&jje (C'IrarfirIi) qmbltrai.. f out houses and other couvenioncies needful for comfort. In the seventeen first c'.ui lions the touchers' desks mio properly located, tho tables and teats lor pupil properly nr rarrd. 'J'he cixty-ttvo have scarcely me- limn furniture and very little nparatus of ny kind. The till y three are destitute of oir.'y all furniture and aparutus desirable- 'ii school room. Three houses were burned within the j car. " . Clearfield and Cttrwensville nre the only diitriets that make any pretension to grit-1 .led schools; they iiavo three rauh. The number of ungraded rchool with proper j !tfliRcfc I Ion mid uniformity of books in .ill the branches i sixty seven. One . fialf th district at le.-'st fail to classify ( dl their school in al'. the branch for the , Kiiutot book in some bianeli or other. I have advised direclo s tD insist upon n b.-ltar hii ittil v of hook in tome school. fifteen to teller villi county coriiticates nc seconti volume oi i no liopuuncan uti; iy unanimously syiupaiiuzeti, nnti many 'aled in 18.M, '50, '00, giwcyaitrul but notlder iho present proprietors. As hut 'even took open ground against our coun- lUll tallUlllUIOn. 1.!',. ..iii.f.1. I.-,., ll,,. ITll. .'n. t... In lk Inl.i u-n ..ill. I tin nml ntiinbercd fil, subscribers may same state of fuels existed, the London think we desire to take advantage of thorn. ! Tiim-s and the New York Tribune sounded But they will remember diatom first nun.-1 the mine key-t.otc. lord Palmoistnii ber was dated LSI 1. July 100 that thc'nnd Tom Corwin, Loth hiuh ollioials in Tho patriotic (!)Grecly still rontin: Ho then quoted largely from Judge Tan- 'ated in Alexandria jail, and foTorim""" JO j iu inuuuu, j oi win o ; ruriYiwu. i igiii. ,1.0 ' . , .11 c. . , Iv"'"i PtDtli; ntjt:gh Ion to lUehmoi.d J exterminate tho Ju(, olornal Jebl of lttlitui,0. IIe( The order also staled tht ....... . .1.1... 1. r. , i ... . .-... v 11111 u. , 1, 1 -; 1 x ' Not Harmonium. i It is indeed refreshing these times exnniino the past record of the presont 'opposition party, who'nro now controlled JteWl, ic, by Abolitionism, nt the expenso of their -" ,lav0 ll'e ntno kind if heroes (!) oonseienco and perhaps their I.ibertie. 'n our tow The titles the onponiiion linrty havoii"'f oi sailed under within the last fifty y.'w is 1 iipoafh iho loyalty CI.KAHF1E1.P, TA. Wednesday Morning July 24. 1861. To our Patrons. ' then argued that there wua no necessity, ded Virginia to restore, person 1 1 i and had there lcen, even then it would luwful linhis and to seenraiii..;... 0,1"' n, who uie cuttaiitlv -oliellinc 1,0 an und.uo a.'.ul. lullS',ou -exercise of '.Soldim were not at any time i!'' ,.l,o.s .o tru to war. and even pe0nle of the country to the fact that the and to take upon themselves ti ..V- j i " vv.v uui.mmm,, n liu.uii ?uuini n't i"i uiv , ii vi i 'iiii.rii iiioi: v n oillll IrllsrnlA .t almost' past computation, but' in every!'0 '! leir liidiling; ;ei we believe it purpose of establishing a geogrupliiiMl po. J signs of the covernment. To t,i, ' ,,' instance in which our cmmti v lifts been would boan .t.nj..wibiliy i.insuado any ''" !. " -""K' wouia not the .roop attebteU tl.e.r ti;.rcv b,c, . , , . . s , . ,.p i .llt,, ; i i i. . ... , .i iionii iu tun i ijiii.ti'ui , i'iu n .la ijiiii: hi juiuu iwiii 11 iizzas lur Mia . . ' beset bv IoicIlTI -.oi'iiliulie Iocs lb"V,' He0 ll poci It leal knavea W take UP i- . ..i i e .1 1 "n mi "WKon- , ' J loiiifc" u' Muinisuc iocs, in. j 1 .1 m'".-- "i a inlnngenieiit against the rules of the , inaiiilcr. , havo always been iigainsi their country in ""113 1,1 y' luu country, oven if pie.eiit House ol Kepreseutatives to un-j Oreut pi.ins me taken by roiioh 1 cveiy ilillieuUy, usually enlisting the '. tliu ''P'1"' "f 1,10 "tini was in tho hamls nounce n pence proposition, and idlo to I men visit ing the feat of war lioiu y I m in 1 In. nl'niii' ntil r,iwii,.. i,'.,,.i,m,t of the rebels. . do so in the S -nate. ) ingtf.n to iuipM s 11 pen tho npin.U !, J " "Ne 1 . .. 1 ....,., i 1.. ;.. .,iii ..(. 1 1.7. "... :ir . ..i. . cnjovini nl of theit rights, mid tl,at n" "in i lur me iiuiiiose oi iiiiiiutaiii in, ,, One hundred mid tivenly tour with pro. . 1 1 ' J isioual certiiicatos a part of whom taugl in sutnmer that did not in winter a largo majority guro middling good satisfaction, though in almost envy neighborhood J.oro was found some one to c nnplair.. noain twenty gave very po-.r snlisfac:i n ii.dood ; -mli tccchcrs had belter observe .he precept "qualify yourselves l-?fore un dertaking to instruct others " Twenty-three teachers received 0 either. in Mental Arithmetic, (ieoeraiiliv or i; ram mar or in ull. .... ... .... 