fyt HmMb $tjntblit;m, WEDNESDAY JUXE 5; mi. EAR EYE. A.nci.a J. Congress shall make no law re c.cliiK t establishment of religion or prohibit ,Vlblro exercise thereof; OH AIIKIIH;. 1HB KRKMMsM 1)1' KHICKl II, OK WMW.VHVH; or tha right of the people pstceaMy (o assemble and to petition the, Gov. ,niaientfora redrcM rf grievances. CvnWiVu. 44 Stale: . . Democratic Standing Committee. j A Bieetiug of the Committee wiH be held at the ' iftefofthe Clialrtnan, In Clearfield Wough, on iluaday, June 10th, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Punc tual attendanca it requested, aa business conneo- led with (lie Primary Election will then bo trans- '''' of li friend (. L. J. CHANS, Cli'n. nnu y arriving lnr t. . Dieeutos of the "H Disoases appertaining to the EYE and EAR All MieoGt desiring the enntinued mooori ur Africullural Sociatv. will vlcase take btt a meeting of the Society will fc fce.d in I ClisrlLld, ON TUESDAY EVENING of Court ' 'wtfk, bsing the ICtb day of June. I The JIanagen and Vice Presidents ore pairticn-1 larljr riruo'd to attend, a wrrnageiDetits will tare bt'iuaue'lur .holding the next an noil Fair. By order of ifhe President. . T. ETZWEU.ER. OtarScId, June 6th 61 . Secy. Notice to Jtrrors. All eamea both Civil i.nd Ortniiuall fur June Iftio, bavrtg boem Mntlnoe4; otiee in hereby pnt that weltlsor Grand, mr Traverse Jurors titi intend on either week. F. a. MILLER, Sheriff. AND LUNG .TACTICS for the ITOPLE! m FOB TUB VOLUNTEER. And fur the HOME GUARD. ! 'Pitt: SOLDIER'S GUIDE, A1 1I00K, lor the uee of all VOLUNTEERS, MILL HA, ana IllfcJIdME GUARD. Rev isd, ror-' rccte.1, nd ii.l.iptcl t0 (Unerul Scott's discipline ' and drill of the soldier and volunteer in the U. 8. 1 H'l'i TJ:ni tilup BY AX OFFICE IX I inn i. Ann), j ,T',i" "."'J be '" ",e uf " ery m ! J-V. , ?.i-IM.T.IA " in r every ; 0LUMEMl and CITIZEN of tl... f,,i..;i! Mated, a is just PHYSICIAffl Boctor I8MT, T. I flit MP HI V 1H..., I! JO . .. V Vf pTtVLKG 'V!1'1' f London, England, now Oil of hi. fri-n,!, I.. I. .. . " i. , , . . . " "'" ", OWlllg 10 1116 Mllll.V X.IlC- rriJ V . V",l:luuc V ',,iy l'r,"ei""'"'l visits to the fellowing named i.lacea : rt th!u ili i- fu.r'?' Canbe ConJul,ed hy ,l" fflipte', "tl' MnledFc'.. !e?o, of the Heart, l.,ver and Lou.; Cancer. Kite, Ferofula. and all Discus., of , Mood Diseases aniiertaininir to thn KVK ,.n,l Viti mdtiu i,i,i.V 7 "'.a- , the Head, and Pischarirei from t). Fr 7.T ., 1 i i V? ''";7r '"IT"C .noises in his cacu, or nvc copies Cur ooo dollnr; or 'and many other d e.'ef t ha. T. a bf 1 'r-nlyboj in 0D. vo,u,nf.,ur'40 of ' "laiJiaie battled tbe skill of the so-called distinguished physician. Copies of ttho above buok will Ve acnt I I A PPlll VTH PVTD nn. I r - ... ... m..j r...i-, iree 01 postage, On milium e price in a loiter to the publishers. Aircsa all order and letters liha ml.ti.l,r liROOKVILLE.at ibe Au,cn frMr ,.,, ,., tmS0S .( liKOTIIEKS, CLEAKF1KLD J I!0'J,", '"Z ib ""J Ag.liVS.pt H. h a d .h. TYRONE r.TV 'V. iTr '. ':?l'm,JVne ,:.'.U ,0 J."th-. AK-in. P- lh and lA.h. HAIUUS' lAintpVED What all IneinbcrN nf Avnrr! owing to the inimy solic- company, cither i.i active service or in the Home UuarJ require, as ererythinK in it is brought vv to the iirmy requirements of the present day. I . , ' r Hinging Noises in cents each, or five copies Cur ooo dollnr; or neut- cents. to any -4vwrf v COSTA It's? THR 'Cj.VLV lNFALMCtf REMEDIES fcVOW.W PfHtroyi Instantfy KVL'UY I-OBM AND UPEfiru Uf Again, Kept. 17th and Itith. 11 KUAh C" 11. at Mis. Thomas' ll..t..l .!... m. , At his INFIRM All V, from Juno 2:'d to July 17th. " ' Listen to the Voice of Truth and Beasou anl Profit by it delay.to.ee ,h. well known and i.i.JT. ".T 01 M'' .h' ?h?.