Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 31, 1861, Image 4

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Tho Farmer ami Gardener Bays;
' Whileon a visit to West Chester, IV
v f observed in the Garden of Mr.
.'. (Tries a mode ol training srrape vineH,!T., ,,.,.,..,, (2siinos,) l
u.'.ich appeared to us worthy of note, i Three squures, ((3 Hum.) l a"
A codar tree, possessing a symmetri-l .r,,
. 1 form of lirUhes, is selected, and , ": V: 4 "
v hen cut down, the branches arc J three squares, : : : : 5 oo
-vrelully preserved, thinning out . : . . no
.ubII.t twi.M. but loavincr the nyn
i..idal shape prominent. This is used
cn stake, ami when covered with
incs is highly ornamental, as well ns
forming a enperior sujiport for the
ave. A row of them seen from a
distance has the. appearance of luxu
riant tulip tree
or su-amore mil
To Kr.rv Butter Swf.kt.
.V correspondent of tho Ainciiean
Agriculturist gives the following di
1 ctions for preserving butter in good
' ondition for any length of time. In
V. ay or June, when butter is plenty,
v. ork it thourghly two or three times,
: nd add at the last working about one
."ain ofsalt-petrcandateaspoonfull of
; dverizcd loal sugar to each pound
o' butter. I'-u'k it tightly in stone
' i-8 to within two inches of the top, till tliO the remaining space with
strong brine. Cover the jars tightly,
.Mid bury them in the teller bottom'
vi hero the butter will keep unhurt for
long time.
Burying Stones.
A correspondent of the Count n
wentleman says that two acres ot his
1 nn, there were quite a niimbrr of
brge stones, which he got rid of by
!,gging under them, ar.d thus sinking
I'jcmOUt Of reach Of the plow. lie
1 'tried some ''that could not have been
ulccri from the field with three yoke
c:"oxcn. But one thing is very im
' rtant in doing this work, and that
, , bo sure and dig tho holes large c
r.'mgh especially for large stone
1 loro tumonng tnem jn, so mat, 11 ;
t'ley fall cither side, or end up, they j
i'.M be out of reach of the plow, for
; is very difficult to move them w hen
.1 1 , .1, 1 1 . 1
. 1 1110 IiOie. lOOttry ery lurgu diuiiu,
1 ,o hole should be jmrllj dug under)
i':em, as it is much easier getting
iiicm into the hole and they should
1. ! at least a foot below the Rtirfaccj
m hen buried." ;
Java wheat.
According to a correspondent
t'10 Country Gentleman, this variety
1' spring wheat was introduced into
1 'da country in the following singular
1 uinner. A woman who was roast
; ig some Javu Coffee found among it
.'. grain of wheat, which she olanted;
raved the product and planted again,
nd so on for three years, when she
iistributcd tho seed among her friends,
ho are reported that it is an exeel
1 nt variety."
How Much Conx totiik IIh.l.
A correspondent to the Ohio Culti
vator hays that he experimented with
e'irn last year to determine the mim
1 or of -'talks for a hill. lie planted
t ows with tw o, three, four or live ker
nels, rnd found no difference in the
ield. That with two stalks was heav
i si and ripened the best.
,'iiEhr as aMeaxsof oLK
'To pursue sheep husbandly most
i-uocessfully ," Pitys the Homestead,
roots mus bo raised and fed;
grain, either raised or bought will he
eonsumed, ami oil-meal will be pur
chased for food . This is better for the
farm than purchasing superphosphates
or guano."
H usixa Early Chickexh ix a Hot"
A writer in the Amerieau Agricul
turist has raised two broods of line
hatched January 17th and ".'Oth, by
keeping thorn for a season under glass,
in an unused hot-bed.
Sowing Sohuei,. '
TlicN. II. Journal of Agriculture
says : "We have known a Yankee
farmer to seed down newly burnt land,
tor pasture, entirely with sorrel
seed, believing that sorrel would
chang.i to whito clover but pro
ved tho man was laboring under a
wreat niittuke. "
"Batinu" tub JIors-:, A (ipnllonian,
travelling in a one horse trap, clnmood to
eto nt a small r.iudnido inn, which rejotc-
d in tho po8?sion of a vry intelligont
Irish ostler. Handing t lie reins to
worthy as he alighted, the traveler re-
'MipHte'l the man to "t iko Ins lioise to tli !
Mnblo and bait him." ".Suro r.n' I will,
vonr honor," answered tho Milesinn.
I)i-iky, and uway ho went. In about halt'
an hour the fientleitiiin bavitig relreslied
himself sutlieiently, niiturally ronclu.hd
ih:it his lour-footed servanl was in equally
j'ood care, and accordingly ordered his
imp to the door. Tho horse was trem
iling. "What's tho matter with my
Itorsof" asked the ttaveler. 'What have
you been doing to hitu?" "Only what
yer honor ordered me." "lie don't look
as though ho ha 1 anything to rat." "Is!
it ate yer honor said ?" "To bo sure."
orra the word like it did ver honor sav
to mo. More betoken yer honor tould me
to bate tlie beast, not to at him." "Why
vou stupid ruscal, what have you been
doing!" "Ueh, 1 just tied him up to the
Diablo with a halter, then out with me
stick, and Kite him till me arm was used
out I"
sWWhat'n tho Bifrrt of an old maid ?
When 3oii sec a laday Hitting drink
ing tea with tho cat on her lap, nnd
her teeth lying on the table.
Jersey Blues.
that won't run Tho
Term tot ubarriitlon.
II luiiil in advance, or within throo months, $1 2i
If imiil any timo within tho year, - -If
paid ftr tl'B expiration of the year,
1 SO
2 DO
Terms of Advt-rtinliip.
Advertisements are inserted in the Republican
thn rollntriiiiT rates:
I 1 Iimortion. 2 do.
s do.
