21 Tine Lainbrin-A Ienon frca History. 'I tie v.hjte jiiii-?-. prhaps 1,10 V'"M- I.IIOiV. t'- .o nreUHttlcment of the camntry it us beenWt hifchivprfecd f; r lm . mid A'. now ftji niVji imrt of almost i nl.'. Uee.ol om luioni.i. 1 j win . t him d U" now fonui Dart of nlmo wry food d tiling iMIx' la;'J. Tic .vihdowv'rfttt'ai.cl C'Sthe bl'. utU and (W l-s uV:vj s:ulv infV i f ptr.e.- It often rtrnisWhe' ijiVVir.ards and bL;rli,.!tV,iVi"is nid ' parts o' frame Jwcrk. I'hi tn w.ih videly di-tribute-d. over tho yhier States in the. North, and occupy. t'"- valleys ofnv--i!-s and plains, wh-re it was most ac eesbible to tin-. varly n?t tiers. Tito i.ino loved .-mouth eas-ify worked land, and the settlor did tbo same. The pioneer, in tasking bis clearing far a i i . . il .... .1.1 C.t. ....cl.llv Jitl'in, IlilU HO li.UllUl, 1" JHiotvuiy. - Ho wanted to plant wu-n and c-ullivatc ra8C91and the trees wore Ids natural fumto. ;rhov bad no value exeent . . .' ...XI !.... 1. ...... ..ii... tii.vr mi lor 1UI.-I, n.i Hivi ... many of the new settlements remote from navigable atrvams As tbo population increased, nnd eit- '7 vou w u i,e in i on , bfltiHii to bo built, it would pay to 'l voice Irom the ranks called out taud wwthe tune, and send it to,"!!. fhccw ior J ell. and they ies bflgai eut and saw the Miie market. Tho settler wanted to ro ali?, immediately upon bis purchase, and all tho pine hind er wan marketed that he could cut and saw. Thus all iN'ow England except .Maine, hits been stripped of its pine, and even in the I'i e Tree State,' the pines are begin ning to fail, and spruce, tir. and hem lock, aro taking their jdace. I lis said, wo know not how truly, that pine from Michigan now sometimes finds a mar ket in .Maine. It is only about eighty years since Vermont was settled,. find it is not fif ty years since the lumber trade was tho principal business at Harlington, Lake Champlain. The region a r- ound for tweuty miles, back to the foot of the Green Mountain range, was hcr.vily timbered witli white pine. The men aro now living who remem ber tho yrand slaughter upon these monarch of the forest, and the ship ping of lumber, through tho lake, and the St. Lawrenes, to Europe. Trees from four to bix f-et in diameter, and from 140 4o 130 feet in height, were not uncommon. Dr. Wheclock of Dartmouth College, is said to have measured a treo that stood upon the eollego grounds, and found it U70 feet in length. Hut now a pine a hundred foot high is a rare object. In ii recent trip from Burlington eastward to the mountains, we did not sec an aero of primitivo pine forest, and but few of Iho second growth. Other varieties of wood are much more common than the pine. Ib'inaiiis of the old forest .are occasionally ccn, in enormous stumps not yet rotted in tho ground, or in stump fences, that have stood for . geiivimiuu. The export of jjino lum ber has long since ceased, and the re gion is now dependent upon Canada and tho West for its supplies. Hardly m intelligent farmer can be l'mmd that does not mourn over the indiscrimin ate havoc of the first growth of pines. It would tako throo hundred years to rt-wtoro them. . Is there not a lesson in this fact for tho lumbermen of Michigan and the North-western Stales? They own the land, and wish to make the most of it for. themselves, and their children. The eli'aring up of their pine lands is likely togo iorward more rapidly than in Vermont, for tho tideof emigration moves stronger west ward, and there is an immense, population along the sea board, . Lat must be moro and more dependent upon these new States for their pine lumber. At present they have nut a small profit upon their lum bor, becauso of its distance from mar ket. The market is all the time com ing uvarer to them, and judging frum the past, the cost of transporlicn will bo dimir.ihhing. Will it not be better tbr their estates, a richer inheriteuee for their children, to leave at least half of these forests untouched bv the ax? Suppose an acre of primitivo pine for est HOW standing near me mioic oi Lake Champluin? With pine lumber worth from t-0 to $,'10 a thousand, and a home market, every one acquainted svita tin' misiiK'ss, omi re.'niiiy see, tne valuo Hltuh it rieec (' property. , 1I11V i'i' the U'etS wnnld he worth SlUOund upwiirds, nnd an aere would ' , t ' , i ,. I jiuirhiite ii respeetiiMe litrni. It is w orthwhile lor tho new settlers) lipOIl thrse pilie hlllds to look loi u anl i tiity year:), and tmnli cl their heir.s, il ' -jr oi'l? ItAfYlV T( ill f Y n 1 TV' iii.s, havlrr clanged his loca r.Ot Of their own old He. Then illlj LVM IV' --i IUIUUiy;iiM from Curwunsslii. o ClearBeld. res ,,(', :.,.,.,,1 i,i,..iiloi"n.i,. I, irni.il, 1 Ipectfully ofTers li is professional services to lis ro oi ( :enreil nL,uM. m.u he u t h JJQ CoRS Qjr A LL Kiy)S ell.r.,'of lhe tatl,r 'p,,,,., and vlcinitT, $1)0 for CU.tlVUtlon, lllld an aere Of pri-l I p.esidonce on tSocond street, o posife ti it of mitivo pine 510(10 for liunbir. Of' SALT, OILS, PAINTS. & filUiCERIE' I h Cr!m' K"i' ,cy 5 '''8- oour.ie, tho liiOat oi me loresta niubt, peri.di V make room for larnis and iho ouward march ofoivili.atiun. Vi( only sifk that the want of posterity ...u) 1,.. 's.twi!iinri mill il.ol II,. no.' protitAhlo experiment of ew-Enyland be nut repeii'ed.-AM. Auitici LTi itisT. GOD 8EKN IX THE FLOWEIJS. The ar.tnieiit for tho existence and j wisdom oi'Ciod, drawn 1'roni the murks of design in tho works of creation, is1 ono which can nut.be either gitirtKayed 01 tSUCCeStftlll Controverted. And they meet us at every step, as we pass idon- ll... l.t.,liu-v nt'lit'.. In I,U lU.-..,.ir, ...v ...&-.,.v , ,.fc month of Jnifrt, the gardener may din- COVCr a beautiful illustration Oflldi- vi ,.,.'. th il ua mnf full ui.i.r.i.il MI1C pOWCI, tU.lt WO intlSL CHU HptCial attention to it. It If) HI tho hllbltS ot tlC plant known IIS COLCIIICt.M. It lloonis In October, sending up (rom' tho damp soil its llowcr-steimi with-,' put leilVtH, and then diHItppeiirsl. ' Flowering thus just .upon tho verio ol Winter, it ban not time to perlect 1 to perlect t I ltd tiled uui SO provide reproduction. . .But tho scnl lim nrotocted in tho bulb below iM.nind. U rough the winter; then, in the Spring. u shouts a fruit etnlk. on which: th .sc)J.4 tnaturo a:id ripen, about tho first oi'Jm.e . What an lul mirabio provision !. Doe this happA-ii by c linnet? . - . . " (!.... Hilly Y ii.sox 'r Zouavv " aro having a" sort of storicN told -about them. A eurro.-p mdent of the Mil waukee Skminki, tell tho following: YcHU'i'diiy. a Methodist clerirvniaii wont down to Stnteii Island to preach to them. XJillv drew in hisiuon. and P.;t!v in. iiii.ii find . ... ., 1 .1 eallcd "attentlOil . Jim plUtiOll tlietli I'avc them a very edifying and appro- cont per kur:b for cusb insertion. M-iate diseourse, to which, in obedi- BnrltBsi .te. nstwcwdlng lin ir In onto to the ( .ulonel S eoininanitn the) AdvertijiasiiU net mrkeJ wlthtbo iinmtier of listened attentiveh". "When the par- nt.nioudotircd, will It txntinuo ; until forbid sol had finished, Hilly ave Ii'm 'buys' sliorl lkf smnownat ""v. I want y,,u to rc the minis tor l.iu told yo .p. f.il.'.t It,,. ii- n short tit k. soniewhat in this w ise: ineinher what on. it is all lor . . .. .. ,1,.,.., ,. .,. ..Ill l..,v .. inueinens nu- : v,lu " l,.,1M- wuifr t)Ul in lut-s inn n six nionuis e- d (I one ot vou w ill be in lleili were given wall !i will. J lie parson, astonished and angry, asked what it meant. 'Oh' says 'Hilly, 'the beys don't know uu.Lih about .Scripture. "Thev think Heli is someM here be- tween Mentgomei and they aro d down in that licit: y and Xcw Orleans, d anxious to get. Iiurhoiid ! ' j y.K T. 1 rov 1 't!i. MM. A. 'VAI.LV'K. A. rilNI-.Y . C. ItSNKV Jbinhiiin ;ui'o (iciirflion (lfc LEONARD, FINI.EY T:Co. 0 J. E A It F I L I I.LEMIFIU.1) V.orXTY, PA. ltU. 01. t XI II A Nun, KOTIS AS'DHH.irTS MSt'OVJiTK ! I'OsrtSi 11 IX I.IVKI), CoiMi rtiiir'f and prcrrnh promptly remitUu I'.xchangc on (lie C'liies coiihtniilly on hand. J:y Office SeccnJFt, neurly uppoaite the COURT HOUSE. A. HI. HILLS m DENTIST. --.i. ' uv1 pft ni)nni:n., ... 1 1 I,'- .. tV"X-? .: :n k. Dl leeiii in uroper -iir -v:.''...S O.'? time will bo of great in point uf honlth, comfort, nnd conv.'nience. Hit IIIM.H ci tivaya lie found at bis of fice, on tho' corner of Front and Main streets, when no notice to tho contrary appears in this paper. ' All oiu'r.'.Lioi's li t'-". '.!no of his profession performed in Iho latest nnd most improved styles, and Kimranteed for ouo your against all mural failures. N i: W DRUG STORE The subscribers nnve npentd a full and eom plrte assortment of DTtt'OS in tho new brick building of I'r. Woods, on Iho corner of Lreut and Cherry streets, in tho bnreugh uf Clearfield, whoio they will b happy to uccoininodn:o any person who may desire articles in their line. The bu.doese will be confined strictly to a Tnij anil JWtcrijitbtt Jiutlntw, And nopainswili be spared to render satisfaction. Dr. M Woubs, the .junior partner, may always bo found and consulted in the "Drugstore,', when not absent on professional business. A separole room for consultation is nltaehed to the store, where pntienls may be examined brivately. Hicry article usually found in such an estub lisl.nient will bokepton liand.and sold at greatly reduced prices, Tmins bbino STtiicri.T dsn, will enable them to offer inducements in tho way of prices I'hysicians will I e supplied at a small per Rentage over cost and earrings, and their orders are solicited. Kvtry article sold will be pur i and of the best quality. ftbC-lf ' WOOHS k HAHRETT. rp ii u ii it i t i s ii li h A C K W O O J) ' 8 il i: V I li v h M A O A 7. 1 N E . 1 THE LONDON QLUItTKItLV, ( Conservative.) 2- TUE KUlNHl IitiH ItKVlEW, (Tory.) ,1-THH NOKTH HHIIT.SII HEVIHW, ( Fr e Church. ) I THE WF.sTMINSTKil HFVIKW, (Libciul.) S-BI.ACK WOOD'S HMNHI KOH M AG A7.INK (Tory.) T A' It .V S . Ft r nny one of the four llevlews, For nny two of tho four Review s, For nny three of the four Heviows. For all four uf thn Reviews, For Hlaekwooil's .Magazine, I'or annum. 5 ota For Hlacktvood and one Keview, r- i i . t i - i . i . For FlaeUood und three lleviuws, Hinokwood nnd tho four Heviews, 10 00 N: ir:-J"'e price in (ir-ai .H,it.ii fJr th,. five Periodicals above-named is $.11 per annum. Hep-Wished b LEONARD f-cOTT it Ci.. 'nKr4S"r't" M Gold Street, New Vork, fcO'Eor fule very chcnji for Cash, hy O. B. MK.RRKLL, In bnsoment of llerrel! & Biglrr's Store, Clearfield, Pa. feb-l HAUTSWICK'S DRUG tj- VARIETY MARKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL The undersigned will hare constancy on hand t "J? 1 "'.',,t'(,i''u tock or Drugs, chemicals, Dye- Muff8'.. " fi'"!. Tobacco and Segars, Station-, r-T I'eniimcry, Urusbes. and Fancy articles, I which he will dispose of cheap for eush. H invites the public to call aud c.xnminc liia. ""(,, tf K01"1' bt'f"re purchasing elsewhere. i Country Physicians furnished with Drugs ! Mediciues, and Surgical instruments at the in a ""'onable ralca. J. O. UAKT3W1CK. 1 5'l'Ifi!w' ''- i6: HENRY WHITEHEAD, I TlSTIClu of the peace " . ikton. inion tp., wii l'.ockton, Union tp., will attend .. i? man. rlept., 12, 181)0. ly. . . Terms oi iMiuai-riptum. !: paid iu advaueo, or wuhiiithreu months, (1 25 f puid nty liiuv wuh'v l'J fat. t . ... ..y . S tf p.ild aior tlio ..xuir .tl n ol ttii J cr, 2 00 J 'Terms of At -f rlU'lii? J ' ; A.UartUonionts ur iun.rti-d id tLu Rop.iV.tcao i :i H... f.illowinc rilos :' 1 Insertion. One 6 ti'.are, (14liues,) $ 1'J Two iUiiroK, (l!lliuD,) ICO IUrea kquaruii, (4J liuil.) I & 2 do. 75 1 50 2 ii ' 0 mo'. M oo 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 2 00 'i 50 12 nio mum us Ouo Suure, Twos'uiiri'Ji : ! Throo miurc, Four sqimrtiB, : 3 60 Vn Z 4 00 : 6 OA (I 00 : 8 00 14 00 1J 00 14 00 1 1 H 00 86 00 f liiUf acoininn, , Ono ciiluran, 20 00 Ovor three WfeksBii'lloMttiiin three nioi,tli 26 r.d ohnrged nccord;r.g to these term. J O bHp RINTIN C Aii extensive stock of . lobbing inut.-na enables tho Publisher of Ihe "Jifpub'i'iin' Ui aiincui.ee is t2-.erutli3 that ho is prepn red ta Jo -inds of I'oSTItKS, FI.J--TMTJ. PlHVinAMMES, r.J.JlNiS, PfiR .001 Oltt IM..II1S, ar.d rvciy ln .l e !' )'. i:::i:: 5 usually done ii.. 11 eeuiitryi ob ot;.';?.. Ailoi.iers wii! he cxecuts'i with nt'ii ness nnd decpHteli. C. B. 00Ll,AMrr. ,t fj COUNTY D1RECTOUY. Time eflioMliiK Court. Kiemid Mondny of Januury, Third Moiidn,' of i!ar. h, Thirl .MeiaiHy of ,hiiie, I'.uiiili M.md.iy '. Si-.tinbiT, Ii i-uch jour, iuiJ C'liuinuo tiio weeks if no l'.'y. C'euiiiy (lfllctrs. I'rrn't Jn.'urc.lloii. Siiuiuel I. inn. IL Tlufuhf . As'lo JudM.IIon I. Moure, ( knrlii'ld, JIou Ilenj llnniiii!), l.utlie ri-burg HIiei'.fT, Fred'k li. Miller Cleailkld Prutiiiiotiiry,Joliix I.. Cuttle, " It op. & Kee. Jiinies W.iitley, " iMmriet Att'y Hubert J. Wnllure, " TronnirtT, ii. It. (fuodlnndcr, " Surveyor, II, 11. Wri)-ht, (iliullopo Coiiiuiiia'n'rs'tu. M'Crutken, Lumber City Wiu. M. rrell, Clurfield fi. (.', Thompson, Morrinlalo Audil'jrj, II. C, UowiEan, I'liilipsbur.!; Isnnc W. llnihiii.CleartieU J. II. Shaw, " Coroner, Ocorgo Kicbards, " I.M of I'ost Oinrex. Tj.ciithipi B wesria, r.-;i, A'ume of P. O. Olvu Hope, llowor, Chest, lush, Ostcnd, Clearfield Hridf s, Woodlund, I.uthersburg, Troutville, JelTerson Lies, Forest, New Wnshinj,lcr Hurn.-ide, CleurGeld, F'roncbviilo, Kurthnus, A'.imra o' P. 31 II. W. i'alwel Ma;v i!!-!:r .1 T. A. M'Uhee J. . Ces-xril' I, i wis .'.miiii H. H. Miller 1. V.'iiliiis K. II. .Moore. Jacob Kunti Johu Hoberling Jss- Hlooin .1. M, Cummingi Jus Me.Muir.iy At, A. Frunk. P. A. (inulin. J F W yehuan Samuel Way Centro county Film. Williams Kik coun.y, Pa. V. Miguot William Carr A. It. Shaw T. II. Forceo. J. A. Hearty C. J. I'usey. liavld Tyl r II. Woodward Kliza Chase U. Ileck&doro 1. K. Mokel J, V. Thoinps'n Jus, Thompson Hoggs, Hrnillord, Hrady, Blot, in, lirmsiile, ClearOeld, Covington Cur wens villi', i urwensville, Docater, Hhilipiburg, Ferguson, Mnrron, til, Helen 1'ost Ui ic.', Lecouut.''s Mills, Ibild Hills, hbaufvillc, Ornliainton, 11)1 lbs Mills. Madeira, Tykr, l'ennfioid, Ansoip ille, alt Hick, New Millport, Hreekeuridge, Kylertown, Morrisdala, Oiraill, i (jnsholl, (irahrmi, Ijulkh llu.-tjn, Joidau, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, J. McClellaud H. IV. Spencer, amuel Way Michnel Wise. W. F. Johnson T. Henderson l'enn, Lumber Cit.v.f " (Jraiupinn Hills, ike, I urwensville, Illuumiogville, I'nion, Kocklon, Woodward, Jell'rios, J This Post OfTce will do for Chest township U ill cnser tor Fcrusun toiro.l ip. 1JUS1MSS CARDS. J. n'ci i.i.oron. WX.lt. M'CI'I.LOl (III. M CX'M.oi ;ii ,ii MitoTiu.n, Attorneys at I.nw. Ofliccon Markot street, opposite Mossop's ftoro j Clearfield, l'a. Will alleiid promjitly to Collec-j (ions, Hale Of Lands, ,tc. l.ovj.ll j 1 Vi. HAYS, Justice of thn Fence, wi il ftitcli j . proriplly to eui!u:iious and oilier iikturl eft in hiruhargo. Address Keisey, Lik co,, I'i Ucl. id Uli'J. ly. "l A N I E L ( I OODI. A N D 1:11," Jl'STICi: if the piaeo Lulhiulurg, CliniCeld Co. Pa., will nttcr.d inniplly lo all tusiucif lunusled to his (inc. Sim eh 1?, lif,0. 'y, pd. ELLIS IRWIN ,t SONS, AT., tho mouth of l.i. k l'.un, five miles fnin learfield, MEKi.'HANTS, oud extensive Maniifaetiirer.' of Luuber, July 2.!, l I ) OHF.i; t J. A'iLL ICC, A-i r.iitr at Lw, CiearTu Id, 1... Cif.c it, f.l.tn Koir, op- osite the .kun.ul ollico. dec. I, 1S13. If. 3. O. HAIllSWICK, M D- ' P h y 1 1 c I a n and ! u r c o n, j Clearfield Pv, liny ;!0, HiCO. I WALTER BARRETT. ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly j and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his caie, in the lovcral Courts uf Clonrfield and 1 adjuinltg couuties. I Off.cc lhe one fornurly occupied by 0. IL i IJarrell. I 0ct. 2ah, ISifl-ly. I)it. O. V STEWART I)lijHlrlBii ami Surgeon, offer- hit profes. siona! aorricea to the ciliiens of New Wash. ngton and surrounding community. OfBce three doors wes' of tho Wnshincton House. New Washington, Pa., Oct, 14, 1SJ0. TflWW TITTT-nrr-fiTcp-n . JUttA ttUIUtlkOFLR. J CIVIL bNOlNCER ii. JjA.nd SbHVKvoR, ollera bis professional service! tu the cituens of Clear-' nId county. ' All busigeu entrusted to him will be proinptl and faithfully executed. - - - J!:iiLi-'onJ'1-.I:inCo1 J- D. THOMPSON, 11tarknnltn,Vgcns,Iiiiggies,4o., lc., Ironed 1 J) cn thort nttice, aad thevery best style, at bis 11 stand In th borough nf Cnrwensville. "I 1' RESH ARRIVAL OF NEW-GOODS! j AT THE CHEAP CASH STOKE. I nm juA rweivliife ml npvuing largo and null fclcttr'l ufniulmuiitnf FALL AND W INTER GOODS ui uiur-jst viv uvvu "iti, I a l.uuful tHrtmn of Prinls and Vri'ta ipoodK, of tiic nvwoiit nnd li!Et itylos. Alto u gioiii vnriety of useful nutlnn. lanro nsporimetif, rcnclv-inadc C L O TJIINd, lionncls, Slmwlii, Hut nnd Cups, liiiotn md Blioei, Inro qnnutity, llurilwnre, Qi eeunwiiro, Drugs ""d Mf dicinef, Oil und l'uiutf, Ciiriiet A Oil ClotbB, FUli, Bncun uud I'lour, GROCERIES, nf tho bet qimlity, nil of whirh will be fold ut Iho lowest crifh or rendy pny prices. My uld 1'riendf nnd the public generally, are refpeetrullv invited to call. (lenrfield, Oct. Ill, ISfiO. WM. K. IRWIN. ZfT-V. H. All kinds uf (7M.V and Hpprovo i( OrSTHY ri01l"l't: tulien inexcluirte of (j.i.id iTVP.oxi-: (1TV IIOTKI Col A. P. CAVI.N.S, pHornirtoit, I'.cf p .."..";'.'! v .Tin .'Une.'S to the travelling publie t'.M im 1 '.r.l'.'.ti rl'iirya uf this lav:' uml v.-. li i-i..)1.. a Bid will roudiirt it ill Mich ft noiMicr an Niil i.mhImj- i xe''.lt iit cumfort and f.r s)..;iifjioliuu to nil who may favor him with mil. U.iv7 ly -iTitiKiNc rnir.s ix riiu.nt:r 11 I A ! Ttfmnu'iUt 1'icittvnvt o:n.."7 th i .i.'n.(V. ! r.. rrtN'i roor hack L.tivocn1 ; tiio ri:ila.lol,hi.-v 1'nlin. mul tlie noturi. u.s 1- or ! i gnr and eoiinierfri'.i'r. Ja nes Huihnnnn Cn .' ; ! j C'r.ifs liecaptnrod ! ! It veein to be t lie gener-' al opinion in l li ai lield. that il Cross had worn a ; ; pair of 1'rank (-horfs I'reiii li ealf Hoots, Ihnl he I would not bo ta'.on yet. However, Hiorty ii ! not much put out at missing his custf m i but j j would annouiieo to nil Ver.n,r, ;-,, j I Atini nnrf lit I mrii. ntiH H'nnipn nnd rli lldri'ti i 1 in Clearfield, and PiniiiMiinhuiiinc in particular, . Mint ho is prepared to furui.Ii them with Hoots,' ; Sbues and Uailors of tiny style or pattern, sti'eh- j : ed, siwed or pegged, (and as ho is a short fib, , low) on short notion. ) All kinds ol country produce taken in vx j change, and eiHi not n fused. Hepaii ing done (in the neatest manner uml charges moilcrutc, at Ihc Miort Mioo Miop un ,-eei nd Mreet, opposiie Heed, Weaver Co'sslore. FKANK SIIOKT. X. II, Findings for sale Pept. 20, 1S00- J O II N O I) E L L , UPHOLSTER AN'I) CARKIAO E MKR, Located at A. II. SJmw's Milh, one I of Clearfield Utruvgh, TKIM- i:i3i lUfpcclfully informs the ciliicns of Clearfield and adjoining conntios, that ho is at all times prepared to manufacture, nt the shortest notice, Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of winch is a Folding Mat tress, suitublo f.r CAHINS ON HUTS, whiil, can be folded In small compass, and emptied vid refilled at pleasure : and very i heap. He also ti una Carriages, umkes repnirs to all kinds cf' Carriago Trinming and Upholstery, and makes Cords for Mason's Tracing biues, of nny thick- uess or length. i-fl. Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash taken iu Hschange for work. RiT-AII orders loft with any cf tlio Merthats Clearfield borough will hi promptly attended to. 'deci'S A1J I) TIM I S MADE EASY. GOOD A7;H.y Til K UN EM PLOY EH!!!! FOR I 11,000 j Cliuiict's to Miike Moiicv'i . ALL kinds of Clocks, M'atohes and Jewelry, carefully repaired and H'lirmorcrf. mT1, ,,,, , , A c"nl'nuance uf patronage i solicited, ONE MILEIO.N POIX AHS'irt. is, woo. ii. f.nai i;li;. WORTU Oil WATCHES, JEWKLItY, f A N 1) spared to render his gueits comfortable while CIVS' II a VsT 1 Nf31 mi w ' under his roof. To which the facts that no in V fi I . V S , H - P I , A ' 1 1 H 1 1 WAKK toiicating lkpiors or nny kind wi.l bo kept about VlH I UiV lULlLLllJ XI tlLlli the premises, will ho trilsU'. contribute in no! TO IIP. PISI'OSF.l) OF ON AX K XT HILLY X EV AS t) OIHGIXAL VI AN !; 2500 AGENTS WANTED illustrated niili numerous engraving. All young Keep lit tho l ottery in this borough, on the ew ir&'"All persons desirous of saeuring an mni riod people, or thoso contemplating mimingej "Or a short distance east of the Methodist Char A i nnd hnviuff the lenst impediment to married life. " largo stork of Crockery , such as Cream crocki. Agency in this NEW ENTERPRISE, Should send on their nomes at once, en closing n threc-eenl atunip to pay post' ngo, nnd receive hy return of innil A TR EM I UST CATA L'Jf, U E, - Containing ft I l lMntTP IMIt'vro It U l I IN 1) U L L M LIS f S ; Which afford a Rare Chanco to Male MotlCV. J i , . . . with I L LL PAR. . . t .ilboul risk, tegothef TICULA ItS relatier, tr, H,i. vnvfl. ' 1 LAN. I j iJTo insure nrornrit nnd snlisfni-fnre ... . J . ilea ini!B (iirpet nil rirrli.ru In vx.nuiii.B, uireri an ornira 10 1 ;l:()Hf;K t;. i:vam. 41l C'beatnnt trelt, ' npr3-I0t Philadelphia, i 1 U S S E L L M cMUIi R AY Rufecthill invito! tbo atUntion of Li. old cu5. toaierc, sua ouiors, ii ui i FALL AND WINTER GOODS V'hicU to oQi r vi:nr low r on casih II..,' ,. ...miiiu.i to .Kill in M'MIiKi:, of bl HO B..U coiituiun m 'itui in " ' kinds, iu any way to mil lii tutlowcu. Tim liiKhmtniiirketpriefHiiU l laid for al iuu ui6.ibc. i kinds of GRAIN. r.- C 11, 1, A N 1) S E E 1 "Hfcfl Cli) L AliiJ " w rieliiiigtoMi Nov. 1, 18C0. nilK CLDAKlil lD AC!FMY, wil 'X to opcuod for the reception ut i"l'l,a , . - . . -i 1 mules uud fuimilof ) on mouuiiy, rtujt. -0111, i" I 7Vrm ror Hernion f oleven Week iii-ilintMiiiihv. Uoadinir. Writing, I'limnry Aritlimetic und ?eoj;riipliy. $2.60 ilixher Arilbniotio, Knglisli lirarauiAr, Ui-o- mpliv und Hietnry. $.1.00 J Algebrn, Oeomotry, Nulur.-.l 1'liilosnphy and liunk Keeping 00 l.vtiu nnd lireck liingiinre. $6dO To students defirous ut Bcquirirn R tliiiruiii-'b Huglish Kducation, and who wi.li to quality theiusalves lor leacheri, this Instiluuon oliors uesiniblH ndi aiitages. : No uunil received for less than hnlf a session., and no dvductiuu niado except fur protracted sickness. Tuil.ou tu be pui I ol (lie iloe of tho term. C. 15. ."-'AI'tOKD, Pi(ticuu. Mj 2'-, 1801).- Ir. ft 9 i NE W GOOD S. .tut rpeeiving and uponiiig ut the Old slai of I.oivis Smith in Botlil.'hciii a w. ll jidectod ii soitment of Ppring and Summer Oools ufal most every description. Maple uud Funoy, a beautiful assortment I'rinti 'iinl Oric f.')tiwl 1 '" "llf,s mltin i "t Intent styles, nlto a vnaiety of .jsef.il No 'ions. lints and laps. IlmiU'ls and Shawl, Hoots and Shoes, Il.ndivaie, '''Junsivnrj, I'n.js and Medii.'iii'iH, Fish, G R OCE K IES, Tobacco , Segars and all articles usually in a country Slcre, all cheap for cash. kept (Jive us a call and see f:r voursclves. U. L. HllNDl-lt.so.V, A CO May 21, 1J60. To Pirsnns out nf Employment. AGENTS WAX1ED. In every County of the United .Slate, r"V) engage in the sale of soma of the best and 1 most elegantly illustrated Works published. Jur publ rations arouflhe in net int-resling rharaeter, sj Isptod to the wants of the Farmer, Merhnnie nnd Mer.'lianf ; 'hey are T ullished in the lw:.-t style and bound in the mo substnn tial mariner, und n:e worthy a place ill tne Li brary ot every Household iu tliu Land. i'W-To men of enterprii. ami industrions hub. its. this business offers an opportunity for nrofit all) eniployiiient seldom to be met with. Sul'moR desiring to net as nger.lt will ro. ceivo promptly by mnil full partieulais, lei ins. ifc, by addressing LK A It Y. (i liTZ it co . Pub, Fo. 21.1 North street, Phila k-lphin. Oct 2J, It.M! lv. WATCH & JEWELRY I iul'orniN hia cuttniiiei nti'l the linlilic riicrii!ly, t Iut Uv liiu lut rort'ivp-l from lim KmhL itml o cn.l ; eclat hi eMnuliuhniortt in HttMtWrS HOW' ! from a , ingle piece to a full seM, vbic,,' i,i , sell at the most rsonnlde prices for curb, or in I viciianre lor om goiu nil. I silver, C HOC ICS uf every v arietr on hand, at the mi il rensonuuie prices. NEW HOTEL.- ! The undersigned respectfully hpgj leave ti, i 'announce that he recent')' rented a, nouse in tho! borough uf Lumber city, Clearfield county, I'n.. ' j fur the accommodation of tlu travelling public,. watermen and all utheri who may tutor him i with a call. ( 111.-, tu' lo win niwnjs i,e supplied with as good ns the uinikets alToid; and uo pains will bo pinull degree While, wbat isahvnvs iiiiportant't , ) ii . .i i , , , . , , . . to the traveller, the best attention will be given 'byraicu! hostler to that fnlihful Companion of ;his jourjiey ,is paticul st.., ,I j I Julv 4, ISCO. ly. JAJILS CHOSSLV. - - - - -- AltKIACr. (il.'IDi: Heinz a rrivate fiistruelor fur married persons or thr.f (ll-.oiit tv ;i arip,'d, bolli male rti,.l r.'i.Tii... in r . . ..... !....' 'La l.!iv...!,-v mi.l r,.l ,. ti'rs of orr sesur.l svetem, and ilie J"''Jtt!l.vU or p,,ve,,ti., or i,i-p.ii.g, ii.c!uj;.t3 all the discoveries nev;r before gicn iu t'lff Jiuijii !i language, by WM. Y v'UNiS, JL I). This is ieii!'y a valiiublo and int. 'resting wmk. It is written in plain Inngunge for tho gcnernl reader, and is should read this book. It discloses secrets that every one should be acquainted with ; rlill it is a book that must bo Licked up, and not lie about lhe house. It will be sent to any una on receipt uf twenty, five cents, in specio ur poslnge stamps, Address Dr. WM. YOl'Ntl, No. 41G trprucest,' nbovo Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. .5MT Afiiettd nnd L'nfurtunatc No Mutter wli..t may be your disease, before you place your-! self under the care of any one of the notirioiis Quacks, nutivo or foreign, who advertiso in thia1 , or nnj oii-er rnner. cet n coiiv or citlirr of tr. Yonng'f books, and read it carefully. It will be 'the uieani of saving you liuuy a dollur, tour l "i"1'1'. I'l'i-riMiY , oor nie. Dr. lUliVJ caa be consulted on nnv of lb ,...r. - . - r, UFr.-iiiru in uis puuiieaiioi office, No. 1S Spruce (t, above Fourth ' V- ..Vi, " Pu'JI"ni"us, oi uis n7-ly rilii I nVKitfinru-nui i T . m a wurxiuaniiKa manner, ins - I I .vill r. . lW!-lbe n, verl.ser, f bu.jne,, , ,tt,,e ,u lb , ,,, wmb ,id..l X having t-oen restored to health in few M..I..I .i.i u .i K . , , weeks by a very simple remedy, nfter bavin suf. ' Z !'d ZtA rrj.?.!.1. 'rtt ,ever,!'un I T.' , , J d,''Y.tonfumiti..n,.a am. Cl!. - . " ,0 hl! r'ncw-auir,)r" be, meanaofeure. ! . ' ! l.wnn aos.,ro. he-wi 1 ,c,ld -r pri-Fcripuon useu, (treo ol cbarge.) w itli ttie di actions for preparing and using the snrre, whict ieh ithey will find ft sort cur lor Consumption, 1 Asthma. Ilrcnchilis. 