E YE, EAR PBYSICIM Doctor IORMFRIV Phyrllcnn nnd Surgeon to the Brotnpton I.ung Hospital, of London. England, now 1 r.f IMTTKlirtlUll. I'ii.. bees leave to nnnounco to nil Iiiv;ilijH, thnt, owing to tho ninny sulic- - o - nntiona or Ms mends, no uas i' nciuueu 10 pay and by arriving nt the any set lorni, cun op conjunct oy um uuinivu, uum .mi- ni t....v, . J 'ineniios of tho Heart, Liver nnd Lungs; Cnncer, tit. Serululu, nnil nil Piscasesol tne moou. Aho, all Disease appertaining to tho EVE and EAll. PARTIAL DEAFXKSS, Hinging Noises in tho Head, and Discharges from tho Ear, can he speedily cured liy Ir. Hour's S.-lrutilic TreattueBt; und many other diseases thnt hove bnllled the skill of tho so-called distingui.-hcd physicians. a r ro I N T M E X TS . CLARION, at Clark's Ilotol, from tho l.'ith of May to tho 1st of Juno. CORSICA, at Whitmcr's Hotel, Juno 1st. Again, Sept. 1st and id. 1IR00KVILLE, nt the American House, frun :id to 1'th June. Again. Sept. 3d, -1th ami 4th LUTllKKKlilKO, nt Heed's Hotel, Juno 1 nth and Uth. Again, Sept. loih and 11th. tXKARFIKLD, Johnson's Ilotol, Juno 12th to ltlth. Again, Sept I2lh and Uth. HKLLKFoXTK, .Morrison's Hotel, from June 17th 'o I'Jth. Again, Sept. 1 1 ill and l.'ith. TYRONE CITY, at Mm. Thomas' Hotel, Juno 21st and 22d. Again, Sept- Will and Kith. ' At bis INFIRMARY, from June 22d to July 17th. Listen to the Voice of Truth and Reason anl Profit by it. Ti.d i:...A !... u,i...n ,.ii Hi, .:n - . .i... .....,.. ,.r f ........... v. .'!.... -tii,,i.,t M UV IUIV UUB VUIIIO nilVU Ml, BIIU nill, lllll ITllll'V delay, to boo tho well known and justly ctlchruted ...lmililwlu lliAa ..ulu Inm ... anr.. in a.l ... a u which are prepared under bleown upcrviriou, and II31S. which wnra mi-llr ileriii.npil fur llm ivrftetn. tn nud gono t early graves. thixcx to in: limit mh, r that Vr. ToH wann no patients but Hicsd fully capable of appreciaiing and dis'in Kuihingtho lerviecsof a regular thorough bred physician, from a paltry, unlearned and trilling quack. Uemtmber, Dr. Iiort'a remedies ami trcntuietit are entirely iitiknonn to all others in this country ; prcpnrvd from a life spout in the great hospitals of Europe and the tirst in the country. tltmtuAtr, thatlr. llort has a uioro extended practice than any other physician In Westers Penn pylvania. tm-cmUr, that citizens of education, and our popular men, are all well icquaintcd with, and take grvnt pleasure in recommending Dr. Port to the afflicted. llrmembtr, that Dr. llort luukeauo false representations to gull the unfortunate, but all he says will le faithfully carried out. Jlimtmbvr, that Dr. llort pays every attention to diseases of a chronic nature. "Certificates of Cures piny bo seen at his respective rooms. Dr. llort is furnished with over six thousand letters of recommendation from some of 'he most distinguished men living. Also has awarded to him diplomas from some of the moat celebrated Hospitals nd Infirmaries in Europe, for his utipnrallclled observations in Diagnosis, and observa tions in discovoiing remedies for the cure of diseases that have heretofore baffled the skill of many of the medical profession. An early call from those wishing to consult the Doctor, is earnestly requeitcd, so as to receive full benefit of treatment, and thus do justico to himself. Time I'm ited. 1'lease boar in mind when Dr, llort will be in your place. "4'crnins desirous of consulting him uill confer a great favor by calling on the first dsy of his arrival, as his rooms are so often crowd id, it is utterly impossible to nttotid to tho anxious solicitations of all. Dr. lio'rt will arrive at each of the above places on the first coach on tho day appointed. Please extend the invitation to all invalid acquaintances, and oblige yours, Ac. May 2U, 'fil. 2i. NEW REMKIUFS ion SPERM A TO RRIKKEA. HowAnD A'goriATtox, Piiii.aijhi.i iiia. A U. ttnlt'Ht litttilittiti rtiiihlinhed tiff tjwt'itrf ' tloicutCHt, fur aV reticf uf the Sick antl.JitrfKirtt, vJjliGtcl with Violent nuil Chronic ViVimi', ami f7t'ciity fttr the Cure tf Dinrti of the Stxtial (Jrfana. .Miejucii, AtivtcK given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable report on Speriratorrhipa, and other diseases of tho Sexual Oigans, and on tho KKW hkmeihks employed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge Two or thret Stamps fur postago acceptaldo. Address Dii. J. Skillkk Hut'fliiTo, Howard Association, No. 2. S. Ninth St., Philadelphia. 