Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 14, 1861, Image 3

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    ','i"vn' FSDA Y. AlIO. 14. 1801.
" '
...!,. I.-
: t, yyi'K' .-- .-, -
,( 9-Skctios 7. That the printing
CTIi l,o frua to ovprv noraon who under-
rt :..mina the nroccedinita of the leciala- L
VUZ .V r branch of government; and no law
'"liver be maile to restrain tbo right thereof,
0 free Column"" ... ............ ,
t f the invaluable rights of man j and overy
, Dny freely speak, writo and print on any
Lt; being responsible for the abuse of that
,it In projccutions for tho publication of
'r inveJ.igatingtho official conduct of offi-
...a inveBiiuai
men in public capacity, or whero tha
lnl,tor PMi,hcl U proper f. P J"'"-
litj n - . jiii i iiiiiiif i win ivun, nuuuu i iiinco uo niiuugiiuui lunio jiuriu oi ew X OIK, ' "mumim in ui-o, piiU uivj nine mo premium over raphy anil History.
. ,,elree ..-v.'.. J.,... .V.T westof th s n nop. rmtwenn n. nnrtv from Now .Torsnv. ami fl.n P,.utnr. K, 1 n one iiunurea uoiiar machines. Tho Algebra, Geometry. Natural
7' V:, , i , ' ,. ,,, , . :. , , ' jlu-ice is but F.lleeu Dollars. The Company wish ami Hook Keeping
'k'THi:P':S!5 or tho right of the peoplo Jefferson county, nnd a party from this Why is it that tho pooplo of Other places to employ Agents In every comity in tho United : Latin and (Ireck Inngungos.
.biy oi"n "7" county, but our limited spaco will not can luko action in favor of peace, whilst 'J0"' A'lure"' 'or i'artieuiar, Km Swing To rtudentu doBirou.of
0entir - o ,.rm;t. i,k ,.1.. ,1 mn.t In ,U , i PI t.. 1 n,i I """". eerui Agoiu,, : F.ngliali JSilu.-allon, and who
..LmW "" - .,. vn,lulu ,u uc taiiou u u- uuio. inurlS Bui. ; t li,.ilv.,. fr ihi. r-
H tie trulll lueieoi IUHjr ou );ii:u ill oimviito,
iin all indii'tmeuta for libels, the jury shall ded at tho shop of our excellent Republi
cs right to detormino tho law and tho facts, C(ln f j j j , KUjscU (who was 0110 of
l,ri,a Jireetuin of tho court, as ir other casos. ' . v , ,,
rfitaiiVm 'c.yr ihik. j the party,) exposed to tho weathor nil
Car Time at Tyrone.
Tin juuiaier arrangement of tho rennsylvnuia and after thtt 10th of Jimo, wUl boas
' . i
i.evi.vo EASTn-Ait
11.55 u'. ui!
i.eavinu U ESTWARn.
,.iLine -
;,il Irani
I .'! INssonger - a. ni
I:.-. T.-in - - - - - - h iti n. ni
IMjii ii.-" - - - - -.- ... -.' .' .
The Express .ast, ana rasi i-mo uesi, ao
li tup at lyrono. j
" ,, . !! . T ed
RiBI,k Mkftino. Tho Lmon Concert in aid of
;!,( Society wi.l beheld in the M. E. Church on
.,,nJav evening, Aug- isth, at 8 oclock. Iho
;ii.l culleetion will bo taken. By ordor of the
I ,-resiJcnt. ti. W. lUlthM, Boo y,
Tut Dav IiooK. Having hoard so much
,iiiliuth severe denunciation of tho New
Vork 1'-J Bwk, we determined, if possiblo,
I o secure an exchange wilh it, and have
iicrefiH insertoJ its prospoctus. , This I
fill entitle us to a daily copy.
Elk Cointv. Tho Democrats of Elk
tutity field their County Convention
seek beforo hut, and nominated a full
county ticket, headed by that sterling
democrat, Dr. C. R. Krloy, as their cLoico
lortlia k'gislaturo. Tho conferees meet
lo nmrrow at St. Marys.
The publication of tho proceeding's in
tlie Republican was requested by resolution,
uidwith which request we would gladly
wnply, but some one feloneously carried
oifllio paper.
t-jT'l'lie heavy rnin of last Monday ami
Monilay night tho first real soaking rain
'inc6 last spring lias mado our streaaiis
ucockI liaviLMblo order. It will also do
it good to corn, buckwheat, potatoes,
;ulure, itc., all of which wero beginning
a suffer seriously.
Primary Elections.
The Democratic Trimnry Klections held
bl Saturday, called out a greater number
f votes than ivcro ever polled at any
'imilar election in tho county Jacking
'mt about 200 of the number polled for
'iovfinor laht Fall. Nor was such a spirit
f (htertnined adherence to tho lime-
honored Detnocrnlin lnriv ever linfnin
UDifobted. The people arc truly awake
io the imperative neces,ity of giving tht-ir
prticular nttentioi. to tho manairement
ofrublic and political affiiirs. Mav this
loirit itirond throughout tho land, until i
(Ifmagognos shall bo valued at their truo
worth everywhere.
Much rariuth was manifoslodin i
Buvcr.ii i
Mficts, in fuvor of particular candidates;,
I'UUb hear of no allegations of fraud or
mhime8. "Thn contest has been an hon -
orableoiic. throughout). Xor should any
onc (eel hurt nt his defeat. With few ox.
Mrtiim.", each candidate received an cn -
(lor.-cmcntfrom his own immediate neigh-
ton inch ns Le may well be proud of. We rouUy received rather than run the risk or
never witnessed a contest in which per-'getting a worse ono.
wtml attachments had less to do with the TnR fjllHISTIIV 07 MrD.c.Nr.-Among
wnlt. Tho sole object of each man 8eem.l,ll0 ial (lelight8 kMi havo s0 li(.hIy
I to bo to vote for tho men. who, comhi-- w our yWll t0 NeiV E ,an(l wa, U(J
N, would form the strongest ticket. iil)sl,octiolli u wus our rrivi!ego to make
Tuat they have succeeded beyond the ex- ' ofl)1.t j A f & CVg Ija,)0mto ry
stations even of tho most hopeful, must ut j,,,, AUhou?h we know by ll0ar.
on lie admitted. 1 n . . i .
T say that it was Urge, yet wo wero surpris-
The following aro the successful candid oJ whon wo cum0 illl0 viow of ,u roal
d uM I
, , inaguiludo, and still moro bv tlio extent
for Asscmbly.-Jamcs II. Larr.mcr-'. millj,..lion of iu ,'u. immunK(h
io opposition. business. Tho whole massivo structure is
tor Associate Judge-James Bloom, sr., jn f.ijt 0M(J v.t cllelJliclll ,,lbora, ory in
f Bloom township, and John D. Thonip- whlch th(J lJroc084 of lbe wolljorrui m
m of Curvrensv.llo. I fti.o const)lnlly going on. Modico-choiai-
Jor Sherid-Kdward Terks, of Morns ,ms founJ ll)Ht tho mnllvo
"J!" , , 'properties of any substance exist in some
For ( otnmissiorcr-Jacob Ivunta, or one or mQn of . comi,onont 1)(lrU. Thu9
Wy township. 1 the icmedia'. effects or opium bio due
For ..strict Attorney-Israel Test, or q ihQ ilcoRtoiniti ttUhough
tfi1J , , , r Hhis Is but one-eighteenth part of its
ForlrcMurcr-JoMThohair, of Law-, , lho olLcf suvcntcon lwU ftre
noa loMislup. .'cum, extractive and inert or offensive
or Audilcr Charles . Worrell, oi
'CH township,
C, it t x t n T i a r '
riir nfiinniii it .i i.y i nunr ni hu
wwrwinp no opposition. ! ox-sses by which virtues of each remedial
Lorbmo I.oRAts. Among tho rccont 'agent are chased through tho alembics
"fly promotions for meritorious conduct until they como out completely pure at
kfore llunassfts, wo notico that this gen ( last. Theso concentrated, purified medi
lman has been promoted to a Captaincy , cal properties, or virtues, nrfl finally com
"'lieU.S. Army, his commission to date bined together to produco lho romodies
W 1st of Januarv 1800. Ho is still dis'' which havo mado themselves an unrivoll-
I'led from his reeent wound in the foot.
JTVe are informed that the 5th Reg
F. U. V. C, Col. Simmons, left
IWluirg hist Friday to go thence to
?(frot Monroe. The Cadofs aro with
First, or Kano reciment. CoJ. Bid
!.ro4t Ifurper's Forry. Tho Run;
r width this rogrment.
Tho procoodings of tho meet ing of
""fl'etnoeralio friosids of r.eecaria
Wl" oi Sutarday lost, will appear next
Battle of "Cows' " Run. We had hop-
our rentiers tue
r.,u .!
.' 11 1 '
grams, JCC, Ot An engagement that lOOk (
nlaco Oil the "IluekloWrv farm .' at a
. - --.
tliorefoio oonfino ourselves to a very briof.
anmmnrv nf I lio rntiinii nrcnunl rnrnisliml
.. ,1
our "POCIBI repoi u-r, wno wimcsseu
all that occurred
11 iCOniS llllll 0110 uay mst tVCCK a party :
i. .. . ii.. i i
went Irom tho Grampian Hills to the
flinn, to pick berries. This party was
i i . i i i
imposed of . about an equal number of
democrats and Uonublicans. Thev took
wilh theln a which liaJ bcon UM,on.
summer, m ivlnuli tho lilcicliing rain and
scalding sun had playod sad havoc with
. -. ,. , ...... , , ,
the original lustre ol Us "stars and stripes.
aitivou at mo grounu, tins sacreu cmuieui
lof ..unio for ti)esllke of tho Union," was
unfurled to tho breezo in front of the
camp. Soon afterward", a company from
. . , . i ii
Funxsutawncy uiado their appearance,
.i. :...i i i :i.-.i si,.-.
u'uiiauuiiijj uu uwi v uiai,i iww nc,
ftntl either imagining that they hail rcacu-
tho lana of Dixy, or believing tho ly-
' ......
ing stones that tlcaiheUl is full ot scces-
sionists, sworo it was a secession banner,
nnd forthwith attempted to tear it down.
This resulted in a sharp scuffle, resulting
in somo bruises, and tlio repulse of tho
assailants. When actual hostilities ceas
ed, a war of words was kept up for somo
time, the character of tho suspicious-look,
ing Hag explained, and general party pol
itics introduced, in which several very sig.
nilioant romrks wero mado; one ger.tlo
m ;yi remarking "tiiut although ho had
been tho widest-awake among tho Wido.
Awakes last fall, the acts of tho Republi
can party had already taken all the nW off
one side of his face. I" He was at once sal
down as a ''neccslier."
lleforo tho runxej'3 returned to their
camp, however, they declared that they
had not como to pick huckleberries, but to
hang the d d secessionists and traitors
of Clearfield, lt was not long until their
quarters wero visited by a party of Clear
field bo'js, two of whom advanced and tald
tho Punxeys that if they had como upon a
lunging expedition hero was a chance to
begin. This opened the ball, and it is said
that for a fow minutes the "play" of our
boys would have done honor to the "ring,"
and when it was over tho boastful, bully
ing hangers wero very glad to escape with
'sound bones.
Both parties retired to their respective
camps for the night. Next morning, tho
Punxeys, having been strengthened by a
large re-inforccment, appeared before tho
camp of tho Clearfield boys at an early
Several llecnans and Hycrs wero
'selected from caclt party, a rius formed,
and every Preparation made for a regular
"PUch in'" whon OUr f, ic"(1, EH IJloon,
! Es'l --,vhoso wiut.ition, perhaps, had
'.&ono before lim!-iind couph of others
fr"11 another camp, happened to make'
walt nppoaianee. ?y "cinaimcu an i
immcuiato cessation ot Hostilities, in tne i
same lime statmc the consenuencos of a 1
u,.. .... w .. ...-.m.
Jmcosurement of tho muscular develops
nienls of tll0?0 rMe-makers, concluded
that discretion was the better part of val-
or. l,iat l"y liatl icuer postpono me
1"inSil,(? nifttcl1 ,ind K to picking berries,
contented with the dressing tliey hadal-
n,utler jj,.
Ayer's system separates tho
medical properties of each substance em
, ployed and we are hero shown tlio pro
cd excellence, all over tho world. Not
only docs the doctor disclaim all socrecy
in.his art and explain every process and
every particular, but ho maintains that
this is tho only process by which tho pop
ple can be supplied with the best possiblo
remedies for Hie treatment of disease.
I The Formula bv which his romedies are
i u:..i...i il. .j;t t
III 11110 nro puuilMluu ill wio uituani nwui-
nals and have been presontod to a largo
part of the medical Faculty ol the Uni.
ted Slates, and aro constantly sent by
mail lo such physicians as apply for them.
Au'y Chrvniole, San Fransisco.
Peace Meitinci. A meeting in favor of!
,roace was hold on tho Cth instant, at
Chorrv Hideo. Wnvno ,.. P,. !
I. ..' . b ' tuu"lJ. w'cn
IS said to liavo been quitO a BUCCBSS. Sim 1 WlMmln0 a"'1 10 'U1' in U construction that a1 Orthography, Reading, Writing, Triintry
ilar nicotic en nre hemmicr, n,.,?lli!'1 c"n JfT ! 0T" il Wf. .ur'i.Aritluneti. Geography. 2.&0
o o -i
cessiouist, traitor, f o., by suuh disciples
nf .Tnlm Rrmrn n P;i ,!....... 7i.'-.,...A 1 1
0 - -7 ...
For tho Republican
Messrs. Kditors
'Among tho Kepub-
wm caU(lillatog mil)OUI)Ce(l for noniinu.
lion ill this countv. I iiflraivn tlm ,, '
of not less than ei,,ht ronegade tlemocnits, j
and amoilL' thos tint lost im 'M hi 1
X " "t. m."!",.!'' ? t "b" I
wero nonored with ollics bv the Demo
cr.itic party, and held such ollicos somo 5,
'A and 2 years, &o. Our Kopublican neighs
bors niust bo cxpectnd to perceive those
merits ot theso
uninterested converts to
their causo which tho bUndncstO? Iho l)cm -
ocrata had fniln,! nno l.-,., i o.,r..,;(
as thev are willing In
nf ..,.;., il.:- T i-i i
01 servini; tueir cnuntrv a ivhila lniwm in
olliciul stations.
i . . . o- i
' Washington Items.
