Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 31, 1861, Image 4

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hind lli "i ii, mi' I 1 1 i c rid i-ri'i, -in was
t lii'iu ii into the i iU mi i !;. i !:'ii. , i
ihnut half-piet '-l o'i 1". k llli' tliii i, -pniiiider
lluru Inno : lii IU i ! 1 1 1 'ily into
do 1 alien' ill llio Miiiiini'. of the slope, nil
1 In' opposite lu-ii'lil. one 'l which, ii I
le.iriied nil et nn ,ir I -, -1 ii 1 1 1, .ui'l o I'I'iili d
lirectly in tin' 1 1 1 1 1 1 -: i'l' llio I'.iU' it, iiii'l
.'C)liuU'Ci till' Utmost llll.iti' .'I(mI lolll'll-
inn. A fur about, half an liour 'ij'lniii
A yiM's threw' leu or lilU'i'ii I : t ( and slu-l !
.'nuii liU battery into tiio vuue j ! i , ( .
!'ut Loili failed tn elicit itnv reply. .Men
'Hll'l I"' St'ftl moling about llli' ll''.)'itO
lope, lilt tin- latictiis in em silent.
An h"tir or m aftorwatds NNoheird time
r four heavy guns from Colonel Uiohard-.
oil's column m Hull's K'iii. mi l thee
.'eie continue. I at intori ;d- for two or
i hreo hours, hnl they were not answered,
veil hy a siti','!-' l'iiii. Ilwas very clear !
' hat the enemy intended to lake his own .
liino in j it v i 1 1 his respects tons, v. 1 1 1 that
lie meant, moreover, to do it in his otvn i
vav. Mnantiine we ronltl heir in the '
tistanco the sound of Col. Hunters axe-,'
ticn, clearing his way, and uwaiteil wild
-owe impatience the bound ol Ins cannon
"ii the O'iosilo h"iiihn. Time wore
Jung, with occasional shots troin our
;iinp, as well m those of Col. Kiehardsoii s
column, but without, in a single instance,
, eeetving any r ply.
Ata little bclore 11 o'clock, the 1st, (
'io and "M New Voik, wiiieh were 1 v it
.a the wood on the left, were ordeved to
I'.lvance. 'J'ln-y did so, jia-sinir out of the
i oad and cliuiliiii'.: n fence, into a wood
"1'1'osite, w hich they had barely approa. 'li
ed, howevcf, when tin y were met l.y a
u einendous discharge of n four-gun Imt
ciy. planted at the left, in the woods,
: iui n !y for the purpose rf swcepinir the
ii.TpeiulioulariV and the open liel i
n its light liy ivliich alone troops cm Id
;niss ioi'Nvard to the opjiosite hank. They
Nvere .-ta!.'jerL'd for . moment, and receiv
. d orders to retire, dipt Ayeis' hittcry
. Ibi'inei ly .SheriiKui'.'-) nvus advaniiou a lit
' le, so as lo command this battery, and by
nventy luinutos of vigorous play upon it,
ilciicetl it completely.
At h.ili'-past 11 iv o bear J Hunter's guns
lii the opposite height, over n mile to the
right. Ho Nvas an.sNveivd by batteries
1 1. 'ere, and then followed the tdiarp, rat.,
i ling volleys of nnisketiy, as their infant
i''y became engaged. The tiring Nvas now
inees..irit. Jlunter had come upon idem
l Uvl-lenly. and formed his line of battle in
m: open field at the riht of the road.
The enemy drew up to oppose him, but
'he speedily drove them to ratreat and fol
lowed them up w ith iho greatest vigor
-ind rapidity. Meantime, for some three
.hours previous, wo had seen long lines ol
"ietise dust lisini; (Voai the roads le.ulin;'
I'rom 3lDiia.ssas, and with tho glass we
XKild very eleailv nerceive I bat thev
raised by the constant and steady s'lreain ;
of reitifore-jnicnt. which continued lo
pour in nearly the whole day. The Six-'to run loNvai U Ct-nlieville, and tin? cais-ty-n'mh,
Seveiily-iiinth, Second and , sons, ambulance.--, and suttbis' wag ,ns,
Ilighlh New York ; the First, Second and ,eiv ouiered m be taken buck at once
Third Connecticut, and the. Second Wis-1 tovard- Cent r:i ille. Tho batteri.'S were
'insii- w fi'A 1 ,,1. t I'...-...,,.. 1 .',. ...l . . iii-i 1,. r,.il nwiimd In I'livi.r inn- relre.iL ::nd
- s . . un',.f.i,nj ni ;.u y ;i nee .
of tho v.-ood and inarched across the
lo be right, to go to Col, lli:nte:'s .sup-
port. They crossed tho iiitorvor in ' '
htreatu and dreir ud in a small oiu-n held" ,
-ep.irftted from Co1. Hunter's column ly ,
a dense wood, which ivas tilled with bat-
Urics nntl infat.'.rv. thir giti.s eontiruil
10 play upon tl.o woods which thus con-
sealed the enemy, and aided matei inily in '
clearing th jm for the advunco. (i.iin '
doNvn to the extreme front of the column,
t could watch the progress of Col. Hunt
er, narked by the constant roar of artil
lery and the roll of musketry, as he push
ed tho rebels back from j.oint to point.
At 1 o'clock ho bad driven ihein out el
tlo ivoods and across the road which iuh
the TU'olotigation ol that on which we
stood. Here, bv the side of their haimr.
ies, tho rebels mrde a .stand. They plant-1 v ites, and in vain we endeavored to stop
ed their Hag diieeily in the road, and , the retreat.
twice charged across it upon our men. tut ! Chailes O.den' (ieoige ll. Smith, Slier
without moving them an inch. They i ill' Ii ii'iier, Kus.-eil F.nett, of I'iliibuig,
Nvere met by a destructive fire, and Nvere ! "" others, begged our men not tw retreat,
'impelled lo fall still further back.
i'aduillK- tho iininl. nl'll,... ,.',.,1 fin.ll.n,.
u.v,iy, until the dense clouds of Miiok
nn hieh marked the progress of the combat
n' . re ut least hall'u mile to the left of
n hat had been the eential posiiion ot the
It was now 2 o 'cluck. I was at
; dvanecd tioint of Ihe front of our
i.'iiti, some bundled rods beyond the ,
ds, in w Inch the lew troops then there
re ilrawn up, when 1 decided to drive
Ii .ck to the town. As I passed up the
' uic oaiis anil shell Irom the enemy
b' -an to full with more than usual rapid-
it.. 1 did not see the point from which
they came, but meeting Can tain Avers, be llO was about to bt ill" III) his bii! lerv.
