Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 08, 1861, Image 3

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    U it V
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Erpper to the YcUr.?ri
T'r.f r--;-a! p7--n t - V..!j .. .-,
W, iH!y 1 1-'. 'fr tt j "":...; -n ti
tie Fi'j. rat ..t.ty C"ed. :!; t 'I c;:i-ri-".-
-q'i''jHt.;r!i th i-.c-n
irf'.! eturjyef ruM:, cf Car': :!
!xij4 giisrn(ci. ft w rrersred t a
fw tour? no'ic", and witi.out ar.y c.Ler
C'jt thtn a kin-JI; ctferirg ta our d-
firtinjr r.ienJi, nlo were effS-l o
J a .
-reave next Krnin? ana wu rceivfd
tiW Po-rttTT At an aaat b.:c af ;l
Bjr-Jugt Cf C:irt-M, oa th 6rt itf of F:rs-
e7 IK!, tl Mtin- oI1m wit thn t
rr dris iL ouin; Jr if : PfaiW-el,
IImB. G. R. Err(; Vi.a PrwiJta JhaF.
tw, O. P. Oaelub. VBtj?r ; Dr. X. WKtt,
1 Iltnrj E. e-ii-rr, J43 'I Wrjltr, J JiiUii a Ev ja-
ja, J. C. McEaaily, tiia Cvopr. Mr. G. P'eb, tba cfr-l aa ajcixa; t- ta C:a-
!c!i wit pv'.oJ obqI ih er.
BiaLe Mienta. Tb t;it ralr Eii'.h'.y
onert of'.h-! ClearSiM county Bible j:f;y,
wil! b b?U in tb E vpti-t e'aurch. is the Ejr
oaga of Clearfieli on Siniir 7a;Lj ti Hi
cfJaDDi- heorifloa will k rretoi'J
anda eolWtjoc ukeo cd for tke kineS: f;h
taoM. All other eoBjrr;aaoB art ntpy.!aUj
icriteJ t-j attend, asJ jom iaatcoiaca efjn
1or a (rood raox.
; Th rejalar quarter! mettlaj of aii fcrletr,
' will b ht'.i ia the Coort-b(u 03 ilcdy erts
1 Ibj, Jane the IT'.b at T o'cwtk, beirj Mniy
(' ereninj of toutt wk, wh-a the II jd. SaactL
'C iliKH is tfrKi W deiirr aa aiJrei. A ga-,',.-ril
a-.tefiJaao :j reijueitd. At tiat time aa
ax;ca-xent to th rer.ituUon forrci at a
nrawr meuaj ry v,. r. ouiica rii:
"That tba -ld cf t-r-. ration fcr the Cltariili
" ounty Bill jritr aball U eona4 to wa
Uoroua or Ci- arSoii n-i Lawreace tiwnjb-lp e-
f-eia!y ; bat to !! B:Vm aa aaal tbrcujhj-jt
tee couatTi" will be dii?J9i cal roiei upoa.
t&"'Tho Life of the Fieh m ir. the
Jilovl." wa said by in&f iration lor.g le
fore Harrey' dicorery of ita circulation
had brought to liirht it t.isrufwoi and nw:
" - " 1 r
Isow we kroir not on! that '1:1m U in the
VWI,r ,t,ae,IT- ' t1, i
w ' ... ,-' j .' " ' , ', ;
.Iiny of the ilieorders thit irvado tha
Jiuman fraxe, have their horn in it,
.v i 11 ,
thrive and grow in it. The ce't-tra:-! Dr. '
-J. C. Ajer, of loweli. hai bad regard to
vb'u imroi tunt fact in making a Kerned? to .
iee disorders. H.j Lxtnct of ar-
-Mparilla purpe Out the inipuritie of the
:xl and inijs action ia it that c.tpe:?
,1- tl 11 11 1 '
rd.isea?. Thu lDk reAonjble, and it 11
, , ,
true, for we know by our own exp-erunce. ' a, wa tak- any ine-Jieine, we Lave
.Tievertlielen ;eversl time been under ob-'
: Jijtation to the .kill of Dr. Aver for the
" .1.. I'-icuin nerrr iau it- si-
ford U? when we ate obiL'ed to Lave
Jceourse to thCBL-Cficfu.. Uulifax. Xor
vy.Tr, -
' UREAr KxcirsMtM. Our
thrown into a Lorribla elate
ment last Friday afiornoon.
