Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 08, 1861, Image 4

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    a g r i c u IJ f a 1
' ff be iflnifitfo lUpablican
riant 6vmpnthy And Antipathr irrm. M hrrirw.
.w.ra.l.-.. mnv Ink tlif r,.owiM. hy f r.M In i.l . ' """I". I
fi r It i I Tcitiiiof Ail rrtlliiff.
SYMPATHY. ! Advertisements en Inserted lo the Republic aa
Tlio vino likes tlic iicnriiccs of dicr. t th rolwing ruicn
.1 i 1 Insertion. J do. 5 do. a tluo, gets blue grnpen. ihrei iqnares, (42 Unci,) 1 m
CbcBtnut trooH amonjj mulberry,
. . . i One Kniiara. t t I
trocs crl iwice hh irtrgo mm. - - . , , , 4 eo
--- r - " . 1 i wo squares, i
Lemon, oranco, myrtle, cypn'PS mul ThP.. .,.. 1 1 1 f o
aurd tre'0f. crow ami succeed beft Foursquare, :
amoue one nuoUur. . . SiL- ' 1 , ' , u 11
lb f 1 00
I 60 2 0(1
I " 2 60
(i 00 17 00
00 10 00
II 00 12 00
10 00 14 00
12 0 1 W
20 00 86 00
,uuS U1,v....u,. One column, t : l : i
The aRpnrngusincreasoH much better 0Ter tlirpe w0.ks ami les than thrci moMbi26
near pennvroya . eente per square ior
'vTJou rc-inforce the mucII of tl,o, ifi"?"""1"'
XOfles? plant some garlic or onion 1 A(verti,,menu not rkJ witlitio rtimWr of
amOIlir tliem. nitrtions desired, will bi continued until forbid
O . .. .. 1 .!. Ii --.I artnnrrtlr v In these terms.
If vou liinnt pome roses nnu mini;
' '1 I ...I l.4l. '
liJi(s together in 0110 bed, both get
ranch more sweet scent.
If you have, a valuable flower, winch
" v 1 I . . I a A
An extensive Mock of JoLliing materiu
enables the TuMUlier of the "llepvbliean
neas and despatch.
comment tu I' - to to the public that ho i prepa
noxt to it a chamomile, with Unroots. edt 0 do 1I Aimls of
in the same spot, and you will seo re- p0S.rrRS Faix:.its, Proa r a hues,
vivo tho fading flower from day to Hlanxs, Fapii Ecoii-, Cihctmrs,
Jay. j Labkls, 1 all Ttcurs, Handhiixs,
Will you produce extraordinary big and e very .tindcf printing usually done
turnips, beet roots, carrot, or red in fou,,tryJ ob ; office ...
v-.i-l V.,.. nl" !..' All oruers win uo cakiii ......
tho seed into tho hole, and, atler u
few days, sow it.
Will you attain a considerable fer
tility of the vineu? Strew nome pow-
'. . . ... 1 - v
dereu tarier, mixeu im mn
blood, among their roots, and you at
tain an incredible success.
Tho walnut tree is hostjlo and
noxious to every other fruit tree iu
its near neighborhood.
Enemies against ono another are:
olive and tho oak, tho vino and the
laurel tree.
Cucumbers planted among olive
trees perish.
An oak tree, besiuo a wainui tree
dries up!
Colocynths aro noxious 'to every
herb or flower in tho same bottom.
Hemlock, besido a vino, dries it up.
Koso and oraniro water loses its
ewoot scent during tho time of blow-
! roMV iMUirmuv.
1 1nn pI MiMlit (Mill,
Tliifl M"!"!" ,,f Vn-h,
1 iiinl M"inly if Jit,
I ninth M.tiil.V ' ("'I'lrniliPt,
in mfh onr, nml rtniHnnc t ilii If
1 tcnr)-.
I ('utility OMrrrt.
l,rr't J u.l nf, II i . Kuiiiii"! I. Inn. Ilcllilxntu,
' Al to uilgi,lltn Win 1. Mourn, t'li'mni'M.
I linn lti'ti) llnnrkll, l,illicrlHir
SIht.IT, Krr.l'k H. Miller ClvmntlJ
' I'rolli.nnlorjp.liilin 1.. Ciillle, "
! t Her. .Imnri Wiljtlrjr, "
! Klnitli't Att'y ltol'i rt J. WhIIhc, "
1 Tri'niirer, (I. 11. (liinilniiltr, "
, Co. Surveyor, U. U. WrUM, (ilin Hope
I'oiiiiiilm'n'ri'.Wiu. M'l'riicliun, Lumber 1'itjf
Win. Merrill, ClonrflfM
K. I', 1' li tn i m ii , Morrimlalo
Auditor', 1). C, Itnwiiiuii, l'hiliiNliurg
Inno W. Uriili!n,Clinrlii'l(l
J. 11. Sbw, '
Coroner, Heorge Kichnrdii, "
I.lht of I'ont OllilOi.