Mipi'Orted by the Ohio brigade under lien, ridge boxes, bayonets, ubre bayonets and rilles into the Zouave ranks. This done,
S'lienok. to repel a rumored af.enipt ol swords were innumerable. About . a mile j they threw their guns aside ami charged
"uvalry to ouillatik this column. As 1 from Onticvi", an attempt made to nntvurd until each contending enemy met
-.vent lonv.ird Im passed ilown. (leneral rally the men, but with little success. A lace to lace and hand to hand, in terrible
Sehejick's btigaiic ivas at once ilrawn up few thousand were .- topped, but many ; combat. The M ississipians, having dis
,t loss Cue road, and (.'apt. Avers' guns' without, weapons. On the high hill top carded their rifles after the first lire, leil
were 'ibinted in .a knoll at the left., a ben at Ceiitreville a column of infantry ;u' back upon their bowie knives. These
j. powerful body of rebels, with a lieavy seen, w ith their gleaming bayonets. On i were of huge dimensions, eighteen to
battery, came down fiotn the direction of, the top tho artillery were also up, ! twenty inches long, heavy in proportion
Hull's liun, and engaged this force with prepaied to firo. and .sharp, or two-edged at tho point. At-
tremondous rH'oet. 1 went to Centre-i The CI u ibaldians, Einstein's and Ulen tached to the handle was n lasso, fotne
vilie, oil' my dispatch, and started ker's regiments, were drawn up at the eight to ten feel in length, with one end
with all speed lo retui n intending to go foot of a bill and escaping men ordered to securely wound round tho wrist,
with our troops uprn what been the . fall in. l.oud cheering ivas done, and My informant fays that when these ter
hotly contested field, never doubting i'or'tlia rallying cry given, but it was little or j ride warriors approached to within reach
a niomeiit that it Ni'ould remain in their ' no use aien had no oflieer3 when they 0f their lossn, not waiting to come in hay
hands. did halt, and ft) they kept on retreating ; onet, they IIiicny forward their bow-
I had gone but .aquarter of a mile when "water, walev 1" was the erj "give me in knives at the Zouaves after the fashion
tve met a great number of fugitive0, uml water or I'll nink, " Nvas heard from nil of expeiienced harpoono-.s striking nt n
our earri.igo soon became entangled in ti sides ; not a drop was to be bail fit lovlude. Frequently they plunged in, owl
lrta-s of baggage-w?gons, the olliecr in : drink; the were all drained, and penetrated tiirough a soldier's body, and
idiargo of w hich told nio ii, was useless to . the clouds ol dust filled the air nt every i wero jerked out, ready to strike again
go in that direction, ns our troops were re-
treating, crediting the story, which
was utterly inconsistent with what 1 had
Heen'ti little A'hile before, I continued to of buildings wero used lor hospitals, find cuavo t bayonet in n Jlississippian, both
push on. I soon mot Quartermaster Stet- on every sido cries were made for sur- j impaled and falling together. So skillful
0!i,of tho Fire Zouaves, who told mo, 'goons. 'y was this deadly instrument handled by
l'lii'r.tirig into tears, that his regiment had All tho inhabitants nearly had fled from the Mississippian, that he could project it
V'ct; utterly cut h'to piece-, that the Col- j Ccnlrevilie, e.xpecling it lo be stormed by to the fuil lasso length, kill his victim,'
onel and Culoncl wero both Iho rebels. Guard were stationed at the ! ivithdi iiw it again with a Midden impulse,
killed, and that our troops had actually feiv wc lbs not dry lo allow' no water ex- 'and catch Ihe handle unerringly.
f en n pulsed, ) to piorocd", except (o tlie Nvounded and sick, A hou-c' If ny any tiiichuncc the bowie Knilo
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','ciii'S that inline. liatelv
.' UCt'l
I ol vi"-l ei'd.ty are I he
if I ' e ilicllii ietli'V of at h'.l-t a l ol -Dili'
I'dicei's. I1' wlifil.i i-. lo he .'.!
d the Uldoi I iin.ite liii.ili- o t.'n
day's labors. A corn spoudent of T:.c.
'".,, win) Wen', nil', e-telday vitil a
hrodicr of one of the killed :tt tin? Hull's
h'un skii:ni-h on Tlnii'-'lay to recover 'ho
body, h, ol but ju-t di-ililclled tho l.ndy
Hie I pi. ici d il in a nietidlii: collin, when
tho panic commenced amniijr tin-. tcaui.T
tn i and oil i., Mis, and was coiiiinunicale.l
Id tho men, a poition of whom came out
I. "in under a ti cnieiidoin lire and I jlreat
ed rapidly and in. discrdoi. I he panic
hia'auie ; lliu seen was indeseiiba-
die. I'Ikj heavy teams over one lain
dred in number
lijlds and leliccs
lusliod mauly or, over
the earria"es of eili.eiis
joined in the rush ; thesoldutis till
l!ic tiiroii;.', ami llio stampcle as
plclc. It wax not ordered, but a brciik
wa-. ell'ected in llio ranks, and away they
, 'ci l i:t .. ii ,....
II (111, 1 JR lU'l'l II .111 U11I.M l,f,M ilf-IVflllU
moiil-, li'.iukets, muslvcis, provision--, .tc,
thrown from soldier.-, cai l i.e;cs,and heavy
( Ion crnim. lit teamt:'. Wair .iis broke dinvn
and nn ere left ; ho.'.-es w ilhoiit rideis, Nvere.
irailoping on ei cvciythiiig; oilier.-, wiih,
U.u'i's living ii. the ai.'.wvre rasbuig iiud
ly on. The reatls nv-mc lillcd NNith du-.t.
