Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 07, 1861, Image 3

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    .', V, M'ti. T.
1 I ' 1
;r;",tLb. . ..,..,, i'..:i- I-.'-"!" v "I l'"' "u "'lii".-'1"" ''.. l-'ts"
' ,,.M n-iu.n in th-ir l' i "" I. vc
c. aipdt.i s . nmh ' s ' !ll"
r'il f '"" '", S:,h,,dlV "'" A 1 1 ' 1 1 t .
I ir'ti' -i.nt V.-.f v-iilt t' il.o K:i ' i n.i, ii,
' , that iho Mine may ho counted at the
of the County I 'niivi illicit.
i Ivmarralio voter of the different
',' oji and town .hips will, ci " i
jJ.OI iAl'5'-ft ti .', I lilt Iv. o di le;' l' . s
..U-jinl"" LVjmily Convention to be hold
't 3'.' .V '." SV. , r ii'"- '. to i'"
.minoif any ehan? tdir-'ild ho made
1 tho mode ci f nom'inalinr; eambi late.
-. ad ill the l".ny rule, and to muko uou
' Under the Rules of tho party tb res
,'poctive Committees of Yiedleneo will iti
1 point onn nf their number, or some other
'.saiiabto poison, as Foiurn ,lr.d" for the
' jnirpose of ntte-i'lii " the County Curven-
tion, vhieh will he' hold nt tho Conn
"Jlousoon il.o Tnotd.iy afternoon next
aucceedinc the Piimaiy Illco.ion.
l. J. ciians,
C limit man.
" 1 . ' ' ! 1, ' !( " - I I
I" " ,'e ! - M'l I. 1
ill N .i ; I or" i, ; ,. r I ..,. i i,n
T ' 1 1 ' 1 M ll 1 i t 1 - t . I 1- .V I i ' .
1 1 ' k ( 1 u n nt I (.'i I h '( i'ih !' ' i ti'.on
in . i !. i ii.i.t i.; f.i'i ii. i 1 1 " .
to II . I 1.1 I . ml 1,1,. ' I li, ,
u i . 1 1, i ii n tin wii'i-i "f 1 'i i
' I ll-tnrtli, n m I . ti r; no ur l.lni' 'i-d vhi
; (:,,i 1
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f '" 1 ' "
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i' I I Ii
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; . 'I, II . I
i,t oi i ulr.j.p 1 tin' x i-
, ' . ; i , i v ; '..i. ' 1 i-
Ul'.:-.r o TV !. nt.
., I i! o s, m". . -a .ili n
' iii '.l,' no :i!!u-ii'-i to li'.--.
I, ut oii1!i.i nimii liii inciiiM to nii
is l'-imilv in 1 1 t r In nr o lii I.
... h
w '.M.osT'i ,
'I ( :1 i' 'tin u'.
Ti, . Ml :
(!,"!, Iv v lit. 1
( ti in
... ii.
, I I
i Mi, ,
in:' r
I! ' . I.I
' ! .
! ."r I '
l.r i .ul'
in, r I
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1 1
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I. '.
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( lie t'i 111
in .
I. t it.
i ii,.,
... I n
unit o
n'li'i i,
ii i.i'i
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. ,.. ll ! In
llli" .'I'1 - t "
iO III.,' ' I ' "
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I ' t,r in
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ll mi 1,1 111"
m ,i,, is 1 4 ,
' l:n V.'.l np
. i, i - i'l t)i" t
1 l'rivn'o Ki'otli, of oi'iiinnnv 1'. lTlliN.
V.. !J;rin..'i. M i'i' i" -I in Fort I'll-wcvtli,
; WW ili'llil oil Wi . 1 1 1 - 1 . 1 ' .'Vi'llilli', 1'V
Ci;.'n:n S(i i o r.f .,itiii' vo'iinont. JIf
w us i int., ns niiii ci iiiinitti-il mi assault on
. tlio
1 Tito ,i ivulo lf-iilonro of n nv.rt imircd
' JoSn-fin, a l:.'iiU'tiant in tl.o rniifouciMto
iirinv, 1,'i'ati'il on tlio up or nii'm of Hunt
ii.L'Ci ,', k. : Iiurno.l vi-nord.-iv ufieriioon
i 'I'lif illllPO Ol tl.O 111'!.' 1 1101 KIlOMIl.
,iii 1
. . in ii
i ' n '
', , .I - '.
I - " I M I'll! i' 1 , I I 1 ' . I
ni.r in' II I. '. 1 1 I i 1 . i i' I a
'l"h i'l , , i., 0, ' r
., i i. ''.f !:' I , . . 1 , .... a
V i , i.H'l m ,. -t t. ! I,. , i' i
. i i ' 'f in ' I 1 1" " i' I ;. '. ! ;' mi
" f ' ii 'i 1 1 il , J, ' H 11 '' ) A I" iK ' . '
V i I i" ""'. mi'l il', nil. tlii.,ri'i, r
! ;.v "i. I "i " Ii'", I "'ijlliir i,. . 1 . . i . 'i ... !
) I I l- I'll I' !,' 1 1 I I ! ! Hl. 'I !;. I'.ll I ,1 1'' I' ' ll
t,i c !. i'i,' i,, iv i . - , i : . I v i'i Hi'- I mi ' I
h'.ilt". l,li', t..r i"irii.'iiliir., ;.( .Win.
;, i'il'll I'.. II. JaUI:i, liclii'tul .';',,'IiI. Mil. ill,
,..i,ii tntirlii (iiu.
i ' I'
.' i. 1 '
1; -
il -
,n;;i:i pna;--vt:.;!s-
(' ' v - ", j. it:
be n:
i:. Ill" pi Ij. i.r mii liuve I n t rml'ipotl In
ic! of tliu au'uioal iri.r..-.-i,ni of t!ii. cun-
ArFAI".:' AT V'AtMIINfi'i'ON.
" July 4tli, 1.1.
HWP 4 NTE I . ft few cords of "'"'!
; nood nt this olti.v, on aoour.t ol'Sub-i rip
tion.' '
Tiini-ENLii. Wo in!" in.ii-'.i !' tin.
