Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 14, 1861, Image 2

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    I . . . ... . . 11 i I 1 .11 . . v o If ' .'.'-
r?r, rfUr-rlr, .miMifntt -"Wo are now not surprised at tho ; Ucroocrat.o Sato tomnmtco .V!fl . .w,:":,. : " TJ": :Z
Ki'UV vwimp AULiwviivmit reports which liave constantly rencnea us juoitf w-uuj, wiicn lui'uaiiiuu wm wif t , -
& ' ' .. . t . i i. .l J iia.I fsvi.t I Via 1aimiIiI ltati Uinta fVitn . laVIIH tpllA tllATA fl 11(1 W ltfn 1VH HPI'tUPI 1 lit. ... . in
Wednesday Morning Aug. 14, 1861.
fi2fThe Pittsburgh Dispatch of the 7th
inst., snys Urat u correspondent at Clear
lield calls lis attention to an article in our
paper of tke 3M ult., "disparaging the
righting qualities of the Northern troop,
as compared with the Rebels." Tho Dis
patch fails to point out the aiticlo objected
10, but proceeds to road uu another lecture
M to our duty, let. Htd that paper re
quired its correspondent to produce tho
itlleged offensive article, it would have
-eon that tho aforosuid offence was solely
ittribulable to the ignorance of its corres
that manv repiments have deteriorated in
eflioipiicv since reachinc Washington, it
would seem tnat wieie lb no necremry in
War there, and above all no Commander
in-Chief, or a state of things so deplora-
ibly subversive of all discipline could nev
!er exist,"
j We clip this "treasonable" fling from n
Utile number of ilie New York Tribune.
j For tho infurmntii n of Massa Greoly re
will state thai if he had called at tho door
I of tho Treasury Department he would
hnve found tho whole brood in it filling
their pockets with quite a number of side
door arrangcmcBts, through which they
satisfy their numerous friends.
IfGrccly cannot rind, or understand,
the "sido doot" arrangements, we would
roler him to the Chief Clerk of the War
Department, John I. Sanderson, or to
the late Chairman of the "American"
State Central Committee of Tennsylva-
ceived from the Republican State Com was true there, ana when no arrived at
mittee for a union convention of the two Bull Run we hud what was expected to
parties. The proposal was rejected. I bo a skirmish there ; but by ," contin-
The Convention, while holding that I ued the saint, "it that is what you call a
the war should be vigorously prosecuted, skirmish, what iu the hell do you call a
it as the duly o( the federal government 'battle?"
to.bold out terms of peace and accoiiimo Among the prisoneis is a noble looking
elation to the dissevered States, assuring 'and intelligent Zouave. 1 saw him on the
them of all their right under the ConstU field after he was taken. While passing
tution. a group of our men one of tho latter cull-
The State Convention will beheld at ed him somo hard name, "Sir," said the
Syracuse on the 4th of September. Zouave, turning on his heel and looking
.subsequently tiie suu-comiuiltee ot liiettie irg;nian rigiit, in me eye, -i navo
Republican Slute Committee called called heard that yours was d nation of gentle
a Ktate convention to meet at Syracuse, nicn, but your insult conies from a co-
uru ana u Knave, l am your pi'iHoner.ijut
you hnve no right to tling your curses
upon mo because 1 am unfortunate. (.If
Class No. 21. Designs.
Beat design fin Farm House, Barn, Car.
It..,, I.. k,.r. ... mr ,,.1..r tfi.t.lln. I nag.,-House ah 1 btable.
Younit un (Ac Hurt. Bo,t Bcsjgn fur Dairy Home, v
Bost trotting horae, or margin .ingle hat- , j J !" ' ry "oust,
6 YuuuU on the ,.. Best Design for Bridge, witb
Beit trotting pair of horses, or uares, in )
harness, 17wM on the llnru.
Bent paring horse, or mare, di
Beet walki.'ig horse, or niare, do do
Class No. 9. Sheep and IIW,
. . . i , i, it f. A 4 nn
liest mick, any nrccu,i '""'. - " bl. CuokingStove, wood or coal.
Beat Kwo, any breed, do do do 0 iw pliror Stovo,
lion A ruecp liiuciieu mr munuu, - o.i i..,,t i'ri()r Stuvn.
. cot iras man iov leet,-
Class No. 25. .1-y,, tUri.-,
Beat t'i oking Store, wood oi coal,
2d beat Cooking-Stove, wood orcoul,
i pan
2 UO
2 00
. I 00
September 11th.
StbivmtKh lit ,1 f '.,.' 1 lW .1 ,., rf tliP
VuHfvdenttca on the Univn Camp at ":,0' 1 wtmMr u,ysc" 11,0 i;e"U0, !
