Jlyrj)'y'BSiAY?yNE c, mi. lands 1, Congress ihall make no law res- acttlng sn establishment of religion or prohibit aethstree exercise thereof; OR ABKIIMJ fa IHl! FKKEDO.M OV HPKIXII, OR OFTIIIJ TKI-S-S; or the right or the people Mereably to assemble and to petition' the tlov- raisent for a redrew nt grievnnces.t'ens'i'ru. ..... j ... IfeatiCxirra owns. .JuWtr -RrtW T.-rThat . th. prying ... iliell It free to cverv neraon nrho under. utts. to examine the proceeding! of the legisls. fgt,ofny brancn i government; and no law till ever ts mane io restrain tae rigB' thereof, fit free fouioutnicatlon of (bought! and opinions , f. una uf the invaluable nubia of roan: eud-overv I "t;a...fiUTipe.k. write and nrint ...ar l . k.:. H.iu.n.i i.u f.. .l-.i.. . .i K VSlow., -pert'lnve.tlfiat.lng tbe ji.l conduct .f off. ! ati, er"e lo public rapacity, or where the publlihed ia proper fur publie infornia- (iM, tbe trntb thereof may be giran tn evidence i ruiadiea of the u. K. iibnmh .V r..rw. cille, prfipoae giving a dinnei1' on the ' coralng-URU irlaTJily, the proveeda of whl'h art t be de iDUi to turniahing the new Church imw erect iaf' Th fabe generally are invited to Attend, a ik pur.pow 1 k laudable one. 'ilkS ' Kl u.t.p. 01 lit ' Fj -Way . '." iiigl'i I. about v o.cloch; a ian,. wa ahot cn , the Belltfonte and Kria 'Turnpike," ono mile ml tf the "Black Moehiuion" under ihe following .''cii-cum'taneca.'- Ilaniel Sit, nd liii aon John, a lud'nbouL 14 reanof age, liWnp at tlio Bonver- Afilla.- ir cli I tint in ' tho' bveniug ' to UMtclr fSn Jfcr the older Sw ub went fb'SKcl n shfd't dlilanit IfQ'iii t Ii o. T u t; n k? t the' "point nbove luenttoiied, -and ent hi"aon l' icb a 'Vi-osMng" ort'iUo'i'oiid."' TlmVoj liad"watclifjd for eoiu'c t'ne.' .whcn lie aw it the JiMunee of about eighty '-ynidn. tomt'tliiiig moving hi. 'the road whit' U ,ii itr'pned to be a dwri 'II at once drew lip liia rifle, and lirrd, when hed'wecveretl (almt .hia'criiuiiinl eaieleaKneMi had be fore chiimhI him to overlook that 4 he ob jeit lie in his lutste had tiiken frt- u' deoi w leully a iiiLiil'ft 1 1 h t on t he road io as soon b'. the ,'i:uii V;ai Ued,"(yinu lumi.ing toward tbe boy with great raphl1 ilj, f.x!laiinir.g "you h.avehot nu" "1 undying,'' und then filling heavily upon ii road... The litiy, wji much iiltr;nel. tilled for IjU f.illier, who como out of th- npak, and the livo t licit ivnil'up to tla win lying on flie'grourit."J' Ho wai Jciuf, that ball having completely Revered .tin jnj'ilar, mid pa -sing downward cimc out under, the left .boulder. Tlio fathei ihH nm nt onoe raided" the a'arm,' gavt tiriiit-'lve up,. and remain in custody. ti- hJ,l IIU'CftlgHllOll. v , ,., w The deceased na a stranger,! Ii nil ' no itAifccould be folind: on ,.tii peraon atratify either liia name or i widi'iice. Ui'v iil.eta (!0(niiid only a knife, .tic i iunll piece of tobacco.', ' Ife was six feet l.i inches, high of mme.rlar build, Inn, very black haii'i'aallo'v complexion, lieavj Jaik eye browa, and a scar about one inch mJs iiiur(er in 'length running tip -and ilimn o:. the i igh't side of UU right eye. U I.Vif n high . nov a. tiroud cliiu. " ami not a very heavy" beard.', Aged Itobab'j lli-lr jive. . ... v.i. ..... jicinq supp.iiv him to have been a UN- tlirj,oi volunteer letiirning to bis honn n.Anfalroug cDimly, at leiut a man fill iti the same denciipliou , and,, making NchrfpreienlalioiiR pawned ihio'gh Miles luirgnn Friday about noon,-others win M" him afier lie as hhot, thought him lo Iw a niaiV ho, nboui the I'll h or June, riwtl (lir'Mlgh Philipsbiirg driving herp'. In! Unfiling positive has been it'cV.riained was Uiu it'd in I lnlipburg on lil-i (From' Ihe above d.'vei'iption, c nn isrlined o believe that this u r for Innate nunwiu iimio other fhaii hauc KMr. ho was tried and convicted In the "(. S. Wrirt Court at Hilli impoi't, hint week, "lulling the mail in and eiC4ipid flntn II.. ' e .1 - If I .1 iun wiiMimj,. vi, -1 ne . .uarMim on jfftlnevliiy eyening , " I Vlis Drowned. On last Sunday morn '"ftlic'lia of a' man was found I lug oi 'MgrsJrd Railroad along T. F. SteinerV aid dam in Decatur towh-hip, Uils couti '' Ad examination of the-marka on ihe Potnul, showed Unit some one had' been crambling aiound lhere.aiid had proba wf isllfn into the dam. -A boat, was pro fl and n search resultedi in the tind H ef-a'mai whose name, .was Thos. iflun, a. Liborcr on tho liailroad in 'tsan.iloy of Messrs. ISidle Jt Edniunaon. ",S,tin unmarried man ubout thirty? "'jsarsof lire, and ! believed to have "iin nn Saturday evening, ai lie was about 8 o'clock near this 'spot in a ""'Ofintoxicatioh. He has rto relatives utliii ppigliborHop!. 'He' was taken, to 'I' to bo buried wi VoLt;sTtKr.s.--Twa lteciments un- Colonels.Hiddlo and Ore.gg, left liar, burg ai 4 o'clock last h'iturlay ntorn- for Cumberland, MI. I" Both the Cloar- .ad in- all luaietraenta for llbela, the Jury ahall ' nioi ninir (Much w m ..i lr iI.a n.iom,. ' ' " n ' 4" ,rt.h.,r l0I't the law and the facta. ,r,it.e.. and a pail found aecreted unr,r , y 1 raj v i i' ' ' ' ' ..7" J -r .r-. t. . ditto, btrhsniunfs. . . - - - - - - J milcii from rhilipnoui-g. . Neil Iiutighnr I ;, , r - -- - - ..... .. . i , . . rouita 01 July.. ' . " . , . tj .anu aotne other, Mo-e name we , lul j .-. , . . W I. ' y W.Coinpaniea . aro , incluiled 1 in these County Treasurer, subject to the action of tbe fynents-thil Hungera irjfhp flrst.'aild Democratlo party at the primary election. " ftsCfct... t- ii " .1 - .1.. -.-'rr-'" ' ' I In.the iccontj, ; ii Stsa WIJERRT-. W WCf alliOMnJ "'wy last week, by 'en. A. t." II ills, a "HofiTio.a "... 1 !...' i. 1 ':'..i ;:. 1 ..rawuerry which, no laweu nr . - uraen, moaauring JVinciies -irr cir- """fefeace, teinc rine and solid. '-The 1 i ' . . ' ' t'.i ' isalu-ays bead and if any person -. - - . . . . Ijjrwuct finer apecim erf or tho same fruit, we'sbosird like lo talste it. . Ts.fi..Tr.rvrT TTTT-ii t?l Bo,atrn j 7,r:j" 'i'-T. i"a" it . . I Jt. a ivuniiE riiuiu m .,,r. 7il.i',,'nMln"er. fVhv not 40. Jikc, ,1 . . I tosRiois accident. MMuatin Cline of "Woodward township, me? with n serious '' . i , . . ...... vccmeni, wuicn mar pcrimps result fatnl- ly. On Tuesdiy of last week, Mr. . Clino u-fK. nn...,o.l .1 l i i - r , . , in unliltchinc them, when - thev mnde a- sudden start, (calcl.jng his body in tlio chain on tie wagon to which they weteni tachrd, and dragged hint the distance of Jbo.it : three bunted yard over tones Hump?, roots, l-reaking one of Inn ee. ntl tearing I lie flesh Irom both, from the ankle to the lnp. . He is now in a pro- car ous mtiint on." '. i "" "" x . l.mi tvr In.! u.,.L- ... f atom rl'1, ..... u" i Z.r'Z?:. '..IL' '. -"'i' .." . . tuTu aere r luriiini; ' :o-". reo f . iopi over night at l'hilipaburg. during the night, a box or tohiuoi, a box of ruleratua, hometl'a and biuret, of ftlh; were atolon from the wacoii. , 'Jim nttgt. iioi learn, were arreatett an I loiiared in Urn OI letnreco., i'li:irgei with the ot ten re. Die goods stolen belonited to Heed, Weaver &cp., .and y. F. Irwin of this place. j ' '' - -''....r .i ' ' " , K Vigilahfe. Committees., " Illooni, lavid Chitfon. Aduiu Ww.iver Jacob Zilyox , ,'. a . . Itpcoaria Win Ii; liickenson, Samuel II. Ileinman, Clilint. (iiooni '' liell .lames Savage,' Henry MoGhee, Jacob Campbell. ,,,.. r r , li.igg H-tland Faust, '.J'hilip. Miller,, Jphn NV. Keyler. l!rairoid--Mallicv, 1'orcee, V, Kdwarvl Pule, I5enj. Knep. Ilrady J. Lever Flegal, Pr. lico. Wil on, Jacob. Kmiiiu, Sr. . Uuriiside John King of. Ueeder, Will ijim King of John, Olhell Smead; t'leai lield Ho. James I,. Morgan, Fri!) cW Short. Pr. K. . Wil-on. Chet TIioiiihs linrt lev, Win W Wor rell. Joint Smend. ' 1 ' ' ' ' Curwensville Ho. Lewis . C, liloom, lobn McNaul, Lewis M. I.apnrte. Covington F. F. Coudih-t, John Uriel I no. J. I'ickard. . , I P. catur John Hughes. John Shaw, H. C. Howman. Ferguson I'oi les Bell, Jo'on A. Howies. Pafid A. Wise.! , , l) ; , Fox -James McClelland. t Uirard !-. J. W. l'ottcr, Leon Coudriet 1org! W, Steever. (ii-.tien I. It. Shaw, 1-s.inc (iraham, K. It. LIvergiKid. ' ( (iiielicli .loneph Fry, John S. Mclv-j. .nan, Joliii .Ionian, , , ' (iraham- Levi llubler, H.i.il Ciowsll, .Villi nn U'illielin ' ',! Huston P, Tyler,' (Seo. Morgan, -I'll ilip 1 1nverter. ' . "Jordon avid W. Wise, Fatnck Uilli an, Hubert l'at leisun, Ji. Kiirtliiiiis (ieorge Jleckeudorn, John J. Hall, Kyre I'ilo. i 'Knox -Pavid Krehard, Henry Sliugart Williaui Sloss ' LiovreiieeSamuel Shiillnr, ,Wm. P. Iteed, James Mctilaughiiji. l.iilul e;' Cily lto.-i-Joseph , Kirbev, Viilli'iii-y Hile, John MeDivit. '" Morris -John. H. Kyler. .'Moses "Pen ning, (teoi-ge Hoover, ' New ' a-liuigton Ho. .lt!in H- I iim mings. Pr. i. W. Stewart, J. It. McMurry. Fike Isaac (.'ulditcll, Lli Htoom, Hobl. W. MeNiiu!.. ' ... l'enn Hots Hoover, drier ,-HclI, Jr.j I'linmas Poiigherty.' ,' . . .v Woodward Tims. Henderson, AiNtm Kline, Win Alexander. ' '? ' f."A Vilion Pavid ...Welty, John v 1 ' Pale, itoracc Courtney'. ' L .PEIMABY ELECTION. . KM CTKiN v2I PAiritDAV OK AfdlST. S We arc nutorized to annnunce (len. James II. t.arriiner, of ClearneM, as a eaaili laie fur the l.egislature, subject to theactionof the Ueuio- cratle party of Cleurfield county. We are authorized to announce the mime of J. II. Heed of Lawrence lp., fer AssiK-iate Jude, leronling to the action of the Pcin.icralic party at the primary election. : y" e . ' ' - 1 ' ' ' Wc are nuiln.ii7.ci1 to announce the name ol John I. Thompson, ol L'uraenrvillr, as a caudi- iintn fur ass.'Ciiite Judge subject fo Ihe action o) the Democratic parly at the primary election. We are aitih'irir.e.1 to announce the name of fames lilooui, nf lllooin township, ns a candidate for (he office oi Associate Julg, subject . to Ihe action of (he Democratic party, at the primary election We are authorised lo announce tbe name of .I.nei h linen, ol I.nwrence (p., as a Candidate for Ihe office of fuKHirr. subject lo the action of the Democratic party at the primary election, We ere Antl.orirrd lo announce thennme of John' McOnughey of lji rcnce tp. as a candidate JoV' t-herilf, sol j. ct to the action of the Democratic '. party at the primary election. i ; , 1 ' ' We are authorized to announce the name nf Patruol Clyde, of Law ence tp., as a candidate fur the office of Sheriff, nihject to the actio., of the Democratic party at the primary election. Wc nre authorised to . announce the mime of Jacob Faust of Curwensville as a candidate for the office of Kheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic party at tbe piimary election. ' We nre nnthorired to announce the name of Jnnrnd linker of Knox In., as a Candidate, for county Ci mailiaioner, subject to the action uf Ihe Democratic party at tho primar J election. . We' are nuthorisc.l th announce tlio name of Win F, Johnson, of Penn township, as a Candi date for county Treasurer, subject to the artivirof the Democratic party at the primary election. : We1 are authorized to announce Ihe name tf Joseph Shaw, of Luwence township, ss arandi Jute for Ihe office of County Treasurer, at thi en suing election, subject lo the action of the Dem ocratic party, at the primary election. r , , , We are authorised to announce . the name nf tsanc Kline ol Bradford tp., as a candidate for ' We nrs au'horired te announce me name 01 . A. Terna of Brady tn as a candidate for County Aud tor subject lo tbe action olthe Dcinvcralie paijy at tbe primary election. .... . . . -m . tnlhotUfA l0 inunce the name of jaf,b W. ramtibell, Esq.. of I5'" lownship, as a candidate tor the office of County Commisaioner, ,k ..1 in th. artinn or me i;emocraiie rariv. ai SUWCCI 10 UI SCllou fbe rrimarV election. ! SAVTIOK. All persons are hereby cautioa l J ed arainat rchasins. or meddling, in any wsy. witb the following described propertyr 3 .' -r???-,o in lb f rounds pow in pofMrsion of jyBn ijaDoroe, o r., 01 voiob ip. ' - n .1 J06BI JOSEPH LINBiJ. i i lwfi.tj.flvc to Klity Iollara ant) I per month .ill be. paid by the Eria Machine Company , to their Agents, for Erie Sewing Machine. Tbi.isarcw f.',n,",, bewing . telling ; th "'"rhino, und no simple in it construction thai a rn"U can learn to operate It by Lilf an hour'a 1 instruction. It ii equal to any Family Sewing Muchlr.e In tire, ami tl,..v ti. th. r,..,:,., ...... : nity aoa one hundred dollar machines. ; The pn re u but illeen Dollar!. The Company wUh to employ Agenlt in every comity lit the United v"1"; Address, for particulnra.' fir!: toning bhioV , Z "I.TaMMw tjtt L-.i l . . I I ii ii .MAKItli:!). On the Iflth Insl., by the Her. J . M. (Jnllowny, Mr. A. W. .STiVRAinH, of Arin ftrrtagvonnlr, Pa., to Mri.ntu K., daughter bf j. ii. i am wen. f. iV 1 . ..U.-Z.' "". cht, ftlr. . I. . n 1. . I 1 . i I rfA. litlki, oi ii nun eoiinljr.to .Mrf. Luranx .f.u..A'' mmmmmwMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,. l,,V,,--n ""'J in-t.. altera ,nBr",S Jn", Uoirrt Il. Ti.re. of Uwreue. 11' " " lreI"ml' BSJh'"'t 47 GOODS! .AFRESH AX EI VA L OP Spring $c Summer Goods ' j AT;TIIKCHKAP CA.it .STOlf ET. ) I n'm jnl receiving ami opening a rnrpfully aelected atoek of fpriug and Puminnr gnod- , ol almost every .description, -a - A beautirul aaaortinen .f 1'rints "anil " Dreaa gooda, of the newest and Isti-Ht style. Ato a great variety of useful noliun.'. ,.J)JiV-(i(J()US AXIJ NOTJONS. Uonnets, Slmwls,' . - Tl f . Hats and Capn ' r- ' 1 ' f . , liools and llioe, a large qnantity, 1; ' llar.lware, (ji eenvware, ' Uriiga end Medicine,"" ! ' ' Oil and l'uinls, " ' : Carpet A Oil Cloths, . - ' ". -. GROCERIES,' " ' ' F'sht Ifucon and-Flour, ? S'a kerel in ij and i barrels, of the best (liiatilv, all .f. whi. h .ill l, ...I.I ihe lowest ca-h or ready piir price.,,. . . . .My old mend? and the public generally, are respectfiillv invited l eill. " ' , ;?!-0-N. H All kimla of lillA .Van d snprov .1 COCXTlt r I'llODLTJ: luVvo in exchange ot (loi.ds. , , , , . , , CleurHell, Jane 2rl mi.. W.M, F. IRM I.V. IN Tllli Ml TTI'.H of the of th7pro"p' erly or Wllliiims and Humphreys, on a..li valion of F. tl... Miller, Sheriff, T. .1. .MvCullough wja appiiited . Aaditor, to' iliriribule ni'.ntv nrisiti! from said sale. I'KIt C1K. The undersigned Auditi r, appointed lo report distr'bution ot the monies ariring from the sule as gliore staled, will alien.) to Ih e duties of eniil iippointinrnl at hia ufTica in the burou;h of Clear new, on Pdtur.luy, the I Stli day of July next, nt 10 o'clock, A.M , when and wherj nil pcrsenr in terested run atleud if I lie v see pr.iper. , T. J. MeCl'LI.Ot'illt. Juhe.Iltli lfl -3t. : Auditor 1 Ct At'TION.AII persons are hereby caution ltd against purchasing or barter! - g- for fwo eertuin promissory notes, given to John n, respectively dated on. the J .ih of Mnv last, due aix mouths alter ilate, oneoaliing for $24 -and the other f.r t leleruiioed ni to pay the a-me unions compelled by law, . a I have neve received value for the same.' JUHX alrCOIUI. lloggs tp., Jun.2r.Rr.3t.-pd. . ATTILNTION. The Centre Hill Ouar.lh will meet for parade drill on the Four'.h ol .lulr next at Ihe Ilradford Chore' , nt IS o'clock, A.M. .A geneial invitation is extended' lo tin neighboring companies. Ily order oflhe Captain Jun.2 :it ' ' Thoa. M. HOLT. ! it; IIMI MS l it AiOH S NO riC liXotice is herehv given that letters of Admiuistra. tion have been grante.l lo the uudersigned on tlie estate of Jacob Kierchncr, late of .Morris township deceased. All persons indebted to said estate nre requested to make payment without de lay, aod those having claims ngaiii.-t the same will present thein duly utnhenlir.iu.it for settle ment. . JOHN It, KYI. A It, jun.1'6 (it.pd. . f- , Administrator.' Agricultural! I'nir. The "Clearfield County Agricultural Society" will hold iti second annual lair upon the fair ground, near Ihe boionph nf Clearfield on the 1Mb. Iflh, I Tlh and lsth days of OCVOIltl! XKXT. . - '. Thc grounds are now being put in good order, and Ihe accommodations enlarged for th,c conve nience of exhibitors and viaitura. ' A premium list will shortly he published. ' ' - KICHAHD PUAW, 0. n. DAT HKTT, JO.IAII It. HKKL), JXQ. .Mcdrtl dllKV. W.M. M'lfRlDK,' I i t, June Sn.Ttl, l'xecutlve Committee. During the past year we have intrmlnred to (he notice of the medical profersion of this coun try the Part 'VysMo'sVrf IlitoriiU ,,f Ti.iyf.iMiiK, , . ' - ." -r. . HKHKDY I1III RIIKL M ATISM: i ?" snd having received from many sources, both from physicians 'nf the liiglfst .itunding and Irom patient) the . U - 1 .lv "' l- J Most flattering; Testimonials ot Its real value in the treatment of' this painful and obsti nate disease, we sre induced te present it to the public In a form HEADY F ill IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itiulf tolhore who are suffering with this afflicting complaint. and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable rem edy. . r Vi (-.. :) f ' - ) ' ' ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been txtcusively experi mented with in the 1 . PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, k snd witn MARKKD Si UCESS (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical Jour nals.) ' 1 ' JL-Bl Is carefully put up ready ' for immedi ate use, with full directions, and can be obtaintd from nil .the druggltli at 7i cents per bottle, and at wholesale of IIULLOCK A CR FASH AW, ; Druggista and Manufacturing Chemists,' ' Juno26'6ltf. Philadelphia. PtV lir. Notice Is hereby g.iveb, that Ihe Books of Dr. B. F: Akely, lately of (Jra hampton, sad also Ihe Books of the late Dr. Hen ry Loraine, are bow io tbe possession . of ths sub scriber tor Immediate collection, and all persons interested will please teks notice. Clearfield, June 19, 1801. WM. PORTBA. Twenty-live el IXIB PRlJrYLAMlMr. J ART? I l P M ' Ci V fTY ' A K-K-l 1 M "KUV, h.V VStmmtm ' - ,10..,. W0fil7 i - I t i) r" n i t u y en -i.i 'f , , SI ' H'l ATf7n M A r It r J'1 " "1'. i'f .' l- - r liters ritoM Mo'trf $to.; The J'.OfDOIR FEWIXU MAC1IIXK, an en graving of which, it her r. presetted, has now become a recognized, favoritt wherever It has been .'introduced, aul is, beyond question. the heat, a well (tie. beidoiiiet, low-priced ewing .Viicliine now before tbe public. , Nit. 1 A small t and very neat Machinef.it Family use: ' . i l. 1 . i- Jto .2 A lurgS -Machine for quilting heavy work stid for Plantation Bee. ,i This Mkebine is much admired for its simplici. ty, and for it reliability and durability it is un surpassed. A (liild twelve venra ran run 1t with ease ; und J et it will sew-from tile coarsest Cloth ; to the fineat Swiss. There Is no trouble of ri winding the thread, a, it Is taken from the spools. , It has no belts to give iroublt), and will run . backward well n forwnrds. and still sew equally perfect, aiid without danger of breaking needles. It runs bv frictUm, and bv closing the bos nvef It, if U thrown out of 'gear.- In fiiet, we huve Bohrsiliition in reromineiiding if a (lie beit fan Ily Peairg Machine In ase. ' Tlif fvltmiing lhemiums Au'irJai the itleve Machine; ix. . ,, j , ., . At the Fair of the ' r"rank'ln Institute, the First Premium. - At the I'xnntylvanln Ptnte Fair, at Philadel phia, September "I, ISj(l, the First Premium a Diploma. At tho. Pennsylvania State Fulr, held at Wyo ming, IKCOh Mlver Medal. ' 1 For the best Double Thread Machine, at Lun eavtcr .'ountyFalr, held October, lS.'.ll- Silver Medal. '.. , .At t!i Maryland ."tnte Fulr, held at the Mary land Insti uie, lliiltimore, M.I., October. IS.i9, under strong competition, a Silver Medal was awarded lo this Machine. 1 " " At the Xew Castle County Fair, held at Wil iningtitt, Delaware! Oetoler, IS.'.V a Diploma. The ubove .Mnchinca nre mcnufactured by -, - Cll tltl.rA W. HOW I.AM). . y iimiimtoii, i ci. S A I. KS KOU.ilS. No. 7211 An L Street. Philadelphia, Tii. No. SOI Markft tstrert, Wiluiingli.n. Del. ' S. P. HA K Kit. marl:i-ly ' 7'.'0 Arch Street, I'liiladolphiu. !" Persons wi.'hing topee the above Machine in nperutien. eon do so by railing tit the resi dence of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borough. Justice of (lie peace . ' I.nt'hcr..l,iirg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attehil promptly lo a'l l.n-iness entrusted to hi. earer- lie also iufnnns the public that he keepi. constantly on- hand at his shop, a general as sorttnent of Saddle", HrblleS, ' ll.irness and whips, whjcli he will sell im- rcssonnble trems. April t. lst'l. NEW CO0D3 At' K R A TZERS They have just received a general assortment ot Srig and Summer DRY HOODS, i-.nisidtiug ol IKNN!rs, SHAWLS. P H I NTS. : PiicALs, n.f;i:iK, .' l ori.i.v, --'KIBIJONS,;. II ATS, CAPS, ! W I X K, SALT, . (II.sc, ' FAINT. l.K AP, PHirus 1 Hi HITS, ' SIKiKS. O'ATS, FA N TS VKSTS NAILS, FI.OWKI.S; CI.OIHS. TWKF.PS, MUSLIN, L IXKX't. C A Hl'KT, H LIXIH, I! Kim IMS, S YTIII-S, S I I K KS. NOTIONS 1 1 A l; PW A II K. -UV KKXS A Ii K, G LASS. FISH. HACiJX A FLUUH, All of which will be sold on the moat reasonable lorins for CASH, or approved Country Produce. , . ,C. .Kh'ATZFK & SUN. Clearfield June II, tw'.l. ''Fl.airjr. Ifuisiu2 ' 1-1OR SALE, at MOOhK KTZWEILERf'. Extra Flour, warranted either in sacks Si (arrets. Also IIACOX, snd for t'.t.S'H o.ty. n . - Clearfield, June II, 'l.-,4t. Important Notice. The undersigned, late publisher of the "Clear field Republican" takes Ihia method ot Calling upon those who are tmlehleJ lo him, nr to l.arl raer f' Ward for sul.scription, advertising or Jol work incurred during Ihe three years commen elng July 1807 and ending July I960, to rail I in mediately at my office in the borough of Clear field, and make settlement of the same, as these accounts H.r ht trft. J. II. LAkKlMER Clearfield, December I'.', IKtiO. If. Mi x l.l! K A KTZWiLSK, liitlritale and Ketall Mrrclianta. Also extensive dealers in timber, sawed kind ber and shingles.: Al.-o, dealers ' in flour sn gmin, whbvb will bo. raid cheap for ca.-h. . Oct. 1I,I4j9, . , , v Y -1 .1 - p- : '- - -1 7 Dissolution of Pa tnership. ' raillK partnership heretofore existing between JL the subscribers, Bnder the name of U'hiiiiit d- IIaoi iitv, was dissolved this day by mutual eonsrnt, nnd nil person having unsettled ac counts with Ihe nine, will come foraard and have them closed and settleu up inunet ielely. The Store will be rontinuvil bv Mr. Hngrrtv. A. K. WKIUHT. r:il'.l7 JOSKPH HAQKKTY. Lumber Cily, May 17, '61.-31. ; 1 . n ' If'ClL'(IKS for Medicinal purposes Brandy P..rt and Sherry Wine, Nectar Whiskey and llol and Oio-at . , , , JIA.TSWICK,S. w . AR;H AWIIIITMIAT of colored Points. I A lirv and tlrttiind in Oil. In I pound cans. Dry and (.round in Oil, In I pound can just received and for sale at II ART.IWK'KS, PL'ltl! WIIITF.I.HAI,warrantoil,groitndi Sr.c. :l. Any obstruction in the highway, or In oil, in 25 and 12) lb. cans, just received any nttisanr of offensive matter found On the and for sale at- .,. . , HAR'fSWI(,KS. streets or walka in front of, 01 in a lot or lota, the " . - . , . ,' I person or persons leaving tbe same shall be noli- C KBATZE& & SON. ;li-d by Ihe High Constable, verbally or otherwise, ui i.t iiivni ..j 1 . , ' n , . to remove the same within twenty-four hours; UJ" V "f- ,.r?nd TvetaZ vlSZVte ,n "l!ng or refusing to remove the same 8J""8 ,u t2Z ' cu r...7".i '. i0 ,im "P"1"1 th M'Bh Coasuhle shall rt- above ' Clearfield Pa, 1 mnrt he f f per(0 of Z .'. . i - persons leaving Ihe same th experse of which WHITE ZIXC; ground in Dmr Vaanish,, ,h11 ' collected according to the general bor in I lb. oans, at , -. 1 1 ,, HATSWlOkS. "Ba ' This section to apply to alloys as well ir PRIMIi I.OTef Fresh Drags jut receiv- ed and opened at . HATSKKS.. .. 1 II . II Ml 1 S hlfles, BTacaerei aaa tierring fnf sale' J I low ..Vn.Stot.s, vt.K.lRH'IN. tleailied, July I lth ISV ih , .,?J -it iT l" .''-iH ays'- w eetue wv rew itjvafcj u m g w IDoctor; Tt,t"iJt.f'K''Y ,'n-T'-,i'n" Sargeoa io the Frompton I.ung Hosital, of London! Kngland, bow M.. Of I I rTSIH'IKill. !'.. beea leave In ntiniinc. In .11 tnr.lia. th.t i'n it n Ik . ..., ...II. nations of hia Irlmd., he has eoncluded to pay prufearonal Tlsits to Ihe following named places ; .end by arriving at the diy set forth, can bo conjnlied bv the afflicted, both Male and Female, on Diaeaeee f the Henri,' Liver and Lungs) Cancer. Kits,- frrofahi.-nnd all Diseases of the Blood. i . "! appertaining to the EYK and ,h '''. '"' Dlschnrgea from the Ear, caa be ana many oiner uisesses mat nave baffled the skill of the so called disthSRaisbed pliTsteians. ; ,tI " ' "' I",'- r" ' ArrOI'TMEN'M, i ; .', .it i u! ,U')" ' f.,:???' r,"rk' H,,, Uom th iith'uf Mayto'the 1st of Junsi :. !,:v, :., .M..I-I ..0,,.V.L-v;,"!hi'm"' "u,, J',,n,'', Again.Sept. 1st and ?d. !, .,. ,,. . r Uu J i - -n l-U .I V lh Aln"ie" "". fram .Id to th June. Again. Sept. 3d, 4lh auu ith ,' 1 'u.Ji'"uf,;ltl,i st lleed Hotel, June lUth and llth. Again, Sopt. 10th and 1 lth.' '"'" i.li VL-i.Jvi' ,ul,nun' J,lne '-'thtoloth. Again, Sept 12th and 13th. ' J'-,'I TV invL- nilv .M0"'""' ,,ut''1. f'O'" J lfh o l'Jth. Again, Pept. 4th and I.Hli; J !.,t: At his IXFIIIMAUV, from June 22d to July ,1 ivnn,'..., . '" itowi, jun 17th i i . J Listen to the Voice of Truth uu ivivb vi iiuui The Hme has come when all who will' can tmru lelay, to tee. the well known and iuitlv i l.h mt..l aUmlnister thus only true and safe medicines, extracted from the moat choice boots and Hrmns, hicb are prepared under hi own supervision, and therefore avoid ng the use of all MiMKnat Pois. "' hich were ner designed for the system, to take which want thoheands hnv fallen victims '.Sn. ti early graves. , r '' '' , , ,'lV, '' ij 1,1 t)l.ML'rni.rii''ti '' "'.'J '' ' " ' ' ' . JUUt,S 1U Hh "fsM KM IW'.Uhlf. , ., ... ,!v'wrui nr. 1,111 want no patients but guisliing the services of a regular thorough bred Krmrmhrr, Tit. Unit s remedies and treatment it prepared from a life speut in the great hospitals of Kun.po nnd the first in the country .cm. later, tlwt Or. Dor( has a more extended practice than any other phviiclan in Western Penn sylvania. . . , - llrmrmhrr, that citizens uf education. find our nomihtr men. r. .11 irnn.int..l aith l.l. grent plos.-ure In recommeuiling Dr. Ib.rt to the afflicted. . . . Hrmtmhtr, that Dr. Dort makes no fulse representations to gull the unfortunate, but all lo says will be faithfully carried out. . .. . Hrmmbcr, that Dr. Itort poys every attention to diaeates of a chronic nature, i- : . j -i ' u I .V-vrCertiticatea of Cures may be seen at his respective rooms. . ,1 '...'..' i . Dr. Port is furnished will, over six thousand letters or recommendation from some of the most liotinguithcit men livini!. Also, has awarded to him ilii.hmo.. fr..n. .,f th. ,n,.it ..l.krt.il Hospitals ami Infirmaries in Furore, for his niii'arallrlled tibstfrvaliona In Itinfftin.ia. .ml nhaertfa. lion in 1 Iseove. ing remedies for the cure of diseases lliut have herctofoie baffled the skill of (nany 1 thjs tnedteal prU'essinn. . ' ,' -. ''An early call from those wishing to eonsuit the Doctor, is esrnestly requested, so as to receive full benefit of treatment, Snd Ihue do justice to himself. Time tin Ited. 1 . i. ".in lease bear In mind when Dr, Hort will be will confer 11 creitt lavor bv callina on the fir.t e.l. it is umrly impossible to attend lo the anxious ..f 1 1 t he above place on the first cftech on the dv appointed. Please extend the invitation to all invalid acquaintances, W-ikc up! AValic up! I.A( KSMt HUM;. X 1 1 1 : eul,.criber res pectfully informs his friends und the public generally, that he Is new well e ahtished in his XKW SHOP on rine street, e polite the Town Hull, in the borough of Clearfield, nnd upon hit own hook, nml where he is prepaid lo do all work in ins lino 111 the very best stvle, and on the shortest notice. His old custom er arc. res pectfully 11 shed not to forget him, and sny nfim ber of new Mies' sre rcspei't'fully . invited to give nun a trial. - . , r-IXiK T0OJ,S.IIis reputation as a Maker anil him Repairer of Edge tool, should of itself.ecuro j ' ,B!f,,t'r '. ' ''''S a liberal patronage. ". ' or thre.Stampa for postage acceptable. Address (i KOROE C PASMOItF April 21, tSfiLtf. IXECrTORS' NOTICE. Letters testamen J tafy having this day been crnnted to the nn- lersigtud on the estate of KlXATIl'S TIIOMP- 0N, Iitre'of l.awrenee township, Ch urfiold coun ty, deed , all persson knowing themselves Indebted to paid estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those huving claims against It will present tuein uuiy nut'ieujicated Tor settlement. ., . , , JOHN D. THOMPSON, i tT ; . ! J. W. THOMl'SON, ,? . Curwensville, May, LI. Y'.x'h. - C AUTION. ALT, persons arehereby caution ed against harboring or trusting my wil'e AMELIA K. on my account, as she has teft me without Just cause, nnd I rliull pay no debts or her contracting. C. C. MITCHELL. I'.iirnsiilc tp. May 22, ISfil. pd. ).YS the entire cost lor TCITI0N' In the most popular and sueecesrul C0M.M ERCIAL SCHOOL In the country.' I'pwurds of Twrt.vr. Ilusnnrn young men, from Twcnty rtntir differ nt States, have been educated tor business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employed as 11O0K-KEKPERS nt suluries 1 i $2000 00 iinmediatrly t'pon graduating, who knew nothing ..I accounts when they entered the College.' 4rMinisler's sons half price, Students enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge. Fur Catalogues, Specimens ol Penmanship, snd View of Ihe ( ULI.LUK, enclose five letter stamps to JF.XKIXH A SMITH, May 1 fit. ly. Pittsburgh, Pa. Great Wscovfrj, I HAVE made a di.-covery of the utmost im prrlanceto every married perron of either tex, and will send the full particulars concerning it to any one on receipt or a stamp to pay for re turn postagi. Addresa DR. J. II. MART ELL, . npl 21 ly. .. Alfred, Maine. Borough Ordinance.' Srr, I. lie ll OrilninnH lig ihe lliirijree and Turn I whiii'iV of the Jtm-onyh of . tern H'osAiNottiH, aitrf it ie hrrrbif ardtiintil Ay anthoritif 0 fAe fiae, That from nnd aft r tbe passage uf this ordi nance', any pi rs on or persona riding, driving or leading any horse, mare or gelding, or leading or driving any mule, ox. cow, orother cattle, rn the foot walks, on being thereof legally convict ed in the form prescribed for profane swearing, shall ray a fins not exceeding ten dollars Tor the use of the borough. 4 Sue. 2. Any person or persons exhibiting any play, show, mountebank, juggler, or any ether exhibition, shall pay a tax not exceeding ten Hoi lars ssa license to exhibit the same, and Ihe fur ther sum of twenty cents for said license the tax to be for the use of the borough. , And it ie here by made the duty of the Itnrgsss to grsnt such license, If he thinks necessary, on the pay ment of the required tax, and any person or per sons neglecting nr refusing to pay said tax, shall not exhibit under the penalty of twenty dollars, I lobe recovered in like manner as aline for Sab 1. at 11 breaking, and ensll be dispersed as an un 1 lawlul assemble?. a a iiirvidf n't"ieu wuueit, tnui . . t JOSEPH II, BRETU. Burgees. , Attest Jacob A. PaiTH, Sec'y. . , . . Salt. fERY" CHEAP at tbe store of T jan23 WM. r. IRWIN. $35 00 1 ' ' n ' l f M ini! lit h:) i MtoWJFi Jl! II. ill no )U'l '! et;wj 1 -1) ai if EAR. PARTIAL DEAy.XFS. JlinirlDg Nolaa in speedily cured hv Dr, BtV pH-ientiflc Treatment; jinana .w. Again, bept, I7lh abd 16th. , ... ...... i ' and Reason ani Profit bv it.' r, ! !-i ,!'it ' auu Mcuiiu all 1 rrnuk UV 11. th. Ir... .,..n ,.r M...,.. 1.., ..ti:' L:,i...... HL.l....i!n im. . 11. fi.,.,. 1... tliesa fully capable or appreciating and distin. physician, from a paltry, unlearned and trifling eiiiirelv n.itnnn t .11 nth. in th!. ...!. . in your place. Persons desirous of consulting him dnv of I,;, .rrli,.! I.i. ..u... ... .n ri.n rnmA. solicitations of all. Dr. Dort wlllufrive at each acquaintances, and oblige yours, Ac. May 29, '6L--2'.. nf.w arnn.irs roa S P K If M A T O R K II '(E E A '.'1 -. TTowAitti A aoriATtoN, Phii.ai.ei.I'Hia, A" Jim. emrut liittilKlwH r'Uil'llihed tu tprriol f'n- (..trmrnf, or tli itlirfof th Si k and Uirtntd, ujlielrd Kith Viutrnt and Crtmit JJiirant; and mprviullji fur Ihe I lure nf lUniiurt if thp toxual Orifann. " J MEtneu, Anvtcr given gratia, by the Acting Surgeon. , :. . '. VAi.t'SBi.r. nrroiiTs on Spewratorrhoa, and other disease of the Sexual Oignns, and on the Nf.w iiKMKi.ira employed in the Disnenaarr. sent I rK"''' hoi ciitos, Howard Assoeialion, "' XN,nl" si., J'nlluUelphis. , Z'Jmy ly. Executors' Notioe. .. y TETTERS TESTAMENT AMY'. hav.in5. been J granted to the undersigned on the estate ot I.I. VI COFFIN, late of Karthaus township, Clear field county, dec.'d, all persous'. knowing them selves indebted to said estate are" requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them duly anthen- iicaieu lor aauionieni. FKKDF.RFCK COFFIN'. Karthaus, May 29, Y.I. fit. ' i 1 mi siTxroivHltciu, l -.f Administration having been this day grant, il to the undersigned on the' estate of CHARLOTTE WEAVER, late of Ilrady Iowa, ship, Clear, eld county, deceased, all persons in debted to said estate arc requested to make im mediate payment, und those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement, UE0. KNARIl.jr, , ; , May 15. fit. ' Adm'r. . IEKTAL CARD. ; ! A M. SMITH offers his professional services I .. to the I.alleasnd (ieiitlcmcn of Clear held pud viciiJiy. All operations performed with neatness nr.d daspetch. Being familiar with all the Into Imprcvicents, he is prepared to make Artificial Teeth in the beat manner. Office In Shaw's new row. Sept. 1 lth, 1858. lyi. ias. n. l.AnniMn. r AKItlMi:R cV TKST, Attorneys at Law I J Clearfield, Pa., will attend nromntlv in rv.1 1. TBST Uiohs, Land Agenoies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield Centre and Elk conhtios. July so. y G I. E X-SCIIO II I L LS. Bermnntown, Pa. JfcCALLUM & Co., MANtTACTCRKItS, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in C A It P E T I SOH, DRUGGETS, Oil CLOTHS, MA TTIS'OS, rf., . Warehouse. No. .109 Chestnut Street, (Opposite State House,) spr.VM ly ' rnil-lPrtrwiA. To Lambermen: " s VW-MII.I. FOR SALE. I have erected a new first class SAW. MILL for Kishtv fo Timber, nt Dl'NCANNON, below Oreen'a Dam, on th Susquehanna and desire to have a Part ner who will furnish Squared Rafted Lumber at Oreen'a Dam, to stock tbe Log Pond to its full capacity. - This Mill will have the commnnd of the mar ket in Petersburg and Duneannon and of two thirds of Perry county; and a large amount of husinesi may be done at good prices. It la on Ih Pennsylvania HaKroad, and in communica tion with Philadelphia and Baltimore. In the present deprced state of Ihe Tidewa ter market, I invite attention to a home mark et that will remunerate. Addre. s early by mail, or call on . GRIFFITH JONES, ,ap2l6 , , Dunoannon, Perry co., Pa. QMAIUS fTCIIA IRS ! ! ! . NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY I ! I ! The undersigned has now on hand, at his Fur niture Room on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Liti's Foundry, a Urge t.uk of CII.MItS OF ALL K I. SIP'S, ; , ' manufactured out of the btst tuaterialr, finished 0 a very snperior manner, and which he will sell. LO W rOK CASH, His long experience in tb buiiness makes him feel confident that hisohairr are made In a substantial and workmanlike man ner, and will stand the test of trial. Person wishing to purchase chairs should eail at once and get them while they can be bad at the lowest rate. ' " "' j:ilM TROTJTMAN.' ' Mar.i7-llM-tf.- - 1 .... DR. J. w. potter: Phyalclan and Murgeon, ' has permanently' located at Leeontes Mills, (iirard township, nf. fers hia professional services to the surrounding community. May a. sic I. ..I place T '" j ).. Joaeintii isw