fU tfli.ufi.li. Hij'tMiiin. !(.'! b llH l' , ' , 1 :t , t 1' !" I" (!' I I, I II I t 1 I 1 1 I ' It ill ' I n I I i nn n , I n nl III ""I' I' il .I ( I I .Mil 11 1 ', !. In rlv i" in f n "i nl imnpi tniii-e "uinlii Wflnr(ly Motnin July 3. 18G1. Who arc Diminioninti? Wr n-n ;it nVi llii iin"'ii'lt for lln pur pose of calling nll nli n In nil intitle In lIlO lil't .'.(. US llli. I til till' .Wtll.l't from one .'fllie la-d spceihci made by the Mny ,M , v 1 1 it-Ii llm rxliniM in; 1 li Jftil Ml r ., i ... I rl III II U t). II II. i ( A r . tin til li h I 'i i ll m t in,! ; "' ' lln 'I'iiil (In1 tun j.'llll if Mil till ! li i I nil j'liiln lull- i ' nti'li 'I I III' I'liji'lt i In i tush tin1 ti I'i'llii'll ill till -llli.'l inn. siLle time. Tins i i'l i'l i ll tin. mily n V tn 'in c 1 1 ii i' I -1 1 i'i mil I give . ! .. .. : II I... . i .... 'I'l 11111 II I 'II I I'll"' - t II n I II 1 1 1 IH III I II I II T . . . 1 1 1 iiii I" i 1 ' . i :. . , I.. . -'"'''' villi 1 1 1 i'i ' I ; I ii 1 1 1 1 1 1' in 'i k - i i ;i i 1 1 nii,u (, i,,.,,!,,! , d llliljnl il) dl III people Would In' III ilnngrl' 1 1,. ), h i :1H mi. I e- one nl (lie Itill ( In. tleaie iiinli' icltllill lli.lt pllhlii'iili. Ii'i'l lllis r7..r, I i i ' I I t. . I ii' ii il ti 1 lll' I l' 'II I III' 'Hill' '" i nl II llll I I I ft III) "' "lllllli'l, "f i nl illl II mini " Tin t o i i i i l.iinU l. ii mif t"'ilil'i'l ill 'imii on n il'r-'l ii , ' i i i'i I) JuilflU Vntijlm t I ' , I, ,',1, ' ' ' . ,n, V I 1 1 I'l I I 'II -Ii. I H I'l" s I ' 1 1 1 llllll II" i"iiii-"''' i n III tllipflllV if', ,i t. - M'l'iii' in lli'i. niil '! !"i hanging In .1 i- i, i, ii H.t I , 1 1 "II'., ,. f H'r. I. I-., ', I I I' I'l 'I . " I ' l( . 1 il ,1 I I' PI " ', ll, I .y, ti y "I '1 I'll i II, , i til in 'i ,i, tin1 r'U ' i nli' nf .fiit i Inl 'I'Hi'lll. "i ' 'I' i '''' 'A. .',,, rl i. -i . ij n't ill i iii.i 1 1 ii ,,,ifl 1 1 - i'"ii,fi it i'Ii ii iinji, t't 'i , I 1 1 1 1 I' It'll till. I II li''i'rl Inr liit mlrl" li'cl lii I'l lii'VO, ft ir I I ' I II." I It II I , I I I I "I II M I i 'M I 1 11 li .Mi. If lilti ' 111 il tlh'li lt ' lii illl', l."tl, I lllil'l.l 1 1" lii. 1 1 il lt' II rl linn. I i in I III ill,. I l inii II linn I i lli' n, Iim I III MM' I I lllll' , CM 'I' ll . ,n " rti. I. i,i il U i i. mill I "' , iliilf tin l"ii I't il I i .-n-i'li, I l, i i nn' t.i ,i n " nl ii Ii lti i i , n in." In 1 1, .ii i 1 1 1 It 'nil I' M lillt , tlll'l I III,'"'' i'. Illl ( I'. In ki' i.h ' iti' I 'll ll i tin' niiml i",riiri' ol t rnn'U In I"' i I 'i iinni nl . t Sir, Ilic mi ll Vll't Imill l.''l Mini ni,lniiii'il Il i (.'i'l IIHlHIll, (llltil I III illilll'lll nl lull l I "l i Al'i',' In illv ilini.'il i 'l Ihi'in IH'I . ill inl II, tl'l'l H Mlrll I I I il I" I I'll I lit' liitflit ol llllll lililni Ininili' ilny. liny iiui'kf, liu v i'l', Ili'.Xt iii'il tiilif: i'iii' Ii nil- i tun, n'Hiii lv jiiitnl 'lniii)ili l"l' iKitit'ini; lit It:, I ' il II ll I I "1 .1 I ' . !(, l.i 11 I. :l il 1,1 Illl I I I Il , It..' ' ' 'I I 'II I , I' I 1 ' ,..,' . I"" I I 'I ill ' l, in tin il l-l, inn, II,., .li i ,i,i, i ' i I t ),, I. ,iit A , l.i ' , , , , . Il,' ill,, I 'i 1 1 1 "ti I, 1 1 i i , li,l hii. tt ,, i li ,,ll ! l i l' I , il ,. I I J 'il Illl" i l'l' ' "' " ' ' ' ' 1 "'I'lUlrtMl (f MiM 'Ml 1 (In I , hli I Ml I'l i' I ' )' I'l II I "I ' HI III!.! ) .,,,,) hi ,i i in it i it I'll n inn li .i i li tin mil ilm ,1,,,, ii i Htm nir inl-"l iip llif IH ini'i'ii", I , . , ""'ll A ,, b.vH. t,l ... , i.i , .- I l, .,. .MNii.i.n I" " '' 1 nHI ''' ill i I i (.ill, S ilm. Iiil Ini'li! M win' Ii ln 1..I I " " "i ol iii '.'i"li i lii'i iri'inn li' i to 1'ii.l'iil.ly l'li li I "I tlm li'Hi'i ii I. .11... I I it i k ii i. mm, iiiij viini ii i inn . ,i,i i. , i., i 1...I. i nt,,"'. - f r- , nii'i ,.,,, t. 1 11 n iii.m... ,. (1,( ,l l,ll, Ml ..I.-.',.. Ilinl.i.i.1 , ,,,, , ' h, i.illir nl'ilU' IIU'I 'l " "I 'liHi ll Hit tli'MI' I,, .il ii, Mlliii'.' niii- iniiii iii-liiiiily iiinl iii' jiniii'i Ilic nllii I il llri' li" i.nilml H'iiv cr. I'IiishMH" i w vMrni. W. P. IIhIIoii, nl I'i iin'. tii'i'i)-" n "oitii '"'"Nl '.'i,'; (Hi, I Id n iniii'. nn Iiii l-nl. it hllin o iiNo l'iiili Iv nn in iiyiHiniil hl""' 'W I.. I.i. II... I ii.l rtii.l it t n . 1 iiml " '" ' ' " ' "" " '" " "" ii i... i.. .!. i i ,!.,. I . , .i i i i miK nun mi in Tiini- niuvioMfT i.k hk mm .-.fiini.'i i-,'tiiit- tit in. '","'"'"" tmnnui! il "ill l nil nil iiiuiil'iii hi iiii run, ... .... n , n IIIL'IV. 1 O VOW. I il'O Hi Seoul, !l Vl'll III IliO It'l Icr ol V . Ii. !!' i IN In'l InT It III! cnlluil l Now, Si i-i, In. iv i nil I Ins In li in ri hi ii 1 1' I , t . M hi in, I, u Im Imi Imi-ii in j m I lm ' ' tnmni'iil, fur ? Wo nil know ,ln!in 'vn Toii'i'v, ,,"t., ,,it's i,ns. Imt Iutii ili-niiHTtl by i x m s inn )0 . ii niiU'li InlliT jinli', ulu-lliiT Inin. n. Mun tii I' I'n onlir, lm linvin volun- ' i'U l ,i 1 liiif n.iiii.i if n tnili n Iii ('U)) 'win., Col U,iiK n.,:,.,t,.j im ..r .1... 1 i . "Htm. ui inr iiiiut'il .finii' A ly """' S r a j-i i rock UuV In t In liflU'i- Mniily taki'h tin outli of allriiint'. , - fryc opi nrr, limn lo I of wlmt oontihiU i o,t Tuc.l;y, I.irulnuiit C. 11. SIop- ittii.. invmlo Murj Imnl 1 1. H(j ' " Coiiiiniiii' nn i'iiiliiit(, ; .. rcirioiriilt. w, it in, ii'.iui I i,t. ,, i... ii,-, ii'tir. i' i ii. ....I,..,., itiiit, i imi it iitm,.. .,. ,.ii i r .Y 1 itjiuiiiiit.il it. jiw..- . ' 1 1 1 it- , wi'it ,m,v ,,' a.u- i.'i "i- , .r.itor M Id MllitlUO I'MlKIl THE I'HKTKUT ).,, is I vvolllt! VflltlllC to CUV, .MPSSIH liroiiiift' . 'J'Ikti.' aril linen clnvsi's win) to llio "l.iUci' i'iiil." Tlioy mi', Kii'jit. Tin) I'litnl, in fat u:iti'il nml l;i- n.i'irnl .Miiilitinimtrt, who want llie I'liinii iliHt-olvi'd in order that "ulavi'iy may liu driven from the Continent. " S.i'ond. 1'rni'tieiil revolutionists, most ly rrnm Kuroie, who are alwiiyo "uuliing Cor it fi?l,l." Third. Army-suiiily continetors, uho an o filling llieir jiocketi by lletvinjr I lie eoverninent and jicojilo. ( if llio other vlimfeii, einliraeini; seven eights of 1 1 io whole jinpnlat ion, we ven ture to say 1 hat four-tilth ol Ihein will raise their voices uny day in fuvor of any "compromiso" or "jiariev" that will re store peaee to the nation, return to their destitute and KuU'erin' familie- the thou saii Is of sold it! rs row in tho service of their eountry, and jrivon hope, no matter how faint it may he, that tht'te Stales may woulti veniure 10 cay, nut iiiihmi Uifii ., or i'kotki'TIM! tiii. j;,hiois, Unit it lie lie so tortiiuate us to no me for war i I ho polity of inn-1 11 iii.iri'Roii:nrv,AM .wounded in Imltle, it ill Mot In) in the km;' anv sort ol . K.NKom im; tiik laws, I . i- t und I wouhl lurilier venture to j!i'iu:i the Ainel iean iinrne. Trust no man who r.ow talks of hushing up this treason liy n conii promiuc with (he rebels. If ho is not a traitor himself, he is nt least in sy m liathy with tluun.or else gros.-ljr mis led. ci.iiipi'oijiut' lni)ili:lii:ii, ineiiil'i'i- of ( oiifrre-s troin , "pm ,.y (,- any Ihinjr els.,1 oould he or even pailey with lU tunn it t tin- v- Bt i att liftl a j;oose ipiil loilum ihio, Am I nli uli will lm fmiii'lon our out- l(.ul t jy naiietionetl hy tho Aiiierieaii pie. Sell i""pei l oucht, J'Ol'linpn, lo tlelrr ll fnim Inking notieo of an ariiele so mean and poiiloiliplihli' so fali-eaud slandi'lous us this pro'lut tion of the liio that hy turns jirind out the editorial'' of the Imir ii.il: Init we nnist not fail to call the at tention cf III i people to the liii'l tlnit in this urliele the lute suspension of lh(. writ of yiin'M Corpus in HnllimiTi', ami Iho seizure hy tho authority of the uov erniuent, of the secret t'orrcspond'.'iit'e in the ieleruih ollices, are .v,i.i,Vi"i., iriimul tjuuiricittwn. We want our fellow citizens totiiiku pin liere. Tlie-e "eiillemeii, who were such sturdy advocates of "free men, free speech, and freedom," last fall anil who nro not willing lo join them in a wir of extermination against the South ern Stales. under the pretext nf enforc ing tho lawa" are tho tli'I'tndcrs of the most high-handed and dangerous usurpA, lion ever perpetrated in this country since tho downfall of Uritish power in lite then colonies. lio our readers understand this Jhiluvs l'i,r;i(i ense? Let us explain: A Mr. Merrynian was nn-eted hy tinier ol lien, (.'atlwnllader, on the charge of (insisting to destroy railroad Lrides, and hy other means obstructing the pa-sago of 1', S. troops through Baltimore, and held ns a prisoner in Fort McIIenry. 1 1 is IViepds Hpplied to the 1. S. Court and pi m ured ii writ of Habeas t,ri. r.ot to have the prisoner "released," ns the Jimruul say, liut to inijulre into tho c:iuse of his arrest, and to afl'crd him an opportunity to es tul lish his innocence, or tt defend him elf against the clmrges made against him, The lT. iS. Marshal, with the writ, procee ded to the Fort, nod was denied admit liiace; by Gen. Cadwnlladcr, who afler artls informed the Court that the FreM-dt-nt had authorized him to disregard or to sisiTND the writ of IlaLr.i (Wiut. This wo belie 'e to lie a precisely correct tUtement of the facts. Marshal luw was not then, nnd has not On the 'JTlli I'ni.i W I , .. ingly. To con: pro- W, . no "", . tmisnii. Yet he liuikes Inoro vrrln Ilea- 1 1.,(( piovoi-t nu'shal of Alex.'indria, sent .'u.,.juni mtemi.ii. I i ! S tni-e with lien-oil, if I cm ini -rut it, flmt' ,,. i,,,,, il,,. Itlacksloneii that ever , i V,ilt',i,i.ioii l'mir misoners. who wine ' .. u 10 lu ( , i . i f ' i im . .. i ii i rmr mi ki. ii .. .. n . up. I linii I comiiiitteil to :t 1 1 to await tint onlers ot " "if i oloiu .t..o- il. i" !' destroy tho iiioiinun pli'Hi'ii '", hero comes on;-Cnpt. Mt lioiuiltls trying ''(leiirral Manslield by I u -I i - lonn. Two phae called Matthias I'oint, fur J jiintioM. Tho only ..(o,y it th.dl i;vy () out-tlo I'r. nts himself in iving in ' (,( ilu-ni, ('apliiin Fleiiiining antl S. S. pose ol electing u cand Ultm Inren, werea.'.e-tenon tl.eMli ol Mine, j , , - t and V. T. Walker and (ieoriro MeMills ""Nej were nrresled on Iho KHI, inst.; and, in l"'.v were ..Hacked by a t,r ; In lil as prisoners n war, ci;i'mioiiimi-. ine ciew iioiuij(f)( with firing into the cais. mndn a hasly reirea: sevt'ii'l of l eonipromiso or pur- ash coi.i.Kt.i im: the say. lie xjitul.i mine tieii.-on in ten min ify w it li theiu, is a ' k k v n n i; k, w h k n uies than (.'apt. I online ever drennied of. policy lo break up j their oujkct ii ii-l5ut Ihere is no (iceounling for ln.sles, or the I "ii ion ami dis rsiox, ami w ar tiik , (u.re would not beti'iite so many Mac Mt.sn or :,;oii-.l)0,iL.4. beg parilon Mclionahls, in the I'I.isiiivi: a ciieiiisii-L..,y, Misery likes eoinpany," they Ki itkcosk." "'s''i jay. So it does for some tw:j,;s of the tin- liUinr'i Hj thc ""' 1 Mcllonulil family are sprouting in Becca ttcr imt nil to "- iia township, poesessetl t.f the same olli i.'m tlit Jnllij. !''''"'- fious, medtlleiii'me propensities, constant-vi-hk ami wlrkeihif v by inuendo denouncing their I)em nf An iiiivriimfiit jet-rat i'o neighbors as traitors, and not to be 7.i',7i (vie its mi'Oi'1 1 ti usted. Now this, to me, is a small busi iyiil its fi i yco'c I eM c.r nien "to OiC muimr burn" to tollow. Mi'.v t.';imi, , j As a general thing " l'rjsx'iimul'' men do (iiiiirmiti-i s Jut tln ir I (l0t make such ninnies of themselves Law. ri'ilits. !ver.. l'reachers and tho like, nru oueer It is clear that if Sonntcr 1 ouglas was j fellows, and c.or.seiiucntly priviledged notv living, nnd would utter such senti-1 chitracter ; that Dix-km and f.m! Mas ., , . .. !ir should so inr forget tl.eni elves, is hor mentsas he u.d in the Senate, th: lnooliiUe lk),tyou ,;ink KO MosM.s K,H. the Jvuriud would have lnm executed us a tors i j,articulorly too when they wer traitor without Judge or Jury. "4ini mtterly muut!!" Now men w ho come "Ah, but this speech was uttered hefore the surrender of Fort Sumter, and Judge be again united, and our glorious Union lUghis changed his opinion since then," the trio will sjty. We disbelieve the alleged chango of mind on the part of that great statesman. Jle was always tho friend of tho I'nion, and if now living, his voice would rewound throughout "ho length and breadth of the hind in favor of any "co'iiproniiso" or measure calculated to save the I'nion ami inert further bluodsheil. again resume its place, she hrst among tho nations of theeailh. But, says the .li.mm,!, "THl'ST NO MAN WHO TALKS" nf a "compromise" all such are either "traitors or in sympathy with them." The plain Fnglish of this Imguagc i, thai, this war must be prosecuted until the rebels are subdued, no matter at what cost of blood and treasure. If it co:.t ten thousand millions of money, a million of human lives, and destroy the last vestige of Itepubliean libcity, no matter, the war m ist go on. There can be no possible end to it until its object which may be imiKxsible is accomplished ; and he who even suggests a "compromise," or "par ley," or cessation of hostilities, no matter how patriotic his motives, "IS A TKA1T 011," and must bo handed over to the hangman. Now, for the satisfaction of this tdito- over such common-pi, u:e e.iresions as, "is he a Loco Foco oh then by JhJua I'riist he must bo watched" such iirnor aut jacks as these are not worth minding, are they 7 lor tnev are only I tie ircst-uit addition to being I ire aim charged tiik roMl'lto.MlsK THK MKMlMi ok 10WCVt.,. Wero beveiely wounJtj - 'Capt. Want, whilst bit-lum. ,. A Washington dispatch to the Fhiladel-, fc).iim;l. . pliia Iniiuirer savs : ' ... . . ,, "'lii 'lheiri, a sentiment pervading here heart by a Minio b.dl . among Northern visitors which tends Nothing of importance luttlf, strongly towards ii compromis". But all occulted in the vicinity of Aletm is vague St HI it l the feeling and one Tho Confederates re tnKlv 't which, I believe from couimon rumor, "K'JfMt l'resident Lincoln himsclt cheri-hes. A ManasMis Junction, and linve exi confirmation, in part, of it, is found In 1 he' their batteries and pickets Nuiiboff course of (Jen. Scott, who while he U care-. t;ix Court House, ai d within iiln, ' I'ullv 'uardinir every tioini, and bunging ', . . t- ' it i t . . .i i-i . iniii-B ui .- A: lllll 111. llll'lf it. .11.... I t'.l II n lit, t. t If Il 1 I, llt-Ul. ' 't.t.11 standard of military perleetion, m not Wife 1 . ... , ,.ifit ii) srru.i' a iiirun i im i tin; i'J t'.nyrcvi.'. blmr until otter tin Latest News from the South. A H A I Its AT KK II MtlMi. number varies from lif teen to Iliirtj SAl'.d. J The Htlviees from Mitnourl iml. tliat tlio seces'-ionists or State furott concentrating in large nuinlWi , Arkansas li ontier, where they are crp Win II llni'lliiit. f ir niunv veais Olio of the editors of the New York Times.hai " ""'"' wnn3, been '.nought lo Kichmontl us a spy. hav- 'l'0" the South, lor the )Urti, ing I ecu ai're-ted in Atlanta, On. His ' returning !o meet Ueu. I.yon ulaiiiiei iar.il ii'pe.'iraiice are said to be : .",.,t. ft loies. iirei"seising. lie is well educated, and ! .. ,. , ,f . 1 iii .-I .i liom I'ortress Mniiioi. in ux hit i. til l.':,l, In I'mivin :ili,,iinl uriitcrs nitie Hit . . . . . t . 1 ' i... . i i i , ien pumpkin nraimii ol tne aici'onaUM-- ,aS traveled exteiisiiely, ami is well post- tuteiy nuuung usiue in, in u mmSi but I'm down on the professors. Theed on almost everything atlout in the 'an attack was shorllv to be nuJet """'' .,,(,rn .Mm"1," . f "r ,,1;e 0,,,y to !" u.n"t1iv '' Sm,ltl; ! No, folk and lWtsmouih. ones to.frai-, who certainly should be con- ('a,olina. l'l enldent llavis h.is Landed lineij in a liana iox, ot lliey will either ,in1 ,vi.r to the Governor, who omtiiil-1 hurt themselves or some of uiaii-kintl !,.,! iim to await :n examination. I some day ot other. j 'i'ie lolloiving prisoners of war, who; liy the way, do you believe ''Old Abe" .were aliened within about three miles of! thinks "any one's being hurt" now ? 1 Alpvandi-ia bv the Confederate forces. were i ! hut a tUeer o.d poser he is to w i.-di to , brought to liiehnininl on Monday by a. Tut I'hob iii.f. names onf tliO'i-Kim an e.xlravagat.l estimate for tho expenses of the war, and says the Cjngiess which is to meet to-morrow should make provis ion for raising this sum, "Iron," the Washington correspondent of the I'alti moro.VM.i, is less extrr.vagant, but furnish es data for his conclu'ion, as follows; "Still thrrs iniiT he a limit to the triiitglc in ill ,re-tnt form. Thst limit anniit jmmibly lie rcurhed in Ion thnn two ymrs time from tliif Jalf. 'J lie ctnitiniunre tif i r ami the ItTinf Kr iiiii tli o I'kiLi Kvoninjj Juuml.Jilj, 1 1. I.TJ MuMK, July L A lari'O ilotatcliineiit of inilitarti lis ni'iniing- proeetJn! . ""' ,, ,, " ,. , I "register an oatli in Heaven." Foor man, ; uaitl conunaii. led bv Lieut. Win. Kngl sh 1 ... ".... e I ..sr.-II Dri.ce i-fel.vlumS(,ri.v orllinl, or 1 tl ink with the ; of the fii regiment Virginia volunteers, :u"1 ,l" i ml milUnnt nf ,(.,llam as not I blunder of his Brigadier Generals the I vi. : Oai.tain 11. (i. Kellv.second regiment t lie dwelling ol' t lie I'tilke (W r .. ii ...i '..;.'.,.. .........i..:....., i... .i... .. ' . t ' .. . . ... . itrun ..m. t.,K...., ..t,tu,ni,.,, ..j me Monnecticui voiunteei.t ergean. auuii . i ...t (;.,t,.,M , n chums of the Secretary of War, Oeorge,;. Monroe, company Ii, same regiment ; -,"UUH (.tt( lall, .iml Ijiumail i co., and the .efuf.il of some of Corporal Charles Iv. ILmswert, company , iivresteil tliein hlid took tlii'iu tuF llie (Jovei nments of Kurope to receive n, ilIue regiment. A member of one of I MH0iirv for satl-ki-opiii". but ff. his Ministers lias plneeil him in one ol j the New Vosk liegiments mid i irginial " 1 c old John Bolts' lavorile poitioiM. Hence gjy note brought to Kichniond the snmo'il,l3' t'luirge (d tiTason. pity, with patriotism, should compel men jjHy from Vorktown. A North Carolimf la v"is, the otlier I'olicc Oiiniiiisr to looK ovtr usurpations anti susiain ine g.ji ter has lien sent hack in lions lo1 ..r mllul f..rtlt llilttliftl lUCMA f.kP tllM ltt. rial trio, and to enable them to know ex- ; 'f .... ,(.i..iVe to the next Ciinerens : that yet been proclaimed in Baltimore sol.ietlv w here to lo when thev determine lis. to the fccotnl roti-res of the Lincoln nd . . : ' . - .i.. . . . . i. that the only pretext or apoltvry yet o fieri, , , . nunmirniiiin. jitnt vt.iiuifaw t.i-,i,,,, c,i,u to put their blood-hounds on the scent ,,. ,,:., .... tiriniliv. ,i,n ,. x ed for this setting aside of the civil power, for victims to satiate their thirst for i'lood. I of June. The present Conjjrtsi is tleeplv i'eJg- eil agnint eoiniroinie or jieare on any terms Fiesident. Beccuria. June 'JSth Ist'd. FlIltll.E. THE WAR NEWS I cr, could not be found. (iciicral Banks has issued p (Correspondence of the Aiiociate.l I'res. ) From Western Maryland. that State, lie is a I'eiinsvlvania by birth. nnd was taken at YniktinHi while trying to mi ko his way to rortrcs ,natioii lillttilin- tbe whole t'ilrl Jluliroe. He hml m his possession draw., . ing c.f William-burg and Yorktoivn, and '"'idor Martial Law, and has ji!i. plans of Col. Magi mler4 fort itientions. ibaltcl'V of art ilk TV in M.liiw I wo companies ol the celebrated bat is that it was a "militry necessity." II u- we take this opportunity to inform them eeesary, kt the peoplejudge fiom tin iat wr are jut that kind of 'traitors" faels. But even if fhort of the 'Teturn ofa'l the roec.leil Stales to' their allegiance." Every culi-iilation as to the even it neeessarv. Conles UTe nre in favor of nnv ' Vonr rom se." ouraiion m me war i.um ot 'mane n in rci-ren-e alone, and not the IYc-idcat, at-d much ..parley," armistice, or cessation of hos.il- Z.ZSo::, bV-rtf ,Ti,,."fc t,1i'1 ,ilV le"ourmilitarvc.iumander."hasnow-!i.f H,nt. ivo H.a f,.!,,iAKt l.m... r.fi Estimate, of the cost of llie war t tbe fnited j " ,s? ,,!s diverged from lm lino of attack tl.,, ,,;.tl,;l.l r ,.,'.: ' "' . r . 1 Slates may also he ma-lc for notenn lens llian , "I'n General .UcUell. .... j.v.... ....Jen,.. 1,1 .iuiui n. jtt preserving our preseni, lorni in govern- liberty. Such is a specimen of the "freedom" so much of which w as promised last fall. But our chief object ir. noticing this ir ticle, which sets out with a remark at tributed to the late Judge iHiuglas, is to ment, our Constitution and free institu tions, and restoring prosperity to the country. And we believe that lull four lift lis of the people will say the same thing. Go to the Manufacturer, and ask him w hat Lis wishes are. lie will (ell talion of Washington Artillery, under . Mil j r Walton, leli lin-hmoud for Manas-' Position ok AKKAIKS o.N TIIK LINK ok lSas Junelion on Monday. i tiik UTKR Potomac Movements or I Two companies consisting of lsu men, THE coNFEIiEUATK Font ks. belonging to the Maryland Line of Vol-' H a.;kiistovx. June 2 .--Intelligence unteers. left Hielimoml on Saturday even-. ing lor .ijanassas .i.iiiction. si iisi iiii'TtoNs to tiik confederate I.h.W. The Na-hville I'nion, noticing the! S'liiart', niitl stationed militarj f rious other places tlir.niliouulitr i'.e alo says that the Coimnwa were opjio-ing his plans and t lie fn States Government. He therefore hold Baltimore until the NationaUi ties are settletl, nnd Baltimore ' oughly loyal. The excitement if in' A -kirmi.-h took place near Alosit in s column, and two vearn. tons i'lcnna tlie creut extent ot nn- gone ny wav oi .iauiiion to i.ewi-nurg, in val iinl military preparations, tin., cost nf the '.Greenbrier county, w ith four thousand ; amount of cotton sub-ct iptimis to ibe war fur two years cnnimt tr.ll shor'. ef ei(lit ! ,n,.n i0 reiiel the ex nedit ion which i ; '( '..n fe.l.iriite Stuto I . n k:iv llie indicH- hun.lri-il millions. Even if the p.vernm.'nt crcl- ,.ai, ,0 )iave on, , ,., tlt. , ,.t..lt K;m;v,a. tions are that the government will re- ' " "It-, between the !' wrirft:';:',!:!!;,::!!;, "7 l.a,!;-eivo more than s1,.h,ih. We havo'tow IVnnsylvar.a regiments, ,rdS in neKotimins loans to this amount. It is urp.'lif" overrated. It loe1 not exceed l,.ii'i been shown a letter from a gentleman of .l,,,,,,, or M) or,l0 cOI1 fVth-rate-i, in r, il,ui ih ,rr..,-,.i mlnti of nnmcrtv held iii the men. (olumlitis. .Miss., in which h" snv. col loyal Suite- is eight th.u.in,l millions, ami that ; olonel .lacksOn entered the neck op llie people will remhly nnil ensily pay a tithe ut i posite W llliani"port yesterday, liven nn t.f il.f. !.... I : taU ton is icing eairerlv subset ihed to the Confederate Stale loan bv alnnt every,0"0 "ounne.l, antlt.vool the Itfc cill th siii'.iiil iilreiiiinn if ni-v ruU in .1 ..r:. ...it n.:. ...... ii 'he people will rea.lily nn.l easily pay a tune ui i posi e W illiam-poil vesterdav. t lve rcir- ton et erate Mate nan bv almot every , v",v- ""-, iwui i.su 01 ine t.t." ca 1 t he special tuntion of our . ,.ders to you that ".f it wdl .top lli.s war. take tthtiJat0 pr,)S0Pllle ,e war. But the. values, m,lts .,ccordh!., t0 !lU.,t ,eports-(rv- planter in that portion of MiMs,ippi, in1 ales were killed and one i..W ' t rnol ti 1 rftn-i 11,., it,e.t. ,.r , ,a uxma'i... r.r.u l . l. ii i ! l . 1 i. . , t t- i i - c .1... , n. 1 ' 1 . I t .11' encamped amounts cf from '2't fo 4 Imh from Wii- V.....1 "Illl I ,.l. . if ..,!,,, i,l.ii. . I ........ ... , L,e m0!t ' HHi,i'lMi, was sun-criiieil in aimui I'veiuy , behavior of tha I'eiins Ivaninns is" .1 allaut. A forward inovi tneiit was made at F; extacts lrom the -peech of the same , half of all I am worth." Go to the lnm-; hate iilrra.ly ilisnppearcd. nml no estimate of the j vjfKig vt..lf)1.u siiiiil) are ei Judge Douglas, in the Senate on the Lit I, I U-rman. the tnothanie, the professional or j l"'l'i- -f P'-l'! ' tl,n be f"""'1 ul'"n ne,lr Ka'ling Waters,' Jive miles fr , , ' t nliinli'iiif m-'ile helore the pcfcnt tli-tnrbaueei , c i Ol March last. II anv one doubts the lcii- homi ini- man. and the same resnonso will i -,..,.,,..i i .1,.. ...nri., liamsiiort. tiin.u. nf it.L c......l. 1 ...... ,.....'.-! i : t n. ....! n ii i r - i.i.i ! An express from Bunker's Hill h.ij'.ist 'minutes, to the Confederate loan at Wadi ...wf.H...,. ,.iv, v,.,. hiiiu,,:, ui, .iiii, ai 'I li'l la ii tu.-uii i'iiil i'; l llln u OUI'I lie i Ull c lui iiiiu.ii'ii; li.t j , - . . . , . L, , , . , . . , , .. . , w-, t I . -i r t, , . . l C .. i '..r.,....,! ul.tltrt. Ilt'il K lllll mon nrt. It'lti.f iit.rlnii I.i nil . will . 1 1 w I , in m .Mr. Nt,nli rt. M,lli..in nn I.... I...I n f,, H tional debt to burthen the people " j there, at Mai tinsburgh, nnd at vari.iuV ens' speech". The indic.it ions are that a ! ing k-fl for the pin poe of lakir-F-even in the best of times, and when our ; points ilnn the l'otomae, between Man-; vcrv heavv suliscription o! cotton will bo; . , J ,,. -. I ... l .1 ..p.. il .11 .r:....L- II ' mVi.iv In.lilfli-.. Cnl it. the cnllnn tri-owill.F Ht nt o It.tlUj'lOU Oil UlO I'Oatl 10 ltirfcn usiien aim in ine inn one , " ..'l' .'! i- ; - r r- , .... those uouKs by turning lo t':e (i,(i,,v--''i,i. al 1 Hole of March 1"), jmge HM. Jud 'talk" aliut settling the dillicultv except j.by the sword. A thousand millions of Douglas never uttered mure solemn or dollars is now named as not an extrava- countrv was ' V? : T , '. r " '1 'i-i.- n,!.' more truthful words. "The only way to gant sum for the war to cost. '1 his is prosperity. Bat w hat will it be alter we ''V0' v-'i reg:men are amounting ... .,.u-s or mo ,e. . ........ , , ,e i. j i ,. u i n .,.11,,.. .,.1 ,.. M.I.,....,...: ...... ,.r ... J1, ,. ... , ... h N "'"',a, Ul -.A1 l'" i ,he 4 !,-l-1 -lvo n,!r l-'?vernment mere than in den. Patterson's d.v'.smn, also mJ J '', " " C...U..U..IZ tin: "... io ciuc ni.-e u. muuaii jiave exnausieti anil piUMiaieu ev- l.,.ps(oI1 . ,lie 7,, ('0. IJor.iOH ; the Stll, 1(MI,IIIMI,(MI(I with which to pro-ecute OU.' a b:.Wi., itl0venie;,t f.t no tlist.mlJ; ii.viu, mtjiiuii ..,yi,. ,-.i 1 '..nnia, : j ears. out, suppose 11 nisi ien years, ,ery iiusiness cnterprue; iieretoioro a fol, unknown, and another regimeni, war 101 indepennence 'war is disunion. ' I'ho policy of mak" which it mav do. the a-'treeato ol cost 1 inomtml debt of nn hundred million', was the number unknown. lour pieces, a HEskhteh FitoM Foiit Pit kens with Jacksoii, commanded bv ."endleton, and the Wise i A soldier lately deserted from Fort al" ', rickeiis by swimming a ditance of two Th.re ate now ovc: 70,00(1 W troops in and about Wa.-Iiii-'s'i"'- Marshal Kennedy, Siiierintentle perous. ing any sort ol compromise w.th theiii,i. a can easily l-e calculated. And those who! looked upon as rather a heavy burden. "J'0 ' , ,.t "nr . v t o.aven.ngsacn a .ennui nauona. w c were then a uiuieti people, aim j.ros-, ,iuVr. is in lUe neighborhood of Martins- ,nijt,s to the lWiancas where I.e was .a- Police of New York sei.etl, on f: ...... . ..j - .. . .. . tiev.isiaiio:. ny eompron ise, are noiiuug A MAN Full WAIMV11U IS NuT A W than "traitors." What a beau'.ifai DISUNION IST i.r.v." Hut Judge Doug-1 iiius(ration of the "free speed- anil free los is reported as making speeches ir. Hi- j,,,,," anJ "good times" promised la-d vorof the wai on the way to his death-bed (all. at Chicago, and language is attributed, to him so entirely inconnistcnt rvith the sen.- buig with three pieois of cannon : TT. ... , (ien. John he extra Session oi Congi ess win ; t p,,,,,. meet at asliinglon to-ni.rrc w. It is ovcrlookin announced tint llie Presideni's message evacuated Harper's Ferry the whole cnl- I.ober; that he was bom in lialtimrre.nnd ed to take it to certain parties liO": . - . o l-- n urml tAI MniOUI IllVfl I Mil Ill n 1 ' ni. u p.. Iak I onlii Ik I'r i"ll.' POiniiailVJ 111 1. .1 w ui'gca v gorous lirosecution ol the!' 1 . V ' 3 - eu 10 erae uieir names. fr o I , i-ft.'o i& horn ti ion nn Sh.t.Ijii dtn. ..w Vxi-L- .imhh v . . ...1., ..... . --j .ivm . , .... v.. ....... -,,,,..., . : Ant :s Vt'UMHiiV'l, I' KHM IrllllU o-"- li three pieois of cannon. kn prisoner bv the "Southern Avengers," ,,. . n. nt ohmon is fortifying Winchester.! a Mississippi comPanv of vol.it. teeraf who' J,0,,,,on lo tho 1,eM,U?'t f", y is being raUed on a wooded hill g(..,IOroii-ly clothed him and treated him ,or 1Vi,e.' .oura. Kennedy ow inj the 'air grounds. When he j ,s kindnes. He gave bis name as Jas. ' posssessior. of it by alleging that he"1: I . ..a. .... : n... .... .1 .. . t .. 1 1. 1 ! j 1 r 1 ..1 . . 1 1 1 i- . 1 11 i - i,iiiiii,,u'.in3 ni.,. ni'i'iiiiiiiiii-tiis in tuu t. in- 1 in,, io u neat ciui set i lemcni. '.intents he had mst 111-eviousv titcred 111 11 ,1115 iun (nauiinMiiitiiiuik T . . 1 1 , , t ,, , ,. .,. , , , P. V. a lllll. " ill I V, .. 11 - - -. ... 1 .M.-VY I UI K 11. Uliuin . n.i i. I.. IiOSA.Nb.-Among tho recent War, and discountenanco any ellort look- ,.n, f.niumr. ...ossed the river, his ' ,, whole force drew nn in line of battle to (. 1 . 11 HuU man. of the United ,1!ll,los mostly all Mreet brokn. i C 4 K i 1... T v,. i P...,A,.I,.,1 .. t oi.lr T lAnon I l.rt ' . . . . I 1 . I TIia i.ai I J.... n f- ('..p.:.. 1 1 it i i v i . i i icti ."'limn niun, nc umitc mat m ri z. .t' . urtrnr r. n ten miinn. .u... L ..o. IAlOS QITIIV. 1 IIOL HIP IerSOIl Win I Ills nit iiiAt. un tt x i . j uui ll ! , U 7 ! i"" r T f-rmerly of this plae,, has heen N ; ' ft?' larger portion returned to Winchester, ,,e(.n cn,tm.;a ,,v tll0 confederate troops! on chi, of troa80n for Piesou dou.tsaslo heir au.hentit.ty. M o of F Li,utcnflnt. : A 1X' 'l t wZtln ''iV '"11:,nJ f,' petition Simple felloir, he had no Judge Douglas could not have been a ' , . . , . . i- i. . . ... i 1 otomae.. Johnson s lorcc ai mt hester , e 1, ted States Militarv Acade.nv ut J , .... .. . . ins gentleman giadiiaicii at. est loini i ue w no oi . r . o. VvOiiKej mm m u iniNiii. unless re nloreeSt-. n:. ...i i.;. ..ci Ti. ' oen (.reaniing that the uonstituutm.' i, h i hT. i ,. p . t p.i i.i - , . ttt'si it, it. ,t n in," v in" i",.-.. .. v. ... in ls.'.i'., and has sinco been on the Pacific 'laugiuers, o. me ago o iweoe .i.u. e... ; menU )ave arrived there since Sundav. ' f,nirP1. ln h is (all-n into the In . ... . ' . .. ... I rHiiiaptivrlv were mil isil.ini some friends ! .... . . .1 1 1 . .... 1 .. . .1 - , unit 1 1 n 11.1 11.1s nut 1. iui BT5tJ"Tiur readers wit: rcmenii'cr ti at Coast, ranking as Lieutenant by Hrcvct owman, Fkaki'I'I. TnRxnm im Ii.l.IN'Ol.-' Jywf.On tl,0 p.ni, in.Unt, a torriW ewept over Champaign countj. i A correspondent oi me -" quile a flourish of trumpels was made over Had the ricsident given him command the alleged fact that at the adjournment of a rrgiment, it. would have been much ' and rain r I'. 1 : r . 1. t . . . . -. ' ui niv tsAiiii pusmihi 1.11 inu j.i.-iaiure after voting an appropriation of three ...1. r nnlw,1 In ll, i,.,a,.l ll... ,1,1 , - . ... r . . .. ..... v. ...... v w . oiurpi w n o lias nil i"u 1 u 10 t ne 11 1 nn u w .. . v . ,w, ..y mt; i respec.,vey,we.eoutv,s,t,.Vom Capt. Double.lay's ba.tr ry threw , ' , y; . in" or U w 1Jeut. (k). Samuel tier." a Homer .some sonnies d.s.an from round ghol .! ,,dl this cvem.iS to-! jiowman. of the Ki,htl. liegiment of - - pill ee. i.'ur.ng ine.i humiiuc nv... , wards a house wliei'0 the seceiPlon pick- 1 ivnnl,.tnr; volunteer. ,n,SS..i.'f AZ: were stationed, opposite lo Williams- ; ATTEM I'TEIi IXS. - ( more in nccortlanee with his merits. -eUe, MuJ re, about n,u way be- . , nd left ' ,n A: k. Ulim: nliIos ' tlo KrrcKTs.-A mcetinjof editors of' VLV?. nrtSVo 7 -?'' .... p li,,i,i.nil.(,r uiinn iniA nfo.r I he s'orm ' "... , lo"ar , 10 " '" oot rested bust Sunday week upon a charge of, I rib. . Democrat papers in tho Stale f ! l.i ii.J?! ihn to-oVm !'. The plan o. the Confederates is a.d to (ittemteil insllrTertion. 1 ()n eJay, ... York was held last week, at which reso. J- veiitunng in, the vi-' yl' tLen rotr luTn.hlin, at tl"',c of "J ",? ' -.-ity of evethin, then '. J ,' I. W ! f I1IJII1? millions of dollars of the peoples' mone for war jiuiiioses, and performing many other Arai'it aelu. sevfi.tv-t.Kn ni.-.ri-il...ii fo.metl themse'.ves into a enmnnnv r.r ,utions in faVor of "insure of peace were0ienre 0f t)0 ,vatol overtuined the buggy ' "J "' 1-. ...:. 1 volunteers, pledging themsvlves to bo :ea .'"r w ll" 'u" u'"'j dy at a moment's notice lo march to tho lialtle-neld. ti.;. -.io. r.,i ,i:...i r York, f e., all of which efforts Forney ,and ' riniiliit.r l.i.i. immi. uinlilo to swim lli.B ,.ow "VtmrilUl HIBI'ldt 111 ,tlli luv- v.... ...... . e . u'tt, M..fff 11 1-VTI1 . ... . Ullpli Tallin vnxr "nta mncl c rmnl I- ur. n..i.l I, . nun ' f., T ,o pnrnspj fl "',l1 . ' n r. ..i r... r. i lact was proclaimed tliroueh- M " ",v """" J """' V ,! . ! Tribune says : 1 iHM.Jay After the wind had tested the j had subsided, and reached the streai a- u (Q ,,raw (Jpn ratei!i0n's c0Knn int0 l,,,"1''. nit-1 u-r.po loitirf I Ina fif (lirtca AV ofl l Iaii r . " i .. . 4 nA All' raiei ovortui net. the nuccv -11 : i i. : i r -v.v ....,.. - a s.iower oi nail, tv ueli eonvei i - - - - vt., I. i o ii w iiih i linn ii u i i ii rt- ui rui, -i i l ji TTir ii . l and received its inmates into its angry 'ful resistance, and ca.rv on a svstem Tl:" niense crops of ripening wheat .w 1'eo. e petitions to Congress ae exten- embrace J he mother ami younger caugn- of inil WHlTlU.e. , , w ,V ! Vmg C0'n ,nl. ft . "ir ' . r ,m ,,.n- p;fpk.,i in Kp .Urw vew Iter were immen.alcly carried untier an.i A collision between the two columns 1; f u - i...iT- . i. V . IV:!.,. 1. . nny ? '"" . .'Z.''" . i i . r drowned : the uncle struggled to save ino cannot Ion ism, and tho out the length and breadth of tho land, v,n? tr?son' that tho law-makers of Pennsylvania had The First District. A upecial clec-J dwelling resolved Vo risk their own precious live tion for a memter of Oonrjress in tije 2d in the execution of the laws. But unfor- district, in place of E. Joy Morris, hent on tunutely Gov C i'RTiN took all the poetry a foreign mission, took place yesterday.' the females and .., r.u in..lm' ami found tli v., ;,i p.n n.a ..,, a 1,1 in their nw n ceneer some items of interest coneerninc children spared, provided they did not ,.; ,,.. io iIip L-round M " .J ... . . i-. . -. -. ..t !. 1 . . ... all were found last night, and now lie sidt. e gather from the Wheeling Intelli- war movements in Western Virginia. TWO Mll.IUERS KIM.EI) 1'KlSliNEHS say, John, where did you get taken. that rogues hat r Tloase your honor, , f.n sHinr,lnv rvuninir im fV,l. SturuM' were to be murdered childr resist. LATER. Wo have advices from lialtimore.Wash. in between the two columns J. "".'"V ,' v" , .' , J,v many larms in the viciniiy oi v.11 "l nrcvontld c0,llm"s , tvns the ringleader of the plot, which, as city upon which there is notagr g lie pieentea. ( detailed by l.inueirand otheis. wai most'or 3 bftlle of rnss k.f,. Wheat, ol" TIENTSIN WESTEUX VllKilNIA. atrocious. The white male inhabitants jev ,. 'e it0 f.niirely ruined. I'M 1 scythe ; and the stalks were bes 1 l .: l Ariirinit n a T 11 111 I L' 11 jiassed th.ougl. a ihrasliing m" .. 1'p.rn which was one and a half ! :. ..:l l.l.- ..: i .1... r:.c. ' v" j .f ... ----- , -. ,.,..,. n,l. ' I out of this little epi.odo the other day, by The district embraces the old city proper , , , ol J a'i I ,,attor' Wfts rfac,ic,l18 Rl 11 rjeton a low ington.Alexand.ia, Cumberland, St. Iu- nn on even nu , w. f-''Vul .: . - . . . ' ' . . ... ' it nv a nip votftilav nrlir-n vnu went 10 p i -t . :i . t n p. ... .,.,11, l.n,,lnn In n ,.Ui nil incll "".,1 notilyinc these gentlemen that the tune ot l'luladelphia. 1 wo candidates wore f " ' ' , juece oi greunu, miuui a mne uoui orau- ,g c &c j0 jj,c 2?ih. and from Forlres , " have . i...:. ,i.i i.r..... n... .,1. PK.nL. .Tv.a i 'iu". ' nn Iivb or n t shots were hred nnnn tli lunace. t. ' t ni u.n., - "."V wiiii-ct iivvuc .r.o.ir ....- vr.T.. -" .'ni, iw . . .. . " Monroe to the "T'.h nf. una niecsverr -., Li nd. DU1 . nvea, wuen lo, and behold, but a single publican ; Uol. V. J. mime, neraocrat. RaTheworli ol building one oi me men uy vimieuuiiiics iron, ncom-emeu po- i - " " ie,s wn j 43 w in man-Br.M.j.t. of Clinton county, res- Col Biddle is now near CumWrland, Mi, new nloopi of war has been commenced sition, without cflect. A scouting party movement has been made at any poini- a nnner wno wore roun . poned to the tall. in coramamJ of the "buck tail" regiment, at the Philadelphia navy -yard. j were sent out and soibo five or six of the tho operations being confined to skirm- wounded,