TV ilL ""Y YA PZAaJL'' V aW " m VI. EAM FIELD, !'A. Wednwday Morning Jnne 12, 1861 j "Army, Navy, and Loam." i Uirsr, t ys mir height or, nrc t lit "only throe gutjeots that need engage thent iention of Congress ul tno extra session which is to commence on tho llh of July next. Tlio "prominent incmlors," says he, are to meet nt Washington .bout tlio I'Oth of this month fourteen days in ad vance "for the purpose of consulting up on the luMcrjs ot the pension" ami who, i is wbc prc&umcil, will havo everv thing ul and dry, so that tlio great majority of the peoples' representatives need not he detained more than "two or llireo weeks," there being nothing but "an Army bill, a Navy bill, and a Ioau bill," for Congress Viaiij llilnprf th" it i nid.htj Um ,M... f, ,,.n (l r,,n ,;, imi wcr. but In ll.a K'-mid nit I onus ',,nt the . ...,. id. that M-ilivn.trtinim , wtlllM,, lit tm tn .ho lm,-.l """ltX h.iy . P ... ll.o h) ulny to tli-niM Ihlr nibi'. t, Mid air about tMn j rm tltr.l Upti our S .bli. r. In I'M ,,, (v htmlo and mowed In i" eider inking t)i" fun'' "K 'iH"tl"tn in a tntli t, Idling '.ippln ft Mid clothing IWr tliom, tl,n i on".ilrn. l our sto. It n : health) net ii..t lobnimdwd. Chmi ly, If lid w ir ; y i!,r, ,i, iU Mt r-nphn of our Slate n'"1 ln ' ohditioii. ..t.-r.lirrn,h,.c.r.. u.,ni,,," t AdnilniUn.Uo,,. Th. I. a tor nJ;j f:;;;;!; .rf iO .ir the Smith, or for the c.xtrtmitPitwn fif (ho ofTuevbiy kh): W(, 'j,m,ovi.l and in kj,I slulr ul nilti- stilutioh o' 81 lu-ry, con this 1'laoK lit-i "Many rurtii imniii:.,M . in ,f.otmr-i fr vat Ion, Lei les w o have a number mom, publican Stale of W.nii will not have a '"Hf ' r"V.h V" ""a "t ;i""Tio!" ",mtf ,,f, tt!,,MU IT in!' Mnnwah Tot . ,1... i.t t,. t. nv. I' f.,r I ' In U 1 . 1 , .1. i a wi. .n , f i .,n, ni lbstlint i ibV -mW, ,-. - nini'"i"lif il I'.V fniilrnrtnr llierr In loin liii-c . h , ,, , ,, ',,,.,.,,, i. Habeas Corpui. i i i o,n,.. v,.t.,t.r.. '" .; "v . . 'I,1u. ", ' ' tiaoras iuij itinie ,vl,tIlill,.v ,., ,, vl0,. in y.-ai-11, m mo l.n b'el long In n "It i uhderulo,,,! that llif nt ni-"'"- !,. , ,.ri, , ,rif,., , ,,'(, siai.. nt .ri.-r , rt id-'. Si:i e t'"it tlllio wo have, a mi.l '"il'l.v 1 lie fiiiii-imm i.f jo fli"l",r ir:l,U;i.,- :i :;. m $;i Mi jht Im-ti-l-Mrliouly ,1,,7cii or mure fnin,f Link l;irnn el f rted. Ju.l( nin.-v."-A' .f..o.J"Mr...., a lljr .rii, ftrt ,,,,.,iK,.iRlt mi l M,i,. in io 'nml tnannef, which add If this bo lino, ivhoio in our vaunted 1minii'-iiiii". I t I iiny rlmrv ihc .MliiH , i ,., ,i.e inuirovemeiit of the neigh. Ilibcilv? !oni gone forevr! Wi ilo ' h r'.,,"rrn","V.fc , ., ' boi hood, nn.Ut.ruka well for the tnl. i... i. . ii. I,., l. t.,ii. inul III 1him i i.. i,:. ..i ...... . .. ...i:.. in iuiiT o tho ow norv A No, Km t luii if IIOI. lion I'l inn, vi ... ....... , null n 111,'rrn ,11, in iniiiiirf; ri'rrivi'tl nil ,'i','.i i j . . . . i luil.tooinions like hill), wildt thia to,f..r -mrl.... ho Kr,l lu ri.riiil..l nt lUWIlKiup imi i. j vv .V,' "I . -t. !. iirnttlt will d-ubll. I . S'V i I'S ? .ollin IIHIolIM til" tlint'il In lb" b' ''Ml,, t..rv ir IIim 1-i.iMiy. !!) ,''ii'i''Ti i"i" ! .,,rvaiU In militaiy .in I-hue tbt no ' lin0 f,,. ,,lnlbi.k Mill In mnl tit Mai it t liu in' i " " i -w tni,, t ,.p ( . i .... I.,. i il, , l "In, birui i i,,.t (triii r.l I Itrt . u l.i.t. ..... , Ml '"Jl" "" ... 'l . I'iM I ,' M nill'll 1TIJ ,v. uiii not i oiMMitititod ntand tUMir t li iiil- ' , , . . , . "'m:. ...XigwilUdvan. n .l,rou(!l, M,.r, land, .l.-p- ndcd f.-l- our t,.,i . io In foiffl nt Willitiiioit nndtakna t'toiu tin", at o.i.ltioii iii the loir ol the io1.fl forem ut i ho b uy. 111- MI.T Ib'nM II MUM. ICS 1 111. KV-itr.AMNi:- i'"i: VN VI,",I'A,:K ;l I i:iiiN iavis i'. a i i." ' "tj t , , , . .1 - 1 ; t, ... If .. . .1.. .. M..... l.m.u., t.ttmt n ill i IV 1 . be tho case. Hut wo beliuvo tlio 1 'oi'l U,llr , p,.r ,.,,,,,. yA, (,; ,r, r,t,t ., K) faviirably in ilnt of ta-le, ..Itiaction u i 11 Kiilimit to no htu li Hal ing UMiroaui u m ,iir.j ii,(., ,.