an i II ft2lSK "JN V ..... ....... Ay r Tr ... . - . .. . .... j;BWG00DLANDEIl.)Eor3. VOL XXXII. WIIOIK NO 1GC7. (Foit tub lUi't iilicax.) Dedicated t the Junior K JIT MCKON. litor. Yc liave nary littlo cliiq, About our citago homo ; But our iint;lWs liuvo them plenty, AuJ we luvo to Deo tlit'ui cuuio ; With tlu'ir cltuMiy dirty faces, An I their smtpping littlo eyes: With tlR'ir lingers in tlioir lumitlnt, U'bilo they nsk tut cukes nail pus. Yu luvo to hear their stories, While the others nro lit lay : (rt!io l!ui. they liuvo uuj Ij their own childish way. We lov to hear their funny way, Their (rollicking nnd kIoo; Ami their merry niij-'inj; laughter, Sc fl;angehio una ficc. We lute them for their innocence Their h;iane mid mirth j The very suul of jileanure, ,fi tto wander o'rthe earth. Hiey love n for our jelly-eikcp, Our pretty (links, and rusii's: I!ie S.rmer fur their appetites ; The hittur for their noses. Fo. between our nvighWs children: And our littU bedM of tluwert, We arc pn.hiK very pli-.utitly, The twiflly wjiiing hours. DEMOCRATIC MEETING. T!,u Democrats of Reccnria township, n'ilc (Utvnditig the Primary Election on (wiiirtlny the '.hh Inst., unanimoiHy aJop lul llio following iioocftliiig : il7ii'vM, It has now become a settled fjcl flint tliO only can govern a a iMi'. Ami Whereas, The unfortunate disson loins lately oxistirg in the ranks of the lkmocrstic party dissensions in the lunin, we belit-vr, instrumental in placing Ilie powers ul' tho govet nmillt in Iho knJjofan nssumptious clique of usurp ers, demngpgnos, nigger-worshippers, untl ifile neck, hfkniU's, whoso object we b lie'te to In; to place tho negro on tlie level nKJi (he hite citizen ; and not this alone, but as fur n possible havo the blood of the Anglo Saxon How in tho vci.isof the de (iiicrii.te nnd half brute crvaturc of Allien. Sv, to present so greiit a sin in the i.fht ol both liod nnd man, it hecomeii tin sbso'.ulo necrpity thut tho Djniociacy hou',d betonie a unit. To elleet w hieh, vc believe it ehnnpe in Meeesnnty in our mode of nmiiituitiiig eundidute9 for the viuium olliees in the jiil'l of the I'eoide. 'flius County L'onvi'iitions annually will liiiiijj ll M'titions of the jiarty together, and miy ditletenees or itiflieultifs that niy cjist, may bo settled or explained, and tin cxpits.-ien o( tho views ol the entire narly (tit on lluoujzh their Delegates. Thei L-fpio lliW'lrcJ, That tho Detnoci aey of licecHfiti towni-liip denite the ado(ition of the Delegate Syotein, instead of tho iiieilmd now tised, for the nomination of candidates in ('leiulielJ eDunty. lii'Acil, That with unbttken fiont.we, the IVmoeiary of liereuriii, now e.onie for aid to wipe out the lilaek Main of nigger o,jiii in this towrbhip, to inaiilully tiiaiiitiiiii our rights as Ar..erieini eitizens, nd toi-ttitid with our fellow-deinoeiats as one of the fi.reniosl dentoctatie tow n.hips in tlie eounty ; and for the fiirthetanee oUhloh (iljiet, inking the co operation "lull who love the I'niuti as our failiei. uiade it, k veiu'ly nib-et ibe our i:araes. rsukdl.Jurtlicr, That there pi oeeedir.g'- bp A'.ilnixjutl in t a I I' -hl.l J' i. ::,.! it. Wm.s, li,.::tV( S. II. Iliiidman, T. S. Vnlihiu n, hfJeiick Sholi; fliristmn I ! room, I'mid 1'jer, Williain I.iglitncr, J;!I1"S (iillignn, '"rankiii l!os', 0. W. Calwell, Ucerc Or:oui, Win, K. I 'it kiiison, Joseph J'ear, Thomas ,). !'o'., J. W. lull, John Shot!', C. U. Sholl, ,-ohn I.iglitncr, Win. J. McCoy, A C. Courtney, A. J Smith, I'm llio flejuililiean. Xr.w Mll.l.foRT, Aug. HI, 1S01. .V..r.i. Editors: It is now reported in our tillii tin t tho o same (iod forsaken malum that visited lirady lownship had '-o iutcndwl to visit our village an I deal illi us in tho Fame manner that they in Ittidrd to deal with the people of 111 :nly. You will i.lense Messrs. Editors, inform Messrs. Editors, intorm tlie lllacklegs of lieynoldsville that their tittoNew Mill noil will at ny time bo Vlcorned by n proper icception for e.l,cl I fonsnJi-rablcj confusion. They were ral-Ibree-Kninre rebels, who are ill the time I , aI)(j i,,,).,,.,! to )lolJ tho woods on our linn. 11.. :..l..n !.. .1 ... nunr niiil ,,,,-J- llllllb I111U HI 11U w... . 