. TVincinul. Ch 4s. l'. SvM'Fnun, ti.iiL tlio l1"'!1
". Acidtfiny will bo roopened for tlio r
' tioQ of puiiilf on Jifon.lay tho "d day oi l
ofkSef ttnilicr 'Jo:ct. j
Ihi'lii in on ovorv Hiilo, uiiliou
! ;. I I y tin' irl.:il.i!in.tH tinit lui'o
lltlinil!,! ill I Ml si 1 1 llUllSHClod l.i'lO ill
ordinary limm. Tlio pojnilali'.n of lriih
j.liici'!. is, or I'iiIIht was, tiljnnt I.Mn), I .it
1 1 1 at ii V l.avo lull siivf ihn t loiiljlc- ljfi'tin,
V tsiiiMiToN, An;!, i'. Tlio iipj.opriivlai( H ,,,.t (,iio third of Hi lUvUini'-i
liniiM lino fur tnailo l.v ('oni'i'i'i amount i n,,,) ,,,. ,.s 0f innjp jn J j, .In.nii', tin
. nl.nnt two lumdiod ni'd Iory niillioim ' , ,..ll0i ,.s iJ(.;. ;(,hl.,,v,l (,., tl,a
nf d;.!!r.". T!.. i cu nn y oi A ar lm-. : cinumih. 'i'i,,,. I i , -in nin ; i oli-v, to In'
l.-ov. .-r. twoi-ty md'.ionn nviio; !jn tll,.ni J .. ,iii,vro l!;v hic. ir
,.r, i.. , ,ii;i.l i I' i'...iiiii o;n I.,.','. I . l:r.i3 tlioir proi.--lulioil inynl l o if a
lon.i'l tl.o hoi ii.o. A I"'.! I j l- that j -ii ,, in. s.cOMon t.n ro were l:or iiMti-nd
wi.I pro i, a. .y lo 1 a.'.-i i. ui"i'n, I n mn t : o,.p-, I w :;! not und.-r'akp t"
t , 1 'i I s of I'., l.i.oiil I Wo-! 1 1 i " t
ti iti i oil op) ,.: ih' In..!. ' o''lho i'.,t,'i,l,ii',
tho l'iii'ini,r in Yir:"iiu mid the li'i n'oi
Man laud, am! aL t .vo lnin ln- 1 a id
I.M'liiv-lir,, t, !',. In, m r.llltiill. l .'. Iio' l
t..vns hfivo an lli.Jinil.od appi'iU '.i , Ml ll it J 1.1) Hi, 111 J .'anil ult., y Kvv. lr. '"J- r'"'c ''''J''"""'' 'Miriih f I'rylnmntc,
ol'V lull i-!i Ulilili" ioaiirt of o'pial jiop'ila- ' J, l.,,.J, i.t (lie r.iiUii'-n i.f Hi 1m!.i lu'tmliiin ' Ks ,t
t '.on 111 tin) ol :1 JvO)t nil P. I lioy ui'i? n iii 1 l,n. o ., in a .liiunliler I' srin:n, tii in lit iff
lit .i milling hih unmntains w'h'.'li I. qui 'rrumsu. l'... ,! ( . i.ire cuanly.
Ii it i
u ,
il' ih" H
l nil ll i
rnil'i il-" I .
iv.i.r.. lin i nt 1
Jlriilnmin lti,'iMi'l, "I' I'r., y ij, , f. i pi. .,. d i .
As.-'ii iil" Jii'lu'i, ml..ii.'l tu lint ai'iiou
Poui'M rutic r,,rI- "t ll'1' I'liiimi v vl 'i tiun.
j I'.i:Ml.nV MM! I'll I '.I'M TIiM ;
I mi'l liuviiiR rcccivi'il from inuny Murci'H, bmli
I li.ll. In f, ... ... .... ....., ,,u
i.n.. a ls, regain yours. "jfrm ,,1 ii.ii.ns nf the bigbryl tlaniling nml
Oi ,-jiur lay lun, 'k.,.i ,,f nnu'l l'utlxr-' (,UU1 ,ntiuln, tho
l u, . i i.i. . in p i'i w u-u i i, u :'i',i r.iiuni i
111 M:ii'l.iy lu.-.t, hi r.Uot.'wn
l'ifoi, well mJii'iiiMl in yearn.
We nro nnihnrirril tn inir iiiin'i" t'io nnmn of
Jiii'. ill V il!n'iii nt (i mini in tp., n i a,liit
for AcMniiii'.i Juni'i', to tlio .vti. u of tba
ltm.:r:iliu pally nt tin' ptlmiry c',:i' imi.
Vii rn aiitliori7",l to unnonnc! tiio nHtno of
(i.i.irj;i! Kiliuilt, Jl-.j., nf ICuox t o w ii p 1 1 i , us a
1 fiui-U In I " I'"!' A" ,ri::!i' ,I.i I v, nii'.j 'i't l,i tl. f ,!)-
rim.'i nl ttm licuioniulic r,jrU' at tin' rrnniiry
July JU.
Mneuii Uur. j lo. l iiuiM'i n't; i cniiuiiiiiiaim.i iin rcai vaiuii Plfetiuu
Hn tho trout m " n t of tin rn.iiliii ami oii-li
II ut .J ili.n-usc, wo
I ubli
I '. f., H iii.'il Wo ll l
ulioaro kur.'iin0' with tl.i afflu-lins '..t.:j.!.din. ' We nr u:h-rli!l to ininDiinoo tlio namo of
T Z,1 If-7" 7,1 J I 1 f f 'iiinl to tho iiifilicnl priicliiioiior who
Wo nro niitliorir...t to nnnoiinoo tlm mono of
iin1 iml'.HvJ to proprut it to tho John V. S!iuu;iirt of I'h'i.rHi lil borough, as a 1.111-
r ,.no' . li, Into ! r JuilL'f. tuii.ncl 0 tin) lem
form Hh.MiV I '.'It IM.iltlllAl K iim u,e UvmaciaUc .arty at tl., Vriiaury
r immi'inl it-"lf t"th',i.-f) tion. jii'j ID.
; 1 o'v.
, I- ,1 V
Wo 111 (' 111. HI'!
anil ilwi'liiiii! 1
1. in- t'Uiiil-:
,.il in boltoi ,
ivn oioupii'd til'.
11 hMsIh now,
.lelrov'd 11 iiold of oats o-i tlio farm oft!.
' I. Eotnl, r.q.. n l arc bing muoli d.'-m-Uoio
the corn, fo. Wo hoar of tl-.-ir
operations in other parts of the country,
lot are not advised of any of tho pnrtiou-
.Ssveke Accident. Mr. Taylor Iiovlc.
?.f tren.'0 tp., -:!;!( to town y( niwd.iy
' mornini?, and wh;!-t Idtchiiw his hnr.-o tu
I in ,..,l.!. l.lliii .' -r w , f , --.- . ,...;.laKU'.Hll,.,.).ll., Iuu,.
l.V III! ON'Iiiindlintl ol t
.... I 1
two voiutitoor t-. : 1 , otio 1. i-ii 11; rn o 10. men -1 .nution . inim
t.,1 t.n tho ol her lint tho i'iitidont Iii.k', nm,. Tim
tUi imwer to -.ll 1,1:1' million ol' men into :mm, lK,;h nln.vrs and i-rivi that we'frcat I tlilllCCinrt)! to Plircll!lPOrsi f'",k,' l'r,ll:'s ron'n,,.v bo''" "tonsivotv M-.ri
will he kept tjern lor IvcoK". iiowj .,, inoiitcil w illi ill tlio
oorrert tm v inav he, tmio wi.I mow. l
:.t......-i .. ; , i... o ..v.i'r ?? rjr'ifT- n. in
mil t.,- . 1,1 it 1 . 1 . ' Mil ri inn "I on i. , - i 1,1 p . t . ( i II 1 4 ? li 1
1 ! .: 1 i vi Nt'ili i Si rf. Bi
in ii-u i,,,t 11, iuii.1', I'.uiii.i- ii' ,- til Ull fcl.i. il.i JW
Toe Wokms. III or.r no'dee hist ,vfokj(,P jiold, 11 1 1 h on u'.i lln-.t pTiifnt ol'imtlior
of the st large worm that vi-ited this vi-liiy was not. it is bolievcd. dei.n,..,j. It is
. . ' 1.1.. I not thoiii'ht. I hoifl'i ,ro, tinit more than
c n it v, stirposf d t .3 bo the army worm; we CL , , . ',, , ' ,, , . ,
v 11 . . ' I himdii'd t'lon-atid will ho iioeeptod.
poke i.r llioiii h.i liamiless victors. Jhis vti;rro-s will r rol.ahly adjmirr. on Mop
was (i mil-take. Tlo-y have completely day tlm jmhlie l usiim.i l.'ixinu been
I i.e.'irlv all transacted. A number ol
i member '.vii I .mv I. r homo to-morrow.
