Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 12, 1861, Image 3

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    m e ess ft inwfc..'l.-
O Kb(ifll lfMiHit,m.
i mi
ttniifc us tut limiwl
I'M'll' S mi. mi 11,011 1;' I ( K sl
Hi; Mi MM!. 1
1 1 '!i l Ml; hum t ii
't. : ijf ;t
I HI. ! A Mi II
1.1 A. '
JIM, 1.
. ' . A. . ' a-
-frt I, Ci,m-h I"H mikr h" l l"
lt SflaMlhinrtlt tsllirbtt I'l'.lntit
1 '. nm, l.o tr,st-.,fi '! A'HtllM..
I ,,,, I III I MM - hff.. II. Oil
t..,"! nt ihnighl f the pla
J .Aably to iemble nnd to petition tin- li.n
5ft.1Jf' f"t t'dn" "I lltHHIItfF, ('..infill,
lout e I n i'H 'Mff.
JL.1 prrmi dtsiiina, ihe continued success of
-tieullurel Society, will please take notice,
ll"t w"'" f t hn Km i1 t will bo bold in
l 1, ON II KMAV EVENING of Cuurl
bf . . iiua the lth day f Juno.
i . .Managers and Wo Presidents are purlieu-
Itt'r ineueslod to ntf.lid, a vrrHugcim nls will
Ui' t nd for holding tin oi-x I miiiinil rnir.
1 Py Order ul Ihe President.
t. r. irrzw lu.k.u.
CiearBelJ, Juno ith CI, Svcy.
,",'". r "lfotice to Jurors.
' AtPttinwir both I'ivil 1.11J 1'riiiiiuiil fur Juno
Irm bnving bi-on coiitinuoil; nutice in lioruliy
fi lliat uuitlier (ir.iuil, 11 r Truverfo Jurors
ntti stUml va ciilicr i'-k.
1'. (!. M ILLl;lt, Sheriff.
1 - J...
,,! ' ' 1 Notice.
to JuHivM of the rtft. t, Uil I 'i" l'uUJ
tolUei, ppeM.ncc at S''"B V "'j illto
tetra the neinbori ot tlio uar 1
.iviliil rrimin.1, "'
r. onlinuini.' tl K"'rt 0, ,t "'
J t, .,f Ju.ti-o ot tbo IWe to ak I H'ir return
(or their appearauc U that ume t.uit t in atton
aanccand roew Ibcir, or the am
wi, to ,'orfeitcU. H. J. WAM.ACE,
A;larntia. June .'.lb CI. L'il. Atty.,
Meeiing of the Democratic Standing
. CommitU'C.
Vt a meeting of tlio Domocviitio Stuml.
ing CuramitUo, In 1J Juno idth, isr.l, at
theofliceof tlio Clmit tnati, Uto. F.
v elected tie. rctary.
On motion, .c d iKihinliiy in Anut next,
at 1 o'clock J. 111., wusfi.te.1 lis tlio t into,
and the several election houns in tlio dif
ferent towneliipH hik! "uoroinjlis iu tho
t.lace, for holding the l'ritnary Kleetion,
Kesolutious in regard to a change in the
manner of finikin?, nominations wore, then
offered, and the fuillier connideiation of
llwm KMtpotii'd until thenoxt meeting ol
the 4flituitteti. Tlf rfmtfutivn wUl Lc
pubfahfdwturd; uhwj uith the VommiWy ;
ti "iff 'donee.
On nvtH)fl t t-j CouiniiKee ndjoumed ti
meet at the eanui jila. o on the 4th day of
Jul text, t il o'4K.k, a. tn.
. , ,1,.,. . 1.. J.CUANS, Chm'u.
tiEORfii F. Yo , Sec'y.
, ,v;;Tlie Military.
bur lowri "was quit overrun on Monday
lnt with. "Sogers." In nnordrnce with
in order, t issued by lhigauo Inspector
i'jticnis, tho following volunteer comim
11 i'cs ppawl on tho ground : Clearfield
KiHes, ntider tlio command of (.aiitiun
gden ) Centre Hill tiuards, under Cupl.
Shoopjltolin Infanlry, under Capt. T. J.
Vo'Jullough ; and theSusqucliannah ltan
fern, under Cant. Mcuilkcn.
Th'uluttcr iromimny haihutlalel) been
urgiinuvd at LuinLer City, nml numbered
43 Jmn.- H flourished splendid Flag,
which it donation on behalf ofthe ladies
of I.U niter City, who oeem to be as patii
otic i their 'lord nolwithstandinj; their
antideluvian urrotindiiiR. This eotnia
tiy 4'rMCittetl tho novel siht of having
aeveral gentlemen in ranks wear .113 .yc-
taeles, v -
The lioliu Infanlry is .'.lso a new coni
Janj1, formed and ot ganized in this bor
oiih.' The other two companies have
been oranued for noinc lime, and iiiadej
a fine ippearance, und bv their evolutions
we infer ther had trained several ttays '
we infer they had
foeaj, - :' : '
.Si " .company has been formed at
Leconte's Mills, called tnc (Jirard Guards,
und have elected tho following officers :
Captain, Dr. J. W. Totter ; 1st Lieuten
ant, Vn,XIuriay ; 2nd Lioutenaut, Jona
than Spackman.
A fccw CO'itpany lies also been organi
ed at Pcnnville, called the I'lUOn Uuic-dti,
,. . . 1
wnhthefpllownisolheerii; Captain, John
II. Kowle; lt Lieutenant, I. S. M.0010 ;
2ndLieliuit,JamcCI.k. A number
...v umKuw ,
f the memlxts ef Uu company appeared
oAliaradin th'J tanks of tho Susimhan-
tiah Rangerc.
I Um afternoon an election for Regi
incnlal F,ield oflicers woa held, with the
i'olkmiiig ieult:
Matthew Ogden, liiigudior (Jeneral.
John McQuilken, Colonel.
'.LsJ.CrariS. Lt. Col.
J. Wilson Wnllaoo, Jlajor,
Vh1nJ Vh following Stall appoint-
',0.,VV"i,ytle, Adjutant.
lr, D. .-Fetxer, Surgeon.
,T.'t..W. Totter, Assialanl Surgeon.
David 1 Sharp, Quartor Master.
' ...a,''r,-',rxhe 4tiTof July.
" Are'Ve to have a Fourth of July in
Clearfield, or have we sent all our patriot-
H isht lo;the war? We tee that p.ctivo
toeaaurcs are Leini? taken in many placo-
to commemot"te the duv in an an appro-
. .
. prtate manner, and we Jjope l win not 00
nglected hera Young men, what say same belongs to uie, and is left with him on
, " , loan only.
'?"l?i:t,'Li I Wm F. JOHNSON.
limp TIUM'lfOt AMOI T.--C. Kratzer Tenn township, May 7thl.
fniB are Just now opening up a lot of Newf 4 nvuNIKTH ATOICX XOTier- Letters
iootis, which they oiTcr to sell in total, vf Adminislratiun having beeu this day
lUrcircl of our old acipiaintance, Mr. grunud to the undersigned on tbo stut of
'JJardliuie. I CUAKLOT TE WKAYEK, lute of Hrady town.
1 1 ship, Cloari eld county, deceased, all pernons in-
!j rioftitDKH Moero A Ktiweiler have a Jehle.l to snid estate arc reuoted to make ini
Choice lot, Which in well worth lookitip at. ."eJUt.paymcul,ana thUsehaviugcUiinagainst
In ,,,me l"Prent them duly nulhenticaled for
MAJ.mF.n- On the Jlst ultimo by the Her. It A-rrn'r
Jwr- 9- Lee, Mr. Famuel B. Atkins, to Miss . " l-
Hary C. Yright.all ofGlon Hop. Cleardold Co. 1 p A Vrios, ALL persons are hereby cau-
1)1 w At Black Earth Pane eounty, Wis. ) ,iomi1 Klnst purchasing, or in any way
n aa I i .IM.. U.I M.r wifs of Uoorge "neJJlmg, with a certain YOKE of OXEX-lted
w.. U rU hallhf S4 huu hor aeth. V:" Wong
tH MKRCHAVT, ami dealers in Hoards and
arflhiogUa; Grain and Produce. FKONT Street,
k) (heve the Academy Clearfield Pa., (
ss Jtnt 12th, CI.
Q Doc lor
('HMMtt.Y Phwiicnii and Surcenii l 1 1 1 lir,
tl I'l I'TsHI RUM. Pa . bees leaie In nniiiiuni
iliilii'iin nf his liicml., he ui i , in lu,rd In y
and ''' aiming nl llio hv nl forth, tun
I - of the Henri, l.iirruml Lung
Al-, nil liifi'iim-K ap.unainm. In llio KMC nm I i: A It. PAIITI VI. I I " A IN V., HltiK'ini: N"i" in
llio llo. i, I. ninl lii-i'liuri'K Iriiiii 1 1 1 1 Mnr, ma In' cii'i"lil- ruinl y I'r. Ilimr'n Krii'iitilip I r,tiiu'iil :
uml in in)' ntln-r il in-ci' llml linvn I'lilllnl tin' iki'.l it tlio ini rnlli'l ililingni-ln il plr.-ii i . ii .
A I'l 'I N I'M KXTS.
' I. II 1 i, nt Clark' llnlol, fnihi llio l.itli "I .M.iytn llio Irl uf Juno.
(iKMCA, nt liiimi'r lluivl, June Int. Ajinin," Si pl. l-lnnJM.
llliHUh 1 1.I.K, nl llio A lii'iiH, I'r mi ;iil to VI h Juno. Akhmi. Ki iI. 3.1, IiIikuu Alii
I.I 'VIIKHSIil Kti, nt II.'.'iI'k II11I1.I, Jiiihi Hill) nml Mill. Ak'iIii, fopl. Illlh nml lllli.
t'l.DAiM'IKI.Ii, .JiiIiiimiii'k ll.itol. Juno I'.'lb to liil'i. AKio 't I 1 1 11 ml
1: 1 : I.I. E 10 .N I' K. .Miirninn'j II,, Irl, trmu June 1 7 1 h I'.itli. Auin, riopt. II1I1 nml I ."lb .
U VIKINK (" I V. nt Mr'. 'Jlnin.nK''l, Juno 2 Ik! and -':M. Aniu, hipt. I'tb nml ICtli.
At hi INK1K.MAUV, Iroin Jmio TM loJuly 1 7 tit.
Lfstcn to tho Voice of Truth and Reason an I Profit by it.
The time lint cinno nliin all hIiu will, imiii i'ciij tlio inm j;r,ii uf Merrurv. Iiy cn'linj.'. uillmut
di'lny, In mo ii llio Moll kiiuwn uml juntly ci lobrntoil EolontU' Kuriiponn l'liy niv inn, Ir. Ilunr, wliu
ill ailiiiiuihtcr llinr (inly true 11111I rule iiioiIiiiimh,
wliit li uro iiroimroil umlor liiauwu ounnvi.-im:. uml
oss, nbii li noio nover iloiiiirut'd lor llio ryatviu, lu
' ..,...: , ...
and gnuu tk curly jjiavts.
tii 1 xi;s to in-: i;i:.Mi:.Min:i:i:i.
. mi ml,: r that lr. I'nirt waiiln nn putiouln but fully uitpnlilo of nprinuiiii!( nml ili"in
j;uiliiug liny uiviif." uf u rvgulnr tlmrnugb bred ii v.-iciun, from a paltry, uiilourno.l und trilling
liimiutl.rr, lir. lliirl'd r.'iucdit'M 11ml trrntinrnt arc PHtiroly unknown t nil nlliors in tbi? cniiiilry ;
propiirud I'ri'in a lifn spi'iit in the groat hci.-'iliiU of Ivumpo and llio tir.'t in tho inunlry.
.'. ui. mktr, thai l)r. Hurt bun a more cxtondi'd prai.-tii'i) tbun any ulbor pliynii ian in Wvrtrni l'onu
1 v 1. 1, ill.
,'. me lulu r, thai rilion of oilui'alinii.nnd our pnimlar men, nru all nrv II 1 eiiiiulntod with, uml tuke
great pleasure in roeoiiiuieudiii Ir. Unit to tlio alliietcd.
Itrmi mlii r. that Dr. Itnrt makes no false ri'pre.-eiilaiionii lo gull llio unfortunate, but ull be iyii will
be lailbliilly earried out.
li mi-whir, (but 'Jr. Hurl pave every attention to dinea.-e of n cbrouic uature.
t-T (Vrtifii ute of Cures may bo noon nt hi ro.'potlive room'.
I'r. Hurt in lunii.-hril will, uvcr rix llinllfiinil lelteiK of reeoiiimcndaliou friiui hoiiio nf tlio tnorl
(livtinui.-hed men living. Al'o luif UHiirded to him diplouia from mime of llio i.nat eelobraled
Hospital? Infirmaries in Kuroio, for hi" uiipnrHllellid nbrervatious in linj;uiiM, uml uh.'i'rva
tionx in uireorei ing reuiediea for tbe cure of dinen.'cd Unit bavo heretofore battled tiie rkill of many
of llio ineilieul prale.'rion.
An early rnll fniiii ilmro winbing to eonmlt llio I'oi tnr, in-enriioftly reiui'.led, o as to receive
full tieiietil of Ireutinont, and Ibu.' iln jiiKlii o to bim.'elf. Time liu iled.
riei.fe hour in mind when I'r. Hurt will be in your place. I'erMinr ileninui.' of cuii.ulliug biin
w ill eoiilVr u great favor by calling on (lie fut tiny of bit. iiniiul, a. bin rooum uro no ol'len crowd
ed. it it uttirU i 1 . 1 1 , i I 1 c lu utteiid lo I he nuxioii!. rulieilatiouo of ull. llr. Hurl will arrive ul each
of lb o .1 l,.,io placed on tbe fir'l eoai-h on the day appointed.
I'lca.-e extend the invitation to ull invalid ucijuuiiituiuei, ami oblige your.', .le.
.May -"J. 'CI.-2:.
jltto bbtrtisnntnls.
They huvejiul received 11 ) u tuf
prinj and Summer TlKY IjOOL'S, cuiiaisling of
l'li I NTS.
ha wwii':,
1 uri.iN.
C 1.0 ITIS,
W I X K,
S A I.T,
111 11 ITS,
1.1. INKS
S 1 1 KF.S,
FISH. l'.Att iX .V Fl.Ul U,
All of which will bo old on the most reasonable,
term for CASH, or approved Country Produce.
Clearfield Junejl. lSlil.
wy)U SA1.K. at MOOItK A ETZWKlLIiR',
t Ktr Flour ::?7"a ' "rl" r
AISO rA'.. aoi..wr V'.i.ib
Clvarticld, June II, 'CI.-
Borough Ordinance.
Set . 1. llr l Ortlitiitul hi the .Wy.M ourt Jvkh
Council nlhe llnmngk nj. II mhifjt'', "(
i'r It r dm nl Ini mifaWi'ly " e tnmr.
That from and aft r the passage of this ordi
nance, any pi rron or persons riding, driving or
leadinc anv horsa. maro or gelding, or leading
or di lvim anT unile. ox, cow, or other cattle, on
'the foot-walks. on being thereof legally convict
'ed in the rorm prescribed Tor profane swearing,
shall iv a fiiif not exceeding ten dullurs lur tho
tix. 2. Anv person or pcr.on txhibii'ng auy
l'" f1!""' 'oia. Jw''. ""U;,1!,V
exhibition, shall pav a tax not exooe.ling ten dol-
, , i,,,.nee lo exhibit the same, and the fur-
ther aum of twenty ceuisfor n.l license the lax
lu be tor tbo us uf the borough. And it is here
, l.jr made the duly of the Hurgesa tu grant
such license, if ho thinks necessary, on the pay
uient of the required tax, and any person or per-
, sons neglecting or refusing to pay said tax, shall
I "ot exhibit under the penalty ol (weniy aonars,
I tobc reeovered in like manner as anno lor al-
,lrti. breaking, and shall ho dispcrso.l as an on-
lawlul assemblage.
t fcBC. n. Any obslrucl.on in the highway, or
any nuisance or offensive matter fuumt on the
Iwil. nr .lt. In fr.,1.1 nf. nl ill a lot or lot.. the
person or persons living the siinie thai! be notl-
nd( nyme tngii, veroany ru. r,rr,
to remove the same within twenty-four hours
- . .
nnd on neglecting or refusing to remove the same
j in tie time speeilicd the High Constable shall n-
I "ove the tame at the expense of the person or
' norsnna leaving ibe anie the experse of w hieh
persons lenvinr (he same
shall bo collected according to the general bor
ough law. This section to apply to alleys at well
as streets. Adopted June it, IS,!,
Attest Jacob A. EnitTii, Scc'y.
AUTION. All persons nre hereby cantion-
ngaiust purchasing or meddling in any
way Willi tile lollowtng personal properly, one
fpaa of grey Horses one muly red.
red and white Cow. now iu the posst
11 nil one
possession 01
,. , Vu ()f rilioD ,,.wnship, as the
flrahamlon, May 22, '!.
j ARCiK AffORTMKXT of colored Taints.
lJ Dry and Greund in Oil, in I pound enns,
just received anJ lor sale at HA UTS WICKS,
nit t .ti l.uric, i f l.'iiilnn. England. li"
e to nil Inialiils. that, owing I" the uiunv '"In'
profcs - mniil isil to tit r 1 1 l n imiucd places i
ei.nnillod by the nlllictrd, Imlh Mile and Foini.le, mi
am it, Fits. Scii'fiilii. mnl nil lin"ii ! lli" III I.
rxtrn, tnl fniiii llio inimt i hum. Kni.rH nml 11 km in,
tluirolnre avuiil ni; llio une uf nil Mixkhai. I'm
t.iko whiih main tliuuonixlti havo falluu viol inn
. ., i.r.i. .1 ,.
I) r.: is s
. by given thai tin
Ml riCI-a Xo!ii-e, is bore
ic follow iu nreoiiiit. have
bo.n examined und passed by inc. 11111J re ill inn
filed of record in tins otlii c for the inspection nl
heir, legatees, creditors, and till others in any
olher way inlerestod, nml will bo presented to
the next Orphan's Co n-t of Clearfield county, to
be held at t;:e Court House, in llio borough of
Clearfield, commencing on tbo ,"d Monday of
June, 1.SC1. for continuation and ullowauce :
' l.-t. The accoiiul of llu'mu, iiduiiuistialu:.
I und .Mil. v L. Kelly, aJiiiinl.rtralri.v, ot oil and
I singular llio guodi at d ebattel'. rights und
1 ci.-dils, which Vcrc of James M. Kelly, late of
I l.lrn Hope, Clcarlii'ld county, 1'a.
! 2d. The Teslnmenliiiy accniiiit of Anges M. (iill,
j rxeeiilor of the lust willand to-t iment of lien.
; (iill, luie ol tbo township of Bradford, in the
I county ol CTeurfteld, deceased.
1 Od. The Filial account uf Jusso lines, Adminis-
trnlur of nil uml lingular the good and chat
i Iris, rights mid credits, which were of William
j M. I'.ri.-bcn, lale of the township vf llrudy, iu
(bo county of Cleui field, deeca.'ed.
lib Th.- aceouul ol in. 1 CJIltl, Adiiir. of (he lii
; due ol Siiuuu teivurl, bile of Linn Co. In tin.
. .',h. The l'liml Account of Jusoph I'attersuu ami
John 1'attcrsi 11, Adiniiii.-trators of nil nnd sin
' gular the goods uml .-battels, rights and credits
I which were of Abraham High,' late of Ijiwj
reuce town-hip, Clearfield coonlv. denise I.
JA.MLS U LlilI.KV, Kcgr.
j lSegister'ssill'.ce, May l.i, 1SGI.
CtllTHIX. All persons nro hereby caution
ed agiiinst purcbusing, or in any nay med
dling, w ith J ul 17 acres of oats In tbe ground
ol tisrris ot corn in the ground, I Cook-stove
2 lieds and lledding, and cue (T.sck, in the poa
session ot Philip Sbimel, uf liradfurd township,
an the mine belong tome
May 2'J, 1S61. 3t.
CAII Till . ALL persons are hereby caution
ed agiiinst harboring or trusting my wife
AMELIA Ii. on my acoount, as she has left me
without just cause, end I shall pay no debti of
her contracting.
Ilurnside tp., May 22, ISlll. pd.
Dissolution of Pa tcership.
rjVllK partnership heretofore existing between
X tbe subscribers, under tbe name of
,( Hacrrtv, was .dissolved this day by mutual
consent, nnd all persnm. having unsettled ac
counts with the same, will come forward and have
them closed and settlei. up imuiec iately. The
Store will be continued bv Mr. llngertv.
A. K. WRitillT.
Lumber City, Way 27, '61. 3t. .
.NEW RKMt.lllFS 1'OR
STF.R M A TO It H H 0-: K A .
nllW A II 11 A'SOI 1AT10N, PlIII.AIiFl.rillA, A 111 It Inttitutitm rtUtlilxiiheti .y iprriitl .'-
,,,)U.M,Br l)r rrll ,,, si. k ...f IHtrr.wl,
i, - r,; llh ;uuKt ... CArr.n.e M'wiw, na.
, ,. yr ,(C Cure , ,,,., ,Ae .SV,B,
Mtuni. Apvice given gratis, by the Acting
gurceon , . 0
' t . ' .. .
Lt,R,r ;Urtlt,vt vf '"h'c Si'xunl thgunsnnTroii'the
w nKHtuu, ,.IDpi0a iu (he Hispensnry, sen!
, , ,
,.M r v , . u ntwi rut ciu.'i-a, itvv VI V.IUIKV. AWU
Jnr Hir,S:illn. fl,r ', .(...fpui,,,.. Address
I(l j SltII I KN iin,.,,,,,, noward Assoeiulion.
v K j. in.h Phii.dti.hia. i.
1 . .
Executor' Notice.
J granted to she umlersigued on the estate of
LEV 1 COFFIN, lato of Knrlhaiis township, Clenr
field eounty, dee'd, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are requested to
make immedialo payment, and those having
claims n gain -tit will present them duly nuthon
ticated f r settlwnent.-
Karlhaus, May 211, 'CI. lit.