( rrnr. , .....i . i ,. , t ,M in our l.u--or low ns. llie in ,'r i li ii ii iiivii( iiiriiiiIimi ii lit i r irinii in litrf iirli.imil liill. mill Iii.Iiil mi liiinml ninn. rctllfl,'! I'l... I, Af f ......,, r'.i...if i ill., liii'li i... :.l I I. l.i.l ,i.. ..., I IIU Hill Ml in "i ' "' 't in n- VI. I. II 1 p i in I I'liiii'i, I ii r.Min in f nun, s i , . i , . . . , .1- l'l... u n. ,.. ....,! .k., l.M .lilt.. T. 1 I) 111 II I 1 Ol 1111 II I I and ti rannv iiorogativo w rit that (TKCTS tH'K t'Eh'SdNAI. I.I I'iKKTY, mid ut all time keeps the miliia iy in mibori civil power. Woy lu to dates to "SUSPKNI " OL'b and bitter will be tho hour when the Kx f.mlivc uttempts to (tosttoy the Supreme Ccu 1 1. 'I'lie Constitution of tlio United Sfatrs And' IiokI ol till, in tho eatalogi.o of oui iniirovo::iouts, nto the growing utoady of our eiti.onn. their i.eisevoraiice land .'nduttrv in rleming their land, on' ' Wo irgt. t In l. rtm, li.u,,Ul( f '. ., i. .... 1 1 ... i i 1 . . . i i n ii, i ui i ., i ii ii i i a pi ,i . t ) ol I In' N iisliiii-t-ui (.'hiK.!, (jf . i ... i ... ii i.k .-. n. 1 nnciri lluri'. 1K. . . .. ii ........ I ..... i ... i . .i , "'oil1 ritn.riio k, .inn- i mi inie;ugom. 'ioi , , mm, mi inn i iinr.-e ofi ...l,,,!,!,,,.,.,,!!....!;... .iu.llio.nllaipol'.re.- ...... t, .r. . I .,!,. hi,",... rV,m...rlH. mplclo st ate ol propiii hi ion - ' V a lori.ti..e'i.whi.hise..go.lyrxpo(-iodlho.o. Mil o.,!.ld, ol the I'otter Mm,,,.. Th indicatioiiM mo nil i.gain.t tiny niton- i,;,v. cIihivoh iille.,! u, ' del oviioililtion ol Ihi-ldiii o. Troop were . . "-TCiy. e;nV.unly arriving in ..unpanio,' and i .t;"" i-X.IVMol,.i luadc , n,,,,,,,!. ,',,M' I"VS""t W''iV' ,U,,J I'U.oen iiiiiuiii'o niH i i.i i - night iipparontly from the inlei ior ol Vir ginia, and five companies, of about (iOD men' arrived while, ho wa there. Ho also nolod tho tu livid of bovoral t-nuiidn of reci nit. rrovi:ioii3 iv:ro abundant not of insul) irbiirilioii , ,, . icnrrf iiiiiu .ii'iutio m,,. , -, . ... . and ut nil ttine ...... . ,. -nr., u;h. hiiL-iiiL' their f,irm-. improving tho noil, and the men cliooi lul. 1 dination.othe I li" 1." iU f-t.en .nM.or-: m ft '0 .imwlnt kinds of grain The alri.,.,,1 d.eip.ino ,s niL, theruler th-.'t 'Vnnsy Ivan.a ou3ht to turn out "rousou . J , oiuu'utlon to c.veel, in pro- and my inlor.-aant was only ptt uuUe d o i . tv 11 s,,,'"ls t,)0 tllilt hio- ftl"1 Nl W Yo''l' ducing the Ut and tho I v;t yield from nt. r the town under a guard, and to , V... :, U: :l.7 .vo boon hle.ed" with tho Mine kind ,e aeV.upon .heir several .arms. These to any ol the .o h . l' I a 1 1 ov;ilt . Witlt tho hoiaj that tVieinl will be nble to reluuv,',, slindow of HiNpiiMnn fioia ,js t. ' tor, we await Mim full partieularj rf l.nlli iirfii.'i,ln Mini. to act upon all of which, or a much of ; , ... ... . , , , , 1 .,, ,, the privilege of thewrit of IUboas Corpus I a M,a "mini ft itr ,i niii.,i,i ti-ill nllnw i ... , ' '. ,, Ighall not bo suapenibm, unle when in tu Ia Ku irriii.iiiil.Lil Itl lilt l!l'4lriV I 4 . . ip J STJ I4tll.'ll.ivv ill lit I FkU is lite programme our neighbor would lay dwn for the representatives of tho American people to bo guided by ; and were it not for the fact that l.e leublishes what id boastfully claimed ns the vrjunvi the uicnibf i of Congreis from this district, ewes of rebellion or invasion the public safely may require it." Who has the power to "Mitpend" this writ under this clauio of tho Constitution of the United States ? Judge Taney, in tho rc. cent case of Merriiuan nt liultimoro has I already emphatically declared that Con- TlIEV ,. 1, 11 1, . II IIO C-...J BU..VH,IUIIJ IIUUIM UVJ W,,,l) U.I , . . , . , , . ., , ows dioiif jmifftrt this extreme power. J worthy of notice as they are but tho echo r 1 ., HAVE NHVtlt VK T KXEiK 1SK0 IT. oiinateinKoi political iniamy, uio ew , . ,. . . .. . ..... It requires no argument to piove that iplr H,,r 9a ,f ,a Ii.ih'ai'ap wi Hut is it is, ltowever, wo think it devolves upon the constitut nts pfCcn. r.moN to toumi him upon this Congress tilono possesse. this power. Any lone who will tako tho trouble to read see- r J . " ' . 