Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 05, 1861, Image 4

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tyt (Lrlcarficlb itpKbluair, MllhHtTlUIlOll. I
f raid in advance, or within three mouthi, 1 25
If paid any time within the yr, . - - ISO
1 1 r i,l ftr the eimratiou ot lue year. i vvi
Tcrmaof AdvertlNinc
Advertlsemout are inserted in the Republican
at the following ratet i
I Insertion,
oe tquare, (14 lines,) t 60
Twotquaree, (281iu..s,) 1 0
Three tquarei, (43 line,) 1
.3 uuth
I do.
1 60
J (in
3 do.
$1 00 '
2 00 1
i 60
12 mo
17 00
10 00 1
One Square,
Twoaquarct, :
Three squares,
Pour aquarea,
Half a column,
(4 00
10 00
12 00
4 00
: 4 00
6 00
: 8 00
12 on
14 00
18 00
36 00
One ooloinn,
U 00
20 00
Ov.r three weokt and less than throe inoamt i
teut per qua:e for each lnsertiou.
iimi naticss not e:tding 81'iuoa are in
arted for $2 a year. ... , ,
Advortis useiit not marked withte number of
afertion desired, will b ecntinusi until forbid
ind charged according to these Wrinj.
An oxlt'iisivo stQck of Jobbing materia
ftii.ililos the rulilislier of the "Republican' j
to to the putliu that lie is prepa
t.d o io 1! xinds of
i't-ANI!, "
ur.ri cvorv
Pijut Ecoxs,
Ball T'.cxits,
jtind cf piir.iirg
UKUully dono
it. a ooun'-iyi ob
Ail orders will le cxocute-J nilh ndit
ticts nnd tlespotch.
O. B. 000IjLASI)EU .( CO
Time of Holding Court
Peoond Mondny of Junuary,
Third Monday of March,
Third Monday of June,
Fourth Monday of September,
lu each jour, end continue two week ( if ne
County OfBcera.
Prca't JuJge.Hou. Samuel Linn, llellefonte.
Ai'U Judaea, lion Wm I. Mooro, t'loarficld.
lion lienj Jlonnall, Lutnersourg
Plier.ff, Fred'k U. Miller
frothuntary,Johu L. Cuttle,
Keg. Heo. James Wiiglry,
IliaUictAU'y Robert J. Wallace,
Treuurer, (i. ,H. Goodlander,
Co. Surveyor, U, H. Wright,
L'oromiu'u'rj,Wm. M'Cracken,
Wm. Mcrrell,
S. C, Thompson,
Auditors. H. 0, Howman,
Gleu Hope
Lumber City
Morrisdale .
I SB ao W. Oruliali, Clearfield
J. B. Phaw
Coroner, Qeorge Richards, "
LUt of l'oat Offices.
' TjuntMja. Samri of 1'. O. Xamrt
BKCiria. lilen Hope, O. W. Calwul
J".i:l, Bower, Miy I'Mit .1
Chest, T. A. M'Ohee
cush, J. w. Cij.ys:
' Ostend, Lewis f.u.ith
Hefts, Clruttield Ilriife, V. B. Miller
Bradford, Woodland, EJ. V.'KiUa.a
Brndy, T.uthersburj, R. H. Muore.
Troutvillc, Jacob Kuuti
" Jafferion Lins, John Iieberiing
Hloro, Forest, Jas- Bloom
I'rrusiae, New Wsliinr;tiiJ J. M, Cuimuiiigs
Burnride, Jas McMurray
lixrltH, Clearfield, M. Frank.
Covinjton, FrouvhvtlU, ' F. Coudriet
Kas?liHUs, J F W kfohnarr
Curwentville, l.'nrweusville, Samuel Way
Iei-ater, Philips burg, Centre enmity
Ferguson. Marrun, Edm. William
Fil, Helen Post Office, Elk county, Pa.
On-art1, Lecuuiiti''a Mills, I'. MiK""l
Bald Hills, William Carr
Goshen, Shavtsville, A. B, Shaw
(trahaui, Uruhanitnu, T. H. Furcee.
Itulich m i tha Mills. J. A. Ileparty
" Madeira, C. J. Pu.ey.
Huston, Tyler, ' David Tyler
" Penntield, II. Woodward
Jordan, Ansonville, Klita Chase
Karthaus, alt Lick, W. Keekadoru
Knoi, New Millport, D. K. Mokol
Lawrence, Breckeuridge, J, W. Thoiups'n
Morris, Kylertown,' Jas, Thouippou
Morrisdale, J McClelland
Penn, ' Lumber City, t H. W. Spencer,
" Grampian Hills, A. C. Moore,
ike, Curwentville, , auiul Way
" Bloomillgville. Michuel Wise.
Ciilot, ockton, . F. Johnson
Woodward, Jeffries, T. Henderson
3 This Post Oflice will dofur.Chost township
f Will answer lor Ferguon"tounihip.
T. .1.
, M Cl'tLObUU. . WM. M. M II'IJ 01 C.U.
m'ci;i.i.oi;gh .t irotiii;k,
Attorneysi at Law.
Olfiee on Mwket street, opposite Mussop'e Stnre
Clearfi.'ld, Pa. Will attcud jiromplly to .Collec
lions, Bale of Lauds, Ac. novT-ll
T ) W. HAYS, J uftire uf the Puaco, will atten
I . promptly to collections and oilier matter
fl is hie charge. Address Kirsev, Elk e,, Pa
Oct. 3d 1800. ly.
