Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 17, 1861, Image 4
WE, BAR AJS1) JjUJSU PHYSICM k WM UDoctor BBdPMT, ndbyami..g M''"7 ' 7 Un; Cancer. Kit, Scrofula, and all Diseases of the Blood. Ihseases of the Heart, I. ver mu m ng., i . PARTIAL DKAFSE'S, Ring ng Noises In Also, Ml Disease. n..!.rtBl..,K to , th. h t .and ,,,'l,Du. ., g,:lenlino fre.tineati '. XrdK thLt h. boWd th. .kill of the so-called distinguished physician.. Sfee learfitlb Republican Terms) 01 uoscripiioii fl paid In advance, or within throe months, $1 M If paid any time within the year, If paid after the aspiration of the year, . J 00 S do. l 00 2 00 J 60 roo'i. 1 J mo U 00 97 OU 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 lb 00 KARRIS' IMPROVED JJUSSELLMcM UK KAY Respectfully Invitee the attention of hie oeuild- APPOINTMENTS. CLARION, at ClarVi Hotel, from the 15th of May to the 1st of June. CORSICA, at Whitiner's Hotel, Junelst. Again, Sept 1st and 2d. V.hYmiK v U.K. at the American House, fr-im d to Vth Juno. Again. Sept. 3d it . and Mb. .a.vx-.---- Mill. A ... n Vanl I III h saUil I 1111. LUTIIERSBl KU, at Heed Hotel, June iuiu o mil. "-"'-;'. , Cr.KARFIKM,John...n'i Hotel, June 12th to 16th. Again, fecpt 12th and 3th. I.V..I i .-.-..vtis M....i..'. ll,.tl. from June 17th to Ittth. Again, Sept, 14th and Ijth TYRONE CITY, at Mrs. Thomas' Hotel, June 21stand 22d. Again, Sept. 17th and Ifllh Ai hi. IVFIRMARY. from June 22dtoJuly 17th, Listen to the Voice of Truth and Reason and Profit by it. The time l.ns come when all who will, ean escape the Iron grasp of Mercury, by m ling, without delay, to see the well known and Justly celebrated Eclectic European Physician, Dr. Donr, who will administer thorc only true and safe medicine!, extracted from the most choice boom and umibs, which are prepared under hi.own .upervi.ion, and therefore avoid ng the m of a 1 Mimmi .Pois, which were never doslgned for the system, to tako which many thousands havo fallen Uolims and geno te early graves. TIIIXUS TO BEKEMEMIJEHED. r i ).. Ti- Tt.rt .ni nn natienta but these fullv capable of appreciating nnd distin guishing tho services of a regular thorough bred physician, from a piiltry, unlearned and trifling 'lUmember, Dr. Port's remedies and treatment are entirely unknown to all others in this country ; prepared from a life spont in the great hospitals oi fturope ana me nrsi in me .Viae niter, that Dr. Bort has a more extended practice than any other physician in V eitern Penn Remember, that citisens of education, and our popular men, are all well iciinulntcd with, and take Croat pleasure in recommending nr. uori to me amicico. Remember, that Dr. Bort makesno false representations to gull the unfortunate, but all be says will be faithfully carried out. Remember, that Dr. liort pays every attention to diseases of a chronic nature, .n..v;Rflnina nt Pur, mnv tin rpaii at his resrtective rooms. Dr. Uort is furnished with over six thousand letters of recommendation from some of fho most , i;i Alan has awarded to him diplomas from some of the moat celebrated Hospitals and Infirmaries in Kuropc, for his unpnrallellcd observations in Diagnosis, nnd observa tions In discovering remedies for the cure of diseases that have heretofore baffled the skill of many of the medical profession. " An early call from those wishing to consult the Doctor, is earnestly requested, to as to receive full benefit of treatment, and thus do justice to himself. Time lin Ited. Please bear in mind when Dr. Uort will be in your place. Persons desirous of con nulling hi in will confor a great favor by calling on tho first day of his arrival, as his rooms are so often crowd ed, it is utterly impossible to attend to the anxious solicitations of all. Dr. Uort will arrive at each of the above places on the first coach on the day appointed. Please extend the invitation to all invalid acuuuintiinccs, nnd oblige yours, Ac. May 29, 'CI 2i. MismdiQiLir SEWING MACHINE. o. NEW REMEDIES FOR SPERMATORRIICEEA. HOWARD A'SOCIATION, Pltll.AOKI.rlllA, A He. etWewi fnititHtioH ettnblithed by iprrial En dowment, for the relief of the Sirk and Jliilrmed, tifflieted with Violent and Chronio Jtiieam; and t'pecinlly for tho Cure of Zi'es of th Sexnul ihifan; Mkmcal Advice given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Valuable beports on Pperiontorrhirn, and other diseases of tho Sexual Oignns, and on tho kew rkhkdies employed in tho Dispensary, sent in sealed letter enyelopos, free of charge Two or threi Stamps for postngo acceptable. Address Dr. J. Skii.lkx IIoi cihton, Howard Association, No. 2. S. Ninth st, Philadelphia. 2Vmy ly. J A S. R. I.ARRIMRH. I. TEST LA It It I M EH A TEST, Attorbeys at Law Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col tAions, Lahd Ageneles, te., Ac., In Clearfield Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y O L E N - E C II O MILLS. Oermantown, Pa. McCALLUM & Cu., MANUFACTURERS, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers In CARPIJTINtiS, l)RU(iKT!l OIL CLOTHS, UATTIXOS, rf., Warehouse. No. 500 Chestnut Street, (Opposite State House,) epr!T81-ly FuiLinF.i.cniA, To Lambermen : SAW-MII.I. FOR SAT.K. I have erected a new first class BAW-MILI, for Eighty feet Timber, at DUKCANNON, below Ureen's Dam, on the Susquehanna. and desire to have a Part ner whe will furnish Squared Rafted Lumber at (Ircen's Dam, to stock the Log Pond to its full capacity. This Mill will have tlio commnnd of the mar ket In Petersburg and Duncannon and of two thirds of Perry county ; and a large amount of business may be done at good prices. It is on tho Pennsylvania Railroad, and in communica tion with Philadelphia and Baltimore. In tho present depressed stato of the Tidcwa to market, I invite attention to a homo mark et that will remunerate. Adilress early by nmil, tr call on GRIFFITH JONES, ap24-6 Duncannon, Terry Co., Pa. STKIklKfi TI.Mi:S IN PIIII.ADKI. PPIA! Tremmtlont K-reilemtnt among th Mnun! EXCITING FOOT RACE between the Pliiladolphia l'olire and the notorious For per ami counterfeiter, Ja sies Buchanan Cross!!! Cross Recaptured ! !! ! It seems to bo the gener al opinion in Clcnrfield, that if Cross bad worn a pair of Frank Short's F'rcnch-calf Boots, that he would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put outnt miming bis custom ; but would announce to all llreekinridije, ltomjla; Linenln and Veil men, nnd women and children in Clearfield, and Sinnemnhoning in particular, that he Is prepared to furnish thorn with Boots, Shoos ami Unitors of any stylo or pattern, stitch ed, sewed or pegged, (and as he is a short fel low) en short notioe. All kinds of country produce tuken In ex change, and ensh not rt fused. Repairing done in the neatest manner and cnarges moderate, at the Short Shoo Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Weaver A. Co's store. FRANK SHORT. H. B, Findings for sale. Sept. 2(1, I860- rpald Terma of Advertising. Advertisements are Inserted in the Republican at tha following rates : 1 Insertion. 2 do. One square, (14 lines,) $ 60 f T Two squares, (28lln..,) 100 J 0 n 8 manths One Square, t t2 80 Twosquarea.t ''"? Three squares, l Founqnares, t s I t 0 00 Halfaeolumn, . 0? r 1 t 14 00 thrsa weeks ana less man tnree u" cents per square for eaeh insertion. Basil SIS net:ces not eaoseuing onu " .i':,'.. ..V. -ItW t number of I i JIJ U E. iS FU U M J4U to ? I Br.rtton. desired, will h.eontlnne until forbld.Th. BOUDOIR SEWING MACHINE, an en- become a reoognisod fuvorite wherever it has been introduced, and is, hoyohd question, the best, as well as tho handsomest, low-priced Sewing Machine now'beforo the public. . No. 1. A small nnd ver) neat Machine for Family use. No. 2. A largo Machine fur quilting heavy work and for Plantation u.-o. rn(XiRAlF.s, ti,, Machine is much admired for its slmpllct Circulars, ty, and for its reliability oud durability it is un HAKimiiX!1! ' surpassed. A child twelve years can run it with uhuuIIv done " ' yct 'l cw fro"' co'lr"'l c'",h 3 .to the finest Swiss. Thero Is no trouble of re winding the thread, ns it Is taken from the spools. ! It has no belts to give trouble, and will run .backwards as well us forwards, and still sews equally perfect, and without danger of breaking needles. It runs by friction, nnd by closing the box over It, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, 1 we have no hesitation in recommending It as the best family Sewing Machine inuso. The f of lowing Premium Amir Jed the above Machine : At the Fair of the frauk'ln Institute, 1858, the First Premium. i At tho Pennsylvania Stnto Fair, at Philadel phia, September 21, 18,'iit, the First Premium a Diploma. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, hold at Wyo ming, 181(0 a Silver Medal. For the best Double Thread Machine, at Lan caster County Fair, held October, 18iu a Silver Medal. At the Maryland Stale Fair, held at the Mary land Insti'ute, Baltimore, Mil., October, lSj'.l, under stronir competition, a Silver Medal was awarded to this Machine. At the New Castlo County Fair, held at Wil mington, Delaware, October, lSitf a Diploma. The above Machines are manufactured by til Alt 1. 1 H. HOW I. AM), Wilmington, Del. SALESROOMS. No. 720 A ret Street. Philadelphia, Pa. No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. S. I). HA K Kit, mnrl31y 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. dPersons wishing to see the above Machine in operation, can do so by calling at the resi dence of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough. toueri, and others, to bis stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS Which he offers VERY LOW FOR CA.SIIt Jit also continues to deal in Ll'MBER, of al kinds, in any way to suit bis customers. - AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, And tar the speedy (lire ef the followlit CmuiIi'm, crofulaaad Herofnlans AffeetlM. Pimples, lM.tMl;, .Blotches"'!)!'!'' IIUta, sud all skin Olsease. u 0KiA!n, lag., th hM u,, 3. C. Arm ft Co. C.ntsi i m it mi t,t,Zr 1IKTII1H WUmil.1 " rvmiu.,.. HinvilUN, KtVS u. from it in vsrious wars for yrnrs. (VailUiMi a I out lu Ulcers on my lisnus aud anpi; tui,.." and charged according to these terms. job" printing. An extensive stock of Jobbing materia enables the ruUinher or the "Jiepuouean i to ta the putlio that ho u rrePa i red to do U ximw ot Posters, Pa?-iti, Uuakss, Pi?i Eooxs, Labels, Ball Tictits, nndevciv Kind cf printing in a coutitryj oh o!hce. , All orders will bo executed with neat ness nnd despatch. O. B. 000DLANDER .t- CO COUNIDIUECIORY. Time of Holding Court. Second Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday of June, Fourth Monday or September, In each year, and continue two weeks cessary. County OfllcerH. I'res't Judgc.Hon. Samuel Linn. Ilclleronfe. As'te udgcs.Hon Win L Moore, Clearfield. Hon llonj ltonsall, Luthersburg Sheriff, Fred k U. Miller Utearneid Prothuotary,.Tohn L. Cuttle, " Reir. A Ree. James WiMey, " District Att'y Robert J. Wallace, Treasurer, . B. Uoodlander, Co. Surveyor, H, 11. Wright, Couimiss'n'rs.Wm. M'Cracken, Wm. Morrell, S. C. Thompson,. B. C. Howiuun, Isaac W. Uruhau,Ciearficld J. B. Show, " Oourge Richards, " List of Post Ollicea. QI1AIUS ! ! CHAIRS! ! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! The undersigned bai now on band, at his Fur niture Rooms on Market at., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Liti'a Foundry, a largo etosk of CIIA1B3 OF AM. Kl!l., manufactured out of the best muterialr, finished n a Tory superior manner, and which he will sell LOW fOll CASH. His long experience in the business makes him feel confident that his chairs are made in a substantial and workmanlike man ner, and will stand the test of trial. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should coil at once and get them while they can be had at the lowest rates. JDHN TR0UTMAN. Mar.27-J$81-tf. Wake up J Wnkc up! BLACKSMITH! (;. THE subscriber res pectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that ho is now well e ablished in his NEW SHOP on Pino street, opposite the Town Hull, in tho borough of Clearfield, and upon hi) own hook, and where he is prepared to do all work iu his line in tho very best style, and on the shortcst.notice. His old customers are res pectfully ashed not to forget him, and any num ber of new ones are respectfully invited to give him a trial. KDiiE TOOLS. His reputation as a Maker and Repairer of Edgo tools should of itsclfsocure him a liberal patronage. GEORGE C. PASSM0RE. April 21, I .EXECUTORS' NOTICELctters testamcn J tary having this day been granted to the un dersigned on the estate of IGNATIU8 THOMP SON, late of Lawrence township, Clearfield coun ty, deed , all persson knowing themselves indebted to said estato are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them duly antlientieated for settlement. JOHN P. THOMPSON, J. W. THOMPSON, Curwensville, May, 15. Ex'rs. Flffimir! Fkiniir2 FOR SALE, at MOORE t- ETZWEILERS', Extra Flour, warrnntcd either in sacks or Barrels. Also BACON, and for CASH only. Clearfield, June 11, '61 .4U I FLORENCE White and Florence Liquid, jist ? received and for sale at HARI6WICKS. JOHN ODELL, UriIOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TRIM MER, Itocaledat A. If. Shaw's Mill, one mile East of Clear field borovgh, Respectfully informs the citiiens of Clearfield and adjoining connties, Hint he is at all times prepared to manufacture, at the shortest notice, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding Mat tress, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, which can be folded In small compass, and emptied and refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. He also trims Carriages, makes repairs to all kinds of Cnrnuge Trimming and Upholstery, and makes Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick- ucss or longth. ..Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash taken in Exchange for work, jjyj-AII orders left with any of the Merehats C'leartiold borough will be promptly attended to. dec28 rjYRONE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. T. OWENS, Proprietor, Respectfully announces to the travelling public that he hns now taken rharge of this large and well known house, and will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort and for, satisfaction to all who way favor him with call. nov7-ly JfLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, Liqvons or all klds, SALT, OILS, TAINTS, t GROCERIES, jFor sole very cheap Tor Cash, by O. H. M ERR ELL, In basement of Merrell it Dialer's Store, Clcnrfield, Ta. feb-27. II ARTS WICKS DRUG tf- VARIETY MARKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL The undersigned will have constantly on band a woll selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Tobacco and Segars, Station ary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy articles, which be will dispose of cheap for cash. He invites the public to call and examine his stock of goods bofore purchasiug elsewhere. Country Physicians furnishod with Drugs Medicines, nnd Surgical instruments at the mo reasonable rates. J. 0. HARTSWICK. Clearfied, Pa., Dec. 26, 1860. Executors' Notice. T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY having been XJ granted to the undorsigned on the estate of uuf r IN, late ot harUiaus township, uiear field county, doe'd, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymont, and those having claims against it will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. FREDERICK COFFIN. Karthaus, May 29, '61. 6L IENTAL CARD. A M. SMITE offers his rhfoss!onal services J. to the' La3lci and Gentlemen of Clear field and vicicity. All operations performed with neatness and daspatch. Being familiar with all the late Imprcviceats, lie is prepared to mase Artinciai leeto in the best manner, Office in Shaw's new row. Sept, 11th, 1863. yi. if ne IiimJ Inwarfl anil dlltrtUMd mil Ml IH. .-. I The highest market prices will be paid for al jMra ago u broke out on my hwd and wmtm Z , '' ' and ears with one sure, which was painful kSKulJ lieyomi uwiii"ii. . i.. "iik idm m,) ( poflicmiia, uut wum"i .Muif iuhh irom ally ttlllig. MC, uisviwi n-iiKlU 1 Vll kinds of GRAIN. la? CALL AND SEE! Nei Washington, Nov. 1, I860. nov7-6ia I In tin Ooorl MeKwiigw lint you bad " iraUvs (HanMpiirtll), fnr I knew (run ,,, rT" to reail an alterative KarMiriii, in i snnw itun ylr ,1am (h.t K,tV lllllltf IIU MlHllfl miMl Im i I , Cincinnati n.ln. It, ami It till it curnl ma. 7 I I. In mall .Lmm .J . . 1 .., M jmtw"inii" ........ - .vnPPUUI,A . . rpilE CLKARIir:i.D ACADI'.MV, wll moBtti, sud used aliiKHit three boulrs. N.wsn.11,,. I be opened for the reception of pupils, I ekle ism lgn to riu under the ecsU, .lici, , ..7f-.l..l Mnnda.. A,... 20lh. I860 .'' "..M?., ""If. xt kmw k. .-- --a- fc-euugs Uii cne aurase nss aone iroio tnj svilm ' Termi per session or eleven Weeks can well believe that I reel what I am satin h, i!" urulogTaiui J, ivuuiiiJ5, iiiiiiiig, I nmni; juu, uiHiauiu ivwuoui iiivniuiiiniKii Arithmetic and Geography. 2.50 , aud remaluever gmuiuny. ,i"uri. Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Oeog. raphy and History. f 3.00 Algebra, tleometry, Natural Philosophy and I took Keeping $1.00 Latin and Oroek languages. $6 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify themsalves fur teachers, this Institution offers desirnble advantages. No pupil received for less than half a session, and no deduction made except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid at the close of the torm. O. 11. SANDFORD, Principal. May 2:1, 100.- I v. Auditors, Coroner, (len Hope Lumber City Clearfield Morrisdale Pbilipsburg Toicifhip: Biecaria. Boll, . Bogg. Bradford, Brady, Bloom, Ecrntide, A'limet of '. O. (lien Hope, Bower, Chest, Cush, Ostend, Clearfield Bridge, Woodland, Luthersburg, Treutvillo, Jefferson Lint, torest, Xante of P, M H. W. i'alwel M.y r.dsr .1 T. A. M tlhce J. W. C&aipVeU Lewis Smith P. B. Miller Ed. Williams 1U II. Moore. .Jacob Kiiutx John Heberling Jas- Bloom New WufhingtoDf J. M, Cumiuings llurnsiile. Clearfield, Cloorficld, Covington, rrcncbville, Karthnas. Curwensville, curwensville, Philips burg, Mnrron, Helen Post Office, Lecounte's Mills, Bald Hills, Shawsvillo, Qrahninton, niitlis Mills. Madeira, Tyler, Pennfiold, Ansonville, alt Lick, New Millport, Brcckenridgo, Kylcrtown, Morrisdale, Lumber City.f Grampian Hills, Curwensville, Bloomingville, Kockton, Jeffries, i This Post Office will do for Chest township -(Will answer lor Ferguson township. Decator, Ferguson, Fx, Uirard, it tiushon, Oruhaiu, Gulicb, Huslun, u Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lnwrence, Morris, 4 Penn, 44 ike, 14 Union, Woodward, Jas McMurray M. A. Frank. P. A. tlnulin. J F W ichnarr Samuel Way Ceutre county Eilm. Willinms Elk county, Pa. C. Mignot William Cnrr A. B. Shaw T. H. Forcee. J. A. Hegarty C. J. Pusey. David Tyler II. Woodward Klir.a Chnso (1. Huckadorn 1). E. Mokcl J, W. Thoinps'n Jus. Thompson J. McClelland 11. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, amiiel Way Michael Wise. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson JAMRS T. LSOSARn. Wll, A, WAIXACK. A. FHSKT , C. FIXSET JJanhinn anb Collection (Dtc or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A R F I I- D, CLEARFIELD COVXTV, rA. J BILLS OL KXCUAK4JF., MoTKS ASD DRAt'TS DISCOl'STK i posits, Colleuliont made and proceeds promptly remitted Kxrliange on Hie Cities continuity on hand. f-fl" Office on Second SL, nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. it: W PIKJW, AM Nti w g o on s. Just receiving ami opening at the Old stni of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a well selected n sortment of Spring and Summer (Joods of all most every description. tnple and iiincy, a beautnul assortment i Prints and Dress Goods of the latent styles, also a variety of useful No tions. Hals nnd Caps, Bonnets and Shawls, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Qticensware, Drugs nnd Medicinss, l'i.-li, A. M. HILLS DENTIST. Proper attention to tho teeth in proppr .jt time will bo of grent benefit to everyone in point of health, comfort, nnd convenience. PH. Hll.l.Mctl always be found at his of fice, on the corner of F'ront and Main streets, when no notice to the contrary appears in this paper. A1Y operations in tV.e line of his profession performed in the latest and most improved styles, and guaranteed for one year aguinst all aturnl failures. Drugs GROCERIES, Tobacco , Segars nnd all articles usuully kept in a country Sterc, all cheap for cash. Give us a call and see f r yourselves. II. L. HENDERSON, t CO. May 21, 1 3ft. To Persons out of Employment. AGENTS WANTED. In every County of the United States, TO engage In the sale of some of the best and most elegantly illustrated Works published. Our publ cations are of the most interesting diameter, a lupte l to the wants of the Farmer, Mecbanio and Merchant ; they aro Tuhlishediu the best style and bound in the ino substan tial mnnner, and aro worthy a place in the Li brary of every Household in the Land. jl.To men of enterprise aud industrious hnb its, this business offers un opportunity for prvfit- ui lo employment selilom to be met with. &Q..I'trons desiring to net ns agents will re ceive promptly by mail full particulars, terms. a-c, by addressing LEAHY. (JET. A eo., Pub, No. 221 North ttrcct, Philadelphia. Oct 21, I860 ly. WATCH & JEWELRY riHE undersigned I informs his eustoi N E W DRUG STORE BUSINESS CARDS. THOMAS J. M'CUM.OI:ll, Attorney at Law. Office on Market street, opposite Mossop's Store Clearfield, I'a. Will attend promptly to C tions, bale of Lands, Ac. nov PW. HAYS, Justice of the Peace, wl 11 atten "here they will he happy to accommodate any proeiptly to collections and other matter person who mny desire articles in their lino. Tho OUBIUVBB Wll, UO VOUIUIVU 9flKKlJ W U Drug and Prescription lhisinesx. The subscribers nave opened s full nnd com- ollee- T assortment or DKUtia in Hie new brick ... , ': building of Dr. Woods, on the corner of Leeust V4-1 I .! 1 -1 I I . .-1. 4..I I null vnerrj iirpom, in mq uuiruu oi vivnrueiii eft id his charge. Address Kersey, Elk Oct. 8d 1800. ly. ce., Pa PWJFJj OfXlDI ANDER Ann nopainswin oe spare j 10 rentier satisiaction. J I SI K 1. or (he peace fe fe d d con.ultei, the Drll'g sto . Luthersburg. Clcnrfield Co. Pa., . .),., i...i. V 1MU.I.1.HJ ... niiiuiii. f. . I. ...... .I,.l . respe.-tfully titers nnd (he public generally, that he has just received from the East, and open ed nt hie establishment in UHAHAM'S 110 II' Clcnrfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Clocks, Watviirs, nnd Jkwkliiy of different qualities, from a single pieco to a full sott, which ho will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the most reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watrhes and Jewelry, carefully repaired and Warranted. A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept. lit, 186U. H. F. NALULE. to his cire. March 28, I860. ly. pd. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the mouth of Lick Run, five miles frm Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturers of Lumber, July 2:i, 1802. separate room for consultation is attached to the store, where patients may be examined privately. Every article usually found in sui h an estab lishment will be kept on hand,and sold at greatly redaoed prices. Thumb brino strictly Cash, will enable them to offer inducements in the wny of prices rnyslcians win be supplied at a small per ' ' Icentageovercost and carriage, and thoir orders 7) 0BF.RT J. WALLACE, Atmrurt at Law, 'are solicited. Every articlo sold will be pureand -SL V Clearfield, Pa., Office in fcksw'a Row, op- osite the Journal office, dec. 1, 1858. tf. ' nf iLa hunt nunlitv. febe-tf WOODS A BARRETT. NEW HOTEL. The undersigned respectfully begs leave tt announce that he recently rented house in the borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa for the accommodation of the travelling public, watermen and all others who may favor him with a call. His table will always be supplied with as good as the markets afford ; and no pains will be spared to render his guests comfortable while under his roof. To which the facts that no in toxicating liipiors of any kind will be kept about the promises, will he trusts, contribute In no sman ncgree. w line, what is always Important to the traveller, tho best attention will be iriveit by careful hostler to that faithful companion of nip journi'j , ma imucni sicca. July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. MA It 11 1 AM. C.L'IDK Being a privale ins(ructor for married persons or those ,'rpiIK IlltlTINII ' I Asn pectfully offers bis professional services to the BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE citiuns of tna latter place and vicinity. I . ry. M' WOODS, havltg ekanged his Iocs , XJ tlon from Curwenevllis 0 Clearfield, res- Residence on Second street, opposite It at of J. Crans, Esq. my I I ISO. j. 0. hartswickTm.-!)! Physician and Surgeon, Clearfield P., May 30, 1800. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his care, in the several Courts of Clearfiold and adjoining counties. Office the one formerly occupied by G. R. Barrett. Oct. 2flth, t8i0 ly. I-TUE LONDON QUARTERLY, (Conservative.) 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Tory.) 3 TIIE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Fr e Church.) 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) 5 BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) about to be married, both male and female, in everything concerning the physioWv and rolu- tionsof our sexual system, and the production or I'lvveiiu.m 01 oii-jirniR, inciiiiiiag nil the new discoveries never before given in the English WM. YOUNll, M. I). This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written 11 1.' v 1 i. iv & i'1"'" language for the general reader, and is 1 illustrated with numerous encravincs. All vounir mnrricd people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should rend this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ) still it is a ALnttDB.TAUW. St. Anthonys v-ire, nose or Kryslp.ii. Tetter and Bait Itheum, Mr aid (it? Hiiigworin, sort u.yes, uropsy. Dr. Hobort M. Pruble writes trom "aloni, tt. T, IJ, Fept., ISW, that he has cured an, (, t Vropty, which llirnaleniil to twiiiiiinta fatallt, b, paraevering use of our hanuiuirillu. and ,uUWl, JttilitjMut AVyi'Wis by lr uoaes of tha nan; kJI De cures me common r.rwnf, vj wu.i,iiij( Bronchoeele, Goitre or Swelled KmL Zelmlon Sloan of lrwt, Tesos, rllM 1 "Tlin,k, tin of your Sat'MUKrilln cured ma from a O.i'rr-, eons wellinic on the neik, which 1 bsd lulTcret U over two years." Leuestrrhcrn or Wliltee, Ovarian Tnat, I lerine ciccraiion, rcunii uiaeaii, Dr. J. B. 8. Channini:. of New ork Cilv, mil. must ehcerfullv conii'ly with the rnitof yimruMu Riyinn I have Snind your tarsaprillaanxtainll alturatiTe In Hie numerous coinplalnta l,r vliH, ,, employ mrh a reinnly. but esiiccliilly In thak Una of the ticrofiiloiia dlulhesia. 1 hare rnnil man; nIB, ate eases of lneorrhosa by It, ami mmo hors ihsat, pluint wni caused by Wrrnid'nii of Ilia utmti. Tba atiou Itself was sorni cuml. Nolhlnx within mj km. edKa equals II for lliuse fi inale ilcranKi nicnts." Kdward 8. Marrow, of .Newbury, Als rit,i4. esrous Adrian tumor on one 01 mo lenisic in nir bti,S which hail defii'il all the reimilli we coiihl at Icnittli been eoinpletely cured by yijur Kxlnclol sarillo. Our physician llicinrlit n(,llilii mt i lion couiti auoru rotii, ion n n.i.wu 1110 inai 14 j. Parfiiimrllla as the lnt resort beroro ruliiuv. mi proved etTnclunl. Afler tuUliik')""" rvmcl) clgtiltia, 110 1) mptom 01 1 lie niseaiie roinoiiia. - Syphilis il Mercnrlnl Disease. New Oiiliax, 2Mb Ancmt. a Ds.J.C. Avtai Sir, I cheerfully nmply lih la, J J net of your nffent, anil n'port to you some vt Ilia alu bare rcalixnl with your 0arsairltla. 1 Iisva ritrt-.l with it, in my practice, mnat of tlar phiiniR fr which il fa recoinmcntlv.1, and liava f im ri effiM'ts truly ulMltful in the cure of Venrrtitt tui fc. eariiil fiiirate. One of my patients had Sy,lniitr k in nis initiat, wuk-11 were consuuiinff mi pataic a top of his mouth. Y.iur Snraannrllla, atrailili u cured bim iu nvo aeeks. Anollier n attacked ondarr sympkmia in hi ucrnc, ami lb ulccraliuaL eaten away a coiiaidcriible pari of il, m thai I bclM.tu dlaoriler would soon rencn lit brain an.l kllltuu. Bi;J yielded to my ailmiiiiatrntiiin of your SnnctiwrilU: J Ulcer healeil, and lie la well nunlti, not ur url vllk- Stmie dliKurallon tu his fic. A wiuau wlio Iwl W, trejiled for the same disorder b incrcnry aaa aulhrin from this Kiinun in her lionea. i hey ba.1 lnHjniHia, sitlvi, tu tlio weuilier that on a damp day she luflwrin crucintiuK uiin in bcr J, iiti and liira. hha, Inn, rnred eiiilrcly by your f.araiiinriila iu a lew vmu know from its foroiula, which votir auent cava aw. it Ibis Preiatiun your lula,ratoiy aiu.t Ufipi reiiimy ; consequeuuy, llleso ll lily iruimlnM n,i with It have not siirprlacd me. t raternally jours, (J. V. I.AI11JIKH,, Rlieumatlam, Uout, l.lvrr t'einplslu l!4liKVesniM'S, PreH.i To., Vs.. f ill July, Da. J. C. Aira: Kir, I hate l n nlllicl.d aliliiH. no curoitic itttrumourm ii.r a loos: nine, wlilrli inrn. Skill of physicians, nnd lmk (o me lu ai.ite of all mmiiliea 1 could II ml. until I Hied tour fur.ararilk ll bottle cured lue in two weeks, and n -l .rc,l my pn health so much Unit I am for la-lir lhau lSln attacked. I think it a woudvriul m. .It, iue. J. iUW JiiIdi V. Getcbell. of ft. I., ul, -I WnM allliclcd for years with an aihetwn 0 tU Lim,i u,-aini(vcii my nviiiiii. 1 moiefcrv llilne.aiidermtl t.llr, to relieve me ; and I haw lieen a lirokra ilutu u lit soine yiwrs from no clher rimfe than ilrnoK 48 1.IITT. Hjy IM.IOVl-11 pn.inr. ma lo-v. vie mo to try your Siirsiiparillit. la cnuaF lie anlil lie ken aud any thing you maile waa worth triii!. II) UVU Iuk of UimI it iiiiH nihil me. anil linn mi piuitul mi k aa In make a new mnii of me. I feel )iiiil- acala, Ii ucat in vl can be said 01 yon la not null k"I inouct Bi ll Irrus, Cancer Tmnora, Rnlnraraii, 1'lcersttlon, Carle ami Uxfollalies 1 lite Llolies. A great tai lely of cas hare lKn reports In iU cures ui ineae inruii.iabie complain! huve rcnlMti the use of this remedy, but our space hercaill a.l mrm. Pome of thciu may be found in our Aoktv Almanac, which the agenta ImiIow uauiud are 4nw luruiia grnits 10 an wuo call lor luctu. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, F.pllol my, nieiunr 1101 v, neurnlula Many remarknble cures of thc.e aflccti,iis hmlc made by the alterative power of llii nii rtiilnt. Hub- laics the vital nmcllons fnln vlp,riHii artiii, ana v overcomes disorders which would he lew, roach, fuch a remedy has Ionic Wen n nuirwt Kj'tii. eesaltiea of the people, and we are ennlideiit llisllkbi do (or them all that uiediclue can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR TUB SAPID CVrtR OP Conghe, Colds, Inflneitxa, llnarsrata .roup, Ilrorirliltls, Inrlplent less sumption, anil for the Itclltf or rosisumptlve Patlculs 1st ailvanreil Btages of the Disease. This Is a remedy so universally knows In rnrnwi other for the cure of throat and limn remplainii, Is useless here to nubliak Hie evidence of Its vlrtwi nnrivnlled excellence for coiiih anil rolili, anesiin wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, hav saw known throughout the ciTilltod natkms of tbw'J Few are tlio communities, or even families, aniw u who have not some person si experience of IHts' some living trophy in their midst of its victory em subtle and dangerous disorders of Ihe tlirtwt ssd nv AS all know Ihe dreadful fatality of IImhc inwrwiv as tbey know, too, theelTectsor this remcily, wrwn' no more than to assure uem that It lias nowsn w toes that K did have when snaking the cures vbks won so strongly upon iue connaeace 01 mansnii. Frepsred by Sr. J. C. AYZB & CO., LowsU, I jaSeld by C. D. Watson, ClesrMl I Irwin, Curwensville; F. Arnold, Lutlienk Montgomery A Co., New Salom ; J.C. Br Morrisdale, C. R. Foster, Pbilipsburg; sol I ( uaso, Ansonvillo ; and by dealers ererrtu CLEARFIELD STONE WARE POTTEll Thankful for past favors and jioliritionsof lure patronage. I would resneclfully sns that I have on hand nirnln. and will eon'l" keep at tho Pottery in this borough, ostkt' ner a short distance east of the MethodiilCkf a largo stock of Crockery , such ssCresmtrc milk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Move pil rf c. d o. 1 nnd also an extensive assorlBt" oooa ,uai must ne nuKea up, ana not He about ! different sizes and pntterns of bracktU ' the house It will bo sent to any one on receipt rosettes fur cornico on houses, and others of twenty, five cents, in specie or postage stamps, dings Prthi1' t.No' 410 tfrn,ce rt' Ar n"'l'Hngs not on hand .ill Uw above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. e.,.u. ' .i, n r. hrick s Sfr-Ajhuted and Vnjort . No matter and kept for sale, what may be your disease, before von nine vour. .a. . 1:1 1 . -.-:.. ns 1 TERMS. For any one of the four Reviews, . For any two of the four Reviews, For any three of the four Roviews, For all four of the Reviews, For Blackwood's Magasine, For Blackwood and one Review, For Blackwood and two Reviews, For Blackwood and three Reviews. For Blaokwood and the four Reviews, per annum. $3 0U 10 00 JOHN HUIDEK0PER. Civil Encincer k Land Surveyor, offers his professional services to the citlsens of Clear field county. All business entrusted to him will be promptly Periodicals above-named is t31 fcr annum. and faithfully executed. j Republished by Office with Leonard, Finney Co. LEONARD SCOTT A Co., mar 6m il Gold Street, New York, J. D. THUMI'SUN, Dlaeksmlth, Wagons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, ironed lice, and borough '.ir .1. r .1 ". .. .T , .-. i.uuvji 1110 core 01 any ono 01 tlie notorious vjuacxs, native or roroign, who advertise In this or any other pnper, ge( a copy of either of Dr. Young's books, and read It carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publications, at his office, No. 410 Spruce st, above Fourth. n7-ly mo COKSUMPTIVItt!The advertiser, X having been res tared to health In a few jouiptly to all business entrusted to his care. Sept., 12, 1800. ly. HENRY WHITEHEAD. a a., Y agon.,, o., .ron.u wfJgTlCB Of th peaee if afend In the horourh of Curwensville. Rockton, Union tp., will attend He-. 20, 18SS, Y PRIME LOT of Fresh Drugs just receiv ed and opened at HATS WICKS. Salt! VERY CHEAP at the ttore of Jan23 WM. F. IRWIN. ra., will be proparcd at all tiuies UsIUri to any business in the above line ss notice, and in a workmanlike manner, iwr of business is at the old shop on the north M..knt 1 9.1.1 - ..... r Tl.irrl IL.S" - - , . , ... .... ........... ru.vv, ., ,, Uuui Viui, . - ' . N. B. The price in Great Britain for the five I weck y very simple remedy, after having suf-1 opposite the old Jew store j where he ' ru ior several years Willi a severe lung aBce-l constantly on hand a large assortment ' tlon, and that drcd disease Consumption, is anx-jhogony and Cnne Bottom Chain, and O ions to make known to his f.llow-surTcrcrs thai Ware of every description, which he will M means of cure. , i of on as reasonable terms as the same sf' T ao"rl he will sends copy of Ihe jean be had elsewhere In the county, r.tfrA i;Kn-..1 I !.. nn nrieal whnlcsulo dealers. F. LK1TZLW Clcnracld, may 2.1, 1870. ly. Cabinet, Chair MakiniT, TOHN GUUCH, of the borough of Clsm DR. J. W. POTTER. Physician anil Unrceon. has tiermanAntlw located at Lecontel Mills. Uirard townshln. nf. 'i f,r i professional cervices to the surrounding address community. May 8, 1861. I novMy, proscription used, (free of charire.) with the di ections for preparing and using the same, which tncy will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, 4c. The only object of the advertiser in scndlnir tha nresorintlon ! n k... fit the afflicted, and spread Information which he bles, Ao. Coffins manufactured and delif" conceives to be Invaluable, and he hopes every any place desired, sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them February 9, 185.-no. 4, Tol. It. "ft , .. , i. j i'iut. a uiveeing, Persons wlshins the nrnserinti,,' i . Ilia llnb tit P.Kinnt Wera now on DSIO, sists in part of Dressing and Comtuoa Pn Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, lw 1 Book Csscs. French and Field Post Vti3 Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and nw crsons wishing the proscription will ploae 1, f . r. . . r . n . . . . ..' Tlnnr. 11b. VriWlDni UFTT Dm, I . . n. n . .... .lAlWSf Williamsbnrgh, Kings Co., N.YjVJ an23 W. F.JKffL