Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 21, 1861, Image 4

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    ypn .mil .
Nli h I'mui vii" on 1 ii mi
W hill mh V'" ;;"inir mi l:i I
iimiiii'h l'"V '!" mini Mix. I'm liii''.liii,
Iko I'll""!''! through tin1 Lid lyii iiiln
' 'll' ! It'll . "I'nvUI Willi till' Hi'""""
1 !M '." lit' M 1 1 H t ( f I , llllil lll! l""K''i mil
' ltill ftf'M H' It) t M'l I ho tu'lul'll WriiT-
lilt I'ttsli lull ln-t'ui'o (lie ,'irl illoi'V pnuii
it 1 1 . 1 . . 1 1 1
i J 11111 inai iin vmin-trr 1 1 ;t 1 111 ins
hand. "You'll lictlt f 'i In M"l.'t-M"
.'nation il'you want to tlo that," t-ho
xaiil, restraining his haml as it was
lil'Wtl ".gamut Iiit lavoriti-liichvia, iva.
'ly to tlooapitalo the jilant that she
hail watt hcil with almost a niuther'
c.iro lor thriv winters, "llnar ino!"
hc luiirmuml, halt' to herM'll', "what
torrihlo thing war is, whon ovon the
cliiKlroii show i-noh signs of ronsan-guinit-,
mid hi'otlior ia'pitl ioil jtiai nt
hrothcr ! I oan't hoar to think of it.
Isaac, tioar, y down 11 in I huy ino an
extradition of tho j'aju -r." I le depart
od witli a half dimo, ami from tho
fuck that no ehaitgo canio hack, .Mis.
I'artinton .siinio;,od tho price wasrnis-ed.
Tin "in. 1 riii. if w.''
1 11 mt ni nt'-i tit Mini
I' . I I III n l ", "I 1 1 lii 11 I lure month , f I " S
If p-ild I lllnc III i II I li J'' " I '"
ll (Mil llll'-l III" 0 v I 1 1 ill l "I I hi' I'll, 2 I'O
Trim nl Ath ft 'tMhgi
A I v" 1 1 1 i' in ''ii' hi i' i ii-i'i ' I In 1 Mi'i'iit I i i'ii n
11 tin. follow ing ml' ii i
I tn i ' 1 1 i 1 1 1
"nil .uiir, ( I 1 1 iiii", ) f .f'ii
I 11 I It II I' ' ' i '.'' 1 lllr-,) 1 I'll
v UMtrsi m nto vr.n
had in his 1,m''' "I'l'i'i s t lim i I
. in
One H.iunro, : : : f i
Two . tt a rt ', :
Three siiinrcs,
Fmtr s,iiarc,
II ill 11 1'liliimn,
One column,
4 1111
.' mi
h no
11 mi
I .'.it
11 nin'
$ I no
il nil
8 nil
in no
12 nil
I'd no
1 .1
1 1 nn ,
1 no
2 .mi
I '' inn
f! (HI
1 11 no
12 on
M en
is nn :
35 no i
Over thri'C ccks mi l It1' than throe months 25
rc iiIm per .iiu-c I'nr en -h insertion.
Evs.cen net cm not needing ft liitrs are tn
irted f..r ft a ?('
Ail vi rti.t iiuhiH n t irir'n.1 w ith I'le number of
t'lrtimiK il'ifirml. "ill r-:itin;:s I until forbid
11.. I sliurgcd iicconHj.g t: there terms.
job prTnting.
All extrusive sfivl; 1 if .1 . il .1 .in nvitovi;!
CtPiMis tho I'liMislii T i.' tho " ,;, ln;i,'
to minimi op t 1 !.c !: ; that ho is pivjn
io. 1 1 i! -,iins nl'
I'ns.iiis, 1Vi.-;i:,
si y us. 18
AM) I. V(S
r j.
0 ATllARxi
'! M.k k...
" I f.
.11,11..) ,,Ht.
I"in ..II. i, it. l4
TinKin wt v in,
UMCillv done
now :
at seventy
l.ii.jii.s, I: i.t. T'.t r r.:,
nr.'j cvciv iiin i ci i-i'w.irs
in a ooun'.iyi of nf.'..':'.
A ;1 oiiiors v.iillic cxcoltsl nitli ncul
mojs and def'pa'.cli.
C. I). (j OOIlLAN DKR .f- CO.
An Iuisii Kkmai.i: Ti.naxt. '-I'll
trotthle you fur tny nnnith's rwiit, mad
am," miid ii landlord, hist .Mmiday, to
0110 of his tenants.
"Is if ycr rinlyc ax for
''Yes, main, two rooms
ru'e cents cr wook, oaoli.
"Ah, iu)w,cantyo wait alittlo time?
Sure the likes of ye must have plenty
ofmonoy," roplied tho woman, looking
at the thin' hent form of the landlord
with fjretit contempt.
"But my dear womtin, the money is
due, and ''
Oli, murtlicr, it dearim; me ye
are fan honcnt married woman, and
hlcsHcd mother of siven hoys, each hi" irotlifntiirjr,.iuim L. Cutilo,
it)K. v lice, .in inoi. mipipy,
DiMrirt Att'y ltnln'rt J. Wnlliicc,
IroimuiT, Ii. I!. Iiiiiiilliiiiilir,
U i. Surveyor, II. 1!. W right,
l-umiiil.s n n.n in. M l ruckon
Wm. Morri ll,
S. C, Tlidinpinin,
J!, t, 11'iUMllIl,
Iimc W. (iral kACk'niliilil
J. Ii. Hlinw.
. 11 : .1 I . it
wi , t i . i r i i. urunt r, uvuru i it-inn .ic,
J.l l.ll.lll 1 IliJ MWIitJ 1 1,11 IM. JIOIO
tho flowers fade, the heart withers,
man grows old and dies' the world lies
down in the HOpulchre of aires ; hut
time writes no wrinkles on eternity !
Stupendous thought ! earth has its
betiutins, but time shrouds thorn for
tho gntve; its honors are hut the sun
bhineofan hour, its palaces they are
hut guilded HOpulchres; its pleasures
they are but as bursting bubldcs.
Xot sb in the untried bourne. In the
dwelling of tho Almighty can come no
IbotAops of decay. Its way will know
no darkeniug eternal uplendor lbr
thc approach of night.
fiiouqli to hole the life out of yo. Out
f my house yo mounter," and nimble
to givo to her indignation in words
she seined his oout collar and fairly
threw him into the street. The own
er intends to let an agent collect the
lTiitofthat house in future.
Time of Slulilln Court.
Sromiil Mmiil iy nl' Jiniiuiry,
Tliinl Mon.liy of .M:in li,
Tliir.l .Mnii.lny of ilium.
I'liinlli .Muiuliiy n' .Sf.U'inlu'r,
In 1'iuli yc:u', mill cuiitinuu lo wccKa ii 1.0
County Oillrcrs.
Proii't Jti lcllnii. Siiiniu'l I. inn. Ili'llffnntn.
As'to Juilos . Hon Win I. Jloorf, Cli'iirlielil.
linn lii-nj llniinill, l.iitlii'i."liurg
Sher.fT, Freil'k ti. Miller t'lenrlieU
(iK'll 1 1 1 . JiO
l.uinlicr City
si: wixu ma c irixn.
' i: '!:. s fi:om o 70.
jrrsi v i ti of li ic-li li Ihtii ri'rrei,ti"l, lum nmv
licrniini a recniiizml I'uvoiilj wlirrcer it
lim ln'i'li il:li inliii eil, 1111.I U, lievnlnl iiu linn,
(lie ln'l, in well as the liiunl -..nuy ; . Imv -giriee.l
Sewing .M:iiliiiM now liefnro l'u' liiililie.
Nn. I A r inn II iiinl utj JLuliinw i.r
l''iiinilr ii.-o.
Nn 2. -A lnrc. Minliine for iiiil(iii2 lenvy
win l( iin.l I'nr riiitiliilinii nn..
Tlii. .Mitcliiiii! i.i imii'li ii.linii'til for ilF'i
ly, iiinl !or n lelinliilily iiinl ilin nl.ilily il i' nn
mii j j- I . A rliilil hU'lve ycnrn inn niu it uilli
ease; n ml yet il will few IVnin llio (oiirn'M cloth
In (lie fmot wifH. U nn Ironlilo of re-
iiulinj; the llireinl, n. il is InKen fnna the
It him no bell In jjive trmilile, nml will run
ImelitviinU UK well iik fnrw iinls. unl ulill K'ws
itmlly perreet, nml w illinnt iliiner of hrenkin i
neoilli . 11. rmiK l y fiiclion, vml liy elonin tho '
linxnver it. it in thrown out of Rear. In fai l,
wo liuve nn heMttttinn in reeniiiiiiemli n;; il lis the
bo! Ian ily Hiwinj .Mncliina in use. i
7k' u'miiin 7 Vi'mii'.i.v Aiv.irthd the iibcc
.Vitelline :
l.'OHMriM.V l'hv iu,. Sur-emi I.i the I'r ini'lon I.ini' Iln,, of Lnnlun. riihiinl. nmv
.I1 nlTI'ITSIM II. I1.-,., ,.,m. to iniiiimii-'e tn nil Inv nli.., lliat. o n to the many nv-
iinlinii" nf lii., fiii I,,, I,,,, ,,,i,.lil,.J to niy .r.if..i..nMl ii-ii- to the fnllnwin' niinii'.l iliu'e.
ami l.y urriiiu al h,. (hv ,, t ,,rlh, In- eniuiille.l hy llio nlllii led, Imth Mule ami l i iuii'..., on
J.imm. of (ho llrai l, l.iver unit l.nii)T: Cum er. Fitu, ' tieinliila, iin.l nil IlipeHsim of hn lilnml.
Also, nil liijeinoK iiiiettainiii2 to the FAK nml FA II. 1'AKTIAI, UK A IN F'S. Ilinjrin): Noinii in
tho Ilenil, nml lii.vharei. Irnm thti Far, ena lie Hiee.lily cirol liy I'r. Ilnnr'n Seienlifm Treutmet ;
iinj many other d'nfeafen that Imve hallleil the fkill of the ili.-linui.-hi'il .hyuieiniia.
CI.AtUOX, nt cmk'. Ilnlel, finin the l.'ilh nf ,M iv t i the t-t of Juno.
COUSICA, at Wliilnici'n llulel, June ft. Aj;aiii,eit. lt nml 2.1.
l'.liOOK VI I.I.K, at the American Holme, fr mi :iil In Villi June. Again. Si'lit. "i.l, till Bll i .rith
I.l"i'IIKIIs:l llii, Iteeiln Ilnlel, June Inth ami lllh. Aguin, Seit. llllli uml lltli.
CI. FA ,' I- I FLU. Jiihumiii'a Hotel. June IL'lh In I'U';. A.nain, Xept IL'lh nn, I Mill.
llKi.l.lli'o.N I'M, Mmiisnii'i. Ilnlel, I'miii June 17th o llllli. Ajjuin, .Sept. I Ith nml lath.
TYKuNi: ci'l'V, ni Mr. 'I Iioii.iih' Hotel, June t! I i-t unci L'LM. Anin, tU'jit. I"th nml UHh.
At hid J.NFIK.MAUV, from Juno 22d li.July 17th.
Listen tj tin Voice of Tiuth a 1 1 Ha-on airl Trofit by it.
Th" time has e-iine uli- n nil wlin will, eau ern;i.' t!i. irnii j'ra-i nf Meiearv, hy ea'lin;:. withnnt
ilel'iy. tn .o ill" well k now n ami ju.-llv ei lehrale.l Felee'ie K impeiin I'li.viiiaii, llr. limtT. who
y true nml nile nieilieiiies, evtraeted from the tui.t choice imnr.1 nml ItKiin,
r Wllftii,.... I. . I I
I . F w
' Ll Vkl. 1 ' . V '"'I III
I i .-7."j-,; -I I.-. (.,.' ,' ii
JkJV!' i ""' '''' "fiiitVi
V.iZ-i- 1,l,)'.iuiilynJ,J,rH
tlltettw. ( MM llli mniewltrrn 111 Ihi. Ul
Urni lli Hit until! nl fiiuctioin. IW ir J2,,uii
iIii.'Iiir cmoriil muturBtivii, 11111.-1 lug,
11 lill III tlim oninliliua, o.rpi...1 by
mkn Ayer ' l'lll, n. ie l,w iliroelly lllMl',,
miliiiiil n-ll.m of llio nyi-lem, ml vilih It
f..Hliiiji,niwlili ncniii. WliBt Ih triieniid mi J
IhH uml riitunmn cnii,Lliit, In al.o tn?
Of tho Ueep s.'iltC'J mill iHigeroim iliieniw v'"
nni'Kiitire oftei-t Mfx'l" llimi. Cnmn Uv iimi;.'
JeMnKMiionU of tho natural funeaJ
are rapidly, nml runny of u,,. ...J'S
ii.'iim ami
Imlv, tll.iV
lv the miinii menu.
will ailiiiiiiili'i' ll.,..-.'. only true nml ml'o niedii
v. Inch am irepu 11 ,1 uiider Iiimih ii h iiv iMnr, nml there lore avoid 11' the 11 -e of all M in hi: a I. rnM
ovs, whielt were never desiv-ned fur the cyMcm, to tai'.e which mailt llinii'aiid.i lime fallen victims
1 oik t early
.None wild kniiw 1J,U .i-...''l
I'lll. Mill IIHL-In t 1(1 1-llllllllV llll.ll -"I'lti.
Il. di.,,i.,,,tl,...v cur,. ' "un,1)h
Mat..lCMltil I'linil lending illT.iuu 1
.riie iind rltli-t, nud fmiu other Wull kwmn
F.em 11 rni;irit,,iri Slmhunt riuii, 1
Int. Av:ti: Your 1'llln nro the mia,jn nf ill iiT
prmii In in. "Ii. iiie. Tln.y liavn ciii. my ,m 1 I
nl' uk i'r.iiiH -HireM uprtii hr linn, N and f-j tliath i"
ini'ili'.ilile fur Jienn. Her mutlier li:u Kft 1 ""I
t-it-ly nllll -ti'd with Uutcliei and 'iiii,l,i(in W L"
hi li,-r I141C. Alter our child wiui cured tvlmm""
uur I'ilN, mill Ihuy liuvo cuiej her. ' . w "kl
mntU)' i'ii)itc,
A a
.'. iiiiulu r that. llr. r.nrt w.'iiiN 110 patient" hut these fully cai;il,li of nireeiaiiu nml ilis'in-
t'iiihiu the ferviees of a regular thoioiij;h hred iliy.-ieiaii, I10111 11 paltry, unlearned and trifling
ouack. ,
mniil.i r, r. Unit r remedies nml Irentinent lire entirely 111, known to all others in thiii country : '!mr 1 '"" r9 l" Pr,nc9 I'ui'P's. TlitirurJi,
life speul in t ie 'Meat h..itiil. of and the .',.,1 in the w.untrv. 1 " . "v T. TuT
Frnn Ih: A'. II'. IMwriyM,
lirepaied from
... I 1. I 1... 1.. ....I -IV , ! ' . U
.. ......... ... .... ,,, I WMUil Hllil n I'll I 1 I ,.,r..ri
1. inn ,n'i, e, nun or. bin t lias it more cMeinled praetu e limn any other ldivtieiiin in i-iilura riiin- i,,.u whirl, i,,.,.,. 11,,.,,, in,-,.i,,..i.i. .. "'"fc
liealllieut of Ulieiinu. """ft
I.l-t ol'Tost Ollirt'.
Tj ritnh ijm.
A .inn nf (),
(lien Hope,
Often. I,
Clearlielil llriifS,
Trout vitlo,
JelTerion Lim,
New Wnhiiiivs
Curwcnvillo, cnrweniiville,
.V.i we. . .1
Ii. W. Cahvell
Urn ilr,
f x,
Knrtha us,
j l'enn,
l'hilini buru,
Helen 1'o.t Offlee,
I.ecountu .Mills,
llald Hills,
milhs .Mill;,
l'eiuiliel 1.
lilt I. irk,
New Millport,
Ky lerlnwn,
I.uniher Cily.f
(ir:iuiiian Hills,
1' n.-l Inn,
T. A. M lihee
j. v;. ftn.,.;
Few i ,- iiiiih
1'. II. .Miller
Ed. v,'i;:;,.i;j
U. II. Moore.
U- r. -Sloppy,
John ili-oeriiiij
Jus- ninom
T. M, CuiniiiinKC
Jan Mc.Murray
M. .'. Frnnk.
1'. A. liiiulin.
J F W Si-hnzu
Samuel Way
Centre comity
Fdm. Williams
Elk eiuinly, I'a.
AVilliain Ci:rr
A. 11. Hhaw
T. II. Foreeo.
J. A. Jlejarty
('. J. I'usey.
David Tyler
Jl. Woodward
I.li7.a t hase
i. lleekndorn
At the Fair of the l'lank'in Institute, ISO15,
llio I " i t 1 I'i eiiiiuin.
At the l'eniisylfaiiiii Ptnle Fair, at l'hiliidel
diia, September 21, lbj'.i, the First I'i eiiiiuin a
Hi ploina.
At tho I'eiiiisylviiiiin Plato Fair, held at Wyo
ming, ISlill 11 Silver Mednl.
For llio I, est 11, nihil- Thread Miiehine. lit I.nn-
easier County Fair, held Oetohiir, ls.'ill a .Silver
At the Marylan l Pinto Fair, held nl the Mary
land Insti uu, Iliillimore, Md., Octr.her. ISiil,
under ftron;; eompetition, it .Silver Medal was
award.- I to this .Ma.-hiue.
Al the New Castle County Fair, held nt Wil
mington, Delaware, Oetoler, ISill a liiplonin.
Tho nhove .lachine? are miiinifiielureil l.y
CM AKM . Il( KAM),
Wiliiiln-loii, Del.
Xo. 72 An L Street, l'liilndelphin, I'n.
Xo. Mil MarkKt Street, Wiliiiinplnn, Del.
inarl.l-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
70'Persoiif n isiiinp; to .co the al.'.vo Machine
tu operiitien. can do mi l.y eallinj at (he re.-i-deneo
of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough.
in mi uihrr, 111 ni C1U7CHS 01 en uea 1 1011 , a 11 u our popular men, uro an wen . ciiiainieu wun, nnu uiKe Iloatlarhe Sickllrndarhe Pa
rrn at pl.-nsure in reeoiiimendiii.' 111. llort to the nlllieted. 1 iV' . , . ., , n' "etutk.
