itu I tnral . TROUBLESOME HOUSE INSECTS. An warm weutlicr comes on, innu merable insects will wake from their w inter nap. or emeree from the larva Mute, to cnioytheirlifeatthe expense fOUr Comfort. 1 ho bUZZ Ofthcnyj - I Insertion. will bo answered lv the tiny horn of One square, (Hline,) 6 iho mosquito, thoneuwill (skip nim- Two i(""",,,i; . hly over the floor, and the moth nnd ,Tnree "Ju"r" j months .liinMi will sten t n v hide in t'o car- i .t rr the Dousicau. cumi'mimo i leanlinofis will thwart roont of thcin Flics flro naturo'H scavengers, ever ready to convert putrefying matter into innoxious Biibstanees. Keep the vard free from decaying vegetables, n ftiPO from the kitchen, and the drain .f tho sink, and sweeten the out-buildings with lime, and they will mostly . migrate to moro promising quarters, i ho few stragglers which remain, can I e nearly excluded by frames covered with millinct, placed in the windows w hen open. These will also keep out ilico vexatious mosquito. -Myriads f these latter insects are often bred i:i swampy spots adjoining tho dwel in swampy spots adjoining tho dwell ing. Proper draining will rout them :it head quarters. The rain water istern is also prolific in mosquetoos : place a few lively mn.nows or oiner brook fish there, and they will fatten m the lnrvtv of tho tormenting insect thus the biter will be bitten. Tho flea delights in the dust and litter of the wood house, and tho wag shed. Kemovc all this, sprinkle fresh lime in its place, and whitewash i he beams and boards, and the fleas will soon vanish. Take up all the carpets, beat them thoroughly with a slender rod, and n atter a lit tlo black pepper around iho sides of the room where the edg es of the carpet are to he laid. Then, mcc every fortnight, whip the out-t-ido breadths upon the floor with a ..light switch, and the remaining moths will bo beaten out. The chinch or bed bug can be rout ed, by the first washing all the parts e-f the bedstead with cold water, and then, with a brush, applying cor ro i ive sublimate desolved in spirits, or an amalgam of lard and quicksilver rubbed together. Or ask your drug gist for sixpence worth of unguentuin, mix it with lamp oil, and apply it with a brush to all joints and crevices, and the bugs will sleep and allow you to do the same. A m end n A:iricullur!st. Hoot Crops. The main crops of these, wetlicr ocets, parsnips or car lots, should now bo planted, The Hugar beet and mangold wtirtcl are the most easily raised and most pro ductive of these crops, but all arc valuable for cows, sheep and hogs, and tho carrots for horses. They re quired good soil abundantly manuivd, if maximum crops arc cxpi-ctt'd. AV aro partial to the sugar beet for milch cows. They can be sown early, they hear transplanting to fill vacancies, they are a cleansing crop, they keep w ell until the month of May, they are good for all kinds of stock, but for milch cows especialy, and are best fed raw, and they yield very largely. An aero that will yield a hundred bush els of potatoes, will irivc four to five hundred of beets, with no risk of losing the whole, as with tho potato, by rot. To FREE BWI.NK FROM VF.RMIN- A writer in the Southren 1'i.antkr says: "If your hogs arc lousy, go to their rubbing place, or what is better, take a rough twelve foot log to the feeding place, and keep it constantly smeared with tar. No spaniel ever loved wa ter better than a lousy hog loves tar, and ho applies it himself, to the most infested spots of his body, so efleetuif lly that the lico speedily disappear. I have seen 05 out of 06 hogs smear themselves with tar in less than thir ty minutes after they had access to it and not one of them had ever known its use before. Tiik Ualsam Fir. It will be hard for tho critics to write down this tree. They say it becomes "a shabby fel low, after it is twenty yours old, whose bad clothing a well trained dog would bark at, as belonging to a beggar". Not always, good friend, as several w ithin range of our window at this moment bear testimony. In some re- tacks of insects than in others, and when so affected, it has a pitiable look. But where it thrives well, it is certain ly worth having. We think it is freer y i. - - I 'titnld n( ll.r. V,iHll. irOIH UlSCaSO uu"'"vno u uv iiuiiu than in tho MidJic States. If thod of our readers who cultivate the cabbage, will break off a largo leafrom tbo cabbage, when they not0 ftny depredation by tho worif nd place it on top, upper 6ido dovn,nnd let it remain so over mght, tic will find in the morning that neir ir quite all tho worms on each plirt havo taken up their quar tcrs on it. Tho leaf can then be removed and tllO ?lWtS given to tho Chickens - or othorVlBO disposed of. If any re- main, U tno leaf be triod over again. f Tho editor of tho Js'cw Eng laid Farmer, has renovated diseased Toach trees thus: ho removed tho soil from around tho trunk of a sickly tree in his garden, and supplied its place with charcoal. Ho was surprised at the rapid growth of tho trees, as well as the tenacity with which tho fruit held on tho branches, and tho unusual "ichncHs of its flavor when matured. t tilm&th gepuHitair, Trrml at MubaCriDtlOII. If paid In advauce, or within three months, 1 1 24 If pid any time within the year, . 1 JO If paid after the eipiration of the year, . 2 00 Trma of Advertising. ! , Advertisements ere inierted in the Republican 2 do. t 7 1 bO j G mo'i. $4 00 00 8 00 10 00 12 00 do. 1 00 2 00 2 60 12 mo $7 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 15 00 85 00 One Square, Twosquaros, : Three sqnnres, Four squares, Half a column, 2 50 4 00 : 5 00 0 00 : 8 00 14 00 One column, 20 00 Ovr three weoks nnd less then throe months 25 eente per square for eaeh Insertion. Burnett netlcei not exceeding 81 .,..l fnr f.9 n vmr. Sanci are in AdvertimmsnU net marke t with the number t( mertions dosired, will be ccatlnuei until toroio, and cbargod according to these terms. JOB PRINTING. An extensive frock of Jobbing materia enables the l'llbltslier of the "JkpuMican'l . .1 i.. '. ' to to the public that ho is prcpa ired to do il Ainds of Foster, Pirsi.iT5, rRocn.titMr.R, r..AKX, Pa?I EOOI.', f'lHClMRR, Lahki-s Eall Ttciirs, IIaxuiiii.i.s, nnd every Kind cf piir.ting UHtutlly done in o countrvi ob office. Ail ordoia wiil be execute-.l with ncU ness nnd dcspn'.eli. O. B. GOODLAKDER ,t- CO COUNTY DlRi:CTORY. Time of Holding Court. Second Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Monday uf June, fourth Monday of September, In each year, and continue two weeks if no eewary. County Olllrera. l'rcii't Judgc.llon. Samuel binn. BelleloHte. As'to Judgc,llun Win b Moore, Clearfield. Hon IScnj Ilonfall, bulhrriibiirg Slior.IT, Kred'k 0. Miller Clearfield Prothnolary,.lohn b. Cuttle, " Reg. A Bee. Jnmee Wiigley, " Iitriet All y Robert J. Wallace, " Treomrer, tl. H. Uoodlnnder, " Co. Surveyor, II, B, Wright, Ulen Hope Coinmi'n'r.,Wm. M'Cracken, Lumber City Win. Merrell, Clearliold P. C, Thoinpfon, Morrirdnle Auditorn, B. C, Bowman, l'btlipburg Une W. (irahaui.Clearlield J. B. Shew, " Coroner, Ueorgo Richard. ' List of Tout OlliccM. To-ni'hipi, Il"Ciria, r.iii, A',im. .. O. (Icn Hope, Bower, Chest, Cu.h, Oftvml, Clciirtield Briige, Woodland, biilhemburg, Troutvillc, Jefferson Lint, Koret, New Washington llurneide, Clearfield, Krenchville, Kartlinue, X,,mr, f '. .1 (I. W. Calwi-1 M..rv i:.i:r .1 T. A. M tlhco J. W.Ctrr.pVil1 lewis r iiiith P. B. Miller Ed. ViilUmi 11. 11. Moore. Jacob KunU John lleberiing Jim- l'luoin T. M, Cuininingi .Ins McMurray M. I. Frank. P. A. (Inulin. J F W Vchnarr Samuel Way Centre county Kdm. Williamt county, Pa. C. Mignot Willinm Cnrr A. II. Shaw T. 11. Forcee. J. A. Hejnrty C. J. Pusey. David Tyler II. Woodward Klira Chase (1. Ilerkndnrn I). K. Muk el J, W. Thoinps'n Jns. Thompson J. McClelland H. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, nmuel Way Michael Wise. . F. Johnson T. Henderson Ho(.-g. Bruillord, Brady, Bloom, Ecrnsiile, Clearfield, Covington Curwenf ville, curweneville, Dccator, Philips burg, Ferguson, rx, Oirard, Uotlien, Ornham, (lulicli. Hilton, Jordan, Karthaui!. Knox, Lawrence, Morris, a Penn, ike, t'nion, Woodward, Mnrron. Helen Pout Oflirt, Lecounte'a MilN, Bald Hitln, MinwrKVille, Oriibumt'in, niiths Miliv. Madeira, Tyler, Pennlield. AnKonille, alt Lick, New Millport, llreckenrtdge, Kylertown, MorrlnJilo, Lumber City.f Ornmpiun Hill.", Ciirweneville, Bloomingville, orkton, JellrieF, Thie ToftOH'ice will do for Chest townfhi) f Will nniwcr lor I'crgu.-on tonnthip. BUSINESS CARDS. T. J. M CI I WM, M. M CI' 1.1.0 U Oil. M'CUI.I.Ol (ill & HKOTIIKK, Attorneys at l aw. Office on Market street, opposite Mossop's Store Clearfield, Pa. Will attcud promptly to toiler tions, Male or l.nnas, te. nov7-ll P W. HAYS, Justice of the Peace, will alten promptly to collections and oilier matter eft in his charge. Address Kersey, Elk co Pa Oct. 3d 18T.0. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDEK, Jl WTICi: or the peace buthersburg, Clearfield Co. Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis ciro. March I!, 1 8C.1I. ly. pd. KLLIS Tr W I ?T V SONS, AT the mouth of Lick Run, five miles frero Clearfield, MERCHANTS, aud extensive Manufacturers of Luuber, . July 23, 1852. ROBERT J. WALLACE, at Law, Clearfield, Fa., CfEce in ghiw's Ibow, op osite the Journal office. dec. 1, lf4S.-tf. IK. M. nut !., haviaj eisnged his loca AS nun irom uurwonsville o Clearfield, res pectfully offers his professional services to the citusns or the latter place and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposite It at of J. Crans, Esq. my 1 Jut. J. 0. HARTS WICK, M. D. Physician and M urge on, Clearfield T., May 30, 18H0. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to nis caie, in tne several fonrts of Clearfield and adjoin:rg counties. Office the one formerly occupied by G. R. Barrett. Oct. 2Cth, 1850 ly. DR. G. W. STEWART l)hHlcUii and Surgeon, offers his profes. - ,ional ervices to the citiicnsofNew Wash- ffi1.: . ZVZllTnZ,0 tbnt New Washington, ra., Oou 14, 1859. JOHN HUIDEK0PER. Civil Enoinekr A Land .Smvrroit, offers his professional serlcei to the citlieni of Clear Held county. All business entrusted to him will be promptN and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney & Co. J. D. THOMPSON, 1) larkamrtrt, Wagons, Buggies. Ae.. it., irnnorl Jc .. .... "v"eu v vuiwwutvim. -'ow- J). A. riNHBT a. c. riNxir iJBanhinn anV Collection (Dfficc or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. CLKARFILD, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, rA. 111.1.1 01. KXCRANGR, NOTES AND MUTTS lUII'OUNTR I) POSITH KIXKIVI.O, Collcntiotit made and proceedi prompt1! remittal Exchange on the Cities constantly on hand. p office on second St., nenrij opposite the COURT HOUSE A. M. HILLS DENTIST. I'roperattenliun to e teeth in proper, time will be of greet boot-fit to every one in point of health,1 comfort, nnd convenience. IK. IIIL1.M cin tiwayi be found nt his of Ace, on tho corner of Front and Main rtreele, en no notioe to the contrary appenre in thie nnnar. . rPr niinr.itifitif In Ci nt his nrofeiision performed in tho latest end most improved stylos, and guaranteed for one year ngainat all ntural failures. K W DRU G STfl t V. The subscribers nave opened a full nnd com plete assortment of DKUUS in the new brick building of Hr. Woods, on the corner of becuit and Cherry streets, in the borough of Clrnrflelil, where they will be hnppy to accommodate any person who may desire articles in their line. The business will bo confined strictly to a niij and I'rtsrrijilion lintint, And no paint wili be spared to render satisfaction. Pr. M. Woon. the junior partner, mny always be found and consulted in the " Drug Store,', when not absent on professional business. A scparato room for consultation is ntlavhed to the store, where patients tnny be examined privately. hrcrv article usually found in such an estab lishment will bekepton liaud,aud sold at greatly reduced prices. iKiiMs hkino sniu Ti.r cash, will enable them to offer inducements in Iho way of prices l'hysicmns will lie supplied at a smnll per centage over cost and carriage, and their orders are solicited. Kvery article sold will be pur; and of tlte best iinlity. fcbO If WOOMS A 1IARHKTT. rp lfirii n Tx i s ii it i: v 1 1: y s Jl ami li L A C K W O O 1 S M A (i A Z I N E. I THE LONDON gURTKRLY, (Conservative.) i THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, (Tory.) :-THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Fr e Church.) I THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) BLACK WOOD'S EDINBURGH M A(iA Z I X E (Tory.) r i: it m s . For any one of the four Reviews, l or milium. $.1 tin S nil 7 nn h mi :i on fi on 7 no ti nn ror any two of Die four Reviews, For any three of the four Reviews. For all four of the Reviews, For Blackwood's Mngarine, For Blackwood and ono Review, For Blackwood and two Reviews For Blackwood and three Reviews, For Blaokwood and the four Reviews, in oo N. 11. Tho price in Ureal Britain for the live Periodicals above-named is $!! per auiiuiu. Republished l7 LEONARD SCOTT 4 Co., inarl:i-Cm A4 tluld Street, New York, JLOUR, 1JACON, TOBACCO, LlUVUR.S OF ALL KMKS, SALT, MILS, FAINTS, H (iHOCEKIES, Jtairl'or falo very c-hc:ii for Cami, by O. I. M E It It ELL, In basement of Meirull A Ri'.er's Store, C'lcAilield, Pa. fib-'JT. 'IIARTSWTCK DRUG cf- 'VARIETY MARKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE J All The untlorsigned will have constantly on hand a'' wo.l seiccled stork of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Tobacco and Segars, Station ary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy article.-, which he will dispose of cheap for rah. Ho invites the public to cull aud examine his stoc k of goods before purchasing elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs Medicines, and Surgical instruments at the mo reasonable rules. J. O. HARTSWICK. Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 2fi. 180. Important Notice. The undersigned. Into publisher of the "Clear field Republican" takes this method ol culling upon those w ho are indebted to him, or to Lari mer if; Ward for subscription, advertising or Job work incurred during the three years commen cing July IH..7 and ending July i Still, to call im mediately at my ofliee in the borough of Clear field, and make settlement of the same, as these accounts ( be ilo-rdxp. J. H. LAKK1MER. Clearfield, December 12, IMiO. If. "JV'KW SKIKIU Xl a Now Store at The subscriber has opened Witliamtritlf, Vlinrjirltl Comity, Pa., here be will keep eomtnntly on hand a general assortment of , --, .i . Jwttttftjt (i .. which he will exchance for Tlmhsr. l!,,r.i. Shingles, Ornin, tVuntry Produce, Ac. He will be pleased to hnve all who wish to pu .-hase any of the above articles eiv him n ''. JAM KS E. WATSON. w illiamsville, April 1, 1861. Boots k shoes of every kind for Ladles, ()en tloineu, aud Children at 11. W..0 CO's, Diistins Mill and cut .S'aws, Mann's axes and a general assortment of Hardware at th. "" f E. A. IRVIN, Curwensville, M sy 1(1, ISfiO. Call and examine the Patent air-tight Glus and stone jars, thev are Must th tl, need, for sail al F , w. k CO". Salt. "rERY CHEAP at the store of V jan23 WM. F.IRWIN. HAM, Ides, Maeaerei aai ilerriag for sale low iit.sitei,i, t.F.IRII'IN. Ciearfie , July 11th 186). HENRY W HI TEHEAD, JUSTICE of the peace Rockton. Union In . ill otiond romptly to all business entrusted to his eare. Sept., 12, 1860. ly. MOORE A ETZWiLEK, "llTliolcwile and Retail Merchants:. Also IT extensive dealors in timber, saaed lumd an-, craia, wbicn win be told cbcan for cash. Oct. 11,1859. JAMKi T. LIOHARD. WM, A, WALLACE. - V fcJLfcASS S th TtBESH ARRIVAL OF r NEW GOODS! AT THE CHEAr CASH STOKE. . j lam just receiving and opening a large and well selected assortment of ' (" FALL AND INTER GOODS ol almost every description A beautiful assortment of Prints and Drew good, of the newest and latent styles. Alee a rgent variety ot ueviui notions.' A large assortment, ready-made i t n ifi if f V! C LOT JUNG, Bunnelii, Shawlr, Iat and Ciipr, HooU nnd Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qi eennwiro, lrugpn and Medicine.", Oil and Paintx, Carpet A Oil CMlm, 1'if h, tacon ami Flour, G It o C E R I E s , of the best quality, all of which will bo auld at the cu.'h or ready pay prices. My old friendt and the public generally, are respectfully invited to rail. Clrarfii.ld. Oct. .11. ISmV WM, F. IRWIN. 1MT-N. II. All kinds of il(AI S and upprovo Cor.VTlY 1'JiOfirCK taken inexebango of j "0". ri-ivnA tii CITY HOTEL. Col. A. I OWENS, Fropriftor, Iterpcctfully announces to Iho travelling public tli?t he has now taken rharet of this larjre and well known hauso, nnd will cnndiict it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort nnd for, satisfaction to all who may favor him with v call. nov7-ly otTltltilM; 3 ll'IA! 7" uHfilnu Kxritw nt nmoitf th M,i,V..' EXCITINi.1 FOOT RACE between the riiiladulphia Police and the notorious For ger and counterfeiter, Ja lies Buchanan Cross .' ! ! Cross Recaptured ! !! .' It seems to be the gener al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of Frank Short's French calf Boots, that ha would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put out nt missing his custom ; but would announce to all llrtrkiuridijc, Dmiijla', l.inruln nnd llrlt mm, and women nnd children in Clearfield, nnd Sinueinahoning in particular, that be is prepared to furnish them with Boots, Shoes and tiaiters of any stylo or pattern, stitch ed, sowed or pegged, (and as ho is a short fel low) on short, notice. All kinds of country produce taken in ex change, and cash not n fused. Repairing dono in the neatest manner nnd charges moderate, nt the Short Shoo Shop on Second Street, opposite Reed, Weaver A Co's store. FRANK SHORT. N. II, Findings for sale Sept. 2rt, 18H0- J OIIN ODILL UPHOLSTER AND CARRIAGE TRIM MER, Iocatt'd nt A. IT. iSlniir't one miU' Fitet vf CLarjiehl lmmjh. Respectfully informs the cituens of Clearfield and ndjoiiiing comities that ho is nt nil times prepared to the shortest notice. Hair, Husk, nnd Straw Mattresses of all kinds and sizes, one of which is n Folding Mat tress, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, which can be folded in small compass, and emptied nd refilled nt pleasure; and very cheap. He nl.-o trims Carriages, makes repairs to nil kinds of Carriage Trimming nnd I'pholslery, und makes Cords for Mason's Tracing Lines, of any thick uefS or length. i5,i;..Cnuiilry Produce, Corn Husks, or Ca.-h lakrn in Exchange for work, MT-AII orders left with any of the Merchats Clearfield borough wili be promptly attended o. decl'O jari)timksmai)i:i:asy. ; AY.'ir.y I'tiR the unemployed:: 1,000 Chances to IWukc Money' ONi; .MILLION DOLL A US' won in ok WATCHES, JEWELRY, A N D SILVER-PLATED WARE TO UK DISPOSED 01' ON .I.V ENTIRELY NEW A N D ORIGINAL PLAN! 2500 AGENTS WANTED act? All persons desirous of securing an A'-cnt y in this XEW KXTKKriU.SE. l.i . ii . . .M.ot.i.i hcm.i on their names ut once, en - e!o,ing a tlirec-ecnt stamp to pity post. Age, tintl receive by return of nmil A ritKMIUM CATAIJUUE, Containing OUR INDIIP EMVVT,ciNo- 1J Spruce st, above Fourth. ' nT-lv!" Ta., will bo prepared at all times ttUil l sa u j v. umij 1 Oil a '7 to any businoss in the above line on ihorJ Which nlTord a Aar. CUncc, o Make WttM ri.k, U,8o,l,o, .U rou, 1ICULAR8 rclntivo to this OVrr. rLAN. - v . . I tar 10 insure prompt and satisfactory dealings, direct all orders to ; 1 , . . iittiHt.b t., LVANsi, , Mf Cbctttiiut street. JJUSSELL McMURRAY Respectfully Uvltei the atUntlon of his old eui tomert, and others, to hit ttock of 4'ALLAND. WINTER GOODS , ; : Which he offers -., - : . i ., .. r. . VERY hOW FOR CASH! I ' He also continues to deal in Ll'MBE R, of al kinds, In ny way to eult his customers. The highest markot prices will b paid for al kinds of GRAIN. ' '' ' 8tf-CALL AND SKKIfjfj Net VTasblngton, Nov. 1, 1SI10. nov7-0m fpilK C1.I1ARI''IKM) AC'AIH'.MV, wil X bo opened fur the reception of pupils, males and females) on Monday, Aug. 2(lth, 1800 TVi'm per session of eleven Weeks Ortiiogruphy, Reading, Writing," I'rimiry Arithmetic; und Geography. $2.JjO Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, tiong. raphy and History. $;i.n0 Algebra, Geometry, Nuturul Tliilosophy and Hook Keeping $1 00 Latin und Oreck languages. $fi(10 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Kducation, nnd who wish to qualify themsnlvcs for teachers, this Institution offers desirable ndriintiiges. No pupil received for less thau half a notion, and uo dcducliun made except for protracted sickness. Tuition to bo paid nt the close of the term. C. K SAN I 'Ft MP, I' May 23, 1(10.- Iv. NE W GOODS. Just recnivlng and opening nt tho Old stnt of Lewis Smith in liothlchem a well selected a sortment of Spring and Summer Goods of all most every description. Maple nnd Fancy, a beautiful assortment i Prints and Dress (Jootls of tho latest styles, also a vaj'ioty of useful No tions, lints nnd Caps, Ilnnnels and Shawls, Hoots nnd Shoes, Ilartlivarc. (jiKensivurc, I' and Medieinop, Kinh, GROCEIUKS, Tobncco , Segars and all articles usually kept in a country Stvre, all cheap for cash, (jivo us a cnll and see fr yourselves. 11. L. HENDKKSON, Jt CO. May 21, I.'lfiO. . To Persons out of Employment. ACKNTS WAN'liI). I it every County of tho United Stales, Tn U engage in the sale of some of the best and most elegantly illustrated Works published. uur piibl (cations aro of tho most interesting character, a lapte.l to the wants of Iho Furfker, Mechanic and Merchant! they lire fublished in tho best stylo nnd bound in tho 11105 substan tial milliner, and arc worthy a place in the Li brary of every Household in the Land. 'i-U..To moil of enterprise und industrious hab its. Ilii: business ollors nil opportunity for prelit al le employment seldom to be met with. iUl'rsons desiring to act as ngonts will ro ceive promptly by mail full particulars, terms, ilc, by addressing LKAUV. tiETZ co Pub, No. 2i North ttrect, Philadelphia. Oct 21, 1S0O ly. WATCH & JEWELRY PHE undersigned respectfully X informs his customers and the public genernlly, that he has just received from the Knsl. ami cd at his establishment i (iltMAVS HOW Clearfield, Pa., a fino assortment of Clocks, Watciiks. snd Jkwkmit of diflercnt qualities, from a single piece to a full sell, which ho will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold and silver. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the mot roosonahlo prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, carefully repaired and inirniiifr,. A continuance of patronage is soliriio.l, Ill, ISfiO. Jl. F.NALtiLK. Tlia undersigned rcspecffully begs leave tu snnnunce that lie rccent'y rvnled a house in tho boiough or Lumber eitv. Closrflolil eniinlt. lu t eintinc ii'Hr.i.i: 1111 for the sccotnniod ilion of tin Irnvollin i.i.l.n,!' 1 N"lillistndiii). h.ol the U.t of watermen and all others who t.i.. ".T,7.P. T . .7 . with a mil. His table will always be supplied with as good as the markets afford; and no pains will bo spared to render his guests comfortable while under his roof. To which the facts flint no in toxicating liquors of any kind wi!l bo kept nbout the premises, will ho trusts, contribute in no smull degree. While, what is alwoys important to the traveller, the best attention will be given by careful hostler to that fnittiful companion of his journey, his pnlicnt steed. July I, 1800 Ijr. JAMES CROSs'LV. MAKRIAUH GLIDIi-neing a private instructor for mnrricd nersons i.r the,.. . , , , , , , ' i'"". . vn, i.rni nn- r. oruuiu, i,uiiiciiu.'i about to he married, both innlo and !,,,. u Mi... v c.i t n.... ever) thing concerning the physiology and rein- I Morrisdnle. C. R. Foster, Philipjbnrg i as. Klin llnmnrniii1 PVnnl t.l.... ...I .L. . , .. . ... ..' .'. nT . : --.,K, iiiiiiiuipk ait tne new discoveries nov.r before givon in the Knglish language., by WM. YOUNG, M. V. This is really a valuable and inturcsting work. It is written in plain language for the gcnornl reader, and is miinrnivu nun married peopl married pennlo.or those enni,.mlni: . i eop si tne rottor in this horouch. ob thewr and having the least impediment to married 1;V fbort distance east of the Methodist Churtl should read this book. . 1. 1 A I . 1 1 ..... . everv nna almuld h. ..nil.i..i.j :.i. . 1u L .V . . -v.,..niit,i niiu; run it a a book that must be Licked up, and not lie about the house It will be sent to any one on receipt 'ot twenty. five eonts. in SlieeiA nr ttoalana lAdil,... tl. WM vofvo i. . . . . cl",ul'i 1 .w. v "i. rV-i. .A. 1 t,i'ruce above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa er Ajtnctrd and Unorhmatr No matter what may be your disesse, before you place your self tinder the rare of any ono of the nottriims Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in thii or any other paper, get a copy of either or Dr. loung s books, and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you aany a dollar, yonr health, and possibly yonr life. Dr. YOl'NQ can he consulted on anr of tlm aiseascs described in hia nukti.iu.. us.i 'nill i nvvllMPriri ti m. , notioo, and in a workmanliko mannc. lln r1"' ! I h.vinff , ""5 fJn''vertiser, of business is at the eld shop on the north litbef il.b..0 f hrCAl" e Mrket street, 3d door east of Tlird St.. sesrlj fcSfr 5 -SJ ftt23S ' .i'V' "ho dc,r. he"' 1 ,cni1 rj fhe can bo bad elsewhere In the eountr. nrfvcrinnan uAfl. Mraa nf h.e -.11. iL. j: . . . iho.Tili Va V U"iD lh "hirl",i'ts in partof-Dressing and Common Bursstu. tsey will find a sure cure for Consumption. Sofas., ..j Wi.m... Ri.nH. Iieiki J I Tl Li.- rr.. . ....I,.,.., ureaciuui, c. ine oniy objeet or the jnvertisor in sending the prescription is to bene, st the uicted, and spread information which he con.ceir".1t,0ibe invaluable, and he hopes every '"r" m,Xi.iTy hi remedy, as it will colt them nothing, and may prove a blessing, Persons wishing the prescription will plea , ouri-ijr, AYER'8 0ATHARTIC Ars von ilk mnii.l.hih,,! i-T!n',l er.r, will, m, n;V:'l2i CMiiiliertui.Ut n-i.. nre onea thrft pvi,,M, inurw. Niqmi, slrknem Is trwln, uw. anil should U KnEiP ij.otlU.rirttl,' dy. Take Aywi hU. eli-aiise out IheUfenrdsnir BtlUI-Ild In limlll. . I Tlii-y sllumUtt tbt fsaSLl of III body iiitOTlin,,,?! Ilrlty, purify the iIwVl iIIhnim. A sold eottles somewhere la the Ui .r i. ,i:-r.v"" i streets Its natural functions. Those, If not imuJI react unm tlisnisolvM and the surrounding ornni i-1 .... I ........ nn mnttMim . j . "'""I. nrwv.-. - -wi nw-l WW I Wlnlo lii this rnmlilion, opnMsrd tr tba dornna. I lake AVer's I'lIK anil see how Jireclly thsy ni, ,i I natural artluii of tin) system, and villi it lbs b, I rMlluVrr hcnltli aRHin. Wlmtls trueand so srpunn. I this trivial and nnuiann compWiut, Is also tiiw,n I of the dwniMUi)d and dsngsrous dHlmiiiuM, TIh purantlvs ellitt espels Idem. Caiiixd if Imilar ntw lions anil derangements of the natnml funrtlisii u hoilr, thoy are ritdly, and many o( tbeni sarsly,, hr tbo siune moss'. None who know tlmirtiiM uju I'llls, will neglert to employ them wlrna sutliaui the disorders they cure. Miiti'ments finni lending pbysirlans in soias ( prilli'llml CUR'S, aim IIDUl oilier inn kiiuwii Hlbli,. I e'liin. ja Vest a MinearrfirijS Merchant f XL Louii, tW. , ty I Pb. Km: Tour I'llls are the paragon of ill u,! prwil 111 imilirnn. uin, inm tuiiei my limp asili,. I of nlrermis sores noon lier hands and feet Hint Imit . incuralile fiir vears. Iter inwllier Ims lieen Wit tm. I ously nfllliii wilh Mntrlis slid pimples on her tkii w I In Her n.iir. Alter our mini was curro, sns slHit jour mi", anu uiey navs cuieu iter. ASA MOlieitlDOl AS av Family Physic. From Dr. K. H". CUricnyit, Arie OrltauL Tills are the prince of pnrges. Their n, I nunlltii surpass anr cnlhsrllc w imimms. Th., b I mild, lint very certain anil efTi'ctiml in their nrtLm I nosreis, wnii n mnaes lurni intsiunuio w iu in uu, i rrfutineni oi aiscase. llralrlie,KlckIleailnr lie, Foul Stamstk I rem Pr. Itlmm d iiiiit, BiUimm. Dr.inPso. Altai Icannot answer vnu vM imslii I i nnn cnriri wuii ymir i 111s iwni-ri man in My 01! tkatt I tvtr (rtat u-ilfi a iriifirs mttiicinf. I rlne (real I ileurs on an efT'ictual ralliartie In tuv dtl cmtMli,,,! disensn, and Isdieving ns I ilo that ynnr I'iIIi sflurd uital uctv ne anivj t ui vurnv vniiiu inein inniy. riTTsniTni, Pa.. Mtv 1. ltu Vn. .1. C. Ares. (Mr: T hare been reeettedly rsn4ii I IlieworVt Aeiifffr,s any liody can Imre by aifr.aert,,l nf vnnr IMIIs. It seems to ariso from a foul ilnsnd I wineti iney riesnsa at onre. Yonrs with great resiicrt, ED. T. PRKHIji. CIi nf Slwmrr n,n4 I nilloas Disorders I.I ver Complalatt. yVom Dr. fMwi JWf, n.nD lork Cly. Not only are your Tills iidaiiraldr sduiiteil tn tlteir i post n nn lUMTient. Imt I find their lieneftriiil efl.Ttiin. I the l.iver verr mnrki'd indeed. Tltey hnrn in mit tn. I tl.-n firnred moro enYrtiial for the cure of h'limn rl yn'firira limn any one reiinily I can mention. limnT.itl rt'lntf. Hint Wi, hnr itt l..ti..ll, n tiiirmtlit !...!. u I ' lliv Ills con liiloncfl A( Ilia ltril.aKliiU anil Uie ii.i.U niTACTMrNT Or TIIK 1NTIT.I0S, 1 WsellillKl I. I'., 7 1 1 1 Fell., IS.'itL Sint I have nied vuur rills in my ticnernl and Ihh.,! practlrecvrr siuro you tnado llieiii,niitl mnnot limitatii, I say tney nro uie nesi rattinrnc we einpii.v. itn-ir re;, Inliuir action on the liver Is quirk and div-idi'd. ol iiielilly tliey ars an adlnlrnMo remedy fur dwiirrtpflil if tint orrtii. Iinii'ea, 1 liuve siioni tuuntl scassl bilious tlitmir sn nlislinnlo Unit it did not ruidity ytrUhl llioui. rratumally yours, AI.UN.) IIAI.I., M.IL iViyicoH ' Hit Minut I Dysentery, Din rr horn, Itrlni, AYornu, I'roiil Ih'.J. t.'. GrrrH, nfcbtcttyti. Your Pills hnvo lind a long trial in my irar(ire. nH : hold tlieiu in eslH'ni ns one ot the Wt nocrieitts 1 hi . ever found, 'i'lioir nltpnitive eflert iiihiii tlie Href hhIh lli' iu an excelli iit remeily. when glvon in smnll i.wt 'ttlwtt ttuirntrr' awl mnrrhmt. ilielr snciir-rau:! .unkos thoin very nceeptaele aud convenient M lansl ui women mm I'lni.tirii. Dysprpsln, Impmll y of the Illood. t'rm lliv.J. I. Jlimrl, intnr of A'lrml (Hsrrt.1 lln. Ari a: I bnten-od your Mils Willi rslnwrilisnl Nlli'ri.hM In III,' titimlv nml uiinini, lli.ik 1 inn .v.lln.l In I 1 ill ilisirrr.e. To rinnlnte the orirnns id digests! . nn llv Ilin Mootl, they nro Iho very lioat rono'dy I ki" ovor KtsMTii, nun i cun coniiiiontiy roromiiiemt ui my liicuds. Yoin's, J. V. IIIMW Vsw, WvmuliiE fo.. N. Y.. OH. '.'I. Prill Sin : I nm inltnr voiir Cntlisrlie rills In inr tm-l tli-o. nilil find tlioin nit oscellent putvallve to vlt'Slitt twl sysii'in nun I'ltifltf iie oioiiiiiii oi iw iiiwui, JOHN li. MKAi HAM, U oiinI i nn I ion, nat I vr tteas, fiiinnreiilssJ iiiiriiiiintism, -nni, ieitralKla, IJtop.l ) , rural sU, Fits, etc. Vr.rn 7r. J. V. Vaughn. Mmtrr-d, Ctm't. loo mm li rnnnot lie said of jour Pills for ihr rure rt r-oiimiftt. If others of our fraternity lime (nui Us it rtli.-arinm ns I lime, tin v slionl.l join me in emrr injr It I'.ir the lioiH'iit of tlio niiiltltinli- who euftVr ft. Hint roilliuiut, n hii li. iiIHioiikIi hsd ro-iiiirli In ilsrlf, tlio iironi'iiilor nf oDii't's tlint nro worse. I MiMrr. limmt InoriKiiiale In Hie liter,lnit jour I'llli sflalU uiK-in nini cure i ne iimiMHe. iv.ui !,-!. p nmli, riitsin'.vi nul .V.'.ir.'V, . I find one or two Inrr doe nfvoiir Tills, tit's sill I'roiM-r time, are excellent Moluotirr ot the imioi'.- '"st hen wlmllr or pnrlinllv suipreid, and sluie ein ciunl to neniKS the slomiu'i nnd ttM n irwi. p. are so iuik'Ii tlm liet physic wo lint llmt I rrnniiiun nu iniKir to my patient". From t),t Rcr. Dr. It,, wl. nf Ihr M. i;,wd' JTyn'i. CJurd. Pi tissi llot r. Fsraiiiish.lis.. IW. lliwnein Sin : I should lio imrntefid frr ikstsM your skill hns hroiiLdit nis If I did not reiort my iw you. A cold sett h'd ill mv limbs nnd hi-mcla on m-si hii li ended 111 rlirniiieiwi'! eseelleiit nu'ent In llnitilnoro. ii . .M.n k"ni". I tril V" rill. 1 heir efferts were sloir, but sure. Ill ieisernlli: in tlie uso ei tiieiu, 1 nm now eniuely veil. ., Si:im CiiAMiira. I'jiton House, t..i., i per. 1W. vn. Arm: I hnve lieen entirelv cnied. I.v nr Nl,' MtrnKilK b is' a painful dnn.' tlmt had urlllrMn' loryenc. UM'fM MdUKLk as-Most of the Tills in market ronlsln Werfsn i bnli, slthoucli a vnlnable renieilv in skilful liso. i il.iiicrroii. in n rulille nil. from tlm ilrri Iful v i;iienees Hint frequently follow Its inrsntious tl". Hi iitnln no morrtiry or iniuernl sulisinuru wlislem. Trice), 35 conts per Box, or S Boxes for $! Propared by Sr. J. C. AYER &. CO., Lowell, Km j .TirSald by C. I). Walioti. Clcnrsell til Irwin, Curwensville : F. Arnold. I.titheriburi .. ... ...... v,- ,, ,ne lro,,ciin ori , nnsp, Ansonvillo: nnd by dealers everjsotrt CLEARFIELD STONE WARE fOTTEtj. Thankful for post favors and solicitiounf f l ture patronage. I would rospectliilly snneswl ith numerous engravings. All Vounir '!'"lt 1 ''ve nn k"'1 BKnin, and wi!l conMsntl: ItHiselnao. ..,.1. . I. - ',a largo stock of Crockery, such as Cresmcrocki . o.s l,aii, :,,fc rt n. . . uMin ,iiiif, viiurns, jugs, iiars, piove pipe r",,t,N i c. t c. ; unit also an extensive assortment o1 different si;.es and patterns of bracket! wJ rosettes tor cornice on houses, and other mom uings. Any moulding not on band will be raids oidor on short notice. Also fire brick nade and kept for sale. X-ifA liberal reduction on prices mv! H wholesale dealers. F. I.EITZINOh'R- ClcnrOeld, niny 23, 180. ly. Cabinet, Chair Makini?, 1 OHN OULICII. of the horiirh of CVsrtels, .eT - L . in... L.toul lflft- uooa uases, Kronch and Field Post urn""01 Iinlng, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ts bles, Ac. Coffins manufactured end dellversi st 1 any place desired. February , 1859. (no. 4, vol. iv. Flour. nev. AKD A. WILSON, p, 00i, ARTICLE, for sle at th. store of n illiamsburchi Kincs Co.. N V. I 1 i.-i ' w v inwIN.