Ono square, (14 lines,)
75 i oo
J i" 2 50
n inn'. 12 no
t 00 V 00
A 110 10 00
8 00 12 00
10 00 14 00
12 00 18 00
20 00 3i on
One column. : : : : 14 00
Over three week less tlinn three moatns -J ,
eents per squaTO for cash insertion, j
Bsr.aess nstlos not ex:sJing 8 lines aro in -ertod
for 12 a ycr.r. i
Adrertisjieent net mariei wtthtio number nf
E!6rtions desired, ?H11 ke cc-itinusi until forbid
ind charged according to these terms. t I
An extensive stork of Jobbing materia
enables tho I'tiblis-hcr of the " IUiulliem' to the j-utlij that he is prcpa
red to Jo ill .imls of
I'osvnts, Fa?i:irs, F itotirt a m mf.s,
Hi.axxs, F;-m Beet', ('ikiti.ars,
I.Ar.zi.s, Ball Ttcxtrs, JIanmhi.i.s,
nr.iievcty rfind cf pi'miirg usually done
in n eotintryi ob o5ice.
Ail orders will be execute! H'ith neat
ness ond despatch.
Time of ltulliii Court.
Seeond Mondny of .lanuiiry.
Third Monday of March,
Third Mondny of June,
Fourth .Monday o! Septeinher,
In eiieh year, and euntiiiue two tviiku if r.e
t'outity OUIcrrs.
fAf.,e ;ui, :,It,n Wl 1, Moore,
j jin ituj itonmii, Luth.-rhurj5, lred'k u. Miller cienrfield
! "
j nflrn.t Att y r.oi.ert J. Waiiaie,
1 Treamrer, 11. 1!. lioorflmidtr, "
Li. surveyor, 11, 11. irigni, vueu nupv
t'oiiiiuiis"n'ii.Wm. M'Craeken, I.uuiher City
Win. Merrell, Clearfield
S. C, Thoiiipi(ii), Morriidii!e
A ii'litnr,
II. C, Il'.wiiian, 1'liilipnl.uri'
Ijiuic W. Urabiru,(.'learliild
J. 11. Khaw.
Ueorgo ltii hnrdi, "
1 l jr.'iier, of roht oiiicff.
II icctriu,
Sumrt 1,' 1'. .1
(i. W. Caliud
m... r .1
T. A. M'Gliee
J. V. .C-.rrT.--r
Lew is ,- ii.ith
P. II. Miller
KJ. Wiilums
It. II. Mooro.
Jacoh Kuntr.
John Heherling
.las- LI00111
I. M, Cuuimiiigp
Jus MeMurrav
M. Frank.'
1'. A. Giuiliii.
J F W iJcduurr
riiiiiuel Way
Centra county
(ilea Hope,
JIu tier,
Clearfield liriifa,
Trout v illc.
" .leffei.-oii Lim,
lllouin, Forest,
L't; ;:.Mil", New Wurliingtorj
" lliirn i,lt,
Clenrfifhl, Clearfield,
C'oviii(jtoii, 1'reneliville,
Our f nn ille, tarwensville,
liceuter, l'hilipt burg.
ler'iisun, Marron,
Helen Tost Oflice,
(iirurd, Lecounle's Mills,
" llald Hills,
Goshen, Shinrsi ille,
t!riihaiii, (irahiiinton,
Giilieh mulls Millc.
' Madciin,
Huston, Tyler,
" l'eniitlold,
Jordiiii, Ansmi'illi.,
Kartliau.s ult Li.-k,
Knox, -New Millport,
Lawrence, lireehenrid'e,
Murria, , Kylcrtotvn,
" Worrisdile,
l'enn, Lumber City.f
" Grampian Hills,
ike, C'urweiiHville,
" ltlooiiiingville,
I'ni'.ii, Koekton,
Edm. Williams '
Elk eouniy, Pa.
(.'. Mignot
William I'arr
A. II. Shaw
T. H. Force.
J. A. Hegarty
C. J. Ptisoy.
David Tyler
II. Woodward
Lli.-.u ( liase
G. Heckadorn
D. K. Mokel
J, W. Tliomps'n
Jus. Tlioiupson
J. McClelland
II. IV. Spencer,
A. C. Moore,
ainuel Way
Michael Wiso.
W. F. Johnson
T. Henderson
Woodward, Jeffries,
, This l'ost Oflieo will do for Chest townshi
I Will answer lor Fergti'nn touixhip.
Tiio.Miix j. i ct l.i.oircii,
Attoriit-y at
Office 011 Market streot, opposito Mosop's Store
Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collec
tions, Snle of Lands, Ac. nnvT-14
ATTOIiXEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to
his cine, ill the several Courts of Clearfield and
sdjoinirg counties.
Oflict tie ono formerly occupied by G. H.
Oct. 2fth, 1850 ly.
1 ) OP.ERT J. WALLACE, Aitiitttr.r at Law,
1 v tiearnelil, i s., Olfiee in thin i How, op
osito tho Jeiirc;.! office.
dec. 1, 1S.".S. tf.
ias. n. i.AnuiMRn. t. trst
I AH It I U I . It & TI-.HT, Attorneys at Law
J Clearfield, Pa., will atutid promptly to Col
Uions, Lalid Agencies, Ac., Ac., in Clearfield
Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y
1 li k I c I a 11 and burgeon,
Clou rfield Pv, May 30, 1800.
DM. SI. WOODS, havlnj clanged his toco
tion from CurwoniriUa o Clearfield, res-
pecttully oilers Ins professional services to the
citiens cf the latter place and vicinity.
KesiJcnco on Sucond streot, opposite tt it of
J. Crons, Esq. mT I T
Jl'STIfH of tho poaco
l.ulliersburg, Clearfield Co. Pa.,
will attend pninplly to sll busineis entrusted
to his care. March 2?, U00. 'j, d.
I ) W. HAYS, Justice of the Pooce. wi II ntten
X . promptly to collections and other matter
eft in h is charge.
Address Kersey, Elk co,, Pt
Oct. 3d tSGll. ly
JOTIt T. of the peace
Koekton, Union tp., will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to his care.
Sept., 12, I860, ly.
Hlarksinltli. Wigcns, ftuggics, Ac., ie ironed
rn short nttice, and the very best style, at his
11 stand in tlie borough of Curwensrille.
P. . 29. 1853.
MI-.HCII tNTS, and dealers in Hoards and
Shingles; Grain and Produce. FIIOXT Street,
above tho Academy Clearfield Pa,,
June 12th, M.