..- ...
cf oxeite-
It appear
Lat when the CaMIl were called out tor
parade after dinner two private fell
fro.u tba rank, entirely h'-lplos. A 1
to town for Cnpt. Lorain and fvr rt:cdirtl
1- 1 ey . ,
u. -oon toe announcerjent was n'.atie
that tiro or tnree others wcro siniihirlv
Mired, ofc-urao they were pcLto-w l .' Ini-
- Iination did the rtL TLe doadiy por
lion had been p-iminitered in the dio-
ner! Yhat illainous soccsion irf.ko
ffould hare had acce to the kitchen of
.ataocamp: ofcoure the victims would ;
'Hot te confined to the four no-v writliirg '
In upon y ; tut all who partook cf the
fcca'. in camp on thai uny must go the'
aUtno road, and consequently every fellow
began to reel in the region where hi din-'.
.1 i r .,, . ,
BerWMa ktarj ro-n. All fas buttle
and excitement, alarm and confusion.
Soon auspicion began to have a centre of
tttraction. and metspneert. filled with
terribia vengeance, were about being dis '
patched, jut wbeo thing began to ttt vp
Alitile ...,1 ,1... .!;.. .v.;-. .t...
1 w-u-w 4;-iiuia. VI 9VUJV.U'5
dVgan to b tmitUj.
., As tliero weit no ueatha. ana .ense- ctM " .' I
fuent no Coronar'g inquestji, and an fttt Fnrnitur
men examinations, we were unable- to SZ 5',u .rT,0f- -Itera
the real cauM, acd we art left w .
OOnjecturo that thialitlie incident in the'
Wtnp-lifo of our aoldiers arone froru over. 1 CaPiti.' 5:ock paid Vo'1" t:i.w
Mting ai well as from over-cxertico. Xte? in circulation - 2l,lrtoo
The Surcoon rnrvr.ri.,1 1:1. " u epotiinm . 6.SSi 3
Saturday morning, and our wiuy fellow i
prose Bled aa fine an i
. --j--.- .iu iiiiaiiui oil
1 X44JU547 KEWS. -j
Th news from the Eiist tt.i ;
' ovuvu
aa.A.1 nni lin , mam. - . n
n.v-... g r,, vatt-pi toe i roclataa. ,
Uonoftho President, wherein heaecotul
pliahM at ouce what Cengrea and tho
?reaideut wre unablo to do for the la,t
, fourytar iucreao the regular Army. 1
' Our Mate Ieginlature ia busy in putting'
U. Sutte upon a war footing, to Le ready ,
iar eitaier a w ar of defnce, or oil'ence, or
koth, if necesaary. A judicioui stay law
lu alto been p-anaed. lich will iroiiibit
sacntice of propertv bv force aalea. i
-Ve rejoice to fee the Union fires iW.V in tbe Border StaU-a. cnveciallv
TJTaj-vlun 1 , , '
-ary land, wnern f.r anni. il.,, ......... ...........
. . w " tn
V IINa UaaaB IM1PII llTRVaall 111! ha la
, 4 aa,i' L 7 x 41 . J -v aaw. ! ta
f Pal J l,U'e faUh iD the DjuCt
" " J v'x . T a, jo jiiuu. 1 L IH
".it ""wa, vui iiui uope urn
U0Ko WDliiueut may ulUtoaUdw prts'
H r - vp
- . r i - --,
j. f.f nTi
r'i t.
? J. o. I,
e'r'n-.k ye'.-.- !
ft;! f the co-
1 1.
I'll t ,
c' f
i i-l t5. ...
ftv jr. whn :! i; Ciy I tie
wh :tn H ! 2j-f.j th
rf !ie, but who were S-jt
to ttttr a!!