I Th,. (i i - of trneo ".'tit in h'sl niL'ht by
'i t , .fir r.f ll-fMi' . , .... t . i , i : . .. : l . ' .
inn n'.m uoi .'ii. .'. ' i ". e. i u-r.l man f ir.ri : '.
jtc chii !!y relative to 1 1 1 exe':i:n;' ol h.t .Wiv':. .. k w.tli
! piis i:er-.' It i e:rtiii'i!v not in emmec-v. ,. ,;,,.y
Jti n v:i:!i i'Vy iiti.iir of St' .ni tho diroi tion ot
i'h" new j.' ovi .-t ma'. rhal, Ci i im l j'or- i t,H.j (,nai".iTs of ( V
' tor. W r'-mh rlm: e,.i'. .oi.t -erv
'ov'iijr ;n tl,o le.v lemainii.
; l'.'o:n Sir- irmy. lii.!,. .'.in; .
The eiloo! of i l. n. Yo'.'h'llati's i ore 1 1 ,,t. Ti," i
oi'ii'T in move. ( nil' inutiii
is cli ill l.y ni:ads, 'oii.iane"' an t
iiy'iiiieii!.-., ol' al.ont t'i vii 1 1 on ih, inrludii;!
H T i I I . . i . . " . ,
llll. 111.' DIIIHIH'COI HIP llllll' 1H ( IlK'tlpHMl , fj. j''g fjQI"i "
in drawii'. i.: ; Inns, making re port a, i,o-j lv
in:.', oalii.!'. '' Iiitio nmt fl". pinir. Tlio
i lU.IXIK l'lUd'Vr.AMlNn, in the form nbnvo
in ft V fi'"I J'"' I rwiti, si ni., of I.uwrr iii'O toiviiHliip, ufl ll
" . . i I . . . - A : . . . , .. , .1... .1..
nil'll.ii.ii.' ioi ;imii nun ,Miiinri.', r.1,11'. t i" iiu.
inioii of tho Iioiiiocrutio i;u'ty lit tin' l'rhiuiry
lMotiuii. july 10.
tVo aro iintliorizf.l to announco tho name of
Mu'thcw A. I'ort'i'i' of !rn.i(,.rJ toinii-hi,, n n
rutrlituito for A''-ocinto .Tu,l;i', Htil.joot to t t o do
ci.-ion nf tlio liomocT'.tio party lit Uni I'riuiary
I'luoiioii. july It).
Vo nro n ntliori ? I to nnnounc.' tho nmno of
II. ll1,! I I 11 t .' i ICI-I I?. . .n .-. i-r.. , . ..... I " '"I"'
i--- W VV wuii.i iv iiii .ii.v r.iM'.v r-n.i i'..', uis ... appear M . J(,in K,(l!i r i,t, uy,,.,, , a rnJia.ita
OV'' PUiri' f'SII VrtlTM 'from tl o uubUboa accounts ia tbe lie .lcal Jour-' fr Ap..ei.iti JaJs.. sjl,jo,'t to tiio notion of tho
t;.M, HUtli, .Oll OlUltl., I ; Dou.,K-i.itio early al tho I'riaiary Kicull-.ii.
Lel jiv Jutl,7e Lccnard's.
july 17.
'. apt. ll win, are
their IVL'imel.t,
I 1:' ((.'l li iti r-cuuriiL'
li.m.ney, ivhero tin
ll' w 'j '"!',.;!.!
'A- IJ.Y. t'"-' I'llil.
; to ruit
i or 1,'t ii li lal ! 0.
i wile re apparent.
to Mi
Two ol lliot.'l
pletl'.ly I'i 1 '.i-,'.
posb tl g animal took l'ii;:l.t, cm! Mr
'.BWiunib b in? caught in the hitchin:
fttrap, tore it oil' tit the fi eotnl joint.
'.' ,0ck VoixNir.i:!;.i. r.oth fol. J'id lle';
' nd Cnl. Simmon 'a rejtment, to
. the two'i liom this connly nr.-,
Attached, returned to llarrisbnig on W d-j
nejuJay lact, wl.e. o they received tJieit firt
i pa for their sorvicfi, It ia not known j
'certainly, to what point they will next be j
. ordered, hut most probably to Wn-hir.g-ton,
fth we seo it announced that (
; (MV.Cal! is to :f.ka command of tho r!...h-
-, I'vnris) ivania Reserve Corps eh .Veil ll g-
; jmcnti of whieh aro now at
"Vut "ll'.va" were in pood spirits, biokim'
veil, and bu' very f.ov on th" t Iuil 1 .
. ' ' Dpth of Eit.icp Kawuan.
' iW lii -lit Key. r;-l.";i tinwr.ian, ol t::e ami returne'l tu .now rnriv.
Jjt.iKCOl al J 'i.ieefO o: i eiim yivama, u.e
M,l!,n',i l ,.....,.
in ;. u ii- n,,) i... in or, is t , i.i'. i ho rn ivei nr" a
st lazier.- ilino bnily , nun, mid one ol the riost te
nt cniripii'i ios :i, t l,p re:;
: - are M at i .!; ' it. Wo t -
.no lie everv-
.'n.i.o' i, mi
In".,' Hall, 1,
initio "nolo le.minnt. ,v ,:iip en. in ' i
.-, m . . . T- V- T. I X- i. . 1 I - f - . . , . .
I- !.' i.n Vi V,. I'A.MVI t l'l.l .u-. i l.u 0 IS.k!l 1 .jr.' I'l t.'.t'.l' rin ks s.m e
i-'iNiv Ilm-K. Aivi. 2. It is known here ' loavin;' Cat.., Furl in Lieut. I.aniiner
iat imiin reui n'i efsioni'U- vi-it t ho In.s been :.i a nsl'i-red I ) the imp. lmnnl (
i:. t s ! liiv. '!:-':'i;-f d a v.'iiib rs of oonn-1 ' '"mi"iny K. ki.oiMi us dm "C ntiv
v mnl c i.'loti j I'luliioo, t'riptH and pies. I 'imiiu's'' u hen they loft home, ami .' ci-
... . . . -I i.. . . :.. ...I .. i
V e:'e f. r''e,'o. ! I nr S'.l!''.. j-'aiu. o. i'l. .- l .ni., iviji, in i n ri. ne.e a
1 f'-r want of proof, s'in-.o low days .1,;. aitii l.-eiMiio I':mni hotne.his ,
lli,.;r di-ehaiv.-e, al .'iima-.l pr,.,f ha b-on ,'',l electm! to 111 tne vn'i'.m'y. rav.l
adduced, and an iutoid partially dhtlce'od K ''aiiithoy Inm been pf 'timi.-d nm -ml i
to i.oi-o:i ll... troi'i.!. ' t" ' 's"'' ieant. an. I the noii-eoiii-
I'l has 1 i oi l.r.'.i.o-p 1 ly o.vnsi ion.'od n i-lom'd ollhi im i n oi del. Hut 1 must
!. l.,.., ,1 u I........ - i .... .1 ...1,1 I
U..I 'er to !. alia' l a p I a ll Ill ll'Kel, . oui m-i. ii,m imui-m.ii'11,1.11,1.
oie-'iiiiiie tbo'vi-its of 'j 'h ii-i nni I.t llesa mwy of it bv thin, and 1 pro
,1 ,1 ,o,-m,.,0,i ti.r.l. (i,,n. IVii'd:- in..., Ic -i , Very Mll'o I am A S-'Vil
.'rami found of ..'.! .Le cmps this ir.or:
lai tc; id ,n t ho i la l I'i
'.:i;-l c li. for' :,b';i; j ';:K
1 e,-: mi l) t. 'mo eh.iu :
aid: Coi.i.d.
1 ni
1 o-ito
oi) I haJ n 1.1:1 t 'd mo I
r i :. i' i '..:i. in, I tl.o ' i.'
I keep slid if I li iii to (.'
ti of.', cor" of the iVb. e.riie IV. 'in lore aa'.n if
!i,:d with thi::r nnie, but the r,n .I.ih'y
,1 their ci.'iiimi.-.-ioiir iicxi. Lour of 05 we will
I of C-'lllll-l. H'
,' f
I': '.a l,:o' i,. Ih ,: ai.,1 i- s,
ri.p'iiif, l'.:u.',, . t'li'po 'lo 1'i.ris,
(iiii.liinns, .''.Iiiiliim, (.'iii'cl.s,
, . !-'kif!H. : k':ri". It ,.ip si. irl
I',,:.":, .M.i itilhis V. K. M.
Tiaii'lnii- IVi '"r', 11 ilaioa U,
vt.i.lh :, 'i:rl., ll'.ek Sairin
Ti iiiniii: 'I'i i:iiii,n.;, 'i'i !:, linings.
F:ui) iilu . li llliiail I'lodi, Cio-riiii.-'ruM,
i pliyi'-i, .-phyrii, '. phyri,
!r'!i:i!;or, .S.iik.'r", ShaloTi.'.irH, (.'aroi', 'Pfnii,
lpi. ('.-. ;', ;,
Mack-ri'l, V.i 'ki'r. 1, It i -iioro!,
V i -o. Mr1 1 ,.i t,
li.i,..iiMv.iri, lj,a'au.-it:ir
Ho ,U ,( S!i. :.,"ls A Shops,
M ali !'.. . r. VB!1 I'ar,
Carpeting. C at ,h tict', Ciirjmtiii,
l'la.i--, l'las,
Ptiiliouary, Ptntinnary,
noj.ill ar'.iolos uiaaliy i"pt in country utorc.
niil be kept here, m tlio i.mny not umially k.'pt,
I:.; n.u. h i.-i.'J, .1. 1.! i'ruit'y re.!iu'.-:l pricn.
And e r.'fi I'oiifl.Ji-ut iiit w'ao will m.iVj
a It i.-i onrefully put up ready fir iiumoJ
.-' .' u
(.am nil tl.o (li '..(."'ot ' nt "j cunta p.'r l.i.Ulo, ivnii
nt w'iioli''..lo of lll'LLOCKi rUKNIIAV.'.
Prii?gUt.- a tot M:.i:ufa"tuii: p: Clicml.-u,
JuneG'Clif. I'liihiJolpbt i.
V,"e nro niithnri.icl lo iinnoiinon tho namo of
, ;th full liroi.'ti'.r,', mi 1 ciiu be obtaiinij j J3..,.l, ti.ntn, f laowi npo tp.. uc a for
o.o i. :..,'o ol t.,-if.n r. k n 1 j t ., tlio ai ti,m ol tlio
Ik.. ii icraiii: parlj' i.t iho prinr.ry vlootion.
Wo nro iui!!.i.ri.-cj to nnnniinco tho niiiiic nf John
.M,'(i:iiilioy ..f l.invrcnco tp. n a efiiaiiJato lor
SI, ,'rili, im'.ji'i'l to i Ii o notion of tho Douiocrutia
party at the primary olodicn.
Tl. : 'loarf.i-M I'oiiniy Aj-ri-u? arid s-oi.-lvi ;. "
will 1: i ;,i its '-. .,.l nt.iiiial fair i pi n the lair
fii.iui.I, iioar Iho l'.'i":iji of Clfi.rtii'M mi ' li
l ',th. J tli, Kill and Jsiii ilaa of OC l'Obldt
Tho proiii',ls nr.- ronr I t 'n put in ;,',. d or !, r,
mill Iho i.i''iii':'.o lal ions ( nlni .n.ij ,,r ll: ' ciivi'-iii-ii-c
o1' ( ' itoi.s iiu 1 vii-iiuf. A proiuiui'i
lirt v ill -1, '-n'v l-iib'i .hod.
It 1 0 II A llll iS!.'V,
.M.--1AII K. iW.lL),
AVM. M JilliiE,
Juno "(',,'(',.
tl. It. I! A F i', KTT,
J.NO. M,(.,.iL"'i.'li'.Y,
al lack if dvs
i' ,lo, i.t h' (i I'y
--it.- 1 mn-:
t ueil. I llla
v o l en. ai il any
1- that when van
1 o at hurcO ollo-l' i n in' piirch .-t". ill find it to their advnnt ajf
Kvocutlvi: C o ai tt'.ittce.
Spj iiig ccc Summer Good
I am r.'
(n'loi'li'd tiocit
n c nod r.j-.onin a rrtron;!1
;.rinr and .aaaun-r coed:
ol almost every t'os-c: ripJ ion,
Inidderdr. en
Friday hist, from npople.My,'
fro ni
Ikaler to V',::
whilst on
Few men in the Ministry .'tfrnl higher
thaa Bislo ii, and in his, occiwioii-
.- al Yir-its to tl.: pint ol his I.'ioci .-e ho had
'won the iilloeli' :i and respect of our eiti
ent to an cxti to! dinary degre.
