Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 24, 1861, Image 1

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    B.W. MOORE, I v.Ait.
TERMS $1 29 per Annum, if paid in advance
The Celebration at Luthersburg.
un ,
Tho&i'li Annivorsary of our American
jpjepuiiilonco was celebrated by the citi
jeDS of Brady and Union townships, in
,h beautiful grove on Cream Hill,
.of Luthersburg. The day was usher
jil io 'by firing of salutes music, tic, at
m early hour. At 1 1 o'clock the ceremo
jjof the clay were commenced by elect
jnnRtr. John Flegal. of Pennville Pres
ent; and Isaac Line and Andrew Wil-
MR Vice Presidents; Levi Flegal andJas.
v . . . . , . .. J . ninafinir in ah rlilntA n-itli itnilml
vt hy the t 'rosidenr, and the Declaration . i -----s- ;
. . , I Kfintimniittt iin-l i in t.nnt if nl lilsinna.
pression, be strangled out of existenco.niid free from the thraldom of British tyranny,
the fourth o( July I e held as tt day sacred It, perhaps, may not be amiss, in this
to virtu ma freedom, to enlightened reus- connection, Mr. President, to advert for
on, and to innocent joy . a few moments to some of the causes
Tho ivorkiiiQ men of our country, the which led to the determination of separa
plough, the loom, and the anvil, ure far . ling from the mother country. Even as
more honorable badges, thun all tho stars eony as tne yean nw, i,ora ureemnne
and garters ever invented by purse proud proposed to the American agent, then in
aristocracy. London, that it was the determination of
Tho fair sex- Their beauty, virtue and , the British Government lo draw a reva-
chastitv : are the Btronuest incitement to nue from tho colonies, which however he
valor, patriotism and enterprise.
Jtev. Flegal, Mr. Wilstn, and Mr. Bur
rctt were each in their turn culled on,
and responded to the request of tho
f Independence read by J. C. Barret
The oration was delivered by bi T. J.
Rojer alier wincn a sumptuous dinner
km announced, and freely partaken of
:if;er clearing away the table, tho follow
ing resolutions were read by tho Chairman
nf the Committee, and heartily respond
ed) by tho meeting, and unanimously
idontod :
Vueres, The procnt beng an impor
tant era in tho history of our country
rliich good 1,10,1 U:(1 patriots must con.
template with mingled emotions of fear
mJ liojic, as llioy L'lunce at the post and
the present beholding the dark clouds
which hnve long threatened,- hanging
heavily over us, ready at any moment to
burst in all us horror upon us ana
whereas, instead of peace and prosperity
attending us which are characteristic of a
treat nn J growing nation, we have aggita
lion, discord and actual war as the order
olhe day therefore
Resolved, That we sincerely liopo that
he cause of distentions, discord and disunion,
vliich now exists among us, and not only
Jividos us as a people, but distracts our
national councils may speedily bo remov
ed, and that the public mind may again
kconie selllcu In tho contemplation or
lubjects more consistent with the dignity,
in J more estcntial to the prosperity ond
happiness of a great und growing Nation.
Uesohrd, That while our Nation U un
dergoing tho mighty throe9 of dissolution
nn J anarchy, the of momoties Henry, A-ihni9,lIancock,Greeii,Vttiren,l'utnuin,L-byette
and others should prompt every
incere patriot to deeds of hih and lolly
daring, in order to save it from the throat
Hied destruction, ond the descen Jants of
'ih patriot sires from the seeming ingrat
itude of being recreant to their solemn
JUmetd, That as American citizens we
baver.o more high or holy anibi.ion than
thestrict mnintainance of the Constitu
tion, and the nceer iy ykinj nf the titurs
and Stripes.
Bctoli'cJ, That the anniversary of our
national birth day ought to bo held tlio
modt sacred of all days in the calender, by
every American citizen.
llaohal, That we extend tho hand of
brotherly lovo and fraternity to nil Union
men throughout our distracted hind, EuH,
Went, North, ond South.