TlXHthipt. Xamrt of P, O. A'limrt nf I'. 31
UtctAria, Men Hope, O. W. Ciilwol
loll, Bower, !Krv V.itT A
(het, T. A. M'Obi)
Cuh, . j.w.cKr-ua
" Orteml, Lowii riuith
riogR!., ( lenrfield Brii, J'. II. Miller
I!rdlord, Woodlnnd, Kd. Villiam
Bmdy, Lutlicrsburg, R. II. Moore.
" Troutvillo, Jacob KunU
" JeBertoa Lint, John Heborling, Korert, Jm- Hl"u
Etrniiiile, New WmliingtoaJ .1. M, Cummin
i llurniiide. Jn McMurruy
I -!... A..I.1 'U.r..l.l M. i. Krnnk.
F. Cuudriot
J F W i..hnrf
Hniuucl War
18(.l 1801. K'
Till: HlteT AUWIVAl. i
On Market Street '2 than imrtli o
I the Court House, whero tlicy nrc
I just opening nn unusually largo
Iniul well pelecteil stock of goods',
: 1,1, Mi MUUUAV
H,.fi'riil1y4" Hiltinll"tl tt nil I'ld u
. Vblib In nftiiri
vi-: nv t.nw yon cash i
II ln eonliiiuci lo dml In L I'M UK H, of hi
hin.U, lu ny wny lo i"it di enntuimn.
Tin lilKlieit market prlcei li mld fur 1
Curwennrille, curwemvillc,
T. J. a'ciXLovon. w. . ( i LLot on.
Attorneyi at Law.
Office on Market utreet, opposite Motinp'i Store
Clearfield, Pa. Will attuud promptly lu Collee
tionf, 6alo of Lauda, Ao. norT-U
fT W. HAYS, Justice of the Peace, ill alten
X . promptly to collection and other mailer
eft in hifchargo.
Oct. 3d 1800. ly.
Addrera Kerpev, Elk co,, P
ing those plants.
'riA a!tin hflftnr
Jl'HTIC'Ii of the peace
Lulhrr.'Lurg, Clearfield Co. Pa.,
will attend promptly to all liucincne entrusted
to bi rare. March 2?, IMP. ' y.jii.
AT the mouth of Lick Hun, five miles from
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, aud exteaaive
Manufacturer of Luuiber,
July 23, 1862.
Tho wine becomes unquiet and for-! 1)lackHinUh,Wgoni, Buggies, Ac., Ar., ironed
tho cask wh o tho vine J f no"1 "V"' .! yic' "lD"
I 11 ituud ia t'.ia toroujh of Curweuaville.
nieuts in
Doc. 21, 1863.
TheDRITII OF TllEES. There htlS "I 0I?KRT J. T ALLACE, at Law,
recently sprung up some controversy! XV Clearfield, Pa., cilice ic hiwi Kow, op
M to the proper depth that trees oite the Journal office. 1?5Sir
ehould bo transplanted, and as is usual e-!J.: -
in controversies of this kind among k. m. wwmw, h.viti eianged huioe.
in luuiiuiii" n tl0 from Curwonivilli o Clearfield, res-
firactical men, thero IS llOt the least pectfuly oSeTt hii profeai-ional iervice to the
lODO Of their ever coming to R Com- 'eitiuni of the latter plnco and vicinity.
tbe ouestion. Ana '" " .
Philip! burg
Helen l'oat Olfice,
LHOounto'a Milln,
liald llillN
mitha MilU,
alt Lick,
New Millport,
Lumber City.t
Grninpiun Iliil,
i This Poii t Office will do fwr Chest towurhip
Will answer lor Ferguson tuuuship.
Centre county
K.Imi. WilliaiiK
Elk county, Pb.
(' Miguot
William Curr
A. Ii. Shaw
T. II. Forcee.
J. A. Ileparty
C. J. Pusey,
Pavid Tyler
II. Woodward
Klita Chase
11. lleckadorn
I). K. Mokel
J. W. Tbompa'n
Jas. Thompson
J. McClellund
W. W. Wright
A. C. Monre,
ainuul Way
.Michael Wise.
. F. Johnson
T. Henderson
nion opinion on
this is natural and pcrliaps as 11 snouia
be. Different kinds of trees
ixeeiitljr require different modes
of culture, with tho planting. For
instanco, dwarf pears should bo plan
ted deep, two or three inches below
bo union ot tno quince wiiuiue pear
J. Cram, Kq.
T 156.
Physician and Surgeon,
Clearfield Pv, May 30, 1800.