Washington, Aug. 8. It appears from
tho data of the committee of ways and
means, Unit tho total amount of npprnpri
alums passed at the recent session is
000.000. Of this amount $107,000,000 is
for tho army, nnd ?o5,050,00D for the na-
vy, and tlio remainder for various other
Ono of the regiments of tUo Sickles bri
gado was reviewed by the President this
morning. Their physical enduranco was
great, a few only being obliged to retiro
from tho ranks on tlio march through the
intense heat, tho thermometer being one
hundred and twenty in the sun!
It is understood that Col Sickles will be
appointel a Brigadier General by tho
Presiden t.
There was considerable alarm among
our troops in tho neighborhood of Oreat
Falls on Tuesday night, which subsided on
ascertaining that there was nothing more
serious tiian tlio snooting ot ono ot our
pickets in the foot by a conccalod robe!
on tlio opposite side of the canal
Letters have just been received hero.
one dated on the 2i'd and the other on the
2Slh of July, from Capt. Worthisgton, of
the First Michigan regiment. It instated ho was not wounded at tho Bull Run
buttle, but was taken prisoner while at
tempting to assist Col. Wilcox off the field
Col. Wilcox's arm i3 badly shattered.
Captain Ricketts is also wounded. Dr.
Louis, of tho Third Wisconsin regUne it,
is in attendance, and Mrs. Kicketts is with
her husband.
Capt Worlhingtnn writes Hint they aro
treated with great kindness. They nro ull
on their parole of honor not to escape or
take up nrms ngaint the South. These
parties are now, probably in Richmond,
as the wounded wero to bo removed thith
er as soon as circumstances would permit.
Active Army Afuccment at Waxhiiuj
ion The. Blockide noon to be. morn
thoroughly En form!.
Wasiiinutox, Aug. 9. Tho activity a
mong the government teamsters is as great,
ns at nny time previous to the late bat
tie. Provisions and other supplies in im
mensc quantities arc hauled to the various
camps both in and out of the cily. In
this connection it may bo stated that much
more regard than hcrctoloro is paid to I bo
comfort and subsistence of tho soldiers,
and as a consequence but little if any
complaint now exist among tho troops.
Additional troops continue to arrive
here from time to time, including of late
or hirce proportion ol cavalry ; lliey aro
I judiciotinly distributed along our wnr ex-
tended Potomac lines. '1 lie movement of
noops luinng mu iiigui msieau oi uio
01 1110 aaY. 13 certainly an
lm,'"t ovel" l',fc''' iuiproiur oxposuicto tho
u.s ,.ays during this severe weathor.
Many of thoso recently oppointcd to
miltarv olliee nre waitinii patiently for
I their commissions. T.'io War Depart
ment is daily thronged with them already
TheSouthern newspapers will not much
lunger bo able to exult over the inefficien
cy of tho blockade in localities which
might here he specified. Tho Navy de
partment in possess of tho ample powers
recently conferred by Congress is expedis
tiously completing arr'angemciits applica
ble to all such cases.
Affairs Across the Potomac.
W.amiixuto.v, Aug. 9. A company sent
out last night by Col. McCnnn to relievo
Lis pickets beyond Alexandria, fell in
wilh n body of secessionists, when shots
worn briskly exchanged between them,
killing two men, but on which side the
I'liliini'l did nnt stato when to-dav he men-
W.iwliin..lnn Hn s.-nt rni n I'ureomen I In !
the relict of our pickets, when the enemy
Our troops on the Virginia sido are
more vigilant than heretofore against any
possible surprises.
Ohio Politics. At the election for jus
tice of the peace, held in Columbus, 'Jliio.
on tlie oth instant, tho democratic candi
dale was elected by ft majority Of 310, out
of a total of 2,U52 voles polled. Tho t in and for said county of ClenrOuld, to appear in
.Statesman says : I their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records,
"When Mr. Kroneilbitter was nomina- In.iuisitions, Examinations and other lteineiii
ted, the yolpers commenced their howl I lr. t 1 those things winch f . their ulhcers,
,, , ' 1 ... ., , . and in their behalf, pertain to bo uono.
that ho was a secessionist, as they chooso GIVEN under my hand nt Clearfield, this I4;h
to do when any democrat is nominated. dny uf AK., in tho yenrof our Lord, ono thous-
IHH il reco.ieu among mo auinors, as it
:ll i: ,l r I'll....... 1.
will continuo to do. Men will learn be
fore lor.g that democrats are not to bo
howled down by the cry of Bcceusion.
1Sf. companyof Zouave has beon form
ed at Centrovillo. Md., wilh T. C. Uaugh
ey as captain.
fitfJuDurinc the ten weeks Mcceedin!'