'T " 'V llni 'V",1'1' in id their I Miily tlioir disunion feelings. fee RevnoldsvUle blackleirs fine !y to New Millport they will find a great "I'uy Union mm, with but hero and there Abolitionist. Awaiting the appearance f tho Heynoldsville ruffians, we close. Union Forkver. Bout es Cot.. Cameron. Tho correspou "ience between Col. McCunn nnd Col. Slru ft, of the Virginia cavalry, touching the "y ofCol. Cnmetcn, hns'been laid before lb War Department. The Identity ofthe J', it is said, is established, and Hie 'nwofits recovery substantially rests itli tlie Seerstnry of War. Reverse or Forttne. Wni. II. Randall, w fourteen years identified with tho his nd growth of St. J'aul, Minuesota, Wll tono timo owning real estate in nnd "e IL city valued at $1,000,000, died nt frill, 01. tho 30th ult., a poor man. Joe financial dnflicultes of 1857 wrecked no beyond recover) , . Won By a Sick Man's Cocci!. H win fcceo truly remarked that in sickness ra is no j,anti je K woman's hand ; no rt like a woman's heart ; no eye so un ; ne hope so fervent. Woman to a mac's ooucli is divinity ituporsonated. THE BATTLE OF LULL RUN. Official Report of Colonel Heintzclman. llEAUyuARTr.Bs 3u Div. Dki-'t N. E. Va., ) Washixoton, .Uily 31, IWil. j To (',. .7.y. Vy, Aw'l Adjutant Central: Sin: In o'jedienee to ii.Mi intions re. eeived on the 2(llh ins!., tho division un der my co utnaiid Wat underiums, in light tnnrching order, with two days' cooked lations in their haversacks, nnd'c-iinmen eed the march at half past two A. M. on the 2Ut, the tnigade of Colonel Frnnklin leading, folloivcd by those of Colonels Wilcox i.nd IIoaid. At Centieville wo found the road filled with troops, and were detained three hours lo allo,,the divisions of den. Tyler and Col. Hunter to pass. I followed with toy division imme diately in the tear of the latter. lielwoen two and three miles beyond Cenlirville we led the W'arietiton turn pike, turning into a country road on the right. Captain Wright accompanied tl e Lead of Colonel Hunter's column, with directions to stop at a road which turned into the left to a fore across I'.ull Itun, about half way between the point wheie no tin tied oil' Iroin tho turnpike and Sud ley's springs, nt which hitter point Colo ncl Hunter's divininn was to cross. No surh rond was found to exist, nnd about eleven A. M., we found eurselves at Sud ley's Springs, ubout Ipd miles from Cen tieville, with the brigade of Col. '.Iuuters division still on onr sido of the run. lie foie reaching this point the battle had commenced. We could fee the smoke rising on our led from two points, a mile or more apart. Two clouds ot dust were seen, showing the advance of troops from the direction of Munitions. At Dudley's Fpi in g, while tvniting the pasffige of the ttoopsof the division inour front, I ordered fonvnrd the fiist brigade to till their canteens. Itcfore this was nc eomplished tiie leading regiment of Col. Hunter's division became engaged. 'Jen. MeDowrll, w ho, accompanied by his stall, had passed us a short timo before, sent haekCapt. Wright, of the engineers, nnd llnjor McDowell, ono of his aids, with orders to tend foiwatd two regiments to prevent the enemy frcm outflanking them. Capt. Wright led forward tiie Minnesota regiment to the left of the road, w hich cro?sed the run at lbi- point. Mnj. Mc Dowell led the Ea Ventti Massachusetts up the roi.d- 1 accompanied tins regiment, leaving orders iuv the remainder to follow with the exception ol Arnold' battery, which, snppoi led by the Eirst Michigun, was posted n li'tle below the ctosing cf the run as u reserve. At u little mote than n mile from the ford we came upon tha battle li' hi. Kick ett's battery was posted on a hill to the right of Hunter's division, nnd to the right of tho road. Alter filing about twenty minutes at a battery of the enemv, placed ju.M beyond the c:est of a hill, on their entrance lelt, the ili'tanee being consider ed too great, it w as moved forward to with in about I, (HH) li'i't of the etieiii) 's liattiry. Hole the lialtciy was exposed to a heavy lite i f musketry, which soon disabled it. Franklin's In ignde was posted on the right of a woods, near