ih (fitarficfo $tpnblitait, f 1 VV?WkrT2!k Y :""ml- I,,e Attempts to justify U 4lfez'V& , uiusonstUutionnl sets of President Line Si t i'.J?! -ly slating that Mr. Jefferson "exceed, ?frlrrVfe! M,' eMti(utioa" purchasing tlx ' V kCb ' l-itorv of Louisiana fin.n Kronnc at--is i a ---- - ci.r.AitriKLD, Wednesday Morning July 31, 1861 Watchman, What of the Night?" i .1;... ... ii. . ... J'a". " nv ne ....,.,..., . .m...,.,, oui,tlis government could not enduro "per. 1 . ivilli ii n V ill I tie liiniiv w.fl.n-lo rr! 1 I i.iois a'l'l let ler-ivrite.-s to nrcount for ... a!0 (leslrjclive repnNe ,r . . I'..:.... ' inn v. llll'll I , ,, ,ii.. I.,,, u i at bull s li'Jii. .Suno fay it was J & ill nun .i ujii. oLino r.iy j ii'i id uio iih-. ei ii-ui e nun eov.-ai'iice . . 1 .. : 1 , , , . ,i , ,i , . , i. "iiisuiige oi iiie i resuieni an J ins :U'olln:ers oilier that it was the iau . , , " . ,, , , . 'Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, 'llm Ai!m:ni"triw;oii ; otheia '.hat it was ; ,. , , , .... i i.-in . 1 1. r ,.i,i I II would no:v seem that tho President .!T. lv mviii lo thi hut that the enemv i , , ' . ., , "Hil his Cubiiiol aio onlv iiraetiemu what njiinirli Hie iikj.-i immeious, and proi,, , , , , ' . . . , they have pn-arhed for year.-., and are .-tea Ly their entreiirhments ; olhcr , . . , ; . ' . i .. . " ,1:1 was one ot I hr-e "inystOMous, un ,., ,, ' I"1 on ii t:i'i 1 o things wliii.h will some tunes ., ,ia ; and other again, and wo lliiiik I.' iliuiiicli I nidi, aitiibiite all to tho in ..,e cry oi "t)mvard lo liiohniond" of Monintion preM of the North, and thel ,11 moio insane members of Congress, r 11 ;.!,!, finally indueed (Jen. Seott to yield . i ii ,. , . i ion- deiiiands and order a. cii wunl, .jveiiKiit. Hut ulialever may have oeen tr::o cause, there is no mistaking tl lie .' !cvt. Tv.o weeks ago tive hundred inill n of dollars, and half a million of sol .cri were thought to Lo aiuly suflhiieut i nwivii to jiienuioiKt aim rru.Mi out re- -llion, and to bring nil disloy.ilty into li.jection. Now, it is candidly admitted it twice. iJic amount of these inians i lair. In- iiiad -'iualc to the task. The two stratcj; llti at Pull's Hun have demon toi.ly thai these Southerners will stand cuu,u, "M "uo" 8UM?rne'1 Miremsiuny uf ,r,.lp,t ..t... the ,.ri-,e ; oi . .i.w . 'for ei..l,te vo.ii's l.v I-'n,l,.ilwiu 1)..,.,,., ..i. liel lue : l.o-ii silenced, ami the war I r In, la- :.M ground and lliiht, tit that Ihev run 1. 1 , , i uui i .ivj I n i their brothers of thei ,. 1 0 IS any uiileicnci , ," btlMliess ,i littlu Lot- i lit j'l.-,t as well jr!Ii : ai.d if th'.re :iiy understand the r limn we do. It is now more lhaii three mouths since j ii struggle commenced, ami what have j pj;:.iin"l '.' How many rebels have been ' u'ie lovai: What advance have we1 ,ilti? How miieh of the seceded lerri-i i.-y li:i been lecovet'ed? And what is .a- no-pi et of ilio succes of the cam-I 1? '.'in readers can answer the:e: le-linns at their leisure. We fear that 1 uarriners continue to oe actuated by : same spirit of bliudu.iss that has i'.oI them thus far, that we have scarce- arrived at the beginning of our troub- -lliat we have ne.rcely fui nished the 'li-liaiic of the falal history ol'oiu-dow n ul ai a nation. Uc again a-k, w ilh deepest reverciu c, tliere no help lor us ; Must we of the hir'.h. and our misled Lrolhers o the ,11th, iiioiiibi i-.-i heretofore of one ami lie fame happy and prosperous house- ' ilL g,,,,,, ; 11, tcnible work of huh j jjI destruction '.' that, some (iood iii'.vl wouid so direct tin: counsels of our I . : . ... I ... . , , j '.mi nun us once nan py people may oe a I "safety tlii"iig!i 1I1 i.r terrible night : to .tlifii' advei-Miy . lii.UlM.ts .sir.VKXs. I he Naliolial Ad- ' idialinli has been rather 11:1 1'oi lutlill nttrvMil appointments both in the civil .id tlui military sei vice of the countiy. liul the eelcclioii of Thaddeus Stevens of. r .stale as I Ln: 1111111 of the Coinniiltce ys nnd Means, scema to have been :ilcua aeeour.t ol Lis oxpei ietico in mil , )' aialttrs, and in the coti.iti nctiou of ''K-wornt railroad, which mpuireiuents Jii seem In be veded in him. Ilis lull uiideiotood that the Chair s.uof the Coinmiltce of Ways ci Means iuIio House is the n.outh piece of the Waiinisli.iti jii ben the same party is n .oivcr at bolh ends of Peiuisy Ivania ti'tiue, The euiinent services rendered 10 Gov. liitiior, dtiiing the eelebralcd i-..t-i . it 1 1 1 1.1 "ak.Nioi ,var at 1 1. 