Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 22, 1861, Image 1

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miot hi i fit!
TEH.BIS $1 25 per Arnum, if paid in ndvance
Colombia the Gem of the Ocean.
0 Culuuilia, the gem of tlieoems,
The huinooftlia bravo an J the freo,
The shrine of each patriut'i devotion,
A world offeri hoiungo to thee.
'Thy mandntei make horoci assemble,
When Liberty'! form itiinda in view,
Thy banner! ninke tyranny trembld,
When borne by the rod, whitoand blue.
When war wnged its wide desolation,
And threatened tho lond todoform,
'The ark, then of freeduin'i founoatiou,
Columbia rode sufo through the itnrui !
With her garland of victory around lior,
When to proudly the bore her brave crow,
With her Sag proudly flouting before her,
, The boantof the rod, white and bluo.
The wine-cup, the wine cup bring hither,
And fill you it true to the brim ;
ilny the wrcathi they have won never withr,
Nor the stars of their glory grow dim :
ilay the iorviee uuited no' or never,
Jlut they to their color! prove true ;
The Army and Navy forever
'j hree clioorj for the red, white and blue!
1 f ton riiditeous moil would have saved
I ! . I I. 1 1 li . I . : !
ouhuui limn uiu mam oi iieuven, iaiu-
more might be spared from the vengeance
)f the North for the nuke of one trim soul
,lhnt inhabits tlmt disgraced citv,
The musicians who uccompiinied Ihe
first detachment of Massachusetts volun- j
leers on Uieir wuy to Washington were
topped at Baltimore, and, after being
moil cruoJly tmitnlly assaulted by the
famoniwe mob, w ere rescued from t Ik ir
perilous position iti a most rer.iai kable
manner. Tlrey arrived in this city on
Monday nro;iiing lust, on their wuy back
to thir Hay .Stale homes, in it terribly
bruised, buttered and mangled condition,
'f hey stopped hero u few hours at tho lr
ving House, in Broadway, and then went
forward to lioston to exhibit their wound
rind stir up the vengeful feeling of their
Joy n 1 countrymen by a norrnitivo' of tho
outrages they hid suffered. Wo leimi the
following interesting particular from the
musician.-), while they were at the Irving
The regimental baud that loft Bosion
consisted of twenty four person", who,
together with their musical instruments,
occupied a car by themselves from Phila
delphia to Baltimore. By some accident
the musicians' cur got switched oft" at the
Canton Depot, so lliut instead ot being tli
first, is was left in the rear of till the oth
er, and lifter the attack had been made
liy the mob upon the soldiers, they came
upon the cur in which the bund we:o .-till
lilting, wholly unarmed and incapoblo of
making any defence, Tho infuriated do
inuns came upon them bonding and yel
ling, and poured in upon them a thowur
iof stones, broken iion, nnd other ruishiles:
wmindin';5 tome seveiely, nnd donioli.hing
their instruments. Some of the 1 1 1 i
-rpnnt imnrtpd imon lhi roof of the ear.
end, with a I ar of iron, beat u ho ,e through
it; while others jo lling for powder to
JjW Shorn all up in a heap. J'itiding that
it would he sure destruction to remain
longer in tho car, the pool fellows j imped
out lu meet their ns.-ailants hand to hand.
They wec saluted with a shower of stones
Jiut took to their heels, fighting their wuy
through tho cio-.vd nnd running at ran
dom without knowing which way to go
for assistance or shelter. A they were
liurryirg along .it rough looking man sud-
Uenly jumped in front of their leader, and
jexclnimed, " This way, boys ! this way !
It wok the first friend Is' voice they bad
heard since entering Baltimore, n: d they
stopped to ask no iprestious, but folio woe
their guide, who took them up u narrow
court, where they found an open door,
into which they rushed, being met inside
ty a powerful looking woman, who grasp
eel each ore by the band and directed
them up Flairs. The lust of the band was
knocked enseiess just as ho whs entering
the dcor, dy n stone, which struck him on
(he hend ; but the woman w ho had wel
comed them imnifdiately oaugl t up their
Mien comrade and carried him in lier arms
tip stain.