1 1 1 .1 fill 1 1 11 1 lull 1 .v iiiriini viiMtiir inn til. During the war of 1812. when while; " " "ere p.o,I.Ie sucImi.m, -ImviM bo,loi,uon r the cWuli-v to the flign of tnen were kideaned into slavtrv by the 'compelled to se tie the troubles they luwo the lioliticul nartv in 'i.ower. and lliu in Oui patrons will take notico that the 1 liiilish (lovernnient, and the war fully j '''"lt upon the e m 11 try by their insane f tent to subvert the consl.tuiii 11, audH.iid jpresent r.umUjr is the commencement of inaugurated. The old Federal vrt- near.)u,ut:1",'. but a kitunale. thin it eio as i.seiess 10 umi anu inosc lew '. . . . .. I . . . . . 1 ! .......1.1 i. r 1 .. r 1 .. in the Senate who thought in he did. to iiouiu uu iiu- uie an 11 re woiuu'O oc luo .. . , 1 .111. . ,. . , v aitonipt to do so, as it would belocuueav country, if the Abolit.or I nion destroy- ( or t0 Ktliy the waters of the Nia-.ua w Hi ers would only enlist under the banners an uplifted hand. of their gre.'d loaders (ireely, (lidding", I "ls remarks were criticized by Mr. Sewa.d.tiroa co, and fight, the 1 allies i ?f ''"'' a '" time, who r ., , . . ,. , , Hpoke 111 lavor ol war ; and said, in 11 11 11 of tin, count. y. ,e are mtu.iied tho war ding to the writ of haUax corpus, that be would bo brought ton cloie in thitty days, , wassony when i; was suspended that the lialtiiiciio icbi'.'lioii liad not nationality. All rumors of fighting to -ilny ( true. .Severn! iiccic'inu have luin..:' . . 1 . . . -vyv iu uui ouii in . uj- me. neciiiental 4 ciiiugcs 01 ineir gnus. The battery o Atiijor Hunt, frnm t. 1 ickciis, airivi'M at tcnirevuie tl,ij nf,.. nnK- wffolr vi t'iiilnd Inloim n nniini. ivu 1 1 i-om..m i u. ,ir.,-..i.r...,.,i o .l.,,- .,,,) or lH'l ll.HiS foonci'. if thev Olllil fill I lmii- Clll'Cass Ot j 1 ' r,,,,Mri , . . . j ( , i i j. the war and the country with all the vens l'ockets l.o.n the national Treasury any j , motion of Mr. Wilson, the Mibject 0111 and malice nt their coiiiiiiand, which J 0,11 llt'''- 'Sucl1 1110,1 '" u a blighting cuist- ill be iiiade the special order lor l'ues 10 our race. 'Uav, wtieli Mt. uult)Uly will siieak. Mr. Fi'ssenili n iimved tlie iniviil npi ro that of tho Holl'dayn, and that we fur nished the I'lesideiit's Message lant l)o ceinbii extra. which we tdiuuM Imve eo'iinted a full number. Col in wriiiiiir, three was I'aily paperi almost mvni inblv oinit, an the lowort grade as low as four was given issue in all Holidays 4th of .Inly, Christ-, .osonjolenclierici'lierino.ie.twocril.ne m,v Nelv VMr(i ,,., w.,-n.J was eageily seconded by their camp lowers on both sides of tlio ocoiin. Thelcmleis of the Mack Kcpublican party, and their Ilriti.-h allies have always biunchr. The junbable scarcity of teachers on ac count of the war induces me to believe ilmt 1 shall not be able to raiso the stan dard of qualifications the present yeai iibovc the last. One hundred and f 1) !y -eight le. chi-r-cvaniinod within the yi-ur jtiO applicant inly rejected. in come districts tho attendance o! lynchers and people w:i quite resptntabl; i:i q-iaiiti:y and quality. In ten districts I failed to W-.f'l cither lenuliers or diree '."!'. Jn con n-quence of this f.iiluro 1 gave j-riviite audience to more t!i.-.u fifty tench- vs ; thia iviis utteuded with jrreat loss of (iiiio iu visit:itii'ii. No .citili.atcs ain.ul- r.-d. iror.il Instruction i uivcil in three. .'jr;!is of our selioul-; 0' h -r by .Scripture -M'iings, text-book, ei.iiiy or by precept. I inusi, ho vevei', Wih truth, but uith I am bay, that in umiiy bi lio.jls n sjcli 1 islruction is given iu any way whatever, in far as I could se-i or K-.u n. All the schools in every district were visited once, eleven excepted; twenty- iglil twice, and nine 11 third time. The averugo length of vinits win ninety i.iiuuics. The whole number of director in tho iiinty when the Hoards ara full is onr fiundrcd and eighty ; not more than two i.t any time accompanied meat visitations; much more frequently none. No County Institutes this car polili i .il excitement in the fall, and war excite ;nent in the spring seem ti forbid t' e.11. In tho Districts of Uercnria, l!urns:de, liuaiich and Morris, Institutes w-i j hulil nne evening every other week, in t wo ol which tho good etlects on te districts were very evident. In 1'iko the directors had a olnuse in their urticles providing that tho teachers rlioulj establish and alien. I an Institute one day in every alternate week during Mio term; but for some reason or other it never was carried into opcintion. 1 bliould bo glad to see this feature ol tho rystcin carrind into elici t in every district ut the coiuuiuncemeul of the next term. district Secretariej acting 11s district Su perintendentsnone were worthy of the name. llecording Sccrclariei of the Ujard re reive from two dollars and fifty cents up to ten dollars each annually. Good progress is manifest in some schools in every district. In others no percepti ble improvement worth nuiiing; '.hough 1 uui well mi tin lied thai no reliogrado movement can he laid to our charge. Al- why should not tho shown the same ler.ilv been unitcU agi int tho vital interest ofj weekly paper be our country, except in the present "lire . .11 ii-.. 1 1. .... i-i pressioic coniiici. 11 seems tnai vrnno THE THIRTY SEVENTH CONGRESS. r:iit. s si)n. U' isuiNiaoN, duly 1(3. Mr. Lincoln and the Right of Revo lution, j No man in nil the South from Jell'. la-l vis ('own to the similes! iijwspiipir elitoi not even Topuibs, nor Kliett, ncr Yancey ever proclaimed the justification f the the prospective mid 'the il struction of our priHli-.m bill be considered. The lull was passed. The Semite wi.nt into executive ses.-ioii. Ailjiiuruud. THE WAR NEWS ! SSl THE BATTLE AT BULL'S RUN. si-.nat;-. Tlie hour having nrrivcil wiien the res olution endorMiij! nib I lie act-i ol Iho Press - 1 w ItI.e American Abolitio: Uts can rejoice at I "'eut was to lie r.iade Hie special order. liberation of the slices ' 'V "V,""1' l""k 'llltl ('uni; ii?i n-iivii o i KI'KKCII Ol' 1 1 0 V . JOHV v. V.UI -i :: lvt:i,. i- liberties ; the Knglish Abolitionists find-1 -ii,.,.;i ., . . .. '1- 1 .,-1 . , ,. i -M'. 1 ii'lent, it this were but an ordi-' ... . ,,, . dcr al the idea ol civil war, and lclu.-e ' nary occasion, 1 should content m sell! ASIUNdToN. J nlv lltlli, lMil. to assist his co-hibc rtr and fornii r ally in j willi a vote, but I am iiiiuilling to allow ; ''ol. I!icluirds-n, representative fiom lli il...iiiwtii,ii nl' nur i'luiiiiiiuitiu Ii i ! this 1 csulu t ion to pass ilhoiil ex I iiessiii Illinois, arrived hero al twi o'clock tiiihic conduct of the people of secod.Hl Stales jf()Hiir)a,(i ((t Uiis (iiiu( fo), j r.). opinion and aotestin-r agm'iist the j 1 vein t he seat of war. Vp to t be time he in more emphatic and unequivocal terms ,, ,, , . I ''el enuiiieru'id in the le.-ilulion. j left Hull's 1 tin, at chdii o'clock this 11101 i- 1 1 1 ... 1 1 uai our oui eiieinies ciiiiuoi nai nicnie 1 llie woitis nl i'ic i-i-sn iiii.m ,.iln.;i !... 1 than did the tuesent President of the: ... , , . 1 ue woius 01 i.it it Miiutmn admit t lull . ,. . , ,. . 1 , , ,, . 1 rellerence to tho tlcst. uction of our gov- tho acts were 1 ot done bv ttmi-c-s. nor1 I tilled Matesusu member of i.onsre-'s in 1 .1 :.i . ... r ' 1 '(l-nnient. ' ueeoi-Manee nnu 1 lie const 11.1 U011. were, However, tiei-as.tUH "" j;ii it iiiui .,-,, ,......, v.linii.i.trnlm,, 1 sliouui I iKt! IO luiotv, .M r. a'rcsitlcii I, ; nils Ifcls on l.ot Ii -ul-. Cell. .M '. 1 ovi II 1 Mt trill lit Wll.-s lliatlc lit l;iiliiiX. lur following cxliat-t from his speech on that I. . n. , . ! "tr.v the coiistittitiou ir.-e..ts C-mgress infor incd Col. l; it l.m iIm.ii 1 1. at br should 1 iH - ustisic- was t-o 1'ciirliil t hut t lie wL.i " 'haii.-ted eveiv eflorl. anil thev may sue-:. vitl. th.. .... ... , .. : 1 . .. .:... :.... .1 . 1 r.i , I '. u 1 '." u" l,1,u lMt " ""-i UCCall.1!!. I III- rii.-l-.il, HIV .111 fill .11 HI-- Jd instant said, "was niadetbout thc tunc llunjjary was rising in arms aa 1 st ( the Ansii i:ir. govertitnent." This is true. I l'ut unloitunately for the Jui r.ml, Mr. Lincoln forgol to 'iieiilion anything about I llungaiy in that speech Hungary is noli mentioned from the beginning to thee-jd ofit and a refciencc to it will show thatj lie as talking about Mexico and the Mex-j ican war, havinu like Tor.i Cor-viii, taken' .lie w.or.g mle in that niemoruh'c sM ug le. We have not the full speech before u but have the .uitho-ity of a co-temporary , in whose veracity we have full confi dence, for this fact. Mr. l.iuco'.i: sai 1 : 111 accordance with the constit.nion. J 1 should like to know, Mr. President, '" how the coiistittitiou ii.vcts C-mgress sl"'-! w ith the power ol'ilui... as it wi.-h.-. in ceed yet in endeat 01 ing to enlist the syin-1 demnilying the President. palhv and aid ol Otieei: Victoria and Iter II l-'ie 1 le lileul has (minted the law Abolition comforters to assist them in their 1 resent Jaikibin i-iusade ngiiii.sl been no geiicr.tl light I MX o'c uck Tl.ei-.- il phots bv .-!:i:- THE VERY LATEST. nf I - I .. I . . .'I.t -t i-1- ichi 11 i.isi ingui s man, thai u I'ede.al army 'at tat ked the Itcbe! 51 tyi 1 un on Ibursdiiy, which rcsulieJ in. oiawu i imie,vjiu 1 t-ni loss on botluid,. The fielil was renewed at Miiiiiiskk o. miles tli-taiit,' on Sunday niornunr .1 ., 6'o.ock and i;. nlinued until dirk, witl I....1 :. . . 1 .. :n:.. . 1 uwui 111 in.-o Dc-.-ii.uu 1. tiling 10 floie p tin. fhiv tliM 1.--11I1 lu.i-iiv ill r.it'A. A .1 ..... , . w. ...p. , I - 1 . n.l . . 1 ui-i ui ..iiu. . i in- itiwii:i. -.as rtilftloc on M uiday nioining with seeming buccta ii lux or of uur troop., a hen il was oUtrt ed that l'. loiiegicd was 1 e;ng reinforca by Cen, .lohii-i n, mid also from It,,.), m ind and Straw.-btng. thi-n (HM. fori were immediately diiten back, nlirg. panic mining our tr-iops suddenly 0 cui red mid a regolur stitiupedv look liLii (leu. .McDowell iilli mpltiT to mil it st ami nt ( Vnti eville, but our J'urre. iiciiii; 111, li;ll lit i-c:tl it Wi; fom. : 1 . c. . . 1. . . 1 111 j 'i in..- iu iiiiii.c tin-. .vkkpk 01 Ml ions i,f t he lie has also viol. ited the constitution, lor lie is sworn to see that tl,oo laws mm ex ecuted. 'I o declare tlmt Coimreps by a shivery, but this bus proved a failure thus resolution, can ii.th-miiif; the I'resi far, and the dutv is tl.u assigned to our ! ,1,,nl v m:110" 1,u bus tnken, i, u, , , , .. . 1 11 .1 ij-'ive the President a nrecedcni that be old doniestto enemies, commanded by t he.V,.,... i .,.., 1 ,11,,,.. 1 "i 1 , ' : ma al w a s 1 )l low . I tlenv that toneless .1 : .. 1 ..:..! ... .....I .. 1 .. . 4 1 1 t 1 1 .. . . . . . .- . iiii iiiioi 1. 11 w.ui'iaitj ui ..hi iiiniui Lincoln .:au asc 1 110 coi:i itulion nCier lir.-l examine tin butteries, (heir extent, etc lUMging the toe. lie n-. ind his Abolition cohoils. We !yel hung our harps upon the 1 knowing that the Demo. ralic 1 ibuir Ii iclid-, hat t is a means uive notU'l eiicroachuifit or ol iiidemuifica'ioii. wilh, tts I "'sideiit, l intend to .-peak only of lli.ise acts 01 the 1 resilient i-uumeiuled III party aim , ( ...0liiiion. and whicli I rl ........ ...... e 111 two instances li 1-1 .is bold u-uriialioiis ..mil I nm n:i-i- r. umphed ovei both Foreign and domestic hure, on thettoor ol the American Semite, enemies, and we believe that u -imihii j :'('"a"" " h" '"'-' "''ling to endor,e those success will ye, crow n tht ir joint ,s I J, "j;'' " " 111 rescuing the countiy liom thei::petv l!y wluii iiuthoritv has the Pre.-,ideiii tjinjr erasp of despotism w liieli now hanes I established 11 blockade cf the Southci n 'Any poylc urifuk.rf being inclined ami 'over our National Capital, and restore ' l'0,',s Will any Senator bete tell tne' having the power, have the H.oiiT to rise aml hapnincr. to our destracted I how ,"'e " ""I'0" "' tii anil shake oil the existing governiin-nt 1 . 1 resi'lcut to d 1 so. Will miy .Setuitoi that units them better. Tht it a rnmt nl- 'ol"lt,'.v- ,sav that ihe co:.stituiioii docs uab-e. a my.-,! right- right which wo' ..Hnf0'f .,V people arc l.i.i-.kr.nit, and' 'lotion came up at the last se- hope and believe is to liberate the world. t,0. lolir:h of ,,'lC ,.'.M11d,1(ler w ill be so ifi '' oLciit'.ess an I tho late S,,..ltor mini 1111111.u1 (.iir. I'ougia-; imvanceii an argument that Was unanswerable, and sla- eiieiny 1......... . ,..,.. 1 ,1,1,..,,.,,, .,,,.1 ,1,. I .. ' - - !' I 1 ..... . ir i.i-ioie-Hgaui , ,, 1 ..... . , .ii .1 1 "mi .. .i'l nil 11 1 1 1 1 1 ii... it at int. the I'otoniai.-. (u-n. Mcl'owtll wnsii; t lie rear of the ret rout, but linviu slept but little tor throe nilils he 1 came r-nir.rletelv cxliattstcd. l"li i New York Zouaves sa.-ed litit JOll out nl' 1100 men. And other ra iment mitlcrcil :t diva-ll'iil Io-js. hut it is utterly iiupD.-hiblo iit this time U stale tlie lo.-.s mi eitlii'i-hido, our Iom is thought to be immense stilted tt :i')ilii, while 1 1 mrc is nodou'it tho us of the rebels was equally s'jvciv. The tvln-ls i-itpl tired Sliefiiian's, (.'arlislt-V 'am 1 the West Point HaUcrv, .mi- m mis iigiu ci.i.iine.i 10 ca-s in th;s i.my,, is ,0 drag wearily int.! ivl.ieb tho -'. of an existing gov- , niotl(13 ail,i ...,,. Cj111, s ; .,- crmnent imijehnose to exercise it, ,lA Comincice hugs the oov pier and ,mrt. ... Mich p -pie that c.tv. M tV rcvo- u-.( ,. ,; slelm .,; wh,,u iu l in n !.:, ami in.ii.e iiiini nv.. oi ,t i nu7. ' of tho territory as they inhabit. More I than thi, a majormv or ANV I-OHTIOV of such people may icvolu'.ioui,.., putting tl'ii' ii a wiiiorit;,, intermingled with, or no-ir about them, who may oppose their move mei.ts." Certainly, language cannot be molt: pointed and direct. "Any ir.-yi. anyicht rr" says Mr. I.iecoln, -'have the right to shake :cu iiicrein i tun siio-.int toe I're.-ideut al- tcliiit to do so he woolj be liabb- to iul- i i . . . .. . . i of our machinery as listlessly ami huTlv 1 "' , '" '', 1 '"'""- '"w yoi.rl.ieutenanHlcnfi.nl moves ins col - ," l1;'111" "y limns ton-ni We niioiu . In voni- ' i is ci..i. .11 ci eel nior Stale value biivi! I ecu swept v i I li their representative like toiest trees bel'oie the! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii n lie. Production has no worth in suipl.is supply and stinted ccimiml." We take the above wailing from the P.lack KcpuLIiain P.ible, (TU T:il- i than nnv other ol'.ieer I'm nig all the pari trmib cs of thi I'liimhv t. I.I. -i. I. .. ... .... ;.. .i:..... .1 . ' 'locii.-idi wii.- :m. iiislittilitl no, not even dining the troi.tile.- ol South Carolina, in is:.'.', and I Iiu-t the lime '111 ay vet conn; when il will not betie.ison to 111. in. tain the eo: stiliitiou. oil' the existing government, and form a ly found in that paper. No other paper which expresses more truth than is ii-ind- breekinri.lge referred at some length to tl.e Mi-peii-inii of the i i''.: iv c.r ...... 1 r 1 1 1 11 1 . t.e.vnn.. ll.nt ...it, I him tin! I ni- " Sni i K I,.,. ,.,,., ,1 11 1 I...;., 1' .--.,.. :,., oe.-n ton, uooui most everything fiepeiids on an etlicient I . ,...,,, . , , , ' , . , . ," ' "' t "; -Mate rights and individual rights, some Directory, which is the backbone ol the I ,he 1 niU'l Slnt0 ,v""i "nt excluded. lamine. m.d de.-olation tij.on us. It is of ivl 10I1 weiu mere shadows ; ihe writ of .ny people, anywhere nave tins light proniu.iy t lie leal uutliorol our calainities, i '""k.v cvi-hs is uie r.'giit 01 eili.ens every accortling to Mr Lincoln. 'nnd Abraham Lincoln has been delegated I "''l':tl a ieal right the r.yl.t of iifeliis, It i., .,1 .,..... .I.ui n. I '.., t...t 1.. r ... 1 ' -lie iiign, tue mw. 11. 3 ncli .......j ... .a -.-..j . .... iiiiiiwi; r.m-m.-s . t ne I ,u li0 poor II lk s 111. i'j if1 11 ii-iiiiir.ttii-4. r nrr 1 in. i.i'M.ir 1 111 i 1 1 11 is is nil. 1 1 n-i'ii.i-r .iii 1 ....... ' Iuinoeratie doctrine that tho "nniiorilv destruction. system, nnd rtgiilar attendance of pupihj. if the people could only see il ; irregular ity in attendance is tlie greatest draw back we have 10 contend w'tli. Public sentiment is mostly hivoratilo to tho school system ; it is taken to ha a fix ed fact, thoujh occasionally 1 hear it de cried. I have been more or less connect ed wilh the schools of this county for the past eight years, and although tho ad vancement has not been as manifest as I could desire, yet there 1 as been an im provement in public sentiment favorable to education and prospects brightened shall rile, was his standard then. Nor win it necessary that n whole State or na tion, should act as a body, or a- n whole ; but "anv ronTioN of such people that can( may revolutionizes and make their own out of so much of the territory an thry in We advise Cicely not to get alarmed to soon, as the business is scarcely begun, it is true (hat some of our Constitutional utid civil rights, have been w iped out by the present Administration with a grace becoming the (V.ar of I'ussia, but our Yes. Mr. President ll belongs to those to whom the President chooses to disigiute as a "jilain p op'.c.'' It via sought alter, fotighl for, obtained and locked up in cur constitution. It is Ihe chiel glory of the llritish people. I need not say that I'lirliamem alone can suspend it. We all know that a mcnaich cannot thus invade this sacred right of a people, yet a traiis-Allaiitic President does it wilh impunity. Such a thing was never before known. Mr. Jetlerson at one tunc thought he would like to suspend the wiit, but he l ol. if.t.'.iiil lis. 111 slivs In 11. .Mil'oWiii thinks that forty will cole, the number ot killed and wo in led, and of the.-e three were killed, iweiiiy-iiine wounded 11ml eight mi-.-iit:g. Col. MeClel'iiaiid, of the House of ltep reseutatives left the lioad.'iuartcr of tiie jariiiy at ( eiiiievilh-at nine n'clni k this morning, in ingi.ii 1 in-oilicnd n ..i t ul the battle at lSull s Klin. He a: 1:1 cil tl.i-iilternooii. I.a.-t night. hI'u r the filing t ea-i-.l fi.n Scliueck's biiinle proecciit d up the laine-ville loud t ith n view of II inking uie ics!t oils ol l li.' lliiee mole pioininciii ll.ll ll-l'l..- ivlltl'tl III. I , .1 ........ 1 III. 1,11 ..in- i,1M)ji-. j eig;tit lli:rty-t'-i potiiitl rilled cannon, A negro came into lie.i.hpiai tcis from j !'"d " l.'ifo iii.muiit of minkcts, luitji- theclicun's c.imp to-dnv, reprereiitiug ; siicks. nlitl Mime rcifiini'lilHl wiliroiiv k;,.,c..tr 1.. 1., ... '- .1 I m 1 .. - . . .... 1. 1. 1 1 .... 1 in .,11. .-oiuiiiin-, iiiio n;tjriiMy w .ioiins w ere einjuii'u w ho i,e says, tvas k illed tog... her wi I h .1 ,v t ho to !l in slers to litcilililto tbo large iimi.her or the enemy. ,.;.(,.,, , , ,, , 1 he t.oiiletli rates w ho were in the 1 n- 1 ,- - 1 gageinent it the tun are said to be those who wre driven b.ir.k frou'i 1-.11 '.nil points '-'l- Wileo, and Col. (.'ameron,a brotli between Fairfax Court House nud Ontni- er of ;hc Secietary ol War, are among lli ville, in add. lion to reinforcement M'10 (killed tie'e brought til. from Manar during I , , , the action, which coi.'inued a! o.it live i ,"'t'1'1 a,,,nn l,VI?'t, 111 U .'l'i'gtnn, Ull ho'iif. i Siciimb i.it an J Tclegi.nph coinmur.iculiuii De.-plie the v.uio.is lumol', the condi- have I mil il iitl.tirs -it Uie e.o-o ol yerterdav lll'l ho l-lia.'ii. lM. i...l .M :l tli.i.vii I. .III,. bm.g altogether eoneealed by tint woods,' ,,tr''"'! ,l '"-"'I'ul defeat, the hiult lt-l-ruv ines .ind t n'.ciiehiiu ills from which lini! no doubt with a number ofnaiier 8- thev .l.rt t.;e I their tire l';ic members of the House who witness cd the light with Me si-. McCli-rntind, bu ll tr Ison, I,oyciiy and Logan, of Illi Hois ; N.iell, of Missouri ; Dunn, ol Indi ana, mid hx-It.-presciitative II janl, of .New- 01 k it is C.d. MeClermmd's belief, whst lie a-eertaii.ol while at tlio seal war, 1 11:11 me Lmilcleriites had yesterday ing their march to F.ii fax Com t Iliinsv up vanis ot ..11,1111,) troops at the .1 unction, Houses were broken into by some, -j:id br or who could soon bo there eoncoiiliated. 1 others one 01 two houses were burned.- ! As the (ieneral very properly ob-enrft, Still Liitrr froiii Hull' Hun The Kill- ,'!,lp. ".'"''l.' 'T' '1j4 -a'd" by tl.. ,;lwl M ,,,-, o,i the l--,trral Si.tcTl r, .'' l i"' " " "T".Zi . ,. . , I thciclore, to make signal examples Hint rrjiaritttmintiir t St.yr or the ( ..- ( visil cmdi.,, ,,uni.-h.ncnt on the ollcnd Ji'ihrittf II o-,..-. (;,. j'aiierson had to is-ue a simi lar order, throat -ning d.Mtti to 11 ly of lii col lis who should 1. mi. nl I lot onliii.Tl I P.M. From tnre!ul impiiry ami or- some of his troops committed at Martini soi al oli-ervaii jn the number of wounded j burg. on the Federal side amounts to sixty ami j (ieneral IUitler. too, at Fortress Monrof, the killed at forty. Several amputations jWas obliged lo lake measures to prevflil as to th lonner have already taken place, j (),,. horrid violence perpetuated by sonn . uu . iinuMiii 101 uie L'teater na n are ii hm tinoi.u n 1 ..i v 1. 1.. been cut oil fo far as the public in I concerned. We believe our army In '.iitr.-ie i or- ri of the Liig lletliel Pierc.i t ripe. Kvcn.t.r.M iEvr:-Mi..!iv()t::-t A iin,f ,( ! Trti.ks. (ieiii MeIHvell h u m u I I i.dmirable order against the few in ei irf his tn:ops w ho have disgraced tho army. I injured the covet ntnei.t, and weak'uctl from iho good eiiu-o liy the outrages they lists o: eoui'inltt! on nerscns unit nroncnv 1 ur- . . ! ...-.'.. l!t l.i,'s Kt .v, .lu.y lfi-lsi',1. A 1 1 1 , , , . . 7 . . . C " ' ... Ul MIB IIUIM'3 111 UJ.IMH.IIIIH , 4 1 II PllUtn" asKoti congress ami it was denied to bun, .piartered at Ihe old stone church, while iful cer.oraU have been riaid on this point. ..,.. IT... -.1 :. ..I 1 .. .) .ill. 1 . . . l . yy within that period which is not likely to ' ' '"nguage 1 iguis i.ro uoi an gone yet, now l.ig tve be over r stiiiia'.-il. ' i"ri'l.v ,0 1,10 Southern people! If he hd will be able to retain them none can tell. No new or untried plans for next year been their f!od attorney end advocate, ho Tho President who a few months ago took have been matured, nor is i t intended to 1 enn 1,1 not 1, vn i,ii,i;n.l ii,..ii. i,.,i i.,.. ' .,,1....... .,i i. i ..,...,. , .!... experiment upon anything of doubtful ,.Tll0 mil,oi ity-ihe Union men of tho has the honor (!) ofdoiu- exactly the lei?,,, ul' a,lU'mi'1, Tlieconsliiu-;every allemioi, is being paid to their i The Duke ol Wellingtou'ihowed t ho guiU .inn... i . , r i . , , ""'s1""" "i1- ''" coiiiioii. j iniiiee.i oi tun tieau tvero ii.ir-i tv no mercv. and Nano eon t ho (ireal net- ileoiipositioutothe county (1,p,.rin -utli aro or no ureount. "A majority of Veisc, and we have in. doubt that Mr. more than any othe, olheer when itspeaks' ied with military honors. There has been I Jr permitted bis 1.0 tendency that Las 1 t en K it to exist, is ( the people may revolutioi.ue, putuny Jovn Lincoln will prove as successful in sj.li;. ,ol tlio writ.. j no firing at Ihill's Kuu to-day. The Con-tder. The only instance iu which lions- fast giving away, and a prudent coui.-o the minority." This is good States Right ting up the Constitution ami tlio Union Ml'- I'-'eekinridgu rpioled fiom . federates are still in possession of their ! ,,arie nitlered'it was once end Ihut esrlv pm lied by that oliicer will enable l.im !.. 'doelrino, and the very doMrine that has as he was in the rail business in Illinois I 'T. v ,'.tr1,:'!il;;.fJl';1'- principal batteries! Their picket up-: in hi career. It was in tile case of IVis', blend into harmony the most (liscordiint , no . . . ... , ,. , . , -,. . '' 'Ul LuJud to tho Meiiyiiian case, und , proacii to within ono hundred and fifiy'in lode whern hi little cirrison was elements or put.licepinh i relation to it. i -" talc. a- a unit m favor His darling doctu.ie that the Union Jsaid thai the newspaper l,..d de..oun..ud Ja.tl of our own. y,' J',", iim.", ,m rdered HecaveX A few Hoards ol iliiectois, not having , resistance. could not endure half slave and half free ',uJfc,l! Juney. but never ut tempted to re- Wilh ihe aid of a spy-glas large bodies ; (0(Vn up to plunder but -ifler tlireo hours the (car of tho Con nty superint en len t be- I Such were the sentiments ol Mr. Liu- is about being practically demoiist lated '''3 I'K'i'neiits, and t liesc abuses of , ol Cm federates were seen moviu g at right i nid he could bear such scenes H4 ouf' fore their eyes, contit.ue to e,or!ny teaeli- ,.!,, ; Ls-M, when our country wms en- bv him to the very letter." ""' ,?ct IV""'1, "n, . ,,.'r ll'ri' "IU ""tly extending their base . mld ho never allowed u repetition t crs without, crrtille do-, ' L-oiir-t-is , . . . , . f 0.vu heads. Here Mr. ',ieckiii:idgo, line operations. They aie not retreating. 1 1. Hftei-ward very repiehenslhle nnd e.mnoi longer be rU in a con est with a lo. e.g.. foe Nor - - i eulogized Judge Taney lor his Ability and Puttsiies are now being actively erected I Jle s-ii l.oliev nnd mor.lilv H.V toh-iated. There is nojostic, i subject- ,J" publish them now tor Urn thud Al... W kon,;.- o observe that a num- courage, and said he was Hu-most illustri- on the Federal side, commandiiig the e..-! J . ,, '-1 , ; , ""1'''"J , ing one clasi of t-;achei s to the ordeal of time lor the purpose of gratifying "an in- lier of our exchanges ridicule the efforts ' eus A met ican living or dead. einy's works, which are of a m.bstaniiul: V'lUi! 01'1'OSL' 10 H'C n pfctn ; notii- ait examination, and let, itnotliei cls int i, i,i,.,i r .i, i.,.,hii. .. nf tlm I'mJiLmt. in nt.nmn.i.,. i. ii.,i, Addressim- himself 1 1 the Semite. M'e. ' eliaVaeier.- 'i iny: is so certain to (lisortianizo iiiiti lUoremriitoitou.e.eap- 1 have refund Iwhich the whole crunlrv will b.ve d ado the Southern oorts. insinir-that tho ' I"'Ui;k",nd al,i ''' 'Wiant ' ttwing to the repulse i.h which io i coo:.-'!!' e or v -m su -n ii.ii-u sc ioo s. ' ' . i Teach in'Xt year may de-ire Ihe maie; ,ml merely to coirect an error ol the, Juur privilege, nnd claim Jhi a t a preeodetit, rial tl io ond to nhow I hat wo did not anil and there would bo n end to Iho ddli- do not "misrepre-ent" Mr. Lincoln. oi'ty. ....... ... It woeld bo well if parents and direct-, .... , , , .. ,ii,.; n,.,iLi. r. . . i ft-? I ho icMrnvl published a coinmuni - nr. r.nnl.l uk f. tlio senon.. htn a rpnnnn-. ly, none some not. thv exci i man ncr: ..,-,.. . Ini. .1,. .... ......... o Tt nn. - p.v, in u .-.iui, iieijuiii on in- to 1110 reunse w uu wtiitai tlie wuijrii.i.ij .un iu ... . n n. Vou propose to aiiDiovo w hat Federal troons liave met. Mm innvi.iin.ni. ' toriou -that bat t les aft er In -inrr fairly it... . t. :. i . .. .. --. - i-"i '"u"w 1 ,liu 'u,u Uicreiorc you aroumibleto osfet.d as being just against the enemy will be more carefully ! won have been lost litfain bv tho in- WronfTnnil IKH iw. in-l -i.n.l i , ill i, 1.1 I .I -.!..'!.. ... . n --....-. ....... i. We think this is ail a mistake, a ivn.-p' Mr. ltreckinridte spoke of perfect blockade has never bee.. ..Mal.-'01'? unjahtly impiisoned, and Iplaniiod and of greater magnitude than ' diil-Tiieo of the victorious troobs those who tvas at. first eoutemptated. thin PropeiiMtr. Tl.o tendency ctcd par- I lie federal troops uru a "e.it'er for , 1 i t , t He then '.hi fray." They i.av0 constructed ten,-1 V"1' 1S lo b1""1 .,Ir' 1,!,,n'1 V ? o of them very often, rnd '-'O'1 lt week signed "A Lover of the inoxperionce of tho President in gov- which bo protested a incorporated in tho , over stacked arm-'. Theio is plenty of '.V necessary t it at all j true, there are a few wor- Truth," which w.i intended ai a reply tcinmenlul afliiin. The lloakudo is cor-; resolution, allirming the law iu conncc-, foot I here for the troops, including fresh troops, and vi ptions. a communication i.tiblished two weeks ' tainly n suecos, not only aro our porls ,ion Wl (iu;l1 '"''alion j among them beef. The indication! now are that there ' ttnnrnu'd citi , 1 1 v n mi. Imr nl t.-in,.l. Arc nr.. tat .ai. . 1 I : Uero t tin iinii-.n- I .. ,l,...l,.-, . n, I ..,.:.. ... .11 i I I i . . 11. Of ' I i .1 " t. . . ' . . .. ' ... ....... lu i. I, 4 ... si,,,.!.. I s.iliCI OI iishctl iii any country, notwithstanding ,.0Ceedod to ...... ....., il.., ,,.. umn.,Mrtrv- ..-i, , ....... i. ......... ! those ciiL'atrci n it. iind it H absolute- I 1 . . , ...v ..-.,.., ,.-, ,,.,. .mi wi-jii mmintHJ I II I U (I ' C7!T ' to noid n ttciil rein upua isit their outrages upon ,-i t i'iiw ..'itli (Ini niost SO previo.Hinour paper, signed "Spirit of and rivers blockaded, but every business la1,;i.V1,,,,,.T.Vi.... i.. ..ili.. , ir. '?:.0 li ' u,f' '','11". 'or.var.l movemei.t vm ptniisli.nont. But, from tho cu. .. . .. , - ?'"'-' '""i.g, uiiie-s inoemmiy nisinvlii- titiiii in v.l,i,. . (Jen. Mc Dowell's order was received by the A aoodly number of teachers oro labor mor A-il.li rommntiditb I a vnnl I., tin. La i... provemmit in other departments of leavn- '''' 'ur correpot.tlent does not deem avenue in tho country has shansd the tain the navy, drawing money from the shall provoke ono ing, so that tlicy may l,o able tlio better H worm wliile to voply to tins lover ot Rami) fate, and if the present blockade is ; ,J reaburv without due apjuojirintions be- Special altt iition is being paid to tbo io give uiose msirueiion in inoso namo.t truth, slating at the smiio time that tho continued for one year longer the whole 1 "S ,,,ut,. EnElW morelcoun,,, will be bankrupt, but a, the; elementary branch ; they are ako shupi.v "or ,c,'' ,n"n un 0Xlraa' lr0n sermon i res uietu says in Ins late message to Con- i 1I mid tlmir course towards oblainina tlio county preached in Iho Methodist Church t. cress "a popular dctnaiid" has resulled the cou t certificate. ,,, . , , Luthersburg two weeks ago by the Uev. If oilier teachers could bo induced la imitate this example successfully, t hey , n" would be more fortunate in procuring em " e woiild m?rely slate that if the ar playmenl, and would likely obtain better , ticlo published was a correct sample of compmisHMon ior uieir scivhos man ai ti,0 eerraon preached by Iho gentleman V...1.1. ft wwa-'- jnlluded to, it must Imvo been rton-uA liifiingeinentii on Wio jights of '. l)o-iital department, and active prepuia.',1'0ol,s when it was read to them, m-. I l.la ............. ! . ! t . . '.. !...).-. 1 I. ... A 1 I. ... I nntllllff uu men- prupuny, on ineir , lions are neing niatie to provide lor Iho J"" tnew win uu nu luniii'i uuun their right to bear arms. care of the sick and wounded' : Uur men rro. t'ni-wiii-d t.. 1. reserve th that should tho resolution nass; The batteries of the Confederate u-rn intnirritf .' i.a nnd not to ntry would stalk on riant strides scientifically workril in il. u,.i inn tr . 1 ..i .. "i ' . . ' r. . , .... . . .. . , iiitllltlHi- in numerous violations of tho Constilu-. '., :owulu" miniary Uespoiism. lielenl iy. jnotilh. 'J'.th, V.i). j County Sup't. producliou. ... . ... v..u v iiiu yJ 1 1 uniu- '1111 i - r I t i o ti i a ti ti i J .ti r f .5 2 1 1 u il 2 1ft 3 1 u a 1 1 1 1 rttj tl ii .1 i J 1 1 f i'.J ' i 1 1 tL.C' Thi' rwnn Uo""r"1 S- Tll0 Mis .,.. rr. , , .. ... 1 destruction cl the M. Louis State Journal, was read to all tlie trooiu un.ler lionoraL war J ho Mis of the country. The destruction of the where ho said an otlicor had suppressed it, McHowell's eonimand. both at Centre,1 '"Mio highway whole country is the only national idea ov- with four hundred soldiers as his rrnr-, villo and Fairfax Court House, nrohibit.i "Hlokdp,l" Hi er advocated by tho Llaek l:onublieanirim!- , . , , . . I ing thclts of every description ami kind ., ,...,.,. i ,., r..., bushel. W party, and they should have crcd t (or be ?i f"- r1 U"J resect lor .persons and ' ' . n, ! r . inn iicu colonies mrotici. 110 itevtnniioii in-oi.eriv- Kininm nil in. nn.i ..!... "vu... ...... r ... .. ,0.. ....... .. in3 national for once. ; without suspending the li. bcas corpus, for n violati isfciss.pii or iom oi"" has boon so efTectualiy "P.ln. t udoil" I ti ll, rnrn i nxlliml 111 trl' stating that the least penalty sheuM itiou thereol would bo iiicnrccr 'continue to H-o-o-r-a-h Ijr Lin cuui.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers