rctiiry.
Iamks Whihi.kv, 'rreiistu'cr.
.loiix V. Vi;vkh, Lilinniaii.
(Jen. A..M. JIii.i.s, .Marshal.
W.M. Tks Kyck, Chief nf lVtlice
llci-t bound. Spouse, Fruit. Jelly. Collec,
each a do
bo.-t I'leM ves, Dip
.'C.-i dlspbiy " t
Preserves i( Jelly 1'ip
Manure nf 111 1 leru'o
while j be.t available .Manure for Farm p.
l!e.-t .nailablo inalei ial lor (Hue..
I l.ia.-eed Oil,
i I'e.-t Tall. 1. v Candles,
1 i" t tee mien ot .-.inn.
est 'ine''ar.
trill be required to enli-l for the war, sub
ject to the same regulations and to re-
' . 1 .1 . .. 1
areieeive iiiesaiuo pay as 1110 voiunieer regi
i. . , 1 ...... . I..... .
much mistaken if the failure is not made! noms' r'"c, lcfc'"e",1 14 ''fc'" "
, ,, . ... , , have one company of sharpshooteis and
vi'"' - "--lour, of pioneers. I
before. The Democracy can have r.o : i Class No. I SirecintuL
b- m 1 1 1 1 1 . v for I lm mini llii' eon il..-nrl ! .1 Villi Smith uf tin' Pidimiili' AY-' ifor.v.
them nl such an hour as tlrs. I l trd Jrii timl of Hdtteries
I I.ady ami l'oiln Cake,
I liest Pie, any kind, Pip,
t llc-l Jelly, pip.
; liest Ice Cream, Dip
j Class No. 17j llnltir and ('.,
I l!"Fl III pounds of Putter, I (III
i best Firkeii of L'.'i lb..., or more, of butler
made in .May or June, I Ml
i beet Cheese. 1 (in
( Class No. IS. F'u r.
best liarrel of l'l mr, 2
I licsl lnolb.s. o Flour, Spring wlieal, I
I best .'.0 lbs. of live I'lmir. I
-; best .Ml lbs. buckwheat l'lur, I
;VJ " j Ile.-t .'ill lbs. Corn Meal,
Cl.-.s No. I'.t. 7' o't',!!.- .Ii-'i'-,
best box, or Jar, of lloner, I
5J (((I liest 10 pounds of. Maplo u'ar,
! best beaches, put up Air tiht,
I licsl Tomatoes, put up Air-tiirlit,
- - - 'Ml liest blackberries-, put up Air-light.
- . . ,r)( liest Currants, put up Air liht,
' Hist Fancy Jar of Pi klep,
,. in .11, , ' tialll" .Vrup, Maple or Sor-lium, each.
I'1" tnaU n""P'1- best Cured Ham, U-d, Uriel l:..,.i uiii. i...,.i,..r i
Thi' nun, fin mi in iiest nun, ssj iiu
I All breed couiii lo.:elher in this rlns. nnd
No. :
t Wiiiii
! Cl.A.-,
l!e.-t iie,ed Slonc
iest Cirind Stone,
. be.-t bolter l.ndie,
j licsl bu'ter bowl,
- lie.-t Split or Sbav
I cd Hi. ips,
' best Sl.ill-le;,
I (
I t.
.- II -
I'i i a tin' Jiiiowi'iiii, Entry '( (.'.', if i'.
Single admission, - - - 1.") ct
Children inulor 12 vciirs, . 10 '
Tickels for ;i single day, -Single
ticket during Fair -Tickets
for a family, to admit
lady and geiitloiiinn and :!
cliildrcii under l"i years,
Yor trotting lUTiniiims, eacli
l'ur pleasure,
and farmer of Girard (p., and is entirely I , h.a, migusi, j.i.- .asi nigu ,
, . ; . . be tween 11 and 12 o clock, the enemy s
it-nt. i: il . .1.. i. ... ..T M. I... ....... .... ... ' -
i ill l'l '.I.... :.. .,: '.LASS .NO. -II. Jlimnfth
Smilll-I o.r lii"Jin! at Mitnnxstl. ennpeto with each other. To bo judged by their Hi ft .Yards of Flannel,
Al.l'.XAMilllA, August !. l.ast lilglit, good poinU, (.ynim.'try ol liiinie, ubilily lo fatlen, lbs . 10 yards ol Saiiinet,
I ouse.