Indeed a shining li-rtit in the Church of
J-Oliiingof f''(t'ial imj ortance in the
proeeuti -'u of iho war, has lr.m.-p. rod
' sioeo our last issue. The Government is
wmcontratir.g a largo army at Wahing-
ton and at-o at llai pi i'a Ferry.
There ia n rumor that tcveral govci-n-1
tnent vsii'li w;i.: attiicko l in thei'oto.i
ac, and one account my.- ti.ty vio;o c.iptu
j A Ur:e force of Coufed orates aro re-
'porttd within some lit) miles of Cairo, und
an attack from them is aii'.jcipatvd.
Gov. Wite, id last accounts, v.aa re
. treating from ihu lv.aniwlia region ol Vir-
j cima, Mid t..cio via hopea ot sur-
; luce loan tl.u. 1 trail nearly loi yottoii roniimu' n ciiitniiiorii.
to F'.y anythm ol tlio weather or climate! Aht) , limited amount of County Order, want
LETiEKriVJii i-lJti.Ai Oi VAK- The ttiupefattn-e drinrour wh..h
I. 1 ... 1 i ,.!..,. I.-..I I '.. W. .ll',- l" ' " "-
IJi I I'll'"' " " " ' ". """ " " ,'
er dry. and the people here cay, cool for
this place. l oiu i, o:c.
)r va
I'll ll.lNT, Vl , July
Ilci ni ic.iN :
for me, in the
Itt tbs Democracy Stand ty tho I'lan;
cf the Union and by their own i'lag.
There is no point of xereonioiit between
I It is tdmont imi'O-s;
I kind of service in w hieh wo Intve been
enir iirod lor Iho hist few week", lo keep
up'aiiyllinif; like a roiilai i-orrvpondenee
.vlli von. in fin t, I can sonrcoly lecollec!
fiom time to time when I last a hh esreo j iho 1 Heiioeruov and Ke)U olioHiusm, nf
vou iiu! what tJie burthen of my hist jlhe Artisiii (Main) Af, except in lliein-
' -i i , . i . .. .. a . r . l. .. T ..
eoiniMunieall.-ni was. .uy r-Oj.le:tiuiitl.; it-suo m upin-iiin: iii n m i n- c n
now, i-, that I hurriedly c'.o-ed it lot tor inn ; nnd even on this point, there : a e v i -dated
at Camp Simmons, or laytun, near.' dent'y a wo.'o nisaj!rn:iu'rit between the
j (L'roF.t bo ly ol the lieinocrncy and aton
. ,.id rah!.' portion of the liepubliean put ty
iltl 1 '" ierelll e tn tli 1 ,11 1'p ont'H Hl'.d t' I'll'
July 10, lld. If.
Justice of tho poricn
l.i.ll., ol nrt-, P';, nrfiol.l Co. Tit., will
nOTd TT1I.1I t'v In l.'l hll.s
,-aro. Ilo aii'o info nns tho j , u i
coiif !nt ly "ii liHtid nt his ,-!i
ii .vtmi-nt, of Bd.'.io.', ' Mil 1'.,'
crlraslcd to bis
.li.- ihnt lm ki-. .s
op, h jr-ncral aa
, llai'ii.-i and
hi) 1 1 ho m
Ap:i! 4, Isi',1.
11 till on ronfoiiablo troiioi.
Ni iv t reok. on the "otoni'ie, on aoominl
r four i.avinj p-cived orde e to proceed
we'tivard. eor.fibnely, on Tticsday
m.-'rnin:. the 1'ith instant we cot ev-
ervthin!! in iea line"s t
eaj lv, but for some re
d:d not ct or
MXt'TOH'S !)TJCI'. Notko i h"rc
v iriven t')H f bettor T" 'nfi.-nlnry, on tho of (i,.or?" 1. l.anii li, l-'Oc of tho l",r''i..'li
of I'ihi bi Id, ,!ci''d, have boon pr.mttu to tl:.' u.l-d'rsij'n-l.
All p"T, -n hid' hi? I to sail oeitt.
r.'ui.irnl lo ui:t K" i ininic lii t" iiavm.'rit, : d
A boiiuiiful a -oi iii.i'iu of I'i in is u nit llros:
roo'Ii, of llio in ivo.-t and Uitusl fclylm. Alto u
great variety of u: i-i'ul nolioni!.
J)i:V-(iU(Ji.S ASl) NOTIONS.
lJounols, .siiaii '.,
ilats nnd t ap?,
Uo'jI.'. and Shoe.", a Inrpo quantity,
Hardware, Qi oimi-iviii-o,
lriif;3 and .t-lrdioines,
Oil aiid l'.iints,
Carpet oV Oil Tleths,
G n o c i: 11 1 E s ,
Fish, Tiiioon and Tlour,
Mndiiri'l in J nnd 4 burred,
of tho hc-t (iinh'ty, nli of i i, a h n ill bo mid at
tin' lowest cadi or realty pay piiivs.
J'y t.ld I'r. en t.i mi l tbo pd. li.' ;;..m. rally, arc
ro'pe'nf.illv invii.'.l ii call.
."-,'. i: A'l kinds of.i'.U.Vand i,prov, ,1
rulMJ: )' i:(iH CL tnkou in cxd-uniie of
We nro nutho:' . 1 to announco tho tiiimo of
.bieol, l'iu'51 ol ( orwoii'villo nil a cnndidiilo for
Iho oliii'O .'!iiori!f, tnhjeol to tho action of tho
lit'iaocratic party ul tho piiuiary olactiuu.
Wo nro authorized lo announco tho namo of
Kdiva d lVrke, of .Morris tp a. u cnndidnto
f.,r the i, Hi (' of Slioriu, rul.jott to the nctioa of
:ac llcuioiiatio party at tho primary election.
We nro nntnori-od to annn.iuco tho r.anio of
''aurad Haker of li no.-; tp., as n Candidate, for
county -ioner, nil.jeet t t tho le'tiouOl tho
liciaoeratic pnny at tho ,riinary clociion.
Wo are authorized to announce tho narie of
Jaci, i) W, ran,,'.'l!, V.g p, of licit lov, u.-hip, aa u
cmdiilati !( r tl.o oll'n n of County Coniuii--ionur,
;i l.jeet lo Iho in-iiou of tho lloiiiooitttio pat ly nt
tlio piinniry e.cutiuu.
Wo nro r.utlir.rizcl to announco tho name of
I'i. I.t'c k, of licccaria lp., a a cnndidnto
lr Lionly ' ominisriouor, tuhjert to tbo uctioa
.,: ta - LL... .'U'.ic (.arty at tlio primary election.
V'e are in. Ilierizcd to announco iho namo of
Jacob hum, of Ilrady lp., for County Coinini
oi a. r, ,-ubject to the uciiuii of tlio Dniuocratio
I'arty at the primary cl.o tion.
Vi'oaro nnthoi'ised th unnonnoe tbo name of
Win I'. Johnson, of I'enn town.-bip, aa a Candi
ilatu for county 'J'rea-nrer, sul.joct lo tl.o nciion of
tho iJeuioerntic party ut tlie primary election.
Wo nro niithorired to announco the ramo rf
Joseph .shaw, of Icnv.'oii'.'ii loivu.-hip, Ji ac.iudi-
lor the ..111 "' nl Cuiinty Tronsuror, at tin eu
.niiiijf eleelion, S'll.jcct to tlio iielion of the Dom
ocrulio party, at tho primary tioction.
Wo nro nulhorioi) to announce ipo name of
Tsiino Kiino ot lfr.idfi id tp., ns a candidal for
County Tr'-.i-no" , s.i'oLct tu tho notion of tbe
Di iaucratic puny ut the primary eloetiou.
Wo nro nu ln.rhH lo annoiirco tho nnino of J.
A. Tcrpo ofl'riidy lp., as a candidate for County' ul.j'.et to iho action oi tho Lloinociulio
party ut tliu pi iuiary elecliou.
WM, F. 1UWI.V.
ohi.ree ot our ter.t, whte'i wer it-t t mi-
.i,-,wlr l In roneldr-ff t in Pri, ivhie i ( ori'titutien. n il lioilt HI'V e"el
( own JV til) SCCOss-iOtUS s . nl 111 ITOVlsllPS. iho in.l.ioii m me.
which tho wr fhoulii bv waed.
move 01 11:1. 1 Hr.. ( : i "'e uemia 1 ,n 1 , ; . 11 no viiiuiii. - ri,..-, t:mHe imvHrr.,11111.' rr"i'i"i i-.,- w m t,. wo- ni i;,,
0.1 or oliier. vo j the Souih, and itli no dtire to ititoi iVrejtheiii iiu!y autbci.ti-'ated hn-M'ttl'n.erl. , ru.M'rlli..ld, Juno 2i) 1 jfd.
eis to f,, im lino until about I with the institution of rUv.-ry ono way o: ' t 1 ' ,v '10 v
half pi't throe o'clo.k, r. M. At that; the otiier. r in tavor ot pro'cuting um y)- ! I V lilt U ti O 1 U U li
hour we took up our lino of march to-; war to tho oie and Htla end of uphold- ' . p3J m ik T(H-m Mil M'i:. otico
eard New Ureek l'.i'idpo, one mile above j in' the atl! horit y of tlio 1'edoial I'lit'yi I ,K r,L.r,.(,v c'von tl.Kt letter of A hninistia- ( The subscribers navo opened a full nnd coin
whore we were encamped, loaviiu: two 1 and o) puttinc do'vn ornied rebellion in'tion have been sraniel to tin und. i:ticd on H.i..-oriiiiTt of DliLti.S iu tbo new bii.-k
:.... ,.., (,.,,, ,..,,.:, .,l itt 1 il,n Snnllt with a Tiom.'lo a reunion, if i the flute of .Ik '"o K ierebnt-r. lalo of M trrid lain, 1!. 11: if 1 r. M 1 oi!, 011 the col nor of be u-t
cum 'inn'-.-. ,. ' ' ' : . - . . , j n 1,1. ,..A I ,., . ... . , ... , . , , : .!... r, .... .
Ilio'i wer left Oil- roiblo. of the V. Iiol.i country UHner too i"n.-inp ,i'e..s...i. ..-is.,,,r ,., . ...... ... IM 1 uerry p iyeif', in mo 1 ..rciiKU 01 1 leinii, 1.1, , iuo ftu.i.,i- 1 ui uio rinimry oibo-
ll.'inCO ' J 1 1 K I 3 Tiueie i,i.. ..i.t ii. ,... 10 ii,i-,'ii. oiuint ; u Hoy .."w. JU1J v
i . . . . . i,-,;.,. r (., liii". H'i.1 ii.".-.1 i n" 1. 1 uni:" f.n"., " person wi,,. may iic.-ire iiriu'ii - in iiioir line. i.lic I
ptek.'iit th'.n ,lu:y au'h.'iilii jte.l tor H'ttle- hutiii.'-s w ill be c i. lined st ri.-t ly to a I 110 ore i.ii'hor.ze.l to nmiounco Iho name of
Wo nro authorized to announce tbo tame of
Col. C. M. Wont-ll, of ('beat lp. a a candidate for
Connly Auditor, ul,je,'t to the action of tbo Dem
ocratic parly nt the primary election.
Wo nro authorized lo announco the name of
Henry of I' town-hip, as 11 can
diilnt'f .r County Auditor, fh Lie -t to tbe decis-
about five weeks oreiiou--, w
tho frae
t-r.-.s-snd on t Keoublicsn party, anim'tted with feeling '
Hints, and there e fi -tt t-ct foot . o I hoM il'ly to t lie N'idli ami (lesiio lt' p-1.
nu the Micro,! t-oil ol li-pliini. Alter j overt nroT tno in:mi'.iou 01 mbivk, .a:t-nw-lr,,.
ivo wont on b oud a train of rurs ies about tho r.'douli'in of the .ithonty
miloM on our way.
.-a 1110
JoilX I'. ICVI.AK, 1
lh-v 1 null 1';
vn. j. w. roiTEii.
t avvailed us tlmro, which too- tic t -.vo of t he (,'onstil 11 tion and ih I'f.ion, thou rhlrl.m and !, ban 1 Tmnicntly
At. New ('icfk- vilIt-- I'iot do for the aVM'tim of tho nero -y
lore, Inn e leitieni." niiiy l e e tun lied .m :it"l y.
l'.ierv nrtiele umallv lound in sneh nil esloli-
r, ia. A.I merit inav mvo events progress, (ii
we set ncreement ni to Mie mode of pro'-eetilii'jt -.Trwyi ffj f-CIIOOL BIEECTOS l'.d'iai,t will bi-kcpl on liand.aud eo!d at greatly
: lorHi, ,1 1: la ,i.L' ? a'lils, liiiarl tiiwiiatnp, i.
. . j , . . .. . ..( ...... ,..i. hi. .. 11 M'l , 1, va tuiiin
l u ( , I i;i ' a : i ' n ai 1 11 11,1 1 ;i , ' ( ' " 1 1 ; . ii i'h i"i i mi in s.-i . i . ,i , j ,, is . ti . 1 I
. . . ... ...... . . . . . PiltU n in 1 1 . . i ...