1 in.-burg Ins no doubt ( i lo the stkciii'ii of Mr. Stevens, as: w'iilar nits may have lobe perfoi mcd '.-"a- Hie feat of Mr. Stei ens, though a c l ip- K lmi ; the Liu ksbot war, lias never lt,. ,. - . . . . I .. ... . ., .......... , ...... , s . . l(, hps by (i en. Puin.im dining the lievolu- ';r'i. The terriflie leap ho inado ihrough !npp,0,iching Pi iniiiry Llection. Mr. Pell 'he litck window of the Capitol at Harris-'M.ek9 l10 Ljohc,. position than that of be-' tir I. ,. t i... i- 1 1. ' .mi 11... inen 1 ... 1 " ' 11 1 . . I ''"""N. "ul it may becoino necessary al'lhereal ' -I'nion Saving' kind, as out old I :r, and w , re compelled .0 say ""ic .vuiiunisliHtlon has liecll Very ,1, '"'lunate in their clioiee ot a '1 ni'Ue. eader in tho . I ricttiiiK oi- Auki.-i.-a. Wo take the bdoiv',,,,, .,.,,... c,. u ...-i; ,ntun i,v nz extract l'mi sneerli mado bv lr " ' 1 "l ltHA.N, the great Irish orator as it ii (rue iiiclnin i,f .. ,.Ha nf i.iiliti.'i on. vdm .... -1 -ousuoiuuicr piisseei 110111 poiici 111 'WmkI in his day : T1 r , , . I liiosc kitindliiigs of fortune, ovcrwhel Iho torrent of conupticn at litl Peliod, lap ill the bottom likcdlOWli-, ""sxiics, whilo nouiidue-s or sanity re-1 "Utined in them butut loivth beeo-nine ! tdorani I r . , i sjm.,1 .-, .'. V ,' ,. ,. "". : W. Mid Honied to the surlacoof tho Wed streatil, where they wete drilled; "WR tlio obieeta of terror mid rnntu- I iw . t"luliacooii, niei luciw inev uuu SiWldnbominalion." to Ufttt. . .... . ... . .. - ,.,.,1U,1-11I.I ..fin II I 1 1 ri 111 f rs. r --.IVIll'- i,.i. , . - . i e---c, i luiwi m a torrent ofooi runtion at nn H iluy.'und the prosont Stato and Na K'ni' Administrations are fast beeomine: ""'ohjuuis of tenor" to c-Vci v lovnl cili- far """Atid w ill puiH u,vy like a "roiiliig'en" '"'"wi alllieicd pcoilc. us ,xceeuing tlie Constitution." I Tho .Journalist week gavo its venders a short loader under this head, bearing the oar mark of both n kjul and a clerical: ie oln ,j thereby "saved mi empire." should be pleased to hear from them oc- i Tho difference between Mr. ' .1 eft's rson easionully. and Mr, Lincoln is this; wl ile the former "Remember George tho 111," is deelin. i "saved an empire" tho kilter, by hi acts, tH' being prematuro ar.d a lit I lo too jis in great danger of destroying an empire, I'"""'' 'Hlt I'1C main lruc :bv muuIdiiiL' the ('nnsii!iiiiiii t.- t.;i d,! "A liebel" sends us a itood article, but . : i r , mens oi lilinsull Hiiil ins ( il.inni ii,,,. , nninently half slave and half tree that it I l'v ' t .1 . ' nniM ueeoine all one I 111,2 or tho other rj'i . J,,e e. leilllieill II 1W S0elll 10 UO 10 lll.lKO , ,, f It 11 1 II'I'O -i.-i !,- ...... ....... in I I a I ... ..iiiwiiii iif I II v I A Ml IM' . . ii i in i an , uui as .nr. jjineoin caul , f , ,, ,, , , , his Iiiauu'iiral ad J res the "lux ' tf the . .. llll.il"U I'l.KIOI 111. The people in tho Slave Slates have fur yeais deejared that if :i ol ilioiiisui should heeoiiii; the governing pun or oi the nation a separation would take place. Mr. I.in- 1. : . 1 i: . , " , u,,, M'P'uutees to o.i.co nae, on mo oinci iiann. oreae lied . ' ..", jiv.nmn '110 j Union with ftU.veholders." Hence we see that these two warrini: elements nrae- lically result in tho same thin:: disunion J a:id we find men justifying both, when j;i.t the same time Lot h are wrong. Mr. Lincoln, when he eame into power, had the misfortune to have tvro platforms presented to him, the one commonly cal- u.i i r... i ,.i; .1.1 .i 'jUi.niiiiiii'ii lailil-r Hll Ollllll- 1 ,,, lis true but lll.lda by the men that : . I I i i s',vcm1 nn n,i-re,' and by which om I . ' ' I (has produced just what we jucdictcd. It ; .k.i ',.. it,., 1 r, 1; 1,. , ...1 1. ' ' .' '". "i. l.il.Ulll l UWIV I. II Illllll I to support tho former, but tUted ul the ; same time that tho latter w is the "W by which he would be governed. The former, it is admitted, ho has "exceeded," the lal'.er, ie believe he has ob yed to the vi ry I .tier, thus showing that he uttered no vain sentiment, when ho told I is coun trymen on the loiirth ol March hut, that he would lo governed by I'lallori'.l. the Chicago Siioiui UK I.'tu AKI.KI. II the publish ! 1 ' jer of the New York ',-y ;,, is a lair dealing man ho will certainly pre.-"i)t our j ' ueilil.or with a valuable premium. We, i 1 think i is now about threo weeks since , . 1. 1 . .1 1 , -ii ... . . i the Im'i-nal made a most terrible onset upon Ihu JKi Jvv;, and fince that wo1 leain that not Ic.