ATTORNEY At LAW, will attend promptly
and faith full t to all leenl buiinlsi entrusted to
in all soils whero dwarf pear ought to j ' . " " leveral tourti of Uearnold and
be. A fir or spruce should be planted;" '0 one ,,. occnpied by G. R.
shallow, and so, as a rule, should staii- i)8rreU.
dard pear as well as apple tree). This; Oct. 2?'.h, K6-ly.
oeption should however be made:) DK. O. W. STEWART
Ui iAXrJlt, porOUS Boils they may bo, T)hlclan and Surgeon, offers hii profes
j a . il,.n :,. ,,., r ,iii-iiLIu 'X lional lervicei to the citizens of Xew Wash-
ged -deeper than i n day 11 ou ds. nd urroumlins community. office thre,
hus the heavier the SOU tllO dllr, Wf,t ofthe Wnshlnglon House.
aaJIower fhould tho trees be plan-j New wiiugtn, Pa.. Oct. it, i69.
ied I JOHN HUIDEKOPER. Teas DEtr. Klihu liur- Civil Kmiikeer k Land Surveyor, ofTeri
J.. Ilw, Unmton.!. tlmt 'lir hi professiunml lervixtt, to the cititeua of floar-
"V J . A i c , field county.
thcor',reciHtly advoc ated, Ol planting All businesi entrusted to him will bo promptly
peas very deeply in tho earth, in or- nd faithfully executed.
!der to prolong the bearing capacity I 0ffice wilh Leynard.jinncy A- Co.
ofthe vines, has been tested in Will- LEVEPi FLKGA!.,
amstown, and found to be correct. - JugjCQ 0f the peace
A farmer told mo that he plowed j Lutbcrsburg, Clearfield Co. r.,wiii
ft furrow beam deep, then scattered ,ttend promptly to all businesa entrusted to his
the Beed peas at tho bottom, after re. lie also informi the public that be kcepi
which ho turned a deep furrow upon .onfi h?"d ' ,l)i?1fhl,P'a ei,eral
. . . . , ' lortmcnt of Saddles, Ilrtdles, Harness and
inem Willi mspiuw, tmnuig mew, whip, which he will tell on reasonable trems
itposiblo twelve or lourtccn inclics.
They pushed their way up through
4o thick mass of earth, and, instead
.of turning yellow at the bottom and
-dying at tho first gathering, they
Jblossomcd and boro until ho was ti
red picking the pod.
The undersigned will have constantly on hnnd
we 1 selected atock of Drugs, Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Oils, Paints, Tobacco and Segars, Station
ary, Perfumery, Brushes, and Fancy urticles,
which he will dispose of chcup for cash.
He invites the public to call ami examine his
stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Country Physicians furnished with Drugst
Medicines, and Surgical instruments at tho mo
reasonable rntca. J. (J. HARTSWICK.
Clcurfiold, Pa., Dec. 2(5. 1880.
Important Notice.
The undersigned, late publisher of the "Clear
field Republican" takee this method of calling
upon (bore who are indebted tu biui, or to Lari
mer if- Ward for subscription, advertising or Job
work incurred duriug the three years commen
cing July 1867 and ending July 1 1 rt 0 . to call im
mediately at my office in the borough of Clear
field, and make setllcment ofthe same, as these
accounti mini Ir up. J. II. LARR1MEH.
Clearfield, December 12, 1860. tf.
suited to the wants of the coinmu
nity for lho Fall unci Winter trade,
which they offer in large and small
quantities on the most reasonable
yourselves Their assortment o
la very large and complete! embracing almol
every article both of fashion and service. Es
pecial aitenlloii baa been paid to the lelsetion of
LADIES' HUES' UOODS, which uro ef every
variety nml the verv latest styloi.
Silks, Delaines, PI ilds, Merinos, Poplltn,
AlpBccns, Cimhnierus, French, Scotoli
and lomi4ie liinghanif, Prints,
Linseye, Cambrics, Ilrillianti,
Fig. and plain Ilobinetta,
Irish Linen Clnths ia.
Hlack nnd Fancy Cussimeres, Satinetts, Jenm
Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking
Crash, Diaper, lili'aohed and unbleached mus
line A drills, Kti, drey, White and Canton Flan
aele. Aleu a larg irtuek of Ladiea' and tieutJo
niens' Shawls, Double and Single, Stellas and
Chenilles, Hlack and Drub Clotb capes of the
very lutest fashion.
j roucraiieniiun w
tbe teeth in proper
time will bo of great
benefit to every one
' in point of health,
comfort, and convenience.
UK. HI I.I.S ci.-i tlwayi be found at bis of
(iee, on the fuvaer of Front id Main streets,
when no notico to tho contrary appears in this
Al operritioni in til "ne of bis profession
performed iu tho latett aad most improved
styles, and guaranteed for one year against all
atural failures.
located at A. If. tS'liwe' Mills, one milt
(if' Vltarfield borough,
A f
granted to the undersigned on the estate ef
tiOl'LD WILSON, late of Hufton tp., Clear
I old county, deceased, all person! indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims against the
uina will present them duly authenticated or
i Ttfiif in nri-rveo I
Mjiiivinein. i uiiiir
March 20. 6t. Adm'r.
Respectfully infurma the eitiiens of Clearfield
and adjoining connties, that he ia at all times
prrpnrcd to manufacture, at the shortest notico,
Hair, Husk, and Straw Mattresses of all
kinds and sires, one of which is a Folding Mat
tress, suitnblo for CABINS ON RAFTS, which
can be folded in small compass, and emptied tnd
refilled at pleasure; and very cheap. He also
trims Carriages, makea repairs to all kinds of
Carriago Trimming and Upholstery, and wakes
Cords for Manou'i Tracing Lines, of any thick
uess or length.
'iuCountry Produce, Corn Hasks, or Cash
taken in Etcbango for work,
jr-jr-AU orders left with any of tbe Merchats
Clearfield borough will bi promptly attended
to. doc2lt
A. riftRnr
c. Fissar
kinda of ORAIN.
V.i WaKl.lneton.Nor. 1, I860. nov7 Om
milU CLr.AUI-'ll'.I.I) AC A I) KM V, wil
J bo opened for tho reception of pupil,
males and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, lbOO
7Vrwnpnr aesion of eleven Weuki
Ortliegrapby, Rcadinr;, Writing, Primary
Arilhmolio and i'eography. J2.60
Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Ooog
ruy and History. $3.00
Algebra, Oeoinetry, Natural Philosophy
and Hook Keeping $4.00
Latin and Uruek languages. $4 00
To itudonts desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who with to qualify
theuimlves for teucheri, tbil Institution offers
desirable advantages.
No pupil received for leaf than half a aesslon,
and no dduction uiado except for protracted
Tuition to be paid at the close of the terra.
(,'. B. SANPFORD, Principal.
M.i? 21, W0.- Iv.
Just receiving and opening at tke OM stat
of Lewis Smith in Bothlehem a woll selected a
aortmcnt of Spring and Summer Uoodi of all
iunt every description.
Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment)
Prints nnd Dress Goods
of the latest styles, also a vaiivty of useful No
tions. Huts and Caps,
Bonnets aad Shawls,
Boots and Shoes,
Hardware, Quteniware, Drugs and
Medicinoi, Finli,
Tubacco , Scgara and all article! usually kept
in a country Store, all cheap for cash.
Give us a call and see fjr yourselves.
May 21, 1380.
To Persons out of Employment.
In every County of the United States,
rr0 engage in the sale of eome of the best and
I. most elegantly illustrated Worki published.
Uur publ rations are of the most iiiteresticg
character, a Inpted to the wants of the Parmer,
Mechanic and Merchant; they are ( ublished in
the best style and bound iu the mJ substan
tial manner, and are worthy a place ia the Li
brary of every lleuschnld in tbe Land.
&-.To men of enterprise aud iadustriou hab
its, this business offers" an opportunity for prefit
able employment seldom to be met with.
'JH-l'rns desiring to act as agents will re
ceive promptly by mail full particulars, terms,
ifc, by addressing LEARY. OETZ A co., Pub,
No. 221 North street, Philadelphia.
0ct5f, 18i0 ly.
wit rtiiiiriia tiu iu,.
n M Uii i..lj dire at il. f .ti. iVj
errrlaan HrrnraU.i fr.,,u. S
ae Tnmari l'lre,
IMintilei, ImiisIs, !, k.. rll
Ulalhi, aiut all ftkl ut,
. . . OiiiAwa, Inw.. an, .V.
Co. I
r ii- r'l
r iiam and srm, "s,
dWreawd mealtb.a
it on my uad aud f.-
3. C. Arr a
kaoMli'ln ulisl i
1 1 r mt InlirtllMl a a. nsPatMii Ins tkn I T It In vaitfua wajs r IHR
eul in I irtu i
lurnwl IiiwhiiI
viua uu ii iwiir mui vn hit uriwi aun '
ami t wi one tore, wlilih l iminlul ? S
U'yonJ ilMeil tioD. I trlnl man) nui, BM
pnjsirinns, uai viuioui inueli relM tmm ln ,
tart, Hie ili'lJw (rw wnrn. At trna'b ,
tn rwid In the Uil Sliwiiiivr llitt vj,r
au alti-rativn (iiMtaillli), t r I knrw li.VT
llii,. Unit nn thltitf truU Mr.l m...aI I lU
CliiclunullanilK"l It, and und II till It rutJl
it, as ou a.lvlM, In sumll d xra nf a l-i-"r U
mnntb, ami nsil almost three Isittli. tta?i
skin sism mu (o rm under tho Mali, t7'i
while fill oil. ily skin Is uow clear, anil 1
. 11... .11..-. ,... ..... I ' VW
can well urliore tUit I feel what I am mi'ni,l
Ton, that 1 bold yon to be oiui of the tnii,J '
and remain ever gralufully,
i: it k i t i ii it i: v 1 1: v s
ibiriinn anb Collection; &tt
C L E A U F I L D,
i'osits hi:ci:ivf.i,
fliiUcMiont math and proceeds promptly remitted
Karhange on the Cities coiiMtmitly
OM hand.
O-OfEce on Second St, nearly opposite Ibe
April 4, ISCO.
(Kr o Church.)
will whip, whip, whip.
from n habit it very u
AM. SMITH offers bis professional services
. to the Lnllcaand ieiitlemeu of Clear
field and vicinitv. All operations performed
with neatness ana dsspatcb. Being familiar j
with all tbe lule imrrovifcents, bo is prepared to
'moke Artillclal Teeth la tbe beet manner.
Office in Shaw's now row.
rhoildltlcrismen I SepU 14th, 1848. lyJ.
They do
it ill. If. I.ARRIHRR. 1. TKST
illd habit: and T AWKIMKH A TICXT, Attorheys at Law
e find it difficult to correct that Lab-' M??'!" '"A
July 30. y
it We arc trying to teach our hired centre and Elk counties.
men better manners than to put on ,,,,.,,,.,,
t1 wliiptoforo giving an invitation II LN hi w HI1EHKAD,
to the bruto animald "to go on." Wo tUSTICU of the peace
havo OXCn that will "go" as soon an , . Kockton, Union tp., will attend
v, k", , .., ... v romptly to all business entrusted to his care.
tlMy aiio invited, without the endorse-j Sept, 12, i860, ly.
jnent of tho whip. Yet we find it a ,
.difficult matter to control tho whip. MOORE & ETZWiLER,
Jt is surely ft savngo practico to ap- Tyi'oleiale aud HcUll Merchant. Also
', . l i i i i' ?:.,..;t:r, 4l, nr.!1 " extensive dealers in timber, sawed lumd
ply the lash betore uniting the am-, bor and ,hing0.. A,0f doaloril 'ln flour an
mala to mOVC by tho proper WOrds. ' grnia, which will bo sold cheap for cash.
Mats, ritmnai. Oct H, IBM.
Boots A shoes of every kind for Ladies, Gen
tlemen, and Children at R. W. t- CO's,
Disstins Mill and cut .Jaws, Mann's axes and
a general assortment of Htrdware at the
"tore of E. A. IRVIN.
CurwensviUo, May 18, 1860.
Renovating Peach Trekh. Tho
editor of the New Kngland Farmer,
has renovated deceased peach trees
4hnM : -he removed the .oil from around
tho trunk of a sickly tree in his gar
den, nnd sunnlied its nlaco with char-
-onnl Ha ii-ua uiirnriunrl nt 1 1, i1ll and examine tho Pateot
it. .fit., i - n .. ' V
iiu gruwiu in iiiu iri'us, un weji lis
with the tenacity with which the fruit
Tield on the bruuehes, and tno unusual
richness of its flavor when matured.
To Make Unleavened Bread.
Tako ono pint of bran flower, ono ta
blosioon full sucar, a litaJo palt. Mix
with cold water into a .stiff dough ;
.a little .corn i&6&! is an improvement.
Spread it into a tliju loaf bako it in
a quick, hot oven.
To Clean Tainted Barrels.- Tho
best method for cleaning tainted bar
rels, is to put odo peck of charcoal
Anil "Wirt rtl .AlnMlxa aiiaI,
611 them up with boiling water, cover
flight and let them stand until cold.
air-ticht Glas
and stone jars, they are just the thing; 'vou
nee foriAlc at F , W. A CO'.
7"ERY CHEAP at tho store of
V Jau2J
IT AM, Ides. Macerei aai herring for sale
io a..ur... ti.F.IRH'IN.
Clearfie , July 11th 186).
Avery largo stock of Spring and Summer
clothing of tho latet styles for sale low by
Cuiwensvillo, May 16, 1860. E. A. IRVIN.
C ki'i'.oi I !. age variety at reduced prl
I ll I'.j; l-".toro. Curwensvllle 16, '60,
Stella and other 6'hawls in variety at the eheaf
Store of E. A. IRVIN;
Curwenaville, May 1C, 'CO.
TK 11 31 S.
For any ono ofthe four Reviews,
For any two of the four Reviews, & OA
For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00
For all four of tho Reviews, ft 00
For Blackwood's Mngaiine, 3 00
For Blackwood and ono Review, & 00
For Blackwood and two Reviows, 7 00
For Bluckwood and three Reviews, 0 00
For Blaokwood and the four Reviews, 10 00
N. II. The price in Great Britain for the five
Periodical above-named is $.'11 per annum.
Republished b
mar43-6m 54 Gold Street, New York,
ftgrFor sale very clwnp for Casii, by
- m. m. m, a. iji
Col. A. T. OWENS, Proprietor,
Respectfully announces to the travelling public
thst he bos now taken charge of this large and
well known house, and will conduct it in such a
manner as will render excellent comfort and for,
satisfaction to all who may favor him with
call. nov7-ly
rcr annum. I C IK '' IN F II I I.A IM'.I.
13 00 : sT5 I'I'IA! Tremrnilouii Errittmtnt timona ih
...!!.' EXCITING FOOT RACE between
the Philadelphia P"lire and the notorious For
ger nnd counterfeiter, J sies Buchanan Cross .' ! !
