Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 12, 1861, Image 4

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    ;I,t itnlm
1 ;p pn hU 'H"I'M
a I.
if h tflmtulb .ilrrnblitan.
Vttmar.1 tifM titiim
itt t r. . inn.
t, A. t t '
Wulint an f (Htilitn (Mat
f paid In d anrr, "
within One m-Mbi, tl ?!
X. .rm . nth. remit o. "
,,,.,.. iei i ""I'1 nTm
intr nP " ''W'l-i.''' v,,, hxn
Male, to i-tivn-tlirir M Ihe cxp. .i.
..four c.Wovt Tl.o butt. I llio tU
he nOMrv.-l I v tin tiny horn of
-he mobile-, the noa Vili sk'P '
. rtv. rt...v. mid Iho inoih mill
ohineh will M'-aHhily hide in the '"', o F.,nr,
j.t or I he Iv-Uiead. Scrupulous jTwouarc,:
.Vwliin mill thwart most "fT,
Hits are r.aturos scavengers. everniilf ,;,,
it nor tim wiihm the '. -
't paid whet lh Mpirntlnn 1 the J'"'.
Term nl UiHlMni;.
Advertisement r Inserted i" ll Ri pnbliran
at tb following !
1 Insertion.
Pa lotar. (1 4 lino.) a0
Two nnre. (:lino.i i no.
Three quarts, (2 line.) I '
,1 m'i' np
12 ao
4 tin
: 0(1
a on
: tin
u no
5 do. S do. j
I ii li "
I j. t
jo" i
ft nm. 12 "n
f (id IT '!
n on
in on
l! oo
10 oo
11 on
14 oo
lit on
84 on
v. 1. Y. A II V I I, lv
( u:nnnh i ni .vn; r.i.
jail 1 ol xr.. . or itiMt i Mi "t
n immt. ri i i ivuv
i.'i.t niitc'r (7iiV iiro.voot roirfV " " ' ""'
I'.irtianirr rn the 4 It lt rnnadnfttl)
mi hand.
ft" Office on Sere nd St., tiest'y opposite Ihe
(lll'IT 1IOISK. '
X t 1 1 i It tl 11 vl
l , 11 tmiin
,r mi. mi WrU S1ill
1 . - .... ..i.tMuli-mir lll'ITT.r 1.. k
roa-iv to eoi.x,.. ru-...s 1""nw;rv,.n,llo..thnlhro...lhi2J
;nto.nnox,oUs Mtb-taiice... Keep lie ,.Mrti..
-i ... .1 . . . -.Mrif -I llll . r" 1 . I : 1
V RIM I rCO ir'llll 'If .it
rrfnse from the kitelien.aml thetlrain
ir..i it:ri t fOM.ling Iino ire in- i..
MoHfnrfJ n yccr. , I ?V'
B.rtionl. dojirr.l. rrnlinuoi until f-rbid ' "
tnl fhnrgoa nccornir.g to mi
. .I'll
oftlio Bin'k.&n.l (.w-eeten Ihe out-iniii.i-mgs
with lime, ami tl.ey will ntotly
omigrate to more promising quarters.
I'lie lew Ftrjiiler wliieh remain, can
ntarlv cxdii'lod by frames rovered
hh niiilinet.'lilaee.i in the window
when open. These will also keep t.ut , . :inout rP t5 therullic thath
1 . !- "
theo vexatious mosquito. .tiyrians rPj (;) ,p4 Allujs 0f
t.f these latter injects are otten bred
n 6waropy cpots adjoining the dwel-
m 6w.tmpv po'' unjoining tin- mi-h-ing.
Proper draining will rout them)
at head quarters. The rain water
istern is alo prolitie in mos.jueioes : ( nrs nn j.a.d,
ive v mii.nows or tuner
in p.
nm I" 'I if'Oitn l iA t,rMiint lH "
Well i lr. It il "tlntfhl
nlnioM rxrry iIom riplioti,
A l.itliriil "ilmonl ..I riinm nttil lirt-ff
r..,., ..I tho lirrM mill Ulol Hjlon. AUo
IKi nl t ntirty tf MiTiil Iti'llnn.
A larcc nssorlmnit, rrnil)-iii;ulc
(; L O T It I X f.
llnllllvU, Mil la,
lUto anil t'npo,
IUhiU Aii'l .Si'if, lurgo iHHlililv,
lUnlwflro, Qi criiwro,
liruKj; tl M' lii'int'N
Oil mill rmnl",
t't rt A Oil l loth,
Fii-Ii, Sai-Mi nn'l Klmir,
lroprrM. nli'in t t
I.. , .1. i.rmuir .
j IIIC IPflll ... - -i j
time will h t Rroot ,
bonofitto oforyon
int t.f honllli, .u.iiii. . - - -
; k oc i:h i K.s,
c.itif.rt. 1 1- " " ""'T l"V l"
lilt III I I - ,rr. -W,-. I- f....n,l .t hi. of. My M fnontli ii) lh r'lic Rrnor-lly,
uHM,.;,.A.WL- of .Tol.l.illl? m(ei i.. liro. nn the o.-rnor t.f Front n. Uin tri, r'l," l'MVvV'''..' .