I.-. I .. tl,t llr !!,,, ,,.I,..K m, ll -...r..o.,l,.li..i,. t ..nil ll, ft.rl , n I l.tal nil t,n mivm u.111 . ... . . . 'T """"III
' ..r.. "T"' r fa"" " ..i rj - ..... inm urn. ATCit: lean
lie lailliluliy earrie.l 0111.
Jtciiriiiln r, that 'Jr. Hurt pays every attention to ilisenfec of a chronic nature.
.?'"Certilieates of Cures ma)' be seen at his r.-'pective mums.
llr l:.,,-l . fmtilrilii.,1 ,;il. ,,,'i.r wiv III, ill. nil, I I, .11. .1- i.f ri.i.,.,i,,iin,,,1.i;oii froiM ui.m.i i.Trltn ,w,ut
' dil ini'iii-l e-l men living. Alio lias awarded to him diplnmas from some of lite most celebrated
; llospiiiils .md Infirmaries in Furope, for his un uralKlli d ohfervalions in Diatnofis, nnd observa
I tions in niseove- inj; reuiodies for the cure of diseii.-e.s that have heretofore baffled the skill of many
! of the medical pr.ilcssion.
I An early cull from those wishing to cnn?ult tho Doctor, is earnestly rciiuetletl, to as to receive
full benelit of treatment, and ihus do justice to himself. Time liu iled.
I Please benr in mind when Dr, Dort will be in your jdaco. Per.-ons desirous of consulting him
I w ill confer a prcnt tnvnr l.y c-llitiji nn Ihe first day nf his arrival, as his rooms me so often crowd
' isutlirly impossible tn nlteinl to the an.xinus swlicitations of all. Dr. llort w ill arrive at each
J of I h" nhove places nn the lirst coach on Ihe day appointed.
Plea.-e extend the invilatioii lo all invalid, nml oblige yours, ie.
May 20, Til.i;.
JO II X o d 1: L I,
Al Id!,
i riiliiit limtilnl
II. A.
A. C.
Ijocated at A. II. iS'wc '.v .1.7A', one mile Kat
(J Cli iirt'i il boron jli,
Kespcelfiilly infunas Ihe cilin n' of Cl.-al field 1
j and adjoiiiiiii; counties, that he is at nil times
prepared to iiiuiiul'aettire, ut the shortest notice, j
j Hair, Husk, nnd Straw Mattresses of nil
kinds and sizes, one of which is 11 Folding Mat- .
jlrosr, suitable lor CABIN'S ON HAFTS, which
can be folded in small compass, and emptied tud
I refilled nt pleasure; nud very cheap. lie also;
trims. Cm ri.t;cH, inukeii repairs to all kinds of j
CnrriaKC Triiiining and I'phol.-tcrv. ami makes'
Cords for Mason's Tracing Liner, of any thiek
uess or length.
oUe-'tiOii.' nnu'e and proeeeilt rotnjitli) remitteil ULCl.-Country Produce. Cum Iuk, or Cash
r.xchanc oil the Cities rohV.niitly I taken in Etchnn,; fur work, j
0 J T-fr-All orders left with anv nf the Men-hats !
" lm""' I Clearfield borough will hi pruniptly atieiided !
fiff ODico on Pectod PL, nearly oj po.ito the to. dec2i'i '
oiri'.T'. I I
SPJ" If M A T 1 It K II if K A .
ATI11V, 1 ' 1 1 1 1 . V 1 . 1-: 1 . 1 ' II I A . .1 ! II
llinn 1 mI il lit 1 .li 1 it I, if nutifil ,',(
I111rnn.ul, in' Ihe uliilnl tin Sit It mill I lint muni.
iijiiirtrit li'ili I intrnt mid Ciiiiiii'i' JimilHi
1 ;::i-i-itli Jur tin: iii.e-; inn..i Ihe Si .nml ipi-ui ly llicy an no iuliirl.ii fir diriaipiiM,,
fi'..nis. 1 1 tlirt einall. lie I, ml, I hao t.-liliw fsuiiil tt
.ilKIHCtl. AliVICK given gl'lltH, hv the Acti'l? "..""".".'-' " .-i..""- uu 11 ma in riaiiijjtw,
Atkii: I cannot aimwur va.. .i...... .
1 have carrJ with your PlTli b.-ti..r ik.: cTr
f.rr ie,(i ,1 pnriritivr vtrticint. 1
oon ''l '"'liirtii; In iiry.iallvCLiS
illsmw, nml Mini an I ,1., t,.lt your 1'illii kfiurd LC
best we have, 1 ufcuurn value lliiu Iiighly.
rirmnrnn T)u u. .
im. .1. C Arm Sir: I l,arn .. 'rUu,
llu- w.rst h'whi. h, any hnily Caa have Iiv aik, il
nf voiir I'M. It to aiwe (rem i fcui
wuirli limy clrHiitH at nnre.
I Voura with greut resjiect, KM. W. PlnnLF
I ('rliSI'timirVit
nil Ion Dlaordera I.lvcr Cmplalatt,
Kent nr. Tlifrim Ml, nfync Vnrl Clf.
1 N'-'t ..lily are your I'llln ail.ipW loilwa,
I' n "a aperient, hut I dud Hintr Ivm-hViifl rT,..
He- l.ivi r very niaiko.l liulml. liny Uve In XJ,
ti n piomd timiu enrctual fur Ihe far-of .ms
.Min than any nne ruhn ,ly 1 1:111 MiLi.tlei,. r,,.
. j..i.'. Hint yrn luttent i lllh a .tirnllt wbM om,
thy the contldouco el the .iii1, s-.i .11 mn lliej....
llirtKTMCXT 01 Tin IsTVU, 1
V llsllilit.-ll.ll. U. C illl Irli, lui, (
Pin: I havo tisi-d y,mr f'ilU in my k-i-Mul ,,,!j
pra.'Oei-iiri-r Miiire yuu innile IIm iii.iiii.I rmai'it umuii
. s.iy ini'j inn UIU I'L'Sl CttllliU IIC, iDft llr
' Inline ii.'Ii.iii on the livrr la iiiil.k uiid ilorianL r,
ifianliinn nnb Collection &t
C I. I) A K F I I. D,
J 1111.1. 01. F Xrn ANf; P., 10TKS AMI linAI'TS lUSCOi r.TE
i r(!iTs ki:c i:i r.D, i
'a I.f a tti.K ni:i-iitTs nn Sifi-ii ntonlnea, ft 11-1 1
other diseases of the Sexual Oi; in, mid on t II c
M'.w iiKiiKiur.s employed in the Dispensary, sent'
in sealed letter envelopes, free nfcUarge. two
or thre-! S'.nnips f..r pnstage acceptnl.le. Address
Du. J. Skii.i.i.n Him i;iitoi, Howard Assoeiation,
Xo. 2. S. Ninth si., Pliilailclphie. 2Umy ly. j
o i. i; x - :; c ii o
Oeriuantow n,
M 1 1.