the centre of our line and on ground rising towards the enemy 's po sition. In the meantime I tent orders for tho Zouaves to t: ove forward' lo support Kick eti's battery on the right. A 4 soon as they (Mine up, 1 led Ihem forward against tin Aiabauia legimeiit, partly concealed in a chilli! of small lines in an old lielJ. At Ike first lire, they broke, and the greater poition of them lk.'d to rear, keeping a desultory fire over Ihe heads of their com rades in lie-i t ; tit tho tntr.c time they were cl.argi d by n company of Secettlon cavalry on heir rear, who came by a i t ad through two ships of w-oods on our ex treme right. Tho fire of the Zouaves kill ed four and wounded one, dispersing them. The discomfiture of this cavalry was completed by a lire from Capt. Col him's eoinpa:y of United States cavalry, which killed ami wounded several men. Col. Fariiham, with mo of his otlicers and men, behaved gallantly; but the re giment of Zou ives, as a regiment, did not appear again or. the field. Many of the men joined other regiments, and did good service as skirmishers. 1 i hen led up tlie Minnesota regincnt, w hich was also rc( ul.ed, but retired in tolerably good order. It did good service in tho woods on our left flank, nnd was jinioiiL' the last to retire, going oil' the field ,,. ri.;,,l doted States Infantrv. Noxl onvu,d (ho First Michigan. ....... .M I. and retired in The r.rccklyn Fourteenth then 1 fc - 'ipearedon the ground, coming forwan gallant Myle. I led them forward t here the Alabiimn regiment hfli coming forward to id been posted at theearly parlot iheaction, but had now disappeared, but soon carao in sight of the lino of the enemy urewii up beyond the clump of trees. Soon after the firing commenced the re;iment broke nnd tan. 1 considered it useless to attempt to rally them. Tho want of discipline in the-o regiments was sogreat that the most of tho men would run from fifty to seven hundred yards to tho roar ami cont'iiue to fire foi innately for the bravu ones very high in the air, nnd compelling those in front to retreat. Daring this time Kickctt's battery had been taken and retaken three times by us, but was finnllv lost, most of the horses having been killed, Cnpl. Kitkots being ounded.and First Lieutenant D. liamsey killed Eieut. Kirby behaved very gal hmtly.und succeeded in carrying oil one caisson, before this time heavy reinforce mentsof the enemy were distinctly seen approaching by two roads extending and outtlanking us on the ngh . Ul. Stew, art's brigade camo on Ihe held nt this time, having been detached by the general as a reserve at ths point where we left the turnpike. U toak i-ost on a hill on our PRINCIPLES, 4"I.KAKFIEU), PA. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, I8G1. right nnd rear, and for some time gallaut ly held tho enemy in check. I had one. regiment of cavalry attached to my divis'on. w hich was joined during the engagement by (ho cavalry erf Coloiel Stanton's division. Major l'alnier, who commanded ihctn, was anxious to engage tho enemy. The ground being unfavora ble, I ordered them back out of lange of fire. Finding it impossible to rally nny of the regiments, wo commenced our retreat about hull' past four P.M. There was o fine position n short distance in llio rear, where 1 hoped to make n stand with a section of Arnold's bin lory and the Uni ted S:ates envdry, if 1 could rally n few regiments of infantry. In this 1 utterly failed, and tva 'ormiimrt'd our retreat on the roud wo had advanced on in the morn., ing. 1 1 sent forward my slafl officers to rally some troops beyond the l!un, but not a company would form. I stepped bacic a few moments at, tho hospital lo see what arrangements could bo made to save the wounded. The lew ambulances that were there were filled and started to the rear. The church, w hich was used as a hospital, with the wounded und some ct the sur Ueons, soon after fell into tl e hands of the cavalry, that followed us closely. A com pany ot cavalry crossed the rear and seized tin ambulance full of wounded. Captain Arnold gave them a couple of rounds of '"canister" from hit section of artillery, which sent them scampering awav and kc; l them