1 f I f ill 11 BY 0. B O00DLANDER & CO. VOL. xxm.-wiiolk NO m:,. PRINCIPLES, not men. ITJlMS $1 2.3 per Annim. if paid m ouvnurn m:vm:i;h:s vol. i.-M) n. cuvUifiku), i'A. wkhnkmiav may ?j, .5tltct poctni. Columbia Uio Gem of the on the ' iiKh, wiii r i : ami u Ocean- I.I K." 1 MTU Ksllil' lM,o;n, 0 Cohinihia, I he ilno, nin, Ike In. me i.i'lli.i I, rave nn. I ill.' ir . Tb ihrinp nl'ca.'li ( i i. .t ! devotion, A World ofli'm lionce;e lu t lico. Thy innnif ites audio heroi'ii iis-eiii'ile. When I.ilii rlv'x f'lnn laii'ls in iew , TUy biumem in .iko tyrum.V li'einbl.'. When licirni' liv ilia red, nhiteitnl li!u.. M'lien vnr wnired iis Hole di'solntion, An J (lireutened I hr I. hi. I to deform. Tbo nrk, tln-u of froeiloin'ii I'oiitKinlioii, Columbia rode Kile lliimioli tin1 Monu ! With her frailiimls of vieloiy n renin 1 her, When so (irmully pliu Line Iht liiiive ere, With liiTllajr 1'KjihI l Hunting before lie. , Ths) boast of tli o re 1 1 , wbitv uml blue. Tbo wiiii' nip, ilio nine I'np bring liitlii-r. Am) lill you il trim to (be brim : Mny tbo roiiths tl.ey have won never with" Nor tli o stars of their glory grow Jim : Jlny (be uer'.ieo united ne'er never, Hut they to their eolor' irovn true ; Tlio Arm' mid Navy forever - 'Jhree eheers for ihe, red, uhito and bine! illistflhiifoiis, A BALTIMORE SAIST. If ten rigldeius men wnuM have saved .Sodom from the wrath of Heaven, BaJti inoro might bo spared Iromtho vengeance jf the North for t lie nuke of one true soul that inhabits thai disgraced cih , 1 he musician si who nccouii anied t lie ., mot uvou illliriii IM 'liOSH Ilil51ll!i V(llllll Kid- 011 llaif way to U'ahir.toti were Ktoppeil nt J'.altiiiiuto, tmd, ai tt r Lcin j inoit cruelly ami lnutally assaultcdl.y the l('tiioniac mob, iiei'p ifnoutd from tin ir J'crilous iio.'-itii.u in u tuot ret lai ka't.lo jimniifr. They jirrivd in this city on Monday mo: iiin last, on their ay li.u k to their Hay State homes, in a foirlily bruised, Imttoii'd and mangled i-'iiidition. .They stoiijieJ Inn; n fn-v hours at the Ir ving lloiiie, in Broadway, and :heu went forward to ltuskm to exhibit tin ir wounds jmd tit ir iii the venfiel'til feelings of tli.'ir loyal country nun by a nanrative of tli': outrage they !i td Millered. Wo learn I he following intere.-tio' i;tt tii'tilars lion) the musicians while they weie at the lrvinj; House : Tho rx'i iKtilai liaiul Unit left Jliis.on consisted of twenty four person's, who, together with their imidicnl intmnien!s, occupied a ear by I hem-elves from 1'hila dcll'hiu to I'.iltiuoic'. lly some aecidenl the musicians' ear -.'ot swilehed olT a', the Canton Depot, so that instead o; bein; the fir-ot, is wits h It i:, t,L. i car of all the oth crii, and after the attack had bet n made l.y the titoh upon t!ie .sohlier.s, they came upon the cur in w hich the band were still pitting, wholly unarmed and incapable of; innking any iielet.ee. The infuriate 1 de- j liiotw came upon them howling and vel- J lin', and ioured in upon them a thowor of utones, broken iion, and other mis..iles: woundili.' wn i sevelelj , and deinoli hin their instruments. Some of the nii rrpmiti jumped tipon the roof of the car, nnd, with a I ur of iron, la a', a ho c through it, while others were e lling for powder to Vow them all up in a heap. Finding that il would he s'lie des'.i -notion to remain longer in the car, the pool fellows j imped out to meet their as-ailants hand to hand. They Wfe saluted with a show er nfstones hut took to iljcir heels, lighting their way through the crowd avid vutining at. ran doui vtvithou. Kri.r.ving wha hwuy to go for sfitanee in- s,elier. As they ttete liurryirg alono -,t roug! looking man mmI elenly jumped in front oi their leader, and exclaimed, This way, boy 1 this way '. ' It f'u-s the first liicndlv uiire they had lieard ince entering Jliltimoio, a. d they stopped to ask no iptetioiis, but follouei their cui'le, u ho tool; them up a nnrron :ourt, where they found an open door, into which they rushed, being met inside by a powerful looking woman, who grasp ed each one by the band and directed them up Hairs. The he-t of the band was kr.oeked r-eirseiess ju.