" You are perfectly safe hero, boys,"
aid the Amazon, w ho directly proceeded
to wash and bind up their wour.ds After
having done this, she procured thorn lood,
ntl told them to strip oil their uni.orais
and put on the clothes sho had brought
(hem, a motley assortment of baize jackets
nyged coats, nnd old trousers. Thus
equipped they wtro enabled to go out in
tearch of their companions without -dang-r
ofatUck from the l'lug Uglies and
Blood Tubs who had given them so rough
They thon learned the particulars of
the attack on tho soldier and of their es
cape, and saw lying at ((testation (ho two
men who had been killed, and tho others
ho had been wounded. One of (heir
0"n band were missing, and ho has not
Jet been found, and it is uncertain wheth
er he was killed or not. On going back
to tho house where they were so humane
ly treated, they found that their clothes
"q been carolully tied up, ana wttu their
wttered instruments had boon setii to the
depot of the Philadelphia railroad, where
they wore advited to go themschos. They
dot Jong liesiinte, but started in the
nxt train, and arrived'in JTiiliidelphia
Jut in time to meet the 'Sixth Regiment
Massachusetts volunteers, under the
oomrnand of General Hotlor, who told
em to hurry back to the Old Bay Slate
o show their battered faces and broken
limbs, and that they should yot comeback
"d play Hail Columbia in the streets of
flwtimore, where they had been so iuhu
.fcwejjr usaultod.
The noble heiirtud woman who reoued I
these men i a well known character in
Baltimore, and, according to tho uxages of
Christian society, is nn outcast and u pol
luted being ; but she is a trite heroine,
nevertheless, and entitled to tlw grateful
considerations of the country, When
Gov. Ilrekj had put himself at tho heud
the rabble rout of miscreants, and Winter
Davis had fled in dismay, and the men of
wealth and otHeial dignity hail hid them
selves in their terror, and the police Were
powerless to protect tho handful of un
armed strangers who were struggling with
the mob, this degraded woman took then)
under her protection, dressed their wound
and fed thorn ut her own cost, and then
sent them back in safety to their own
homes. As sho it too notorious in Balti
more not lo bo perfectly known by what
wo have ulready told of her, it will not be
exposing her to any persecution to men
tion her name, Ann Manley is the name
by which sho is known in tho city of
lllo:d Tubs, and tLo loyal men of the
North, when they march ug.iin through
its streets, should remember her tor her
humanity to their countrymen. .S'.if. Kv.
Discomiort.s or a New Yohk
The New York Exjm-ss j tiblit hes thg fol
lowing :
Mapu-on Square.
heir Co:: This horrid war that every
body is talking ubnut, has interfered so
with society that I have scarcely any
thing to tell vm. Absolutely so inuiiv of
tho be:iux havs volunteered that we can't
have any lierma.i. There's one of the
conseqiu-iicea of civil war that I'm Mire
could never have been vanteturil.-itcd. 1
think if it were km wn, peai.e would bo
immediately proclaimed. You haven't
any idea of our sullc rings here-. The girls
have to tulk to old beaux ho were rejec
ted by our grandmothers; wo have to
spend all our limo at lint and bandage
parties, and our fingers are snro with scra
ping old napkins. But it's all the rage.
They say a company of Florence Night
ingales is to be formed ; each lady to car
ry a lamp ; but I don't see any use in that,
unless it is, liko Iiogene', to look for o
rutin. Oh! the desolation of the. ball
rooms ! But I suppose I shouldn't leli
the euemv ofourdeprivat'ions. I haven't
hud a new bonnet since Kaster; l'a says
all his .Southern stock is good for nothing,
and he rati' be economical. Lucy Lo
vem is engaged; her intended proposed
himself the day before bis regiment sailed,
nn I of course she couldn't r fine at mob
a time. I'm suro 1 should have accepted
tho whole company. At any rate I wish
they'd have proposed. Kvor so many
marriages have been hurried up by the
wars. My couin, Matilda MTlinisey,
was one of iheb. ides, nnd woro star span
gles li over her veil.
The worst of it nil is, we cannot gel our
sfinwberrics or peas from Suvimnh. What
is to bo done ! Ma gives a dinner tu-xt.
week, and tho idea ol no green pens and
absolutely no strs.wherries for dessert !!
Don't you think yon could smuggle so tie
to us, It wouldn't be giving ni I and com-
fort to the enemy, would ir ? Surely food
is not contraband of war, and really with
out our Southern vegetables ami fruits,
the dinner would bo a failure. Oh deal,
oh d '.ir, no German, and no green peas !
Wh it ft dreadful thing war is.
Yoi.r, my love, conlidingly,
I'loiiinpa M.
'Mr Coi'ntrv, 'tis ok Thus," Some
ono having asked tho Hartford Cox rant
who wrote tho words gem rally sung to
the tune of "America," the following
reply wus relumed :
"Tho Itev. S. K. .Smith, of Newton,
Mass., is tho author of 'Atr.oriea, and
also of (ho lienniilul missionary hymn
ommenciiig, 'les, my native, iimu, i mve
thee, and soveral others ol grout merit.
Mr. Smith is a graduate of Harvard Uni
versity, nn accomplished scholar, nnd a
most amiable and Bttractivo man. Ho
was for several years pastor of tho B iplist
Church in Newton Centre, Mass., but now
orpaged, I believe, in liteinry ar.d reli
gious pursuits of a more private mature,
lie preaches occasionally with great ac
ceptance "
FoRoivtNEss. Tho following beautiful
passage is from tho pen of John G. Whit
tier. "My heai t ( as heavv for its trust
had been sh'ised, its kil)Less nuswered
with foul wrong-so turning gloomily
from my fellow men, ono summer Sab
bath day, I strolled among the green
nvounds ol tho villago burial place; where
pondering where a.l Unman love and hato
find one sad level and how soon or late,
wro-ged and wrongdoers each with weak
ened face and cold hands folded over a
still heart, puss tho green threshold of our
common grave, whither all footsteps tend
whence nono depart. Awed for myself,
nnd pitying my race, our conimon sor
row like a mighty wavo swept all my
pride away, and tiembling, I forgave.
BcJa.Vo Ice saw a young man gazing at
the ry Heavens, with a f in 1 " J
of pistol in tho other. Wo Ndeavor
od 2 attract his utlOlion by .ing 2 a H in a
newspaper we hold in our BkT, relating i
a young man in that of the counlry.who
had left horn- in ft sl8 or derangement.
He dropped the f J'iftols Irom his
with tho 1 'It is I of Ahom you
read.' I loft M my friends knew of my
dftign.' 1 sO the twtT of a joung ludy
who had rofused 2 lislO 2 me.'but smiled
on another. I d from the house
Uttering a -wild ! to tho T T T of my friends.
1 came liero villi this t oml f ot l,,!i,ol
2 put a , 2uiyxwl0co. My case is uned
in this i
JiaTA lawyer engaged in a caso lortur
ed a witness so much with questions, that
the poor follow at last criod lor water
There,' said tho Judge, I thought you
would ju up hi ui dry.
United States District Court.
From tho Pittsburgh Lej,'ul Journal.
Tho folio sing charge of J tidgo McCand
less, delivered to tho Grand Jury of tho
United States District Cot- rt at Pittsburgh,
on the Clh insUint, is partrcukrly irnpoi
tant at this time, as defining the oti'enws
of Treason and Mi.imtim of Treason :, J. Tho oath which you
have taken indicates tho nature of your
duties and responsibilities. You are to
dilligently inquire, and true pro-crtmnnt
mik-e, as'well of all such mnl'ers ns shall
bo given you in charge as those things
you know to bo presentnblo here. --You
will present -no one tlirousii envy, nntreii,
or malice, nor w ill you leave any one tin
presenicd through fear, favor, ntl'eetion,
reward, or any hope thereof; and what
transpires in the jury room you will keep
secret, lou will have before you the
ord-nary cases which occupy the attention
of this Court counterfeiting tho coin of
the United Slates, and ollences in viola
tion of the laws regtilating tho Post Ollico
In this district, composed of neat ly two
third. of tho counties of this Common
wealth, recent events hnvo shown that
the peoplo nro loyal to the Government,
true to the CJiistitutioi:, nud'u unit in
support of the measures initiated by the
constituted authorities for its preserva
tion. While this will be a source ol'grat
kNcnlfcrti "to you, it is painful to remember
that this, the best Government ever do
visiwl !'v tho wisdom of man. is now as
sailed by foes of her own household, nnd '
in imminent perilof dissolution. Unliko
tho Whiskey Insurrection, which con
vulsed this sect ion or tho country seventy
venrs ono, this rebellion involves, nut
morely individual, but State sovereign-
ties, and 1: as acquire I (Hmensios wiiuoui
a lat-allel in msiory. i urn. wh-quciien
by an in my under the invincible "eral
and I-utlierol Ins uiuntry. who lata ino
f lundations of the llepublie, and this will
eventually bo suppressed by tlie over-
.vhelmrng and irresistible power ol tlie .e,.Vutiv ip,H-s, on the other hatid, ro
ppciplr. I giving tht ir best services to tho govern
In this grave juncture of our national ,nPUl nna nn.nfully standing by 'the con
affairs, which has checked tho commerce, Htitulion and tho laws.' Tho Journal of
arrested the manufactures, unsettled tho Commerce, which but a short limo since,
finances, and called to arms tho youth nnd WM ,01ct,,i l)V. u revolutionary mob to
chivalry of tho country, it will bo your riso on American flag in token of its nl-
j ",u j- -.
province to inquire wlieiher any ono in
this district has been guilty of olleiiees
against tho Government ol the United
Treason is a capital offence ; its penalty
is de.ith. and. alihouch a Grand Jury of
this Court may find u true bill, it ciin only
bo tried in tho Circuit Court. The sumo
Judge may preside in both jurisdictions,
but tho trial of this, the highest ollenco to tho law, is assigned to the higher
and more aogust tiibiinul, 8.) aggravated
is this crime, involving as it does the sta
bility of the Government, as well as the
lives', liberty, and properly of the people;
so wide was the latitude ol construction
given to it. in tho early periods ot t io tionui (jnpita! bhould bo defended Iwing ottered to his body. His head gen-
Fnglish law, that tho wise authors of tho at nll i,.,.,,.. .llt ,!, l'rpsidct rul was shot nnd behc-pied, bis head bo-
Constitution defined it in tho lurid mien- camuH crt.ni0 armies on the instant, ing afterward stuck upon a bayonet and
lid instrument itsel!. 'I reason ngainst tho or ,ro(iute tran'porlaiions and supplies carried towards tho cily of San Juan
Lnited States (says the third section of 0 qMi As t)lC ijonstittitional head of .which city upon tho arrival of tho invtid-
tho third article) shall consist enly in the Government, ho is entitled to thesup- ors, wn given up to the horror of three
levying war against them, or adhering to mtl anJ co-operation of all Good citizens, flays' sacking, murder, rap, no ami blond
their t-nemies, giving them aid and com- Jf j fjij,icu fi i-icl- desert him or not thirsty inventions of the invaders. San
oi't. ho will have the support of true Union, ' Juan was complete lydM!tited, and thrown
As was well said ,.y my brother Belts, lu,v nbidinx all Constitutional and lack at least a quarter of a century from
of tho Sou '.hern Hist net of ivew iorU, a lin,i iawful nieasires he may adopt ;o do- tlL' p"tl of progress which she wus be-in-
patriotic and just Judge, ihe other day, in f,.() the capital and preserve Iho safety ning to dread.
charging the Grand Jury of his Court, 0f Iho Slates remaining in the Union. j These terrible events have stirred up
trivinjr aid or comfort to tho enemies of ri,n ,oS,t moment is .n,o nr ....,( evei v dron of iei-(.n.f..r,il ,.;ii .. r
the country consists in furnishing military
supplies, food, clothing, 1 arbor or con
cealment, or communicating information
tothem, helpiri: therein hostilities against
he country and Us (iover.vment. m royat
are the people of thi-j district, I do not
Uelreve Hint any clinrgeswni ue lain oeioio
you, but it they are, owing to our location
nt the portals of tho valley of tho Missis
sippi, they will probably como unuer mis
definition of Ihe crime.
To quote from the eame nnthorily, in
which this Coiut concurs, within it w.ll
bo included acts of building, mannuig, or
in any .way aiding out or victualling steam
boats, or orher vessels, lo aid the hostili
ties of our enemies ; Sending fuel, provi-
sions, arms, or other supplies to them ;
raising, or ooininiiig cieun, ioi uiuu
service: indeed every traitorous purrx mo,
manifested by nets committed in this
district, by persons owing nllcgianco to
the country, will bo Treason, it is not
necessary that tho accused should hi vo
raised or created ar bv his own acts ; ho
levies war by acting with those yho h;ivo,ot bo wipphintod -by a usurper, under
l '
set il un loot, u, ity r-viKing ur nuiuiii
' . . i ; 1. . - . . r i . : i : ....
I ions, or iiKe scis oi iiosiiio nggressuMi,
I Thfie is another crime, gentlemen of
tho Grand Jury, of a kindred nature, not
j defined in the Constitution, but the pen
alty for which is described by tho Act of
i Congress of tho 30th of April, 1790
1 it is Misprision ol'Xrtwpn. Misprision
is the concealment ol something that
ought to bo revealed. Mispri-ioii of Trea
son consists in tho bare knowledge nnd
concealment of Treason, without as&cnliny to
I if. Or as the act of 17'JO describes it, ' if
'any person, or persons, having knowledge
of tho commi.sion of any of tho oflVmec
! nforcsai I, shall conceal, nnd not. as soon as
I may be.disolose,nnd make known tho same
' to tho President of tho United States, or
'some ono of the judges thereof, or to the
President or Governor of a particular
'.Slate, or some one of the judges or justie -1
cs thereof, such person, on conviction,
shall be adjudged guilty of misprision of
1 t:cnson, and shall be imprisoned not ex-
'cecding seven yearr, and fined, not excee
ding one thousand dollars."
I This is an aggiavaled ofl'once, for every
good citiien is bound to reveal whatever
may have a tendency to assail the integ
rity of the Constitution. The midnight
plots of conspirators and the atrocious
projects of traitors might otherwise attain
thoir full fruition, culminating iu tho
overthrow of the best system of govern
ment the sun ever sho-e upon. Kvery
act of treason should Lo made known to
tho proper authorities, and upon them
will rest tlio responsibility of ariesting iis
progress and punishing the offender. Had
tho secret -ts of Iho misguided men who
havo inaugurated civil war nt tho South,
under tho pretext of Constitutional seces
sion, lc-en sooner revealed to tho loyal
citizens of the ?out hern States, tho coun
try would not now bo compelled to mourn
over tho insult and indignity offered to
her flug. ' Secession is but another name
for rebellion, and thtt should be crushed
with;,all tho Constitutional power of tire
' ItTp't's'uintf yot Investigation, gentle
n fin, i n will pleaso to remember that
the public mind is now in a state of vio
lent agilation. At. such limes, distrust
may bo engendered, and suspicions ex
cited ogainst innocent indivt.itwtls. You
will take care that jour bills and pre
sentments nro founded on facts well au
thenticated. Caution, irt this rospect.
becomes the dignity of your position ns
Grand Jurors in a Federal Court, and
whilst the conduct cf every citizen of tho
district, however eminent or worthy,
charged w,hft violation of tho laws ol
... . . .. . ..
States, is a proper subjeet o .
I I I U t, HllVJ Vl'"ViJ,
inquiry, you win take care his gooUnj-,.0o ..ornmunity-a strong power, with
.umois not impaired by f d.-e and mail- u, llJ of usfl)1.u ti18P emasculated
c.ous aecusi.tions whitesof that region liurly lean, they
I he District Attorney will bo with ou are out of tho Union. Do this, and away your deliberations, and the Court; with the nonsense about aMilio. We
will allbrd you nil necessary process lo ,,, t deeds, not oflensivo nnd ustl
compel tho iitlend.ince of witnesses. You I nouls ; and wo want deed. tint will f-ave
v i U now retire to your room, and
upon your own adjournment.
Stand by the Government.
The Kepublican press of New York
with unimportant exceptions, is assailing
the President nnd his ndvi-en with do-
minciatioii and abuse. Tho proposition
c,,.. , i,.,.v ctiitois h in U nnnlv
ested s a iiwwssirv of iho limes. Thn
,.umi.lait is tlat iho Adiiiinisii-aiion U
tJiluloiy and iuellii ient nnd tlmt it 'parleys
H ilh traitors.' Tho Democratic and t-on-
raiso an American li
leuimice lo tlio gove
ft,n.ijr, that Ki::ie
ernnient, is now des
Id Iffll'OI' I 1 I lift. I f IK, .11,11
the attacks of those who then incited iho
mob. We copy from paper the fol
lDwing, which will meet a response from
every patriot heart :
"We in o niwicf those wire believe that
tho war nrght Lave been honorably avoid
ed; but we arc faithful ci'izons of the
United States, bound and nt all ti a fact Thioli goes far lo prove tho prc-vi-reudy
lo obey tho laws and to obey tho ous account lo bo correct,
constitutional obligations devolving upon Governor Aberastain was taken prison
us. Moreover, we believe that, while the ,-er". nnd nficr marching five leagues on
war lasts, and until a way is nticned for foot across a desert, until ho could in.u-ch
an honorable jM-iice, it must bo prosecuted no longer, rvns set upon a mound of earth
Willi vii-nr ! nnd esneeiiillv t lint, tlm ' i ni'.d shot, tlin mnsl lini-ril.ln L.tilintl
concei ii to the people of this city. It be
hooves ull good citizens- n.crchaiils.bnnk
ers, everybody w ho values the supremacy
of tho law, the preservation of social order,
or tho pro'eclion of property to frown
,i,,,,. ii,n rii-i ol irvnl.iiini.ui.v
tior) nj to ,H,,p,,-t the Constitutional nip
il0l jiies in tho discharge of their duties
'J'to present is a crisis io our affairs which
demands Ihe utmost calmness and judg
ment, and the truest fidelity to liie gov
ernment, whether its course accords with
pur judgment or not. Now is the lime to
U.aX the real tiontimoiits and patriotism of
the people.
