Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 26, 1861, Image 2

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    ' 1:, i
h u I III ' ! r 'If'
, , I, at, Mm I'M ' '"" I' 'II''-
'l lll'llid. (ill ilt I' ' tl' " I'"' " ll'"licb.
'.illl I tin ) UMC II III p"U I I ,i II I 111 1 1' III m' Hi
I .r I'lld "'. '" Till llj pill I 1 1 1 ll I Ml l ,
like tin Ir n idi '', l-lii lr, -i ii the
linn I fulling n ' ii tin' " ill, '.nil Ill" '
n'lin'.i'Ml the 1'icpiil' hliiil chub, ly Mi
ti I I I. I ' I
nrr- r,' thn etui nl his lMi), m11 I v
lini' '1 w Uh in t"'leh I mil I i t
H I'i n llir I'l iti-li i t; i :.' I New
i'i k , iti i k i . J , :.
Wednesday Motng Jntie 2G, 1661.
Aohlr Ajijital to Mob Lnw.
In hit-1, tliiMf N n n tnwii in tin' N'urlli, fvlirn
llm Urhrur li'f i'f the jiimi'U li.n lire n !"i Hindi
intltnl willi iu in our - wlicro nuili Iuiixiihko u
Ii it tci'ii uhi'iI liy lluit iiiu'i' ('lcnrli"lil 1 1 nl-li-nii
wmilil luivi- hern tnleniti'il linlflln' li-nirlli
il (imn il has Icon here." .mi J"11"
t i' neighbor is again permitting him
self It) be leil astray ly his pretended
friends, fur we are quite sure llit assumed
editor of tho lintrmtl Ins letter sense than
iliUi Miy fuoli ajiM'.il t tlirt spirit ol
nob law an tlie icVjm; ii-.uagr.ipli exhibit-.
JounedintrJy ftcr the ooninicnoeiiiont nl
ikowlilii'tu'ii between tlio North And tin
Milli, the scenes of violence that dis
graced so unity parts of cur country, by
inaugurating u reign of terror, and a re
sort tu brute force against all who hesila
led cr stopped to reflect before rushing
tieadlong into an unnatural civil .var, was
M-rously talked of, and oitonly llnvati'iitd
bore. Many ol our iR'0h had never
.learned the urt of hoMii!' their tongues,
nvlwn iNCtittsingtlie afliiiis of the Nation,
or llic artti oT tl"ir mlers; and they wtre
threatened with the halter in all imrts of
tlio eounty. With ll ese over zealous pa -I
riots, the Juniliirun was a "seditious
sheet" "our tow n nan full of traitor," and
' there weie. liaitori even in the ranks ol
t'jn Cafl.-l. " Notwithstanding these
limine I he l e elul i"ii.
Infoituatiou Wanted.
Weinav he eh;ir::e'l with hein
I i ii '.'i !!:
in in 1 H 1 1 1 1 ' i 1 ' 1 1 ' i M .
I II' t ll m Si. , 1. 1 t . ,v ,
i ! i it hiinii 1 1 I ! t)i iiiilij iml i"li id
i llli' ii nil I III! I :1 1)1 ll i ill n I tin I , " III I -(Ml-
till Ml Hi"ll 'l.l III . . i' i W hi-tfl I'
ll I, I i nli ii-: mi' M t 1 1 1 ll mi i m in . I iimM'
ll ii III nil lout III I hi i I il V, illl ll l''W to
nii ii.i mil. i' 'Nil , t iii i n ,., , r cut ii'ii'
llll-e, OH till. I IMI'i nl' till' (' il l.luii ll or
I I'l . I '
1 tlu hl I I I' ' " ""' II' I i "' 'l
I,, .ii Mi I '! ll.- 1 1 iV.i, n1
I III' i I Hill 1 'I Mil I 1 II II 1 1 I I I ' I 'II M' I
Hie (.tit ir ineli I ui-' I 1 I'u'lni. " In" I
fin I l il I lU'll ! ' .I'll. I'M l ill'lll Mil- lo
Irnl: "I ihni.U thee, Alii iiIhhii, I'll Inch
liw me llnll w "id 1' -''" " ''" '""('ii.
1 I," I I "I: 111 . ' M" l;i M
pri nil I' l "in.lili. ill iH1i i iHu S'
i M, ii I I . I In', v I i .
1 1 - 1 1 i i ' 1 1 1 ' n i .' i, i i '. ''ii
I . I -.- ' 1 Mi
i lii-'l i'i m ' i lint Vii!ik. ,.i 1
i . i t- n
Ii n i in- i i lo run Ki"i mi ...
lUUIVniR, .'nil" 21. He ' tilt l'liilll Vnn'tn nem r-l-llnilliM Mm,,.. ,n
1 V . .,.!. ... i. . . V (I
I'.finli'l M.ile f
I;!1-! si' - i 1 1 .
Ne'V Y.
Hive, I. lit klioiMli' llial snnn'lliin is -11- "'"' "i"te neaiii II mohess tliul i,y 11
! OV( lllll stl (O i SUl
fivir ('1 iiriN. iienr Ilani'-l'iirL'. ,'i I
I el the Wii-hiiiliui t'lulet", .lul." '.I, l-' l. 1
hi: mi U1.rri1i.1c n 1
I :,,!.. . ;
in ,M"V ln l Illljlllle.t.Mi I'i'iilil- 1 ""I""'
I-,., 1. h is I'i 1 ll 1 1 :ill-I'll III:' III mil lii'i."'i'l
""" '" l"'ll, " e.i Mine my I..-1, .mill In .1 .v ; 1 ill I Hint I'ei In I .1 ,n uni'li
4,'.N ' ' 11 llili.' I lllll H I II III;: iMIl' 1 ' 1 il lei i ill e III il
"Ni i here mi eal ill miM a nee.y ond lerinei.l t the 'i' I uf linn ill- In'iil
hulinl lllile lie.ii n - a I mil iir.ii'c In hailed liel e nt ill lie i-l all V ni'iliiell I . i ll'lel hai e
i- . 1 .
lllll . (I'll .1 , . I'M! ,1 . I
l,lesM,l will, n.nel. knmil- . " ' ' " ' '. ".. -.....'..a..
" I'll 11KVI1IKH Clllll lllll. (Hi d (I) tllMltl',
W' Win. I
and lint Ix'iu
eil'e, eyjci iiiuy in rcuercnee to t. unsinu - 1
lineal law, iv e merely "eel; for iiil'oinitt
linii, and in doinj so, il' it rosiill.t in an
nod to ourselves i; tan do our neihhois
no h.iiui.