.i ....... -(.. t ' i fl l l , 1 . I'lfl- f .1 , , ., r l , A t .ill.l . , I . . It V 1 ,1 Vl. I'll U P 'Pn I 1 1 1 1 1 Tl IV H I ' - -
ab.-.ut half t a-t six o'clock 1'. M
out on a t. treed mar.-li lor jii.-cvill tlio war, amt 1 1 e letms upon wiucu a ipo- ; AT,;o, TKAlilZiU of Clearlitld
I'lOiit. twolvo miles distan', wluro it vihi niieilaiicn oii'ht to ho ci.orto.i, alter ar
sm'd a lat !o force of the enemy wore post- nod resistance to tho Fedrr-d authorii v
ed, and it wai suppo: od had surrounded f-hail have boon forcibly put down. The
two companies of our scout's whicdi were Democracy hold, that while, tlio Frib rnl
in that iieiid.borhood. (Theso partictt- .(iovoi iiment is pisti'.ied in a renort to forea
lars wo loariie I iifterwnrd. Snldiers not lor self protection, when that point is
1 beiiv niu izod boforcliniid of their doslinn-i rc.",cliod .md paved, it mini rely upnn
!,:,. (l.rt fiVLinl r.f nt ,irt. llll.i. I, ll ,. i. ..,iio.. .n rcil on, I nr' it n v I n 1 1 1 A
tboSub-TtcoMiry law that h.n so long ami Af(;r fthrti,j llirp notir, o)'as fast travel-'country and perpetuate the union of the
to wo 1 Tiro ecte 1 tlio money 01 mo nco ' , ronor,-! e tier .urno, he trooiin Ma o. I o tti;.i ore ney n 1,1 lavor tiiea". hen School nou?o.
1 " s- . i . i i f c- ... i..,u l ll,l.
, 1.1.. n n I ......e. ii,p rt..,o....s,. nwa.f.1 c.-tr r; nil i,,n ncsinonil n rn'iLu-rt I.. vision mi'l liniiuaie .-i,t. ijiu .n,.,
Ill null, ..iioiiiii.., niiiii mn . ,, -... ,,i.' i " - J - s. .. - v . . .v. ..... i. , . i
md of se( lional I til o-i t :os and apprehension nfnf "r' , ,, . , ,,, . ' l'.e? nnnnunc-o to iir. trnvellintr pul.lio
1 ,,i . .,ll v.-ctrtri. ' f.wl: ,. thn Vriol'-rl ...aham mid .Voito', Sept. lo.ll il, . U lew taken .'b.irca of this lari-e nnd
loan, to liandlo tne vernmeut tnoncv. I,' ' . .. .... r-. . i n.., . ,..w.u f !..- I ini. -i.;..t. . l orutiaiiiiaii. .., , well knowu liimso, ami will pontluct it in inH
. . . lar.o .( "iiiiu; in.u-n. ii'ie . v, . ..... v ... .. ..w.n .. 111..1, p. nec.itur a id w oo.iw ar,l, ftepl. 1 3tu ana
1 . . . 1 . I. i ... I. ... 1... 1 . O ..... 1 1 ..... , I, ,. 1 lii.ln nliii1 i.i iiv. ..nnnlin n.... I . . . '' .. . , . . ..
tie Till "" ' mill llCU I In, I wm'l III" l II l 1, ll, in-en . "' ... ...11 , - a - , j. 1 hi , , .1 1 , 1 , , J ,'t ti ii I 1 'I. He III I "eeai'ir.
' 1 " The 'i'he attention cf the peopk
. 1 . ... ... ,
it of lue county is rcspc. uu.iy tai.od to the
' very bin ml prcm.i.ins u;ieied l.y tho Ag-
riouliuiiil Society, at thci;' i'air, to come
otl" in October next.
" "Wc K-othat Congrc has passed an
act nuthoi'iv.inij the Treasury Department
" to keep its money? iu any Folvcnt bank of
the country. This ii i:i eiTot t a rcneal of
Tde. J he ohioct ol us ha-.-arre i', wo snp-iir
i m.i' 1. ...i.. ,..i . ,.-t . 1. (i, ,cd scouting party, unoer com mar
.'v.TM.'..'-'i..UIsruis.,ijii.i;fciTi,t.,,.., ' . 11 . . 1
I.e. III. Vlil. i,.au 1 , ' 1 u eiu. , ,,, ,,' o it. ., ... . ...
I Win. M. M'Ciill .ii;'h, of Clearfield, n 1 enroiidala
I f-T Ih.-lrict Altol'liov. taihiect to tho notion of tint
And n- 1 inns wi'i l.csnnr.'d to render sntiyfiietion. I 'Aiuooiatic parly at the primal y clociion.
I'r. M Wool, s. tiie junior puirlner, may always
1 .. f.-.ind a 'id eon.u'tiol in the " Tn Store,', 1 We nmhoriz, d lo nnaounco tbe namo of
when not nhs -iit on prof. Ffo.iinl lni-inc-s. A , Iraul 'fe.-t of ( lion tield l.oro.vh, nf B ciindi.Utrt
Ki'p nile roeoi f. r er.o-Mliiiti ,11 i n t tiiehe.l to the 'f,,r litu.-l Atiiiiney, tubioet to Iho il vision of
the l. ii.,;...i:ili,.' 1 arly at tl.o Primary election.
july 10.
.il AND
1 County:--
Tii'die rt iinin : ti"n of Tei''hra will bo held
thin vf jir nf I dlows ;
liloom, I'cn.rn'ii. buniber City i Ponn. Kept.iiu
' ber llli ,t i'.h, at City.
', (iirweii"ville, Knox ( Tike, ccpt., tli'n ,f- 7tli
' nt Cuiwcnn ille.
, clorhlil and bawr'neo .cept. Cth ,t 10th, nt
, Cleirfield.
! (iiraol nnd (loshen opt. Hth nnd I2th, nt Oo-
le'l-ieeii r ilrej.
'I i:i:- iii'isg sti:!( ti.v C,fn. will enuhlo tbem'
to ' iler in.luei ae-iils in the w.iy of pried, i
I'iiy ,'c inns w ill le up plied al n small perl
rentage oor eot :nid euri i:i'.', and their orders '
are rolii ile l. Kvery article mM will bu purjatidi
of the I, oft qualitv.
febii tf " WOODS ,t HAH U KIT. ,
Col. A. T. 0W1-N. ritoritii-'.it,
11 r.f ki vitriirti-j . , . . . I . J . . , .
tiitudoo! the lliick'ebc'rv business t his 1 f'-r r.n fl.lvati-ed punnl ot a l-o-e ho ly ot in" anention element m - lie j.epumi--frason
may b,.- !mim, IVrmlhesIat. ".m-ti eroniy. wns only .1 pm.ill band i.r can party, fi "tn p-o-r,t in icitmns, wnl, ,
f a f-viitleirlan who p..,sSC. ( throu-h Iho' tiiou tiled Vir:!n'.i militia, or Mop.inaid's: on the o. her li.'.nd, nut only insist, upnn
nt an car v hour v'r.v,l.. ...,...' cuoi : ia i. as i i,,-y are oai:",i neco. niuno'T- r."-"'"'"';; ' no uu'iiiinm oi
-pt. L'a
huin.-,;,,. ( 'best and New Wa-hni(cn,
In'id il'n at New Wuidiiiisrtoii.
I:..,.,..- ... i On, he i iiiui Ji,r,liiii. fsl'l. ."iu am
2i al A lo.i.'n in bee aria.
11 i-..n and I'us, Un;.h..r 1ft, ut No, 1. House
in lbifton.
hrudv an 1 I'i, ion, 0,'t. 31 and 4th nt Lnthers-;;.
ni'imier -is will render cxc.'Ib'iit comfort and for,
n.tisiai'ti'in to nil who may !iv,,r him wilh n
call. nnvT-ly
I -
Al b AT 9 o'clook A.M. Pcoow.u.i..