"Much lias Porn sard lately about Iho
vila nfnnnrihv : nnd Ihev can Kcnrenlv lin
ex,pg(.rilted. But if iho possibility ct in-
: ou,.rmg them is a valid argument against
even a rcH iecuui opposition to certain
measures of the government, hmr much
more is il a valid argument again-t pny
nnd every measure looking to iho nvei
throw of that government? Who does
not know that, President Lincoln could
whatever pretext, without the most fViiht
ful nnari-hy ? Many of his political friends
would rally around him with might and'
main So would the Domocratsand Bell-
Kverett men without except on. For. lit
tle us some of them may like Mr. Lincoln,
thry would prefer him. or almost any
other niaM constitutionally elected, to a
military dictator, or to a usurper of any
sort. Of course, Americar s would not
yield to such an usurpation, except by
force, and that could only be mado effect
ivo through seas of blood. Beware, then,
of the beginnings of evil. Stand by the
government, until it is regularly superse
ded, according to the forms of tho consti
tution." frlT" Ma, get down on your hundi and
knees a minute, pleaso." "What on earth
shall I do thnt for pet?" '"Causa i want
to d;nw an elephant."
8jy,You want nothing, do you ?" said
Put. "Bedrtd, an' if it's nothing you want,
you'll find it in the jug where tho whiskey
fraT'Distinclion i an eminence which
is attained but too frequently al tho ex
ponso of a fireside.
ftjjyCaleb Cushing, of Massachusetts,
ha: declared himself ready to fight for the
Union and the Constitution.
Atrocious Sentiments. i
Tho Boston lci ami Ike, of tho 24lh
ultimo, makes tho following infamous
suggeslioirto tho national Administration.1
Tlio AtLt and lice is edited by tho Adju-
tant G-cneral of Miss ichusetts': ,
"Let tho Government send a string
force at once into Kastcrn Virginia, no-
companind by such chaplain. as Stella
Martin, FreJ. Douglass, and Hox Brown,
Willi as many Mack volunteers s can bo
raised in Canada nnd tho freo .States ; do
chire martial law, so that it shall override,
the law of slavery as it overrides nil other
law, and d-xlarej 'rccdom lo em u slave thnt tcil
join the Federal Army, furnishing arms and
ummuniMon nt thei-anio timo. P-v in-omi,
action of this sort nn nmiy of 40,000 me ( ''"tl n tliousund must havo left North
may bo raise ;l j on Me iavet and j)-t nejrncs er" Texas leaving, crops in the field nnd
cast of tho Bluo Kidgo, that would take j everything behind. There U great bitter
euro of Norfolk nnd 'ichmoi:d before the i nes" between tho Unionists nnd Disunion,
return of tho sickly season. It is healthy I 'st3 n,u' 'f ''ie former were strengthened
even in the counties nw tho Chesapeake ! there would inevitably be war among
until July, and immediately below tho ! themselves, and there is imminent dan
Bluo liidge it is healthy all tho year ' p'1' ' now. When Sain Houston spoko
round. in Galve.-.ton there was almost a light. A
Put S:ellu Mar tin, and such missionaries I eoimnitleo waited upmi him nnd request,
as ho may select, ashore, each under the!01' I''1" f101 to speak, or if be did, not to
protection of a bi.ttalion. on either bink
(if tllA lt,nli'in.,n.,!, V.,.1, ...,,1 I
rivmic.t lll(,ni it llt. ,6 luA).06t
ioi luem smut) u at I lie lie.Mest
court aIU, Kas,' Vir-iniii will bo
life and lend lo r.oi.ilom r-vT.
ot tiis fiilil is- the doom ot slave ru. and tl.,
sooner the (loecrntnent act upon th'.i idea, ih
less will be the carnajc. We mut buy irto
fiecdoin the chives of the loyal States, il
any such remain st tho close of the wur."
A Bi.oony l'lATTi.t; in Bi knos Avues
Si,: Hundred. Mm K ll,;l I'.i t- vrw v ut-
! March Uih. 1S(1. 'I'ho l.alilo'of Poeitiw
took i ace 1 1 th ol Jaiiuai v 'I he (iove. n.
