'" 1 1) "t I I !. '.,1 (." I ) tl I ,1 t -.i I .,!'.,, ' i. . i I , f . ii l . I I. ', r ,111, , I . ,l . " , I 1 1 "I III". I .I, , "I . (.HAM) ON.MiM.! i t ' 1 1 I i r " n i i' i ' ' r i I II,.. ' I M i,. ... t ' . ii-'i i i ' I in 1:1 . . . i:. in ' Hi. i, 1 ( I I i ,1, '' f In. If i I. i t i ( il,, I ,, i, , 11 " l' ' 'll III" I',. I ,m I ,v in ! , I I:.. In I M "I l i I' I inn 'ill in. I . r ' ' 0 .. I ...... t I I I I II I ll Ml I I I , I I I I ,','.. I I . I 'I,. I ,1 u . I 'i I l, - llm 'i till. M . . . i t- -i (I,,- .i h;, i, r..i I 1 '' i , I I." II II". Ill III I V 1 1 1 1 I h I , I I I ii ml . i j'i'PI'UY 1 Li t TK'N f I . Inn; ' .' I I I III' ,1 ll,, " II ll. 1,1 I Ii H i ml Mil .III" 1 1m-Nil i..P..i....i. i - - i " .:s ; 'i . i ' ; it ; i id , .... - it I j,iii ,i l, ii i: tm ;i l; i . , lv, 1 la-' j CJ 1 4 1 t; ..,. s ;(7 4 3 1 1 2 ti,;, - 1!'J I" s 2 LVi c inufifM, a.! ::i 12 2 la 4 i ( upicnsi 'ill', 'in 2.1 I j 1 2 1 -i ('nvil.lnll, '.'- I I -M i I. on 'in, ;: 4 27 2a 1 1 an K-iy.'S"!!, " P 4 il a K i,,i;.i,i, i. 5 at 11 1 l,..l.-ti, - - 21 2 S It 8 il i, I.,!, i. iii, 411 i ii aa I'.i i I Hose, n, - 111 22 2.1 .,,,,.n, . 2s la 10 1 2 22 I hnrtliaiis, 1 2S 1 fun. - 2m 1 1 i 4 i a l.uv,re:e. 12it s.i ar.l" lit 2!l Si 4 Lorn'., f cilv, la 21 4 a It .1 J..rri-. - i7 r. :.o SI u 3 1 ,V.tViil,in.'l.,ii, 17 4 III -'I V.-.II. 42 4 1 a 1 2 1 .,!. - . ;.s or ti i i i i I ni, .ii. - II is 1 3 u,,:u.,i. r.i (5 2 wa ti. 1 ' o 1 1 7 a 2 o a JH. HauM, 12 10 2 ' i 'l.ii. low uai If -r !i - - I- V 1 s I I r il la 12 83 SlltltlEK. (.'o.MMl.vSli'NEII. s ' s- V rj i i. 2 2 2. . ' 1 -'- I '-; - I I 't i , H.-IU' is, . .. .. - 2 m J . 'ilr, , ji '..I. ' I '' ')' ; j H l'l 111 l'' ',', ' ei - VI - 21 7 1 htuiViril, . TV l.i Z 1 o ': !',u,k, , I 3 l.ij 0 i lliirii-ide, I I 1 : l',!,.:,i, . f' 2i I I 1 2'.l :- t l,l, . 2 l'.l 1J 8 !rUa,!i.'ld. . 2 a-' 1.". 7 42 2 : Cur . t tei ille, 1 i) Ijl 117 4 i-,,vi:i-'i,n, 'j 21 -.'1 iLvatur, . MJ . U . 1:5 2 2- i ruiu-.'ii, . 2 ii 117 ,5 ;i V 7 . ,'i li l"i ,". lii JiioOieil. . l'i '' 7 is 2 i .raliiuu, "'! I'J I' '' -S l!a-i..ii. . i7 1 22 H 1 ,l.,i,i..n, . 2 2,i IS 4 7 ! Iv.Dihnus, fi 2H ! 2t :i;n.s, . 2 i; :;i l r. y ! vvieii'.e, 1.2 '.U hi 2,i '.'7 27 hi I I , 1 1 , i i' citv, l 2t) 5 l:; I :!.,ui-, , i "'' ii c ji "-' '.N.V.'n-l iiiii'.on, :jd I 1 ' i'l'i, ii, i' 1 :','i z ;('. in l-r.i,.. . . 4 2ii r,;i .12 4 27 Ihi.m, . in f 1 l'J 1 V oodu.'ii ,1. Ii I I l,i f;,,h. (...I,. I,, 2 ' 1 4 :j;.i!i. liuii'.'ei. 2 l'l 2 2 o 1 12 Tola!. T;;i'A'i:. i i.trm;. l'.Atlv T. - :r. j '.,., ...I'.i-i, J'ell. ' 't- r iv,, i,... Ihady, I'u: ii.i.le, Jl 1.. 1 hi ?A 1 14 2 l -n 12 r.i :'.2 12 111 s 5 21 r, is t; 2S 'j f.l C, 11 12 h) J 2:'. 1 1 II 2 2:; r.i oil -14 '.i I Ii S el iti To s ;'. T-i m L'2 1 1" 17 7 l'.tj ill 12 11 ' I, .0-1111, fe-l, :i7 - ( I. ailiehl, -b .",1 7 ; ' niu.'i:sv,l:o. '.I 'J VI .: ( 'oVilllOII, 1.7 ! i'.'c i'ur, '21 lii M ; ivrj'i'on, 1 1 Fi i: ,i;ard, l':i 1 tio-hvn, '-'I !' - t..-.d,ar,i, li; .",' 'Jl il tls'OII, ."oi I .Ionian, i'cl -I Karihans, J O'i 1 Jiu., 'J I l'l S l.i'ivreliei', S'J SS 1-1 .ii!nhcr eitv, 12 S fi ,-Monis, ' 12 S2 S ,'.Vashiii,toii,",il '2 -Venn, ' .I l' i'.u H'ike, Hi -12 21 'Tnion, I I' WodIwhiiI. -I) Wash. Cad. ts, -I 1 12 Jl. hatters, I" c,.", l;: 17 1" .).. i'.S 21 1 7 is I 11 4 L'.l li ) ' 1 122 2H 47 ;.n ii 47 111 s ".I 4 4i 1 o 42 IS i'.l K 24 Ji. ,', 1 I :.2 s 12 12 1 Id II 1 7 1 1 I'.I 2ii I'd 20 l'.l M i- Total, fi CJ 4. X c-; flint. Jiiinos II. Iiirimcr received I:i2"i a...... i. ... I .....,i,,l.l . . . I ,.,!.. .. n.w.l..,., ,-.,,,;i i,.i nns(ii.,'iy--.i'i.v vi j ij l"i'"'i w iv. i.. I.-A.l ll.-,.-r,i l'l. II. I. Il'll' l l,-iv..,.'. C'oronor there heini' no opposition. 5 The News Wo -ie such portion nf 'tlio news that renehes us ns our limit.' ivill t'ormit. 1'roni Western Vii L-inia, m;cord.' ,, tctl.0 Cincinnati l,,.,,rcr, important events HUT ho looked lr, hetweeti tho , 4'nion forces under Uen. Kozeiieratis, mid , t ,n eonieiieraieH unuer u en. i.eo. u :.. ",.l. ..mvlmltv will. ,..,.!. M ii ii in t.iuw i.i w. ...... j ....... tti VH. i i . ' NolhiniT if known positively rcSpoctin8 kv lwi" of 11,0 Co,1,ftH,0.iUos', ,ml U ,rtnin lht they aioailvuncmH their pi, k- ' towards the r0Uuuc,r lh purpoie, wis fiiniioseu. oi uiiihiviiik " luiiuiuiuii 4. - ir. ..,.,..,, i.,nu v crossing .n i iei ..v-n. ,.,., um: kboo nnd tho other below thut city. r hnriiinnre.l riiluuro ol ll ueiui'iiineni f 17(10 tuon belon-ing to (Ion. link's di- .Vision, which rumor coitic-J hy way of Jfk-lHiionil, is not creditoJ. i Kovoral tecent sktrniishns huvo taken ilacp belwoeti tho vckvk Is navigating the J'otomno ft batteries on the irginia ulioro. f It in reported that (leu. Hunks hascvai: , that wo nim hodimrod furthor punish tilted ll ii iier'g l'errv, Ac, and forming a ment, though most justly deserved ; that junction with Gen. MeC'leUtiii's forces. ! Tho Seertdaiy of War ha called unon jliii liovcrnors of tho loyal States to for- Avurd ttoons without dehi. cviilenllv an- 1'ichciiding m ntlack upon Waihiugtun. I V, 1 1 i , 'ii i'ii ! 'I I tl', I . tn, " i ;i, . ' 1 1 1 ' ' "iilil i.i dm (i i .niv I dim I lii ,,iit.'1i ll.nt i '( tm iih' ti : mi, I il li'i li"l) WOul'l llllVl I eel, erltaill. I ll,!1 i"'. Iv , i . I ;,., i, J ( 'hi . T, -rmin iini in ilio iv,y ul (.' I'i'l nti'l IV. I. ;ml i X Si i ;, I' "i't A l,iw "li'iul I ' nil lit oil, i nl tlio iiriv l,ii'. el S.iiith iVI'i. Tiny i niur't I"' i!i--;i'M,inli'.l. 'ln k Tn m i Tl.t- n. rn. s nl'i'.io IVrno rnilii' i':i: ,l';it''i J,n-i'iit'' l (""V tin PliHV.i- 'l i a of iln p'-Mj,!,! nl' i.'it'.irlirl.l iMiin'y, will ! 1.'' I'mi ni I nl our lilii-t l.i'.nl. Wi inivn ni J i'iiomi fir fiiitliiT I'i'iiiai llii-i wiH'k tli;in 4 lo.-:iv (!i:it 1 :.i'y nr all llril -r;ilo ini'ii, ami 1 tvi-ll ili'MTvii::: tlio tnil'1:,. ciililiii'.ciii t Kt.niH4' is n Siumk Tin Vit(lnirj.-li l, -:,it,-l, inKos it us 1 1 1 i l . a coiii.liii)int to Li I'liai i:.',! iviili Abnlitimii.-m, ami n iiuiik, uo aio j;'llin iuUi a iiiiiiifrons niiii'im of llmt class of ,c'lo, now-a-,as." If tlu hl)uitt-h is umlor ll.oiin- (iri'ssioii ivhicli ii apjioatj (. I.o iluii ,' arc Al.oliliiiiii.sl.s wliu tnjiiort tliu ivar, it ,.,,. l ; i , i ,.,,. ; , . i . l,.l III. IIIL-l.tlVI.-. .(HIT AT LvsT,l', J. U,,,.(l I o 11 ' ' si I l U ill tin riiilailoljiliia I 'list I iilii'i but I 1 ili.scljai'j.'eil some tlil'ee years a'O iiinlcr siiki,:cioih circumstances, ami n-ain res- I torcd about one M ar a was Hi-rohteil ho oil lay l y Special Aijri.t How, fui u r i al,.-ti-aclinj: a l iwistci oil (deeny) letter, f.'iilliili.liliil or tiik l.ov T.m. r.v. The hai.ks of I'.oilon, New York mid l'liilidi' hia, have suh.crihed for s.-,ii,(Iiio,iiiiii ' oi'icd I'V the late net of ('oiij.'re.s.s, wiih I , the iinderslinidiii'j that they are to he the y- ! r,i. fii ut , . l ! m i . r,r 1 1... T...i,u..i.ii i i .. - I . , , , J ? I I'.V '" .'ovenimont. I . .. 5 1'xi'i.vnm io.-,1. ('. Uri'tiner, Ms,., V. l jM. of Mi.ni--i.ial,, called lii.on us on Moll - 47',livlw! 'ii,,' i,o 1 . .1 , ... I ' v" , lllcllt II Week, in icfereii,'.. In l.i ie. i ,. , . , , ,i v - i r ... ,Usal 10 ilclivcr tlio CW ovk It u ";, Jois fnlso in every oarticnlar. ' - ... Ii nl',,.1- ii- , i, . i :. ""Slioillv after hreak last l he entire I'.tmi Iv. I nl.s correction, us Air. Ilteiinei was the ;w ,' ;,, ,,e i ,. i-;v ..,, i j ....,", last man we wonl 1 suspect of disregarding ;ld H i! ii e. uil ,. Irish si. va.ii gi.I, nai V rrV.XtlUM CI.KAlTl'IKI.l) 11 1 1' I, KS : i ""i'h.'i" w hor'.'i'' ha- a'l'va'v's.'li.'nl tn.'in 1I1.'' 1 ..n his duty ill so 1 .lain il ease. I n justice to , t alien sum only and a I rt:inly ill : 11 phy- j Y.111 arc ..r.loi.'.l to moot at Ml. .I..y S. In.i.I siiintiun .,f th,, Initj.l Seu.-s. as iiit-rirt-l l.y hi 111 we .t.ivo I. i tn the na 1110 of our ill (or - ' w,,s 11 ' olll'0 sen t for, lllld he a ll 11, ill n - II..11..0 .,11 Sa inr, I ay the 2 IIh inst , at III ,i'il',.k, its initlmrizo,! o,,,n,i,l, iho Sni'ioin,' ('.nirl. iml -..i.'int. 1 lad wc even s i ! - j : , 'ted ihatlheri 1 ""jhad iH'i ii pieiiolii ierso!ial dillii'iillii s 1 ;',(, IicIm ecu t I.o j.-.trlies, wy would have lirst made .-otnc iuvr-tiatioii ; lmt from cm ; 1 ' , i i til 1 esliination of our ii foi inant's char- "-'acter, we w(,nld have I'h'i'ed thosamo re-' ' i - , lianee ti j. .on his slaleiiient, under the' I 'same circtiiiii.tiiiii."', had it heen made in! 1 1 1 MiUTome lo anv other man. Oic'.siovAi.. - I onicv, in a liit 2 Iclter lo'.'U.. I 01'IICV Ilia l;it 2 IcllO!' I"i om Wu h';ii''ton lo hii JW.i; attempts (,, perpetrale, wlial he siippo.-o.s lo he n i-lan- der njion the II, mi. t.'harlcs .) . I'.iiilkiier laic iniii is I ii' lo Fi-inee, w ho was iiiiet ted rm his i el in ii honie, l,y order n! the Ad- mini.'.i itaui it w asiiinien, in wl,n::i I L-I.i-.fs Mr. I'.u lkner a1: I "An ari.t,,, nil i.f Iho nest ,.11'oh.. ivc typo, lio . ' w as i . a, ly to iis-iin." any 'Inoti ili" I" o'-uro pla.-o, mill ni. 1 ro in a l.'nt' r nssnilniit i.l ilio I'ciii'.oriilio i nrlv, ho Loo, .in,; Ilio. very slavo i.l tin.' .las ill,, I Illlt.t'.'l s, w ho ilo-pi.-o l him, an, I wiioin no in - Irn l.iii afloiti'.l to ili-pisii." Mr Faulkner vas an old .me i lug tinlil .'ii .au.i o. " ,.v.i.. .- KllOT-,)th;iK'lsm ilr.ive lillll, IlKO HUH- IdieiL of other i.-OOd llicn, into I he I'ClllO rialie Kirlv. 1'V suhsi itnl in it.., ,.. 2'o-(iiei ly and t iidd inj;s, lor lliose ofMa-oii ,', anil Ihinlel , in the exltact fiiiiil "oei ;i " sioital" kc arecnahled to see the Photo l i ' prnph of d, ho W. Forney taken in his ' o v-1 1 let s'vle. He has ever I, con "rcadv 1 1 a-siir.-.e any iloe'.rinc to seem e place," ar.d ns-nu.e even tin, doelrine, and he t lie "Slave" of those whom ho had assail ed (lie lno-t hitleilr hn ear--, Conslimtly ;i j ' w m iii ni; ids eoiiiiti ynien against the wiles of Aholilionisiii -.hi) very men with whom 1 he now ac'.s, and d ies their dirty work. ' 1 1", itmler the circumstances, Mr. For " n py fun justify his tre.iehcry lo lliu I'om o oeratie party and his coui'.li y, we may yet Ti expect lo .-co an attempt made filso tojuss - tify the conduct ol I',eiicdii l Arnold, und ' liw i-oniiii i l.ti-s. diiiio" one lipviilulion. la , 1! By the Ii csident of the United States, A 1 l'.l i I, A M ATHlN I WiiF.nt.As, A joint committee ofholh : Houses of Conorcsi has wailed on the . I'teMilenl ol tin I niteil ,iates, nntl 10 ii".-ted him to lTi ommeii'l n day ol pnh . ' lie humiliation, prayer nnd fastii'j.', to he , . . . - , . i',.:,-. OOSI I V I, I i' ine j'c.'.ie: ... i.iu in in, i foe1 MhU'h wiih religious solemriiies, and the ollei ina of (Vi veiil Mipplica' ions to Al. iniuhtv liod for the rally and welliim of these States, his hlessine. on their arms nnd ft speedy restoration to pence ; ami nheipus, it is lit and heconiiti'Z in nil jico- pie, nt ..11 lin.ei to nt-knon ledge and re- veto Hie Supreme (iovei nment of (iod. to how in liumhlo f iihinission to llnchas- in ' iimnioiiis. io eoniess anil ueoiore men -shim n,..l !., il. lull mnniclinn ...i.i iiiii,.-uc.',.-. , ,v llmt the lenr of the L,m U tl.n Logining of 'knn, nnd to pray will, all let ve.u-y nn.l contrition lor tho pardon of their psi ollenee.s, ami for blessing upon their iirosenv nun iirospei'iivu iicuons ; .-ui'i I .. I.l 1 ( n ih-iito, iviien oui neiov en enuiiiiy , uiu e, i l.y tho blossiin; of fio,l united. iTosiioroua and hnrnv. in now n 1 letod wit Ii Inetions nnd eivil wnr, it is peetilinrly fit for us to reeogni.o the hun.l of Hod in this visits- , lion, and, in sorrowfal rctnomhrance orour own limits and eumes, as a liatisn nnd as individual, to humble, ourselves before 1 1 nil nut to prny lor 11 is mercy ; to pray our arms may bo blessed nnd made effect- ttal Tor ro establishment of law, order and peace throughout our country, and that the inestimable boon of civil and religious liberty, e.u iicd under Hin guiJanco and ill)! HI' I 1 "ll: I! l'l :. I (',' , l i'( ll." I nil ,, in I I I - n 1 1 . i ' I I r, mi 1,1 I "i I In1 ,i- l' Mid i I " i inll y m ", fnini-li-m in,, I H tr i,ii h i , ) if.' Ii HI . nl nil 'I' linliiilnil iiii", , "ill Iu'!ls (, III I 4, I t fil ... i ii in I, i i , t lin t ilnv in ,i,i , mu In I In ir MM'i nl ciiiih n, , ,i,,p, ,,( n, ,.,),,,, , lm,ilitv itii'l w ith nil iihejnin iniiil.y, l'i Hi'1 i ml Unit (in. tmil I iii, r cf 1 1 1 n.iii'Hi IliaV a' ''I'Mil ,l till' I'l in;: il.i I, l.'ii! iiii I h r, mi i, f 1,1.1.'' n 1 1 I I l.'-MtlM III, "II IMII ii ii i ,'unirv. I ii tost iiinm v iv 1 1 . 'i i of, A .'. ' AH!! 1I.M LINCOLN. I'y tin rio-i,l. t.l, Win. II. Skh hh, Si'i'i'dni-v of ,';!:lti. Soinnus Li iTrii.- Tin follint -1 i -jt or i1 T In-- Im'oii mail.' I'V tin l'oft ' Ml'ii'i I'o- j:i r Inu nl, for tlio o.. rii'i.m of '.lie lio.v law icsi('i tin;; nil lici..' lotti'14 : 1'iih liiinslors at it in ur iiny c imp or j.nint oi'i'iiiii'il l.y ll.c I'liitcl Slatos lor its, '". ill liiail, witliout ,iOiayini'iit of l'os. laL'f. iinv lottiT written ,v ii sol.lior in II I scrvioool llic I Ultcil Mules, nml ri'l tllii'il to I. mii oil liv t In Ma jor of Ac' i Ma jor of the loi-iiiion't to which tlio ivnlcr 'is u(. taolio.l. Tin cnvcloiioslionlil loivo nlnin- ly staniioil oi writ leu on Its tm'i I lie cert i- lioato ''.V.. ,. ';',,( .v." signed in ivriliny; I'V 1 1 1 o Major or Anting Major of tlio rc.'i- , . .... I . .. -1 . . .. ........ .. llll'IH, lli'scnoill (I His l I'lllioill l.y lisnillll- l.crnii, ,1 its Slalo. Tlio iio.-lao !tio on sl"''1 s "'ill I"! enlli'ctoil at tlio ollioo in ni'iivi'iv. ( '.il":iiiissoiio,l oHioi'is I'l'i'i.av t'ipir oiikI- nj. a heretofore. ' J'ostniasters w ill take noti.'e that all pro- !'ili'' li'Hi'f t' soihliers in ny l'C''iiii"lit in i no sort ice oi mo i mien Elates, ana directed to them nl a jioint where tiiey . ... , i ,. ... ... i 'l!ive istnt iniiful, may ho I'm warded iwhenevor inaclieahle to anv other tioi::t 1 mi ulii.-l. llu.L' lien l.rii-o l.een nl', I ere. 1 f wi(ll our Lu ther charfo tl.eiCJii for for- John A. Kassox. 1'irst Assi'tant '. M.iiotieral. ! v w...,. i-u . i ... i1.,,.,,,.. v.. ' i . "... , ''. '' ; ' " '.i.i ... ! 'v; " 1 ( h '' '?''-' 'e M. i Louis Moinoeral ol Monday sav : ' Tne niemhirs oI'iIki familv of Cai'tain' ' (a "'i-H known steim.hoat cai'tain) 1 Iwhose residel.ee is at the c: Mifl "of Tenth' ni. l W...I, s:,-. ,es l,.,,l n ...,, ,'.1tv e.,.i.r, , ; i. ., 1 . . 1 I 'll 1 S ' I' V III I K' I f llll4Hllllilll.nl ,i J , ,' . 'l""-- ol ft l.u hum.' ol arsenic hnvir-: hcvll ail- j n.ini-lered lo them in their eoliee at lireak- la.