VT tho mouth nf Lick Run, Gve miles frm
CleaiSeld, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturers of Lurcher,
July 23, mz.
r 1: 1 cfs fj: o m. ? 4 0 to 1? 7 0 .
graving of which is here rcpresci.tcd, lias now
liccomo a reeogniied favorite wherever it
has been introduced, und is, heyohd question,
the best, ns well ns the handsomest, low-priced
Sewing Machina now before tho pul.liu.
Xu. 1 A iiuall and very neat Macliitu fm
Family use.
Xo 2. A largo Maehino for quilting heavy
work mid for Plantation use.
This Machine is much admired for Its simplici
ty, anil for its reliability ami durability it is un
surpassed. A child twelve years can ruu it with
ease ; and yet it will sew from tho coarsest cloth
to the finest Sw iss. There is no trouble of re
winding the thread, ns it is taken from the spools.
It hns no belts to give trouble, and will run
backwards ns well us forwards, and slill sews
equally perfect, and without danger of breaking
needles. It runs l y friction, und by closing the
box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact,
wo have no hesitation in recommending it us the
best family Fcning .Machine in use.
Thf llu'i'luf) Premium AttunUii the alocc'
M ieli liM :
At the Fair of the Frauk'in Institute, 1958,
the First Premium.
At tho Peiinsyliani.i Stato Fair, at Pliilndel
phin, September 21, IS,i9, tho First Premium
At the Pennsylvania Slate Fair, held at Wyo
ming, 18(10 a Silver Medal.
For the best Double Thread Machine, at Lan
caster '.'ounty Fair, held October, 1S61I a Silver
At the Maryland State Fair, held nl the Mary
land Insti'uto, P.altiuiore, Md., October, 1S59,
under strong competition, a Silver Medal was
awarded to this Machine.
At tho Xew Castle County Fair, held at Wil
miugton, Delaware, Octolcr, leiO n Diploma.
The above Machines arc manufactured by
CI! Alt I.I ..-i W. IHIIVI.AMI.
Wilmington, Del.
Xo. 72(1 Arct Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Xo. Sill Markut Street, Wilmington, Del.
S. 1). 11 A K Kit,
marl.l ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
pt Persons wishing to soe tho above Machine
in operalien. can do so by calling nt the rei
dence of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough.
javki t. i.r.oxAitn.
WSt. A, WAI.I.Al'K.
a. riMNur
( ris.v-KV
iVinhinn ;uii) (Collection Mtc
C I, K A 1! T 1 I, J),
u.FAHFiri.D cousrv, FA.
1) POSITS IO'CEIl i:n,
i'ij!l,;;t'a,i,s nn',- (7,0 proceeds jiromjit!; remilteit
i'.xrliaiigc 011 the Cities ronstaiitly
nn liatid.
jJTr" Oflieo on Secciid St., nearly opposito the
COL'I-.T I iocs i-:.
1 roperiiltenlion to
V'-:"j V Dine will be of groat
- ucnci.i in c.ciy one
" in point of health,
comfort, nnd rnnv'niencc.
l)lt. Ill I.I. i-.: tlTiiys be found at his of
flee, on the corner of Front and .Main streets,
when no notice to the contrary appears in this
Al oporr.tioi.i i-; t':s "nc of b is profession
performed in tho latest nnd most improved
styles, and cuaninleed lor ono year niruiust all
iituinl fu ilurcs.
rilllE undersigned respectfully
informs his euslomers and the
public generally, that ho has just
received fr the East, an en .
edatbis ii, (. IU II M v in-
Clearfield, Pa., a fino
-..rt. .in n t ,.f . ...
Wati'UKs, and Jt:w t:i.uv
r-3 AJIJ
if dill'crent qualities; l'1"? of ,"'r".rC. I""-."1"'':"'!: elsewhe
all sett, wbii-1, hcwill' ,l;'."!'"''v '"mishcd ih
from a fingle pice to a full
sell at the most reasonable ., rices for cash. r In
exchange for old gold und silver,
CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at tho nasi
reasonable prices.
ALT. kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry,
carefully repaired and H'li.-cnifci.
A coiitiniiaiieo of patronage is solicited,
Sept. 19, ISOO. II. F. X A I' OLE.
A rAitiA(;i. (;t inr..n
inslriietnr for married persons or those
about to ha married, bolh nuilo nnd female, in
every lliii.K concerning the physiology and relit,
tions of our sexual system, and the production or
prnvention of off-pring, including all the new
discoveries nev.r before given in the English
lancuago, ly WM. Y )UXO. .M. D. This is really
a valuable and interesting work. It is written
in plum language for the general reader, aud is
illustrated with numerous onernvln,,.. All
mnrrln.l .. n ..I..
.d p.v
should read this book. It discloses secret, th..'
evervnne b.,..l,l h. i.,i.,.l . i.i in.:..
book that must bo l.ked up, nnd not lie about
It will be sent to any one on recolpt
of twenty, five cents, in speeio or postage stamps,
Address Dr. WM. YOUXtj, Xo. 418 Spruce st.
above Fourth, I'liiladelphia. Pa.
MT Ajllicud a,l l-nfor,nte-'o matter
n ilranliU ti.ns ilisnaea (...f... I .
Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in this' .TIIF rnivl I'hiii c rvivu
or any otter paper, get a copy of either of Dr.l T,'fc EDIJ"tR("
,?!f:..kf::" ,twi" b 3-THE X0IITII uumsii UEYIE
theuie.nsof snvirnr tou n.anv a dollar. ,n,
health, and possibly your life.
Dr.YOl XU csn be consulted on any of the
diseases described i. his publications, at his
office, No. 416 Spruce st, above Fourth. pT-l"
ritO COXS;MlTIVi;S!--The advertiser,'
a " --eJ ivcvwiiu us urniiii in m i i
weeks by a very simple remedy, ufter having suf-
fered Tor several year with a sorere lungaffeo.
Hon, and that dred disease Consumption, is an..'
ioui to make known to bis f.llcw sufferers the
menus of cure
To all who desire it, he will send a copy or Ihe
prescription used, (free of charge.) with the di.
actions for preparing and using tbo satue, which
they will find a sure cure for Consumption,
Asthma, Ilrcnehitis, to. The only obiect of the
.ilv.niaar in enHins ih. i. i., i..
advertiser in sending the prescription is to bene
fit the afflicted, and spread information which lie
conoeirea lobe invaluable, and he hopes erery
sufferer will try his remedy as Uwill cost them
nothing, and may prove, blossing,
Porsons wishing the prescription will plea
adifresi Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON,
norT-ly, Willim;burgh, Kings Co., N. Y
-oitM::i:i.v n,
Cur -ri.n t,i the
of Vl'I'TSl'.I'lHill. I'ii , lvi! b'livc to nnr.ounce lu nil Invalids, tlnit, owing to the many su.ic-
ii,.ii.,n ol hi l.i 11... iu hu iHuluJe.; to piiy
nnd by arriving at Hie div set forth, can he con jailed by tlio nlllictcd, both .Mule and tnun.f, on
Diseases of the lleiiri. Liver and Lungs: Cancer. Fits. Scrofula, nnd all i's ( the UlooJ
Abo. nil Disease- appertaining to the EVE nud EAR. l'AHTl VL DL V FM.-S. Hinging Noises in
the Head, mid Discharges from tho Far, cna be speedily cured by Dr. Dour .-.cient.tie rrealmcHt ;
und many other diseases that have baffled the skill of the so-called distingui.-hefl physicians.
Cl.AUIOX, at Clark's Hotel, from the lath nf May to the Ut of June.
CORSICA, nl Wbiliner's Hotel, Junv 1st. Again, Sept. 1st and 2d.
DKOOK VILLE. nt the Amerieaa House, frjin d to lh Juno. Again. Sept. M l, Ithnnd jth
LUTHEHSIIL'IIG, at Heed's Hotel, June Kith and llih. Again, Sept. loth and lllli.
CLE A it IT K LI l, .lohnsou's Hotel, Juno 1 2th to Dit'i. Again, Sept 12th and KJlh.
11KI.LEFOXTE, Morrison's Hotel, from June 17th o l'Jtli. Again, SepL I Ith and lath.
TVilOXE C'TY, at Mrs. Thomas' Hotel, Juno 21stniid 22d. Again, Sept. 17th and ICih.
At his INFIRMARY, from June 22d toJuly 17th.
Listen to the Voica of Truth and Rsason anl Profit by it-
Tho time has nunc when all who will, can
delnv. to sue l ho well known and itistlv
will iiduiiuister those only true and snio medicines, extracted from tho most choice nonrs und Hiiiins,
w hich nr prepared under hisown supervision, and tbircfore avoid ng (he use of all M isi iiai. Pois
ons, which were never designed for tuo system, to Ukc which man thousands have falleu victim"
und gno ti carlv graves.
V.mrinhrr that Dr. Kort wants no natients but tlitsn fully capable of uplireriiniui an I dis'.iii .
guishingtho services of a regular thorough
lU iurmhi r. Dr. Ilorl's remedies and treatment
prepared from a life speut in toe great hospitals of Europe and the first in tho country.
Hi mi mUr, that Dr. lioi t bus a more extended practice limn any other physician in Western Penn
sylvania. , . ,
lirmriiilir, that citiirns of education, nnd our popular men, are all well I cqiiainted with, an I take
great pleasure in recommending Dr. llort to the afflicted.
Ilimt mine, Unit Dr. I'.ort uiakesnu 1'i.lso representations to gull the unfortunate, but all he says will
bo faithfully carried out.
Hi 1111 nib' r, that 'Jr. llort pays every attention to diseases of a chronic nature.
JTACortificates of Cures may ho seen nt his repoctivo rooms.
fir. Fort is furnished will, over six thousand Idlers of reeoiiiiueniliition from some of ibu um-t
'.distinguished men living. Also lias awarded
Hospital ind liiliruiai los in l-.urope, tor ins unpiirnlicllcd oUfermiioiis 111 inagnosi.-, 11111 onsen a
lions iu oiseove ing remedies for liic cure of diseases that licrctol. ie ballled liio skill of many
of tho niedi'-al pr .Icssion.
An early call from those wishing to consult tlie Doctor, is cornetly rci'ii .Inl, so as lo receive
full benefit of treatment, ami thus do justice to himself. Time lio iled.
Please bear in mind when Dr. Doit will he in your place, l'crums dc-iroii- of consulting him
will confer a glint tavor by calling on the fust day ol bis urrivtil. 11s his rooms are so alien crowd
ed, it is utterly impossible to ullei.d to the unxiou- suliciiutions of nil. Dr. Hurt will arrive ut each
of I liv nbo e places on I lie til -t coach on the ibiy appointed.
Please extend tho Invitation to all invalid iiciUiiiiiIiiii..'S, and oblige vnuis, ie.
May 2, 'til. 2:.
O I) i: I; L ,
Located at A. If. fii?nfr .U.7.V, out
of' Ctttirfot (,,trvnyf,t
liospeetlully informs the citizens of C'learfield
and adjoining connli. s, that ho is at all times
prepared to manufacture, ut the shortest notice,
Hair, Husk, mil Slraw Mattresses of all
kinds and si.vs, one of which is a Folding Mat
tress, suitable for CABIN'S ON H F I'S, which
can he folded in small cotnpitss.nnd emptied iud
refilled at pleasure; ami very cheap. He also
trims Cat riages, inukes repairs to all kind. of
Carriago Trimming and 1'plmlster.v. and n iikes
Cords lor Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick
uess or length.
Country Produce. Corn Husks, or Ca-h
tnken in Evehnnge for worlt.
(tAi orders left with any of the Men-lint
Clearfield borough will Ii? promptly intended
to. dcc2i
l.iqrnlis OF ALL KIXIS,
5i" For fnlo very t-ln j
O. 1'..
In linscnii'i'.t of Mi'iifll
CK'.i li.M. l'.i.