Ul M I
USSl.t.l. MiMI'llIt A
r f nil I M t
lnllt InMi'l ill" M'lhlli'H
li.lllft", i'l rlliott, l'i lil I'"V "I
I ,, N i W I M I II miiM K
W hi' K lm nflfti
i i:v i,fv ';, r.wn
III. nll CHltilHII'l I" tlotll
kinrtu. In mt y "
Thu litltr nl itmtkfl prirr
kiml. t.f Ult.MN.
lta.rCAl.1. AM'
Ntl VliltiBl'in, N"V. I,M,;".
f y . t
' - tv '
I - ' a. - ,
"ii tZV-
JniCf"j -i,.,,,,,.,' "
m i.t" mm--. ii. -I -I TM ."""'h'
, f..r r.j K-ni;M,
I ttM r" ''M 1.,
ihivi Am
. ' "I'll H.i
A r4cl Mllrt onmrtilieti. i. n-L H
Uriti t Itn nntiiml (mirt..iu. Tlimi. j!
ti-m-l tinn lliitni'ltra mi l tin nrrmivji,,.
Iiii-Iik irnrul minmntlnn. tun,.,,., itit
rttlll' CI I lit .'l 1.11.1) A I ' A 1 1 1 "l 1 . wil i t litis in tlim mn.liltoti. nrnimuvl l itJiT'
I l.c i.rni-.l f..r t li a rorfiiti-ui .,f pi.iK ! t"1" ''" r,'"1 .h" '"r'Hy tCl
' . ' ii t i A ... Olid. I .fill ll'll'll ni riim m iim iini, htvi tli It
t.i,.l.. nn.1 ftoniili'i.) on MotitUy, Aiir. -MMh, IMilt I ,. r b-llli .Kiln. Wl..rtl. Irj.i.,l'
Trrmt ior ttonfiiiti f oli'Viill Wfekll i n,, tnilul mnl nitniniiii ruiniUiint. I,
Orllmirriiiiliv, KoaJinif. Writing, 1'riiifiry i.f il......piii. mil lUtiKitrntn riutrmian ,4
Aritlnni-tin mid iicm.hy. 2..'- jmritiitlve ojinrt xiomi iimmii. ( ii-d w m.h,'
111..1... ..o i.- Km. .h timmiiiMr. liemr- -"" iniiii
. . .7., i , ,iv, thov r
liv tlmmunn m
nciit'iita of tlio iituttihvlTS
i ni.mily 4 timtiy i tfc'htu I
N 'Ii'il.ii.iwtliiitirt'l
lo t to fiiii'y tliiiii ulim tvl'
Cliidiles tlio 1'uMishcr of the " It. p,Mmn' no notir. to the contrary in tin.
I'mtru, rrxMT,
r.l.ANX", TkTU Eoou,
!...-;., pALLTtctirs,
nr. leveiv ind cf piir-ting
in a roun'.ryi oh n!::rr.
All oniers will 1 fxerutf-i ttillinett
C 1! rej U ,,rlinni i" tv !r,i r.f Itic nroli1 ..ion
j prrfnnuil in the latent nd iiml improvtul
.itvli'p, n.l (nursntfO'l for one year ;ain?t all
j atuul failure.
r i; w i)iiu(; stohi:
ClRI't l. tus,
31 .N Mil 1.1.5,
UMiully ilone
r.lnrA a f.'- ivelv mii.nows or
l-rook fish there, and they will fatten ;
nn the ian ieofthe tormenting insect j
thus the Liter will l-e bitten. ;
The flea delights in the diiM andj
iittcr of the wood house, and the wag-j
..n fiheJ. Kemove all this, sprinkle1
fresh lime in its place, and whitewash
? he beams and boards, and the fleas .
will soon vanish.
Take np :t!l the carpets beat them
thoroughly with a oleiider rod. ami
scatter a little black pepjcr around
the hides of the room where the edg
f s of the carpet are to be laid. Then,
once otpit tV.rtniirht. whip the out-
O. 1!. (JOOtiLAKIlKR f CO
j Time of HoMlns t'ourt.
j SernnJ .Monday of January,
' Third Monday of Mait-h,
Third Monday f June.
Fourth Monday o' Se.leinler.
In each year. and continue to week. if t
' feiisiarv.
County Ofllrrrv.
l're't Jndpe.Hon. Samuel I.inn. B.II!"nto.
' A?'te luile.llon Win L Mwre, Clearfield,
j Hon Henj Itnnoall, I.utherjburs
Sber.ff. Fred k (J. Miller I'learfteld
I rrothnotary..lohn I.. Cuttle,
i Reg. A' Jme Wiipley, "
, Hietritt Atl r KoLert J.AVallace,
! The sulrrilerj nave opened a full and mm
plrte ai.rtii.rnt of OKI ;S in the new brirk
' building f lr. Wood.', ou Ihe eornor f Lernl
i and Chrrrv rtreeU. in the borench of Clrarlr..
Inhere they will be happy to arcommoilt any ' fatifaitt"ti to all wlio may favor
i .er-on ho mav d.-rire articlej in their line. The call
hiHiu.r will bo routined trirt)y to a
lK i'-i n." '. I '.-r.'i'i'.fi 1t".uitf.,
Clearfield. Oct. 31. IMW. WM. V, IHWIN.
, f.Jy X. B.- All kin.U ..f tilt A .Valid approve
' nl'STItY I'ltnht'i'K lukcn inrxi Iihiiro of
Col. A. P. OWKNS, Troi hiktoh,
i .
1 Hcpertfiilly annoiinre.t to the travelling publii
li ft he hna now taken hrge of thin large nnd
iwell known houao, nnd will cnilurt it in meli a
manner a will render excellent eouilort and for,
him with v
mnhv and lli.itorv
llnuiimlrv. Natural I III iioillV I fill. lll nirl
I ii,... t I. 5 4 I'O i the illordrrii they rum. "tj
, , ,. . a fr. on Slati.ii..iit finin iHiding ilivi'.i.ina Is
Latin and (ireek l.tnguage. " j , '
To itudenla Urainnis of itrquiring a thorough ' '
w to i nn 1 1 IV
r.llgllKll r.HUi'ltllon, nun who ... j
il.Miu vra for ti-iii'herr. tlim liiftilution (iiictn
I denirulile iidviinliige.
I No pupil roceived for leM than hnlf Ft-'nion,
land no dudurtion inndB except lor protracted
, eirkneita.
I Tiiition to bo paid at the clnfc of the term.
! C. II. SANIU'i'Uli, Pkini ii'ai.
: May 2'., ixilO.- Iv.
!Andnor...wil.l.e.paredtoren.ler..t.!.frllu w , ..- ...... , . '
lr. M. Wool., the jnninr partner, way alwaya
, be lound and consulted in the In:g Store.',
i when not abrrnt on profmional lniMne.... A
separate room for ronnaltatian ia attaehed to the
etore.where patient' may I examined privately.
Krrry article usually lonnd in ouch nn e;tnh
the riiilailolphia l'"Iire and Ihe iioforiottH F'or
ger and rotiiiterfeiter. .In ie. llurhnnan Croae '. '. '.
front Ileciiptiircd ! !! ! It eeeina to be the gener
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cro. hud worn n
pair of Frank Short' French-calf Boot, that ho
iul'1 not be taken vet. However. Shortv l.
li.l.mei.t. ill be kept on baiid,and..Id at greatly, no, ,,. pn, ou, ',;,. cuitmn : li
r-ide brea'lihs upon the floor with a
-light switch, and the remaining moths
will be beaten out. i
The chinch or Ud bug can be rout-'
d. by the first washing all the parts Auditor?,
r fthe lKHltead w ith cold water, nnd j
then, with a brush, applying cor ro- Coroner.
Five sublimate devolved in spirits, on
an amalgam of lard and quicksilver j Ta-oA-i-
ruMR-a together, t'r ah. tour omg- iiKrria.
git for Mxpence worth of unguent urn,
mix it with lamp oil, and apply it
with a brush to all joints and crevites.
:uid the bulrs will sleep and allow you
to do the tame.
.Urn.-1 .lr,"-u''!nV'.
! Trurer, It. II. tioodlander,
Co. Surveyor. U. V. Wright, tilen ll -pe
' Coniini.s-n'r.Wm. M'Crarken, I.umlter City
j M m. Mrrrell, flearhrld
' C. Thompson, Morridale
I'.. f, Ilomman. rbiltpslmr j
liaae W. lirataai.C leartirld
J. II. Shaw.
tJcorge l'.itharJ. "
i.M of 'Aires.
' redared price.
Trim- artMi srcn ri r Ca.-h. will enable them
to f.Uer inducemrnt- in the way of priref
rhyirian will be .-upplied at a mi a II pr
i rentage over ftft and carriage, and their order
are aolirited. Kvcry article fold will be pur; ami
of Ike be.-it quality.
j febf. tf WOOIiS A EAKlCKTT.
rp ll l
H I. A V
; n n i t i w ii
K Wtui l'S M A (
k i: v i r.
A 7. 1
X E.
I Gibbon,
Coot CV'i. The main croj of r.u.rn.
these, wether t-eets. parsnips or t ar- Ere
... I TL I
rt't. ehoulil now t .iainei, inv
sugar beet and mangold wurtzel are
the moot easily raised and most pro
ductive of these crops, but all are
valuable for cows, sheep and hogs,
and the carrots for hores. They re
quired good soil abundantly manurt-d.
if maximum crops are expected. W e
are partial to the sugar beet for milch (rakata,
cows. They can be yin early, they ;
t-ear trar.splanting to till vacant ies. , Ho,3lli
t he v are a cleansing en p, they keepi -well
until the month of Mav, they "re1"
cood kinds of it-k. but far'
irnlr-h rnn ? cpecialr, and are lest tetl ( Lawrence,
raw, and they yield Ten largely. -n
acre that wi if yield a hutidred buslt.
. -!s of iK'tatieii, will give tour to five
hundred of beets, with no rik ol
Wing the whole, as with the potato,
bv rot.
.vffW ..f i;
lllen Hope,
flearfirld F.riafi,
JeBerjon Lie;,
Fore rt.
New WahiD?o2f
f learneld.
Cumenjville, i urwenrrille.
I Ml.
TUK niI.i:t'R(.H RF.VIEW.
tJ. W. Calwel i (Tr e Church.)
T. A. M tJbee (Libei.l.)
J. tr.fsTiTJir '' BLACK won i-si:MXBfRt;iI MAt. AtNC
lwif rsuiih lTu'y.j
P. It. Miller '
Ed-Tj-i-. I Tl. lt MS.
R. II. M'Te. Franj one ol the fur Review..
Jarob Kantr . For any two of the fr Review
nit 1
would announce to nil Hrrrtiuriitr, li'fla,'
l.iitrlH tiHit Hill mm, and women nnd children
in Clearlield. and Sinneiiiuhoning in partii-ulnr.
that te i prepared to furni.h them with Hoot.
Shoe ana alter of any tyle or pattern, Hitch
ed, fewed or pegged, (and n lie i a short fel
low I nn fhort notice.
All kind of country produce taken in ex
change, and cah not n lii.-ed. Repairing done
j in the nentet manner nnd charge moderate, at
the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, oppoite
Reed. Weaver A f at lore. FRANK SHORT.
Iv. Jl. Finding! for al Sept. 'id. 18110-
J () II X () I) K L L ,
hh- t'.'l m A. If. ,S'..r'. .!... mh-
.ANTrR sa s: i
1'failipa barg.
Helea l'oet OCir.
Lreownte's Mill. f Mignot
Bald Hills William Carr
Sbawville, A. II. Shaw
Orabamton. T. II. Force.
mith Mill. J- A. Hef arty
Madeira. C. J. Pueey.
Tvler. David Tyler
Peoafield. H. Wavdward
Anf'.a'iLe. Elira Ch-e
all Lick. i. Herkad'Oi
New Millporu I- E. Mokel
Breckearidge. J. W. Thoaop a i
Kvlertnwa. Ja. Thpa
MorriJlw. J. MeClellaad
Lamber f ity.t IL W. Spencer, '
OrtE i.n 11.1K A. f. Jl.
Carwenjiille. aotael W'ay '
Blaomingville. Michael Wie.
orkton. . I". JohaeAB i
JcBrie. T. Henderjon
5 Thia Tot w ill do for fheet t.jwn-kip
t Will aner lor l'crju.n townhip.
Jha Heberiin; For any three of the four Review.
Jaa- Bloom F'-r all four of tb Review.
J. il. Cnnmingi I "' 1-lat kwoo.l's Magaitne.
Ja McMorray l"r Blarkwt.wwf and one Rrticw.
M. A. Frank. Br Blkw.MHl and two Review.
P. A. ti.nulin. For Bbrkw.u.d and three Review.
J F W chnarr 'nr Biaokwwd and the four Review,.
Saniael Way I !- Toe price in tireat Britain for the live
Centre counttr I Perioii.ale above uamed i $'! per annum,
hrtia. Wl!laaj- r.pal.lil.e4 b
Elk ciniutv. p. I LEOXA BP SCOTT A Co..
fcr annum.
t on
i oil
7 oil
a on
3 no
5 no
7 on
v nn
in oo
marl. Cm
Jl Uuld Street, New York,
! Morrin,
I Petin,
: ike.
jru to their
To im swir. trom
writer in the Southren l'i
If vour hogs arc lousv
rubbing place, or what is better, take,
& rough twelve loot log to the leeuingT , vTll.,,.. w.. w'tt notr.n.
place, and keep it constantly smeared , M't t'LI.oi c.U i, nROTlll'.R.
with tar. No spaniel ever loved wa- Attorney at l aw.
Uf better than a lousV h"g loVOS tar, , office on Market atreet. ppite Moop
and he aOT.lies it himself, to the niosf j Clearfield. Pa. attend promptly l Collee-
IX. ....
j L( )l R, BACON, TOR.CC( ),
j .V' ". V AI.I. A'.Y.V, j
! J-Kor raU? very c ln-aj. for Cn, by
O. B. ME Kit ELL.
In liMnient of Merrell A BijjVr's Store,
, ierfioM, r.. fein-::.
Ite'pertliilly infnrm the ritien of rienrfleld
and adjoining ronntie. that he i nt all time
prepared to manufueture. at the hortet notire,
Hair, Huk, and Straw Mattree of nil
kind and ie. one of whirh i a Folding Mat-tre-.
fiiitnhle f..r CABINS O.V RAFTS, wlii.l.
ran lie folded in nn.ill coiiip.tand emptied ind
refilled at pleasure : an very cheap. He nl.o
trim Cntriage. make r.-pair to all kind of
,1'arriage Triinniug and t'pholtery. and n-.nke
jCord- for Ma'on'a Tracing Line.", of any thick
j ne or length.
i i Cfc.C'1'Uiitry Produce, Corn Hu.'ks, or Cab
(taken in Eirhunge fur woik.
I rrT-AII order left with any of the Men hat
i Clearfield borough will lit promptly attended
'to. deell'i
Ii:V F I Kill, AiI
N E w go on s.
Jut receiving ond opening nt tlio Old tat
of l.en i Smith in Ilethlehein a well aelected a
aortinent of Spring nn.l Summer tioodii of all
most every dencription.
Staple nnd Fancy, a beautiful iiortinent i
Prints nnd Dress (ioods
of the Intcjt lyle. nlo n vniiety of 'teful No
tion. Hat nnd Cap,
Runnel and Shnwl,
Boot and Shoes,
Jlurdivui'p, ti' enswiirc,
Medieines, l-'Uh,
(i R O C E It I K s ,
Tulmcro , Segnr nnd all urtirlc loimlly kept
in a country Stere, nil cheap lor i-n.-li.
liive u a cn 11 nnd eo f.r vouraelve.
Mav 21, l;:r.o.
I J A R 1 ) TI M t S MA I)K KASY.
if mil .YA'H'.S
hk the r x em PLciv
To Persons out of Kmploymcnt.
In every County of the I'nited Slatr,
TO engage in the ale of ome of the bet nnd
inot elegantly illiiMnilrd Work pttblihed.
Our pub! icntinn nre o tlio ntot iiitercMing
character, ntnptej to the want (if tlio Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant: 'hey arc ) uhlihed in
the bct etyle and bound in the mot; .ulitnn
tial uinnner, and arc tvorthy n place in tlio Li
brary ol every JIii.chold in the Lund.
i-..To men of enterprise nml indiistriou lmb
it. llii: liii-ini'ss often) nn opportunity for nrofit
al le em.lnyiiiciit eldom to l.o met with.
'Sii-l'ron dcniring to act an nget.t will re
ceive promptly by mail full particular, term,
.r-e., by nddreoing LKARY. tiKTZ A co., Pub.
No.!':.! Northttrcet, I'hiladcliihia.
0,t 21. 1S:.nlv.
riHK undcraigned reapectfully
informs hi eiitoiner. nnd the
public generally, that he ha juM
received from the Flast, anil open
ed at hi clabli.hnient in Hit A HAM'S III II'
learfield, Pn., a line nsaortment of Clocks,;
W.itiio:, nnd Jr.wi i nv of different qualilic. .
I trom n nngle piece to a full e'.t, nhich ho will!
j ell nt the mot raonublc price for cnli, or in j
exchange tor ota gold and silver.
I .(Mm C '11:11110c In M.-.Lo I, I! "'0,, every variety on hand, it the unit
v. . .... nv.J ..VIV
I'n.m n I''t Hrrrlml . .9, . I
tin !.,. V..tir Mil ari. IU. ..... . '.' I
1..1:.:. ti ,.. it;... ; ..'
,w" : ".iwi.t-j
.tf .ilcarnna ffurea noon Iter . nn.1 lm. .1... . t
iiicurulile for vinra. Her nMlhur Iwn
i.ual.T ntllii trd with lilotchm ami uinpWa hi .,!''
in her hair. After our rlnlil writ minl,,1
jour Pill", and they lime cuied Iit.
ASA MOKCrjfc;!
A a a Family Pliyalr,
Vfim l.: i:. H'. IXirlivn.jU, y,n (,,ltl
Veiir 1'illa are III prlnre of purKxi, Tliw,,
qnilitlia aiirnaa any ralhaitic ri inua,
nillil. Inn very certain ami edi tnal in llifirn,,,
liivrN, whi Ii niakoa them Invulunblo to ni,
ticatincnt of disease.
II cailae lie, Sic It Headache, Foul St,,,
Atom inr. iciiK ll.i.l. n-iMtmrt
Di inl o. Arm: I cannot answer tmitrWn.
I have c n'' with your I'll! letter tiiinitonrBi.!
'.rr trrnt irtth mtihcttx. I rl.M,-.
,nee on an efT'w-tnal cntlinrlic in mr rtailT.
niMfw, nnu mtievini; n i o urn your niliiff.TJ
lirai tin iinrr, i 01 cuirau Tunie i ueiil lllsjilj,
ltTTtin.n. Pa.. ut
.1. 0. Aran. Sir: t have liren repeatd, J
me worn unmnrnr any nouy ran iiml.,il.
at ronr rill. It to arise from t fni n J
wlueii tlirr rieane nl once.
Your with great respect, l:f. W. Mil
Dltlou Dlaorder Liver Contpli
I . ..m Vr. Thntlnrr 1 'I, of .Vic fort C'l
Not only are vonr IMII HdmiiaMv a'lnptnl tMt-,
l p n nn nlrirnt. tHit 1 nnl thfir lienffii-ial
I flie l.icrr very mni k.-il itnlee. Tie-y bao ii t
tlin tiniTeil morn cllectual fur tlie cure uf ku,
fti' tliao any one rein'-ilr J rrtn mention.
r.-j.rt'-e tuai we nate at lensin a j.inrHllie u
' thy the oonlidviice ot the 'u..m n ami tW w
- i-rm
Di p; iMrsi nr inr. lnm I
Waahiiigloii, II. t'.. Till
Sitit t have usril tour Till in my L'l-tii-nlM.
piariii-cever in . von iuale Ih.-tti, Hiid enure .i
a ty tliey nre the best rmllmtOe f rin.i.r. TVi
laiinx a.-tioii on (lie liter is qtii'-k nni ileKk
uneiiily tlirr are an nunlrnMo ..r arrai
1 1 that orpin. I n l. .1, 1 hare diimii
ItU.wl .Ltt.itt a.) olMtinate that it ilil tiol ratil
tie-in. fialuinally v.aira, AI.'iN'l MU.
J'.HS.' uf tt.t M'trm b
Dyaeiilery, Diarrlin-a, Relax, Wi
1'i t.m Ih: J. Ii. GVrm, of I'Htagx
Your Till havo had u long liiiil iiiinyjirai
lel 1 Ihelil in esteem as one of thr Leal sporrn-
rvi-r I'luinl. 1 holr alterative ell-. l u'H liiall.
them nn exeelleiit reiueilr, when jji cn ia iiusi:
'hIi..h ilystntrT't ami oViitAifii. 'Jlieir biik Ihem vi v ncrrptal'le and toiivcnirnl f
t.f W.'llien nnd rhiMtrll.
Dyapepala, Iinpiirltj- of the DI
I'i.m Ave. J. I". ll.met, lnt:r Adi rut (V
Dr. Ann: I Imieioel your Pills Willi fit
an-ep.s in mr fmnily aiol aiietng these I am nil
in ilislir.s. To regulate the ui.uis of dip
pin lt'v the IiLsnI. thy nre ttie very l"t rem-e.ei-
k ii' ii, anil 1 call confiih-nily lecrtiiari;
in v- liii'ii'l. Voui'a. .1. 1.
Wltuvw. Wyoming Cn.. V. V Oct
lir.ttt Mil: I am iimhc vour Catliartie rms
tie... iin.t liiel theni an rxi-elint puriralii e tn
svstein llllil t'Hrtltl thr. foiiiinint ..I liir l.ltml.
John ti. mi;vii.i
(oust Ipnl inn. Coat Ive Ilea a, Sny
ltlieiiitintlaiit, limit, enralg
ay, I'nrnlyaU, J'lta, etc.
l'.r.nt Vr. J. I lili'7il, M'ltitrr.'l. Cm
T'io iinieh cannot le :ii of ynnr Pill f r
r.,riefio...-. if oilier isf our fiatrrnilv Imirl
n eln.-neiinis us lia. e, they shinl'l .( en ins i
in-4 it fee Ihe Iw-m iit of the ntnltiiiele, nltn eonipl.iint, w I a a . Ii, nl(honi:h hal rnencli
the tmieiiitnr of others thnt are w.nse. J
ti.-ei.rtt tooricinate in llie liter, hut y ur Till1
oi-'-in and ritre the ilie.ise.
l reasonable price,
ALL kind of Clock, Wntclic and Je
! cnrefullr repaired and Wnrmntnl.
A rontinitance of pntronage i solicited,
s.epi. iv, i(,o. i. t, NAl tiLE.
ir.fested soots of his I"Iv. so effectna
l!y that the lice speedily disttpjnar.
" I have seen out of f6 ho;s smear
themselves witb tar in less than thir
ty minutes after they had access to it
and not one of them had ever known
its use It-fore.
Tnr. Balsam Fir It willW hard
for the critics to write down this tree.
They isay it Incomes "a shabby fel
low, after it is twentyyears old, whose
bad clothinga well trained dog would
bark at, as belonging to a leggar
Not always, good friend, as several
within ranee of our window at this
tioB. Sale of Land, Ac.
nov 7-14
) W. MAYS. Justice ..f the Peace, will alien
. pronptly to collection aad other matter
eft ia hi charge. Addrcsa kersey, Eik ea T
Oct. ii ISfdi. lv.
Tee undersigned will have cnstantly on band
i a we 1 "elected tm-k of Prug. Chemical. live-'
Stuf-. ii"s, pamt. Totorr aad Segar. Station :
larv. Perfumery, Bruahes. and F'anry articles j
which ba w ill .!i..poe ef cheap for cah. '
He incite the public to call aod examine bi,
. t"ck of g d before purchaeiug elsewhere.
Country Phyaician furni.-brd with Imga !
Medicinr.. and Surgical instruments at the mo i
reasunable rate. J. (i. HARTSWKK. j
j Clearfield, Pa.. Pee. ?. Ioo. i
, Important Notice.
The nd rired. late pabltsber of the "r,r. '
DANIEL (i IDLANDEI!, s rld Republican" take thia method ol calling
) -w I'saTlC'K of tbe rac apon ihoe who are indebte 1 to bin, or to Lari-
, J Clearfield Co. Fa., mr' Ward for niWription. advertising or Job j
j will attend ircwipt'T toU buf.nee eatnisted tncarred duriug the three year eomtnen-,
j to hi rire. March ?. ISf O. lv. -d. ring July 1 .7 and ending July lf.i. to call tm-
I - . - . mediately at my cfice in the borough of Clear- j
KLLIS IRWIN At SONS, field, and make etUement uf the aaine. a these I
j A T the caoath of Lk Kan, five atile fraoi aetoant a,,Uo. J. H. LARKIMF.R.
2. Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and eitenuv Clearfield. December li, I tf.
Manufacturer of Lar-Ber, -ti-u' tiiui-
! J-lyr.l"S. jN'.Xewtor.'.T
i "I ) OBERT J. WALLACF., Atwivit r Law,
' A Clearfield, Ta, Cftca it Skiw't Baw, op-!
o.-ite tie Jcurti. office. i
dot. 1, !?. if.
Worth hi:
A N I)
-The enbacriber la ojned
U'HUumiritl,, I )..r.l.l Cummtf. Tit.,
l ere le will keep renrtantty on band a general
asortment of
'rv l!-mmh, lir-K.ile Vr.i iV ls, f v.,
v. : i -1 1 i r ,
.If Trsiiw l ers r-. , m I learaeid. reau . " '
when SOanV-Cted,ithasapitiab!e bKk. rctflly f.lfer h.a r-r.feseiaJ eervirei U Ut! ' "rmin ' own try I ronure, Ac. Ageney in this
D... 1 tt,4i-.! WT..II it t4,t-' Cltiieaa of Lbe Uns i.lac and VKiaitv. I MUI M rwM M
Iv worth Laivmir. We think it is freer , ' fdnd txu WKV i
moment btrr tttininy. In some re-
-., j Uli .1 1: it TTkkfa'a 11 ffl ! t '
r.-t f :!, ,V. ...A . rkR- " OIlF, havit( ranged ti loca
I HI a 3 VI laVI7-W l? A, 4ft sal. al U I'ltlt 1 , alllU ,
A X I)
' M. f. F. Mii nl. n.ini.-i.m tm. .V.'J.
elrv I tind one or two l.iiv .1.1-. uf vein Pill.! time, nre exeellrnl ir 'ini'llTe nl Ihr h when wh'illvor partinllv hi'1i...ssi-i, tu
I i ... ..i...i.'. .1.. .'. I .....iu-
nr S'i innrh Ihn lsst physe wo liavc thai I
i no other to my patient.
1 Yum the .vr. Vr.,, .lA.W.V?-
i. Pit Kt llot-r. .avatiHali,lhi...lar
n ivoern ."ia: i sienii.t lie tnifniirlul
I Its undersigned respectfully bega leave In vonr skill hns hronclit me If I I i . I i,..i reiwrt
announre that lie recent!v rented a house in the I '"" A col.l still in my limhsatvl
bornuch of Lumber citv Clenrfi..!,! en.mi,- i I riming n'or-i'ii-jwi.t, whieh en,. ,1 in r'.i.
I, ,1,, .,., 1..;...',.. ,i.. . ... '"' NolwilliilandlnE I bad the best ..fpli
' ', .."..-i...o o. ... ruing piionc, (hlTn.ff plw nrs. nn4 worse, until ..hIki
o "ou an inner, w uo uiny tavor nun ; cireiimt aent In, Ih. via U.-nri'.
with a call. I Pills, ih.-ir effecls were alow. nrr. Bv
Hi table will always be supplied with n good
as the market a (ford: nnd no pain will ba i
spared to render hi guest rniulurlnble while '
tintier hi roof. To which the faet that no in
toxicating Honor of any kind will be kept about
Ihe premise, will he trusts, contribute in no
mall degree. While, whnt i always important
to the traveller, the best altention will be given
by earelul hotler to that fa Itliftil companion of
his journey, hi patient Heed.
July i, IshO. ly. JAMES CROSSLY..
A f A It It! At; I ail)IV-neing a privnlc
111, instructor for married person or tho.e
lu tiie use of them, I inn iirnr , ntirelv mil.
Srttir Cntvnra. Paton R.igr, li..J!
Pn. Avra i I have tieen nnihelv ein.. hv i
Rli'im.tiir (imt n painful ilisea.e thai lisH
f.r year. VINt'KNT F
tfy lnt of the Pills in market cn'ii
iihnli. ulllioiifli a valuable in ikil'
rfanceroiia in a onMie lull, front tlm ilw
;lenees that frrqw-ntly follow Its in'anti""'
.ntain nn merrury or mineral mhatairr
Price, 25 cents per Box, or Boxcl
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., lowl
Tic-Said by C. T). Wnlon, CUnrtl
Irwin. Cnrwensville : V. Arnold, I.u'
about to b married, both mnlc and female .In Monte-omerv A Co.. New Snicm; J.C.
everything concerning the physiology and re hi- : Morrimlnle. C. R. Foster. 1'liilippWg
uonui our .sexual yient. nml the nroilnel Ion nr C hnse. Anionv e : and iv i calif ci
prevention of oflspring, incluilini? all the new i --
diaeoreriM ney.r before given in the English CLEARFIELD STONE WARE Nl
lauguage, uy tt .n. 1 uu.MJ, .vj. ji. Till is really
a valuable and interesting work. It i written '
Thankful for past favor and fnliri j
- . ...u...'.v U.I.. ...u'lesiinE aura, ii i written , . , .f..n,.
in plain language for the general reader, an, li! P'"8- 1
illuatr.te.1 with numerou, engraving,. Al young ! !hnt 1 l'"," . f.V h
married people, or those contt.nplaUng marriage kcP "'f " U'ry ,n "Z
All arsons deitout, of securing an a'ic.V; imimZ i" w'ffi
frvm disease and insects at the North
than in the Middle States.
J. Craas, Z,
PHyalela. aad ireMK
ayZ Jli.
I'ewiH 1 plea4 to have all who wi-h to
pt .ae any of tte above article give him a'
I W;:;UmviUe, April 1, 1S6I.
Clearfield Pv, llay 3d, 1M.
If those of our readers who
cultivate the cabbage, will break ofl
y t.rr . v. .... V -
uur iiu irum iu., . .. ATTORNEY AT LAW, .nl .Head prv-rtly
they notice any depredation by tad faitiifally teaU legwt taauaen entraMed to
the worm, and place it On top, upper k ear. " h overai Court of Clrarfieid aad
idr- fl.ini. and Vet it remain ro i.ver '''-""J eoantiei.
- , . . -ii j CEre tie one foromriy oecapied Ft G. R.
Boot A shoea of every kiid for Indies, tien
tleiaen, and Children at R. W. d C0'.
vi j i i ... lAUiire ir. M. iOCN
. c.i.. v.. mvir iiiuues i once, en- above Fourth, Philadelphia. Pn.
, . , flf- AjUirltd and t'nfnrtunnlr No
v .using a inrvc-eeni stamp to pay post-
ym; x. l and cat Mana . ae ana nnJ . f .,
Ml reaerwl ssorttnent nf Hardware at the. c J v v. ui..n
nor a short distance east of the .Metnoiu
should read thin book. Itdl.eln.e t... "irKc ,lmK 01 crockery. ucn a vr
every one should be acquainted with ; still it is ' P"' JK'
ibook that must be lucked up, and not lie about ! rf V an'1 "'T" '.. of k
j the house. Itwillb,cntto.nvoneonreceip I'""" ' and
I of twenty.five cents, in specie orVoal.c. ttn,J.T.'etttt for c"rmce 0D houjcs' "nd
lAddre. Dr. WM. YOlNtJ. Xo. tlf. Spruce st. , ... , ..j :it
i nnv iiioiiitiinirs noi on oaim wn
Olrlnr .m shnrl n.ilieA Also fir 1
what may be your disease, before you place your
self under the care of any one of the note r ions
I (juacks, native or foreign, who advertise in thii
night, ther will find in the morning 1 1,
that rear or quite ail the worms on ;
each plant have taken up their quar-;
tcraonit. Tbeleafcan then be removed
and the insects giTen to the chickens
or otherwise disposed of. If anj- re
main, let the leaf be tried over again.
Ore If ti, if ly.
DR. G. W.
rtore of E
Csrwrarvilte, V! y lMeo.
Call and exaaiae the Patent air tight la.a
and Hone jan, they are jast the thing y
aeev forfait a: F , W. A CO'. I
fERY CHEAP a; tie tore of
1 janlJ WM. F.IRWIX.
1)rtysd-Ua and irr;e-a. ofer hi profee.
ioaa! ervire to the eitixeat ef New Wah-
aagtoa and aarroandiag eomnanity. OCce three ' TT . ., . ....
door, wert or the Whiapio. IImi. T-f . Mac.ere. a.. ' "2 f f
Sew WaAinptoa, Pa, Ort. li, 1. ' V!"7:.V.... ' F1
Br- The fsiitor nf the Near
land Farvi has renovated diseased '- L SrtTtvoa. ofleri(
. ..i hi profeanoaal arrrirt) to tba sihui. mi n..
Yhieh afford a
Hare Chance to Male Money.
Without risk, together with FULL TAR.
ITICULARS relative to thii NOVEL
or any otber pnpor, get a copy of either of Dr.
Young' book, and read it carefully. It will bo
and kept for sale.
TA libernl reduction on pnrl
wholesiile dealer. F. L.LU4
Clearfield, may 2.'!, 1S70. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Making
r, .. r l , v. v r.r, ,i. . i rnnewwwwj wnim w o eiuxeai at near- Ttailll. ol the peace
x iviuou-mue xju WM t,. 0 Roektoa. tnion tp, will attend
rmn amnnd the trnntnf a iictlr tu ' in aniaaM ai?aiisl b km ;n k. ...i- .n i : . . v : .
a at - t t a it n m aa iipnn innia a. i . a r ii
' (eM. 11 ISM. IT. ' "" U,v...u,un,u. 1UOUUI, UIMITlIll inn
j advartier in fending the prescription ia to bono
q?To itisuro prompt and satisfactory . fit th fl'ic'e'. nd spread information which he
1 'J? ,A"d de,,De5' dirert aU prder8 10 aer wiiT,"; ks. MTrttSr:
. virevr -Eo-K kva rrt:.
aj: iDCitnui Street ...e. -.c ioh nn r"""!'""!!
,.,,11,,, t,,., , ,,. addresi Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON,
apro-1 'l rhilarlelphu. I uorT-ly, Willianisburgh, Kings Co., N Y.
in Via mndor. wnd amyvntiArl ,t"r.l , ai faithfally eiecatea.
.v ..l i tr J1 OtW wiU Leotiard. Tiuaee at Ca.
Ttn charcoal, lie was surprised at 1
the raptd growth of the trees, as well 1 J- D. THOMPSON,
as the tenav-Hr with which the fruit l)aekaltn.W-f.m. Baggie. Aele, iroeed
teld Oil the braDchM an4 tUrnnti JJehat
r.chnet f in fiavor hca maturri.
Sept., 12, m. ly.
Uie mean nf saving you rcany a dollar, your
neauo, ann poasuiiy your Inc.
iw vnrvn k. . 1...1 r .. ,
.v... ,n. .-w vmii.-h i vm any oi ma i ... . .. ... . ..i.,i
..);.-... -...,il,.t v.:. ..i., I oii. u L LlCyll. ol the norougu .t
wc-. n u.n, al 01; a! r. ... t . I. ..a. I
lolficc, above Fourth. I'i., will be prepared at all I
' to any busines in th above m i
I , t notice, and In a workmanlike manncj
riMl A" il lvjThe advertiser. : of bttainesi is at the eld hopon the t
: J. having been restored to health in a few Market street, 3d door east of Thii
week by a very simple remedy, after having uf- oppoite the old Jew tore ; where h
fered for several years with a ercre lung affoc-' constnntlv on hand a large assortm.
iiou, nu mm. ,.rr.i u.sensr vousumpiion.t anx-i nogony and Cnno jsottoai vnaira, t
iou to make known to hi fllcw.uffererii the' Ware of every description, which hel
means oi cure. ofon aa n.,in.i h In terms a lue ri
To all who desire it, he will end a copy of the can be bad elewhere in the county.
procrintinn used, (free of chnrtre.l with tha ili.! Ilia i... U nf Cabinet Ware now old
eetion for preparing and uing the atto, which lit in part of Dressing and Comml
mej win nnu a eure euro ior consumption. Sofa. Sewing ana nasiiing fvanus.a
Book Cnae, French and tieia i os.b
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card nj
ble. Ae. Coffin manufactured and I
an nlaee deaired.
February 9, 1S59. no. 4, Tol. It
art toure, aa t every bertetyie, at kit her aad ahinrle
ii rtaaa ia ui ttrtssji et vrw.Bme. fraia. which win Fe told cheap for caih.
IV-.r., lJ. j Cvtll.lfjf.
OOD AIlTICLE.for sale at the
It i.B;:t w. ll