-s than one hundred , new subscribers have been added to that I paj.er in this county. ' The Jwrii.tl is a capita! advertising me- diiim iu tliis wav and to inch cum- Ijditnents a it paid the , IM;, we are . ... . . so indented or the verv arje iice.cssiun 1 1 our li.-i during tho last two or three , ken its p ace. i.nnr.'U mi' v i:iii"'i si'im sum ' bigs the Other WHS' luade at Cllica-I ) t.ir inedieine men hither ? They would liud l'o bv a lot of experimenters who bear thel1""!' ' and fruitful mUswnary ground. .tfcuay ' I ,. . ,U1lnt' 'I "hick Republicans, and w.uelil- ' ... ' 'months. Suppose tho ..Wn it a '-! , , , , ,1 , 1 ei) thing sectional; it is as operative in 1 Northern New York, as in South Carolina. We observe that I he Hotels at the cel ebrated Snuloga Spiings aru in a lan guishing con ili 1 ion. J'ha receipts at one of the leading Hole's on the Ith of Ju'y last fas. but S7, against . 1,-l'Jfl hist year. Mr.K. j.ineoiu s i.ioiua-ie seems 10 ocI:lV(,,.r. working 1 flelunlly, mid is divested of cv- Joidun TnviiP W . Wise, Pall lek i The P.eiH'uid Si.riii''s in our own State , ,, 1 . 1 nin . t l.'oi "0 1 loover located at i.c-ontos .Milis, 1011111 towns 1111, ol :ii,d n 1 1 1 no ed wa .1 1111' n ,100s are s nil- liin-.",u'i-( M"IM"- . ',.. .. ... . ., ' ',. e 1- - , L ily "blockaded." liully for Lincoln. 8.3. Our fat mors aie gettiu through ' with tlu ir harvest iu fine style. Tl ft 1110 weather has bi en pleasiuil and highly fa- vorable.and their excellent crops of wheat , ' rye and hay are being scoured 111 good i- I condition. , (.),it.-,, com, buckwheat and pot ttoes, havo all sull'ered somewhat, with the dioulli; but iho copious showers of last Sunday "ill do a vast deal of good. V ,r A f.vimim Yn Mr., cronies!.. ,1 ; ' in lul jhju ui:u tii.il ,.i. nn ocn i.s, ., . 11 1 ii' 'I. (,i Candidate for Associate Judge nt the position Hum mat r t le . ...... . . ' an acuve anu consi-'.eiii. ueuioei in 01 0 1)cmol.rnlit! Kat.-nt, have l,,en styled by ,11 1 A bo htioli Cob oris. 2 r- -r , t , . I . nl'inn. sii ion in I uL'iMi U this ,,1 ,. ',,U' nl 1 , 1 . I. . 1 ., 1 . ! 1 .. (' A l. I . t 1, VPt'K WHn UK' UiMilii tJl iim: line "tnui; lit Null's run. We have selected the Usti account I rem each sido that ..no conio account Irnm caoli Hdo that ..nvo conio - . . . . 1 ... .1 . under our ooservauon, ... o....... ...... o... ( readers niavhavo the best passlblo chance , . .1 - .. fc'-' . . .. , How rr wokks- Within tho last tn-o . . . ., i ii . i. uil weeks six subscriber?: (il! true i.cpuiit- ,.ls havo ordered their fapers stopped.' . ' '. , , n( ; v ,;,,, ,. 0nO8 I, U 1 - , , , I Democrats good and true) havo been nd- :,..,.. I; ... Vl,..n .v. 11 iho Itpimli.' . , . 1 ljcn County Committee meet again 1 1 -- i""-n,"i,T an... .Ase.l1 '1 UK AkMV W ORM. A WW Ml, SlippO-ed iw v., - - i an. i rt 1 ivoi lil, suppo-iu ins reached this bo the Arm; Worm, has reached this i 1 in nl't h- 1II1.CU .11 IflSb lll.lllUin. &.m,v.... ....... .. . . . . , . . 1 . .. - ' - - - . ward, u e aro not nuviseu umi mer n. , doing any duinngo on the contrary, that thev have dono no injury to the crops as as can he -ccil- hcnce wo havo bOine , doubt about I heir being the insect known the Army Worm. ... I To Corresi-o.vdi-.nt3.- -We have a nunv l,cr communications on our table, but in l,ie- ' times it will be impossible ful' to fini1 'oom for them. Those from ".Spirit ot '70" nrd "FidUlo" nro good and vey appropriate but too lengthy. "In- dependence" is entirely too personal, but ter-l''1'10 writer, and tho above two corrcs i, undil'owlonts will study "Mr. brevity" we it. i ... . ...! ...... .... . , moors minor a iinsii.he us lascineoi too 1J'B 'ct alluded to, ......... (ll,v '"Salt Lick" friend will pleaseac-, Our 'alt Lick" friend will please ac- A ffk-ndiil n.mirtinoiit of goods. Helling to euit cejit our thanks for a "lot" of new SUb,;iL "' '7'.'' c,"u,is,iHS of 1 i I nut.-, Lmviis, Orgniulies, - - ! .CodePan,, ' r . i 1 1 t , . s (i inirl in nn. nn m r,n..Ya C.U'T. J. JI Larhisikh. Our readers' will bo pleased to learn that J. II. Lakiii- meh, Ksip, late editor of this paper, and' first Lieut, of the Washington G'ndi-u, 1 was recently elected Captain of the Con-, tie Ouards, belonging to the same l!cei-1 i iien t. Liki't. J. W, liiiM.rit. We nre glad to learn that this gentleman, Second 1 lent, i of the Washington ('adi.'ts, has been ap- j pointed Quarter Master of the regiment-' to which the Cadets a e attached. SB TE ll llECI OF ClillllTl.lNITV. Illllll PuISM, til i? (.'ll'TclloMI t'llivf, n'llll(llli.-llO. 1 llit" fii'liuns of Ms liilid "In ln pru li'iit nnd n vuiil iniv ui't or p',lii v cal' iiliitoil to d.'stiov ur ' ii il:i uir.-r llii'irrij,rliti." "Ho oarnc'tly i !iiire-etf in tlio CIhtoIu'O ii-.i.l tlio inipm-hii.,',) of non- inli'iTi-ri'HiM', uii J trust tlint n I will ki'np from their l..,rili'is tin' ilosolati'in of :ir nnd ftny tho ravaL'i i- n iiiuiiL' the ijro inerti'" n oi tin: Mnti'i. Vehavonr. ih,.l.tll,til,isiWlt0tlK. liot- ler nntnro of tho lmlian, raisoa t.ini'i )iia onn- ti.ms in tli o savnL'o hroast. I m-m'.izi'il, utii'lins , 'I ' l,K'y '"'l- uppri-ciute the horrors of .'svhition ut'.irtfi". )Vill not noiuc on Iuti' -ml fi r n few of tlif 'e ai.'i;! ti ecfnpy our pulpits t The people or 111) Sort lorn State ( ., w;ir' .,;, ,, f,ima,umli thl)ric, ken its nlnre. Caiir.ot the rhrol;,eB tend fun Vigilance Committees. tie. ... ti ,vbi ri,;un .. v. ,.e,.,- J. I X' ... .... . ,- - , '"'ou .i.yox lii'cc ina uui 11. iMc-Miisoii, .iiiouei II. lleininan, I'liri.-t. lirootii Jn'll-.i. lines .savage, Uctiry .Mriilice, Jacob Campbell. j P,:., K 1 hind I-'.iUst, Philip Milh.'l, John W . heyler. : liradloid Matheiv 1-orcce, hdivard ! Wale, I'oii j. Knep. I'.radv-J. Lever I-'legal, Dr. 'ieo. W'il-1 jon, Jacob lloonl., Sr. 1 Buinside John King ofL'eeder, W ill - J I i.,,, I.' ,,.,.,( .If.l.i, (It'll.. II Sin, .-i.l Cleai'1'u ld Ho. lames L. Morgan, Fran. 1 ... 1 ie:i 1 Vhcst-Thomas (jartlev, Win W. Wo.-1 j.,, j0, Smead. (,'nrwensvillo 15o. Lewis C. Illooni, . . 1, v 1 1 .. ir 1 dohn .lesaui. i.ew is .u. j.apni ie. i.oviiiizitni 1 i . uuui 11:1 , 1' i' 11 11 im ii- .loo. J. Piekard. t. ,.,,. l,,l,n Ilio lie .John Shaw, ,)onn A. llxi-.vlcs, p. ( '. P,.iwniiin. i'Vi-gnson ('oilesiicll "''i - ''' A'i t ('I .lb I tiirnrd 1". J. W.l'.dter. Leon Coiidriet Lernor 1 Met lovei 11. ( oikon A. Shaw, Isaac iiraliam, 1..- ' . ' . ... .. ll. Livergood. (iue'.ie.h losi'l'li I-ry, .lohn S. iMcKei - 'nan. .John Jordan. I (irnbalii-Levi UuLler, ia.il Crow til, W illi. v 1 he 111 lluslon P. Tjler, ieo. Morgan, Philip . - . . . uiin, li'ioel l t ill le.ison. .1 1 . mm inivo ticoii giaiue i to the iin.iersigueu on 1 . . . . . , , , I . I.l.'., 1 ... . I I . . ,. I.' : . , 1 . r .. I Kail ll.'lllS iPOrce IiecKetldOin, OOH:i . . . . .. ... ( i 1 t ill 1 WO l'lle j Knox-David Mrcl.ard, llenrv Slutga.ts ' J, " , William Sloss : Li. ivri -nee Samuel Miidlner, W 111. 1 Heed, dailies Me i lailgbiill. ' I ,u ml or (.'it v I'.o. loeiih L. Kirbev,1 Anihorvilile.'.lolin Melhv.t. "i Morris Jul in P. Kyler, Moses Den-! .... u'.. 1.: i'-. Ti.,-, -r. I',t,.i i. ii i- . 1 11 t r . ; tilings. Dr. 0. W. Stewart,.!. I!. McMnrrv., i n ii n 1 1 1 l: uui 1 o "., ,. ... . ,,i pike Isaac Caldwell,-Lli l.ioom, Jiol.l. 1 1 r .. v 1 I'H .sinii. ppnn Loss Hoover. Crier Hell, Jr.. 'J',on;as Dougherty. Woodward Thos. Hcnder.vm, Austin Mine. " m Al Naii'icr. I nmn David Welly, .John Y j,0.a,.(, (.'ourtney. , , Dale, '31 ch) Sbbn'tiscincnts. 1 1 L'PIToK' Xll'ICF. Tho undersigned, 1 nn Auditor appointed to (lislni.uto money . tlio linnils ol uio n iministrators 01 ine csiine A. j Dalei late of Pike township, deceased, gives notice that he will nttend to the snme at j IUU nines in nie ,,,,,"iiu "i . i.-n, .-,.,, ui. ,-u."i - . lay of August next. ti, ii M ii.celTnivni " " "' '"'"-i "1"" .In v 31. JSId. Auditor - V -."' A", " '. ' '"'".v cauoon-: utfr vv'i i li . 0111111 AN MA It lV ivml COLT, two : year ol.l mwhs una one iwo-norse nnnu.i i in the pns. of John (Mazer, of Ilrady tp., ns tho same belong to lue, nndnre in bis pop- session on loan only. 1 ' July IMih-'iK-pd-Yd. JACdl! KI NTZ. July - - r7,.p7n o ! ,X .n TPinuvnu f in,fii,i I ' .vumvtu C'OUIlty:- 'th Public examination of lonchcrs will bo held oils year ns ioiiuiis; Jlloom, t erugson. iiiimiier i uy 1 enn, cejujiu-: cr Ith 5th, at Lumber l.ty. Curwei.sville, Knox rf-Pike. Sept., btU rf- , 111 )t rilrwcn,Tuie. Clearfield and Lawreneo ?ept. Kill A 1 Dili, nt Clearfield. Uirnrd and (ioshen Sept. 1 Ith and 12lh, at i;o- fben School-hou.. tovingion ami niiroiaus .-epi. i.iiu a. mr ; nenr air. inner s. )nidl'ur.l, (Irahum and Morris. Sept. Irtih A 17 "rnhainton. , Decatur and Woodward, Sept. ISth and nenr Mr. Kider s, I . Til II II 111 I o II. ' JJngg., Decntur nnd Woodward, Sept. ISth and pith at Centre in Decntur. ; Huh at Centre in Decatur. i ,i i, f.i.nt vam iv..i. ... ', l.ur..si,i.., v..v " peiu. -.iu IIU'I , ... ,. n...,..... .. n.,i . n i,l ,. , Vl.,nwl - i - - - . ... . . . .." . . nocnirn, imnian im r,uiu, i-,h fin uuu n 37ib nt X roada in Uccraria. I Huston and Fox. October 1st, at No. 1. House: in Huston. i Itrady and Fniou, Oct. :id nnd til- at Luther- ,'rw'eusille, Vib month, ( Jesi i; 11ihh.ma.li.. i'lh Hoi pd. i to. fupt. G AND OPENING !. iNlAV STCRKj iVJS W FIRM!! NEW GOODS!! . . urcat Incluccincnts to Purchasers A- in wxmni KXj UU Ui nvi.i iinini.i i...Tr ,.r. I IVIVJ'i, iS 1UKL, Smi h s Pmnw KaIaw t "uvn uugc i.uoiiuiu a. A splendid assortment of goods, selling to suit tiin)liiiiuj, .Muslim, Cheeks. Hoop Skirli., Hoop Skirts, Hoop Skirts, French Silk .Ma-itilbu, F. S. M. Travelling Uu.Hers, Iiiilinonds, Hosiery, Drw."., (iirde, lllaek liul.orinn, Triiiuninss, Triiiiiningi, Trimmings. Fine DlaeU liiond Cloth, Cassimere.-., Zepbyu, Zephyrs, Zcpliyrj, Shakorii, Shakers, Shakers. Sii.ir., Coffee, Teas, i-picof, Salts, Sodas, Maekere!, .Muekorel, Mackerel, lti e, 1,'ro'itiis, Queensw.ue, Quooiuwure, iwU a- .Shoes, Uuots i Shojf, Wall l'uper, Wall Paper, Carpeting, Carpeting, Carpeting, Flags. Flags, Mutimiaiy, Station. iry, nr;it.los umnlly koi.t iu n c.iuntrv " store. c l-.'-'t her i alsii many not nsuvlly kopt. , i ... i 1 . , , ,'"t mwh ntniv' '" e"'"1 ,llu,'cd I'"''1' Ami we Kol conlidcnt ll.ut all wlei nil! mnk trial purchase, will find it to their ,eh an, .v-e t oi n i ' ' 1 e ns ciist niiers. Also, n limited amount of County Orders wjnt '" ex..i,niiK-e lor t Jiy 10, isf I. tr. ood. t PMIMSlIt T()ifs (l'l'l('li-,,.W, 4 a " , , .v., . , - 1,111 nun nsy gianlnl to Ilio unilersigned on tho estate o'l "Oi:i;iiT Dl'lLFl!, Into of Lawrence town. fbip, Clear, ol J county, deceased, all persons in- deblo.l to sail estalo are r,.,,,ie.ed t make im- y vf A, mil. istrm ioii having bei-n this dnv mediate ayine l.iiiid tho.-c havii'.geliiiuis against "M 1 ""i"" "1 '""'" . ., ..... .If v, m. WAi.i.Ai'i:, July 10. fit. Ad.nV (ireat Disroirrj, -j l WL' nudo n Uircovcry of the utmost iin-! X peiianco lo in iv ntai-rivil pei-onof either se.. and wiil .-cud the full particulars conceniiiig " " " one 011 receipt 01 a stamp te pay tor re- t--'K- Add.-. Lit. J. II. MAltTijl.L. Alfred, .Maine. npl " I -lv. M'.mi;M A. KTZWiL'.;K, I "1 Wholesale mid Hctall MeirliuntK. Also; extendi 10 dealers in tiinber, tawed h.nid ! bur and shingle;. Also, dealers in fiour an- I grain, which will be sold clu:ip l'"r cash. j Oct. 1 1, is .,!. V I' iM i I 'l IT 1 1 w ill hold its econ,l iinninil lair upon tho fair 1L llt I'liLUAL, , rriounl, near the lviom;'li of ClearJielJ on the Justice ofihc peace ni-'xt!'1''' 17"' "n'' s,h Aa' r ocrti,il:i! LnlJier.-biirg, Cl.iifield Co. Ph., will , Tile grounds are ui,w belli': put in good order, mt'iid promptly to a'l business eiitnislcd lo his ; nnd the uecnnimodatinns ruim-ged for the conve ciire. He nlso iiil'onn? the public that ho keeps ; n icjire of cxhibiuirs nu tisitors. A premium -""'laiit! hand at his shop, a general as-; list will shortly be published. fortmeut of Saddle, Iliidles. llarneM mid j K H'll A Hl Sll A W, I it. It. 1!A V RKTT, whip, wbieli he will sell on re.isonable trems. .TOSIA II It. II FED, .1 N'O. Jielj a I'd HEY April I, 1st' I. 1 1V.M. M'P.I1IIK, KlMiCtl'OU'M Ndi'icru Xotico is here- l-ihy given llm Letton Test.i mcntiiry, on tho1 i-.i,.t.i ol I.,,..,... 11 1 .... ..1. i..,m ..r.i.. 1.... 1. , ... " " , . ' h of leartield. dec d. have been L-rnnted o the mi .lorsincd. All nersons indebted to said estate r0 r-rpiireil to make inum-dicto payment, nrd ' those leu iti- eUimt rs.iiiist die saitie ii itt nrosent them duly aiitbrntieut".! for settlement. lid A II !. 1 l,A.M( II, Fx x jy - - ' - -as. 1. i.i."a.hum',.u. DMI M. 1 1! ATOICS NtM'H'l : Notice 1 is hereby given that letters of A tministra- ... . . un-esuuo 01 jaceo mcn-linci, lain 01 .uorris! '...,....'.:.. .1 .1 aii :.. .1 .1 1 . 1 : 1 o.-ii'l' ui-.eiiM 1. mi ,iipi,ns intieineii in saiti "''""i"; "'v'Ke payment w,,.,u, ue- '" these having elainis aginnd the same will picsent tlicni duly niilhentieiitcil for settle- .,,,. Jtill N II, K VI.AIl, jiin.l'tl Cl pd. Adiuiuistriitor. ! - - -- DR. J. W. POTTER. ! riijsli-Lin anil Siirg-t'iiu, has ptrnmnoiitlv 1 ici.i ins 1,10, essiuiini services in liis stirroiimiiiii. eoaiiniiiiity ' -. , . . c .May s, IS 01. - , E V I) li U (1 S TO K Yt 1 , ., .... . 