I'm- ('asm. I.y
m 1:1:1:1:1.1.,
A IVio'pi's Slorr,
Tho midersigne.l will have constanlly on hand
" " 1 l'"' .'' ."' "r"'?"'. ' ,,e,n,r" "v)-
! """ ' ""- "'' "'l .egars. Million
I . 1 .,'rru,".rr'V- """hcs. and I nncy articles,
"incu no will
Ho invites the public to cull nud examine his
I leilie.ncs. nnu surgical instruments nt tlie mu
reasonable rates. J. O. HAKTtsWICK
Clearfied, I'a., Dec. 2(1, 1 still.
mii: ci r.viu n.i
II tf-tlil-MV ..:i
bo ooiuicl for .1,,. r ..n .,r ,. .it
o u ...iim ..i uiu I'.-n- ' III Ol lilllll
in n les and females) on Mondny, Aug
- " "
Irrnit per cession ol eleven "coks
Orthography, Heading, Writing
Arithmetic and 6ogrnphv,
Higher Arithmetic, English Ornminnr. Oool'
raphy and History. $3,110
Algebra, tieotnetry, Xatural Philosophy
and Hook Keeping $1M0
Latin and Ureck languages. $fi 00
To students desirous of acniiirinir a thorough
r.ngiisli l-.iliicntion, nnd who wi.h to uualifr
' themsalves for teachers, this Institution offers
1 uesimble advnntagos.
Xo nuidl received for les, il, h,.lf
I nn,l n , I.. !,;. .....i. . r ... .
I Tuition to l.o raid nt Ihe close of l ..
f It stAYIil'iilih i
JIlV 2'!, 1800.- ly.
1 ,.. ,, ", 7"'
! " l' K V 1 i S
11 t A PI u- fill h ' c' ur r. i t x- ?.
A L K " 0 " 'S M A J A 1 iN h '
- mkterly,
it. i
i " 1 iW" 1 " "'1'' rn. ,-
I iTIIV wkstmivstkk nirvtrw
TI i f.i;,VMn,J ,.',,,. . n . ,...
I iury.;
r.or"n 0M or,h,J 'our '.eviews,
f.or tn lwo of be. four Reviews,
i-cr annum.
$:t 00
6 AO
7 00
8 00
3 00
A 00
7 00
or n.v three of ti,0 four Reviews,
'r an tour ol he Iteviews,
For lllackwood's Macazine.
For Illarkwood and one Keview,
For Illackwood and two Review.,
For Hlnckwood and three Roviews.
9 00
For lllnokwood and the four Reviews,
10 00
.. .- .:.lbe. l-rioe l"rvlil "riwin for tho Svo
1 onodicals above-named is till tier annum.
Republished bv
mar43-6m 51 Gold Streot, New York,
"7-ERY CHEAT at the store of
T jania
trv-v trwi. ST ot-ia
. to m
& sra
rirmni.lnn Liin Hospital, of London. England, now
iri,ii'nonni ii i on- 1 ...... v.. . i -
escape the iron grasp of Mercury, by en ling, without,
celebrated Eclectic European I'liysiclan, nr. l.uHr.
hvfUiun, I'nmi a imltrv, uiilciirnoil mnl IritJin1
1 1 I
aro entirely unknown to all others in tins country
to him diplomas from some nl Ihe uio.t celebrated
NF.iv HKMnors roit
s r i n m a t. i: it ii u: i: .
KuWAitii A sn
tmtrut fttit
sociATiox, l'nii.Ai.i i run, A 'ci
tutinil ttiihlilml .y ic, till .',-
itiilriiirnt, 'or tht iifilij tltr Sill: lluti lhtrrn -i ',
cOfilfi'il iritlt YiuU'Hl null Chruitiv .', .
fujitfiitli fur tlii: Co,,-o' Oim'iMi'i l tlf Si .1 mil
Mkimi-w. Anvii i: given gratis. l the Aciiog
Yam it'i.c iii:i-oim on Sprru utoriuoM, und
other ili-c.ios of the Sexual Oigans, uiol on the
vkw 1H Mttnirts employed in the Dispcn-ai y, sent
in sealed Istler cue 'lopes, lice ..febarge. iv.i
or tine S'amps for postage iicci''lo. A Idi s-
Dit. .1. Skil.1.1 N II0101110N. Ilouanl Association.
Xo. 2. S. Ximli si
L-i'm v Iv.
k n - :: (; n
M I I I. S
Importers, nnd Wholesale Dealers iu
h i i: t i n u s. i) it ii ; ; i: v
Oil. l l.iriIS, JtAI TIMiS, .Is..
II -t'lioiisp. Sa, .'ill'.l ('lii'slnut Stiocl,
(Oppo.-ile Slate lloti.-e.)
i'l r.'l'S 1 ly run. mi i.t :n v.
(J' ' Al US ! ! f HAIRS ! ! !
NOW IS THE TIME TO buy : : : :
The ur il. r-ignei has lour mi band, a1 lii, I'ur
ii i I ii re Iloonis on Maikel si., Cle.nliel.l, l'.i., ,t
short d'slaii'-e we.-l of Lil's I'..undrv. a Lire
I -to.ik .if
manufactured out of the lot miiterin'r, fnii.hnl
; n a very superior manner, and which lie v. ill sell
j 1.0 IF f'llli t'ASIl, His long experience in the
! business makes him feci confident that hi" chairs
are made in a substantial mid workmanlike in in
ner, and will stand Ihe tct of trial. Person-
I wi'''''ns ,'" 1""'.',M"' fl",,,M 1,1 """'
xi inom wiiiiu un'v tvin ih iian in liic iuwo-t
ralm. J.IiX TUMI" HI AX.
Mar. L7-1s-tf.
I.ACk-i.WTIIIM-. -j'HK subscriber rc-
pccifullv informs bis friends and Ihe imblic
generally, that lie is ne.v well e nidi, bed in his
NEW SHOP on Pine street. n posilo the Town
Hall, in the loin. n -h of ' 1 ...... i .... 1 ,,..,1 i
. , , , . - "I" '
own book, and wbcro he is in -ed in ikuill
I ,
........ .i. ...o .cry ot-si siy ic. ml on
I """' tits oi'i cusioi' its are res
s. i ...11 1. ...I ... . ......
.1.... A..- n..t. ,.s;' 1 .'..i, ...I', ini , uuiu-
ber of new ones lire respectfully invited to give
i bi in a (rial.
i KD.JE TOOLS li; r,.,,..i.,it.. t , ....
-ov . nnd Itciiiirer (if K,l..rt lM..U .I.....I.1 ,.,' :.,.ir
- r. r.,..... ,,i n. i'ii secure
li t ill a liberal patronngo.
April 21,
I I'l A! Ti-rininrl.itit I'm'tnm nt
.... M.'-EXCITIXU FOOT HACE between
the t litladolphm I'olirc nnd the notorious
' ..'"." ri'iicr.o.nies iiuciiniian Cross!!
'.' , Vrn" " croptu red I ' . : 1 1 see ins to l.o the irene
"Pinion in Clearlldd, that i. Cross had ori,
L"'7. ' r"K Short , h rcnch calf U,.... that
"oui.i not oe yet. However,
....i ...ucii pin oui ui missing Ins ciisli in :
wruim announce to all l!r,rt;ri,l:,r, ,w,,-,,
. ,', ' , ''' """ """"en and ( hildien
rn t Iim. rfield. and Siiineiniiboiiing i particular,
that ho is prepared to furnish them with 1i,i,,n'
Shoes and (Jailers of any .tyle or pattern, stitch
sewcu or peggen, (nnu ns ho is a short lcl
All kinds of country produeo taken in ex
".."gc, aim casiinot ri luseil. Itcpni, ing doiio
in tho neatest manner nnd charges moderate nt
tho Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite
Heed, caver i Co sstorc. FRAN K SIIOKT.
X. IJ, Findings for snlo Sept. 2il, 186(1-
'f' . i.
U J. CrSOIlS OUI 0 J-.mpluymCnt.
A(sKiV'rS WAM'I'l'l
In every C ount v of tho United Slnli a
rlO engago in the sale or some i.r the best and
I most elegantly illustrated Works published.
Our publfcations are of the most interesting
character, aiaptej to the wants of the Fnriner,
Meehnnic and Merchant ; they are t ublished in
the best stylo and bound in the ino- substan-
urn manner, and arc worthy a place in the Li
hrary of ovory Household in the Land.
4-ft-To men or enterprise aud industrious hab
its. Ibis business olfors nn opportunity for profit
ublo emplovment seldom to lo. met wiik
-''rsnns desiring to act us airenli wi II r..
oeive promptly by mail full particulars, tornis.
nc.oy amiressiRg i.tiAllr. UKTZ A co., Pub,
Oct 21 mi)2' "rJlh tUuXl '"''"Je'Vali.
X l',tK.ytU ,',T"f l'tt-b Drugs just rce,v.
21 e-1 nnd opened a( IIAlVD Kf;.
tor rrairyiNo the blood
Alt') I t tin i.(kkj.! ruio cf t!i fuUf.rn r.i.,,5,-,
ttiiofnla mitl h orululta ArTVi t lon .,,
a Tniuor. Hitri, hurt; Kt ni.ii.,1
I'lniple, I'li.lul.l, "lt lira,' u V
lilalua, kiiiI oil bfcia HWmirj,
Ovkuxn, IiiJ., nth J,. 1, ,
C. Ar -n C'. tienn: 1 r..l ii wj u.u'r . ti:it y.iir raiMiiarilli l.iu .I..,,. . . "
. kll-'M
nil inliciMcI NK'foluiM 1 Imvp n.t
11 it in :irli.ii i lor J.1.111. (-nilK ,(;
In. ut
, Kill in Liver ij. hi. i. a..... iuiu nrin: ..n,.Ub.
ltllll.1 ioWIIll HM'I .lltlUSf, 111. Ill tilt' tt.minrb.
' ,.-ars tiKO it l-roke out oil Miy lica-l ntel ro,f r.'i1 ,'.'
wiivl nr uiili on,, sot.', wbitb iu pMii.tiil ai,,i
lM.y.tii.1 il.'M:ii.i. ii. I tl n-'l many iinxlijoci h. 'I
' pit, Mi'.J.n,. I. ut wilboiit mil' Ii rull-'ilV' in Rrty tiii,,,.'
' lii 'l, t ! li..i.lei Kr"tt wolrc. Al . nlt J (
; Ioi.m.IIii lio . l Mn-iiK that ).ulu
; 1111 nll. iiiliw (Snt(i.ullH, ..r 1 kn.-n fiia
! li 11 llml III.) lloi'K ou III..U-. jlni-.' U- l. I
ni.-iii 11:,. i .1 n.t c .1 ii, iui o..i it mi 11 c 111 .'j 1,,,. 1
1 it, 11 loll ioI.Ipu. ill M.etll il'w l ot a I'isilm.!, '.,1 .
I 111 'Hill, fuel im.'.I alto-.-t tin.-., holtli. N, w ntt.l ., ,
I skill M. U'sll I" I I llll. I. r till! hui 11 Ilia h . ,
1 bile I -II oil ty-skin i now clear, I kuua " '
' f".'lili(;s that the .lis.-a-.- has 1:011c I'roiu inr sMmm.
can oil Ix-lico I tc l "liat I atn sajmi wlui, (
j J Unit I lixl'l you I" Is-"lie ..1 III.-li-,l. , of ii,
: Ulnl leauill over V ans,
A I. Mil. 11 n TlLUT.
M. Antliony'a Plrr. Mohp or Krvsliitl,,
Teller 11 11. 1 Salt It It t- mil. ltu
Pr. I! V. Pi. l l.. c iic" fi .111 S .I. mi. X. T.
Sept., l'.l. Ib.ll he ba" elir.-il nil llne. :it rn. fc
UiajM, Wbi ll lluealilo'il 1. 1 I. M.-.ioiite ii
l:';r;"'",; """ ',; ' '
mr sai'sap-iiiiia noi ui... .Uiin.,,
wuo. ,,,,,
of Hi.- mih,.' tt,.
uit liy it iotiM:iitlr.
llrom lioi i lc, I'otlri- r Snrllril .V,,
..l.llloll SI... I I'l" pe. I, T-MI-. ttlil. t Tl,l
II. -k of yonl Sni -aeuilla ..iir.-. on' II. an M ... i r .4
imiis v.lliiiic on the o-.k. v.liieti 1 ).,! Iilfettll fr..
over two , cars."