-t. 1 no cnoi.iiii--iailce-i ;i,'0 lis loiui'vs; itin of Mrs. Pix, two hoys, ( ino.-o I lia L I lll'V lll.i l oet'll i' Ion ci 1. .1 n 1 U vesi l- atioii was tlien instituted, and u lai L'e dose arsenic was louinl 111 1 i,,,,.,,!' ; Susj.i- ci'in al once settled upon ,1 in. uro man ser- vant ahoul 1,(1 veins oi l, lieloii':iii'' tot 'ant. ' . II I I I : ... .. 1 . . , ' J 'ix. lie ini'i 'iisajiiieareii mine mean- 1 lime, hut was linallv discovered secreted I , ,. , . ,. , 11 1111 oiunouse iiiacneu 10 ine prci ces 01 I., Mr l.i.vi. ,vl, ,e.i,l..Si I w. v i... , . !. v ' " ''" land l.r ivhom lie funnily worked. He was laKin iniocusioiiy mil iockcu up in l the ealiii.oo.se. Jty means ol iiromtit and of prompt and I : . - . i . ' 1 '"ii'ieiu lueuicai iiinttio lives oi t iioicieoi uieiinai nniuio lives m inosii r.oisonei ll oi l n acei levomt i unwr. I 4....... o- Hem y Spiickinaii, a nii'inher of the Washington Cadets, did at 1 lani.-lniri; i last Saturd y week, after their return fi om Western Yiryinia. Mfb rjbnlbniicnts. General Election Prociamation. WlioreiH, I'V nil net "f the (ionoral Assoinhlv of tne i oiuni'ii. , i . ,,.,, ,.,.i, o..u.,o'i an ,a, l tu r-j.-iil.itP Iho (joiH i al l'.leelin within this l.iiiiinoiiwonno, n . unjoiiioii on in- .-norms ,,i ,l,eFevo,alo.,ini.iesoKivo,l,!i,'.."lioo.,l'Fel. election, the pliicc whore to 1,0 ho d im.l , Iho of- '.''.-'rr '.' "'S",.V::' ' 1 ''" '"'.-" ' . ' . . . . ;. if, In I., ll,- lileol-rs nf Iho county of Clear- old, that n liliNKl Ah I'd, IX' l'l I IN wil! bohild (, I, tllO llitt't ll.," " llili.lur lir.it (I. elll" , , , ., ,i , , .i i the laninil on v id Iho iin.iil i.) at the several o- , . -i . . . i i . o, 'lio n ' 1- ', ids in said enmity, at wlncli liino , , .... , , -n , ". i .... i - ,., ...r. .1 1 ...' l.'ll. 1 M. I.. I.. .1... I 0 ll'l'l. ., one. (""., i.-ii, ,',u,,., ... uie , ,, ... .: .1.:. .. Iloliso l,l I.i prosoiuaiii o ui nns i.iiuiuoii- i""n. I'u, Two I'lTioii for the ofl;ooe nf Ass.n iate lu.ljri's of t leiuliold cninity. For One person lor the ollioo ol 'Sheriff of Clear - hold county. l',,r Om' I'i'i'-on lor the ofiioo of llislriet Attorney of Clearfield county. l'or lino per.-iui for the utr.ce tf t oininissinner of Clearfield county. For One person for the office ofTrciisiircr of Clear- i'iel.1 county. l'or One person for the tfiieo of Auditor or Clear- lield county. l orui.e porson lor me oi.ieo o. Lorouer o. viohi field county. The electors of tlio county of Clearfield will, lake notice that the said lieneral Kleetion will be bold nt the follow injt idiioes : I ' At the bouse of Sanurl Al. Smilli fur lloe-1 curia township. i At the house of Asoph lilli. fur Hell t n s.. i . I A t the bouse of Jmues lilo.uu. Sr., for the tow u thip of l'looin. At the Iioiife ol I'.dwnrd Albert for tlio town-i-hip of Iioj.'j;s. At l'il. boii-e of Win. Hoover fur the tuwii.-hip. ol Dru.llunl At the public house of It W. .Moore, for Brady township. At the house of Juhn Vouiio; for the town.liip of l'.urnsidc. a , ,i,n ...i,,...i I, r.,,.. e: ., ti ...i i .. f,,r the tow nship of Ch-.-t. At the Court House for the l!orou,di of Clenr- field. At the house of Jneob Mini er for tlio township off'oiivi.''v"' . ... (,JH !f curim"viUo',C Uww'lt-t"T 1'0f- ' Xt Cetitre school house for the towm-hip ofDe- (..Ullri ' .hit. r Vrn...n. a t i .a n.nsn .,i i ...iioih ii. I'nvi. ..r i ,., i,,., n r,. n , A. the l,u..o of Juhu I. llumly for tho town-; '''"f,''""' . , . ,,,.., ! otBni" 1 f r 11,0 '"""'"'"l'., A ,e lttWie fcM Loufc r tb. towu.hii. of i:. ,n , .... , , ..... ,. , ji ino jiouto oi jacon iiunier lor 1110 low Ennp of (inilnim. Al 1110 joiiooi nuuse in Janesviiio lor ino town- ' !"l't'1'- i(''!n ibon for the townnhip ." Ma'thooi hou0 in AnmnvUlo for tho luwn- I si,ip f ,jr,i..,n. At the houM of Jl. D.llull 1 Co., for thet.mn- ship of hiirthmia. At the Turkey Hill school houe for tho town- ship of Knox. ... - At iVn r.o.rl 11,.,,.. In tl.n l.,,r,o,,.l, T P ten r H l .1 c.l 6 lurjjiini.iieoi..ivi.-i.... Ai n,. ...1.....I 1 r, il, l..,r,.l. of Lumber Cilv. . ...... Ai il,., h,,.. r,..-,..i-iv i,u n ,. ,. ler, for Morri towuhi . r l ' , ,,, I, ,lt m I. . ... i M. f -, ,, ,. , I,, 1 1 ll.- I I ll. H , ! , ,, , (I., ., I in, P. i i 'i M ii I" '"" f .1 I ii W ,,,, , , I i 1 1 ' n iii iii in ,l,,, , I A ,., I,... I, Mint i; i 1 1 n mi ii till I A I li i ti'l I....- i ., . . i .1, ,. . - , i n , ! ,, i in . i' .i . II, ,' I', I : U I, '.I. I ,M , 0 , , ,) III. I' I , I ll I' I , I', I' I I I," .;. 1 , i J I,,, I ,, , , S' it" ,-r l ll Sim,., , r ,. M., i, I-I 'li-'ii-1. " a .:..i..n. I . i , l! i " 1 , ii miI-i.i in,!,!,. , , , , , ,1 ., , i. n h , i l,l, I .,,,i l,,v, 1 ,),. . il.,, '. I ,'!," "I Jll'l'.-llll 1 ' )' Ll I , III i- I ll- ,, .1 1 1," I ml. il Mi, in, (,r .m, v i ii v ). i,. i.,l, .inn ii ni ii,-i. ii, .ii I'voiv nii'inl,,'! ,, i ,,i,ir,.- i, mi. I il,,, i ,., I. n , I ii iii" ,L iiii. i,.'i;i,iii,r,.. i,r i,f iii.' I. ,in in , n n ., ,,.'l c.iiii.'il , I tn, i iiv. i.i r,,inini--i,,ii, i ,, .ii v ni, ,,i ,,iai, ,i in in, , I,,,, ,y . iiii i,:iI,!,. ,, ,,, .Iiii,: ur PV'lri-ih;:, nt i .ni,,,. hill,', tin. lii,',' nr ii,i.,hilin,'iil .,f .linl ro, lii.i..H,r, ..r rlmk .,f , liny cli i lii'ii "f llii- ri'iiiinniiwi iillli ; nli.l llml ii.i 1 in-,i','i,.r. jii.l'", ..r i.lli.'i- i.H.i'.t i.l' imy nu ll r ( li'.'liHii. -hull In. I'liil.lc ,, nny tl, . i .il. il Inr. Ami tin' li.'liini ,linli. nl il',,, !,, ,,Tiivi. ,. Irii'ln nfiirKiiiil nio r..,ii. n 1 1. t.i un-cl nl tin- t'.nnl linns,., in tin. ,,r,.ii;. ,,r (',,,irlii,,, i.n III.. '.. ',..',,,., n .M nl'ti'i- th.. Mii'l i...'.iiiil Tiii'mlur nl 1 1.' t.iln r, lin n mill (I, do ,1 limn, H,iiiKh n.,.iiii,l i.f t It iiii I'V law. j t.l l .y mi. Iit my liiiinl ami snil, :it t'li-iu liiM, : tliis 21"! .lay l Aniut, in tin. your nl our l.in ,1 'iu t li.nt-ii tul I'i-la liuii,lr.,l nn.l mm y-mi'1, nn.l "' llii' Iinl'Ti'ii'l' ia i.' f tlio l iiit.-.l Srn ton IIh' "'S'" ,ll,,, (i- M I l.l.i: It, -In'i ill. DMl Ms lit A'I'oit'S o 1 1( i:. Kctii'is j A.liniiii.-ir.ilii.n linvinj; li.'cn lliin tlu v i:nini.,l t tlio iiii.l.'riirii.'il mi tin r.suto i.l ... ... I,,VI.- . . . . I" """"I,..1 i"i.ir.i. no,- .,. . . NION town- '"'I'. rti I.i i-ouiity, .li'i'.'a-,"!, n II pei snim in- ili'lil.'.l I,, si. iii I'Miiii. arc i'i',iii'ti',l In in ii k o hn iii. '.Mat.' p.'i vniri, I . iin,l tlni.ic Inn iiii'liiims iirniii.t llii. Minii. ill I'l i'senl lli.'iii il.il v ,'inlli, nli, i.l, '4 for K'tii.'iii.iii. j;i.iAiii;'ni hu.m;v. An-. I... ISO I 111. il Ailni'ix. ST 1 1 VV ('()', Ciiini' In th,, iri.ini.in lio siilisi riliiT in l'lKK Tp. aliniit tin. 2Si n' i .i,. I.,., i.,r ... I',.. I f. vi.;,.. o I I ... 1 " T',c: .,.,, , ri, ,.,,! ,() 'r()I"10 fr. niiril iinivu iiroinTty, my tlio iii'i'rsiirv ehar ami lake her mviiy, nllirr i.-o tali will Im ,li.-,iu f.l .m tin1 law iliri'fl.s. l'ilte li. An,;. 2I..I, HI. T110.S. HI.nO.M. CVKKMl'.) liuwi:. .1 1 STICK or TIIK Pkait.. I'nr Dia An n Tnwiirliii. will tirominlv alli'inl In nil luisiness mil rnsli-il In UU I1'. u. A.I Ires, l'liili,.,l,urg I'a. An ". 21st Imh " - I l)HMTKAT(lfS XOTIC I'.. Xmi.e '. !s 1"'ri;l,.v 'v"" ll"'t l-tT.-of A J mi n i.-t rn - ' Kr:"'"" "'l"u u 1. . I e r s . -1 , e , i on ' "f Mii-nm 3 n 1 11 -..n. Iiiti i.f l'il .. . . ... t"w iisliip ,l,.,-,.'a.so,. All (..'i-f, ins imli'bl,'l to s;u,l estate nr.- i-o. i f ..1 to maki mytH.-nt w iih.mt il... lay, n-i J ilms,. Iiavinj; cluiins nnin-t tin- cinno " 111 I'lt'seni uieai uuiy iiumioiiii.'iiii'.i inr ci'iiic- An,;. 1 I. JOHN Ii, C l: 1! ISDN, A I in i :i i s I i .i 1 1 jr. in miiii,,,. 1 ,, ,n,i, ,uu. .. 1 . 1 ,..,, is ...... 1 ril-'''- ,!v "r'l r' J. 1'. liUTK, U. S. 1 -' rilllK (.' I.I'.AI! l'l l'.l. I) AC.IIH'.MY, wil L "'iio,l I'.r tlio ri".-.',ti.ni i.f .iiiils I ,!, t.S ,1,1 I, Ml. a ,', III. .11 .,11, 1 ll V . .v. .1,1. '.111. S , 1 . , , . . . ' . , k ,"'",'" !'r I""';1"" 'i ''''.v'" '','l'. (IrtllHLM'al.llV, lioiellll!;, IllltlllS. I I I lll'iry . ... ,., , a... i-i -,n I ,!! 1 1 !. . . : . i- .. i. I.'i... 11 lMlor .11 llllllU'UO, I. . ,0, ,. , ra,ln- .,.,,1 Hist,,, v. ?:i.oi i ra, ..o.nnoiry, iM.iura. r, ,-,,,, on.i noun hooping ': ' . "ni1 , uk -,,ll1!! I.:. I in nn.l ' I rock i .lo ,,n . l.lli.i:,,.,' .'. " '" T Mii'lotits .lofiron-. nf aoiiiirin:' a !li.,r..iii-l. i .. . . t l.iiiisn j.tuioainin, inniwn,. i i, .i.u.nii tlii'iiisalvci. fur toaohor., this Institution olVoi. ilosirnl'U' ii'lviiiita:o.s. No pupil rvoivi'il for loss than half a ...i.ni, an,! i.o do.lui.ti. a ma'lo ox.'.'pt for rot rin-li ,1 siok r.oss. Tuition to 1 o paH at ll:, close of the term, f. Ii. .S.NIl'i)IM, riiiMir.M. Aus 7, 1 si; I.- iv. C.irri().--AI.I, porsons aro hereby eau ti',n,"l against h iili'.rin, liirin.L ..r Iru-liiif; my full JOHN, on my account, ns 1 iiKiiloter- inincl to pay no debts of bin ooatriotiiig a I: or . : a.., , SOLOMON II A .M M KUSI, A I'll II. , Ueeniui-tw n.-hii,. .Inlv L".l. 1 Mil. -- j Dissolution Of Partno ship. -OTICK isheiehv civ.-n. Unit the i.artnersliii, , 1 a!,, v ovist ni' .oliveen .siiiniii.rtio d .-'a nnd liilward Flo al, i, I' I'eniiville. in Iho IJIn. U - t : .. .. I : . . I i 1. .. I .. .1 . .. .1 . in i ,, "I J ill V last, I'V niuliial ri'ii.-oi I. All doM." niv- . . . . , . . , ,, , in; to said pin In rship are to ho re-oivrd l,v s: id . , " ,. , . ... , , ,, , , , ,, Siiuimor he d r loal, and nil , oinaiiils aj;a,ii-t the enlod to him I', r p'lvineiit. 'I'ho 1, nsines will lo oiintiniied l,v Saninierliohl r, , , I I ... 1 I li'.'al. al the old slainl. - .. .. .. ., .. ,. . ,,. i-1 i, i i i ! ')VI!i FIl'liM, ' ,' ' ' ( . y s I'l'.H 'S ( (l'l C i '.. Notice, is here- I J , l.y 'iveil that (ho tolbm in;; iioeoiinpi have ln,.in 'X;nninoil mid p issed by me. nii'l remain ' fdod of rocrd in ibis ollioo f'T lli. iii.'pooli.ni of ,eir., loFteos, cridiloisaind nil others in any nlhcr wiiv interested, ninl will bo presented to 1(, Iiex t "trilm ii' t'ont of Clearfield county, lo ,p held nt ti e Cm t House, in the horou-h of , (-,.nrll,.,. cuuncii-inj.' on tlu -llh .Monday of Sept., ism, for ciiliriniilion and ullowaiiee : ! i:iivai;ii l'MiiiAi,. . Penn toiviisbip, An;,'. I. ISl',1. It. - ri....hr,v T.ileand William Pow- til. Ailiniiii.-lnitors of nil nnd nnj.'nl.ir tin- goods nn.l elu Is, rights nnd credils, w Inch wore nf Samuel Tat-, late of Lnwroiioe !'.., Clem field county, deceased. ' T.ie final iiee.'Unl. of Win. Feutli, lv'. , one of Iho Kxeoiitoid of Iho last will nn.l Testament of Thoimis Wilson late id Chest township ClearfieU eouiitv. deceiisO'l The final noo, unit "f W in. Ilex, surviving Aiiuni trnlor of l!ie lC.-late ol Hielian) Curry, senior, late of l'iko township, .'leiu liold county l'a , (loci'iised. JAMKS WKI'ihKV. August U. I1"1'!. It.-i.-ter. 4 I DITOIt'S NOTICE. The unileisiiied. mi Auditor nppnintpil tn distribute money in the hands of the Administrators d the estate of A. IJ. I'alo: late of l'iko township, deceased, jrivo noli, e that he w ill attend to the nunc nt his off...,, in llie horn iij:Ii ol Clonrlie.d, on Satur dav Ih" I'lli 'biy of Aujrusl next. W.M. M. McCLLhOrilll, July ill, 1 S f. I . Auditor I M:VEK FIiKGAIi, .1 us! ice of llie jiacc ' ... .- , , , .-, , .. ... I J.iil liorsi.urjr, I Jcnrue 1,1 i. o, i , ., , i, r. nn i.l v to li '1 on in i'. s c nt ru sie.i I o n is ' r'""1 " "'' Ai:ril .,, - .. ,-v .,..' ... .IITII, . II KN k W IIII Kll KA l, . Tl K ' ', k.on.Vnion tn.. will intend " . . ,. i .. . i ... i.:. 1 ' mill i '" "-'' ' - Sppt " sr,n ly I . LL'"! 1) A M L t it M I ) I. A I'l-.lt. DANlKIi (iODULANDKK. Jl. Ill oi mo pence l.uthersbiirp, Clciirfiold Co. Pn., will attend I'romptly lo nil biisincit. entrusted to hii. cure. March 2S, lS(ill.-ly. ,.. .- - - - - - I) W. H.K, Justice of tho IWc, will utlon i.roni'ov iii v-.iiit.ciioiit. nun inner miiuor 1. . .,, .- .... .. n in hi- cliuriro. Address Kersev. Klk to.. IV . .. -. - - ' Oct.aaiMill.ly. 1 TTI'.NTIOX .Tim Iiir.i,lli. C, n. i.iiiiv xill TTI'.NTIOX .Tbn I..r...lli. rn,i....,v ,.ill . ; ----- A met llic house of I, Osden fr drill on the lith. Kvery member is iein-r.tfd to bo pre sent, . r : ... . ,, i . ns misiuesi oi lininirinucc win no iru nsucieu. .... .... ..r .i. .. i i. .i .... iy order of tbe Cupt., J.l . ,M., V. 6. m; si i in: i i: n r , Ma (JOODS!! ( in nl linlni rim I-- In 1'iin li.i-i'i A II. W. SMITH & (JO'S.- 1 om: imjk i:, cmi stout. S tn it i'n Corner, lelow Jui!(jr Lt-onuiil s i i, ,,,.. ii.--.ii i 1 1 ni i.r g..i .1 ll.i' llii.,'.-, cin-i-li,. .. I 1'liliH, I.i... I,.-, I i :it.,,..-, iplill-, I '. : 1 1 ,',;, -. I'll . .1., I'.ll 1 1 in,; I, a in-,. ,M ,i-',',im, ( 1 1 i - U -, Skirls, Il.i.., .skill-, II ,,,. .-l,irl-, I'lvn.'li Silk M.vililla,, V. S. M. J'lavi'llhi iii-!i'i'., ;,ilni,,n,.-. Il.ii'iy, Ilr, (iir,l, lilnrlt liiiliiriii,., TriiniiiinH. Ti'iiniiiiti', "I" i-i ti i i i - -. 1'in,' lilu.'k llr .n.l t'l.iili, Cii.Vniii.rt'-. Z,.,iyi'.". .I'plivrs, ,.liyi's, Sliiikni', Sliaki'ri, Sauk,'!'-. Sugars, Cll'.'i', I'i'iis, S'i. '..-. Sails, S... las, M,i,'k.'r..'l, M.i.'UivI, Ala.'k.T.'l, Iti ',', Ilii,;.,.s, (.hHViiMViiro, (ti, ii. i' ns war,, limits .1- Slims. II ,ts ,t SIi;.s, Wall Pop r. Wall I'j.-.or. '('iii'j'i'liiiK, C.ii'ii, iin0-, Cinjii'liii. l'la;;s, I'l:,-S St.iiiunary, Siatiunary, ninl all nr i.'li's iiMi.illy, k.',l in a I'iMiiili-y nl iiv. will l,o k,',t lii'i',1, as als, i in. my ic.t n-,ia!!y 1. ,';,!. lmt in ii li lar.li.l, nt ;r, ::tly n.linul rir,s. Ami wc IVi'l oiil'iik'tii thai, all who will miko trial inehasi, will linil il to thi'ir :i'lviinl:i.;o I,, I'liiitiint,' us rust ,tn,'r.-'. A!s,i, a liiniu' l inn, unit of County O.-ilors v,m t - i', in I'.M'liati 'i' f,,r ;'n,i,l-, .Inlv II'. lsi',1. if. The t hoajiest Wctkli Taper I'rinlfd iUf. ?I1aI'Iii TH-mi nnU V. 1.11 Vllllllll Ji.lll .'iiUUIt- mm n r.. vine ..ii' ii'i.m-i i' : I lie IT" r.oti'i I in..' 1 i 'Ii i n r.l. u 1. 1 l. V-lanK l,a r r,..,,l i i.l. .lnrin- tlio ,.rsi.il : linanrial a il l,u-iin'.- r..itnui,ni. tn tr. i- tln-ir r'l" 1 n,"-i n,.i i.u i.-i .n.-, ,u ,,i,i,-i . phioo il will in tlio loai h i.f ov.'rv 1 er-.,n wh,, .l.'sir.-s il, will m., I il lr ONI'! lml.l.Ali -r , ,,11 1 i,,.,-;,,.-,. 1 i-- 1 , w , mi' n is.. 11 is ri.-l.t .ml just, i ho r. l'n-al i.f tin l:...iiMi-iiii j nariv m 111,1.10 i.v inai ,.,',.-i,,ii lias 1110 . a loin 1,1 1111 i ni r 11 in i,'? : : in won '' ; .'unliil.'iioo 111 Iho tiunostv nl Iho I i",'lo, liu.i. v ...'I'll ..... ..... V I I.V ,, ,' S ,1 il I I. . 1 I.,... ... I I . 