4c. Thn nnlt nhiaet nf ilia auvertises fn sending the prerenptiou la to beno. nt the nfTlicted, and spread information which he eiineplrn. In k). Inr.tt.nbl). an1 V.. l.nnH. i . . . ....rv. .orj sufferer w try h s remedy a it will ik. nothing, and mny prove a Uassiiiir. . " ' p I'ersons wishing the precription will nlcne I. novM uev. inn AKH A. WILh'lN, Williumsburgh, Kings Co., Ny, m. j JSclJJ CL JL 1 H roa PURIFYING THE BLOOD'- An J ff tl iTity ran uf M.t Wlwwitu ewi-.jif'y , trrofnln ami rrnfilnui AlTerl lun,tl",k Tiunom, I rr, Kinuili,f I'lmplON. lni ulf, lllotr lit . ,. Ulalua, iiuil utl bliiik Dltrnvn, '' ' OiKHin. Ii.d., Rth , Inn)., in -! j I , at '. Ml! I 1 Bl I! mi Iu j. ku-M vli.it ymt inilln I. ii, ,1,.,,,. ii,.,...., il,1iiilii ,i,.lul . tiih-ciiuii. I ' limn it in 'i"ii a I'U jnim. b-in 'ih.xx T , oiii ill jiriH mii hi ii.iii.M uiHi iirnu; in, .... t.lill. J ll'Hird will dljtiviwil li.o iiUI'd ft inm I,. it i.,vlir mil mi mj ; H.-.l n.,. m, m,it mr Willi i-ni-.rn. wliidi vt miirul ni I'Mil,.., t- j .mil deani i.ii..u. i Ii M nuiny m.liiiim , ' liiij-Nlmn, lut uiilh'Ul much rilrf fi.mi hmj- il,nw . r.Tl, lll illHHfl' JH' .vt.rm-. i 1 H'liyin I v j , . to rrntl In thn lloi.ix-1 Mt-irnmT llit ).iu hn I 1 ,,,, , . . M lMiiliv. (Mrmimriilni. I kwm frm um CiiiciiiHHUiiiiU(tut it, mi t itttuil it Uti it tiurU , ' It un V'lii hjiw, in tnwu i'ri,iuji't 1 ,. . tKlll il thiii iimimi mo fitu. i Tirvli L.tJ-k , wliluK-ll ljr r'l.in i nnu tlrnr, and 1 ktmu )., , keiiuxs mm toe hihi-iiwuim ku" nvu iiij j'iuih. . C.1II ue.t uwih,)! linn i i.-i ..inn i nm ni.iiij; M'tt j . you, Hint I liiil'l J ." I " "im uf llio iikii .1 u ,r iinJ rouiaiu or giut.'liillj. Y'..m, r Ai.MSt ll II TAU.Kr. i tit. Anllion ' trirr, Heme or Fralnri,,.. I 'I i lli r uuil Suit l.hvuiu. 8rniil lltaU, It In worm, Horo tj , Urop . j Dr. llolwrt M. l'iM wiil-n froni Sulfin, N. Y. In , K.t., 1.'''., lln.t lie Iris rllN-,1 nil Ilivi'tiTali fu , I Vropty, which tlmnli.iii-il l. liTOiinahi TaUillf, iiy p,.iviTlii? ni "I "Hi' itiiiiillii. ii ml iit. ilanif, r,it ! MtUimant Km ll" ' l;" i f lb. Hunt; I li.i rurt'H tli c 'iitilit'li t'.riu'li -iitby il r,nl!iittl'. llrom ho t If, linltr or SmiIIkI Xfrk, .U!"U Shill I f l'l"l. I' "".. l Hid. I " 1'l.f"). v. I h, ,-r rxiii - birsnpiuliln mini iih.oiii a ; i Abit, (hjiii HiV lliij- tMi IJ.J mtk, wlni til Uak mi 1 1 ml fro I. fncorrlifpn or IV !i II -'. o tin it Tiuitur. V(rilu l lctrnlioii, l'rnnlr l;!.rurt,' ir.S V- S nuiTiifin. f N-'T V"i' f ity. v rli,-, ( litrt r!:tTii1'r ri-fii. ltr with tt.i pn.-t r "tf tt tttki Having I iitiv.- r-t.ml m-'Hi' ii iM. n iii."-t i-n'.-lirm altiTV.lve in llif ih-mimthr r-ii -ium fnr v.ll h n mploy sikIi h i rin -lv'. li it '.''l .lJy inii..f(v i,wtm r.f (h i' Scu 'ti' it." l"'i'li I lin'-ii: --' t, .rn Jn.-t T- a.. M-f mi l'iiiitfi'luci ly It mi -io t.t.i iu.- fun );! il I u'j.w i-iiu-i'.l t.'-.Mi. iUp Ur,t 1t. Ottotl t' tl m Ms.. n run!. N 'illitiiif nl'N) inj iutont ecL'o (".nflw li f. r (Ji.4' t-mt-I" .l.r i.i"iu.M Ftwin. S. M-irn w. -t NfHl.nrv. wr,( u j p-lntl '.."'nMi iiiim'r Oil f1to "i lint ft Hin; ,ni lilluti wlilch litt.l rt.-liH,! i. II )!.. n"i.i-li"M r.ml.I h.).A. h, hi kmtil Ihm-ii t I'l'ti-ly r it -nt I v-nr KU,. nt Niiiiiiilli. our .Jiviiiii tti'njhl ttitl.1i. i t ,.,, II. hi rinl.t ftfli-nl ri'tu-f. Lut li t iik'-nl H. liu , r yH,r ii.lrMHU Uf Htrt lwt I'Hi.lt I it'll md mtfiH H4 n rti-n.'il rfV-uli't. AN r 1iil.it. ; nr nwictv t ' inur Ii ti.ilom tit ll.f tin'. i .ti.nlii." 8iIiUU ami i"I..riirlnl I)ibl, N): Oui.mvs, Iflli Ai.r.. ifa Tt. J. T. Arcrt Sir, I cli'rful'y riii.ty ti'm (i-ioot nf jfinir urcnt. nnd r,T-,i '" t-f tlu I Up r'lirt1 wfili r"ii Hjr-tt' Hriila. I Jutv riii- 'l viid iu iu my i'1"1'-, iP'Ht if 1 I Mnri f..r lil"lt tl 14 iprrnih.. ii(Jf!. m'l Iihtk I 'tin-i, tlTuci truly mihijci Till In (Im nrp 'f Vmrrml jC, cwruZ ftt. On of my i -tu'nm hart Hyj IiIIHii nN, lu hw liiuMt, Vbicii weie'r .n-nniiu hH y' mnl il tup uf In mmitjt, V ur Nr,nnpMi;l&a utt-ullly u:.j curd li.ia lu II tfm. Anotm r atucltl ljm O.idu j flymptonm in hi ur, mui Hit tilrt-inthiu ij cti-n away a (yuinlKrikl.lt1 fit it tl it. fo rlml I lrlii.. tw Giwnttor uuld Mum rfiiclt Ul biatu niitl Kfll Inin. bun yit-lilfil to toy 4innilriliuiiiii i.f your hitrvijinrillt,: ulom liailml.anrl U U vn-ll n'ilti, iiut A k : ttilLvJ fo4ne di-tlKltlou to U ff-n. A Wuuinu who 1, t:itf'.l lr thti RHine diimki l y i'' niry vrn-, kufN'tii (Villi tint nilMOli lit li-r N'tH. 'iTn y ti.tsti lt im' I. itiu' tu tLi w-'uHit i Ifi vu n (JuU'l) J; Mio puK ikIu. nruHMir) it, li-r f jiiU rul " t "s. t ii. ftirt-ii fliliit'Jy ty Uiii wi AAjnr Ula hi nfcw twoU. kii-tw ftrm lis fijiiiiiPi, will li r nci.l iii,tl.,( UiIm 1'ioi-nmiivii fiom imir l;.lfmttii ui-t n nn'ly; unntiiMiilr. Uhmi tiu ) jiiinu kniW i i wltk it Im t r tint inr(jiii.it iixr. l inti niMlly ywt fl. V. I.AKIMKH, M.1X Klinninl!stia, Gnntf I.I v r oinpUlnl lNM(pi'M-ii n, I'-ist'itT .. V. HU .Ti.ly, W I. a J. Awn; .'Mr. I I. hi Urri Ml'.lc'v.l v):b amki. I fill rhrntn i'rr.irW i,,t f.ji h tul Iiimh, i i II lr:id im Mill i.l pl.yAirtfinfl, mui fiiuk t I: it In pit.i rf nil tbt ir.nwliimj r.'iiti It rut. unlit I lut-! HiM--ifcnirr!JijL (it lri,tf fnifil ni In i KH'kit, nii'i tt"'itl my pn.nii i IichUIi f- iimi'-Ii tlmt I am I'M U liH t'l'iii Ih.ihI-m ! iiitftl(fi1. 1 ttiltik tl h v ijIh lortijl i"i!iin'!( J. I M;A. ,htm V. lMii-;t .f SI. t,i-, wjHiM "T )nry !mi ; iiili. it-il for yHiifiuhli an i fit c ')' 1 1 t'-i: ii.., 1. '4 ll.; It'tl !( rts-liiu iii ; ami 1 I-hh' l vn n Li A ti t!'uni i I r iu'imo yt nt 4 fmni un rilirr t"ii. il..-.i. iu Mi i t',n J.inr. Mv .i.,rd ,fi,..i. ilia .v. Mr r-pv,ir-M mo to try yr ur .v.mh. null... Uniut. .m nuUi It- yt, I atiii ai (tilt. ? tiit i in : ! min tl, 1 1 '.. I'v I )ji t.W ' it),: "I d"'t it liiuriii..) iiltr, niitt li iii .iK.itl it.) I &4 f h-i In rriirko n n.'flr tnrti f ttnv I !'. i l m n.". !U ! t llp'l vnn l.f wiit i f y I- ttur tr.;l ai.ii i j V li I; rii'i.C'n tnr Tumors, Inlr.i i.r tufiit, I'll i t iu luti, t at lc4 nnd h'.i jI!.Iumi o A K' "-t .ti i-ty -f r;M linn-wi r-r ,n u 'tWi i lll'i'H if lliH" fii U i.litldr ftiliilil.iiuln luiw U-.li'Uj fiM 11,11 l'r tl'1' i""!'y, ' "V mm hi n-c I.i-.pwi.i i. m" hnU ,' r l,Ufn in? M. f'm"' iu '", WZZX" M,,v r..u,.kabl. t'.i n,n,.", l,.lr. loxl. by lb- nli.inii... . , t Ho. i l,.l. II Mess- i fimeiH-n. i"i . v" ". " ;i 1 a overrotnf iNnonlt-m v lu , t, .u, I I . .m i..yi I. lt iitj i'i rmrh. fncli a n-uiri!) Iinm Ii iik Ui-h n ipiin ! I r tlr rrMltlMi ol Ui tP"lH, und up nf o nli'-Ut Uwl It-ii -l do fur tlifDi !l that mrtliciuv fun Ju. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, inn Titr. t:nn ri nr. nr ( nucha, lil, I n fill, lira , Iloar.rneis, 4 roup, llrom lillle, Im lplci.t I iiiiiitioii, anil for the llrllif vT 4'nliKiiirtill. c I'tallilil. In ntlriuirl Stnisie of tlit. Illmas.. Till, b a rsinnly s i nniversallv l.noun lo sjirt.tM suf .Kber fT tloi ciur of Ibnt ami iiirif o-iiiplmMs. tin I- nsi l.M here to pubis. b iIk i .i.li t.ic i t lu v 1 n u". I" uti. iinlle.1 end lnsr fi r soupb. Hint i.lits, mul I'.'tin'i w.nitlVifol run i.f irtilimami r iliseae, Iih... run. t l;itown llir.air'b, ot ll.tf rivilis)..l unU n. .-f 11 ""I lis nin the r ainnmltiisi. ur .)-n tamiliM, amvas .1 who bum not sobte personal f Kpeficrico iT ist(I1 "ie Mrb.j tnipli v lu Ibelr midst of Us tirlerye.fr lb tiil.tle and ilaii.eiiiui umod, i s or Uie lllront tni law As all si-ow tin- rlrrailfi't futnllty of Ibese diM.i.lfi), J "," k.V '','"' ,h' ' , M "( ',r""" ' T do in.,T ll.no to assurn them llu.l t bis no sll i ' , , ,M ,BVJ ,n nMng fur ,hkb !., ou so strongly upou the o.iibJ. nie uf niai.liiiil. . Preparod by Dr. J. C. AVE3 &.C0., IowcU.K: fisiTPolill.vC.I. Watson. Cliaifcll K. Irwin, Curw onsvilk. F. Arnold. I. iillcribmf; Monlgnmerv ,1 Co., .Sew p uein : ,'. C. 1'rer.Dsr, )lTriilale, C. H. Foster, Philipsbiirg ; aril tlka ( base, AnsunvU'o. ; and by uenlen cverynci" . - ficuRriELP STONE ifAIiE PUTTBJ-' . . , t, I Thankful for past favor and soiiciliouiolfs tnTt patronage, I Woniu XtUlf""y nnono 'hall hare on hand again, and will Mllllltltiy ,1:'lk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Ptove pipe esinC f c. et c. i and also an extensive asiortmeal i different siics and patterns of brackets wi ro'cttoi for e.irnlco on houses, and other mo"' dings. Any mouldings not on hand will be cads Is older on abort notice. Also fro brick ftnit kept f'T falo, .flrA liberal reduction on prices oiid wholesale dealers. T. LEITZINQE. ClearOeld, may 23, 1 870. Ijs. : , . (Cabinet, Chair Makimr, T flHX iil'l.iru .,i.i.u i. ..r rio.rBsle. TjT l'a., will bo preparer! at nil timet tealieniw to any business in tha above line on sliMi notice, and In a workmanlike manner. Hi" P1 ' i i'j . i :'n n f-nstnutl, on hand a Urge assortment of r l,Kory nn,l Cnne Ilottom Chairs, and CskU" War. of .yery detcrlption, which he will diiptw of on as reasonable terma ike same artifw can be had elsenhere in tho county. Hie stock cf Cabinet Ware now'on bsnd, tot eists in pari of Dressing and Common Bar Hofas, Pewiugand Washing Stands, Dosks liook Cases, French and Field Post IledsteiH fining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier "-V-les, So. Ceffina monufnclured naS dllver' . . . any place nesireil. I i . l . . . ... . r i-uniirr v. isiait. i no. 4. vol. lv. I Flour. 1 OOP Ap.TK LK,(or i nt tbt store of ' ian:j W. F. in'I' l'l