I n seannin.j; over the 'on-1 ii 11 linn of
mui ......vs, lino niKini ii- 1 ..l.js have Imvii dune ir: : tin
serihed rillei : lld I'ciriilatiolM. ivhii'i were!
intended to he i.rcsem.l and niiheld hv ! Constitutional Right?
each I i: sneh of the ( hiveniinenl, which j
seens In liu Inrined or the Tiinity ininei-j
.. 1.. .i:..:.i: 1 1...1 . : .1 . i- insiivaii
- n Miimini: inu i. luiic nun if u .
iin il l Win loitwwing extract limn a kpeeel
jll-t tieeil i-MU'd to lnii ui:i fi ll es ill i c:nl
juris to iiiamll at, ii Oil tiolil'D Mini J : . I . t -h!v
we inav leave hei" lu'l'm' t --rn 11 inn-
liaiiiil, WMcli m 1 1 v in I tl,i mill niii::
,IHI:M .In' li'll'"Mlil i 11 ' ell ieeiiei limn
-'i. : I UN M". l;oi , UJiln M-tilla. evelii.i;',
llm 'J llh 11 ' I I
Within a few hour Ihel' h e; liorn a
I ni, 1 I II I. ll ;."' S '' ss'' II Im i l"l
x .in, He' ii' ' 11 ; ii 1 1 ' Mi. 11 , ii mi. t I'l
tiii' linn el Yni l.l mil,
An ini"M 1,111 1 i'i mi inii-.iiiii' Inn. mli
1 - ini'i iiinjf. wtf
tier ll.e 'I1111 linn nt t'.ij.l. .ini'!i, I . . .
M.l W' lii I s Uejilllletll el ii llll.l'l
I'm liels, H Illl a 1 il'HliV nf li'Llilals III
elint" nt " J'ieee-. nl aitllleiv, li I L ! 1 . 1 1 1 1 1
Inn rix hi'tns n;r, ami have H"t heeii
In , ml llinn.
'I'owniend'"! ill lelllaini at Ilninj
ol euKiMj, Ion n ly-eerre
irin 11
(ii'?.)' nt Al. ninl., 1 ,),,,
111 III! Ill'll 1 I I Hill III I I'. 'I
("I .IV 11 nut e 'I 111 inn i
) lUf '
Iinnlieil .,,,. Tl . V hitvi. I ' "
with.n a e. U. w" "'f
Fotir Cit.t-'.ri'.s Ki!l..d r nd
.M .iilii, 111 - ii'-imi tit. n! , . ,.,,. . ,' '
wen. 11 1:1,1, i,,... In, in N',,,,1, Mi
"l 11 ...l.--k U.iM,ir '
' "let s mini....... 1
Ki.vniil li ttl ft.l Liin'u.. fit. . 'I.
ri i.'h
on ii
HUH lilll;'.
1 i... !.;i.. ...1.: ..1.. tin" lest, nation 1
. '. I.iit Hie 111110M111 , that it is iicvariN ' i.iur nila't "uaid in
1 1 res IOCS dl'l'l' I III. i'i illl 111 nil 1 1 I I.i. 7 ....,...', . .. 1 . . . . . . ... ...... I. I... 1 1 .... I...1..
. .., , - tho Seatol War; ami 111 ail piol alllHV J", ' ', ""'en ii: iy iiij "'--., .second plorv of the .j,,inii,.. 'i
naviii;: cnnu ii.ineii so largely to Kindle t,f,L. tl,,s 1 eaclic-i vmi u e mil In- 111 South. 1 I ( '"; t ro Ocin loi ine.i on n.iiiii- ir, (i n. ( V lI.u ll,.,,.1 r V.
the ,iesei.( revolutionary t lc.i-lh efn territory, and iiel'oie il meets tho eye ton creek, .ri'imiatoiy to nljuiUhn- Hie! s'jllv ';', (' "'""I"'? I,
, trind )ns ol the n hi
slolV ol the inlminin.. 1
I remains at 1 1 ;uiii- . 111 '. "'"t 1A1 1
' (l eoih..iii Middelilv ivh,,lc,J , , '"'
ar Littli'lihel waa 'U'Z V" 'M,
cnillt m
finds it :ctlii..' too let, and is n.w willio- V""' ,1"",;'r;"-' ''''''f. "'"V '';'ve
In l.l
1... .1,1.,..,. ..I. i- ..
II IS II l l II 111 , . . , , ,. - . 1 J ii' ' ' 1 . 1 11. 11 1 . 1 1- .11 1 IJII ' I 111
1 . I .. ...... ..I..' I 1 ... I . 4 .. 1 ' ,,, ,,i.i,.i,iiri .'i.iiiii 111 ,1. niitriiii.ii i,i, . ... ."',-nil
., ,, , ll'HI ll lll'iv "I iilllililll mil Mil I. .....x. ... -' I t if I II 111" 11 i vci'V I'lllilli.l ,..
Miy eoiihl not ar( .,,,,,,..,, ,,t ,,nlt, ho dose, ter, .,,,, J ! t t ' 1 ! t . i , ,V v! , V 1
. ,i, irtitiii, iii I . . r.... . 1 1 .. i .. 1 I. ..; .. I'. I . : ., 't C .1 . 1 I .u u 1 1 1 .11 1 1 leu ft 1 I rri ,1 I r,.n l-,i I . ' ' 11 uil
to .-('III
"i Ui,,
so fondly' for their friends in ( 'lea. (U-ld ! .cwnlJ's J'.Miit, hut It-urn from i-IK ral ! () ', i,,,,,.,. '(J
.lJia-s;at ,n.r ioi.'i'etMutitiued to talk (ais,l(
tmet hianclies, tin.' Leiiislritii , or j m
lar In aiieh, tho J)i cut ive, ami,
.ill seiarated and distinct from each
other hut, together lot 111 one ('land sys
U1111 of government, 11 (i r.-i i K 11 il in the
history of the world.
This h.'inj; the f.K-t we must naUirally
infer that each hi. inch of the 'ioveriiineiil
must remain and continue to iis-hai ire
its respective duties within the limits laid
down in our wiilten ('onsti;utin:i. If lids
liimciple is violated ly either ol tlio
threo hi anclies of our svstvni, 11 natu ally
lc:ets n violation of (he w hole, and if not
speedily right-d, mu.-t liece.-sai ily he-e,
ivil vM.r, ana end in h'evolulion if no-
1 ii ar ol lai'tinns nt loiii I r'''"''' "
1, iva
of Hon. I.vmas 'I'nni iiy, d.-IVrot at. the
frieat lieinoeratie meeting lecently held
at Alhaiiv, Neil York, itd lin,,' only for
oiii-pelv's, liiat if tlie IiKhmI il a
iK'llloi rut "I the Ke stone Stall" !ia4 In-en
shed hy n Itlaek Ifepuhlie'in iinl., hecausc
of his opinion., upon the ml icy and caus
es uhich iiavo inaugurated (hi. war, it
would have heen terr.hlv avenged.
Th? entiinent of that porta n id' .Mr.