1 . Hons 8 and V of Article 1st 0r the Consti momcntous Hubicct to ascertain whether . - , . , , , .. Itution ol the l niteu Matcn, will fcee tins Me is a Greetyite, mid whether h:sor7aii-i , ., . ,, . , .. .. . .. a', a zlnnoe. Section S so v "tJnnirett shad r i liyf.nv ft v irnsena 1 1 ! CJiti I i ir null in Minn L- " tr ill it. tu- AVIiriionna Iiil Eiklillir Atif u In fliA n, . mmu v 1' a vu wiiiruio ll) infill - I , , ,,, , ,,. .. , . , , , .... i have thevoiier ' to do the things named in uclo referred to; whether he thinks i... ' , ., .. , .... ... , . , consecutive paragraphs. Section v oniy lurvtt uiiin win ue required, nnu (hat Jieyoptj fhese there is no object in putting thp ppuntry to tho expense of nn vxtra e.sion of Congrei's ? whethf r Lc Joe not think it the duty of Congress to have p eyp tp ineasuros of jienee, rnther lhaq to paasurcn of vrar, with our fellow fituena and kindred? and whether it vould not bo bettor for our country for Ibngress to conciliate the Southern States, even i' try thovld ha ( grant them wore, than their jutt right, in order that they may as rist U3. tp chimtise Knglnnd lor presuming to interfere in our domestic iifl'airs? They it igl) go a little further, inamue us ipy hayp n very frank, out-Bpoken, Btraigbt up-n (ioivn contlpmon to deal ' - - -4 Jjranrh of our government has power to mipend th writ of ILileas Corjws ? and w helher Mr. Lincoln, if ho ordered its sus pension, as Gen. Cndwnlhicter eays he had pono jn t)o wise of at Jtalti moro, is net umrpby the lrj'(slitke powcr and thus tulle to iwpfuchment t There nro still other (juotdions that wight appropriately bo nsked, all of which no have no doubt tho General would lc glad of an opportunity to reply to. Hut w e leave tie subject with his constituents. ley-Forney, in u late number of his Tress, Faya, in substance, that ''all who now ask questions as to the object of the prcent wur arp traitors.'' If this bo so, we can assure him, ind all pthers interested, that this is the very ques tion that almost every man you meet is now asking, and that if this makes u man a tiaitor, the army of traitors is eo num.. erous that no man con number them. It is a question that occupies the thoughts of every citizen, audit is earneslly pro pounded uppp the streets, at every cro.s remds, in tlio social circle, and at every fire side and no man in nblo to give a sat is'flficlory answer. Tho Tresident called for 76, K0 volun teers for tho purposo of defending the Capital, enforcing tho laws, and "priiil; to re possess tho forts," Ac, within the sc weded Stutes. Now, tint the Capital has pungrai then follows with seven distinct limita tions of tho power of Congress. Tho first provides for the prohibition of the Slave trado. The. second is the provision in re gard to the writ of ILibeat Corjuis, The third prohibits tho passage ofr post fue.tu law. ; and the others are like restriet om of the power of Congress. Sj that in fact tho Constitution no where provides that the 1'rof ident or any other nranch or lepart Aiont of the government tdiould "suspend" th':s w rit ; but even rest i iota and limits the the power o f Congross by the most clear jjand explicit language. A Vain Hoast- The Muck Kcpublcan Orators and New spapers, have always been - - - i. r.... . . and free negroec, too ; but as nn illustration of this fai t we give nn cxiract from a late number of the Pittsburg lhpate.h, in which the editor says: "Where tho ' etars and stripes' of the Union tloat, men think, vote und writo as they please where Secession rules they must be dumb, become exiles, prisoners, or die." This little scrap is perhaps equally bal anced half true and half false so far as it concerns its of the North it has no foundation in fact. The editor must have of agent, only, that they receive a higher percentage, on the sale of uniforms, bein about eipial to the percentage realized by our "belli" contractors, which wo think, should satisfy any business man in thc days of unbounded 1'ulriotisni nd Hero ism which seems to have changed ' freo speech" into free choaling.tinder tho cngi neers that nro now running the National and State "machines." t-iy Tlic editor of tho UrookTill; SVtr, who is the present Superintendent of the Common Schoo'.s of that county, muni bu a "perfect hriek," If ho knows n much about teaching children their A, B, Cs, ns ho has shown that ho dooj about heathen mythology the rising generation of . Idler son may well honor thw day that brought the erudite. McKlhosc into their midst. Only think of the fellow i.ol knowing tho ditlerence between old Mars, tho god of war, and the Supreme l'eingl "Ignornnc" the turn of (iuJ. Knowli.J-e Ibo wing wherewith we By tu ltev. en. Hut pocr Mac, .ve tear there is no chance for him. Clearfield County Agricultural So ciety. llepart of the Vice President of Karthmt town ship. Salt Lick, Jan., l", lSt',1. To 1. V., Secretary. ,ti; You will find accompanying this rc poit a list of membership obtained 'or the Clearfield Cotiuty Agricultural Society, of which 1 had the honor, the present yeor, of being tho Vice President for Karihau-i township. 