(Ve t.Td t:?s
The nrtirfieM Ktb!e
rn"ce:re it. ttS a ft jr cf the T!i-
ment. aftr which tbct arrrorriA!.'
ly ai lri br e.-ioT. PiUrari-J H. EJ
Swo. f. Hq . wh Kth ht.!j
ohwrfl tjr them, afir which the- m
larked for Tvrr.e 1 !.!t t1. ,
cf the pv'pu!ar aoan-Jraj H
G-i-.l rir.t that they m.y le
sjrej fr"m p-T to the rivse
of civi' war. and
return to their
homes arvd fi-eii-J-.
KrtP Co-I A Mietl t.aiei ij the jres.
en. n;en hoj' i keer coo!, and a.n on'.T
rc-X-ef-1 rfe.-wntion. W hop a.I
who har heretofore oppoevl tb Km1.
liCS.i party Wi.. do to tt.l. Let ycur a?:t
how your lot aity to your cojntry. ani if
that lnyaltr m iaipusner!. witk it. i
Follow the fl exarsp !ej of yoir oppj-i
nert. if t!.ey furni-iti yoii with arr at J
pura their bad one-. Ij not cja-te-
rancif the STitera of terror wlh ther ;
' would irajn.ra:e, by threateninj: niob;
law, or tKin; erear.l.v
in t!ie:r own
htnd. We live in a
Iat'J of b ani or'
der. Let u no! t! ; !n
thii hour'
'0f cur rational adrr:tv.
r-irWe learn by the Lanc:et 2u!-cr---:',
that the General nl of tbe
Lutheran Church of ti..- Unite-l :ate.
which wil? to b.tve a.-ertil !e I at I anca'er
on the i'.th irtant. bn ben p,-;p.-ne-
::ce. This bis bn done on
SreCOnt 0f CUr V t.XJuMc. which
- rom noces?ity would imtvJe tr.wel in;
. . .. '
. - ,.T--M-Pc.if,
'"ftu the tonth?rn S:a:ei.
Crt.k. th. B-.imo,of tT hiU fI(r-A
rm-or'. cf Wiiliata B. A'eiaaier. ten
ta the j
' J:a y'r o:
Tb ilaii wjj one of tb earlien ploneen
, . . . . .
of tb eoBntT. fca-tf ittnied en tte
ptaf on .hif.k fh d. 4ftT t4rJ Si
tmi?nlt4 wUb h.rhaiband fr-r. Ki'tbacair.?
a!'fy. Miflia eonnty.ani t-ro4 th Mounuia
ay of Tyrone Gap,oa an Indian patb. to tb ;
Taaey of tbe livnell rrei. where tie? aettled : 1
10 that ber bardiblw and rriratione mutt bare
W9 many. But . A.erfal and k.rPy ,pi,i j
boi - enrr abot tbeta all. Sb wat a tender aio-
. , . . . . I
tkr a it-jfifiil aril : ae t r,- rn hr 11 a - I
v . t... k. ' !
brp and eoa(4ene of a f!ri(o immrtality. ;
"blob take? away tb rtlcs of tvrrw and cotn -
f-- fr'"'. bo arc many. W. B. A. ;
KtT Lewitowa paper plea. rorv. l
.' !
JS Twetity-fiTe
to itv IKitlara and
C t . t..V. ... -.......- .V,.-. I . .- I
:U the T-ie r-ewin. Machine. TM iutu
Maehtn. and o iB-r-!e in iu eftrneti.-ii ttiat a '
chill can L ara to oper:e it bv b!f an rn-iir't '
irjtrootinn. It it .t::il ta ant Fatuilr i-ewinz!
.U.1C0 it in co. ana Iter take loe i-rvaitum over .
, . . . . . . - 1
6fty an! ir bucd-ed dollar otacbinct The
pri ce is bt Fitteca I'olUr. Tbe IV-nipany wih
tt emp'ny A;cnu in very fininty in the I'nited
.-Jiatej. Addres?, ft-r particular, i'rie S'trisq
olio h IrtS-eia. '
Jltto bbcrtisfmtnts.
1 n",c'in ,u r?eon. hat pcrmanent'v !
at Lcont Miilt. liirard lownthip. of-I
fwr. hit profeaeional terric to t... inno.mdiae,
"ity. May s. i6t
vJ ' lia.NK, for
A month
SO, 1S31 :
Bill? ditcounted
TenntylvaBia State Stavk
.,.., ,.
il!?JS Ti
4.071 1
3.760 171
1 Due from other Batik
5. . P7
'7. -1
SOI 40
9vr 9
f ol,J4 it
!...,.. t... v.... . uncoi
, Ca.hier.