- wiU" will administer it i, . "...f"..f ". TV"'" ".r nuropean rnvsic.ua, Vt. Hour, wIh. which are nM.arod do; hi.u 7, 7.1". Zi :t "a""'Vn' u.""1 ? Mt , . , ." .... uiuroiore avoiu Io, 200 rl.o.lniil it lil.il. ,i..l..i.:.. Aud they will receive immediate aueution. ' ivami:d.. Notice. T Justices of the I'eace, and peisons hound ir their appearanee at June Sessions lBfll. Alihoug li an agreement has been entered into Wimsd the member, of the liar for the contiu him. ot all ea-es, olvil and oriminnl, for June Tern; thereby eontiniiin; the Court, yet It is the dutjof Jtistitcs ortUe react to tnako thetr return I gnge in the rale of this work, in every town and j village in tbo United States, who will besuppli.,l j with the w ork at two dollars a dozen ; or, Fifteen uuiiiin u iitiLurutl. I Address all orders with remittance, enclosed lnr t ho fiumiliiKtM u .i ii i.i.i .. t i i . . . . " iiiuiDiurv HIUIU ML' UbO Uet l Ik INKltAJ 'um. m " ..' .,T!!?Vvr ""'S'"" rr the system, to take hi. h ma tWao. JLa e LAl xdi and gone U otariy graves. T. 11. 1-ETEP.SOX A IJR0TIH:K6, TJIIX.JS TO HEKKMEMHKI.KI.. Sua Chestnut si.. Iliil ,.L.i,.i..-.. AuJ Uiyy will receive iinmodiuto attenti. ' May 15, 8J. I,M.4T0RS- X'OTICE.-Letters testanje. I J liiry luie mi: ttiis dnr been trr,.m.i ... .1.. ... KnvSi" '"' Uie""teufl,iATIl'STIIOMl- ardiag te law to tliat term f.r4Mrppearane at that timo cu.l bt in etten- Partie. bound Krcnt .,CIlgll're Hal Ilk in nttdii. ' it s .- I. .. i;' tuTZTX x:ty. - 1 x .rmcmhtr, that Pr. H.at has a ..r... .... .1.. i . '. . .V Z"" '"0. ,r" ' ." l"e. 0,,"""X- V- . lesson knowing tbcuiselve. i...l..li 'Jlvania. - . l"'.v,.cian in Western Fe.ni- to said e.Ute are reouested to make in me 1 , will ltrmrmhtr, that citizens of cdticutioB, arid owr iutar a... .rn uli -n . . . , . . I WmHll'''"u those having claims agaiat it cat pleasure in roco.nmemli,,,, lr ...TJ1", M l"'nted with, and tnao IWfBt hetu duly aulenPirated for ..,,Y... .... Ananti tiKr r.-ogni,,,nee, or the same 'U Vtthfullr ,.,Vied n,i";8n'' --e,,rcscntutiUn to gull the unfurtuaate, but all he suy. will It. t. I'iat. Alty., l Tie riliriira. ., , - .. . Zr ,' "1. r'r ''"-"""J n'W'""n olu,eates of a oUrouic nature. 7-Certti,caN of Cures mar be seen at hi respective rowms Dr. Uort is furtiisheiJ with over sii tbousani lutbov f T..,.,..,.i , x m1 4t XelUfm,4, aud other citiiens. i. de- tioni i olscove. tn. ZTJ,.. 7.7. .-Vn-.f rr M;n in D.agnosis. , b,erva . . . .vD .... ... v.v v, uiDvwva iiiai uua'ii jiKrnr... .r ..1 .1... -1 of Mix mrtUn i.r .r..i.... " m Oltr&t'ld, Juue L CltUen'a Meethrs...A aneeting of sub.erib- JOHN D. TIIO.MPSUX, Cirens, Mar. 15. Ex'rs. lired'tl the Town Hall this (Wednesday) even ii i(7 o'clock. MANY. 9-(li. Tirrn, will pleaa accept our tbsr.il, for a eopy or the Finance Report, and Unsafe, and documents for 1859 A AO. riirLmrTART The Centre Hill Guards, ftnmsnded by CapL Jacob Shops, partook of an eicellcut Dinner at Woodland Urove, on Rotur itj last, prepared by James E. Watson, Esq., to tkenall who participated unite in tendering Utir kindest regards. Amw. On cturduy last, n . woman nnrncd kill of many Ad early call from lb full benefit of tres.w and thus do just ice to himself. Tim reqU""CU' ,0 M t0 r0Cl"vc wiH ettonfVar Jre' "l" !? '", yUr ',UC0' 1,er'0"" d"ifou consulting him .H ii 2 . . f,,r.1r: hf " n Ui first day of bis arrival, a, hi, roum. are .so often crow. ed t i. utterly impossible to te,d fc, the auiious solicitations of all. Dr. Iiort willarrive at e" h of the above places on the SrA coach ou tfce day appointed win ami t at cam I'lease extend the invitation to all invalid acquaintances, aud oblige yours, Ac. May 29, '61 2:. CtlJTIOX. All persons nro hereby caution ed against purchasing, or in nny way med dling, with J of 17 acre, ofouis in the ground 3 or o .cria o: corn in the grouud, 1 Cooa-etovc 2 Jieds and Ileddimr. and one n,.i, in ,i, M(H Befardl., w lodged in Jail b, Const- 1 7ih. ' 'ir'","JrJ tuwn'"i"' AU Jhoenlng, of Jordan 'ownship, charged tiik buruingtht Barn d 1'uter Bloom, in An surillt, on Friday night last. She has with her i bibs eleven months old. The burning of the Iprswif undoubtedly tbe Work of an incendiary halt Is the province of the Court of Oyer and Trainer, to aseertain who that incendiary wa, ulpunuh the guilty party. A Ei j; Orr. Ou riaturday evtning luot, a (nr-kone toatn boluniug to a mm freaa In. liini toun'y, while standing untied ia front of iW Msnsion House, took leave ef aksenee from iir driver by starting down Market Street at break neck paee, turning down Fourth to Lj VI; up Locust to Second, and up Second teme liiUact, when thoy were finally brought to s -sltbythe wagon co oing in ewntaet with a shade uti ii front of the Itegistora office. fortunately, but little harm was done to either low, or wagon and "nobody hurt", although :i Unpolled that tereral ''Ma's", were engaged 'itaiu'e time after, In looking up and washing misted, to see if they wero '-all In". !). JIort. We would ajiprize our rei- (m of the fact that this celebrated physician 111 iliii rtiis place and remain from the llth to ii 15th of June, Dr. Bort, by close attention to ike detail of his p.-ofession, has won a reputation xwsii to none in his Hue, Thousands of certif- 1(1 HT K fcTl-'U' a ijt May 2!, H61. 3t. At'TIO.N'. ALL personsare hereby caution-sijs-i TS"j,"'t brbor'ngor trusting my wifo IMfcLIA t. on my account, as she has left me without just cause, and I shall pay no debts of hw contracting. . C MITCHELL. iiurnsiue tp., Way ISfll pj. Diasolntion of Pa tnership. TUB partnership heretofore existing betwMHi the subscribers, under the name of Wninnr n iiA.i.nrv, was Dissolved this dny by mutual consent, and all persons having nneeirtled ac counts with 4ue siune, will come furward and have them closed and sottleo, up imniociately. i'he Store will he continued br Mr. Hngertv. a. k. vvjvkj nr. JOSEPH JIAOEli'fV. Lumber City, Y.ny 27, '!. 21,080 on 63 V' 8,510 :c NEW RI.MKIUfS IOR KPKRMATDlt If If iK E A nowaru. A-aoriATioN, I'nitAi.m.i iiiA, A tvttimt H,Hlilulu,n niahlitkrH hif tuciul En dntrmrnt, for thr tvlirtf ,,f the Sirk and Ohtre;,,l, nn.rrrn im i (orrar mifl taroaic Vivatrt, on. .Kenny jnr rae ( lire nj u, , f ,,, ,Srj nal (frtfann, Mkdh al Advice given gratis, by tho Acting Surgeon. Vai.i abi.k RKfoHT on Sptrratorrhira, and other diseases of the Sexuul Oigans, and on the cw ni'.MKiur.s employed in the Dispensary, sent In sealed letter envolupes, free ofehnrgo. Two " ..ehog tw, Art . hi. ; Wa;" rwtiiioa, bearing avidunae of . hi. .uptrior .kill iMlreetment-of all disease, of tbe Eye, :r tugund other discarji incidtnt to tbe human any persons who are su Boring, hesitate No. 2. S. Ninth St., Philadelphia. 2Piny Jy. .Executor' JTtice. T ETTERK TESTAMENTARY havin.. I,.n i ..i . .u. ... ., : iiH,lt.fi..rf..l .1,.. .i. . .. . n j.. I i. f V... .... .. . - ""aignea on me estate or " ' "l uvj " u conuciug , i,ai i witw, lute ol Kartbaus township, Clear ' thorough practitioner. None need for a mo- n8,tl ennty, dee'd, all person, knowing tbem 'ilhiiitate to repose the utmost confidence in Klv," iin(,b,f.J t" aid e.tato are requested to Hon, who, Ung and successful pr.ctic. a TX m Wuts.that he fully understands the charao- ticated for.ettlwnent. ftli many disease. afDioting liumani-,.iind J l'"JEI)EHICK C0F1X. "U hy hissteKio rtHevt and cure the most ' K"1h"1' M"jr 2tt' '6I-'-ted a. well a. case, of the longost .land- j SHERIFF'S sSAL?. L ,,,.., 7X Y Tirtue of 'untjry n rlt of Vendioui Expo- i lie hiihest respoctability bavt been JJ "as, .issued out. of fie Court .pf Cummnp treatment, and where other, hare failed l? "f'C'le.irfi.mi comity, and to .me .iWaoted, th. relief, k. hu.l.il,v.n.l,.. l"v.'' .... f tt,e? nw . the court SI'-MI-ANNUAI, STATI'.MKNT of Till. tl.HAKI Ii:t. COUNTY HNk,1av th, Ihiii. ' ' ASKTJ. I.H.M.ITIEX. Cajut.1! Stock actually paid in, fJ4,l00 UO ftotcs m mrculsUon, Jfls, fiMM " " 5s, 12, fino ( April J", .M,200 Duo Hunks of this tute lot of this State Due Depositors. Total amount of Liabilities S.i5,(l."7 this being the ereatost anioimt. viviueuus uccinrc'l, (none.) Silver, . . iS5 r i't3:i H Notes Dills Uwc'ted, gon.i, It':t6l l'orsonal properly held by b'k 22.'i IV Ileal KMntf bold by Innk , none, Ileal Estate takou for debts, none, Undividod profits, nono. l'einia. titale Stock, pur value, $25, iOO, 2I..15S 75 Iue from Hanks. OS.'l (if Notes of other Hanks, 3,15 ( Cheeks, limits, .c., ftlfW) Expenses, Plates, Ac, ;4 u Luss A Experees, .nn 4 interest A hxcliiingo acc t, Liabilities of lircc- t .... . , tors, as Drawers, U-Ml 00 uiuuiiiuos 01 mrec- 1 tors as End.iricrs. f Liability of Sfkhol- 1 ders as Drawers, j Liability of St'khol- I ders as Endorsers, PR J- W. POTTER. rtMi-Jliii and Muixeui pcrmanontlv located! Zeolites i;ii, irurj township, of fers bis proresioual services to the surrounding coikuuiuity. Muyii, jsfll. C1.i:nt).-ALL fretms are hereby caii-,J-r T K'"in"t I'urll,'"nR r u,cd.li.,.. wit , thO lollfMK'IRv itrr.,i,.tv n- J .1.. 1. n? .! ton Mima Urudy townUp. to wit: Two r r J ' l "r CoB"' One Call', Three Heif rers, Two Moora, due Sow and Eight I'igs-a. the same belong, tome and are iilyentto mv order, and have only 'been left with hiu loan. fi- I.OUAUliH, Irady tp April 21, 'f 1. .".t. - 1,113 Is 4,055 (V 4,000 00 S.525 )T COURT PROCLAMATION. 7HEKEAS, irn. SAMUEL LINN, Esq. ' I'lvfiJcnt Judge of the Court or Common 1 lens of the twenty -fifth Judicial District, com posed of tho counties of fleiirfiold, Centra and Clintnn-niid the Hon. Win. L. Moore and Hon. i-enjiimm Bonsai, Associate .In.l,.... .,f ( !.., S..I.I nounty ; have issued their precept, to mo direct- ca, .r uuiuing ot a t'ourt of Common Pleas Orphan's Court, of (Jimrtcr Sess!mi. (".... 01 uer nno: ierininer, and Court of Oonerul Jail Delivery, at Clearfield, in and for the county of l lenrftold, on tho ThirJ X'f,Kdjl (,th ,!,) of Jne ,:rt, NOTICE JP, itUiwef..re. hereby git on, to the Cornnw, Ju.iMoa;: -tUo fenoo, and Cunstubles, in and fur . coui.ty of C learficld, to appear in their propor perouj, wit,h their Rolbj, Records, luquiMtiunc, i xumi nations, and uther Reniom branees , to do thoso things which Aoilheir (.(Beers, and in tlie,r bel;ulf, pertain tu he lion e. t.'IVt'.V under my nnnd i.t ClcarCulil, thia 15ib day of .Vny, in tha yew uf our UriJ, oiu) thous and tiv,lst luinired ud i?tr-one. F. O.'MII.LElt, .Sheriff. "I $55.ti57 to tho best of Tha above statement is correct my knowledge and belief. sworn fc aubacHbtd JAS. II. tillAHAM. tnrei"?n"y 18,11 t'"hi'"- 1861. J. L. Cl'TTI.E, j rroth'y. J May 22. lHtUTIO. J ed against snouJiliuj, Sufferers will tlierefi.rs. n.,1 the l?il. !.. u ..r i... uc. 1 .1.. i- . , ' tit, 11 . . ; 'j . : u ""ing ues- 1 .,inn 1 nn, nn i auer a carelul ex- ' ' v ' rr"l,ln."i Iiob f thartfr) will undertuke vour 'ertainjy pf speccs.. fflHeiity.eve Hlv 1olUr mid risH p,r month will bt paid hy the Erie JUehine Company to their Agents, for l i Erie Sewing M iehine. This is a tew lili ' """P1" in coastruclion that a " t.n l'',n to operate it by half an hour's .wtlon. It equal to any Family Hewing 'tirclu nse. and they tuke tbcpsomiuui our Dn" nun,,ri-'1 J,llar machine. The ; bol Fifteen Dollar.. The Company wish "Put Airetila In : .u. i' - Aditr... r,. ... ...... c . r .. 1 "i .". i'.. . ..i uim 0. r.riB ... vim. .1 ' . .7I.IU.UI. " to. iu Jambs, Oeneral Agent. Ullaa, l0,., to iuurl3 6uj. 1 certain tract of land siiu..t in township, Clenrfleld county, bounded by lands of Bovntonand Ker. Urig, l. B. M'right and ethers, eoniaimng (ii acres, more or less, with rtbout ell acres cleared, and one large frnmo housj, one smBll house, stable and blacksmithsbop erected thereon. - Seized and taken in execution and to bt .old a. the .property of Velv tfovling. F. tl. Mlll.ER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office..CIorfel(l, Atny 22, '8:1. All persons are hereby caution llOUJIIIUV. .Or III Hnv wuv n.rt. 1. ring wiin, a certain J.it.ut ily and Straw in the Burn, and six aores uf lt.ye j'n the proud. ;.. possession 01 Mavi.i frowoll, in Uruhan, towushin as ine same belongs to me and is left with hi 111 sunjcci 10 my order. BASEL CROW ELL Grnhninton, May 22, IStil. A I HI I X m'H ATOM 'H m ( liI i -i Adininislriitioii having been this dav rnntru to tho undersigned on the estate ol 'CHARLCJ'TC .tVEAVJ-;, Jute of Brady town- virnneiu couniy, aeeenscd, all persons in debled to said estate are reoun.teil in n.nk i.n mediate payment, and those I. the same wHI present them duly authenticated for S'-uieiuei,,. WX.','. K.AKK,jr. lsy 15. 6t. Adm'r treat Discover). HAVE made a discovery of ilie upmost lin pertnnee to every married nersn., , ;n.. ..,u win ren.i me tun particulurs concerning it to any one on receipt nf i.,...n 1 ..... r. " turn postage. Address . DR. J. U. MARTELL, apl 2I-ly. Afrod) Mll9i I BItIC ADi: OIJDJJItS n0; 1. ALL the .Volunteer Companin complin the 6th Urinde, Nth Division 'nnsylvs,iila i oiunteers. are here bv or.Um.l 1,. ........ .1.. olillinsr in rair Grounds, ut ( uu. .CM. m u i.. auy way. with a Kj'llUM.l. llnuwl- t -.1. . Idi.vnf Jnn n... .11 J.i.J 1. .. .' - ... - - - - - v ...j .,, mi.u w .1 m 1110 .- - v ... fi., n f v vi'ff R, 1 , .11 , 1.I4ITIOX. AI.J. persons art hereby can- s iiuuuii ufiuinsi. jjur'iliasiiig, or luei In in nurse, now in the tio.ari., ,r w u Doiuiei, 01 vMnitin townsliin. as sa .1 l.nr.. I.. mo and it laft with him on l.n nnlv. i n . , TUOS. JI. FORCEE. tirahiuntoii, May 22, '81, 'Rltll.,nn-'.i.-...u .... t .. . mill u . fiifquehanna House, in Cur. . ""s. Mr. KnwAHn lllHm.l. nf rtrn-n.ill. .." " Mis. JUuKca A'er.. of ll...r. iii.' "led vumv. .nn vh.i. . . . .... Ilk. in ( . ' '7,i u l"'!seiiifl hi iietiiaMflin '"u! It " " l' Vimm- Por'f. Kq Mr. -hl"'ce, of Urnhain township, as the same belong -..nni 10 nisi VAnoLlNB Aosa. i u 1041 wl,n nun on loan only. "itth lilt., he tba aarue. Mr Km. .a ' . . THUS. 11. FORCEE. CAiri'iOX. ALL person, are hereby ouu tioned against purcliiisinir. itr ill nilU Jar a l. dling, with a certai YOKE of QXbK Red May 25. By ordor. C. PATCH i., ' ' Brig. Inspcr. ' VIe ii : Wnlte up: BI.ACKsntTIIIXd. THE subscriber re., peeifully informs his friends and the public iTJ''"!; is ,,e"' wul1 8 'Wished in bis .NEW MIOP on Pine street, .p.wto .the Town Hull, in the borough of .Cloarlieiil. ..! ,.n I.: own ho.il:, and where he is i.rei,.l ... .1.. ..fi work in his lino in the vmv l.e.i ...1.. .i the shortest notice His old custorers aro res pectfully :.s':ed not to forget him, and any ntim erof i,e 4ics are rcspectfu'ky iui i;cd to give him a trial. ' EDtiK TOOLS. SEW1AG MACHINE. MICKS FJtOM $40 to S70 The BOUDOIR SEWINQ WACKIKC. an en fraviug of which is here rei.reoni.,H J,-. become a recognized favorite whenever it has been introduced, and is, beyond que-ition, tbe best, n well as the handsomest, low -priced Sewing Muchino now before the public. No. 1 A smell and very neut Machine for Family use. 2. A lurge MjcIi'09 for quilting heavy work and for Plantation use. This Machine is.mucli admired fyrite simplici. ty, and for its reliability and durabi.'lty it is un surpassed. A cl.iLJ twelve years can run il with caso ; and yet it will aew from the coarsest tf'oth to the finest Swiss. TJ.er i. Ilia tr.Mil. la nf winding the threud. aj it is juken from the spools. It baa no bolts to give uouile. and will run baekaarus aj well as forward. wvJ still sews eqrni ly perfect, apj wiUioiU daunwf breaking needles. It runs t-v fticii.,.. i. i....: box over it, It is thrown out otj gey. In fact me have no hesitation in ruepu),uin.iig it uj the best family Sewing Machine in use. TU jollommj Promm Atcur&J the do-e At the Fair of the r'rnnti'i,. T.,., i-.o ... . .MGlltUll,, the first Premium. At the Pennsylvania Stato Fair, at Phila iel. hin, September 24. I S.'iO. ih ,.. , - . ..w. . tcutiuuj a ifionia. At tho Pennsylvania State Fir tl,l w.. ming, I8fi0-a Silver Medal. ror the best Double Thread .M.icl.n.n ... T.n "?r,0'ol""jr F"ir' huM 0ctub" IWH-u Silver Ai the MurYlnnJ Stnta land lasti'ute, Biiltimoni. M.l i.ji... i..." undw erong tomnetitwii. a fi:lirnr u..i.'i awarded to tiiis Mnciiine. At tho New Castle County Fair, h.el.1 at Wil miflg'on, Delaware, October, s59-u Jliploniu. The akoye Machines aro manufactured bv CLAltl I.S IV. HO I. A Mi, ) ilmlli";toii, I )t . sALE.suaaMs. o. 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Ps. . m Market Street, Wilmington, Del. . i. HAKE I!, mni13-1y J20 Arch phi,u., ersons wi, hing to see .e jibnve Mnel.in.. in operation, can de eo by calling t the ro.i deuce of D. W. JIure, in Clenrflold bwough. A T T E X T I O X ! THE BEST MILITARY BOOK EVER I'UBLISHED. Thoc preparatH.i.s (unlike all others,) are , i'Free frcm Poisons." "Not dimerous to the hu man family,': VRats ceait ou of their hole. todie. iaa a. and more eitnblit.h.ed, in New Yorkeity. c Irj -U,B City polt.ofllct. tcetj -., Cjtyl'iisoni aad ijti Hpu.es Cd 1. r Reamers, Ships, Ac (,4 ty the City H,o;p.ttals, Alms-Hou.e, Ae. fmd bj h City Iot?Tf-!:A:r"St.5ioli. olas," ,(. . Vtd by -the Boarding Houses Ac, .la. rc4 ty- more than 50,000 Priv.-te Families. sow ItKADY, K. I (IsiTAK. All the .ummerl have been troubled with Roache. and Miee. i was nctunlly ashamed of the house, for tho Roach. e were evory where, I purchased a box of your Extenniuat ir and tried it, and in ojje week there ii not a Roach or Mouse in tte housed Tmr-eL,Tw,('VE,,'',' I Elm atriet. HOlSEK'EiUg -ttouV.M with vermin, need iye loao long'- they vCostar'a". K.r ternii tintr. v. k. . .. . .. 1 and if a box cost 5 ws would hw U- We had triod poioss, hut thoy effected nothings but t ostak's article knocks the breath out of Rats, lice and Ued-Bugs, quicker than we can write it- It is i great demand all over the Country. ilrdina ly. Unfile. . MORE till A IN and provisions are destroyed annually in (Jront county by vermin, than would pay for tons of th,i and Insect lill,r.In,. cow.r 1 II is. yroHt ' HEN'RV R. COSTAR- Vu,ur Exterminator is received, "..el and pronounced a J.ecided 7M cess. Wo used a box of it, aHd ti,e way 'the Rats and Mice around our r.reutisos "raised Ne4" that uight was a caution to sIe..n..i- stine. . u... or Mouse ha; "been heard i Va.jrcjtir fHu Timil. -I HAVE BEEN SELLIVtl v. tor forllio (uet year, an.l h.v r..,..i':. - th.it every Uiue. i havtioi 'hnuwn it .. f,.;t i- His remHsti..n ... a M..L.. .11.1 nenairer ol r.ilco no s shoo i ,.f iiw.,lr...... oiui a iiuerai patronage. CEOI!i;E C. PASSMORE. April 21. lS0I.tr. To Lnnibrrmen: UV..MII.1. FOR SA I.E. 1 w .i . newtirst clrts SAW. MILL f..r i: ..l,f. r.... limber, nt M NCANKOX, below tlreen's'Diim, n tho Susqiiehaunn r.n.l tleiro (o aye a Part ner he Mill furni.-h Sunared l(i,r... I..i.. liieeii'j Duui, 1 1 stock the Log Pond to its full This Mill will have the eninnmnA nf ik ... kct In IVttrrburg mid Duiicanoiin and of two- uirus ot l'crry c.iinty , ,! a large amount of "" aon at goou prices. It is on Hie IVniisylvaiiiu Raiiroud. and in coinmunioa lion with Philadelphia and JlaJtinire. in ine present ilcnrwaad tnte of she Til.,. ler market, ; iu., Ue t4ention to a home marjr et that will remunerate. Address early bv mail. ..r "nimiii JU.4H, call np2Ln . fABAW Fboih. both rgcU County. 'lfIu rl",! on ''"day last, after an r;y a n,0,,"" l!0o I. LA.1ICH, Ji. "t"''1- timt'of Hrahamton, May 22, '61. ALL persons having possession of STATE ..... . rm u m mi cnni.Mt r i, k .r- , are directed to return the same to Captj Auas' 'fnk.r"'1, ' th tim90f hi. death, 'I'0;i-Kit, at New Washington,' wr to Cui.t, T. .! li , rasident of our town, lie ' "'cCi'ti.oi"oii, at Clearrlold, oa or before the 4th ''si, "!rl,,.W"i'l,enin.Oot 3d, ISftl.f dJr of Jul7 " Against those eglee!iug this R'HlirL "'"r"r Kt'tuspartat. inov. .ifio law win be rigorously eiif..reed. By B. C. PATCH .X, Xrig. Inspsc RECRUITS WANTED. . l 1- ' a orriir. otM. . "wi ""t wuyif no urea " ' "aber, 182J, neB bt cam. In .1,1. 1 .May-52nd.'Hll tu,u ' . . u"l"'d W' Margaret Col- ti ui me lain HKrl ..IK.. u. Wl llBk.. . . ......... VUIIIUI, w uu a 01 " cbildren-3 eon. and 81 li ! .aaa "w living. The) lUr, V athedhi. last-knowaaa, Ten able hodiod .nun, r,n fui..1 l to ....... .is was are wamtos immed ate v to fi un the ranks afrVa i . ,rlin. m, ... I - .- ".i.ru.g, uiiuor tnt commiind or qi.l j. II IB !. ...:... " " .""'-''" -' n, - '"I'.rrrifv I service, arrancemenia mill i.. v..... V m. n k l. 1 ---".."....runiniim , i w ,r'fw " ' PPIT '"""'diarely to j CUarfifld, liuy JV.ast j. W, YT, U Dunuannoii, Perry ooCa. ! rciiTiusTT! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY : ! ! ! The undersigned hn now on baud, at hi. Fur niture Rooms on Market at., Clearfield, Pa., a short distance west of Liti'i Foundry, a l.irira sioaa oi CHAIH) M A I.I, KlJriW. manufactured out of the bjt ipaterjalr, 5nJhe,d ii a very superior wanner, and which he will .ell 1.0 II' '(; CI.S7. Hia long e.;perioMe U the business makes him feel confideut that bi. chain arc nuide In a ubstuntiul and workmanlike man ner, and will stand the test of trial. Tenons wishing to purchase chairs should cnil at onct nd get them while they can be hod at the lowest Volunteers JSInmiul, roNTAixuo rvu. issTur.rrions tln t In the School: of the So dia- and Su..', qkm in thf must Sonile Shil,-, And all the information necessary for the form ing of COKTS Ol" HOME Ol'AKDS JI.I.rsTliATKI) wrnr OVKI .100 EiJGRAVINGS, Showitig the different position it; sliei FACINGS AND MAXl'AL OF A K.MS, And complete diuctioni .relative to J.OADLXi; AMI FJHIXt;, ARni.KiKIl Al-vpum t,, fcott's System of Infantry Tactic, Ana in conformation with he ARMV llr.OltnFMENTa FOR THK rb:-t WAIl Col. D. W. C. BAXTER, or THiE NATIONAL GUARD. Tlii.s IJook in Oflk'ially Ajrovcd of f 9 instruction, given aro of the greatest im portance to, tie new volunteer, and should be thoroughly understood, being indispensable to the instruction of a company. Pound in one volumu. '.Ziuo., 62 pages. Paper Cover, price 25 cents, Flctilile Cloth, 38 cents. THK SAME WOIlt, IS ALSO M BUSIIED IN THE HERMAN LAN?l'AUE, Atthe.nme price, anl is the only CcrniMi mk of American Military Tactic Published ip the United States. a slnglo instance." Or.o. ftoL. a..-.!;.. n n WE ARE SELLINtj Y.aar lu-cpatatiouji rap idly, and wherever they have boon used, Ruts', Mice, Roaches, and Vermin disappear ItuiuodK ately. lira Ka A Srort rrn, I)mg, Jf. Windsor, MJ 7u ht-Htrui, Rats, Roaches, Aa. 7' tint ray Mice, Moles, te. To Ik.troy Bed Bugi. Ti Ihm-.iy Moths, Fleas. Ants, rt o. 7" tyi Vr:'i, - - Mosquito. To J)r,iroy iTusecU en Plaula aud Fowls. 7'o destroy neeou on Animals, Aa. To Or.iroy Eyery form aad species of Varolii 'iContur'a"' "Costar's" Hnt, Jfeagl;, jt p. EterQiiutoj-. Hod-Hug Extorminator. ''CostarV Electric rpwdprforlnsucw.c. It 25, 50c,Ai $1 Boxrs, IIottlbs A Fi.asbi 1 An ti IJKS, TOR PLANTAIItK.. ' Suii's, IJotb, Uojrx; to. Jiir Sutd .iu rs-by All Wtioi.r.sAl. )iitppisis iu huge cilirl All Rbtaii. Dkiooist (JBOfKBs SToaBarnr.. :ns, rf-c.ln all Country Villuge.and Towns Wihj-esale Agents in New Yprk city. Agents and Canvassers To rates. Mar.27-lHI f. i THN TR0UTiA. J ) I ( l!STJlt n it'IV-Nollce, is here. 1 i bv givep fhut the following accounts have been examined anil passed by me. i.n.l filed of record in this office for" tho Inspection of i.r.r., icgaices, rreuiiors.unil nil others in any other way tntorcted, and will ho presented to the next Wiplioif s Count of Clearfield county to ie nel.l at the Court Bouse, in the borough of v.vnrurii. C..U UlCneil U Oil IMA -r --..it ...u,, i.n ei.uiiriintiion nmi allowance : IsL The account of Jesse Hution, administrator, and Miry L. Kelly, administratrix, of all and singular the good, aid chattels, ri.rl.i. ..i credits, which were of James M. Kelly, late of ..,.1 ., .