1 j ountiniio in tlio ,ntino, us in iho ,asi. ,. muli ml ( that this is a -..vonmioM nf W II H i'. .1 KN - j .... 1 1 :.,l , ;,: ,,,,.1 1 """ "" I H"KI"" is his l"'"i"'l" "l'1-'. an I that all (111- y i.-v j ...,,,,:, I, ,1 , ., ,, , j V ": 1 " ' ' aiil t , ,o .,. ',,,, ,ll,1,ion ..fih.'se .riii.'i.l... will t'UKSKKVK .TIIK 1' N I UN . unl i. CI V 1 1. WAR will m .i : ..I...1I1..1 ,i j - . , ,',.,,,.,..,, ,,,,, ,.,,i .,1,1. i" u,o mm w hatou'r ahili 1 v w o ni.i v po 1 mi-: i:vi:xi.; '.I )'-ltO()f. "Wo w iii s-'ii.l tin iho war ,,n ih ! l',,ii I V V oonn.- liois: I mi .Mniiilis, for 'I hi',',' Al., nib..-, La Six Miinlh.". fur lino Year, lor It will o.nitaiii I In- lale-l ii, 'u of ,,in tn press eicry nfiorn,, l no I all ;; no il en l, i the b. mr ' : vi:i:kl y i. y-hoow. has all Iho latest T.-l-ni pli i- New-.-, and a.- , reia.rt i,f C.'.llle. 1 1 ,,,, ,.i,,l ..il.er M,,,l.,.is 'nv ,- , Nu Vrk. l'aii,,,.-. Al : ohani, s ami I'.usim ss Men who de.-ir" a pap ' nhothor for .Maike. r, perls r N,-. will liul Hollo Ml lellor lo 111 '.VKiiUI.Y UAV-li'i'iK. i i ;hi lino eo pv per iinnniii 1-'iv Copies Twenty-, me cj ies -1 no ., mi L'l no' I'Airncri.M! .o7i':. lo ivory I o.-lina-er. or anv , t 'i e r per-,u win w ill start a club nt a I'". I,,!);,-,' w bo. o there i- 1 lion,' in w, anl s"ii I us live , I, ,11, ns l,,r Ine -.iov miI.sc iho, s, w o ill send siM I, .".,,v Kr..li,. - , This olTer, howeior, i.-only .:ppli, , lo cliihel live at oaoh oliiee, and hoiiee, I lie lii.-t who send w ill ho entitled to th" -rati-e ,, . After a luh is f,,i mod. or w here ,. club is ail endv I iniied. ad dilioiis can al ay . he made al mie dollar caeb Mib.-eriher. ho Ih. y uno ,,r many. .V.I .1.'.S'.' .Y.4 .1 ,' .' .' Specimen copies will iiliinishe sent free, and n tl U'li'l- "f Iho eau.e w ill i, much l i. am e 'into priie'iples ..,'.. ,. il,. , i nil ...'. .. ,oi. ns well as those of liberal i 1 cl Uopuiiiii ans w no may He w lilin,' t bo. h side, of the .pi. '.-lion. ,M, , I, ey sent is at our risk, if the cxa-t date of fending the lellor is ke t, so that it can be fur nished u.- in -use it does not reach us, Address VAN KVItIK, 1HH I't'.N" A CO. I"". Na-.-aa stre-.t. Now V,.rk. COURT PROCLAMATION. w tiii:i;i;as, n.n. sami ki, i.i nn. Ks.p I'rcsi lcnt Judo of iho I'oitrl of Cumiu.'ii I'leiis ..f Hi.. I.ieniy lillll Judicial Iiislriet, com posed of the c.uuilies "f Clearfield, Centre and Clinton an 1 ll.o lion. Win. 1.. .Moore mi l Hon. lloniainin llon- il, A--oo;a!e .1 n.lcs ,,f Cloai field eoiuiiy ; have i-sin d their pre, opt. lo me diic'. l. e l, for llie holding ,,f n Court of Coininoii I'leas, (i,'ph.,n-sl..url.i..'irl.,l i;uiir..rM"o.'.o,s. i ouri of (Iyer and I - rinin-r, and I inn I ol lienor. il Jail Heli'vory, at Cleailield, in nnd for the ctuity of -I', .1.,'....,,. ,"J:!7 ....,,) , ,V.7.',',...'.,r ,.:, tl' ,1 ,'.,.',',,', f'M tr. ;;. XOTICH IS, therefor... hereby pi rn, to llie Cor. nier. Justices of the I'eneo, -j 1 1 ' 1 Constables. ill imd for said eoni.ly of Cl-nrliold, to up pear in in ei r proper persons, wn li I Heir i, mis, jioe,,r,is. i ,lisi,;,ls, Kxiunirinii,,,,, , l oile r liemoin '"' , . . . , ... i - , , , i .,- UuiuX 1 haK t'ni Z i '!e '"' ,' tllVKN ui.'ler i.'.V hand ..t C!ri.ri',.d.l, thU Mil ' (,a. () in tiM ymfuf m,r ono (lioU! "i"llt i,nM ""! ; VW'.TV e, c, i.,.,,,!..,.,...., ....im. .. . I'rpit "li rnlfrv uriai uibtuurj. I ll r, maun a discovery ot tno iiiiiioi.t mi a r, ,...,.. ... v...,, ..-., ,,. ,,,,-, ne.x. nnil will neml the full piulionhirs conci.niinj,' it " nny 0110 on receipt ol a Hump to pay for re- turn I'ostngc. AJdresii l.Ht. J. II. M 11 1 KM., fi pi 21 ly. Alfred, Miliar. 1 11 1 HIV n..... 1 1. I 1 ' 1 H A II i.ersons ur hi re by cuution A II persons are lu eil nnniii.t pureha-m or 111 any ' ay men- ...I.. . ureha-ini or in any nay uied- .1 111 it u 1 it. 11 1 .11,1 (,' ,.. noi tiling mill, tine KUAN M Wil. 11 ml UH.l. two " v.o.r ,.1.1 KT f !' I: n,l ,.., nv hor-o WAli'l.V 9 v.o.r ,.1.1 KT V V I: sl u n,l Iiv,. hor-0 WAliil.V ... in the ims.-.'siion of.lnhu il!.ier, of H,.idr tp as the mine belong to me, and aie in his k,;- . , tesnon on onn oinv. July 1'lih .ii pd-'Cl. ...... ... . . f' i . 'i.f I. I - r JAC'.'l', MM. ! I I I M IIIIIIHI H , r in t.i 1 1 i , i 'Vl'l'l III ll I, It' lil, III!-. .i r.n ,i v roTir.n. I'i"-I,l.,i ami 'mi ri-ini, .i , i ni ,im il't .ii. I o I..- M: 1 . iii. -1 4 .,- ii.Ii, .. ..f . I, i . I , ..',i i ,,. ,. I ,-i . i o I . 1 1, .. . nr. '.'ii ,il in f ; i .,'.. M i v ... I ' i.l. ,,)Ult PflOPYUM: ?'. WlO.V-XV WvoXNXV W5' .. . . ' - if: 1 ii i in.: :.-( i . siai c have inlr ,,1iiih-.I t, :n. ,i i'ul .v,, I'.' -.- i,.i .,1 I his eoiin .;.., I ',;,,,'. ,.,,.,,,,,, ,f ll., .' Ill,- ',,.'. nr. urn, i tnt itiirt ii i i-ai ; iiiel having r.-, . iv.