Athens .'! vtner Jirpulsc. The Democratic Slate Exec
utive Comn ittees of New York nnd Ohio
have each declined the proposition of the
Republican State Committees to make a
nondent his utter inabilitv to pomnre- fusion ticket. Tho conditions offered were
hendthe plainest sentenco in the English deemed entirely inadmiablo-"I.oyaUy
to tho Union confidence in tho Admin
istration, nnd an unqualified support of its
war measure." This was the platform of
fered. Thofirtt clause is well enough, but
the Democracy isnot quite prepared for tho
gag embraced especially in an "unqualified"
support of finy Administration,
JaJfTho pay of private soldiers in the
U.S. Army has been increased from $11
to $13 per month making an aggregate
annual increase of about $10,000,000.
Whon tho bill making this increase, of sol
diers pay camo from tho Senate, Mr.
'lhaddcus Stevens of Pa., Chairman of the
Committee of Ways nnd Means, made tho
remarkable declaration that "this bill
had conic upon us at a timo when our ex
penditures were already one million two hun
dred thousand and fi'Jty-six dollars per day,
and that he did not know where the money
iv as to come irom to meet tins expense
This may have been a sharp blow at the
popularity-seeking Scnato but it was a
much harder one at the public crodit, for,
if tho chairman of the Committee of Ways
and Moans docs not know whero to get
tho moans to pay the interest on tho pub
lic dobt of his own creating, who docs?
Ei'KoriAN Svmi'atiiv. lion. Joseph A.
Wright.lato Minister of the Unitod States
to 1'russia, ivns formally received by tho
Chambor of Commcrco of New York, one
day but week. Jn his remarks, Mr.
Wright warned his hearers not to expect
any sympathy from European Courts in
the present war against tho South
Wouth l.ooitsu Into. A geutloman at
Morrisdulo, in this county, whoso veracity
is not to bo doubted, informs us that the
Postmaster of that placo informed him tho
othor day, when ho hnndod him out his
last copy of tho Now Yo;k Pay Jlook, tk:it
lie "had authority to reluse to deliver se
cess-ion papers, that tho Day Book was a pa
per of this character, nnd ho would dnliv
er no more of them."
There is but ono proper way of dealing
with such men, and wo mistake the chnr
s.ctcr of tho people ol Morris township if
they fail in this emergency. Let them
formally demand of the Postmaster his
alleged authority. If he fails to produce
it, report the facts to tho Postmaster Gen"
oral, to be dealt with as the Inr directs.
Should any protended authority bo pro
luccd, it i their duty as good and loyal
citizens, to let tho worm know n lu.t ana
why it is.
Tlui Latest from Misamiri General
Lyon's fiuecess Confirmed Retreat
of the enemy General Lyon Falls
Bark on fyrintjfield,
SrniNGFiELD. Mo., Aug 5. Advices from
Gen. Lyon's army to Sunday have been
received. 1 ho cavalry charge heretofore
repotted was made by a scouting party
sent out by Gen. Lyon to ascertain if the
enemy was approaching, alter our troops
had encamped for tho night at Dug
Springs. Seeing a regiment of Infantry
coming along tho road, the Lieutenant in
command cf the cuvalry ordered a charge,
which resulted in killing Unity of tho
rebels and wounding forty.
Tho charge was not intended by Gon.
Lyon, but probnbly prevented tho rebels
from attacking his ma:n bo:ly, when they
would unquestionably liavo been rooted
with severe loss. A largo body o! the en
emy s cavalry, winch had taken a position
Qi i.Ncr, 111.. Aug., 8th.- A band of Con
federates, numbering from 1,000 to 1,100,
made an attack upon tho camp of llio Un
ion uicu at Athens, Mo., on Monday unf
iling last, ut 5 o'clock. Tuero was a con
iideinble amount of arms and ammuni
tion for the Unitod States troops station
ed there, under guard of the troops com
'posing this camp ol United States Volun
teers numbering nbous thrcehundrcd men,
under command of Cupt. Moore.
The righting lasted about one hour,
ivhen tho Confederates retreated. Mean
time Cupi. Moore having been reinforced
by about 150 men from Centralis, Iowa,
on tho opposite side of the river, gave
cliase after them for about a milo ana a
half, killing one, taking eighteen prison
ers and capturing thirty ono hor.cs and a
couplio of secession Hags. Several Con fed
erates were wounded in the cliase rlter
tho battle, and six or eight were found
dead on the Held.
In the afternoon the bearer of a (lag of
truce came in from tho secession camp,
who admitted that they had carried oil'
fourteen of their killed, and as many more
wcro wounded or missing. The Conl'ed
wero led by Martin Groonc, a brother of
ex-senator Jim uioeiiB. Iho L nion men
had only three killed and eight wounded
ir. tho sk:runslt.
Athens is a small town in tho extreme
nortueaste.-n section of the Slate, on the
Desmoines river, 23 or o0 miles west of
It is reported that the Union forces,
having been further reinforced by five or
six hundred troops from Iowa, marched
ion Monday night id pursuit of tho rebels,
encamped eight miles lrom Alliens, mid a
light took at that point, unless tho enemy
Ifourpnporof the 31st' or any 'oilier
number containod spy remark bearing
Mich construction wo wore not, and are
not yet, awar'o of it. Tho only sentence
in that number, on the subject, was the
following, which we now re-produce, in
order that the Dispatch may have no excuse
lor f:iling to ppint out wherein wo havo
done injury to our soldier! :
"Tho two affairs at Bull Run have dom
otiBtrated not only that these Southerners
will stand their ground and light, but that
:hey can liht just as well as their broth
ers of the North j and if thero is ftny dif
ference, tkey understand tho business a
little better than we do."
Now hear what the New York Herald,
whoso support of the war policy of the
administration is above suspicion, sys on
this very subject : .
"They (the Southern officers) fought
with a bravery which casts tlip conduct
ot ir.e union ollicers into tho shade."
With the Dispatch, and all such Johu
lii'own orgaus and disciples, to bo a Detu
ne rat is to bo a secession id t ; and not to
endorse all tho monstrous usurpalious of
President Lincoln j yea, to exorcise the
i1reai'Kt rights of American freemen, is to
be a traitc to the Union and the Consti
tution ! We can tell thcsogcntlotnnn that
this attempt to inaugurate a rciyn ottrnr,
hirI a censorship for the press, howev er
H-eU it tuay suit the atmosplHuo of Pitts
burgh,, is about played out in most other
places. Tho people will spooK their sen
timentft, whether "Uio powers that bo"
frown or smile.
" UoytiiT " Aiib Lincolx. rrosident
Lincoln has found himself in a great deal
of double ever since ho crawled upon the
Chicago riatfortu. Gen. Scott snys he is
a good uinti, ilctalone--intimating that he
is being used by others. Mr. Itreckinridge
wiid tho samo thing of him the other day
in the Senate, adding that ho believed
him to bo "hottest j" and the late Senator
Douglas bus frequently expressed similar
lnngurge. All these expressions go to
bhow that if Mr, Lincoln is wrong it is
owing cither to mistaken judgemont, or
it is because ho is not ''let alone.
However cofrcct theso gentlemen mny
b3 in tlieir opinions, Mr. Lincoln km cer
tainly maintained his consistency ns an
advocate of Abolitionism and ngro equal
ity, to say nothing of secession and lisu
nionitm. address, the
following rcruarkablo passngo occursj
which, if our system of government is as
it was understood by 'Alexander Hamil
ton, and others who assisted in framing
our Constitution, is a complete vindica
tion of tho right of secession as claimed
by the Southern people. :
"This country with its institutions bo
long to tho pooplo who inhabit it; wheneva
thry shall grow tciary of the existing government
they coil exercise thoir constitutional
rightof amending it, Oft TIIE1U REVO
If a Democrat would use such language
he would bo called a rank secessionist,
nnd JclT. Davis may search all the wri
ting of seccssiondom and nowhere
will ho find language so useful to bib pres
ent purpose.
sST Wo are pleased to chronicle tho
enemies to tho peoco and prosperity of
otir beloved country wo alludo to Major
General Horace Greely, and Major Goner
al Whisky. Whilo the former had control
led both Mr Lincoln and General Scott;
up to the Pact!o of Hull Run, tho latter,
in a great mc.imirft, commanded tho Sol
diers and the teamsters.
Tho '.Robcls" defeated the first o n the
20th of July last, nnd tho second was cap
turod and imprisoned at Washington by
Congressjust previous to the adjournment.
Our country will no dobt be glad to learn,
that those Uo great moral and political
evils are about being bauished from tho
councils at Washington and tho army.
If tho Cabinet spumes the worse than
sepent advico of Greoly, And our soldiors
are prevented from holding any ccinmuni-
fit!nii ti' den WIimUv. lmLh mnv vol
.. , , ,. , . ., , ... have 20,000 secession troops under their
mccced in esLablitumi' Ihemsclveg in tho! ' , ... .i t,. r ',...n. ... i e,
.r- oj .i imranuu nu. lcl'uuoe" ,,"""' , we should have a small skirmish at Bull
..... .uu. v... mu.B....,u i no ibuct lorce is wen wruou and euoci- Run anj probably a smart brush at Mn-
people, nd save our country from national ive troops. assas, from wnicli place weexpectod logo
ruin and everlasting disgrace. 0 A. A , on to Richmond."
, , Mw ork Stale Democratic Lcntral "Then you had no thought of dofoalT"
New Kt Orricr.. Little Toby, Clear- Convention No Coalition with the "Not the slightest. The word wasn't
Meld county, James McClellaod Post Mas-; fteMiblkans. uttered, and nobody bolievod defoat to bo
Beit 2 I.iiinlj',
Host Kleoco of wool,
Beat fceuiuien of wool,
Class No. 10. Swine, e-pm friall,
Best Bour, any breed,
X'imi'1 fnrm i'i .to,nit, nnd
Best Breeding sow, any breed,
t'armrr ont danUni r, Slid 2 AO
Beat Hoe, t'uruuir ami (,'ni iaif, nnd 2 00
1 H
1 H
l 00 ulS
1 w
1 need not 'add that tho Virginian Best l'ij; under 6 months old,
blunk away under tho merited rebuke, or Clash No. 11. Poultry
The. Latest from Missouri Gen. Lyon
J'repariuij to attack Spriinjjicld.
