PRIMARY ELECTION. :"LECTI0X--N1 BATCKDAY Of ALULSt. " - uumoerianu, nil,, , ....... ........ ...... u. .uu -. i-.,-. rriuu); lun ui ijuwuig .niicuino. limit t cow July 1U lSCl ititi'.ution, either of the three brunches of 'liDi 1,11 J so simple iu in destruction thai a . . . . v..f..iiic i r.i.Lf . uv WILLIAM IJEftD, V( CLEAItFlr.LlI COUNTT, PA. Vte are autVorized to announce Qen. Jamas H. Lanimor, f Clearfield, as aeuadidal. for tha Legislature, subjeot to the action otj th.jlD.iuo- a.iici a l.-Gnneross ahall moke no law ros- Dt.wt U:iti;i.imk : occting f Msblif hment of religion or prohibit-1 the free exercise thereof; OH AIIKIIH.- i . . ... rniiu can irarn io operate ll iy nuir an Hour's ; our nntional government havo n right to inlruetiun. , It is e,unl to nn.v Family Sewing cane party oi v icuruem oouuiy. fiThf; & If atfic b MtDUb lltair lETTER FR0M THE SEAT 0F WAR " Wo would b wy much obliged 1 Tmr4w to mty iuaI, Bud.!..--- Qi n t a 1 fJC IUU UUU UflUUWII, ,,tlr.eG,Ns-r.s V 8omo of 0r ia Republican neighbors "J?rh "V hI ,k ! P IT T H fI5 I! T T " 1 WEDNESDAY. ' JULY 2-1. iRfiT. .1 I to in!., ... in .. L... -r t rv. nf .. Cny ,V' S". , L I T II E It 9 B I EC, - Mil'li tor. r " ISO 1 UK . I. .. 1 . . ... w ...u uuiiraUl IJ1U UlllL'IH. IJr l UP I W- aim mi mat IUi : i. c ... u ill UIT .1 r ' 1- . . ' ' ' ...I., I II .4.1 .Ail ' H- l..- r " . , I-.. T iMkmm .fn l ins. (loll Auric . . ........ ti. . .... .- . : . r ... I : ... .- tssell" VJaio'iiv M,u I'lovtH'uii.gH. ui me leg. sin- ol' leriinicnt; ami mi lu rnin the rijcl' ' thereo f thoughts and onluioi ,.r in. riRiiioi idh peo,io fuujui-i ui uiy liitl :.s. . wy rocoiieeiioil, ; """'. .riu.i.t but riltrrn lullnri.. The 1'oi.ii.i.nv wish I . 1 IS(Kil.VTIO.N .F ! J'AR'l NKKsmi'. R Rd uf 1 ..., r.. A Jl.. ."T,' ,'.e ' .I0W-V-'-. thnt I ilroj.j.e.1 you a lino H..l;.l "OH of ndl Othel ? -Tho l'rot idci.t to emV'.y Auu in .very ,-,m,,.v hi thtf l.'niM 1 t T'h' biirtaeinl lu of l'attou,' IIiiulc A Co., ithj : nccrdiOK to th. action of th. temwiti party ,.. . . b ', lumi .uail " iliKl l'i.on; stvfll ai nuts rt l m....n,.r tlA U,. 1. c-"""- auiu.h.s ,ur inipuiara, ftir ,l,.lvd '..B thoUtli dnv..f Jmio. Dial at the Uritnarv okntion. i y tHK.o .vk.. ;Ulile from tliU lnc, ntid within the bor--' f. ." , Ji..,...c It. J mm, tlcneml Ant. Milan, wiihdrnwal bf 11. I). I'atton. Thsbouli. o'f thai - . .". : . . ... . . . ..!... . OlllSlliu 01 thO LollttilllltlOII llllll r:lll lllion fll.i... ,ni-l?d... . .... . ..... t ,. . . . . . .- . .. . ruir. -stciio i. jnnt tl.e .rlatlng iers -oi nur own Mate. vo wero station-: , i 1 j , -,- ,. . , I imio urm uro in uio uuinn oi uihb a rausi, uo i e nro auinoniou to nnnouatt lit aame oi .hull hc frc tu uvirv iwrwm win. nmlnr. o,l i i K.. In,,r .,!,.., ,.l,,i .. . i '.onsress 10 Iclllizo llis1 Hots : til is U lOi i I. - ' m ivro iiulliuri.i'il t ..-tllo and tolliot nil duo Job n V. Thompson, of Curnvaill. in a i-andi. lilmie it Li )il L li'll iI.ivh I, nl U'liut. IU J..IA .v..ik... il.n.n (ltUll .1 1 ! a ll'-fft L -fin il 1 1 1 t Vl i n'S.i fi n 1 1 w i-j .f tha re. ''oiiiiHuiiK'iiiion or tiioiihUMiid ontuioi a , . 3Uto butbnitfiils. ,t 111.: fiiirly iiia'stioncil if tlii'v lui'l anv !..... - ...,..u....'. n... .. i .. . . .... . ", iu numr .uu ill. U11LI. Hi xnnim ...... t. . i .l.'Tl.llinilllllt.. Ill .1 W 1 1 11 t' a Inll I nn... t . i one i "i. 'o1" lul'""-r,K' oi man; nnii everv c " .. i .....ij. (. ..,. , .... ' . p , ... ! n. fredv ,o.ak. writ, and ,.,!. ,. aV ' M.'C;.I . near illonl. tint injnrcMon wa tOIUtttlOU, And the VTV fllsl.act tllfV ea'ul linn. Jnly-3.1.'CI jhI. (. D. TATTuN. ' (into for lusociut. Judro t,bjeut to the art ion K. A. Hiri'LK. ol tho Ioinocratic rf'y at tho iirimary vU'Qtiun. UAMKL FAL'ST. Wo nro authoriied to uaonnoe tho of as a cundidnto 1 AI TltJ.. All 'itoii tiro hcrt't.y cuntioii- "VT')Tlt'lwAll iirs(Hi having iinctllc(l c j,,,,,,., j:uoul, f llliwir. Uwualiip, iJ"il(l,i 'iirrti:i!.in ,rin any way moil- XI cuunta on tlio oimk it tlie lt nriu ol l'at-1 or .;.c om,.0 0f Aociut Judice. tmUivt to the dliiij; aitii. ttiie ItUAN M AKK and COLT, two) 10". llijiplo A. tc, will cull ami nettlo the omc, aciion of iho Doiuwiilit uarty at the nrimaiv ..1.1 CI'l.' 1.' I. C 1 ' l .r . .i r.vt i j 1........I....I il... K....L ....... . ...Itl.l.. 9 J 1 ,-. I.