. t m i, W j- '! ft 1 1 1 III A I. M, II I . I li A n i i mi if , ( .. i : tin 1 1 I In' 1'nrmiT tui'l lini il ti'T :M : W I i!on rni it l"H'i"-l I 'In" lev, I'n" n .. . .i,'i veil in On' (iiH'li ii l Mr. ' :Vi ir n lui'ilf oft i n i it i ii ix i:i:i;"' I"' '. l idi n i . 1o ii imiiIiv l ti"tr. cc liir ttr pimi'ssin n yiiimi,tii . I I'min of Itiidi ln". eclt'dnl, mul iictt oit down, tlio iirniiciir tiro iTl'ully I'rcsrrvctl, tliinn'mtf out tlio nnlliT'twifM, but Kvivin tlie pyii- i iilnl ftluipu Utiiniiiiiit. Thin is used nst;ik Mini ulii't) lovcivil with ties is lii,;lly nrnnmetitiil, n wi'll it" ."rming n Hujiorior purport for llif rive. A vow of thorn neon from a 'stnncc hin tlio nppparnnt'o of liixu '.int tnlin trees, or nicnmure nm- I Mini (.1 I l'H". In I'M, i HI'-1 " " I I II. n xi'l-'H i i. ' ' !..! li H I r I .fi i I "i,. ) ir lin II l I ' . ! M n a tt ii i mi m iMuivr.n 1 1 1 me i.l lil l Hl.lin. A , r, ilii.ini.nl f In-.Tti- I In ll, l'." hHI' i II b following I" I In-Mll.in. I 'I", or,, ria.-,(ltlltis.l t M I Two .l.ir-, ( a"lln. I I tlitse nn". ( J In. 1 1, 1 I Ml 1 ,1 Itii.tilln f. inn . I : : 17 60 1 1 t'O mi no ... 5 CO S CO ... (i oo in no , . . 8 im II on ... It OA 50 00 ' . . .. .. tt.. II. n.-.r Hires ..Vnlv1'""l"i mref ' tents per i...i- l"f insertion rti'M tlt.c." notHMillr ..Inn f One Piimn Twos imr. , : Three 'unri , Four iinare", II ill f a nil ii inn, One piilmnn, it. i. f I I'O 1 im J Ml It ton 7 '0 10 no 11 o 14 00 n oo. SI 00 III. l)VH. EAH AX I) I.VXti piiiiM & snnn A YKIt'M iuu ruiiM iimi iiir j10()D " ' ... Inn. I 08. To kkh'IUtteii Swi kt 111 cnrrpsoomlent of the Aineiii ' riinlturist gives tlio l'cllowing ili lectiops for profervinp; butter in good M'nilition for any length of time. In l' y or June, when butter is plenty, ". irlc it thourghly two or three times, v.d add ftt the hist working about one rain ofsalt-petreand a teasjioonfull of " llvcrizcd loaf sugar to each pound Abutter. Tack it tightly in stone i vs to within two inches oftho top, id fill the the remaining epaeo with rong brine. Cover the jars tightly, .-id burv them in the celler bottom' !iere the butter will keep unhurt for nm-tlLnmloflrnl. will ht r nllnu! until forl.l.I ir.l'plinrcP.UiPonlir.K to Ihpp trii.. I'ttK'KS F 1! O M $ 0 n $ 7 . ... i The IIIH IIOIK SKWIXd MACII1NK. nn rn JOB PRINTINCt ) Rrai inj of wlilili li liprn rcirppi,tPi, Im n" ' , kpi'oiiia n roroxniu'il fumrito wliarovrr U Vn cKlensive ntoi k of JoMiins matei in hai ln-cn li.tro.luopil, mi l In, In j-uhd iiictl.in, nml nil I)lm..s -t i-""' 0- HH FXnaS, ttit.ctt K ''", I red t ;l j il AiiuN of iV.tltS, FllflMrH, 1 KIKiR a t, f t ?i?tF. Eorn, ('iHeri..ns, l,Ar.r.i.!-, EallTicii:, lUNntnt.t.?, nndcvciy Kin 1 r.f pihilins usually done in n eountrvi ob office. Ail older' will lo fxerntfl with ne'U nes nml di'si'ii'.cli. Cl. II. OO0M.ANPER .fr C COUNTmTORY. Time of IIoltiiij 'ourt. Sepoml Momlny or Jnnuiry, long timo. Burying Stoxks. Third MoiiiI:i.7 uf Mnreh, Thir l Mlomlu.v uf Jun, Kuiirih Moinl.i.v o'. ti'.lpmljer. In P:ich vpr, nnd continue Co nook i-?!irv. i County Ofllrrriu x. IPrrs't JikIl'i-.IIoii. Sainucl l.inn. IlcUi'IoMe A correspondent 01 llie . unini; ,A,.(C ru,i,j,ll(,n m , Iore, Clenrfielil Ii.'iitleman fays tnat two acres 01 in r.i-m ill pro were ouite a number of VgO PlOnCS, Wllieu m- V Kl, & Hcp. Jam,.. WiiRlry, Hon lii'iij lluntnll, Slior.IT, Krod'k (i. Miller rriithnot!iry,.luliD I.. Cuttle if r.e I.utliTtbure Clearfield ripniiiK Mneliin now linfnrv the mililic Xj. I A imnll nud vrv nput M:iiliini fm Knmily nre. Xo 2, , laro MiipIuiid fur iiiilliii heavy wnrk nnd fur l'lnnlaliun uo. Tin' .Mm liino i much n.lmirpd for It m iiin.IU'i tv, anil tor its relinbilily nnd durability it in un uriiunii'd. A iliild twrlrn ypiitii pin run it with paspj nnd y ct it fill i' frnm the eonrpt el"tli tn the fi lioMt KtviH. There in no trouble uf re nin, line (he lh read. u it it tnken from the rpoulii. It linn no lioltJ I" Kiv trouldu, nnd will run I mm Kno U early grave 1 )lt M I l: l. l'i f M.mii m.l for; i to tl r.rnind.m t.un llo.rliil, if I... 1 14 . i.i i . 1. 1 i, . i ii i... i..... i. .. .. i.i k i, i, ii i,ix lii H In' nlid, llill, ' . 1 . ."' .... V .' . . i.i.i. .r..r...l..nnl lil to til Ml" "i'.li Im nn i.i ii" in i"'.. '"' vi i' . . : ., ,. . i k.,i, .., ...I . . ... . . t ..i. i... .... im m, l.v it h Hilled, ni'th . .tie .i.u an i in iii.imk . ... u rt ll.-Paie, of the Henri, l.iver ...d UnB-: Mieer. .., HiWul.. iml linny oThVr diene ll.nt hnv bullied lh. kill of.b. iu enllid d,.ln)!u!.l,.d rdy-li AI'I'OINTMKNTS. CI. VIUON, t (Murk's Holol, from tlie l.Hti of Mny tn tbe lit of June. ......oi.ii ii'i.i, ... .... i I..,,.. I.i A nnln. S,. ill. 1 lit and 'Jd. I OllrH rt, 111 . Illllin r P i'.'1' 'i ... ..i JlHOOKVll.l.K. nt tho AmrriniH lloup, Irjin Jd t th June. Afrn.n. Kp. . 81 4 h rina t)tti I l.immiSlll im, nt Itieil- llotel, Juno lUtli nd llth. Aniii,tii't. IDlli ami llth. I CI.KAftKIKliD, Johinon'i ll.itel. Junn Uth to lt'i. ARiiin, He.t Utli and jtli. ' 1IKM.KKONTH, Morriuni Hotel, from Junt 17tli o lath. Ariiiii, nept llili and IjIIi. 1 TV HON K C'TY, nt Mrs. Thon.ii Hotel, June Sli-tund 22-1. AKnin, Me.t. 17th and lnih. At hia INFIRM AHY, from June 2M to July 17tli. Listen to the Voioj of Truth and Reason anl Profit by it. j Tin' lime lipoiim l.n ull who will, rnn enpd the iron k"'P 'f Mercury, by ca'linj;. without, JnlrtV. to nee the woll known and justly etlebnited Keloetip European l'liymeiuii, lr. boRr, wliu. will iidiniuimer tho,.) onlv true und i-ufo medieii.es, extrneied from the most cli.m e Boom and iiki.iis, . which in iirei.ared under hinown lupervisii.n, nnd tlurelore avoid ng the ui.p ol all Miskiial 1 ns. .. .! 1 . j. ..i . .. ...i.l... u,l.:..l. n. il,.,ii.,n,Id 1:11' I j liIl VOMIIUH . onh, whioli wer never utsigncu lor iuu yi'jiu, in urn: "uitu .... - -- . a .. i 1 1 ii ! .. it ii.. r o n i.t i 1 n d i n.fi.ln ii I m , 1 1 a ii.HM.k.ll.k.. fe,.. ... I'lmplta, V"a''i "Inl'i ht." tllnliK, ami all kVln In.,.,,,,' llll.1 Miw ,' . ,1 r. At.i '... n,..,t.i I i. "" i ,,. i vi,.i i ,1 i,R... I.... r i. ' II , in. n liv t.,il n , i, , i.m i ii. h, ii i ' ' ii n ii iii mihii i.".. li in., a. 1 ' .it in I hri i ii .i I V , H.J ,m i , , 1 Inline li n.i.l Milil.llnv I,. II 111" 1 1 . , ' ; j. .1 ti 1 1 i.i i ii i in mi t mi i ii.i i. .. i 1 I , I. u(,l ami, now , rn I will. 1 1 . m i., wlmli m .-1. i i 1 .. 1 1 ,. i. i y Milio j I '.jr..i.i i'.i'Tl 1 " I Iilnl ii .j i,.., ' i. ,' ' , ni.-.n,! placi s i' ',, .' . ..i.i . . .,. ,., '. J.u. llI ' '' I I I.. ti-M' Ii, ll l'i. .i-l . i s i i,..i j , 1,, . K'l),.li. ui ri ,11 1 I,. i I ,n, f,,,, , ll' 11 ll' ..I l J ll INK ).. Ii.ll,. Il,l, I ., I im ai'mi ln.4 it, i.i.J in, I It Ml li , ! in. mil. ni.fl e. hi ii- 1 il.rr , I'l,ii', i, N,-w s,, '' I tl.ni i inio in Lii. i nn. In Mm uLi i,n' inn. t,.;i oil y ,i..n i. li . ! ,n, mil ,, i fi l.. 111:" lli ll 111. .It.rrty li.ii .ini, Ir.ilil hty t)M.ta '' rui wi ll l'"li..i th.it I f. ,1 v.li ii I ,im it,nl( ,lir, 1 i J'.'ll, Ulllt I lixl.l ! I I I" I UiU A.itlli 1 and riuinlii wtr i itil'ill; V .un, ' S. AI.Ktl.U R TAM.Et St. Antliony'a l''lrp, Una or Krriln.i Tettrr ami Hull Itliruiu, H,alai,'' llln K worm, bore l)ra, lriii,j., Dr. n .lK.rt M. 1'ivl.la IviHion fi nn flnu, lit., l.'.'J, Hint 1.0 Ilia iilirJ X.t.l, Said., i..l, Hint liO Ina i-utril ;o, ll, , ,-tvj atM rJ iio;.iy, whl ll IlilPullliml In Ii -t t.-.i mat.- UjIIj, . .,Tarrlll ll.i "f ...ll par.irill;. ui.. ulwa,, ' I'"' MIW; ,. ulikl.,,.,!. ' U. Surveyor, 11, It. Wright, (.Ion Hope foinmi.ii'n'ri.Wm. MTracken, Lumber I'ity Win. Merrell, Clearfield S. C, Thouip.'on, Morrimlnle 11. C, Bowinan, f Uilipsbur Isaao Y. Urakaiu,CleurtieU .1. II. Shaw. " tlcorso Kiclinidii, . " A tiditur", 1 1 oroner, Uicgini; undor them, atul thus yinkini,' )Utrirt A,f'y Uobert J, Wniince, lUmmit nf renrll of the lilow. lie Treasurer, 11. 11. Onodlanilcr, I -ivied eome "that could not have been : !ccn from the field with three yoke : . oxen. But one tiling is very im t n-tant in doing this work, and that , be sure and dig tlio holes large c t,.mgh especially for large stone I '('ore tunibling'thein in, so that if ?';eyfflll either side, or end tiji, they 'iall be out of reach of the plow, for r s very diflicult to move tlicm when the hole. To bury very large Btone, . :c hole should be partly dug under t' eiii. as it is much easier getting should surface T.i n"h y.t. U i?Rrin, r.')ii, l.W uf Tost Ollicm O. i em into the hole and they I nt leat a foot below the hen buried." Java wheat. According to a correspondent of 1 ':e Country (ieutleman, this variety T spring wheat was introduced into j ds country in the following singular Tinner. A woman who was roast- j ig some Java Coffee, found among it .i gruin of wheat, which she plat. ted; t ared the product and planted again, :.nd so on for three years, when she distributed the seed among her friends, v ho ore reported that it is an cxccl 1 nt variety." How Much Conx to the Him.. A correspondent to the Ohio Culti vator says that he experimented with .orn last year to determine the nuin ' cr of stalks for a hill. lie planted i ows with two, three, four or live ker-1 rols, nnd found no difference in the ield. That with two stalks was heav i st and ripened the best. .'-Hr.F.1' as aMeaxsof ImI'UOVIMI out Farms. 'To pursue sheep husbandry most successfully ," says the Homestead, i tots mus bo raised and fed; urain, either raised or bought will be r-onsumcd, and oil-meal will be ptir- based forfood . This is better for the '.irmthan purchasing Hupcrphosphatos e guano.' jJaisixg Early Chicklxs ix a Hot", Ukd. j A writer in tho American Agricul turist has raised two broods of fine hatched January 17th and 'JOth, by keeping them for aseason underglass, in an unused hot-bed. SOWINO SORRKL. TheN. II. Journal of Agriculture says : "We have known a aukco fanner to seed down newly burnt land, lor pasture, entirely with sorrel veed, believing that sorrel would 'hango to white clover but pro red i tic man was laboring under a wi c.it mistake. " .Vn if. of r (Hell Hope, Ilowcr, L'ht.t, Cimh, 0tpnd, CleurtieM Uriig e, Woodland, l.uthcrsburg, Troutvillc, " .leflerson Lin, I'.lonn, Forest, Er.riiilc, New Wmlungtor J " liurniiiile, Clearfield, Clearfield, Covington, French ville, Karthaui, Curwenf villi', i tirwensville, .Wimr (1. W. Hi'KK". lirndford, llrndy, I'll ili ps lurg, Marron, Helen l'ost O.Tice, I.epounto'a Mill), Ital.l 11.11', Shnwfville, (i ruliainton, luithii Milir. M.uli'irii, Tyler, 1'ennGeld, Aiiaiin. ille, alt I.iek, Xew Millport, Hreckenride, Kylertown, .Morrimltlo, Lumber City.f (iriitnpiau Iliild, Curwensvitle, lil.iouiingville, Koekton, JcB'rie', 2 Tliis 1'ojt OfTcc will do for Client towuthip fWill iinfviei ior Feritfon tuwmhip. Decater, KergiiJon, (iirard, ii Cloidicn, (irnlmii), Uulicli . lil-t;.ll, .Tordiin, K.irtli.iuF, Knox, Lawrence, .Morris, . I'enn, , ike, t'ni.in, Woodward, uf V. M Cnlwel M.,rv y.'.l-z .1 T. A. M'dhce J. V.'. Ces-tlil' Lewis .l.uii '. II. Miller EJ. Wi;:iaa:i R. II. Moore. Jacob Kutitr. John Heberling J.u- lilooin .1. M, CuinmiiiRt Jan Me Murray M. .. Frank. 1'. A. li.uilin. J F W Schnarr Samuel Way Centre county F.din. Williiiinn Elk county, l'n. C. Mignot William Carr A. It. Shaw T. II. Forceo. .T. A. lief arty C. J. Puscy. David Tyler 11. Woodward Eliza Chaso (!. Ileekudurn I). E. Mokel J, W. Thoinpj'D Jn. Thoinpson J. McClelland II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, aiuucl Way Michael W'iiie. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson backward, n. well at forward". ai:d atill cw fiual!y perfect, and without danger of breaking neidlea. It ruin by friction, and by ulnping the box over it, it in thrown out of (,' r. In fuel, we have no licdiliitiou in recoiiiiuendiiig it an the bet fan ily tawing Machine in use. Tk' j'lUi'H tiHi Premiums A warded the oUiee At the Fair of the r"rnnk!in Institute, 1358, the Kirnt 1'reiiiiiim. At the l'eninivlvania Hlato Fair, nt I'hiladel ph'm, Septoinber HI, lS.'ill, tho Firtt l'leiniuin a l)i.loinn. At tho Pennsylvania Slnto Fair, held at Wyo. mint;, lSOO a Silver Medal. For the be.t Double Thread Machine, at Lan eatcr County Fair, held Oclubvr, 1S5U a .Silver Medul. At the Maryland Plate Fair, held at tho Mary land Iimti'ute, Itiiltiuiore, Md., October, 1S5U. under trnn eompelilion, a Silver Medal wa awarded to tbi Machine. At the Xew Castle County Fair, l:eld at Wil minton, Delaware, Oetolrr, lsill a Di.oina. Tho above Machine arc manufactured by ( HAItl.l . IIOVI I.AM). Wlliiiliitoli, Del. SAI. KS HO i IMS. Xo. 720 ArcL Street, Philadelpliin, Pa. Xo. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, I'd. S. D. HA K VAl, maiKI-ly V20 Arch Street, l'hiludelpliin. .JWlVraoti" wi'liing to fee tho above Machine in opcrnlien. can do no by iiillin at the reM dence of D. V. Moore, in Clearfield borough. THINCS TO HKKHMEMI.BI.KI. j lUmrmU r that Dr. Burt want no palienta but thuo fully eapablo of apprpiniiiif; and (li.'.tn-I guWhiiig the .ervieei of u regular thorough bred phyMcinn, from ft paltry, unbiarnud and tritliug , iiunck. , , . . lUmrmhrr, Dr. liort'n rcinedii a nnd treatment are entirely unknown to all others in tin country ; . prepared from a lil'n fpeut in toe groat honpitala of Europo and tho rir.it in the country. ..,. .m'.cr, that Dr. Hurt Iiuh a more extended praetieu than iiny oilier physiiiati in Westera Ptan- . .ylvania. . . , I h'rmcnibrr. that citizens of education, nml our popular men, arc all well ic(Uiuiitid with, ana Itke f L'reat plennure in recoiniiiending Dr. Hurt to the nfllicted. i h .. r . ... .. . r l I. .1.. ....T...I .1. t., n 1,1, .IV. U'l lii nir mlii r, Unit Dr. Duri luuKef no lame reprei-emuiioiu in gnu um u i,i,....v, ..v be faithfully carried out. Jtciiirinlirr, thai Dr. llort jmyn every nttention to licntet of a chronic nature. , TTtf-Cortilientes of Curea may bo neon nt hi.i revpeetive rooms. Dr. Port is Itiinifhi'd with over nix thoin-and letlein of reeuinmcmliition from some of (he most diatinguiilied men living. Aluo has awarded to him diplomas from ou. ol tho mo-t celobrutod . Ilospirals .md Infirmaries in Europe, for his unpnrallcllcd objervnlioiih in DiiigimMs, mid ubaervit- lions in oiiieove ing rcmcdica for the cure of di.eascs that have hentolon: batlled the skill of ui.uiy of tho medical pr ilenfion. . I An early call from thufC wishing to consult the Doctor, is earnestly refuelled, so a.- to receive full benefit of treatment, and thus do justice to himself. Time lin ited. J Please bear i ind when Dr. llort will be in your place. JVrmiu desirnu of consulting hun ( w ill confer a great favor by calling on the first (lay of his arrival, ns his rouins are so often crowd-1 ed, it is utterly impotable to attend to the anxious euliciliilious of all. Dr. Dort w ill arrive at each j of th ubove places ou the llrat ouaeh on the day appointed. Plaatc extend the Invltutlon to ull invalid aiipi.tititair-es, nnd oblige yours, Ac. M.iv29, 'ci.--:;. jamk. t. t.roNinn. M. A. WAI.I.ACK. II. A. Kl 1 N t Y . I N N II Y J O II N O I) i: L L IjrilOI.STKIl AND CAUUIACiK TIMM-MhK, hctedt A. If. .S'..i'-'. Md. one of Clearfield Ivwyiylt, vide 1'ii.it ir it ml lite Srj utif I.USINESS CARDS. TIIOMVS J. M tL'I,I.OM(;ll, Attorney at Law. Office on Market street, opposito Mossop'a More Clearfield, Pa. ill attend promptly to Collec tion. Sale of Lands, Ac. I.ov ill WALTER BARRETT, ATTORXEY AT LAW, will attend promptly snd faithfully to all logal busincsi entrusted to his caie, iu tho several Courts of Clearfield and adjnii.;tg counties. Oflict the one formerly occupied by G. R. Darrett. Oct. ICth, IS59 ly. itonhinn anb (CoIItttion Wfitc riK LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C 1. K A K F I I. 1, ( LEAH I'll-Ll COrXTV, PA. JHIl.t.S Ol. IXI IIAMii:, MOTK.S AND PIlAI'TS PI S.l'01' TK i) ioits iu:t i:i i:i, f 'otVi i'tion.1 Mn'e and irueeed) vromullu remitted l'.xcliane ou (he Clth's constantly on hand. Office on Seccod St, nearly opposite the COURT not'si:. A. M." HILLS f-;-JCfr time will bo of great ' benefit to every one ' isr-' j point of health, comfort, nnd convenience. lilt III l.l.S c-r, i.!i;,'S be round ut his of fice, on the corner of Front and Main streets, when no notice, to the contrary appears in this p.iper. A IV operntioni ia t':.6 '.'.no of his profession performed in the latest nnd most improved style", and gunrnntced for one year against ull nturul failures. DENTIST. Respectfully informs the citizen of Clearfield ! and niljoini'iig eontities, that he is nt ull times I prepared to iiiautifacliirc, nt the shortest notice, ; Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all . kinds nnd sizus, one of which is a hul ling .Mat- ; tress, suitable lor CAI1IXS OX RAFTS, which can be folded in small compass, nnd emptied ind ; refilled nt pleasure: and very cheap. He also' trims Carnages, makes repairs to all kinds of j Carriage Trimming and Vpholstery, nnd makes Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick- j uess or length. ! i,Country Produce, Corn H.isks, or Cash taken in Eli hnnge for wurk. J ,?iJAII orders left with any of the Merehnts Clearfield borough will b promptly attended I to. decL'il L()UU, BACON, TOBACCO, J Q TOPS OF ALL Kl.XIhS, SALT, OILS, FAINTS, .1 (i ROCKK1 E Ba)" For fide very NKW KtMi:lll'S KOIt s r i- it m a to li n n (: v. a . a. I FI O'VAItll A S'll lATIllS, I' ill I. Mil: I I'll I A, .1 l.ril- tVlltf.lt IllKtitlltUll fUllllltilllu-lt iff KJHI'itlt En- lriirmriil. Inr I In- iWi.7 . tin .Si..- ,i llmtrrfr't, nlHivtril tcith Yiiilrnl nml (ViniinV Ititntmr, r.iiei l'fi'i fur tlic Carr uf Jh'tnitrt (Ji-ifinm. .M K 1. li 1 1. Apvii-k jjiven gratis, by ll.e Acting Snrgeuti. Vai.i Am i: hki'iiiits on SprrH iitorrlncii, and other diseases of the .Sexual Oigans. and on (lie nkw itr.uKPir.s impli'Ved in the Dispenr.iiy, sent in scaled letter eneel.ipes, tree ul charge. Two or thro S'.uinps fur pust.ig" accepti.l.li.. Address Im. J. Skii.I.i n lluriiliToN, II. .ward Associatiuii. Xo. 2. S. Xinth st., Philadclplii O L K N - K C II O lieriiia:.towii, M Pa. 2'.ituy ly. ILLS. M c & c T CI Ur O. IV In linsoment uf Morrvl! CltMi ti.M. Fa. for Cash, V.y Mi:nui:i.'i.f it BigVrV Stoic, fil)-L'7. 1 1V Clearfield, Fa., Cfl.ce it. tttiw a ttow, op- OliERr J. WALLACE, A7T2iiKr at Law, . Clearfield, Fa., CfB osite lhcJturi.il office dec. 1, 1P.S8. tf. WATCH & JEWELRY rpiIE undersigned rei.eclfullT :..r. I... ..,.1,. ...... .. I .1... n " ! Stuffs puouc genernuv, ii.ni no an just received from tho East, nnd m en cd at his establishment in ti li.UIAM'S HOW Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Ci.nrns, Watiiif.s, and Jf.wei.iit of different qualities, from a tingle piece to a full sett, which he will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver. CLUCKS of every variety on band, at the mi st reasonable, prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, carefully repaired nod Warranted. A continuauco of patronage is solicited, Sept. 19, I SCO. II. F. X Al'liLE. HAinSVlCK DRUG cj- VARIETY IAS. FI. LARHIUF.rt. I. TIST "IUtinu" tub Horse, A genlleinun, travelling iii a one borne trap, clutnceil lo f topnt a small rtiiul.iido inn, ivhich ri'joio i'd in tlio jns?os!.ion of a very intelligent Irish ostler. Handing tlic reins to tl.is worthy as lie nliglitcd, tho traveler re iuesteil the runii to 't iko his hoise to th stnl.le un'l bait hi in." "Surer.n' I will, vonr honor," answrrt'd the Milesian, briskiv, nnd awav ho went. In about hall uti hrmr the gentleman having refreshed himself sufficiently, nnturlly concluded thai his tour-footed servant was in equally gooA care, and accordingly ordered his trip to the door. The horso was trem bling. "What's the mailer with ruy linrse?" asked thetiavcler. What have you been doing to him?" "Only what yer honor ordored me." "He don't look as though ho ha 1 anything to eat." "Is it ate yer honor said t" "To bo furp." Soria the word like it did yer honor nay to nio. More betoken yer honor tould me to bato the beast, not to at bim." "Why you stupid rascal, w hat have yen been doing?" "Och, I just tied him up to the -labia with a baiter, then out wilh me '-tick , and bate him till me arm was used out !" BuT" Whnt'K tlio nin of nnold maid? When yon see a laday sitting drink jn.' ton with the cat on licr 'lap, and her tooth lying on the tablo. JwrColors Jerpov BIuob. that won't run Tho IAItKIMI.lt A TIT, Attorneys at Law J Clearfield, l'a., will atlutul promptly to Col tAiobs, Lahd Agencies, tc, Ac, in CiearGold Centre and Elkcouhtiea. July 30. y J. G. HARTSWICK, M- D. I li j s I c I a n and burgeon, Clej rfield P., Hay 30, 1860. Dlt. M. WOOD!, havlt; clanged his loon tion from Curwenirilia o Clearfield, res pectfully offers his professional services to the cit.Dus c f the latter place and vicinity. 1'e.iidoncc ou Second street, opposiia ti t of J. Crnns, Ksij. my I M5S. DAN I Kb GUODLANDEK, JL'Sl It Ii of the peace Lulhirsburg, Clearfield Co. V., will attend prtniptly to all biisinna entrusted to his tsre. March I, I860. 'y. d. 1) W. II AYS, Justice of the Peace, will atten . promptly to collections and other matter ell in his charge. Addrera Kersey, Klk c l'i Oct. 3d If-Gll. ly. UK SK V W 1 1 IK 1 1 KAI), JIIXTICH of the peace Koekton, Union lp., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his rare. Sept., 12, 1600. ly. M MAHKKT iSTHEKT XEAKLY OPPOSITK JAIL The undersigned will have constantly nn hand a we 1 selecteil stocK ol Drugs, Chemicals, iive- Oi's, I'aints, lormceo and fegnrs, Malion- ary. Perfumery, llrushes. and Fancy articles, which he will dispose of cheap fur cash. He invites the public tn cull nud examine his stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs Medicine., and Surgical instruments at the mo reasonable rales. J. 0. HAKTSWICK. Clenrfied, Pa.. Dec. IT., Isf.O. T Mil-. C I. ICA It l-'I I'.I.I) Af .Il"..MY, wil f pupils, 0th, ls6 L L U M XAMfAl'Tl HEKS, Importers, nud Wholesale Dealers in A It l li T 1 N c; s , I) ii i.i c; ; -, OU. CLOTHS, MA TTIXGS, ,(.. Warehouse. No. .lo1.) Chi.-stnut Street, (Opposite t ;i t c House,) a pr."' Ily Put I, u.ri.i'ftiA. (JIIAIHS !! CHAIRS! ! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY : : : : Hit? utdL-r.-incil lias now nn IuiikI. i his Kur uiturc Kiom on Market t., Clcnrlk'lil, P.i., n short iii t a nc c n.'?t of XMr's rnundrr, u .irgc ?to.k of CHAINS Hi' AM. KIXIH, innnufjctureil outcftlio lJ"t matcrinlr, fmislicl n a very npor:or muiincr, ami w liich he will rf--1 1 l.O Y FOR i'.XSJ!, Hii: 1oik i xicrit iice in the bii!,ine!!' innliei-' him feel eonfuK nt that hi? cliniM nre made in n ?uhctantiI mxl workninnlikr mnn- ner, nnd w ill !tmnl tho tet of trial. Person wishing to pnroha-e i-hnii -Imuld cail at onee ! and et theiu w hile tltey mii he had nt the lowest ! Milmn.tnt tlrtjifUt lv Urz ilor ho ciirvn tin C"iiiii"ii l y it IinoiM lior"lc( (ioltre or Ktvcllctl Xer ..'I.llloll Mmtll ''I -r""l, i' vi", lih: Wn-r tln of cnr Har.tiMiriH tH t1 mr t i : f, to'tn nv. llhiif n the rtr. K, v Iii. (i i 4j IUjllw ocr two yeiir.' lif iirnrrlitrn or liH . h hi Uh Ttt,w I ttilno It rinl dm. I'l iiinlt llUtKir, Dr. J. II, H ChuitdiiL'. ft N-w V-nl, wrnrt;( lnMt ctiitf flllty cuiil ttilli thu l-ili''al u your 4grnt ityilltC I h:Vll f 'I ll 1 y-"ll K "' "'U: lt. pn Itoritiro in lh iiumrroiK iih I unit w),,!,,, einjil'iy in li i . . 1ml i in l',.U of the 'cmnil.MH ilitili-H. 1 In- mrnl mnnv Iw, Hti i'14'H of ,...l I ll I' I I.J If, Ull-I -"Ihi'Ikk w,. ilninl WH r,m--i) J v '',-i'i '''( m1 (lie nUnn. n, H)m alldll Itm'll Yitim sMKiii lllfit, Nl.Milllrf Wltlilll hi) l' r'illitl lul- tli ' hrtl- -I-Til.:? Iti'it'i" Ktlw nnj S. Mai uf New l-ni v. In,, vtntii, f (TOIH II IIH tt'HUI) t (ll: l'i lilt ! Ill tl III ,. hj. . Ii.t l .l.-ll. l nil lh- I'M --.tlH '-liti-l.,.. nt .-itrili l-.-ih ! l tf) f .j y.ni l.ittui, M-ip:uftla. Out' ) ln-i. iiin tlr illit n-.tLin-; lt n,tr(fc tli'ii r.Mil.1 itf 'i I ! Im I, hut lit, ,i'!ih"l (!, iri.,1,; )Mt S.ii4uMf illm llm Inut t a f I- ' -if rutins, ( . cv.-d ntftiml. A ftT lukiM-'v-nt uiimi) ilHfty ir' "viiipfiun t tin: ili-f isc p-iii tht t." ylillltf niul illrri nrlitl Dlnrmr, Nt;w Out. r in, -- 'h Ahciki Pf. .? f. Av:;n : Sir, J ihiilullv i-.mh t.iu, i' 'iiit f nitr mrt-nt. niul t-f ''''ii mhiic ui linrj Imvc r"ittiri'l i'li vonr rt.n m tlln 1 Im i nt ! )Mi ir, hi my n.u tii o, tn wl ;.f il(T. )i:iin'H f- i vlit'li it i tr I'tnlMt lnlfil, titxl hnu lnP, fftvi-tn trulj WU Itul in thu 4-Hiu . 'ritfi',irm ,. C (' -". Our .f in v I. it ii-ntn I i.i I iiliilui, In hit llu out. whiilt ivfu I'DtiHUiuitiL; l:l ihIh hAfu top ol I iixmlh. Vuur Sursiivm Ultt, itcnlilt CllrtXJ iliui ill ut vrin, Aii'tnivi .i- Hihut"! I, ondiiry nyn-ptoiii m in iimi, nmi " ufoivk Wl difiiil-r wtiiiltl ""li ttt,n itif i. mm i.m-i i hi in,, yyi ykiii-il in uiv ;ilutnir'itvi("ii ! xmn nuMri 'a; i, III. vi lifrilmt ainl iu- l ui-ll i'nlli U - ut iiism-itl, (ttltP tlifhm Hli ti t M f.xv. V- Hi.l1. Vlf. nr .n ticnlnl lui tlit: hnniu dfuil 1 i- lia -tin y.. nfitin4 fi..ln i hi- ji' iviii ill ht-i lim-. 'iluj lia.l U-i.iii, s,, llf I" III W JIIIm I til it tl n il.tlHi i l.ii tin lltft ifdn. ci tii luting not in If j ini niul Imi.-. li",tn,,(U until t-iiiily I') "iir M.ttiiilta in nt.it r,.k. khMV UtXll it 1 liiiili. Wl.l'ti ill Hnl :tv Hh.iu (hi l'.'-HlHli"H flIU W ill I: l. ..lt.. Hill-l 11. i 1 1 1 1 ; oiiis"iicti!l, tiinv n i.iji k.il'W . nt, with it I'-iw tiot. ftitiiiv-J in' . Ki.ii.Tinilly fl V. l,.M:MJI'l!,M.k l(!ic iiinnl Um, (out, 1,1 vi i ( inntulm J Mil l'i MH V . I'ii--.-t l't .1, I li .In:-. J'i Ih. J. Auk; .-ii, 1 h.t i u hDIu'l-iI nii i w fill cliP'iiic Ji'huno In,, u I I Him v i Ii I , f., i. kill "1 l-liVlt Inti.. ;ili'l rui K t'i ini' hi ) itr nt !1 rV icil.t 'iU't I roiil-l In il. m I ll I I i.,.J "Hi ."ni.(;,iila. 4 ; I ii tt tit ( UM'il tl I t v n ,i Lt ;in 1 lift. -ii I t:it v . In ;i!tti h. inn. It that I iuu fm l-tt r Mi.ili loriiult i ii'lur'l. I 1 1.l ii k l a wi h-i.-itiil 'ii ill iuu- .1-Mil.Vl .1i:!i- V. VI, ! ll -T St I.- nk w : It. : " 1 t-i ! .itlliil-! fur ' M- unit nil ttiUittv tlit hrtr.ii : 'I. 91 . t .1 lii In ;il III. I ti ii-it . ry tMliK. nn'l'in It i fnili ! t rtl im ; i t , 1 I h r l m n !inikiiHli f.r 'liit? jiitih fi it- t ili r raii-p il. .in tirn'i.ufnMii, I tht Ltrrr. My h . l-.ul po-l-.t. tl.r lv. tr l(r,R4ti' Die Ut try your .ii".t'iit illu, lfrtni-t Lc mom Ih kr.rn w nixl uiiv thiiit: V" ih:iI wmtli t rvti v. l't tl-l4 iuu "f Ui'il it Im i hi. il nif. niul lu's. M. i.i iidcd um I4 , .i t.i n in Ice a iiiw iniih "I ii.-. ) I-fl ui c ntm. 1 In tr tit. it cm Mid 'f -ii it li'it li l! .'t"'l ' i"nU" rattii. Mar.2M1-tf. J'.HX TROCTMAX. A It K 1 A C V t.llDI Being a privatf instructor fur married per, -"inn or thofe about to be married, both mule and female, in .rv tli i i f PiiTtrorttinv fh nhvsiohifTV ainl ril:i. tinm uf niir anTtinl ivitntn. ttnA tho iiro(iiirttnn tit ai1' males and female) on Mondfiy, Aug. Trrm per eMon of e'even Veekfl Oithoprapby, Reading, AV riling, Priimry Arithmetic and Gengrnphy, $2.50 Higher Arithmetic, hngluti Oramumr, (ieo- riiT.hv ami Hitnrv. S"v 1)1) - i j - j - Algebra, Ueomotry, atural rhilo'upliy Wake ibi! Wake up!! BI. t KH T11IC. TIIK subscriber res-i pcctl'ully iiifunns his frictuls nti'l the ,uViI iu j generally, lluit lie is new well o alili-heil in liisl NEW S1IOI ,n pine ftrccl, o msite tlie Tuwn Mall, in Hie biimu;h f Clciirlicd, uml iimn bi own li imk, mul lure lie is .renrnl to J. hII work in bis line in tlu" very best si) le, and nnj the shortest notice. His uM cuMui' t rs are rfs-l l.ertl'ully iisheil niit to forgi t him, uml nny iiuni-l bcr of new ones lire respectfully invited to give tii iu k trial. EDiJIi TOOLS. His re.iit.iti..n ns a M.iker! mul Heimirer of Kdje tnolt slmuM uf itself secure li i iu a 1i1ht.i1 I'titromme. I GKOIUJIJ C. 1'ASsiMOHL. I April :i, isci.tr. Si Ii in ii.( nm i Tiimnr., Knlni enuirt, I I. , i nl Ion, ( in It nail Ki fol ml i.o f Hie lluiira. A i;i l wn i f ,. r.vi-. linv.-),-. pii . ji-.i !..! t- siiW" rlir.-s nl" lit. r f.-iiiii lal li- , in) lulu'. li.. I..IIIM1. Ii. UM- ol this r.im-.lv. lilt ,lii .i.ri,.(. Iirtrvlllli'lil.. Hi. ill. in., . lin in xha In (,,iiii I iii iir AU'ia .llin.iiiar. wlii.'li tin titriMit. 1w.1i.vi ii.iiu-il ri.w, llirlll.ll H I 1 1 t., .ill Ml,, rail ( r lliilil. Dynpi-pslii. limi t IHunir, I-'tl., r.jiHip , .'I In in li . I , Arinnl);! Many (.n;ll l,;il!i . III. . ft li.-p tiflftli II. 1i.i lua.le l.v tin slt.-iHliu- i.i.., r .1 tl,. ui.-.li. ii,,-. Il.i lull, till. Vital ttillrli'ltp into Mh" 1-.11. M. fl li,n mill 1 (.VITlTlllll. ,H..I.I . Yll..l W..III.I Irt' .ll nl 1 T. li ! iimIi. . Ii n iPlu.-il v lm I'.iii: I- i n I- .iuu"' l'i ' ci'.-ili. . ol ll.e i l., uli. I virnli i "lil.il- HI t'.,Ai UU-. il.i I t tli tn all lint liiriltcilit' cau tin. jAyer's Cherry Pectoral ; t un the ii win ct nr. nr I oiit;li. I "tils, Infliim-!, lluM'". I t i inip. It, on. Ii II I., In, Ipii nt l. a. nm pi Ion, mul for ilir llriin of i oii inn it 1 I'nlUliU In ii ll VM liC ! il Slnfrt of the DImi-hm-. Tlii. Is a rrmnlv uiiivriMiItv I.m '-n InHiri" ntlicr for tlic fine of lliront mi l liiiitr ri inl l.ii.l- is ii'i'lrss hi i lo iniUi-li tlie n lilniro i f n virtun. I" mirivnlli.,l i.xci.U'i,i-f f,.r roimliN Mul n !.!.. sml il" 1" woiiiliTfnl riin-ii of pulmonary .lii". :M". lis to'1' kn.inii tlu,-iiL'li.it I liu ilvilir....! i,.n..ii. tb i'!i rft Hlo tin' c lilinlllli.if.. or l Tin falnillri, uss-sr ' win) lmvp not some rcrsolilil .'iii'iii t,t of lilt.'1 si.iiie livuii tropliy iu tlii'ir nii.i.t of it. ii.l..ryes1 llt.II. nnd ilntl'loiii, ill.ol'lrrs of III.' llinii ana m As nil know 1 1 ilrcri'lfiil f..tnlilv i t H ' "' .iii.."!"..' II11.V knou'. Um. tin, i.lnrt. of ifii. rPllH'ilV. I.1' da mnro tlii.li In U1 llieu ll.ul U l.u now all Ik 1 tne. llit it Hid lisve l,en mul-ing tlio cures liiiiis wnu so itroiiKly upou tho cotifM.'Uce of inkiikind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES U CO.. Lowoll,I: ?-SjIiI bv C. P. AVuljim, CleuiMJ tl Irwin, Cnrwens ille : F. Aruolil, I.uMirrb- Montomcry .t Co., Xew Suii'iu ; .. C. llrf"1" Jl.irn.iliiU", V. U. 1 osier, i iiuipM.ury ; an. 1 . Clmse, Aii.ouvllle ; nml by 'li'iib r? fri-T'-iT'J J. D. THOMPSON, tntip, mill 'Jrfck liiucu.aces. f 0 00 To students desirous of nequirinK thorough t'uglifh IMncation, and who with to qunlify themsnlves for tetiehers, this lustitutioo ofTers desirnble ndvantnges. No pupil received for less than half a session, and uu dwdurtivD made except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid nt the close of the term. C. H. .SANJtFOUD, PuixtiPAL. Mij 2'5, 1SC0.- Iv. preveotinn of eff'pring, includiag nil tlie new discoveries nevwr belore Riven in the hngli.-h language, by VM. V Jb'XO, M. D. This is reully a valual.lo and interesting woik. It is written in plain language fur the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to luurncd life, . should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; still it is a j book that must be locked up, and not lie about (he house. It will be tent to any one on receipt : of twenty five cents, in specie or postago t tamps, Address Dr. M M. YOUNG, No. 410 Spruce st. above Fourth, Philadelphia, l't. Affiietrd and L'nurtunnte No matter wh.itmay be your disease, before you place your-; TUE LONDON QUUTKRLY. i f , .1. - . C . r.i. ..: , r sen unuur inw iinui iiur um ii. hi. i lour ; Conservative.) Quacks, native or foroign, who advertise in tbii 2xhe EDINBURGH REVIEW, or any otl er Taper, get a copy of either of Dr. 1 (Tory.) Young's hooks, and read it carefully. It will be : 3THE NORTH DRITLSH REVIEW, tbe means of saving you n:auy a dollar, your. (Kr e Church.) health, and possibly your life. 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, Dr. Y'Ol'NiJ can be consulted on any of tbe (Liberal.) ' diseases described ill his publications, at hit SHLACKVOOD'S EDIMU'ltCH M AfJAZINE s TltlKIXC T1MI.S IN PIIII.ADI I. 111. ! Trrmrndi.ut Kjcittmrvt anion, i th ,1o.v. ! ! .'EXCITING FOOT RACE between ' rliiluil.ilplnn F' liro and tbe notorious vur ture patronage. CLEAhrlELD SslUNE WAKE MWl Tliiiiikful for paft fnvorf ami fi liiiti"" I would respectfully w' It It I T 1 S II R h -1 1: w s ii k li LACK WOOD'S M A G A Z I N E. office, No. 418 Spruce tt, above Fourth. n7-ly to CONSlJMPTIVIXThe advertiser,! having been rettered to health in a few ' weeks by very aiinple reninly, alter having suf- T l)lBCk!mllh,Wgons,nuggics.4c.. Ac., ironed ftrc1 for vernl years wilh a severe lung ancc- J) on short nttice, aad the very best style, at hii tl0n' nd tblt Arrd '"'", Consumption, u am 11 (land in t:io Corougn ot Uurvensville. lc .29. 185S. C KEATZER ci SON. Mf.KCII ANTS, and dealers in Hoards and fhingles; Grain and IWuee. FRONT Btreet, above the Academy Clearfield Pa., June 12 tb, (il. KLLtS IRWIN & SONS AT the mouth of Lick Run, five inilui frm Clearfield, MERCHANTS, cl ejWniir Manufaoturors of Lunber, J'jly 23, 1852. ioui to make known to bis f.lk w sutlorers me ' means of cure. To all who desire il, be will send a ropy of the prescription used, (free nf charge.) with the di i -ictions fur preparing and using tbe same, w hich 'they will find a sure cure fr Consumption, ; Asthma, Vrcncbitis, c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is tn bpne. j fit the afflicted, and spread Infurmaliun w4p)i bp 'cuneolrin tote ipviilunhlo, and. t,o bonus erPr ufferer will try bit wedf M jt will coil them nettling, and way prove a blossliig, I'or.om wishing the jiresorlntion will plea i address her. EDWARD A. WIL60N, j boy? ly, Williamjborjb, Kings Co., N. Y i T I viury-; T E II M S . rcr annum. For any one of the four Reviews, $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, & 00 For any three of tbe four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of Ibe Reviews, 8 00 For Illackwood'a Magazine, 3 00 For Rlackwood and one Review, 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews. 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 Fur Illaokwoud and the fuur Review., 10 OA N, fl.The price ia Great Britain for the five periodical! above-named i( $31 per Rnnuw. Republished l." LKONARD fiCOTT A Co., wftM3 fiw 61 QoU riip( Kpw york, 5ilt. 7"ERY CHEAP at the store of jan23 KM- F. IRWIN. ft Inre slock of ('rookery. Siuh uf CraTO ( milk pans, Cbin n, Jugs, Jr, Move pip tf c. und also mi extensive sioriailH 1 different sues uml pattern! of brsiV'M rosette! for o rnice on houe. and ulU' llill TS. Any mouMitig! not on br.iiil 'ill ni,ler on short nulii'i. Al.,, firn hrirk Bl and kept fur sale. JV-A liberal reduction on pric'i ol'j! wholesale dealers. F. I.LITZISGE Clearfield, may 23, 1S70. ly. Cabinet, Chair Makin?, T OII ii I'T.Tf'll nf lliA Itnrnti 'h of Clfirt' J l'a., will be prepared at all times teatl' to any business in the above line f nntico, ami in a wurkinanliko uiiinner. "i'f '. of business is at the nld shop on the north n Market street, Sd door cast of Third st, oniiosito the old Jew store : where he wil". l Mil, iuu uuimii.'ii, f ur I 1 i """o '... Ui ger nrd coiinteiTc'er. sies Hurharmn Cros? ! ! ! 1 tua 7 ni'e on tn. ?5in, and i.l cn' Cross r.ecapturen : '. . It rccms lo be (he i-ner kofr l ottery m this boroiii'H, ' ol opinion in Clearfield, that if Croi-s had worn a ' ner a short dUtniK-e cast Ot tin, Mcthi'di.-tr' pair of I-rank Short's French. calf Boots, that he would not be lul nn yet. However, Shorty ia not much put out nt uii.-sinj. bis custom ; but would announce to all Hreckinritlijr, iJnuiIttt, Linrulu and llr.ll writ, and women and children in Clearfield, and Sinnciiialioning in particular, that he is prepared lo furnish them willi Boots, Shoes und Gaiters of any .tyle or pattern, sti'ch. ed, sewed or pegged, (and as bo is a short fel low) on short notice. Ail kinds of country produce taken in ex change, and vush not n fused. Id-pairing dono in the neatest manner and charges moderate, nt the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Weaver A Co's store. FRANK SHORT. N. 11, Findings for sale Sept. 20, I860- To Persons out of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. In every County of the United .Stutos, TO engage in the sale of some of the best and most elegantly illustrated Works published. Uur pub cations are of tbe most interesting character, a lapteJ to the wants of the Farmer, Mechanic nnd Merchant; they are T nblisbed in tho best style and bound in tbe mo- substan tial manner, nnd arc worthy a placo in the Li- hmrv .if .rn,. lf,i1...1.1 !n .1. r l -.-.j ... i,.uriuii, iu HI, 1,1,1111. i ' ' - - - - - - ...... ,-Tu men of enterprise aud industrious tab- rrt of Dressing nnd Common HJj iU, l!i buklnom ofluri an opportunity for l.rwfit- s"fi"i ""'l Washing Stands, .i i. , . . . . . ti. t. oiu empioymcni leiaum lo be met with. ittsUi'iNoni deiiring to act s cimti will re ceive promptly by mail full particulars, ter.oi, c.,by addressing LEARY. QETZ A Co., Pub, No. m Kurtb itrept, I'tiiUJelpbia. Oct 4, ISiQa-Jr, constantly on band a large assortment of hoponv nnil CmH IIiiIIoni Chnir... and l-' Ware of every description, which be will 'ir of on ns ri'iisonablo terms ni the same w"' con be had elsew here in tho county. His stock of Cabinet Ware now on bund, Book Cases, French and Field Post llfl''"' ... . , . .. . j p;r I bn i, iu, (.'tTin manufactured and dclivsr' apy place dusirad. Febrm,ry 9, 1850. no, , rol. ! VI HI MM Mil' of Fresh Drugs Just reeelr e ant opened al HATSWK'KS. Flour- ., OOD ARTICLtv.f'ir laie al the stort J ien?J W F. 1K'V