Cearfiel ', Pa., April 30, 1S1
-- -
1 j
C uited Stau 1
t'i of ai. alios; alto,
Rl0n Badfc"e various ntyle and sizes.
AL'TUix-hLL T t n
' Preh.Mng or meddiinj
can- r
.a aa. a-ar a- M aai lla?l 1 1 rt aw 1 1 h
H. J llradt J. t b""'",f l',r"
Vi.ka.fda.. r .- ""P- towit.-Two
ioaa or vaen, foar Cow, a., n . ,
aa) tllllllWI ft a iti.n... . " .
f.Twost., 0B. sw v zr. r "
tba taint baking lorn and ar ubici u mv
ardar. and kara nn) K... I. f. :.a. J
ilia laniB ha.mita a j -..
Lflff lOf PVlUnrt lO Ql Slid rm iu
fJ. "4 bWonly b..n loft wib h
. ' a IKIwa4a
eft with him on loan,
9r7ri April K 'fl !K.
i :
-1 1 1-1 1 1 i
V '
l'.-: -l
V ! 1 :
'IK 1- '
4 ;
1 .J " I
ht iU raisra:. Al Ik-mi r !. .
till ?i tiKlkiilii WMj,
Kkickc. Vtrrj to., Fv
t. ei s4 ti f'.i iuuiiArM4reig
" ,B f a atmp t fjf r-
I'S. J. H. JI KTELt..
A'.tV4. Mua
AVnke up! Wake up!
THE niV."':ijfT rs-t-.
a i j.i i u tSl.j
ror. . t. v. j; b e
1 a U 'lJa'i vi a
EW nop ca
llill. ia tie b..tji c' C..-i?.J. aa i ttj,o i..
as i i:m h ii rpr4 tj Jo all
-tt ia hi.i line ia tie tr t: ai oa
ti-f sh-.r.-M? ao-.i.-y. Hy 4 ea.;..-.-r ar
p:'.u!; a.Aa a;t w f-fi bii. 3i ar sjai-
J'"in w pMfidit iavit-i
IWBI'X'U-Bj wto--:iva a a Uaaer
M -rairr or i 1 Mc:&di4.4 tu;raj
OEOR'jE 0 FA'M0'!,r
April !4. Uili.
LOT oa the I Ita iit...9 ti rieerac ornir
the water? t tie B:; P:t.-B." a Rlack Calf
'.a Poaet-Fo-;b. eva'.i.c.if tie fi.owia ar
t:c: :
Tar ti h.Vt Ceiriili Fiai.
ti ia zv: ;j ir. i !t!i(f.
5 ) ia aia:l rot..
Two -.-ho-'l ori-tn aaj-.-o-itia; to HZ Ii.
Ote proajiicrT ncte (r Hi.
Or.e i ' it Ji.
One it d 3J.
rJi?'.iir wr.b jete.'al otaer pBeT f -a!ae i
;c owaer oo't. Tbe ab-sr? re .-i w : .! b-
t ay (xrwii !eT:c tae ejijie at tau of. or
wita :ae utr-.bifr.
cnF.t?Trix Lixica.
CleirielJ, Apru It. lvl.:.
1 PUIIlr I IIT r r-
RITE IISC, (rrtiL-d in ;3iir Vc;-t.
in I lb. caci. at H ART?""l'.'KS.
IL!.'Kr..M.K Wiiteaod Flereaoe Lijai I. js
RENCH bi:e and ri.rea.-e Li
A. r-
resetted ai f.r at H AKI;' K bis.
LARta: Ax)ltrMi:T of c -Unl Patau.
I'ry and Grvuni in Oil. m 1 p. uu-1 cios.
jast revetted and for tale at 11 A RTsWlCKs.
n r. "iini, I I.IU. warranted, tr n-i 1
1 in oil. ia !j aad Hi lb. oa. juc rvv-ited
V ,- a. . . . . . .....
uui ii.c 11. liAKIWIiKS
L1QIOKS fr Medieiaal par-x- IWde
Port aol "brry W ;ae. XV-ir W"at-te and
itoi aad t.;iu a: HA .T?WICK.S.
i Tb 'u'--ribor? cat opened a fall and eoai-i
, i.ltA n, nl tf Tt I ' , ; C . 1. . . t l
uildin r of lr. W.-di, oa tb ewraer f Le,ut !
-l merry tret. M the r.rc -i w Cl ar;l j
"t'-r ,t"-"" l U1T.T wcoon-modate ait
Z: o
r. r -,
'n J '"- .-tV.T.rJaVt i1. .c-I".!..f.
And orat.wiU bafa4 to render tatiafaxtioa. ,
f .Jj cd Vootaited
. .. .... .. iur u; ,,,rtn,, nay .ri;,
wbea not abteot on profi .nal btt-to. A '
parat t..rc..nultati.o i at;aht to the!
---- oe et.aar.aej privatelr.
btery artu-1 usually iound in sucb an t su'b-
,'-r,m-rl k!-t n fcand.and sold at ,rreit'y t
, rediod pnee.
acK? PFtlte ?TKKTtT t-lta. wi I tin.aVI,. it.m
' , " '-""'-l'"' ,u "a-T c F"t i
t ittetac wi,i te upp.:i a: a s-oV.t peri
y " vt bbj carr.aj. ai their order, ;
7. "' ' l' pariana,
bl 111 n4I .ua i
. . . - - .
Weritantown, Pa.
A: Co.,
JI4M TaTl iLr-i,
imponer. and Wholesale l-ealer in
f ARPliTl Mis. I) R 1(1 (i HTs,
Oil CLOTHS. MATriStiS. rf-.
'Warehouse. Jva.
V. CletDt
. .s;, ,
?;atc IIou.v.)
a r
CKT M-.kJkTKll.TV, wintanAr.
- aa . .ai n want an Arent
a.V n every nty. town, and county, ta the I A
lu""""J -aBaJa, ta tell a Be
i article jutt invented
It reouirct a i-irtit.l '
i.v i u; im to rerson? out er tnn . 1
i ... . '
ment, it offert creat indttoementt. For
ti'"u'i"''' itnniediateiy and receive our letter
.r.m uiau. ct AM.'l.i'r to..
apr3-lt 4: Walnut ttrect. Philadelphia.
XOTICK Letters tettaaieo-
I A txrr k.rin. .1..1 . . ,
" - 1 un ui wra r-ai w in iii.
t'.'"" 0D 'be estate vf J AMfcS RJCA, ?r. late '
1! t-a'P. CtvreU county, deed.'
11 Pr'n knotrm,, tben.lte ind-bted to tatd
and tboa h
7 r7lu,M, " mateth-nte payment. I
anujr c.aiuit acain.t tt will preveot '
Ibeaa duly aau'.enticaud for ettl.eot.
March Sr. litl laecntor.
pi AlTKIXTh, publicar berebv eauiioned I
.?.V'.n" '"rnna: x trunicg my ifaSC-i
SA N A II. mi mv ..., ..t 1. -
. i, , aIU arIrni!nt.j t '
t ow uei-.. 01 oer contractinjc after tki dat.
A. J III-VI ln
Grahaat tp April 3, lS(51-4t '
The ntdersigned ha bow an band, at kit Fur-'
nituro Rouij on Marker t., ClearaeKl, Ta., a '
ibort dittanc jt of Liu Fonoary, a lary '
tok of ' !
nt.nufacturedoutcflb.blst tnaurialr, Baiah.d J
u a mi uiannvr, tflii WDU'Q n Will fell
"ry uPr:or nnner. and which he will tell
rk w r)JP n.v n,. i ...
vv a v' ani ivui raiTrirnrtti in ma
I '
reel ct-nniicBt that
are made in a tubsunnai aud worknaoltke tran-
I L.
t f trial. p.ron.
wi,a'nJ to purcbajc chain hould call at oaca
. ... . .
. . .
aal get lba. wbila tlwy can ta had at tb low,,
M. J7-11 ti,
"f r (rv-u ?vi.i.:a "
1 1 HtuuJ bw e itii
tie CUt P
tie Cut Fiuouj
t s;ejier, ?i f-t, a k
Vi tie Citr H ul. Ai 4 H jok. 4 i.