Lriirnri'lirrn or IV lilt. . Ol ni I1111 Tumm
I l. lllir I li i lnlion, I'ciunl.,,.
I'r. J. H. P. riiiinntnu. f w -rk n. whm-
liMHt rllf't full v fuMii lv wild tin I i-ii in l ol ti'iii arm)
t Iihvi f'n nl tiir illii n in.t "ttH
1 Klit-r.itiva In fit" iniMifi ii niiil-iut Ur wliHi .
I rinpl iy Mi' ti a iwnlv, lnt f- 1 i In AJ Iiim,.
ftf the Hcntfiif.'HM ilmlli. "t. I luivi-1 ilrr. nirtnv
I ' fiiM'K f ,i . .it 1 lur 1 l.v il, mhl iHhi-w h iw iln -
Kiioti iiwif "it uti1. .NHl-intf witluii tAr
rillftf t'lillUl. 11 I' if lllff H lliiili" ihTHMC' Tll-If t.
pfrmiH 'c'l'icu ttihwr t-i mic nl Mu l- - in im Uni
uIiI- IiIikO li i'd 1 1 l ii'iti' ili- nn, I iii4in. j.,
nl li-iiifMt iirii i-tii i i i I UM-.I i y utH
riniilU. Otir I'liv-iihn iti 11 Mil ii'.iliiii '.nt
il'-li rmi il iiin.i n un, "in iih iMitiKiii inn irt:i (
Pariii'(ii illn ti. l.i-l ti. t.n rntlini;. ;.w
. av-. i ifli-rtiml. Afi'T' v nt ii-ii...i
Ii" - inj.fom 'ii Mir t1it .' 1 iii.iiiit,
S)ihltl mill ?lfr ni liil Dltrnif,
rw (ti l l v. '.V'lh AiiL'it, l!ri
pp..l P. Avr: Sir, I tin 1 1 1 1 1 v -nil iiliiv
i(tii4 i.f yu.r fiw''itt jiii-I r'f'i I t" v-ii '.itf ui ihe fUr.
I h tw n th't .1 vmMi vniir u -n; ;n illn.
1 h.ivi-riij .1 ;(tli il, ill InV I.Tti.'i, lii-( i.ftUrt,
fi nn' f' l v li:.lill If it'i i'MiliM li'li'l, h mI Inn- (sf,
i-R-'in trill; .fU I Inl it. Itif uiic i-l Ymt , tl ,ni V
curi ) P. ',irr, lltir cf my ilirnl h Svliiiilkiii
In liiii I lu tut, wliMi ( iiKiiniiiin lil m.i :.i,
tup ot liift niniitu. Vniir .ir H'tu illn, fl.-nililj U'..
cured biiu iu live vii, Antli. i nit.irl.ifl 1a ,
ondiiry 0yirptiiii4 in In h .m'. fit.. I t lit nl-iniUti h.
t'fllfll LA -1 '"II 1' lillli' I'Mlt i. . v, ;it 1 t(l
(llsRH ll'l" Wi'li) I Hi nil I. Mill 111-. ).lli :. I ' ill lb,i
yii ldcl lii ill v 4iliu irti-t i ttj i .ii i. w.iii rititi:uillt: r
Ilk'. I" In illl-tl. illi'l In- !- Hi 11 ii.HH i. I i tiltl,.,
- j
utijif iiililllllU n til III I ii . '. : Iim Ii;i. t..
Ill'.iff'l I tl llll r-.HIU' .ilmlli. I In Ciit llflrn
fi-in tliit Ihoii jti Im-i I. in.-, 'l In v li i'l - i "lor ttiu
Mll- I" I'M' Wv.llll.-I Ht'il "tl : (1.11 i'i i. -In-
ri ii' i.i tin,' ih in In i j iiitt-iti,. ...ii.-v ."-liv-.iw.!
tii.-il fiiiii.-ly ly j-.ur m.i -hi :ii illn In , v
ktli-A lli'll ilr l 'I lit II 1.1, tliii.ti -Itl Kk.iit .tui ait ii
llll-. I I J'. II. I' 1 'It lll'lll ..l , ,...,... I I4.r
1. on it. ; . ..ns .(oenlly , llose I111U ii inn! I.:. I t,- u
e. itti ii k.r. 1 not so, 1 a U' .l
1 I..I. imiil, ;.., r, V. I.AItlMI l.'.M.Ii.
ICI11 iimnl
(mil, I.I. il ( itiiiulniu.
Imoc.MoNii. I'l. I. i, T. .. V ... I III .loll. -t
I U:. .1. f. Av.k: sii. I I, ,. In i it 1.1II1.-1..I HU
i lot . lo--loc I,' lii lim it mii 1 1 1 1, t-. e lil"- Ill It l-ltl .1
j k.ll ( 1 . 1 . v-. i . i.ioH uiol mIu I, ,, ,,),. to - He .,! ;,H
j 1'- i I ' on 1. 1 11.-1. M,lil I ti h it I.. 10 S'O .., allka.
I l...te eiln-.l me in Iwov.e.t." III.. I . -. .-. . po,
j lo allll s.i IIOI. Il lie, I I tin, 0l I It,. ,li I ti.o-1 .
'alOi. k,. I. I 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 .1 . I,. . 1 I o I 111 I j ii .I.imi
'lie" V. !....,... .T S. ...,is. Wtjl,., -1 ).,. I
; .illh-t.-l I.. 1 , . .11 - i 11 h nn .,,. ,, , .m.,.i
; I my Io n Iili I Iri -Uteri; nn.l vn II. ..1 l.i I .-lie.e me ; iii,,, Iu . II I, It, ok. II ,i.u 1
f. Is.-Ole y.M- lino, tlf-r lall-e llisll iti i.'fi.n'
I th' Liirr. My l l... , .,i.i,.i . II, e I,, v. Mc. t .u-..lo
int to try your K.i.i.ila. I,im Ii.- -a,.i Ii. ki -vn
ami aor limit: .v-.o loa.le ,.. oiil, t, i ; . , m
illi; ol (1'mI ,1 has 01 . ,1 111.'. nuil iiii m n,i iti. .1 no ii
- ai I., inake a nnv toon .. 1 I. el yi.oiic :V'nm!.