Roli.a, Mo. August 8. A gentleman
from Springfield on Monday, at noon, fin-
nioliei the lollowmg inlormation in re-1
gird to Gou Lyon's movements.
(icn. Lyon, with his forces, had fallen
back on Springfield, having reached there
on Monday morning, and was preparing
for a vigorous defense. Tho rebels wmc
advancing by four dill'erent roads. Their
advance hail been ascertainined to bo 10
or 10 miles 'distant.
Gen. Lyon had called out 2-"00 Home
Ouards, from the countiy around Spring
field, to aid him. It was expected that
the enemy would mako an immediate at
tack, from the fact that their commissar
iat is in A miserable condition, being
obliged to depend on forced cont:ibutions
for temporary supplies.
It was generally remarked in Spring
field that Gen. Lyon seemed perfectly
confident of success in case of an attack.
He had no intrenrhments, but depended
upon his spledid artillery in the open
Fifty wagons filled with provisions had
reached him.
Gen. Topo's military district has been
extended so as to cmbraco two tiers of
counties south of the Missouri river inclu
ding St. Louis, where ho has established
his headquarters.
newsTfrom the south.
Tennsacola. A private letter from
IVnsacol i, Florida, dated July 2'Jth, says :
"Two or thrco of Billy Wilson's Zouaves
doserted from Port Pickens ond swum
across the bay to our side. Thoy were ta
ken in charge by Colonel Gladden. Ono
of tho deserters brought his gun, citridgo
box and dinner with him. Wo are having
pleasant weather hero, nnd thero is not h
caso of sickness in our company.
It is stated that tho report of the Sec
retary of War, just presented to tho Con
federate Congress at Richmond, shows
that one hundred und ninety-dour rcgi
ments and thirty-two battalions havo al
ready been accepted, besides, various do
tnchments of artillery and companies of
cavalry not yet made up into regiments.
Tho report lias boon sent into Congress
for consideration in secret session. Tho
report urges tho acceptance and organiza
tion of three hundred regiments,
The Charleston Courier says
Mr. J. A. Thompson, of the Washing
ton Light Infantry Volunteers, relates to
a member ol tho committee irom this city
tt at a dozen soldiers generously gathered
around the prisoner and assured liim of
protection from further insult.
On the 1st instant, Mr. Charles P.
tit and Mr. Alexander Eddie met at
corner of King and l.iino streets, and
ter a few wonls.Mr. Petit was seen to stab
Mr. Eddie, from the ell'ecls of w hich tho
hitter died utmost instantaneously. Hith
erto each of tho parties havo borno an ir
reproachable character, and havo always
been noted for their quietude and pro
priety of counduot.
Tub Peace Pautv. Day by dy tho
peace parly in this country is growing
stronger and stronger. Tho first Hush ef
an cry excitement having passed away,
and the ateiti and horrible realities of wai
having begun to manifest theinselves.the
conservative thinking portion of the com
munity are beginning to ask themselves
what can bo gained by all this bloodshed
r.nd devastation? And they find tho
question, vhen considered in its various
bearings, far more easily asked than an
swered. Each day the suicidal policy of
the administration becomes more and
more evident. Each day tho people tec
more clearly that is folly to build up an
immense national debt to lie liko an in
cubus upon tho energies nnd resources of
the country for years. They a:e begin
ning to understand ihat the sacrifice, of
thousands of lives is wrong, when c-.lin
negotiation will sctllo every dillerencc.
They have abundant evidence that the
war, if prolonged, will utterly ruin every
business man ut tho North, and throw
the entiro laboring class into a statu of
destitution and distress never before wit-
ressed on this continent. Because ol
these facts (he friends of penco hic d.nly
becoming bolder and more numerous.
Patcrwn (A". ., ) Jieginter,
J. C. I! RECKixumuE. As Mr Breckin
ridge was passing through Baltitnoro last
woek, after (he adjournment of Congress,
a party of his friends pnid their respects
to him at the Kit taw House, and called
upon him for a speech. lie appeared up-
on tho balcony, and aftrr pinceeding au
bout half an hour ws compelled to give
way to tho yells of the noisy crowd, who
were determined (hat he should not be
ho ird.
Boat Coo)i Spring Chickens, not loiis tliun 6, I
lleiiviest Turkey,
Beat display of Chickcna, -
Class No. 12. J'lt'winy.
Owner of team and plow who
plowa green award the bet,
Youuti Puruiert' Munurl, and
Owner of tenia and plow who plowa ftubblo
tho Best, Alh n't farm Hunk, und
Class No. 13. I'luies, Hollers and D
Harrows and Lidtteat'iiir.
Best plow for a tnhhle or award, - 2
Best Bub-noil plow, Ituriy'i fruit Uard-ii, Jt t
Beet Sido-llill plow,. . 1
Bet Cultivutur, 1
Best Clod-Crusher nnd Boiler combined, 1
Best (irain Brill, Mltn't Fnnn lluui; & 1
Best Cunt Iron Fem-o,
2d best Cast Iron Fence,
Best specimen lot of Tinware,
i 1M best do do do
' Best apei'iinpn of Blurksmitliin'
$2 00 Best specimen of (iiiiianiilliiii,
i Best specimen of Iron Turning,
Best Miower Bnlh,
Best 1'IhIu cuttings,
I (in Lc-,1 Uri'-nml Invention in llio count v
Tho above premium pro ofTurod fur
inumilnelurod in tho county. A Diploma iuit v,
annrdeil for Hny cf the above artitlea on eabtt
tion, without regxrd to hero it waa mimfaCUll'
1 IU
3 00
Best displny of Table and I'orket Cutlery,
of American Manufacture, r.
Bot display of lidded Toola,
Best dijpluy of Funning and Field toola,
Class o. lib. I thiele of all
3 00 Beet Fiimiiy carriuge$i
1'Cl'1 '"ri11 wajfoii 4
Boat Busjy, j
Beat Sleigh, ft
Best llurao Cart, 1
Bust Lumber iSled 2
' Best Wheelbarrow, I
A Diploma inuy bo awarded for article! in UV.
tii.u ... ......... f. 1 I- iL- . . -
,,vfc iiii,iiu,iti.,utwii in me touuiy.
I Class No, 27. Vnbintttewrc imyiuntti
Bct Horse Buko, 1 1 no
Beit Corn Shelter. 1 00
Best Threahing ma
chine, - - 3 00
Beat lluy-l'itchinj; Miicliino,
Be.t Ox okc nnd liowa,
Best Benner und
Mower, 3 00
Beat Corn planter t U0
Best Fanning Mill Z 00
1 00
Bpi"t Dressing Bureau t
Best Bounce,
Best act of Chairs, 2
Best variety of Chnira, 2
Best set l'urlor'I'urn'e, 5
Best Bookini-i:lii..fiu'ul
i.i uiapiuy oi ;nmnet ware, Dip. and i H
Class. No. 2,S. Conperiug. Carped, ring, fa
Best rpecimen of 1'ino ware,
liest window an.-h, I Best I,ot of Rn.ik.i, i
..WU. ........... J
Best act Rrain uicasurex.l
ries ,crn, N
Best Kxten.tHble! M
Best Wash atand,l H
Bet Centre ralila M
Best Bedctead, J u
Best Olheo Chair,! H
Best Stalk or Struw Culttr, - - .2 00
Best Horse Bower fortienerul Furpnaca, 2 00
Best Original Invention of Agricultural
Iuiplement. - - - - S 00
Ah tiriiclea pnnmemted in thia class nut mudo
in the county, but produced upon exhibition, if Class No. 2'J. Jtnott and Garden VeaelaUn
.1 r :. I.. .. .. . '
norillj' Ol II, V, 111 Ul" UHUIUUll u yil.,u.,,
Class No. 11. M'scel aneans Farming Ini
Best Lot of Muckau.'i
lu.i i. I..
-v.-v mil-,
Beat Plump Fuller 3 00
Beet (iraiu Cradle, 1 00
nnd 1
" 1
JBrayTho attention of our readers is call
ed to the synopsis of the tarili' and la.
bill published on our outside.
So3 3adl Anr.rjl Fanff .
A ti 11 1 C U L T URAL SO C I H T Y .
To be held at thehimiujh of Clearfield
on Tuexdiiii. Wednesday. Thiirvln'j
ami Friday, the 'th, ltiii, 11th ltldl Heat :! Loavoa of wheat Broad,
lSft (I, up of October, A. J)., 1MJ1
KM ilS II! WI N, President.
I). V. lvi'.wi;n,Ktt, Secretary.
Lr.Yl V. Irvin, Cor. Secretary.
Jamks Wkkilkv, Tivtisurer.
John F. Wf.avku, fiibrariun.
Con. A. M. Jlu.i.s, Miirsliul.
Wm. Ten Kvck, (;hici'of Folicc.
Feexfor Admission, Entry '( if c.
Single admission, - - 15 els
Child rcn under 12 years, - 10 "
Tickets for a single day, 5
Single ticket during Fair - 5J
Tickets lor a family, to admit
lady and gentleman and .
children tinder 15 years,
For trotting premiums, each
For pleasure,
SI 00
2 00
! . . , . i ' ... i & liie.L wine h exiilums in emit, nnet . in
on li:u erounu io observe our position ... B r
and ttreneth, was dispersed by a feW re und pers.stent attack and conccn-
shells fro... Totten's battery, wounding I ,aUon J 1,0 , "T?.in V
i-.i,. J "i I egion in thu lata battle.
Un.Salunlav mominj; our forces moved ! A renegade shopkeeper who had sup
forward cautiously, and on approaching ll lho Legion fith milk when
Curran, tho rebel- numbering ion.o thrco1 fTnl' Wun ,vcr r-TW
thousand, were s-on posted on tho hilNI lo1'8 tl'1 Uul- md M tho
si.le southwest of that place. Oen. Lyon I UD.d of tho Legion. It
.... . .1 . J . ; ii Bmiftnliil.iuti tnunnw tlml mu ttiu.ul
iinraeuiately lormeU his army for Battle! , , , , , ,
and gave order, to advance. As our col-!;l:"caUo J"'ccted, and was shot on
Class No. I Sweepstakes, open to all compet
itors. Best Bull, ?I0 00 I 2d Best Bull, $5 00
All breeds conio together in this class, and
compete with each other. To ho judged by thoir
good pointa, ayimuatry of fnitue, ability to fatten,
and tho stoek they will produce.
Class No. 2. Grade Cattle.
? 000
Beat Cow, $10 00 I 2d Boat cow,
liest iloiller, 6 00 Boat Calf uudcr
2d Bent calf under 8 montha old, 3 00
8 months old, Ikutd't Ctiltlt Doctor,
Class No, 3. 0.n.
Boat Yoke of Oxen, - - - - $10 00
2d Boat " Ji'i'ld $ dull Ducto', and
Claps No. 4.
Beat fat Bullock, Cow or Ilciffer over 2
Best Boo Hive, f I 00
lieat Potato Dipper 40
lies! 6 llund-mkos 1 00
Best lot of (Jardenin tools, - - 1 00
liest ai t Fanning utensils, owned by Fa.-mer 3 00
Class No. Lr. Wheat, Jlarby, Corn, if v.
Bear Acre of, farm, it: Hani, if 'S 00
Beat Aero of Spring wheat,
Aim rii un Atjri. -ullnrlnl I yenrund 3 00
Best Field of wheat, l' to 10 acres,
1 ii,, , ;, n A'ji tViifn, iV 1 ymr, anil 3 00
Best Aero of Corn, A,h'ii A;. 1 ;''ir, and 2 00
Best Field of lturlov, not leas than 3 acres.
A nrrirmi A'jri'ulOirii'l 1 yt ir, nrtl 2 00
Uest Aero of Oata, ylm'ii A.f, I y r, and 2 00
Heat 4cr of Bye, A'i'u .1;. 1 yrf,iid 2 00
Beat bushel ol Corn ears, " '
liest 3 acres of Buckwheat, "
Best bu-hel winter v In-lit, "
Bet bushel Spring do "
Heat 4 iie.e ol l'otatova, "
Beat i acre of Bcnna, "
Best aero of Clover seed, "
Beat i acre of Broom Corn,
Ile.-t l acre of Sorghum,
Beat I acre of I'eaa,
Beat J acre of ltuiub pas,
Beat 4 bushel nf Timothy seed,
Boat 4 ncro of CurroU,
Heat i acre of Tin nips, -
Crops boiii; O'liuil, preterenco will bo given to
ihoao that yield tlio largest net profit. Stnto
inenta to be furnished by the exhiliiloT. They
must to itKiiaured, or weighed, nnd a sample
furnished nt the Fnir.
Applicants for premiums must furnish the com
nii'.teu with a .tatcuieiit signed by themsolvca
under a bledge of veracity, of the quality of grain
railed on the ground entered for a premium, and
uiu.-t atate, ua corieetlyua theycan, the kind and
condition of tho previous crops; the kind and
quantity of a.'ed used, nnd the time and ruude of
pulling it in the ground.
Persona cnteiing Field Crops for exhibition, or
intending to do so, limy give uotico to llio F.xoo
utive Committee at any limn, and havo thu field
measured and examined by a coiuiuitto c, while
Class No. 10 Hrcadand Cereal Fond,
Beat Loaf of Corn Bread, - do
Beat Loaf of Uyo Bread, - - do
Beat Found. Sponge, Fruit, Jelly. Cudeo,
Lady and Flain Cuko, ouch n do
Beat Fie, any kind, Dip
Bet Jelly, Dip
Best Ieo Cream, Dip
Class No. I", lint ter and Cheese.
Il jst 10 pounds of Butter,
Best Kirken of 25 lbs., or more, of Buttor
made in May or June,
Best Choose,
Class No. 13. Flaur,
Bo?t Barrel of Fl ur,
Beat 100 lbs. of Flour. Spring wheat,
Best ill U. of Bye Flour,
Best 60 lbs. Buckwheat Flour,
Beat AO Iba. Corn Moal,
Cls No. III. Domestic Articles,
Best Box, or Jar, of Honey,
Heat III poiimla ol Aliiplo rnigur,
Beat l'ouchcrf, put up Air-tight,
Boat Toiiiiituua, put up Air-tight,
Beat Blackberries, put up Air-tight,
Boat Currants, put up Air-tight,
Best Fancy Jar of pi kles,
Beat (Inllon 5yrup, Mnpto or Sorghum, each.
Boat Cured Ham, cooked, I
Best Dried Beef, with mode of curing, 1
Class No. 20. Domestic Manufactures.
Boat Freaarvos,
Best display nf
Preserves ,t Jelly Dip.
Boat bu. carroti, if.
Best 4
Best 4 bu. m. beiusit
1 N
Best 10 yards of Flannel,
Bos", 10 yards of Sattinet,
Best 10 yards of Cloth,
Boat pair of woolen Blankets,
Boat 15 yards of woolen Carpet,
Best 15 yards of Hag Carpet, wool chnin,
Best 15 yards of Bag Carpet, cotton chain,
Beet Woolen Coverlet.
Best Woolen fringed Mitta,
liest Hearth Bug,
3 oo ! Best pair ol woolen kntt Stockings,
j Beat pound of linen Sowing Thread,
j Best specimen of Knotting, Knitting or Xeo-
umn approaching a pieeo of timber to
ihnk tho enemy, Cupt. Dubois' battery
opened fire on tho rebels, who quickly ro
treated. It was not known whether any
of tho enemy were killed in this last en
gagement. We did net loeo a man, but
took soveral prisoners.
uurarmy encampeo ,or ino ntgni ni ...ylru ngori u)0l.e J, no disposition
VUlll.,1, VII .MttJ IIIVII-III ..1.. ..J"
on detcrmiuod to retire to Kpringfiold,
fearing that, as most of the rebols are
tnoumod, they might by a rapid move
ruent flank him and take Springfield.
Gen. Trice, Rains nnd Parsons are said to
Monday, 20th, by
The Richmond correspondent of tke
Courier writos :
I In conversation with one of tho wound
led prisoners this morning, I remarked to
5 00 1 me woik, oy .Misses under I z yrs. el age
Du.l.r, CallU Dnrloe, A 1 00 l0!il I""r ' cr"""n.K.1"1 "'cKinga.
neat I'uunu ii iuiuiMii inril,
Best Foot Mat, 0 I Best Tidy,
Best Straw Bonnet, SO Best Straw Hat,
Class No. 21,Xcedlc, Shell, Wax work,
Best specimen of Neodlo work,
Best specimen of Keedlo work, on Machine,
raising of' Best group of Flowers In worsted.
I Best specimen of hmbroidcry in worsted,
years old,
2 d best do do
Class No. 5. Thorough bred Horses
to nil.
Best Stallion, $15 00 I BestMaro & Colt 10 00
2d boat do 5 00 2d best do 5 00
The premiums In this clusa ore Intended only
for horses whoso pedigrees render them worthy.
llio socioty wishes to encourago tlio
high-bloodod horses
in this country to exult over a fallen cn
einy ; but, if its not impertinent, I should
liko to ask you a question. What did
you expect when you loft Washington V
"Well, ' replied the soldior, "wo ivero told
that ourscouts could whip all tho force
you had at Fairfax and Centrevillo ; that
Class No. G. lib ting, Carriage, Draft and
Farm Horses,
Boat Saddlo -Horse, - - - - $5
Best nintched carriage kersos, Younit on
Itin Jlorir, and .... 3
Best tingle family horse, in harness, Fou
nd oh the Horn, and - 3
Best Span of Draft horses or marcs, Fou
nd on thf llrr, and ... 3
Bost Span of Farm horses, or mares, I'oii
ult on the llnmr, and - - 8
Bost Oolding, or Mare, for work, over 4
yeara old, Yountl on the Hone, and 3
Best Colt under 2 years old, ) otiatton the
Hone, nnd i
The horao that moves, tho hoaviost load
on a Slono Boat, without a whip,
Found on the Hone, and - 4 00
Bost specimen of Embroidery in Lace.
Best apcoitnen of Fn.lirolderjr in Mualin,
Best Shirt mado by Miae under 12 yrs. of ago,
Best Batching and Mending,
Bost specimen of Leather work,
Bost sbecimon of Wax Flowers,
Beat specimen of Feather work.
, Boatapoclmon of Ornamental work,
00 i Clais No. 22. Dress Making and Millinery.
5Jcst Dress making, $1 00 Bost Millinery, 1 00
Bost 4 stnlka celery, Dip,
Bust 6 heads enbhago allc
Beat 2 de collallow'r,50c
Boat half bushel table noUitoa.
Beat nuart of windslr Loans,
Bost variety of S(iiaah,
Best variety of melons,
Best Sweet Fotatos.
Best half bushel of Tomatoe,
All vegetable must havo boon raited
Class No. 30. CWVt, Saddlers and My,
Best fientlemena' Boots and ?oe,
Best Lailys' Bootannd Shoes,
Beat display of Bootannd Shoei,
Best Travelling Trunk,
He. Tug Harness,
Beat Carriago Harness,
Bnat Singlo Humors,
Best Riding Bridlo and Mailingale,
Beat (lentlenmiis' Biding Saddle,
Best Ladys' Biding Saddle,
Best display of .'addlery,
Hfst Solo Leather,
Best Finiahod Hnrncst,
Best display of any kind of Loathor,
Beat ltobo mado by exhibitor,
Class No. Zl.'lailors' and VphollMtri
Beat Suit of Clothes made by hand,
Beat Coat inndo by a Lady,
resi iiusk .Mntraas, j j,
nest iinir .unirasa, $
Boat Straw Matrnsa, j n
Cl.As No. 02. lVmling hi (o.Jnly.
iicsi jinnuuin, Oip. Beat Blank, it.
i.i-n viiiK, mp. uo.-ii cwsp.iper,
Beat Ornamental Printing,
t,i V .1 rt ... .o. .i.i. MoM-uire.
Beat Drain Tile, f 1 Boat Fire Brick,
Host Brackets, 1 Boat Brick,
Beat Pottery, 1
Class .No. 31. Chemicals and (temical At
tain in the rnonty.
nest availalilo .Manuro at modorato coaf. 1 M
Beat available Manure for Farm F.oducts, I W
liest availalilo matoruil for Uloe, 1 N I
liest Linseed Oil,
Mesl l allow landles, t
nest .iiecimen of soap, i I
ZJest inegnr, 1 1 I
liest VI riting Ink, 1 1
Clash No. 35. Woo l in,t Sont.
Best Dressed Slono, $1 I lWst M'll Stone, I
nest Orind Stone, 1 lliat Floor boardl,
Best Butter Ladle, 50o worked, I
Best Butter bowl, 50c Best weaHierboardi, 1
I flu "lsl I"11 nr '"imv I nest washing madniC
eci nu.ipa, nor nest i n urn,
1,.. .1 PI !. I . 4tll. .n. .. ....
on iui mingles, i iieai iurnfii ArtlelMi
Discretionary premiuiiia will be recommeiidul
for all articles of merit exhibited by lufibiti'd
jiuau ino varioua urnncliei, and it II nopMi
no riierni nxiiioiuon win oo maile.
60 For all improvement usoful to tlio Farinar, iJ
00 I having valuublo properties, ni scrctionory prtni-
00 urns may ho recommended bi the CommilW
00 and awnrdod by the Bonrd.
Class No. 30 Natural Minerals.
0ft i Tho best suit of useful Minerals of Cletrfiold
50 ! county, including eixil, !
5U Tho beat Cabinet of Minerals of CleardslJ
50 1 and ndjoiniiig counties, t be the prop
50 crty of the Society,
fin The best Limestone, I
50 Tho boat Firo Clay, I
50 ! The beat rotter's Clay, I
00 ' The best Collection of Foss la, I
00 ! Tho best suit of Crvstalir.ed Minerals. I
Class No. Zl. Fndt.
1 oo Tho beat display nnd greatest variety of
1 no ' ( rafted Apples, aunimor and winter
1 not Fruii, named nnd arranged,
1 nil; The host disnlnv and ..ronlo.t ruriatv f
1 HO Fears, named and nrranired. '
1 00 ' Tho bost display nnd greatest variety of
1 no! Fencbos, named nnd arranged.
1 00 Barry t fruit iWl
51) l no oost apecimon of Apples, 1 pork, do
50 The best collodion of Flums, do it
50 Tho bost collection of Cherries, do ii
50 Tho best collection of Quinces, do d"
Best sporinien of Foroiirn firanea. do do
Best specimen of Ainorican Orapct, do do
Best specimi n of Currants,
Best specimen Of (Jooaeberriea, ,
Best apecimcn ofBlnckbcrries, 5'1
Best specimen of Seedling (Irapot raised i
county, ond worthy of culture, ,
Best specimen of Domestic Wine, '
Ci .ass No. 38. Horsemanship, d't-
To Iho Lady that manages hor horse boil,
and seta mo8t gjaeofully,
To tho Gentleman who mungs hit horio
boat, and sets uiot gracefully, D'f
The best display of horsemanship, nol'(,nkl
than five couple, ?T
Tho bost drirlig on the Conrie, by a Lad, Jr
50 .
50 1
50 '
50 I
Class No. 23. Artistic u-ork.
Best Fainting in oil,
Bost Fainting In wator Colors,
Best Portrait Fainting,
Best Landscape Painting,
Beat Cattlo Fainting,
nest Ornamental Fainting of any kind,
j Albany, Aug. 8. A
moating of tbe possible.
I t- T. . . . .1 i
r. ... v T T.:- ir..,. l I'aguerrooiype luacn on me grounu.
Clam No. i ,-Trolhng Horses-open to all. hett Ambrotyp. uken.on tbe ground,
Best timo 3 in S, trotting in single hr- Beat Fliotngraph taken on the ground,
noss, Younti an th Itnru, ami 30 OS Bost Writiug,
No preiuluin will be paid unlost Fire ontriot Boat Ornamental Fonmansliip,
When Vfe got to Fairfax WOremade.J liach horao to trot against timo. Bo it Architectural Drawing, '
do do
The beat tio.nranv of Cavalrv.
Tho boat Company of Infantry,
Tho best Band, with Braae instriiraocts,
, The beat Martial Band,
The bost 1' Singora,
j Class No. 39. AVmivj.
Iho West Kuraery, containing the gretft '
i variety of Froita and Shrubi, culliv
In tho most approved manner, (the el- ,
hibitor to furnish written doeriptlii
stntlng variety and mode of culture,
I The Beoond best do Worry Fruit (l1
I Class No. 4(1. General TJM.
I Tho best display k grcateatlvaricty r"1''""''!!?
I Tho beat diaplay A greatest variety Flantf W
Tho bost display of Floral Ornarntntf, J
The bost bonnet, with handle, J,
i The best bund boijnet,