'A. J 11 'I Si ; 11 1 yjj'r itu 1 lu'r al , . The lime may be hard tLa ground, t'roien atiif in lli Iectn.ier cold ; I'nit tba bank of the trtrmer ii aound ' If broken, ii dwcouiita In gold. : ' ( -: Hi thare u a plow ahare in bmrk llioae MvHleudH never rely . fit the gtind-.toiie) men t their crank. But on rain and the .uiialiiny day. Ilia deposit! are amtilC but they yield A hundred per cent., or per eed, i'o that gold grotra up (n the field Like thought that grow into a deed. " , , GKO. V. JilWGAY. JU5E WOAX TO BE DONE. III thi month thoOirmor will listvc x CA.ion to Lrinjj into requisition the irlows, cultivators, horsea and hand lioea to Ioonoii the noil about plants uutfto keep down the weeds. Among 'he firnt things let failures in the corn Held be replaced. Hay making will e the order of the day, in the latter part of this month let everything be in readiness. Mangel wurtzel and sug:r butt houtd bo sown during the tirnt of tliin month for Btock. Lato cabbage uliould be transplant i l about the laat of this month. Lime and ashes sprinkled over the plants will keep the inserts awn. Seed patches in your gruin field bonld be selected, and gone over, removing cockle and all other foul ntuff. Manures for Autumn should be in urenaration. Let vour cattle vard lie overod with muck orloam the fresh droppings should bo gathered and mixed with compost material, thus sa ving in part, that which would evap orate when xposed to the sun. A I'Ushel of dirt y or cheap Bait, to a cord f manure will prevent fire fanging and the production of grubs, slugs, Jce. A coating of charcoal dust or plaster f Paris will bo advantageous in re uiiiing the ammonia in your manure lieap. Sheep should be washed as soun as riosnible, and preparation for shearing made. The wool market is opening irisk, especially in the lower and mid- do grades, while thu finer grades are field back for a more favorable mar ket, which will certain!- take place as hOon as the country recovers its peace ful commercial prosperity. Seek to improve your stock by sav ing the best calves, lambs, pigs, Ac. ood stock will cost you no more than ur. ENGLISH L07E0PC0UBTBTLIIE. Lav krone, a distinguished French writer, in commenting on the Knglish taste for a country liii?, remarks:- Tho national literature, as express ive of manners and, customs, contains throughout marks of this distinctive irait in the Knglish character. Eng land is the country of descriptive po try; almost all their poets have liv-, d in tho country and sung of It.: Even when tho English poetry took urs for a model, Pope celebrated Windsor Forest, and wrote pastorals, if his stylo was not rural, his subjects were. Before him, Spenser and Shak nneare wrote admirable rustic poetry; (.' DiHM S.C lilA lllfL- At.il I. trt II I l I r.Mii iUUimvuK( me lapc yici-iuu- Ties, in Juliet's impassioned farewell tddreSS to KOmCO. JllltOll the sec- tarian Milton employed his finest verse in the description of the first garden, and in tho midst ofrcvolu lions and business bis fa icy carried him to wnrd the ideal fields ot Lost 1 liradlSC Uut it was principally after the rev olution of 1688, when England, now free, began to be herself, that nil her writer became impressed with the love of country life. It was then that tiray and Thomson appeared ; the first in his celebrated Elegies, and among others his '-Country Church yard," tho other in his poem of the .Season, striking in delighful sounds this favorite chord of tho British lyre. Tho Seasons abound with amiable, description; it is sufficient to instance' tho hav-makinir. harvest and sheen-! shearing, tho latter being already in mi 3 , i . J . Thomson s time a great buuners in fiiigiaua; anu among tnc pleasures ot the country, Ms account ol trout-fishing, Tho angler, at tho present day, may find in this little descriptive pic ture hli favorito art fully detailed. Tho feeling is everywhorc lively and spontaneous enthusiasm, real and deep, for the beauties of nature and tho sweets of labor. To theso Thorn - son joins that quiet, high religious feeling which almost always nccompa- uios a solitary and laborious life, hi the presenco of tho never ending won ders of the vegetable creation. It parcadesthc wholo poem, especially in tho concluding past, whero he lik ens tho awakening of tho human oul after death to nature after win ter. Kasi-berry ane Blackbehrt Plants. The crop of fruit next year will depend much upon tho number of the new 6hoots grown this season. Persons ignorant of their nature havo hood bp all young canes, as so many treapaesers. Of courso they get no fruit tho following year, as tho shoots onlp bear the second season, and die in the Fall. Others, again, allow too . i.i ,i -ith-X Z.0V wl "'J'S1rl'wui' He Invite, th. publia to call and ...min. hi. With not enongn Vigor tO produce a itock of good, before purchaaiug alaewhere. full crop Of fruit. Avoid both OX- Country Phyaiciana furniabed with Drug! tremes, leaving just sufficient dS Stiftwrnwu" . Btrong .hoot, tO koep the patch ins ClearSeld, Pa, Dee. :. 1S0. igorout. condition. ?Tho oldcat plan- ted rawberrVi roots In the wnter I ' - a IK A.aami osaSl atll jthey arc now the best, yielding largo strong caneawhich bear, abundantly. I Tub Sis thai Kilmd thi: Baby. ! A correspondent writes to the A- ; M TRIO AN AORICILTUBIST to thefollow- !. r . I ,.S . ...I.. ; 4..t,t,wt I.A in cueyt. . i reinj . i.iviiuu u 'funeral of a child ofthreo orfour sum mer.. Thu ininu-tcr during Ins remarks dweld upon the fait that deaths is the result of sin, which I agreed with; but I thought, while looking upon the lifeless little firm,' that the killed one, was sin against . natural as well as spiritual laws. She was clad for the grave in the garments she had worn while living, and the bare neck and arms exposed while- the child was in health, to gratify tho van- itv of the parents, had invited the di seaso which proved fatal. That was the sin which killed the baby, and which is making fearful work with hundreds of others, whoso iiarnts pre fer fashion to health, and the exibition of their childien h beauty, to tho safety of their lives." This Innguage is none to strong. It is positively wuked to subject ten der children to such treatment, which would bo fatal to adults of vig orous constitution. In our changeabh climate, cKjxcialy, to.) great precauii n can scarcely be taken to irnnrd the throat and lungs from disease. They need not bo kept mutiled wit h warm clothing, but should always have stiff! cient protection to guard acainst the sudden changes, for whi h this country is noted. Keen the children s chests and urms covered, it you would have them health'. hi. Aor.J JAUKt T. LKOXARK. a. a. riMirr a. c. r!IT w. A. wAi.LAta. anhinn anb Colltttion (Dflict or LEONARD, FINNET ACo. CLEARFIL I), CLEAiitihLi) covyrv, PA. imt.ti oi. rx( HAMtr, ote AxnoaArrn mhoijii lolleaticitt made find prvctrdt promptly remitted ' ' l'xrtiaiife on the C'ltiea eoimtautly on hand. rr Office on Second St, near); oppoait the O.fL'P.T HOUSE. A. M. HILLS DENTIST. Proper attentioa to time will be of great benefit to ever; one in oint of health, comfort, ami eonr:nienre. IH. MILI.cAt, tlwai be found at bia of fice, on the corner of Front and Main ftreeta, i when no notice to the contrary appeara in Una paper. AlV operationi la ti line of hia profeiaion performed in the latett and moat improved atjlee, aud guaranteed lor one Jtar agaimt all atural failurea. N E W DRUG STOKE The aubecribera nave opened a full and com plete aaiortment of Plll'US ia the new brick building of Pr. Wooda, on the corner of Lecuat and Cherry atreeta, in the boreugh of Clrarfleld, where they will be happy to accommodate any i peraon who may deaire articlea in their line. The bunineaa will be eonltneil itrict.y to a Jnij ami Prescription liusineat, And nonainiwili beapared to render aatia faction. I Or. M. uoona. the junior liartner. hut alwava "J nltJ in the " Prug Store Wh,, Bot abaent oo prorcaaional buiinaaa. A 'aeparate room for comiultatien ia attached to the 'r.n.le" '"'J 00 "" pnieiy f.rcrj nruciv ununiij iuuiii in Burn mu ciutu- liahiuenl will be kept on haud,and aoldat greatly relsred pricre. Taaaa ar.ixo arnicri-T Cahi, will enable tliein to ofler inducetnenta in the way of prirea