lit .cflrarSrto lfpublitan, WEDNESDAY J UN R 19, 8CI. i , ,, fnni.r. h.ll m.l. U. .... 1 .-Congress shall make no hw res- JSlu ad .iUMI.Ui.ent of religion or prohibit- ia the free etfervise thereof ; OK AIIHIIH.- ,!S,()!lM","f oH Mi:I'KIS or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and t pclitiou the Gov- mmeiit for a redrew of grievances. tonsilu. tlOnry mi... ...i....... Uriotintfi o unde- i untie.. ATiti.e 0 Same 7. That the lakes to sauiiue the proceeding, or the legisla-' iwc.orany branch o! government; and no law ,b.ll ever be made to restrain the right thereof. I The free communication oi tuougnuand opinions' :. nf iha invaluahle riililnf nmn. on, I .. titiaen my freely fpeak, write and print on any for "Bice of SherilT, nibject to the actio. i of nbj.ct; being reponniule for the aluco of that,"" Il,mun,lllc Purt7 Bt fl primary elucti-m. (lberty. in prosecution! lor the publication of iniiera luveatigating the official conduct if offi-1 i i . tars, or men lu puhlio capacity, or whore the alter published Is proper for public informa tive, the truth thereof may be given in evidence; and in all Indictments for libels, the jury shall have a right to determine the taw and the facts, under the direction of the court, as ir other cases. foMlifulioa of 'enM'y'fMia Car Time at Tyrone. The iummer arrangenent of the Pennsylvania railroad, on and after tie 10th of June, will be as follows i TRAINS LR.lMMi EASTWARD, last Line 9.17 p. m Hail Train 11.65 a.m. TRAIN LFAVIMO H F.STWARO. Sipress Passenger 6.40 a. m. Hail Train 4.40 p. m. The Express last, and Fast Line West, do ot stop at Typue. lIivtaotRs The l.mlies of our town deserve grvii credit for thiir unsparing effort", in jelialf of tho comfort of our aolJ'crs win have engaged for tho wur. Duiing ie lJll!,t 'ook they have manu factured leurly 100 Hnvelocks which they harenerv to the nicmhen ofthu Washing ton Cail'ts, nt Cunip Curtin. (ioiKY'w Lady's Hook, for 8100. To n'ol the time, t!ie sixty-third vol iinit'Ol'dodey will be writ to auWribers for fne Dollar. This volumo comjirise llieiix bul iiiiiiiW of tho year, and will contain seven eiignivmj:, six of the Uf (lv)uble extension 'i liiiii-jilute,, Mid si tho winter clunk jmt lei in. Addrese I.. t.Gu Uy, J'J3 CheM mil Street, i'hiliidsl pliia. Teierson's MAGtzi.vr. Tho July num 'her of tiii- r"!!1"'1" Monthly is already on our tnUo. In utMkion to its usuul quan tity of Stories, Poetry, Ilouheliold Receipt Stool Eiijrnivi'ijri, Kuihion Dates, and rallerns foi tlm Work-t.iblo, it contains To Splendid Colored Patterns, cue of which is a "Slurs vid Snipes" ISed-lJuilt. Kvery lady o'.tglit to have a number, so as to wntk one of these (iuilts. As a new volume begins with July, this is a good opportunity to subscribe. The priee cf "Peterson" is only two dollars a year, or t dollar l?ss magninoa of its elnss. It is ju it the one, thercUi e, for tinj tunes. To club', thf terms are rhenper still, viz: thrtc copies for five dollars, or eight cop its for ten dollars, w ith a 'siiporb Trenii. sin to Ihe person getting up club.' Address, HI AS. J. PKTERSON, r0f. Chestnut Slrcet, DiiU Specimens sent gratis to persons desi rous of getting up clubs. "teSr We will not follow tho editors of the ' KepnLlioan" any further Nor will wc replv tonny such nrtitdn as thry have published of late. The game is not worth the powde"." Raftsman' Jour mI, May 2Und. 0, Sumuo w hat a fibber you You tliould watch your tracks, or at least at tempt to rover them. Keep an rye upon lour 'Engineer." Ox one day last woek, (we cannot tell tfrcoiselr what day while Sir. David Mi to . r.HZiw n'i ins wile were nosent irom lioiw;,-their son, nge.l about six jears, obtained Home matches and went to the lrn. In about ten minufos a column of imoke was seen, by a neighbor, wending its way upward), and the alarm was raised immediately. Tho whole building was o quickly fired that nothing could be nneonj-'i pushed in the way of extinguishing it. Tiro horses, a wagon, aled. windmill, nnd 'variety of other valuables wero consu med. Moag Ssaix. We understand that Mr. 7.AI!ft A...I .ST 1 l.t.lAN -ma VKHl'll, UI J.nwrtlllt:i.l kr. iriveii "I the loj; by a rn,tleRrak'. on Monday, He'llarted for home inimodintelv. Ltlt . , e ii 'i ten about torly yarda from tbo houso John Shaw, r., ho boesn to foel tutecr ... ii ii is Mtons, and raisod ft yell nnd brought islancc. We do not kt.ow how ho is , " fe'N1,ig- 'it.Usi. It ifjiptil aa thonjrh ominous tiuiM .. ... .,i ........i . 