Cross Recaptured ! !! ! It seems to bo the genor
' al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross bad warn a
pair of Frank Short's French-calf Boots, tbat he
would not bo talven yet. However, Shorty is
not much put out at missing his custom ; but
would announce to all Urtrkinridge, Ihmyla;
I iHcnn om licit mm, and women and children
j in Clearfield, and Sinnemuhoning in particular,
that be isprepurcd to furnish tbcm with Boots,
Shoes and Gaiters of any style or pattern, stitch
ed, sewed or pegged, (and as ho is a short fel
low) on short notico.
All kinds of country produce taken In ex
change, and cash not n fused. Repniring done
in the neatest manner and charges moderate, at
the Short Shoo Shop on Socond Street, opposite
Reed, Weaver A Co's store. FRANK SHORT.
H. B, Finding! for sal tpt. 26, I860-
In basement of
Clearfield, Pa.
ft Bigler's Store,
(1 00D ARTICLE.foe sale at the store of
J jin23 W. F. IRWIN.
VLnrge and splendid stock of Dress trim
mings, Belts, Head Dresses, Netts, Plutnci
Aee-t R. W. d- CO's,
t Largo stock of Mon A Boy's clothing, just
IX received at R. W. A CO'i
Carpet, Drugget, carpet chain, Bags and
ItoEB'BKi Curled Hair Ac, at
11. W. CO'i
kn. -es and fork
NaiU, Cow Be
ood and Hand sews and Mill sawat
R. W. k CO'i
TTardwaro of every kind,
J.JL spoons, Locks, Files,
adies' Bonnet and Hots, trimmed and un
I trimmod, ofthe Latest Styles at
R. W. & CO'i,
RUIT. Dried Apples, Pared and onpared
Peaches, Cherries, Prunes and Raisin, at
thi Corner store of K. A.IRV IX
J Administration having this day been grant
ed to the undersigned on tho estate of JANE
WILSON, late of .Chest .township, Clearfield
eounty, deceased, all persons Indebted to said My old friends and tho publio
estate are requested to make Immediate payment, respectfully invited to call.
and those having claims against the same will
present them duly authenticated for settlement.
uar20-6t Adia'r.
I am just receiving and opening a large and
well selected assortment of
oi almost every description,
A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dress
goods, of tbo newest nnd latest styles. Also a
rgoat variety of useful notions.
A laro assortment, rendy-mado
Bonnets, Shawls,
Hats and Caps,
Boots nnd Shoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Qi eensware,
Druggs and Modieines,
Oil and Paints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish, Bacon and Flour,
of tho best quality, all of which will bo sold
tho lowest cash or ready pay prices.
rpiIE undersignod respectfully
X informs his customers and the
puolic generally, that ho has just
received Irom the East, and oi en
edathis establishment in URAUAM'X HOW
ClearHeld, Pa., a fine assortincat of Clocks,
Watchrs, andJawKLBT of different qualities
from a single piece to a full sett, which be will
sell at tbe most reasonable prices for cash, or in
exchange for old cold and silver.
CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at tbo
reasonanie prices.
ALL kinds of Clocks, and Jewelry
carefully repaired and Warranted.
A continuance of patronage ii solicited,
Sept. 19, I860. II. F. NAUGLB.
The undersigned respectfully begs leave tc
announce tbnt ho recently rented a house in the
borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa
for the accommodation of the travelling public,
watermen and all others who may favor bim
wilh a call.
His tahlo will always be supplied with as good
as the maikets afford; and no pains will be
spared to render bis guests comfortable while
under bis roof. To which the facts that no in
toxicating li(Uors of any kind wiil bo kept about
the premises, will ho trusts, contributo in no
small degree. While, what is always important
to the traveller, the best attention will be etven
by careful hostler to that faithful companion of
nis journey, nis patient iteed.
July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLY.
Your .
ALt'UKU B. TiiiJ
t. Anthony' Fire. Itoie or KrmJ
Titter anil Malt Itlieiuu, HtalJ T
Dr. Jtoliert II. Preble writes from Mem. S I
Sept., lid, tbnt lie Ii.ts cunrd an linfeterat Li
Vrtpiy, which threatened to terminal Iiuj,?
persnverlng use of our (Nirsaimrllla. aud
Malipnani trynjvlat 1 lce do of tU tnj1:
be cures Ihe common Kni)twni bj It eoiuttgii 1
Bronthoeele, Goitre or Swell,, J
Zrbulon loan of I'nwpert, Teias, writ! "0
Ilea of your Barnuarllla cured uie from t livnl!
eous swelling ou Hie urak, wlilrli I
ear two years."