-;.,.. .......n.i. r... .1... -i t .u il..,. ... i. .i: ...o .1, ... ... ,1" l, ,1.,. i. I amiL' mi. one liUAJ ji 1 "per, inrwliutiim tho -ilTu-ial conduct ofoffi-i ,l ie ".n . " ' " ' , ,..t 'Z,,; f , Ua", "?ufc l'-iun of John nier, ol Inuly m e ,. ,ly .. pof ,w.. fc. A. Illl'l LK "i. ....I. ii. - ... i.. ' , n""'i'Hi"'int ol the il'.'l.u liiiHMit iK, Constitution. '!. Mn ' to me, mid arc in hie pej- July-.!d-!tl. d 1A.'I.. I ALT. rairp. m -in. hi i n ii v v ,,,.. i .. , . . l . . i . . . .1 . . i . t i . . - i .utter rubli,h,d U proper for public inform,.- !"' ' "Vy- iy M ... . ... ,1l,1(. ...,.... , I'"'",'" ... ', i... the truth lheu-ofU.avUBiien In H.-ldonco: lu,ul" H'f H Ol.. loty u tho HOI - . I I-"" ' J " JUiy --rn- JACOB Kl'STZ. .ml in all indictiooiin for lihrU. tne iurv fhiill aM witliout orders lioin tlifl reduiHl Imvea riKht to di'terinin the liar and the fuel. Jj",,'liiinMit, as our tvoon utill h".icni.'ed j and coilhtil ill iotiri, in nowhere to bo found ...l..r the direrlii.n uf the t. hi ir ntlinr cnn tf. I tin I .i nt 1 1- Iji.i'inil I V. ' ' .1 . r.n,,.,,!,,,,,;,,. ... .i. . "i V V... I" 'i!...;;.. "t0" leco"1' not i'ven among the boldest. County:- , 'reuiment Ihei. this point. tDl ! UHurle,s of the middle nges. JM W Teacher. Car Time nt Tyrone. icouiimwl to occupy it until ImI Sunt'iir ! KT..t. Tu. t." ...... ' ni..,. i.-u?s..n. i.'.....,..r Citv A P...,n. st,, I'M- It BUl'lll." 1I1UL ' " ill iLND TEACHEKS of Clearfield; ill be held her 1th A S.'h, at bumlier City. jioiitinite'l to occupy it until lest SuniJnr Stii .. . . r .i. i. :. 1 1 1... 7. 1. ; .. 1. i.. i . .. 1 lie 'Mill 11... . nii.Miuiiiuiii il. tun l I'll on. . V.....U ' . .. . ... ... . .... v . irtt I V UI lci ... ... . . . ji!n.!l, ii inn ntirr tli. loth or June, will tions o maich dow n Iho J 'ol. unite on Martins. I s 'S'i uui:iien iuio Curwennville, Knox A 1'iko, Sept., tlth 1'"'; ' burir. and we iiiiin.-diatelv received onloix l',L 1 moil as a Mute unit under the con- at t urwenviile. 1I1IS. t.RVIN: KAMIKRII. . , .,,.., .. I., t i.l.w.a I.. mo II...- F-iI.inH g.7 p. In. ..,i,...J ........ , .., I i,,. c. o 7lh I .il a. in. tiitia. and we were directed to be reidv to ! inovo bv 4 o'clock ne.vt nioriiin. We i accordingly coinnu'ticed preparing a day's Train - - ... 1IIM.NS I t.ACIMl H'RT1VAKI. Kiaren riJonj'r ...... a. 411 a. m. Viil Train i.40 p. in. Tlx l'.V'iei-s l.'art. and 'u?t bine Went, do oi m..(. . ...".. ; ,... ,. t I .'M.'.n, nmn I.H.I. .III...... .frill, 11.111' I',. I mp I. miKs. ltv t lie l:itn-,t i...,n r.- I m'lit, to enable them to reach Vumber. reived from the cities, we would ! '" rrevent uii attack .uppo.-ed. to be . . . .. .. , meditated by the seceHsim.lts ttpcii the inf.uu: tliem. of the piesec.t lardnon. ami ! Umili ilK 600;, . ,:o w.illwos nu: mand .the rage ooiiMst- of, iz: all opihi-! would get out of reach. This however i-.K.lors are, . ! M'nc Amoiigl which jdid nut take l.tce : tbe U leim.-nt in- . ....... .I'lv'ill'' f. l.n. it A. M t 1. 1 i n ir .1... ,1,111'H tin- muni tvommei.i, j.uick u tivge " , . ... b ... , ,, . . . . .... I inhabitant into the Croat est con-U'i na- ,talo. mo, trimmed Br, ,,, N, ,xl.(.lini! ,. ,,.,.,., , All liiilit on the drab or bl.tuk and bavin;,' i.o nutiee iin'.ii they heard . . i ... . 1 . . I. I i . . . i . nidi!, aie jui inn iiiing irimmca wiiu inn. m-nvi , mn ne.i aioug i lie I'ink or J'.nie SoU'itrine, iiccoriling to fan trof of Illack R,.ublie....H.., .till . r..w 'lea.l.l .. t, 1 ' fcept. Vila lOII., at ri..,..i,..i,i lo ti. oom'orteU. 1 his young littlo sinter tiiraid and (Joscd Sept. 1 111. and 12lh, nt (io- staU-, not ye', out of her baby clothes has 1,cu !5cliool liu,o. ; Covington and Kwtlian Sept. I .In A Ittli no leu than laiited .states .Senators near Mr? ItidcrV rations, packing up e., lor a movt;. tine 'ill Washington l ane, I'omerov aiidStan-i Hrndl..rd, ilroliam j.n l Morri. Sept. ltlih A 1 ifcgimciit, tliat umler coiniiiaiiil ol Col. W. M. M CCI.l.OI.'GII, ,...... y r-' ... tyf llllll II Ul ('i.RAIll'IKLIl, Pa. Ollire in (iraham'a Brick Iliillding'. July .Id. I SB I tf. Wo are auuWued to announce ths nas. of lieiiininin Ilonmll, of lirady tp., axn candidate for Associate Judge, rubjeet to the action of tho Democratic party at tho primary el olioa. F ELlXIR PROPYLAMINE i i We aro autawiiel lu annvnate the name of Jacob Wiiheba of (irahnm IP-, aa a candidate j for Amociiile Junge, aubjo ;t to the action of tho- , llcuocrutic party at tho primary oleetiou. VP J.S? VJ I Wl fire n t.lliiir lp A ti. nnnannix. IIia ni.i.n nf ' tlritr Bell, Ki-q., of l'orjrntfin tcnndiip, as & Xkti '. didute for A.ociato Jude, fjbjocl to lb JVcm- Ion or tht Pctnocrntie party nt the ltimary elec tion. Itilv 10. of there Kar.siw troublent his Supreme) Majetiv at stmets thev wcie taken alloeethea liv ...,i.n .CI..... !.... ..:'...! t fell 1 1. tci.riM I u v nn. Ir. tin. cttv m.i j s, . ,. nu.M... ..i.e.. ...r .. ci u.iiir'. itiiiiij - " "ir - - 11, . i.U UIC'31,'3 1111131 .....l.C ...... IUI.A' 1 . ... ... . .. . ,. .... 