11..4 r ' " -rong ann (levinsn seems io iiiivc us 'wotcrs. Wo obscrvo that un iittoniit hnsj .jwn mado to rob the CoriuM' Sfono oftho ''"hfran Hiureb; nnd thit tho dtsign of, 'Ub on a Tombstone in the Oravcvnrd , .ii been dcmnliidied by some ore tnnt 0ut have neither fearnd Owl, nor recnr Han. And a nei(ihbor informs ua, '"tin everting the Tombstones to the PW'eof his dLfciiood wifo ho used en in "letting thent, but Hint theder.d haa been ; wtoted, ami tho Tombstones ncqrly rOWIl down Vnnilil!iini Jmiintu ' Merest punishment tlmt can.lm.nie-' . ,111 I IIIIIIKIIPIII 1IC.-TI 1... , JT under the Jaw. and WO hope no eonstantly on hand at his shop, a general as- will be spared by any good piti- sortmcnt or Fdtles, Hridles, Harness and JMo bring the perpof rator, if the.e acjs , WWffn.V r''!' 'C" on fct""t' tfa''' .ndalismto.atircnnd apeody P'P" ' ' DR. J. ' V-lPTTEIL -uui under Ilia Jaiv. anrl u a hone tin Wt will lw .n.el , nn. A .,!. Mi. 1 an... 4 Curwensvlllo oa thallth rwensvilloOB thai 111 Esa.. Mr. Charles Holes. , ,ti "' y wvi Spiece Esq., Mr. Charles IK " R1ece Jane Irw'ui, of Lawrenee tp ,. ' " ,?,'' Ih in.t. hv the Rev. .Tnlin A. Nuner. ' Wf Mi,1Un, ,0 Mi" Matilda J. Lot, all of - waruy ' PRIMARY ELECTION. MICTION 2ND SATURDAY OF At Ol ST. We aro authorized In mnm, n(A tliji nam nf John It. ThAtnntim f r mi .... i : . . I "" WDiirvuir, as vuuui- date fr associate Jadee auhieet fur the aetion of lU &ZZZSZl h?" .. ! o T of (be Dimooratio party at the primary election . i ,WV 'u,Wi', announce,!,, name o," Jrh u0n, of Lawrence tp.. as a Candidate for the office of Siitm,-,-, subject to the action f the Democratic sarly at the primary election. We "re """-orised toaaawinee thennine of John i Mctiniighey of Lawrenra tp. as a candidate lor Kh iff .llM, ,,i,. ..,,.1 .. ,, . bhl r,ff' '"bJec! t0 ,ht. rt) ,( lnooratio Prty at the primary eleotiori. ...,,.,.,.,,;.. . ' " " - , ne name oi oan-uel t lyde, ol JJW enco tp.. aa a randldale W .nrc ntborieJ to announce the name of. tfiinrml ltnbn..r L'n- ... - . e. . ....v i ... nuut ii., nit n iiiutiiuiiiv, iur conntyCcmanireiongr, subject to tho ut-tiun of the Doinocrutic parly at the primojy election. Wo are authorised th announce the) nnme of Wm F. Johnson, of Penn townnhip, as a Candi date for county Treasurer, subject to the action of the Democratic party at the primary election. 4r Twenty-five to Wxty Dollar and' expenses per month will bo pnid by the Krie j Sewing Muehino Company tu their Agents, for selling the Krie Sewing Mnehhie. This Is a cow ' Miichine, unit so simple in its coastruotion that a child can leorn to operate, it tvy half an hour's instruction. It is euual to nny Family Sewing .Vuchite in use. and they tnke ihe premium over fifty and one hundred dollar machines. The ' price is but Fifteen Dollars. The Company wih i to employ Agents in everjr eountv In the United i States. Address, for particulars, .Vie Snriug Murhiut C. K. James, Ueneral Agent. Milan, 01,iu- murU-oui. lltb Sbbtrtisemtnts. TTjlY L'l. Notice is hereby given tlmt the aL hooks or lr. li. r. Akcly, latoly of Ora hamptnn, and also the Hooks of the late Dr. Hen ry limine, are now in the possession of the sub scriber lor Immediate collection, anj all persons ' interested will plouso take notice. I Clearfield, June 19, IS6I. WM. PORTEf. C.lL'TMsW. .All persons arc hereby caution-1 ed agiiinst purchasing, or meddling In any uy, with the following described nronertv i ' Pnw 9 U'n ..M K,.!!-.... '. U... I 1 I - - . j ..... u.nLin, u uud, HiKi i HJir of grsin in the ground, now iu possession of John l.aborde, Jr., cf L'uion t. JOSEPH 1. 1 M.S. June I Hth Hiil. NEW GOODS Af KEATZERS' They have just received a general assortiuont of Spring and Summer DRY UOODS, consisting of BONNKTS, RIBBONS, SHAWLS, HATS, PltlXTS, CAPS, Dl'tJALS, W1XK, HAKJvfii;, SALT, 1 Ol'I.IN, OILS, fi.iinis, r.vix'f TWEEDS. LEAD. MI'S LI X, IHUUiA LiXEXs. lux.vrs, C A It PET, SHOES. 1H.IXDS, CATS, I'.ltdDMS. . r.VXTS SYTIIKS, VESTS SJIKES, KAILS, NOTIONS, LL()Wi;i8, HAHDWAHE. tjrKKXSWAHU, GLASS, FISH. HA .')N & FI.Ol'K, All of which will bo sold on the most reasonable terms for CASH, or approved Country Produce. C. KKAT.EU '& SoN. Clearfield June II, i.Stit. Ijl'lR SAI.i; at MOOhi: r- ETWKILER?', 4 Extra Flour, warrnuted either in sacks or liarrels. Also HACON, and fir CM .VII osy. ClcurUeld, Juno II, 'HI It. Borough Ordinance. Ski". 1. Itv it Ortiuhittt It the ittirnrt anrl Totrn f'oiiircrV nfthe tnromijh nf Stif H'imA i'm'im, nntt it M Scre.y ortlitimil ny authority nj tht: sirrHe, That from nnd uft r the passage of this ordi nance, any pi rson or persons riding, driving or leuding any horse, mnre or gelding, or lending or driving any mule, ox cow, or oilier cattle, on the foot-walks, ou being thereof legally convict ed in the form prescribed for profane swearing, shitll pay a fine not exceeding ten dollars or the use of the borough, Skc. 2. Any person or persons exhibit aoiy play, show, mountebank, juggler, or nny ether' exhibition, sbnll pay a tax not exceeding ten dot-1 lnrs asa license to exhibit tho same, and tlve fur-i ther sum of twenty cents fur said llcenso tho tux' to bo for the use or the borough. And it iiiic-c-by made the duty of tho llurgess to grant' such license, if he thinks necessary, on the pay ; ment or Ihe required tax, and any person or per-' sons neglecting or refusing to pay sold tax, shall; not exhibit under the penalty of twenty dollars, to be recovered in like manner as a fine for Sub. bath breaking, and sbnll bo dispersed ns au un lawful assemblage. Hue. .1. Any obstruction In the highway, or any nuisance or offensive mailer found on thes streets ur walks In front of, oi In a lot or lot, the person or persons having tho same shall be noti fied by the High Constable, verbally or otherwise, to remove Ihe same within twenty-four iiours ; and on neglecting or refusing to remove the nme in tie tune specified tho High Constablo shall r move the same at tho expense of the person .or . r,cr??V laying the nine the rxperaa oi-js-hicb I shall be collected according to tho general bor- su iaw. Xhis section m apply to alloys as well stieets. A.iopted Junes, is!, JOSEPH II, URETH, Burgess. Attest-J.tcoD A.Riiktii, Sec'y. ltALTIO'. All persons arc hereby caution- V-ed agaiust purchasing or inoddling in .any ' way with the following personal frojicrty, ope ' Span of grey Horses one muly red, nud one red and while Cow, now In the possession of I'eter II. liuoze, ol I nion Inwnshin- as the same lielongs tome, ami is left with him on '""n un,.v' f J0SS0X Venn fnrb.ip, Mny 7ih t'l. " ';- , . .... JfVf.'t.! . . I HAvL made a dlseovery of the utmost iin- pertuneeto every married person of either trx ,nJ wi" 'nil ,l,e ,ul1 psnloulars concerning I. IV B.I "II. w." .---i-. w. rilHIIl IV 'J l"l IV turn postngr. Address DR. J. II. MARTELL, npl 24 ly. Alfred, Maine. LKVER FLKGAI., Justice 01 the pCftCO LllHinrthiiro ri....Hl.l P.. . Ml . 1. II I 111 IU V, . ( l WTx !"'! """I'l ".'."'0 hi, n k.nJ ni ki. .k..n . .... 1 1 - sortmcnt of Faddles. Hridles. 'Harness and ' Plirsirlan anil (SiirircoJi. has ncrmanentlv located at Lecontes Mills, tiirnxd township, ol-j his professional services to tu) aurroundiug ,,;.. - ni "IV "I ..v.. , 6lt . 7 FRY CHEAT at Ihe store of jau .'3 WM. F. IRWIN. MEAT W ORK OX THE HORSE THE JIOKSE JvNI) I IS J1.SEASE.S: jt noun jusiaoe, v. i., 1) .. r.. . . ... . r.i i , 4 K'irnvi vi xmuoiogy aUO. Onfr.HT lOrgery in v....: ,."' ! h . 1 ColUe of rhil.d..rbi., etc ill Tell Ton of the Origin, History and distlnc.' lira train of the various breeds of European, Asiatic, African and Airier. . iced Horses, with the physical forma tion and peculiarities of the animal, nod how to-nscertain bio age by the .number and condition of hia teeth; illustrated with numerous txplanavury I engraving. j THE HORSE AND JIIS DISEASE .. " ' .. "'... , ui leu i ou or liretfi-lng, JircaKinic. ftnuimg heeding, Hroojninjf. flioelng, and th general iiianage.m-nt of the hore rices to wiiieh lie is subject ; wit.i nu merous explanatory engravings. H0R6E AND HIS DISEASES You of the causes. svmMonis. an THE Will Tell Treatment of Strangles! Sort Throat Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Kroni chitis, I'nauuioniii, Pleurisy, lirokes Wind, Chronic Cough, Ruuring and Whistling, Lampns. Sor Moulli and I'lccrs, and decoyed Teeth, w ill) otlii r diseases of the Mouth and Respirato ry Orguns. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASE Tell Y'ou of the causes, svnn.tnnn. nn. Will treatment of Worms, Hots, Colic, riun.y oucreuoui Ruptures, Palsy. Diarrhea, Jaundice Mrrnni.ii ui c .1 naiirriioea, lllonily t rine, Stones G .mi mo ur..i moaniii a.-iuiiii-u'ruix; mo iiean, j.iver anil i,ungi: luucer. hits, ricrolula. nml nil Discasasof the lllood ' medicine, aluo, how to treat JMtiug, AWo. all Diseasos appertaining to the KYE and EAR. PARTIAL DEAKXKs, Kinging Noises in Kiiklng, Rearing. Shying, tumbling, Ibe Iliad, and Discharges from the Ear, can be speedily cured by Dr. Rout's Scientific Treatment- I'rib Biting, Rcetlosfnen. anJ o'ber and many other diseases that have battled the skill oftba au-enlled dintimMil.h...! .,l,.--;..i.. ' n the kidneys and llladder, Inflama. .; ,fc,r that lr. Ijrt Hants no patients but the'" fully capablo or appreciating and di.i'in lion, ami oilier diseases of the Stoin-' guisliing the services o, 'p regular thorough bred p.'iy.'';inn, from a paltry, unlearned and trifling cu, Low-!, Lirer and I'rinary Or-.qu.u-k. s gans Til K Will Tell HORSE AXD 1118 DISEASES You of tha causes, sviuidoms, and Treatment of llene, Illoid nnd Itog, Spavin, I'ing-lJodu. Sweeuin, Strnnsy llroken Knees. Wind Ualls, Founder olo llruisonn.l Uravei, Cracked Hoof Scrua-lies, Cunker, Thrush, and C rus also, of Megrims, Vertijfo, Fpilopsi Staggers, nnd other diseases of lu Feot, Legs, and Head, THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Tell You of the cuevtc symptoms pun Treatment of Fis'ula, Poll Kt il, Ulan Will lers, l arcy, Scarlet Fever, Maiiec. i-ui it-ii, 1,0. keU Jaw, Rlii-umutisin ' v ramp, .,nus, inseascs orlhe hvennd I Heart, Ac., Ac. and huu to uiamgc . ..1-.. iiu.Mi, 1, .ceding, irepi nining, Rowelin-, Firing, Hernia, Ampula-1 tion. Tapping, and other surgieul op- cnilions. THE HOUSE AND HIS DISEASES Will TH YonofRarey'a Method of taming Her ees how In Approach, Ilulter, or Sta ble a Coll ; how to aeenstom n horse ' to strnligv sounds nnd M.'Ms.und how to UK, 4-Jle, ItMe. and Ilrcak him io IJ.uiies.s, also, the rorm and law ' ( arranty, Tho whole being the re-1 sun ui uiuiv iiiiiii oiioen fears carelul i study or the hnliits po iiihanlies. I vu,nts .md ircaknesses and U'.ofiil animal. of this r.V-I The Rook ccnta'a otic. nppropriatclj-il litMrated by n.eiyl One Uu,uid anurjivijigs, It is printed in u clear open type, anil will uu lorwanleit to any address, postage paid, on : receipt efpiiee, lin'lf bound, JI.UU, or, in cloth I extra, $l,:'i. tflMIO A Yl". lit civuJjo aiaiie by iUrpri-1 f'ln men every where, in sailing the above, end1 oUivj- popular works or ours, Our Inducement! tu all such are exceedingly liberal. For single copies of tho ilooij . or jfur .terms to agents, with other information. fiy fn our ad dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. No. C 1 7 Sunsoin Street Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, ljilo. flmo. li PEIII'I.U'S COOK 'WOK, MODftRX COOKEKY, tn all its brunches. Uy Miss Eliia Aitos. Carelully Bcvisadli Mrs. S.J. Hai.k. It Tells Y'ou how to chooso all kinds of Meats Poultrv. and Uume. with nil lb. ,!.. and most approved modes of drsine I and cooking llecr aud PoraT: alsu th bjst and simplest way or suiting, j uk ling nnd curing tie mine. It Tells You all the various and most approve modes of dressing, cooking, and boning .Mutton, l.ninb, Veal. Poultry, and Hume or all kinds, w ith the different Dressings, tlraries, nnd stuffings oppro- It Tells You how to choose, clean, and nreserv. : Fish or all kinds, and how toswettcnit1 .when tainted : also all the various nnd Aiuujt approved modes of cooking, wiih.HA, and THE HOME (HARD. Revised, cor tbo different Dressings, Sauces, and reeled, and adapted Io General Scoll's disuiplino Flavorii'g sHipropriiite to each, j mid drill of tho soldier and volunteer in lie C. S. It JeiU 'You nil the various and most approved f'"-? P"""'.1'1 time, BY AX 0FFICET IN modes of nrenarinir oier Hiiv THE V. S. ARMY. kjuds 4 jjfoat, Fish, Fjnl, .oe. and Vegetable Hui. p., ly'roths, an I Jitews, with the Relubo sid teasoings .ap propriate to each. It Jfojlt You all the various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every description, also hi w to tireimre Pielc. i i- s. .,, Vi. ..... les, Catsups and Curries of nil kinds, ' PotU-d Meats. Flih, (Janie, Mush- rnmi. . ' ' -v I It -telle lou all ike nnH i,,.,.l . ,1...... i mode, of .irenarlmrund cookl,,V.ll H. or Plain nnd Fancy Pastry, Puddings ! Omelettes, Fritters, Cnkes. Collection ery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dish ' ct jr every description. It Tells Y'ou all the v rlout and most rpproveo modes ofinuking Rread, Rusks, Muffiins, and R'seuit, the best method of prepa ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and how to ninko Svrnps, Cordiuls, and Winci of various kinds. It Tell -Yoa how .o set out an ornamental Ta ble, how to Carte all kinds f Fish, iFlcsh or Fowl, a-d in short, how to so siinpiuy me wnoie Art of Cooking as to ; . . 