Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 21, 1861, Image 1

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TERMS $1 23 per Annum, if pold in m'.vance
vol XXXII. WIIOI.K NO ir,G7.
CI.KAISI'IKM), 1'A. WKI)MDAV, AI'Ct'.sT j, ,t,;.
,tlctt hix,
ri -" - .: .
(Foiitiik XUl-l'III.ICAN,)
lkilit'titcJ tit thr Junior Jltitor.
iiv mck'ON.
We tinvp tiary llttln clnqi,
About our cidtngo homo ;
But our neihbori liuve them vletity,
And yv love to sue them coam ;
Willi tliuir clmUiy dirty faro,
Ami their miiiii little p.vrx:
With their linger in their uiuulh,
While they nek for oakei auJ pi-"-
V to hour their itorio.
While the othrra are at 1 lay :
f ftho bi-nun'oe llioy have ha I
Jo tlioir own chililinh way.
Wo lov In henr thoir funny ways,
Their frollii'kiiiK mnl k'ooj
Ami llirir merry riii"in liiugliter,
So changeHblD una froo.
W lovo thorn fur llioir innocence
Tlu'ir l)up.inefifl nui mirth ;
The very moil of plemure,
As wo wan ill' r o'r tho earth.
TVy love us for our jolly-cike,
Our pretty pinks, and rosios:
7'lic riiruior for llioir npputitos ;
I'hu Inner for their nones.
t'o, ln'twcn our neighbors children j
AiM mir little lii-ils nf lluwern,
V.'e are pusMnjr very ili-A.saatly,
The swiftly waning hours.
Tl.i) Democrats of Recc'iria township,
uliik- attending the l'i imary Election on
SutiM l:iy tlie '.Uli inst., unanimously adop
il i lie following pioceedings :
llVi.Ti-iM, 1 1 lrm now become a Fettled
fact that the Ikmvcrary only can yuecvn a
Ami HV.ivr., Tlit? unfortunate tlison
suins lately existing in the ranks tit' t lie
Bt'iuocrtilio party dissensions in tlie
Uiiin, we bcl;ov, instrumental in j.hici n
the powers of the government- in the
hinds of an auir.i tiius cJijuc of usnrp
rs, demagogues, nigger-w or.liij i 'pf.-, uud
vyiite 'i'V. kJ. iti s. whose object we bo
lit're to In- to place the negro on tlie level
w kii (he h liite ; and not this alone,
Init r.s fitr icsnible Intvo the Llood of tlie
Ai)('o Suxun llow in tlie of the de
giiii'itvle mid htill'bruteeifatineof Af'rirts.
Ne.w, to iirej':it so grent sin in the
siht of bnili Cioil nnd iiitin, il hceomes nn
uLsohilo iitci'Msity tl'ut the I'.'inocraoy
IjOuM become a unit. To c fleet H bicb,
we belxne i change iB neeessnry in our
IikhIo of noniiruting canflidute3 for the
vatiuub olViees in the jiift of the ieo(.le.
Tlius County Conventions fiimuully will
luing till sections of the jnuty together,
uiul ny dilleieneos or tliflieultios thut limy
exist, may be settled or cxpluined, nnd nn
exj'iession of the views of the entire urly
given through their l'elegattM.
Therefore Jics'd' ol, That the Democraey
of lieiniria township desire the adoption
of tlie Ilelegnte System, instead of the
method now nseil, for the nutuination of
candidates in C!enrfield county.
J.'fUhUfJ, That with unhrckcii front, we,
the Iemocniry of I'eecaria, now come for
ward to wipe oitt the black Main of nigger
woifhip in this towrbhip, to manlnlly
maintain our rights os American citizens,
und to stand with our fellow-democrats as
one of tlie foremost democratic townships
in the county ; nnd for the furtherance
of which Ciljjeet, asking the co operation
of all who love the Union as our father.
made it, severally subscribe our mimes.
Et&ik', That these proceedings
le Ji'.lbiia'.iod in thf ( 'c-irfiM IiepuUictin.
Wm. s. lMckey, vm. n. 1'itKinson,
S. U. llindmnn,
.loepli Hear,
Thomas J. ! oot,
.1. V. lull,
John Sholl',
T. .S. Washburn,
Fredeiiek ShofV,
Christian firoom,
Ihivid Haer,
William I.ightncr,
.T' lii" (iilligan,
I-'rankin ltos,
(i. W. Ctvlwell,
(jcere Uroom.