J, W.I honip.s'n 1 ' VO 'SiffPf " to I
Jas. Thniiipsun t 1?,.W.U ;" 5 tho teelh in proper frt'
J. McClelland j J'.''' V" Ii""' will be of great!
Jl. n . j-pencer,
A. C. Moore,
Samuel Way
Michael Wise.
W. F. Johnson
T. Henderson
henetil lo every nne i
in p. dot of health, :
j( This Post Ufiiee will do for Chest township paper.
comfort, and eonv;nienee.
Pit HI 1. 1. S iv, u-'.T-yii be found nt his of.
fiee, on the corner of Frunt nnd Main streeis, f '
when no nolic-o to tlii eunlriiry appears in this I
Will niiswer lor Fergm-oii townthip.
Al opei. tiom ;: '.'.; '.Ino of his profession i
i pei funned in tho lit tot t and most improved
tyles, and guarnnteed lor o.-.o year ngain.-t nil , lT!IK EOXDOX Ql'.HITi: I'.LV,
I ut lira I failures. I (Conservative.)
A FRESH ARRIVAL OF I (; ni: n.-ins a private
Si o -f 1 Xi L lnstruclor for married persons or those
-)' Ullf CC 0?l?iCr UOIKIS about tube mnrried, both male nnd female, in
AT 'I'll K ClIIC P C VS'II STOKK ' e-crylhirg cniieerning the physiology and rela-
1 lions of our sexiinl system, nnd the prmliietiun or
, . . . . , ,, 1 prevention of otrspring, including all the new
lam just receiving nnd opening n carefully discoveries ncv.r before giten in the EntrlMi
selected stock of Spring and Euintiier goods language, by W.M. Vjl'XH, M. D. This i really
Of allllO.St every (Ic.SCrinlioil. it valuahlo nnd interesting work. It is written
Cl i ILJ'r 111 ".Vfi'Y in plain Innguiigo for tho general reader, nnd is- T E ll M S .
-I JAwiT J-l wJ Wf iif'AAvyjLft illustrated with nunierous engravings. All young For anv nne of lh- four Iteview.
and Dress ""'f1','0'1 I"""!"'. r those contemplating iniirriac-e, VjT ' tw r ,), iour lieviews,
i, i, 'i ii. i t ii u leu i iii 1 1, , 1 1 iii e 1 1 l tu man i cu l ie.
TW,.Soiiic yours ago, .Mr. KiJwi'll
was prt'acliin; to 11 large mi'lit'iice in
a wiKljvirt of Illinois, ami annoiincoil
ftr his text ; "In my fathers house
tJierc uro many mansions." lie had
scarcely reii'l the words when an old
coon stood up ami said : "I tell 3-0:1
folks that's alio!l know his father
well; he lives fifteen miles from Lex
ington, in old Kent nek, in nil old log
cabin, their ain't but one room in
the house."
MajoU Jack Downi.vo; Once said
to (ion. Jackson : -'(tin'ml, I have al
ways observcl that those persons who
haven great deal to say about being
ready to shed their last drop of blood,
arc amaxin purlic'lar about the first
A pleasant, cheerful wife is as a
rainbow set in the sky when her lius
btuid'ri mind is tossed with storinsund
teinjicsts ; but n dissatisfied and f;et
full wife, in the hour ol" trouble, is
liko one of those, tiends who tire appoin
ted to torture lost spirits.
A Bad thing it is in human nature,
that n man may guide others in a
good path, without walking in it him
self; that ho may pilot others well o
ver dangerous reefs, and yet wreck his
own vessel, on its first and only pas
tago over the sanio rocks.
"Angels in tho grave, will not ques
tion thee as to the amount of wealth
thou hast letl behind thee, but of good
deeds thou hast done in the world, to
ontitlo thee to a seat among the bless
ed." Koran.
Follow the lawsof Xature,and you
will never he poor. Yottr wants will
he but few. Follow the laws of the
world, and you will never be rich.
You will wimt moro than you can ac.
If it he important to know whether
a man will cheat you if he can, sound
him so as to his willingness to help
you cheat somebody else.
With timeand patience themulbery
leufkeoines satin. Wlini difilculty u
there at which a man should quail,
when a worm can accomplish so much
from a leaf.
A man who covers himself with
costly apparel and neglects his mind,
. liKOone wi O 1 U.ina esU.COUlSlUe Ot, J j Clearf.obl, Pa., will attend promptly to Col of account when they entered the College
MS DOUSO and Slt8 Wltlllll in tllO dark. l")h8 Enlid Ajrcnoics, Ac, Ac., in Clearfield 1 ft-Minifter'isons halfnrico.
Tnft,.nnn n,l oif ,n ,J lk,. July 3l).-y i Student, enter at any time, nml review when ed ti.v unu khi - . r . ,,, ihmil extra ilninm
Cy .
I !.h ll H CT -t"
1 11 a
AfcC A L I, UM
Iinporlcr. and M'holcsalc Deal, rs in
C A I! I ll T I X; s, ) K 1; (;(; t'
mi. cloths, M.rri.t;s, .u.,
V iire!ioiise. Xo. "ill'. I t'liettnut St 1 ot ,
(O; in.-iie Stale House.)
npr:;l-ly riiii.i nn.i-ni..
MIAIUS !! CI I A HIS ! ! !
Ill liiiscrnei'.t
very clic;ii
o. 11.
of Meirri:
It Kill
fill' Cash, by
it ? More,
1: r.
1 1 1: u
Ii L A CK W (lull's M . (i A 7. I X E.
A btyiiiifiil assortment of prints
goods, of Ihe newest anil latest styl
great variety of useful notions.
Uonnels, Shawls,
Hats nnd Caps.
Hoots nnd Shoes, a largo i:.'iulity,
Hardware, 0.1 eensware,
Drugs and Medicines,
Oil nud Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
ti R () C ll R I E S ,
Fish, Tlncon and Flour.
Markerc! in j J and A barrel,
of tho best oualilv, all of which will be sold nt
I Ihe lowest cash or rendy pay prices.
' ..1 1 r .1 1 .i 1 i' . i
.oy 01, 1 iricnm nnu too puonc generally, lire
respectfully invited lo call.
frN. il All kinds of f.'A'.l.Vand approvod
( OCXTliy I'llOlU Ci: taken in exchange of
ti nod.
ClearlicU, Juno 2 ISfil. WM, F. IHWIX.
ATTOUXKV AT LAW. will attend nromntlv
! and faithfully to nil legal business entrusted to
his cine, in the several Courts of Clearfield and
djoin!r.g counties.
Ofl':ci lie ono foruurly oeeupied by G. R.
Oct. 2Ctb, I860 ly.
( Fr e Church.)
ror niimim.
J:l uil
h on
ti on
in 00
v,.r .,' ii,,-,,A ,,r ,1,.. r,,,,r 11.,, j
.1 1.1 -n.l ll.l. I I. I .11,-1 . .t . ' --V..V.,',
.r ' M-.reis oiai -ril f,i,ir ,,f the lieviews,
everyone should be aenmuntoil with ; slill it is ft yr liln.'kwnnd's Ma -aine,
book that must be lucked up. and not Ho about For Illnekwood and one Review,
Ihe house. It will he sent to any one 011 receipt j-ir Ilhn kwnod .'.11. 1 two Reviews,
of tweiily-five cents, in specie or postage stamps, r 1;, kwood nnd three Reviews,
Ad.lre.s Dr. MM. 0lXli. Xo. -11(1 Spruce m. For Rlaukwood nnd the four Reviews,
I nbove Fourth, Philadelphia, P11. X. I!. Tho price in tirenl Rritain lor Ihe five
7.! Ajlifrtnl mid I'nfiirtiiiiiitr Xo matter Peiio.-iir.-ils nbovo-linnicd is $M per nnniiin.
I wh.1t.1nny bo your disease, before you placo your- Republished b
jself iindor tlio care of any ono of the note'rious LEONARD PCOTT & Co.,
! Quirks, native or foreign, who advertise in thii mar43 Pin .'.I Hold Street, Xew Vork,
j or any ott er pnper, get a copy of cither of Dr.
Young's books, and read it carefully. It will bo r,( ( 'l:'H,TI Vl'-S! Tho advertiser,
the means of snving you mi ny u dullar, your -1- baving Veen restored to health in a few
licnllh, and possibly your life. weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf.
I Dr. YOFX'J can' he consulledon any of th r!'rM' r"r -'eve nil years with a severe lungaflec
disease described ia hi publications, nt his io". and that dred disense Cnnsuinplion, is anx
oflico, Xo. M8 Fprueo ft, above Fourth. n7-ly '"u" to "'ii140 own to his w-Miflerers the
. .. means of euro.
j To nil who desire it, ho will send a copy of tho
prescription used, (free of charge) with tho di
1 vctions for preparing nnd using tho snn.c, which
they will find a sure cure for Consumption,
1 Asthma, Rrcnchitis, le. The only object nf the
1 advertiser in sending tho prescription is (0 bone
I fit Ihe afflicted, nnd spread information which ho
conceives to bn invaluable, a id he hopes overy
' sufferer will try bis remedy ns it will cost them
$35 00
1 OP.ERf J. 'WALLACE, miuitr at Law,
X V vienrnciil, i n., tllieo ic thlw'i
osito the Jcurtal oQice.
JA. 11. i.AnntvrR.
1) AYS tho entire cost lor TflTIOX in tho '"'K- ""." pn.vo a messing..
i' mostpopularandsuccessfulCOMMEnClAL '."""' W,P,,,,JR ,hi1Pr"",J,.ll1,n " Jj
IrCHOOL in llio country, t'pwurds of Twki.vb
Hi'mirkii young men, from t kntv-iioiit diflor-
Row op- ent suites, nave been educated for luisinoss nero
' i1....a ...... - r .!,... l,n..A
iilLillil nil' I'l.ri luim riur, snilie 111 n-nii nn...
dec. 1, 1S58. if. been employed ns ROOK-KEEPERS at salaries
I. TFHT ' (10
I A & I I.M , Attorneys at Lnw immediately t pon graduating, who knew nothing
I li j n I c I a 11 11 d H u r c e 0 11,
Clonrfield 1',, May 30, 18fi0.
HOOD, kavlij etnngod his loci
they r.lense, without extra, charco
For Catalogues, Specimen of Penman: hip, nnd
View of tho COLLEliE, enclose five letter stamps
May 15, 81. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa.
mo worsi quaiuies 10 coninat. it is;
vastly easier to dispute with a states-1
wan than blockhead. !
a : 1 1 1 1! 1N
mtunuvviiiimw ...trt piouueeu; tion fr()ln Curwon.rill, 0 Clearfield, res-1 TIIOM AM J. M CUM.OlKJll,
an apparatus Which llO 8ay8 IS a Cure ' poctfully offen his professional servioes to thl1 Attoriu-v nt 1 nw
itioener s own ear. . : umu, nn ugm, g, novi-ii
1 .
A recent philosopher has discover-
W to avoid b
d a method toavoid beino- dunned Mi:HCIIAN'TS, md dealers in 1
"How ? How f How 1" Evcrvbodv s,h,D8'"i Troduco. FROX
aik'B AViwr rum in 1 A DOay , ahov. tho Acidomy Clearfield P.,
rrrun indebt. jUBo 12th, 81.
MI.HCIIATM, and dealers in Hoards and i T the mouth of Lik Hun. five miles fnwn
FRONT Street Clcarfiold. MERCIIANIS. and extensive
. I r ... '
, eianutaeturor ot Luuber,
1 July S3, 1860.
Williiinisburgh, Kings Co., X. Y
rpilE tmilersigned resperlfully
I informs hi euslomers and the
pithlio generally, that ho has just
received from Ihe East, nnd 01. en-
nt hi establishment in UllAIIAM'S HOW
Clearfield, Pa., n fino assortment of Clocks,
W'atciii!, nnd Jswranr of different qualities,
from a tinglo piece to a full sett, which ho will
sell nt the most reasonable prices for canh, or in
exchnnge for old gold nnd silver,
CLOCKS of every variety on hand, nt tho melt
rensnnnblo prices.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches nnd Jewelry,
carefully repairod nnd Wttrrnutrtl.
A eontinitanco of patronage, is solicited,
Sept, 19, 18(i0. II. F. NAUliLE.
Blacksmith, Wigons, Ruggies, Ac, Ac., ironed
tn short cilice, md the very beststyle, ithil
11 stand in ti e borough of Curwensvillo.
De .29, I860.
,M a.
J '.jjiciun uj tin J.f nn fr fa
Dj seti trry, Illni ihan, llilni, Vennii
fin! Ih. J. (J. (imen. nf CUiaijo,
Vniir I'i I It li.ite hud a I. .11 Iiinl in inv prartiatMdl
h.., ilii'in in esi.wiii as nnr u' the Ui.t uperWtita 1 bi
cu r l"ini I. Tln-ir,' i (T. r( lini Hie IItnmu
llirm nn tticellent reuisil. wlin frlven In sniill Iin
1 jinmis injitmerij ami tlutrrluni. llirlr ncit-r-ai
I amki s Ihrni very acceptal.le and courcuh ut M lla
' of womoii and cliildien.
Iy Ir iial, Iiiipnrlly of (lie IJTtioi. '
l'lnm lltti.J. V. lma, Itttn- of Ailitnt CttfrcS.lm
I Ha. Atkr: I Imve used jnur 1'llls Kidi trtnrdi
siiei 1 s in in y family nMI animig llmse 1 ain rallal ut
) ill dl-tirw. To ri'Kiilale llio oigani n Hj't1, mi
j i-iirifv Ihe LI.shI, limy are lie- vi-rv Imt reinlrli
I ever kiwtrn, and 1 taa toullil-iiilj- luoinm'ml lit
i lii fiii n,l. Your, .1. Y.UIM&.
) WtnsAW. Wveiiilng Co., X, V.., Vii.
! Prtn Sin t 1 nm nsini; y.ini rmhai lls I'lll. lime p-
lire, and find t hem an lAeelletit piireallvt. tnSaauaii
, -li'ln nil'l mrifij lilt fiwilul't nf Oir blmnl.
) ' ' JOHN I.!'. XI I AC HA 11, )U
( o'tHl Ifiti t Inn. Cost I true, Stipnreiiln,
i KlK iiiiinl inn, tiant, Nrnralgln, Dnf
I ny, I'lii'iii) l, l-'ll, tic.
I I'n in Or. J. V. Vimi'm. M i.ti r, I. not.xl
I T-ii nm, h i .iniint he raid nf y.air Pill f..r llioniai
j , 1. If 1. Hi,. r nf cur fra'tiinilly havo 'iiinl iln
a-. 1 llii 11, j. -iii as I Inn,,, t !-- slicnM j 'nn me in tIi
ii" 1 ' f'.r the tinii'llt -,r tlie iiniliilmli's Him mlTsrlM complaint, wltielt. allltoiiKli had enmli In Ml
l!i.' pr,,'lilt,.r nt etlii'iR Hint nl,- w,,-s. I li-llilpa-:
tnini-x Inniii-in.'lli- in . ivur,Llll )' 'Ul l'llll alilj M
1 opmii and cine lite disease.
I V..111 M,i. V.. Slunrl, rinsitvi ar.-t IV
I Uml nt.i. or two Inr.-u ,.,s, , f y,,r ',;, 1,1,,. ml
I'i "1' I' ..ire cxcell, nt pr,,iii,iti'vi si,' ihr mMw
. ii-n wli,ii wholly or rii!tllr au-irres.. ami lfi"
ilf.cllliil In llr.nmr t, ,lm.:l, n rj-f'l n-m mt. T
ine H. 11,11, Ii llio l,st ply sic 0 Jkivj I ri.ollMl
11., clh.'i lo my patients.
Fiom Hit Rci: lr. ir,nrl.rt,fur ,.i'- lit Tplt P
ri l.t-.Ki Hot sr. Fa.nniuili.Ca.. Jnn.t l-K.
Hnsnrrn Sin: I i-ln ul.l u, nncr.itfiil W tli IW
your skill has l.i'.iurht me if I ili.l ii,it 1 rj-rt mj " A cel l seUled in my llml.sanil Vmiglil tn nn
rlulinj untrnl,iir ;i,i,i, will, li ended in fHii)'"
Xnlwilhstandlnit 1 m, Ihe he-t ,,f plir.i ln. t
disease (tlew wnrse an, I w.tmi. until l,v Hi' n.hifoolj.
exeellnnl iiL-ent in lliillini.ire, Pr. Xhu keiwis. I trW
Tills. I heir rffmia Were l..w. lint fan- Fv r'""(
la Ihe turn of tli-111, 1 am unw entirely well.
Si:vtTF. CiiAJiiirn, linii.n fietige, T.1. 6 Pk-.1
Ptu Avrn: 1 have heen entiretv enr, .1. Iiv viur Pl'l.
IlhriimnU (,ul n painful ,li .i. ,aj hml' aflllrW"
f,.r j- 'ius, VI.NCI'.M fl.U't-t.l-
Ca-Miil ,f lim Pill. In marlo-l eenlsin MfH
tihi.h.iilili,.iiKh a valimMe remedy in skilful t'""1"
il'inireriiiis in a pulilie ,ill, f,nni' the iliwlM
I lli-liei's that fle,il.itlv f,.,.w its lnr.inti. lli lif. H
1 ,iit.ihi no inrriry r mlnerul sal st ni. e wliaievrf.
Prioo, 25 cents per Hot, or 5 i .xcb forV.
Trepsred by Dr. J. C. AVER U CO., Lowell, I
yjr-frSjldliy C. D. tValsnn, Clearfell U
Irwin, Curwenoville ; 1". Arnold, Luther.tsl
Montgomery A Co., Xew Salem: J. '. iirenn.
Morrisdale. C. R. Foster, rhilipsbiirg : and EiK, Ansonvillo ; nnd by dealers cverywt"
S11t!kl: TIMI.S IX DilllADI I. '; V"""
vvi.'.-r,r,r,i,.. A.rr.'irmr,,, ,.,, ih j CLEAKFIELD STONE WARE PIITTH.