BY virtue of sutidiy writ of Venditioni Expo-mis-,
' issued out of Cie Court of Common
Pleas of Cleurfield county, nud to mo directed,
there will he exposed to public sale, nt tho court
hnure, tn the horongh of Clearfield, on Monday
(he 1 7 1 h day of June, 18(11, (ho following des
cribed property, viz:
A certain tract of bind situate in Iteccaria
township. Clearfield canty, bnundtvl by lands of
lhiyaton au! Nevling, II. II. Wright and others,
containing di ncres, more or less, wilh about 4tl
acres cleared, and one largo frame houss, one
small house, stable nnd Macksmithshop creeled
thereon. Seised nnd tnken in execution nud to
be sold as tbo property of Wesley Xovling.
F. U. MILLER. Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Clearfield, May 22, "H.'l.
VyJ tioned against purchasing, nr meddling in
any way, with a SORREL HORSE, known as tho
Irvin Horse, now in the possession of W. R.
Sbimel, of Graham township, as said hnrso be
longs to me ant) it left wilh him on loan onlv.
Grabumtun, May 22, T,l,
t i f, , I i t I'ii' li i , ,,M, ,iii-. i m
iIh .l.tinn.. " Ui , f hlU.!pi.l,i. n, ..
ill l.ll .u -III,, n,iKin, Hi. I. nt .nl ,li,i,r
,rii' ' I the h,, ,t ,i,... . I
l.iiti ,f,n, An.ii,., All In., mi.l Amor
liml l,..,., ,,,, ,,j., ),,
'" " '"'I I Iniiiiii - i,' tlio miimnl,
nml In, I., ,.,.,.Hll J,,. ngll r ,),,,
kiiiiiknr nml r..ihii,n tl III' tm lli: H.Mlin, )Uln, r,,,,. ui.Uhrm.iv
mi: iini;?i:
m-i H!.i:asi:!
Wi.l Tell Votl ..f llrooilitiK, '.i,,kii. Sliil lini;
Ki'i'dirig, (lr nmg, , lu,i ing. nml lb
(.' liniMigoiiient nf llio bnro
Willi tllU l,,-l iiiimIc nf l.,1..iltii l..r..i lt
, lo licilif. nlmi, hew to treat I'.itiiig,
' Kicking. Hearing, Shying, Mumbling,
rib lilting, KeMlcMneFi, and other
loon to wlileh he 1j luhjc.-t ; wiib mi
mcroii' ejplanntory eniirnvlng.
Tin: iK'; and ms-nrHEASE.s
iTVill Tell ou uf tho iniiM, umplomi.-. nil
Tronliiiont .ir.Siriiuglei Sore Tbroul-
l'i.leiii.or. Cularrb, Iulluoii,11, Hr.uiK
. liiliK, l'ii4iiiiinia, Pleurisy, llrukon
I Wind, Chronic (.'nuirh. UnariiiL' and
Whistling, ,atiiui'. Sure Mnutli uml
I'll or, und deeuved Teeth, with otbi r
di.-oimeii of tbo Aiuiub und Hcpirato
ry Organs.
Will Tell You of t,o cnuxei), yinpfoniH, 1,11,
Troalmi.iit 0f Worms, Huts, ('olio
liupturoii. Pul
Monv I'oncrelious
Hiarrboa. .Taiindice
.1 . .f , ;
Will Tell
You of tho ..,,-..-
I T I 111.. .1 ii.
I,. , . .,
Hroken Kuees, Wind (ialls. l-'oiimler
Sole Druiseaud Ii ravel, Cricked Hoof
cralclies, Cunker, Thiin-h, ami (J ins
also, of llegriui, Yorligo, lii l i.t
Slagger, anil other .liseasen uleili I
Feet, Legs, und Head.
'p v r .1 . . .
cniNi'.'. sytuploins ,uil
iremmonl of l-'i-i'iila, Poll K il. I.lan
iio:mirunen, iitooity Critic, Munch ,
in (bo Kidiiovf ami Madder, liifliimii- 1 Mil TTOliS' jN'UTK'li Letters testainoir.
lion, uml ilrr disenes of the Slum- A lary having this day been graiited t,i t,r nil-
eh, lluweli-, Liver and I'rinary Or-' ilersigned on the esinto of III NATH'S TllC.MP
:l""i' 'I'N'. late of Lawrence township, ClciirfioldVoun
IHH'.SK AXI) HIS IlfSCAS.KS ty,drc. ,all perssin know ing thcinselven imlrblcd
d.-r.-. larey, Scarl.-l lVver, Mungi-1 ( "1 A II '()X. LI. pet sons nre hereby can
Surleit, Locked .'aw, I'.li. iiuiatism J linucl against purchasing or meddling with
Cramp. Hulls, Disrnse,- or the Kye and the following property, now in the bands of llur
Heart, Ac., Sc. and buiv to niaiago I Inn .M111111 of Hrady townsbii, to wit: Two
t'aslratiuii, llleeding. Trepl inning, Yoke of Oxen, l-'our Cows. One Cul, Throe Heif
Jtuwulin, Firing, llernin, Aniputit-! I'ers, Two Steers, One Sow and Eiifht l'i"a.
t inn, T
ppiug, and olhir surgical on-
Tin: iimisi: ami his hisl'ask-i
Will Tell Yon of Harey's Method oriaiiiing Mi r
scs j bow to Approach. Hallcr, or Sta
ble 11 Colt ; how to acenstnin a horse
lu plrange sounds uml sights.iiud how
tn Lit. Saddle, Hide, ami Jtrcnk him
to Harness, also, (be rorm and law
i f Warranty, Tbo .-hno being the re
Milt of mure than fifteen years)' careful
study of tbo babit. pe iiliarilics,
wants weiiknesses of t ti . noble
and useful animal.
'J bo llnok contains SSI pages, appropriately il
liistrated by nearly Due Hundred engravings.
It is piinlnl in a clear ml open type, and will
be forwarded lo any address, oust 11 ire naiil. on
I receipt of pi ice, ball bound, $1,011, ur, in i-lolh
1 extra, $t, 'J.
I A i li Alt ran ho nude by enterpri
sing men everywhere, in selling tbo nbove, nnd
other popular works of ours. Our inducement
to nil such nre exceedingly liberal.
Tor single copies of (bo itonk, or fur terms to
',a.,n-, other luroriimtloti, npply to our ad
dress JOIIX Ii. pOTTKIt. Publisher.
No. CI7 Sansom Street J'hiladc'phia, l'a.
Ilcccmber 12, 1SC0. Cino.
rjri 11 1: v'vi. li'.s "c
! In all iu branches. Uy .Miss Acto.
'('are lolly Itevised by Mrs. S, J. Halb.
Il Tells You hnw to choose all kinds of Meats
I' tjume, wilh all thi'vnriou
and most approved unities uf dressing
and cooking Ileef aud Pork; also lb
hi)s( ami simplest way of salting, iek
ling aud curing t'o same.
It Tells You all tho various and mos( approved
modes ol dressing, cooking, ami boning
. Malton, Lnmb, Veal, Poultry," and
(lame of all kinds, with the different
Pressings, liravies, and stuffings nppro
priato to each.
It Tells Yoa how to choose, 5 ml nreservo
Fish of all kinds, and how to sweeten it
when tainted ; ulso all tho various and
most npproved modes of cooking, wi'li
tbe diflarent Dressings, Sauces, and
Flavoring appropriate to each.
It Tells You all tbe various and most approved
modes of preparing over filly did'ercm
kinds nf Meat, Fish. Fowl, tiainc, and, Lrotbs, ant Stews,
wilh the Uelishes aud Seasonings ap
propriate to each.
It Tells Yuu all tho various und most approved
modes of cooking Vegetables of every
de.-criptiaa, also hr w to prepare Pick
lea, Catsups and Curries of all kinds.
Potted .Meats. Full, Game, .Mush
room.', f c.
It Tells You all lie various nnd most approval
modes of preparing and cooking all kind,
of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings
Omelettes, Fritters, Cukes. Confection
cry, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet IMsb
es jf every description.
It Tells Y'011 all the v rious and most rppruveu
modes of making llread, I'.usks, MufTiius,
und It seiiil, the best method of prepa
ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, ami
how to make Syrups, Cordials, and
Wines of various kinds.
It Tells Yoj bow .o set out nil ornamental Ta
ble, hsw to Carve all kinds of Fish,
Flesh or Fowl, a. d in short, how to so
simplify the wholo Art of Cooking as to
bring tl'c choicest luxuries vf the table
wilhiu everybody's reach,
Thi book contains 113 pages, and upwnr.U ,f;
twelvo hundred Recipes, nil ol which nre there-l
1 a, iu... 1,.... !... c. 11 1
..rnrtmil eiiM'ii..,,.. Iti.n follv no.t i
carefully tested under tho personal superinten
denee ol the writers. Ii i- printed in a clear ami
open type, is illustrated w ith appropriate encru-,
! . .it. . . ,,. J
vings, nii'l win o i rwarueu m any nci iress
neatly bound, nnd postage paid, on receipt of Hi
pri-e. fl.nn, or in cloth, extra, f 1,2.1.
9KHMI A tr.AK.anbo made by enterpri
sing wien everywhere iu selling the ubnvo wurk
our induceinenls to all such being very liberal.
For single eopiet of tbo Hook, or for terms tu
. , . .1 :r . I.. 1 .. ..
ngents WllU uiurr .uiorninnou, tw'iy u' onr no-.
dre(8 JOIIX E. POTTER, Publisher.
No. ol7 Snnsnin Street, Phija-lelphui, pu,
'u. '
December 12, 1SP0. f,mo.
liermantown, Pa. '
c C A h L U M
& Co.,
Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in
C A It PETI Mi , II It V i ti Ii
Krt Hiol rlw.uin..i
..... ......,,.. .
(Opposito StuCe House,) ;
npr.TtI-ly PiiiLAUKLrBiA'
IKlI'OltN for Medicinal purpiwos Hraudy
j port aud Sheirv Wine, Noclnr Whiskey aud
Hol and tiiu-al HAKTSWICK.S.
r I t , I! . fl M ( IH AMI.
soi.i) i;t ini:, a
"Mill I K M , ,v I I ; 1 1 I , '
I 1 11 'K , l"f 1' n. a r.:ii 1 M It Mill
11V nd 1 Ml' IH'Mi: t;l l It. , i ...,, ,,,t
!.! ,1, BTIll , I,, I, .,-ll . 1,11'. ,1k, .l,,,
olid d 1 ill 1 I llm rnldi. r nml I Innin r in il 0 I .ft.
.inm. nl l,o in.... nt inn,., !V AN ti 1 H'K't I X I
TIIK I'. ft )M I
1 b, ntk .hi, ul, I bo in the linn l of n ery on '
. " t'lo M 1 1.11 1 A, n- well n- in Ihr hm,, ,,l 01 or
V(l.t MT.l;K nml rl ll.KN l tho I mini j
Slnlo. It i jii.i ih:il nil iin nil, 1 ri of oioryi
ounpaii v, oil hi' 1 i,i aril 1 r i'M lee n in llio II,, mo t
lluiild re.iuiio, ;i- i'v.-i ihii.i; in 11 i l,rntibi u I
lo the 111 111 v iriUiieiiiriit 1,1 thr i,irinl iluv. j
t'omplrt" in 1. no vi, Inn. r, paper n. or. prii r j
rehtP onrh. or Hm ml in. Inr onn ilnllur : or .lent.
ly in, I flrmigly bound in 0110 olnmo.fur III cent, j N Jt IV( .MA (' II I jV '
Copie of (tho nliule bunk will lo aeu( to any 1 "
mil'. In anyplace, free if pn'tugo, on remitting. ' l'UH'i'N ''. ,U t 4 0 to $7(1.
the price in 11 loldr tu the publisher. (T p,(i t Hul K S V. W I NO .MAUIISK, 1111 to
AddreM all order., nnd lriter Ci (bo, graving of which is born r. pf .' i. bu nun
T. II. PE'lKHMlN ,( IHnrilU.llS. , ,, reei.gtiiro.l favurit: wherever il
.mi. .on, 1 iirxinur m 1 -1 1 1 1 . , 1 . 1 1 , t . 1
And they will receive immediate attention.
Y A VI I il ). Agoutu and Ciiiiviism io I en
giigd ill the of ibis work, in cvtiy tnivu nml
village in Ibu 1'iiil.d Slales, w bu n ill be nipplicl
wild the work lit two dollars a iluren : or, 1'ifteeti
dnllar4 a bur dred. .
Addresa all orders with remittance enclosed,
for tlio iiinntiiiea tinted, at tbe uhoic iiitcs, tu
the publisher!).
T. II. l'KTKr.SOX i llKOTHKIlj!,
;;ini Cbehtnul St.. l'biludeltdiin.
t,y , rercive imtuedi.ile intention.
1 i... 11 t.i
j "..
in. sun. esia-e arc ro.,uesleH to make immediate
, nit-ill. JMKI IIM-M' IIHVin t'IMI
i hi inn saiiiit it will
Ciiriven.-ville, May, I.'i. 1-Vrs.
I'liywelan and Sureou, bua prriiiauenlly
i Incal.-d ul Leeoulon .Mills, liirarj ..wulii. of-
fiuii-soiuiiai scri.c to 1110 surroiiiiil
May S, 1161.
Hie Mime belongs tome und nre subject In inv
ul'dcr, and have oulv been left wilh him on loan
. It. LtiUAl till. '
1! rady lp.. April 21, Y:. ot. 1
rilKKKAS, Hon. SAMUEL 1.INX, lis,,.
T President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas of the tsrenly -liflh Judicial llistrict, com
poseiiof tlm counties of Clcnrlield, Ceiilre and
Clinton nml llio Hon. Win. L. .Monro nnd Hon.
lieiijamiu IIoiisaI, Associate Judges of Clearfield
I county ; havo mshciI (heir precept, tu mo direct
, ed, for the holding of a Court of Common Pleas,
Orphan's Court. Court of Quarter Sessions. Court
of Oyer uml Terminer, nml Court of (ienernl Jail
Delivery, lit Cloarlield, iu and for tbo county of
Clcarfiuld, on tbo
Third Mmultiii th dm) uf dune ikmi,
NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby givrn, to the
Coroner, Justices of tbo Pence, ind Constables,
in and for said of Clearfield, M appear iu
their proper persons, wilh their Rolls, Records,
Inquisitions. F.xnmi nntions. and other Hemoin
branees, to do those things which to their oflicers,
and in their behalf, pertain to bo done.
UIVKN under my bund nt Clearfield, this liih
day of May, in tbo year of our Lord, 0110 thouj.
and tight hundred and sixty -one.
F. (J. 311 1, Llilt, Pheriff.
Wiikc up! Wake up jj
l,A kWHTIIIM;. TIIK subscriber res- !
IJ peolfiilly informs his friends and (he public!
generally. I hut ho is new well e ablished in his
.NEW SHOP on Pine street, o inoaiio il. Tn.n
Hull, i.t (be borough of Clenrlicid, and upon hi.
own 11 ook, aim wnero lio is prepared to do all
work iu his line in tho very best stylo, and on
111 soonest noine. His old customers are res
pccllully asked not to forget him, anil anv num
bur of new ones are respectfully iuvitcd to give a iriui.
r.lldb TOOLS. His reputation as a. Maker
aim Kepairer or hilgc tools should of itselfseeure
him a liberul pHtronnge.
April 21,
To Loiubermen:
1 l W MI I.I. FOIt SALE. I have erected .
new first class SAW. MILL for Kin-htr fool
Timber, at DUNCANXON, below I i recti's Dam,
on die nuriueliunna r.nd ilesiro to havo a Part
ner who will furnish Sipiurtd ltal'ted Lumber at
Green's Dam, to stock tho Log Pond to its full
This Mill will have tho command of the mar
ket in Peltrsburg nnd Duncannnn and of two-
(birds of Perry county ; and a largo amount of
iiusmess may tie done at good prices. Jt is on
the Pennsylvania Itaitrond, and in communica
tion with Philadelphia und lialtiiimre.
In the present depressed slate of the Tidewa
ter market, I invite ntlc ntiun to a home murk et
thai will remunerate. Address rarly by mail, or
nplM-ll Duncnnnon, Perry co., Pa.
The undersigned has now unhand, at his Fur
niture Hooms on Market st., Clearfield, Pa., a
short distance west of Lits Foundry, a Urga
rtn-ik of
t'HAIKM tit' A LI. KIWII4,
manufactured out of (he hist materlalr, fiuished
n a very superior manner, and which ho will sell
I.t) IP I VIt I'ASIt, His long experience in the
business makes him feel confident that his clinirs
arc mailt) in a substantial und n oilmntiliko man
ner, and will stand tho test of trial. Persons
wishing? to purchase chairs should rail at once
anJ tlcul wllik, ,lt,y c5n he h,vl n, ,Ilu nWM,
,? ,,,.,.,,.
rates. J311N 1B0UTMAX.
Mnr. 27-lSl-tl'.
- $33 00
. .
l'r the entire cost lor TI'ITtON In the
most popular nnd successful t'OMM ERCI AL
1 SCHOOL in tbe country. Upwards of
' 11, ..... r. iff.
- - ..
. 1 , .-.i, j um i iuru, num mr.ff 1 1 - Liiiin Ullier-
rnt States, aavo been educated fur business here
within tho past three years, some of whom have
been employed as IlOOK-KEiiPERS at
, salaries
. '1 $2000 00
iuimedialely rptin grndiiating, alio knew nothing;
At accounui wnen they entered the College,
- Xfr Minister's sons half price.
Students enter st auy tiaso, anil rtyU'fl whp
they please, without extra charge.
i..."r" "'"es, npeeiiueiisoiien.naBsiiip.ano
Mow ot the COLLEUE. one osefivo .'Mor stnmps
May 15, fit. Jy. . . Pittsburgh, pa.
I )Hli: H Hil t'. l.l'.AO, warranted, ground
.1 in oil, 111
4 and 12J lb. cans, jj.t received!
aud f-T sule at.
Inn lieen ir.iruilueeil, und Is, hoyniiJ question,
the list. 11s well as the liundsniiiesl, luw-jirioed
Sewing Muchiti.1 now before the public.
N'. 1 A small und vor; ijitit Macliia'a fur
Family use.
No. 2, A largo Miirbino fur iiuiltinj hravy
work uml for Pliiiitation use.
This Machine is much udmlreil for Its simplici
ty, and for its reliability nml durability It Is un.
surpassed. A child twelve years cun run it with
euse : nml yet il will sew from tbe coarsest elulh
to the finest Swiss. There is no trouble of re
winding the thread, us It Is tnken from the spools,
I It has no belts to give trouble, nml will rua
backwards as well as forwards, ai:d still vw
tiiiully perfect, and without danger of breukliig
needles. I( runs by friction, and by closing1 Iho
box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In filet,'
we have no hesitation in recommending it us the
best fiin ily St i ing Machine in use.
'1 he Jvlii'iiinj J'li iidunix AwardiU the alore
Machine :
At the Fuir of the r'rankUn Institute, Ijlbd,
the First Premium.
At the Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel
phia. September 21, I.H69, the First Premium a
Diploma. '
At tbo Pennsylvania State Fuir, held at Wyo
iniug, 1 Still n Silver Medal.
For (he bes( Double Thread Machine, at Ian-.
easier County Fuir, held Oc(obr, Ii9 a Silver
A( the Mtirrlnnd Slulo Fair, held at (he Mary
land Insti'ule, Dnltimore, Mil., October,- 1HSD,
under strong competition, a Silver Medal was
awarded to ibis Machine.
At tho New Cnsl!e County Fair, held at Wil
uiingtoit; Delaware,' October, 18il a Diploma.
The abuve .Machines are manufactured by
(.'IIAItl.l'.S U. MOWLAM),
llDiliijftoii, Del,
S A I. KS K 0 0 IIS.
No. 7!i) ArcL Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
No. SOI Mark.t Slreet, Wilmington, Del,
S. l. llAKIili,
mat 13 ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
X-W-Persoiis wishing to see the above Machine
iu operation, can do so by culling at the., resi
dence of D. W. Moore, in Clearfield borougli.
V I ii " t ccr's Mit 11 11a I,
i iutiimm; 1111. tri ctiojs roini
n thf Kchioh uf the So din mux .Vma, giren
in the i: SimjtU fityle,'
And all llio information necessary for the form
ing of
Showing the different positions in ohe
Ami completo tliroetioaa relative (o '
J.OAUIX( AMD, riiiiiXc.;
f cott's System of Infantry Tactics,
Ami in conformation wilh the
Lt. Col. D. W. C. BAXTER,
This 1'wok in OHiciitlly Ajiprovcd ol'
Tho instructions given are of the greatest Im
portance lo the new volunteer, and should be
, borough ly understood, being indispensable to
the instruction of a company.
Pound in one volume, i2mo., 62 pages. Paper
Cover, prico 25 cents, Flexible Cloth, M cents.
At the samo. price, and is the only
;erinan I look of American Military Taxtlre
. Published in the United States.
Agents and Canvassers
hgage iu the sale of this, work, In every
In the Country.
Price per Doieu Copisa, : j 2 00
Fifty ; : H 8(1
" llunilrcd " : : 14 00
All orders accompanied with the Cash will to
dispatched immediaUily, cither by poator OA press.'
tf-lr ordered iy post. Stamps must be en
closed to pay postage. If by express the freight
can he paid t.n delivery. '
C A i 1 r-FI li 1 : COM PA N ION,
A New nml Original Collection of Mifitary and
Patriotic Snngs, Adapted especially fur the nroi?
cut (Vitipign. Onj vol. 12mo., with ttliistrattims.
Paper eover, 15 cents. Flexiblo Cloth, 25 eta.
Sint;h' Copies f tho above Hooks
To any a.iJress in (he Cni(od Plates, upon re
ceipt of tbe price, by
KING tt' EAIRD, Printers and Publishers,
807 Suniioni street, Philadelphia,,
To whom oil orders (buuld Lp addrdssed.'
May 15 -fit.
eentalIcari). "
A M. SMITH offers his professional services
V-to tho lalitaand i;eiiflemeu of Clear
field and 'vic.jr.ity. All operations prform
with neatness ana. d?spatva. Rcing familiar
wilh all tho late iaprevmsitl, he is prepared to
ninka Arljbrlal Tcrlll ifl Uie lest magner
Office In Shnw's nw row,
Sept. 14th, 1HM. lyr
Js. n. 1 Aimiasit,
t. TE8 1
T AltKI.MI'.H .W Tl'.T, Attorbeys at La
1 J
Cloarflebl.'Pa.', will altAlid rrnmiitlv to Cof
Uinns, Land Agonolos, Ac, Ac, in ler8eH
Centre and Elk cuubti-s.
July 30. y
1 i
! I