Resolved, Tint vvo hail with emotions of
anxiety 'ind hope tho meeting ol the Na
tional Congress to day, and ardently hope
tint in its wisdom, prompted by a broad
and enlarged patriotism, it may adopt
tome measures ly and through which a
ipeedy and permanent peaco "ill again
be extended to our distracted land.
Itetnlvnl, That abolition fanatics nod
ilmlrauon, descrvo our censure
nd contempt.
Resolved, That our patriotic army of the in tho field, are entitled to our
tympathy rnd support, in putting down
armed rebelion to our Constitution and
federal laws.
May the name of Genenl Washington
be handed down to posterity, and his glo
rious deeds he remembered while tho orb
or light continues to hhinc upon this ter
restml ball.
This day May it bo proudly and grate
fully remembered as the birthday of n
Nation, to he forgotten only with the last,
expiring sentiments of a love for Liberty.
The signers of tho Declaration of Inde
pendence Theirs was neither a dark
coiupirney, nor a shameless combination
for the attainment of guilty ends by un
warrantable means.
The never dying memory of Washing
ton, Jefferson, Franklin, and f.ll the Rev
olutionary heroes who assisted either
with the pon, or '.he sword, to rend the
jokeof tyrnnny. They will ever bold o
place in the titans of tho freeminded
throughout tho civilized world. .
the memory of Andrew Jacnson, mo
sentiments und patriotic allusions.
The utmost harmony und good feeling
prevailed throughout the entire day.
And too much praise cannot bo bestow
ed on dipt. Lines, Chief Marshal, and his
active and energetic assistants, U. W.
Long and Jamas Irvin for their untiling
zeid and industry on the occasion to ren
der the day harmonious and pleasant.
The thanks of tho celebration are especial
ly due to the Ladies, for tho very excel
lent und sumptous dinner prepared, and
the beautiful decorations in the grove,
made by their bunds, aud last though not
least, we would particularly tender our
thanks to Messrs. J. Hamilton, A. Irvin,
W. T. Hamilton, A. Pen lis and Masters
Wilsons for their very excellent music
given during the day.
The company adjourned with thico
hearty cheers for tho Stars and S'.ripej.
Luthersburg, July 4th 1SG1.
Da. r. J. Hover.
Ikat Sir: The under
signed committee would respectfully soli
cit a copy ofyoui very able and patiiotic
address, delivered at the Union Celebra
tion on Cream Hill, for publication.
Kepectfully yours,
ti. W. LONG. J
did no propose to parliament until 1765.
It nasi) duty upon stamps. By this act,
no written instrument could be legal un
less executed upon stamped paper, which
woe sold by British agents at extravagant
prices, und such was the determination
of the British government to fasten this
odious law upon the Colonics, that those
who violated it were subject to severe
penalties, exorbitant fines, and to harrasg
them still more, amtrine court was es
For wrongs to aeck stern redreaa.
To right thoM wrongs, come weal, come woe,
To poritb or o'rrcome the foe."
Alter the battle of Bunker Hill, Inflam
atory and patriotio appeals were made
throughout the length and breadih of the
land. Fathers and sons left the same
homes to fight the same battle. Indepen
dence was now the theme which inspired
the tongues of Henry, Adams, Ottis and
hundred of others. The decimation was
made sealed, signed and read from the
pulpits, from the house tops, and at the
Lead of the army, and all who heard it
were aroused to greater exertions that
they might realize the consummation of
all their hopes and anticipations, viz: lib
erty or death freedom from the thraldom of
Great llritiaAfrecdcm of speech FREEDOM
or the mEs, and above all freedom to
make and to execute their own laws.