'(""! -'rV ,UCE -''"'"v" ! Thnnkf"1 f,,r P't favor and i,di,ttto
Ihe 1 hilndolphia l'olire nnd the notorious 1' or , ttiro putronnge. 1 would repectlulh IWiW
ger aril counterfeiter, Jimes lliitliiiiian Cross !! !, that I have on hnnd again and wi'l coniUH
Cross Recaptured ! ! ! !-It seems to ho tho gener-; keep at the Tottery in this'bnrnugli, on Ih'
nl opinion in Clearfield, thai if Cross had worn a' nern short distance enat of the Methodist CK
pair of 1- rank Short's Erench-enlf Roots, that hn largo stock of Crockery . such ns Cream1'
would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is ! milk pans, Churns, Jugs, .lars, Htove pip
not much put out nt missing his custt m 1 but ' , c. d e. ; nnd nlso nn extensive assorto""'
would nnnoiineo to nil Urnliniiil.jr, Dinnltm, -different sizes and pattern of braekeU
l.iuri.lit nud llrll tarn, and women and children ! rosettes for c rnico on houses, and oilier"''
in Clearfield, anil Sinnemnhoning in particular, ding.
that he is prepared tn ruriiisu thorn with Roots, I Anv moulding not on hnnd will be
-Shoes and liailers of any style or pattern, stitch- older on short notice. Also fire brick
s. I, sewed or pegged, (nnd ns he is a short 1- and kept for lalo.
low) on short notice. I a!flA liberal rc,lnct;n n r,,Ui mull
All l;.l. ,,.,.,l.... . . . """'." r
. nm, ir viMi.11 j 'ii.iiiu liLAi'ii in CX-
ehatige, nnd cash not ri fused. Repairing dono
in manner and charges moderate, at
the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite
Heed, Weaver A Co's store. Fit AX K SHOUT.
N. 11, Findings for salo Sept. 21!, 18fi0
NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! !
'1 he in ili-r.-iiied has now on hnnd, at hi' Fur
niture Ro mis nn Market -(., Clearfield, I'a., a
short ! irt 11 11 ;-c wc.-l nf Liu's Fuundry, a l.irg.i
.t'.aii tif
manufactured out nf the bt mali-i ia'r, finished
n n very supei i-u- tnanner, and which he w ill s, II
I.O TI' roll CASH. long experience in the
business makes him feci confident thai his chair
are madu in a substantial and workmanlike man- '
ner, and w ill stand the test of trial. I'eiimiS,
wishing to purchase chuii should evil nt once
nnd get them while they can be had at the lowest
ratis. J .1IX TR0LTMAX. j
Mar. 27-1 KM -If. j
WsiEie W si lie up J
I, ACksiri'l(;. tin.; subscriber res-1
peclliilly informs his friends and tho public
generally, that he is new w-ll 0 ablislied in bis
XEW SIIOI' en Fine street, 11 posite the Town
Hall, In the nf I'lcailieid, and upon bl
own honk, and wln-re lie is prcp-ved tn do all
work in liis line in the very best styl,-, and on
tho shortest luitice. Hi.-, old custop cr.s are res.
0(1 : poclliilly tis'.ed not to forget him, and any nuiu-
w ones are rcspecifiillv invited tn "ic.,
her of n
him a triah
F.Dt.E TOOLS. His reputation as n Maker
and Repairer ol Edge tools should of itfelfscc uro
him a liberal patruniigc.
April 21.
Cabinet, Chair Makin?,
rn jt f 1 ' "I "UN Gt'LICIl.of thobor.ugh of Clear1
10 1 CrSOHS Ollt Of Employment, t) IV, will bo prepared at all times teatlc
wholesale dealers. F. LKITZINOE'
Clearfield, may 2.1, ISfil. ly.
Afl.VI'm W A V'l'l.'H to any business in the nbovo line
iiviijn iu ti ,111 lljli, .,.:. 1 :.. 1 1:1 .
... , in'uur, nil 11 111 H WUI Hllllllllino ll,i,i,nv. i ,
T M-nrv, f V.i r. 1 1- rf I ti. Tr.ll.wl Cl.l I r i - . ... . . . L ,1. d"
,i, i. , i j vyv.wii , j v- . iiiirn uuues, Ol DUNinCSS IS al TllO mil Snop on .110 ll'ii fc" -J
rlO cngngo in the sale of some of the host nnd Market street, 3d door east of Third St.,
l most elegantly illustrated Works published. 1 opposite tho old Jew store j where ho wuN I IJJ
Our pub! cations are of tho must interesting' constantly on baud a large nssortiiieut
character, a-Japtod to the wnnts of the Farmer, hogony lind Cane lloltom Chairs, and C?'
Mechanic nud Merchant ; they nro published in , Ware of every description, which ho will i'i
the best stylo and bound in the mo iiibslim-' of on as reasonable terms a the same 1
tlnl innnner, nnd nrc worthy a place in tho Li-1 can bn hnd elsewhere In tho county,
brnry of every Hnusohold in tho Land. I His stock of Cabinot Wnro now on hna,
X-r,UTo men of enterprise and industrious hah-1 fists in part of Dressing and, Voinmon ji' ,
i,i. v.....: . n-.. ..!. r t- r. i i-.u-... uiDt,,U. Tesk' '
its, this business offers an opportunity for proit- Sofas, Sewing nnd Washing Stands, Pc'' j,
ablo employment seldom to bo mot with. i Rook Canea, French nnd Field l'ost .'"
"ilVrsons desiring to net n ngonU will ro- Dining, Rreakfast, Centre, Card md I ,
coivo promptly by mail full particulars, terms, bles, Ac. Cnflins uiaiiufacturcd and delivl
rfc, by addressing LEARY. 0ETZ A eo., Tub, any place desired.
No. 224 Xnrth strict. Philadelphia. I February U, 186". no. 4, vol. i-J
Oct 21. 1850 I v. ! ---- - -- - - . TtMtKl
. ... 1 ,f Kll tRS for Medicinal jiuri"'i T',,!
I PKIM K LOT of Fresh Druirs just recetw- M.J
J ed aud otioniJ at IIATSW1CKS. ' llol and
Itll lHIl for Medicinal PrH"'p"T r., ,i
Fort and Sherry Wine, Fecmr W'hijW.
and fiin-at I1AKTS!VIC '