. I. l lh it ran be unj .. yon i, not Imll ....a i !ii.i.,.Iu
I sii I. Irri.H.Cii nn r 'I'li.tMi.'". f-llili. i ici iiiiii'
t ti-ii 1. 1 in:i, ('., i lc nail Hoi 1.1 liuu .
llir Itui.r,
A ir. .il l.n i t
. tit - Mf III' -'I f. M
f r;"v Li. .. .mi icf ni l.. ! (.. ihvIi
i :il 1 - i -ii 1 1 ? i. ,ni. . f
..ii . I tit mu M..i. . In M- will ii. I ati
th" iiwc ni iiiio il ln.
Hi. m. !. in" s.l t!
III 1,t:i Im- (.-lit. I i, '.ill tlii-,.
Allti.-.liae. nhi'-li II,.. a o iitv li..o Inne .1 j
1'llluo.ll ili.lli. lo nil V Ii i i , f lie in.
i. J.Tr-iW
E; sjH Iis !o. tlci l PlHB.r, Vlls. KjiIIij,
ny, ?U Inn. In I . , N, iiinl;l
M.n.v ti in.iik..i :, ct s i.f tli. -e sfl. .-ii. ti. JifTf I-
IIUl'l.' I'V llll' llll' l.ili.e ,..,, I I I I I o- lo-. Il OS-
I. it. the vital Icueti' n- into t .i - , ti i., V
ov.''" il...l'i is wliii'i, ..oti 1... -ot jv -e,ll.oisl
reaell, Sll' l, il lei ! ),a. ..o. I., , i, . ,, I.;. It
res-lli, . ol llo, p.-. Hint He me enl, ,li til 1I14I lliO V
(1 f' I' III 111 all thai Hieilliiuc call llo.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
1 mi Tin-, ii win I't iit; or
( .Mtttlio, .lil, liiiliu urn,'i
tiiiii. III 0111 Ii It i.. In, (pi. nt I o a-
11 lit . 1 1 ti . nn.l Im- ttir Itrlirf
ul' ( iillMini p. I 1 I'nllrms
lit n ,1 . 11 i.-f il Stiigia
or III. Dlscosi.
'Ibis is 1 reh-.ily so ntii. t.:,l;v l.t;i'.tn lo ,.r'i
other f..r lb -me of tin, .ni an. I innc r rn plwuits il'
is nel,.r liete o pil it-l liic .-liiteiir,. , f it. llrtlSi..
illili.alle.l ..celii to-., f.-r i..ue.lik Mol ri I 1. and !! to
l on. lei fill I'tni'H of lilll..ia-v .t...-i.s. hsvi- ti.i.k
kiiimn lliiiiu,:iioiit tl,,. ci.ilir.l il n:it;..i.. of Ihe t"
lew nil- Ike e. unntinitiov or 1 ".ill l.-ouoirs, lllelll.' '
wli'i not s.mic i'er.on:il mu 1 u in 0 of iti-fiit--
Selne b ini; trophy ill (heir loiiM of its . frlery DM J
sul.lle ami, j;siohii Oo, ,1.1 rs ol lie
Anil tm... u. .i, ir.,i .....i. i
sinaie aliil .1.. nui . '.If. ill.ot.l rs of tie ItioAtstil Iv.
S llli'T hlW, li. III.' t IT" cl of llll. I, r n."
.to nioie limn to as.ui,. ibcm il has ni. all H'
Hie Hint II .lid ban., v hen liic curM bleb t
won so stronaly the ol iiunkiml.
Preparod by Dr. 3. C. A YER &. CO.. Lowsll, '
,?v?-S.-l,l by f. 1). Wats Cleuil.U t.
.Irwin, Curuen-'villc ; F. Arnold, LiitloTfW
i Montgonierv .t Co., Saioni ; ... C. lirrmil
i Morrisdule. C. li. Foster. Philil.sbiirc : Jits' K
I Chase, Ansoiivillo ; nnd by dealers tvcryiibtt-j
Thankful for pu-t favors .in 1 solicilinnssf
For '"re piilronage. I would respectfully snnourj
iiinal 1 have on hand again, nnd wi.l eunHsra
r. keep nt the Potterv in this boroui-li. on Iks'"
a i ner a short distant cast o. ll.e M.,l,odi,tClir
ho , " large stock of Crock, ry. such ns Crenm .'r"
i. 1 1111 k luius. Churns. .Io.- .1 tj Stovs rluf sii'S
but '" d ; nnd also an extensive nssotlmtsi
I dillereut and patlerns of t.rnikets 1
! rosetlcs for c rni.-e on house, and oilier tu
: Anv inou'dinus not .... l.i. - .11 be o,'l'
- ! older on short notice. Also lire Ui'k H
- and kepi Tor sale.
I Tiy"A Ii,J"r reduction on price,
- wholesale dealers. F LEITZISUtR.
ClrarPi-ld, mo v
Cabinet, Chair Makin?,
1 OIIX (il'LICll. of tbol.nroil-h of ClOirt'
V IV, willhe prcparedat nlltimes testt"tl
llu Kn? kni-inem in tho .hove line on lb"1
r business i ,.i n. .1.1 .i...., ii,. north .idtl
Market street, 3d door ent of Third it-. Mf''
, opposito tho old Jew eloro whero he will
constantly on hand a largo assortment f '
nogony and Cnno llottoai Chairs, and Csbn"
Ware uf every description, which he will
of on ns rc.isonnblo tonus ns the same artit'
- can bo had elsewhere In tho county,
His slock of Cabinet Wuro now on land,
- "ists in part or Dressing and Common Hare"',
- Sidas, Sowing and Washing Stands, le'kl
V.l .'r...k ...,i i.-;.,i,i n,..i llsilft'"'- llreakfasi. I'nir,c Curd and Pier I'l
hies, .lo. Collins manufactured and dolivsrs'
anv plnco desired.
I "'oary V, I Sf.n.fno. 4, vol. iv
. TS1
(i 00D ABriCl.K' f.'.r file .tt the stirs
(jtn2J ' W F. 1