VDMIMIK ATOl'.'fi NO'lICK lath ml
,f Aduiininiriition bavin, been tbib liny I
pranti d to tlio undersigned mi tho estata ol I
JlOUKKT llt'Tbl'l;, hiti) of I.a.vienee town-!
ship, Cleiiri eld connly, dereittted, iill porio.ns in-
UilW CG0D3
They bavejiikt reeeivd a cen. tal uf -ortmentof
(-prim, nnd Mitnuicr liKV C.'J"!'S, coiifi.-tintf of
C Al'i,
S A h T,
O I 1 i3 ,
l,(Ji ITS,
del. ted lo laid nro reoue-ted to nniko im ('iTin'iJ
me hnte i,:, inenl. nnil th".-e luti inchnuis ai:
tho mi me nill present tliein duly i. iilheiiti'-.i lid for
. Fotil. mint. W.M. WALLACE,
. July U. fit. Adin'r.
, r-n:n I ,,.l ..,..!, i:-. .' m eirv. und w hie i had enure v tuvri-.V, Out w n. icist, a r caco whieh il,
place, that bo counted 12 tvagniM f.i, ml li-.'pp'-arcd.'er f'u in? a few MMlterir.L' in provide for its extinction, gradually
n ient of the road. ' shuts a! our iorcei, w illion doii!' them .r iuimediately.
limy h'li'tn. It was about half a-t niro,' In this view of iliiiir, it become the ru'-wt n-Vb', 1 :h month,
What ih i'ltoi ni nt On tho 5t!i of A.i P.M.. when v. e halted, and haviiu' neith- i'liT c,- duty of the Democraev to stand -J'!l 1 1,1 I"1-
pril. b-.r)0, in thei Sen .t'' of thu I'nilo.l i rr ba-e.ieo nor tonti w ith o-. except knap-, by t heir di-tiutiv-o lla;; and orjt'.vih'.iitimi, iDiroirM XOTU'K." ThVundmijrao.L
State?. Oen. .lames !Shichl. the Senator 'saeki. wo were compelled to makn our wiiiio they stand by Hie Stars ind Sn ipes ; 1 A Au,hir appoinie 1 to (Hsiribuie nionev
from riinoii, nnd : jbcb hi a men liw on tlie wavi-ido anion,? for their oonsci vai ivo intbienee, in limit- j me hand of iho AdminiftrRtors of the e-tnti I (irCflt DiSCOVCrj'
"Thero are oily two principles employs (h,, dump f-ras. And ultho'j"h we weiein irp the Goveriimeiit to llie lur'il imtite ol, 0f A. Ii. I'ab-i '"i" of 1'ike township, deeii.ed, ' ..... . ..
cdin the Oovcimment of tho polilicul a pr,,f,isft forspiiati.,,, w hen wo lay down, jocts of .he contest n it prooros-e,, and f tll ",!t,V ll' o" ' i" r V' o "VJ r1 I .';;r "liS" fer
world-.. w ar.d foit..Am'. .Vmo na ,1 ,1,1 tint her one man complain of cold aid in a reooncdnitio , when it u I ,s . -i j - u diy of A u t next aex. ,,.,'1 will fvd the fall p:,r'i, uh,r enormia
tiona aro c'overnoil by both prineiplevih or any ou.rr ill etteeti from their fatiiitic over. Will cirtmnly bo noadid i( not nee- "UJ ' ' "., vi ft t nt'r it i it to nnv ono on re.eipt ui n hiiiihii ti i 'v for ro-
is iv for f (i o iie ; inn. i his i- , I-,,. , . . s . -u, .-. an mn Pincers ot our rcji- o i n. tins ,roi:i-e juncture, ne nu c u
rnmVnt that has ahvtivf been poverncd ment l.uod like the Roldier, makiri: their Union to mtve 3 well at a Government to
bv f-mprercis.-Mnee tho fnundalion of the suppers und break Taut oiT tho contents of protect, and tho wisd.mi and patriotUm
T ll I NTS,
r.A br.i;;:,
r oi'i.iN,
C I.OfllS,
TW F K 1 S,
c A 111' FT,
11 L INDS,
F. l.'i i' i!-1S,
S 1-1 K IS,
I A It D W A 11 F. QUI! Il N S W A I ! II, G LASS,
All of which will bo 'd,l en the most re.ivinubbi
terms for C ASH, or apiiren-d Cmnirv l'mdnee.
C. iv HA iFJi A- SON.
Choline! J luno II, l -UI.
. foveirment. and It rau?t continue to be their haversacks, and M.'pping i-ido and of the Deinoorttey will, poonor or later, be
so eoverned so lonu as it continue to be a sido vvitii the Rubbers. Col. Siiuuintis.tho culled ir lo rouuisition in the acromnli-h-
Kepublic. Sir, u:: miipmwwf (Ji,vrrc gallant veteran of tho repular rervioe.who ment of both branches of th. great work.
- .i m, and when iwr hf'tin vnr rmj.t ; niitl roninian.h our rocimont, cboo h on Let, thru, tho Democrat v UnJ lv tlioir
Ju'y 31, 1 81
( l. TIOJ. All persona nre berehy caution-
V'cd ns:unt purciiasing or in any way iin d-
nu. J. il,
Alfred, .Maine.
turn postage,
npl 21 ly
illni!; with. Ono ItUAN M AI. E nnd CDI.T, mo
o vear old . 1 1. 1. It s and one tw
in tne piF-fe-sion r, .lohn
... lllil I.IIDP ltnnw I, mi. mn.t p. I r... 'I 1 .1. :..l. AC-,, I.. ....... O. Aa...
. ' - . . , t .t .... . . : '... . . tf" "n v "" I ""i. v an w ...o- uer un a r :i un, e . . t.i ii..i m u-
t' tocsin of i.V 1 ILi " A li IS it? rtsftth- Urtii too oaiiK nj uic roau moa. wan Ins cloan. own tlsg, while they stand by tho lbig o! ,essiou en loan onlv. 1 rrnia, which will le fdi cbiup fur cjkh.
-rf IiepiLIu-iniMx." ! for a covering, asiuring us in the morning the Union. July i'ltU-3i pd-'Cd". JACOB KUSTZ. ' Oct. 14, ItOK.
Ij 11 nil t'll.l, lH .. .. ... , , .. jj j,
no bursa WAiiO.N" ' 'SiT'hnloralc and Kctalt Mcrcliaiits. Alol(-j 3
Oln.or, of Urudyl f extensive denier in timber, fa 1 luiud j
AlUil', zS.t)l 1 .1II.M' of c tion I Paint,
t.J Vry nnd limund ia Oil, in 1 pound cam
just received und for fate nt II Alt TSWICKS,
! ' FlrJrirT
1 00D ARTICLE, I"' um at tbe more of
rrr.Y r HTA!1 ai th ttoreof
t jnuL'tt