1 he subscribers tinv opened n full end cum - pl"t nssortiin'iit of IdU'dS in the new brick ( building of Dr. Wnnd?, on the corner of Lrcuit , , " ..-.ii 1 a 11 nud rherrv streets, 111 the boreucll of Cli nrfleld, , .1 11 1 1. 1 . where thev wi 1 I' hnppv to ueconnnodate nnv , , . , .1 , 1 person w iio inav desire artie es 111 their hue. The 1 . ... , ,. 1 . .. , business w be rot. ined strict. v lo a I li uj una I .VA'O ''ffi'ii hi:)iirx And nn pains w ilt bespnred to render satisfaction. Dr. .M. Woons. tho junior pnrlner, ntnv nlwnvs be found nnd consulted in the " Drug Store,'. when not absent on professional business. A separate room lor ronsiiltiiticin Is attached to the store, where patients mar bo examined nrivnlidv. Krrrv nrli- Io usually fouiid in such an estHh. iisoiiieni 11 in oe iv.'i'i oil linm.i. anil soul ni rrcilllY rednced prices, Terms m:ixn stiiicti.v Cash, will eunblo litem ; to offer inducements in the way of prices 1 I'liysicinns will bo supplied at a smnll per centage over cost and earnaga. and their orders of tTo belt liiishtj' M" """"""l febfi.lf WOODS A H.MIHKTT. " . ' ... T, I 1 IV Li I'j J. CITY HOTEL Col. A. P. OWENS, 1'koi'KIEtou, Ite - pectlully nniiounces to die travelling publio - .t he 1ms now tnken fliargo of this large and wcn known house, nnd will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort aad for. satisfaction to nil who may favor him with 11 1 'call. nov7-ly I j Twenty-live to slt Dolhirs and j cxj,cn,es por inoi.th will bo paid by the Frio' Sewing Machmo Company t their Agents, for, 0iin(, ,1,8 Erie Sewing Machine. This ia a row' Muchiue, i.nd so simple in Its coastruetion that a j child can learn lo oiicraio it oy nan an noun I instruction, it is euui 10 .my r amny oaw ing , Machine in use. and they lako thepreiuiiiin over , 'fifty and one hundred dollar machines. Tlio ri... i, but Fifteen Dollars. Tho Comnnnv wish , lltty Sn'l one liuiliueu uoill III1.CU1UCB. Alio ,)ri,.e is tut Fifteen Dollars. Tho Company ish , l0 employ Agents in every county in I tie I nitcd to employ AKenU in owjr eounly In ibe b'niua : Mates. Slates. AUiiress, lor l urocuiars, ti-.o .inrin,; , . 11 i.. 1 A ...I i;i.i. 1 ..ii r... . i: i..-. z-..- i ... - .. .... '1 ,,, inarl3 bin. , . TJ AM. hid I 1 I low klac TTAM. hidos. Macaerbi ani Aicmnir for sale liiiniu.i'iinTs . h . F. Ill II IN. I Cteurlie d, Juiy 11th 18), A PHI.1II-; I.dTof Fresh Drugs just rneeiv- ed aud opeucd at IIATSW'ICKS; 5 S ?g?4 1 CLEAKFIKLD COUNTY, PA. WILLIAM REED, Proprietor. july 10, 1 SOI. ly. LHSIiLtTIU OF I'AHTNKnsiIIP. The partnership of Patlon, IIpplo A Co., wns luisjoiveu ou uio i.iui iav ot June, Ibnl, by the 'tliJr",val "f Patto'n. Tim books of the Into firm tiro in the bands ofHiiilo f- Faust, who ,re authorized to uttlo and collect all 6lts duo said llrra. It. II. l'ATTON. K. A. IIIIM'LE. liANIKL FAl'ST. Juiy-r.a.'ct-pd. I -- TU"OTICI-:. All rorfonii lmvinS uimuUlvd ac I . . .... . ,. - . .. ... . i rouiiia on mo hook? oi uio Hit linn ot 1'ut- , ion, j.ippio v ic, win cnu una scttio tno same. hb u is iiiipuro.ui u.ni mo dooks to ciosc.1 with ! July-3d-lMii. )id 1JAVJ,. , ,,,,, ,. . M. SI 1 1 I.I.Ol (.11, ' &oMtU lit RtW J 'July. lid-Hoi. pd DaVL. FAUST. IIS IIOI0 Ul'lllV US HOBSI010. I'.. A. 1111' I'l.l'l I olt icy Clkaiu'iklh, Pa. Office la C;ruli:uu'H Ui ii k riiiililliig. July 3d. 1301 tf. v. "VS Dining Iho past year we have introduced to ho Motiee of the Medical prufestiou of this coun try the Purr Crytatuiit Chlvrulc of Propylamine, as a iii:sm.i)y roit itiu;i M vnsii: and having received from inuny foureee, bulh from idivsicians of the hi-hest flnndinir ami'.."? ar0 ""'"onzoa t unuouueo the name of trom (..iticnts, tho SIostlla1tcrh.:r restimoiilnloritM-eal value in the treatment of this painful and obsti- ,1' i l . ....,'" "".uuil.il ui uuuouue i iuu 1IUIIIU oi ' " Jn-lsccd to prceul it to tho Mhj jolin lloss of Dell township, as a candidate ....I.e.. : .. .. r. 1,'iMiiv I...T. t m i.-1. 1 . .ft. l,ir A w sii'I 1 1, .furl,.,, .ui,;.,., ih. .i;. .r ,L. public ill u form HLADY F'jr. IMMtJDlATK I'SK, which we hope will commend itself to those who are nilTering with this afflicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel dipocd to test the pow ers of this valuable rem edy. KMX 111 PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively exp:ri- inoiited with in the rajjioiLVAatAiiuaniAii, and wim MAUIiLI) S I'CCK .S (as will appear from ti c published accounts ia the medical Jour- nab.) I -T '" II "'"'cfuily put up ready for iinmedi ,lU. SOl itl, fun directions, and can be obtained from nil the druggist) nt "0 cents per bottle, nnd at wholetalo of lil'Ll.OCKA CnEN'illAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemist?, June2irfdtf. Philadelphii. Agricultural IKair. I Tho "Clearfield Cuunty Agricultural Society" - 1 June 2,Vd. Executive Co.uinittco. ... 