1 . l . , , 1 hrliiif Ibe chotenst liiiir(.,4.fh...i.i..'i , , . , '""iv, ,ttitlun,cv,(vybody'jaoh, j Tht book contains -1 1 A rages .and upward, of wlve nunured Recipes, nil or which are there- suns 01 actum experience, having been fully and carefully tested under tho personal superiiiten dence ol the writers. It is printed iu s rloar and open type, is illustrated with appropriate er.gru vings, and will be fcrwardud to any address neatly hound, and postage paid, on receipt oflh pri:e. I,U0, or in cloth, extra, $l,2j. MIKHI A VF.AH mn . mado by entcrpri sing men everywhere iu selling Hie above work our Inducements to all such being very liberal. For single copies of Ihe llnok, or f..r terms to agents' with other inrormatpin. apply to our ad dress JOHX K. KiTTER, Publisher. No.. 51 7 Pansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa December 12, lol. flmo. Q L E N - ,C H 0 MIL L Germantown, Po. ft i t x tt r A I C V A L L U ill Ac Cu., Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in C A H 1 ETI SO H, I) R VUU K TS,. U,L t-LUlua, u.lll(,S, r.. Warehouse. No. OlHI C'liestinit Street I'Onnosite Slate House (Vpposue Mule House.J pra'Sl-ly pHILAt'r.l.l'KIA, W tVtmt for Medicinal purposes Hrundy Li Port and Sherry Wine, Neclur Whiskey and Uoi ana ".in-al Jf AHISW I'.K.S. EYE, EAR PHYSICIAN Doctor Ti'OR.MERI.Y l'hysiican and Surgeon to the X o! ri t lSliVKUll, Pa.( lega leave t nunounce to nil InvnlhK that, owimt to the . .olio. itatiom or hi friend, he ha tunrluded to pny profeiiuonl vlnli tu the follow inir named ilavei and by arriving at the dy tet forth, can be conjullod by the iifllktid, both Mnl " and Fcma'.e oil i APPU1XTMEXTS. C''5,I9Jf nl fork's Hotel, from the 13th of May to tho 1st of June. CORSICA, at Whltincr's Hotel, June 1st. Again, Sept. 1st and I'd. F!i-?MiL nLIi'Ii-,i; theAmrrl' House, from 3d to Vth Juno. Again. Sept. Sd, Irtiandith . Vi" ' " 1 eeu " "o'o'.June nun anal nn. Again, Sept. 10th and lltb. I'l.lvAkFIFLDj Johnson's Hotel, Juno 2lh to lKt'i. Again, tfept 12th and l ?th. 1IKLLb?.FOXTK, Morrison's Hotel, from June 17th 'o I'Jtli. Again, Sept. 1 till and l.'ith TYRONE CITY, at Mrs.' Hotel, June 2lstnnd l'2d. Again, Sent. 17th and lflth At bis IXFIK.MAHY, from June 22d to July 17lh. 1 listen i? the Voice of Truth and Reason and Profit by it. Tho time lias come wlieo ni! who will, can escnpo the iron grnsp of .Mercury, by calling, without (Inlay, tu sea tho well known nn justly ct'elinitod Eclectic European Physician, Dr. Hoht, who will pdmliilslcr those only true inu ufe medicines, rxivactcd from the most choice noors nnd hkiirs, M'tll. ill II rA tlPll..i rail lln.l-i U.n.. TV llltn. HHll Hinrj.r..rA nc.i.l tl.. .... ..t - II t . - .1, wliUj wait never designed for tl' t'stcm, ..." - unu guo u curly gravel. I ,,. TllIX(iS TO J)3J(KMKMHKItKIi. llmrmlcr. Dr. Hurt's remeiiina and treiilineiit are cnti ely t'uknown to all others in this country ; prepared from a lite spent in the gruat lioFpiCiN of Europe .nd 'be first in tho country. Krmcm&sr, thut Dr. Ilort has a more extended practice thnn nny other physician in Wostern Penn sjlviiniiu lUmtmii r, that citizens or education, and our ponulur men, are all well (.cijuaintod with, and take great pleasure in recommending Dr. Ilort to the afllioted. Jtrmriuirr, tlmt i'r. Jlort makes no fnlw rojircsentati to gull (ho unforw inato', but all ha snya u ill be faithfully carried out: ili mrinbrr, that Dr. i.'ort ps.vs every nttjiuin to Jiseascs of a chronic nature. fT-'Ji-Cortilicates of Cuies jmiy be seen at hi renpoolive rooms. I'r. Rort is furnished with ever six thou-an lejters or rccoinniendation from som' of die most distinguished men living. A'so has awnrded t,) b;in diplomas from some or the most ttelebMted Hospitals 4nd Infirmaiiei in f.'u.'ope, for hi or.walbe4 obecrvutions in Diagnosis, and okrvif tions in c incovet ing remedies for l cure of dUeaj.5? have heretoloro b.illled the skill of ulnv or I)) a medical prarcsslon. n early cull from those wishing ti consult I Imnki; ..e . ..1 1 ... 