1 , ,t I ' . . 1 i torces ete in their inul-t Ineir alu m elf on the ottt-ide, tiim:ii"d and puiuled jnul.-ided so far as iwtual (lunger was nan l',i(ic to eompleie i!i !'';(iioi. jcein.-ii, ulthotigli those of the cin.ens w!io IV,c ileus i r.. ali to bvi had .it ,1,,.1'l' pro.ilivities, (ami . am in , ., ... ... iioiincd there is a number sucli in the Ha, Iri.-et.iHii -mre nl II. . s.mtl, A eo ,,,,.,., ,,,,',,1,1,, eU than gratifiea on the ivrt.ei o t Si-cmid .ttid l'ine Streets, jiiuu m M eing their town igaiu under the I'leaili.'ld. . ;sui viellan.-o o! iheLiiiou uddiers. flip - - Neeoml regimei.t (ofra1 her what is now ItAlllto.W. A t IPKNT.---A l'i .lays (U" '.edinale.i tlieo'.hl to wli'.-l. ive. belonir Miineilv of I'enu l.iwii-l nioveil on in th.! morning and leielie.l i1"'! e ;s yet time to tave tho--! nho ar.t UJ ni.l abnul t oVb.ek A. M I 'hum M'tl the Vfrg.) ot Mami'lou.- Ion. a &r.celess a trio of political villians ' ' nuti ,rmljwir,t ,St, ,, h ! f 'lie uiedic.l f rfoiu of thi, cau- as ever trod the earth. We wonder if the I'-'tbat t'cniro in Pe.ntui . "Uordor iffians" are .till at tho bottom L 1,.B".: J5"'".'!;1: L'!'ut ?'iAiilvu it'tj.i . .. aim - .(I. ... lien ' .131. 1 .1 Why does not llcccari t, linelicii and Jor.lun, Sept. tli and Wasbinglnn, 27ili at ruads in l'.eecaria. '(.oereu tliesit IViinsa "KebeU," or l-suo i IIumhi.. HI! edict cf liltiriiiil Jaw and brim; them Urndy and I iiion, (lot. 'H and It'i at l.tither- i.lto.ubjection'.' " !'.",- AM. AfoVI,.i.k A.M. ' Cnrwitisvillc, 7tli umutli, Ji:kKB IlnuovAi.i.. StahvationTx rTtii.j.Kt'.fint.ln Phil- ' 1,t" "' i:":.-pl'. adclphin the workini classes ol t'.iesix-1 " . leeiilh, aeveu tec-nth, m.jltteciith and nine- ( 1 V I " Ol liV I TV I- ' VJ lUlil XJ VX AJU l it VJ. overnment to lurmsii t HiU, ouiployment. . I'j V aiLKI'.l W. aro to anuounne tho name of tloorK-c Krhurdt, K?q., of Knox township, an a oantli'lalo lor Associate Judo, snlyoct to t.tnilo Pin irg the ja.-t vein wo have introduced to cUion of the Pciaocri.lio part n the lrtmnry clcit.oa. july 10. try the I'urt l'iytnlitnl (litnrtitr nf Vnyi.i(, as a iti:irrY rtut itin.i M tim j anil having rccoived Iroai iunuy .uureei-. bjiU from liy.-ii iiuiD of tho higlitet ttuudiug and troni patients, the We arc Hulhnria to announce th. same of John W. Sluifcnrt of Clearfield borough, as a c .ti ll Ui.lo fi r JiidKr, subject to th. dooia i'.n of the lWu.uerntic party nt the l'riiury elec lion. July 10. Wo an autlt'H'iiod to iiniioanco tho name of John Itwin, tu., of Lawrence township, ana candidate V Aisuciato Jude, dubjoct t the de- l!nttcrltis Testimonials (iflts real value e'fi" ts leuwcrntio party nt the Primary election. jmy tu. in the treatment of thi'. painful and obni-j nate dixasc, we aro induced to prei-ent it to the public in a form I'.KAPV V ) I.M.MKPIATi: AI litis ine.iling one of tb! speakers snirl : 'Wo meiely a--k for labm' P su.-tain life. We have men Ml our umLt jvho have no', tasted meat for months; men who have not received two meals a day i'or months; others have but one u:t;al a tlsv, and 1 knew one man who did not eat iui tiling l r two days nnd died horn it. it, was iv long not to Call this meeting so itu ; I u t We aro autlioiitcd to iinnouio tho name of Mntthow A. Korcec of Bradford lutvnsliip, as a cauilinnto for Affociato Ji.d'f, uboot to the de .1... l. .. .... . .... l..: . ...... , .., ... ic. ., ' nriT'ii hi urn . 'vimni..'. ii. . m , it. v . L.-l., wind, ho hope will ..omiiieiid lU.lf lotho.-e (.t.ioI . )v i0 I ;.'io nro .sitlleriii wilb tlii titllieliti eompljint, I 'itnat't llie mi1 lie ul rurliiioner who ' Sect We ro anthoriwd to iiar-ouno the name ol" Mn.i John Una of 1W township, as n enndidate iV : W F I Ji M ! ! r-.-,T1 -r . . w. - . ' .Umiov.I t" test 'io powers of litis talutMo- ruin- ' r"r Asunciitte .luile. soect to tho action of tho A Jbi u G()Oi)S ! :od,.. !7. i bl.l.MIt i'j'i'Jl'VI.AMl.Ni:, iu the fonm above Anon Pun '.''oil h, sliip, this ei'.'.i.iil y. w h ill employee- on drcnt Iiidiicciiiciits to I'lnxliascrsJ 'l"'kl" "r' l,iU ri'c'"l!-v bf"" u- . 'i' jaeLlod t.iih in Ijo I IT 117 OMiffliT 0. finf1 ! lliNNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, .... v i.r. w.m .1 IjV iir run i!'