IL'.SUC K of the peace
9 Luthersbtirg, Clearfield Co. Pa.,
will attend promptly to all business entrusted
to. hit care. : March I'd, 1HC0. ly. pd.
VT the mouth of Lick Run, five miles from
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturers of Lucber,
July 23, 1862.
I) OBERT J. WALLACE, A7nntr at Law,
XV Clearfield, Fa., Cffice in bkiw Row, op
vsite the Jcurcal office.
. dec. 1, 1858. tf.
IAK. M. Vt )!)., havltr clanged his loci
I. tion from Curwonivili o Clearfield, res
peot'fully offer lilt prufessional services to tb
citiiini of the latter place and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite I, ttof
J. Crana, Esq. - my: 3158.
jT (T HARTS WICK, m" d7
I h j 1 1 1 a n u n d h u r g c o n,
Clearfield Pi, ilay 30, IRoO.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
i.ui faithfully to all legal business eutrusted to
his cue. In the several Court uf Clearfield and
adjoin:cg Counties i it- i
Ot;e tie one formtrly occupied by 0. R.
Oct, lt6:h, I8j9 ly.
" l)H. Q. W. "HTKWAKT
I) hyaloid II and Hurccon. offers hit profes
sional services to the citizens of Now Wash
ington aud snn funding community. Oflice threa
doora west of the Washington House,
New WnshingUm, Pa., Oct. 14, 1859.
Civil Enoinker & Land Surveyor, offers
bit professional services to the citizens of Clear
tield county.
All buatoeta entrusted to him will be promptly
and faithfully executod.
Office with Leonard, Finney A- Co.
1 UtkMinHh.Wigona, Buggies, Ac, Ao., ironed
J I cn short n' tue, and the very best style, at h
; l atana in t,ie tvtougn ot Lurxensviiiu.
U'.jtt. .163.' i
Jennings, v. i.,
BM.t ..nurutivn turperv in
H r Robkrt
Frofeajor of Pathology and operative aurgery in
tLie Veteriuury College of Philadelphia, etc.. eto
Toll Yon of the Origin, History and distinc 1
tivB trait of the varioua breed of
KiirrDeun. Asiutic, African and Auier-
icad Horses, with tha physicul forma- y
tion and peculiarities f the animal,
and how uncertain his uge by tho
number and condition uf hie teeth ; j
illuatrated with numerous explanatory,
engravings. , A I
Will Tell You of Piceding, Breaking, Stabling
Feeding, (irooiuing, Shoeing, and tli
general management of the horse
with the best modes of administering
medicine, also, how to treat Hiting,
Kicking, Hearing, Shying, Stumbling,
( rib biting, Restlessness, and other
vlcoa to w bich be ia subject ; with nu
ueroua explanatory engravings.
Will Toll You of the causes, vymptotns. au
t ,... .ru .1.. Tli.i..!
DiMtemnnr. t utnrrh. 1 onuenB. liron
... . ' , ,
rhiiH, l'rmumoma, I leunsy, Broken
. ,.u, lurwit u,5, 8 ""WUcn no notice to the coutrurv anncars in this
WbUtling, I.uuipus. Som Mouth and
L'kers, and decayed Teeth, with otlur
ilieuaea of the Mvuth and Respirato
ry Organs.
Tell You of the causes, symptoms, on,
Treatment of Wcrm. Hots, Colic
Strangulation, Ktony t'oncretious
Ruptures, I'alsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice
Iie,.alirrhoea, Bloody Urine, Stones
in the Kidneys and Bladder, Iufluma
tion, and other diseases of the Stom
ach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Or
Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, and
Treatment of Hone, liloid and Bog,
Spavin, Ping-Bone, Sweenie, Htranay
Broken Knees, Wind tlalls, Founder
Sule Bruise and Gravel, Cracked Hoof
Scratches, Canker, Thrush, and C rns
also, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilopei
Staggers, and other diseases ofeth
Feet, Legs, and Head.
Hill Tell You of the catxes, symptoms pan
Treatment of Fis'ula, Poll E il, Glan
ders, Farcy, Scarlet F'ever, Mange
Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism
Cramp, Gulls, Diseases or tho Eye and
Heart, tc, Ac. and bow to manage
Castration, Bleeding, Treph inning,
Roweliug, Firing, Hernia, Amputa
tion, Tupping, and other surgical op
Will Toll You of Rarey's Method of taming Hcr-
set ; now to Approach, lialter, or Sta
ble a Colt; how to accustom a horse
lo strange sounds and eight, and how
to Bit, Saddle, Ride, nnd Break him
to Hiirness, also, the rorm aud law
of Warrauty, Tho whole being tho re
sult of more than fifteen years' curelul
study of the hubits pe 'uliurities,
wiiuts and weaknesses of this noble
and useful animal.
The Book contuius 384 puces, smirorriatelv il
lustrated by nearly Oue Hundred engruvings,
it is priuit'u in a clear Mi'j open typo, unu will
be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on
receipt efpiico, hull bound, $1,00, or, in cloth
extra, jl,:'6.
$1000 A YI'AK can be made by enterpri-!
sins men everywhere, in selline the'ubove. nnd
other popular works of oius, Our inducement
lo all such are exceedingly liberal.
For single copies of the Book, or for terms to
ngcnis, with other information, apply to our nd
drcta JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher,
No. Oir faiuoin Street Philadelphia, Pa.
December 12, 1JC0. Ohio.
ry ii i:
M O 1 i -: K N
lu all its branches.
C 0 O K K K Y ,
Hy Miss Eliza Aiton.
Carefully Revised by Mrs. S.J. IIalk.
Il Telh You how to choose all kiuds of Meats
Poultry, and Game, with all tin variou
nnd most approved uirde.s of dresing
and cooking Beef ami Pork t also th
bjst and simplest way of salting, rick
ling and curing t'jio same.
It Tells You all the various and most approved
iiioilss of dressiug, cooking, and boning
Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and
Game of all kinds, with the different
Dressings, Gravies, and stuffings appro
priate to each.
It Tells Y'ou how to choose,, and preserve
Fish of all kinds, aud how to sweeten it
when tainted ; also ull tho various uud
most npprovod modes of cooking, with
the different Drossings, Sauces, uud
Flavoring appropriate to euch.
It Tells You all the various and most upproved
modes of preparing over titty different
kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game, aud
Vegetable Roups, Broths, and rUews,
with the Relishes
propriate to each.
aud Seasouiugs up-
It Tells Y'ou all the various and most approved
modes of cooking Vegutablue ot every
description, alto hew to prepare Pick
les, Catsups and Curries of all kinds.
Potted Meats. Fish, Game, Mush
rooais, itc.
Il Telia Y'ou all tie various and most approved
modes of preparing and cooking all kind;
of Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings
Omelettes, Fritters, Cukes, Confection
ery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dish
cs jf every description.
It Telia You all the v rious and moat anproveo
mude of making Bread, Rusks, MufTiins,
and B'scnit, the best method of prepa
ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, and
.how to make Syrups, Cordials, and
Winca uf variuus kinds.
It Tell Yoa how to set out an ornamental Ta
ble, hew to Carve all kinds of Fish,
Flesh or Fowl, a. d in short, how to ao
simplify the whole Artof Cooking as to!
bring the choicest luxuries of the table
within everybody's reach. I
ilia book contains 418 paces, aud unwardt of
iweive nuuureu uooipes, an ol wuicli are the re-j
suits ol actual experience, having been fully and
carefully tested uuder tliii peiwiii;il rucerinten
dence ol the writers. Tt U printed in a clear and
open type, is illustrated with appropriate engra
vings, and will be forwarded to any address
neatly bound, and pontage paid.ou receipt of th
prr.e. i,uv, or in eioiu, exua, !,....
$1000 A I0A It ran be modo by enternri
sing men everywhere in selling the ubove work
our inducements to all such being very liberal.
ror single copiea ot the liook, or for terms to
ageuta' with other information, applv to our ad
dress JOHN E. piiTTKR, Publisher.
No. CI 7 Sanaom Street, Philadelphia, Pa
December 12, 1860. fiuio.
k)orma,ulown, Pa.
Importers, and Whulosale Dealer in
C A It P E T I N (J , 1) R O ; (J i: T H,
Wureliouso. No. .rl)y Clieatuut btroot,
(Opposite State Houee,) '
apr3'81-ly PriladclI'HIA.
'T '"" ' - , f f r,,ipiw uchiii, ,u inui'ri, c.w.ii
'' 0r Mfxliclriakl pnrpns'e Rraody f her and shingles. , Also, rltnlers! in fioa
' A Port und Hlterry Wtne, Nwtar Whikev add'eraia. which will bo sold ehcap for cash.
jHol'.ind Giii-at HARTSWICk.S. OctH,li.
n. a. riinar
,1 (CoIlCCtiOlt fat
, s oi.EXcnA.sur., kotk AnniiRArrs mscoiNTr
()ITS Klit KIV KD,
. , , , . ... ,
Qollttunt made and proceeds promptly remittal
IJxcliange u (ho Otic constantly
o( j,,,,
a . Bf ' , ,;, H,.
11 V"itv VU IJUUVUU ! 'J v ----
;fH ( ffWfmT !T2r Proper attention to
i V,-s:Sf4C' the teeth m proper
V"-v-V, vlO,? time will be of great
"'VfJ, benefit to everyone
;n nn:n, f,f health.
. '
comfcrt, ondconv;nience.
. u . , t e j
iiiii.c&h arrays oe iouiki uv hib vi-
fi(!1 0 tha corn(,r of Kr011t anl Min rtreeln,
AU operation! in tho I'.ne of his profession
performed in the latett and moot improved
styles, and guaranteed for one year nguiust all
aturul failures.
The subscribers nave opened a full and cum-
plclo assortment of DKUUS in the new brick
buihlingof Dr. W ood.i, on the corner ol'ft
and Cherrv streets, in the boreuirb uf CUarflcId
where they will be happy to accommodate any
person who niuy desire articles in their line. The
business will be confined strictly to a j
Drug and Frtscription Business,
And no pains wili be spared to render satisfaction.
Dr. M. Woods, tho junior partner, may always
bo found and cousulted in the " Drug Store,',
wheu uot absent on professional business. A
separate room for consultation is attaebed to the
store, where patients may be examined privately.
Every article usually (ouud in such an estab-l
lishinent will be kept on hand, and sulci ut greatly
reduced prices.
Tkiims utisa STiucTi.v Cash, will enable them
to offer inducements in the way of prices
Physicians will be supplied at a small per
centage over cost and curriagj, and their orders
are solicited. Every article sold will be pursaod
of te best quulity.
riTiriJiiVi t i h ii r i: v 1 u w
li LACK W O 0 I) ' S M A G A Z INK.
(Fr e Church.)
( Liberal.)
I Tory.)
T Kll MS..
For any uno of the four Reviews,
For any tw o of the four Reviews,
For uny three of tho four Rcviewa,
For all four of the Reviews,
For Blackwood't Magazine,
For Blackwood and one Review,
For Blackwood and two Reviews,
For Blackwood aud three Reviews,
For Bluokwood and the four Reviews
l cr annum.
M 00
6 Oil
7 no
;i oo
5 00
7 00
(I 00
10 00
N. M. The price in Great Biitaiu for the five
Periodicals above-named is $31 per auuum.
Republished by
mai 13-Gm 11 Gold Street, New York,
pTou r7racox7tob Icco,
tj)"For fule very clxutp for Cash, by
In badotncnl of Morrell & P.iglor's Store,
Clearfield, Pit- fob-'i?.
The undersigned will have constantly on hand
a we.l selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dyn.
Stuffs, Oils, Puiuts, Tobacco and Segure, Stiitiou
nry, Perfumery, Rruhes, nnd Fancy articles,
whinh he w ill dispose of cheap for cath.
He invites tho publio to call aud examine bis
stock of eoods before purchasing elsewhere.
Country Physicians furnished with Drugs
Medicines, and Surgical instruments nt the ino
reosonohle rutes. J. O. HARTSWICK.
Cleuitiold, Pa., Dec. 29, 100.
Imrjortant Notice.
The undersigned, lute publisher of the "Clear
field Bi'publican" takes thia method nl culling
upon tboso who are indebted to him, or to Lari
mer if Ward for subscription, advertising or Job
work incurred duriug tho three years commen
cing July I K.r7 and suding July iKAO. to chII im
mediately nt niy office in the borough of Clear
field, und make settlement of the same, at these
account tou.t ht cfocrf ii;i. J. 11. LARR1MER.
Clearfield, December 12, 18(10. tf.
TEW MTOK i:. The aubscriber lias opened
New More at
H'lfiYomsrt'fc, Ctearfitld County, P;
Jiere Lc will keep continuity on band a general
assortment of
In, G'joJs, Groceries, Provisions, f'c,
which ho will exchange for Timber, F"rds,
Shingles, Oraln, Country Produce, Ac.
I'e will be pleased to have nil who wish to
pu chase any of the above articles give him a
call. JAftlba r.. IU160.,
Wiiliumsvlllo, April 1, 1861.
J)oots A shoes of every kind for Ladies, Gen.
i tlciueu, and Children at R. W. it CO's,
Difsfins Milfand cut i'uws, Maun's axea and
a general assortment of lUrdware at th.
store of E. A. 1RVIN, j
Curweosville, Hay 16, 180.
Call and examine the Patent air-tight Glaa
and atone jars, they are just the thing you
ueei', for lik a'. V , W. A CO'.
Salt .
7"ERY CHEAP at the ttore of
jau '.'3
I-fAM, 1 dus. Macaerei aui herring for sale
k low titBauiT. vt.F.lRM'IN.
CloarBo , July 11th 18ej.
- i
i -rL'HTICE of tho peace
ltock ton, Union tn., will attend
roaptljr to in ouiibsh ninnieo it n is care
Sept., 12, 1860. ly.
"lITbulesuIe and Itetall Mcrrlianta.
I am just receiving and upon in
; a large and
well selected assortment of .
ot almost every description, '
A beautiful assortment of Prlnti and Dress
goods, uf the newest and latest .tyloi. Also
rgcat variety of useful notions. j
A largo assortment, ready-made
Bonnets, Sliawls,
Hats and Caps, f
Boots nnd Shoes, a large quantity!
Hurdware, Qi eeiiNwure,
lruggs and Medicines, j
Oil and Painty
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Pish, Bacon and Flour,
f the best quality, all of which will be sold at
the lowest cash or ready pay prices.
J v o u fneudf ami the Kuulio ireneiullv. ure
I respectfully invited to call.
Clearfield, Out. 31. 1S0. WM. V, IRWIN'.
H4rX. B. All kinds of (ill JA'and appruvo
(Ol STHY VliODVCK taken Inexchange of
! llOOds.
col. a. i. owexs, 1 KUl'RIETOK,
Respectfully announces to the travelling: public
tht he has now taken charge of this large and
well known house, ana will conduct it in seen a
manner as will render excellent comfort and for,
satisfaction to all who may favor him with
call. nov7-ly
STitihiM; '
11 IA! Jrt'mMiaou r.rcttrmtnt among in
.I.1S.. !!.' EXCITINO FOOT RACE between
the Philadulphia Polire and the notorious For
ger and counterfeiter, Ja sics Rucbanuu Cross ! 1 1
Cross Recuptured ! II I It seems to be the gener
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Crosa had worn a
pair of Frank Short' French-calf Boots, that he
would not be taken yet. However, Shorty it
not much put out at missing his custom ; but
would announce to all llrtcki nridyt, Douijlai,
Linroln und Hell men, and women and children
in Clearfield, and Siuneroahoning in particular,
that he is prepared to furnish them with Boots,
Shoes and Gaiters of any style or pattern, stitch
ed, sewed or pegged, (and as he is a abort fel
low) on abort notice.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
change, and cash not ri fused. Repairing done
In the neatest innnnor and charges moderate, at
the Short Shoe Shop on Second Street, opposite
Reed, Weaver A Co' store. FRANK SHORT.