C. C. Sholl,
John I ightnor,
Win. J. McCoy,
A C. Courtney,
A. J Smith,
For the Republican.
New Mii.i.port, Aug. 10, l'd.
,1r.MM. Editori . 1 1 is now reported in
our villiiero tht thee same God forsaken
lUiTmnsthat visited lirady township had
ir'so intendwd to visit our village nnu deal
with us in the same manner that they in
tended to deal with the people of Brady.
You will tlease, Messrs. Editors, inform
the Blacklegs of Keynoldsville that their
vioit to New llillpoi t will at tiny time be
welcomed by a proper reception for Mich
three-square rebels, who are ill the time
"going nbout like n roaring lion seeking
whonf they might" find to crow over ami
mtisfy their disunion feelings. Should
these Keytioldsvillo blacklegs find their
way to New Millport they will find a great
inany 1'nion mn, with but iiere and thure
nr. Abolitionist. Awaiting the appearance
of the lleynoldsville rutlians, we close.
1'nion Forever.
Bonv ok Cor. Cameron, The correspon
dence between Col. Mc'unn and Col. Sim
hi t, of tho Virginia cavalry, touching the
liody of Col. Camel cn, has been laid before
tho War Department. The identity of the
body, it is said, is established, and the
time of its recovery substantially rests
with tho Secrtary of War.
Ukvrrsf. or Forttne. Wm. II. Randall,
for fourteen years identified with tho his
tory and growth of St. J'aul, Minnesota,
ml atono time owning real estate in and
near tha city valued nt fl.OOO.tWO, died at
t. Paul, on tho 30th ult., ft poor man.
The financial difhcultcs of lt57 wrecked
him biyond recover.
Woman pv a Sk k Max's Coitii. It has
ofien been truly remarked that in sickness
lifro.ii no hand like n woman's hand ; no
heart like a woman's heart ; no eye o un
rin ne hopo no fervent. Woman to a
wdt man's oouch is divinity impoibonutcd.
Official Report of Colonel Hcintzclman.
1Iemmi'.miti ui .'In Iiv. 1 i i-'t N. K. Va., )
Vashim:ton, .luly .'U, SH. )
To (i)t, .. . Fr;i, Afi't AdjuUtnt h'fnri,il :
Sir: In obedience to i uetioiis re
eeived on the "I'lh inst., the division un
(fer my co iinmnd iv.-is underarms, in light
marching order, with two duvs' cooked
intious in their haversacks, mid c.unineu
reil tno innicii at ir.ui past two A. iu. nn
the "Nt, tho brigade of Colonel Franklin
leading, followed by those of Colonols
Wilcox and Hot-aid. At Centrevillo wo '
found the road tilled with troops, and
were detained three hours to nllo'v tho
divisions nt den. Tyler and Col. Hunter to
pass. followed with my division imme
diately in the rear of the latter. i
Between two and three miles beyond
Centreville we loft the Wuireiiton turn
pike, turning into a country road on the
right. Captain Wright accompanied ti e
l ead of Colonel Hunter's eolunn, with
directions to stop nt a road which turned
into the left to a ford across Bull linn,
about half way between tho point w heie
we tinned oil' Irom tho turnpike and Sud
ley's springs, at which latter point Colo-,
nel Hunter's division WHS to cross. No
such road was found to exist, and about
eleven A. M., we found eurselves at Sud
ley's Spiingi, ubout ton miles from Cen
treville, with the brigade of Col. .ltuiter's
division still on our bide of the run. W
foie reaching this point the battle had
commenced. We could see the smoke
rising on our le ft from two points, a mile
or more apart. Two clouIs of dust were
seen, showing the advance of troops fr-jni
the uirec.uin ot Manassas.
At Dudley's pi ings, while ivaiting the
passage of the tioopsof the division in our
front, I ordered loiward the fiist brigade
to till their canteens. Before ibis was ac..
complMied tiie leading regiments of Col.
Hunter':' divi-km became engaged, 'den. '
McDowell, who, accompanied by his staff,
had pas.-ed us a short time before, sent
back Capt. Wricht, of the engineers, and
Major McDowell, one of his aid;, with
orders to tend loiwatd two regiments to
pievcnt the enemy 1'rcm otitllanking them.
Capt. Wright !id lorward tins Minnesota
regiment to the left of the road, which
crossed the run at ibis point. Mij. Mc
Dowell led the F.iventli Massachusetts up
the roi.d- 1 accompanied Ibis regiment,
leaving orders for the remainder to follow
will, the exception ol Arnold's battery,
which, supported by the First Michigan,
was posted n li'llo liclow t lie doming of
the run ns h reserve.