!so lu'Ohir atiiuv' to r.iti' n wr ifii I tu at i ii'S . . - . . , iiiiiii nid iuio u I- i iiv iiiii mi n i ii.t; Pi-p r i j - i i - i i " ' . - - . - i il f . a liielelUHvPaiih. l.i.ihca.lul Al.oona, had , Col. Wa.laee on a bind' .ce,-I e!. Cameron 1 (.:.,.. the (:.,..s,il...i., I WW ""'lid wtf- MARK Ml SI 'WKS (as will :1r i.i leg broken Ui.voen the knee anl an-1 1, ...king the town to llie north a-id n nrth i smiW,ers at Washington, '.tha promised1 M' 1'HICi'i, C-ASII .S'J'OU I', 'from tie pwbli, Ucl account, i, the uiodioal kii', eitilcavoi nig lo replace ftotne'eaai. 'ur po.-n i on commanu-i tcwir n- tl... ...,.t- il,.. ........ ... it.. I ami view oltce. A rot.r with an iron book oti tin- , ', .. ,, , ., '-'"'""'"""I r. len'ti ol arjoul(..:c now Uoing a uoolesaie Dimness in tne' a s,l, ndid .t....rtt,,ct,i of -cd. rellin to sui end w!, used liTl!.,, purpose, but by some ,,,1 ihonsin-l inl.abitahts, being M'at-f,.()illUeHtion or tl. live nnd proccrtv tf. A " '!"--, e..n.Mia3 of I .... I 1 1.. 1 (...... I . , 1 , . 1 I I !.. .... ...1 .1 ! ... iiicui.n im.' litjoii j;ivt" ur ui duiu uf , aivi utt:i .v i.tMniiiciiiuu' a niii n i ii sp:u:o im-heJ. att.t 11, .v of it. ..b.e.v O . i.,.-: 011 01 ' " J'illC- llie t.tlt-1-Oilllilill-' lit -i an Itii.miitiiin.', seveial c f which are in Yir- " e have no doubt this ImMm.'hs Hi m who Il'iiii.i. 1. iimiici laud is r. tmvii ot about ' :c now uoing a w oolesaic business in the i.i c . 1 1 . . ...tip ! ... 1. . . r;ou bunks ol Will's 0,-eeU at its i.,c- ,,lc,r w"on K""AUa ,YI,llv u' . lion with the rotuimie- lieloi e the be ! :'l l'"ct one buiioi eil tbousaiul more nu r . 1 ! iiniiiit!' ol tl:e iiiihapnv trouble' in which I "T."r Z.. .. I IWi iv, u il with the fiaclure. Suiieal OUr coin. try is row involved it bad cm-' L :..10cratl0 I nmary t,13CtlO.'l- ; tk.1 was i in -lie cK" s,i i 11 iik I. and Mr. ''.e tir-de, boing siliialed in thu coal ! 1 11 pursiiatu'ti. of l esOiUtions passed by 1'. is doing well. ! :'. gn ns at the juuetun ol a branch i-: i I - . . . . 1 1 ....... ..... .1 ... 1, ii. a i 111 ii.ii.i s ..tit. ute .Srr.eoii or Mr. li:;ti KiMiniot. .',' i:o U.ilttiiioio ami Ohio It. II, and at the i.nlliei c.lutui; aret v biief and irii mim'-" (W l,,u -u rnln-l iand valley such glorious times to the pooplc hist f.ill. i Smith's, tclow Judge Lcoiiflid's. ! "n1- ' July I We rrt-c. ntithon.tcd to utinounce the ntiritc of ..Joseph liooit. ot l.tinrein e tp., a? n Cundiiluto for llie nllieo of .Siiuiiit r, to tr- aetioii of tho Pcinuctatic al ly lit the priiiwr.y ol-jolion. We arc fliitl.orisi il to OMiouitca llioaanie of jsjhu Wc(iatt;;licy ol l.ttreaco ip. us a ennuidute lor flict iir, subject tothoiicliim of tlio Pcniocratlo parly at the ,rUiui'.y cleelii n. ll'n i,.. imlll,,,i. ..I I.. - ... .. . iV ll is earo.i.ll.v Vt up ready for hiunedi- V,M. of Cunvcnsv'itle , a c.ili,l',.... fZ ll.e a .nee ol Biierilf, ml.jeet to the action of tho Ptift-o'tutiu party u-t A primary clectiuu. le Tl r... ill.. I-r f.n.1 . i.-r.l 1.1. i n i... ll.rlv ' snU aie use, with iuri tureen., 'i'. "uimiicn from nil tho drugrri.t. .ik 7i ."cnts per buttle, and ! at wholcrale of I'l'I.l.Ol'R. A fJtKXSIIAW, Iiru?gi.t. nnd Maniifai'W'rui hcinifls, Jiinci'.'f.lif. J'hil vlelphi-i. in in .1 no- e,.liitm? .1 eei v , " . ,, k. . .And anotlier vail. 'V oil the east, b ith li.i.-. ,.(r'pil ulHr ct ol iheirmnrks.,1 . rnatoi iurpl j f.f produce. All Hrfi'kinridgn in the Senate n the I lib wliieh, from -0 miles abo-'o is, or rather ni,l. I ln-t n the gentleni 111 whom the i lieretoloie has t.een, brought to this poim. JHfJ aid would not "d .re to slnw hii l,u1t ki,,l,' ,Vi.,r U ,",1"kl'n out' ""' , ... , rail toad communications have been cut l.rc at the et ra si ssioii ol Congress and ,,.- ,...,.i o i, .; i. .. i .. tl e Stunititig Committee, I'.ivid C. llalej ami .lames hi. Welch, if tho ' Kaflimm loiugcis," and John l'.igler nnd li.ivid, Mi-' iaitghiiy of the "Washington Cadets," ; will hold elections iu their respective eompaiii.'s on .such day as they may up-1 point piior to the 1st Saturday ol' August,! sml transmit, the result to the chairman, i so thai the same may be counted at the meeting of the County Convention. j The licimcratie voters of the dillereiit lliat l!u ' I'nion iiiti o! Kentucky had ! pended. and the town ii now very dull boroughs unit townships will, on Me -nd . ... . . .. : 1 . . 11 11 , , o ,..-1... .r 1 ...-.1..i f I'lilenee enough to hang bin). t 'ur u wis, iiko nu con. .lupus, a ii.ii k dingy , -Hiir.i.iy ur .I'yusi ,h ji, cmn oiu ...-..-..-..-s rcadi ri nl'i.