-t as he was entering the dcor. dy a Mone, r Inch (struck him on lliti head ; hut tire woman who had wel comed litem iinint diatclv eaug! t up ihei:- fallen comrade and carried him in her arms i up etnirv ' You are perfectly safo here, boys," .faid the Amazon, who directly proceeded .to Wfetu.nud l)'nd up their wounds After hawing done thin, hlro procured them lood and told them to Atrip ollthiir uni.oris una put on the dollies the bad brought them, a nmtley assortment of baio jackets I'ftjed coats, and old trousers. Thus 'qoippsd they were enabled to go out in search of their companions without danv r of attack from the 1'ltig Uglies. ami Ulood Tub who had given them m rough a reception. They then learned the particulars of the attack on the soldiers and of their es cape, and saw lying at Ihestation the two men who had been killed, and the others .who had been wounded. (,)no 0f their own band were missing, and ho has not ; yet been found, and it is uncertain wheth er he was killed or not. On koiiig back ' to tho houtse v.hero they v.-ere u humane ,Jy treated, they found that their clothes , had been carefully tied up, ."nd with their battered instruments had been sent to the ,,nnAi rii... di.ii.. .1.1.. i.; .1 ...i ' thy ro udvUed to go themseli es; They ; 'uuuub ui Lin i loiuot; lull i i.iiiiuiii. il il'. ' , e , ' V. i 1 1 . next train, and arrived in Philadelphia ' if ili f l m T ,SXlh Ufmul 01 Ma8s,ichusett volunteers, under the f them lo hurry back to tho Old Pay Slalo ( to show their battered faces and broken .jiiuus, aua innt they should yet come back nd play Hail Columbia in the streets of Baltimore, whoro they had been so iubu-j' tuauoly nmultol The noble hearted woman w in) l e.-lled J these men is p well known character in P. iltimore, and, according to the u-agisof i ('In i-li in neii ty, is an outeat and u pol diited being ; but shii is a true heroine, neverthe!e-s, an 1 entitled to the grateful ' eopkidernl ions of the country. When io. I licks had put himself at tho head l.llie rabbl rout ol inisci-eants, and Winter I'avis lial lied in dismay, and the men of i wealth and olllcial dignity bad hid them si lvpq jn their terror, and tho police were powerless to protect the handful of tin- armed strangers w ho were struggling with I lie iniih, (Ins degraded woman took them under her protection, dressed their wounds atid led them nl her own eo-t. and then sent them back in .at'ety to their own 'homey. .s she in too notorious in Balti more not to be perfectly known by what ive have already told of her. it will not be I exposing her to any persecution to mon ition her name. Ann Manloy is the nnme by rvhich she is known in the. city of I'.lo.d Tub and t!.e loyal men of tin' I Xorth, when they march again through I its m roots, should remember her lor her j humanity to t'leir eouutiymen. ,S'.((. .V, 1 'iscomiohts or a .'r:w N'oiti; IIki.li'. The New York llspr,: j ulili: lies the fol lowing ; Jf. ii ison S((i Anr. J),-iv Co-; This horrid war that every lndy is talking about, has inti.-rlored so with society tliat 1 have scarcely any thing to tell you. Absolutely so many of the beaux hav ;' volunteered that we car.'t have any (iei innn. 'l'here's one of the eoi'seipu iices of eivil war that I'm sure could never have been eontemtilatod. 1 link if it weto km w-n peace would be immediately proclaimo t. You haven't any idea of our snll'criiigs here. The girls have to talk to old beaux who were rejec ted by our grandmothers : we have to spend all our l ime at lint and bandage parties, and our ling -rs are sure i ith scra ping old napkins. But it's ail the rage. They say a company of Florence Niglu ingales is to be formed : each lady to car ry a lamp ; but I don't sec nnv use in tU-at, unless it s, like )io'cm.-, t o k for 111 ill. lh! the desolation of the ball rooms.' But I suppose 1 shouldn't tell the enemy ol'o.;r deprivat ions. 1 haien't had a new bonnet since Faster ; l'a says all his .Southern stock is good for nothing, and he must i o economical. Lucy I.o voni is engaged ; her intended proposed .himself the day before his regiment sailed, nnd of course she-couldn't r fuso at such a time. I'm sure 1 should have accepted the whole company. At any rate I wish they'd have proposed. Ever so many man iages have been hurried lip by the wars. My cou.in, Matilda M'Flimsey, was o:te of die b. ides, and wore star span glos all over her veil. The worst of it all is, we cannot got our s'.i aw berries or peas from Savanah. What is to lie done ! Ma gives a dinner rvxt week, and the idea ol no green pens and k)solutdy no st: i. v, Terries lor dessert!! Don't you think you could smuggle so lie to us. It wouldn't be giving nil and coin-' foil to the enemy, would it '.' Surely food is not contraband of war, and really with out our ."southern vegetables ami trulls, the dinner would be a failure. Oh oh d 'fir, no (ierman, and no green Wh it a dreadful thing war is. Yo1. r-, my love, confidingly, I'i.okim-. deal . peas ! i M. 'Mi CorxTirv, 'ris or Tnr:i;." Some one having usked the Hartford C, ,-.,( who wrote the woids gem rally sung to llie tune of "America," ihe following reply was lvitirucd : "TIik Uev. S. I. Sniitli, of Xeivton, Mass., i., the author of 'Auieiica,' nnd also of the beautiful loissicnaty hymn coniriieneing, 'Yes, my native land, I love thee,' and several others of great merit. Mr. Smith is a graduate of Harvard 1'ni ve: sity, an accompli-bed n holar, and a most' amiable .ind altraelivo. man. He was for several years pastorof the Biplist Chinch ir. Newton Centre, Mass., but now ergage'l, I believe, in literary avd reli- oitijik tiiifujila ii ii mitn tiiii iiln iintni-o I I- I " - I - ......... . lie preaches occasionally with great ac ceptance " Fori.ivkkess. Tho following beautiful passage is from the pen ol John II. Whit tier. "My heal t w as heavy for its trust had been ub tsed, its kindness answered with foul wrong so turning gloomily from my fellow men, one summer Sab bath dav, I strolled among the irreen mounds of tho village burial place; where pondering where a. I luman love and halo j find one sad level and how soon or late, ' wrorged and wroiigrWrs each with weak-! ened face an 1 cold hands foldt d over a1 still heart, pass the green threshold of our : common grave, whither all footsteps tend whence none depiirt. Awvd for myself, 1 and pitying my race, our common sor- j row like 11 mighty wave sejit rill my pride away, nnd ttenilling, I forgave. Rf-L-Wc lco saw 11 young m ill gazing at , tho ry Heavens, with a t i" 1 p" "d a , J- of pistols in tho other. We Ndeavor- ed II nl tract his at lilt ion by .ingl2ar in a newspaper we held in our Eir, relating II a young man in that of tho country, who had left honi" in a stS of derangement. He dropped the t and pistols from his K.5.- "&tJI with the ! 'It is 1 of a hour you re'id.' I loft U4 hi v friends knev of rnv i .... .. ZCL LVitA meflunS ' OfMrill. 1 s() tho fr.iV nt l" nnou"''- I d from the house uttering a wild ' to the ' ? ? of inv frie-ids VamA" ' t I o ' ' s ols 2 nut a . o ,,, , : 1,,... ' ,f .. .' . .'., in this i B2fA lawyer engagnd in a enso tortur. ed a witness so much with questions, that tho poor fellow at last criod lor water There,' said tho Judge, ' I thought you would pu up liim dry.' , United States District Court. Tlti;.MiN ASH MI.-I'IIIHN iK Tit I'.A M N . I l-'rom the ritt.-be.rli bcu'al .lourmil.l i 'I'he folloiting charge of. I itdgo McCand ; lo.-s, delivered to the (iiand Jury of the I I'nited Slates District Cot i t at l'itt-.buigb, Ion the Oth instant, is particularly ir.ipor 'tant a'- this time, as defining the oll'onees jof 'I'rc ii"H and Ml.-'jirL-i i 7V''""'i ; I Mi Caniuxss, ,1. -The iiath which you have taken indicates the nature of your 'duties and responsibilities. You are to dilligently impure, and true pro-ertment mike, as well of all such mal'ers as shall be civen you in chart'o as those things ;Vou know to be presentable here. You I "will present no one- through envy, hatred, lor malice, nor w ill you leave any one 1111 't'lesenied through fear, favor, arleetioti, reward, or any hope thereof; and what transpires in the jury room you will keep secret. You will have be fore you the ord'nary cases which occupy the attention of this Court counterfeiting the coin of the I'nited Slates, and oll'onees in viola tion of the laws regulating the Tost Ollice Department. In this district, composed of nearly two thirds of the counties of this Common wealth, recent even's have shown that the people are loval to the (iovertiment, (rue to the Constilutio:-., and a unit in support of the measures initiated by the constituted authorities for its preserva tion. While this will be 11 source of grat ification to you. it is painful to remember that this, the best liovcrnment ever de vised by ti e wisdom of man, is now as sailed by foes of her own household, and in imminent peril of dissolution. 1'nlike the Whiskey Insurrection, which con vul.-ed this section of the country seventy years ago, this rebellion involves, not merely individuals, but Slate sovereign-1 lies, and has acquired dimensions without ii parallel in history. That wa quelled by an at my under the invincible (ieneral and Father of his Country, who laid tho foundations of the Republic, and this will eventually be suppressed by the over whelming and irre.si-tible power of the people. ' ! In this grave juncture of our national allairs, which has cheeked the commerce, arrested the manufactures, unsettled the finances, and called to arms the youth and (hivalryof the country, it will be your province to impure whether any one in this district has been guilty or offences against the Covet ntr.ent of tho I'nited States. 1 Treason is" a capital offence; its penalty is (.-.i'A, and, although a (irand Jury of this Court may find a true bill, it can only be trkd in I he Circuit Court. The same .ludge may preside in both jurisdictions, but the trial of this, tho highest ollence kno.vn to the law, is assigned to I he higher and more august tribunal. So aggravated is this crime, involving as it does tin- sta bility of the Government, as well as the lives, liber.v, and property of tho people; so wide was the latitude of construction given to it in the early per iods of the Fnglish law, that the wise authors of the Constitution defined it in the fund iinen tal instrument itself. Treason against the I'nited Slates (says the third section of the third article) shall consist cnly in levying war against them, or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid mid com fort. 1 As was well said by my brother Beits, of the Sou'.hern District of New York, a patriotic and just Judge, the other day, in charging tho (irand duty of bis Court, giving aid or comfort to the enemies of the country eons.sts hi fumi-lntig military supplies, (cod, clothing, 1 arbor 01 con cealment, or communicating information to them, helping therein hostilities against '.he country and its Government. So loyal are tbo people of this di-ttict, I do not believo that any charges will Is; laid before you, but if they are, ow ing to our location lit tho portals of the valley of tho Missis sippi, they will probably coma under this definition of the crime. To quote from the same authority, in which this Coti.it onnours, within it w.ll be included acts of building, manning, or in any way fitting out or victualling steam boats, or orher vessels, to aid the hostili- , ties ol our enemies ; sending fuel, provi sions, arms-, or other supplies to them ; raising funds, or obtaining credit for their service; indeed every traitorous purpese, manifested by nets committed in this district, by persons owing allegiance 10 the country, will bo Treason, it is not necessary that the accused should lu ve raised or created "var by his own acts ; ho levies war by acting with those who have' set it on foot, or by Foizing or holding forts, or like cts of hostile, aggression. 1 There is another crime, gentlemen of the Grand Jury, of a kindred nature, not I defined in the Constitution, but the pen- 1 alty for which is described by tho Act of Congress of the .'iOtli of April, lT'.'d it is Misprision of Treason. Misprision is the concealment ol something tl-at aught to be revealed. Misprision of Trcii son consists in the bare knowledge nnd concealment of Treason, without aaeiliy tu it. Or as the net of lT'.'d describes it, " if any person, or persons, having know ledge of the comtni nori of any ol tho ofl'-.-iHcs aforesai I, shall conceal, and not, as soon as may be. disclose, and make known ihe same to tlu President of the United States, or some one of tho judges thereof, or to the President or Goernor of a particular Slate, or some one of the judges or justie. est thereof, such orsoii, on conviction, shall be H'Jjuuged guilty of misprision of tieason, ami shall be imprisoned not ex ceeding seven yenrf, and fined, not excee ding on, thousand dollais." Thi is n aggravated offence, for every pood citizen is bound to reveal whatever may liavo a tofiticncy to asfsil tho integ rity of the Constitution. Tho midnight plots of conspirators and tho atrocious projects of tiaitors might otherwise attain their full fruition, culminating in the got, cm- tliont toe Mill over IM'oll. l-.vi-rv act of liea-oii should i t. m.i b 1, now n t,, the proper authoiiti.s, aud i,,n thorn will le-t tho ie.p,,i .il ;:;.. ,,f stiinr progroi.s . mi pi. in . lung i he . the .-core", act of (he misgui have ininbMiraled civil war illender. Had I men who ,, , the Sou tli. ,t under (he pretext of Constitutional m',.,, sion.bie:, sooner revealed to the loyal citizens of the Southern Slides, tbo cuu- try would not now be compelled to mourn over the insul. and mdiJui.v ollored to her Hag. Secession is hut another name. for rebellion, and tint should bo ertl-hed ! ' ' . ..: '.u i.iiou o u jo u u in' Government. 1 . In pni suing your investigation, . .entlo- men, you will please to remember that the public mind is now in u state of vio lent agi.ution. At such times, di-trust m. iv be engendered, and suspicious ex cited again-t innocent individuals. Yo-j will lake can; that your bills and pre -sentinonts are founded on facts well ru i llienticiited. Caution, in this respect, I becomes the dignity of your po-ition as Grand Jurors in a Federal Court, and j whilst the conduct i.f every eiti.on of the .district, however eminent or worthy, I charged w ith a violation of the laws of I ,. ....ii V..1. . ' . '.i ,.;.;' .' " the I rr ; I i'i 1 States, is a proper subject of ' ; , ' , , ' ,. , , , name is not imparred by Idse and ma!i - "'n tTr-Tln 'I. I ' j Ihe District Attorney will be with you imnng your iieiineraiions, nnti toe i ourt J " ""P . 10 e.-.nipel the ut lentlaneo ol witnesses ou will now retire to your room, and meet .. : .. ir. ...1 it , . upon your own tuljoiiriimeuts. Stand by the Government. I'he Kopublican press of Noiv 'olk with unimportant exceptions, the President ami his a lvi-ei.i nunciation ami abuse. The is nss iiiing with de lroiosition for a military dictatrn ship is openlv sug gested as a neee.-siiy of the limes. The compliiint is that ihe Administration is dilatory and ineflh ient ami that ;t 'parleys w ith traitors.' The Dcmocratie and con servative papers, on the oiln-r hand, ate living tin ir be-t services to the govern ment nnd manfully standing by 'Ihe eon stilution ami the laws.' Tho .Ac,,-,,, ( tbioi-oYiv. wh'.cl. but a short lino sii.ee, was lotcvd liv a revolutionary mob to raise an AnieViean Hag in token of its id- legiance to tli? government, is now de- fen-ling that same government against the attacks of those who thru incited the overthrow of Urn host ssU.,i of mob. We copy from tl.at paper the fol- 'luring which 'ime from f air to six hun biving, ivhieh will meet a response from dred men were lanced. It is sait) that every patriot heart : Colonel S. a and his brother k'.llc-d until "We are among those whe believe thiit;be:r lances dropped from I heir hand the war might have been honorably avoid- from pure exhnusiion. But rime person--od;but we are faithful citizens 'of the wore killed upon I he pai t of the invaders, I'nited States, bound nnd at all times a f.iel Ahich goes far lo prove the previ ready to ubov the kiws and to obey the oils account to ho correct. . ... ,il..,l ... '.I ..I '. . t . . 1 i .1 . - . . const minimal ooogauons uevoiviiig Uior. t:s. Moreover, we b-liove that, while tho war !asts, and until a way is opened for an hone rnble peace, it must be prosecuted with vigor ; and especially that the Na- tiotial Capita! should be defended at all hazards. But the President cannot create armies on the instant, or produce i.iiiii-ii-l;i;ions and sujiphes on can. ys nil' voiiswiuiiou.il uea'l ol the Government, he is entitled to the sup port ami co-operation of all Good eiti ions. If his nlitieal friends de.erl him or not he will have the support of true Cnion, law abiding inen.'ii til! ' 'onstitiilional anl ami lawful lnen-ii'-os he may iidojit lo de fend the capital and prese:e the safely of the S'.at".- rt-m.'tii.ing in the I'nion. 'I'he pro-en", moment is one nfgrat concern to the people of this citv. It be hooves all good citizens ir.erchaiiis.b.ink-' ers, even body w ho values the supremacy of the law, the pre-eivat ion of social order, or the protection of property-to frown down tho lir-t signs ol revolutionary ac tion and to .support the Constitutional au thorities in the !i-t barge of their duties. Tie present is a ei i-.is io our allairs which demands the utmost calmness, am! judg ment, and the truest fidelity to tin; gov ernment, whether its coor.-e accords with our judgment or n il. Now is ihe time to te.-l the real sentiments and patrioti-m of the people. "Much has bin n said lately about the evils of anal i by ; ami I hey can scarcely be exaggerated. Bui if the os-ibility tl in curring them is a valid argument against even a respectful oppiisi'i.'in to certain measures. of the government, how much more is it a Milid r.rgument against any and every measure looking to the ovet- 1 1 C . I ... I 9 W I. - 1 . . iiirow oi in u (.m ii 1 1 u .in i . n iij noes not know thai. President Lincoln could 1 ' 7 ,' ' . , "' ' " ' ''. '. not bo s.M.plant.,1 by n ii-urper, umb r i "' ' , i0'1 ,,ll"'":' "' '"'d.eS wlut.cver pr.te,., with out the mo-t fright-1 ' ''V"'"1:" s,"11 ful nnarehj ? Many of his politienh', lends ; ''''.l r .in it- .i , , tJilv, sent for B. to "come and i x woud rally around him wdh nng it am!' : ,i , ,, . "" ,J i x,, .,.i,i ,i, I, .". I i- .ii I plain the mystery." I hat gentlemen sent , . ; IVVl'Il U IIU'II lllinui VAI.'t'Dl (Ml, I 'M , III- tie as some of them may like Mr. Lincoln, they would prefer him, or almost any other man constitutionally elected, to a military dictator, or to a usurper of any sort. Of course, A mei iears would not yield lo stub an usurpation, except by "force, and that could only be made effect ive through seas of blood. Beware, then, of the beginnings of evil. Stand f y the government, until it is regularly superse ded, according to the forms of tho consti tution." I .j-" Ma. get down on your hands and knees n minute, please. ' shall I do that fo; pet?" to ih' aw an elephant." C-J'-'Vou want nothing, Pat. "Betlad, an' if it's no 'Vi hgl on tn; til 'i 'ausy want lo you '!" saitl mg you want, you 11 nun 11 111 11. e jug wnere too w hiskey A-as-'' CrjJfDistinction is an eminence which is attained but tun frequently al tho ex pense of a fireside. Br'"Caleb Gushing, of Massachusetts, h;K declared himself ready to light for tho Union and the Constitution. ..... , : . .1 1 r ... Atrocious Sentiments. Boston A'.,,i , ;,,., t,,, hl, ', makes the fulhming in fanco , lion lo the national A I iiiini-l i nl ion. ,7 u- uivl II,-,- is edited bv the A. I in. uli; sug The ' tool ( ; ,1 ,.r M .... ...i.... ., , .'. ' i i ,,, , i , . . ,. , . lct the iiuvernmeiit send a slrmg c . . i . . . . . , " , ''' ' J' , . "("""V V i u I I, ,l,""'1 1 w, ' , . ? ' ri''';' '",!s , , ' ,, !' '1 V; o", "! .' . 1 .. .. V. V' ': '": ' ! '"; : ','V i ' w .ii.ii. il - 1 1, 1 1 1 1 111 Mil) ,., !... ..I' . 1 , ,. ,,,,, ,,, r-,,111-,, us n ovei'riues an oilier bin- .,... J .. . . ,, . - ,,,,,,,. ,.,., 1 ... , r , . . 1 i . . . . ,U"'.,l',"-.."niu u"'1 .iii.v. , .. i.mi ,iv i uu (nine i ime. rv li rum I it I ,,r e ,,;,', 1 ... ...... ,n .-..it ,iij ii i hi. v oj io.oi a; me ii I may bo raise I ,. !,,. ,,,,,', , lri(ll, ,.,, east of the lilue Kidge, that would lake icaro 'A Norfolk and h'ichmoiid before the , li-lurn ol the -n-kly season. It is ICillllll I . , .even in the counties near theChcs.pc aki; until .July, ami immediately below the ; Blue Iiidgo it is healthy all the j car round. I B.;t S ella Miirtin, and such missionaries a- he limy select, ashore, ca,;h uiuier the : protection of it bi.ttalion, on either bmk ol the Ii'iippahaiiirock York, at:d James liver- let t hem ?'., ,l at i n ....veto i1'1""'1 'd Fastern Virginia w ill be '''to eomininiitv-a strong power 'with 'u, .,,. , ,,., . i.'. , , , , !-it-sof,hatregionta1rlyh,,r,,il,aiil,ey!Vn ''-inl..ded to nmnaco ihe Soull.. j are out of the I'liicn. Do this ami -iwav ! Auwu lll;l"' lotion olremo:isf ranee front i viih i1(. .,,.,. .,,,,( , , w ' . ' ' " i "1,llt d-e.l.s. not ollensive and umI-m j worths ; ami we want deeds lint will save lif ud lea.l to !'.e.,Iom. f-j" 7V '.' '"' J''Jht ' He ,Ua '.-' ,(..-,;., a,l tie .m". in - l,e (;,,ft rim,, nt a t i,m tlt a i'7, ,r, ,, It '.i ii-tHbc tin: ,-it;,,i-,-. We must buy into fieedoiu the slaves of the loyal Slates, if any such remain t the close of the war." A Bi.oonv l' irr r.: t Bi i:(is A vims A'.c llmnli-. d .1,.-,, ' '',-,. Ji( KMlS A V RI S, .March lllh. J.-l'i I I'ho battle of l,.;i,,. look iihieo 1 1 th ol .bnuai v. The ioveri:- meiit Commissioner was backed bv 1 (HM')0W i'' to arms against thrsi of her fel- "Gauehos-," and Aberastain hy "the an Juan I'oiers, anion n ! ing lo about 1 ,'Jdll, among which ivoie a la-ge number of the mo-t intelligent population of tho prov- ince. The combiil lasted one half hour, the San Juan cavalry immediately passing over to tho invaders. Then eonoii,.M, cd one of the nio-t horrible hutc'i. ties which 'l'a ever disgraced the bloody anuils o1". "'o Argentine 1 lepttulie. Tloce hours I n,lt a half ol bloody slamditer followi I oveiuoi- . nerasiam was liiken prrson- er, and afur marching five leagues on foot across a de-ert, until 'he could in. ireh no longer, ivas set upon a mound of earth ami shot, the most horrible barbaiilies being ollored ro his body. His head "o:i- r;d was sho! and beheaded. 