2'Jmy ly. JS. R. I.ARRIMKR. I. TFST LA K KIM Kit & TI'.ST, Attorheys at Law Clearfiold, Pa., will nttohd promptly to Col tAions, Lahd Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield Centre and Elkeouhtios. July 30. y QLEN-ECITO MILLS. Qormantown, Pa. AfcCALLUM & Cu., Importors, and Wholesolo Dcnlcrs in c ahi'Uti x t; w, i) it v v a i: t OIL CLOTHS, HAITI SOS, At., Wnreliouse. No, 500 Chestnut Street, (Opposite State House,) npr.V81-ly PiiiI.inr.Lt'iiiA. To Lnmbermcn: SAW-MIM, FOR SALE. I have erected a new first class SAW. .MILL for Eighty feet Timber, at DUNCANNON, below (Ireen's Dam, in the Susquehanna r nd desiro to have a Part ner whe will furnish Squared Untied Lumber nt (ireen's Dam, to stock the Log Pond to its full rapacity. This Mill will have tho command of tho mar ket in Petersburg and Dunciinnon and of two thirds of Porry county; nnd a largo amount of business may be dona nt good prices. It Is on the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd in communica tion with Philadelphia and l'.nliimore. In the present depressed state of the Tidewa ter market, I invito attention to a homo mm k et that will remunerate Address early by mail, i r call on GRIFFITH JONES, np24A Duncnnnon, Perry co., Pa. IJAMS!1 CHAIRS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! " Tho undersigned has now on hand, at his Fur niture Rooms on Market si., Clonrfiold, Pa., a abort distance west of LHi's Foundry, a l.irga etook of CHAIRS Ol' AM, KIXIW, manufactured out of tho bast tnntcriulr, finished n a very superior manner, and which he will sell LOW t'OH CASH, His long experienco In tho business makes him feel confident thnt his chairs arc made in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should cuil at once and get thorn while they can bo had at the lowest rates. JIHN TROUTMAX. Mar. 27-l8l-tf. Wake up! Wake up! TWl.ACkSMITIIIM:. THE subscriber res U pectfully Informs his friends nnd the public generally, that he is new well a ablished In his NEW SHOP on Pine street, opposite the Town Hall, In the borough of Clearfiold, and upon hl own bonk, nnd where he is prepared to do all worK in ma line tu tne very best style, ami on tno snort est notice, ills oll customers are res pectfully asked not to forget him, and any num bcr of now ones are respectfully invited to give mm a trial. EDtJE TOOLS. His reputation as a Maker and Rcpairor of Edge tools should of itsclfsecure him a liberal patronage. (1E0R0E C. PASSMORE. April 24, ISCl.tf. C. KRATZER & SON. MKHCIIAXTO, and dealers in Roards and Shingles; Ornin and Produce. FRONT Street, above the Academy Clearfield Pa., June 12th, 61. IN TIIU MATTMK of the sale of the prop, erty of Williams and Humphreys, on appli cation of F. U. Miller, Sheriff, T. J, McCullough was appointed Auditor, to distribute moneys rising from said laic. FEU CI 11. The nndorslgncd Auditor, appointed to report distribution ot the monies arising from the sale I above stated, will attend to tho duties of said appoiatment at his office in the borough of Clear. Sold, on Saturday, the 13th day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., whon and whoro all perssns in terested can attend if they see proper. T. J. McCl'LLOUGH, June,2lth ljul-3t. Auditor AND LUNG & H!01 BRT, ....... ..i ..i ........ I., t.. II ! ..I... proiessmnai mni i" iiiis ....- Diseases of the Wood. , 111(7 ll.'ll l."1!' .'I .'HIV'.I.T. "J n.llft. " ..,.-. ( Eoleetle European Physician, Dr. Hour, who; Arn..t...l t:.tn llio ..ln.t.-A li.u.l-a nn. I HVIlMd 1 thrrefuro avoid ng the um of all Mimkrai. Pom-! Izikn wliieh mum t li,n ibii ! j linvii fulleil vietiluM Ail onlora will bo execute-1 with licit im:.mkmih:i!KI) S Tit 1 1 111 in i hi m: timi-.4 i riiu..tm:i. I A ! Trtmrnilttut f'rriteMtitt fiwOMO th .....!!.' EXCITIXO FOOT RACK between the Philailolphia Poll re and the notorious For ger and counterfeiter, Jn sies Iluchnimn Cross ! ! ! Cross Recaptured ! .'! ! It seems to bo the gener al opinion in Clearfield, tbnt if Cross had worn a pair of F'rank Short's French-calf Roots, thnt ho would not be taken yet. However, Shorty It not much put out nt missing his custom ; but would nnnounco to nil Ilmliariilyr, Ihnujla; Ai'iirVii nnil lull wo, nnd women and children in I'learficld. ami Sinnemnhoning in particular, that ho is prepared to furnish them with Hoots, Shoes and (Jailers of any stylo or pattern, stitch ed, sewed or pegged, (and as he is a short fel low) on short notice. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change, nnd cash not n fused. Repairing done in the neatest manner and charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Weaver A Co's store. FRANK SHORT. H. II, F'indings for sale Sept. 21, I860 J O II N O DELL UPHOLSTER ANT) CARRIAGE TRIM MER, Iaeatol nt A. II. Slmw't Mllg, one wi'A' FamI of CUarJu ltl bi)rotjht Respectfully Informs the citizens of Clearfield and adjoining comities, tbnt he is nt all times prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding .Mat tress, suitable for CAUIXS ON RAFTS, which can be folded in small compass, nnd emptied and refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. He also trims Cat riages, makes repairs to all kinds ef Carriage Trimming nnd tphulstery, and makes Cords for .Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick ness or lenglh. 4-.Counlry Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash taken in Etchnngo for work. ffAII orders left with nny of tho Merchnis Clearfield borough will bs promptly attended to. ,lcc20 jn'ROXE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, Pitoi RiETon, Respectfully announces to the travelling public llirt he has now taken charge of this large and well known house, nnd will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent couifert nnd fur, satisfaction to nil who may favor him with v cnll. nov7-ly JfLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, LlQVOItS OF ALL KIXDS, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, & (iKOCERIKS, trFor fide very ch:np for Cash, ly O. 11. MEKRELL, In basement of Mcrrcll it Bigler's Store, Clearfield, Ta. feb-'JT. IIAinSWlCK'S DRUG ly VARIETY MARKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL The undersigned will have constantly on band a we'd selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Tobacco and Segars, Station- ary, I'erfumcry, Urushes, and Fancy articles, which he will dispose of oheap for cash. He invites the public tu call and examine bis stock of goods before purchaslug elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs Medicines, and Surgical instruments at the mo reasonable rates. J. 0. 1IARTSWICK. Clcarfied, Pa., Doc. 26, lHrjO. Executors' Notice. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Lis V 1 CUF FIN, late of Karthaus township. Clear field county, doe'd, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them duly authen ticated fur settlement. FREDERICK COFFIN. Karthaus, May 29, '!. 6t rOTAL CARD. M. SMITH offers his professional services to the I.ailcaand Gentlemen of Clear A. field and vicinity. All operations performed with neatness ana despatch. Being familiar with all the late imrrovments. he is prenared to mnae Aruunai leein in tne best manner. Office in Shaw i new row. Sept. Hth, 185?, Jyj. lbt Itltarfitlb $tpiiblitait, i Terma oi Mubierintlou. tl paid In advance, or within three months, 11 J If naid an lime Wlimn m IW. 50 If paid after the expiration of the y ear, . 00 I Termi of Advertising. I Advertisements are Inserted In the Republican at the following rates : ... I insertion, z ao. . One square, (14 lines,) f 40 Two squares, (iSllnes.) 1 00 Three squares, (4 J lines.) 1 40 3 months $ 74 f I 00 1 60 1 00 2 I 40 (1 mo'i. 1 $4 00 $7 00 One Square, $2 40 l 4 00 l 4 00 : 0 00 t 8 00 6 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 19 00 85 00 TnTee ,llBre,, ' . 8 00 10 00 12 00 '' I""! nf BeojUinn, v 1 14 00 20 00 . ' n,i i ,v. ,,.. .h. 24 UTL'I IUIVB t. WW o .-- . ww eenta per square for eash Insertion. EnriaeM nt.cjs not exceeding SUuoi are in srted for t2 year- , , Advortisirasnte net mark J with tie number or mertionsdoiirod, will be ecatinuei until forbid nd charged accord'.tg to these terms. JOB PRINTING. An extensive ntock of JoLVms mnteriii cnalilos the 1'tiMislirr of tlm "Republican' to niinout.ee to the pullic that he in prepa roil ta Jo 11 .intls of Posfriis, FiirJMTS, rR(x;iA.JiES, ( I'l-A!', Yk?lA BOOH, I IRCl'URS, I.AT. BAuL TtCXlTS, 3IANDIIII.I.S, I I.JH1I.I.P, nr.d CVCIjr Kind cf piintirg Usually ilone In n .nnti4rti iK nirp. ness find despatch. (I. n. GOODLANDER ,t C0 COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time uf Holding Court. Second Monday of January, Third Monday of Mareh, Third Monday of June, F'ourth Monday o? September, In each year, and continue two weeks if cessary. ('utility Officers. Pres't Judge.Hon. Samuel Linn. Rellefoato. As'te fudges, Hon Win L Moore, Clearfield. Hon Hen) Rontall, Lutbersburg Sher.fi", Frod'k O. Miller Clearfield Prothnotnry,Jubn L. Cuttle, " Reg. A lWc. James Wiigley, " District Alt y Robert J. Wullnco, " Treasurer, (J. II. linodlnnder, Ci. Surveyor, 14, U. Wright, Comiuiss'u'rs.Wm. M'Cracken, Win. Mcrrell, (ilen Hope Lumber City Clearfield Miirrisdnle S. C. Thompson, II. C. Itowiuan, Auditors, Philipsburg Isaac W. liraheiu, Clearfield J. II. Shaw, Ueurgo Richards, " Coroner, 1.1st of lot Ollices. T(t:tHhij, Dicearin, Eill, Ail of P. O. (ilen Hope, Rower, Chest, Cush, Ostend, Clearfield llriif e, Woodland, Luthershurg, Troutvillc, Jefferson Lini, Forest, New Washington Ilurnside, Clen rfield, Frenchville, karthaus. Ailmrt of r. M . W. Calwel Mry Kid.r .1 T. A. M tihee J. W.Csxpi.l? Lewis r iiiith P. II. Miller Ed. Williams R. II. Moore. Jacob Kuntt John Ileberling Jas- lllooin J. M, Cuinmings Jas MeMurray M. .. Frank. P. A. linulin. J F W a'shnarr Samuel Way Centre county F'dm. Williams Elk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Cnrr A. II. Shaw T. II. Furcce. J. A. He; arty C. J. Pusey. David Tyler II. Woodward Elir.a Chase tl. Heckadorn D. K. Mukol J. W. Thomps'n Jas, Thompson J. McClelland IioKK". liradlurd, Urndy, Uloum, Earnside, Clearfield, Covington, Curwensville, curwensville, Deenter, Philips burg Ferguson, Alarron, Fix, Helen Post Office, (Jirord, Lecounte'a Mills, " Raid Hills, lloshen, Shawsville, Orahnin, Urnhaniton, (iulieh milhs Mills. ' Madeira, Huston, Tyler, " Pennlield, Jordan, Ansun'ille, Karthaus, alt Lick, Knox, New Millport, Lawrence, Ilreckenridge, Morris, Kylertown, Morrisdalo, Penn, Lumber City.f " Grampian Hills, ike, Curwensville, " liloomiiigville, I'uion, Koekton, Woodwurd, Jeffries, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, nmuel Way Michael Wie. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson i This Post Office will do for Chest township ill answer lor Ferguson tuwnnlilp. BUSINESS CARDS. tiiomas j. m c i i.i.or;ii, Attorney at l.aiv. Office on Market street, opposite Mossnp'a Store Clenrtleld, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collec- tions, Sale of Lands, Ac. nov7-14 W. HAYS, Justice of the Poaco, wi II atten promptly to collections and other matter clt In hircbargo. Address Kersey, Elk ce Pa Oct. 3dl8tiU. ly. DANIEL OOODLANDER, Tl.TICU of the peace tl Luthershurg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all basinets entrusted to bis cire. Mnrch 2, lt60. ty. pd. KLLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth of Lick Run, five miles from Clenrllcld, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturers of Luubcr, July 23, 1852. RORERI J. WALLACE, A7Taar at Law, Clearfield, Pa., Clfico in Shaw's Row, op osite the Journal office. dec. 1, 1S48. tf. DR. M. WOODS, havlij nkanged his loca lion from Curwonsrilla o Clearfield, res pectfully offers his professional servicei to the citiasns of the latter place and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite It et of J. Crans, Esq. my t Slid. Physician and Burgeon, Clearfield Pv, May 30, 1800. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to hia rate, in the soveral Court! of Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office the one formerly occupied by 0. R. Darrett. Oct. 2Ctfc, I8i-ly. JOHNKUiDEKbPEIL Civil, Engineer & Land Scrtetoii, ofTen his professional services to the citiiens of Clear Bald county. All business entrusted to him will be promptly nd faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney it- Co. J. D. THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wagons, Buggies, Ao., It., ironed cn short notice, aad the very best style, at hit 14 stand in the borough of Curwensville. He .211. 1853. VPK1ME LOT of Freeh Drugs just recelv. ed and opened at II ATS WICK 8. Salt. ERY CHEAP at the store of jan23 VTM. F. IRWIN, IV I! A ft It PS I M P R O V E D BTHa!ljL SE WING MACHINE. PlilVFS FllOM $40 tn $70. The ROl'DOIR SEWING MACHINE, nn en graving of which is hero represented, has now become a recognized favorite wherever it bas been introduced, and is, beyond question, the best, as well as the handsomest, low-priced Sewing Mnchino now before the public. No. 1. A small and vry neat Machine for Family use. No. 2. A large Machine for quilting heavy work and for Plantation use This Mnehiuo is much ndmired for Its simplici ty, and for its reliability nnd durability it is un surpassed. A child twelve years cau rua it with case; and yet it will sew from the coarsest cloth to the finest Swiss. Thero Is no trouble of re-1 winding the thread, as it is taken from the spools. It has no belts to give trouble, and will runl baekwnrds as well as forwards, and still sews equally perfect, and w ithout danger of breaking needles. It runs by friction, and by closing the box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, we hare no hesitation iu recommending it as the best family Sewing .Machine in use. The fallowing Premiums Awarded the above Maciine: At the Fair of the Frank'ln Institute, 1858, tho First Premium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, t Philadel phia, September 24, 1859, tho First Premium a Diploma. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Wyo ming, 1 SCO a Silver Medal. For the best Double Thread Machine, nt Lan caster County F'air, held October, 185U a Silver Medal. At the Maryland Stato Fair, held al the Mary land Insti'ute, ltultiinore, Md., Octnher, ISitf, under strong competition, a Silver Medal was awarded In this Machine. At the New Custlo County Fair, held nt Wil mington, Delaware, October, 185V a Diploma. The above Machines are manufactured by CIIAKM W. MOWLAM), Wilmington, Del. SALESROOMS. No. 720 Ard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 8111 Markst Street, Wilmington, Del. S. II. HA K Kit, mnrlS-Iy 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. ,fr persons wishing to sco the above Machine in operation, can do so bv calling at the resi dence of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough. JAXt S T. I.KONAIin. 11. A. FINJKV A. C. K I N N E V WU, A, WALLACE. IVuthinn anb (Collection Mcc or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A R F I L D, CLEAliFItLD COYXTV, PA. J BILLS 01. S X nAKCK, NOTK8 Alt) Oil A ITS IIIHCOt'DTK l 1011 HIXI.IVI.D, Collft'un made and proceed promptly remitted l.xrli ange on the Cities roiiNtoiitly oii hand. T-iT'Office on Seccod SU, nearly opposite the COUF.T HOUSE. A. M. HILLS DENTIST. i-flfTif" Propernttcntion to " ii.. .....i. i . tuv , ui-ii, hi mui;i time will bo of great benefit to every one In point of health, comfort, nnd conv:nience. lilt IIII.I.N cf.t. t'-ruys be found at his of fice, on the comer of Front and Main streets, when no notice to the contrary appears in this paper. Al operations la tHs "re of his profession performed in the Intent nnd most improved styles, and guaranteed for one year against ull nturnl failures. I N i: W DHUCi STOKE The subscribers nave opensd a full nnd com plete assortment of DRUGS in tho new brick building of Dr. Woods, on tho corner of Lecust and Cherry streets, in tho bnrcugh of Clenrtleld, where they will be happy to accommodate any person who may desiro articles iu their liue. Tho business will bo confined strictly to a Jhvg and Pnacriptinn lhitincsx, And nnpninswili be spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M. Woods, the junior partner, may always be found aud consulted in the " Drug Store,', when not absent on professional business. A scpnrnto room for consultation Is attached to tho store, where patients may be examined privately. Every articlo usually found in such an ostab lishmcnt will be kept on baud, and sold at greatly redaccd prices. Trnits ar.iMO stuic-vlv Cash, will enable them to oder inducements in the way of prices Physicians will be supplied, at a small per centnge overcoat and earrings, and their orders are solicited. Every article sold will be pure and of the best quality. febd-tf WOODS A BARRETT. rn hi: h it i t i h ii r i; v i i: w s X A Nil bLACK WOOD'S MAGAZINE. 1- THE LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative.) 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Tory.) 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Fr e Church.) 4- TIIE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) T K n m a . per annum. $3 00 For an)' one of the fnur Reviews, or any two or the tour Reviews, For any throe of the four Reviews, For all four of the Reviews, For Blackwood's Magaiine, For Blackwood and one Review, For Blackwood and two Reviews, For Rlackwoodand three Reviews, For Blaokwood and the four Rari. 6 001 7 001 8 00' 00 5 00 7 00 00 ( 10 00 I . B. The price in Great Britain for the five Periodicals above-named is $31 per annum. Republished by LEONARD SCOTT r mar43-6m 54 Gold Stroel. N Ynrk. TIENTJV WtTITlTTIPA 1 JUST1CK of the peace Rockton, Union tp., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to hit care. Sept., 12, 1860. ly. DR. J. W. POTTER! ' PlllalrUn ml t-. .. - . .. .h.v, uiw I'crmanenuy located at Lecontes Mills, Girard township, of fers his professional servicei to the surrounding community. May 8. 1361. I ' . z - JU SSE LL M cMURR AV ' Respectfully tuvitoi tho attention of bliocusld- towers, and others, to his stock of FALL AND WINTKIt GOODS Which he offer. VKItV LOW FOR CASH! He also continues to deal in L I'M PER, of al kinds, in any way to suit his customers. The highest market prices will be paid fur al kinds of (J R A IX. MUST CALL AS D SKES-tfia nor7-um ' Jffi Tnshinglon, Nov. 1, 1860. It AHIi CM'.Ani'll'.l.ll ACADEMY, nil I mules aud females) on Monday, Au. 20th, 18011 Termi per session of eleven Weeks Orthography, Heading, Writing, Primary Arithmetio and 6'eogrnphy. $2.50 Higher Arithmetic, Fluglisb Grammar, Geog raphy and History. $:i.U0 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy nnd Hook Keeping $100 Latin and Greek langungos. $0 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify themsalves lor teachers, this Institution oilers desirable advantages. No pupil received for less thnn half a session, and uo deduction made except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid nt the close of the term. (J. H. SAMU UKU, l'lilxciHAL. M.iy 21, I0O.- ly. ii:V FlKAIi Ail NE IV GO on s. Just receiving and opening nt the Old star of Lewis Smith in liethleheiu a well selectod a sortuient of Spring nnd 8 u miner Goods of al. most every description, (tuple aud F'uncy, a beautiful assortment' Prints and Dress Goods of the latest styles, also a vaiicty of useful No tlous. Hats and Caps, l)on'icl nud Shawls, Roots and Shoes, Hardware, Oueensivaro, lrt,gs nnd Medicinos, Fi.-li, CROC E It I E s , Tobacco , Segars and all articles usually kept in n country Store, nil cheap fur cash. Give us a call and see f r yourselves. 11. L. HENDERSON, & CO. May 21, l;i60. To Persons out of Employment. a;Kats wanted. In every County of the United States, rjlO engage in the sale of some of the best and 1 most elegantly illustrated Works published. Our publ cations arc of tho most interesting chnriu ter, a (noted to the wants of the Fanner, Mechanic and Merchant; 'hey are i ublished in tho best stylo nnd bound in tho mo substan tial manner, and arc worthy a place in the Li brary of every Household in the Land. i-tJ.To men of enterprise nud industrious hab its, this business offers nn opportunity for profit al Id employment seldom to he met with. X'iUlVrsons desiring to act as agents will re ceivo promptly by mail full particulars, terms. i(c, by addressing LEAR Y. GET. A Co., Pub, "o. 224 North Uriel, Philadelphia. Oct 21, 1S50 ly. WATCH & JEWELRY riUIE undersigned respect fully informs his customers and tho public generally, that he has just r..i I'Mil Prnm llm ti.i, n.i.l ... ednthis establishment in (llAUAM'S 110 W Clearfield, Pit., a fine assortment of Cl oi ks, Wati hks, and Jkwki.iiv of different qualities, from a single piece to a full sett, which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or iu exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, nt the uitst reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelrv, carefully repnirod und W'urrauliil. A continuanco of patronage is solicited, Sept. I, I8C0. II. F.NACtJLE. NEW HOT EI ie Tho undersigned respectfully begs lenvo tt, announce thnt ho recently rented a house in tho borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa Tor tho accommodation of the travelling public, wnterincn and all others who may favor him with a call. His table will always bo supplied w ith as good os tho markets afford; and no pains will bo spared to render his guests comlnrtablo wbilo under his roof. Tu which the facts that no iu toxicating liquors of any kind will bo kept about the premises, will he trusts, contribute in no small degree. While, whnt isalwavs important to tho. traveller, tho best attention w"ill be givon by careful hostler to that faithful companion of his journey, bis patient steed. July 4, 1SC0. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. MAIUtlA;i-: ;i!n..rieing a private instructor for married persons or thoso about to be married, both male and female, in everything concerning the physiology and rela tions of our sexual system, nnd the production or prevention of offspring, including nil the new discovorics nevor before given in tho English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written In plain language for the general render, and is illustrated with numorous engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least Impediment to married life, should read this hook. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with j still it is a book that ninst be lucked up, nnd not lie about the house. It will be sent to any one on receipt, of twenty. five cents, In specie or postage stamps' Address Dr. M M. YOUNG, No. 41A Spruce at' above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. 4f Ajiicttd ami L'nfnrtuate No matter what may be your disease, before you place your self under the care of any one of tho notorious Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise In thii or nny other paper, get a copy of either of Dr. Young's books, and read it carefully. It will bo the means of saving you many dollar, your health, and possibly your lifo. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in bis publications, at his office, No. 416 Spruce tt, above Fourth. n7-ly riMI (St!MI'TI l:TI,o advertiser, J. having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered for several year, with a severe lungaffco tion, and that dred disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fsllow-sufferers the means of enre. To all who desire It, bo will send a eopy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with the di ections for preparing and using tho same, which they will find a sura ours for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Ao. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to bene fit the alllietcd, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluablo, and he hopes everv in...... : 1 1 , i , . 1 J -, .v, win irj nisremouy OS It Will COIt them nothing, and may proven blessing, Persona wishing the prescription will pleae address Rev. EDWARD a. Wll.snv novMy, Willianbu, fcingi Co., N. Y VevV ACER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. Are ynu sick, fcebl.; W cou.lii,lij,l Anyuui,'1; onlr, with jour STU(a V raniwl, and your Mia., loins are often Ihr nrrtiJL't serious llluess. sia, (t Z sickness Is rrri-idii ' and sbuuld l aterlnl b, 7i eily. lake Avrr e 1'ill. demise out tlm illuiUirtU lit. mofi-piir.fr llnUcwJ,j la the tliiids mure on innb. tiucted III healih ini. They llniuUila IU fuocuoi u, w vwu, llllW MVUrUIH i ,1.11.. nxrOV ,1 . . . ' .....j l'."j ..." "...iriu fM the obstructions lu, k insease. a com seuiei nimrninn in mo uuay, and oe, trucl!i Its natural Inactions. Thesis if not reltti reaci Umiii iiieinseiveH anu iiiu """"hik oraai, In- i ii Kcneral aKKrnvulioii, siitTcring, una Uuvm; Wlille in this condition, oppressed by Ihu d''iuiiKrnint. take Ajer's I'HN, ami s, bow iliiectly Ibry niton the natural action oi mo system, aim im n me mi-iym fin-MiiK of ln-iillb spilu. What Is true and no nrtnt a this trivial and common complaint, Is also tuip'in wur of the ilciqi-x-iiteil and ilniiKeroiis iliateninrs, Tin, hum piirirativc direct exds tlieiu. Causoil by shuilitr oluirw. lions mid ileiatiKenieiits of the natural fiinctiuui oTtb IksIv, they are rnpuliy, auu uiany oi luini surely, ciu bv ill" mine mcaus. None wbu kuow tho vlrtiim uttKn Pills, will iiKKlrct to employ t belli when sulU'Niig (ma thn illiMirilpni iIimv run. Mint its from lending pliysblans In some of , priuciKi cities, and from other well knonu pabli; frf. sous, fl-nai a Pirmmliiig Merchant St. ImiU, Ph. 4, Kj& Dn. Arta: Your I'ilh ar the paragon ef all Hull, craat In inedli liie. Tliey bavo cmwl my little uausblsr ol lllceroiH sorea ihhi n-r liamls una leei liiul nwl vt Inriiralde lir yerns. Her m.tber bus Ikhmi Ioh in, oiislv aH1i tel nilli hlutclms and pimple u li-r l,in , In le r Inir. After our rbibl mu cured, she slw uki your Pills, und they liavu cured her. ASA MOIifilUDug. Aa a Family riiyslr. From Ur. K. IT. tlirfiei'V'd, Vc s Orfnins. Your Pills are the prince of purges. Their excellent iialiti. siirs any cathartic we poisesj. Tlwjr m mild. I.ut rry rvttaiii and erM'tiuil In their nrtloii nt tb, Isixels, Hhicll uiaKi-4 tuem mvuiiuioiu to us III tlMdall; ireiiiiiieiii ui uiwniw. llearlarlic.Hlrlillradarhe.Foiil Ktorasrh, Vow Dr. Wanna , Unttimurt, Dstallso. Avsai I cannot answer ynu vW rnmbUlnii I hnve cir with yair Pills hotter limn tn my all tint n tvtr trt'it wtlH a finrifrttir mnlicttit. j jaseo itrvnl ip. ibnca on an flTecliiHl ratbartlc In my lUilv rotitoa siib lisFiufl, and lwli iinr I do that your Pills sllonl w lbs best we hare, I ol course value ilium highly. Ptrrsncsfl. r, star 1. Kit Pa. J. 0. Area. Sir : I liar been rwatnllv rurnliS Uin worst A'tiitirft miy lunly ran have by s ib-e or 1s of your fill". It seems to arise from a foul Hooncs, WHICH lliey ciraiiiiH ni oner. Your with areat leniect. t!D. W. I'ltKIII.V. f Tr rh of Slmmrr ft.ri s. milon Dlsorrlcre Mver Complaints f'wii Pr. TliriDlort lkll,ofX, w rrl C'y, Nt only are your Tills MilmlrNldy adnptrd to tlisir ma i'Mi as nn aierieot. but I And their helieficiul slTiTl,ut llm l.irer ery niaikrd linlerd. They bv in my m lice proieil more effectual for mo I'liru of Sifiiiui r tiluiiti than nny one rctm-dy I can mviilioii. I am.wlf rejoii-e that .i bate al h-liulh a pnrKntilr which I thy the conlldeiice ot the piofcssioii and the je'pl, . A.PAkTMrNT or tilt IxTMuaf., 1 Vanbiiigton, U. C, 7th IVb., 1 H.'.n. j Pin I have imi-iI your I'ilU in my general ami Ii amiiI prai-tlce ever silicn you uiudu th-lii,ullitcalili,t lirijtle ts say tliey aru tlie nit rafiiaruc we employ. iiiir pt luting action rn th liver Is iiui-k ami derided, rim. que ally they are an adniirnMu i.inedy for Jt-raiigrmrnts if tint urgiio. Indeed, 1 havn seldom folllnl ariiMiS' tnh'iiu ititiotr so ohsliiiatu ttiat it did hot readily yirM w them. truteruaiiy yoiiis, ai,u7.u iiai.i., ji.ii, lliyttCiuu ujtlit .V'lMiif tt'ti, Dysrnterj', Dlarrlirra, Itrlnl, AVoruii, Pinm Dr. J. tl. tirrn, of Cbioujo. Your Pills have had a long ti lid in my pnn llce, wA I bold them III etccili nn one of tlie hcHt iqielieiilt 1 Imhi ever found, 'i'helr alterulive t-flcct iihii llie liver nukti tlieiu an excellent reineily, when gnell In Slinill ilotwl, bilutitt itijtfHti rj und ili'trrho-H, 'J In ir tiigar-oallsi iiiukeA Itieni very aceeptablo and eoiiveiiieiil fr llieia of women and children. Dyspepsia., Impurity of Ilia Wood. l-nm lire. J. I'. Ilimei, t'ostnr of Aitvrnt (Vturc'i, M Iir. Avkii: I hnve used ynnr Pills with estraorilimn succeiin in my fumily and among those I am called turns In distiess. To ri'giihtta the organs of digestion m4 purify the blood, lhy are the very lient reineily I Uw ever known, and 1 can eonlldeiilly recoiiiniend thisia my friends. Youis, J. V. IIIMW. Winstw. WyomliiK On, N. Y Oct. -it, lii. Psia Hia : I am tming your Cath.ntic I'lllt In tav fnt. lice, and find them an escelletit purgaliie to rl- inwlH system ami joiriy the j'lmntnio, of Vo- UimA. JOHN 0. MKACIIAU, M.R t oust Ipat Inn, Cost Irenes, Hnppresslaa, Itliriimridsin, SJesit, Neuralgia, Draa. ay, I'aralysU, Kits, etc. From Dr. J. . Vooyliii, Mi'titrrot. C.twolt. T iiiurb cannot I said of your Pills for Ihr rimif nvtimt'i: If others of nor fraternity hnve famil flsa as eftlcacioiin as I have, they should join me in pnrUia- big il for the hciicnt of tlie multitudes l ITrr tim thai complaint, which, altbnngh bad enough In licit the progenitor of others that are wor.e. I Mkvs r lii'iiru ti, originate in the liver, but your Pills stlrct till organ and cure the disease. From Mm. F. Voart, ViysiW.iii anil Mitif; nw-a, I flntl one or two largs don,n of your Pills. tnkn l Iks proer lime, are excel lent promotives of ihr loi'ovi' iw i"iiwlien wholly or uirlially suppiesird, nml ftlt"'7 elTecliial to clnwir the lawiKA and rrtl o-oiml. Tisf are oiik h tbn Is-sl physic we have lliat I rcivniwcW no otlior to oiy patients. From tlie fi'. Dr. If.uel-n.nf the MillimVtt Knii. CAsrA Prt.issi llnnss. anvatiiiab.fin. .Inn.tl. IV Io?eortrn Sim I should le uinrrnh-ful for lbs rrW your i kill bus brought me if I did uoi reot raycwl yon. A cold netiled iu mv liinbinnd broiiglit on fxm riating nforotqo- ;wi'iii, which eudeil In rli riiuii-rltfi" turn. Notwithstanding 1 Imd the U-l of pliysi.ism.il' disrase grew worse and worn', until hy the ndvirrof J ex 'ellenl agent iu tlalliniorc, br. Markriisie, I IrW !' Pills. 1 heir r ni-cts were slow, but sun- lly srrllH In tho use fd' tlletu, I am now entirely Well. Sushtk Cm m urn. Ilaton llonge, ji 6 )se. IMi Pn. Avrn : I have lieen entirely cur.-d. by year I'llKa hhritinntir fV"iif u painful disease that had iifll li-tr.1 foryenr.. VINl.'UNT SI.IKtlL. S-Mo,t of the Pills In market rontnin MifrT, w In, Ii. although a valualite reinnly Iu skilful Ian. a dangerous in a public pill, from the dnniral es valences that frniueiitly follow Its iucniltioits nsr. TisW itilaiii no mercury or mineral sulwlanro wliatovvr. Prioe, 25 cents pep Box, or 5 Boxes forM- Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER it, CO., Lowell, K -Sold by C. I). Wntson, Clenr.ell E.1 Irwin, Curwensville t F. Arnold, I.iithcrskrt: Montgomery A Co., Xew Saiem ; J. C. lire""'' Morrisdalo. C. R. Foster, Pbilipsburg ; sn4 Klhu Chnse, Ansonville ; nnd by dcnlcrs everywben. CLEARFIELD STONE WARE POTTEBf- Thankful for past favors and solicitiouisf turo patronage. I would respectfully anti(ii thatlhavo on band again; and wi!l conftinllj keep nt tho Portory in this borough, on the sr nern short distance cast of tho Methodist Cburci. a Inrgo stock of Crockery , such as Croamcrwti' milk pnus, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pip fe. rfe. ; and also an extensive assortment different sines and patterns of brackets sri roi-ettci for cornice on houses, and olherB"1' dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be older on short notice. Also tire brick W and kept for sole. r--A liberal roductiun on prices bmJ " wholesale dealers. F. MilTZINUKR. Clearfield, may 2.1, 1870. ly. Cabinet, Chair Making JOHN Gl'LICII, of the bomugli of Clears Pa., will be prepared at all times t to any business in the above line oa M notice, and in a workmanlike manner. '"'F.'j of business is at the old shop on the north Mnrkot street, 3d door east of Third st, teW opposite the old Jew itore j where he will I constantly on hand a large assortment hogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabir War. ,.r V,ih ha will iW of on as reasonable terms' as the same artis" can be had elsewhere in the county. His stock or Calumet Ware now on nana, " sista in part ofllressing and Common BarsM Sofna, Sowing and Washing Stands, Vttu Hook Cases, French and Field Post BediteW Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Ti" 1 blcs, Ao. Coflins nmnufutturcd and delivers' any place desired. February 9, 18i.no. 4, vol. i.v.L Flour. . fRiCiSf I cMiiwuuK,,;! I I XJv I 1 Vv?''?'l I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers