KtvEWYJuE 12, .1801. ricm l.-Congrs fbnll make no law ret- l"Jfw, tioruire thereof; OK AHHtlM;. ivthepkI':!'m or ,Le ''R1'1 of the Peoru ably to assemble and to petition the Uor 1nM'ra redren of grievance. Comd'tii- AOEICULTUEAL MEETING. , ' HI person deiring tbe continueil (ucccs of , imcttltural Society, will please take notice, ...eeting ortne Korieiy win e lieu in r:jJ.0N TUESDAY EVENING of Court 1 k. being die ICtb day of June. : m .nA Vi-A PrAiirlant nra ..nett... 1 Ihj n"HT'" v"""""' 1 uii rt'l', ,0 attend, amingeineiita will V. . I.. kitMin.. ft. A tlrt Mnnii.il Vmim I i. fait twiMintf th ttftvt nninil l'it M t. i .: .t r . "it." . D. l ETZWEILER. ecy. Notioe to Jurors. hi .'lutes now v.mi mm vnaimM tor dune I both Civil ntta1 Criminal bins "oa euntinud; iwtice ie hereby i that uuithcr Urand, ux Traverro Jurors 'rA Utend on either week. . i"B " t. r mi I i.u ill -:tr Notice. u i&kr of the re.'; ,nJ pet on bound ..,r.rpearance at JunO ."" '. . jmih an'agreeinent haK K'n entered into ',' the metnlwr of the Daf fof he oontin " j .il ..:..:i ..i I. for June tlhrreky eominuiag the Court, yei l' ,,af JostlUs ot uie reiice io mane men u..-.- to law to that term, rartie oouuu ibtir appearsuw suiitat uine cuei oe in auen- j inu rc..- ,w(i......i . ...v (oneitec. ' K. i. WALLACE, Isirlield, June itb (1. I'ist. Atty., m . - . r . 1 soiuuiiua-c. . . , . At meeting of tlie Demooiatic StamU Commitlro, In W June iuui, iwi, ax sofliccof tho Chuiiman, Ceo. F. Yoas a elected Sct-retary. On motion, the ' ntrtuf in axijhi nr.rr. laVlovk t. m.i wus hxeil as tho ttnir; nl the seveiaU'lection houses in tlietlit- rit towttslitjw anil boroughs, tin (he .'km, for liolditt the Primary Election, Kcsolutiotis in toward to a olunifzo in the inner of makinc nominations were then lered, mid thn further consideration of eai iiostponeil until ttienoxt meeting or ,e frtniniittoe, I ' vMifulnmg u-t'l b? ,Wni nest u fik, uhiiy u Uk Via (.ontauUea, fin mition tt o Committee adjourned It wtal the sume place on the 4th day of It t.ext, tit 11 o clock, a. tn. I.. J. CHANS, Chtu'n. uis. I'. Yoas, .Sec'y. The Military. oiirtiyMi waa quite overrun on Monday milli "Sewers." In oeiordtnce with order issued by lhlat-'o Inspettof ii'MN-, tho fyllowitig volunteer cotnpa fspparcd on the ground t Clearlield let, under the command of Cutitam Jtiiit'otitto Hill Guards, under Cnpl. ip; Holin Infantry, under Cot.t. T.J. "ullough ; and ihcSusrjuclianntih I!an- rounder Capt. Mctiuilken... Tki latter company has hut latel) been tniiod nt Lumber City, and numbered men. It rlourUhed a splendid Flag, icli ii a donation on behulfofthe ladies Lumber City, who reent to be s patti titlieir 'lords,' notwithstanding their lidelurinn surroundings. This eompa- preicnled tho novel sight of h nving evfrilgentlemou in ranks vvear.ng tpec- The Holin Infantry is aIso a new com- iii, lornjftl ana orgiinuea in una uoi - . . . ... .,,. sh. The other two companies have (vn organized for some time, and made! lint tppearaiice, and by their evolutions iafer they hud trained several ilays be e. A new company has been formed at 'mte'i Xlills, called ( tie (Jirard Guard, islluve elected tho following officers : Uin, Dr. J. V. Potter ; 1st I.ieuteu- rt,Vm. Munay ; -nd Lieutcnnitt, Jona- ;ti SpHcktnan. A Lew co'iipany he also been orgnniz- "Jl I'cntiville, called the Union Oita-ds, ...h .1., following otlieer, : Captain, John ' 1. Rowlcs ; 1st Lieutenant, D. S. Moore J i M LieuU-oattt, Jame. Cl.rk. A number ' Ij' 'the mcuibets of this company appeared WS i tlie tatlks Of tho Sus-tuhan- tb . - I a. HI m Kaagor. i,- ItHlre iftlTttoon an electior. for Itegl- am Mild field officers was held, with 4wirg toult : " k ' ' I not Mittnew Ogdcn, Urigadior (ieneral. fobn McQuilken, Colonel. , ' I J. Crns, Lt. Col. J. Wilson Wallace, Major. s'bo Blade UlO! following .Stall llppoitlt- atnli ; C W Lytic, Adjutant . I'r, D. A. Ketier, Suri?oon. !?. J. W. Totter, Assistant Surgeon. 1 Ulid T. Sharp, Quarter Muster. The 4th of Jnly. Ik w (q La, a Fourth of July in ' (lCirEeld V, ...... .. a mnnl all nilF natllOt I i u u 1. v ' .... - j. i te,, . . .,,, . the war! V e ee that aclne I easuret ara leing taken in ntany places memortethodrtyin an an appro- r" manner, and we hope it wtll not be '8'lvd here. Young men what av N!. ii,. '' ---' - "V '"rt iltit nnur mins'ani'ilnl of NewM' Jwli, ir.h they offer to cll in total Si0' -qai0ance, Mr. .i flOVIvn.o r,.. iri,.a.-oe t-nvA n'debted to lain eiai are reu..sieu ... h r iT . . . l , ' mealt Pvmeiit, and those havlngelalms aga.nst Ot, w hich tg well worth looking at. prc;ont ,heul duly authenticated for Ot. Ik 9lt Hlltma hv lh Roe. I - Kee. oil. eaiuiet It. aiaina, w unas, ,u7 C. WruhL all of Olm Hon Clearfield Co, DlEfl- a. t.,:.L n.'.l wt. I aaaL ""I- " I ' C KRAT2EB ft SOU. , . j .i i inn arstcri in mm ma 'Bflti: -.i n a.. ronvT cmt Ju A Acdiy Vlearfltld Pa., ' a( lth, fl i E EAR octor YE, vuhjimu.i rnyiiieiin una Surgeon to the Ilrotnpton Lung Hospital, of London. Enclund, now ' X1 of 1'ITTSJIl ltiill, Pu.. beit leuv to u.nnr. ..11 iJii.i. ,1,,., I.,.,,- ,i... L..v.. itution of hit friend., he hn ti.neluded to pay and I.V Arrivi.ii. ..I ,V, .1... ..... C....I. ..-..I..' , , .1 .... .... .v. 1.1 in, tun uu ciiujuiieu uy me mulcted, uoin .nine nl reunite, on if of the Heart, Liver and Lung,- Cancer. Fit, Scrofula, and all Dicaaeof the Wood.' AlriA. Ikll Il.Ml.o a nn.ia... '. .. '. m .. ... .1. I.. V U . r I .. ... .1 ..... . ............... ... 1 11 11 1 -I't"' w me a. to aim the Head, and Uncharge- from the Ear, can he .and llllinv ll(ll,r .tlaon.. (l.at l.u.- I.-.11 ...I .1.. -I. . f - . .mm. vt.i.ivu iw ui iuv po cmicu uistinuiMicu j'nytiiciani.. I ArrolXI'MKNTs!. ! CEAIUOX. Ht Clark's Hotel, from the l.'itli of May to tho Ut of Jtmo. I COl:.IC.X. at Whinner Hotel, June lt. Aiiin, Sept. Int and Jd. I ' ' ! ! J1,.!!? V,,'1'K' Aint-riciiH limine, rr.un Jid to Vth June. Again. Kept. 3d. 4lhnnu ith ! J. I 1 II hHSUl Kti. lit Ileed'n Hotel. Juno tilth ami 1 Itli. A , I.. ..,.( in, l. .l 1 1. 1. ! V.'.t' A'EI.D, Juhnion lli.tol, June I2tk to llirt. A'ain, Sept I'.'th and 13th. JjEI.LEFO.VTK. .Murriaon' Hotel, from June 17th o I'Jth. ARiiin, Sept. I Ith and I.Uh. . . .r1' M"- Tu'""."'i' Jun 21-tHiid .2d. Again. Kept. 17th and Kith. At tia I.NF1K.MAKV, I'rum June ::'d toJuly I7th. listen to the Voice of Truth and Eeason an I Profit by it. The time litif Come when all who will, can encape the iron gra?p of Mereurv, by calling, without de ay, to aec the nell known and ju-tly celebrated Eclwlic Kuropeau rhys'ician. Dr. H.mr, who will uduiiuiatcr lho,e only true nod safe inedicinea, entravk'd from the tn.nt choice uoora and imim, which nr prepared under hirowii Uiprviaion, and therefore avoid ng the uxe of all Minkiiai. I'm. o.-n, which were never dcaigncd Tor the fyateiu, to and gniic U early grmea. I J JIIMi.s TO UK J!, -nrml r that Dr. Ilort want no patient but these fully capable of .pprociaii.g and di.-'in-guinh.iijlbe tci vices of a regular thorough bred phy.iciuu, from n paltry, unlearned uud trilling UiK'k. ' . . .',, mhi t, I'r, Ilort'll rrmcdics and Ircatmrnt are entirely unknow n to all other" in this country ; prepared from k- .''fe spent in the great ho..pitals of Kurope and the first in the country. .'. i-fwa.r, thatjr. llort bus a more extended practice thuu any other physician in Western I'clin ylvauiii. Itrmembrr, that citizetlk i.J'tducation.nnil our popular men, are all well ic.iminted with, mid take great plenrure in lecoininenci.'ii'' I'r. Uort to the ulllicted. ltrmrmbrr, that Dr. Itort mukiOo lulw-' representations to gull the unfortunate, but all he says will bo fiilliliilly carried out. ' ! m mli r. that 'Jr. Hon pays cver nrU'iition to disen-oi of a chronic nature. fcr-Certiticatea of Cures may he scert at bis re.-pectivo rooms. Dr. Ilort is liirlii.-licl with over fix thon.aiU letters of recomuiendatlon from soon, nf (In. mint ili.-tinrnii.licd ineii liv'm '. Al.u lm.- nuiirilm: itl lloftital nd Iiiflnuiiric" In Europe, for his unpKritlJclled objervotions in Diagnosis, and observa tions in oiscoveiing remedies fur the cure of discuses i!'ut have heretofore baffled the skill of many of the modi, nl profession. An early call fruiu those wishing to consult the Doclor. "-earnestly reiieited, no us to receive full benefit of treatment, and thus do justice to him.-elf. Tinlt liifitcd. I'lcnse hear in iiiiud when ir, Hurt will be in your place, J'er.-'ons desirous nf consulting him will cull Tit u great lavor by calling on the first day of his arrival, us Ms rooms nre so often crowd ed, it is utterly impossible to attend to the anxious solicitations of all. Dr: Jiurt will arrive at each of I h above places on the first coach on the day appointed. I'lcuie cMcnd the iurilution to all invalid aeiiuuintun.'cs, and oblige yours, Ac. May 23, "fili;. Jltto Jbbtrtisfiiifiits. NEW GOODS KRATZER S' They have just received a general assoit.iu u t of Spring and Summer DUY GOODS, eonaistiug of IJimiON, II A TS, sn.wvi.s r HINTS. DUCALS, MAIiKtiK, r uri.iN, C A PS, av i n j:, S A I. T, OILS, PAINT LKAD. MtUfiS IK M ITS, si un:s. COATS, PA NTS i ; ; V FSTS N A I LS, c Minis, Tvi:r.is, m rsi.ix, i. ini:n C AKl'KT, 1U. INKS, II U H IMS, MYTHIC, SI I K 1.S, NOTIONS, - FLOWKKS, (DJStOOEMJISS. 1 1 a if i v a i; i:. t4i' i:i:nsv a it k, ; j. ass, pish, uacon a n.uru, . All uf which will he (old on the most reasonable terms for CASH, or approved Country Produce. I : K If y. f . St . flenrfield lunc II. 1H0I. FOR SALE, nt MOOUE .1 ET7.WEILEH'. Extra Flour, warranted cither In sacks or Darrel. Also HACOX, an fr C.IMI 'y. Clcnrlicld, Juno It, It. Borough Ordinance. Six. 1. Ih.it (Woi'mif Ay Ms llnrgrtt one 7Wb Ci,m,i'(7 ttflhr Hnrmi'ihnf AVw n'iA,'ttyaii, aiof it i Ai'i.y urrfniHri Ay riwriori'ly nf lie nn, That from and aft r tho passage oC thii ordi nance, any pi rson or peiaons riding, driving or leMiling nny bursa, umre or gelding, or lending or driving any mule, ox, cow, or other cattle, on the foot. walks, on being therein legally convict ed in the form prescribed for profane swearing, 'f.' h" Mn h dol,"r8 fur ,bC Bkc. 2. Any person or persons rxhibiting any - J. rj"". JJll ,ir, Aaa i,'.vn,u exhibit the same, and the fur- - r um of twenty cents Tor stud Iieense--mo tax I... ",. - 1. .. kA l.i.rninili Ami II In liir IIU lr IIIV VI wuivuft". ... . ----- ,llnj0 lUB july gf (he Hnrges to grunt b license, if ho think necessary, on the pay menl oy tbe requireu lax, ami nny iv.uii ui i.oi ; eon neglecting or refusing to pay said tax, shall exhibit under Ihe penulty ot twenty uoiian s, . lobe reeoverod In like manner a n nne lor .-an-1 bath-brenking, and shall bo dispersed a an un- lawful assemblage. 8hc It. Any obstruclion in the highway, nr any nuisance or offensive matter found on the atroet or walks In front of. ot in a lot orbits, the person or erson Ifavlng the same shall be noti- it:. i. .... ,..i.t rfrliullv nr otherwise, i nc.i vj .no nift'. ' .....-..-., . to remote the same within twenty-four hour ; land on neglecting or refusing lo remove the same in tie time specified the High Constable shall rt- 'move the nm at the expense of the person or ,...M,.n. in.ri.. ib an,e-the exnerae nf which ball be eolleeted according to the general bor ough law. Thi section to apply to alleys ai well us streets. Adopted JuneS, Dt, JOSEPH H. "KEIll, llurges. Attest Jcoi A. Ilar-Til, Sec'y. .... Liu h1 ,n JTi. Jn persons r ui,j - n..rehainir or meddling in any wfty w it W the following personal property, one fio r Rrey '' ?' j,eter j lioore, of I'aian townahtp, the same belong to me, an.l Ulelt with him on ,OBn . V JOIIVSO.V ienn township, May 7th tl. a liMIIHTKATOR'M MITK I'.-Letter A f Admini.tration hiving been W day 'thip, Clearl eld county, ueceaseu, an .ti..,. I eettlcmcnt. tltO. KXARH.jr. May 15. St. Adtn'r. aAlTTKIM. ALL ttron are hereby can- J tinned again.t purchasing, or In any way tome and are eft w th him no loan oiy. ' THQS, H. FOKCEE. GrafaamtoD, May 21, 'fil, LABC.E AXHOOTUT of colored Paint. Dry aad (Ir.uad in Oil. In 1 puud cam, Jurt received and for ale at HART6WICKS, AND LUNG BMDE&T, .( .-. : ; . professional visits to the following nunicd uluce ; ... I i .1 ... r. 'i ik. i.iuini, uiu A r . r.n, limiting . oisc in 1 speedily cured by Ir. Jluiir'a Scientific Treatment; .' :il .1. .. II.. I .:...: : ... .... ' tuko which mailt thouaaud havo fallen victims liK.il KJI IKI-.J). jiiin dinlotnas from si.iiia .r il m,,., .... I..I. rn t ...1 1 Ul;t;lSl i;t s NOTIt lw-Notice, Mir-u-by giveu that (ho following accounts have ben examined and jmsied by me, n,n ruuinid I filed of record in this office fur the inspection of heirs, legatees, creditors, and all other in any' uiher way interested, and will be presented tin the ne.t Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, tu he held at t!:c Court House, in the borough of Clen, field, ciimmeiii'ing on the .'i.l Munday of! June, IStil, fur cuiitiruiatiun and alluvvanee : 1st. The account of Jc-c llutton, adininistr.itur. and .Miry L. Kelly, n.lni i nintru tri x, of all and' singular ihe goods aid chattel', rights and credits, which were of James M. Kelly, lute of (ilrn Hope, Clearfield county, Pn. 2l. The Testainentarv iiceoinil of Angcs M. dill, ' Rxecutor of the lust will and teta,ucnt of lleo. ) r,., liill l,.l.. nt lo.r.,.hil, of rtr,lf,.l 1., .!, I r - . I county ot Clearfield, deceased. Ni l. The Final nccount uf J.sso lines, Adminis- I tratorof nil and rlngiiliir the goods and . hat ! t. ls, rights and credits, which were of William M. ltrishcn, lute of the township of llrudy, iu I the cniinly of Clenrficbl. deceased. I 4th The account of Win. Fcath, Adtnr. of the E. i tale ol Simon Stewart, late of Linn Co. Iowa. !.,th. The l'innl Account of Joseph Patterson and ! John Patter n, Administrator of all and sin ! gular the goods and chattels, right and credits which were, of Abraham High, lute ot Law. reucc township, Clearlield county, decnscl. i JAMES W lilt! LEY, Kegr. ' Uegister'a ollice, May 15, 1S0I. tl'TKO. All pcrson.4 are hereby caution- cd against purchasing, or in any way nied- dling with 1 ol 17 acre ol oat In the ground- ol ti acri of corn in the ground, I Cook-stove 2 l.eds and Iledding, and one Clock, in the pns acssioi, ol Philip Shimcl, of llrudford towiiship, as the fume belong to me Ki HIT. S. STKWAKT. . May J9,'1S6I. St. Ct At TION. ALL person sure hereby cautiun I ed against harboring or trusting my wife AMELIA E. on my account, n she has left mo without' just ratise, and I shall pay no debts of her contracting. C. C. MITCHELL. Ilurnside tp., May 2:', ISA!. nd. Dissolution of Pa tnership. " r lb partnership heretofore existing between X tho subscribers, under the name of WitKitiT f HAwBUTr, wi diaiulved this day by mutual consent, .nod U perions .having unsettled ac counts with the same, will come forward and have them closed and scttlei. up itnmet inlely. The Store will be continued bv Mr. Hagertv. A. K. WlilOMT. . JOSKPII II AdKlt 1'Y, f Lumber City, !ny 27, CI. .It. , , V , - i Nf.W RCSIKIilt'S I'OR SPKUMATOU It II K K A . II oivAitn A-soriATKiM, l'nii.Ai.rt i niA, A ' eiitttHt JlitttutWH titlttitf'(l Ay syi.Y'tof .il- ,i,l.M,,i ,;,r ,hr trlirt . lhl. iSVri. ,In,i ill;frfr,i p;,.h,i ,rlln ;uirl , Chronic D;.,..-, ,,nl ,.,;,rr,y fr K rrc Vint if the S-xuul Onan'. I ji ..,, Apvic givea grati. by tho Acting 'grK40n, i l '. ' ; i J . f , I J f! h I v ., ,, ' ai,n ,i,evt f the Sexual Oigans, nnd on the i . .-., i.r.s.r,.iiKs eaipioyeu ,11 uie jsinsarv, seni in ,e,led letter envelopes, free of charge.". Tw o ;nr tl,ro, 8:a,nps fur postage acceptable: Address i,lt j, .,., ,, Jloi .iiitom. Howard Association, jfu .3 ,g .jiinth t., Philadelphia. 2vu.y tj. , I - Executors' Notice. , IETTERS TESTAMENTAItY having been J grunted to the undersigned on th estate of LEVI COEFIV, late of Knrthaus township, Clear field county, tlec'd, all persona, know ing tbem atlvt indebted tu (aid estate are requested tu make immediate payment, and thoso having claims against it will present tlieia duly authen ticated fur tll anient. MtKDEUICK CUt TIN. Karthnus, May 211, '61. fit. SHERIFF'S SALE. 15' V virtue of aundry writ of Venditioni Expo- nas, issued out of fie Court of Common l'l of Clearfield county, nnd to me directed, there will be exposed to pub)is nlo, at the cmirl house, in th borough of Clearfield, on Monday the 17th day of June, 1S6I, tho following dc crihed property, via: A rerluin tract or limit simac in neccaria township, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of Ilornlen and Xeviinir. II. B. Wright aud others, eoiitaiiiing 68 aero, more or less, with about JO arre cleared, and one largo tramo nous, one small house, stable and blaekamlthshop erected thereon. Suited and taken in execution and to be o!d a the property of Wesley Novling. V. O. M1LLEK, Sheriff. Sheriff' Office, Clearfield. May 22, '3. C C AUTION. ALL person ara hereby eau J tioned againet purnhlng, or meddling in any way, with a B0RHEL HOUSE, known a the Irvin Horse, now In tho possession of W. R. Phimel, of firiham township, fca said horse be lonw to lne aad i left with hiia en loan only. TH0S. 11. 10RCEE. UrahamloD, May 22, 'ol, the ..oh ,TJI llOIiSK.AMJ JUS J)JMASLs - Er Robert Jf-.i-oii. r. a.; Professor of Pathology and operative aurgery j the Veterinary College rui..,,.!,,.,.., c.c. ete If ill Tell You of the Origin, Hiitory and distine- live trait of the varioui breeds of fcuropenn, Asiatic. African and Ainer. iend Horses, w ith the physical rorina- 'tlon and peculiarities of the auiuial, and bow to ascertain bis oge by the . , number and rendition of Li teeth; illustrated with uuwerou ciplauaiory cugruving. THE IIOltSK AXD HIS D'FASF ..... .. ,. , "'At't' "HI Jell j ou or Hreeding, Dreuking, Stabling , , , J ceding, tiroouiing, 5hocing. and tb general management of the horse with the beat modes of administering I ' mr'lioin. "'so, bow to treat lilting, ' ,;,'!!,.'!l'"ri"8. Skying, Stumbling, t rib biting, Restlessness, and other, vtcea to which be is subject ; with nu- wcrous cipianalory engravings. tiil- iimikd . ....... Will Tell ..... a.mj mo UtAbAMvtf oil of the causes, svinntoina. m Treatment of StrniiL'les. Sure Thn.at. Distemiier. Catarrh. Influen. Itmna It HAT HUKK US W n I cCZ r l2TT' llr,An: VANTi:i.,Agents and Canvasser, t. en ri. 'r I P it J ' '' I'"' vil,,,'M in h Kl-'t"'. who will be supplied ry Or , of Iuth onil llviruto- dollars a huidred. .. ' rfc''""- I Addres ull orders with remittances enclosed. THE H0n.SE AXD HIS DISKASE 5 Will, Tell You of the causes, sc.,,,.,.,,,,, .... Trhn..,i. ..t ir... ii .. .. ., tr.,nL 1 i . sr. Ku tuu ' ' v i ! "?,'r",,,0," liupluics, 1'ulsy, Diarihen, Jaundice II.'.,atirrhoea, Dluo.lv Friue. Sti.nea ,, . A ,? "''"".'''" I IAKCFTOKS' XOTICE.-Lcttcrs testatuen n , and o.hcr diseases of the Mum., Vj tary having this day been granted ,., ,,e . li, Aun via, Liver and I nuary Ur-lersigned on the estate of Ili.VATIl S THUMP- '"-v. bite of Luwrelico tou uship, Clearfield conn H0U.E AXD HIS DISEASES I '.v' deej , all pcrssun knowing themselves indebted You of the causes, symptoms, and 1 ! t;","1 " r;"c"l,,'1 to make immediate Treatment of Dene li'bwd and lio i '"?""" 1?" hvinK ' against it will THE Will Tell Spavin, l'iuir-Ilone, Sweenie. Stransv , llruken Knees. Wind (iaIV. l'oiiiul Solo llrtiisennd (Ir.ivel, Cracked Hoof! hi.........! . l. n. . ... ' inli ne, , uiiKcr, i nrusii, ami u ms also, of Megrim, Vertigo, Kpllupsi Staggers, and other diseases ofi.tb Feet, Legs, andllend. THE HOUSE AXD HIS DISEASES Tell You of the catvee symptom, pun Treatment of Kia-la, P.,11 K. II. 111,,,. I Will lers, tarey. Scarlet Fever, Mungc Mirleit, Locked Jaw, itheuniatisui In ! ."JnlV"..?".'' tnstratioii, Ulc.ding, Trcpl Inning Jlowoling. Firing, Hernia, Amputu lion, Tapping, and othiT furgical oi' crutions. 'HIE HOUSE AXD II IS DISEASES Will Tell You of llarcy'a Method of taming II, r. ses ; how to .tporoach. Halter, or Si bio a Colt j how to aecn'tou, a hurse lo strange sounds and sights, and how J to JJil, Saddle. Hide, and Hreak bin, mi iin'ucM, mi..., inu riirm aim law tl Warranty, The whole being Ihe re sult nf more than fifteen years' careful study of the habits pe uliarities, want .nut wenkucs.'cs of this noble and useful nnimiil. Tho liook cotitiiins 3.uf pages, appropriately 11 lusirated by nearly One Hundred engraving. It is printed in a clear -nd open type, uud will bo forwarded to any address. noKtairu tmi.l. on tlilrl i.il.... I,., iri l i mi ... i .. . " ' , , .'. ,.", v., in ClOIII extra, ? i ,ir.i, . H',M ' ' It can bo id by enlerprl- !:,"KIU9" everywhere, in selling tho above, end t,'l'"l"r work of ours. Our inducements tu ull such am eix-ceilintrlv liberal. For single copies of the llonk, or fur terms tn agenrs, with oilier information, apply In our ad dress JOIIX K. POTTER, Publisher, Xo. fill" Si tn Street l'hiladeli.hlu, Pa, December 1'2, IMiO. i;,,,,,. rjiii i: ! i:oi 1. 1; m V.'S CtMlk HIMtK, MOH,:i! COOK IlKV, In ull its branclic.i. liy Miss Ei.iia Aitox. Carelully ltcviscd by Mrs. S, J. Halk. f, Tn v.... i.. n i. . Punltrv. .nd tlame. with all H,. nnd most approve. I modes of dressing and cooking Heef aud Pork; ulso th- lust and simplest way of salting, rick ling and curing t'ae same. It Tell uu all tho various and moat approved nodes ol dressing, conking, and boning t , Muttun, , Lamb, Veal. Poultry, atnl i ' tiame of all kinds, fi illi the diderent lrcs.ings, tJravies, and ituflinga appro priutc tu each. It Tells You how tn clinoic, cle.in, and preserve Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it when tainted i also all the various nnd most approved mode of cooking, with the different Dressings, Sauces, and Eluvuring appropriate to each. It Tell You ill tho various mid must approved mode of preparing over filly different kinds of Meut, Fl.-h. Fowl, tlnme, nnd Vegetable Roiips, I'.rolhs, nn l Stew, with the Relishes and Seasonings ap propriate to each. It Tolls You nil the. various and most approved modes of cooking Vegetable of every description, also hi. w to prepare Pick les, Catsup and Curries uf ull kinds. Potted Meat. Fish, (juino, Mush rooms, etc. It Tell Yon all lie varioui and most approved modes uf prepariugnnd cooking all kind, of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings Omelette, Fritters, Cuke. Confection ery, Preserves, Jollies, and Sweet Dish ti j every description. It Tells You all the v riousand most ipproveu ode of making Rrend, Husk", Mutliin, nnd U'scuit, tho best method of prcpa ling Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and Imw tu make Syrups, Curdiuls, aud Wines of various kind. It Tells Yoj how 'o set out nn ornamental Tu- l.u h- " ..... ...... J'lctli or Fowl, od in short, how to so amplify tho w hoU Art of Cooking a to bring the choicest luxuries of the table within everybody' reach. Tin book contain 41S pages, and upwards of twelve hunlred Recipes, all uf which are the re-1 suits of aetinl experieuci", having been fully and carefully tested under tho personal supetinton dence ol th writers. It Is printed In a clear and open typc.il illustrated with appropriate engra vings, end willl.e ftlaardcl to any address neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of th pri-e. f I."", or in cloth, extra, $l,2,'. fillMNI A V I'.AK .an Imi inadj by enterprl sing men everywhere (u clling the above wurk our nducfi)l to all such being very liberal. Korsiuglecoplc oftho hook, or nr lernj rn agents' with other Information, apply to our ad- a?e Johx i;. yiniEiO;ubil.ber . No. I7 Snoui trc, PktUdelpbia, Pa Deoembrr 12, lHo0. (Imo. O I. K N - E U II O (iermantown, M 1 L Pa. I-S M cCALLUM HAM rACTl Ktllii,- O.i Importers, and AyholesaLj Dealer in UARPETl,MiS DKlJIiti IJTKi. Oil CLOTir.i, MA rTlSOS. , Warehouse. No. .W Chestnut Mtrot, ' Opposite State nou.)- apr-VM-ly !. hmW. .' m Iftl'OlW for Medicinal purpo-es Ilfan d I j rrt and Sherry Wine, Feclar M hiskey ana Ilol'and Gin at HAHTSWICK.S. ' lTACTICS FOR THE I'KOPLK ! ! V0R T1IJ3 SOLDIER, FOK THE VOU'NTEKU. And for tho HO.MB Ul AHD. m K SOLDIER'S GUIDE, A ' fOMPI.KTK MANUAL ami DKIIX I'OOK, for the use of all VOl.tNTKfcHS. MILI lIA. and THE JIOJiK til'AHD. H.ivised. si,r ro lcd. and adapted to (i. ncral Scott'a discipline "d drill of the soldier and volunteer inlLe I'. S. ' "rnir, nt the iireseut time, UY'AX Ol'l ICEl IX j THK I'. S. AKMY. , ' T,,i' mnrk h"ulil b in the bands of every one .ft'ie MILITIA, as well as in the hands of everr ' ULU.N I KI.K and CITIZEN of the I'nitcd siute. It is just ht all members of every c-jinpany, either i.i active service ..r in the Hume U"rd reiuire, as everything in it Is brought up to ' "ruy requirements "I the ptescnt duy. Coniplelo in one volume, paper cover, price 2j tents each, or five copies for one dollar; or neat- ly and strongly bound iu one volume, for HI cents. -Copies of tthe above book will le sent to any one, to any place, free of postage, unremitting "if price in a teller to the publli-hers ivuuresa ail or.i I T I No. :ilitl Chestnut st., Philadelphia, - . , .n iney win receive imuieiliutu utteiition. for tho nuuntitics wanted, ut the above ruUs, to . ",a l"uli'''-. I. ii. i r.is.nw.x iiiiuj IIKKS. MU fhestn.it St., Philadelphia. A ' ""'J- i" receive immediate attention 1 - ... i J ' C ' 1 """" ""' '""'"'"" "r seltlement. JUll.N II. THOMPSON, J. W. THOMPSON, '' ExVa. Ciirwcnsville, May DR. J. W POTTER. lllnllail anil Surenii, has pcrinanciitly located ut Lccoiue Mill.-. t;i,urd township, of "" ' "''""S u"",m""y- May S, 1CI. Tl. aLL persons nre heroin- ci... m Vj tinned against liun ha.-inc or mcd llhw with M:"'" ,,f..,!r,,lv ,i,w'"l'ir" i:-tw Yoke of Oxen, 1'unr Cow, One Calf, Three llnif. icrs, ivo rieers, duo Sow and Eiglit Pi... s the same belongs lu me mid nre tubjeet'to my order, nnd have only been left w ith him on an. 8. It. LollACtlll. J.rady tp., April SI, YI. :;t. COURT PROCLAMATION. Hon. SAMl'EL LIXX. Es.i. l .,,;' rHKI!EAS, IT President J Juik-e nf tho Court of Coninion is ol the fAentv -tilth .iii.i;..;..i n,n-.. posei.uf the counties of Clearfield, Centre and lltntun and the Hon. Win. L. M,.,.m r.n.1 ii., Dcnjiiiiiin lions, Associate Judge of Clearlield county ; have issued their precept, to mo direct- et, tnr tho holding f ft Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court. Curt of Ouartcr Sessions. Conn' ef Oyer aud Terminer, and Court of (Ieneral Juil Delivery, tit Clearlield, in and fur tho county of Clearfield, on ttio .'Auiiy (17(. ,,y) o' June mwt, NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, tu the Coroner, Justices of tho Peace, and Constables, in nnd for said coui.ty of Clearlield, to appear iu their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions, Exami nations, and other llcmcin brances, to do those things which tu their officer, and in their behalf, pertain to bo done. UIVKX under my hand at Clearfield, this liih day of May, in tho yenr of our Lord, one thous and eight hundred and aixty-onc, F. tl. MILLER, Sheriff. Wsilc ii ! Wkelni 1.ACkMTllf:. THE subscriber res-. pcciiitity iiiiortus Ins Irlvmi and tho public generally, that he is new well ahlishml in hi NEW SHOP un Pine street, opposite the Town Hull, iu tho borough of Clearfield, and upon hii own book, nnd where be is prepared tu do ull work in his line in the very best style, aud on the shortest notice. His old customers are re, pectlully asked not to forget him, nnd any num ber of new ones nro respectfully invited tu give; hi in a trial. ....., 7v.-. ma reputation as n .Maker and Repairer ol Edge tools should of itself secure Ii i iu a liberal pntronago. 0E0R0E C. PASSMORE. April 21. ISfil.tf. To LnmbermrD : s IW.MII.I, FOR SALE. I have ere. led a new first clua SAW'. MILL fur Eichtv feet Timber, ut Dl'XCAXXoX, below (irseu's' llsm. on the Susquehanna nnd desire to have a Part ner wlie w ill furnish Squartd Rafted Lumber at tlrecn' Dam, to stock the Log Pund to its full capacity. ( This Mill will have tho rommanl of the mar ket in Petersburg and Duticiiunnn and of two- thirds of Perry county ; and a large amount of nusincss mny be done at good price. It is on Ihe Pennsylvania Rui'.road, and in communica tion with Philadelphia and liultimore. In tho present depressed state of the Tidewa ter market, I invito attention to a homo mark et that will remunerate. Address early by mail, or call on 11RIFFITH JOXES, np'.'4-fi Duncunnon, Perry co., Pa. (JHAIUS!! CHAIRS!!! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY ! ! ! ! 1 he undersigned haf now on hand, at his Fur niture Room on Market at., Clearlield, l'a., a short distance west of Lit.' Foundry, a l.irga rluok of CIIAIH or ALL MSI), luunufartnrcd outnf the bst tnuterialr, finished n a very superior manner, nnd which he will ell I It If rtlttr ite(f 111. In .n.nr,!,!,., In, I).. business makes him feel coiifident that his chairs' arc luijo iu a subslnutial und workmanlike man ner, and will stand tho last of trial, Persons w ishing to purchase chairs should cail nt once and get them while they can bo hnd at the lowest rales. .' " JJIIN TnOl'TMA.V. Mar.27-ISl-tfT tZ5 00 - . ..j , ; u j.jWi, j,, he entire cost for T1ITIOX In tbe ar nod successful CO. MM knCIAL country. Upwards of Twr.t.vr 1 Hrstni!n young men, from twrntt -tioiiT dilfer Jent States, have been educated for business bere ' within the past three years, some of whom hav tteen employed as. HOOK-KEEPERS at salaries lf $2000 00 .' immediately I pou graduating, who knew nothing t 1 of account when Uiey entered tbe lullegc. t (KRMinister'a on half price. Student entsw ai uy time, ni wiow when . 1. -.1 u l.ln.il ..1......' -r ";e ;a0J.Wl,tp. and View of the COLLKliE, enclose live letter stamps V lt , ' JBKKIKB PMITU. f M,W: r. ptULarPat.,. f )flti: HIII1E I.P.AO, warruntJ, ground in oil, n ii aud I2J lb, cans, .just received! .... i. ... ' It t UT.4H'ti'k s ' and for sale at. If ARRIS' ilMPROVtJCj i I s i:vixg MAC n IN p. P 111 CFS I'll OM SiO lo.'sTti, Th l!li I' Hi 1 1 ii uiuirv.; iiiiii. i' DL'l'O III j..-."...v u ,r.-..i.ir.L..i iHT.iriK, wnerever is h.n been introduced, and Is, beyond question, me oesi, as win as inn liaudsomest, low priced Sewing Machino now befure the public. Nu. 1 a smull uud rory neat Machine for raiuily use. No. J. A large Muchino fur quiltiua hvw work and for Plantation use. ' 1 ' v This Machine is much admired fur it simplici ty, and for it reliability and durability il l. .,.- surpassed. A child twelve v pars can run ii with euae : and yet it w III sew fr.nn the coarsest cloth to the finest Swiss. There is nu trouble of re winding the thread, as It is taken from the spoola. 1 1 has no belts to give trouble, and will run backwards as well us forwards, and still sew equally perfect, and without danger of breaking' needles. It run by friction, and by closing tho box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact,' we have no hesitation in recommending it ai the best fuu.ily Sewing Machine lu use. ' The fijllvwliiy Premium A trunk J the above Mat hint i At the l!ic Fair of the r'rnpkUn Institute, 18j rst Premium. . tho Firs At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at l'l.ll,.,!.... phiu, September 21, I Sill, Ihe First Premium a Diploma. At the Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Wyo ining, ISi'.ll a Silver Medal. For the best Double Thread Macbinu, at Lan caster'. 'entity Fair, held October, l(ti'J a Silver Medal. -w At tho Maryland State Fair, held at the Mary, land Institute, Raltiiniirii, Md., October, 1SAV, under stroog mnipetitiun, a Silver Medal wa awarded to Ibis Machine. At the Xow Castle County Fair, held at Wil mington, Delaware, October, IH6D a Diploma. ' The above Machine are manufactured by OlAHI.i; W. I.AM), 1 Hiiilntoti, Del, SAL KS KOll IIS, Xo. 720 Arcb Street, Philadelphia, l-. No. 0I Mark.l Street, Wilmington, Del. S. I). JIAKKU, mai l.l-ly 7; Arch Street. Pbil,lslnl,i .!'-Persona wishing to see the above Machine i in operatinn. cun du su by culling ut Hi resi lience ot ai. vt. iiooro, in Clearfield borough. A T 1' l: N '1 ION! THE REST MIMTA R Y HOOK EVCK PL'DLISHED. , MOW KKADY, Vluiif cer. illsiuiial, tUXTAIMNO t l'l.l. INHTIU ITI05I foa TUH KiailOOTltT, n (he Set'Oolt of the So di'T and Aua', given In the m-.it fiimpfe Mytr, Aud all the iufornititlon necej.iry for Ihe form ing of COUPS OK J'OMK (H'AKI)S, II.IJ'STHATKI) WITH OVKIC 100 ENGRAVINGS, Showing tho dilfi.rcnt poiiiiom in alio l'ACIMiS AND MANI'AL OF ARSIS, And complete directions relative to LOADING AXI I'IRINTr', AHtlANt.KI, ACCONIIIMI TO fcott's System of Infantry Tactics, And In conforinnliou with the AttUV 1IKUI IliKUKNT loll TUB I'HCSKNT WAR BV Lt. Col. D. W. C. BAXTER, OF TUB NATIONAL GUAR I). This Hwoli in OfUchHy Ainrovcd of The instructions given aro of the greatest Im portant a to tbe new volunteer, and ihould ba .horuughly understood, boing indispensable to tliiMiistruction of a company. Pound in one volume. 32mo., 82 pages, Paper Cover, price 25 cent, Flexible Cloth, W cent. THE SAME WORK IS ALSO Pl'llLISHED IX THE HERMAN LANtftJAUE, At the same price, nnl is the only (.crnian lluok of Anicrlcan Mllllnrv 1'artlca Published u the I'nitcd States, '' ' Agculs and Canvassers Wanted To hgage in tho sale of this work, in every CITY, TOWS and VILLAGE It) tbe Country. Price per Dtijen Copij, ; : 2 00 Fifty " t : K 00 " ' Haodrad t ; ' Ii- 00 dispatched immediately, either by'poatu et.reV Aitf-If ordered i y pest, Stamp, must lpw0.' closed to pay postage. If by express the fielHt ' enn be paid on delivery. . ,, ,, "t ( i SONGS FOR THE VOLUNTEER THE - , C'AMP-riHJ; COMMNION, ' A New nd Original C-lloetiun, a Mifitarr and Patriotic Songs, adapted Cfpeciallyc(if i, ,,retl' cntCoinpaign. On: vol. 13mo., with ,',atri,(jonll i. Paper cover, 11 rept. Fleiible tTifc, J5 ct. ' Single Copii'S of tlto aliovt JJoAb MAILED FREE OP P0S 1AGE To any addresi in the L'u Hod Slate), Ul0n rc. ' ceipt of tbe price, tjf ' . KIN1 HA1RD, Printer, an) Mbeii,. ! 607 Snnsora trcet, Phila Jiljhla, To waom an omen tnouiu oe (ntr.( May 1.6L ' T5ESTAL CARD. t M. SMITH offer hi rrofoaajonal lervi, J . Ui the l a JUaand lcotlemeil of Heai tield and icitlT. All operation- performs with neatnae anA dsptob. ' Itcing familiar with ull the late improTfcenU, he la prepared to make 4rtlljrlal Teeth in the beat manner.' Office In Shaw'itieW rgw. -' ' sV.pt. 14th, ,' ' 1 lyj. ia. t.AitBtwr.n. , . Tt AltllfMI.H ,V Tl;WT. Attorheva yt I J C(eldd, Pa., wilt attalid pMmpllY tot'bl ' Iaioiis,' Laid Agenaie, 4c.; la Claarlll lnlr and Elkcuuhtius. Julr .10 v ' July 30. r I