1:U-bead be- ing i.fterwards stuck upon a bayonet and carried towards the citv of S in Juan wincli city upon the arrival of the invad ers, was given up to the horror of throe days' sacking, murder, rapine and bloml- iiii;si iu eiiuons or r no mvai lni I nan wase,,im.l,,i. 1 . . 1 .i ..... 1 i.i ! in i w 1 ' ' 1 1 1 1 I U I 1 1 1 1 .A I ' t.iek a: leit-t a ..u.u tor of a ct.tnrv IV,.,., : K a: lea-t a oiiai tej- ()f a eenturv froiu ! -gin- ! .i .i ,. i ne pill n oi progie- ss w ui.-li she wu- liii:g lo dread. i In so tt rrihle events have si irre no m . . ' ' evengeiii I and evil war - i me o-.e-uos arcan-. am i.s now i no .-eutimeut ol ever heart. I Da-T. Willi. V d TiiA,,i;-.--We scarce open j .i n exchange now a day- but we see re- ' , corded the details of invasions of irivate j rights or individual property, nt the hands ! td soin..' irre-p(,ii-ibt' nioh, w Ii ) iirn taught I they are doing Cod's service under a lire- lymieu sii-j,icaui oi a wa'u ot loyalty on ! itiio part of their victims. I'he' lawless , , spirit, wo are m rv lo av, In; been, in too many instances, euonuriged by men who, when the excitement of the hour pa-ses on, win l,o lioattily a-h:imed of tneir eonil.iel,, to t he out rages It is time a stop bo put That the eountii- I- in vol l ed in ' out adding aiiarehv. ,r is eaeiinilons ,..,on..)i u-lil.- to its evils a reign of hiwhss ; Vii saw m an liaston p -qu r Ihe other ; day the st at anient that twoor throe boxej i ul the Congras-ional Gln!.' hii'l come to . 1 . , i , . . ,, ., ., .. . i h.-in word that w ner. they got throiiL'h reading ihe Union pooches made by him in Congress, which they would Iiud it. the volumes they were so carefully guarding, I boy should please return hi'r property. Tln-ir discovery that they were simply Books of cour.-e eausir! t em some chagrin, if it did not lear:r thei.i better manners. 'I'he fact is, all good citizens must set their faces against this sort of procedure, if they would restore anything like nider in the Government. oi,, ,', G',i;,-,-. -.:' 'There are tw o clas-ei, of tl i . ,oi 1 ed lovers those who are disappointed hefo.'ti marriage, and the more unhappy ! 0IR"' " 110 !" e b-"ppointe'l .alter it. Ci?"Why is a waiter like a r ue hurst '.' lie olteii runs for a plate or a cup. f-j')" I he excavations of Pciun.i: tire now carried .011 w ith jre:it spii il . fc'iyTho place of grealest nafely is the place where ituty calls you C-Xrlf twenty men make 3. i-core, how many will it take to pay one ? BuNever employ yourself to discover the faults of others look to your own. I'm A . i v ; Miulial bi'V h.u been di-cl ii-i"! in llou Ion and (iiilvc-ton, iiud :!! I'nion mci. have been wailed upon by ;i vigilant-' commit tee, and old 'red to ci.li-t in the Conledi late army, and I'e ready for active service, or leave li e Slate, antl six ho.ii.i was given to decide. The I ' n ion party is strong tl routdiout tl o Slate, I lit is awed by the violence of the traitors. Thou Ht:id were leaving the St:,;,, in rouse iUence of the terrorism. Th,s Gulf steamers from Calvist.M to New O.-loans aie crammed with men Ih-oiiig f..r the North, ami it va i;.i'.tcd in New Ot leans that ten t '.ioi,s:ii-, mti-t have left North ern Texa-, leaving crops in the Hold and every thing behind. There i- great bitter ness I -el wee n the V n ion is Is and I 'isiini.ni- 1 I . 1 1 I . , I .1 I . .. .... . I 1 1 ' 1 ' ,l" 11 lIM; mi nn i i ei e M i enei oeilt'll '"ere wotiiii Hiovitaiiiy tjo war among themselves, ami there is imminent dan get-of it now. When S un Houston spoko in G.ilve.