July 17, one hundred and suvcuty public,
concerts weregivin in London. j
63PJohn Pellinecr k Co., of Lancaster, !
Ta., havo received a contract for making:
20,000 flannel shirts for tho volunteers. I
BQJuOcn. Wool has not boon ordered to'
r. . r .i . . .
rection of monumont to Stephen
iyouS,. ... .......u..., , k., ... iu"...'.
BJuThe New Haven Journal ays lhati
tli 'Jd (?nnnliriut rppimont bronirht lininn
wjtri them twenty-five negroes from Vir-
ginia. I
rortress junnro or any omcr point oi Tho finftl s.count onVtn. Kox, surviving Aminis
aetive war operations, ns reported. I trator 0f the Estate of Hichard Curry, sonlor,
JSifCabtain Andrew A. Narwood has 1K ot Pike township. Clearfield connty Pa.,
been appointed Chief of lluienu of Or.N1 , d(CC""'u1Q JAMES WHIjiLKY.
nance and Hydrography, vice Magrndcr.;; Aj"' 18fl1' " H"tr.
JrirA movement is making for tlio 0 4 TTH JSTION -The Pnradiso Company will
0- Twcuty-iiie to sixty Dollars ami
""P11" 10"1 .m"11 win i paid by the Kn
.u"' ,V' H'W,U ",r
filing the Sewing Machine. This is a cow ,
insirucnon. ii equal to ntiy ttiniily hew inr
. "! AllUII'.l) On (ho -(tli, by tho Kcv
A am,,,, m ro.l. 0. Colfm to Mrs.
ncunarrs an oi viearaeia county, l'a.
tj-i il ni. .i .
Ill 1 .1 At hor komo, nenrCnnton, Brndford
county, Pa., on Wednesday. JuW 31sL Mr, U
K. l'lilmer, wife of N. I', of this county, nni
d.I!K,l"ur ",f K- Ai,.t-M'lrr';y of New Washington.
"lllcused are the dead who dm in the Lord."
'" . ' .' .
iltlu oijtrtistincnts
1 DM I MS l it A l t S M)TI(H N()til.0
1. is hereby given that letters of Administra-
tinn '"VB uoou Knted to tlie iinderjigned on
t"" e8'" of
iiiwon Uarrison, Into of Pike
f'wn.lup aeeease.i. All persons indebted to said
e!""t0 "r,J requesteu to uuiko payiu. nt without do
i n i
uijr, a-iu uiobo iiomin ciuiuis against mo damo
will piesent tlieui duly nuihontieiited for settle
ment. JOHN B. (lAUKISON,
Aug. 11. Administrator,
ttlliJli HUil . GRAYS.
FI'llL members of this company, nnd nil per
1 sons wishing to enlist in it. will rondexvoiis
al cl;'Ilrfiol1 un -Monday next, prcpnroi to march,
on Wednesday, to tho seat of war.
Aug. 14. L. K. MIC lilt ELL.
2 V. Vou nro ordered to meet at Mt. Joy School ,
nouso on oaiuruay ineziin inst , at Ml o clock,
in summer unil'irui, and six rounds blunk cart
ridge. By order, J. F. K0TK, 0. S.
Aug. 21.
The Cheapest Weekly l'ajier Printed.
jjc ttcilrfltIng;mgcoIi.
The Proprietors of the NEW-YORK WEEKLY
DAY BOOK have resolved, during the present
financial n d business prostration, to offer their
' paper n tho most liberal terms, nnd in order to
place it within the rcncli of every person who
desires it, will send it for ONE DOLLAR per
nuniun to single Subscribers. Tho DAY-BOOK
stands whore it has always stood, upon tho Con
stitution of tho United States, ns interpreted by
its authorized exponent, tho Supremo Court, not
only ' because it ie lnw, but also beennso it is
right nnd just. Tho refusal of tho Republican
party to abide by that decision has been the pa
rent of all our trot bles : Vut with unbounded
confidence in the honesty of tho People, however
much they nuiy bo temporarily misled, wo shall
eonlinue in tlie future, ns in the pn?t, to contend
that this is n government of WHITE MEN
that inferiority of legal and social position for
the negro is his proper one, and that all CITI
ZENS nro entitled to t:gt"Ai. iikjiitk and to niinil
prittrrtiurt of thrir )rti) rty tif n-hntrrrr hhi't. As
the adoption ol those principles will PRhSElU E
THE LW'ION.and as CIVIL WAR will necessa
rily destroy it, wo shall labor to commend them
to tho minds and consciences of the peoplo with
whatever ability wo may possess.