Of Mr. Mock we know nothinii further i ""'' wpl visible for nearly nn hour.
than that he is represented as "a good! (;c.n- jnwlniiin paid o visit to Alev,
4 " nllill'lil Ia.i ill- r.t I l.rt liii..( lli.m onion ILn
r It 1 ft t til IHIUI 111 VJ-Vlrt lUt IIIV
clever fellow and hepublican to tho back-, lmU)e o- iun j;u)
and the stock they will produce.
I Now ami nirx.-AVe publish on our out.
Class No. 2.- tirade Cult'e.
Iiest Cow, $10 00 I III liest cow,
Ilent lleill'er, 5 00 best Calf under
2d bet calf under 8 montbi obi, 3 00
8 months old, Imlil't futile lh,rlnr.
isi ume since me j Class No. .I.O.,.
lie IS recovering best Yoke of Oxen 4lnrin
slowly from the wound ho received at 2d best " ltmld'. ('mile )wtw,nm ' you
i that time, but hopes soon to assume coat- Class No. 4.
maud of his brigade. i Ilest fat bullock, Cow or HeilTer over 2
reconciliation, we tdiall not attempt to!si'le t,lis weu,tu" extract from the address Twenty relief cavalry scouts were seer.
r . i... l . l. . . .. . i i i.. . c. i :.. . i. .i.
point out. It may bo impossible. 'ut
before we go further in this work of wide
spieadand universal destruction, iVm u
hast uncertain the fact that rccMcilia lion is im---nSiildc,
It hss been said lint paco presents it
self in but two forms reconciliation, or, .)
a'ltlion. 'J'ho former is what every patriot
must desire. We doubt its possibility
even now j but most inevitably a conlinu.
unco of tho war will ronder reconciliation
mill more impossible. Therefore every
man ivug uopes lor a reconciliation inda
of the liemocralicStato Commitee iu lSoC) I yesterday six miles from hero in the di-
of which .John XV. For icy was then Chair ' I ,'c:li,,n ol' J.Ioun Vel "' . .. , , ,
, .... ,, i i ,r Information, thought to bo re nib e, has
num. I he pred.ct.ons then made by Mr. ; ,,cn r(.wir(1l j10PO ,)allrl i(,; nl0
I'omey, aro now being fulfilled to the very : l.j,)(! erected at White IIouso Point, also
letter, yet who would have supposed that i at (jimnlico, ten miles th.s sido of Afpua
nnv man carrvinn nn AmnKc.oi mnri. In ihck.
years old
2 il best do do Itmld't futile Itmlur.
Class No. 5. 'J'uiromih teed lit
to all.
$j oo
.1 1 00
eiVfr.K open
best Mare .1 Colt 10 00
llo-t Hi yards of Cloth,
lie.-t pair of woolen blankets,
best l.'i yards of woolen Ciirpcl,
; best l.i yards nf lpig Carpel, wool chain,
liest l.i of bug Carpet, cotton chain,
lloft Woolen Coverb t.
' Wr Woolen frinccil Mills.
liest llc-mili bug,
best pair of woolen knit Stockings,
best pound of linen Sewing Thread,
. best specimen of Knotting. Kniiling or Xce
I die work, by Missel under l2yrs.of age
1 best pair of rnttnn knit Slockinys,
, best pound if Slocking Yarn,
, best Foot Mat, ill I best Tidy,
I beat Straw lionnel, ;'i0 liest Slniw Hal.
lie-t M il . ' 1 1 1 1 1 e ,
lb st Floor l,aels
V.olkcl, ' I
be.-t w, Mhcil o;iri!., I
best wa-!iin:' ia..iliintl
j best Chin n, .'!
I be.-l Tin- 1 .rliel(,l
cretionnrv lireiuiiiiii.- n ill I,,, is. .omm.ii.U
fir all iiiiieles ol 'merit exhibit,.. bv ic rlimeci
iu all Ihe vaiimis braucbei, and ii i.. hojieiia
H'licial axbibirion will be inade.
For nil improvements useful lo the Farmer, wJ
having vnluahle properli.s. ,1 i sere: ionnry premi
ums may be recoiiiiueiined b the I'o'iniiilt'.rt,
and awarded ' (he board.