K. U, Finding for aula Kept. 2, I860-
MER, Iooatcd at A. H. Shaw's Mills, one mile East
if Clearfield Leruuyh,
Respectfully informs tho citizens of Clearfield
and adjoining counties, that he is at ull times
prepared to manufacture, ut the shortest notice,
Hair, Husk, und Straw Mattresses of nil
kinds nnd sires, one of which is a Folding Mat
tress, suitable for CABINS ON RAFTS, which
can be folded in small compass, nnd emptied and
refilled at pleasure ! and vory cheap. He also
trims infringes, ruakes repairs to nil Kinds ol
Carriage Trimming and Upholstory, and makes
Cords for Masou's Tracing Lines, of ny thick,
uess or length.
tt-Coiiniry Produce. Corn Husks, or Cnsh
taken iu Eichnnge for work,
.E All orders left with any of the Mercbats
Clearfield borough will bt promptly attended
to. 'dceJO
good newx
for the i'nem ploy kd::::
1,000 Chances to Make Money'
woiun oe
8yAH person deMrous of bccuring an
Agency in this
Should eciul on their iiuuich ul once, en
closing a three-cent stamp to pay pofcU
nge, and rtceivo by return of in nil
O U It I N D U C E M E N 'I S ;
Whieli nfl'ord a
Rare Chance to Male
Without risk, together with KU LI. l'AK
TICULAltS rclativo to this NOVEL
VryTo iiiRuio ii-oitit and batialnotory
ilriilings, direet all orders to
.l oiu.i: (.. I A ANs,
MO (liustiiut sirvel,
ipi3-I0t riiiludcliiliiit.
Respectfully iuvitea tho ttiution of his old cut- j
toruors, and others, to hi stock of
Which he offer
He alro continues to deal in LUMBER, of ul ,
kinds, in any way to suit hia cusloinera. j
Thp highest market pricca will be paid for al I
kinds of GRAIN. J
N'n Washington, Nov. 1, ISfiO, novT-Bia j
rpiiK ci.i:.ti'ii:i i acapemy, will
j he opened for the reception of pupils,
male and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, IMiO 1
Ttrnu per eeasioa uf eleven Weeks i
Ortliocmiiliv, Reading, Writing, Primary
Arithmetic und ('oogrupliy. f2..'0
Higher Arithmetic, English Gramoiur, leo-
raphy und History. $3.00
Algebra, Geometry, Nuturul Philosophy
and Hook Keeping $1.00
Latin and Greek languages. f 0 00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify
themsalves for teachers, this Institution otters
desirable advantages.
No pupil received for less than half a session,
and no deduction made except for protracted
Tuition to be paid at the close of the term,
O. 15. SANDFOKD, Piiixiu-al.
M.iy 23, 1800.- ly.
i'i2V F l il Jl, A M
Just receiving and opening at the Old etui
of Lew is Smith in Bethlehem a well selected a
sortuient of Spring und Summer Goods of ull
most every description.
tf tuple aud Fancy, a beautiful assortment
Prints and Dress (Joods
of the latest styles, also a va-iiety of useful No
tions. Hat and Caps,
Bonnets and Shawls,
Boots nnd Shoes,
Hardware, Qucensivare, Drugs und
Medicines, Fish,
CROC E 11 I E S ,
Tobacco , Segnrs and all articles usually kept
ill a country Store, all cheap fur cash.
Give us a cull and see f r yourselves.
May 21, 160.
To Persons out of Employment.
In eveiy County of I he I'liited Stntea,
f l0 engage In the sale of some of the best ami
1 most elegantly illustrated Works published.
Our ptibi cations are of the most interesting
character, a lupted Ut the want of the Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchiint ; 'hey lire t ublisliod in
the best style and bound in the mn substnri
liafinanncr, nnd nro wntthv n idace in the Li
brary of every Household in the Lund. I
!VU To men of enterprise and industrious hub-1
its, this business otters an opportunity for pretlt-1
able etnrloyinciit seldom to ha met with. ' I
Vl'"ons desiring to net tis agents will re.
ceive proaptly by mini lull particulars, term, i
dc, by udilressihg LEARY. GET, A eo.. Pub, j
J'o. i.':-4 North t trcet, Philadelphia. I
Oct 21, JtiiO-ly.
TlHE undersigned respectfully
J informs bis customers and the
publio generally, that he hue just
received from the Enst. and n en
ed at his establishment in (ill A HAM'S HOW
Clearfield, J'n., n fine assortment of Clocks,
Watc iiks, nnd Jr.wKLiiv of different qualities,
from a tingle piece to a full sott, which ho will
sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in
exchunire for old gold and silver.
CLOCKS of every variety uu hand, at the nutt
reasonable prices.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches und Jewelry,
carefully repaired and It i;ri-nitfr,f.
A cnntiiiiianeo of patronage, is solicited,
Sept. la, 1800. H. F.NAUGI.E.
new nO iri: i
The undersigned respectfully begs leave ti.
annnuiice that he recent'v rented n.,. i '
Iboiough of Lumber city, Clearfield coiinlv. Pa.. I
: f,.r I). u r.i . ... . .,- ' . ..
.... .v.vwu,iiiiuiiui me travelling purine,
watermen uud all others who may favor luie
with a cull.
His table will always be supplied with as good
as the iniiikcts afford : nnd .no pains will b
spared to render bis giiests conifortuble while :
under bis roof. To which the fact that no in
toxieatingli.iuors of any kind will he kept about '
the premises, will he tru-u, contribute in no
small degree. While, what is alwavs important
lo the traveller, the best attention will be ghen
hy careful hostler to tlutf faithful companion of
hit journey, his patient steed.
July , ltjOO. ly. JAMES CKOSSLY.