at a respectable distance dur ing the remainder of our retreat. At this point most ofthe stragglers were in advance of us. Having every reason to fear a vigorous pursuit from Ihe enemy's i fresh troips, I was desirous of forming a , strong real guard, hut neither the efforts of the olliceisof the legular army, nor the coolness of the regular troops with ne, couh' induce them to form a single com ' jinny. We relied entirely for our protec tion on one section of artillery, nnd a few companies of cavalry. Most of tho road was favorable for infantry, but unfavora ble for cavalry and artillery. About dusk, as we approached tho War rcnlo:i turnpike, wo heard a tiring of rifled cannon on our right, ami learned that the enemy had established a battery enfilad ing the road. Captain Arnold, with his section of artillery, attempted to run the gauntlet nnd reached the bridge over Cub run, about two miles from Centieville, but found it obstructed with broken vehicles, nnd was compelled to abandon the pieces, as Ihey were under the fire of these rfld cannon. Ihe cavalry turned to tlie left and after passing through a strip of woods and some fields, struck a road which led ' them lo some camps occupied by our troops in the morning, through which wel regained the turnpike. At about 8 1'. M. I wc regained tho camps wo had occupied j in Ihe moining. Had a brigade fiom the' reserve advanced a short dis'anee beyond Ci ntreville, near one-1 hi. d of the artillery lost might have been saved, us it was aban- ' doiied at or near this crossing. Such a rout I never witnessed before. No efforts could induce a single regiment to form alter the retreat had commenced. I Our artillery was served admirably nnd did much e.xecu:ion. Some of the volun teer regiments behaved very well, and , much excuse can be mode for those who fled, ns few of the cneiry could nt any time bo seen. H.iw troops cannot be ix ' pected to stand long against an unseen enemy. I have been unable to obtain any 1 repot t from the Zouaves, as (Jul. Farnhaui is still in the hospit il. Since the retreat, I more than thiel'oiii'tlis of tlio Zouaves! have disappeared. ' 1 beg leave In express my obligations lo' ' tho officer. of my stall, viz: Capt. H.S.J Wright, I.ieul. E S. W. Snyder, Lieut. V. X. FiirotiLar of tho Engineers: Captain. I Chauncey MiKocvor, assistant adjutant general ; Lieul. J. J. Sweet, of the Second ' avalty, and Ieut. .1. J. Fairbanks, of the First Michigan, for the able and fear less pet forniance of tl.eir duties, and to recommend them to your favorable con sideration. Very respectfully, S. 1'. IIELVfZi:LMN I Col. 17th Infantry, com mnnding 1st Div ' I'p.ace Meetinus. Tho great number of ' peece meelings now being held all over tho country are most significant. And tl..,li..,"l ..llnela nf tlifi II 1 1 In war 1(111 I'll - nlists to suppress nil information concern ing them, svinces a wholesome dreid of their influence. Tlio people are waking tip. The reign of terror no longer awes them into silence. It is bosoming very evident that the voice of the farmers, me chanics and merchants of the rural dis tricts is not for a vindictive or abolition war. They have no profits to tm ko from con tracts with government, and seek no share in the unclean drippings of public plunder. Theso pence mealing 1110 of course quite alarming to (hose who are accumulating magnificent fortunes as job bers, contractors, suttlers and camp fol lowers, l'e.ico will put nn end lo tho id ling of old vessels, shoddy clothing, wood-en-so.ed shoes, tainted pork, beef, ic, to tlio gov't, at It, 4 or 5 times their value. Then there will I no longer an inviting field for agents and middle men, who di vide Iho spoils with contractors and job bors or shave tho soldier of a percentage on i heir rations and wages. If we have peace, these worn-out party hack and soldiers of fortune, who continue, to put ilv forward on cverv committee which has the handling of large iums of money, will Ioe their gold en opportunities for amassing fortunes. Such nay well threaten to hang those who fwor peace. For, to them, when war ceases, "Othollo'e occupation's gone." Cor. X. Y. Jour, Com. By an adroit insertion