Cl :-s No. oti JV.,f.W .I:,.,-,-.,'...
The tn-.-l -uit of ii -. fill Mineiii;.- ol Cler.rliilJ
county, including coal, $3
1 he i c.-l I'ubinel ol Miio ra1
and adjoining counties, i
ii ly of the Soeiei v.
The hc.-t l.ilheslone,
'I he l.e-t Fire Clay.
The best Potter's Clay,
The be; I Collection o'l Fo,;. Is,
The b.-t mil of Cryslalircd .Mineral-,
Class No. .'IT. '..'.
The lest di. play and gieatest v.niely of
(iralleil Apples, Miniuier find uintcr
1 1 lit , Imiiiii d and nrraiigud,
si di.-pbiy mid greatest i firielv of
ars, named and it 1 1 n ti . 1.
Tiie be.-l display and greale.-t variety of
l'eaehe-, iiauud and in raii.-ed,
ot (leaitlllll
l.C (lie prep-
I'ni't llnnhl.
n..wi Ri,,ti;..n 1 1 . on
2.1 best do .1 00 2d best do b 00 1 ''ASS N' -l.ccdt,; .Shed, W.i.e work, ilr,
I The premium in this clnss nro intended only '''t specimen of Needle work, al)
I for horse whose pedigrci render tin in worthy ! Hest specimen ot Needle work, on Machine, .Ml
I i u society wisnes lo encournge tlio raining nl iem group ol Mowers in worsted.
I 00
I ml
I oil I!., i
;,n lite be-l .-pccinieii of Apples. I pe
;,0 The bc-t collodion of Plums.
;,0 'i he be.-t collection of Cheri i .'S,
Tho be.-t collection o." l.'iiinees,
best fpcciinen of Foreign li'inpcs,
best I'pcciincii ef Ainei icun (iiape:
best Fpcciim n of Currants.,
best sprciiuen of lloo.-ebcrrio,
be.-t speeiiui'ii of blackberries.
lnt specimen of Sculling (irapos
couniy, unu worthy of culture,
Iiest specimen of Domestic Wine,
(-'lass No. 38 llnrm manshi!, dr.
! his bosom, would li.i-n in ,l In l.cin! ',;he M.',JP Tawneo suddenly steamed high-Momled horses I best upeciinen of Fmbmidery in worsted,
. " " lip last night, and went down tko nvar to LASS .o. O. Jiidiui, Vurrmje., Urujt and . ''"t specimen ol hmlironlery in biico.
fl 1 I .. u 1 ii I Mil. 1......, ... . ..... I . , ..- . ,. .,
- -" '"' cureu w iiiucii innke a thorougli rei'onnoissanee. j-arm nonet,
to deprecato and nblior iu lSoti-a dissolu-1 'J'ho report that the small-pox is raging best Snddlo-Horfc, ....
tioc of the Union . to a (earful extent at Manassas Junction Hest miitched curriugo liorsoi, )Wk on
Tl, impar tial of the "Decline; l SZul in Wn.'ss, W
flllll I'lll fit I ItA A .mi .... .. I.A....l.l.A U.1.A I - "
.... .. . . v. .itt-jiuuiiu niio.
ever he may be, must give Mr. Forney a-
reconstruction of tho now dissevered Un-1 lurK sLnl' ' tlie crctli1, for 1,0 otI,cr man. !
alt on fiff or, nnd
Ilest Bpnn of bruit horses or marcs, )"on-
nfl vii the llomr, nnd
Host Spnn of Kiirin horses, or mares, You.
... ..... .... IbHI'O linfliiOia llnf.nn- f"!..Anl.. 1.... n..hl .i.. ' .SV.'l'.V'X'i .111 1 I''SHi it tr.ftlifl l,it. n.tifh' in' f'f on the llnrtc. anil
ion snotlKl use ins llllluence lo die ot a , 1 , " """"""i"- "', Dent Oolding, or Mure, fur work, over 4
cessation of hostilities until proper efforts ul 0 , lur8c'y lo hasten our National ru-j Missouri. l yen old, Found file o,r, nnd
for reconeilintion are made. !?' SlnlM00! I Mp. T,n, Af u.t 10.- Despatdi- 2 ' :"-- '
Who can sec aught else but separation- loaders, who have been enCafied in plotting i 2 1 ifc.M Tho bo" nl?vo' ,l10. pnvi'!"t '."