.ildieis would give out. and lie down by,
the way side, and Nvas no one lo,
come lor them. Some oi the more icso
lute gatheied up trophies o: the da , but '.
the opportunities to do so wcie lo n, mm
the d uiger ,vas that of h"ing run mer by
the teams rushing on Uhmd. A hirjre i
and apparently nn.-! tilled pockei book,
evidently for a tiide pocket, i-ncu in t
the w tee k of a carriage, but time .crmil-i
ted no delay to capture il. hi they l ilsh-j
e.l to Fail fax, and there tl.e panic was ex-i
U'lided to those on duty and asleep. Al
Were aroused, and join. id. in tin; genera
stampede, and on they came to the city,
where their adventures, us they are told j
beggar i
-ciiption. All tbii is lo be
tribiilcd to bad management, not t'i a;
fault on '.he part of tlie men, ior fliey
fought bravely. lie env im a who are c.i
pabl,; ol leaaiug on our army lo tne do-1
fence of our country and our rights.
H'.w-' -ov ti',;, .'
A N if 11 IIK ACCul'NT i'K TI1MSTAM-!
jTiDK-iiiiiiA r sri'Fi.iiiMi. ;
The correspoiident ot the Philadelphia
In.piircr nvi itcs as IoIIonvs in relation to i
lue panic ami retreat -. '
I.,r.,n ',,! Kitint r.C mo S. i-entv .iiinib '
rode towards hi's rejimeni. InuM.. bo.... j
al'l. v leinloi'eeini-iil.s. w hen a hall e.u hi,
horse's head oil', anl threw him down,!
bruising, dim so that he could baldly ess1
eaoe. All iho straog'.cru now- emnmenei
' ' .s . s.. ....... ............ . -
keen the Confederates from c'.itling us oil' , 11
fmm Ccnlrevilie, which Nvas about, three
miles in our rear, and where Nve had
about four or live
thousand of a l eserve
f-i-c-o ; tho dalteries wheeled off and took
P '''- road, and Nvere ret reat ing in good
order, nnIich, about half a mile out, one of
the gun cai riages was upset, A portion,1.
et, A portion
()f Shen tan's and 'arlisle nvcic lelt m
the roadside, the gunners cutting the Ira-
cos and running liicir nor-es. inn pui
the infantry in a perfect panic; they ;
broke ranks im.liserimin.uely ar.d com- ;
'nieneed to run, kiiap.-acks. haversacks,;
'gun--, catridge boxos, hats, coats and ev-j
cij tdiiig being tdroNvn in all directions.
The men were parched for water and ,
' Nvere falling in every direction, t illieers .
were eiitiallv paiiacslriekcn with the pri-
mid pleaded with tears lor tln-m to go
back and g t Col t'ufnt con's body. We
took muskets and threatened to shoot
them down it they did tml ; but we might
os well have plead with the winds to ecu e ,
blowing. Tbeclouds of lust were now ,
. perfectly nilibcating. The load was
fctrown with wrecks (t Nvageus, provisions, ,
...... I.,., . I.I....1. . n I,,., .,.,. ;
iiiLisiN-eij, ji.iiikcis, iiiiiiimiiiiiiJi., uii'i I'l-i
t'i'J thin;.', the men could ilivf st themselves
ot. t lie gi unit ivas tun, ine neius in
a'l directions were full. The lire of the .
enemy tvas kept up in the rear. Part of
.Micrmair.s battery breaking uown, ine
")"n cut the traces and fled. The ammu-
niticn ivagon was lef; on the field. We
should iudgu that frit '(- 'in I i? iiJ ri-
,;.; NN ere lost on the w.'.V. while tho eat-
point. We got in the rear of a negro hut,
and there secured water thick with tilth,
but it was the best to bo had. A number ,
I t '
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III. 1
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.i"l I'V
I I ' vl up
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- 'Ml .It. I I
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, I I'l. till I tl
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ie lii . I
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ni i!,
lie.ny w.c. kcl'l 1 I ' cf
our I I'.ir w Ith .ii I illi ly, and tie r ci.v di y
in 1 1 Ihroii'.i an I ihi.uih, nittin and
Vla-hiii;: Willi pel !ect !i( ,i.-,h,..,.
; I ur h ounded 'ind dead are i".u ! nil on
the haille Held ill the han !s olllie eneiny,
Uu.'h i k ciuild ci't-w I or wail; vere Iryini;
! to eel uway, :iul micIi pitialn spcctai h',-.
, 1'ie i M'fn as iiiade our hearts sick; lull
i iv e could not help tdetn ; the few atnl'U
: lances ivei e started oil' early with the
i wounded and never returned. We mit ii
litun'tior Ivi'if.' on the road-ide. with ined-
i' mo chests aic
( ( jxil't (' tin! Jil'l'".
I k in llu' Halt. Sun
reat baltle of Sunday !
i-t. near
.M;IM:i--t,ns Jiinet ion, is sliil llio nhsorbini'
,sl., ,..',,.,1,1,,. i,,lei'L-t and iimeh :mx-
"1'iiely prevails to lea n t he names of the
ouii-,rll',.,,,,.l,e4 ,( vhiiU'. on td
,,. . j,,. Tin- t ) Umv i n l; letter leeeive.
j r,.,,, , , 1..,.,11 vestcfdlV .-ontaiii
I . 1 . - .
mltircsl in iiar'..culai'S :
Si'ii'iiii rurri"ii"ii.i''i)i'i' i.r'iin' .'-mi.
J,i:i;sr.t Ho, V.., July 1' Ith.
Intelligent fii'iilli.'incn from ide field of
bailie near Manassas .1 uni:t ion bring some
important parti''uiars of the L'leal battle
on Sunday l,i-t between tho federal and
'onlcdei ato loi cos.
(ien Ijcuureguid ivas reinforced by lien,
.lohiison's command, lioirt inebester.
lieiweeii 11 and 1J o'elooli on S.ind iy, af
ter tile battle ci imilli'iU'ed . The ','olif"d
erale loss in killed and NVoi.inded is sai.l to
be ,1'U'l. Tb" it it ii i "jot ol pli-oiius taken
iv the I '.;'i;'ede.ra.i s i i et down :it 1,1 I J,
illi'lu ditig one in, inber of CoilLIIesS .Mr.
I'oy. ot ,ew Yoik. Ther were IJ pieecs
of eauiioii captured, I "i '( i' small arms and
on er loll ivaous.
j The Si uth t'aiolina troops nvcic fore
j most in the action, and nillcrcd the greats
est loss. 'c
caval ly was
, W ade jl.imj ton s legion of
lieai lv cut lo pieces, ami
ut-'L'ol. llanipton
was killed
nn h'le charging
upon the federal tro ips.
Col. Hampton Nvas one of the I tost
emincn! and UTallhy eiti.eis-j alal plan
ters of South Carolina. The legion which
he e unman. led Nvas r.'i eiil !y oigaui.oi.,
and Nvas NUie of the finest body ol men ever
on:..!!,"! in the South.
The Mai n land troop, Nvi'h the '.Vash
ington Light Artillery ' f New Hikiins
Niere stationed at a ceilain point, and
Nvere not brought directly into action. It
is not knoNvu positively tinit any volun-
loors Irom .Harv.aiKl Here killed but not
over t w o or I bre,. ....y.
'',. I'Vil'ircga; .1 ci.irges that the l ed-
oral command
or sending a flag of
to bury their dead attr the lirst
of Hull's h'un, lelt bis dead u:ibur-
ie,, occupi"d Ids time in throwing up cn-
t.'cnchmcnts Ira-n Nvhlith to remwv li e as
sault upon the batteries at Ball's h' in.
For this reason he refused tiie application
since made by t.len. McDo.veil, under a
cd truce to bury the dead. The Fed
eral (lead were collected and lairied in
'trenches by the Coiifed -rate troops, and
i i i . ' i i .. . . i .
l' - 1 odoral wouiiueu w -oi i . nig uio
sanu; ntleiiUoii as llieir onmi. i ue con
federates at no one time had over 1-' U.KI
troop-1 hi action, but had a reserved force
r ,'i , 1 1, i'.. i, : .:, , .., ,....: -,,..,,..
,"' '""" ''." "" - "; (.""-
in action were occ,isionallv renove.i.
Among the iirisoners taken tvas Colonel
Co'.c.iraii, of New York, who is slightly
Nvouuded. He is at .Junction.
; l,i tfi I' I'ijIH ll'si''';.".
j W AsiiiNuroN, July li -1 1 1 .
.! !s:i..,-i'i,jiiiii:- 'M.-' .'tif lor,' '
1 Zn,n; . .'-(To- A'c'c l'jht-
' il.ij Till ''; i'l (.( (-.v.
t ine of the Nonv York File Zotui'es, nv!io
Nvas ni ounded at the batih- of Manassas on
Sunday last, :v stahvart, bardv IVIIonv, of
considerable inteliig'eiice, passed through
Itdiseity j es'erd.'.y, en ro.ite homcNv.ird,
remaiiiini; here several hours waiting for
the. cars, lie, of course, has the privilege,
.like all others, ol ti'lline his onvii tale.
without apprehending, for the present, '.it
least, successful eoulrudiftion. From him
I obtained h thrilling narratii o of a recoa-
t re between bis re.-iment and a regiment
0' Mi,; issipiian.
i , . . .. .t. . l ...i i it r
,-ua'i ine I'auie nan oeen raging some
hours, according lo the account of this
Zotiaviiin hero, he tnv an iteiiv use body
of MissiVippians, aecompaiiiod by somn
I l.eliev.d to be) r.altiniorcin, lush furi
(tisly over Iho Cijnfederato ramparts. -
I They at ?aw the conspicuous uiiiforin
of the Zouaves, and run do nt Ibem. The
ol isstssippian?, filler approaching near
eiinm'h s.n t toiiiblf vol ,v r,nm llieir
whilst the lust victim sunk into death.
On several occasions tho terrible boivie
knife was transfixed in u Zouave, and tho
i i , l . o ..I it. i r 1 ,i :
...i, I U I' '. I I 1 ' I n I " I.
; ,, i. , i. ,,t. 1 1 ... V i I i . I. t I '
in n II II I I II t I I 'Itl I "It1.'
i i Iul'i' i "i "'' I I, ' d
, I III I'll' I'll" lo ' ' '. N 'Il
ell. I d, . 1 p' i ' I - I 'I II I o ' I
loili'll . d- ol 'N "llll'l ' 111.' d, :"- , III ti,
pit il ill i i mi and a ml n , i , il
ft a u II i In '! lb" I'll i "' lli M '. "i 'N e
I balllpl'ill HN, liiin-' 11 MM I i " mud' lb I
II 'l l llldllil'l'. -1 Up 111 1,1 ' li '" lb"
I ul di I "11 . I.ll 'I. 1 I! ii" l I "l"l" I. II"W
W i..t 11 II I I II ' f I bi ,,N ." all I r "II ';''
i,,, ,n' II" I' Il ii" biiMi. r i"iibiifiii I i
en,' i:'" in MH h i .ii.-. mi ii ' "i - 1 1 in n " I ' i n
.h"l I bl II ,'d he NN I l-l lo 11 I I N nil "I , a ' I I
, pcpiiv i ii" I- ."I tl Mi vi -ipi'i i .i"'ii .,
and ill; i. ' I' d Ii in bi ll.. 1 ael in " ,il ' u i
.ali"ll in lh' 'llilf';!le, In' NNiUin;'ly Vt lll
id lo lia,' thu Llniy won, coiiNiucid 1
t" lijit- a"; cic t M i--i--ii piaus nn it!i l.nNi
kldvi's and pi-toU, aflel' I "Ceivil';' a Volley
'ol their fburp-ciackin rill"J, i- im i rdi
nai y lun.
; This mini' infoi mailt states, (Imiili in t
Willi cei'lnin'y. I lint seN'ci al I'.al ; itiiorea lis
'wire Nvilh the M is-U-ippians, and anioiiL'st
tho-ie 1"U dead on I ue I'mlil, nviis a vouii;.'
man niime d Win. II. ,Mii'ia,a caplaiu ol
the Man land i i'lard al ioa-t Mich NVa
j the name told him --and a: other, nvuo he
! thinks va, called Tolk, Imth "I Man land.
"I ll'C sn...''
! Confederate Account Oi" the B.ittle of
. Manassas
I.vxi'iMii in., ,,'uly 2. The Herald and
.Cornier say-: that the ( 'on federal cs cap
jiurcd sixty three cannon and "J, "' II I stand
I"! arms, 1,'Jk'I horses, and all the stores
( and Ureal ms of the federal army, valued
'al a. million of dollars. AUo a buggy, e in-
laining a pair "I "pauh ts marked lienel'a.
Scott. 'Ill" '..'onledeiaie Ioi.a i i i-et down
'a! o" killed and l.oiin wounded. The Ithj
'Alabama regiment sulVered severely, a
( 1 1 1 1 Wade II impton's I.egiol',.
AnilN r ai. count .-ays Hie I 'onfederat,''s
.)-s is l .vo thousand, and the boida'al 1"'
tifleill li"l-;.ud Killed. The lilimbci
j ., on nded and madit pi Honei'- is not in. ad"
'known. 'Iwo iik aubeis ol '.Vnigre s were
, made prU meis.
1 l.oi is ii, 1. 1: .July 111. --A ,-pecial ili-pateh
! roiii Kiohuif U'l t" tin' M.'tiipln- Aig'is.
on the '-J.'. ''ays that l'.e.tutegard cun-
, maiided iii the l'iglit and .b.hiis.'ii on 1 1 1 c
h (l at Manassas, ra'aiilegai-d's luoso tt-i-
' carried I mm u icl'l' him. liencraU l'lir-
jlow, ol 11 1 , ti-d I'.ee, of S. ('., ale bi b .1.
i I lie regiments are rut to pie
The Argus editm i.dly savs tiia. b v
l ' '
b.'acksnii lee.-litly addie.-si'da uti mber ,!
j ,M i.-.-fjr.i ians, now I'i ' r i 1 1 1 1 1 into a rngimen:
I !..: r Ida; city, w ho are cpiipping rapidly
1 lo l etUl II to llls-oui i.
Purthcr Incidents of the Battle.
: atder the following incidents from
Various .sotircc-
illiil Hi .-''
"''.'' "' llttlh-nil '.;'-''
' il ll 'if t il il'nlt i(tl r. . I
J I 'uring tin! ii trcat, i writes a eorre- -;
1 pondent l 1 was surj.ri-ed lo note the tow I
exclamations of distn-s-, IVoin our Nvound I
led men. Now aim thou the mangled sol- i
jd.ers uttered pieri ing gioans; i-ometiines, j
Iduring the rough process of traiisler IVox
t!;e am . u I'liu-e:
hey gave vent to then
I agony in hcirtsrrud ing shrieks ; but gen
erally their endurance w: s heroic. H'.'.j
M.igi u.lci', scion niter 'ho fitinj; mi Col. I
: 1 itintei 's coliimp Logan, tooli pos.-a.ssii n
'of the Sudh-y Church, about half a mile'
Irom the tieel, and i::slaully Hie seals i
Nvere removed and blauki-ts spread on the
il. i. ... i... I.. I a',.., i ; . . i ,. i ....'. i i
lie.iii n-ii iiui i mi iii ii.-. i. .ni niiiu I'm. i. .
ling Nvai soon ci'ii'.viled, and its tloi r eriiu- I
jsoncd Nvith NVarm blood. The alter tal'lo ,
i was used for the operations upon the men i
I in bo nn ore more sevet elv injured. Within '
fine hospital the victims nv ere eh icily ol ,
! the liliode Island regiments. There were '
'-lime, however, from thu TJst, the I Ith,'
jand a number of the Zouaves. i
! In front of the building, in a pleasant I
grove, tlie ambulances o-oNi'ieil ic.til it:
I was inipos,ible to unlfiad them NNilh any!
' d"gree of rapidilv. I'lien a d iv 1 1 ing-lions,- j
near a', hand, a barn and a wagmi shop'
'were successively occupied, but all proved
insiitlii.'ient, and tiie dead and mangled!
NV?ro lain on t he grass in ever direction.
And Nvbat a hcenc it Nvas Here a j oor j
' l'el.,'iv with a shattered arm, imploring
' llu- early attention cf tl.o s ir.'"ii.i t here
,a pale ould, exj o.-iug iu liae:ui'"d head ;
I to the pity ot his fellows ; then a dying;
:mau bathiuy the green so. with his lile's'
blood: and ,-ctii'es lying about in strange1
eonfiisi m, nil more or less injured, and i
' shocking spectacles lo leliold. It was iC
sight Ide memory of which no hu se of
' time can remove, and such as language1
j must ever fail to describe. It aas not -o 1
! mournful and impressive, however, as the:
,'li"iiiot liallle, Nvbeie tvere slieai: in wild '
; confusion the dead and the dying, and for :
a long distance every loot ol the soil Nvas
drenched w ;i ll liumaii bloo l. :
Mr. Arnold and injself dismounted,'
and co-operated with iho surgeon, as lar
as lay in our poNver, in alleviating the1
distress of .be poor Icllo.vs, but manv re- i
ceived no alt, ntinii whatever, ami died
without nn audible murmur. I he shell !
.wounds and those caused by '.he lulled
! cannon shot w ere most frightful. la'gs, .
'arms, heads, and entire bodies iveru fear- ,
fully mangled. The musket NvnunU were
less repulsive, but in nil the dreadful'
sight there was nothing to disguise the
, untold horrors cf war.
j A), nil Snl, iir kill,-.!.
i Among those who fell husui. old man
Nvhose head ivas Nvhilo with ago, iiroi
whose story i- a rouiuiica of war. He
;had been thirty years in the regular sir
vice as n private soldier, lie had follow-
en the Indians through the evcrphules
of Florida, biNou.uked ujion the side of
tho liocky louiitiuus, chased tho ('a
manche and the Cherokee through New
Mexico, stood before the lire ot liuena
Yisia, charged upon the heights of Che
pulte)eo, and followed the victorious Hag
of his ouutry along the iI i;:a of Mexico
and into the halls ot Monto.timas.
dipt. Bull Kilhil.
dipt. M. T. IS.dl. of the Fairfax cavalry,
ivho nviis eonlined nt the Washington Na
vy Yard koine tune since, and released up
on taking the oath of, was kill
ed by a party of Fire Zouaves when they
mnrebed on Hull's Hun. The Zouaves
say they fell in with him below tho ccurt
Louse as they wero scou ting, and in at.
tempting to disarm him lwj slabbed ono
of their party, whereupon they immedi
ately killed him.
"Illn:r tnrmj, Mi)sis.ij-jii,in."
l'uringone of Ihe charges of the Firo
Zouaves upon tho Mississippi Kiflo, a
Zouava and u Mim.issijipiau came in eon
tact on uu cpeu bpaixi, both Nvith disehaig,-
1 1 mi"
in. 'I'l','
I t I 'h 1
it i i, hi
I I C.I II I "
I. . I II'" ll
ii, Ifim,
I I '
. I III .
l I II
i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1
' 1,.,1,1't
1' III
I" fN I
h I
,i '
l II
III', b
l.litl N ,
"I "hi
il til i
i- k
I Ml
I, IN I'
I- PI i)
' II II I I'M "
II i" lei
I ll'.NV I "
Pun, I n
.h,..d bv
Il "III -ll'll
I I 1 1 I NN ,1
fb.ille III
' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I a i cm
i tin' n d in. Ii.
t till- Mill I' IN i
i ni." ol I'udU
Ide -1
1 1 1 p t
l iri
Ih" 1 1 i v ia 1 i 1
III. I, i d, In ill -lifiild be in-
-nun ' bill nppi opl l.i t - "i.
Tim Killed and Wounded.
Ai i NM'iii n, July 'J'i.- The ln-l Miii-
he-Ola ll'j'illl.'lll, 1 "b tint III. Ill, alt a bed
to I lent I'll I III ill I i III' all's d.N I -loll, si i lb i
cd ill lb" I ' lit I -Uti'' I" the exlclil v!
lid ki!l"d, H7 woiiii'lcd and iiiisii, -(
'"inpany 1 had 'g'J kiih d
A ) vi-it lo Arlington Hon-.'' to
day tmle I to obtain an nd'lilioiii'l ii-t of
kiiied and NVoiindcl. Only a lew ;.gi'
incuts li ive iiiafb- o, it their icpori, sun"
of ihe adjutant p'.obai !y feeling ih-pi---ed
to still aNViOl the coming in of Miag
glels bel'.'ie killing or NN oil II ' I lug them.
The Loss of the 5th Icegiment of Idaine.
I'niiil.NMi, Me, July -1. A special dis
patch lo the Advertiser of this e.iy Irni:
Vashiiigloii repoi ts that thetillh legi
lic'iitol ibis Suite are iionv at A leMindr.a,
five hundred strong, and that, they have
I Ill I I I.I
1IS I till V K I Ml 'I i . Sl I VV 1U tl (It U. :i 111! I T 1
I I . ...I . . I ' 1 1 I ,, I,
j el's.
News from llanassits Juncticn-
Ai.i x n, Inly J7ib.--Mr.. Hinsdale
NN hose husb ind is a member ol I in' I i.'cond I
M ieliig.ill h'egiinei! ., ii'ii'.ch i- nniN en lhe
S'lrijiiiia side of tlie. Put'iiiine, has rctuin
.-d Irom M anassas ,1 unci :on. Si.e was all
II I'i
r ii
I'cviili' ' ll : lug
lav, and waked
e'sold.ers, look
engagement on' tlie li till II
r her husband
I '
lonkmg I.
to M
at M i
r and
1 bin: she
C'SSllS. ''
1 1 u.osi'd d i ai a
' iiill In
' ) n V i V e
il ll
in tin
d her II
-pi. a! im "-('.
-la s
sde pi 'cure I a i .ass Irom
I. ami his ,- 'ii-elll to leal e.
-n .
cd to Alexandria, in hc" she ar
1 1 1 , 1 1 1 . 1 1 , fatigui-d and e- b.iu-t-d
u-d ili'l in :.- a , isi i;,.i , but
in i ! d l.i-. regiment .
I i .
She repnr'.s a.s being ill ide do-pit 1 lit
l lie .1 ii net n .ii a lai "" n i m her of mi r nn on n-
dctl. I be enemy say they ;-,ave over lunu'nl'.'l',',
Mrs. II. b: 'u gs veibid ni"s'a.'"s fiom
i vera! to tin ii I'r eiitls, and say- that the I
wounded are well cared for. the oiler ol '
llbelty ha-, been giantod to those tn lm
will lake an oald to not again lake up
arms against the Cnniei"i'alos. A Icnn
nad d ine m. bill a tiiaioiiiv l. 'In -ed.
Of I In1 pi i.-iiuei's ii I lie ho spit ai an
it S. l'ei'iin and Lieutenant ' ii'l 'il
Ni -nv York, who arc .'.nploved as 1c
stewards. K. F. Tayoi , ol Nov J
Sui geon : Cbiarti'i'ui.ister '. I. Mm
ii, ol
! i ' v .
l -
! r. Swifi , .1 )!in I. i r I v . ami l'l cie
ol the Fourteenth Ncnv N'ork, ere iu
hr sielab tMiroenn !'.i i N to n , i .f I be I
if I b
Manic, and the surgeons ol the Thily
cightii New York, First Minii'-s'itii -,.nd
I liiid 1'nited S';i!"s Infantry are prison
eis. They Nvere all taken at oar Im-pita!
near tiie b idle licbl'.
Mr-. Ill' i.-d.'.l" says that the ( ',,i; feder
ates b., rie I their de. id as fast as they
could be l 'cove; ed, an. I ibct Id" ftieiny
. j I--. :t Ida', thev d id but about VI kii
ied, but tii.-ir Nvoiitel. d "V "( I i "i O, Shi.
-aiv inaiiN ol our dead utile, r;-i! as ii pas
!e licbl. and listitiy
by I heir u 1 1 i !' 1 1 r i ..-.
eiictiiv's fo; ci- is voi
Ollie IU I iit'lil I'V 1 liel, 1 1 1 1 1 :n I'll..-. I
of lili'l
ie sal's l!
at Mana-si-, and tuat I ne otiieers are very
l,t-N in drilling and di-cipliiiing iho
1 1 o. tps ; iiat 1 i ui. li '.cn'egai d is e m-t ml
ly en the niove, goirg from oie' juiit oil
the camp to the oilier, and arranging at
tdey sai l, foi some great liiov. men t.
She I'opoils that a large force of id- eue j
i ii v is al Fairfax Court Hoijie Nvild he.ivv i
Alexandria Intelligence.
Al.KX NM'l.l n. July 'J
murder nnus commit
-A ru'.-t
here I.
v. an ton
lav bN
Win. M in ray, ( 'om pany F..
Haul sbiie Kegi.neut. Tin'.', named Mary
r.iv, v. bo v as drunk, aecnsti
S id N'ew
victim ivas an
u:lc". Mur-
I del ill the
-licet, ail'' after exchanging a few aord
deliber'iclv sd J dor in td" a.iek Niith hi'
liiu.-ki't. Ihe ball parsing entirely through
ln r body and caning her death in a leiv
nii'ineiiis. lie will be trie 1 by a military '
court immediately.
Tho last of tie! troops stationed in the
city went into camp to (lay, much to the
1. lief of the citiens,
Up to the picseiit time the 1'rovost
Mar.-hal das dostrryed upiNiirds of fifty
ban els ol liiiior. not ivit h-tnndir.g which
drunkenness among the soldiers prevails
lo a fearful extent,
Sr.ti rtK. or i iik St. Niciioi. ns. Ihe Hal
limore Mxehange gives Ihe following ac
count ot the seizure of the steamer St.
Ni"holns, by a pal ly of rebels, which was
at least MircNvaiy dene : j
'The St. Nieh"las, on her last trip from
l ent more, took on noai d
iitimore, tooii on imai d as passun :'.:' a
rtinch lady, of iF. complexion, o! rath -
or m.l-eubno feaUires. but oi quiet man -
tiers. 1'iic.e wore .il--"J a irimbci ol pas
Muigers who were proceeding to diilcient
points on the I'olounie. At Foint book-
out two more passengers w ere uNo taki n
1 v ,, i , . ... , i , ; ., ti.,, ... i.i ii,.
on coma' ot,n aner tins in tlie niuldie
ol the night, ihe Ireucii woman, after
having retired lor a I'onv moments to her
stale room, nuddenly emerged, her 'ig
and crinoline dolled, in lull military cos
tume, with revolvers and cutlass by her
sido. Tw enl -five j.iisseiige.'s driw revol
vers at the same time, and i:i a trice, ofli-;
ceis and crew were made prisoners. The
noai was pui. .ncnaige ol tlie Look- H)lul ,, rifl, . or Ml0,r
out passengers, who I'.ovcd to be retired suilable person, as Heturn Judge, lor the
navy ollioeis. I .iirpoo of attending Ihe County Corveli-ye-llxtinnriliniiry
i-.xcitiniis 1 will 1.1' nunk' iu I ion, which w ill be held at tin; Court
tho Western Ftiitos tliis full, to iiiuniilHctiiro eu-, House on tho Tuesday afternoon neiit
Knrfiom Knrghura rurtiiilly with iho ohjevt "f fcuceeediu" the Trimary Election,
iivoihiiir tlio l'riiein'i-tivu lieavy Uutic on napar-, L J CKAN-S
led tugnm. ninl lo supply llio aeticiunvy enufod ii ' Cbairninn.
I,y tlio loss uf the criip in,li,u. I ''"'.V dth. lt.I. tllim nmn.
(hsT For liandsoinn China" and (iueens- j Convk ti u. Henry Morse, alius Morns,
Nvare the attention of citizens is called was convicted last- week in tho V. lll,
to II. W. Smilh ib co's, new itore. Many Irict Court at I'ittsburg, lor robbing the
other at tides lo please the fancy, and to Mi,il C'larion county, iu March lait.
supply the, tv.inti of Jiyusc keepers, will and sciit'.ncc..l ly 1" years it. the l"eiiitvf''
be found theie. l''u.v
'II I,
l ""I, l
I -
i 1 1 . I i
I '
I, " 1. 1 I
1 1 III I i
al bi- i
I- Hil l II
Ii II. I i k
." if Ik
I "" ia
in Im i i, ,
I b:
i " I, I
I il M .- , f,
It -ill,
I I. I)
i-i ii
NN 1 1
-hi j,
llli tl
I t I llli- NN I
lit urn-! i .
. Ill nil ii. .
d a
iini I iiinl i',t-' "
'Hit ''"ll'l'''li..w.iil1
plan uM
i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 nn ci , 1 1 j ,
and slated w ,i.i lu
lu II Hi;! ll n a ii
1 1 1"' lliuiu
n! 11 hud bell I' ll III be I, to
' (KM
I lieiii iii. i-l'iecl i ! tl,,. w:ni 1(.kt ,
I" I'img Id. p. o'l" ni 1 1, col,,. il,,,,,;,1'
I" ti i I li," pi- -suii- n llu. ptnv
to c. in, p. I tin-in lo i t-t us n t,, iUi,ly
li"e ii 1 1 I i"N'a it v. A li. I 1 1
Ins lnu,n. '
w .'. ii t!ie b'.i 1 p,,,.,i
, enlnpul ible with lb
'v, oii'lllui,. ,,.
alliilliiiii-1,1 uf
i i - b ' -1 -1 , .mi I 1 1 1 1 s 1 i m i ini'.in ,-aii ,
be sii I. in w iiging war m siic, jj'
"hen th,. ),
II- - 1 1' s ! 1 " 'O l 1 , e
1. 1 I be w 0 call be al tallied
1 ' II OKI -,
I N 11 N lll'lll k lib 'I b' N "hl
''" Ullll,l,(.r',
e. y I eiiiu c
I. is niunloicil.
I." 1'
'illicit iipnn all sliooting of iii; !;,.,, ,,!
si-.iuiin-' !.u.i,Ns not loo, ore. I i;) 0,.,j,
,i i ..i.i ..r., '1
"ii ,iii
1,1-1 ,1, I 1,1 (HQ lt ,
de-U notion ol lit"
dul not c'lnl I ibiili.
"n'eiih.-r sal,,,
to th'i geiiPnil .Mll(
as so many
H ot .iiijustitial'lc In,,,.!
If the matti r ha.l bien k-l't t
linn, Ii,
...III.,... I.I U . I I
IMIU 1 1 " 'i I M I I ! I -iill i I.. M II 1 11 ' ' U , It 1 ill' ft
i I'.., t l.l.i.. I. itl.. lit l.l'.'I'V ml I .......
I lie t . u ..ii'l 'lie iuil. 1 K.n
would luiN e collected a largo fiU'Ce m ,
capitill lor delell-ive u I p. ,-es, ,IM4
large one on the Mi-sis-. ppi fur (lttr
-ive ('pel i't mils. 'lie I-1 i I u liim,
dil, ing which 11 i tlu'.nl.e s lo t,iu ,0,. '
south of St. Ia id-, i-hiubl hi'N o bi'i':..,,
voted io tactical nasi I uction, anil nn it ;(
li C.I I I ... I ,.(' I I I... ! ..I.I.I I , I
. i . , . I i . , . , , , , . . I . . , 'r.
"' ' " ' ' ' ' " IM
colltUlll ( I
on n tiie y.
MM'MI v. eil-dlM-i
il'V'l ll'iii,:,,
is-i-sinpi, and lukdi eiflI
unit on tiial river, New u
' .,;,v ..;,..,, ..' .;, .O'Ay,;:.-
.--.'.' , .( .'. ,,,"' i'j:- '!'; mi 1 '-' i'l' ur it v
'..' .' a ' .'nfc (li tu wuvU ufU titl (he KUKet
-,; a.i ui . .. y. .Voe.a... At eight iiijim,
the i i'. or would probably have befn
a ll ied, and cigiil natuos wo:;,
bien necessary ; but ill e-tery wivol'tham
succi -s c oil'l have lei-ti iiiade miatn fur
us Tie: Mis.-i-sippi and the All intie oi., .
. nil's, uu. i.tiuie:ii .-i.iies " oil ci MV(
been compelled, by the natural uml m.
I liable pressure ot event i to seek, tj ,
return to the Union, an cm ape f.imi llu
ri. in h d would sp adlly vei .vlielia ibeoi
ii. t i I it.
"This," said he, ''was my pi in. Hut
mi only a subordinate. It is my biisinc,
to give mil ice w her. it is a-ked, and i,
obey nub :.'; nn In ii they a'-c given. I sy,l
"'. 'I here are gentlemen in I lie tuliiu.
.t Nvho kno'.v lnucii more about nniii- tlian
I do. mid '.' ho have far gualcf iuHm-im.
thai, 1 have in detei minmg the plun nl
j the campaign. There I'cNcr was a limit
iju-t and upright man than the I'lcsiiiini;
i never one nn Im desii cd more sir.i f rely l
i .t. i.... . ,. , ,.r , i "...
' ' ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i. ui . in- i uiinn.
but tln-r.: arc mi ll '.iiuoi'.g hi- miviiers
i bo consult their Onn ii i i sc-'-.t niL-iit (at
inn! e tliati the die'.ales "f Nvisdoill iu;iIh.
pei'i.'iie.' and "' ''' , .,-,7 ,.,...,-.v
it'.-, mi tin- iMnfiivn. 1 Mian uc.oi'il.
leuipt, nn bati-N ci 1 ,111) ol 1 1 1 i e, 1 1 1) de. hi
.','.- ,-"..i' I,- ...'. ,- ;.'.-';. '",'''-.' '.
"Ill am i rdei-ed logo lo h' i.bmon.l, I
shad endeavor to do it. I hit 1 know' w
feet I y well thai t hoy hale no c'lic iliin
ef I lie bilicul ; 'n-s w -1 a:i I'liemuittt. i
know llu- eo: i.lry- - how admirably iuIhi!
d It i.- for defence, and Iionv irsoliilfH
and ob-tinalely it will bo dcfeiiufil, I
I'ould like nothing better than to lake
iiichinen ! : - iionv thai it has been ilis
giae. d by bci (Hiring the ca)it;il of till' reb
el i ioiil'i'.lcr.H'N , I feel a reseiiin cut I
wards it, and should like nothing Imttrt
'han to scatter its Congress to the winik
''I'.u! I have lived long enough tnknoii'
that !it:t;'.;tti rcscnl men t is a very tail
foundation for a public policy ; and IliW
giui i b'iin'ii will Jive long enough Id learn
it also. I shall do what I am ordered. I
jsliall ;l;:it when and where lam cam
I matided. Hut ' I r " '." ' "' ''
': I mi .'.'.- (;.', "; r';t(l not Ml Mywif
M: Tin S" g.'iitlcuicn must take tho re
spoil -ibiiity ol' their acts, as I am ivil'iiiij
io take that of mine. Hut they must no!
throw ', responsibility on my .-lioijl-
I bis is the substance an l virynwn
the language of . i I'ortion of lien. SooiH
onnvci'sation on the occasion referred Ic
It proves conclusively Unit he wins oppos
ed to the advance npo.i liifhinoii'l via. of
M iiia'-s.'is at that time, and al.-o that thi
iidmiiiistratior. was almost certain louver
rub? hisobjeetions and enmm ind fi battle.
Taken in connection with w-hiit iv.w m
m the Hou-e of Ii -Npreienlatives on Wed
nesday, it leaves no doubt on the siilijedf
Democratic Primary Election.
In pursuance of resolutions passed!'!
tl e Standing Cominittee, 1 avid C. W ':
mid James M. Welch, cf tho "IbiftriiJii
llangers," and John Higler and I ';''
Mol.iaiighey of the, Wasliingloil (il'lcts
NNill hold elections in their respecliN
yomi amos on such day as l ikv iii.i r
' 1H.ii't prior to tie 1-t Sa'v.i'.k.Y of A'.Ctilt,
j l,,,, -raiisinu t'bc result to the eh airman,
! so thai tlie same may ho count" I at til"
ilt.,,t j,, ,, lh(! (V,.1M'tv Convention,
The liom icralie voters of the ihllorent
,0i.l)U iMllj lowlIl,i,,s
.. a . . i
n ;i, ' i
,s',,-,,,( -.,,, ,.,.. Uv0 .h-legatrt
; ,0 ... ,;., i '..(,',,,, v ,,',.,,, 1,-, 1,0 held
nn tlie 11. Mm:!,.'
lermiiie if any changes should !.o mailo
in Ihe mode of nominating candi'h'U1''
and in the party rules, and to make suC'i
Coder the Jlulos of the pal ly ll.f res
i .,.,( i i-.i ('.-.,,,,,,; f .... . ,.i 'i,-ii. u-ill fifi-
'. I '
of lE'
! toe
( l ha ii
i ae." "
? iviti,
I lh''
t still
f m1
' dki
w it
I no
i IoiIn
IS !