1... ... k : u" beni( vr treatment, nnd thus do justice to a-ions bear :n mind when Dr. Ilort wi.' bo will confer a great favor by calling on Ihe first '. is biutij- unporsibla to attoml to tlie jh.xious solioitntiunii of all. Dr. Rort will arrive at each " 4 be slmve plncs on the first coaeh on the a iy appointed. '' ' Please extend the imitation to all invalid aO(UHiiiUinces, and otiie yenr.--, Ac. SKll' IlKMKDH'i (OR STEKMATO It It II E E A TToWAtll) A'SOCMTION, I'll 1 1. All Kl. I'll I A . A li X 1 tvntt-nt ittitut!on i Mttttttixli'it htf nl En- ilntr.Hl. .if thr r.,f .if the l.'a... nfflirtvl irith Vi.Jtnt' utl Clnnnic lli-m.,; nm'l nprriatlg fr tlir Cure nf hittatrt f the Srrtml 1riftin. Mrnii AL Advu b given gratis, by tho Acting Surgeon. pectlully nslied not to forCt him, imj ony nuin RrroiiTS on Speriratorrhoea, and bcr of new ones urn resr,e:fi.t)v inviio.l t iivn Vam ni.n other diseases of the Sexual Oi gans, and on tho nkw RKHtfin employed in the Dispensary, sent in seaieu isiicr envelopes, iree oi euarge. two or lru S'.amps for postage acceptable. Address Du. J. Skii.i.i IIoi'iiiitos, Howard Assoeiution, No. 2. S. Ninth st., Philadelphia. 2'Jiiiy ly. Executors' Notice. T ETTERS TESTAMENTARY 1 J grunted tn tho undersigned o Ll-.VI COFFIN, Into of Knrlhaus to having U'ttl on tho estate of !own.tir. Clear. Celd county, deo'd, nil persons knowing them. selves indebted to said cutnto ore revested L inako iinracdiuto payment, and those hovliiir claims against it w ill present tluu duly authen ticated for settlement. FREDERICK CU!" FJS. Karthaus, May 2'J, T. 1. Ct. HTIO, All persons nro hereby caution- Kj ed against piirehiising, or in nuy way meib Jling, with of 17 acres ol'oatu in the ground S of 6 icris of corn iu the ground, I Cook -stove J lleds and Redding, and one Clack, in the pos session of Philip Shiinel, or llradt'ord township, ft" ,1,e ""ne belong tome in ' i t , on, ii aa i, May 29, ISCI. .It. TACTICS for 'i' i if, VmVLK ! J'OU THK SOLDIKK. FOR THE VOM'NTEKR. And Tor the HOME til'ARD. ' P U SOLDIKR'S GUIDK, A J COMPLETE MANUAL AND Dlill.L ROOK, tor the use of all VOI.l'NTEERS. MI LI n-i.i. ...i. ..I . i . i ... i i . r 4 ins iii n piiuuiii or ui ine iinuos oi ei cry one t?tie MILITIA, as well ss in the hands of evert 'VOU'XTEF.R and CITIZEN or the I'nited Slates. J. t is just what all members or every njnupanyj .eirtbiirlii active service or In tho Home IJ tin id iMirire, as everything in it is brought up to tiie army re(,uir(uients ot the present day. CPH,, , i. .ni loinplet In o,n,e yolunie. ipor cover, price 2j Mts each, or v! cojiics tut one .JoH ; or nenl- ...1 .I...M..1 Kn..,l In . 1 .1 ... Ill 1 . ij ...,.J ... nr ,M.,r. . vuu, Copies of tllio abnvo bonk will ke sent to anx ... I ...... f. ,.r ........... :i, ' .1 1 ZZS ,. .. . b 1 Address all orders and letters t Ihe publishers, T. II. PETERSON if- UUOTHIiRS, No. .Kltl iCheslnul st.,.Phlli.dclpbi,-., And they will reeci.v.e immediate attention. WASTl'.iJ. Agents and Xanvnasers to en- Kiigo 111 me sine 01 1111s noin,-1,11 (ui ei j jiiiq villugo in the I'nited Suites, who will bo supplied with tho work ut two dollurs a doren ; or, Fifteen ' dollars a liuidrcd. ) Address nil order with remittances enclosed, for tho quantities wantod, at the above rates, to the publisher.!, T. 15. PETERSON A MOTHERS, .'Oil ri, .1 Dun.. J..UI.I. www vmvp.uu. 111, ... .n ... ... . 1 Ant tney win receive immeuiate attention. j(u). 5 61. "1,U"Tox.. ALL hereby any way, with 11 tiORKEL HUiU'F, know.n as the Irvin Horse, now in the possession ut' W. R. Shiinel, of liruhuni township, ns said liorsc be longs tu me and it left with him on loan onlv. THOS. II. FORCEE. ' Orahamton, Mny 22, 'fil. VD.MIMHTRATOH H NtllK I'. Letters if Administration having been this day 'granlrd to the undersigned on tho estate of CHARLOTTE VVEAYHR, Into or Hrady town ship, Clear, eld county, deceased, all persons in 'iubtnd to e aid ctale aro requested to make Im ,inedu''e payine,nt,nnd thosehavingclaims against : the asms fill present them duly authenticated (or settlement. GEO. KXARR.jr. I 'Msy li. t. Adm'r. I fijUTaOX. ALL persona are hereby cau I V' Roned against purchasing, or ip rny way meddling, with a eertnia YOKE ofCXrN Red (and white now in Ihe possossi n (if Ttolijainin Chance, of Oraham township, aside same belong I M . ...1 1.4 l.ifl will. I.t. .n 1..... THOS. H. FOMCEE Orahamton, May 22, 61. ARliK AIHTMIiXT of colond laints. jUJ I'ry aim ureunu in on, In I pouml cans. just re.eived and for aalo at ' 1IARTSWICKS, I-)l'R I! W ill Ti; I.I ; A , warranted, ground in oil, in -5 und K'i lb. cans, iust rcceireil I and frt ntle at. HARTSHTf K'S. AND L UXG & S1GE0I BdPRT, Hrompton Lung Hospital, or London. Eii'-lund. now tinguii to take which many thousands hav fallen vleii,... - ......... tun ay,ycor, u-rarnestly reiiuoleil, so as to receive ... ..1 ..: - (. . himself, i injcj Hu lled in your plu-o. iV:-ons desirous of consulting him day of his arrio'as his rooms nro so often crowd- ' May 2!), 'CI. 21. Viile uij Vsike up! Br,.-;t'H'MITIII;. TH,; lubscribcr res peel.riii!.V infonns his fronds and the public generally. t-'inf.Jio is new well .ililisbcd in his NEW SlIOI m fine street, o.ipo'.-ite the Town Hull, in the bor,ui;'h of Clearfiotd, V.nd upon hi own hook, and wlu'ro ho is pr.ipyfed to do all work In his line in the very best tyle, and on the shortest notice. Jlis old custor'crs aro res- him a trial. ' j F.DOE TOOLS. Hia reputation n a M.iker anil llepmrer or Edge tools should of itself seouro him a liberal patronage. liEORCEC. I'ASSMCjtK. j April 21. I To LninhrrniVn . ntUMIIIl l-nn cur i . ?i " 'L V T " , "oetc a I 7',, l." , C'V, vm. ."'. B,n,-V. u Viin i", ,,,, i .? . , ', " . J,rC1'" 4 ' ' IrM"-" '""r,-;"'1 lhVr.f "''0 a Purt- ! V ' , . . "'..' Mber at (Ireen's Dnuj, to stock tlio Log Poud to its full Unpayity. I iTis Milfl H1 have tho command of the laar twt in a'crnbufj,' and Duncannon aud of two j thirds or Perry nuuly j ; nnd n largo amount or business inayo J,ono t good jiriccs. It is ob I the Pennsylvania Railroad, and in coinmiiuica-l lion wnn I'lniaiP.-ljm and linltimore. I Iu the preseni licofesscd stnto or ihe Tidntr.. ter market, I invite Attention to a homo uiuriet mat will rcmujuy aio. Address early by mail, or wtttrriiit JUAKS, ap2t-6 fiunfaaaon, Perry co., Pa. (JIIAIUSH CHAIRS 1 1 1 NOW IS THE TTlffr. Tn tittv m , i The urdcrsigiifd has now on hand, at his Fur niture Rooms on Market st., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Llti's Foundry, a l.irga stook of tllAIHS op KIXIM, munufuclured out of tho blst mnterialr, finished n a very superior mnnnor, and which he w ill sell LU IF t'Oll CASH, Hi long in the business makes him feel couiidciit tlint' hjr chuirs arc made in n substantial and workmanlike man ner, and will stand the test of Ujul. Persons wishing to purchase chairs should cail at once and getthciu while they can be had at Ihe lowest Mi's. JT1IN TROUTM.VN. Mar. 27-1 SHI -If. 1 EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters tcstamen 1 J tnry hnvinif this dav been oranled In tb on. dersigued on tlie estato of ItiXATIl'S THOMP SON", lute or Lawrence township, Clcnrliold coun ty, deed , all persson knowing themselves indebted J1 10 """ e"tt". '!r0 "'l-'ested U, make Immediate rWKvnt. nnd those having claims ugainit it will krej-epunem amy aut ieuiicated Tor settlement JOHN D. THOMPSON, e. THOMPSON, Curwcnsvillc, May.JJ. Ex'rs. C1 A ITI() N.AI,L perj;ns,r,e hvreoyMkutjim '7,;!!"' hnrboiiugor trus liug iuy" wife A.M.M.IA L. ul uiv aeeonnl. .l.aH.nw without juit .cuje, arid f shall pay i.o debts of her contracting. .' ' contiacting. C. tViITCILELU -pd. Ruriuidc tp., May '. ISCI. $35 00 IAYS t!ie 04.4" cwt for TI'ITIOX in the mos.t popular and succei.-fiil CC.HI.WCI4.J SCHOOL in the cuuutry. tpwnrtls of 4Ki.vjf Hi Npni:n young men. from tw r-ttrv rioiiT differ. ent Stales, have been educate! for business here within tho past three years, some nf whom hnve been employed as ROOK-KEEPERS at salaries of $2000 00 immediately rpon graduating, who knew nothing nf accounts when Ihey entered the College. jn ..iimncr a anna nail price. Students enter ut any time, and review when they please, without eatra charge. For Catalogues, Specimens of Pcnmnnshlp, and View of the CULLEliK, enclose 6 ve letter stamps ir.IH.S A SMITH, May li, HI. Iy. Pittsburgh, F. Dissolution of Fa tna.-4flip. fsnllK mrtnim1iiri liri..r..u 4L.:..i 4... 1 the subscribers, under t of Waiou" 4 IlAor.iiTr, was dissolved this day by ,u,l consent, aud all h.