I reliiaili's siH'i'cli i.. the liu iniiiioiis seliti.
inciit of the ( leinoci at ic parlv of the eu-
1 1. i'l 11 11 i.r n . .,
Some ol them tuav he near the period ol ruuler tlml their Matoinunii Were .-o o on- 1 ,.,,. , ,.,,4 i,i,.i. ',. m"
ii...;., i.,.t 1.,, 1 . v.. 1 ic 1,1 1 1'iiil ii-ii.i v 1l1.1i In ins otili.ieiJ to spin ... , . ... ' "'t
v... .. 1...-1. ... .......... ..v .u,. r iiMii,'ti'.-ol 0110 01 the eaiiia
scareelv helieve, ilvmiliad heard the. theiil In the .iai ddituise as pn. I ........ .1... 1 ,,-,. t,,i "' "l'
. 11 1,,,,
, , 11,1 1, i. 1 -. j , 1 i.a. ., .. . 1 ,
i.i ,,.1,. ...t 1, ....I,,,, slinii" makiil tiallericK 0I1I10 ll,i In Hie., , , , , r . "'
1 1 ' ' - " -- e " lie anus. ni. ii:cli lie u i,,.i.,
1 . . 1 . - . . . . 1 1 1 .... 1 . ' "'
1 111 tin' 11 1.1 1 1 ei s 01 1 in; "-l1"- . . ',,.,.,;,,, !, .hieiiei . am lil
a-lnii-t.ii ' I'tetP," thai (leall: ll as one .ince I lie Mlccessmi r x pel linen l wuu
To those I'.lai k llepuhlicaiis n ho have
.cell so hil-ily i ii;.':iL('d ii: einleavoriii" to ileafeliin ehceiswUh wliich tin! intelli -
the speedv
1 eel
in H
' '"'rfi'Ji fL
l)f its (,'lllll-Olllit, lilts.
.Vaiy er ..., imiinrtanl n-Ui til ."5e'v- .x ,,vs (,,., .'n
brief. All ul.out on-.' (iiiartei'i is I u 1 1 I (.ouiidete returns of thu killed
and hurt v, timid w hich each one is sti iv- woun'led at Ureal l.cthcl hav
ui'' to M'l-nw I 11 hastv line of inulinir In heeu uiade, nor ever ill he.
villi y mt'J the crowd mi thi.'M(,,u
t'ourt W:i
o Were
' I ...I (...
1 -ll 1 , ,1 1 1 71 1 " " 1 ' " I is !'. I T.u-1'e. il-'i IUI
tiro North, and will In; maintained at al i ,-.i . 1
'.nlked, tuo, without uttiti a word oil
disloyalty to thecounliy or i1f Constitu
tutioii,) u-iid tin: Ii'ili'Cin Iihs eonitinued
.osiiKmHie the policy, the mm -pations blu jid'T.s T the AdminiMiation just
ii if!n? ii iu "iKith jij: vning vrnig '
sir.d li'ihody hint." Iftliis is "ll itliiig w ith
he forlx-nriinee of th' ;rijij'," we eannot
ielp il. V.'e II that our laws and C'on
tilitt 1011.H give tis this light, and ue Ll'u c
that the necessities of the eae reijuire
' hat we shoidd o pn ik. Put wo r: tlicr
Misjicet tiiat it is the ( hagiin and disap
I'Cinl'neiit of the clique that eontrols liie
-hiuriud, at their failure to control puldic
pinion hy threat s of moh law, that l as
lieen distuihed, rather a:iy ' l-illing"
vith tho ''forhearaiice of the iieople.''
U'jj iiave 110 dotiht that they are extreme
ly annoyed at the course of the Ui-pihl,uin,
ami that iU course has not only heen "tol
1'iated," but commended in the most suh
MwMlial manner. Wo are vorry for them
hut 1'L feel like helping theni in any
.Aa..n.. 41 iue wont ael like Retisitjie
:nen but Ilk cciiiiiop-, goals' itutl asses
Jet theni drive away, that's hII.
in the article fcona which the above
,mat,itiioii is tnkon, it i :isei ted that we
made an "unwai rantalilii onsbmght ii.(iii
dien.Johu il'allon." 'i'iiis is si-ni!y andj
.laiii!y, 110 such thing. We ni;ide no "on j
Hlotigtit'' ujo!i Iijiii ; Jior did ive sj.eak ol 1
J i iin ju ajiy Unkind spirit, ll'e meridy
sUgt'sUsi tt his coustitulits Jiouh
' soimd'' him upon eeitaiii iiki'.-ui es. Tin' j
.Ifurn'tl fays it is "not awnro what tin ,
ftiews of tJen. P.ittoii aie." l'.t lieving that 1
ilji.0 irliel id's ( 1 iisliti:c 1 ts vnc ju.-i
us ignorant us the. "m il, is the reason
jvhy wo isiige.t,eil the asking c t' tho.-e
(liieslions. The Ji'Hiwil adds that it doe
not "think it m,',ees.-ary at this time to iiu
poW s to wiuit his views are. There ive
.t.hin.k tho 7'jiiii('.ajiJ the (.ienerul's eon
jtitutiits wiiluiY niiller. This fatal
i.udifferenoe o,n tjio jwrt of the ccn.-titti-Wie.ieb
of A nit riean Statesmen ait to theii
"views," id tho great cause of all our pief.
ent troubles. If iiiciiiU'i's of Congress had
i oen held to a moro faithful obedieii'.-e to
jt'40 i.ill of their constituent:- instead of
Lejt. uti the Lroad way to utter ruin, our
liountry would now 1 enjoying an untx-
fttii'led degree of prosperity . And fjr'
.. . ,1.,.,'
merely biiggeniing 10 'mnerai ; auon s
consijtuejjti the propriety ot "sounding"
him oiqj. titfUiij "subjects" wliich uie
just oc;upyni the moat unximis
thoughts of every friend of the Fnion, is,
ju the eyes of tho Jvirmtl, making an "un
..'inmituble assaull'' uion Uen. Tatton
Trutjr liii is refrekhing. J'.ut nc can as
buio tir ncighlMir of two things : One. isi
that ve know, not only what the people,
Illl" UlllxT.
We will enumerate a foiv of the duties
of Coil-re
Tji-'lon me, fellow citizens for a Tew
words of caution. In times of great ex
eili'tneiit, like the Inesent. there Is 1111-
inir.eiil il.injei" thai in theexee-sof .ea,
, as found in the Coiislilulion : I " accompli-ll one siip.osd good l-slilt.
v;,... -MI . . 1 ii 1 ...llier colistltUll'Hial an 1 1 1- it-
S1.1 . kill, l.ol.-re.s hal have :ioucl 1 i 1,1 1 .1 ,
1 ', . .,, , 1 Juiav I"' .nil lliL'i'd. It h.-.s heen n it 1 im :-
lortgul.iic coiJime'.ce iwtli loicign 11a- .- 1 '" .1 . 1 1 1 1
,j ' nation air nun hat I have hear. I 11111101-
il lir eiteiii'i 1 mo 1. I.c.v iii recti' I ag ililsl
itiens or newsi;.pers for the free exoi s,
'J'o o.-lalilislj a uniform rule of Naturali
To establish post-olliccs I'nd post-road-.
To d-i hu e w ar.
To raise and support armies.
To pio'ide and maintain a navy.
To plovide. lor calling follh tho i.i
to execute the l.uis of the I'liion, sup
pies; iusm reel ions, and re. el invasions.''
And the duly o! suspending; the writ ol
(.,.-.;s (',!".', to our mind is clearly ves
ted in 'ongress alone.
Hir readers are fully aware that a navy
ol (si inn n-.en has been "pi ovided," that .1
huge army has been r.osid, and ll c men
.-worn for three years or longer, an I thai
the writ of "Habeas Corpus" has been sus
pended in certain localities, and a generil
Tin- inaugurated all since the lv'lli ol
April last. As all this has been dum
without t'ontfiess. iijainsi 1 1.- -i 1....
guage of the Constitution, w hy need the
pie.cnt "rump," or fragment, of 11 Con
gre.s he assembled, lo perhaps end.ingei
out liberties still n ere '
If the I'resid.'iil has the rinlit lo a-
autne a portion of llm ditties of Cnngre..
as in the providing of a navy, and tin
raising of an iirmy ; w hat is to prevent
iiu irom ussumir- an :ti mines ol tin
gi ess, an I go on and esti.hli.h iKi'i-otlice-.
md post-road-', regulate commcrcr, c V
1 f an (ath "registi ) eii in Heaven'' and a
W l it U s!j .'oliPtiluliji, does Hot keep tlie
.'resident with n the limits of his sworn
luties what will 'i In view of what h.e
Ira 11 .-ni ri "i Ulely at Wasliingloi, wi
I hereby ivuest our eiliietis to keep mi ea
jgereyc uhj ur (Uar-bought liberties.
I ami prepare to ni-ct in a jii oper and just
J manner cvciy iuva-iou of Jhuso "ina:ien
lablo" lights tratl.sUiitU.ii to Us 1 iy cur hev
'nlutiom :y si:es.
J Peace Movements.
A little light perms oeiapioti.-vHy to
shine upon our daik National ttliwav.
The legislature"! of lw ;uid Coimivtii u:
have each raided their voices in hutting 11
stop to this unnatural war. I Jam follows
two of the resolutions introduced into the
legislature of Connecticut. Tho-o ollered
in tho legiplatliic of Iowa c.xpicss tifnilal
sentimeiits :
J;,t,Ji;l, That we lecommciid to Con
gress tho calling ol ; ' 'onventioti
for the seltlen.eiit of mtional liJIieullie,
and that every i.e. sildo, honotahlo memis
r 1., 1, 1. , :,,,.,,-,, 1 i...b,li-. n 1,1,1 l,,..i, ,.v .... -1 ... I
: .-. ... . . . . 1 ,, , . .. ., , ,, , , niv i.-i-'i. n-1 r. i.ouri lV:n 11, ...
m.i yd!::: ..... : 1 u,!?i",
I II' I ' 1,1 .1 l " . 1 t i t I ' T 1 1 . i 1 1 ". ..
H.e c..ic-lt, ., ,..',,...,., , ... , - I.
some t'ondlv reinenil.eied Irie.i'l or com- h si -ess and liieiJi. iem y ot many ol our i t ,,. i .. i- . " l."-Hi-
el the" VolilliteerotJii'i'ls is lliexeilsabie. ,' ' , ,. ' . 1 lv('11 W
lo ll.ii.nituli! .' '.V, . " ' " .''" l
""" i irn,
IU I'llVl lie 1,1 Li
lour, onesonlie'. ai il l uce eiv.liians, ta- ,',. willllW j,,., j
kc. with arms. n then- hands. w-i. .;,,
From tei: tJ tweiilv cit.eiis come in . , , . lu
, , . ..." . , i-ie i.o.en 1:1. is.s ll a, scat tele.
l.tliv ll- put the vicinity, to lane .he oath ,tl..
ill tllleeialici'. , i ,- . , , ,, ,
e, , . -1 , , I in liinlle.- ol 11..; Kllle. Hla WOJli.l
Ihe Al inoesii a ii! riv'i ivs i'imii' rriin . . . .. "aiif
i'i. Iii.nii I'lu'i' u-it in ii n,l ' nil ( 'Inn lesion. : it li t tie pikleeM i .1 isnoei .-! , i . .i ' 1 '''" s of tifi.
' '..... ...... i , i ..iiiiii'i. i inn. i i .. ,
n.imon, illi mv
shall not hi; ovei lo ilsed. Send il to me
when yon learn 'vher-il -. ill rcae'i liie.--Some
of our Inn s am very inin h J leaseil
at seeing lettTS ill Mill' eoliinilis fioin
Her, nut aie aitogeiiier at a
the write! . ' M course vonr
A Hag ol truce erlne down
a ten Hours ago tu ai ra: g- lor mi
chang! nl pt l.-nlii'i .-, of wieiln we
lie. Tht
. L" I v ho
I i.i v (
amp t "tu tin, written by oikmiI' their iiuni-
iss to Know
humble cor-
not In
The .ve il her
in Ill-re mi I'll! HI' unci' lll'l'lis, until uniniii.a iu iiu-n'wi niniiiiTi ,mi,iiiii:iii, , .. u- : 1 1 1 1 , 1 ...
- "" , i.i II lllll
11 1':.' 1 1 liu
I Know
ion o: llioir selitmielit.s. ll-l-an enemy
of the nil.lic Well'ai-i! who sugge.-ts 01
-auctions sir-h semimeiKs, and should b
11 u ki-d am.' iMinlemiied I y all good c.ti
'.en-. In most ca-es, I presume, if o.
exiimin' hi hi'-tmy, yen will llnd ih.ii ii
ilher times .. i,(- 1 u (1,,. 1,1,1,;. mt
idvocale f.r l-'i'cd Spceeli ard a I'ici
'i'-. Never was there gie.tter ti"ci'--i-iy
fur pi es:-r iig this IVced.iiu unitnp i:r
d than when the luili.lary 'OHe: l -i k -
die pi. 1,1; o i iu) ailtll'll itie.. A fi e" poo
dle Will lievel to he Lurried niti
1 1 lililaiy ile-j'oti-m, or any other ustu pa
imi of 1 oiver. hy slilbng free disi-iission.
I have ii') feat that any attempt will evel
he made, iu this law .abiding city of Al
lii.ny, to ptiiii-h any man oi ;iliv press fm
- pre-sing his 01 its opinion upon puLlii
illairs, with efict freedom and iude
liendeliee. Williowt ihe.-e pi ivih ue-, tl.t
'iovernment for which we -n.
V011I1I not he woi ih preseyvin
1 spenk for you and thousands of ot :rr.
a lu i I shv, "woe, woe l u to thai inniiVi
lien, or t c pH-s- or plivses, wliich shall
-u ci--fiillv stimulate a mob to -upp;os
itht r rreedoni of :-pei eh or the i'lf-.-.'
Lincoln as an Advocat of Secession.
The WatiTtown '.i .' has been stil li
ng uersonal and political hi-tory, am
las lineal tin 11 1 In' loiiowing exiraei iron,
1 speech delivered by A'a ih.-iiu Lincoln
: the .'.!,. l.ini I'ln, w ho i new I'lc-ideri
.f the I'liited State-) li. the Ibm-e r (
Kepi e-( ntativ.-s. )aiiuai-y I'Jlh, lsS. Am!
r cider lo 1 liable every reader to as-. in
iiiuisell i.i iH authenticity, we will men
imi 1 hut the speech may be found in tin
Appendix to t he Congressional illobe o'
he ."i'Hh I 'ongress, ( 1st session) p. i-,. ;i :
"Any people anyw h. le being i'lelined
md havii.y the power, tin: ii-hl t,
liscup, shake oil' the existing govern
ment mid I'nrni a new one that suits thrui.
lielter. Th's i.s a mo.-t valua de, a must
-acred right- -a right which, we hope and
iielieve, is to liberate the woild. No; ';
this right eonfinnl lo ean-es in wliich tin
i hole people of mi existing government
may ehon-e to exercise it ANY I'OK
TK X of sit' i ll people that c n., mni
tinnie, and make their n'-n of so inuch ol
the territory as they inhabit. Mure than
a j.,,-,Vi e'un v pii limt ol such penplo may
revolutir Tii-e, putting down a th'n.wti, in
tv'iniingled with, or near about lliem, who
oppose their movement"!. Such iniiioriij
was ptvciscly the cae of Ihe Tories of our
iiiwn revoHitioi'. It is a 'uality ol revolu
tions not to yoliy old hues, or old laws,
but to break un both and make iiei'
b'eader what do tii think of that ? I
l tint treason ? Is that soee-sion '.' Is that
a d-leiise of the integrity and perpetuity
of the Ciiiou ? Suppose n member nf Con-
rrss, when thallio'lv meets on Ihe Ith ol
night belli: e la-t, w hw. we liad a rclrosh-
mg .-honer , and a not her this iiim-ninir.
1 1 we -nt anv Inrther South it w:K h- h it i
elioil-h wilhotlt 111 iV ti' hlllig ; but
nav 1'
l' wi
wi'i'k if some stray bullet does not
mv 1 nlcul.ilioiis 111 the meat I iine.
The sloop-of-war,
otithwa'.d last ill; hi.
'inicsluu 11, ,-aiei
11 - w id l.c given.
I .u i, 1 1 1.,,,.... ;i.i . . .
ri.- I im Wr..ll.- ills..,.. ' V-l ..;i,nip,iu
.- ' ir ' ' ' s I I'l 1 1 1 III l-e :l I,, I, ! I I . . P,l
We'iiing I" coliveV thither sclelal iier.-oiis 1 , , ,1 ... .1., ,,;,:,.,' "1 . ., ,
I r.... .i....... ...,l ' l,in,i 1, 1,, nil " i
IU IV I Uf HI "II '".IU' 1 1 I A 1 1 ll' rinui.-vi'iiiii, 1 , .1,1 i 1 i 11 1 1 IH'K It 1
, . . it.. l ! I : .
1,1's.ur'' iin- i ii ui- i m ;i 1 1 1 1 i. iiic 1 i- 1 1-
" - - 11 u 1 : ii: . 1 1 11 1 10 ii.m. .
1 1 ..I- ;i' .:..:.... ill I., I ,.1 ;.. ,i. ' . .. ' p. 'niii-ium,
lli'l III II, in iiiiiim, II lis III". I 1 I..IIH: hk.v mi. n.1,,1 pine ' ',..1 s ill i ill - 1 . ,,, I I roil. Ihe
I f IM
I mirle hy eve wit ne-se.
shots we icpeatedly li
s inie .'Vii,t
A l.oge iiuiiibcr of
1','Hh this in,,i mug.
w ill lij.p: i.e Volt of the fact; if rot, you
will hkeiy .'earn it finu some nthei
I'.ul 1 lil'lst i-losis this fniith-s letter. - ,
1 merely intended it a a note to aj j i izi 1 I'll K l'.''r
on o our c peel oil depart in e, ami I h.ive
v.i-ted a g-cal many worirs in doing it.--
' emu-1 be 11101 i'ldirluii ill ti-in otn
po.vih r and ball than yn'.ir ,-oi 1 evpondeiit
..' his words, or loiieh of tbclii will tic cx-i.'-ll'led
to little purpo-e. o'.ils, Ac.
FoKLIC.N CnMMI.Iil t: 01 S I.U YoKK. 'idle
impoi'.s ill .ov lolU nr tin! Inolitli ol "" ' ' " ' 1 '" '" " "i ' 1 '"" j mice meiuiiis 01 ilif. i
May ilwiit.licil iir.oaciy small t.itil. 1 :l' M,u,l"'l' . hd by cm i iema d , eorijiany are said t 1 ho wjiinde i liy Im:
lent lo tin1'
I'olomac, 1
pavciiieiil, wln, m
; r-i '" 1 1111 ri as.ii 1 1 nun Im w.if,
muses aii.M-u iuuii ,,-.. f )., ni)V ,,.!,.,.; tliat il,e ftw
'and only shot befme the p-neul tiriti:
1 was the a ( (lenliil iliM-uargn of the ip
i.elore ini'iit loiied. :n tlie ran!;;.
1 I he ivolllni of I 'apt. hei-i i:. lioiicift
1 "I such ii diameter as to iinlure llir
( .!'! that le) wis si ot f, mil a mih;.u
j I nil 'I sliiiy iii,il.'., tie-hal. 1 iilfin, I,,
1. oat just hack nl lli' ! !'l sliotil'li r, liva
j 1 ...e .-kin neloss the spine, ami
j var at the io'.Vcr ptunl ,jl lue lilil
uN is is 1; A I'll I Y l'Ol!
I in' I. Mi Hi l'l(l. l.N I .('i'i ss It.
A.-IIIM. I (i.N l;V 'I 111. 1 tit'.M.r
M.CI.I I Y Hill I'll ll I .MM 1.1 i AM.
lioSl'L'l'cili'N nf d; r,.vi "i lib
ins, ,t...
At.i...iMii:n. .Iii'if '2.- It is t-i at ia
ire ;r "plain ted with liii
iniiock and Y01 k rivers.
the month ol lM'1 0"'1-'' 1 "" ""' ' 'h'-aj cake.' t hat
l-r blade.
1 wo or
1 hi ee meiiiLi 1 s ul the wi
iwigi.ed i ngireeis and nival otlie:s, m
liatteiies atvniiiis places on' A l.u-e liunibcr 1 f w itiusii 1 IiiucU
tliose riM-r, whicli, I elore we are awre, ' -unimoiicd to a. tend the cli oner
ion Ihrnii-h ml the luonlh, com in iseii ,l ' "i n mu 1 lose uie.i na ig.r. 1 in - 1 mil , 1 ,m-t 1 ,01 roiv iiioiiiing, w Inn, I
inly .-.I'.s' tl .liable, and S-.7JU,."i!' C'1 tne 1 o',..c 111 p:u t ( 11 rr t lar, ' hoped, t im I. ids will he lea 1 nei
the a l' ill Clint nl 1 In t two hei 11 ,r le-s I '. "Iu " m-urii uie op I -.tiin-. es IIKi i lie ;, ,!l,,n ii.g :u e ad. ilt ii.liat li,C.(1
I'ho total va'ue of all descriiit ions o ilrv
.ood.-, gi.neial lueichaiidiM' and ioieign 1" ''1''" '" g'
oiudii'C i'ii It red directly for coiinuiiih-
'I'Olll.l tl.'sit'l. Ii.l ll,., I..,,-. I ....
,ni. ui jj'.i.. - 1111 '... 11 into oonn. j " .wi! .oij.uoM! wio wite K'lieo: a
i'i' and a hull t.iilio! in specie j vailing t hem-elves nt them, no doubt, , 1 'm 1 Ti ;.oey , J.uigi (Vila, i
ed dining tin; n.or.h, making I ""'s' elleetively. I'he I 'nitci I States, mean- nami d I'.urrs, 'from rhic:V'0.
,. M , I . !i ilc urn llm 11 w li ,1 ' 1 1 ... 1 I m . .
. I. ile. are doin
Sending .1 1 1 1 ; 1 1
hell i'i a i ii ,
at th",u
III. 01 Ihe Value ul goml-i thlo.vii into boinl
Ncal ly tin
vere lande
Dili' l,, I'L' 1,111,(1, I, ,. . . I , - , . I .1. ' .
.... ..-v.,,. .,...11 iu, mil f.uii: liie.
iiegumiiig ol the veil. I Le oiin al ol l'"' ' "";"' '"' " "ii-.o a
' 'll :l I U 1 e ! C: - ; ' -tCllllllll.llt, to pop .-, tl'W '"l
'I'l.i ; ! has la 1 11, of ciur.-e. a gri-at !.,!. --H ,-' ' hunts v-i il pepjei-i'd, an I tin j
n ' i.'l In 1 ' ie p.,.. , ,1 . I. 1. 1 1 1 1 ;.. ' 'II. .... . 1 urn I. ll b d. Lin M il n 1 11 more I ii tl ,,:e I
.- j . 1 ...i.i.-. i , . - 1 , 1 - -
.al Miiec .laimaiv l.-t ainoui.ts to .s.l.Tuil,. ''' keep op 11 lu- river by which ihe seat'
'.'7",'il. a decuase of ;ix millions u. com- ' "' tov ernmcnl gets its supplies from I'.al- ni
. aied with la-t year ; while up to .laiaia- '"""" !""' ''"Voii'l the ( ' ipe-Peloie ' m
y 1-1. Ilea di cr.'.i-i: .v.i- oiilv oin; and -""g. viien 1 ,ie an - hi '. e ne.',i..-ity ot vig-j
1 010. is neii.i;! l.ei i':)
:pt-. ill May, I I,'.
him! wlo wite k'lled:
lab. I F
'inl 11
w h it ?
.Hue.. exciK iiii'iit exi ts, iuit I lira
ih'Joou . . 1 a 1 ion having been ni.nli;
it ,
l.AVi' iNKiljl'S MA
iioton. mn-irrtaiit. It 1
icre has tfi n no
' ' 'u..i ter. I. lent. i.ol. tv.w
i I'l M ate, who w i le em, line, I
nice oiiai ter mil urns linai I he i ,im- '"" I- neii.:;i lii'i i::i.s ai..arent, evei" ' . . .. '
lU'lieem. nl of tin- liseal M'ur. '1 t he re- ' v illahle I ot will he so well '''''"'' '"" '"' ' ' '" ' '"' 1 "'omae, are ill
vere in Ti eas . gum 'led I n il a large army will re mom- 1 at .'I .n l in on:
li ) li o'.es, 1 1 i.i Iv 1 1 1
.11 t.oto.s Mine .Lilitlaiy 1-t. 'l,tal le
cipts Irom ciistoiii.- in May only '..7'.i. Inn.
cm lesnoiidiu:
'2, lli'.,a'".l
' .".".'' :'. H .-.s ;....! ill! to reiino e. w n Ii :inuieii-e hloniUlieil
aiel lo-s. ii nal miglil ea-lly nc prevented.
1 toilless my igi.i.ranc" of military in it
111 tile cm le-iioii. in" l' is, 'ml lii.-.-e urn Ihe lew's Iliiimlill
I . I
- tun not liung, as r'
igam-l i . i
"""in "i in-i M'.u. in- e. pi His on; iii i
he past month lea'-hed 1 1 , i i. -.'"'- , ami i
un hided only l,s,'."U in .specie, while in,'
May of last year, the ixpoils which,
i.iioimied lo 1 1, '.li ii l,;; 1 7, included $"'. iU'.",-1
'-ii iu siieeie, thuii shoi in- u l.u-e i:is.
:tb. walla'ii-; atitm I'
illl-. ilsi:.uNJS'.s Vi.UX UK- i
'i i; k i' to i;;.
i.i. iu mm, t :i., lure U.--. inss(-n -el
'Iii.' N."i Yolk .,.;, of Motnliy
s-ys llial lili extra, iruiii ny meeting nf
I 'aliiuel was to t the . lace on Mon,,
I he sn'gi-lii,ii ol ( leu, Scott who tntk'
with M i.jor ienoi js 1'ialiks, 1I.;, ihtir
and Silnlfold hale Iwil suillllloiirj to
it. il l.
I'hip looks move like a Council nfff:
'ria-c in the export uf duine-lie men la.-t month.
, ,,, thai lelt ( iiuibeihitid last lii-hl niii-siii-1
! 1 1, .., il,.,i .... I,.,....,. .. ,.r .... l
i.i I,.,. , ,'.ii ii... ..ii iiiiiiiii ,i int-
than ii i.'aiiinet ineelilig, Mav itl
pruned of scce-sioiusts iu iug' h
nl l'lafe
Wallace slat It'll his liiiiojii-o wn-ons to-
CnoicK I. wiiiM.i:. The follow ing ehoii
l l:..r . . i. . , i i,
in. i si i w ! i i i p ii mil I in." .mi flint I iii m a ' i o i , 1 i i . .
iiew-paper puhlished at lio-tol, ,,d New I o, the no'ith side of I lntow n II' ,
n .
I.e. land) to await theii arrival.
They (the sveession force) were nt that
lime wi'hin live n.iles. -.ouu strong; and
A bo-I
were advancing. They, however, only
came m ar enough to hiiin the bridges ol
! t he 1'i.dt imore mid Ohio roilroa J uml eut
the telegraph wires
l lie late news irom rairopo unnorl
ant. France through the I'liipeiur. isr
solved to tiia-.ntain a position uf-tn,'tnr"
tralitv i : the coiile-1 belwctn (lie l'ni
and the Southern .Stalei
of this community w 11 "tolerate," hull war, prosecuted for tho sul jugatimi or
shall be first exhausted by tho tintiona
overr.meiit before our prosperous people , .,v ucs shal, nto jn ,,;.,,,. , ,jt. .
w plunged into a e.v.l war, ihe ultim-ite; ,.,,;, )ia .,,nv . S.,, of ,,1C.
people that en,,, ii,nj l evolut ionie and
maki! their own of so much of the territo-
ork hv .1 t.aek of v kite and blm-k
lilioni.-is: j
"If fricilom ran only prevail ilirmii'li tin-1
igi'iicy ii I vi'iit;i:uii''i', sti lit it: if llm li'iiiilcol inn (.nly .-laid n iun ly i,n tin) 01 p.-i p
it pl.ivclioliU'io s- ho it: rntlivrl.'t tliuwliilf
on e lio Mvqit hum tlio I v i-o nf thu earth, tluu
mnlum tin' ii'Hntiuty nl in n Lutnli.ii. . h
niiiiltl lirsi in i o nt no roneei v ul.h,' ntisn ity :
ilintUl nyiepp h, iliir,' Jl'lfo,- rem., H'l'(fP- 1171'
hop iu ili.l wo bclii'vo that iln'y inapt pi'iipli in
nmor uuit M,, Haver, st por.l, UouaUt V U t are aL llrbta
Wo are af.iiid that our dark colored at. aoditton to Irs force, to emd-lo him i . "'w"r; i .L.
I'.icnds and Ihcir-inr: allies,., re spoutin-'i''t' ""' H'O secessionist- out ol"P,rj ' H':,l,,'ll:,!'n' U'
,. r,,, ..p.. 1 , ' ', , Hi. ..,. 1 1 ,i 1 ii 1 :n "fiats hi ve lini wars now tonurv cn-w
iitiiv 100 i.i.-i, alio my in". Illlipeil I.V all I """"".' " ' '.' iu.iviih.-v nmi. , ,.
,...: 1 . . 1 .... 1 1. ; .1 ! I 1... 1 .-.1,1.. 1 11 i.i...... , '.' 'n'l.n
uniii..ei irosi. ii is worm uieir wiule,' 1 '"'.' , imuniiu.j
to consider over the matter nt all events.
Wiiommi k l'ito-i iiirTicv. The finsW
.ii'ovei a few- davs -Ineo (intii.tinec
nppi-.inln erts in the ItostonC'iislnin Ih'tH
to take dace on the fust day of the jum
cut motitn. It sti i it i cs-i.'il the niiif!
, the victims of t he axe of rmsi'iii'i'M
"'s . ...I ... 1 - .. ,' ,
U'l'lllil I..U ,. ix. .1,,
i Un iii.-Hi.iiMiLi i ..i.... i,Ainl vol llirvt' nr.Mrii-lir.niM5 v.nt-
iiivj uiisiiiiii.i.i.s nit llt il llillltliail'l 1 i . t . , . .i,
retiealed to h'omnev. 'I hi. ,,..,.,, I '"''"! J" " I'a.-h p -r.., party II
result of which tho wisest cannot l. ie-ee I
Jh-.v.IitiI, That we re opposed to ehil
"is ot the Cat ital of the Ctii"'
, Ihe I'lru k Itejiui liean ('resident W''1?'
Tho Inui.oi'raey will U, about when thev H()W T1IKY t'l.MK I O UK MAUF. ;. 1 1 ' i im i .u f-
F.M.M Ciirm ii, Fan lax County, Ya., n:,''1;'1 V,r' !,n'1 ,nP,'',i
. ii.r 1 a ....... t I ..I'll,., '""s "Illl Illl' CI, OIL' Olll in,
1 1 tfiii (t thei:' hellish work.
Tut; Ki.i.cTicx or
l't;ntii;M or iiik i'i
Pi:r.sin,.s r am. Vin:' Juno -I.
id sill;
i iv ii lii 1 1 iii r iii ii i.i'ntni u imi mi
.. I I.IJI It 1 I I. I Ills . M.l'io I'llll Villi I lll'l.oMII ol llm I .,iin..i,ln,ii. 1 ' " I I-
i i ti- i ii iii nt ii . . iiii i 4 j I 1 1 1 i , 1 1 1 1 1 1 I .. 1 ... ii 1 . . . .... . rt . - , hi itiii i lAin.,.. i, i ... i in l.iuii mi'i
what their sentimenU and feelings are, I !,L'?n'uV ," ol ll.e secedeil s.a es, wale, it .;,;,;, ,, ,..,;,, (or State) of such V V , ' . , '' ?"l"T.- lllU" l'"so.,e.S by ihe T ( ',' '1,,1, w,r
iff l ip, nil . . i r , i" VxUUy- '"nimbly tottlu the (iilheliU ,.. i nvlv re olutionh-e nultii v down a ' e t"k"'j 1,11,1 1;,us (l1 "iigress, 1 scLvv-ion Ut on ihe niidit before last. Tmy.. " 1 ." ' 1 N u1' "" 1 ,1 I L wo end.avor lo rellect ,s h.r us tios olv ,xis,ing. inmd.y nte ." '' the people, for Fres' ,;0M , f.,11 ii.,eeession dutches, "? ,lH"",J '.-', '
r,o,ib,e. The Olhor it, that unless he .VW.W, Tiiat we ,re o,,,,.-! , the ' !', ' - 'y w.ll U, held on ' ricldy. on accmint of then iool-hardy ::f-'; '
ceusoBtobo made the mere cat's paw of W -eutmn ol a war ngmnst the seceded .Vn.l uUo, Hi it fiy people, nnvwliere, be, i V,'1 ,.,'M,i,' "! N"Vtnber next, lossncss. They left l he,r arms-even their ' 'V ,1 , SV j
those who un. his editorial privilege, I'; ,'s' lVi'!t"1 nfV ' i,,g inclined and having the p.wei, ,,v 1 " "U" vvr- suo arniH-heri,. uml undctook lo take
to ...U t their private ,loe ,nd th,,J ' l,rl.,HS0 """""l ,U ,:ht l rise and akc oil' the cx- 10 ,!m, ' 1 " ". '-l-v" Stales desultory .st.oll as far out us the old Hula- r,,,; Finamlu., ,,, r, ok
to al .t t their .ri ate M.lcen, ;,n.J U.ii . , .Sou,ern vclioltnn j ,stll,M. i,ting government, and ',n ,i-that l" ,,;t ""-f'y " ; eeemb(r ,.v a,,u house; perhaps halfa mile. On erxmknt. Ihe Now Yoik Journal of Cot
dodging tho responsibility, ho w.ll indeed rul,,j(.,,g U Lcginning to rnanifc suit, tl.-n, Letter?" ami finally that -I Lis ' 'l,cr.c,U:r1- a',(1 ,,I '"IV1 '"-.r votes a,-, iving there, they ma. lo tho acquaint. , ,K,,iovt)4 U,)U ovl.rlimenl
lmvo much reason to wonder at tho "for- itlf ; o'.lien.tiai ters. A publio me.tinr " n most valuable, a most T:.,l.tV ' " ..t'r .V i"!v ,""! , 1 l,.0,I"H-e of live se, essiomst cavalry, Rationed , endeavor to provido meann for wrrj'C
bwranw of the people." ror.-itlv held in tho city of N'ewirk i would be the respons,. of the re-1 J " ' l, dillerenl .Ma e electoral col- at t,t .oint on picket gimr.l duty, i he 0I, ,i,0 ft,,cl. Mom., M1(., V.M as lb
L.L .4VCC: ? T . ,rt , ' ,.rc-? Would net evcrv one of ! 1 1 " ' ''' c, latu-r were Bo highly delighted w,,, I heir ist. A chuno in the tiuill' to a ricc
Taxation. N. -I-, at tho followmg proceedtngs! ,, ... ' . ll(Wf.lvwi ,. ' ,..0 Hlld 'a 1,1 -n,n 1 10 iUh. lIi,v. "'. c!'! "P.'T. tlio company that they could not be in.luced sUdard. so ts to brinif tl.O receil-Ufo
were adopted: M,hl; with the words "Irea-on," Mailor," '' " 1 L ' ' "',u, (T " hsten to the genl o persuasions ol tho . custom up tothoamount re.iuiieJ forf
up. Whereas, That in view of the present ; and kindre:l appellatives? Iiictioiiaries 'l ,:," , i V T. , '""' v oniiectictii preen noriiMo .art eom,u ( payment of intorert and tho ordinary
'rdejiliirableeondilion ol tho count ry, the ! would be ransacked for epithels to hurl ; 1 "o'.", , "t l":x"r," 1 '' 1 1 very clear that all I Lo fook- un; ...nditure, 0r government. The
01 1 1, 1. 1 1 ,1 ...iu ,.r n.; ,... ,l'.;...i.. '..i .,,..1 1 1 11 I10'' lliu tjlJ - I'e' i u:ny. IMiJ 1 hei not vet ( end.imd that some ol them are.- li : r .. t n .. uovef"
iiitniovn 01 U...1 1111.V nut 'iitin 11 unit iiu I'" r'" 11 iiu ui'H 1 11 un; L'nn mutiii! mi'i ,.,;. 1 , 1 . . t " . ' . ivii nil; Ul tl Illl L1C UliK'll ll v ui p ..
1; ..1 V.i. .1...:. . ... 1 .....I. ..1 1 fri .: 1 execiiliMi lerm, under the permanent nr. nt ea-t. wnn nwniK- in Hia m,,,..! .! ......1. ...i.:..i. . w h.. 11
jij, nun in nuuiiiiiiivu nun iiii-ii minimi-1 "' 11 11 iiuni 01 1 110 .inn iiiii(i,ni"n us 1 .-, , 1 ' ,. .' J n.eiii, 1 ht n'llV kvui:k, nmoi i
AsjiiwuriRiiU to .et ition tho Congress of j the wc 1 Id never heard would rise up fiom ! " 111 1 MX 5 ' . ol tho I; uited States. d could be place 1 either in thw court
run' , tho United Stales about to nssi inhh, In every nhol il imi 1 linnl 111 I t ,...1 ! Ar tih iii IIidtv W0111.- Tim ,n,l...l,. ' - 1 .,, '1,1 Tl,n isuiin In fre '-
Tho Washington lu-jwIJlam, tho orenn
of l'resident Lincoln, urges vigorously
on tho rrefciduiit and tho Governors
Iho Northern State?, the very hait-hest
plan of carrying im war luxation,
this plan lias ulready bet;n adojited by
Statu Adminislrutio 1, wo .rcsumo (he
interpose (if in their judgement it in best Abraham Lincoln. 11 man wboni the He seoundrels who have been eiiriehini! thorn- hLI NrUKCLM KM S S 1 Alt'l I N(i KOI, chan jo for st.eeio and to nublic creuWI
1 il 1,. .l., if...;. i ...1 .. 1 . ,,l 1: i..i:.ii,. r .. .1 1..1 1.. i- :.i:.. .. 1 ('III. W A I I W'l.' AT I'I'M UVUI 4 V 11 " ' .- - . ... U fnr nil I
AVn ; will l,n K' Tim imnnl r.r 1 ' 1 ' ' ' 1 b 1 1 u 1 lu"'u, lor itioy nav ; selves ny iiu nisiiing our urave i r oops - . . .. n.i i .. ot treasury noiet, nji rcceivuun. i , i
' . . ' " 4 l.. the present troubles now existing m I placed Inm in the highest ofjice of the With rotten clothing, and provisions, not, Uakiiisiu hu, I'm., Juno 21, G a. in. Or-, lie dues, but bearing handsome inior
j leiuisylvaiiia will heiealler bo cpiujiolled; , our once pros.orous mid happy butj governmer.t, is, probably, tho first man t salioCod, it. neems with having Heoeeii tho lem havojust been received to send to and convertible into a government! F
jf to nay ail additional la.X of SIOO.fMjO an-. HOW diitracluil tounlry, and to savo iu' W ho ever stoo( un ill t 'oii?i-,.Ss and do-' Cotlimoinvoallh. Iiavo lui ned (heir nlteii. Cumberlai'id. l i ioin Col. Wull '. n, ! emit stock at tho onlion of the hoI'M'
1 nually, meraly to pay tho iiderobt upon h " tho ravages of civil war. fended the "sacred right" of any Stale tion to robbing tho volunteers, by buying inainl, two full regiments of 1 nfantry, u th. If necessary to sustain tho for5i- i
the Stato ilebt mudo since the first of J"sol'r'l 'l'i4t a wiintleo of ten he "any wliero" in tio I'liion "to shalie oil' up their li no at a heavy discount. Tlio company ol regular Cavalry; and n com- ishuos, or to ince.ise furihor tin r-"
....!. 1.. ' lappomlvd hy Iho chair lo prepare and , the existing govgi innetit'' of tho United first fellow detected iu this dirty work n.Miv of 'Artillery. Tiiev will doubtless bo cc of the t cisiiry. a rwiort to direct ,
. ' . ! circulate a petition for i-igiiatures of thoso States, ".md form a new one (theCju. should bo liun' ;n high as Hainan Am. on the train lo that end in two or llnce "Hon through tho piesonl. ni.iflnncn
I lie doctrine rec)icd by thu Watk lTi)Ol. w ho may bo in favor of pornias. fedciatcil .Statoii for iiibUnce; that suits .V'li ir.. hours. , the SU'.o Uovcrnmeiils.
i 1 i I