! merit Commissioner was backed by 1,-lOtl
Gauchos," and Aberastam hv the San
Juan for c?, amounting lo about 1,200,
among which were a la-ge number of tho
most intelligent population of tho prov
ince. The combat lasted one half hour,
tho San Juan cavalry imrncdiutfly passing
over lo (he invaders. Then (.omlm.llcod
one td the most horrible butc'uries which
has ever disgraced the bloody arm ils of
tho Argentina Republic. Three hours
nnu ahull ol blojdy slaughter followed,
during which '.hue from fun- to six hun
dred men woro lanced. It is said that
Colonel f. a and his brother k M led until
their lances dropped from their hands
from pure exhaustion, lint nine person-
were killed upon the pin t of Iho invaders.
blood in the veins-of the bueuos Areans,
and revi rigo is now the sentiment of evci"
JMSTAnm.v I'CTii.voivs. we scarce open I
jC.n exchange now a days but ,,e tee re- j
corded the details of invasions of private
rights or individual properly, at the hands J
or some lire? possible mob, wli rare taught
tney nro doing (mi s service under n pre
tended suspicion of n wanl of loyalty on
tho part of their victims. Tho' lawless
spirit, wc lire smry to Fay, ha i been, in
to, many instances, otieourii'ed by men
who, when tho excitement of tho hour
pusses oil', will bo heattily ashamed of
their conduct. Ir. is ritno n nti h. tnt.
to tho oul;-?gc-!. 'j'hnt tho eouijtry is in- rals, tifteen colonels, twenty nine majors,
volved in war is calamitous enough with, forty-seven captains, forty-one liculen
otit adding to its evils a reign of luwkts ; i,l,ts nd ensigns, and twcnly-ono honony
anarchy. ry member!."
o Miw in an Kaston pMrr tho other j l KmI.AM,,)N OK TI1K (iovr hNoa oi
u..j uii, MiiiBineiii imu iwoorinree noxes
of tho Uungrassjomil Glubu had come to
1 1 I .1: i i i . t I . 1 1 T ii i
, ' T i, . i i '
:lli4 I i til Oi I St ii tits .Viinti i-ti S.inirt init.,li..
seeing tho boxes, pretended they smelt
treason, and tqlfing ll.eiu i.ito their ens
l:idy, pent for Mr. B. to " eomo and ex
plain tho mystery," Tiial gentlemen .sent
them word that when lh"y got through
leading the Union speeches made by him
in Congress, which they would find it. tho
volumes they were so carefully guaiding,
I hey should pleuso return his property.
Their discovery that they were simply
books of course enuod them somechogrin,
if il did not learn them better manners.
The fact is, nil good citizens must set
their faces against (his sort of procedure,
if they would restore anything like order
in the Government. Readiinj (lazctt-:
. , ; ; . . . ' poo to interfere with tho North in ant
tfl hero are two classes of tiiip.oir.t. J, 1(! of ,orm Ut Ul0 rotates have
ed lovors-those who are disappomled ierown ,;gu,rnlnollt to themselves, ai
before marriage, nnd the more unhappy ,.,e ljvc SlnlM ,,,,' without inlerruu
onc who are disappointed after it. i,ion pp ,llol(.s,a;i tIthi is what tlio
CuTWhy is a wtitcr like a nets horse? Sjuth desires. Is there anything in iluii;
Ilo oiterr runs for a plate or n cup. i reasonable ?"' Of course you don't meai:
C"-iT"The excavations of Pompeii uro now
carried on with grenl spirit.
fcsy-Tho place of greatest safely is Ihe
place where duty calls you.
Ciaylf twenty men make a score, how
many will it take to pay one ?
JtfeiyNevcr employ yourself to discover
the faults of olhers lo;k lo your own.
Sj-iktlixu Intelmgekce krom Texas. A
correspondent of the St. Loui Republican
s""'8 '
Murtial law has been declared in Hous.
and .Galveston, and nil Union men
havo been waited upon by a vigilance
committee, nnd ordered to enlist in tho
Confederate army, nnd bo ready for nctivo
service, or leave tl:o State, nnd six hours
was given to decide. Tho Union party i
' "cng inrougnout tl-e Mate, t ut is aweU
liy the violence of tho traitors.
funds were leaving th Slate in conso
ijucnco of the terrorism. 'J'ho Gulf
steamers from Galveston to New Orleans
me crammed with men fleeing for tho
North, and it wan Sinted in New Orleans
ui-cuks lato events 111 tlie fetate. lie ro-
plied that ho should speak as ho pleased)
no threats should intimidate him.