A I AllltlAt.i; ;rill.-lleing a private
J.lJL insti nctor for married persons or those
about to be married, both male and femnle, in
I cerything riincerning the physiology and rein-1
I tions of our sexual system, and the production or
prevention ol oll"pring, nicludiujr all the new
discoveries nevor before givon in the F.nglish
language, by WM. YOUNG, M. I. This is really 1
a valuable and intere.-ting wuik. It is written
in plain Innguage for the. general reader, and is
illustrated with numerous engravings. All young
married people, or those contemplating marriage,
and having the leat Impediment to married life,
should read this hook. Il discloses secret that
1 every one should be acquainted with ; still it Is a
book that must be lucked lip, and nut lie about
the house. It will be sent to any one on receipt
of twenty-five cents, in specie or postage stamps.
Address Dr. WM. YOUNG. No. 410 Snruce ,t j
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pn.
JPH Affiieltd and f'norfaii'ifc No mutter
what may be your disease, before you place your-'
self under the cure of any one of (he notcrious
j Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in tli ia .
or uny otrer paper, get a copy or cither of Dr. '
Young's book, nnd read it carefully. It will be
I the means of saving you rxany a dollar, your
.health, and possibly your life.
Dr. YOUNG enn bo ronimitri on onv of tho
disease described in
hi publication!, at hit
iomc'' No-418 t5i,ruc' Bbov Fourlh
mo (ONHlHI'IIVI'MIThe advertiser,'
X having peen restored
having been festered to health In a few
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having s uf-1
fered for several yeart with a aevere lungafVcC-'
. tion, and that dred disease Consumption, ie anx-1
ions to make known to his fsllcw-sufTerers the
, means of cure. '
To all who dosir It, he will send a copy of the
, prescription sd. (free of chart:,) w ith the di-!
j actions for preparing and rising the san.e, which
they will find a sure euro for Consumption, ;
! Asthma, IlrcnuhUis, 4o. The only ohjoet of the
ailv.rtiser in sendini the prescription it to bene. '
lit the afflicted, aud spread information which he
oinceires to bn invaluable, and he hopes every I
I snfl'erer will try hia remedy at it will cost them i
; nothing, aud may prove a blttaing, i . . f
(Persons wi'hiug the prescription will peu I
address Kev. EDWAKD A. WII.hON, I
i nv7-1y, Willianburgh, King. Co., N Y.
AiiJ for tit apely vine f Hit follovlitx oui,-J,
tjcrofalaaud Mraxifnlona AfTrtlBs t w
aa Tuniori, I ln-. Sores, l-'.ruiiti,,.
IMmnlea. I'li.lul. .. Illuti I.e. ' !L7
lilalut, aud till tsklii iM.ia.r..' ' " i
O vKI , I int.. Dili )nut T.
J. C. Arm 4 Co. Uent! I (ml It Kit Uui ..1
knolu,l tiat junr soisnparilla law Ukm V a
lluvin inherited a Herol'uluiu inKrvts'a, I Iit ,) 1
from H ill Mirioiia wsjl for yiurs. 8miiu,u (, i
out In on my IiuihIs awl arrsti awstHaTa
tunnel liiward and distressed in at id, n.wJ,. ,
Jeiut nao it hi ok cut Ml ly lend lual nTrl iuy
nit.l wra will, r,i. or. which Hat iwtliiful i.. P
L.nri .lirtotl..,, I ttlrnl mil,,v i.ihjIIM.... . 1 ""
....... ....... - , ,..r mill
lilivsieituit. but wltliuut mueh relief frein iuit il,iu.. .
lacl, tic) dlwirdt'i' irrow worse. At l. ticlli I
... . ...I l 1 1.. On.,..l M. M,.n..r II. . I 1 . '
nil iiir.ii.ivvT v iiiw..ii inn'. a ' I14HI1 T(i' (ft ,
(ti n tlmt n tluitt; yt'U niuue nnift lw amni,
'iiiHiinali nml ro It, uud uwjU it till U cuntl tiio. 1
it, m Jim inU.Mt. in Miiitll Uu-i"Mf a lcnsMntti( ,
iiinth, ainl iwil nlui't llifr taut'. Ntjw ttM
nkiu rMK.n Ihmii K-nu imWr llt imli, nturti
vhilti fil oil .My Utu i now cltr, ull know h ;,
fvi'inirt I lint tUv mnm. )ih4 fum fioui my hvpI.-ih. '
enn well MittVfl I 1I ftlml I tun aut vim, j
yoti, tlnU I I10M Tun to l vim of the nitwiW $ H
and rriuiun erur gimolitUy oiiin,
ALfltKl K. TALU.S,
Ht. Anthonyii Vlvv. novo ut Kr klitrlm
Tfttir aiifl Knit Rlv iini, NrnlU llt'
King worm, horo Kjfi, Mropny
br MtAwt M. ?'nl.lo writrn from ISnl'iu, N. T.,)
Ft-pt., lH.V.r, that Imh rnn rl mi Invctirntt nu
iHopsft, Which lliivnt' lifd In Id llllltittC fntiilly, h
)ifrMtrL'i'iiij UH- "i '"ir mr:iniriiiit. mm mm 'iitjrttxiw
Malifptaut kYtnpthi tty IniRti ituw I'ttUtj tkatiu-j
Jtronrhor lr, Uoltre or Mirrllril Nerk,
ctiuton Sl'inn -f rrrrurt, T' Ikw, ru : ' ThnvUi
tltnof ur Hrwit.:ti illfiif( tl rif fntu n (. i n tLit
imu4 nHvllinif ru the neck, wlttrli 1 1im1 fufl,
Leufitrrhnrn or AV h It , ni In ti Tnn,Ar.