Lenrorrliaea or AVhKri.OvarlaaTiJ
Uterine I lceratlou, Female DUmZ
Dr. J. B. 8. Charming, f New Tmk ntr.tZl
aayinc I bane 'uuil your 8arsairlllaaa.iT.
alteratira in tbe tiiinierous oouillnti U
umptaj aBrn ronieuj, ihi vijK.-i.inii7 ia mult (U
of the Scrofulous dlalbetls. I havo cured aJ
ate eases of l.eumrrlioai by It, and sonit ahtn !Z
plaint was caused by wlctraUun of Uie umu. 1.J
tloSj Itself was soon cured. Kutliins; wllhlt aib
edfte equals It for tlieee f-nmln uVranrtnienti.'1
Kdward Marrow, of Newbury, Ala, wrlti,i J
wblrh bad drfled all the remedies cwiWnJ)
at lenith been et'inpli'tnly eureil by yen, 1,1,4
eaoarllla. Our rliytlclan tlinutht nntlilni Lu j
tloo aould afford relief, twt he tultlaed Ik IralTl
rarsapariua as ia ihi reaort vemre ciutiat, at
pro tu enaciuai. airsr laaingyonr renMiIfy,
no rBiptom of Ibe diswue reinaliis."
Syphilis aud Marrurlal Dlistu
N rw Oai sim. Mth Adtm J
Va. J.C.lmi Sir, I eheerfully cmapl; mt J
?imi of Tour.uent, and report to yen sosMadai
have realised with roar BarMrllla.
I liav eiirml wltU It, In my prartlM, mi rfiJ
plitints for wlil'-b It Is rseotnnieoded, ant hifilJ
elfcci truly woudaifel In III turn of IVamtlitJ
eatrut iiutam. M my paiwnis Dad Sjpliila J
in nia luroeA, wdmu w. . aaauucnier an fiiatil
too of bis mootb. Veur SaraapanVia. Mh.I
cored bim In five weoLs. AmmI mucin J
ondarv ivmptoms iu Ii - noM, anil Uis ulmu-
aten away a xuwderal.lii iwrt of it, k thai I hm,
disorder would a"U roc li li.s bialn aud kill um. I
lekll to my aitwinintiatiuu i t your Srurt,l
ulcers lieaiau. ana lie is .11 again, lea ol cimmij
some lilsdKUratlon to Id' Iuck. A uaiu alio kl
treatnd !ur Ibe same d ord. r Ly iiiermirj aJ
frniu this ikuimi In t.r uiu.-s. Ibey bad tnt.
ailiva to tb wMiler t.iat ,,n a diurp titj ilisisbJ
crueuitliiK pain in bur joibts and ln. Ila,h
cured ealhely by nur .aatuiiarilla In sbvtMj
know troia Its roru.u.- ulrh your i.tnl an a
this Prestation ficiii your Uboratwry omit WiJ
remedy; evinseiiueutly, tbmw truly nuirkiMiJ
wua II uura not surpruml sue.
Fraternally yours, O. V. LAR111 11,11
nkeuuaatlsBi, Goat, Liver CinilJ
lai'ErrjiDwwel, I'rsitun Co., Va..ttbJgh
Da. J.C. Ami fir, I bate been sfflkud klil
nil cbronle (Amaiiilim tor a long Unit, whittle
skill of physicians, aud sturk to uie In miUSi
reuiedioa I could And. uutlll trlvd ynurStntpvlul
bottle curftd me in two weoks, aua rekrl mjH
liealtu so much luat I ia at better lliu W"
attacked. 1 think it a wnudurful kintUlus, J.flii
Jules Y. Of U-li. II. of St. Louis, wrltesi "I
arilleted for years with an ajtitvm of V Urn
driiroyed my health. I tried every tbluf.ioiiwJ
failed to relieve uie ; and 1 have been a bratn44
for soma years from no otber eeus I Liu trq4
mt Urtr. My twloved ilor. the Kef. nr. Kpa
me totrv Tour Baraaperilla, Intra u In uidbtlid
and any thine; yn mailt wm worth trvltif. ltt
Ing of Uod It baa cured me, and lias so ptirlMlS'
aa to make a Dw man of me. t feel yeusi ipu
beet that can be said of yau la not half good mm-
Brhlrras, Cancer Tanien, Ealarij
I laeratlon, larlei an ttxfonetit:
tUe Uonee.
A great variety of rae bare been report) to in
cures of three formidable complainu ben imM
the Use of Ihle rtinwly, bat our sac bet will
them. Some nf tltria may be found la ear i
Almanac, which the aints Mow atmed are
furnlsb gratis to all who call for them.
Dyipepala, Heart Placaee, Fits, Bfj
ay, M elanrhwlr, Xenralgla
Many remarkable runs of these tlrclioni atw
mails by the alterative power or late urutnae.
latna tha vital Into vurwlts artr,
ovnrenmee dieorders wbirli would be euiped W
rearh. Kuril a remedy bas hunt been r.qulr!M
eeeeltlee of the wode, and we ate enuudiut tatlal
do fr them all that medicine can so.
Ayert Cheny PectoJ
ro thi atPtn rcni or
Ceaghs, Colds, lnflnenaa, slearej
Croup, Ilronchltla, Incipient M
ewmDtlnn. and for tne nn,
or Coneumptlre PatlcaU
la advanced Ktagei
of tha Dlacase.