of three lines in the bill making appropriations for fortifi cations, flogging, as a punishment, is abol ished in the army. not MEN Execution i of ThoB. J. Armstrong in Philadelphia. On Monday last Thomas J. Armstrong, a young nun not. twenty-one years of age, executed in Philadelphia for the pre- meditated killinx of Robert Crawford The deceased was an old man, who kept il'0,n 'hich the following is an extract : a small shop and dealt in yarn. Ann-1 "We kno'V very well how easy it is to strong ws a lad of dishonest habits, but sneer at any suggestion of danger to tho attached tcAk most respectable fjmily.and Union. Hut we know ulso that the fed connccled with one ol tho lending Pres jernl relations of this Government nre so byterian churches in tho North, lie delicately constructed that they wi.-.y I? maintained his association it ith this ruptured nt any time by a serious error of church up to the lime of the murder. the people in choosing a Chief Mngist.ate. lie hail agreed to meet the old man on The States of this Union arc nut l,dU t ydhcr hy a certain Friday evening and drive hitr to jdiysiculforce, liko tho de; endencies of the ajpotjclyjJarjje tiuantiiy of stolen Kingdom, nor even like a political power, like yam liad been' concealed Crawford wns - ditlereut purts ol the uuyStaie. They tolling one hundred dollars upon his are independent soecrciynties, uniieiny the person, and a mutual transfer of gold ni.d gnntlor law of mutual attraction. This merchandise would take place. Ann- law, operating on their own free will, stiong hired a wngon, took in the old man, ' made the U ion; and when it ceases to drove him oer a circuitous route, and fi- operate, tko Union w ill bo unmade. Lot nally struck him from his seat in the ve- al'resident of tho United S. bec.leoted ex ry heart of the city, ami secured the mon- clusively by the otes of ono section, and ey upon his erson. He then continued on a principle of avowed hostility to the on up town until ho reach id a lonesome men. the measures, the domestic rela phice in the suburbs. called Norris square, lions, tho feeling'', and tho interests, real where he toppled out the body. He then or supposed, of tho otilier section, and returned the wacnn, villi the cushions what must bo the co'i.-ciiuonoo 1 Wo do and floor soaktd with blood and sttcivn with fragments ol hair. He accounted for this alter his arrest by saying th it a man and woman, carrying freshly killod chickens, had ridden in his team; but the blood was submitted to chemical analysis, and the size of ihe corpuscles at once de- termined its truo clu.rncter. Moreover the prisoner failed to account for him . be regarded as in itself a great public mis self on the fatal evening, nnd prevnrieai. fortune. The party that uvows opposition led until his guilt was made nianifest.and towards a certain class of the Stales, as he was sentenced to bo hung. , its motive and rule of action, is entitled 'J he hanging took place in the prison to no aid or comfort from any man who yaid, here ihe gallows was overlooked loves his country or desires lo bo faithful by upwards of n hundred prisoners, The to its Government. The greatest the wi-. oilier spectators were limited in number ' sest, and the host men tlm world over to thirty, including the jury, the report- produced havo warned us that the Union ers ami tho deputy sheiilf. "Tickets were could not last under the control of u goo nt a premium of fifty dollars, and a thous- graphical party. Need wo refer you to nnd Pontile walked nut of the city and .Washington's Farewell Address? Need ana peop'e surrounded the jail for threo hours. Armstrong was dressed in a plai'i suit' of black, with a frock coal. Ho wore no necktie, and his head was bare. Ho was very pale nn .1 he worn a counten- I mice ; but he was as firm as at any period j ol his trial, and Iiib step betrayed no symptom of fear or faltering. On arriving at the scaffold he mounted the steps without any appearance of fear, and lie took his place under the fatal noose with an unnerved form. During the prayer offered by tho Rev. Mr. MtAuley, Armstrong listened calmly, ur.d then advaiioing.spoke in a firm voice, as follows : "My friends, let mo say in passing, I die in peace with my Maker, and if at this moment u pardon were offered to me on ! condition of giving 'ip my Maker,! would i not take it. T.i the lew people here, I would advise them to take warning by my fate. Sabbath bicaking was the first . cause. 