!Z.n', .h?Tn .UPn tb ! AdWceVfVomVon Sn'Vhe litl, nulTL'Z:,, Z.
.., 'fill v confirm the vietnrv of M I n ne i
( j j . . ..
'I'lin fl.vl.fc neenrrrol nn .I.rlil
. . w.. .... . HU,VU1, i . ... ... ..... . ...
iu o, ironing in einglo uur
j0 To the I.ndy that innnngi-H her horse hest,
it) nnd sets most gracefully, Dip
hl To the (i..tltL.iini nim .nn........u Lie li.ircn
best fpeciuicn of Fnibroiderv in Muslin. .in bnl. on.l .eio ,.. r..u . Dis.
S". on : !!(''"' l,irt, '"''"le 1,y M,ff l""U'r 12 J'"' 01 "8p' T1,e b(,-v liI'l"V f liorscmnntliip. not less
'J uui bunt I'ntching nnd Mending, ,',n ' thnn live couple, Iip.
I I'.R.I IILoillliin i.f I ..ll... ....I. .a Tl.- ...... .... . ... ..I..
3 00 i i r ... . "". .iu ino iic.-i iirivnig on (no uourfe, by a Limy, viy
...... u. ,.A num, 'jis j no ncsi i ompniiv ol Cnvalrv,
Lest (.pecimen of Feather work, 1,0 Tho best Compony of Infimliy,
4 u, bostcpeciinon of Oriinineiilnl work," i() Tho best l'nnd, with brass instrument-,
(.LAS No. 22. Jr,6.i Makiwiantl Miliineni. I 10 'c-' Mnrlinl bund,
3 00
3 00
3 00
I best Dress ninking, $1 00 best Millinery, 1 00
I Class No 23. Artistic u-vrk.
lie.-t Painting in oil, Diploma.
inevitable and final in a further prose
cution of tho war T T his is now candidly .'
admitted by some of tho loading journals fiS" We have received the proccedincsof J ngl" 10C"Ucl .'
in the advocacy of tho war, the Chicago tho Legislative Convention at St. Marv. tl
be.t Painting In water cslors,
3 00 ' Jlc,t 1 "rtrnit I'ninting,
j bent Lnndccnpe l'uinting,
beet Cattle l'ain I i n e.
best Ornamental l'niiiliiig of nny kind,
4 nn
P. L. V T 7-..:..- it. ... if 1 "0l!l Unguorrcotypo taken ou the crouail.
neenrrrol nn N,.l. ....)... ...rlil. I
I boS.1 AlnbrotVni. IliLntl ... tL.t ..r.M.n.l
t J 1 ft.
nesi liinlogrupli taken on the grouuu,
1 .. .1- 11 I in i.n I. . ir ....
'l'l. ln.l. i-c J . I wvco, i i. nn in..- ririrne, mill on ,i(, up. rillll,
homo organ Of TrCiidcnt Lincoln amor, lad wrrk vvbiib ;il nr., .... i . ,"u.t,,r,,,i ,Tn' 1 euuiaie tuck- . llNo riemiu.n will be paid unless Five enfies be,t Ornamental I'enm.inship
H iic.Kicnt Lincoln among last fck,hianMlI appear mour next, ets prisoner and surprised the ninio body, aie made. F.ach bor.e to hot nSinot time. Btt Archiiectural Drawing.
The best 10 Singers,
Class No. 3'J. .Yaw.;,.
Tho West Nursery, containing tlio grcntoit
variety of Fruits and ShruliK. cultivated
in the mod approved manner, ('ho cx"
j liihitor to furnish written dcucriptieii,
stilting variety nnd mode of culture, "
The Secand best do llnrrg't Fruit
Class No. ID.- tdnvnd Li t.
The best display .t grealostiiriety ri iwcre, Pip
Tho boil display A. grunlosl variety l'luntf. I'M"
'I fie best display nl Flo ml Urnam Md-, ''IP'
The bcsl lociict, wilh ban Pe. "il''
The best hand ho.piel. I"l''
1 t I
I- I