1 remark that I have been to some trouble to ascertain all the information possible, in regard to the agricultural in- IfiVViJtWA.'.WMy. nn'' ,""'0,n nresent Your humble Vice President has been a resident of tho towmhip for tlio last three years, and it gives him pleasure to stutc that agriculture, since that time, has been on the improvement, and particu larly so the last year ; an apparent in creased interest has taken place which ii in a great m'.-nxure to be ascribed to tho organization of the L'lcartielil Omn'y A'jr' cultural Noeirty. The first Fair for the Society, held at I'OSTSt 'IJin'. Since ill,,, ,!i in I V'lii' Mini fit'tee kti-il.:.. pres.-1 ' I ',""X"ni mat agricultural interest have boon awa- once ol tlio ivno accompanim. mi... .... "... .Hnninmiv kened in our people of Karthaus in a Pickets extended for some, distance in . , j,,.,,,,,,.,,, w, j,,.,,, y , measuro'by'the Cleared tU.nt,, tl. edirec. ion of Pen nsy ia la,.rislM,4 and w:ls ri,!nnd fy, and very much by tbo. eight deserters I he ledcial eai ip at , asm Into Imeolf.rol ;. ; an that our reaohed llarjier s I o uy pan y with ( ;i.t. J.)i'uiii,w,lnV;tt .. r..i.. ...;n i.,ri ii,..,..nted iii vestordav evening, and several on tlio Hay i,,.,.!-,,,., in...,.!, i ,. "'"J" ' a... I ;.!., Tlieir nrrivul created much J '-' ' " V BW liersuii UV llll! LIIUTUI ui vi i. -.. ...... , - - , nei'son UV if not laivelv represented in stock productions, it will be respeotab'.o. and merriment in view ol the reported tioser- ,pnus, ' 1 ions from tho Confederate camp, unci Unit nltlioit'di ' liicn I ii :i 1 1 1 ' il it u,...i .i ,v -r1- . ... , i n.. ..... 1 in im , el... ..... i.. i s;,w.i..n. nn. nn w in: i were pronounced wnoiiy u.i.ruo. ........ . . . " Hiv u.n vi ...... ... ... , , ., r.i iwirr: it ior to...... i t it wa.i helievi'il Uu . I . . , ... .. . .. . r . .. Vll.l,.n tt-tt li.t.ivil In- 1,1111 III lllll IllllVlL. hi .ii i'iii I '.I IliUI uvnl i ii. ui ii.n li'UiL Liioreoi aneauv hwuhi -v i - - V ... ... V .. . .... .1 ...... 1 1 .1 ... I . . II" . ,, appearing we have great oncourygemeut lenco o: sicuness in mo siici.i ; ai.u wuu uio .uicik c an..j lfJ lo M.stain otir Count,, Ayrir.dUiml iKtei. tj..- President I 'avis is expected there, to- iW ,sV. 0' ;,, Wll And by soiloing.wowilLoon find the morrow when he w.ll review he whole , . ... ,.,i ;c T.. , citizens of Clearfield county not only an uody oi noops ine. o hiauum-.., .. ..v uumi industi ioiH and u sober people but in u onicer stated to iny imoiu.a.n, ihi.u. , Ulls war Wils Jur Ult. j,u,.,0!c u,. short lime, the soil ol U-att.eld u.joui i ..o-o. u , , , . .. very UV ni.l tviiiilink rti-rtiM iMti'l ,.,,,nt,,rl nun III III tlltlOII tO 1 S. W III ri.liii.i.iii iii"viu have a large surplus of her production to export for the supply and war.t of others. KOSpOCUUIIY, JOHN (ill.Lir.ANI). THE WAR NEWS ! IN I'KIt KSTIMi I-KO.M Til V. MANASSAS JUNCTION. LKKSllUKti, HAKPKU'S fi:kky, KTC. There i every indication that tlio Fod- eiai and ijonledera'.e lorces win soon meet in deadly conflict at some point in Virginia From the Washington Star ol last evening wo make up the follow ing in teresting intelligence: lltoM MANASSAS Jl'M'TloN AMI I.EKS- nnti.. Just before going lo pres to day, w have infonuaiioii liom tw.j gentlemen of char, actor, whoso byuiniihies with tho cause ol the Union wo know to be entirely relia ble one of whom is just liom Manassas Junction and I he other from the inline li ato vicinity of I.eesburg. The former as suies lu Hint on Friday la.t I'.ii.iuiegard cortuinly arrived ot tho junction ; and, if so, no tako it for granted has assumed the quarter, ilns gciitlemon further says that there is an aggregate f.irco of "0,1)00 '.roups a Manassas, Centrevillo, Fuiifax Station ar.d Fairfuxi Court Ilouve. This iuforniatioii, though ditlereni widely from that received by the goernnient here, comes to us under circumstances that cause us to place 60ino reliance on it. Our informant from the. direction ol IyOc?burg assures us that on Sunday mor ning last, during divine jervice, nn officer a trier." Wo shall anxiously am the jiarliculars. Arkivkp. We call the utteutiun uU respectably for tho citizen. Our atien .1 . ... ..i .. i.. ... i. ...I : . . , . . ,. , . Mlillll'lT 1 f ,t.