t.hi U'lntfiria .WfjMiMitan. IV ; is CI.I-AHrlfl.O, !'.. Wednesday Morning May 1861 How Men Change We give, ci. our first page, 11,1 rl i-lo shotting that Mr. Lincoln, nml a loading newspaper of Virginia, havo each hold opinions upon (lie groat .uostioii of Sluto Wights qnito different from thoso they respMiul-. lioUl now. It is truo Hint the Hichmond .'ii'ymViY i not now edited by tho same matt ;t was thru ; (lMI nml cvi n if it wus " nun, should bo excised lor changing hi opinion onco ir. half a century. 1'ut Mr. Lincoln ought not to bo very far from the .im man ho was ihui lio uttered throo r:timc!i,i in Congress in IS Is iiuftii imiEi ii r ----- lh OtMt Kobr-rty! ! A -mhi-.-m r.. t. ur m (it-r, 1 l.ri i I lu i ( lii niti In ( n i pri in I nit ! liU ... rt"iM.ntl, I Mi rtM funiiio with mm) I'luk l!.-.iil.i. nn edi. dii-cer of (..vonilng rnliit-ly l-vi t- f"i lot In the n -unity Ml iimnll. tt(!i, dinl Uumi dull linn ". 1 1' labor be-dowed ry fi'iv i'i..i, o j i.'miiiik, thought ti''i hi' In't lu to ft p. little otnn ilmk they . ni l, in Ion thitn f'n r month thing lhl wool I ei,t toim Udy.miK.t hate i'r ltIUm J lull l ower, mi iii' rvi n tlif been ililressmg, and hia r.ndet rhoul'l w gil in-, ii-ntinni tin mad" ngaimt the not wonder why t-ul it kivgUi 1dm fmi.'i- hlv lame. I'oinilcn Mini truihloM it wits) pervaded all hi editorial. Vi deeply ooinniii'M'iatc hit r-ilu.i'ion. I ut w.i aro at a ls to knoiv how to help him. The vii'tim, doubtless, of the pie tended friendship of tlmm w ho would line hiK "pawn" to drag their "cheMnuts" from the fire, he Has made to dander hii nei jhliors hy itigniatuing thern us "trai tors." We calhd his utteiition to the disappeared in a few days. When the laol on Hie Mil instant, hoping that tic Legislature met in extra session, n rosolii- would either explain, qualify or make lion as adopted calling upon the' Jover-gooi'i, hi accusation. InsUwl of this, nor to show how th? money was vxpeml-' however, his paper of tho l,"uh, reiterated ed. To thin he replied in a message eov Iho charge in language otnl more insult I etUife'Chln. Yel "in It U tlui f.tet, if e are to I "li'-ve 'me ol tlno iiiil pit per. We s.h:dl elldeaV'if to pit-elit the fact" to our ivii'h in ill at iuti'lligeiil a shape ai out limit it xpM-e "ill pciinit. t'ur Slut,, t. efiid.tt ui c, helnre the ad jout'iuneiil ol the regular M"ii:;, appro prlated ji.'.tto.uoo to min und etpiip th volunteer ol tho Stole This money all THE WAlt NEWS1 LATCIV NEWS. n i . an Mill, i l.i ti ,, ii nl el ti ti' l" 'i 1 1. in hi I, 'mi i i.. "I' n ull oi til nil m0 f,,r . . 1 "tt.,1 (I t-tn lh rill.lnniili I'.i.l Wamiihuton, Mity liltli.- H o'i lock . w. Within fnW liMltA pnt lliein Imvo heeii impel tatit militnty inovement. It D llpci le i t rtcr hiy that ordn had l.reii given lor the ndvatier of l.ocpi into Virginia, llo se hring Dei ensnuly of a m eret ehariii tel , tho ex u t truth at that limn could lint he asi ri tained. TI e New I I... t 1 1 -I..,, ..I. i ,.r VI I... ,.,., 1 1 iiikimi It n lil i nil if .,... ' i IM,ll'-','.'i'"l",,' i'l'ii.', mi i.r'l- I -'-, n'M-M,,p I I - I I . . 1 1 . ' anv l ii'lt, or do an" n t ludm .n,,!,,,, left of a neii'riil imveinini Hi h.'" '"V .1.1 .r l ll.lMf III il kli, I I.. .... "1 ning finiii-.li n nhh n ttpott I'mm Wash inglon ditled en Snndiv 'J '. 1 1t, Unlink that lien. Hutler had nil tilled tho hat- nl .u nil', t'.tinl. ttilh a Ihk ,.r SIIIli' iniit.'i I ion i t II n u.m. .... '''''t1 k.ll-d and tvour.ded, wlnl-l tl. iti.niv'i1 LeM. clahle (le. t hava I..,,,,,!,,. , ,. ,,,.. ,.ul i i, i i ' lo the Ann i n an ten hy Imii. r , ..t" uii l.iivn . ti to imi killed and toun- nn, p,,,,,, ,. ' '"Hn hd, and I'lOl) pi ionel . VUtT I ATfC Mn V... L hi. ..!., I 'I'lnll'i h. S,.i i.iil !i h in I Tit en ' ... . . ' .. ' ' . .... v..... t i ;., i,. ths arrival ol the steamer .lohn A. War M'-Iwl iii'piiiii-iii;', ,i-i-i- inn. .-i .. t I'v !nt III 'Ill's mini un - . iL'iin ltric.tdes. ami I'ol. Kllsworth's .oil- nor at A ilminglon, Icl., hating let ' l'iltshurgli I t,h ol testerj., ,.I ave. wero mi tar as is ut i. resent iiseert.tin- 1'ortres Monroe on Saturday inoriiinu' fully oiitraii"ting the r. noii,,i "'I ed,,'.mstitut.l tli forces to ad t mice upon ,., ,,,; ,.n(:,f.v diserclits the ,IU'n,H ,,f ,ho ' '''""1'Ouk,. 'f' Viiriu:a. 1 ho ashinglon ity National ' ; ;a tho taking or .Norfolk, Si.tt-li'. t, . . ... . . ,,i ......n.-l fif rl KiTnml nlt.-trk nil Su-rill V . .... , , . ""MtJ.i.. Ill h l h'illes. 'aii. Snieail, at aliout ten oc last nighl passed over Long Hi idge, w hich j Voint is nh'.ut a mile in leiiglli, and connect. ... .. .. .1 .. i'.' I II Wasli.ngton ... i ue t .rgnmt n .-, (olWilg. is oJ,lria, ... .1... lull- lalimi.iid lin.il un n H lllllllll'l iw - . . , !,'. ,.',.lnnW iliin i.ioi niiiL'.actini' as un advanco t'"' action nt ew. lls 1 oint on i.nar.l. Theso wet.) Jollowed lv otiier 1 l'.'th inst til. i nun lit IliuiliH nl ii n. r,ii.i Ac. There has heen no advunrg king of Alexandria. Mhei Flit" I th'cr S. H. Stringham, (.'ommander Ki rn Killed, that several railniA,! .-.r . ,..l -...I il..., .. r. - '"W ; t-ii, nnu nun h i'MIT III tlOVernmi., district voluntwr companies, iieting in a timilar capacity : sul'seouently tho N. Y. I . . iV I It- . . ... . I . uring some l"i or M (.ages, tilled with gen . t inf. ' devoting his entire i.suo ol 'on ', V u I , .".ul.-V cr ' .. ,. ...ii . . ., i ic i MichiL'iin and .Netv Jeiacv l.nginles croi- erulities, hut nothing specil.c. In tins ( the -d, in a most m.-.eral.lrt and caltish - ((J Wvi.ittho viinm pickets hav niebsago, (iov. Curtin i.iys he liad no u-.uttcmpt at wit-auch as would disgracj ( in( ,L.0I) ,1,,;.,,,, j ,y the advmit-o guard, grnls to purchase clothing and supplies for the clumsiest mountebank aided, too.hy jtjiic of tho regunrnts look the road lead . . ... . . . ,... I .. i;...i. rii... l,.. ai n I iu 'ini? to Fairfax Court Iloiis.t. ohoiil tweli'y uio vo uiuoeri e.xce ni mo ah. inanv ien ", ,i,fci . - r - ,,. , . . . , . r .. w - , I -i , . ..ii; ., , , mi es roin tt asiungiou. tvmio auouiei, to trace tnein. At nan imst .) i. ai., 1 I,,11M err.'. ' Jf. lUd lk : tho Quarter Master "aid cither to justify, palliate or to rc- .... . , ' .,.,;.,, .mrli i .i:..; ii ..;.'( ".'S'."1 ' ' i Dill) Ul lilt' .'t" "ii"' ' h "t i IlllllIU ilistillll in ii ii viti uti i a i' oil (ieiii'ttil, li C. HaIc : aiul tho CotniUHfary J trnot tliose blamieiH, ; .MHj lt tj)e i;ol kh a milo from tlio Long cm timber tilntor'iH lor ffuti onn in-'o.- I rert.of1. '-'I AWrA furnish..- ,oln, im, .. iinlelligonce from Wheeling, to tin J Sunday the (llut n , ,,. . for((. of VirvinJ. !'.",:., .., lfl,, ,u ., niarching on Wheeling fi oin the ditw? .f,,.SMM .SUum,r M,r, .Vny 0(,, 1 X.,1. (),- ,,.,?,.. Ferry, that several of the Mome Siinadrin : From tho time lctro I (i.inc. r. 1 ... i nil t'iul .il.liiv I lff.li. ..Il..n...b !'.... Uri..l '!...': . ."r"" ' " J vr,.. . , ... . .. ,.,...- .... Ill ...'IVHI ' llllllll milt (Jl strict Watoli on tho movements ol the j had left Wheeling to nu et them, Jc i ruemy in and ul out the Siwell's l'oint ' ' Hattery. Several noises were liejru lu-1 tho night, hut not distinct enough for me! "Our Andy" Trouble at Harriibr, (tov.Curtin s Attorney (ieueral I... . . Th llariihurg Tjrapk oj tl, ist., has Iho followin;; Intter; Milt in Hut there are other, tul rzorc twent ' General, Win. W. Irw in, ami that "all and remarkable ehansei of opinion upon this great question of tho l ight of it State triivde from the Union, which should not ho overlooked. The New York hir.c, which is now it httlo ahead of all vither journa's in the work of hissing on iho dogs of war to prevent the Southein Stales rrom doing what he held u few months ago, thy ha I aprrccl rhjht lo i In November last, Greelj, in his Tribune, wid, "If the cotton States unitedly i.r.d rarnoHly wish to withdraw peacefully from tho Union, wc think they SHOULD und WOULD bo allowed to do no. -Li.v jtfmjtM COMPEL Til KM I'.Y FOKCK W rtmaln would - CONTKAHY' ! the ;rm ripla enumerated in ths immortal J h-flaratiun of Indqicndi-nce contrary to the Ideas on k7h A HUMAN LIBKKTY IS 1LSKD." Again, lurshmcs h.n e been made through their Departments." This kind of controversy, wo assure our ' Itridge, to wait for orders. desire ic speiul no "powder" An advaneo inside ol tno einbrasures, and immediute-. ArroiifKr (fR-neiti'i orilI. .1 ! tf . ' ... , , ....... .... JiniriBuiir:-'. ji:iv 71 1.11 noiiihbor, is quite distasteful to u. We m o t nguua was also mauo iroi.i anoiner y I oracled it shot to l.o lire.1 over them. T .IKKK ti. Cihti, ' tminl in. t tit Pnl.t. 1. ... A i.l.M.wln..l '11. ... I I ! 1 . 1 1 I ' .1 ... 1 ' . ' in van, lis'? ,"' i C 1 ' uo ""M,:- ""-'" " "mie, ii,rrnr .-',.. viMi, . ..u .,..,.. i I l.i, Niii.ui,.i V ...L. ii . - :.i .. . . -i : .. :. .1 I i . . t , . . . ' New York This Foemed conelusive enough, and too precious in these war times. Hut wo Kegiuieut was among thesn troops, and i . tl 1 ...... r. 1 i. 1. ,.i't.... I I, .-... ,,.......1. .. iTICll illin n iii.itvii, i.i.i.iiiiiu.l II between the bridge ami Columbia right ; but the editor ol the I'liila Jelplnit i can tell him that as often as lie cic-.ts such ul'.er takes two items, one for f S.V 1 to Lambert & lliggins of Ilarrisnurg for boarding and putt.ng up tents, to which olio of the above firm had to s"; ar; and a,Uo. get tho certificate of the l,uarlerMnici' Ceneral : the other itMn wit for JJ.i'.ij to L. Hag, with some design on il,and tired a rhot j Fur n-amm wliicli nppenl to my teif-rti' l II lit III I. 1114 II 111- hH IH:I!I IJA 111 ill Hie gllil. ' - "i.i-i . I" i-miiiiiui.- nnj IU!lfiir Q corn ii.iii wiiii ygiir ii'iinini Mriiii.in. I tluTof iro linil-r y.,u my n-ji ntio , jj, ofliie of Atlorui. (iciit-rnl of tlit mh. f.tMi i.L A, I'tRvuni In m;ikicij thi i uniioii ncetiiont tho Yi: I. 1. ii: . . .i i . i " tive thirty two i.nuitil shot Y '1' " -"in-tno . . I .itl.lt . I. i , ( t to s.t TL' . . tolal ol one hundred ami tour " ., , ' , ' , ! ' , , ' P. ; '.ii. ui'iiin ii. urtin s a umiiuiratio; is rtiiiniiy fxiiioitini: its won i Wn-. , ii. i ,i .. i ii . i i " " o 'uuiiuu niui..ii ihi.1 n-iii-i. i i-iiiiv iicsisieii i ,- . ... w .. havo 1 ad (1uite enough powder to send poinU M.tWL.t.n Washington and Ale.xun-: tor wmu. of .iM.ii.u.-.itim. I,:,i-in.r' i;v:!,Pd "king to inlamy." In ...eukitw.; iriii i..:-i. i ..i.... - :...?... r .i ! Jr. 1 urviaueo s letiir the yiuninA-Aiiilr.. f --' Inmwn-hAa instituted an examination into! accusations and insinuations u-in tho J'0".'1 netweeii ine ot .uge an.M.oiu. , ,. . , . , . i. ir S i i . . i- .i ... , (Miring, on the U ashini;toii unci Ale tho lactj, with an utcnishing result, fie 1 loyalty and pati lotiMii ot tho anti-li.ack j?.4im;llj Kepuhltcaiis ol l lent hehlwlietlier lio Jt ..va, at least two o'clm-k this mor iloes it personally or by proxy ho will before all tho troop readied their desti- 'und forty li..-ir from us. ami nciliniis it. will not tm nation. The troops that did nut repair to iinakin.' a ' i ' .i i. i "i. ii. : .i . . ! " .......... "charges" .-UJi",,,"il ull"rl" "cli;"ls ero iteen siiots, which : think tltd some exe , b ' 'reijaired to guard important intermediate Icution among the rebels. I only desisted I immediately went to quartets mi-1 ic, turned their lire, which was oiivinm J by cxan-jthem. 1 exi.ended lii'teen round of ernne. leu twelve inch shot, thirty two tun inch It . at least two o'clock this morning i shell, ten .shell for thirty two pounders. Ir long until ho finds that our them home Frowenticld A Uro., (of Pittsburgh, for lineresting Account of Capt. MacDon unirormK Ac., as follows: ! aid s Removal from the Ars-cal. JUS') unifoims at fltl -0,t:!r The public, we believe, are well advised I 3 IT pairs of pantaloons at ? j l."5 of all the particulars attending tho cup- j r. ttire and imprisonment, by Capt. Lyon. of --M Capt. F. Mae Donald. The sloty ct his 1 This Lugo bill the A;v :Vtr says, was SU(j,on und luysteriDUs removal from the I paid bv tho State authorities upon the arsenal, and of his present tvhery.tbouts a only remains to un tout. I . ... w . i : .i . i . . :..r. I . . ... ini .iniiiii iv w iiil. in i. i iiiuii'iii iinv " -.vherein it Rajs " governments uorivoifity CommtsMoner, .;.t .1:c.r-tvitiioui an f eomm.u.d atthc 'tli,eir just powers from the cjnseiit of the endorsement by the uarter Master ,r"en.il that the writ of ludcn rorw. mi gOver?ei, and it is the right of tho people crai or an v evidence that it was even ! about being served, the removal of Cap svom to ly anv body. Yet (iov. Curtm ; taut -Haeironani was tieeuteo upon, rcr . , . " ii , i . i, i ' this iiuriiose it skill' was procured. The states in hi niesa;o that ho had no i"'i . . ' . , . , fcM i i..uikfk.it. ii-. ,k iiiiivelii'il ntlL lit Ihrt Al'sellill Agents except the offieen above named. rounu mie. ,.uar.j cf tour unned sol- Ur in. The District of Columbia inilitttrv din jeight pound chargis reni.iiniiig for thej pivot gun. 1 lint i rliiirt. sharp iinI pitliy enough to bnu l.lu.-li tu tlic liovBrnur's chsi, if he ii m, juoting tho Declaration of Independence simple authority of Chut loo M. Neal, io nltct: and nljolitih them, rc, lio mivs, u'C do hiartibj accept th's dodrir.c, beiovin g it iiitrinsiciilly sound, beneficent, und one that, universally acxseptcd.is eakuUtted tr-pre-vent tht skeddinii nf etu of h'tnmn And if it justifietl tho secession from the I'lil 3h crown of three millions of colonists in 1770. VK IK) NOT SEE WHY IT WoULD NOT JUSTIFY' THE SECESSION Ob FIVE MILLION'S OF SuUTIIEHNEKS The l'tttsburnh Ihsixiteh, an intensely Ulters. eomnianded by Catitain t'ole. jiiio Keimblican sheet, comes to the uid of the movement of the kind must have been Inrdrtr, and after giving tho substance of Uasj-ecte,! by outsiders, for before the par ' . . , , I tv reached tho skill a furious rush was an mtervioiv with the Messrs. r rowen , , a rollji,iu,..li,i0 number of per- field .v Uro., proceeds us follows. It0ns tu re.