1 bid you farewell. To the pris- I on keepers, to Mr. Perkins, to Shcrilf, Kein, nnd lo my spiritual adviser, Mr. i McAuley, I bid lai c veil ; gentlemen, I b.d jou all farewell ; I l ow die in peace with everybody." I There was much disappointment that, ihe dying man had mado no nllusio.i to the cl ime for which ho .vas about to suf fer ; and at tho last moment ho bhuwed tho same reticence in this respect ns at the time of his sentence. At the conchi sion of bis remarks the fatal rope was pla ced about his nick, an .1 all except the shei-itl'iind the condemned left the scaf fcld. He shook ha::ds with them all, and when Mr. McAuley was about to leave him ho whispered toniethiiig in his ear, and men Kiscu mm. Tho noose was fixed, the ghastly whito rap was draw n down over the face of the condemned, thosherill took his leave.aiid the murderer of liol crt Crawford was left standing alono. As the cap was being drawn down Armstrong said "Good-bye, people." After these preliminaries ho stood as firm as man ever stood while in the same position. There wore no signs of tremor, even tho hands, w hich were thrust forward of his breast. did not move, and thote was no clutching of fingers du ring this terrible moment. Thero was a loomentaty delay before tho prop wns drawn. This over, the shcrilf di opped a white handkerchief, tho signal was seen by the .lack Ketch concealed in an adja cent stable, the cord was drawn, and tho mortal Part of Thomas .1. Armstrong was dan-hnu between heaven and eeitli. llio condemned had a fall of about three nnd a hall feet, and his death wan almost in stantaneous. Ariiest of a Ci.eruvman. Tho Washing ton correspondent of the New York Ex press relates the following as an amusing incident ; The Rev. Mr, Lippitt, of the Episcopal Church, a native of It. L, ami formerly professor in tho Episcopal I lieonigicai sieniinnrv of Virginia, resides near Alex andria, and about three weeds I ago otliei ni Christ Church in that City. His sermon was regarded by the officer in command as a secession discourse, and he was accordingly incarcerated in the Wash ington iad. P.Ling required by the Secre tary of State to produce his sermon, he sent for it, when it appeared by a note on the margin that it was first preached twelvo years ago 1 The Secretary read it carefully over and pronounced it good, sound, Christian doctrine, and forthwith ordered Mr. Lippitt to bo discharged. This incident, which has just transpired, caused not a littlo amusement among the reverend gentleman's friend, and proves that even the best and most loyal of men are not in these days exempt from fP1' cion, oven when they preach their old sermons over, without alteration or addi tion. This line fills up this column. iunnuu Prediction in the Course of Fulfill- ffieiit In the campaign of lri5G. the Democrat ic Executive Committee of this State, J 1 IT , . . ... "oy nairman, issued an Address, not say it would certainly or necessarily dissolve tho Union. Perhfips iho good genius of the liepublie, which has brought us through so many perils, might save us iiL'ain. liul that man must bo intellect- ually blind who does not seo that it would put us in fearful danger. For this reason, the election of a section the election of a sectional candidate must wc remind you ot the admonitions which Jeltjrson and .lacKson havo , tho solemn voices w hich i veil ? from the tomb nt Mt. Vernon, from the sepulchre al Mouticcllo, .Mid from tho grave nt the Hermitage, have ceased to bo regarded, then we are lost indeed." I A Woman of Good Taste. The follow ing very happy and equally truo sketch is ' lrorn tho London litiartcrly Review; You seo this lady turning a cold eve to the assurance cf shopmen and the reconi ' reader will sympathise with tho wish wo mendation of milliners. She cures not ' have always expressed, that Bull Pun. how original a pallet u may be, if it bo ug- J should drop as soon as possible into obliv ly, or how recent a shape, if it bo a'k- bn. Tlie country lias heard enough of it. ward. Whatever laws fashion dictates, she ! "Bring in no more reports." follows a law of her own, and is never be hind il. She wears very beautilui things which people iteuerally suppose to bo fetched from Paris, oi , at lea.