-l U 11 .IB Ul II 1 1 It I, 11 U -Iii' I 11 1 1 I .1, 1 . known nt the time ho penned tho above, 0, . ,mt, 1C hng (Ji(anw lines that tho office of the Heaver .Star, not t0 u.n(.t nnd the rain during too time of thirty miles from his cwn door, was enter- the fair, it was respectable. I ho crops in ed on the night ..r the Oth inst.,by a mob, I Km llinus township tho present season audits materials scattered through lhe "ere generally not only a good average . , . orop, but wr.h many wos an abundant streets nnd thrown into tho river. 0I)C. jhe wicak cr0j, j pIumpneM of To fu. ther illustrate this boasted liber-'grain ind quality could not have born tv, which the "stars and stripes" have' better. The yield on an uvcmgo was 11 been presumed toguaiantee, we rc.'erto1', sbeavos making the bushel. In 1 . , ... . some instances it may have taken more, two articles on our ou'sule in reference to 1)Ut ; ,.)V ins,nnccs loss made the two other transactions of a similar nature, bushel. 1 know of two instances, mid From these it w ill be seen, that, like tho there may have been more, that 13 sheaves fugitive slave, lcu.ocrutic editors in .' publican. America must seek a refuge io Monarchical Canada! Well did Maria An toinette say, when her eyes fell upon the Goddess of Libel ty. in despotic France, "O, Liberty ! w hat crimes are commited in thy name. " .. .1 ,i n ,, wui'i iiul lu.v ut. i .yuiiii u ...UK I . ill "We rreret to ce the ( Icnrlield iVniiUnnu I . ' e . " Hill lm.r.inR, in ...any vani, in tukinK Me, l0'lst onc ''-n.lrod l.u.-liels ol ears to the i ,!,. . . . witn tlio reui-is. w e Know tue eu.tiir lo be noi- , , wunn uum nn .. wn inc ten uciowieu, aim is pronounced out ol ,seJ ,-M K0(lJ tt llcBrt ,nyiima living ; and ! bill firms the early plntd corn wa a danger, hps not the country a r'nrht to lclicve that he is alo a friend of Ilia country. ' good crop in quantity and but little soft knew vhethn that uhich xcas vt dwht, and "' ""rrn ,r'""" jcorn where they were careful to plant the1. ,h .hi." ,k4i ..f A...:t ...i... .1 A 1 hat will do, J'uvnl. c ask no man proper kind ol sicd earn. 1 he Sate plan- AllUMV.v VII HIV llll', Vf IIIOC .II'ME, KICfl Iftl . , I .1 , , , P,;,!,t;.nirl hi, ;wJ.--. A ,.,- o say more of us-and wc can soy almost i'ovn 11,1,1 the corn not properly work- rendent issued Ais first J roclamatom, ha,yet - c,j( UvQ , o( j, ,vcru 8ofl or unsoutl(1 Cleu field last fall, gave general ru',u "I' 10 '''' quaker meetinghouse nt lion, and spoke well for the Society and "aterfoitt, Loudoun county, seven miles 1 .... . .. - I r I i i ..i. i .i. i ..oui i.eesourg, unn oruoreu uie people there assombled to bp ot Harper's Ferry the next morning, Monday, with all tlmir wagotH and teams, to move the ma terial ami troops tlioi: there. Un that day we believe two thousand ot those troops moved up the Potoinio to a point opposite Williamsport. Our informalion fioutl cesburg is up to yesterday morning That tow n was then the headquarters of a force of about liOO men, if we nrc correct ly informed, and we think we aie, under the command of Kppa Hunter, a Prince Williivni couut v Hi igadier ; wh-j has seen no service bjvl ho )y. Thoso troopR ilc iho picket guard duly between tho Point ol Kocks, Lcesburg, Hroad Ilun, Vienna and on towards Georgetown, until moot ing the line of pickets thrown out from Fairfax Court House. AN KXPrTTKH ATTACK ON WII.UAMS- IM HIT. Wo received inlormation yesterday uf ternoon, in w hich we have reason to place some oonnilenoe, dial tieneral Johnston hud dispatched u force of two thousand men with tw o pieces of ordnance, for nn assault on Williumspoi t, Md., proposing 10 nomiiani u nrst irotu the irginui side of the iier. yielded the bushel The yield of Rye on nn nverago was IS to JH sheaves making the bii-hcl. Two or more instances I know of 12 sheavrs of rye yielding the bushel, and in no in stance havo 1 heard of more than IS sheaves to yk'ld a bushel. Tho rye is al so of the best quality. The corn crop on our river bottom could not have been bolter lcei decided. So far, not a word has been uUerol by any onc in authority, and the country is left to eonjecturo. One letter wnter says that tho object is tn rctnkothe forts, &c. Another says it is for i ho pur pose of subjugating tho Southern States, and compelling them to remain part of the Union, and their citizens to become loyal subjects. Another says it is for the purpose of "driving slavery from the con tinent," and others again, Hint, it is all merely for the purpose of demonstrating to the world that the North is strpnger than the Pouththat tpnty p'JJiope of peoplo are ablo to whin (tight millions! And in tlio face of all theso confused pp tradictloni the Cheralicr Forney pronoun ce it trcaxm to ak any questions as to the objacta of lite war? The people, hereto fore junior the impression that they were "tjia loureofif ail political power" under our constitution, md tiiaiour government ebuld not be put upon a wr tooting, and ar actually 'conitneneed, witJwut a for mal dtclirutinn, of war by Copgress, are bran ded m traitors, if they ask any juestjoei in relation thereto. Judging from the proceeiingi of the ns much of you Hut you were never nioro mistaken in your life and goodness knows ycu have seldom been right since you left the Deni-. corn. The oats crop was an abundant one, ami in qualit7 I never saw better. Tho aver age yield was 1 bushels to the dozen, nnd . . . ., i . ocratio party-tlmn whn ymiwhnr.rrJ'Vrrr 01 fc,,L'avcs .... , , , I yielded 2 bushel of oats, 'taking sides with the rebels." e have, T10 l,M(fU ct0 on ,bt whMo. was u heartily supjiorteil the present llundei ing good crop. In some localities it wa ir.- adminisli"tinn,eveu in measures not only 'jured from filling by the sun, nnd in olh notoriously in disregard of law and prece dent, but measures whoso inevitable ten ors it wui alighllv injured by the early frost. TliA lintn.n rrnn in enmo 1a.a1 i. !..a rf 1. I . .1 1 .. . ' . . I ' luiaiinu uc..-y ,nun iu oe me ueieai oi tnejthe township, was an entire failure-stip-great liopo and purpose of every loyal posed to be occasioned by tlio int. I think heart peace, reconciliation, and a resto- ,nero is nmc ,l,is,llle in at least, 1 ration of our once happy and powerful ot fully wliafiei tUl audi was the .. , , Ul fact in every locuhty where tho potato .tHJH jJtiniuviiue.i j niunv liJV Ut lUiV breakers. In punishing the violators of crop f iled. My observations were, that the potato crop sustained littlo, if any, law, we must act in pursuance of the law '"jury !y tol the presont season. Tho otherwise the remedy may bo worse than' l?1"0" werf , not , 11,0 nJ ,, ,. . i , . I therefore could not havo rotted. Iho the disease. e Lave therefore denoun- tmM quantity the ground did conUin ceo "tuo rebels" wnuout .tislipction of j were unusually small in bizo, rive. at t'.ie Mansion Home, where liecu be consulted for a few days. Tlioh, tor comes highly leccimnciided.iuiiltlm, of our citizens who neeii iiiedioal n, would do well to givu him a call, Cairo. III., Juno ". A secession camp nt F.lliott's Mill, in Kentucky, ten miles distant liom tins ,, ace, lias i.ocr. ; ; t , f a t h ; I... i,. r. ..rii,.i,,,.,.j i. .ii I I Mero liv den. I ' i;,i i 1 .. v wiii.uiiivj ' v Prentiss. Fifteen dead bodies of the Confederate tioons have boon found in a thicket near their camp. A party had hid there ai.d the Indiaiiians lired into the thicket to dislodge thorn. Col. Wicklill'o protested ngairst the act us an invasion of the noil of Kentucky, to which Gen. Prent iss said in reply, that the act had bent prompted by n K-ttor el lim ing protection for Cue Union m-n there. lie declared his intention also to send troops wherever needed for the protection uf loyal citi-tn?. From the lt.lfvnl inetio Tho Rights of Freemen- A largo standing army having been call ed into servicp, and the commencement of a long and bloody war being, pe. haps, near at hand, it is well that the people should know their rights under, as well as their duly to, the General Government. Whilst we are sending forth our troops to tight for tlio Union, let us watch with .ealous care lest licit Constitutional Lib erty, without which the Union were i. llulu.H-SS Will. c, I..J.a, l ... .,., 1 ...... us and trampled under foot by the very men to whom we tru.t that holy birth right of our citizenship. Keep it befo-.-t'.u peop'.o, therefore, 'hat the Const itu i iuii oi the United States guarantees the Mowing: COSTA irs HIE ONLY INFALLIBLE ItL.MCDinS KSOUX, Destroys Instantly FVFliY FORM AND TECIES Of VERMIN- flff'S'r irhtit thr V -'", 'Hid I'ttilrtm, HI'.MtV H. C'OTAH. All the mnar hnvo been troubli-d with Kuni'lioa inul Mice irnsnctunlly iiilmincj of ilie hiine, f'r Unit: , were cvurywhere, I urclutd a boiotjw hAUTimniitiir ami trivil it, und ii. one Ktektl as nul n lVu.nli ui Mu.-C lil,0 L,,ii. Jon II. (iivsxn. No. Hi Kl.nitmi HOf.SFKKUPKlt.S - troulili-d will. m need be so nn lonirur' if they me "CostarV tcrininntors. AVchareured it to our sati?tr and if a box cokI J.i m no.iM ,nVe il. V tried tioiaona, but they elfoeteil notbin:: Co.-tau's nrtii lo knocks the breutb out uf la .Mice aud licj-lius, quicker than we can 1. Congifss shall make no law respect ing an estaOlllinient ot religion or pio-ju U Is in Kreat demand ull over the ewmiij iiiuuiiig me :iee exercise ini-rgoi, vr a- .i mua u.j Unseat, hiiliin'i the freedom of tiieach, r.r of thevress; MORE CHAIN and ntnvisisna are deatr. or the l ight of the people peacrably lo j "'"mully in tirimt county tijr Termlu. ihuoi . e. .mil to Letitioii L'..nL?ie-s tor t. ri "' " tt luietl K.iwr.-i .i i 1 1 . i , ' i . .. I IIKNKV It. t'OSTAR Your xterraiait -. .v we., irjj..... i-u no.iiw. o-oig . . ri,fei j us0 J( uuJ ,,rulloullcej , ,cci(lc( cossnry to Die security ol a lice State, the cc.s. We ufed a box of it. nnd the way thiti right oi the peoplo to Keep und neai an'l .nice nroun.l our preiniat-j "raided NrJ anus .-ball not be infringed. ' uigl.t was a caution lo fleepera. Since DoliL Ii. No soldier shall ill time of ceuco I ur .Mouao aoa been heard in garret or trf .... .. to.,l i.. nn,- ,. r.l, -I'iyx.or Iori.1 7on. ' ... ' . ' ..;.:'; - Z . . ..... i . 1 il-Wli 1IKEN fc'l-LLINli-Your EAnat ... ...v .ru, . .. . ".v. .,, iiu. uu,ur rrt,ie ,.lst af Mj v, fuunJ in a in .nner presci iuc oy law. .,, c,,.ry time. j llBVe not knonu it tK i. I he l iglit ot t lie people to ho securo i a -inirle instance." in their peraous, houses, papers nndef-l ttao. Hime, ('arlinci,0. foots, against unreasonable nearohoK and ! WE AltK SKLLINll-r-Your jireparatioaim M'izures, shall not be violaterf : and no 1 1.,,!v' n"J l'"'r they bavi been uaeO,tu warrants fhall isue, but upon probable ; ucrui.n m, cause supported uy oath or am. mat.oii, t;tBIl 4 gTOl .BR v , s. ViuitM W till, I J l.l I I I "I Itll I - II1-3V I l.llll l tie .1.111TC I U Ul' I searched, and the persons or things to be! seized. ! f. In all criminal prosecution the ac- . '..,'.,. cu-ed vhall enjoy Iho li-ht or a speeKly -SoM L.r.J.rW,e-t,y Ilia! by an impart i:.l inn or the Slate and ! All M'iioi.rfaie Iiiii-ouists in Inrre rihjes. district wherein the dime shall hive been; All Hktail li!ru.,isTs-UHHr.M-Srni:MOi eo. limit toil wliiili ili.liiei kl. ill I. no l.uti Plevioulv aioertnined by 1 i.v : and to bo ! ",!- , a11 L'ountry Villaaarf Tow inrormod of the naUivo mid cMuc of the, accusation ; to be confronted with the w it- j Wholesale Agents in NeuToik citj nesses against him ; to haic compulso-y I process tor obtaining in his fa- Uh!l.fl-li ilrnr..f. r,tf.r, t or, and to nave the assistance of counsel ; i:.A.rnlmMock.llutUoo.!liush. title Kobt.w tor u is 'icience. A. U. ll. S n mis A Co. The Conrliiutiou of Pennsylvania aliq , VVbeolerA Hart. tots forth in its Hill of Kinhts that. 1. All power is inheieut in the peoplo, and all tree governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness ; lor the ad vancement of thoiic ends they have, at all un unahonnMc and tindcfcarnh'c ight to altei, reform, or nbol'h theii government, in uch ir.auuer us they may KXPF.TF.I) ADVAN 'K F TH K FHl K HAL Th't K)'S I N I KG I MA. Washinoton, Jl-NE 7 lSl',1. Six recimonts of infantry, two bntteri. of artillery and one cauipuny ol ciaalry, ' times, of (ionernl Mcl)owell's command in Vii-i lii,t ' ginia, aro under orders lo be ready toiimvin inovcut a moment's warning, at a certain think propo'r. forward 1 advance The print-prc n,mj he free to every .,,., . , - , . ,, Ipeison who undertakes to exun.ine the l.npl... i riKl'K' from 1,0 1No,'th proceedings ,.r the Legislature, or any ave been here during tlio last branch Pf Gove . i.ment, ,v,d ,, t.r shall -ten days, in hourly uxpectaCoii ol the ccn-Lr he. made In restrain the. ro,hl thereof. The tl ct in ngui.a, bu General f-cott lias fr,,,, ronimu.iicalion of O.oughts'ttnd o- ..i.u.iw, un ... nn i.urry inns lartograt- ,,iions is one of the inyiduiible rights of: IV lhl.ll. 1'dai.n.iin ll.. !, I - . . . I . i b I - l'"'"'ciii oi ii man ; and every citizen may freely speak. tencoi tie between the federal force and ! write, and .,.i,.t am- M.l.Wt l.ei L ,c lli'L-aumn it- t'o. Hull, liuckel ,f' l'u. '1'hi.i.iai ( Fuller, 1'. I). Oivis. Ludley & Staflonl. M. Ward. Clone t & McKision A no11 V. H. Harneii k Co. F. C. Welle Co. I.acllo.Marbii Hull, UUon 1 1. Conrad Fox. Iho rebels. In AM) OTHERS. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Pvcl. A Sunn. ;lt,.l.'l Hho.mlkM fl Jl. A. Fubuestock A Co IFreuch, Uiihardi' AND All lite Principal Cities and Tjwdi ,M VN1TED STATES. AT CLEARFILLl), cnn.i. U?5A-So1J l,y party or section ; and this wo imlljcontin uo to do aa long as a "Free Treat," it tolr erated in this our boasted land of liberty. !jrWe havo failed to give our visual amount of details from the ael of par this wpok, owing to the want oi spaca, the military prrade, and the aickneta pf otre of our bands. Un to this wtitine. bowAv. Iowa Lcgislature-amopg tke last of, there has been no fighting, though the From this it would appear the potato from some cause did not produce, and those produced did not grow to a full size. It may havo been caused by the drouth, or something peculiar in tho sea on may have occasioned it ; or it may have been au insect at the root or the top . r .1 . . -1 - i. . I. .' .. - i ., , wt uie imuiu wu.uu injure, mo prOUUC J. O. HAHTSWICX crally, in Citt and Cocstbi. I . ....:i.i j... .l- i . ..r.i . i-i .. , . ... . m-lioiimiiii- ior inv aovse in inai nociiy. ii llCSldes tte facts n min nit .: r. .. . .... . r . the regiments on the other udo of the, pors investigating the official conduct of i mer have Wn rcinspecled And tho officers, or men in public capacity, or andthefeble removed. 1 he transporta- wheic the matter published is neccessary 1 uon department has been thorughly or, for j-ublie information the truth thereof canizcu. nnd trains nr I missaryVagons and ambulal cVa aTrea, V ' Tl. l ,!'. ,. ''T . A4 by Daroaar., tJaocrn, and ...... Ift tnnvn i ""'' WI JU,J Mini ill 7f ll , T klfc.i.M ,- , r,, . right to determine the law and the facU, r,JJ?u H h r wltlng ,0 seo tt flght w.ll under tho direction of tho court, in ' probably not wait many days longer. Tho other cases 1 Commander.!n-Chiof means notonly to 3. -fho richl of citizen. In;-' moyc i nn forces upon tho cnomy at on car, ( defence of themselves and the Kuto. shall tf HJoi av Dealbu can order as abw ly elate, but to docido the fortunes of tho aD. .: i ," nwiw; Ti. l:;irf' U kl without the consent of the -to U de.irodarnd for Circular to i can sia e on legislature ; und tht military thall at all time ordination lo the civil power. L--.1 I . - ,-:o-- --"..iuh i iivi, iurs nas oeen no iicuunc, tnoutrn ine 1 n,om n. r i i. , ,nn,i i r , ,v..T i,- u t i w , ' h-jj ,,v reourai iroops aro mot Uoa and tloinwd the crowtl. nf M. A nni Juno,! n.,.i,ri H,u. i. 1... ir. i iu- Cfc.b,alure me mtitary rhall u . .:.. i . r , ?. . 1. V" '". ui". iiiii , tnstnrt mthurdinalie to -;..; . . a exinwjo6eeri iota or potatoes. 1'resiaent nnd momliors of the Cabinet - - . " ....,..,. niTAll. .V na no moan oliaveposRcss.onol both My- Tho Federal troops aro movinn p.. ,, fc, W III llll-u rri tt-rxn. I'l I 1 . '. .. .. . . L ell Ilia tt A'lcnolm Hotel. .'New in.., are terry. r.l-ltiM-4ni.