'JPr.Tii) Er.irs Me? w.irifl. - - - - X OST. A l'ASS-HOOK was lost ml tho Road .1 Jhctween Curwensvillo and Clearfield, contain- l."K "n0 I'lomi.-sor.v Note, dated Feb , I'.lth, HOI, fifty-seven dollars, on Samuel New burner. One Promissory note, dated April 12tb, ISfil.cal- oii.v-010 uoonrs anu eigniy eenis, on j j nomas .nci ractieu : a nn iwo Hollars in money, ! '" to me the above rew.ird will bo pnid by tho Ifiibsriilier nt Liifiber City. 'T,u,. no.i i'cis'mi iiuuiiiir nii'i seo'iioi: ine ''"'"oer v.ity, juiy-.m p , ,io.. nt.ru 1 n. I)YS the entire cost lor Tl'lTrON" in t!ic most populur and succes-ful COM.M FUClAL M'lIOIlL ill the country. L'pwanls of Twkj.vk JIimui i n young inen. from twkntv i:ii:iit dill'cr- ViW l,;iv, '"'',11 e'lurated for business hero within the past three years, some of whom have been employed us IIOOK-K F.F.PKILS at salaries ur OflOQ 00 : , 1., . , .. , , ,, . lumic'liiilelv t pon guidon t ig, who knew nothinir , t .,., .1,' .1 , 1,1 ,, l accounts when thev entered tho ( ol ego, .. n- . ' 1 .Miiiirler s sons hall price, t. 1 . , . . . 1 1 Mudeiils enter nt nnv one, and review when o .. . 1 -.i 1 thev 1, lease, without extra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens ol Penmanship, nnd Yicw of the COLLF.UK. eiiel.ni' five letter sunups to jr.Mxl.MS ,t SMITH, May 15, (11. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW (j'boT)S! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Sriii; Si Summer Goods AT Til LCII LAP CASH .STOHi;. I am just receivinir and pening a c-arcfiillr selected stock of Spring nnd Summer irood 1 ol almost every description, A beniiiiliil nssortmeni of Prints and Dross goods, of tho newest nnd latest styles. Also a great variety of useful notions. HUY-dOODS AND NOTIONS. Donnels, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Hout and Shoes, a largo quantity, Hardware, tji censwaro, Drugs and Medicine, Oil nud Faults, Cnrpet A Oil Cloths, r. it o c 1: 11 1 e s , Fish, Bacon and Flour, tii,.U,i,l In 1 1 .,.! 1 I nfil, l.e.i ,,,iIOv ll nf wl.ii.l, uiil I,. .i.i .. ,i19 i0west cash or ready nav nrices , JK- o'l friends and the ublio generally rc! ro?,c.trujiv invited to cull. ,-v i. V, ,7: ,. VV: 1 ii-.-j .i COCXTU f I'llMCM Uken in exchango of, (;,i. 1 ' ions. . vieivnicm. guio 41 cm. 11 ... ... inn 1.1 1 1VU I". tl IIITH I.l': i II. warranted. irr ,nrl . 1 in oil. in 2 j and 12 lb. cans, iust received and for sale at. 1IARTSWICKS. I I'l'Cllsl fur Medicinal purposes. Urnndy M-J I'ort aiid Sherrv W iuo, Neclur Whiskey aud Hoi and Uiu-at ' IIAHTSVI'ICK.8. ct? $35 00 PRIMARY ELECTION. U.KCTION 2.D SATURDAY OP AUGUST. We aro autVorized to announce Oon. Jainei H. Larrimor, of Clearfield, as a candidate for the LoKinlaturo, iiiblect to theaetion of the Demo cratic party of Clearfield county. Wo aro anthorhod to announce the name of J, T.. liccd of Lawrence tp., for Associate Judge, according to the action of tho Ponioorutio party at the primary election, We are authorized to announro the name ftf John I). Thompson, of Curwen?villo, as a candi date for associate Judge subject to the action ol tho Democratic purty ut tho piimury election. Wo nre authorized to announco the namo of Jnuicd ltloom, of Bloom township, as a oandidate for tho ofico of Asiiieiaio Judge, suhjout to the iu tion of the Democratic purty at the primary election. Via arc authorized to announco tho rauo of lieujniiiin ISonsnll, of lirady (p., nsa cundidito for Assoeiato Judge, subject to tho action of the Deiuociatic purly at tho primary ol -ctioti. Wo aro authorized to announco the namo of Jaeob Wilhehn of G raham tp., us a candidate for Assoeiato Jnngo, suhjo it lothoaetlon of tho Democratic party rd tho primary election. We nro authorized to unnouneo tho namo of Georgo Hrlmnlt, Es. of Kimj township, as a candidate fur Assoiiuto Judge, ubject to the do cision of tho Democratic party at the Primary election. juiy n. Wo nro nuthorizod to announce tho name of John W. Shngart of Clearfield borough, ana cin didnto fer Associate J udirr . subject to the ilocis. ion of the Deniocratio party at tho Primary elec- "' july 10. Wo are authorized to nnuoiinci tho namo of John Irwin, sen., of Lawrence township, us a candidate for Associate Judge, subject lo the de cision of the Democratic party ut tho Primary dec ion. ji,y )o. .Mallliew A. hi orcee of Iiruiilord towu.hin. as a , cundiiiate for Associate Judgt, subject to the d.'