-r tin nsitiv hi remark", can i i,l,0il"""'c . , ... .1 . .' fy win- .:cr a man n nu can i his p can , ,, ... , .... . . ., . . . , , ... 3 1 ri'lit II . as .1 live V 11 11 . 1 liu'isaiiL town lor llie preservntion ol the Con-dilution of, T,0 tn,vu is built on an emioeuce hU rminliy should be denoiineed as a ' the .-it j of oM l',n t '.'umbo. I,.ud, onoe uu liar, or, or not bull have no d tul.t, wln-n l! nt,p"l a Canity (. .invention to bo held ' business was llowiii" nt its ordi::arv cir i '" '"' ' ' .'"""",' September iir.el, to !- . I ti riimie if niiy eh inues thoul t Ij.i made il.T '.'.iiiiiii ind ol iishingtoi.. On tin ,' iiiound ivheio the fort -toed .s now a li no.! call jMoiuo Ireealono ( Inneli b. longing to t'le Lpl.-coM iii Mis oi 1. aiaoe; I in 1. Hero i also ll.e public buildings, seminaries, au.l hand-tmie rcjidmicej. ; lii;!i ;:ivfd il u lieu a., d I'tesh u 01 H-araii'v, ullhouj'h it is, "linvhiit That the next meeting of iho Hep-J the oldest pl.t ul llie The Country rtiiti.'ivo l uii'eieiue ol'tnis l)itrii'. bo held at ,Uoiiml C:l ,11 ; el land is ttiouiilai.iolik mid ll.ll..r.n ol Ht Mar,,i .,-...., on the , t!.lM ,ul 1)IUiU,.i.i j,, lhe ,; ,K.,, ir lliurc.lay ol August A. L. Istd. j f '; -.- ,, .1 vi r .1 l!il'io.o.M riv CoVi t:i:tvi t:.--We llie iii'eiiiioti of our IViiio.TiCc friends III lllis liepve.M litali.o Ibs'.iiel to tin) lol lo'iiti" r.:s iluli on. This resolution was passed by the Con. fcrcneo held in Kidgeway iu Auiisi last, nil in nccordiiive theiew iih iho next 'onfeieiii'e ajil meet nt Si. Mary's on the lilli ilit) i,f August nexi nt H o'clock I'. M. Oil iJeinoiTatio c.jte.iiioi.iries in the Dis Iricl will p lease copy 1 I.o l;erolu'.io:i. I.okmn. We regret to learn Uiat tliis gcmkiuan wus severely wound "I, nt lhe batH.; of Hull's t.'un, on Thurs--lt)f Inst. Wo lake the fdlowing fiom sUcom.-pondent ol the New Y oik ILr- Uof tlio limb instant : "Caot Aven' Hute ot ,sI.L.ri.iai.ii baltei vl ear- "l cn I. urelii iluriin the nHair. lis too was nitfii,j aiih wondciltil iiriei.-ion nnd raniditv. kratvc wu(lnc- of I'upt. leers' and Lieiits. JJUuui, i...,i )in, Picff. r iti.'l Noycf, was lhe Ifl.lne oi.lmi.'. l.r-.i.j. iI.m fft.r.lli,.iirJ i'mu inn iion-iizeri were in the woods uiin ui re'imei. 1 lias wen emu oil I sooul wtbsrfinz litttt ehot at, the vnemv. a private , ir.n. The " Washington t'adets'' left cam 1 "'lillil, ml'Ueut. borain severely wiuiuded n!t noon to reinforou till) detachment lit by riCo flints. Lieut. Lorain's hnrte K'ew Creek villngo, (iipovo tho biibrp) s 4.Lll(Ulu:oftsiuiiiltneJusly. " w Inch is lluo.itoned with tin attaek. l-'cit. I.oretixo Lorain giailiitited wiili jbitttl lin-r vt lakcn place, but the com '''(.li Iioikiis ', iVtst 1'oint in KS'io, nndpmies orlercd out h ive not lelnrned. aiy,mill.;,,ioIUMl .is..i Lioul. mi tho regu-i J1 u "IV !,i,,u 'cl,M 'U v; M" AU 'I11'''1 u,,. , , , 1 -.1 , tu camp, but na lieu a of 0111 comrades. lw l.a JK..4. comiccled ivithj ,,. J0,Vo received oulers tt 4 wtnan's battery since the rommcnee- o'clock this morning to bo ready to m uch "'hi of llu. piisipt trouble:! We baveiat instant iiotic?, mid our moo n to now "otkurtied what the probuilL- tfmlt will engaged in preparing their previsions lor kofl.;. -wou ,r 1 two Uav'd subsistnmv. v e leave our t.'iil . . I unsu ucK, ini'i our nngjago 111 rnargo 01 a i'A 71, a-1 Heoublte. 11 orator nl.l 'Card, but we do not k uuw our de.slillil- C '.i7IMl J,r Kii, L ...... I.; fill 'ttvsiUi n fie,, audi coiv" bad ueailv union 1! the rugged hills, mid aiouitd lo,i pi'uinoiiioiies and j.rec'.piocs, i.i tortuous channels. f.nn-i .V',),:a ,.,, .i, 'y 1 "1.-- Il.d'oie I lied lime to do st; this loiter n were ordered to, and on last- Saturday morning we stun:!, our tents at camp Meliiini',s and took thu cars ivostwuid. The road 1. only open to this place twenty one miles w .;l ol Cumbei land win 10 the bridge across New Cock was burned ubout Ijii: weeks ago. O.t hi riving here wo lound that a body of Virginians und'T Col. Mn 1 onald bad been til New Creek about fin hour beloi 1 we reached, but bearing the tiring of soi.-.o guns, dinuh ugeil by some of lb') sulkier contrary to orders, they presently a 'iimpcred oil'. Their numbers ivcro estimated at from lo" to 40 . As we could prnoe'.d no I'arl'.ier with the train, wc encamped bore, and since then about (ton er the tune ol on; return. llie scouting parties of yesterday hate not et returned. 1 must chee Una letter, ""ftl th Viv-nr.ifl?i! to death, cud that XoiCn-in uoulJ liek liasd wllv Sout.ernr(. br lmr- l.r.