-t, made by a French milliner, but which us often aro bought itl the nearest town and made up by her own maid. Not l hit her co-tuoie i- cither rich or new ; on the contrary, she wears many a cheap dress, but it i al ways pretty, and many an obi one, hut it is always good. She deals in no gaudy confusion ol colors, does sho afl'ecl a studied sobriety ; but slu either Iclie.-hes . 'you with a spirited contrast, or composes you Willi a judicious harmony. .Not a scrap of tinsel or trumpery appears upon her. Sho (Hits no faith in velvet bands, or gilt buttons, or tw isted cording. Sho is quite aware, however, tii. it the garnish is as important as the dress ; all her inner borders and headings are delicate and fresh; and should anything peep out which is not intended tu bo seen, it is quite is much so as that which is. After all, there is no great art either in her fashions or her malorii'.s. Tho sccroi simply consists in her knowing the three grand unities of dross her own station, her own age, and ho,' own points. And no woman can dress well who does not. After this we need not say that whoever is t.ttiacted by ;ho costumo will no', bo disappointed m the wearer. She may not be handsome nor accomplished, but we will answer lor her being even tempered, well informed, thoroughly sensible, and a complete ladv." How Rain is Form mi. To understand the philosophy of th;s beautiful and often sublime phenomenon, so often witnessed since the creation, and essential to tho vcrv existence of animals, a few facts de- p , .1. v,.,l rived irom ooservaiuiiM ami a long train t'vv,th,, m mournero. everywhere. at nil limes, at a unilorm temperature, wo would never havo rain, or hail, or new population it is '.17 lo 1 lo. snow. I ho water absorbed by its ovapo- j - ralion rromtbeseannd the earth's mis-1 Loii.ieuv of a Catuoi ic C tit .u'.i.-I he face, would descend in an imperceptible Sllll Mrect Catholic Church, in Harris vnpor or cciso to be absorbed by tho mi "'?. 1 '" entered somo tiino during when once fully saturated. ' i 'voek, by n robber, who stole, among J ('I,,, absorbing l.ower of the alnmv things, a Whom-b large vessel of phere, and consequently its capability to hllvtr- "'"I1 ,n ,ho tabernacle for re- retain humidity, is proportionally greater , ''"" ceremonies. in warm than in cold weather. 3. The air near the surface of tho earth is warmer than in tho region of tho clouds. I The higher we ascend from thoeailh, tho' colder do e find tho nlmo-phere. Hence . the noriietual snow on veiy high moun tain, m the hottest climates Now hen nE,pn.eil.Io,lf, McKinstrv, nrrested in from continual evaporation tho air is high. riu,b Runic lime ,. fh(J c, of ly .a.uratod wtth vapor though it bo in- , . i,, ai?,, conVeying infer visible, and the sky cloudless if :u ten ,. b Confederals, has been re- perature i suddenly reduced by cold cur-", . j tents of air rushing from a higher to : lower (altitude, its capacity to retain jPeople soetn very uneasy j usl new., moisture is diminished. clouds are formed, K0 WOnder, when everybody is silling up-1 and the result is rain. Air condenses as on thorns. it cools, and like a spongo filled with wa- ttr and compressed, pours out the water Joy The bill providing for tlio increaso which its diminished capacity cannot con- n tlio number of the est Point cadeU lajn. I did not pass Congress as has been report- Peaci! Meeting in New York Citv. Tho,1, - New Nork News snys that there is every I Nine deaths are reported in St. Louis, indication that there will hen miss peacolon the 7th instant, from sun stroke, over meeting in (hat city ful ly in .Septemler.1 heat ing nud exhaustion. TERMS $1 25 per Arnnm, if paid in ndrance NEWSEIIIES VOL. JI. NO 5. A Pntcr.sstnN or Starving Wom...v, A large number of hungry women with ba bies in their arms, misled by erroneous announcements in sovend newspapers, gathered on Monday in front of I he branch office of the Union Defense Committee. That office not having been re-opened, Iho half famished creatures marched two by two, to the City Hall in fcarcli of tho May'-, or, who was not there. Tired with their Ion walk and ravenous for food, tl.ey became wild with disappointment, on learning that the Mayor was not in. One of them tkr er.tned to drown herself and child. Another said, sho was willing lo starve, but her baby should have food even if siio stole it. A tiiird stated, that she never would havo allowed her.son to enlist in the Mozart Hall Kegiment,) if ho had not promised that bis mo'.her would receive two dollars a week from the city. These frantic expressions of grief nnd race weio nt last silenced by one of Ike Mayor's clerks, who directed the poor women to tho looms of the Union Defence Conmit tee. on Pino Street. Thither they wont, nnd lushed into ihe apartment, crying, out "we aro Marvin g, we want money." Finally, finding that their implorations availed nothing, they ono after another withdrew from the Committee's rooms, tOfcek for cold charity in the street, or go homo and starve. X. Y, Jour, t.'ommcrce. CoxuitF.ssMAN Ki.v. L'ly. the Republican congressman, who is in durance vile, was visited a few days ago by Messrs Kcitt, Bo- I f'00K 1 ''r, wno mwrmou mm mat tney were on an errand or mercy, and was desirous of doing something to better his condition, provided it did not conflict with the military regulations. His rela ted that Ihe ea "tiestness of iheso Gentlos man in their generous foigolfiilness of old party lines, which always distinguishes the true Sou I hem gent! ran, metfeetod tho prisoner powerfully, and that shedding tears, ho flung his arms around tliom and I said that "ho had often hoard of .Scut hern jchivalry, but ho wai not able to aitpreei- ciato :t lully ( or. Ajusta paper. I'irinii ix no more Rfi'ortsj. The New York Erpreix. in an article on the official reports ofthe battle of Hull Run, rem irks : The more we hear of tho conduct of some of our officers and men at Bull Run, the more w nru inclined to let tho cur tain drip on the whole nfl'air, rnd cry out with the Thar.e of Cawdor, "Bring in lip more reports." With disclosures of this discreditable character crowding upon us, we think tlio ! Gi-n have been made why Gen. Shields ol California, who fup-ht s.o bravely and well during Gen. Scott's march from Vera Cruz, to Mexico, and who fell bravely lighting at Cerro Gordo, is not called to a Brigadier Generalship in oar present (roubles in preference to siu'ii impostors u Pierce. Slinock, or that notorious Union Slider- Banks? Tlio in qiry is a good one-by all mans bring out the ex-Senator. If tho Con federates havo the advantage of their masked batteries, an I our paper Generals, 1c1, us have our Shield too? of a Ditt'M Ma.hui. It is nt;i ted that I he Court il section of tho reeont act of Congress "to increase tho present military establishment," provides that tho drum major, or leader of the band, chall receive I i.e pay and emoluments of n soc ond lieutenant of infrmtry. Iho pay of this nop commissioned officer is thus rais ed lo an ag'r 'g ito of 310.! oO per month, while the sergeant major.f he highest non-coidrnis-ioneil stall' ofliefr, receives only per mon! h. G.uuit It is stated that Guribaldi lias tendered bis services to tho federal Government. Tho correspondence in which Ihe oiler was mado nnd excepted took place between the American consul nt Genoa and Secratary Setvard. Tho of fer was excepted, and the rank of Major General tendered .o the Italian. Thero i, however, no authenticated statement in the case. Kvcr.-s or Women in England. His as certained by the last British census, that ihe increase of males in tho ten years i77,'i'7 was much less than toe increaso nf r.r.i'.t.,e I 1 i .!'! Tl.rt l.niS'ilcia it,. 'wm..,! In -nMJ op ,!... ITS sr.'.' Bv t he census of LM. the 1.01. illation of males to females was males was looioio.j; in tlio r. Tho New York Ex pre give) tho following pun in refereneo to tlie war. It says': "Tho only way to defeat and whip. King Cothn, is to send out General Wool".