Wo will send lbe Evi nino Dav-llooK during
tho war on the following terms:
Two .Months, for . . . $1 00
Three Months, for .... 1 50
Six Months, for .... .1 00
Ono Year, for - - - 6 Oil
It will contain tho lntet news up to tho hour
of going to press every aficrueou.
l.nJ ..11 II... 1.l.. T.,l. ...... .!.:.. VA- ... I
una un i"v u.iu.-. n nn u ns ooij i
. r.,n,.Pi ,.r nniiu i ...i.A. tf...i,..,. ...I
ii ivk,i, i iii.i,-, , i tint, iiiiiti sen num nff
any paper sent out of New York. Farmers, Me
chanics nnd liiisincss .Men who dosiro u paper
wbotber-for Mnrkct reports or News, will find
uono supurior to the WEEKLY DAY-BOOK.
uno coiy per annum . . - 5-a iiu
r ivj copies - - - : 0U
Twenty-one copies - - - 21 00
p. i n ti c ulaTc xo tick.
m every j osiiuasmr, oriiny ounor person wwi,,.;,, i i,.,-,. ...:ii r. .. I l til..:. i i .
,, . . . 1 ., , tiinl purchase, will liud It to tluir ndvantniro to
wi 1 s art a c ub at a l'ostoflioo whoie there is .
none n w, nnd sen 1 us five dollars for fivo new
subscribers, we will send a sixth copy gratis.
This otrcr, however, is only njiplied to ono elubef I
live at each ollico, and hence, tho first who send ;
will bo entitled to tho gratis copy. After n club '
is formed, or wl.ero a club is already formed, nil- I
ditiuus can always be made nt ono dollur each
subscriber, be they uno or ninny. I
XAME'S! -V.L1.'.S'.' .'
Pnecimon conies will nlwava bo sent free, nnd
nil friends of the cause will jo much to ad"nnco
true Tirineinles. hi, ,ni'ii. . thr nuirn o- nil ll i,iLi(tn, ns well ns'thoso of liberal iiiind-1
ed Rnimhlii'nns who mav be willinir lo see boib
sides of the fincstion.
Money sent is nt, our risk, If Iho exact date of
sending the letter is kert, so that it can be fur-!
nished ns In ense It does not reach us. Address
1 63 Nassau street, Now York.
i riiEREA, ir
SAMl'ET, LI.NT, Esq.
resident Judge of (be Court of Common
Pleas of the t iventy -fifth Judicial District, coin-
ri-i,i,lu in'niisednf tho counties of Clcnrfiidil. Cent! o and
Clinton and tho Hon. Wm. L. Monro nnd Hon.
lleiiiamin ISonsal, Associate Jndges of ClearHohl
county ; have Issued their precept, to mo direct
ed, for the hohlin of a Court of Common I'lens,
Orphan's Court, Court nf Quarter Sessions. Court
of Oyer nnd Terminer, nnd Court of Oenernl Jail
Delivery, nt Clearfield, in und for tho county of
Clearfield, on tho
Alh Monday I'd Ar?) nf September next,
aid conihvit- tvo wiks.
NOTICE IS. therefore, hereby civen, lo '.bo
Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, and Constables,
nnd cisht huudred and sixty-one.
I ' v n MITT
F. 0. MILLER, Sheriff.
1 KtJlSTI'.H'S XOTICI'V-Notico, Ishoro
JLV hy given that tho following accounts have
beun examined and passed hy mo, and remain ;
filed of record In this ollico for the Inspection of
heiri, legatoes, creditors.and all others In 'any
other way interested, and will be presented to
tho next Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, to 1
be held at the Court House, in tho borough of
Clenrfiold, commencing on tho 4lh Monday of
Sept., 18(11, for confirmation nnd allowance: j
The account of Matthew Tate and Willinm Tow-,
ell. Administrators of nil nnd singular Iho
goods and chattels, rights and credits, whih
wero of Samuel Tate, Into of Lawrence Tp
' ifiuaruviu vouiiir,
l IT. .1.1 -.1 ....... ...I
meet tho house of L Ogden for drill on th(
: inii.
.,,. f iml,or,.nPH ..I h. transae ed.
r.. Ur7 nUl.,.Tr..r... .i sieu i..
ljr order of the Cant.. J. F. M., O.K.
: . '
-t TERY CHEAP at th. store of
jan23 WM. F. 1KW1N.
j bo opened for the reception of pupils,
I"tt,e" ") on Monday, Sept. 2nd, 1801
Term, per session of eleven Week.
Hiirher Arithmetic. Knt'liMh nrammar. (nor.
$1 (10
$G Oil
acquiring a thorough
wish to qualify
l.-titut ion offers
.desirable advantages.
No pupil roccived for loss than half a session,
mid no deduction inado except lor protracted
Tuition to bo paid at tho close of tho term.
0. H. iSANlI'UUJ), ritl.NUl'AL.
Aug 7, 1S()I.- ly.
Airi'lOM. AI,t, persons nro hereby rau-
tioned airninst harboring, hirinir or trusting
my son JOHN, on inyticcount, as 1 am deter
mined to pay no debt's of bis contracting after
this dato.
Decatur township, July 'it, 1801.
Dissolution of Partno-ship.
mtOTICR is bcrpbv fiven Itint llin tiu.ln,..liiti
Li lately existing beleon utumcrlield Klegnl
and Mward l''!egnl, of l'ennville, in the Black-
smithing husiness, was dissolved on the .31st day
of July last, by mutual counci l. All debts ow
ing to said partiursbip are to bo received by shid
.Suuinierlield Flegal, and all c'euinnds againtt the
said firm are to be presented to him for payment.
Tho business will be continued by Suuinierlield
Flegal, ut tho old stand.
Tenn township, Aug. 1, 1861. -It.
Vl'DITOH'S NOTICE. Tho undersigned,
. an Auditor appointed to distribute money
in lho bands of the Administrators of the estate
of A. 1!. Dale: late of l'ike township, deceased.
gives notieo
that ho will attend to tho same at
his ofTieo in tho borough of Clearfield, on Satur
day tho 17th day of August next.
July 31, ISfil. Auditor
Great Inducements to Purchasers
Smith's Corner, below Judge Leonard's.
A splendid assortment of goods, selling b suit
tho times, consisting of
Trims, Lawns, Organdies,
l'oplins, llareges, Crepo do Paris,
(iinghauis, Muslins, Cheeks,
Hoop Skirts, Hoop Skil W, Hoop Miirts,
'.French Silk Mantillas, F. S. M.
Travelling Dusters, lialuionds,
Hosiery, Dross, tiirdo, lilack llal.oriue,
Trimniings, Ti iniuiings, Tiiinniings.
Fine lilack liroad Cloth, Ciissiuieres,
Zephyrs, Zepliyrs, Ztphyrs,
Sliukers, Shakers, Shakers.
Sugars, Colfee, Teas,
Spices, Salts, Sodas,
Mackerel, Mackerel, Mackerel,
Itije, 1! room s,
Qucensware, Quoonsware,
Boots if- Shoes, Roots Shoes,
Wall Paper, Wall Paper,
Carpeting, Carpeting, Carpeting,
Flags, Flags,
Stationary, Stationary,
nnd all ai 'ieles usually kept in a country store,
will Im 1.-H01 lnn',1. u. uliio nvmv tint luicllu L....I
I ' ' ""I"
bnt mm h needed, nt greatly reduced prices.
And wo feel confident Unit all who will inako
continue as customers.
Also, n limited amount of County Orders want
ed in exchange for goods,
July 10, lfll. tf.
of Clearfield
I I'ublie examination ol Teachers will bo held
this year ns follows i
i Wooin, Ferugson, Lumber City & Penn, Septjni-
ber ltli A 6th, at liiin.Der t ily.
Curwensville, Knox (fc l'ike, Sept., t!lli ft- 7th
at Curwensville.
I Clearfield and Lnwroneo Sept. 8th AiOlh, at
'irard and tioshen Sept, 1 Ithand 12th, at Go
! shen Scliool-houso.
Coving'on and
Karthuus Sept. loth ii llth
near M r. II ulcr s,
RrniH'ord, tlrnbain and Morris, Sept.
nt (irahaniton.
16th A 17
liogu's, Doeatur and Woodwurd, Sept, 13th and
l.Mli al Centre in l'ecalur,
Hell, Ilurnsiilo, Chest and Sew Washingtcn,
. Sent. 2,'ld and 2 I th at New Washington.
I lieeearia, lluelieh nnd Jordan, Sept. 28tU and
27ih nt X roads in lieeearia
Huston nnd Fox, October 1st, at No, 1
in Huston.
l'.rady nnd Union, Oct. 3d and 4th at Uithers
burg. ALL AT D o'clook A.M.
CurweiiRville, 7lh month, 1 Jbjshe BnooMAi.L.
2Uh 161 pd. ) tV.Snp't.
They have just reeeivod a ireneral assortment of
Spring and Summer DRV U0OI)S, consisting of
I'll I NTS.
I (P UN,
c loi ns,
S r I EES,
j IxU 1 IUi ,
All of which
.... . . .. . .
terms for CASH
5ii, or at proyeri ,j.untry i ronuee.
Clearfield Juno 11, ISftl.
i ti in ikuoiiriii' v r .r.J.u.i ti.i..i.
. ,, n(, 0Mundn oil, In 1 pound enns
'just received and for snlo at HARTSW1CK8,
I Hour.
GOOD AUTlCLE.fer aio nt tho store ef
ia23 W F, IRWIN.
Sf BaM(,K 1TO A ... I
L t 1 II li K Mi l K U
bt iti r -i ak, b
WILLIAM KKKD, rropruior.
jnly 10, 1861. ly.
M. M I UI.I.Ol (ill,
Ci.eiiiKiKi.n, Pa.
Oflice In C
aliam'H Hrkk nulldliifr.
July 3d. ISld tf.
I'livslrian nml Wurireoii, has rcrmanontW
located at Leenntes Mills, (iirartl tonnshln. of
fers his provisional services to the surroundiHg
coruiiiuiiity. May 8, lstil.
During tlio past year wo havo introduced to
he notico of the medical profession of this coun
try tho 'nre Cryitalittd Chlttridc nf' Propylamine,
as a
and having received from many sources, both
from physicians of tho highest standing and
from patients, the
Must flattering Testimonials of iti real value
in tho treatincut of this painful and obsti
nato disease, wo are induced to prosent it to tha
public in a form READY F0K IMMEDIATE
USE, which we hope wial commend itself to tfiose
who aro suffering with this afflicting' complaint,
and to the medical practitioner who mav feel
disposed to tost the powors of this valuable rem
ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above
spoken of, has recently boen extensively experi
mented with in tho
and witn MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear '
from tho published accounts in tho modical Jour
Sir Tt is carefujly put up ready fur immedi
ate nse, with full directions, and can be obtained
from all tho druggisti nt 75 cents per bottle, and
at wholeralo of Dl'LLOCKi CRENSHAW,
Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists,
Jutio2G'61ir. rhiladelpkli.
Spring &. Summer Goods
lam just receiving nnd opening a carefully
selected stock of Spring and Sunimor gooeis
ot almost every description,
A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress
goods, of tho newest nnd latost stylos. Also a
great variety of useful notions.
Bonnets, Shawls',
Hats and Caps,
Uuots and Shoos, a largo quantity,
Hardware, Qi.eensware,
Drugs and Medicines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet it Oil Cloths,
Fish, Bacon and Flour,
Mackerel iu j i and a barrels,
of tho best quality, all of which will bo sold at
the lowest cash or ready pay prices.
My old friends and tho publio generally, are
respectfully invited In cuH.
j:-N. H AH kinds of (Ut A .Vand approved
COL XfliY PHODL VN taken in exchange ol
I) nods.
Clearfield, Juno 21) 1S01. WM, F. IRWIN.
Jt E W I) lt U G" STOKE
The subscribers navo opened a Ml nnd com
plete nssortment of DRl OS in tho new brick
building of Dr. Woods, on tho corner of Lecust
nnd Cherry streets, In tho borough of Clcnrflold,
whom they i!l be happy to accommodate any
poison who mny desire nrtielos in thoir Hue. Tho
business w ill be confined strictly to a
Drug and Viescriptlm Business,
And nopainawili besparod to ronder satisfaction.
Dr. M. Woons. tho junior partner, mny alwnys
bo found nnd consulted in tho " Drug Storo,',
when not absent on professional business. A
separate room for consultation is attached to tho
store, where patients mny bo examined privately.
Every article usually found In such an estab
lishment will bekepton hnnd,and sold at greatly
reduced prices.
Tkiims iiBiao ktsictlv Cash, will cnnblo thorn
to offer inducements In tho way of prices
I'hysieinns will bo supplied at a smnll per
centngo over cost and earrings, and thoir orders
nre solicited. Every nrtiolo loldwill bo pure and
of tVie best qunlity.
Col. A. r. OWENS, IWitiBTon,
Rerpectfully nnnouncos to the travelling public
llipt ho has now taken rhnrgo of this largo and
well known houso, nnd will conduct it in such a
manner as will render excellent comfort and for,
saliffuttion to nil who may favor him with i
call. no?-ly '
jf Administration having been this day
granted In tho undersigned on tho estalo of
ROIIKRT BITLEIl, Into of Lnwrence town
ship, Cloarleld counfy, deceased, all persons in
debted to raid estuU are requaatcd lo make im
mediate payment, and those havingclalms against
tho same will present them duly ntithcntten ted for
settlement. - . WM. WALLACE,
July 1(1. Cu Adin'r.
Great Discover)!
I HAVE made a discovery of the almost im
pertuncc to every married person of eilhor
sex, nnd will sond the full particulars concerning
it In any uno on receipt of a stamp t pay for re
turn postage. Address
apl H ly. Alfred, Maine-.
AlTlitdcKilc and Itetait MerrSianfa,
I I f SUVHOIl, Vll'B
extonsive dealers in timber, sawed liiirl
Dor nn4 nnmp-ie,. Also,, dealers in Hour an -
llso,. dealers In tlo
told cheap for cash.
grBia( whi,.h b
OoU 14, 18 j.
AIITION.AII persons aro hereby eaution-
Jta agninst pnrcnasinu or to anyway med-
.llin with. One ROAN MARK and COLT. ia
2 year old STEERS and oni two-horse WA10N
in tho possession of .sSTlm Glnaor, of Bradv
tt., as the same belong to tne, and are in his pos
session on man oniy.
1 July Illh K H '6l. JAtuB KrkTZ.