-r.krM." 1 f,om w? "'"P '""e s'r.oiigh tv;. r, , . ... to i.ermit me to write. m iho g,;iii!oni,i;i hus prove.1 lum Your m ever ''l--fc) nu ASS-liii prophet with ai SoLiutR. ' 'P! Vr.riation. ly referin to tlio . " . -riTl, .1. 1... - tru. .1,'". imsr nil) uir 1111,1,1, ivi. the gonilcmet, who uro nin-i,crgof u.o raum of tho speaker of thu 5 the ti.ahiuo nt Wnthiii''ton lot. it I f. . ni.,.i. .:.... 'ci.;.. Uf . - (lUIIIO lUHCIl-ss. VI,1IU.-I, .1, I.ll. I Ihoy wunt oOD.OiiO mtt, and $500, j ,g .,;!, siificiio. Mr. Grow Mn the mode, oi nouilliating eaniliuule.s, 'and in the party rules, and to make such ( i chaiu'e.s. j I 'tnler the llul. s of (be pai ty the res 1 ! peei iv. Commit iocs e! VigilcMv will j. ( . - , .oint 0110 of their number, or some other; 'Mii'able person, as lieiurn .lodge, fot the! I purpose of al tending lhe County Cor ven- j ! lion, w hieh w ill bo bold nt :h.. Court 1 lloiisiton iit Tuesday afternoon next sticeeediiig t lie I'ri.iKii y blcelion. ' duly 4tli, l.siit. Chairiiiiiii. j Vigilance Committees. j i .loom J'.tvid lolsoii, AUaiti Heaver, .laeo!) .i'imix Jteeei.r.a Win II . Ileinniiiti, Christ, (irooni Hell .lames Savage, Henry MeCheo, Jneob Culiipbell. Hoggs Uolaml I'attst, Philip Miller, John W. Keyler. Htadfoid Mathew Forcee, Kdward Dale, l'.enj. Knep. lirady .1. Lever Flegul, Dr. lico. Wil son, Jacob Koontz, Sr, liui itside John King of Heetler, Will iam King ol John, t.liiiell Siiu'iid. Clearlield Ho. James L. Morgan, I'r.t.'i. eis Short, Dr. Ii. . Wil-nn. Chest Thomas (iarilcy, Win W. Wor rell, John Suirnd. Curwensvillu o. Lewis C. Hlocm. John McNaul, Lewis M. Liporie. i C ivingloii I''. K. Cou.lriet, John Uriel Jpo. J. 1'ieknrd. Decatur John Hughes. John Shaw 1 runs, i.i.wnti, iirgar.ilu , l',.pliiif, llareer, Crepo tic l..ri', liinjjl.atiif, Muslin., Cle-cks, Hoop kii(s, luin Skill.', ltiini ,-kirl.. Krcnch Milk M.pilillas. '. . M. Truv.llin-; Punter, hkbiionUs. Hoficry,, UirJe, Mack ft.lliot i.i., 'i'riniininKs, Trhnmiiij;., Tiiuiiiiiuijs. Fine black 11 1-0:1 , Cloth, L'a.-riu -its, Zephyr". Zejihyrs, Z. ph. rs, (inkers, Sh.ikoi'j, Shakers. Sugars, I'oflee, Teas, ."spieef, .Suits, So. Lis, Mackerel, Mukorel, M:krel. 1! i -t, liro.iius, Vucoii-w ale, llueeiisiT'tre. lluiiis .c Slioes, Hoots A Sliocs, Wall Paper. Wu!l Paper, liirpcliii, Carpeting, Curpelinj;, Kl.ij;s, Flairs, Stationary, Stationary, 11111I all ur ictus usually Kept 111 a country will be kept liert. a. also many nit u-ioi'ly Ii lull much 1111 oid, nt jamlly li iiuceil rr. Iccetpls, Ac. Any person fiuilin nnd jendiiiK the And we feel all who u 'l! ,,, '"!"e ",' 'V "i,,''v" r::,v',u! wi" ,Jl' 1'uiJ ,l,r , 1 ul.sci ill I usilicr l ily, tiial pureiiafe. nil! liinl it to ll.eii adi.uitti'c 1.1 Lunibei City, July lid p ',' -Jos. ItEI'KTTO. couliiiito a. cusUioior.-. ' AIm, 11 litaited amount of County Hnl-jis ed in vxehune for oml-, Jalv IS, st;. 11. We nto uiMiWiied to iiuuounc. tho naino of L'dwn tl Terks, ol- Morris tp... an 1. caudidatc for lhe orico Mieritr, Mbji-vt to tho action, ui the liciiiorrafst-p.mty nt the priumry oluctivti, Wn nre n ..iTi si.,11 l, n nt, ,,..,... .1... . r M i .... n..Mu....wa IIMI 1U.U1D III ' A KTlTei 1 1 Ul'il I Vl I. ':-,r I,1,k" f tp., u a Caudidatc, far i ti.,.ii r it.- . . , i county Ciuiuiision!Trnibject lo Iho uetion of tho 1 I !, y JY1,,,ur''1 fc r,y 1 Oei".'lic party utibo priuiury elooiiou.. , will bold Us cionil aniiuiil lair upon the tali' ' (rounu, leal II, e luuouliot tleuilield on lhe 'elli, Kii,, 17lh und I sib dus ol OCl'OIIL'lt .NitVT. i jj.el h..-arc now i.e. 02 nut ill "owl order. .. . .. ..r ..... i , .. . . i.,- , , , ' ; suiiicct Id on- .o-.M.i. vi me Ai-Twonpivio rally ac I and the aeiomino.lniions enlHied or Iho eolivo-j ,t .- ..l,.,.in ... ' Wn are sulhon'.'cJ announce itanutuo' of ll'ieJeikk Shotf, of K"c-"iria tp., as u f!ndidate l',r I'dunly Cuiiiiiiiarioiie.. subject to th aa4ioL of the I'diiocrutic party in Jhnary electnen-. W e arc nuthori:ed lc wtuowioe the uaine of Jaiv. 't Vt Campbell, liuq., of 1UU towuship, as n eundidh' ,,fi'l' of fowtj C'iniisiiiiiLr. tiicnce of i liblloi( and visitors. A oroniiuio list will sborti,1 published. Itl('llAll'l) hlt.'.W, Mi. It. HA t It KIT, .I0--1.UI II. HF.ZIK ! JNO. Mc'iatlitlli;',, WM. M l II I Id), ' June 2ii,'i'd. I'xi . nth e roiimiiltoe. I'-r.v Ili.-.l 1'ASS IiOiK was lost en lhe Road Jbetweou C'ltrwciifvilln nnd t'learli. l.l, cottuiu iii3 one rroiiiisMiry Xete, .Intel Kcb., I'.lth, I9CI, for fill v-si' e ti ilollais. on Samuel e litirner. We are tiithoriiied t. HiiliouiK'' I'' name of Jacob Kuiiti of lirady tp., ur Cou'"'.v L'oinmls .iutttr, ub.iect to the action of lhe I't-'Biocratitj party .11 the primary cK-clion. -ioi . line l'rouiit-ory tiule, dated April K'lh, I SCI, cul- Win I'. Johnson, of l'cun town-hip, i kept fm "'-' w dollar-and oibly cuts, on I dale" for county Treasurer, subject to ' ' , Th.iii.ns MuCrni'ken ; and two .lullars in money, I the Pemocrutio party at the primary imii lis 1 1 I nil r squill i,,.tt,.,K ; J '!' or, $35 00 f A Y .-? die entire cost (or Tl'ITIOV in thi Adiuuiirlrtitioii batini; been this ilnv , l erntit. d to too inn rrsiencd t.n ll.e,1.. ..I i . . . ,. ,! HOIIKHT Itl'TLKH, late of l.i.wreiico town. I Olckenson, Saaiuel i .i.,,. ru,. u,l eunlv. deeea.-e.l. .11 ........, i. 1 debled to stud estate ate requested 0 make iin- most popular and f ucccfitl COMM EUC'lA I. mcditile pnyment, nnd iho.e bni inRelaitns aiiinst M lPJUl, in Iho country. Upwards of Twrrvn the rnmo ill prcienl them duly authenticated fur . lit Miioai yonn),' men, from twsmtv -fiwiit differ. sctllciuciit. n .11. " AI.I.Ai h. j cnt Stales, lime beeu P.lticntcil for busincni here July 1). m. .Ailinr. K . a ...... . " .iniir. nituiii i ti o t'lisi iiirei" years, some oi wiioin luim " .,rT", . " - iboen employed as HOOK K KKPL'li.S at Mitiiries I j i.i, ...u,-r, i,i,ii.i:iii loo i.err.l.- ",r saio of J J K.W Hll.U SlOlu . Clear lie d, July 11th P-f ' .. i'.IK II IX. $2000 00 iininedintely I pen graduating, who know iiolhinz i.rf at PlSCOVf n, ul entered the College. J T-t? .Minifler t ,. nail price, I II A VK made a di.eo. cry of the ittniosi im . ' siu.lenis enter ul tiny time, und review when .1 periiiiice to every married person nl either they please, without eMiti char .ex, ami will rem I the lull particulars collect int.); ii to anyone on ree.ipi in n utrinp lo pity turn posttigi . Ad.lresK Id!, J. II. MAKTEI nn 21 I v. ' Alfred. lala. " K Fur Catalogues. Specimens of l'e.unandiip, and ,,- V ',""'. i "rTTTl "'9 MT my for re-, View of tho COI.LLHi:. enclose live Idler stau.p-1 , " ,M' .5 -"". "I C enrheld, as ac.ndt. lo J PXKIXS A sirril i ''"' 'bftnct Attorney, nibjcct to tho action of M.,.v I ., III. ly. " " filtsbin-itl,, Pa. """'"ic l""-'y "1 Primary election. We nre authorised th annuuue. the name of a a I audi. tlio action of cletiiuu, Wc aro authorised to aim ounce th. name of Joseph Shaw, of Lawrence towuthip, as a candi date for tho ollice of County Treasurer, at th i eu suing election, subject to tlio action of th. Uetu ocrutic party, at the primary oleotiou. We are authorized to amioincc ipo nam. of I.-aitr Klino of llraillurd tp., as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to tbo action of tho beinocriilic parly at Iho primary election. We ore an horiied to nnnouneo the nstno of J. A. Terpe of Brady tp., ns a candidate for County Auditor mbject to the action oMbo bemocratie party ut the primary election. Wc nro nuthorbed to unii(Viuioe tho name of Col. C, S. Worrell, of Chest tp., in a candidate for County Auditor, ubject to the action of the Dem ocratic party at the primary election. We ore au.horiied to announce tho name of Henry Whitehead uf L'uion township, as a cau didatc for County Auditor, subject to tbo decis ion of the Pcuiocnvtic party at the Primary olec bon. july pi. We are authorized to announce the name of lidal. the M'toiiK a i;rzwii.v;i, "Wflmlcsale and Itclail MerrliniiiN. IT A FRESH A RE I V A L OF 'without Lmminir how I e.m get, it, sent,"' I:(;,,e,t ter-nin. dt. from here- IM Mirvivo, yon 5lttll hear! JIU,'I,I'' U,s '.VT' " IIo(:k l i ll-.. h--wm ,wi o -".in .1 . nu" it. n, S,I l uviu A. i.-c. I - - Fox -.lame, NLClelland i LKVKK TLKGAL, (inard-Dr. J... Fuller, Leon Cou.lriet i ,;, . ,.,u Heinarl Mctiovein. ..u.-sui.v, niv. jjuav-u (ioshen A. H. Shaw, Issue tiraham, Iv.. 1.'. Livergood. lintlieh lo-epli Ffy, John S. MeK"i nan, John Jo. ill, n. (iiaham - Levi lliibler, I'.ail ' CVowell, ''. illiaui Wilheliu llunton D. I'yler, Ceo. Morgan, Philip lliivei:er. Jordon David W. Wi,o, Pali iek (lilli- Abo ! exlensicc iJonK-rs in timber, sawud li.u.J bnr and shingles. Also, dealers In flour u- Vill l'llrr )L- Vjinnon.. '.,,.... f..r cash. v iiitiiiiii,; vjimuj.; Wo rro nullioriied to aunoiinco the name of Israel Test of Clearfield borough, as a enndidate for District Attorney, subjoct lo the decision of the Iloiiviorutic party at tho Pi inmry flection. july 111. AT Til FClI LAP CASH STolf i.uiin iri.mj;, i ll'.l i l (' I M vis, in., nill ndea.l promttlT fi'l Mihitit-it rnfrunti'd lu I.i.-. (.'.ire. IffHiVi inloruif tlm put lie ti nt hf kefp . iMMi-tiiiitly on liiiml at hit: .-linn, n ihthI h--- , NEW GOODS kratIers' Ilie.v biivcjust rocoived a general nrorttn"iit of ."Wil ifvm. - v ',, ' ""iinor DltV IKKiPS. consisting or U'JL'Aii & il'XjvUXft JiOXNKTS, KIBJWNS, A lo'.Miiihil ii...,ro.,,,.it ..." P,;..t. I Ii.....1 rant just receiving and opening u rtucfully svlccted .lock of .spring M.d tjuuuner goods' ol nlinost every description, A beitutiliil iii-ortuiciit of IMiil. li, tinddl-f, llii.lles, Harness and p0ds. ol tho newest and Utest styles. Also hips, whir-h ho wltl ell on leasunable trcuis April 1, I SCI Eh .iXIX'b'lim-st XniCIC Notice is here. V given thiif Letters Tesfiimeiit.-irvt on tbo Cfiule ' f t'eorgf 1. Lnnirh, l ite of tho borough of Clear'icltl, dec 'd, have been granted to ll.e tin lldot'll, Joh:i , dersizned. All persons indobted to .aid estate. G. Hall, Fvre Filo. lor. required lo inako iiiiincdiete aymcnl, aid Knox David Lreliard, Henry Siiug u Is ! Ii,0" n",vl" "'lima Wii.t iho sstne will pretcnt Willi .,,. i;i,lt4 Ihnil duly aullicntieaied for settlement. iv iii.ini n.uss. MAHUAllliT LAMCI1, Lx'x Lnwreiieo-samuel ShaHnr, Win. 1.-1 jl v.3-1 RG1 -fit Jus. T. LLO.N AUP, i:. r. Heed, James Mel.lnugbiin. I ..: ... . . Jmmler City Ho. Joseph I, Kirbry.l l ipuiisikiiuiisi vi iici... Notice Anthony line, John McDivit. jlorns John J. Kyler, Moses Don great variety of usolul notions. li:Y-f.'()Ol),S AND .UTlO.S. lloniiets, Sjohis, Hals nn I taps. Pools .in.l .shoes, a large nuantiiy, Hardware, y. eensn are, Ibiigs and M.-,dirines, Oil au l raiiiir, Carpet A Oil Cloth", G 11 0 C F, II I i; s , Fbh, Sitcoti und Flour, IIAWLS, IIAT.S. r i; i NTs. oa DUCALS, W1N1' HAUFOK, SALT, 1 opl.iv, OILS, ' ' l o I lls. PAINT TWFLDS, 1.F.AD, MINI.IN, DHl'tiS LINFNS. IUMITS C A If PIT, . Mioi-X H FINDS, COATii. ' H Hot IMS, PANJ-i S VTH KS, VITS NMKLS, NAILS. FLOWEKS, , I'ni'Lerel in I 1 and 1 barrel. 'I Mis hereby given that loiters of Adtuiiiistra-' die tcUiialily, l.f which will bo old at i NO'I'lOiV lion I.Mve been irrnnted lo lha ni.ilnr.-liM,nil ,.n the lowestcnsh or reailv iuv i,rin.. I iVli.., the c'tnto uf Jacob Kierchnor, late of Morris My old friend, nnd tile public generally, ore' "JTLl ZZu: .,A and I : ,1AI!I'.?F, OLASS. lOVSTKY riWLlXi: taken i ehin r ,.S,,A. Al,':N "WK, Hill J, UlO';U 1IIMC1 . All iiaham. i..,ll.t.l ... .;.) ft MUM t ftl il V ilivit.-il tu rnlJ. jii., " ' i ir mi iinirniiriiim man mo.ii on. i-ir. u mwi x- vr-..i. r. i . i .1 . -' HUM lJt-1 tliit ill til I rr I P r UL KL IO mimu III' I r. fc . iU'tlll .1 ll 11 s I il lit 1.... ilo..,i linelm. :. a. .1... '"OWiajob. W womlef )f the Ihown .,, - f 0.1 Pike Isa.'Cflidacll. Kii lilooin. Kobt. , will duly for .ettla. 'i"ods. " , All of which will be lold on the most .i. . , . . - ' ''- w jr vnu)i ,,'. JOHN It. bCVLAK, j Clearfield, Juno 21 Isfit, WM, F, IRWIV. j rm' r LAf5U or. .''CI'JT .ln'ry ''''''J''. tha mouthes ol Iho people, in both or ,.,,. ,rrt.... ,;..; n.,i, j,in.:- 6t.i-d. Administrator. . ... 0. KKA1Z1H K)., ..... . s. 1-HII ivvcrr 'vim, "OVt "VII. Ml.. ' . r 1 I Ijlflj ll III II. I.I . 1 II. irnveu j' I ' 1 Mil f ft s. I rl I litis. II 1 It Ml 111 uil. in L. i it nil 11 lit. fsttn. !.........: l l . . 1 Wootlwar, -Thus. Henderson. Austin- . ataa. ' and for sale l mui Vu-Z'u f VUl' TMUXT of ool-rsd Pumts, .... iiiii nlllilll B 1111 Btiiriruiii. I.- ksn... ...... st.. ' --.v'.au. . m m 'itnn hat engaged in the scare? AuiUMtA Fflnar f,.Mhi (lis aiiHiiiP aV..L L "J '. 1,IuWlu lut ""'.uur. wliieh tl.flo bov. bnon is.tber successful . " r ".1. f-,L """' now in u. eoutliern camp, at .lor. ; ' linuuus ituuue... """"Uttering to the comfort of her friends, thus tar. b'MuVjf .i0"'" . re",lc 0W"i .,b Tke Louisville Courier statef, on the a..-,' K V-"0.' " 'V'.1?,"'- i'' , , ,. r.r7..r,h?,?in.,',rf,.,0U " '"''"heldat ihurity of a private l-Mter. that Loiii.-iiun hv t moil-David Welly, .lolui 1' vs 'UV J!II VI ,11ltl- .1 Is.-ut rl.t"" ineo to Vir-'iiti... Iforaco CourtJiev. DE J. W. POTTER. ... l.l... ...J u . . .. "i h 11 AtAI ,sl II K.S. . ... .s ,, .. . riiii'"" m uikcoii, nas rrrniaiieiiiiv ... . - irr mn. v.reuua in . n . in i huuuj can. , i located nl Jocoutes .VUls, t.iranl township, of-, r 1('HH for Medirinal purpmes luaady Ju.sVr!i!'v. . IIAKTaWU'Kr., lers nt. pru...-.-,o, scriu-d io .ur, l rl an I Slioiry Wine, Nectar Whiskey Bu I AI7HITU ISC cr..r,,l ouiunmit. . MayS,ljl. Hoi au l 0;u-,t 11 t tSWP K.S. , ,D : lb. c'.nVu id iu Pamnr Varni, h vr--'i ir k. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers