. 0 1 .... 1 V PMlT 1 ill i WW t .6 A A N HI 1 rt, IKY 0. B. OOODLANDER & CO. VOL. XXXI. WIIOLK, N()' itu pocirn, "THE "lAST MAN " VoTUV THOMAS rAMPni:i.L. I dreamed a dream theothor iiixdt, lion every tiling hii-h l mid still, ' 'Which Hindi- ea.-li lmir stand straight tvith fright, ., Stiff in, th,. Miruiiiiiio' lust itiill, , Mi'llicjtijiht ;,( ,t.tiin,,ats hud grown. '' To filch v ii t and inoTetnius size, : : Tliiit (here wan room fur tliem nloii And uuno fur lasia lit'iicutl, tbo iUies. Tho lieash nn 1 overv creepinj thin;: ri r Hail died. J'ho liuwer uhnmiod no morn, 1 ' The grain ami to i; . 1 , r hoi'.s f Syrinx ' Were trithnivd on tho desert .hare ; . I uj 1 1 1 1 , j i lcaiiesol ci inolilio . Hrotclii'd over nil like, n fniii'iiil (lull. ' Anil on thn ( ,,1,1 mid cheerlom scone ,j 'i"hi' Min's ;:nr. rays ruiild never tall. " 'On Ararat's cloud -em tained pi nk i o The In.-t iniiii ptniid with piilli.l lace, ., jSirk. trembling, wcury, worn uiid Weak, rud r inn :i n t of a smothering ruee. In vain- alas ! poor man ! in vniii lli-s I'm tstejn sought lluit rest of old, J' or c.oiids "I .-Kil t.- soon ill, -d the plain; v '' And hid the mountain ia their fold. . rf till 'jigger pre those ,-pheos uf white. Villi' they i caoliod the sum, nil high, And Htretiined :ibfve tho wrrttehnd wilit, j. , Like idtuuy li.niiiei's in tliosky. Jho iMim looked o'er the neeipir.', -'.Mnl.e wny for 1'eMii oats," he ericd , And j 1 1 1 n ;' i i i down the dark ahyss, Ma le tor pcttieo.Uii and died. l:J Tnr Gi:iF.sfT Mw is Tim Voiii.i'.--A Jad) who lives next dour to the otliee of a ihvsio:aii, u, tho street, heaid eoiisider. jlhle "kinii'kni' at tho door," one day la-t week, and wondried why tho door-hell us not itlii;r. hi opeunij: the door, a Verdant and imsohUliuutcd man, ut'JuJI iizeand a entiplo of years old, stand n on tho poi ( h. linked : ) "ioe J.U'. , live any n here round here?" ' "Yes ; in thai house." ii Mr. (Ireen then coiiinieneed his "uip , ping, gently tapping," toinlotui the doc tor he whs wanted. The lady suggested that ho had oettcr ring tho hell. That teemed to strike hiia ul lir-t us a good '"oi, mi m "' !"' '"'i""c "" around tho porch, cast his eye each way Jilong the fide id'ithe hou-e oanio down the steps, looked at the pmeh and house tilexn l.,t l I ii. ,l ,n, I ,". , . , 1 1 tl ,f .,,1,1 tliil. .1,1 ngmn, went out 10 tins street lenee so in.ii "' lie could look on tile roof, appeared lion- plus.ied, came I ack to the porch, looked Ml the lady w ho had lingered in her door " 4oee his niai.o'UVies, looked at her as if ' lie was not ipiiie certain whether it was . . bent to ask or impart information, Lul af ter another glance around, he exclaimed: "I can't find the rope!" '' This explained the di-appointed look J. given when ho couldn't hud a big hell on the top of the house. T:m lady, wiih . graceful p'.hler.ess and gentle iuids "' fweetly sjol.en, directed him to pull the t boll knob, lie slovdy pulled it out, he ld it firm, of course the bell didn't l ing, lie lisld on, turning his head, and, with u .foolish look, said : ' "'l don't hear anything ring- -can't you ,how rr.e the rope?" That was too much ; she g ive up trying to show I nit. the oyjes ; rang tho hell lor hinij passed him over to the doctor and iletirn'i to lull ahout the "greenest man 1 ' ; ever did see " t 'VllF.lin TUB I. Alt.it (Jame is. Some years ago a countryman came into a law yer' olliee in Court Sipiare, and snid : "Siuire, Nat Street er shaved modreail , fw.'jT yesterd iv, and 1 want to come ui to him." ' "Sfate your case," sim-I J) -. ''"Waal, I asked him how much he would , harge me lei .1 horse to go to Hedham. . , Jle said three dollars. I took the horse and went. When 1 came hack, 1 paid , three dollar.', and he s.i'd he wanted an " other tldee ilollais for coining lack, and made me pny it." ; -D gave him some legal advice, which the 1 lient immediately acted upon ' ' flS follows, lie went to Streeter and said: '' '."How much will you charge 1110 for a 1 horte to go to Salem '." .., Stabler rejilied "Tlirce dollars. " , t "Harness him up." " Client went to Salem, came hack by railroud. went to the stabler, saying: ' ' '"Here's your money, ' pin ing him three .dollars. , '"Where is my horse.!" says Stteeter. "He is at Salem," says client; "1 only Jiired him to go to Salem !" j Streeter who ivas well knovtn ns a prac- : ftical joker, m knowledgeo! tho grain und iftid the penalty. JJS?" actress connected w:th one of . ithe theuteis, who is a great, favorite with A. ull. .. .... i ..:.,.. i;..... I .b .. ..,..., i, i... .,. .o i... --jjjjjjjjjj-v " 'uu ing tjiav iv 1 1 ins ui mi htxt.-i 'Why ifs dved," she replied, with I ; iiieumiauie ltanKiiess oi the true artisp l u ."ifvea; re oeaieu meo ner sue.-. uer iv i lavofites as you are, you arc not yet hvo nrl lu'iinle " A'n " s n.l lb., I...1., 'bul .you lnow "'Whom the gods love, d c early. 'tST "I never coniplaincd of toy ,cot,di. lion," says the Fersian poet Sadi, "but ft ence, when my feet were hare, and 1 hail (' no money to buy shoes ; but 1 met r. man , without feet n my lot." d ... - and became contented with , Oil B3U(uili savs. when he sees kis-es "L ,W. ...... .:...!. b b r -n.-c ie.cn nn Ki'i'-s i.is.a's , . , tl"ttwltvl I General DembinsW, a distingtush-i fd VoIish officer, ,1,aa oileLcd his sJrvicos rf.,10 tHfovcrrinient. I J v,,, ..yy 1 1 iui 1 j ju- 1 Ulaila mil 111;..: . i. r t... . - , iou uis, inu iui mers urc uai jesting. ififid. I I1'1"' Hx '' itfitM Kqitildic.iti.l 1 JltsfHs KitiTouii; i W'Iioii tli.ihl'e of Josin Jii'.'l l'OVtM tOOJ'lll i- to Uu .Sn iU'S III) t ItlS'.'-IKt tit C'lllltio oil till' .In;-! nf lilndilloil- j I'litil bei t, nml 11 ii iloi lrino too hcuvoiily I '"i. "ii'V (.MtlitT nrw lio;n, nml hmiiiiiio I 1 to wunimt thi-ni in Ilm uttt'iiitico ol'iinl'if'V itiKuli'iico, y tho h 1 1 ; i i n l; iiNtimlcr I ok ii voiil ujiiiiii-t l itlii'f, tln'V sou'lit, an J of link al'lt'r link of tlm dniin wliirh' ! the iii' nt, cuiiiimj: ilcvicf id tlio devil, to i l'ti'nl i i r lui i t v I'tiioii to-. tlicr n .1 ' II,... ,....! ii;.. : .i . i ; , .1... . . . ' jinn iiii. jiuiy i:.TUM) 1IIU1 win nun i. Rii ii" m inn i(iiiui:ill liliMIU, I:) Hi'. ' viijr ini i; oi inn i n ion m 'one, niidcv L'fiicle it to tlio Hulk ul bui'ul.ir nml chin- ' ft'V vt'ftiyo of our l;ovohitio,i.ne i.o.i.k.i. nisli 1 1 hi t out i n, and to nuke Ilk ituwii oi "on .i i:oi-n.in oi l ti.-u iiniiittioiis do M'imi;.M. i, ih llis Uitij-iioin hii.s "nol id thiswoi hl," for thotio). in ii,,. u ,, 1,1. K t, was :t iniimti iv uUno n. It, was ilci-iii'l . to wiohl iU jijui-r not over tho outward, bul tho inwaiu ; nut over tho liody, I ut theuuul; not ovor the .tato, hut over tho t'li-iiii iits whiidi uiliiuaU'Jy a o putoiiov and Mai dli ty to tho Statu; nol ovor at 1 I 11111 k ! I II . ' I . ( . t .... .1 ... ... , t t ' 1"J' io .iuiiuii ; nol j; unci i. -iing wnii uio institutions ol nu n, hut l.y moulding tho h so that i hen they should g. of rearing their instituiioio oal In nun, to tho tvoik tor oivil and soij.il nil posej llie V UllJ it i'o .VI t I son liaplise.d in the spirit of Heaven, and id his leavo their impress there on the systems ano snouiii name. i lie o'.oseis ol Jesus wore on the alert lor pretexts for opposition whieli were never allordod hy his ejurse, mid they wero eoni peiled to inline them to their wanus, Tliey would nuke Una in His ehiiiiiK to ho a king, a rival and opponent ol their mighty C';oar thai very t'iosar i:ose vasuis lliev thus eonlessiU llielil- l,..- .. tit.. ic . .. I . I ..... i.v-n, iuiiic uiejf iuieeieu io noa.t mat vney were never in l"in i,ii'.- to any man. 'CI . I . , ' . j iieu vt out, uio oel ioes and 1 harisees and took counsel how they might entan gle llnu in llis talk. And they seid unto ll.ia their disciple w.th tho' ,'Ieiodians ( hen they weru ashamed to up. ear theui selves; saying, Muster, wo know thou nit true, :'.ud teaeheth thu way of liuth; neit Her regal' h caie.-t thou lor any man, lor thou t Jt't tiio peisou-i of men : tell us. therelore. win t thinkest thou; Is it hue. lul to give tiihuto unto (.'iesar or l ot ? liut Je.siis perceived their wickedness, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye liypo., elites : show mo the ti ihute money. And they hrought unto Ilim a penny, and lie ' I 11111,1 lliuit. IV lw.. 1... ; ........ ....in, Mm i, una image aim i the Mipersrription ? I'hey said unto Jiini, j '"lesar's. Then said He unto them, lieu- ; der, therefore, unto (,'u'sii the thii.'-s which uie Uesar's, things that aio (iod ami unto jou, the j or uuu ana nn cause, whose lepi e-entat ive I mere is a tiuld ol lahcr high and holy His empire is the soul llis work, the soul's rodeunj- lion. Seek uot lo degrade if,, t enfeeble it, to defeat it by blenoiing it -.vith. or ma- king it reliant on, the arin of civil power, even though thai power Le (ViirV. Civ- sar has his appropriate . sphere. If he can dogojd witii the power wh.ch he wields, let him do it. It tribute belong to him. render It. Put it there are duties beloii!'- ing to iod, Jail not to perform them. -Man's reason is llis superscription his soul, (r.i, image. ( ! j.l-given are the nuhio powers ol num's nature, and Ho olaiui, Ihem as llis tri'oilte. Hut leiiieui.. her, my king ljm is not of this world ; member its province is the soul. 1 hiO'e i.eeii led to these I'ellecliotls. Me, is I: litur.-., hy the inthieneo a sermon preAche l, or lather a political harnuiguo delivered, horn the pulpit cl the Metho dist K isoop'd Chtindi on S.il.halh evening, by the Uov. Crauthyrs, tile l'residing Id I l ., ... and liiiiiocrats arc asked lo forget old lines, ui:d old political feuds, and join, as they willingly and cheerfully do, in one inipregiiable wall of defence' of the coii tilution an I the union, it is in bad taste for any man, r.nd above all one. who pro lesses to advocate the cause of Christ , to descend fifim his pretended calling, to in. suit decent people, and outrage the feel ings of iMiiccru chri.-ti.ibs, by the uttering ot his political sentiments in tho house of . . do, I, such a- were uttered on S .!... 11 ,. . uiday .n:s, avowed naier ut the laws and eons lniiH.1 ,,l'.l,.,, ,.,. ,.l , 1 " - o , ,io -.iuais over mo l e.-uii luj'iuifts'ii' eoiiuiiiou oi me coun try in the hope that tho end may consum mate tho only sincere " prayer he ever ut tered in his life, and Ihat Vas for tho de struction of tho democratic party, un. the total abolition of slavery, llis poin 1'Os exclamation of all honor to the Dem ocratic inn ly tfter its 'division at Vo.eomail, .... I . I. .. ..... 1 1 ...... i .. : .. ..... 'ttno.ani iooi ine ignorant looi should have said at Cliaileston) mid his craven, cowardly .i 11 . . , 'I U,V . ". r(!M,lt 01 Ul:U ' . ' . , j . what must be new to Ihoiisnnds of niMK.vt oin..,.r . ' - . i . Ir. V i ' ., , . ' nan memtjcrs oi the ill. h. t bureh. I ,i Cl-.r since the rerolulinn this Church ,,-,',. cd f',,r the aholitinn of shn-crti in the Nt.vth If this be the actual mission of this -hurcli it l i high fitne that it was gener ally k now n - and I trust some other in fatuated pretender, like this Crauthers, will, in the drunken er.thuf.ir.sni ol his bitter hatred for the South, further ex pose the ini.piitoiis object, that honest lllcn and tvotnotl Ilirv seleel. snnir. ml.,,. .1 , ... - ........ f'vcd, by ,,,) through which. '.ouncement and with fear and trerublmg e'v ' 1C'r 1 ! "!'' " bother 1 .cn,wu.,V! "' roui.ed them to ?1:lko .Vr.1. " u 7 of 8t n,,I1t. It was hoped that when these abolitian emissa- - - ...v.u,. U-Hll, tion of this iiuestion in tho ureseni h,...n. l OrfIT lUOllUmUl I , e, r I , , O 1 , ,.1 ! .... VH.l- t less and dark condition of our country, oei, i.a.i on uio comiminiiy, and instead oigan, and all its most violent, and savco ot paying tribute where Chusl asks it to and inhuman paragraphs are fiecly pub be paid the community gem rally, save a lished throughout the South. Kohuble lew law-haling Abolitioni.d.-, tiro den mm:, letter writers say that that., eu I oihor like ing the lini'iulenee, wiikedr.ess and (oily iuteuiperate papers, U10 Jiavine B very ol this contemptible, agitator of the 1ues- very bad client on L'uion me:: iiuhe seee tioiis which have already ruined the lair- ded Slates. They frankly 0011 less more est labi le ol (.overiiiuent ever devised by over, that if the objects of the pie-cut war man I mean the subject of slavery. bo such us .volition sheets are Leginnin" When kepublic.au journals all over Uio to represent, that then they have nolhin' country are .sUjiuing the ci v of no party, leli. hui in ioin tl,,. ....,.;".. 1... -i PRlMirLES, CI. i:KMKLI), .-. WKDNKJjDAY, JU.Y.'l, ,;. ftlii ywonMr.'.vo il.(.ir,Miiio iaini.'M. Hu it ai.(-;ir thiit tlui pwre-s Uipv Imvn i i ii 1 Liu or.lv in ulo '.Ihhii inoi-o ImiM, nml 1 1 ' ,,M ,T "'i' -i iiiiniii inn mil io SlOJi tlfllil , U' ivl"l out ; or imiil tlii.yr lmvo hiipt'i - i" t n'if nyi'Oi-nl icni ,osom ovciy Sninho ninl 1'iiiuli iii lln- outh. Nhnmp, nJiatr.o on t lio ivii'ti h who so fin' t,ii-,.i 'l.iu ,i.,V.! to ins I'oiintrv nml Ins (ioi iik ;0 hurl f.n tli such I'oul iolili.'al - .i t hot imaot' the fiiiiicol a sermon as liil this M-'jo? oiiIUmI n l'lL'siilini; Khhir! How Mr,in.'oiy docs it eoiitraht with tho cxtinijiio (imv jiivcn ljy tho.su who were cullcl to i.icach the II. . . 1 1 ...... ' ...ju. . I' HI .' . t . .. muiniicii llll ISl film I lil'ist ('111 cmoai u Inn we revert to that timo when, in the dark Lour ol'tlio 1,'ovolntion tho 'ill j.it was hv hi-h soulod nu n nun ratlicnt Willi prayers for th preservation s "I Hie lOUIltl'V. inn eohlrnul. Iloi.i .. ol tlie little, mean ; nd dii ty el'oit of this I would ho creiU ninn. mv lirai l. Ki-U.n Willi pure UTSjnist at the snertai In Tin. ; e , as a timo when our Union F pken of hut us a hond of Ktrerigth, and as u thing to he perpetuated as tho love ol never promise over-roaeliini: I he whole land m d giving presago ol a glo: ions futuic to ul! wo hold most dear on eart h ; und when peril seemed to threaten it every thin- . W:n tOI'L'otten and one unit ed tiimii-.-.i' u-.. 11' i. . ., .... i oiiereu up 10 Del 1 lirone of t i race for Its preservation. Hut how changed! The hither of his country the mini' tors ol Ood in the time of the r?vo!'jtiori--tho considers and friend of our hull-starved army did not know their duly, or wore too dishonest todoit; and it was rose) ed for these latter day saints, ol whom tin man (.'.-authors jB ft ooiiteint.til.li. km.,,;. men, toenlightui tho people and traduce the clor.uus memoiios .f tl.a immni..! j -j... ges ot the "1111108 ihut tried incus' souls." Hut why waste timo and pnper on the insane ravings of u stupid, ignorant, irre ligioiH funatio like this cheat of i irea:h er. We all know that .such men are a necessary evil, and that they have only 1 I ,l l , "n'ii u"in lino 1 nu world 10 USMst III d(- stroying the ublie peace, and in the end to advance the cause of the devil and his Kenii-fnuetilieil inms. Hut. ,1,;,,,, o migni oe well Jor jUr. (J. to remember, as enas any oiner person, tliat the rejieat- 011: ui mich unnoxious sentiments wil be regarded as Miflieioht cause fy the strin gept, etdowniiit of mob Uw. Wo .rein earnest, and hone lie will m-ollt !, it- Creatures who we know would not hesitate, to crucify our Lord and Saviour to carry out their hcljish design';, can find no sympathy io this community. Will 1 1 10 Kev. Presiding Jvlder, Mr. J'.ombastus (-'" anthers, nlease make a note of it '' i ours etc., Sl'lKIT OF 70. Luthersliuig, June 21th Be Cautious. Northern journali.-ts t-hsiuld Le exceed, ingly careful what they wiite i:o.v-a-days. Vn notice tiiat N'irginia and other Hoi.'hr Siatu scees.-ioli journals are puLli-hi'v tlu ravings and outrageous ultoraiiee.s cat I'ioi.i rabid anti-si ivory j .uma's. The Tclhuivc is now, wo eiiiy bti.i ve, r.ii.-ing more men for the South than the .North. 1 I is II UOt I'd 'lil'A 11 I hei u as Hi,. I.',., .ul II,,.,., 1 - " - - - ,, V l, Kill (ill ... . , . j,, 1 i, i I,, be sure, il Is unl.iir to make the Noith re- sponsible for w. hut rabid and fci tois sjy, more ti e, pieii t ly merely aces, but still it is done. Tak, h fdi- men or in- stance, tin.' following sen ton e froai cue ot'dreeley's editorials, and julge, if jot, can. its ell'ects iu the South where il is now current. "We meiii) to coiKpior them not mere ly tocje,jor. but to si iufiiiT,'. th SI l:j lUATK t lelll allii wo shall do this the most niwivil'uljy the . rnoru speed iJy we.Uu it. J'.ut when the i..l.,.Mi.,ii- i,...;,,.. i. i... i . ..... """" - "eiiieii,ieil in the lie il. tr: t,n,..t ,,t , Ij return l,j near: -fn! it ml (Xiltcd-l him ' J In'' ..' I a I vi,i; rt; 'Ike i, id their fireidcs, and g,e jricaim in li,,- ,o.' -'.'' ' iniitlicrs mid the r,i ,;.s ol' ehii.in " 1 here is slil jiaiagn.ph goin ui.olher liiiiio iitrocious the rounds oi the South- ' t in papers. Hue paragraph like that I adopt such nmendinents as will ho sr.tis whieh, however, we will nut ipiote, is ' factory to Yirginin, Ninth Cai oli'iial'cnii woi th to the enemy an army o! fifty ihou-1 essee mid other border States, (ho same sand men. y'l'jyaz-y :,, ., j plan of pacification which will satisfy Sknatou Doiolhs' ei no,- oi miinois has appointed Orvilli! II, I I' 1 . .:. i . , . , . . . , , ." . . . I ice tneiiuo iiiidgo Jiuiig.as. j,. lH a lt...,.. ing Lawyer of that htr.e, and was a piom liieui, nig joer llie out division ol par- tics. .He win repeatedly n Whig randi-1 date tor Congresc, but always beaten, hi- ' :...i.- i ., , ' I'lstriet being u.i.olcUiy Ueinocratic. llnial nion parly in t he seceded States that resides ut Ouinov, and lull 0(1 veiU'S old I . he hopes ol many that .the. liovernor of Illinois would make good the Kepullican boa.-t that there is "no party now'' by appointing a .Douglas Democrat to suc ceed Mr. Dourdas, li.ive been disappoint ed. Dttivedb ' ., I't T. ; rate suou imeiuimems to ihe constitution l-JF The company of Yovintocrs which ' w iil j.rescrvc eiico and restore the left hogjin on Monday Jruitu Jor Cmnp An- 1 Union : '-' hdr ceiy dixiinhnixt. vhether open. del son, at Lancaster, was comj osed pi'di ' er n.vriv jdtlW ih di.stmetion, is the advn dlli is follows. Eighty-two lieuiocratH, ; ,",tlc ol peaceful secession vr of war, e-.t the twenty-two Lejiublicatis. uud nine doubt- ! i,n t o .jna' '7 rs-n dec, in, vcuiiinii und reeon ,u'' n uiium o"c.ui,'c 1 jiave too much I'cs- j peel lor his intellect Ui Lelievn, for one "My 6on you must stall up from j moment, thai I here is a luau for war who this lethargy." "Would you h.ivu me an I is not a d .-unioni-t per sc. lionet I do upstart, father?" 1 1K,t mean, if 1 c.un prevent it, the enemies not MEN. The lato Senator Dourlas on th" War ! . l-i K 1 T I". l AND I'atkkiTu: i.r'i-run IKi.N, M. VAI.I.AMddlJAM, dl' OHIO l'lllI.AT)KI,l'lliA, .llllic L'l, iMil. V. Ih,- ) jr,tr , , .,,,. ,,f I ,., r,w : -( li'tithn)on I I'lii'lnw.i .. i..ii. r jt!i' lion. C. I,. Vallan.liol, mi, nicinli.T o! ICiri'Toss from ( il .in tf id u. Iw.1,1 ii,.. il tlon'" n"'l Period,' in toup, fo nj.t todlu r,'n"ul" i ill" tunes, i h'l'eil, o in its homo iruiha. that, it rimnot fail to iirt'esl attention and seeuro a favoraldo response from th" enndid i nd considerate. While tho welkin still ring" with culo giutns on thfl (leiiarted Hoiigla:', and so initny vie in their rtlnrts to do honor his me'iiory, this letter of Mi . Viilland ham is eminently well timed, in sore: i...c ... i . ' , , . , . . ' . nif; ueioi e me worei inoso nntdo , .1..., .....I , prinei- .m ouo leinrineiiis nvowoci mii'I a'lvoe.l- tod hy Poulas, and which nil) ever ion elitute tho o.'iii which will most adorn hi- I''""11'1''' lU)(I i-''vc lViiffr.im'o to his tneni- HI V. How is it, that ropuhlioiitis can ioin loud hosaimas over the deiul author of these just and nol'le truth-, and yet hunt down all living disciples who tovaoh ami I "; " t i them ' '' "' 1 '"'ijjlas' Tht repuhlieims endor.-e pat: iotism what i.i it '! says, tiio J.'moii can l,o "ear him. H preserved hy granting to the South its right-; "You Co; restore and preseive the government in that mode. Yor ca.v i.i II' IN NO I, I II 11." II ,." (O ,M'0.,o,(. l ,,, ft,,,;!, la ,, iii.iixm; (.7,('c ivriii ,,.v,,,,,,,,,,v "!"':' "' ''": r'""'"-:.' ' -.'r--;,'.,!. is (he M'Uoeate of peaceful secession, ir't vnr, ,t.i thr k'i r,;t maux J ret ,1,-r'v-j rriihi i, undrr.r,i ''"''," "yv'iW'. 1 have too ini.cdi res- peci no 11.- inieiieci to bi lievn or one 1 ,11 'lie-in ,(,,, 111,'rr is a , v vtn u- in ,,-,i., IS NOT A l.lsfMOXIST I'F.R nr.. ,,' ,., ,,. in, " 'I 1 '"'"' "''' ut it, ',,U ihc ill, !, ', x nf "" "' ;''.' tn ..v, , ;., ' th,s ritvtiliy into ir.tr, t'Mil K TIIK citi:- if .xr or ruo'iKcTiNo thk i t iii.ic pkopkictv, A N 1) IMF. iaiokiim; 1IIK i.Mis, .Wi, COI.I.IXIIMi i,i:vi:m'i:, m iii:n 'ii,i,m oujuct jS ,,lti l'MOV, I'l.l.stllVO AVI' WAR TIIH Viiaxs or ir.)f- 1 a ( iimusiiF.n pi ni'osn." .V il hi. 11 ,1 uf Ih,- cm-id d.cs Pil,l Iv cmd. mn the I I. ici ii!:i ;-,-, jh.l I'.-ici-clii,. ,,' , rrt,. i,-i,l -h;,;h ,1 i'--ird iijimi it,-: 1, ir, 1 j'ciifdr uh-n Iheij demanded -j demanded ijuctrnidi-cs i'ir 'J,cir i-'.d-.h." ''Mu. l u-e d, munsrule thai wi: lute? rat ,1 ,,,v. eriiiricnl. uttd Mcrrc vAcfA'c,, -en-i'l mil ri- ferei're Ic the ju.'ce nr vjusuri' nf the cniiibin't.i ' Sir, wi.enever ten m.lljon J.eople proclaim ,0 you w.tli nnammous voice, that the,, an,re.. "i a 1 ;', uuir rtreitue-n. und 'J'"s, d;i atlii-s are in ,,j,,, r, tl bee una ti U'ltC ill,- crnmcni tit I'Mrn h Vu' .aiipval ami to lo-uovr TIIK Al'l-IIKrlFNSIov. J I ,xlrj (,.. record nn r.rawple where nwj human im-rnimeid frn .,-,,? cnoii'h ,, mi I, ullia i,f ,;), h- .! f-'ii-jn-m-n u-h.-n tl,ei l,cl,ecc,l their , ;,. tind LhcrUcs irerc imperilled, u ithnul lir.il ct,,t rrrtu.j the ;,.vcrnm:nl ilvl into u'h ahtolute c.y,iii.Vh, iuid dcstrtiiwi lie List vestijr -f t'rec-d-Hi." ' " When Hie dpniorrntie rank mid file read the language of Judge Dough s, will they not reipiire a republican administra tion to 1 est rain itself within the limits of theoo.nsiituiioiii' 1 hopeyotnvill timl space for .Mr. N'allandighain's letter entire w."ir. Letter of Sir. Vallandifjhani. I'avton, Ohio, Mmv :;, jsiij. To If,-,:. ;, !, ,1-! IL 'lfrH.tr;, ,, X. ! ();!. .-ly, J.dui M, Ci, II ui, IIVA Ii"ui .. IjV'r, (SVhio)) ;,,i,lm,t, ,,,,, (.'. J.umihit, I). II. ',,, . .'. 'j, 11, .-;, .1. (,'. CJcidcilitih, II. !'. ( hniijli, .. r. Firh i ,n,d IV. )'. t!.,!t,'jlid,l,tu;i, Ohio. (j cut leu. en : You.iv of the Vth inst.. re iiiisting my opinion .u'on certain noinis connected w ith wh;,( you justly Kyle the1 present "ingloriou,-. and il may bp, bloody War. las been received. that opinion j 1 1 lorg since formed, an 1 was i e. ueu- ly id) t ( '1 th througli the pressor by speech viiin in tiio tiniun ot b'oiiin.,,. . i la-t wi ' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' " 1 ' "I ' ' ' V I 'MiJ . liter, ar.d rcalliriiied in a card ihi. i b on the 17th of la-t motith. a feiv dais' alter the commencement of the war. But j inasmuch us. I never had occasion to dis Cllss Ibis l ,ii rt leu hi r tilie.sli.io ,il I...,,,. I. .f beg leave to adopt the loilowin,' qdmi'i-,. I utiimaiyof the cpse in an extract! troin a (iireitilly prepared ami exceedingly able speoj. I, of I l,o Hon. S. ,A.. )ouglari!i the Senate of tho United S!;..te.s, ""March loll.. IM-I : .r pre such an aniicable settlement prollr it a If we can to j.eacclul disunion ; and 1 thousand times to civil war. tnem win creaie a t 'nion party m the cot I'l.i'EsMiii. J h- iov-: ton States which wiil soon embrace a lar"o majority ol the people m those Stale- ind bring them back of tl,",r own free will land accord, nnd thus restore, strengthen 'mid penetunto t he glorious old Cnion lor. ever. I repeat, w liatever gunr.-iiitees will s:iti - fy Murylnnd mid the border States (the States now in the I'nion.) wi.l veate . . . w id bring them buck by tho voluntary i action oi men own people. y,,n cm res- Mi' nnd prcervf the :ii.-e.ynmeitf in that v;dc. Jew ra-t d ' it in viy o'.her. I " 11' if i- '' :'"),. War ix final, eleenal, gep tic dw-K Ilenep, disguisn ii as yOU Inily 'every rnii'ii man in America must advo- i ...... i .... of liie Cnion - ineu plotting to destroy it - -di;dl drug this country into n nr, m Her the piete.vt of proleel inu the hie pmpeity Hud enOe'iic the lnH and ml -let ting revenue, uhenlhei' ol.ji.rt js di--tinloii. and war the means o m i ciinpj-h-ing a i li. i i-lied pui po-r. "The diMiioiii-!s, then lore ire divided into two classes ; the one opn,, th,. ,,(),, scen t iisui!onisls. I he one is in f. I, IV, if id pcaeeliil .scce--ioii and independence; t he ot her i.- gnitioii of in l.ivor 1 1 v ,i; , as the sti'-est means ol arc,oi,',plishih:, ,,. ohiecl, and of making the separation tinat iino eieri ai. l urn a t 'nion man, nod heni:e iigaintl war; hut i! the Tnion must I he temporarily hrokeu hy a revolution, and I lie Oil - it ,1 ili nw, i A.f . . , . ' man, nml mcnt hy some of til" State, let v.o act he --j dune that will pievcnt restoration ami luture preservation. Toaeo is the only policy that ran lead to that result. "Hut we are told, and we hear it. repeal ed everywhere, that we mu-t r,nd oi.t whtljier we have got u governtneiit. Have we a L'overi'iiieiit '." is the ,,u,.ti,,.,. . ati'l we ale to! 1 we must tes- that ipie.sl 1,1 ' tioll hv lllin,, tli,, militi,., , ' "'n "I IO Ml I down all disconietited spiiits. Sir, this Miie.stiun, 'have wo a goyerninrnt V has iieen pro'iounded I I'.V every tyrant who h as uiiMi to Keep b is tool on the necks of the t,r.,wd.. tl... I I I . ii.i the barons demanded Ma-na tharti. iv,., l i m .f .isi,,, .,, 1 ' 1 1 , j- loiiiiii-iinnii', ue exeuiin- cd. 'Imvo w.. . 1 ........ fur his armv topnti'own t he de-c,vt,.ted bin-nns. W'hen f'l.arle- I attempt, , t, collect the .hips' mon-y in violet :o . the constitution of K.ighmd, and iu'di-r, gard of the rights 0." the people, ami was resisted by Uoan, ho ex, lain L, vo a g .vcnime.it?- 'We cannon vaf with rebels ; ,,ui down the traitors . , show that we have a government' When 'Im.i.cs II, was driven from the thione ofi Kngland for trampling on the l i e ties I the people, he called Tor his arn T , 1 exclaimed, Met us show that we h ye 1 government!' When (ieo.ge 111 called upon his armv to pot dc mi rd n- o I in America. Lord X,n ,h c-iout iS, ! 'no coin. romise with traitors ; let ut Jem. I onstrate that we have a government' - When, in lK-18, the people rn-e , , I lo-ir ! tv.an.s all oc liu pi , d der, , led ' guarantees for their , i , , i ed lie:,! exclaimed, 'have we , v . ,1 ment?' and appeal, d to, he ;,, toSjm - ! cte their authority and enforce tha L,J! I "Sir, the history of th wmlJ does not fail tocomhmn the lolly, weakness and iMckedncss of t hat 'iW, t ,,i.;,.t, ! jlv ifs sword upo,, ifsown 1'., , tliev demaua,vl guarantees for ,1 This cry that we must have a , . ..' , is merely following illk, ,.va,,i,.l.. r . t.. ' besotted Hcji bei,; who never learned mi) iioiig uy misioriune, never Jor-ave an injury, never forgot nn affront. Must we demonstrate: ihat. wo have git a gt eriiriient, and coerce obedience without ieieren.ee to in justice or injustice of tho complaints: whenever u. uiiliion peop.e proclaim to you with one unani mous voice, mat they apprehend their lights, their luesides, and their family Vi tarsaie in 1 anj-er. it be, '.on,.. ,, ernment to listen to the appeal, and to rninoi-n i tic .it.r.w.l...... : i,- .' . " "rr-""."N'iii. History does not record i. 11 example where any 'human ' ojo 1 1 1 mis iieen strong eniii: ' 1 lo crush ti n millions of people " i,it0 oni.i,.,.. tion w 1 ion iii.ev behove, their 1 d,.l,i- .,.,.1 .1 , . . . . j liberties were unpen; 1hJ, without fjr.-t cenvci ting the royeriin.ent itself into n despotism, and il tigo of fjvedom.' suoying uio last ve.s- t hese were the sentiments of the dem ocratic party, of the tsd, ,;. ,1 f,,;,,,, part.,-., and of a large majority of tho re publican pi esses and party, only six weeks ago. '1 hey were mine ; 1 voted them re peatedly along Till, every d, ,., ,..t ;.n,i f iiimm : . . , 1. . 1 r .. . , . - ..,iii ii, in,- iio:i-e 1 iia'. e """'ing to change, much to confirm iM.m sine", especially ni the rfees-i.iii. wit!, in n,t' l:wt thirty uavs, of Virginia ikan-1- ni l b ( '.,,.,.1;,... . . . u 'h - - iii.i ,11111 1 CHIiCS.-'CC. 11 oil" 1:1 four millions and a li ill'of p, tup iiiininiu.,, ....... i . t t mex.'iau sources, li ve huiiilii.d I li,,i.t.,.,,i t;,.i. ....... 1 miiihv ,si; 111. Ill II. I 1 I l V ' I ! 1 l I . I .i i men, and the ''raves of u' ..i.:. ,,... 7. .... 7 Jackson. I shall vote them agiui). Waiving the oue-tion , .!' ibf. ,!.,,,' i r.,, Jr":illl v nf ,1... C ... , I . r . til I'iih. 'callin.,' out. . 'Lw'i,;.. ',-,7l .'i.1'!.' ""'"''h. - ., U,id r tho act of IT'.iA. I u i! I ,-' .vole to pay them, l.ecaus,- they had r.o uiouie nut, supposed duty and patriot l . .1 t ' J i.i ui move in. 'm ; and moreover, ihey will have rendered lJu entire el vico deman ded of t.'iei.i before ,Coi;gr. s. sin.li melt. Hut the ruulaoious usurpation of Dissi dent Lincoln, for which he deserves im 1'enchment, in daring against the very letter of thu conMijuticn, and r.ithriiu t!ie shadow of law, to "raise and support armies" and tr. "provida and maintain a a navy" lor thro- or five years l y mere executive proclamation, J will -;ot vjtu to mstuin or ra'.ily 1,,'vet. Miil,,.,,,. ,,r ,(.. iciic" ; n ji a man or a dollar for ri: si e and olleiisivf war. 1 he w.ir.has had m.inv mo: ive.. f, comineiiremci.t ; it can 'have but on, 'ilt, whether :t lasts one or fifty i .Ti. its re- ! t' in J'lett, 1 1, , -mil tcj,,ir,if;,i, disiii '-'". As (or coiiijuesL and .subjugation of the South, I will not impeach tho iiileligenei' of ai-y man among you by assuming tLat yo'u ui cam oi ii a u any lime or in ion- w in- possible. Kemeniber t he win ning oi' Lot 11 Chatham to the Hiitish 1'arliumenl: "My Lord-, you cannot conuuer America " A puo no (lent oi liundreds of niillions .....hii.ii.. us nun our posionty down m lor genoiations, we cannot ,es- I , ,'.uini!1'1' J"" H0 '.' wo es-awe, "' c' iJiuoeu it is n i jonger , i no troojis. live thou.-uud in number ai!J so much aqiu-sUon of warwith the.South,,Le forwarded in stimuli lo Oyaymas whether we ourselves are lo havn eonsti- ( and llieneo be tiunspui'Uj, iih ikvf-.ou' tutions ar.d a republican form of icovmu.. .hent of tho Mexican ,ivei timeut acrov. ment heieafiw xu llo North und West. the .St.do 'jf Sonora to tho hi firunda. Ill brief; I aiw tor the constitution first, I 'I'heeoiilraetui's for supplying bhmkeU t and at nil hazards; fur whaicver car) iiow i the govcruinenl it is said.wili not t !J0 hai,'' ho saved of the l'l, ion, next; for peaoo ui- some sum of ?JO!VW0. ' ' TERMS $1 2j prr Armm. if pid in fdvunr Ni:v.sr.i;ii-vi)L i.-no in, ays, j css nli.d to the pi.M'vtioii f cither I'ul nh.ilcvcr any inuy think of the war, one thing, at least, every lover of lih"i'lv ought to demand ine.vorahlv : thai It shall he e.iri'ie I . n strictly MJ j,.,,t lo the c 'lot il ul ion. The ..;,, ",,cy 'vas tiled ; it airuHte -CCI --1, n. an I pi i-i.l a i esior.it ion ol Ih" tn.oii. I' no.v upon dial policy ol war is in twenty davs i it has dine. i four millions and ' people out ol the I'm.,!, ,,,,,1 ;.,, ,i... , . tel. of Ih ""Ih In a little longetr al-.i, two or lour Slut.. it w l drive out. I and two million- or three million .,f r,, ..I.. l..-. :. 1 l , .. ' pie. r .11 111. 'V III Ml, 1,0 file policy of the hast ; hui pi aij.' Is a necessity of thu We.-t. 1 tcouM have volunteered tiotliing,g0n, tlcinen, at this time in regard to this civil wi'.r; lut as constituen s, y on had aright to know mv opinion and i.n-iii.tnu . i.Jlieliv them nit most frankly, you j,aVQ My only 'inswer to those wlio indulged in slander ninl vituperation, was given in (he cud of the 7th of Apiil, herewith en closed. Very truly, C L. Yai.i.andicham, 1'ria ill j Wa.-hin-t.ni Slur of tho 2.jtk. i.i:amii:i;.i:i kiii.. n.'oi mork woih.-. J : "'t ( "i"'. I a.. Jun "j. I I... an 1 l"-y bave r, - , , V, V , 1 eeiitly erected delenniun .... ,. 1 upon the load hetween l uiitx ('. ? . "I Vlloxt'" . U miles to tho ' V-V ' , I'1,. 1 ,"iJl L U"- Also near ' ' " "' ,,0Use " tho road froai urTr V ','0' ' t0W"' nd about, I ' ' '? '"' " " K ouvt lloi, , J ,lvnS h t,,1cs" have M l,,79,iw"w , antler them I '"'1' to our Hoops. Tl,0y have for I T 8 l'n. .""pressing all tho T " ' , ''"'01 100,1 0,1 'hom ? '", li,y '' .,,,ls l, in tl' rk. '"7 l" they imtertain no m tt4-'"t' V , eons.dorahle body '0 '"K" " "n,"' Kls0 '""'"h 11,1 "1e)r,w 7 Wiing trc nnJ '"ns nnpasUo piu ti , , , 1Wi '";c re.-tinlly cut a nw roadthro' 'i'!" " i'0'" (jor,,,i, l)m k 10 i'" n '"I"1 U'TV"1 tt tri- . ' , " f, n;" '-"' t House )nck .1 ""I-'0 ' ,m,, '-'entreville. This 7 " WStO re, 1 UlU" U,un lldva"1 , " L ''" .AI I,,E ' ' '"""' 1 hth v ,vrw of the 25th. 1 ' geniieinan, estabiisfied ut New Or leans, an iwd yesterday in this rifv. tr sa.vs t-tt lie: feelings vigainsL tjj. Vnrii, i; muii-e and vehement: ihut n, J10"!"4 of tho Coiifodei ate Stufea coJ;sis.t 01 M.ui-.eis SOUS. ru'Cllstr,,.!,,,! the Use of wivtrms and in r..i 1 . . , . "fiu.-s, ,inu aie excellent soniiu s. I'he noonl f !, s: : 1 1 . 1 . 1 " u min-'M U.J.S veiled than thoe of llie .ortJJ ; they have a sense of st .... ,,'u a. a uniint ol (,, success Ctf their cn.se. J here is no lack of nrovi- fc s.sus. acconiing , r,IK)I,t Ihe (;m uc cvcellent and ahiicdant. Thev relv r.i; (I,,. 1 ,i,.,.....l ..r.i. :.. .. - ' w 1 ""I "' "","1 "I io o'ir cotton crop. r ..ilrope m ot ban le:e lorcihlv tor cotton, :i,:J will inter it. New Jrle 11114 huj never been o 'itiiet, so peaceable ui,.o April la-t : no murjeis uor assassinations V?'' . "';'"i't"" as Pefori... Theiv available P'rees :n ,Vn,g ,0 ,ld Xorth.- iuouey u ill 1.0 raised 111 t he South, ho :iys,witli uioii laci.ily than in the North Ih utu it uii.inimoiiu in canying oh the . lice. .''. il ll.S lil.SI' ,1 III..L-. , 1 KHCrif o r i-kopositioxk. ork Tiihuuo nn I, li-l, rt. Th Xl d!, lonjn'' as corjjiML' tt-.ii. ; U'.ijii,.,.. "start hill'-" b ' r"hvh !';'v' "' -o propositioa peace tu the administration. The ono "b".npl;des the .'omplel,, H'ccitiun of Old' and i 'deraey, will, a treaty i iciid-hip .and oei li.n.s im annual suh-idy of So.lldii.OiMI (,-mn tj1(J I iibci Mates for giving us their prolec "i'"'" d domestic eue- llll' s. ' "Tl.e (dh'-r, ,'!,!'!, i, under coiisid era'ion, consents to u su-.pension of l,m. lilies, a hu ing , Ion n of iimi .,l lion ul tin Pacific." of uu d g. JO mia. to tbo The National fntclligcncer, however, of ycstei ..ay nees evidently semi-otlis c.alr lll"ls , that there is no ground lor the ru in i ii . ulatiun that tim Coi.f,.,! nut llol Hies piop'isitieii oe libido any peace or othoy 'JI ; r ITdX I.iian ix ALABAMA. r' Wii held iii Linden, on H,u bo i l'is'ai.i, win, I'". S. I. von, n and olio is. was addressed he 'n J". Hale, Alfred Nearly .'Uuo ,.,OA l'l'. sUI erihod on the spot, uiu it the amount raised iii d l! will L.I ( IC-,) bales. NOT AliltKSTJCJ). ' , h-, reported by a coitp., bivo Leuii aire.stel ut IJur "" the L'u;li, l.y orjcj' oftien. lie: I t-j per l .lohll- M '. U . w.i, not ancsted at that time. it I- well known nmonsr ihn himc. clialil- i.l this o iv as the ,'iiiiii-iptoi. nl'il,,. 11,11 l'l Hiring Mill (,t ihe Lorry. A VI! 'I'he S n i:y M"yi-.Mj:.vr tkvas. hi Frans-i is, o Heii.1,1 ol M.iv .".IsJ nnnouiic.'s that order b ie. !,... n 'i, ."mil t liiiicisco. rum the War JJoinnl- hieiit ioi (he orgiiniiiation of threo rein. niehts of voiunteors. for service in Texas . .. . . ... n