Too Good to he Lost. Gov. Andrew, of
Massachusetts, is in hot water about milt
t-uy order intended to menace the South.
Among many letters of remonstrance from
patriotic military men in tho State, is ono
from C.II. Manning, of the Sclera Artillery
He says :
" Tiny, (he Salem Light Artillery, are
now filled with astonishment at. lha uhw-
, j rity with which Massachusetts edict her
services m the work of war against her
brethren. That slio who swept on by po
liiical rancor, proposed tu shut her arse
nals and her storehouses, and bury every
military ensign in tho dusty seclusion of
deserted armories, while a foreign foe wat
sireeping our seas, destroying our towns,
levastatitig our helm that sho would
novv ''usl1 t0 "nn3 against tiros? of her fol
0VY citizens who nsk a position eiiual to
"p': own "nuer the confederation, is as
i ''t'augo nnd unnatural, ns that national
' "indiiess which vents ilfojf in the hcrrcH
! ol" ivil 8,1'ifo- That bho who denounced
nml ,,L'lie(1 10 Union, while it wus in tho
i hands of her political opponents, should,
! now 1,0 01l"(,r ,0 fiiut lbr i,s preserve
I tion' i!) somewhat significant."
Aiter Pisaye' b, Look Oit ! Tho lu
iliana)olis Jvurnat leports the following in
tho proceedings of the great Union moot
ing fighting meeting in thnt city on
Saturday nifht last: Wo cannot resist
giving an anecdote related by Mr. New
comb, as illustrating tho difference bo.
tweon tho two sections of the country..
During tho past winter, said tho speaker,
Robinson of KhoJe Island, was unfortu
nate enough to form the aauuaintunco of
Wigfa 1, of Texas. Wigfall was blustering
in his windy ptvle about what the South
was going to do in tho event of war. Rob
inson listened until ho had finished, and
then replied :" Mr. Wigfall, you don't
understand our people, il you accu-ous of
cowardice. You are niYnkcn. Yi u of
tho South talk nig then you tuko a
drink then put in more big lalk then
tako a drink. We Yankees don't oper
ate that way. Wo sit down and calculate
Ihe east, and what is to bo gained by go
in g into anything. Having made up our
minds wo say, ' Let us prny,' and after
praicnyou may look nut for licit,"
Fx-Pkksiiik.nt I-'n.i.Moiir, with tho title
of Major, is comma; ider of a company of
home guards at bull'alo, called the Union
Continental;;. They ru'e-tlressed in I. lack,
with tiro Conlinci.tid cocked hat and
Union cockades; and the iiullalo Republic
says: "A more irnpotii.g sot of mtn wero
never paraded, l.'.-d by nil cx-IYesidcr.,
the ranks nro made up of men worthy of
such an ollieer. Doctors of divinity, of
national reputation, march ride byiido
with dodo::! of medicine. Lawyers of
til'ty jenrs' standing, capitalists, mer
chants, bankers, and o. nlors, are the staple
of iho company. As asauiplo of w hut tho
! Continentals is composed, wc would state
that in tho ranks uro those who havo
itherlo hehl military positions: lourgen-
,:,,, ri.nlvn , ,),.; , iw ia.
biied his proclomatioii' commanding tho
'' ensof that State, that they do not un-
di-r any pretext whatever, remit, transfer,
or pay lo tho Government of thn United
States composing said government, which
ii known as a free soil Stale, or to any
city of uny such Stale, any money, bills,
drafts, or other things of vulti", either in
piij incut of any debt duo or hereafter lu
lii-eome due, or for or on neouuNt of any
iitber cause whatever, until tho termina
tion of ho-tiluic. A bimilar command
hns been mado on the bat:ks of (ioormn,
mid is done in pursuance of a law of thg
Yeuv Moderate. Tho New Oilcan
Cicsccnt says : "V.'o havo no intention, to
stildue" the North. Wo do not pio-
to subuue u, or mierire wnn us in an
shape or form. Then why don't you pay
your honest debtsr Why repudiate wb"!
you owe?
SQO'id Snarl says that love is a conibi
nation of diseases- -an affection of the,
heart and nn inflamntion'of the brain.
jjrThore are 1,300 men iu Fort Mon
roe, und bbO iu Fort Mc Henry.