-cuo tho prisoner. "Mr. M Frowenfeld. a inomber of tho Tho conseijuoiiee-t would iniimesliona iirm" of F Frownfeld A liros. savs he was' hlv have been serious, but for the interpo- nvirr Tirr PPIiri? I I'N'ltlV IN lS.'d unusllv trealeu in tne aniciv mi. . m.ioii aim ie.u.... n., v v...r. FKOM 1 1IL J LDLKAL LM" 1 :J. r -T,llt ho tjimsoif 5,Voro to the ac-jsclf. who expressed Ins rwdtness to ao- No advocate cl Eoeession. in tho South ,x,tlt)l 0r uniforms, Ac, U-Iore a .luslioe i company his captors acrov inn ritei, and ,r elsewhere ever made a stronger or 'of the peace at llarnslmrg ; lhai tno ue- i.egged ins io uosuuu uoin any -. .n ,r iitimiitr, ni""- e . i . ...:i:...i ,,... l. I' f . I .i...l i .,,.r ,i-jl I i i-ji-i-iinist.iiice.s .,. r.vnr Hint ., v.- coum was wruum . v J ,- " 1 "r.---;,:- ,;, Neal.ivho tea- employed as a special agem rounding linn, ills tors uttd tue by .ov.Cwrtin.th.ttitwuseud irsed 'ajipro- red etl'ect, and the crowd began to ved' by Gov Curtin, by (J. M. den. Hale, I porse. Ileforo doing so, new of the :tlcu sur- httd tho de.i- di5-trou- tlw Auditor fieneral, and by the State j blc had reached the Arsenal, causing no Treasurer. Mr Frowenfeld also says that littlo excttonient. A nouy 01 soiuiers was the transaction was bona lido that his immediately sent to reinforce Capt. Cole, firm was he thinks, the only one in tho'.ind things were soon as juiet as usual. City prepared to furnish the unifor.nsj Everything being in readiness-, the. within the specified time, and to that he, p:i oner was placed in the trail boat, and attiibutes the obtaining the contract on under the oflicer and guard above mon tho terms stated. V.'e give his statement, 1 tioned, pushed out into the stream. 1 he briefly of course. i boat wus at onco headed tor a point nc-ar- "So'fai. we got nothing for our trou-, ly immediately opposite, on the Illinois ble. but oil making further inquiries, to shore ; but so strong was tho current that learned from a responsible firm of cloth- tho party found themselves dntt.ng rap iers that a bid wa ollered directly to Mr. ' idly southward. Neal at 7 '.0 per pair for uniforms of the The soldiers had labored very hard.but samo umdit v of material and workman- in M.ite ol their exertioi: the current took i Ic thouU act, in going to war and butch-1 ship as that in tho umforms charged to , them onward. 1 hey tvero atigue.1 and jiicuiuui .ij.1,1" tu"'t; ... ' i... ri.;, ... ., j .,t.... ivi.in nn. thotiidi tho tact was I III,' r-T :ll II II I. ff-lVJINT I1UI. t 1111 uy " o luuiw... .. .. c notaecei ted, and the ootitract was nuulo soon ma.lo i.pparent that the. worst or subie.iuentlv with Frowenfeld, through their trouble had to come. On rearing Neal at fill i.er Mir. It is also stated to ths island below tho Arsenal the boat us, on good authority. Unit proposals were J s rang a '.eak, and began to till rapidly niadobv other city 'h.'tiM-s for uniforms J with water. At one lime it was thought at trotn7to!7,..iiperpir,or.uality tut- tho would go under, but the energetic lveonal tothoso for whi-li ?M l-er pair bailing ofull hands kect her all oat until :.i.i ill... I.l.-iml was reached. Here i secotul iH-iu in u. - - firmer urcumeiit ill lavor o! I tint hoc tnne thttit tiii-. And this was said by the leading organ of tho present Administra tion only six months ago. Well may wo exclaim, "how men thang-e1," Hut granting that this question of State' L'ights, or the right of a State to se cede front tho Union, is an open or.c and eucli it iiiyst certsinly be when so many of our tate:iU'ti dilfcr fo widely upon it granting that the framers of our govern fnept, in thfjr unsurpassed human wis lom, overlooked, or fuiled, fiotn any cuuse, io definitely define this right are wc acting wifely, and as a Christian peo cl ing each other upon a question about w hich it is evident sorac fvf our best men liavo honpstly difli-iod ? JUin is n tjues tion that comes homo to evwy ci.i-en. 1 riiL'iel that the tvin.. iil'iini. ... . . ... ... i n r- - - not return to vt a-nnigion until nan past . munition compelled me to retire, as I am six o clock tins iiuriiing. now six inou- Uatislied I could have silenceu sand to ten thousand troops were sont i.i n t-lirirt timo over into lrginia at, an cany nour tins, yie i:(Uery ,. ked, tluileen em-j troi.j..-, t!,t thi-y r look hr im mm;, i. uuuiiiu, nun linn;; .... imii.i, .ituuiunn! orasurt's liavirg Ih'.'Ii oiecled Oeliiiid a by tho forcing of Virginia pickets. The s,m,i Link. The ivl.i. liml ilinw nil.-.l city is in a great state of excitement, aw- ominous, and tired scveivl vollevs of'Minie i'l"r!"'ion' ""'T '' ne, ,0 t,um lkl , . .... !--'.! i .iniiiii: , nn 'i una in uhi me DtriDtn. t the iiattery i , ,.., a ... .t ... ' . . .. . j . "U. ci hi i m ineoii. , dor 'jolihins mid desritJini-' ofuur Sii ... n. tue villmiiy be vtuppeil at uni-c. Vit ihtll 'rvaent make uo of cerUiii knowlnlpe Io to these proceedings and further ,,,U. w, ;,.), tuwk ib,. shin. ' Th events are iookcu lor wmi intense solici tude. .Vi'ii.' o'clock. .-1..V The New Y'ork Zou.ives, Fourteenth and Sixty ninth New York and Now Jersey Kegiments hold Alexandria, while Arlington Height! ar occupied by Severn! other regiments. The entrance into Aiexaudriu was at tended by an event hii'll ha cast the deenest glojui oter this cotiiiiiunity. '.'ol. I-1 1 .1. .. I. I....1 I.....I...I .1 , .1... I.IISIIUIIU, null iiiiu nauicH u-n in" I l.-i I I , .... ,1.. ., e , x, i .ii tf,. i J.llswoi th are nearly cession nag liuill 11111 .uai-ii;iu iluuc, nil.' soon after shot by a concealed foe. Hi dead body has been brought cvet to the Navy Yard. The accounts from Alexandria are somewhat confused, but there is no doubt ot the tact that a man named lackson. ship go-bftHiciis, nttnrni'Vi. anil ronfrarlur, Ibim ...... ... , ., ... , .. v . MU1 mnKv Ully, wr,o tur tlitin. U tbrr itnt shot in tho hull and upper works. The lt all, let tlit-m wl tin. liole truth. damage can be repaired by ourselves. I herewith em lose the repo.t of the medical oflicer of this t.ilp, by which you will preceivo that t'vo men were slightly wounded during the action. II EN It Y EAOLE, Commander. 1'he facts respecting the killing of Col. is stated above. 1 1 appears that he in company with two pri vates, ascended to the top ol the Marshal Hc'ise, took down the sccos.-ion Hag, wrapped himself in it, and whilst descen ding the stairs was met by Jackson, the si,'-We learn from the l'liiladelpliit lifuirer tli.it the (iiand Jury of the Toi led States Jiistriet Court, sitting in tba; city htt week, proceeded to i'lvcitigiii iho charges again.-t the State Itnljln. After examing a number of witueiwn, Ik iilrict Attorney was fully roneirJ, k; Mr. 1!. K. Smith, the celebra"! Alai House Physician, ami some other fiow clots of this class, I hat their proorwinn were illegal. Thus investigation ii tl'Au for tho present. Jii" It is reported that the tame gontlt men who wi re engaged in rifling the Sltli out of ?.'it!,iKi lor lurni-hiiig unilora and brvf fir tho volunteer., have nowob lamed a cnutr.ict lor rll,oj all thf old mur kets belonging to the State. We aruit they will ilo this job as well ti thrjWt who shot CjI. Ellsworth, as instantly put 1 proprn toi of the house, with it double to death, some say by both bullets aid j ,lim.ii,.(i j,UIli ;,, w,ich ha tired, shoot- "wStho Federal troops reached Alex-. -orth througi. the hear,. Jackson undria. the Virginia troops fired at tlfai i "'"' imm'd:alely fhot and bayon.-t- and lied. Visitors to that t ity say thai ! ted by one of the privates, and would done the former the scenes were intensely exciting I'he have been cut to pieces had it not been I ...'.T, rv y-.7. ' fc I ,,.1,-i.U 7ie in the li.e'intinie before ... . ' I H r. IHI.Mh (it A It I ttlll mm 10. Alexandria f"! ""I'l;at.on, ,. .)ekto.rS wiie j lriH Friday evening, at 7 o'clock. All The remains of Ellsworth were brought those wi.-hing to uniform will j.lcateiitlfiit ... . t' i.r nl : .1 I n Wll l!l(.,tAll ll.t lil.l in .Inl.. nl L ... ..... i - - i . i.i ..T,. Lx rtit.sii tM 1'tr.r.i E on Tiir. ti.-Hn AslllNCTox, .nay -"ill. IN.", ." am ancrwanti tahcii to tue i re.-i. p,4sto,, pst pn,lis,s n lt.,ter from !' A simultaneous movement on Alexan- tl-titiil Mansion. lie was a native of the I'resideiH Tierce, which conclude as fcl- aria oy nil) r-(jiim.in .. u.-.v. ii.n..-.. .... , St . ,,!' New York, but more recently lows ayTho lust halt'sheetofthallrookville "FniulHean" Las the following: -"fc'ince lh Kdit.T of tl) Clearfield firputiliran weie paid Jiat ooiiatituU'it bimsolf tb? pi-cinl Jet'emlrr ol be Capt. .f the Cadt'ti we would auk of h'ua -hrtberit is true ho rundt-red himfrlf jo ioox iou to bi company Hint they ralli-J on lu to resign. We have it from good uuthori.'j thul (ucb ;e the fact." The editor further fays "vo do doubt the patriotispt of t)io editor of tha Clear field fv'piJjlkan ani fjioti'tain of tho Ca dets." We can only say that so far as we are concerned, you are welcome to entertain all tho doubts you like on this sul ject, as ve valuo your opinjon at I'rocisjely the wriie price wc li your paliktim ur l i-hat, like the lrttu end of nothing wljt itled down to 4 Jipjiit, is toe tmill to Jine. If proof of tliis Tact were wantrngit in furnished in tho attempt to measure our patriotism in your hulj-buthd. If you ore not able to lcnr this toft xmpe.tchmrnt yourself, you pro welcome to call to your ' . . i i i.. it.,. .. ..... i. noiiL iv.is I'TOCUlnu. mm pwii i'"i".'"i ' he rfMilt of this in famous swindle o.i" .... im:..:..i . .. : landing 'Tat maun on tue iiimuis buuiv. that our yoluntcers are hnlf-cLisi aro a jt iki1 otv grown far into the night, di Tiieo to the State acl ashame I to 1 , tM Ablings of the men, after the se arnear on narr.de with H-ose or 'othet vre ordeal through whieii they had pas s!L, who stylo then, the -RM ot rennsvleania." ...... , ... i 'auovville. This r.laco is said to If this amount of stealing curt grotv nut i.u,OMt six miles from St.. Louis, thou ih of f "lOtrOtKi, how much are we to c.xc from the three million uiprou!Htd at the , I'V - aj extra session ! Or how much t of the "'p'iJing about one tuilu beyond Ca hundreds of millions by the HeneraKiov- yyin the party hailed at an encamp onui1ont nn-iit of United Stales troops, numbering 1 due time we shall endevor "leave" VTV Ji , .tit .1 Itiiui. j " ---- a, Ji.in.ilil was delivered by tho Arsenal lieuuoui si a luue- ui'iii .- j.-..-i ct ii is jJain tst be seen that tho route taken the by Cai.t.Co!e considerably increased tie vesterdar, and orders were issued aeeoi dingly. The N. Y'. Zouaves arrived there first in boats. In crossing tho l'otomac, they were received with a volley of mus ketry from tho wharf, but tvero not injur ed. This happened at llo'clock this in tr uing. They took ci inpluto possession of the town, raised the stars and stripes and lulled down the seees-.ion Hags. At 4 o'clock this morning, Col. Ells worth wits shot, while coming down tho stairs of tho Marshall House, with the se- from Chicago about "1 yearn of age. "'1'he terv idea of dismemberment.' I Mil. I'rtiiM. I...u i.lu-.u i. 1....... a ...a f,fi .- .1 . ....... ,u i, UIYH i, ii.r I lie riiitto rs respecting me Mimci... ; is , ,t.rnllIlJ sij,Mi,i,all. -.. Still if it Imlij I ofthe government troops are very con-1 place in the inevitable march of titiK-if Dieting : but il seems ouite evident that I iho noble fabric must totter to its fall an advance into Yiiginia hai been or is -l"'r' ' humbly hope, no inexorabW i .ii i i i'i r . . w, .1,;,, ,i "oce-Mty th.rt its ruins bo stainnl wilt about to be n ade hot i from Y anliing'on ,,, .. r ,, . i c 'gore. Hour ftthers were nii:tak.n, H' and fortress .Monroe. ! time has develoned in our svstcm.ori: Mail facilities South of Washington the madness of their non has idanteti having been suspended b ti very little ir, -here the germ of an "irrcpreniblo pw known of the icsult of the vote on the There is but little diet' wh:ch forbids us longer to li to gether in peace, then in no ace and ' . . -i- !.ust teim let us separate. I earful cession (lag across his shoulder; He was assassinated by a Thug, named iiiestion of secession. Jackson, the proprietor ol the liouse, and , ,oul,t) hjwever, that the result is about! be the responsibility of those who wouU expirediiistan.ly. what e predicted last week. (cast the last eleiner.t of humanwoo-tliK .lackson was immediately Killed by a; lor arms for fratricidal shuidiier-in'otlii -.t' ittA V.mi'it-'ou . ... . . .... . ' - f t iimiimiii...... lint til., unt heiit c information of tho general oliaos. 1 lie wis. out of mun l" Though uuinerous reports aro rile o: . . i i may tiod in merev euido us ' others having been killed, this was tho war movements in the South is at hand. 01 ,n t.rJ.fl,. u ' only fatality, while none wero wounded. ; I ho lorces under nrins in irgini. are va-, A inr.NT. On Monday last a man ni- general gloom prevails in ashing- j riousy represented at 3, '0 au-l T'l.tim, I med Andrew Heckthorn, form.Tly of U ....!.. ii. .. i.. ...... v...i..n. u;..i. piisi-'l ill. il.ilj'.l i l t'llj , .luiium, ivii.ii. A largo force is rence county, met with an acciuer.t vt lufi caused his death in a few hours. Ho ' engaged unou ,unimervi le s saw imin- our readers know. hero I am, a frail man, force, but with what instructions we aro A IIeuo! Ah with a wife and children, enlisted for V'XoTapt. Mac!).'., arrival ur .nnlv tn nn, men those Southera tfai- "V"" ., ,..f,.. o. .ortal combat in twenty-four' Xr TuoTU co t.ntt city hours, and leaving beht-d mo tlKrjsands oHtis refusaUo take the obligation at the. '(' 'yi,ljU.nliy f ,.f ,1 u-l.-.-U tu if linAP W I H' TMeilUI. Ulll l.lUtU'" v.a-. j i CI IIU. UHI U n iiiv J iiii jv-- ----- , w tou lit Colonel KIlKWorth'a tlc;itli f1.... ta I. It tit It'll f ni'lsil lli. remains are at the Nay y Yard, laid Lynchburg Ac. ... : i. i . i m (it.-jiu ti ha (tt'i niMin ft i in I'iiMTK-nn iiti-t'itii ut i i4i nn i n n rti i4wmv ti i i i.-i . i . i i i . : .. .: i , .. 1 1 ahi i i i . li nun vv .-. - - . - - ....... . . . . a a i a -. i-"i 'uui u, uiivi n lint. ( and the secesioll flag at his feet. below Cairo, under General I'illow. and an to adjust a band on one of the wheel?, L.i The desire lot a terrible foot was cnuuht in tho nitman ami dr-. T , , i- i i ciiuany icii iiiiuiiuiv: r.i in l nv i im.wi .. , . . . , : to bo tho general teeling which is espect 1 J j in until hth leg was completely stnajw- ally violent amcng the Zouaves. luou.. 111. and broken to tho thigh. lr. A letter iroui 1 ensaicoia, oaten tne lotti : au, Allison weie aent lor, who m savs that I'resident Jeff. I'avis was luitated the leg, but the unfortunite ni ent excitement and itidig.iation, to h.v : on ft vitill there, and after a careful 1.11 Alexandria in ashes ere nightfall. I , Tho New York Seventh Uimout are si'oction o. u. -.ac , iniii.1 v 1 enarted. Utlier accounts suue 1 j 1 that ho is now at Richmond, and that It ih'rurnored that it is the earnest de sire of our troops so great, is lllOir pies' llcil in a few minutes afterward. TO deceased was 11 widower but l.-oVil W fa 11 1 i 1 v . Iliwikvifc Je person ian ' - t il... ...4-inti aid your "good authority," ttho, we havo -and ci.imrou win mivo to couet. - Jvhic,, thoy imllgiod him to no douU, is a chip oil' the same block. set ot d t scoundrels, out, 1 must, 1 t ull ft(niired hi I'luck It was just such creatures that nought, -otl to the tented field." some eightcee hundred years ago, to have j a -woman, lens siiil'ul than theinselv'.'s, : iif stationed near Arlington Height, on tho Virginia side of the Totcmae. Owing to tho largo lorco near Aloxan- . ,U)auroglir(1 i, at Norfolk, dria. it is not probable that tho Secession' c" . b . , . ,. .1 troons will advanco on that city. The privateers 111 tho Oulf appear to be ' IfnlliiMn ml vices from torlress Xonroe dnvinc their business to some nurnojo tlU hloOO-Ot-War. !'l-l V'. 11... f . t.. lull, .itie.j I v SlllT.TrlN V k IlVT- nn unramnM 11...;!..,.. ...l... Ik. nf CinL J. V bringing to that port o. -fl,; E iitrertMit prize, KUiglO utrvice, Hrraupementa will bo ma do bereb I1 1 1 .a. niki mui ititjm duivii. AMilv imtuMiiatolv to ( . ..n.ii.i rn Mmtrit nniu-r wh m iiiiiu u vu ' rwc ri uii rn w ns vuiuhi jii i "w.wv, t jr ... . '..t tn rent him as a brave soldier, ana so 1- - - . oll, . . cieurueia, .nay nw, 1 - ., . , .r Li- tuousaiiu incn j.j i.u.v..., ........... RECRUITS WANTED. j Ten able Iiodied young men . (ui& 1 nrnfiTi'ill ho urn willinir. to mTve their eouMT ' I arc wanli"! iminediatoly to fill up the ranki ottk" '-, . ' 1.. Cumberland, and steam frigate Minneso-'. . . ,, . . to rSS.1 d ta "ore to attack the bastions at Sewall's I tbe cpturo and br, 1 to be Bctu. ma, roiii tl it w)ilo Uie Ciinllonui0 Wll3 , sonio four or five d. .luck, and riso - General Butler was to land five one of which was vi V t. v - - 1 ... . .. . i' , i i.t ttiAiiiitiir. fi mi .1 some eiehtcei' hundred tears ago, to have j This is the emphatic language ot a man lie was 1 ireieu ..uu. w.-- ion Norlolk. '1 his movement wan to l.o v " c I ,.rr'.,..t in I 111! l-.'llllll. .. . .:it. II., .,., r.,i 1 Lvon. t a thousand unlet irom ouromco; who '- " Ml. tr,illir toward smiuiiaiieoua wnu n.vvuvv. 1 ne cimum.. . w. . . . dr a . ..r.,. rf.,3 in in 1 n hiL'hest -u '" W. W. IJBTTS. Wi-liinL-ton letter to the New York Twenty-five to Mity IMUn M r- leipt-meii per month mil Le paid l.y io ' lhrald, dated '"id, fctates that Secretary :cwn;. Machine Company tu their Ag.-r.u.''" of the first to enlist for tho war, - . Bivi".'.. ' , . , , . . ; uis prisonoi, 1- - .-- - . Th0 women and ciiiia.en are an leaving .-.c'vani nan recnivou mru .ie-i..ni,n.n ..... ..... .h ...vU.... - . ,ards, snakes ami "camels" . t.,icUter hearing 0 U bomhardraont of I ort orn ' Ak'X.udria, fearing thai tho tow,, would r,.otn lLo 1(ritibh Oovennnent a, led to ; own eyes, they aro always detecting the Sumter. Notwithstanding Iwo Corupanit Ironi t he I 'u. 01 " 1 the impression that the offer of tho pre-1 instruction. It i. r.,..al to any Family S.-m W in the eyes of their neighbors. , 0M o.unU era havo loft our County , and ; nd eonverso with friends, ! fc : cnt a(lnlini,tratio to accede to tho term M-b. in ... ,hc - Voaronot tho ''special defender of j tbree -others ready to march, this pat. io-iaM(j M thinpK considered, is faring sum- I . of tho treaty of Talis of im, declaring 1 prico I- but Filtocn Dollar. The Conip.ny" tLo Captain of the Cadets." He, unlike jc individual has succeeded in smother-j tuouslv.o What disposition is .to he u.ado -nlL DlMJ.nR.N Oh I Uh i Un .V : . , bo Piracy, is declined by 1 1 mp!ny Agent, in .ver, count, ir .th.l thU editor and his "good authority." ing his wrath within his own ljo, and Z "j'L I h. Briti-h Gcernmonl on the ground lT'Z neods aone-being ,uito able to attcid to haa not been able to tear himself from us , otl c,f tUuex movo t ha . d,fl ?rd t& ' that too much time has V.eeu allowed to Ohle. marlM that himself. But we can assure bin ' family and friends. 1 lie capacity 01 a that there U no more truth in thw (dory !BOul that can subduo and survive such 1111 of Gtj-U Lorain's men asking his rcsigna-; "irrepressible conflict" ns thia man ha ticn tLuti thero is in tLo allegation he overcome, car. never bo doubted by any wake ugainst us that we had "repeated-! one, and would bo more suited for a ly threatened vengeance against the (Iov-j.-dar of all tho Kustiias," than for an ernmer.t it would undertake to punish . American citizen rebels." Both statements aro aliko lalse, mukinir favorable ruontion of r ... ... 1. : .1. .1.. .l : . . ..L.i.n ri.ii. 1 1,1 ts or unooi niiic-ii vue ruaui i "'"" , .. .,, , ,.), l;tiMleh aava i-onsiUe, whilst ho may be able to escape Cicv. IIibi.m. the I ul"rRhj'2 7, lorn the other by sluftint? the responsi! "Mr. B.gku is . sound n;-1'-;;9"'-bllity upon Mr. fined Authority" who is od a friend of tho n.on as con be found nther guilty of tho falsehood, or else a in tho Stote. mndo th dupe of Madaui Talllcr'a l,alo- tho Ih-yatch might have added, and bem-ins tchool. ' ucer ', us uny thing clso. in connection wiiii ins cuso. ,,!i. , v nn.i en einosrs that crossed mo , in: terdav informed of tho lirocecuiiigs tuat ,, , , ,,,,,).. stationod as fol- l..nso. Ac., and by th arrival of tho- ... i.. i.. r-.J t.uilf l.llLCA liefore Judge 1 real- . . Vf.Mir.riLiiTafiAriioou.KS. ilacJ'oiiaui, , , , . ii:.i.. . v,.. .ii..i.u i . . , - ; ki m. p.m HrLiw , . . . la cno oi wio "B "" "b" . - : i.avA T.nndoi news to t ho Utu lust. ora" i'-"r. " ivstl., luu-M." -vi -..j-nv, ,...v, Secrild, at Koacu s .-pring, nun a tune . , brothor. Hornet with no obstaclo iioc . tho end of tho bridgo tho battallion hw arrival wo have tho substance of - . Ar.n.i Li,,.1 Im. wiia treated . .... . .i i . ... . .. tnierrupwuu ui .., VT h. of District militia, tnreo mues im uier on j10 -proclamation ot tno uoverntneni, Vi,.Vn-rrXiwld I etcrally -" the road to Alexandria; the S(ichigu .1 h,ch ju intcntion of oVyg and .Stan and ,1 e soldiers generally, .v, , company of, t. , . .... ,1Mltrtt,ilv Matilda nntRTr. On 20th iiift., bjr R. Shaw, Ki"i., Mr. Louis Kitning A'cif, Vlll .Vll, ,r.., . J - - , 1-' Ci-iKT to Mra. Areml Kkvk f Jeff'"011 , On 21et instact, by Re. John A. Nuner, CBmnTiA-t Unows to Mil Nancr J. Ziftl' tho strictest and most impartial neutrality j'-" arfi ky s ClK)B Ver0,.- Mi Mast MATitn ship. . -nun rv anil h norm an S uaitery, in rtre-e - : : .. ... ..!-:'. X Voi-k Fifth. Two ft h. ! in the existing contest 'between tne uov-1 torm w. 'Aii.i.t to JcTThe dts.utisfaction among tue vo.- -" , Sixtv anJ .. ' I ,,,,.;,,, c,fttM ftn,l certain ' so-,, all of brady town unteersat tho .various cneampmeu . r'-.d Fourth New jersey regimonts, C. "i..- Tti.lV.i... ii, rnnfednrato i .. ' l'ennsv vania. is uniirocejenteu. . . ... i,,i. "'j-" iutu" iiir.it id inn piac icnns iu . i . f ciimiianics of cavalry, and a battery,' . ... ., , niii-K1 .k. r j ITlim.-i'i v. . . ciargedtuatat i ancasier.rovvt-u i".'!-.,- -- - . . ... Hnfi summ , Mates O, Anicric, ana mi. bat rounds of bread Por ntoal for vach a vus r-nUj ho ba.e and summit .f cntof couipuny ol 77 men, were furnished. i Arnnfeiou uugu.s. , j -ri .1 . lul. M" O on lliuir'i.; ' , ,1' ob Moor, gt'J yaar.