Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 03, 1861, Image 4

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    Of iHf:uRflD il(MiHi(;m,
y . . . . ... . . - . ,
I. . (.1 I, I' tl
urh nthiiiil l ull
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1 k
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I-' I.
i.i la i-
- t. .1,,' ,.
Mill M..
I I ll. mi
1111,1 III I MOM III' t'l
,,k mi; rtti i.i id.- list.'
' ' I " I
. n ll.- Hot
I ', ,!,
,tm i'
i l.-r a
i.i ".'
r. iff ,'.. f.'
JIiti. II 9-f-'i. TP. 7, Hint ibc iiiiliug
prtrti shall hi ln-- lii ttfiy pi-tsmi who iiii.Ii t
l.kM I" eainliie tli" pun c,-,,ng i I the legi-lu
luff, or n it v liimi'-h nf r-ivci mu.-tit : aid no Inw
thalleiei In- mmli' In n 'liiiin lli" righ' tlicri-nf.
The fr I'niiiniiitiii alien .r lliuii'lil" it ii -t niiniiiiit
ll cno nf the in va Innhlt- rights nl iniiii : and ct i v
citUen limy freely spi-ak, write and print nn any
tuttjcct ; being responsible for the abuse . f Ilml
liberty, ln prosecutions fur dm puhlicati m ..I
pipois investigating tlio offn iul conduct f nfli
' eer. or mi-n in public rapacity, or where the
matter published in proper fur pul.lii- Infornm-
tlen, llif trnlli thereof may be given in i-viili-ni-i :
and in all indictments libels, the jury shall
have a right to determine tho liw ninl the Turin,
under tho direction of lln cmirt, as ir other cases.
Viajfitwfi'nii f 'tuusycoii i'u.
Car Time at Tyrone.
The Jtiminer arrangement of dm Pennsylvania
i railroad, on nnd after the 10th of Juno, will bp as
1 follows :
fait I.i no
.Mail Train ....
' TltlXI I.KAV1M1
Kiprm l'acngir - -
Mall Train
The EilTi-n Kn.t. nml
I. A VI W ill II.
. - . . 0.17 p.
- . - - I a,
.... tun n.
.... 6.4H p.
Fast Lino West,
Bot atop at Tyrono.
Fourth of July. 1
Tli luilioa of I In." M. K. Clitirili, at t.'unvon.
propone giving a ilinni-r on tho coining
4th of July, dm proi-ord ol which nr-i to ho do- ,
voted to ( u r n i 1 1 i 1 1 K t lio new Church now erect-1
inf. The pnhlie generiillv are iuvitcil to nttciul, '
the purpoxe i a luuilnhlo one. '
Religious Notice.
Bimiui- I'.owiiai will viKit Clearfii'lil o Sutur
ixy, 6th of July, and will French anil Confirm tho '
Beit dny, Sundny "th, in .St. Androw'g Church.
The pulilie are invited to attend. Morninj; ser
vice at ID) o'clock, Kvening at 7) o'clock. J
Democratic Standing; Committee. j
A m ecting of the Committee will lie held at the j
office ol the Chairinuu, in Clearliuld liorouli, on t
Hominy, July 4th, at 11 o'clock, A. M. I'unc
tual atteiidaiice it reijueiited, n. huAnvit eonnec j
ted with the I'riinnry JJIcction will th-'ii he lrnni-i
Mted. L. J. CKAXss, Ch'n. I
' May T2. j
Mketim! Ton ihiit. The muoliiig in the I
Academy on Monday I'voii'ng n.ljotirneil
to nit't-t .igiiitt Wis eveninu itt tho liMiiifc'
of tlie 1 t il, to inuke further m rimgeiin-nH
forcph-litatitt tlie Four'h. A .'cnerul it-tendiiiK-o
is i' i'ieteti.
PEci.jXiitoN. U e an MUlJjuii.ed to an-j
nounce that Siimtiel Clyde Iwj., of Law-;
rence to.viifhiji, declint-.s licit)!! a caiid -
lnte lor Shefiir, and hi naincis thoiof jra
withdrawn trom the list of i:andid:tta for
nomination nt the IViniary oleclioti,
Tnr 4rtt of Jrt.r- An ndjiwrnml tueet-
, ing w.-is held last night, at whir;li acliv( j
aiMNiHiirpa wt'i-o adfinted townrdt j:ottinj
up "an old l'a.hioiied" -1th n .July 'el-e'
'bralimi- mid it now looks as if theom-
art I , .1 i 1.1 t n ll-A I llA nllLH l I
II M l-J Vll lllU lll.lkil III
charge, aould snoeeed, nr.d give ua all a
. J500U time gpiiondly.
i,. , ritoMOTF.ii. W'j learn that Win. lluhen,
tfwl W. K. llctnil)ill, hoth jirivateg in
. the Wujliingtnn Cadets, have heen jro-
' SUOted the tits! to th I'ost of Assistant
iiinrtet- Master, and tho second to that of
Ensign, of the Hpjiimcnt cotntnanded hy
1 Col. 8immons, now near Cunihei land.
ayAfter several days of expensively
dry weather, wo weie Mossed on Sunday
nnd Monday, last, with n few i-eft-hing
".showers, doinj; uiueh good to the crops,
; ifruii, vpgettthlos.'jso.
For tho Clearfield HeimLlicin.
DiflnrutiiiU of the slttmlilrr joint i'j
. fmctuir f thf it nn. Thkatmkxt !
3'uring the summer of 1 Kilo, it lady re
aiding in Karlhau townshii, nut with
tho very serious accident of a dislocation
of the shoulder joint and fracture ol the
rni. The medical gentleman who was
Employed, endeavored to reduce tho lnx
tion and fracture, and as he fiumiosed
had done so, Rituliiir ng the limit
u j) and I
placing it in a sling. After some weeks
when tho fracture had united, she found
she had 'jut little motion of tlie arm, and
on examination it was found the di.iloea-
I I'M M N . It I V
ioil h id not h-ien roituend. r.'.r the office of SherilV, mbject' to the actio . of
i L)nring inthimntton the lymph thrown ;the Democratic party at the primary election,
out nroiitid the head of the hone, in itm
Hew situation, became converted into liga-i w are nnthorised to announce the nnmeof
Jlients.aTid a new socket was formed, tvi'th j O.nrn.1 linker of Knox tp.. as a Candidate, for
ii.i ... r...i:. . .: l 1 county Comanssioncr, subject tit tho nction of tho
.i-uusiuHiuio.u-f -o , ' ''fiVr!
jui aim i.i.o i,iit- vitt poi ftvt i iu ii.i
ing tin; for some time luick tlie caso nail
become somo'vhat aggravated, hy the oo
currance of atrophy of the hand and fore
arm, (i. c. gradual diminution) and result-
int I think fmm the Iteail nf Hie Itnnft
pressing agiinst the axillary artery, the
nation lietti( downwards into tlie axilla.
'ihe ldy being very anxious to have tlio
WBd of her nrtll rcstoretl, was willing to
.carry into execution the dogmas of any
Omiek lb. I! nf (Vniru m ehnne.
" ' ' ' " V ' ' " l
iog to come across, and think-
unit no doubt, that his oel
lubtatod 0. C
itnd Hot Bricks would not effect a cure,
lie resolved to try the virtue cf the ciinine
Mecioa. He neeorilini'lv nriLritl n (Lio fn'WmF. Johnson, of Penn townshn. as a Candi-
Le put up inlo a kennel and fattened -n,e for runy Treasurer, subject to the action of "" r"l'oct'vey datednn the 2.'ith of Mnv Inst,
ready tor use. When Tat ho was to Ite JP-ocrt'o Prty t the primary electi..n. hie six months after date, one calling for $21 -jt
nnnnnrt alivn nml ... r .1 I nnd the other lor ? Sft, as I nin determined not
T?. I?I 1 1 ' len-'- f Z1'0 W are authomcd to announce the name of I'ny the eimo unless compelled by law, as I
: lhoracic ana ubUotuinal cavities taken , J(0Illl shnWt n( Lawencc township, as a candi-, l""e never received value for the same.
out. tlie uog was thou lmmediatelv In i.i. i... n,. ,,n.. nr Ci,i. T..,ir.r h. . Jonx . rnnii
Jbe applied arounti ine arm and remain
Until cold; he was then to he rendered '
and the oil used to anoint the arm. This'
operation was earned into rllcct on lust
Katurday tho 21st inst., but I belieio the
.- ....... r tl. .;,11i ,. .
curative powers of the animal have not
ai yet began to develop themselves. Iam
unable to av ution what principal tho
fearned gentleman anticipates ony bene
i t,' whetlier it is to .act as an incaotanien
t Jtn or by ttbsorjition of Jl;e fatly matter
f tlie sluughlercd crprfture. J'rtiJy, tho
I ola art pot aj! dead yet.
Karthaus, Juno 28th ISfil.
FOR X A LK A now one
by Beed, Weaver 4 Co.
Jjoisto wagon,
,.i i
I ,
' -1 1
I 1 1 -'1 a
I Ml Hi
l. -.1 1. 1 i:
1 I H :lll -i'-'Vri
(he tin
A lili-l ir;
lt. I.I'
I-1 1
11 ,r.
nt Mfin .if
im rut imis in 11 -i- In ' p in
11, and mio Alii' i n an lii-tni'-t,
Am r. of I , 11 -.iii.rtii-i nun It
ol tlie inrdu inn wnsiiiin-il in tlnsfttn'ry.
II is I 'lu-i t y l'ri local. 1'ilN, Sni a i I ilia nml
1 ill.- nm-t
llll' S;l
II llll .r
ill '.iliiin,
, I rr ni-e I hey ni'-' "I ea- a
in I Im-ii- ic-ull-, i 1 1 I Irn i- I
llic iniiii-
ilrnri" ni 1 1 1 0 ho; .-. Wl.iltj the M'ipnre
nt Midii-ine i eairin'l to a hither fwleo
timi in out iiimi r.iiiiilr v, ( l-'rinee) than
any other, it rtrikes a I'l rnrliiiian as a
lilllc in:uhii- that an Anin iran riivir,an
should liii iiisli t he tnrdu-al kkii I for our
pt'itieiiuir rtovinee. ,
A Man ('it 'io 1 tl i I i:v A Miuvim; Ma
in r. . A shocking accident (Hcuired at
West Marl ford 'ntr, on Wedrenday after-.
noon, hv which Mr. ,lii-eph 0. Sis-un lost
ihislilein a let lililo tnnniier. Mr. S. was
(driving his horses attntchi'd to a mowing
1 iimi-liinii, by mnw accidental means
I fell in such a manner as to lie thrown in
I front uf the cutting Made. The horses
'.could not lie stopped in season to savo
hiiii froin a friglil I'll laceration, lino leg
was cut nearly oil', the hono l.cing almost
severed and the great artery divided.
The flesh, tendons and niitscles -eie cut
from his thigh on the other leg, nod ho
wm otherwise, frightfully mangled, lie
lived less than two hours, and died front
the loss of hl-Hid.
Democratic Standi nc- Committee
Cl"aifield- I.. ,1. ("ran.", Chairman.
Jleccaria .lolin 1). Miller,
liell .lohn Ross, jr.
Jtoggs (iuorge Itinic I'll z.
ltiadford -Samuel 1'. Wilson,
liradv tieorup J. Yoas.
liloom John Smith.
J'.uriifiilo James McMurrnr.
Chest Kohett McCully.
Covington 1'. T. Ilegarty.
Curwensville Ianiel I-'au.f.
1 eentui- ( ' renins How.
Ferguson (iriei- Hell.
Fos .lames M WJnILin.
4iirnrd - Alexander l.iviii-gstAlt.
(inshen Ifola-ft (i. Sliinr.
I It alia m Saintiel I.auti'-liei i-y .
Ciiilich .luiin Joi'dati.
Huston H, .1, V. dodivurij.
Jordan Josp,,i l'at tersoii .
Kart!iau William S. Ssnkey.
K'nox Con i-ad Haker.
iawrence Josiah W. Tlion.jis.on.
I.iirnlicr City William W. Wright.
Morris F.dwaid 1'ctks.
New Wasliingtoji .losejiii I'reth.
lYnn Ilavid T. Slim).
'ike I). Jale.
Ciiion WilJiatn F. ,Iohnnn.
Woodvvaid Thomas Hendersrn.
:.H SATI ftli.W OK At (it ST.
We lire nntlorixod Biinnunco Oen. James II.
I.nri iuier, of Clearfiel. 1. as a ens, lidate fur tho
Legislature, subject to thenction of the ieuio
cratie party of Clcmfield county.
AVe are authorized to announce tho name of J.
It. Heed of Lawrence tp., for Associate Judge,
,. . ., .- r .1 ti .- .
according to the action ol the democratic partv
at die primary electiun.
Wo are inr.lnirijcJ to nnnouncc the name of
John D. Thompson, ol Curwen-ville, asa candi
date li.r associate Judge subject to the action
of tho Democratic party at the primary election.
. , j
e are iiulhnri.e.l to announce tho nHino of
James Iilonm. of liloom township, as a candidate
lor iuo oiuce oi Assucutie jiih
e, subject to the
action of the Jic-mocrntic party nt tho
i J
tin n, nrv
, Wo nre nuthorired to iinnounco tho nun e of
( lieninniiii Iionsull. of lir.idy tp., asa candidate for
Associate Judge, mihject to tho action of the
j Democratic party at the primary el -ction.
We nre authorized to announce the name
Jacob Wilhelm of (i rnhuiii tp., as a candidate
for Associate Junge, subjo ;t to tho action of the
Democratic party at the primary election.
We nre authorised to announce tho name of
Joseph Goon, ol Lawrence tp ns a Candidate for
the nthec of Siii nii r. subject to the action of the
Democratic J arty ut the priniiry election. j
We nre nntl.nri-eil to nnnoiinco the mime of John ,
M cliaiighey of Lawrence tp. as a candidate for:
Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic I
party ut the primary clecticu.
We nre authorized to announce the nnino nf
Jacob Faust of Curwensvillo ns a mndidalo for
the otiiec oi Mieriit. sunjeci m ine action oi me
Democratic party at the piimnry election.
it. .....t.n.-..t ... ,1.. . c
-.i. .i d,l- ..r m..;. .. .n.u.
Democratic party at the primary election
We nre nnlhomed to announce the nnmo of
Jneoh W, Campbell, Ksip, of liell township, as
, candidate d r the office of County Commissioner,
j u''jc"tn the action of the Democratic fnrty ut
, I
the panic of
We nre aulhorired to -innounce
Frederick Sholf, of llecearia tp
as a candidate
, for County Commissioner, suhieot to the action
I of the Democratic party nf tho primary election,
M 0 are at thonzed to announce the nnmeof
T..-..I. L'.... It .1 .. In f..- I '
; hJ ;:n'":f ' be"k
nnrlv n. ln., r,rv elfriin.
i - -.. - j
Wen re authorised th announce the name of
We aro mil honied to announce the name nf
'"nc K'ln6 oi tlUlt" P- -di'iHie fr
County Treasurer, subject to the action of the
i,cul Jriltic ; MmaTy cle,tioI1.
"I'll I
M'enre authoriicj to announce tho name of J.' A,' thoso having claims against the same
A. Terpo of liradv In., at a candidate for County l'r"Vt them duly autheuticsted for settle
Auditor subject to the action of 'the Deinorrntir n"'n'- , JOHS l;. fcM.AK,
pnTty at the primary election. Jun.2fi-Bt.rid. Administrator.
, W are authorjred to announce the nunc of' C JCRATZER & S0N.
r'Sl ,,,orrcI1'1n.fC,,,,'itr''"acan'lidatsfor M I It t 1 1 A M X, and aeulera in Hoards and
S?H..?,Vl,nrt "rain and Prodnco. FKOXT ttrcvt,
ocratic party at the primary election. aboi il, e,le,v tWo-M Pa-
We nre authorized to announce lb. nam. r
Wm. M. M'Cullough, of Clearfield, a a raudidate
for District Attorney, subject to the action of tba
' Jieaiocratic party t th priuiary i-let tjou.
I W..I I- ... ,,. , I ... , I, ,.. 1 f ' ir I
. " - I .Mi', . .. " " ' , ' ' -' ' ' 'I - ' .
M 1 1. -, -I .-, 1' ,' '" '''' l I - .'-
,1,11 . ,, )..,., ,. I, ' . I v, I 'if I ! ," ,,f,,:' '''h 1 '' " I " ' I "
l.J,,, r It In 1 w,.i,,,.il l Mi .H.:M lit. II Mil, .(Mi. 1, 1. 111 1', A A A A !J)AlJJILlAJ.f 1.
(.I,,.,. linn 1 ! 1; ,11. , ' j
'' 1., n lk a niMitif ftrni
M tit It I II On 'Ihiir-lny, .Inn,-r.'-ld.-n.
of ll..- hri le' fillier, l-v lt"v
Kcfiy. .', Mr. ClitMopher I'. Men (. .Mi
Ik-IIi I'. Mill. I... Ill "f Iteceuila lp.
On llic '.'.Mil u'l., Ii r A1110" Kii-e, t;.,
K- Hmiih t" Ann-lilt ,l:inc Ncl',,'i.
Mr. It.
I II II I -A Tier lln ni- nion I Ik illni'sn , t" -, n -11 111 1 -lion,
II,. llio MoL'i;ic. 'ln'i'litT of li. .1 I,. Lit, n(j
cd I vi-ii.- .S month) and 17 days, '
Mflu bbtrtistintnts.
I'.MI'.VI'of the t'l.KA JIKIKLO t nl X
HANK, for tho 111 mitli ending June,
L"J. ISlil ;
Itills il isrnilll ti'.t
Penni.ylviini a Suite Stock
Specie -
1'ne from other I!nk
Itnk Noteii of other Iiunkf
Checkii. Drafts, &e.
Kurniliire ...
Kvpcnso of Plate engraving
Stationery, Ac.
$.'l,srs W
2 l..'.l.H 7.
4,:i:'j ,v.i
,'i.iUI 4H
1 17-1 no
22:1 l'J
7114 7.'i
;t.t:i 114
$tio,m;;i 67
Cnpitnl Stock paid in J.'S.l'.'iU OH
-Noli), in eireul.itioii
Due Depositors
Interest and j;.chain;e -
t(IO,fi63 ,-i7
l'.-t., July
11. ; HA HAM, Cashier.
Id. I, SKI.
The partuorshlp of Pntton, Hippie .t Co., tvns
din.vilred on tho nth dav of June, lsfil, hv the
I withdrawal of H. D. I'atton. Thn hooks of the
late flrtn are in the hamU of Hippie if- l'just, who
I are autliorir.ed to ettlo and collect all dehts duo
said linn. II. D. 1'ATToX.
K. A. llll'I'l.K.
"TOTICI All persons having unsettled ae-
X counts on tlio hooks irth lat 1
lou. Hippie .1 Co., will call and settlo
firm ut l'at-
tlie same.
as ;t is importsnt that the honks he cled with
ns little deluv as posaihle. K. A. llll' I'l. K
July-.ld-lsci. pd DA.VI,. FAI'ST.
IV. M. M t i l, 1, 1)1 (ill,
Ci.rAiiKiKi.n, Pa.
Ollirc in (iraliain's llrii k Itiiililin.
July ;;d. t sr. l if.
OST. A PASS-IiOOIC was lost en the Iloud
Jlivtween Curwcns villo nnd Cleuifiubl, coiilain-
ing one Promissory Note, dated Feb., I '.' t ti , ISM,
I for lifly-eevcn dollars, on Siimuel Xewburner.
j lino Promissory note, dated April 12th, I SGI, cal
jling for fifty. two dollars nnd eighty cents, on
,'Thomas McCracken ; and two dollars in uiniiev,
receipts, Ac. Any person finding nml sending the
same t me the above reward will be paid by the
subscriber at I.nsibcr City.
Lumber City, July-,".J p!, Jos. RK PETTI.
I7XI-;CllTOH'S XtlTK I--Xotiee is here. I
I jujny given inai Letters testamentary, on tho
jcMnfe of tieorge D. I.nnirh, late of tho borough
'of Clearfield, dec 'd, have been criintcd to tho un
s ., , .. .... .
dersigned. All persons indebted to said cstato
",v "' 'in." t" ui'to lliituv.Mflo I'lMOICIIl, RLU
i ,i,,. ..),.,.; i . : . ,i -n
them duly authenticated for settlement.
I MAIttlAItKT LAMCH. Ex'x Jas.T. LEOXAIlD.F.x'r.
1 1 A ll I IU.. AM. persf.nsarc hereby enntion-
J e.
I against buy ing or in any war intei -ferine
wun ino iniiowing properly, now in (lie possess.
ion uf Kdwnrd Gilnett, of Lawrence tp., vii : One
.,.ble. ono hurcauf 2 nnirs otll,e,lste,l. n rn
' ulie atove, ono doughlrough, ono set of chairs,
I I.,., ,.i.r. . .. ..
,anu oea clonics tor iwu oens, as ttie snine belong'
... ...w, ..v .j Mv,i ivji nun uillt BlUiJl-Cl
to my oruen.
Julv W,.1t. P. J. GILXKTT.
All persons are hereby cnution-
Jt ngninut
purchnsinir or in any wnv mod-
illing with. One liHIXDI.K and one 11LACK
'f OX, now in the possession of K. L. Miller, of Hell
tp,, as the some bolon
to me, and arc in his po-
session on loan only.
July .'Id-Hf-'fil.
F. tl. M fLLKM.
new" a oo us!
Spring Summer Goods
lam just receiving nnd opening a carefully
aclectod itock of Spring and guinmcr goods
ot almost every description,
'JUllPlL-i) -isV LiiiY4;fi
A hcnuiiful assortment of Prints and Dress
goods, of tho newest nnd latcl styles. Also a
great variety of useful notions.
Donnets, Shawls,
Hats and Caps,
Hoots and Shoes, a largo quantity,
Hardware, Qi eensware,
Drugs and Medicines,
Oil nnd Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
G HOC Kill ES,
Fish, Sneon and Flour,
Mackerel in 1 mid S barrels,
of the best minl'ity, nil of which will be sold nt
the lowest cash or ready pay prices.
fliy olil rnendi and the public generally, are
respectfully invitfd t call.
M-N. II All kinds of UKA .Vand approved
COfXTKYl'HOIH VKuUn in exchange of
Clearfield, June 2 ISfil. WM, F, 1UWIX.
C AtlTION-All persons nre hereby caution
ed against purchasing or harteri'.g for two
eeriain promissory notes, iyen to
Hoggs tp., Jun.20.Sfil..1t..pd
hereby given that letters of Adininlstra.
have b
t! " X V iT". ,U""":'K""U V" ,
i ... .i.. .. ... . ii
tnwnAIr :e ed. All persons M l. I I, d
estate aretmpsted to payment without do-
Juno 12jh, 61.
1)1 III-. UlUri; I.KAILwurrautcd, ground
ill oil, in j and J.'l lb. cans, iust received
and for sale at.
I'l. tiHU till
!',:!.'. 21
Litis, .1.1
"-V,M,l , ., ,.,. ' .tmH'Hir BpHrM Jo.
I. 1 crty ..! illinn. ,i 11,,,. ,,.!,.,. ,,...1, 1 J
M llll. MUII.h,,, ,., ,,
crtt ..! W ,,. , 11,.,.,,. 1,.... , nt I - .Miller, MicHl. f. .1. .M ' M . 1 Ii
na api iinle-l A M.litr 1 . I ,,..iri Mv.
an-iiiK lioin hai I ml,., , j, '
The liii, .riLMM-, ndilrr. np-oinn.. to , ,.I
,1,-n I, nil. in n the ii,., ,!,,,, rm ,(, ,!,,
lis aliove Muled, will , ,llti,,. ,,, ,,
iipii.iiiiliiicnl 11I In. n. n,0 ,,,r, ,,, . ., clear
Held, on Saturday, t,e ;,, ,v of duly next, at
10 o'l.k, A..M , when ntid when nil in ... 11. 111
tcre-tcd run nttend il'lhi-v see proper.
T. I. .Met Tl.l.nriill,
' J iiin-,2 1 ill 1 Jtll ;lt.
K R A T Z E R S'
They have jiut received 11 general a-"oirtiinnt of
Spring and S mer DllV (iOnl'S, cuiKUtinif ol
11 A TS,
(' A PS,
W I N M,
S A L T,
lit m (TS,
Slit HIS,
1' li I NTS.
1. I N UNS,
l' A K1M1T,
H LIN lis,
1'. Itt o MS,
All of which will be fold on the must rvasunnhle
terms for CASH, or approved Cnintrv Produce.
C. K U AT.Fli '& SON.
t'lcnrtield June 11. Istil.
j lluring the past year wo have introduced to
, the notice of the medical profession of this coun
try the I'urr I 'i inlnlin il I 'hhn iili .;' ', yo,iii'i ,
IIKMI'.IIY l-'Olt ItlllU l AT1M;
nml having received from many smiiccs, bull,
from physicians of the highest standing nnd
from patients, (ho
Most flat let lug Testimonials ofits tx-ul value
in tho treatment nf this painful nml obsti
nate disease, we aro induced to present it to the
public in a fnrni KKADY F )R IMMKDfATK
K, which we hope will commend itself to those
who nre auflering with this nfilictiug compl.iiiit,
and to tho medicnl prnctitioner who in ay feel
disposed to test the pow ers of this va-lun'ole rem
edy. DI.hMK l'llOPVLAMIXK, in the form above
spoken of, li n s recently been extensively experi-
mented with in the
It . t , , . r., ,1......
sou nun .-i.niui.i, i. (.t ivft i as will nppcnr
! from tie published accounts in the incdieul Jour-
...i t
?-i"-It is carefully put up ready for immedi
ate use, with full directions, nnd can be obtained
from nil the druggist) nt 75 cents per bottle, and
nt wholetalc of lil'LLOCK A CltKXSHAW.
Druggists nnd Manufacturing Chemists,
.TuneLTi'Cltf. Philadelphia.
Important Notice.
The undersigned, lulu publisher of the "Clear
field lieptiblicnn" takes this method of calling
upon those who are indebted to him, or to Lari
mer Ward for subscription, advertising or Job
work incurred dining the three years commen
cing July 18.'i7 nnd ending July ISfill. to call im
mediately at my ollico in the borough of Clear
field, anil make settlement of the snine, its those
nci mints must hr .7fr a!. J. 11. LALlil.MKK.
Cleurfiol.l, December 12, lSlilt. tf.
Wholesale and It eta II Mcrrlinnts. Also
extensive dealers in timber, snwod lniud
her and shingles. Also, dealers in hour ini
grnin, which will ho told cheap for cash.
Oct. If, is:,.
Dissolution of Pa tnership.
THE partnership heretofore existing between
the subscribers, under the nnmo of Wiiiimit
tl' IIai.kiiiv, wits dissolved this day by mutual
consent, and all persons having unsettled ac
counts with the same, will come forward nnd have
them closed and scttlei. up immediately. The I
Store will be continued bv .Mr. H.-igerlv.
a. k. w if it; n r.
Lumber City, Way 27, 'til. --ill.
Justice of llic peace
Luthersburg, CTenrfield Co, Pa., will
attend promptly to nil business entrusted to bis
lie also informs the public that ho keeps
constantly on
nana nt nis shop, a general as-1
sortment of haddles, llridles, Harness and
whips, which he will sell on reasonable trems.
April 4, Isiil.
' . .
CAI'TIOJI. All persons are bereby cauliou
ed against purchasing, or meddling in liny
way, witn ine lollowing described property; .1
cows, 2 two yenr old heifers, i hogs, and 14 acres
of grs'n in the ground, now in possession of
John La horde, Jr., of I'nion tp.
Jutw ISf.l.
IV IT Notice is hereby given that the
Itooksof Dr. 11. F. Akclv, lately of (ir.
hitmpton, aad also the Uooksot the late Dr. Hcn-
r "7" "n
' .T.S. J "
ClcnifieM, June IV. Istil. WM. POHTKi1.
la )'
Port ani Sherry Wine, Noctgr Whiskey and
llol'und din at Jl A rtTSWU'K.s.
AHUK AsoOHTMi:XT of colored paints.
Dry and tjrund in Oil. in I pound cans.
just rea-ivot) nun ujr Bale at JIAIITSWICKK,
1rilITK IXO, ..,-eund
in Dnninr
in 2 lb.
AT Pltl.Mi; LOT f 1
eJ mid opened at
resh Drugs jusl rcceiv.
id:. r.Mi
on m 1 m.v fin.
nil mi'l ,oi(;e,ii (ii 1 tin 1.
II. I'll., h, j ,-,ie I,, am.
. he hn- lu ll I t i pay
'lit t I,, illi. run Ii- (-.'.li
of IMTT-I'i 'l:i
it.iii..ii. ! I 1- Ii 1. ii I
1111 I l' 11 1 1 i in - .1 1 ll..
Diseases of tin- lie all, l.itirnml laiii.'si t'liinir,
I Ah", nil Din ii-i--. iippurtiiiiiinir In the K 1! nml
tlie II. a. I. und l'i-i hall, " trnin tliu Lnr, cna In-
ami iiiiiny nun r ii im-ii m s ihiii inn c niiiiii-ii lln- -i,
CI.AIIIOX, nt Clark's llolel. fnun the l.'ith or M iylolhe I'l uf June.
CIIIISK'.l, nt Wliitiner's Motel. June 1st. An ain, Sept. I 't ai), '.'d.
IICHIlK 1 1,1,1-;, nt the Aiiii'ih-nn House, r mi .Id to Will Juno. AK'iin. Sept. .1,1, tlhaml jth
1,1 YIIKItSlll Itll, nt lieedV II. .lei, June llli ,'iti'l lth. Again, Sept. lutli and 11th.
Cl.i:.:Tli:i.D, Johnson's II. .tel. June I'Jih to MH'i. AlmIii, ''pl I -'ill and Hth.
Di:i.l.i:i'n."ri;, Morrison's Hotel, from June ITtli 'o IHili. Again, eclit. 1 1 la and lath.
T V 11 OX K C'TV, nt Mis. Tliomns' Hotel. June 21st ami 22.J. Again, tvpt. Kth and ll'ith.
At his 1X1IKMAKV, ,m June 221 toJiil.v 17th.
Listen to the Voio9 of Truth and Reason an I Profit by t
I The diuo has entno mhen nil who will, enn orcop. the iron griifp uf Mercury. Iiy cu'diiig. without
I delay, to fee the well known and lastly ei.i-tr-ited Keloetle l',uroiitiil Physiciiiu, Dr. )J,Hir, ho
I will administer tlmse only true mid sale nieilieiiies, ci'lrin lcil from tho lui'ft clioii hiiimiIu unit III lias,
n tncli r prepnn-.l uinler liidow n tupcrviMon, nod thi relore ut , ml ng (ho ue of all Mlf-KIIAI. I us.
oss, which weie never designed fur ll.o system, to lake which. tnnn tliou.'Miul.-- huve fallen vleljini
a ml gno ti early graveii.
T ! 1 1 X ( i S T( ) 1 5 K I ! I ', M V. M 1 H I S K I ).
m mil- r that Dr. llort wauls no patients but tlioso fully eiipalilo of npneiuii and dis'in
guisliing the M-icices of a regular thorough hro. I physician, from a paltry, unlearned and trifling
li'rittrwhrr. Dr.'i. remclics ami trciitincnt are entirely unknown to u 1 1 olliuri in tlijs country (
prepared from n life speul in toe great Imspituls ol liurnp" nml the lirst in the country.
iVuirwW, that Dr. liort has a more extended practice than any other physician in Wustarn Penn
sylvania. Hi ,nrMli r, that citiens of education, nnd our popular men, arc all well i ciuainted with, and tako
great plea-ure in recounueinling Dr. liort to the ntljic-tej,
llrmemhir, that Dr. iinti uiuktMio false repiej;nliiliiii! to gull I lio unfortunate, but nil o snys will
ho 1 1 itli In 1 1 y carried out.
iVmi mn-r. that Dr. Hurt pnyaevry ntU-ntinn to diseases of a chioiiic pntiiro.
.4rlr ('ertitii'ates of Cures may ho seen at his respective rooms.
Dr. liort is turiiirhrd w ill, over six thoiisand lettem of rci-oiuuiendutioD from Homo of fho most
distinguished men living. Also has iiwnrde.l to him diplomaa from some of tho most celebrated
Hospitals and Iutii nun ic in J-airnpf, foj- his uiipiiralU-IJed observations in Diag""si observa
tions in a iscoi oi jug remedies for the euro of discuses (hn have lieretoora hilllk-d tii ki'l u
of the inediciil .r ii'i.ii).
An early call froui those wishin to consult the Doctor, is eiiie.-tl- reijueitod, ao as to reueive
full bcnelit of treatment, and thus do justice to himself. Time lia ited.
Plcnse benr in mind when Dr, liort will he in your place. Pcrmns of .cunsulting hiia
w ill tnnfer a gu-iil lavnr by culling on tlio first ilny of his anival. us his rouins are o often trowd
ed. it is iitiijlv iiiipo.-ililo to attend ti thr aiuions sulicitutinns of all. Dr. IJort will arrive attach
nf I h- alinve places on the lirst coach on the dav appointed.
Please twtei.d the invitatinri In all invalid iiciiuuiiitaueef, am) oblige yuurs, Ac.
May 2'J, OL-2':.
Wsiltc up; Wnl.e up!
BI.At KmilM;. Till.' subscriber res.
peetfully informs his friends and the public
generally, that he is new well e ablirhud in his
X1-;V SHOP on Pine street, o .posite the Town
Hall, in the hi, rough of Clearfield, and upon hi'
own hook, nml where he is prcpu'od to do all
work in his li.-ie in ll,.' veiy best lyl,e. and on
the shortest Motive. His old custoi' ers iuo res-pci-Hully
ashed not to forget hitu, and any nui.i
ber of new ones are respectfully invited to give
him a trial.
KDHIi TOd. Hia repu.'utinn as a Maker
and Iti'paircr of Fdge tools should of it.-elfsecure
him a liberal patronage.
4it-;dltJU C. PASSMiiKK,
April 24,
IXFCLTOUS' NOTICB Letters teslanien
J ton- having this day been grunted to the un
dersigned nit ttio estate of lljXATIVS THOMP
SON, late of I,(jj-onre township, Clcnrli!d coun
ty, deed , all persson know ing thi-inclvc iudebted
to sslil et,ute are requested to make imMiediiite
payment, and those having claims against it will
present them duly nut'ienlicatcd for settlement.
Curwensville, May, ;. Kx'rs.
IyU'S the entire cost for TI'lTION in tha
most popular nnd successful COM.M KUC'I.M.
SCHOOL in the country, rpwnnls of Twki.vj:
11 r Mm r. ii young men, from twkntv-i hiiit dill'ef-
enl Slates, have been educated for business Jier?
within the mst three years, some of whom have
been employed as liOOK-K Iv KI'L'ltS nt salaries
$2000 00
immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing
of accounts when they entered the College.
-.Minister's sons hull price.
Students enter nt any time, und review when
they please, without extra charge.
l or ( atiilogiies, iMieriincns of penmanship, nnd
View of tho I Ol.LKliK. enclose live letter wiamps
May li, dl. ly, Pittsburgh, Pa.
dlrfal Pisrovpry.
HAVE made a discovery of the utmost iiu.
icrtanee to every married person of either
''. unit mil send I lio lull pal liculars eoncei uing
it to any one on receipt uf a stump to jiay for re
turn postage. Address.
npl 11 Ijr. Allied, Maine.
Borough Ordinance.
m:c I. it (l.iii,;,,,;! I.u th,
Urn iii hh niui Tufn .
t 'mini it uf thr
Iliiriiiiili .V, ir II',,., ,',.,, ,n,7 1
it is hi rrlii
'If nrititimil l,u nutlttinttj it ill ullmr. I
That from and lift r the passage of' this ordi- '
nance, liny pi rson or persons riding, drit ing or
lending tiny horse, mure or gelding, or leading
or ant ing any mule, ox, cow, or other cattle, on
tho foot-walks, on being thereof legally convict
ed in the form prescribed for profane stti-aj ing,
shall pay u line not exceeding ten dollar tor the
use of tho borough.
Sue. 2. Any person or person exhibiting any
play, show, mountebank, juggler, or any ther
exhibition, shall pay n lux not exceeding ten dol
lars asn licilisc to exhibit the same, mid the fur-
llt,,r at, in ..ll.nnl,, T. . ...I.I II .1. - . . -
, ,0 ,. .,. u ',- o... M.(o,, A,,,li; i,....
,v maile Jh(. ,lutv of tho Dm jess to criint
,i.h sri,., i.;l. n t.. .
I ment of the required tax, and any person or per.
. sons neglecting or refusing lo y i'v tax, shall
I not exhibit uider the penalty of twc.uty dollars,
tube recovered in liko manner as u fine lor Sab.
j balh breaking, and shall ho disper.e.l ns an nn
i lawful assemblage.
I Sir. ",. Any obstruction in the highway, or
any nuisance or oil, nsivc mutter louml oil the
I streets or walks in front of, oi in a lot or lots, the
l person or pcrsjiis leaving the same shall he not i-
lied by tho lliglj CiUiilnble, verbally or otherwise,
to remove the same within tweiily-tour hours:
...... . . .. u . i. ...n.. (, i .-r i . , ,,, , ii, iiiiw
ttn" "" neglecting or reliisiiig to remove the same I
'"'"'' ''ine spocineii llic Jligli n..nstiil.U! shall r. -
,,,.,,v vnf, mine nt toe eiiiriisu oi 4 li e I'crson or
persons leaving the snuie the expet-so ofithii-Jj
shall be collected according to the gen. nil En
ough law. This section to npply to a..-IJ
as el reels. Adopted June it", Isfi',
JOSKPH If, Hit KTH, Jiuigea.
nill-si ,) ll-OB A. I.KETH
sec y.
XT EKV CIIKAp at the
tore of
WM. F. iinvix.
Centre Hill tiunrds
V."'11 "'el lor parade drill on the rnur'h ol
July next at the Ilrnd'urd Churc'i, nt in o'clock,
, A.m. A genei al invitation Is extended to tin
neighboi ing companies. Ly order of die Captain
Jnn.L'ii Tho.. M. IIdLT. d S.
n i.rxa
1 . nipt. .11 I. mu' i-f l.n-l-it. I.'ni;'iiii-I. Ii"'
mil, 1 i- In nil Intalnl-, lluil. win.' to Ih- mnnr
ir..e-ii ial ti-il" In tlie following ninnol plni" ,
lulled l.v the nlllii tel. holli Mule and 1 i-inale. on
I jl,-. Si r. .lulu.
1111. 1 nil li, ris i.f the
II Ml. 1' I! I I ll,
1 1 1: A K H-?. limiting ..i-e in
speeililir anted l.v
.r. Hour's S. ii-nliiie Treatment ;
in oi ine m riiiini .
,li-llni!iiihiil phyncimn.
SP j- KM A T()K IilKEKA.
nWAIIIl A 0.1ATtl)N, PlIII.AllKl.fUIA, A Ull-
triil iittitiititiH httnhtiiitird hy tin-rial .'a
iliitrwriit, oc tin- ri lirf uj ihr Sit kitiitt hintrenmii,
itjitiilri nitt Yii'lfnl ttml t'hrtiltiv '.i-oscs, (lllff
. kjh i iully fnt- th' fun' nf hirvaiiv f the Sexual
( li'iilllM.
Mi:jurvi. Auvhi: given gratis, by the Acting
; ,S iirgt-ou.
Ai UHi'iiui.- otv Sprj-u ii(orrhu-, and
other diseases of the Sexual Digitus, nnd on tlio
m:w hcmkpirs employed in the Dispensary, sent
ill sealed letter envelopes, free uf charge. Two
or thro S -a in is for postage acceptable. Address
I Dit. J. Skii.i.i V Ilin-niiToM, Howard Association,
; No. 2. S. Ninth st., Philadelphia. 2'.lmy ly.
! Executors' Notice,
IKTTLRS TJ-JSTA.MKXTAr.y havi;ig been
J grained to the undersigned on the estate of
. LbVl Col'FlX. late of Karthnui township, Clear
field county, dee'd, nlj peraoua fcno, ing heui
sclves indebted to said esliite arj; rr,iiestcd to
innke iuiiiiedintit payment, and tlioso having
i claims ngainstit will present tliem duly nulheii-j.-ated
f.ii tetlleincnt.
j Karlh.-ius. May 2'.l, 'CI. Ct.
VI )l I M S ; TH A !' IH'S OT t ; IvlLw tera
,f Adniiiiistraticui having been this day
granttd to the undersigned on tho ostnte of
CIIAHL0TTK Wl-AVKft, lato of P.rndv town
ship. Clear, old couvtr, itucoused, ui parsons in
debted to said cstale are reijuosted to luitke im
mediate payment, and those hat in-rclaims airninst
tho same ill preieci tboui duly aiilhenticalcd for
lit-.'. h.XAKU.jr.
AIj j. tit.
VM. SVI'H offers hia jiroftssjonsl sorvieea
. to tie 1 e. lk-s and tM Lt'inen of Clenr-
field and vic'n.ity. All operations performed
with ncuJiicss nni ri.'p:',ch. Dciiig familiar
I with all the late inirrcvtrats, be' is prepared to
make Al'IIIiclal Teeth in the bts,t tuaoner,
j Ollice in Shaw's new row.
Sept. 1 1th, ISiS. lyf.
Jyts. U. MIlRJKrn.
AltKIMKIt A Ti;ST. Attorheva a Law
J J Clearfield, Pa., wilt so u lid proiiJy to Col
tAiuiis, Lain! Agencies, Ac, Jc, is, Clearfield
Cotti cand Klk coulitji-s. July 3D. y
FN r y,c im
0' i-l u;iil,tin ii,
M 1 I.
cOA LLU M & Co.,
Jin port ers, ami VVJioh-ale Dealers in
C V It l i; T I Mi S, J H U (; ti U T S,
oil. tl.OTJiS, MAT'flXUS, .f-c,
Wint-lioiise. No, ."id'.) ChofctBut Sticet,
(-Oppo.-i.te Slate liouse,)
ni'r-r-s) ly Piiu..i:.i.j-HiA.
To Liimbf rnif n :
tV Mll.l, FOH SAI.K. I have erected a
new first class SAW-Mil.l. fir Kiahtv feet
'J' at Isl'NCAXNOX. Wow Ureeu's'llain,
iii the SiiUrhnni,a- -nnd ilcsire to have a Part
Inerwhr will furnish Siiinred Itatitcd Lumber nt
(ircen's Dam, to stock the Log Pood to its full
' Ibis Mill will have the rommaud o.r Uio mar
.ketin Petfrsburg nnd Duuesuinoii aad of two
; thirds of Perry cr.nnty : and a large amount of
j business juay be done at jj.wd pricos. it ii on
Ithe JVnnsylvania and in cgmUKjiica
Ition with Philadelphia nnd llnltiiiinrj.
in Itie present depressed staio of th TidewS
ler market. I invito attenion to a home murk et
thnl mil rcmuiioimte. A-Mn-ss early by mail, or
''"H (.'lilFFITII JOXLS,
p-' l-ft, Perry Co.. Pa. .
(JII.MHSli CJIA1US!!!" "
The ntdei-Mgued but iiw on hand, nt Ui-' I'ui-.
iiiture Uooios (i Ma, ket si., CleiufuH , a
short ili-t.-u..-c west of Lil's Foun,',;, a I.Vg. of
i U al lsi o." Al.l. h.l!IH,
waitufatu-e.l out id die bj-l niiit.-rl.ilr, liui-hci
i, a v.-n- superior manner, and which hu will sell
I'iW nu: t:sn. n lou- e.ycrienre in the
business innke- hiia feel confident thai his chairs
are mnfle in a substnntinl unJ workmanlike wan
ner, nnd will stand the Lvt of trial. Persons
w ishing to purchase i-haiis .-Unuld rail a om e
.-tod get them while they enn be had at the low i--t
rates. J ; HV TR01T.MA V.
Mar. 27 lM If.
iTJl-iDtc jt 2 Jti'Jl'&mT!
I' iP. FA
1 Km a
ill FA LK, at MOOHH .t KTZWf.'lf.FR-
a Flour, warranted either in ,,, k
liarrcl? Also I'.ACO.V, and ',- (' y.
ri..rlj..l. !,'.! 1 1 'r.. 1(1,