Thi la a remedy an universally known nrj
other for tbe cure of throat and lung coninMM
Is nselea here to pulilitb tbe evidence of luJ
nnrlvalled eicellenre for couitha and roldKri i
wonderful enrea ef pulmonary illaraw, kin
known throusltont tit civilised aatlent ef u'
V. m ara tha mmffinultlaa. or even familial a0K
w ho bava ant some nemnnal exparirim i HitH
some living trophy la their nikltt of rtrwr; svil
subtle and dangerous or tne "
Aa all tuna Iha SrmlM htallfr nf the" W"
as they know, too, the efferte of this rrnttl1
do mere than to aatura them trial II na "-
bina lhat It .11.1 hara w h.n mak Inr the cam "
won eo stronalv unon the conlldcnea ef niakl
Prepared by Sr. J. C. ATM U CO., Lewilj
1 1 AKKI Alii; ULIOI. Doing a private
IvX instructor for mnrried persons or those 1
about to be murried, both male and female, in
everything concerning tbo physiology and rela
tion or our sexunl system, and tbo production or
prevention of offspring, including all tho new
discoveries never before given in the English
language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really
a valuable and interesting work. It is writton
in plain language for tho general reader, and is
illustrated with numerous ongravings. All young
married people, or those contemplating marriage, ;
and having the least impediment to married life,
should read this book. It discloses secrets that
every one should be acquainted with ; still it ii a
book that must bo lucked up, and not lie about
tho bouse. It will be lent to any ono on receipt
of twenty. five cents, in specie or postage stamps.
Address Dr. WM. YOUNO, No. 416 Spruce it,
above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa.
MT AJtiicttd and Unfortunate No matter
whut may be your disease, before you place your
self under the care of any one of tho notcrious
Quacks, nutivo or foreign, who advertise, in tbii
or any otber pnper, get a eopy of either of Dr.
Young's books, nnd read it carefully. It wil) bo
tho means ef snving you many a dollar, your
liniitth. and nosaihlv vour life.
ir. YOL'Ntl can be consulted oa any of the'
diseases described in bis publications, at bis
'office, No. 416 Spruce st, above FuurUi. n7-ly
aJRM h C. T). Watson. Clear'tl
Trw. n Pn rm An a v i 1 1 A V. Arnold. l".lkt
.H. ........ , - -
Montgomery A Co., New Salem; J.C. '
Morrisdale, C. R. Foster, I'hilipsbur.;
Chase, AnionvPn ; and by doaie-i
Thankful for past favori and olifilii
turo patronage, i wouia respwu-..
that I have on hand again, aad wi.l
keep at tno rottory in mis dw- -
a largo stock of Crockery, such m. " .it.. . r v.... Stove W
Ullia IIIIIR, VIIUIUH, .UR, v - - - .
do. ifc. j and also an exteni - - t
different sitei and patterns ot VD
rosettes tor cornice on boui -
Any mouldings not on band .
older on short notice. Also m
I L. . r i.
tuu nrpi lor euiw. , .j
A liberal reduction on V,,
wholesale dealers. F. Ltll'"
Clearfield, may 23, 1870. 1?
tSUMPTIVi:siTbo advertiser,
bavij 2 Veen restered to health in a fear
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf
fered for severnl year with a severe lung affec
tion, and tbnt dred disease anx
ious to make known to his fellow-iufJerirl tho
menns of cure.
To all who dVesire it, be twill send a copy of tba
prescription used, (free af charge,) with tha di
actions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure euro for Consumption,
Asthma, Drcnebitis, Ao. Tho only object of tho
at advertiser in sending the prescription ii to bene
I fit the afflicted, and spread information which bo
are conceives to bo invaiuablo. and be hopes every
sufferer will try bis remedy ai it will cost them
Clearfield, Oct. 31, 1860. WM. F, IRWIN. nothing, and may prove a blessing.
fTN. R. All kinds of (7 RAIN and aenrove Persona viaklnr tha nraatrlntioa will DleaiO
COUSTR Y PRODCCE taken Inexehanca of addra.a .. KnWARD A. WILSON.
'Goods. i novT-ly WtlUamsburgh, Kings Co., K, Y,
- 1. III. m.i ,rir .1. - U...,lll Ol
JlMl. U l 1,1V Jl, OI IIIU "'" to..
l'a., will be prepared at all '"'
to ajfjr business in tne aoovw .- .
notico, and in a workmanlike "nn,''nrtk
of businesi ii ai tho sid sbop on tbs
Market streot, 8d door east of Thirn
opposite tbo old Jew store j wue -oiistantly
on rand a large aswri
v 7j . o..,,. rhairs. a
uoguny anu ii.i w iwuv - i,a wil
Waro of every description, which ns j
of 99 as reasonable trmt as thi sav
oan bo had elsewhere jn thi eouotr-
His itock of Cabinet Wan no ' ,:
lists in partof-Dressing nd CnmB ;
Sofas, Sewing and Washing SUndt,
Book Casei, French and Field ron p
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card an ,
bles, Ae. Ceffini manufactured aoo
any place desired. T,i.1
February 9. 1849. fno. 4, vol.JVL
Cooking Btovoi of varloui iln' " ,J
CnrwemviH, My I, W