Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 26, 1861, Image 4

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    fA n i i ( ii 1 1 in a I.
'inrr AKMm 8 banr.
I if tlltUI llHV I liltt'tl ft lil' JflilHll'l,
I ron li Mill tit tlir IVi t ml i t iiM :
I ut llii liMik ct I In' Imtiii I l "iinli'l
J l.iokrii, it ill utt i t lit.
ii'i.ni1 ntl'li(i"ll I III I I' i I litlt.
(i In I'l i i M i'"l III t - w I in I
I'li'im Wi ir ' I IA Jinn fiti'l
l)n V nH' tt"W (hn Ih'hI, l IIihk 'fit j;1'
.li-niiif, niir liii It I'l'tir nl'iHiilnnll
..... I'. I r. If. illt 1 1. v llil Hi MMl I 'II ' "
. l IMI I IIMn-l M'MII.
niM, I ml"". till l" i "I
l Ml. I lit HM tltf hmMli.,
Il lil'l n Hi"" I'M" )'f.
tl M f lk Imtl iB ul th )r,
It rs
I Ml
Term ! if lllif .
AdveHi!"' l'l lit tlit R'fiiMi""!
Hi )mit i it t ! li,iir in liiiiik
fliiwr i'i iilrtii in in it ly
i !' l
Inula II
f,n I li o j'tiinl- Moiir nu ll i-l llu ii -in n k -
Jltlt Oil 1'ltill flllll tllP K II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J till),
il'n'ili nil' fiithll, I'til tlipj1 vii'1'1
A luiliilfKil n ri'lil., or pri M'i'il,
O lllUt r-ni i-rO'V I ill I ho drill
Like n lliuiiulit llmi pr inir a lcci.
(fi:o. v. nr.Mi.w.
In ttiis month tlio ('.inner will liavi'
i lowN, iiiltiviilciin, lini'M'M iiihI IuiikI
Tin Si iMAt Kinin t i Hum.
A t ill ,T.iitlirlll lUllr In tit A
Ml Mil' N .n M H I 1.11 HI T IM lllf JnlliMV- ,i Urn MUiwIng mm
;in.f t PiM i. -I rfitiilly iiiumli'.l tl..- ,
I. . " ., i .. !) inuaie. Mi lines.)
I n in i-i I I tl 11 I' n I if I in I ri'ii iiriiiiirBiuti. " ......
Unix 't in iiiiniMi'i' during lit ri'iiinrk"
ItM'l.l u)'iiii tlio liuttliftt ili' iilm in tlio
iiMill ul' hiii, liii li I iigrrril willij
lnt I llmiilil, wliili' limiting iini (lie
Iil'rliM little li rin, llmt llif killeil
jMn', wu fin niiin-t ii:il iirul im
w rll us hjiii'il mil lnv. She t cluit
I'nr the rnvo in I lie puineiit nlie
iVad wdiii wliile livinir, iiihI the lnne
neek iiiiii arms rxitnseii win e the
..casion to l.riiiK into ivqiiiMitimi tll,.,lil( wart jM l01iU1i. Id uralily Hum hii-
i I v ill' tln imri'iilM. Iiail invileil I lie
Iioi-h to loosen the soil al.out plantH M.js wt(.h provi'd liital. That
and to keep tl.jwn A nioiijt whIi- mii whiVh killed the hahv, ai.d
rho firht things let liiiliuvM in tlio corn i(, ,kih t'otii t'ul work with
li a I . I 1 . . ii i.t, I ll I - i It II k
nuiu uu 11-i.u.uu. ' "'"iliuiiilreilrt ot otluTH, whose iiai-ents
t' r fanli ion to health, and llio exihition
ot'their rliildien'iihi auty,to tlio hiilcty
of their Itveii."
Tlii lanuae in mine to trong.
It is positively wieked itt suVj'et ten
tier children to Hindi treatment,
whil h would he fatal to adults of vig
orous constitution. In our ehaiicahle
(liiiiat.',esuj.ily,to jri'iit jireeau i n
can scarcely he talun to jtianl the
throat and luns from diseaj-e. They
need not ho kept inuttled with warm
clothing, hat should nlwnys have suffi
cient protection to guard against the
changes, tor wl.i li this
o tlio order of tho dav, in the latter
,fxrt of this month let everything ho
k ii
Mangel vurtel and sugM heits
liould bo sown during tlio first of this
month for stock.
JjuIo cahliage should he transplant
ed nhout the last of this month.
I.iino and ashes sprinkled over the
plants will keep the instc(s away.
Seed patcliOH in vur grain fields
should ho selected, and gone over,'
removing cockle and all other foul1
.Manures tor Autumn should lie m ,,(, i..,,
t , . . i it
preparation i,ei your mine vara 1,0 , t.ullll(iy j IK)U(. Keei) the childreirs
cworcHl with muck orloam-tlie trol; j,.,eBl!iMI(J armK covered, if you would
droppings should he gathered and j , Vl, llltMll u.aJlli-. Kn. Aou.l
iiiiai:.i iiiiii iwiii.,Frii mail i i.ii, iium n.i i
a. nMr
ing in part, that which would fvap-jAto t. lkokaiih.
mtt a1i'H cm towed to the sun. A ! . A. wai.i.ack.
and the production ot gruos, slugs, te. .
A -coating of chaicoal dust or plaster
of l'aris will he advantageous in re-:
mining the ammonia in vour jnanuro!
C I. K A I! F I I. I).
: u.kal-fihj) vnrxrr, J'.l
I juii.i.a ill. rxi NANur, xotkh AinintArr i.imi
I Ml
n Mm
ft nn
lo o
U do
:o oo
Ii rii
I en
f AO
I? in"
17 on
in on
II n!
I 00
35 00
. .i ,,, ,i
iNiei should oo Witslieu as soon as
ff OnsiUi", and )rop:iratioii lor sliearing
made. The wool market is oiM'iiing
Kn'isk, especially in thelowerand mid-)
iio graoes, wniio mo uner gigolos are
BcM1ack for a nioro favorable mar
Stct, w hielt will cortitinly take pl.u-c a
icon an tho country recovers itspeaco
tA tnjimeitiil prosjicrily.
Seek to improve your slot k hy sat
ing the best caht, lambs, pigs, &c.
;ooil stock will cost youno jjjoio than
it luwrrx itr.c i:n i.i),
f VWw imu't UhI di woa promptly remitted
r.irhane on Hie Citicn roiiktMnll)
on liand.
jffOnice on Si'i'coil St., nearly np.orito
coi'hT iku'sj-:.
r... ......... dkiiiipi. ) 1 on
Thru- ..jimrrl, (M !
3 inxnihi
On. It .i.r, : : t J M
Twn ti n r-p , ; : : i : 4 00
riirff nrii, I ! I : n
Four itiiir, : I I I A 00
lllf roliimn, I I I I 00
Hill mJmii. l ! ! U SO
0er ttirt mu'Vii uml lw thnn tliri tniln 13
int per iUr ff "li ttni'Miiin.
tiriiii riLc.K not i;tdinit R'.tutf r i"
rteil fur 'l n ycrr.
AilrcrtU'iamlK lift mkt f I wltkte ntunlirr f
BitrtiuniKloiirod, fill I f-ntlnuti tinlil fnrbid
nil oliurgeJ ncoor.lii.g to thrne tcrinii.
JOB prTntinc.
Aii exleiisivo utoek of ninlei in
niihles th l'tiMishf r of the "Jiepuliliean'
lo an limn ct I.) the j u : that ho W prepa
red ti Jo 1I '.'uuU of
r(ISMI.H!, PltfMIIlttlMES,
Ui.anx?, TaMJI Eooi, Cim i i.i ks,, hn.lL Tici?, Hamhiii.i.s
nr1 cvciy i:n I cf piiniinj uually dune
in ft eoun'iyi cb nu-e.
Ailoidern wiil ho excoutel ttith licit
nes mid ilt'i-aU li.
Time U JliJiUn t'linrl.
Secunil .Miinilii)' iif .hi nun rv.
Third Miimlny of Miirrli,
Thir.l .M.inilny nf Jmu.
Kimrtli Monday' or iSi-pli'inlii'r,
In n.l!i ynir, aud cunlinui" two Wffk . il lie
I'uiiiity Ofllrem.
I'ren't JinU'clhin. Sniniifl hinn. HrHrloiitr.
A i liiil-ci'.lloii Win I. MiMire, Clfr0eld.
Hull llrnj, Llillirrrliur
Sln.r.n", TiH-ir'li. MilUr
l'rutlinoliiry,.lolin I.. Cuitli', "
IU'k. A Her. Jninn Wiij-lcy, "
Iliiitrii t Att'y Holierl J. Wiillncr,
Trenurer, 1. H. Oonillnii.Icr, "
Ui. Purveyor. U, li. Wrij;lit, CK n llojir
('uiiiiii's'u''r,'iii. MTriM-kcn, l.tntiln-r City
Win. Mirrcll, Clenrfirld
S. C, Tlioiiipiom, Morrinlnle
15. C. Ilowiniin, rliilipnliurg
Inane W. rjii:ia,(.')'f lnKl
I. I: Kll,
k'icurgu', "
List of Tohl Ollire.
I (im Ji-l t' fit li' dli'l i. inh t'' i
ll Irlri lli.t " llm.HI n(
I'AI.I, AM) N tiOOllS
til nlmol cm rv ilcctiitiin, !
A Iriiiilful Ht'orlmrlil 1 1 I'llnl" Kml I rr, of llir tirarit nn I hint Ml'' Al
'rritl tntii l) of li'i tul Moll Hi'.
A Itiryo nporlincnl, hm(Iviii:kIc
(; , o T ll I f.
lloiinrld, Hhnwl, (
nnd ( "".
Iluol iiul Sliofi, lure iimnlil),
Jinnlwiirr, y. iTii.wiirr,
l'ruk' uml M;ilii'inf,
Oil unit 4'aiiiU,
V i iVrtlif,
Vi4i, Vi)ii mid Flour,
; roc Kit I i:s,
of llio bfit iimlily, all of nliirh will be mild nl
I lie lowent or rendy my priron.
My old frivmli tnd the u'ilie fnrrully, axe
roiipei'tfullv invited lo oiill.
Clvnrfii-ld, Oi-l. ;il, I Slid. W.M, F. Ill WIN'. (
r-N. H. All kin'lH of HKA IS and approve
Cut XTtir I'UODH K lukui iuexihange of
Col. A. J'.OWKNS, I'KoiiiirTfiK,
Itefpi'ctfully ii n noil no I- to lie 1 rn veil i nif pulilio
tl ( lie linn now In k n rluirgu of llii laro and
well known liouie, and will voinliirt it in nui li a
lunnner ni will rvndor oxcelli'iil roinl'ort nnd for,
"nliiifnclioii to all who umy luvor liim with
call. uuvT-ly
i vii. n i' w i s t y il on I M
W til. h la (!-
VntY t.nW I'll;
Hfi aim .onlia'i'i I" 't''l I" I.VMKKH. nl at
klhiW, III any wn) I" mil hi itnlnitiMi.
The hllml in.irVi l tii i will U aid f-.r al
V(i. ..r HII AIN.
tuv CAM. A N I' S I. I.: 'W
Nn V'iil.ln(;ioii, Nov. I, !''.. no7 fun
I f I ij, r,3
i(, r.- i
""t i am.
f I
rpui: ci.
X be npiM
iii: c i. hah i ir.i.n ACAiH-n, w.i
nod for tlm reoi pllon nl pupil",
luilni and fniiiiilef) on Moinl.iy, Auc. L'Ulli, l.tOO
7'rrmt ifr avriwu f elevi'ii Werka
lriiivrailiy. Heading, Writing, I'limiry
Aritlimetin and fVogrnpliy, tl.bO
Higher Ariilimi'lii', li.ugliti Urainmnr, linia.
aubv and IJietorv. iS.UO
A'lifehra, lieuiiiotry, Niilurnl
and Hook Koui'iuir
l.iiliu nnd tiri-ck liuiKiia-ser. $ 00
To iludcnta dcniruiis nf ui'iiiiriiif; a tlioron l
! ! fc ' I l C ,M
A-f" C - t ,U -.M 'l
!5Z . Mr T""' M.'t:
('liitin. i.. i
. A ("II l-tll.l DTIIKll II- III tb' S.I
H i lialoial (mi. ti-.m Tl,,.,. ,, ) i
"" "I"" I ii I in ml Hid iirmn,,.,
ilinlna nnKun.ili.iii. iL.ri... '
ilif lir
M lull, lo llni i-on.liii'.ti, fH..rt. ,v n'
.kii ,yrr' l'lll, ami h-a I, ,w ll,
n.iliirKl h lUii ..f Hi", ami win, .. ..'
.f I., illli aa.ilti. h il H i,,,..,'
l.l. ..... .... I ....... -.I 11
nil, ll Mini nil', roinin'ii, rtollI'Militl, k . J
ui!iitie tn.t arM limn. CauM l.i.w,
il Mm .. i..lo l ami iiint;iaii lUtin,,!'1
tiir if.kt i o vfT.Tt axrali thtni. Ciut. i.. Ji
H. .IH 'iJ uVraiiKuiin-nlauf tli nira " I
I. "Ir, thy Mil -aihllr, ami unuj uf )WJ "!l
I v Hi .hiio who kn.iw ii....
'hilonophy IMI., villi nnilrct la omi.I..j Uivm wH. ,
t I ml i II... .11.1 lia lli.i i nr...
C " - " J
Miili nr nn Irum lr.ii .l.)n.lin, u
.rlml.iU iliki, and rr -ia vUier wrll kuu,
i.; l.,v.:rM,j l,t fSI. U fc
At-K.' V'oir I'llli in Ilia iuiu.,., j .
I RI'Ull ill III! IL ilir. Dlrjrlilltii run. i . "
I'roper attention to
time will be of great
lMneat to erery one
in point of health,
lumfort, and eonv.'iiirnce.
1)H. IIII.I.Sc!. C.Tayj be found at hit nf.
fice, on tho corm-r of Front and Main lrcef,
wke no a)tiee t the contrary appears in tliii
Al operntioiii l te f ln iiruffn-um
in tne latent ami moit improved
tytr, and cuarsnievd
aiuiai liiuuivp.
for one year agiiiii.t nil
j: w drug stohk
The siilwribrr nave nprued a full itnd t-oin
ph-te aMirtiiient of DKl'tSS in the new brick J
building uf Hr. Wood", on the corner of I.enMt
an t Cherry ntrect, in the boreugh of Clf arflcld, J
re they will ! happy to accounnodale any;
T.avkronk, a dislitignisliod French
Al itor, in wminenting on thi irlnglisl.
Jnsto for a country lite, remarks:
Tho national literature, as express-1 perf,rme,i
ivo oi manners ami customs, contains
throughout marks ot this distinctive
rait in tho Faiglish character.
laud in tho country ot'doscrmtivo o
otry; almost all tJoirpots have liv
i;d in tho country and sung of it.
'Even when ilu) KugJisli iioetrv tok
ours for a model, I'oim colelratcd I,
llniior forest, ami Wrote pastorals , I per-.n who mnr dcire nrtklei in tlirir line.
'!t his stylo was not rural, his StlhjectS jbn-ine.-a will be confined ftrictly to a
were, lictorcljiui, .ponser amlMiak-i irg ami r.-wrnnvm nxnn:,
V nd nopnina wili be spared to render mti"fuc tiuii.
Dr. M. AVuona, the junior partner, may always
i .. .... i i ..!.... .1.. .. r.. . ,
still resounds, allor tho lapse of coiitti-1 Wlt,,, uot ,t,K.I(t prof.-io.;.! l,,,,. a
rios, ill Juliet's illlpassiuliod faiVWoll nuparate room foreouultatian ill attaehfd to the
aiddrcss to Iloiiieo. Milton- the see-!"'" "I,"c l,i,,icn'' ,5r ,,e 'ed privately.
. .: M-i. . i I,. .. . Krvrv article usually loo. ml in mk-Ii an etub-
tanan Mlltoll eniployod his hticst li,bulrut,il, beKcpton hund.and eoldat greatly
verso in the description of the first redacoH price.
garden, and in tho midst of reiolans ! Tk"'"; nyo h-ti.y Cami, will enablo them
nil hiisiims- l.w '51-...V ,.rvi..rl 1.;.., i., I' oner iBiiueemcuia in me way oi pnoei
vard the ideal riel'ds of Paradise
i?ntit ws ju incipally after tho rcv
Kilutioii of lOss,
when England, tujv
reo, began to be herself, that all her
writers became impressed with tho
low of country life. It wasthen tlmi
Vmx Mul 'liwHiisnn i l-THB LONDON QUARTERLY,
S'umf n '. O.
lUleci Hope,
Clearlield Uriift-,
Jclfcron Lint,
New Wn.-liiiig!..t(
l'urwenville, cmwemvillr,
7 j ri 'ji'.
1 i!l,
Co iugtmi.
' ' v.... jvi ti..a,i.iii1
ripeaie wrote admirable r.istic juKdry;1 An
i he song of the lark and nightingale1.
Decater, I'hilipi burg,
I erruon, Mnrron,
f )i, Helen 1W ORic
liirurd, Iiocounte'a Mill
1-U 41. II.-,
(ioilicn, !Sliawville,
tirahain, lirabamlon,
CiiU-jU, renin Mill'.
Hurt n, Tyler,
" IVunliald,
Jordiin, Aimonville,
Karthnu.'. - alt I.irk.
Knox, New Millport.
Lawrence, l'reckenridji-,
Morri', Kylertown.
' Morrisdile,
1'eiin, Lumber City. I
tiriiinpiaii Hill-,
ike, Curwennville,
" Illuoiuiii;i illr.
t'uion, Kockton,
Woodward, Jcffriei",
Tliii I'lift Office will do lor Chert towihip
(Will ari'wer Icr l'crgu'ou tounihip.
A tlUH Uf' '. .1
tl. W. t'alwcl
T. A. M '
J. W. Ca-j! .1
Lewia r iuiiii
P. II. Miller
td. V.'iiii mi
11. II. Moore.
Jacob Kuuli
oho Hvberiiug
Inn- lllomn
.1. M, Cuiniuingi
Jaa McMurray
M. A. Frank,
t'. A. tifluliu.
J F W fcclmcri
Samuel Way
Centre counly
Kdiu. Willinius
Klk coan'y, l'a.
C. Mi Knot
irilllM cmi
A. It. Shaw
T. It. Furcce.
J. A. Hef arty
C. J. l'uey.
David Tyler
H. Wiwlward
Fliia Cllao
ii. Heckadorn
It. K. Mokct
.1. W. Thouips'u
.In. Thoinpftoii
J. MuClellund
II. W. Spencer,
A. C. Moore,
ainuel Way
Michael Wi.e.
W. K. Johnson
T. Henderson
TmiteiitttHH K.iritttitut uwoifl Ik
.l.i.!1 .' KXCITI.VJ FOOT HACK between
the l'hiladulpliia 1'olire and llio iutiriiiun For
Kcr oiid counterfeiter, Ju ie DiKbannn Cron ! ! !
Croii Iteciiptured ! !! ! It n'riim lo b the gener
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cron hnj worn a
pair of Frank Short' French-calf llont, that he
would not be till en yet. However, Shor(v ir
not inueh put out lit iiiii-Kinj; kir einti ni ; but
would unnoHiico to all lhrrkinriljt, hni'tan,
Linriilu nml Hi t! turn, and women mid children
ill Clearfield, and Sinneiiiuhoiiin in particular,
(hut te i prepared lo furuinh (lie in with Ilool.
Shoe nnd tiaiter of any tyle or pntteni, liti h
d, ewed or pejjued, (mid a he i a hort l 1
low ) on hhort notice.
All kindii nf country produce taken in ex
change, and n fured. licpairiu); dVine j
in Hie neatept manner and ct.urK" moderate, nt '
the Short .shoc Mi..p on f-i cenil Street, npporite
Heed, Weaver! Co jtore. FRANK SHollT.
N. II, Finding fur rale Sept. 2li, 1 SCO -
Fncliih Education, and who wili lo iiialify
themrnlvea lor teacher.", Ihi Inctitution oflcrs
di'irnlile iidvanliii:e.
No pupil received lor v than hall a emon, , , , ,.,rM ,,., .r t.;i,u ntl f till, J1
and no (Induction luado except lor protruded in.:ur;il'l" f u yi nr. Ilr m iilmr kM T1!
ii'klle. oihIv iiltll li'.l wltM lilotclim mi l iini,,, .
..... . .... 1 li. l.,-r Allci' tun- f-litl-l
Tuition to ; P'-'-l m. c.o,e -i .no ,er.,i. ,,,clla.a ,,,.;".,
. n. .-i.i.ii.ii.iii., iiii.Miiii. AS.1 M'16'hi
r ... n i ltimi I.. . . . . "''ll
ouy i, i.w.- ii. I Ai ft Family rhyife,
1114 VI la. Jia 1 a;. Voir rtin ara in prim- ur Muri-.i. n.
'oiiin-'a ruriuua any eamuriic ii
mllil. lint vry cerlulu mill efT.-cliiiil iwr
h, ,,.. li, li nuki'i Ihi ni llYu,nl,. I, . . '
i... .i ,i ..I .11.......
If . .1.1 11 K., n,r.,. ..r..rne,l.,Ni,1(j
lnm Ur. tAcni Ihjit, Hmm
Una lliu. Arra : Icuntv.l amwrr loo
I hat u cvn ( with yi.iir I'HU l..-t f r liwi i
'.r tir it Kit' n itni'ii'ilir. mf'tirim. I t
.I.... ... ,JT.,..m.I .tl...i... i i'Pi
rliAM.e. an. I In'llntlii a. I .l llnl yuar HllIS!
, twit . haro, I of cuumi! ,.,lu, a liolia liuU,
ne w a o o n s.
Jurt receiriiiK and opening at the Old tai
of Lewi Smith in llethlelieiu a well selected a
fiirtment o Spring und .Suiuiiht li o. ufal
iuot every description.
Muple and F'uner, a beautiful a.-yorlnu u t
I'rints .'Hid Drt'.ss (ioods
of the liitc. l tt lo., nl-n a laaicly of'jolul No
tion, ilal ' nud Cap',
linieiel. mi. I Mi, it
Doot.-i mid SljIMM,
llanhvniv, iKeii.w nv. liri.-'s and
Modiin'-!', Fish,
lie. J C Arm. Sir: I im',
i:riiorxn:i: ani caimjialik
lcntolnt A. I!. '.,.'. .1,., ,. ,
ct CI. 'trti. Kl Ijurwjh,
(',- .'(if
Ileipectlully ilifurm llio ritizeii" of Clearfield
nnl a-lj.iiniii. omilic, that he i nl nil time
prepared to iiianuf.icture, at the aliortert notice,
Hair, II ii.i k, and Straw Maltreiie of all
kind uml nue. one of which i a Folding Mat
tre, euitablo for CAUINS ON K.l IS, which
can be folded in no nil compai-,aud emptied tnd
refilled at plea-tire; and very cheap. He uImi
trim Ciiiriagt, mike repair? to all kind el
Carriage Trit nninj; and Cpholrtery. and makes
Corda for Ma.'ou'a Trying Liuc, of any thick
uvn or length.
i-lViuulry 1'ioduce, Corn lluik., or Cih
taken in Kchunge fur work,
..if All order lelt with any i f the Mcrchat.i
ClMarftal-l Urw.gli mill , '.,i,.lly l(-nj,t
to. dvcJfi
(; u oc i: u i i-:s,
Tolnicco , Sejjar and all articles umally ke
in country Stere, all cheap for.caeli.
(iivo ua call and see f r vourelve.
II. I.. HKNUF.U.SU.V, .1 CO.
MO' -I. :
To Persons out
of Kmin'oimctt.
Iii eveiy Counly of llio United .State,
riy) en:,' i0'.j in the alc nf -oine nf tl,u bot and
l mutt eloiintly ilhl-trated Work uilililied.
Our pulil fi ation ara of ilu? uiot intrre.-tir.f
character, ulaptel to the n inl nl the Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant; 'hey aro ublihed in
llio l.c.-t ttyle and bound in the mn sulislnn
ti:il manner, and arc worthy a place ill the Li
brary ol every lUu.tinild in the Land.
Aii-To wti . if enterprise nud indutriou hab
it. tlii ha.nicf j ulfera an opportunity for profit
al te employment eeld-im to bo met with.
ft-lrma desirin- to act a aifenti will re
ei ive prompUy by ma il full pirlii-ular, term.-,
fc.liy addressing LKAHV. tiKT .1 co., Pub,
No. I'L'l North itrret, Philadelphia.
Ocl2l,. 1SJ0--I;.
'p itK uii.lerMgne l rc.-pn tfull .
1. inform his eiiftiiiuei . and the
pui.iic jicmru'lt, :!.nt he Im, j,i
received from the lOact. iiml o .,
; fit at Inn ertaljlislimciit in 'i M I .l'.v It i) f
I Cjvarficbl, l'.i., a lir.e :i.foitiucnt of Claims, nud Jt.n LLl.t of di ffcre nt iUiiluie
! fioin a Muyle piece to a full fc'.t, which he wili
.sell at the uiort reasoinilile price for rush, or in
cxchniiL't- ol.l i,M iin.l .11. ..r
CLOCKS of every t.irictyuu hand, at the im.;!
reasonable prie.
ALL kinds ofCluiVs, Watihe andJiwiliv,
carefully rciiaired nud Hovo (.
iiVTI" Mil I lW iw . i. .1 . A c"nlil""""'e "f palronase is Mil: -ited,
ONh .MILLION DOLL Ks ' r. n w.v. ir. i.nak;li:.
','Cii A'AIIa'
I'm; r ii i: f n I'M it my i :
l,fNH) Ciiiiticcs to .Make .Money '
t.1 , . :l, I 1. . . ..
I rny.Mcian win no uppnci at a aman per
centae over coat and carriag, and their orders
' are solicited. Kvery article sold will be pur; and
i of t';e best quality.
r. J.
!rn ii i:
k i: v 1 1:
II it I T I H 11
11 LACK V Oil's MA i A 7. 1
X E.
M l l t.LOVOII. W M. M. M tl '1.1.01 Oil.
j M'CTLI.Ol (ill Ai,
Attorneys at Law.
jOmceon Market street, opposite Moiaop'i Store
Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collec
tion, Sale of Land, Ac. uov7-ll
' fConervative.)
hrst in his eelehral.od
jiniou:' others his
3-rd," tho other in his poem of the!- XOnT" "R"IS,ll T'L'V,ENV'
easoiw, utrikinje in deli-hftil ounds iThk WKSTMIXSTKU rkview.
'I i
losoriitioii ; it is sulHcient to instance y
tlio hay-making, harvest and hlieei:-
oeiisoiw, mriKinjr in oeiiiiitii riounds;
this la vorito chord of the Uritish ly re. I
Tho Seasons ahound with nmialdo ,
Bhoaiillo;, the latter boillir lllroadv 111 1 For any on of the. four Review,
rl . .. . .
i For any two of tho four Review s,
rer annua.
f .1 m
5 Ot!
7 no
K till
:t on
s on
7 tin
9 00
10 00
.iiihim'u I,..,.. .. i.... : - v .
"''"'1 o IIIIII tlLMl'ML uum e.. v .1 i.
J. I , . " : j fur aov iiirce oi ine lour neview,
iiiglaiid; and unions the jileasures ot'i For all four of the Review,
the country, his account of trout-fish-ir iil!ekwod' Alnitaiine,
ing, I'ho angler, at the present day, lorr nv,"02 ai,d, 'i1" -"'
, ' t- ,.a. ,-' , , 1 ' ror Illaekwoot and two Review,
may Illld 111 llim little doscnjltlVO lilC-IFor Ulackwood and three Review,
turo his favorite art 1'ullv tletailed. I For Blaokwood and the four Review.
Tho fooling is everywhere lively and i N- r-.Tb. io G.T",,',riuin f"r ,he five
nitniil-iiit..iTu .it i i 1 enoi','" ab.aied I $.11 per annum.
r-pontaiieous enthusiasm, real and lUpublifhed by
deep, fur the beauties of nature and! LEONARD SCOTT Jt Co.,
the sweets of labor. To t hew Thorn- m"r43-im itiivU Htreet, New Wk,
son joins that quiet, Ingli religious 17LOUH IHCOV TllIUfTH
feeling which almost ahvay.accompa- 1 Ll'UK' "AlA, lUliALtU,
mes a solitary anil lahomus life, in UQUOIi.S OF ALL KIXM,
tho prcHonoe of tho never ending won.
dera of the vegetable creation. It SALT, OILS', TAINTS, L GROCKKIKS
parcados the whole poem, especially I
in the concluding past, whero he lik-1 WFor fide very chenp for C.m, hy
ens the awakening of the human! O. B. MERKELL,
houi aiier ueatli to nature after win- In basement of Morrell t Bigler's Store,
PW. 1IAV.S JuMicc of the V uace, wi II atten
. promptly to collection and other matter
I clt in hifcharge. Addre.'i Kerey, Elk c., I'a
J Oct. ad 1S60. ly.
Jl'STIfUof tho peace
( I.iilbettturg, Clearfield Co. Pa.,
I will attend promptly hi all burincia entrusted
I to hi cire. March :, 186". ly. (nl.
VT the mouth nf Lick Run, five mile from
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturer nf Lut.ber,
July 2:i, 1851.
(Mciltiold, 1'it.
Plants. Tho crop of fruit next year
will depend much upon tho number
of tho new (shoots grown this season.
Persons ignorant of their nature havo
hoed up all young canes, as so many
troapas-Hcrs. Of course they get no
fruit the folio win it vinr na lk nl,nin
lainorall. Utnors. a?aill. xl ow inn ary. Perfumery. Uruahna. .nil v.-. .rtii.
' O r " i . . ' ' i iivioj,
The undersigned will have constantly on hand
which bs will diroe of chan for euh
He invite the public, to call aud eiaruine bi
lock of goods bofor purcbaeiuc; eliewhera.
Countrv Phviii.n. r....: .i. i
tremes, leaving just nufficient cood 1 M,inDes' "J tSurKic' i'trumeuta at the ufo
wrong bhoot to keen the rau-h in a."??,0"!. IT."? . J. 0. UARTSWICK.
I virwuciu, i t., iiee. j, 1800.
many canes to makoa weakly growth.
- vigor io produce a
lUil trUP OI iriUt. Avni Kx4k r..."
w wcu cjJL- uii j uynviiua
wrong bhoot to keen the Patch in a-
R0RERTJ. WALLACE, ATnmr.r at Law,
CtearlUld, Pa., Cilice lo Shaw' Row, op.
oiu theJcurcul office.
i-.1' 1S5S. tf.
DK. M. IVIMMW, tiavlir elanged hie lor
tion from Curwonsvill j o Clearfield, res
pectfully offer hi prnfearional forvices to the
citiiuia of the latter place and vicinity.
Itetidenee, on Second itreet, oppoit ti it of
J. Crana, Eq. tuy J ' tifl.
I li ) I c I a n and M u r g e o n,
ClearfleldJI,jt., May 30, I80O.
ATTORNKV AT LAW, will attend promptly
and fuitlifully to all lejal buine entrurted to
hi eaie, in the everat Court of Clearfield nd
adjoinicg eouotle.
Oflir tic one formerly occupied by (1. R.
Pet. th, 1859 ly.
hyalrtan ami Surpenu, offer hi profe.
aional lervicea to the eitiiena of Xew Wash
iDRton and furroundiog comuiunity. Office thrc
ioor wet of tlie Wanliinjrton House.
" g tonn ..cUJU . 18i'J.
Civil Enulnker &. Lxsn SiRVEvoR, otfers
hi profeisioniil aeryices to tho eitiien of Clear- 1
field county.
All buainee entruated to him will bo proinptW
and faithfully executed.
OBice with Leonard, Finney it- Co.
Blacksmith, Wigone, Buggle, Ac, Ac, ironed
cn abort nctic, ad tb very beat tyle, at hi
I J rtand in tb borough nf Curwousviile.
1' .?, nts.
A X l
to he uisri:D of o.v
.i.v KKTinr.i.v ,va:h
iQjr'AlI p-.r.soiirt desirous of oi'iiring an
Agency in this
Should send on their namen at once, en
closing a three-cent stamp to pay posU
age, and receive hy return of until
Which iitford a
Rare Ciance to Male Money.
Without risk, together with FULL PAR
TICULARS rclativo to thii NOVEL
Tlu uiidcrfined reiectfully beg lenve t.
anuounco that he recent'jr rented a noue in the
buiough of Lumber city, Clearfield cntinty, Pa.,
for the accoiiiiiiodntion of llu levelling pMlilic'
wakriuen aud all utheri who may (;ivor him
with a call.
Hi tulile will alwaj he supplied with a good
a the muiVel afford: nnd 110 1 ,in win t,a
I spared to render hi uctt comfortable- while
I under hi roof. To which the fact that no iu
j toxica tin;; liquor of nny kind will bo kept about
j (he premise, will he tru.t, contribute iu no
1 .niiull degree. While, what i alway important
iv mo iriiitucr, me nen attention wM be jriven
by careful hoftler to that faithful companion of
hi jouraey, hi patient uteed.
July 4, 1SG0. ly. JAMES CROSSLY.
AltlMAGT. a:llH'. Ileing a private
instructor for married !croti or ilmm.
atiout to b uiiimed, liuth mole and female, in
cvcryltiii g concerning the phy.iology and re la.
lions of our sexual system, and the production or
prevention of offspring, including all the new
discovctic nev;r before given in the Ergluh
language, by W.M. YJUXlf, M. D. TIlU i Kully
a valuable and iiilereting tvoik. It iswritle'n
in plain language for the general render, aud ia
illustrated with nuinerou engruving. All youn"
married people, or thoe contemplating marriage
and having tho least impediment to married life,
should read thi book. It dieluea sccreta that
lvi.rvm.1 tl. ...I. I t, ' . . . 1 . ...
'""""i pi'iuniincd ivim ; sun it i a
book that nnift be lucked up, ami not lie about
tho houe. It will bo aent to any one on receipt
of twenty. five cent, in sperio or poataea rtamn.
Addrei Ilr. WM. YOL'Xti, 0. tl Spruce t,
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa.
f if Affiicttd and Cn,,rtuntite N'o matter may be yourdieae, before you place your
self under the rare of any one of the notcriim
0,i!ck, native or foreign, who advertise in tbii
or any other papor, get a copy of either of Dr
loung'a book, and read it carefully. It will be
the mean of mving you i:anv t dollar, your
health, and possibly yuur life.
I)r. YOl'NtJ can be romulted oa any of the
dieae described ia bia nublieatinna. .1 l.;.1
office, No. l Spruce st, above Fourth.'
I'nT.arao, IVN.H
liv Wa i.i.,.d-
Ilir .' MHV I.mIv run litmlft,
:.f lour l'lll. It Sri'tlK til R j.a fli,BI 1.1 .'I
.,1.. .1. n.- .1 ... 1 - - M
l'..n Ith n.,a ieirt, KP. f ft!
llllloua llriler I.lvcr (om,,
' '.mil Or. ftiri'lnrr HI, 1 .V.i Jlrf f .(
j ,. t' llljr ar v.iiii- I'iH" n.Un.ln
; l. 11. nn nirl Irot. I' III I flli'l lli-ir l.iiHliil4
I ih' l,".rtrry nmknl tii.l... Ili-yu,,
I ..n III- f rHri'tOlll f-.r (111 1111.11 1,.
! ft Hit . Illllll Mil 1. llu ri'lll-'lT 1 i'.IO iu.-iiu, Jfc
I r.'j... tint wo limn ill blilli a J.iilK'illMiUi,
f tli) ttic f iifl'lt iKs; v( llie pi-H-41 mi.l Hp,
H i Kr ii.m ol 1111 him
-IiiiikI.iii, Ii. t' 111, ,, ,
M . I lir.v u-'l V'Hii I'ilU 111 nil ,ri,rLlit.
pu' li. 1. irr Mii.' 3011 nm'lj llii.Mi,nii.iii.4k1
11) tlo mo llu' Im railiarli.: wi i.f, I,
lauui( . tlH-trwir is i,in k iMiicm,
qiiioitl) Miry ara .111 a lmlnil lo pom.l; kr
.f I.Ml In. I' .'.I, I liAro Miml.iti
I.11..IM oiir iK I l .lillll... !.ll t ii 1 1, Itmlk,
'.Im. Imt-iiialiy )"' Al.''''! itui.i
i-'in i 11,1 l ll,. X,
P) c liter) , Dliiriliu a, rtrli,KJ
'..fcl ''. .'. I. til frit, i.i CJrinyi
Y 'lir I'lIU ll.ilo liA.t II l"ll lrl.ll inmfWvlii
lii-l 1 llii io ill 1 in 11-. . no "I Ilir U- ainmi,
uii. r Ixiiiiil. 'I In li' uUt'l'illili. i d's'l ti. Ik to.
till III 'M i'l' I'lll lit HOllfily, M..l HrlMIIMul!
'oi-.i't .t 1 ii.i-l ili urlitr.', 1Jiif up-
o-il:. wi i.v .'prlial lo aii-1 i Jimijiii J
it Wi liR-tl all-1 ClllMl'l It.
Dyayrpala, Impnrlly of ihc BlJ
r,i r. titutf, c.n'.'..i''ro,((ii
ir .rtr.: I Iiihiiw.1 your I'ilU iili an
lili cr-i Vl my faloil) MliJ .IM.. (l.Mr 1 AMw
111 iliMi". I'o r't;iiUtii tin; iii'uhi nf iipt.
I'uiilv lite Mo-nI. iIi.-v riii din fiTy t't rrv
.-v. 1 Know 11, au.J 1 imii culili.l. iillr lr.i.wlirwj'
tv lli.-ll.l.. l.lllll, i. t.f-
Whmii. WrmiiiiiK To., S.T.,IVt.f.
lo-!. mk: I am ii'-Iiik ).iiii rjlli-niii. I'ltUai
U. . .11' I llli-l th'-lil nil rk.'.'ll.-tlt pnr,lll...rl
i it-iu'mi'l ii'ii'lyl't '.,i', .'.tint 1.1' tin W.W.
' J'.'IIN li'. Mt.A'.lll.l
I'll 111 liil Inn, Coal lu arii. S ppni J
ltd, iiiiiwIUm, l.nnl, .raralgli,M
Wi lriij'U, Kill, rle.
. i'. j. r. ii.y,n. v ii' . f.H
T-MiWrll ."Mill ,1. U' l:ii I .f I olll I'll.! ffll
'.tl.' Iff. ll.ili-Ml.f Olll flill-TlljlT llll'l
1. ..fii. 1. i-in .in I It. nr. tlt"V j in mril
n.. It l l Hi'.' I' ll lit i !.. linilliliiilii alu'M v.ijii'l.iiM' vWji'.-li, .tlili-.iii.)i Lit! rn-.iifli a
!b'.. 1 i'..u. oil..i nf ..tli. 11 tlmt am w.w. I a-
linlitu l- ii lit. lii'Tjl HI V ill I'ilW
'H'.i'i und hi rn t t.c .ll.. ,e.
'."" V.-.. . :tu,i. '.' i.i "ft .V.'.v;i
I lilt I i.Il.' il In.. n, ... ,,., ,,( v.'iu Till, li
IT 'l-T IIIHI.. ..' i A. . II. HI IT IH. tlV I ll'r
It. n k1i. ii li.4lr ,ir utrii;illt .ii..r 4 uii
nf.-. H11I 1.1 Ai tl,. , :,, ,,)im
.uf lilti -I, il,- I,. .hvi' i-I1.1i llmlo
HO lti.?l l.l III) l':iHrti.. '
i't 0-1 fit If',: I r II tif! ,t.i,, ,, U.l.WiVI
I'l 1 tkt ll'.i.r. Siii,it,ii.,li.lii, Jm
llivotillt Pint I .Ii. .ol. I I.'. Ill,- iltfuj t"
yoitl eVill li linaiiet tf I dl l n-.l '?"
you. A tmi ' . tllM In ntv Iiml' aii'l tie
rHUrtf f.f...t- l.,... lioix, wltirli .i...l lit rr'
tut". Nut illttuoilliia I I'.iJ llu. It I ..(H'"
ili tflt'tv vui. mi'l wnfMi. tinlil I.v lite i'
PX x'llultT aitit in lllii..r ... I'l l, kcuw.1
I'lll". Ilii'ir rffi-ol wit alow, l ilt Hire. "
In the Ur.e ef tlu-iu, I am ii'.w utiiivl) itvll
Sr-iAtr. Ciimata, Hat. .11 Kuue, Ijlfr
D. Atr.a : I Imro lnn entirely riir.l. M"
Pht t lUltm- tfllitA llllillllll lll.MA- tlial IhW tf MNtKM.'U
aiT-M'l f Ihn I'ilU in marVpt e'M
: lilt It, nllli.-iiKh a valual.le r'ninlj In ':'l h
nueenw i pulillr pill, rrin llu -
tttanrr lllAt ft imiii. ,,11 v f..ll..w It. itum!9
imtaln no nitrcin j ur aiineral llltl"ul,1,
Price, 25 cent per Box, o-ifciMta
Prepar-4 by Br. J.C. AYIR &,'
JT-Sold bv C. 1). Watson. CleitW'
Irwiu, Curwe'naville ; V. ArnolJ, Lalhr
Monteomcrv A Co.. New Saiem; J.C
Morris'lalc. C. It. Koatcr. PbilipiUrjH'
ill .ml bv ileahri !1
WTTo insuro prompt and natinfaciorv
, dealings, direct all orders to
130 C'heMnut Street,
, I'r3-l0t Thiludelphi.
ThmAful for past favor ind lolie'1
iMir,.ni I would respectfully
that I have on liinJ aeain, anil wi''
1...,. .1 ll.. I,.l,r. In ll,!. hoPlttClll M
HAr of the Mettwfi't
ia lr at 1 irk nf Prur k MfV .
millf r,i,n friiiriia. .Inirl. Ja. PtOTeV'f
A-e. A-i anit bNii an astellfiV UrtI
liiffcmut aitra and IiatU rDI of"'
muni In fur c. rniia nn houses, '
Anw innulilint. not on hand iH ""i
aider on short notice. Also fire
and kept fur sale.
1 1:1 1 . . 1 An nriefl
J.V i imorai tcuuciivti v ,
whole,.!, dealer. F. LEIW
ClearBeld. may 2.1, 1870. ly.
faVtinat Thair Ma.kiSa'i
JOHN G ILICn, of the bor-ugb ol u-1
Ta., will be prepared at all time U'l
to any buinsa in the above I'W T
notice, and in a workmanlike matinir.
rt,n.i.... 1. .. .u. .1.1 .i...n,.n ihanoru
Market ttreet, 3d door east of Third
orpoiiU the old Jew tore : where ; ,
- ' . . ai I
TlMt tOUMrlVIi!--Tha advertiser,
X having reen reUred to health in a few
-euH oy a very aimpie remedy, after havinir suf.
fered for several inn ir.ll, 1 -
fion, and that dre.l di.V.rConVump I n f. an,.' I Tr V" 4
lou to make known to hi f.llcw-.uffe e . t I u?C yr"J T " f" ttoh hZA
mean of cur. uuorora iu are 0f eveTy description, whu-U ""J
I - a 11. - - I ii a BtOO "1
To all who denim ii i,. ;n , , , i oi on a reasouaoio term a iu 1
tey will find a .urn Cllr0 r", r' " ' .i,"",Tr".:.V"VA i7 D
001a, Dewing ana nuoini ni- - .
Boob Ca(. Vreueb and Field felt K.
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card W f J
ble. Ac. Caffin manufactured " '
any place desired. .
February 1, 185 tno- To1,
aZI t. c"ro for Consumption,
Atbnia, BrcnchitU, At. The only object of the
s .1 m l . . ,n8 rre'"Plloii i to bone
Dl the afflicted, and unread informaiinn .1,1. h-
conceirefl to ho invaluable, aud ho hope every
sufferer will try hi. remedy a it will colt (hern
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Person, wishint? Ih. nr.. :ti 1
faddrea. R4r, eovard A. WILS ON,
j ov7.ty, Hilliam;bnrSh, King Co., NY.
Flonr- .'
00D ARTICLE, for ai at