(!,, , ieroi ia cniipv, ra. 2d. The Testamentary acein.nVof Asm. f r . . ., , ... . ..i, J i... ..... il II I . w"'anl testament of Oeo. j Si lKlOl, in the country. .Upward of Twki.vk - uraiiioru, in me : iirxiiRr.n young men, Irom T rTr-Btc.iiT dTe Wanted bgagt in the sale of this work, in every CITY. TOWN mid VILLAGE In tht Country. Price per Doen Copijs, i .f2 00 ' i-'iny " : 8 00 " Hundred ." j ; 4 00 AU prderj aocoinpanied with the Cash will be dispatcb,iui mediately, either by post or express. JCtf-lt ordered y post. Stamps must be en closed o pay postnge. If by oxpres. the freight can be foij on,. delivery.' $35 00 SOIfOS FOR THE VOLUNTEER. THE CAMI'-FIKH COMPANION, A New and Original Collection of Mifitary and I Patriotic Songs, adapted especially tor the prei-1 ent Cqmpaign. One vol. 12ino., with illustrations. juper cover, ia cents. Flexible Cloth, 25 ct.. Single Copies of the uliove Books MAILED FREE OF POSTAGE Shieffctln Ilrothers.f- Co. II.A.l Hhiistoi k.IlullAco. A. B. A D. Sands A Cq. Wheeler Hnr. Heeainafl 4' tu. 1 Hall, iloAkel .f- Co. Thomas if- Fuller, P. D. Oivls. Dudley A Stafford. ' H arte 1, R is ley A i tch. e r, . Bush, (iale dr Robinson M. Ward, Close i ( o. M,;Kisson ft' Rohbias. 1. 8. Barnes Co. " P. C. Well. A Co. Laiol!e,Mar.-bAOarint Hall, ttixon A Co. Copfai) Foj. ' ' teot inAii.ii; x&zk vf POSTAGE n n lAVS,,be ,orr?'V'TA?in,he To any addres. in .,. United States, uon - popular and sqr.ce j ful CQifMERClAL " eeint of tb. nri... r","'u,01! county of Clearfield, deeeii.n.1 3d. The Final RCOOIinl1 of Jvna linn. irniurvi nn una liiiulr the gfa mu vita tseiti ciivlila ri(l nm.lltm u. U:L. , vi """ "ere m nullum v; M. Ilnsben, lute of the township nr I!r,y iB 111. enillil nf I'la.rK.I.I ""II - " ........ .... ..i . en..,..,. .ent Slates, have been educated for business here A'lmttU-! within the past three years, some of whom bavt been employed as BOOK-KEEPERS at salarka $2000 00 4th The account of Win. Fenth, Admr of the Fs : "n"w"i"''I.v ' lmn graduating, who knew nothiug tate of Simon Stewart, lute of Linn Co Iowa' ' I "f ""t'',1"l," "l'"n l'lred the College. , Sth. Te'Finul Aceount of Joseph Patterson and Mil,i'"'r' "alfprice. .lonn 1-iitUTS'n, Administrators of all anil .in' . ' ",, r " "i. and review wbon gnlar the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Abraham High, lato of Law rence -township, Clearfield county, licensed JAMES WRIt;LEY, Reg'r. Register', office, May 15, J 861. ceipt of the price, by KINU rf BAIRD, Printers and Publishers, (107 Sansom street, Philadelphia, To a horn all Orders should be addressed. May 15 6 1. they please, without extra charge. iEEXTAL CAR?. AM. SMITJI offe;. hi, B-o'fesajojjal service. . to the l.BJlea and rf.utlei.icn r rir. field and vicitity. All operations performed with neatness a-.d dispatch. Being familiar with all the Into imrrovictTita, he is prepared to InaU A I I I rna.V t . . ' . !Piiiladelpfaia, Pa. T. V. l'yott A Sons, iRob't Sboemaker A fo. B. A. Fahntitock A Co Frencb, Ricbajdi 4g " ANQ 411 te Prinejpal Cities and Town, in th J'.VITED STATES. A? CLEAKFiaD, I'cmiw, ift-Sjld by make ForCat .loiues S.H.eimen.ol lVnm.l.in ...n .."'."V" '""H" wanner , : ; !-..- viut-t in nmwinw row, J. O. HAUTSSyiCK, r And by Dm uuur., Obockbs aud Rctailbrs gea "ally, ia Citr and Coistiu. tef 'CdiMHV UtALBiii kuu ordi't aa abovj Or.du-e order, direat or if Pric, Ttrrai LIT:". 1 I ILORENCR White and Klerenc Linnid. just ivi.e.i anu ior saie at liAKlSP ICKS. View of tli'e H;LLEiE, enclose file letter siamin In lli'VL'K'J . c t. T. . , l'..ai..sai)siiii( My 15, 61. ly. Pittsburgh, fa, PUHK HHITKMIAI), warranted, ground in oil, in 25 and 12) lb. cans, just reived and p.r sale at. HAIi TSWlCKS. EepL 14th, 1851, lyi. MRBIMBR. I. vast JAa. B T ARKIMEK TKstT. Attorn... ., 1 Il Clearfield. Ta.. will atund Uiotn, Lahd Agencies, Ac., Ac, in Clearfield Centre aad Elk counties. julv 3ii.y f-c- ) de.ired rr"-send fof Circular t? peters U&.N KY li. L-OSTAU. pRixrifAL DrrnrAo. 512 Broadwa f Qm. site the ft Nieholas Hotel. NewYork, pl-ia.s6o-4moi