At a little moie than a mile from the
ford we came upon the battle ti Id. Kick
eit's battery was posted on a hill to the
right ol llunter'i division, and to the right
of the road. Alter tiling about twenty
minutes at a battery of the enemy, placed
jutl l.i oik 1 the c:est of a hill, on their
entrance left, the distance being consider
ed too great, it was moved forward to ivith
in about 1.IHHI leet of the enemy's battery.
Here the buttery was exposed to a heavy
fire cf musketry, which soon disabled it.
Franklin's biigade was posted on the right
of a woods, near the centre of our line nnd
on ground rising towitnis the enemy's po
sition. In the meantime I sent orders for tho
Zouaves to i: ove lorward to support Kiek
ett's battery on the right. As soon nsthey
came up, l ied them forward against nn
Alabama regiment, partly conceded in a
clump of small pines in an old lieli. At
t!:c lirsi fire, they broke, anil the greater
poitiou of them lied to rear, keeping a
desultory tire over the heads of their com
rades in' fiont ; at the tame lime they
ivete charged by a company of Secession
cavalry on iheir rear, who came by a road
through two ships of woods on our ex
heme right. The lire of the Zouaves kill
ed lour and wounded one, dispeising
them. The discomfiture of this cavalry
was completed by a lire from Capt. Col
him's compa. y of United Slates cavalry,
which killed and wounded several men.
Col. Fai nham, with wine of his ollicers
and men, behaved gallantly ; but the ro- j
giinent of Zouaves, as a regiment, did not
appear again or. the field. Many of the ,
men joined other regiments, and did good
service as skirmishers. 1
1 then led up the Minnesota regirrent,
which was also repulsed, but retired in
tolerably good order. It did good service
in tho woods on our left Hank, and was
among the last to retire, going oil' the field
with the Thild United Slates Infantry.
Next was led forward the First Michigan. 1
which was also repulsed, and retired in
considerable confusion. They were rid- j
. , i , i i , . i i i . i i .
licit anil neipeo io nom nn: wouus un out
right. The Brooklyn Fourteenth then
appeared on the ground, coming forward
in gallant style. I led thorn forward to
the left, where the Alabama regiment hud
been no-led at the early part of the action,
but had now disappeared, hut soon came (
m sight of the lino ol the enemy draw n
up beyond the clump of trees. Soon al'ler
the firing commenced the regiment broke
nnd tan. I considered it useless to attempt
to rally them. The want of discipline in
the-e regiments was sogrcal that the most
of the men would run Irom fifty lo seven
hundred yards lo the rear ami eoiitmue
to fire foi innately for the bravaoms
very high in the iir, and compelling those
in front to retreat.
Daring this time liiekett's battery had
been taken and retaken three times by us,
but was finally lost, most of the horses
, having been killed. Cant. Hickets beint!
j founded, and Fiist Lieutenant D. llanisey
killed. Lieut, Kirby behaved very gal
lantly, and succeeded in carrying nil one
j caisson. Before this lime heavy reinforce
ment of the enemy were distinctly seen
! approaching by two roads, extending and
' outllanking ns on the right. Col. Stew
f ark's brigade canto on the field at this time,
having been detached by the general as a
reserve at Hi3 point where we left the
turnpike. It toak post on a hill on our
i right and rear, and for some time gallant-
Iv held the enemy in check.
I hud one regiment of eaviilry attached
to my divis;on, w hich win joined during
the engagement by the cavalry cf Celoiel
Stanton's division. Major l'aliiier, who
commanded I hem, w as arxioiis to engage
the enemy. Tho ground being unfavora
ble, I oidered them back out of run go of
fire. Finding it inipcssible to rally any of
tho regiments, we commenced our retreat
about half past four 1'. M. There was a
tine position a short distance in tho rear,
where 1 hoped to make a stand with u
section of Arnold's battery and tho Uni
ted S'.ates cav ilry, if 1 could rally a Jew
regiments of infantry. In this 1 utterly
failed, and we continued our retreat on
the road we had advanced on in the morn.,
I sent forward my stall ollicers lo rally
come troops beyond tlie Hun, but. nt u
eo'npany would form, I stepped Iuick a
few inomeiili at t he hospital to see what
arrangements could be made to save the
wounded. The lew ambulances thai were
there were filled ami Marled to the rear.
The church, w hich was n-cd as a ho-pit.-d,
with the wounded and some et the sur
ceons, soon after fell in to tl e h; and of ! he
cavalry, that followed us closely. A com
pany ol cavali v crossed the rear and seized
nn ambulance full of wounded. Captain
Arnold gave them a couple of rounds of I
'canister" from his section of ailillery,
which sent them scampering itvvav and1
ke; t them at a respectable distance dur
ing the remainder of our retreat.
At this point most of l he stragglers wcie
in advance of us. Having every reason to
tear a vigoi ous pursuit from the enemy's
fresh tro'.-ps, 1 was desirous of forming a'
shong real guard, but neither the ellorls
of the ollieoisof the icgiilar army, nor the
coolness of the regular troop? with re,
could induce them to fo:m a simile com
pany. We relied entirt
(ion on one sjctioii of
companies ol cavaiiy. .hh.; oi tneroau
was favorable for infantry, but unfavora
ble for cavalry und artillery.
About dusk, as V. c approachc! tin,' War
icnto.i turnpike, we heard a lit ing of rillec".
cannon on our right, and learned that the
enemy had established a battery enfilad
ing the road. Captain Arnold, with bis
M-ctioii ol aiti.lcry, attempted to run the
gauntlet and reached the bridge over Cub
run, about two miles from ( eiitrcv ille, but
found it obstructed Willi broken vehicles
and was compelled to abandon tho pieced,
as they were under the lire of thcBe r.lbd
cannon. 1 he cavalry turned lo the left
nnd i,ftor tliKnlylm sfVqw.f voo.l-
and some fields, struck a road which led
them to some camps occupied by our
hoops in the morning, through which we
regained the turnpike. At about H 1'. M.
we regained the camps we had occupied
in the morning, iiao a ongaoe i i mo
reserve advanced a short dis'imce beyond
Centreville, near one-lbi.d of the artillery
hi-t might have been saved, as it was aban
doned nt ur near this crossim.'. Such a
rout I never witnessed before. No efforts
could induce a single regiment to form
alter the retreat had commenced. I
Our artillery was served admirably and
ditl much exceu :ion. Some of the volun
teer reeimeiits behaved very well, nnd.
much excuse can be made for those who
lied, ns lew of (he c ut try could at any iIr, jU; -,. w,i,., K. AMS about to suf
timeboscen. Raw troops cannot be ex ; for . (in,j 1(l ,ie last moment ho showed
pected to stand long against an unseen ,j10 ?!Un(, reticence in this respect as at
enemy. I have been unable to obtain any i ,u, ,ime 0f his sentence. At the conebi-.
repoi t from the Zouaves, as Col. Farnham ,,-, ((f- r,. marks the fatal rope was pla Since the retreat., cc, ai,0t i,js nu.k .and ad except the
more than three foui lbs of the Zouaves , 0riu-and the condemned left the scaf
have disappeared. ) fold. He shook har.ds with them all. and
I beg have lo express my obligations to, wlon Jlr. McAuley was about to leave
the ollicor.' of in stall', viz : Capt. H-s-Liri ho vv li isj cied nniel h ing in hi-- ear,
Wright, Lieut. E S. W. Snyder, Lieut. F. . nlll liirn kisMM( ),),.
N. of the Engineers : Captain, j 'piie noose was fixed, ihe ghastly white
Chauncev Mf Keevor, nsistiint adjutant L , ,..s fan down over I he face of the
general : Lieut
J. J. Sweet, of tiie Second
' . ... . t i . i- - i i r
avalty, and 1. em. l. l- rairianis, oi
the First Michigan, for the able and fear
less pei I'm in.inee of t'.icir duties, and to
recommend them lo your favorable con
sideratirii. Very respect fully,
Col. 17th Infantry, com manding 1st Div
Trace Meetixus. The great number of
neeee meeiines now lufinu held all over
the country are most significant. And
the studied ellorts of tho ultra war journ
alists to suppress all information coneern-
inir them, evinces a wholesome dread of
their influence. Too people are waking
up. The reign of terror no longer awes
thriu into silence. It is becoming very
evident that the voice of the farmers, me
chanics and merchants of the rural dis
tricts is not for a vindictive urali'dition uir.
They have no profits to in. ko from con
tracts with government, and seek no
share in the unclean drippings of public
plunder. These peace meetings are of
course quite alarming lo those who are
accumulating magnificent fortunes as job'
bers, contractors, suttlers and camp fol
lowers. lY.'iee will put an end to tho sel
ling of old vessels, shoddy clothing, woou-en-solcd
shoes, tainted pork, beef, Ac, to
the gov't, at '.), 4 or o times their value.
Then there will be no longer nn inviting
field for agents and middle men, who di
vide the spoils with contr actors ami job
tiers or shave the soldier of a percentage
on their rations and wages. If we have
peaeo, these worn-out party hacki and
soldiers of fortune, who con tin no to put
tht-iusrlvcs prominently forward on every
committee which has tho handling of
large .sums of money, w ill lo-e their gold
en opportunities for amassing fortunes.
Such nay well threaten to (,' those who
fivor peace. For, to them, when war
ceases, "Othello'c occupation's gone."
Cor. .Y. 1'. .nr. C'ihi.
By nn adroit insertion of three lines in
tho bill making appropriations for fortifi
cations, flogging, as a punishment, is abol
ished in the army.
Execution of Thou. J. Armstrong, in
On Monday hist Thomas .1. Arm-lrong,
a young man not twenty one years ol age,
was executed in riiiladolphi i for the pre
meditated killing of h'oberl Crawlord.
The deceased was nn old man, who kept
a small shop and dealt in yarn. Ami
strong w is a lad of dishonest " habits, but
attached to a most respectable family, and
coiinf cled with one ot the leading Dies j
byierian churches in the North, llo
maintained his association nitli this
church un to tho time of tiie murder.
lie had agreed to meet the old man on
n certain Friday evening and drive hill' to
a spot where a largo iianlily ol stolen
yarn had been concealed, Crawford was
to I ring one hundred dollars upon his
person, ami a mutual tiansfcr of geld
inerehamiise would lake place. Aim
stioug hired a wiigon.took in the old man,
drove him over a circuitous route, and fi
lially struck him from his scat in '.he ve
ry heart of the city, and secured the mon
ey upon his i ersoii. He (hen continued
on up tow n until he reach -d a lonesome
place in the suburbs. called Norris square,
where he to
returned tl.
led out the bodv.
lie then
wa'-on, villi the
and tloor sonkod with blood
and shewn
! accounted
with fragments oi hair. II
for this after his arrest by s aying thit a
man and woman, carrying IVedily killed
chickens, had ridden in ids team ; but the
blood was submitted to chemical analysis,
ami the size of the e.nrpu-cles at once de
termined i'.s h tm chi racter. Moreover
the pris mer failed to account lor him
self on the fatal evening, and plevi'l-icn-
niitil itoilt was made mnn'lest.anil
, sentenced to be huna.
'1 hn hanging took place in the prison
yaid, where ihe gallows was overlooked
by upwards of a hundred prisoners. The
oi to. I- in.. etiitnrs wore limited in niiuilier
irely for our protec- I j0 iJii ;yi including the jurv. the report
artillery, and a K-w . , , . s..,rii- Tickets were
at a premium of fifty dollars, and a thous
and people walked out of the city and
Mirroun led the jail for three hoars.
A: in-ti :ii.. dre--ed in a plai'i suit
ol black, with a frock coal-, lie wore no
and his bead was h ire. He was
ib- an 1 he wore a serio is counten
I .n t he was as firm as at any period
trial, and his step betrayed no
very j
iiiiiv ;
of his
symptom of fear or faltering. On arriving
at the scallold he mounted the steps
ii iil.Aiii ...i,r .iiiti.Mit-iinre of tear and he
1 ,0(lk ,lis .,,. ujul. ,i,0 fllta ,,00,e wjt,
( limu,,v(.,i ,,.,.
I m.ii,g the prayendleied by tho Ilcv.
j,itiyuie,, Armstrong lu'iiod calnilj,
,ir tl.n udvaucing. spoke in a firm voice,
,ls f0!j,,Ws :
j' "My , ii.nds, let me say in passim.', I
' llic peae with my Maker, ami if at this
nioinent a pardon were oll'erod to mo on
0ti,tioii ol giving np my .M.iker.l would
not take it. To the lew people here, 1
would advise them to take warning by my
fate. Sabbath breaking was the fir.-t
cause. 1 bid you farewell. To the piis
nn keepers, to Mr. t'erkius, to Slierill'
Kein, and to my spiritual adviser, Mr.
McAuley, I bid fare veil : gentlemen, I b d
you all farewell ; I l ow die in peaeo vvilh
There was much disappointment liiat
(jin ,vmi, ,., had niado no allusion to
' ml,i,.,,iro,l ibe slierill took his leave.aud
the murderer of l.'oi ert (. rawtord was let
standing alone. As tho cap was being
drawn down Armstrong said "Good-bye,
people." After these preliminaries ho
stood ii firm as man ever stood while in
the same po-itioii. There wore no si-.'is
of tremor, even tho hands, which vero
thrust forward of his breast. did not move,
and theie was no clutching of lingers du
ring this terrible uicnent. There was a
momcntaiy d.'lay before the prop was
drawn. This over, the slierill" dtoppod a
white handkerchief, tho signal was seen
by tho .lack Ketch concealed in an adja
cent stable, the cord was draw n, nnd tho
mortal part of Thomas .1. Armstrong was
dangling bchvieii heaven anil earih. Tho
condemi.ed had a fall of about three and
a hall feet, and his death was almost in
stantaneous. AmiEsT or a Cu uiiYM an. The Washing
ton correspondent of iho New York Ex
press relates the following as an amu-nig
ineider t ;
The Rev. Mr. Lippilt. of the Episcopal
Church, a native, of li. I., nnd formerly a
piofessor in the Episcopal Theological
Seminary of Virginia, resides near A lex
andria, and about three week; ago ol!b-i,i.s
ted at Christ Church in that city. His
sermon was regarded by the oilieer in
command as a secession discourse, and ho
was accordingly incarcerated in the Wash
iii'don jad. Being required by the Secre
tary of Slate to produce his sermon, ho
sent for it. when il appealed by a note on
the margin that it was first preached
twelve yeais ago ! The Secretary read it
eaioluilv over and pronounced it good,
sound. Christian doctrine, and forthwith
ordered Mr. Lippitt to be discharged.
This incident, which has just transpired,
caused not a littlo amusement among the
reverend gentleman's friend.-, and proves
that even the best and most loyal of men
are not in these days exempt from suspi
cion, even when they r reach their old
sermoiij over, without alteration or addition-
This line fills up this culaiun. ,
Prediction in the Course of Fulfill -meiit.
In the campaign of IjCiI'i the Democrat
ic F.xccutive Committee of this Stale, J
W. Forney Chairman, issued an Address,
from which the following is an extract:
"We kno-v very wvll how easy it is (o
sneer at any suggestion of danger to the
Union. But we know also that the fed
eral relations of this ( iovernment are so
delicately constructed that they m;y lc
ruptured at any time by a serious error of
the people in choosing a Chief Magistrate.
TliC A'etV.v nj t,i.i I'ninn irc imt hi ld tnijiihcr ly
jdijijiciilfvrcr, like the dej endencies of the
Kingdom, imr crew libra jmliii'ul pourr, like
dill'eieut parts ol the same State. They
mu tidijrndct S'tri'iriihlii.i, united by the
gentler law of mutual nt (net ion. This
law, operat ing on their own freo will,
made the U ion; and when it ceases to
operate,-tl.u Union will be unmade. Let
arresident of the United S. bcclected ex
clusively by the otes of one sect ion, and
tin a pi un iple of avowed hostility to the
men, the measures, the domestic il lation-,
tho feeling-, and the interests, real
or supposed, of tho utjlicr section, and
what must bo the coii.-eipietiee '! We do
not say it would certainly or necessarily
dissolve the Union, l'erhups tie; good
genius of the Republic, which has brought
u- lbiou;.-li wi many peri!-;, might save us
again. But that man must be intellect
ually blind who does not see that it would
jejt us in leal fill danger. For this reason,
the election ol a sectional candidate must
be regarded as in itself a great public mis
fortune. The party that avows opposition
towards a certain class of the States, as
its motive and rule of action, is entitled
to no aid or comfort from any man who
loves his country or desires to be faithful
to its I iovernnu-nt. The greatest the wl-,
seat, and the host men this ivor.d ever
produced have warned us that the Union
could not last under the control of a geo
graphical party. Need we reler you to
Wa-hiiiglon's Farewell Address? Need
we remind you of the admonitions which
.letl'i-on ai:d .lai-kson have given'.' If
the solemn voices w hieh from the
tomb al M t. Vernon, from the sepulchre
at Moiilicello, and fioin the grave at the
Hermitage, have ceased to be regarded,
then we are lost indeed."
A Woman or Goon Taste. The follow
ing very happy and equally (rue sketch is
Irom the London (Quarterly Review:
You see this lady turning u cold eye to
the iis""nerj cf tiiopmn .m.lilio rimm
mer.dation ol 'milliners. She cares not
how original a pattern may be, if il be ug-,
ly, or how recent a shape, if it bo awk
ward. Whatever laws lashion dictates, she
follows 'i law ol her own, and is never be
hind it. She wears very beaulilui things
which people generally suppose to be
fetched from l'ari-, oi, at least, made by a
French milliner, but which as often are
bought at the nearest tow n and juadu up
by her own maid. Not th-ibhcr co-tuuie
is either rich or new ; on the contrary, sho
wears many a cheap dress, Put it is al
ways pretty, and maiiv an old one, but il
is always good. She deals in no gaudy
contusion of cjIois, nur does sue affect a
studied sobriety ; but she cither refreshes
you with a spirited contrast, or composes
you with a judicious harmony. Not a
scrap of tinsel or trumpery appears upon
her. She puts no faith in velvet bands, or
gilt buttons, or Iw iMed cording. Sho is
quite aware however, that the garnish is
as important as the dress ; all her inner
borders and headings are delicate and
fresh ; and -should anything peep out
which is not intended to bo seen, it is
quite -vs much so as that w hich is. Afiei
all, there is no great art either in her
fashions or her uuiori i'.s. Tho secret
simply consists in her knowing the ihreo
grand unities of dress her own station,
her own age, and Inn" own points. And
no woman can dress vvcjl who does not.
After this vv need not say that whoever
is attracted by the costume will not be
disappointed in the w earer. She may not
be handsome nor accomplished, but we
will answer lor her being even tempered,
well informed, thoroughly sensible, and a (jonf.ra; tendered to the Italian. There
complete lady. ' however, no authenticated statement in
' the case.
How Rain is Form mi. lo understand
the philosophy of this beautiful und often : Excess or Women in Engi.anii. Itisas
sublime phenomenon, so ofien witnessed certained by the last British census, that
since tho creation, and essential to Ilia
verv existence of animals, a few facts de
rived from observation- and a long train
of experiments 11111-1 bo observed:
i 1. Were the atmosphere, everywhere,
I at all times, at a uniform temperature,
I we h mild never have rain, or hail, or
'snow. The water abs irbcd by its evapo
ration from the sea and the earth's sns
'. face, would descend in an imperceptible
vapor or eci-e to be absorbed by the an
when once fully saturated.
2. The abioi bing power of the atmos
pher?, and consequently iti capability to
; retain humidity, is proportionally greater
in warm than in cold weather.
11. The air near the sui lace of the earth
is warmer than in tho region of t lie clouds.
The higher we aeeiid from theeaith, the
cold-T do ve find the atmo-phere. Hence
the perpetual snow on veiy high moun
tains in the hottest clim ites. Now, when
from continual evaporation tho air is high .
ly saturated with vapor, though it bo in
visible, and the sky cloudless, if its tem
perature is suddenly reduced by cold cur
rents of air rushing from a higher to
lower lattitudo, its capacity to retain
moisture is diminished. clouds are formed,
and the result is rain. Air condenses as
it cools, and like a sponge filled with wa
tt r and rotnpr?s-ed, pours out the water
which its diminished capacity cannot con-
Feace Meftino in New York Cn v. Hie, ' ",-.':.,, . .
New Nork News savs that there is every I Nino death, are reported in St. Louis-,
indication that there will be a miss peace; on tho 7th instant, from sun stroke, over
meeting in that city early in cr. heat in- "ml rxh-m-tion.
A I'liner-MoV or VtaRVINii WoVii.n. A
I large number of hungry women with ba
bies in their arms, misled by erroneous
announcements in several newspaper",
gathered on Monday in front of I he branch
cilice o the Unior. I o fen no Commit tno.
That olliee not having been re-opened, the)
half famished creatures marched troby
two, lo the City Hull in search of the May
or, who was not there. Tired with their long
walk and ravenous lor food, llioy became
wild with disappointment, on learning that
(ho Mayor whs not in. One of them thr
eatned to drown herself and child.
Another said, she was willini to starve,
but her baby should have food even if Mio
stole it. A tiiird staled, thut sho nover
would have idlowrd her son to enlist (in
the Mozart Hall l.'egiment, if he hnd not
promised that his mother would reeeivo
two dollars n week from the city. Theno
frantic expressions of grief and rage wete
nt last silenced by one of tho Mayor's
clerks, who directed the poor women to
the rooms of the Union Defence Con mil
tee. on Fine Street. Thither they went,
and rtnhed into the apartment, crying,
oat "wo are sta-'vin g, we want money."
Finally, finding that their implorations
availed not hing, they one after another
withdrew from the Committee's rooms,
toseek for t old charity in tho street, or go
home and starve. X. V, Jour. fJumm'rcc.
'; f'.C.-
i cnn:jv
isr.ssjt.vN F.i.v. Ely. the Republican
in-ill, who is in durance vile, was
I visited a few
a few days ao by Messrs Kcitt. Ho-
cock and i nor, wtio iniormeu him thai
they were on an errand of mercy, and was
desirous f doing something to better his
condition, provided it did not conllict
! with the military l emulations. Itis rela
ted (hat the ea-nestness of these (iontle-
man in their generous foi getfiilness of old
j party lines, u hich always distinguishes
itho I run Soul hei n gent lean, moiTeiu-ed the
jpiiMmor powerfully, and that shedding
tears, he flung his arms around them ana
'said that "he had often heard of Southern
chivalry, but be was not able to anprcci-
eiate :t fully " 'V. .t,"-7 popcr.
i Brim; in no more Rki'okts. The New
I York i'.j 7')v.. in an article on tho oilicial
; reports of the battle of Bull Hun, remarks :
The more we bear of the conduct of
; some of our ollicers and men at Bull Run,
i the more we are inclined to let the cur
' tain di")p on the whole atl'air, .' nd cry out
with the Thane of Cawdor, "Bring in iv
. more reports."
With disclosures of this discreditable
character crowding upon us, we think the
reader will sympathise will tho lvih w
have always expressed, that Bull Run
should drop as soon as possible intoobliv-
nn. J lie eouriry has heard enough ot H.
"Bring in no more repoits."
(Jen Siiiei.hs. -Inquiries have been made
why C ion. Shields ot California, who fought
so bravely and well during Gen. Scott's
march from Vera Cruz, to Mexico, and
who fell bravely fighting at Cerro Gordo,
is not called toa Brigadier Generalship
in our present (roubles in preference to
such impostors as Pierce, vhiieok, or that
notorious Union Slider- Banks? The in
qiry is a good one-hy all mans bring out
the ex-Senator. II the Conlederatcs iiavo
the advantage of their masked batteries,
an 1 our paper Generals, let, us have our
S'.idds tOO?
Pay of a Iih m Major. It isj sta
ted that the fourth seetirm of tho recent
act of Congress "to increase tho present
military establishment," provides that the
drum major, or leader of the band, shall
receive I ho pay and emoluments of a sec
ond lieutenant of infantry. The pay of
this nmi commissioned officer it thus rais
ed to an aggregvte of 10;! 50 per month,
while the sergeant ma jor.the highest non
commissioned stall' otiieer, receiver only
S-t21 per mont h.
Gariiivuii. It is slated that Garibaldi
has tendered his services to tlio federal
Government. Tho correspondence in
which the oiler was made and excepted
took place between the American consul
nt Genoa and Seriitari' .-vVtfiird ThA of-
f,. ,v.n eveented and lUmnk nf Mnior
the increaso of males in tho ten years
t'TT.'ill" was much less than the increase
of females I.l.iii, Is'.l. Tho ("males in
creased in excess of the males I7S.SG2.
By the census of ls'H, the population of
males to females was 100 to 103 ; in tho
new population it is '.7 lo llo.
Roiuir.uv or a Catholic Ciit Rrii The
St.uc street Catholic Church, in Ilarris
bui :. I'a., was entered some time during
l.i-t wee!;, by a robber, who stole, among
other tilings, n ,",'(,-'u -n large vessel of
solid silvir, used in the tabernacle for ro
ligioi.s eorcmonies.
T, The New York F.s jirti give; tho
following pun in reference to the w.vr.
It say-: "Tli3 only way to defeat and
whip. King ('.,'!', n, is to send out General
Ri, leased. loht. McKinstry, arrested in
Fitl-bnrg some time ago, nn (ho charge of
boiim a seeossioni-t, and conveying infor
ma' ion to tho confederates, has been r
leased. tTjWeople seom very uneasy j u .t new.
No w onder, when eve-ybody is sitting up
on thorns.
r.-The bill in-ovidinc for tho incre
( in tho number of the West I'oitit cadet
i did not pass Congress as has been rcport-