(- '..H ! counts with the.nmeiVrn cnuie forward oodhAvs llieiu eloseil and settlec. ui. Immutlafel.' ' Th Ktnre will be eon.tinud lv lr.'naget-tv A. K. WRIritlY. I dO.SJ'.Fll II Aiii: HIV. il, r, jC: 7 77 'ffj (If ARRIS' 1M. s j: vig ma chim:. riders fhom $40 to $70. The HOUDOIR PEWIXtl MACIIIXi:, an cu graving of whlih is here represented, has now become recngnlaed favoril! wherc-er it lies oecn introduces, and is, tievnM question, the best, as well as Ihe aisstrU'WWf J Sewing Machine uow before )ie JvubjU-. ' Nu. 1 V siuull and vcr; neat 'TtfavlitMS fw Family use. ' ' ' No. 2, A large Machino for quilling Leavy work and for Mniituiii.n use. This Machine is much admired for its simplici ty, nod for its reliability and darabillty it is un surpassed. A child twelve years ran ruu it wit!) ease ; nnd yet it will sew from the coarsest doll to Ihe finest Swiss. There la no trout I j of re winding the thread, aa it is taken from the spool It liss 110 belts to give trouble, and will run backyards as well as forwards, and still sens eiUyily perfect, and without danger of breaking needles. It runs by frietfon, nnd by closing tho box over it, it is thrown uut of irear. In fi.i. wo have no hcjitajlOi jn rtciiaaendlni: il aa tho best fun ily Sewing MaohjiioTn f Tht fvlhm iiitj Premlnnii Award, u the aLt;c Machine : At the Fair or the Fiunk'in Institute, 185s, tho First Premium. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel phia, Septeinbor 21, ls.'.U, the First Premium- Diploma. At the Pennsylvania Stnto Fair, held at Wyo ming, l:Jtl a Silver Medal. For the best Double Thread Machine, nt Lan caster County Fair, hold Oelobsr. 1S:.!I fil... AfiMnl. At i'.''C Maryland Slate Fair, held at the Mary laud Institute, Raltimore, Md., October, lajo, under .."ttong tompetition, Silver' Weykl 'was awarded Io this n!'ichiiie. ' '! At the New Castle Cpimly Fair, fi.elil at Wil mington, Delaware, Oetoor, Wit a Diploma. ' The above Machines are manufactured' l,y CU V III.!:-, W. IIOH I. AXIi, Wilmington, Del. SALESROOMS. No. 720 A ret Street, Philadelphia, Pa. No. 801 Markst Street, Wilmington, Iel. S. 1). JIAKER. mnrlj-ly 72ft Arch Street, Philadelphia. Persons wishing to see the above Machino iu operntlcn, can do so by eaPiiig at the resi dence of I). W. Mooro, in Clearfield bore jgh. ' A T T E 4V TION! SHE REST MILITARY BOOK EVER PUBLISHER. ' '- - So; JiKA 1V, VoluiKcci llanual, crmrAiaisn rri.i. instri ctioss p0a Tiia Iu tl.f S-h.k i the So thn unci $niaJ, yirrn in tut St'mptt Stttf,' And nil tho information necessary far tho form ing of ' ' ' COftr.S OF !';CIE ti t'AKDS, I r JjI'stijathd witji ovkr 100 EtfGEAVINGS, Slioy,iiii "lh(j dill'oront positions in she. FAJUiSUS ANl) M AXUA ARMS, And complete directions rtyiiiva to LOADING AND FIlMNt.!, AnllAMllMI AirOlilllNO to Tcott System of Infantry Tactici,, And in conformation with tbe a nut negrincMKKra. ron taa irebkxt wam nr Lt. Col. D. W. C. BAXTER, or ma NATIONAL GUARD. Thl Book is Officially ApF-royed o, instructions given ir.o oi tfy tfreittvst im portance to the new volunteer, and should bo 1 boro uglily understood, being' ladwpeiisablo to the instruction of a company. Pound in one volume, i2ino., 62 pages, Paper Cover, price 2i cent, Flexible Cloth, 38 cents.' THK SAME. WORK IS ALIO Pt ilLISIIED IN THE OtblAN LAN7UAUK, At the same price, and h the only (icnnaii llook nl' Aoici Iran fHsbtaj-j Tactics Published in tho United State!. Agents and Canvassers Wanted To . hgage in the sale of th is wtrk, in every CITY, TOW In' nnd VILLAGE Jin the Country. Price per Den.tVf.. 48 0 Hundred." : 1S $ All orders accmupatied with !lio t.'ajjh r.ill lm dicpiUHUoAl.mealnte'ly. either by post or etpresx.' ;Jtr-If at. hired I y post. Stamps mu.i be en olosed to pay poM.igo. 'If U- express the frjigl.t can be paid 1111 delivery, ''".' - . SONGS FOR THE VOLUNTEER THE CAiMiM'lHK WMPAMON, A New and Origiunl Collection if Slifiim-v and Vn.!llK' K!' fMli;'d.e.'.rftci4.Iiy for the pres ent Coiupaij?ii. QrlJ vol. IfaJV, Willi illuatritinns. Paper cover,.! ccilis. j lcnilde Cloth, 2 Pt. Single Cniios of the ubovo Hooks MAILED FREE OF POSTAGE. To any address In tho United States, upon re ceipt of the price, by . KINO rf- BAIRD, Printer;' and Publishers, 6n? SaiMom efrtl, Philadelphia, To whom ajlMersiiuuM be addressed. . "" '" " ' ' ' " ' May IS-let, CENTAL CARD. " " A.M. SMITH offers bia professions! ?wiie . to the Irvllnsend (Clitlemcn'r Clear. Befd and vieitlty. ' All eperations j erfcrtned with neatness ucl dijpL'cl. Urini familiar ' mm 'tV-llh , ',r,,"h"1 " ?1 k u Uft "V"' Ue ta fchaMr-Jiiew Vow. P 1 tn' l,"'S'' '71' ( " " ',,' H. I.A ntlTMBH. 't eV TI-.SIT. Attnrhsva nt I. J Clearneld, Pa., will mr.i,, prnnii'llv In CM .lis, Latid Ageiriuj, sc., if., in 1 l.nrnI Lumber Cily, Mty 21t 'HI. ;ti. 1 I'eMr and Tlk e..ii,iin. .ot.