-, I li.a.i many i-rmn-i-s, l.i.tj, I'r, mi i.Iivsiri.ins ,. l!,i' liit'ln -t stan.linir nn.l I I Imn: ) .ni.'iil il,,' I .Must llatli i iiiji- 'I'l'sliiiiiiiiialsiil i'M i al hIiiq I in ll.,' tr, .ilnii i.t ,it' this ti i ii I u 1 iin l ubsti j n nli ilimiiM'. wo aro in,l'.r,.., tn j,r,.'f.;nl it tn llin I . nl, lio in a lnn 1;K.1V I'll; I MM lJUIATt 1SK, whi.'h v. h 'l " ail! ,-oiiini"ii l i!-i lf 10 t'i,i.- v.ho aro Mi!lii':,' will, thij ;.l!!;, lin,; r.,,url,iini, mi l In lliu lnnli' iil i rai liiiniiiT wliu nay I'oi'l li.-i i.l In l"-t lie., .mors uft'iis Viilu.ii.il loin lily. KI.IXII! l'I',i,rVI,AMlNi:, in tlu l..rm iihuva . , K ii of. has r. .'"lit'y Loon oxli'ii-ivolv oxj 'ri. in, 'iiii , 1 uitli in t!iu PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, onl wiln M Tt K 1 1 SI'i.'r'S (a w ill ai'in'ar fi mil tl i' uihli-ho.I ..i',".ni,t . in tin1 iue,li"al Jour. ! i.als.; I .' '' ll i.. ,u'"r.,li.v I'lii .,) roa.ly f..r iimuuili 'nl.. lei', with lull iliin.ai ni, inul can he I'Ltninet I In, in ail iho . I c 1 1 l; j i .-: s m 7.", ....nt., ,, r l.'.ii,!.., an I 'at whuh'-nl.' if J ; I' 1 . 1 ' K' K A CKi;3!IAi', ! I'rnu'i.-ls ninl Maiit.fai. nil ii ' i. Iioinisl?, , Jiiiu-JC'iilif. Pliila.l.'liliii. 1: w mi u c sto ki; T ho .' Ill.s.'lihoi's nn.v..' i,..' ,,f liKI'r; ',1 n fall ami onni in ilio now hrick ,,i, ,., .-.- rln, i nl I'liil'lin1.' ..f I'r. W N. "ii ih,' or,rn t nl I, mut an 1 Cli-rrv iHri i ts. in tlio l,i,rou,'li nt (."u ni lU'liI, whom liny wilt I,,.' happy la a,.'oanauilato liny . . - . , . . , n- ..... .1, ,,..,,..,', 1, . ,( I,,,,, 1,1 inlr 1 ,1 I In. , ., v . ..v. , ;n , ,.,,r.ih,,., itrh-ilv ,. ;. ..., " ,' "'"I 1 . ?"!')'' ' I will I... ei.i; Ii lied sll'ifliv I'' ll i i.l rn pai ns ii iM l o .-pit rod lo r. 'trior sal i I'aotii.n, I'r. ol. l'o,ii,s. the iuniu, partner, n. ay uliviys As bo I ni, ol an l o ,ii-ulio'l in lliu "Jin ; f in. ,', when lint ahselit i.ll p 1 1 .fes.-i , ,, ;i 1 I .l-ines.s. A .,'pa i al,' r.i'.ni l'-,r ''"li.-ull alt ,u ia a'.,aeh"l to tlio .-loro. w here p;. li.-ui . may !, va.i.i.ie.l (. iiv, .1. Ii ii rery article usually Iniiii'l in ;u. b an .-..tali-li-hinent v. ill ho kept n I, anl, umi ...Kl a I j really ro i jc ,1 priei s. Tkiim- r.i.ci. mi:i. n.i Ci-ii. will oi;,,!,!.' Iliem I.i "Iter mo,,, eiio'i't ' m t a " w :,y ,, ,ricc pi. vMciioi. will I," ni l lied nt .. sauall pel . ni ;i-' in e. v. I ami c.irii.1?. and lln-ir iirdor.i ire .soii.-ii' .l. livery ai li, le -o! 1 u '.li ' o pur.' and if I'll I" -: oli;:'i!v. fohii if ' ' Viio!s X ; Kill' XT. SIEW C00D3 K R A U K E fi' They ha i o j,i ! ree, i i ."1 a .'iHial assort mint nf -prin; and I-iiii.inei- 1 i ; V lli.i'll'S, I'upsi.-liiijj of p.on.:ts. Hir.liON ii a r.. 1' I! I NTS. "'A l'S, 1 I'l'M.'-. W IN F, r.A!.'!:;r.. sai-t. I t'i'l. IN. m I I, S , I'l.HlTIS, I'A INT Tvi:i:ns, i.i:ii, Mi'.iN. iii,'i-i;s I. I MAS. I'.i ii 1 1', i, A I.' If: I'. SIMM-., II I. INI'-'. (ji.M.-i, r, in a ims, rNis vrin-.s, vj-xi.s si iii i:-. N All.s, .notio.NiS, ri.()vi;i,5, II A h' 1 1 W A lii). l'l' I'.hNS V A li K, (i I. Ass 1'iSII, IIACTIN iV I'l.tH'K, All ,,f vihieh will I,, .-old .oi Iho ni,.l i ,,i .iiiiahti, let in s for CASH. ,.r approicd Cuiutrv I'l-udi , c. K i ; a rzi-'i: a. sun. Cleailield Juno II. isiil. NOTICE TO S.CHOOL DIKECTORS AND TEACHERS of lcarfleld County : - I'u!, lie e.vn, lin.iti', ii i,l T, 'a, 'hers will I,,, he, this ,vur as ,,l, w' . ; III,,, .in, l ei u. "ii, I. ami, or City '. IVuo. .-epUm-her llh ,t .'. h, al Lumber I ' i I y .' CiiriveiiM ill , Knox ,1 l'ike. S-pl., i'.-'i ,1- 7tU at Cm ii.'n" illt. ( leaili ld and Law reii,:-) Sept. lib .vllllli, at Charli.'ld. tiir.ud and I. ,,-!., n Sei.i. I Ith anl I .Mi, al lio. hen Seh, . r,, v ; , , ., Ka,-,,a. Sent. I llh .1 Illh , m,. j, ,., j n, '.. ,ir.i' , ,., 'rr:4 ..,.i. I.lil, a i al I, l lh;, I. II, .11. I',. -.'., lie, at, ir and W'.. (.Iwai-'l, Sept. Hlh and Illlli al I'enlre in I. , "llur. lieil. Ibirn-i'le. (.T.c-t and New W:itliiilgt. II, Supt. L' l I and 'Jlth al N"W Wtwhin-lmi. lieeearia, (iiejlieli nnd Jordan, S i -t. 2'itli und :,ui ai . ijii. m i.eecai m. 1 1 .i-t'Oi and 1 o, October l.,t, nt N ". 1. lb , Use in Hi, -to,,. limdy and l'i,i " t. "1 and -lib a! Laile'is bur,-. A I.I. AT '.i .,', look A.M. 1 Curiveiisville, ?! inonlh, I ,li;-ii;i; !',in)iii,. 2 Ith 11,1 l. L.i .Sup't. - j r py Rom : " ( l ty " l K )ti:i Col. A. i'. ti'.VKNS, riioiMiii:ioR, i; 1 1". 1 T 3- ann. iiiic s to Iho ifa. ellinjr .ubli , )(, hnf w ,..,, r ,,, ri;e nnd t,, knywn ,11u.e- allll Mjl .......hic-t it in uch 11 ' number ns will render 01, . II' i,ti n,l'"rt ni.,1 f'T, K.,,j.rU'ti,,n to nil who may I'.ivor hininilli u .11 '.ii7-It . Cllll. i.u.l ij . p iilh'M A J'TZ V I !.''Ii HT lluloa'c ""'I Hi'tail lerrlmiili. Ah "ITIl" v , , .- . T extoo -o deulers in tiu.bm , sit .1 luu., ber and shinj;!",. Al-o, ,1c i.mj in li'iur uu . .....in H hii'll Will l.tl -,,!'! . I, ., n I.r l.-fl b1 1 " , II..I. I I . If. it'. wxcrr.'.