-ton there was almost a light. A committee waited upon him and request ed him not to speak, or if he did, not to "li-eiiss lato events in the Slate, lie re plied thai he should speak as ho pleased no threats should intimidate him. Too Coo; to in: I.osr. Gov. Andrew, ol Massachusetts, is in hot water about mili- ! pairioiie military men m the Mate, is one men in the Slate, is , i- i ' ii m : . from CM. Manning, of the .Seltuu Arlillerv , He says; I " They, the Salem Bight Artillery, ai'Q. ; nov lilhn! with a-tonishnionl id. the alue ! fit v with which Massachusetts rflers her ; services m the work of war agairisl her i brethren. That she who swept on by po llitical v.inoor. jirojiosed tu shut her arse- iiiils am! her storehouses, and bury every I military en-ign in the dustv seclusion of deserted armoiics, while a foreign foe was sireepiug our sea-.i, destroying our towns, devastating our fields that sho woald I ',uv l'i'i'-'ms who ask a position equal to j '""-' wn under the e.onfederat ion, is a',' i -tiange and unnatural, its that national ' onidness wlcch vents its-jlf in tho horror i 'ivil -st r il'.-. That bio who. denounced ' ,ir'1 defied the Cnion, ivhilo it was in tho . bands of her political opponent, should ' n'MV '"' -l.-'er lo li.ht for its preserva Il0lb ls o"icw h it i:ienific,-mt . ' At this Pisayf. s, Look On! l'ho In dianapolis J urn, it i eports t he following in the pro.coedings of the great I'nion muct ing fighting meeting in that city ot; Saturday ntidit 1,-ist : V.'e cannot resist ivin nn imocdote rein fed by jfr. Xeiv ootiih, as illustrating thti dillerenee be. 'tween the two sections of the country. I luring the oast wiijter, sail the speaker. Robinson of K!n lo Island, was uiifort". nate enoii;;h to form t In; iiotiuaint.-inc ol 'iVigla 1, of Texas. U igfal! was blustering in ids windy style about what the South was going to do in the event of war. I! ih inson listened until he had finished, and then replied :" Mr. Wigf'all. you don't understand our people, il you accuse us ul cowardice. You are m g aken. Yi u ol the South talk big then you take a think then put in more big talk then lake a drink. We Yankees don't oper ate that way. We sit down and calculate . . , .... 11,0 . " 1 ""al I' to lined hy go- . . il ; , If ) '. ''" ' uiim wo -ay, l.ot us pray. . ,o,-i I- V-PliK-llii.M' I- n.i.Mour, -vitii the 1 1 1 1 l -of Major, is commander of a company of homo l-ii.-m . s at u o. c; ed the I 'nior, ",c,,nii ,il Th...- ...... ,.... :.. i t.-.i.- ...... I,.....-. I III ,1 ,111 1111 ;-- I III ,,H. 'wilt! the Cicilinental cocked hat and I n un i ,;ck. nlos ; i inl the liutbilo l:,-i,i,,,,- ..i.vs .- "A mo.e imposirg x t ol no o were. 1 par.eled. J.c.l by an ex-Pres:.Iellt . ' ''',,,s iiro ucide up of men wcitl.y t.j , 'Ul''1 1111 ""i''1'1'- D.ie'ors ol divinity, ot tin I io nal loputatioii, tiiarci! side bv side i w it II iSiclors ot ino'licine. 1iwvi.is of lifiv ei-r-' i;ti,:iilmg, capitalists, mer- ehiints, bankers, and o a tors, ai-, I lu: .staple if the company. As asamplc of w hat the I ontmeutiils is coiupo.-ed, wo would Matt, 111 it. in the ranks are thus.; hi, hari. lotherlo henl m il it at v jiosition- : fom gi n ' ci .lis, fiftciai Colonels, I well I v uin-ma.iors. bcty-seven eaj t nns. loriy-ono le-uteil all,s ensigns, and twenty-r I. j h;i:oiv rv member.'' Plio, I ., vi in;, .,y rili: Goy;:ttoR tu (:Fi.'i(iil A. Gov. Brown, of Gcori i, has is sued hi- procloniation oommandiuj the. ei! i.ens of that State, (hat they ti tn.L un- tier any prelexl whatever, remit, transfer or pay to the Gdvo. ninenl of Ih United States compo-ing said government, which ii known ' i.s ;i l'n.; . il St,te, i.e Ii, i.nj city of any such S'ato, any money, bills, drafts, or other things of value, eilli M- if pr.ynii'iit of any "lebt due or heroai'ior t liooonio duo, or for or on account, cfanv, other cit'se whatever, urtil tho teimiua tion of ho-iilities. A similar i-o-iiniiiir has been made ou the'uiiks of Georgia, .'.ml is done in pursuance of a !:.. of D" Slate. Vntv Moni KMr. The .New o, lean (',; it says : "We have no intention d stdtlue" iheN'oilh. We Jo t.et p. o jio-e to intei fere with tho North in mi; shape or Irria. Lot the free Si al e ban. tlieir own Goi-t rnnient. to theuisclve .;, an',' tin- slave Slates tl '.- wiihout inlei rup '.ion or mole-t.'ili n this i what tle: S lulh desires. Is the.? cnylhirg in il un" reasonable?'' Of ( out -e 1 ou don't li.etn to subline us, or interfere with us in sir.' shape or form. Then why don t you pii v your honest debts? Why repudiate ivlm- you owe ? l."i"Ol'l Snarl says that, love is ii comb, nation of "liseaes- -an utfectioti of 1 1 c heart and an inllaiilalion of tho brsin. (iiii.-Tbore are l.odo m-n in Fort Mm, roe, anil 'iVi "n Fort Mcllenry, r mm i is,. I vi i i.i ii.rvi i i lam i- il l o ,1 iiiiliiii t of the St, J onis