- "j,!0," "f t!' mo"" th Primary . election. july 10. n e are auiuorizo.l to aniiouuc ; the name of , '"r Associate Judge, subject to the actiua f tho i'cniociauc panv ill the t'ruuury tloctiou. july 17. Wo aro authorised to announce fha nunin of . Joseph lioon. of Lawrence tp at a Candidate for tho olli. e of SutaiiFF. subject to the action of the iM'inocratic 1 urly at tlio pniuiry election. We nre aull.orisd to announce thonaino of John Mctl.iughey of Lawrence tp. as acandiduto lor Sheriff, snl jeet to the action of tho Deuiocratio party at the primary clccticu. We nre authorized to announco the name of Jacob Faust uf Curirciisville as a candidulo for tho olijce of Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic party at tho primary election. Wo arc authorized to announco tho name of l: Iwu d Perks, of Morris tp., as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the nction of tho Democratic party at the primary election. Wo nre nnthori.-eJ to announce tho nnnic of Conrad linker of Knox tp , as a Candidate, for county Ci iiitnissioner, fubject to tho notion of tho Democratic party at the primary election. Wo nro authorized lo announce (ho name of Jaco b W. Campbell, F.s'i., of Dell township, as a candidate f, r the office of County Commissioner, subject to the action of tho Deniocratio party at the primary election. We aro nuthorized to announce die name of Frederick Shelf, of Itocciiria tp., us a candidato for County Commissioner, subject to the action of tho licnioi-raiu! arty at tho primary election. V e nro ni.thnrizod to announco the namo of Jacob K lint, ol'llriidy tp., for County Commis sioner, subject to the action of the Democrntio party 111 the primary el-'itiuu. We nro authorised th announco tho nnino of Win . Johnson, of Penn township, as a Candi dulo fortoiinly Treasurer, subject to tho action of the Democratic party nt the primary election. Wo nre authorized to anuouncc the naiao of Joseph Shuw, of Law re 11 co township, ts a candi date for the oflico of County Treasurer, st th ion sning election, subject to t'ho nction of the Dem ocratic party, at the primnry oloction. Y 0 arc nuthorized to announco ipe nuino of Isnnc Kline of Bradford tp.. as a enndidnto for Ci ly Treasurer, subject to the action of tho Democratic party nt tho primary election. We nro au'horizeJ lo announce tho namo of J. A. Terpo of Ilrady tp., as a candidate for County Auditor subject to the action .,( Jho Democratic party nt the jirhnnry election. Wo nre authorized to aunounce Iho namo of Col. C. S. Worrell, of Chest tp., n a candidato for County Auditor, subject lo the action of the Dem ocratic party at ti e primary election. We nre nuthorized to niinounco tho namo of Homy Whitehead nf I'nion township, us a can didate for Cuunty Auditor, subject to tho decis ion of tho Democratic parly at the Primary elec tion. juy jo. We mo nuthorized to iiHnouuce tho name of Wm. M. M'Ciillough, of Clearfield, Brfacnodidate for District Attorney, subject to tho action of the Democratic party ut the primary election. W'u f.re authorized lo aunounce tho name of Israel Tot of Clenrlicld lorouiih. as a caiididut'i for District Attorney, subject to tho decision of . the Democratic parly at tiie Primary election. ry election. july I. NEW GOODS AT KRATZERS J They liavcjiist received a general assortment of Sprinn and Summer DKY UOODS. c iisiiting of lilliJ.ONS, MlAWI.s, H A TS, CA PS, M' 1 N K, S A LT, OILS, TAINT li:a I', DM '(IS LOOTS, SIIOLS, P K I NTS JfUCALS, IL h" K( 1 V., 1 CPI.IN, (' LO I IIS, TW'KKDS, Ml 'SI. , L INLNS, CAItPKT, H LINDS, P. IJOOMS, CHATS, PANTS VKSTS N A I I.S, ! SYTIIIvS, : S I-1 K i:s. i NOTIONS, FLOWEK.S, ojaooisisiiEs, ilARDWAHK, ('Uftr'N.SWA H K, OLASS, 1 PIS 1 1, BACON A FLUUH, All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable tonus ior eACtl, er apprnvea inuniry iroouce. C. KKATZFJi & SUN. Clearfield Juno 1 1, ISfll. - - T A Ittaj AllTMKT of colored Painl ji nry anu ununu m ii. 1 ,"un'i cans, ' . , HARTSWinKH. Flour. 00D ARTICLE, tor sale lit Die store of G U i""2- W.l". HIHIN. Salt. TfLUY CUKAPat the store of y jan23 WM. F. IRWIN,