Phvilclana will ba autmlieil at a. amall hr i rf - - 1 1 i , centage over coat and carriage and their ordera are aolicited. fcrcry article loldwill be pun and or tiia beat quality. fcbO-lf WOOPS A BAItntTT. m hi: n k i t i h ii K K V IEWS X A!D ULACKWOOD'S MAOAZI X E. I THE LOXPON QUARTERLY, (Conferva live.) !l-TIIE EDINBURGH REVIEW. (Tory.) 3-THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, ( e Church.) w-TUE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) S BLACKWOOP'SEPINBl'ROH MAGAZINE (Tory.) r K R .vs. rer annum. f.or " "''J' tor any two of the four Reviews, Kor ,J n,r(., of ,u, rr K.vi.wa, f l 00 S 00 7 00 i For ail four of the Review, X 00 Fur lllarkwood'a Mngaaine, ,t 00 For Blackwood and one Review, S 00 For Blackwood and two Reviewa. 7 00 For Blackwood and three Keviewa, 00 For Blank wood and tba four Keviewa, 10 00 N. II. The price in Great Britain for the lire rertodirale above-named ia 931 per anuum. ltepublirhed b LEONARD SCOTT A Co., , "r"l6lB 64 Gold Street, New York, TLOUR, BACON, TOBACCO, X LIQUORS Of ALL KINDS, SALT, OILS, rAlNTS, A GROCERIES, f"For t ole very cheap for Cash, by , O. 11. MERRKLL, In basement of Morrell A Biglcr'x Store, Clear6cld, Ta. feb-27. HARTSW.CK'S DRUG cj- VARIETY MARKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL The anderalgned will hare conatantly on band a we J aeleeted atoek of Pruga, Cheinicala, Dye Stuffa, Oi!a, TainU, Tobacco and Segara, Sution- ary, reriumery, Bruahea, and Fancy arUclea, I winch he will duAoee of chearj for caih t..am e -ii -era. jjlj - (gharfirfb StP'ublblt, ' ' 8" v-'t" & a Term ot BuDaeripuon. fl paid 1b advance, ar -wlthta thr month., f 1 14 tf paid any tlm.wtlhMfc year, tr paid afur U ipiraoa of the yar, . J 00 C, Ttrma mt AtfVefflalh' Advartlnlnwnti nf a imartad in ttje Rpnbllcn t thfollowiajratei Jr. I l s I fatartkd. Ino. I do. Od iquarafHHnai.) Sf ,- $ Ti $100 VT. .7....M.(MH.a.) 1 00. 1 &0 J 00 Thr...quari,'(Hiie..) 1 SO 2 " J JO onaSuuaraj u t V. 2 so $ oo $t oo Three .quare. r 00 00 U 00 Pour equnreii, i t . t . a 00 Half a cdtflW. it : : 00 10 00 14 00 t 00' 18 00 20 00 SS 00 rtna .iliimn. : ! : : 14 00 Orer three wet-ki and lel limn three inonne z eanti per qua:e for eaoh iniertioa. BaataeM ait:eet nieioaing auuei m in ert ed for f 1 a year. . AdrertiiimenU not ajarkeJ wttatie number of niertlonideiired, will ke rontlnati until forbid end charged according to thcie termi. JOB PRINTING. , An extensive stock of Jobbing materia anahlea the I'liblinhf r of the " L'tpublican' to aunout.ee t j tJ.e j ublio that he is prepo red t3 do nil xind of PoriKK, Iktrr-iu, rHo.jRAmr.a, Clash,- Ftrix Boon, .' Cirituks, Labeui,. Ball T'.cxi?, IIahkuili.?, ar.devciy jtind cf pilnting uully done in a country j ob office. Ailoniera will be executed ithnoit nea and despatch. G. B. O00DLASDER CO COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of Holding Court. Second Monday of January, Third Mondny of March, Third .Monday uf June, Fourth Monday o'. September, la each fear, and continue two wetki if n cearary. County Oflleere. Prea't Judge, Hon. Samuel Linn. Hrllefoate. Aa'te (udgea.llon Win I. Moore, Clearfield. Hon Hen) Boaaall, Luthrralmrg Sher.ff, Fred'k U. Miller Clearfield Protbuotary,John I.. Cuttle, " Keir. A Rce. Jauea Wiislry, " District Att'y Robert J. Wallace, Treaaurer, U. B. Ooodlander, " Oi. Surveyor, U, B. Wright, ulcn Hope Comtniaa'n'ra.Wm. M'Cracken, Lumber City Win. Merrell, cartleia 8. C, Thoinpaon, Morrimlale Auditora, II. C, Bowman, Vhilipabwrg laaae W. Urateni, Clearfield J. B. Shaw, Coroner, tivorga Hicbarda, M l.Ut of loat trffleea. J'j fHtA,,. A'UMM '. O. .Vimea of' I', it 0. W. Calwel Xit i'M-.T .' T. A. M'Obee , J. W. CiS.p! .1 Irfwia f luiih P. B. Miller Ed. WiUUua R. II. Moore. Jacob Knntt John Kcbcrling Jaa. Bloom Baooaria, itlen llufe, 111, Bower, Cheat, C'uh, Oatend, Bo(.-gr, Clearfield Bridgi, Bradlurd, Woodlaad, Brady, Lutheraburg, Troutviltc, " Jefferioo Line, Bloom, Foreat, Barnaide, New Waabingtoi Buroside, Clearfield, Clearfielil, Covington, FrencbviUa, Kartiiaaa, Curweaaville, curwenaville, Uecatar, Philip) burg, Ferguaoa, Marron, I x, Helen 1'oat Office, tlirard, Leeouule'a Mtlla, Bald Hilla, Uoaben, - Sbawavillc, Orabam, Orabamton, (lulich. mithi Mill. Madeira, Huat'in, Tyler, " Peonfield, Jordan, - Anaonville, Karlhaui. alt Lick, Knox, New Millport. Lawreuce, llrVcnriilx, Morrii, Kylertown, " Morriadale, l'enn, Lumber City.f Orainpian Hilla, ike, Curwenaville, Bluomingville, 1'iiion, Kockton, Woodwanl, Jcffrief, J. M. Cuuituingi Jaa Mc.Murray M. A. Frank. 1. A. Oaulin. J F W k'ebnan Samuel Way Centre county Kdin. Williaina Elk county, l'a '. Mignot William t'arr A. B. Skaw T. H. Forcee. J. A. Hef arty C. J. Puaey. David Tyler II. Woodward Eliia Chaae (J. lleckadurn I. E. M.,kcl J, W. Thurapa'n Jaa. Thompaon J. McClelland 11. W. Speuecr, A. C. Moore, amuel Way Mivhaol Wiae. W. F. Jobnauo T. Ileuderaon Tbia Teat Office will do for C'bett towmbip Will antwer tor Ferguion tovntbip. IJUSINESS CARDS. r. i. a'ti'Li.oi on. wk. m. n'ciutoi oa. M'CULI.OIGII HftOTIIKR, Attomeya at Law, Office on Market atreet, opporite Moaaop'. Store Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collec tions, Sale of Landa, Ac. uov7-ll PW. HAYS, Juatice of the Peace, will alien . promptly to collectiona and other matter eft In hia charge. Addres. Kerrey, Elk ce,, Pa Oct. 3d 1861). ly. DANIEL GOODLA N DEU, TV STIC Ii of the peace tJ Lutheraburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all buainca. entrusted to bia tire. March 28, I860. ly. pel. ELLIS I RAVIN & SONS, " AT the mouth of Lik Run, five milea (rem Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extenaive Manufacturera of Lucber, July 23, ISi?. 10BERI J.. WALLACE, ATroaur at Law, IV Clearfield, Pa., Cflice ic chaw . Itow, op' oaita theJcurntl office. dec. 1, 1858 If. DR. M. WOOD!, havlir clanged his loca tion from Curwen.rill. a Clearfield, rei. pectfully offer, hi. profeealoaal service, to th. oitiians of the latter place and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite Ii at ot J. Crans, Esq. my 1 '. " jToThartswick, m. Phyalclaa and ftartjcoii, Clearfield Pv, May 30, 1860. WALTER BARRETT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal buainea. eutruated to hi. eaie, In the several Court, of Clearfield and adjoinicg eountiei. 0 flirt tie one formerly occnpled by 0. R. Barrett. Oct. 2fth, I8i-ly. DR. O. W. STEWART Phy. Irian and Burgeon, offer, hi. profea sional service, to tha cltlien. of New Wash ington and surrounding community. Office three doors west of the Washington Houae, New Washington, Pa., Oet. U, Hi. J0HR HUIDEK0PER. Citil E.vcinih t Lan SraviYoa, ofler. hia nrofe.sional aervlcea to th eltiieo. of Clear field county. All bu.ines. entrusted to him will be promptly and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney t Co. :' J. D. THOMPSON, Blarkraatth, Wagon., Baggie., Ac, Ac, iroaed oa abort notice, aad the very beat sty la, alhi. U stand In the borough of CurwsnivUle. I'j .J, 18H. F 1ESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! AT THECHEAPCASII STOKE. I am juft receiriog and opening a large and well icleeted auortment of FALL AND INTER GOODS ot almost every description, A beautiful auortment of Printi and Dreei goodt, of tba neweit and Utrit i'ylei. Alao a great varierjr ol uieful uotl'ni ar(,c assortment, ready Kj Jj U 1 11 I i l, made Bonneta, Shawla, Hata and Cape, lioote and Shoe., a large quantity, , Hardware, Qi eenaware, ;"t , Drugge and Madiciuea', Oil and I'ainta, -i Carpet A Oil Cloths, . Fifli, Saoa and Flour, GROCERIES, of the brat quality, all of which will be aold at the loweat carh or ready pay priuea. My old friendt and the aublie ceberally, are reapectfully invited la call. Clearfield, Oct. 31, 1 SOU. n.M, r. IRWIJi. TN. II. All kind, of ffM.Vand approve COCNTRY I'ltUVL l'K taken iuexchange of Uooda. : ' TYRONE CITY HOTEIa. Col. A. r. OWEXJ. rsoi RUTOR, Reruoctfully announeea to the travelling pnblie th-t he baa now taken charge of tbia large and well known houe, and will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort and for, aatiafaction to all who may favor him with call. nov7-ly s1 THIKIKC TIM I'M I PHI I.. DEI. 111 A ! Trtmtnduut AVrf'reMCftr (iftcoit fA Muimnr.! EXCITING FOOT RACK between the Philadolphia police and the notorioua For ler and counterfeiter, Jaaiea lluchunan Cruaa : : ! Croaa Recaptured ! !! ! It rerma to be the gener al opinion in Clearfield, that if Croaa had worn a pair of Frank Short'a Frencb-valf Boot, that be would not lie taken yet. However, Miorty i not much put ont at miraing his cuatoiu ; but would announce to all HrecHnrid-jr, lmjtn$, Lincoln and ltr.lt mm, and women and children in Clearfield, and Sinnemahoning in particular, that be ia prepared lo furniah them with Boota, jlioea and Gaiters uf any style or pattern, stitch ed, sewad or pegsjed, (and as be is a short fvl low) on short notice. Ail kinds of country produce taken in ex change, and caah not r fuard. Repairing doue in the neatest manner ami charges moderate, at the Short Shoe Shop on Second Strset, oppuaite Reed, Weaver A CVa atore. FRANK SHORT. N. B, Findinga for aale Kept. 26, ItCO- JOHN O D ELL, AND CARRIAGE Tltl.M M KI, UPHOLSTER localed at A. II. Maw's MUls, one milt Last of ClearjkU Loruvjh, Respectfully informs the citiicns of Clearfield and adjoining connties, that be is at all tithes prepared to manufacture, at the ahorteat notice, Hair, Huak, and Straw Mattreaaea of all kinda and aires, one of which ia a Folding Mut treas. auitable for CABINS ON HAFTS, which can be folded in small eouinan, and emptied and refilled at plenaure t and very cheap. He alao trim. Cntriaajee, makea repaira to alt kinda ol Carriage Trimming and Vphelatery, and mnkea Uuroa Tor Maeon . Iraclng Liuca, or any thick ueaa or Irngtu. iiiiut'ountry Produce, Com Huaka, or Caah taken In Etcbange fur work, .X4T-AII ordera lelt with any ( f the Merchata Clearfield borough will be promptly attended lo. dcc:t JJARI) TIMES MADE EASY. good Av:ir.v Til E L'NEMTLOY ED!!!! FOR 1,0()0 Chances to Make Money ' 7 ONE MILLION DOLIaAKS WORTH 'OE WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-PLATED WARE TO BE DISPOSED OF ON .i.V ENTIRELY SEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN! 2500 AGENTS WANTED aWAIl persona drairotu of socuring an Agency ia t la ia NEW ENTERPRISE, .Should eenU on their nninea at once, en closing a tbrcc-ccnt stnnij to rny posU age, and receive by return of mil A PREMIUM CATALOGUE, Containing OUU INDUCEMENTS; Which a (lord a Rare Chance to Make Money. Without riak, together with FULL PAR TICULARS relative to thi. NOVEL TLAN. To ioiure prompt and aaUafactory dc.l.V-. : . .11 J... - '"6", -it vruoia t GEORGE G. EVANS, 39 Cbcatat Street. ill USSELL McMURR AY '. RaipaetfuUy Uvlua the atUaUoa of ait eld em- tomera, and othera, to hia atoek of FALL AND WINTER GOOD8 Which he offer. VERY LOW FOR CASH! He alao continue, to deal ia LUMBER, of al kinds, ia any way to suit bia tuitomere. Tba bightst market price, will be paid for al kinds of GRAIN'. . , 19 CALL ASI SKK!-ei Nri Tsahington, Kor. 1, 180. novT-fa rpilE CI.F.AHFIi:l.D ACAIIF.MV, wll X. be opened for the receptioa of pupils, mala, and feinalea) oo Monday, Aug. i'Ulli, 1B69 Ttrm par aeaaion of eleven Week. OrUoRraptiy, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithmetie and Geography. $1.40 , Higher Arithmetic, English Orumuar, Oeog. raphr and Hiatory. 3 00 Algebra, Oeomvtry, Natural Philoeophv and llook Keeping . a.U0 . Latin and Ureek languages. $i 00 lo itudenta drairous of acquiring a thorough Englieh Education, and who wish to qualify themselves for teachers, this Institution offer, desirable advantage. No pupil received for leaa than half a aeiioa, and no deduction wade exeept fur protracted aickneaa. Tuition to be paid at the cloae of tba terra. C. B. SANPFUHIM'hisciiai. Miy 2:t, 1800.- Iv. NE W GOODS. Juat recciviiia! and opening at tba Old itai uf Lewia Smith in Bethlehem a well eeleetrd a aortinent of Spring and Summer luJ ofal. moat every deeoription. rtapie aud Fancy, a beautiful aasurtincat l'i ints and Dress (ioods of the lateat slylea, alao a vajicty of uacfui No- tioaa. Jlata and taps, j lioiinetn and Shnwls, Bouta and Shoes, Hardware. Un ciiui', I'ruiis nnd Drugs Medii;iiii, Fiali, GROCERIES, Tobacco , Sognr. and all articlea usually kept in a country Store, all cheap for raa i. Ulvt u. a call and aee f r youraelvce. II. L. HENDERSON, A (0. May 21, UC0. rsnns out of Employment. AUEXTS WAN TED. In every County of the Uuiti-d Slatt-a, rpO cngaite in the aale of mine of the beat and 1 moat elefantly illurtrated Works nubliabed. Jur publ fcatiuna are of the moat lutereaticg character, a lasted to the wnuta of the Farmer, Mcilmuio and Meri'liault 'hey are ubliahed in the beat ttyle and bound in the mo- aubatan. tial manner, ami arc worthy a place in tho Li brary of every Household iu th Land. 4V-To men of rnterriae aud industrious bab. its, tbia buaiaeas of era aa oiurtunity fur profit alio euilyaient sldaia to bo wet with. i-yUl'irions desiring to act aa agent will re ceiia promptly by mail full particulars, term. if-C, by add rearing I.KAUV. UETZ A co., Pub, o. 2'.'4 .North i (reel, Philadelphia. Oct II, 1840 lj. WiyCH & JEWELRY rPIIK nnderaigncJ rerpectfull; X informa hia cuatouiera uud tin public generally, t lint be baa jusi received from the Knat, and a en edathia et.i!.li.liment in Hit Ml MI'S ROW Clenrfleld, Pa., a fine aaaurtineiit of I io, aa. WATciir.a, and Jtw ti.nv of difl'erent qualiliea. fruin a tingle piece to a full sett, which ha will sell at the must reasonable prices fur ca.h, or in exchange fr old gold and silter. CLOCKS of eiery vjriely ou hand, al the null reaamiable price. ALL kinds of Clucks, Watrhra and Jewelry, carefully repaired and Warranted. A continuance uf patronage ia aolic ited, Sept. I'J, IS00. II. P.XAIULK. NEW II OTElT The utideratgned reapectfully beg. leave tt announco that he recently rented a noun in the borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa for the accommodation of tba travelling public, watermen and all other, who umy favor him with a call. Ilia tabla w ill alwaya be supplied with at good a. the markets afford; nnd no -iina will b iparcd to render hia guerta romfurtable while under bis roof. To which tb facts that uo in toxicating li-(urs of any kind will be kept about the premises, will h truata, contributo ia no no ii 1 1 degree. While, what ia alwaya important to the traveller, the brat attention will be giran by careful bottler to that faithful companion uf uii journey, ma patient (teen. July i, lf!0.-ly. JAMES CKOfSLY, MAititiAii: ;t'iiiv. instructor for married Heing a private persona ur tbaae about to b. mnrricd, both tnule snd female, in eerylhii'g concerning the pbyaiulogy and rela tion. of our aexual ayatem, and the pruductioa or prevention of offering, including all tba new diacoverie. nevr before given in the Knglish language, by WM. Y JUNO, M. I). This la really a valuable and intcreitius work. It ia written in plain language fur the general render, and ia illustrate-, with numerous engravings. All young married people, or those coiiteinnlatinE marriara. and having the leaat impediment to married life, abould read thi. bouk. It diactnaoa aecreta (bat every on abould be acquainted with j .till it is a book that must be hckud up, and not lia about the houae. It will be tent to any one oa receipt uae. ii win ne .ent to any one oa receipt uty firecenta, in specie or postage stamp., as Dr. WM. VOUNU, No. 416 Sprue. ,l i fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. Andreas above jjsw- .Tiicita sao c norrunare matter what may be your diaeaae, before you place yonr aelf undor the car of any on of th nottrioua Quack., native or foreign, wbo a Ivertiae in tbia or any otrar paper, get a copy ef either of Dr. l oung' nooks, and read it earefully. It will be the mean, of saving you t&any a dollar, yoar health, and poatihly your life. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted oa aay ef tb diaeasee described ia his publication., at hi. office, No. 410 Sprue it, above Fourth. a7-ly rpo CONU.MPTIVKS!--The advertiser, JL having been restored to health la a few week, by a rery simple remedy, after having .uf. fered for several year, with a eevara Inns-air.. tioa, and that dred diaeaae Conauniptioa,. anx iou. to mak known to hia fllew.auftarara IK. mean, of cure. To all who de.ire It, he will aeud a copy of lb prescription uaea, (ire or cbarge,) with th di -ffl,c,e?' "d W lnf-- "hlehh. wuco.ve. , a. .nv.iuaoic, ana b nop. vry mioerer will try bis remedy a. it will eo.t thai lathing, aad nay pro a bleaaing. j no fiehing the prasertptioa will pls AYER'8 OATHAETIO Ar yea atck, euBpUii'ta.l ArsftauTf "H. jew feaHaai I cweasartablsl TheaaTJiTi awloM llliwsa, iMM it Z akkasaa H rrwfag k, JJ aa aaMuM k aisrit. Umsly lias oT the Hght ZZ Take Ajar'a M yi rUana sat the MNntatT Nsa swtf tin U,iua let Am Inkle awia eataZ structtj In Imlik JTT Tlitr stimulate II HtntZ u( the Uxly Into ilsnretZ tlvlty. poriry tba trun fr, tu obalraclloaa abldi u. A Si4,l eattlaa anmewliere la Um Mr, sail ok. atruuta Ita natural fuactinaa. Tlitas, II wt nncl up IhratMltM and the SHrrmadiii argu, durtiif fenaral a.travatkm, eunertiif, mhI 0Xna Willi U thla eonaltion, oppnaa J llw uwwtttML take atsr a fill. aa4 hew airsctly Ilia rtatan aw aalural arlkn af the astaaa, aud wllh II Um Uu,m sWIIhic of health aJn. W hat Is true and au Hni a tnls tnilal aad enaiuim eonpWInt. la aUn trwKla f taa 4etvfated an4 aaii(sv0M dMtviapart. Tlx was HnjiUn aSeet eipata tbara. Cauaad by almllar aUina. smws aa4 daraacantuata of Um natural fu.tictt.in W Us .Jt, Uaty ar rapidly, a4 saaay of lhm aiirslr, rv byilMeaaM . Nona whs kuowthavlrlimuiUw, rills, will neglect ta esautoy them nksa aiancainf k the dlwdara Ihay run. Mateaaante fnuw laadlatf pbyalrlana la aonx M lU rinelal cttius, aud fiuua other wall known pabllc pv. Sous. t trim a ftnen,'if Mtrttetit ". .etui, M. (, lia. Area: Vuur fills are Iks tracn or all Uui a graai la wwdlouie. Tbay kax cared my III II SikWf r ak-amwa eonw uaa aw aaiww ana raei uuu um Mm4 larnnld ,r years, liar aalliar lia Iweil l"M Ehn. , woalf alUI'tad wltla blvtehaa and dnidvaw harikianj la bar hair. AfW Mir rklld M cared, ah alaa vuur nil., and tbay bv cured ber. i asa ni:ni!iiici I Aa Faaaillr rfcyale. i Finn Pr. K. W. tMnriyht, Ak UrUiim. 1 T .ar fills ar the prlnr of mr(aa. TKrir Melt, qaabll. erataa any ralbarlk; wa f-. Tlwy an j mild, hut very eartaia and enVeliul la llielr . lln N u,, ln.li, wl.l t. rnakaa them Invaluable to a. It, Ib.W, traatmaat f dlwaaa. Hea1ack,alclillraa1arli,Kawl gUanata. j vsh Dr. Intend Zluyd, llaHimorr. ' Data taa, A van i 1 cannot answer van leant omaMi I bate rvrt with yar I'll It batter than U aay all iw a, err trttt a(A a wr)a,M MrfiCiH. I iil grrat aye(. ' dartre a an rHaclaal ralhartln la aiy dally ontHi win ' dleaaM, aad ladlavlM aa I a ibat yMtr fllla algri M ta ban wt nave, I uf ovuraa vann iiimu Mif my. rrrraacao, pa Mv 1, UH fv. 3. r. At is- fir: I bava lawa rerM-atially rnrrad w,ail krutUirh. any ImmIv raa hate by ad" ia, i.f amir I'llU. It wm to arlia front a fuiil Uita: wbli-b Ibev claaa at ,ara. Voura wllh great le'l'cct, :f. W, PKr.Ml.r, tTrilr " Wr.'ir Cliiia, Bltlama Dlarlra l.lvr Caaaanlalnli, V,ia Or. riM'tmrt lltll,f.'m I'm fly. : . . t, only ara ymir rilla adtnli nldr a.Uird In thrlr aa l.aa a aa awrirnt. tail I And tlirlr IwH.fl. ial tlWIiwiai lha Llrac very niarkad liolrd. 1l y liars la lay b pr,rd iMa tffectual fn? tba i-nra vf aittmiira Woni lliau auy uaa rvMi-tly I t-aa umiiiiImii. I irarr,lf r-bi-a that wa bare at li-Hlb a puricaliiv aliirli U m. thy tk cvnfi Jeiite al lh pruksn aud Ilia f It. liteaavMaxv i ma 1stim.ii, I TAaalilniloU, V. I"., T I Ii let,., ISM, fin I bate wted your i'llla In my nenril au4 aoaaj pra'li ever mm. yiMi made them, and cannot lirti.i, ay limy ara lha beat ralbarlk wvaaaplxy. tlirli tt latlHs; a Hon oa llw liver I at.k and da. l ied, aw iwrnity tin.)- aia aa admiral,! raaiedr f r dr-rauermraS .( Iliat mum. ladrrd, I bava n-..kn found araitd tmkmtt diifuu ik. il.li,,ale Ibat It did not ralilj ytrU Ibcw. Iratcrnally J-aia, AMINIto 111.1, H h. Jtyatai 'J fit Mf.it H-jM Dyaatery, Ularrkera, Itclai, Waraat, .m IH. J. U. Ui M, Wipiy Yr I'llla bate bad a bni. trial Ih say practice, aal I lodd llo-lii la calia-ia aa trite t,f Ilia Iwal aa,iWalt I ata ater fauad. Iltvir allvratlra tllri-t H.ti Ilia llrrv aatn lli.rt aa arrdl.Mt raatedy, wboa xivca la aoitll tl,r.M Wt.ua ,fyer-rteTy ii,hI tit.irrAara. Ib.lr sti.trHUa aakra lhaaa mj a, rr,tl,lt aud vulilculiul ji Uicw A wataaa aad cblldrelb Dyapspala, lattpwrltf af lit flUad. Frtm .Vs. J, I". Jiauf, titfr J Muni I7,a,c',, UU lrt. Aiaa: I baranu-d your I'llla wllh rtlrrcrJIatn arrera lay Itaill ami anioitf Knw I am callwt la raa la dittreaa. Ta mtalata the uraaria twT di.r.iiaa a uurlfr tba blxal, lliay ara Iba very Wit remedy I bar, Vnnwa, and I can vuHAdully ract4ni,triil ikrui utyfrlenda. Yviira, J. .IIIMU1. VTiKia, Wyoatlng Co., !. Y fb-t. II, !'. Iiata Pit: I aia a.lna y.ur Cathartic I'llU la air fit Ih a, and And them an eirall.nl purrallre lo rlcaatt lb atttrm an.l i nri'y r,i f.i,siiiiir ; J'JIIN u. .mi;ach.m,m.. aetlfaUat,raltae, )''"'' llheaaaatatlatn, Saaaal, lUsatralgla, l)rtf y, laral)ala, Kits, etc. Teat 'r. . '. VMigfin, V.of,,. f f'iH.a. T"i bin. b cannot ! said of v-rir Mill for llw rand -v.it, '!. If others of cur fiatcrnliv hart t und llira it cft'.ca, lout at I hire, they pli .mi l f -In hie In ir,rbi in It f.tr the h-io nlof the raiilllindaa wlr auAr lira lliat ,MlMil.rlitl, which, alllionrjh bad rn.oi.h la lla.lt b Iba prwcenllirT ,rf tdlwra that art w.,rta, I Wlbrtr Urturtt ta url.lliale In I he liver, I lit ) "UT I'llla lHo.1 Ibl jrxa aad cure tba ditctte. ,-. Utt, V. .o.,,l, fV,,o ;u ni,A !:,!:, !, I And "II. or two larr. doart of your I'lll taUaatlb ,rr)M;r lihte, are ra.'i-llchl pr.M,otivpt of th. foi'uo" a tint Ilea .wholly or partially tH,rn-.d. and it-' alt.-, lual In cicala Ihe -a'.rro,..A and c h-'owi. iVi are en Mulch llie lanit pbyaic vrc lotvc tiiat I reivmarJ no other to my paiicnla. Fiom the Krr. In-, ite'i, .(,. .wV'. ..el AVti.CUi I'D t-l lloi Saraniial,, I,., ,ln. , Iv t llovonrn fia t I aloMild In, imi;rat.rul fr Ik. rrbf your .kill baa hmnsht aia If I ,l. tioi rr.rt air raaa ymi. A cold settled Iu niv limb, and hroiu-lii aa rt-re eiatilix ti'ucoAvic yMt'na, a hlcb etolnd In ,im, tAtar tiiat. Nolwithitaadlng I let lha l- l of yhrri aai lb dlaaaaa grew anrt. artaarrre. lllifll by tlie adtlcsftas airallent aceat In llaltiinara, I'r Mackrntlc, I trtrdtoa Pllla. 1 krdr rffn la were Blow, but aura lly psmll la lha uia ef tbcat, I am now entirely a ell. Aavava Catuaaa, Hatn Aouat, Ijt S UrclW. Ta. Avaat I bava twn entirely crin-it, by yanr raba Hhtam.ilk (rout a laduful dnea'o thai bad affllrtidM furyeara. VIMK.NT Sl.iniU ST M"at af tba filla In market fonttla Mirrari, abirb, attboiixh a valaald remnly In aklltal kiaba ianrantna la a aublie pill, front Ilia drr.'lfnl mv r,uarea that rVraiueatly bdbrw Ita Inrautbmt af. T nilala aa awrcary ur ailnaral luloUnca ahale'ri, Prio, as cent per Box, or S Boxes for (b Pr.pard by Dr. J. C. ATM U CO, tewill, J8eldby C. D. Walaon, Cle.tl.ll ti Irwin, Curweaaville; J'. Arnold, Lulbarilnff. Montgomery A Co., New Haiera ; J. C. Breaaa, Morriadale, C. H. roster, Pbilipaburgi aai Vm Chaae, Anaunvill ; and by dealer trrrjwhm CLEiEFIELD STOKE WlIE POTTEIf Thankful for paat favor, and aoltcltioul f r tura patronage. I would respsctfully aaaon" that I have oa band again, aad will codiV keep at the Pottery in thia borough, oa lhef aer a short distance east of tha MstbodiitCkaf a large .lock of Crockery, each as CremerKki tnilk pans, Churns, Jug., Jars, Stovspipt caiial f e. tie. aad alao aa txtenaiv suottnaal ' different .lie. and patterns of brackats roaettaa fr eornic oa bona., and ettier W ding. Aay moulding, not on hand will b older oa abort aotic. Also fir brick aad kept for tale. A liberal reduetioa oa prices wholeaale dealer.. F. LKITZI.VUEIb Clearfield, may 33, 1170. ly. Cabinet, Chair If afcu)?, At32 aitclTill HA2aT VES JOHN OILICII, of th boraugb of Clssritl Pa., will ba nranarad at all timai Ustaa tu any bueiates ia th abo lib notic, aad ia a workmanlike mannsr. Hi P" of busiats. i. at tba eld .bop ba th aortb aia" Market street, 3d door east of Third it. opposit th ld Jw .tor j whr h will eonauatly aa bead a large aaaortaakt JJ bogoay aad Can Bottoai Chairs, aad CaW War of vary deaeription, which h) trill dirf" ofoa a. raeooabl terots as tba mm " eaa ba bad alswbr in th county. aai. sioc I or labinei w are bow oa assm - LlcmJuUn aw cb--, Aarid , rbrary , Wte-i, 4, toL It. Tlonr. yu&F' I .jw'uvaaai.r, f J