But, these could only be obtained by fight
tabli.hed which made the Colonies liable '!"?; uafully ; disputing every
to be called to trial to distant provinces. I !"cu 0.f.Kroulltl and every uian to throw
even when no special crime hud been al
ledged against them ; und many, accord
himself into the breach, as though ho
considered himself as an instrument in
the hands of Pre vtdonce to assist in the
achiovemuct of n glorious Independence;
ing to that noble old Declaration which
linn IiibI lioon roiiil in vniir lio'icinrr urpra
sent to England to bo tried for pretended l01" 8,8 tuou45- J. considered his life as
ollenccs, and even denied the right ot a
jury, immediately in connection, or
rattier as a supplement to this law, an act
was passed for sending troops to America,
tho avowed object of which was, to check
intiiilinrilituittnn lint, t lin nut onulila nrwl
true object was to force tho Americans in- Ll B ns -" lo1 lo ral1' 'l0 h" M""'; for his
to a servile submission to these iniquitous' f;m,i Y '"8 cu'-ry and his dod, that Ins
enactments. This act establishing miH. bildren might enjoy the advantages of
tary force in the Colonies, obliged the in- constitutional liberty, and with tho cmo
habitants of the Colonic, to which thev 1 t,on8 ' l'rdo V?lnl tne '"Rto10 PW
dissolution. You may call a blind devo
tion to party, and boast of having always
followed its leaders, a proof of attachment
to your country, you may claim that a de
fence of the acts of uny administration,
whether it agrees or whether it conflicts
with moral principle aud right, is an exhib
it of patriotism ;. but in so doing you are
only -kbuning noble words and paving the utter extinction of their true
meaning, ond an ultimate justification of
Dr. Johnson's sentence, that "Patriotism
is the last refuge of a scoundrel." We
must keep this fuel distinctly in our
minds, or the history of of all national
failures will find a feurlul repetition in the
days of our children.
Our national security is based upon, and
must proceed from, our devotion and fi
delity to our great national ider.. Eery
people hnve their representative value,
and they manifest it by working out
through their luws and customs un effort
for some special observance. It will not
do to soy that a departure from tho law
may, under certain circumstances, bo jus
tifiable ; we must guard, with a miser's
figilance, the great palladium of our lib
ertie?, and while we swear to support the
Constitution, we must also resolve lo fight
those who set ut it detiunco, whethei the
assault comes from withouior from within.
a ucpuriuro nowevor trilling, ami seem-
their petitions were answered onlv by od- "r ..- -. ,
ding insult to injuryj they addressed the ty'. thnt cl'ddren might enjoy the
Crown ; they conjured him by all his love blessings which we now possess.
for hissu
Luthersburg, Ta. )
July, Oth lxf)l. J
Gentlemen-: I am in receipt of your
note of the 4th inst., asking for a copy of
the uddresi delivered tv me on ii'ai ocen-1 ri
sion. in complying wuu your request i ; mm instead oi attempting uny amenora
liave lo regret that tho few and inco.n-j tion of their condition, connived at new
plete notes, which I have of that address, schemes, the tendency of which was still
1 -ii ... .i i- . r : 1 ..:ii. ! i . . , l l .1 i.
IUI U1C1 IO UllSlilVU, Ulll I iS tlll4 umiuiu lilt-
will notonab o ine to lurm.-h you with a
full report. I take great pleasure, how
ever, in sending yu herewith, the best
copy I can make. Hoping that it will
meet your apprybation, I have the honor
to bo very
Truly your
Ob't Set v't
T. J. BOY Ell.
To Messn Lines, Wilson and Long, Com
mit too of Cream Hill Celebration.
Delivered at the Union Celebration at Lathers
bay, JJj ilh lfiOl.
I have somewhere read n beautiful sto
ry of an eastern maiden parting from her
betrothed. His pathway was across the
trackless ocean. She stood by the far-resounding
sea and watched with straining
eyes tho vessel that bore away her life, her
joy, tier all. )v nen iiigin sei. m, mie
launched upon the darK oa a sneu con
taining a lighted taper. She watched it
lot.gond anxiously, as it floated tar out on
thowater. If, umid the tossing of tho
waves, the tiper remained burning, it was
significant of her lover's safe return ; but
ifil was extinguished, all wa lost. To
day, just eighty-live yens havo passed
sin'e.o the fathers of tha republic launched
upon the dark and stormy sea of politi
cal life a bark IVeiuhted .villi tho hopes
and destinies of millions, panting for freo
dom. They stood by the shore, and with
anxious soiicitude, wiitclied its course
for they had pledged their lives, their
fortunes, and their sacred honor for it
safety. The crew of that ship weie men
of iron nerves, and chivalrous hearts.
ti.ov w orn the weather-beaten tars of n,
cruel despotism, seeking the havon ol
frooilom. 'Jn tho Yard Arm of this craft
I l.iinir thirteen liuhts : theso wore her bea
cons. If, amid the mighty heavmgs of
the olemenls, they remained burning, all
was welt ; but if they were extinguished,
all was lost. The builders of this noble
old ship uppauled to tho Supremo Ruler
of tho Universe for the rectitude of the'r
intentions, and prayed for the interposi
tion of Jlis mighty arm for its safety.
Millions ol the old world, who iiuu
heard of this ship, bid it a hearty Uod
IroVoTAican history .ho silen- .peed $ZZ
ced by the thunder of his cannon the ruf-1 od black of Ku"
AM, cry of W.y.& booty, and
cbetktoft med time server's by tho dar-. wave a tcr wyj i n(,,f.,ct hell
declaration, "I take the responsibil- yawned ZZill
But look youl Sho has withstood the
shock of the waves, The sea rolled over
her in vain. Tho thirteon lights aie still
i.r,.;nT nt ilm vard arm. Mutiny was
engendered in that crew,
i voluntary nllui inir imon the alter oi
j , --
American liberty ; that whether he might
fall amid the carnage of the blood-en -sanguined
field, or whether he might livo
i . . . . . L - ...l.... i 1
IW BCC .11.11 llllll'IKJIIIlClll-U l 1 1 UIIIIIIIVIU!, ' . I ... , .
i. .l. i,J ;r M'gly hurmless, will open tho door for
,11. IIUII 1,1,1 LIIVCI 1 1 l WVlimnni-lwi. .ll.iw II i r . l -l i ,
iuiuio ii inn ui evns wincn must sooner or
later, shroud the sun of our glory in end
less night.
Look at Greece. Her great mission, ot
one time was to developo and to beautify
n..i i ....I.:.....- i . i .i i
l ... . i .1 l . . i . UI L. IU t:UIL VHIH U I LO IIH11SII Lll II llllllll
should bo sent, to furnish them, with and say --uenoid u.e u.oou ot inai parent . . nv Mie(ir,pUs ', hv ,,,""
garters, and all necessary supplies. The K " Uuur.; PWI,hy 'd the fine a,
people petitioned : arnameni lora re ress .."-7.-",. X I wro treated as important concerr.s of
ot these grievances, and a repeal 01 these ; 1 1'"' a.,, i. r. v . State, and employed as powerful engines
unjust and iniquiious enactments ; nut - y ., :. lo" r. I" . of i)olicy ; hence he was considered the
best patriot ol ancient Greece, who had
the wisest and widest conceptions of the
caimcitius .nd uenius of Greece, and who
biccts-his interests in the Colo I . " renospcc, ve v.ew o. . , . - willing ,nrn
nies-andbytho evils which threatened J he 0 What an national minJ, ud direct the flame
him; they entreated him to some P' f f r J 'l of national aspirations fanoed by its hero
the Crown? Entire submission to its au- '" '7. '6. Greece lecame unfaithful to her
thority, or a Torcod surrender of all their ji"i " -I
. 1 . , -, ..-. -.i. ...1 ...... cur to the march of Arno d I traitor as he ,
:is aid privileges us iriusu buujocis - , , , ... .. .
. , 0 J.. 1 aill.u.iiilnnl .1 litnirm I f tin 1 11 II i I liW lltlla
auuauijuviiiij i-i v.v... v ..... u
army lo Quebec, without udmiring the in-'
dom i table cimrgy and perseverenco of
that little band? Who can point to the,
names of Adams, Hancock, Jelferson, '
Ifciri. flrann Wut-rpn. Wnvnn. Putunm. t
i.umyeiie, uiiu uiiii-i guniui; eitna t i kiiv
Kevolution, without admiring thoir pa
triotism, their undaunted bravery, their
ardent zeal, their heroic sacrifices, their
determined hostility to British usurpation,
their God like el'jrts in the achievements
of a glorious Independence?
It mattered not whether, in tho coun
sels of the nation, or upon the battle livid,
their motto was "give us libeity or give
us death," and who Mr. President, will
bear tho na'.ic of Washington ho who
was "first in war, first in peaco, and who
will ever bo first in the hearts of his coudj
trynien ;" who can think of his disinter
ested patriotism his love of country, his
the execution of the obnoxious acknowledged prowess liu military fKin
In Xp.w II ivon Mr. Iiiaci sol wjs his patient perscvorence ond nideluti
peace of the Colonies, and other luws and
usurpations just ns previous to be borne,
were enacted shortly lifter; laws, Sir, tho
provisions of which looked us if they had
been concocted in the regions of despair,
and tho supporters and franiers thorcof
to be men who hud received their instruc
tions from tho Prince of darkness, him
self. The inhabit(sr.ts of the Colonies do'
termined that no law like tho Stamp Act
fhould go into effect. Measures were ta
ken to prevent the agents from attempt
ing tho distribution of Stamps. They
dialurtod the populace, broko the win
dows and destroyed the furniture of one
Andrew Oliver, "tho proposed distributor
of Stamps in Boston, and forced him to
siirn a plodjro that ho would have no con
cern in
idea, and sank into comparative barba
rism. In her lust days she became sen
suous, and divided into fieice factions.
Her occasional flashings of genius were
mere imitations of her great originals ;
and thus ceasing to manifest her real val
ue, she was overthrown by a superior
forced to make the same pledge. In fact, gable exertions in the cause ot our inde-
so obnoxioiH was tho bnv, that on tho pendencej or who can enjoy the uiessicgs
first day of November, the day on which which we now enjoy as the fruits of his
tho act was to go into oll'oct, was ushered luboM und the consequences of Ins exalt
in by tolling of bells as tor a lunoral pio- cd patriotism, without exclaiming "take
cession, and si;ns of mourning ar.d sorrow hiiulorallin ailhewasu man; we shall not
nppearod throughout all the Colonies. look upon his like again," "hu fume is e
The courts suspended business, and por ternity; his rosidencecrealionjhis tomb the
sons having suits before court withdrew hearts of his countrymen ; and hii monu
them by common consent, and submitted mont his country ; und while libeity hus
them to relferenco, rather than to pur- one single refuge on this globe, the name
chase cno stamp; f-r by so doing they of WASHINGTON ahull bo the watch
l,..liovp.I thev should be surrendorinff the word of all future patriots, and the death
principles which they denied, or tacitly knell to tyrany. '1 he day which which rte
So, too, that most gigantic power that
ever overshadowed the earth, old Rome
possessed at first and long continued to
work out its own idea, virtue, including
personiil courage, und personal integrity,
was its great glory. No nation ever existed
on the lace oi the curth wherein such res
pect was paid to uuthority, and such alle
giance to honor us in liome. But after
tive centuries ofiron rule of uninterrupted
prosperity, laxity und carelessness crept
in, and brought with tliein, or indeed
wero of themselves, the seeds if tho na
tion's dissolution and of death. Slowly
bnt surely the work of corruption spread,
aud wrought out the ruin of tho Empire.
For four hundred years that collossial
frame ofiron lay in the death-struggle.
Old Hjiue was hard to die. But at hutthe
nation that hud been so noted for its vir
ile, became as infamous lor its destitution
of principle, and was blotted out of exis
tence in shame.
These area few illustrations, Mr. Presi
dent, but cortuinly they will suflico to
show that there is such a thing as a Nat
ional Idea, and that the downfall of the
nation may bo looked for when it coases
to cherish and develop that plea, provided
that of itself it is not inconsistent with
eternal right. If wo are wite we will not
believe with the page of history thus
acknowledging the right which the gov- now celebra'.e, was the immediate cnuso , 0pen to us that our own nation will bo an
eminent claimed, ol taxing tho Colonies ol our inueponueiii.o, aim mo nuciues exception to this hitherto unvarying law.
without allowing them representation, or which we now enjoy its consequences. Is We should rather seek to understand how
asking their consent, although tho Crown ' it not right and proper then, and emij fur we have been true to the obligations
audits minions were determined to en- nently becoming patriots, to givo to the wa ow0 our country, and it now swerving,
slave the Colonies and dark and porten-' names and memories of those who have cither to tho right or tho left, wo may ro
tous clouds overshadowed the country. 1 given us these blessings, no stinted and iurn t,0 that Idea, and thus have roason to
But a few shining lights, such as Pitt, measured pruise? They were no ordinary ' boast that the patriots who gave it a nation
Camdon and Barr, stoo 1 forth, the chora- men, ond the deed which they performed al existence aro our fathers,
pious of America, tho advocotcs of free-' in '7t, was as original and startling a it j Jt jg hardly possible that we should err
dom. Thoir patriotism shines pre-cmi-' lias since proved beneficial, and they un- in determining what our National Idea is.
pent on the historic p ige, nnd their mem- liciputod thut in coming years we would The poorest child has it in its power to
orioi will bo perpetuated while liberty has celebrate their achievements with elory read, and to understand it. Tho.billsand
one single refuge on this globe. and rejoicings; and certainly our keeping valleys of our glorious old Commonwealth
Lord Camden denied the right of tax- of independence day should be enthusius-: i,ave echoed to tho steps of some of those
ing the Colonies without commensurate, tic ond joyous ; for when Washington hud c,ni whoso puro minds it was fashioned
ronr&sentntion, nnd in one of his able gained that most important victory at ' ftnd Ibimed. Only a few hundred miles
snoechos in behalf of the American Colo-I Vol ktown, and the army was drawn up from hero, in tho ciinmoicial city of
Dies said: "Taxation nnd represenla- to witness tho surrender oi tho del
The President of the United States.
The Governor of Pennsylvania.
The memory of Henry C'lcy and Daniel
Webster bright name in American his
tory, Liberty That divine principle that has
vindii-ateil its truth and justice on the
b lis nnd vnlleva of tho hew world, am
bariii bright nnd undying beneath tho
iwwlJoring ashes of tho old.
, .''be memory of the gallant dead
'A'lioso horoio doeds are enrolled in the
.'Sea ot immortal fame, and whoso mines
"'i emblazoned in tho records of our Uov
3:aiionary annols. May their actions be
fie guiding star of all true American citi-
The lato Senator Douglas His illustri
c"n name and memory will be cherished
' die hoart of every loyal and Union lov
ug American citizen.
tion are ir separable. It ii nn etcrnel law
of n iture, whatever is a man's own, is ab
solutely his own ; nnd no man, or no gov
ernment, has a right to take it away from
him. Whoever attempts to do it, does nn
injury; whoever docs it commits a rol
bery." I trust it is unnecessary for mo
to enter into a minute recital of onoh net
of usurpation committed by Great Britian
towards tho Colonies. Sutliee it to sny,
Hint immediately after the repeal of the
Stamp Act Charles lownsend proposed
and a traitor,
Cllli.1... - . . , . .
... 1'.. I I ..... n .III Ti IJMI11. in . . . .
named Jior.euict wn, , t(j pimcnt, another method of raising
ami 1 1 In lini. Hut thunk God, one Ueorgo, r
1 Washington, the m ister of that ship, ue- aU , rf puinUi &0 t
o'feated the dastard. She sailod on despite . imported. This was also
i I 1 I liitlfnll'MI I - - .
the perils oi naKouness ii .t.... .v..-. , , opposed througnsut the entire
Tti lierowni of that crew knew no oou. us 'nn,r breadth of
length nnd breadth of the land, and the
consequence was that military force was
they laughed at the winds and mocked
1 tho waves ; and on a Liignt morning. i- t from uninll(i t0 enforce submission
tcr u six years cruise, saieiy jumieu u belftlf of txing ,h Colonies. In 1775
'noble ship in the ha-tbor her Hags BllU . lhe miitory force of Massachusetts were
fl) ing, and her thirteen lights still burn-1 Uacke(j ftt Lexington and Concord, and
ling. . , ii during the same year the memorable bt-
I If there ii one day then, which should i tl)J of jtunkcr Hill occurred which was
' be held sacred by every American citizen, jndee(1 tho opening of tho Revolutionary
.1-.. In Ilia nnA WA Celebrate : if there, r l...nnt' nn kaltnr Jnrmllnn
i is one day, the memory of which sliould 1 of the off9Cl proaUCed by that battle than
lien. Sentt-Our honored military chief- be forever jJPwm' " ! that contained in tho following poetica.
lVtfXZ ' RolUSaiy siVosT Idodgod their live,, j jcft tboir plowebsro. ,. the m.d,
J peace crown his last great iwioiio forlu ' anj their sacred honor, Thoifloek. and herd. ithou . fold,
r I . . AM nn,l t na nvArv I ti..!. .uitssla tn lh unihoro it rain.
Tl 1 is . . tf T I.a .f li PVm fiVflfV IlUWCi . bum w rf "aa v.n .- .'.
-strpapVe to fetts:
:n.ite until Birfnfrv. intoTerance.' arid op- tht thu teen Colonics, ,fnd Iff be wrenr
The ojm, half garnered cn the plain
And muetcred id their aimple drona,
ideated. Philadelpliii. stands the Hall where with
foe, ho well knew that it would bo im- firm nerve they pledged life, fortune, nnd
possible for us to refuse praiso to those sacred honor, to its defence. There
who had accomplished so much for us, hrngs tho venerable bell, be. ring, as by
and therefore he uddressed his faithful the inspirut.on of prophecy, the sentence
companions in victory inns, ".My urave which tells better than many words could
fellaws, lot no sensations ol satisfaction for express, the true mission of uiv coun-
the triumphs you have gained, induce try ; and in that Hall, ynd around that
j ou to insult your fa len enemy; let no bell, us by greater than a prophet's shrine
shouting, no clamorous hu.zahing, ins, numbors from every quarter of our inpil
crease their mortification. It is sullicient and others from far distant shoros, daily
that we witness their humiliation. Pos assembled, foolish and blind are they who
terity will huzxah for us ;" and loud and in that sacred place, and the shad
heurty should our rejoicings bo when we ows of our fathers standing out from its
celebrate such glorious deeds. But let it! walls, cannot see, and do not know, the
not be expected that this alone shows our American Idea, and cannot feel a response
patriotism ; or that of and by itself it fur-) in their own hearts lo its self-evident
n is lies any ground lor present socurity,or
any hope Icr tu'ure national strength.
Lot us reverence their momories and
their deeds ; but let us beware how we
receive them for our own inactivity, or
urge them as reasons for our own infalli
bility, or at tne worst ior mo narnnoss-
But Mr .President, Ladies and Gentle
men, the hands on the dial admonish me
that I must close. The position in which
we are now placed is one of most fearful
suggestions. Ai we look upon it in the
light of history and I desire not to al-
ncssofourown misdeeds. "My father! lude to tho present unfortunate state of
was a soldior, says one ; but to boast of artuirs ur.der winch our country is now
this is rather your shame than your glory, J crooning my heartsinks within me whoft
if in the hour of danger you stand aloof
from duty. So. too, in the capacity of a
nation, if we say we have Washington, tho
patriot, for our father, and are but dema
gogues, more intent to secure more selfish
and party ends than to work out the great
idea of our existence, anything less than
this will be fqi our bbame and ultimate
I contrast less than one year ago with the
present almost hopeless condition of the
country. And we are certainly not di.
roinishing its danger by diverting atten
tion for a little while to mere side-issues.
The union of our nation is a most blessed
and most desirablo bond, and he is no
true American who can think of it us an
unmeaning and an unimportant blessing,
lis importance has been the tlmo of ma
ny discourses for a few years post, and the
catch-word of all parties but the mere rep
otion of the word, or the lengthened dis
sertations on its importance, will not sex
cute it, nor make it desirable, if ire pay
no regard to its condition and its charac
ter. It must be Union based on the Idea
of the Nation, "Lipertv and Union, now
is the marriage vow, and that nlone can
be the marriage bond. We must be truo
to the very letter and spirit of the insti
tutions of our country, or our Union
without it will only increase our shame
ond hasten our ev erthrow.
Let me appeal, to you hew, ir. this
beautiful grovc.sacred for many a patriot
ic association, additionally enticing by
the many beautiful decorations made by
the tiny hands of tlto vu tuous and fair
ladies who grace this meeting, and with
our eyes on heaven and an appeal to God
for the sincerity of our intentions to suf
fer no unholy hand to profane the sacred
precepts of our glorious old Constitution,
und the cheering hope as long as the Stars
spangled banner "waves over tho land of
freo and the home of tho brave," this diy
may be ushered in with thanksgivings
and rejoicings, with bonfires and illumin
ations, and may our country always Iks an
ossylum for tho distressed from every na
tion, may her institulions-nnd the princi
ples and the liberties, bo the institutions
and the principles nnd the liberties of the
habitable globe, and my sincere and ar
dent prayer to heaven is, that this Union
may escape the dark and ominous cloud
which now threatens it, and be perpetu
ated while time exists ; and that not one
star may be blotted out, nor one single
stripe erased from our glorious Hug which
now waves over our most glorious institu
tions. Paralyzed and lorevcr blistered be
that tongue that dares (o utter one word
ot disunion, and palsied be the arm that
would be raised to so mercenary a purpose.
Let us know no East, no West, no North,
no South. Let us know nothing but the
Union and the perpetuation of tho
In compliance with the law I proceed to
report the condition ot the schools in
Clearfield winty for the school year 1801.
The county couUuus thirty school dis
tricts nil organized nnd in operation.
Thirteen ne-.v school-houses wore built
during tho past year ; this is nn improve
ment in the right direction and confers
great credit apon the director! who had
them under euro ; indeed old houses are
bring rcp'.iiced by new ones on improved
plans and in moro desirablo locutions as fust
as tho means of the districts will admit. A
nuiulier of new houses are now under con
tract, some of which are taken nt so low a
figure that inferiority in one way or an
other must bo expected ; this is improper
inasmuch as it is a waste of funds.
Mary of our old houses are situated in
the most uninviting places imaginable,
and not ono in tlie county, new or old, is
enclosed by even the rudest kind of a
Shade trees, flowers and shrubbery (ex
cept audi as nature planted) aud othor
. i . . . . i. . i . . . . i i
tilings UIIU n uuiu n-iuiur tLe acnuuircKJIll
attractive, are sadly neglected.
There aro but seventeen houses in tho
county sulliuient in all respects to bo tho
train iii2 places of youth, according to my
standard. Sixty-two dofective in many
respects, but susceptible by repair or al-
. i i .... .1 . ii : . n r. ..
tcralion oi ueing miiue suiuuient ; uny
three wholly defective and injurious to
the health of our children and youth;
making a total of one hundred and thirty
two houses a shown ia the fdllosring ta-b'e:
1. Ttocearia, - -
2. Hell
3. llloom, (ii'iw dis't,)
4. Ilipi?9, - - -
4. Ilrudfurd, -
. Brady, ...
7. llarnnido, -
5. Cliost, ...
. Clea.-flidd, - -
10 CovingUa, - -11.
rrirvill, -I!,
llucalut, - . -n.
Ferguson, -
11. Vol, - - - -l.i.
liimrd, - - -18.
(luslicii, - - -17.
GnihniB, -IS.
(iuliih, - - -I'J.
Ilunton, - - -10.
Jordan, -
21. Krtliiui,
22. Knox, - - - -2:1.
I.arwence, - -21.
Ijiuhir eily, - -2.'i.
Morris, - - -2A.
New WaihingUn,
27. Pcnn, - - - -
28. Pike, - - -
29. Pnlon, - - -
30. WooJward, -
B s
s ?
2 9
a c
r o
112 13
2 "
4 a
it n
? s
62l 43
One new house in Burnside, on in
Chest, ono in Decatur, one in Girard, one
in Goshen, one in Knox, one in Liwrence,
and one in Peun deserve particular notico
for their neatness and good arrangement;
thev aro built of plank, weathet boarded
and" piinted on the oulsido; plastered
with mortar or lined with boards and
painted on tne inside ; are well seated and
have an abundance of blackboard surface,
one end being without windows for that
purpose ; they however as well ai all our
other houses, are destitute of nearly every
other esenlial article for conducting welt
regulated schools, such as globus, maps,
charts, blocks and such like thing!. Our
school buildings are also entirely destituto
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