lr. J. II. H. ('Imtiiilni!, ff N-w Voik t'liy, hut:
IikwI diMHtully twin ty with n ijiic-t of junir HiTHh
limit Its In (he mirtH-iiniK riin tinH fr wWd ,
of tho hrrtifnlouB iflnttntfin. -1 iht r ni-. uwuy Untw
Hie rarMimf Lc-nrori lm-:i hy it, nnl witnr u h -i tit
rllnt ww imuhmI l-y drnUi'm of tl utrrut, 1v. ut
ailon ItNrlf it run it, Nothlnc Miilifn mj
;.)wnrd K Mmrnw, uf Ne hur.r, AIb., urtirt, A dn
rermii nr intin tumor mi our of Ilia h uiHlVft in tut titiui.
hithlui'l (vi'ftl nil the ri'tliixliiMt roiil.) Ht(.iin,hjj
onpaitlliu Our lu inn th' tirht ntH,tj,f J,( a.ii
tion foM ulfonl rclii-f, hut lia -hM tlm trm) t f
rnriAprfll n tUi Hfl iroit f(ttnk-, (n,H
jmirwi cncftimi. Mler tnUiiinr ushu.j i(tht tii
uu ivmpTrn w tin m . rrnmitis.
MypUllU mill Mcrrtirlnl Ilnrnor
Nrw Oiii.r f. 'JMh Aliens, 1M,
ji i , Air.n i sir, i rnrtM mii rtun j.j v uti Imi a
qint of jimr ipnt, nm I n-imrt h- yii sihiii; yf thi tflnti
i iinr irniifi 'i nun your r:ti;i -nrmn.
I hny- riir. -l vitU it, In iny pra"tic, iiirtut tf tUrr!
J.l;tint f. fhirli ft U iiVnillH IhU'I, M(l hnr f rini-
i-ffiTU truJv vujitltitul In (In ruin of Ytwrntlw lu.
cnri.' fhtfaie. Our vf my (Mitmntu had h li'iiie uImi
In bm tliitttt, wfru ci'iiiiiiiintp Ino i-ilni at) it
top of hU mouth. V ur .'-iiinpaiiiln, ntcndiiy Uk,
cured hiin In tivt i vrl Another miki-d .
otitltirv DympUtii- in liw mv, tiud tl uUcifttimi
etlcn ewht a (u.Ur-- mtt i t it. w llml Uhtfwib
ilinuithr would mou i curl i Ithr hrniti ntui tV it I diiti. Jmtt
yii iiit-d lo in v ii'iiiitiiihiiiiit rtf y m m-M'mi; i,
lilrri'ii liuiilfU. Jilitl In Wi II ii, n.l r-"i. v wilU
foliic itintiiirutK'U tj ) i. (;nr. A wiiinn h Iit! 1m
t irn led for tho nunc dioiui' l .i iniiuni nt urtrnne
fioot (hi- imWrii in I,-1 inif. Jiny I, ail U-fvtiHHtH
hi:l' tu I he wmtl.-i i-n a dunij dny sliB u!Ivh!ii
trut iitlLHif mlu in htn ji iuit kimI If -, Hio,m,ti
niiwJ riiiii l l Mn.i,.n nln m u U-n wr-hi. ;
nliow rimu it- r.ihtttU, vilthii yout HRfitt putts tM,1M
Ihln I'lej :t, ,.;(n fl(.,iii )nlir lnU'inlury ihiiI lrif;rn
i-ciiii'il ; runs. '.'ciillj:. I ti lit v ivmai kuble muni
wiiu n tin vii mil Ftjrpiictil lue.
ri.iU-rii.LH J'iim, 0 V.
Kat uitiatliiAit, (Jonl, lAi tr ( ouiplalol
lMl,.M.f', l ii-l. i, (.., i. Mh ,iniy;iu.
Pll. .1 ('. Ai".: yt, 1 liavf heui i.m.c-M nUimfcki
Till fliloliic . tirvvoin," I n u lu-'p lllnr, uhlrh l.aHm
r'kili l tliV" iiv.K, ;ii,.l niu.k tri mi? in tt'itu (4 itli lb
rmitrihrfll foul;! find, iinlll 1 tin .t mi itn.i (uilla. t
'""ii, cumti luu tu i hi. , i. m,r i,fi ... d fMy rncft,
hciilth m nmrh I mii tm U lt i Ihnn ttrm I m
mtavMl. ! tlniir, tt n v. uA. i fnl n- J. KiEl-.AV.
.Milvi V, !l .f M. I'AAf, v i
I I. tut lasFH
1 -irr. tal.U
di 'H.iM , ii i V liftillh. I tiii.l ,-f, rv ll.lnc.atitlrrvri liti.
I.iil.-il l. H'lifvo mr ; nii.l I lritr U i- ,. 1inv"-it - n ttr.
f-.r f Mfie y.iiin f fin mi i,Hior muc linn dihfmi-i
t'ie .ivr. y.f k. lul tiHii.r. n,c !(! llr. Kir.adiW
tun to try your NuHvt.arKlft. Ihtiim- . lHifw ,
nnd 'iu thiiiiroti iiin-W- viik tvo'tli trj m-. Mi ihfljct
hifc' ilOiTi it iiu iini nu. or 4 hei fi I'ttiiiitAl 117
hi to innko n new ntun i f tr.r. 1 (.-v mur i-nln. TU
'"'ft Hint cu lf ii.ii.l of yon In mt hMlfi:oiM ri(.,MCU.'
ht Ii I r i' ii i 1 1 ii hi i i Tinnoi t, rOninrutrmini,
f U tin! Ion, hi U and ICtoliuiluu i
Hie itom-N.
A Ki'ciit iirii I) i-f rai(a Knrr Ihti rcvrht fn miIW
riui'n uf ih m- f.-riithtHl-lif inin; l.tioH Imv.- rfuINd Irn
h nr or thi-t f. mciiy. I.ui tun tyw hi" c i t a1!"
Hi in. S'liu-i of thi'M iimy l fwti ii I lu iir Aiacrwr
AhiKtinc, v. hi h I In jut'titu uU n.-iiiitd tu kotnl b
f'tniihb ginim lo nil Mix rnll f ,r Uicui.
DyaMpilii, lli nil DUinkr, !lf-. Epltrf
n) i Mrliiiii hoi) , rnriilKa
Funr ii'iM.n kiihlf mi tit t.n.-.'11'Ui lnivU
In id(j ' th nll.t;ti . .-(.iri ., ,u. ipM.fin'i, It
lad it th fltsl fniKlii ii' inlo i ia 1 ti,n ui If ot mIkI ti
ovi-rroiiH iltitfiitt-iH hiti vn,, .f 'iiptji.ovtl tartnaJr"
Ifin'h. H 1 1 H M-oirdl l-.ii ) . it r i"irei I) II w
((lih ol 1 1 ).f.iji.'nii. w rt. f"iifld.:i tha. ill!"'1
d f r I luin .ill thai imdiuuu tut) dv.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
mi tiiv m pin wriit or
( naulu, t ol(l, liiilu. u.n. Munr'srWil
I roup, ll. oii) l.ll U, In. iplelil ( oil Ion, nml fni tlie Itrllef
of ( iiisiiniilli r I'ntl. nit
In nil.mirc.l ftnf;t-a
ul the Dlsrrist.
This Is a rrwody so llliilerftilly ItlioMli It. M.'Vfc-'"
nth.-- f,.r llie -.lrc of 1 l.r.-nt and hin i. 11.pl1.1i1O !l
I u.fl,.s here r, pnblMi tlir ,.Mei r...f it. iriii.. I
iimlKMod c.i.-lK-tn-t- for Slllll. and it M". fcei k' l".
Holi-lcrflll rllr, of tilln.. , hnTW III.W
k nun n tliroii'hi lit lliv eisllisi il nnlhti, uf tho wl
an. ths e. 111,1111 ire. or .-M il foinliti. amt.o? 1' "
Mlm hm not Homr )H-r.onul expel i.-ti.-o of In rff,l'-e.-iim
It lii tr...liy in llirir ti. I -c of its 1.-tort Mir 01
siiijiii. una ii:ni:,.oiis dts,,i(i.i. ,,f ti. 1 1 ,,.., i nisi mr
Aa all Uuim Die rirvn.lfol fulalltv of llirn- i!!.wJf,
s. Iliey hii'.vr, ti... Uic efTerltol' ijils renieily. msfwHe1
do more tl,n to taatirr. ihsm tlmt II hs. n.w all II'1'
im that It .11. 1 have lnn mukleir th. cures will k"
von io strongly ii si tin conlidonee of Bimikli.4
Prepaiod by Dr. J. C AYEB cV CO.. Lowell. Kt
rSold by C. V, Watson, (leorfell F.
Irwin, Cururiitvillei F. Arnold, LutlifriUr;
Mnntgotnery A Co., New Sniein ; J. C. Bremtr
Morri.dale, V. II. Foster, Philipsburg Mi EM
tnate, Ansoiiville ; and by dealers cvsrtwtet'
Thankful for past favors and solicittotisoff.
lure patrouage. I would respectfully"i
that I have on hand acuin. and will cootiti.:
keep nt thn Pottery In this bnroiirli. on tha tn
nera short di.tunce east of the Methodist Ckurkl
a larce stock of Croekcrv . such at Crcsm ero'
milk pans, Chums, Jua, Jnrs, Stove pipe easitl
fr. f c. t and also au extensive assorinitui '
different sites and patterns of brackets ul
ronciii-i lur o'iriiice ou nouses, unu oiuci u,v
dings. Anv inouldinira not on hand will be mads 11
oidar on t'uirt untie. Alro fire brick
and kept for s: le.
firk llh.iral reduction on prices mvls "I
wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINOfcR.
Clearf eld, may "3, 1R70. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Makintr,
T OHN (Hi IJt'll, f the hpn.ngS of OcarM
ft Pa., will be prepsrodat all timet lealleos
to any bnainoss In the above line on.abt
notice, and in a woi Uinanllka mnnner. His pl
of business is at the eld shot, on the north suit
Market street, Sd door east of 1 hird st, am
oflioslto tha old J.,w lor , whrr he will !''
constantly on iliand a large avtnrtiuerit of M
ho iron v and Cune Hoitosn ritnirs. and CaW'l
Wara of cvorv uMerJntlou, which he will di'V
of cn na reasonable terms as the same true 4
can ho bad e',-where in the county. I
Hi Hock i.t ( shinet Ware now on hsad, M
sistt in part of I're.sing and Common Bnrts1
Sof. Iu.,n. U'..kl.. Ct.n.l. Tlat.kt l(
Hook Case. French and Field Post BedsteM
Dining, llr-akfast, Centre, C"d and rier h
lir, ao. a.Xlin manufactured and delly''
anv place desired. ,
February , 1869. no. 1, rol. lv.
("tOOD A KTlCLK.for rule si Ihe store (
1 i..n::; W. F. 1 1t l-N.