("w-i iv i O t KvteU "A. -5;. .-j.
rr-i y tfce F-ujri.cj U."lti I;., 1;.
"ta Sji Ere tata iJ.'l Fr r;-. Fi l.?t.
jIT.W W'it.' f --t, K ei t
llt;KV K. Ul AH. a.! the iaier I
bate beu truujied wt:a Roa,-5 aai .. I
wiiac.ulljr aiiaaed of 'tte b.'a. t'-f -,e Kjavi
e were rtier. 1 pfe-'.-a ! a ioi oi'tjr
Fi:r; jui :r.ei it. a-ii ta v.ce crv
ao But a Koa.-b or M w m tae a. u.
Ja E. O'.rta. X.'. 4 Fiji ".rv;.
UOCSSKEtlPKK - trvubt4 wtti fj::e.
o4 c to a l-.'Bjcr" if ;aet ae -t.'.:a'" Ei
l,T'B'.Ba:i;rv. We iare -id 15 to vit ut:i:'i-!i"U,
tiji it a box cvt jj j wout-i bate l:. V e -id
tried p a: tLey ejected ni-tULajt: bj
Cv-ti rt'l kn:' 'lie b.K'.i u.; c:
Mi-: ac4 Be-e-E-ifi. jicter tia.-i e an: ,
. It . to ;Kit JBii-i a.: vttr ti.; fiiu:.-r. '
X'.'Kb Otv.Vt.N' aai iriiieet ar d;r ted
aacaai't ia tiraat couutt it teraiu. iaa wou.4
Oi f.r ;
e of ih.i 5U; atii Isiaect itlUr.
:wr IV4 I itr -4
UE.NKY K. C.'r.r.-Y-.'r Eate.-sieator i?
reined. ift. ai j-r-.'no-ac; I a Jvtd-i ..----
e a-itd a a-. a it. :ti '.be way toe h.s,
aad Xl..- a.vjud wr rvoj -i i-id ,N'?d" tit:
.tzc u a c;ia to ,rs Mtxe aeta it;
;arrt; or ce.-ar.
I tl vVt IficX iELLIS-J Yesr Ev.era.iea.
tcr fjr :ae ii?; 'fit, aad biier.uui .;a t
iv tert tioie. I bare B-t Uvu :l to tail ta
a i.:5-( tutau.-e."
liti. R.wi, Cirdti-t n. 0.
WE AF.E sKLMNii Your pr jri.iwj rtr
ii t, a d d "iiereter tu--r bae tt;j aed, I'.a.i.
Mi.-e, rvacb(t, id Yeruia d.apavar iaiued:
atcty l.ciaa 4 5rot rrta, Druj , . W.Bitor, Mi.
Tj .rr---y-
Rait. F.wa:Le?, 44.
Vte. .V.ltt,4e.
7 Dtitnj Fediajv
Jo avf-oy Motbi. na, Aa!, tfa.
ra iT'Ttrcy Moiju 'lav. a.
r Infect a Plaati at-ai FowVf.
Tj Arrv latecu ou Animal. i.
w Veerv . Err ferta aad ir-ecirt f Vt.-uiia.
t .-s 0LV, Kojiib. if. Exteraiitutv.
IVd-luj Etertiiiiiator.
Electric Towder Jar I:..ects, Ac
I? 21. jO.-.tvp $1 lloxr. E'TTttt A Fi.aaf.
t axy Ji .n rv PLaNTatio.n.
Sail-;. Ho art. ll.rEia.dc.
rO-.tyj EiTr-A.K by '
All WuoLEtaLB FRtaji;r ia Urge citie.
All Rrrait ratvcuT? tao. ek jtoitaatEr-aa-t,
af-c.ia all Country Village aa4 Tjwc. '
Wholesale Ajttts in Sew York city.
ShierTeliu Brother? Co- H arrel.Fi-..-ley4 Kitcben 1
B.A.l'abnttock.llullAco .Hu.h. i.ia!e .( Kubiasun
B. 4 1). Sandi 4 Co. M. Ward. Cloe 4 Co.
heeler 4 Hart. VcK-l-n 1 l'..ii,l,in. .t I'., Ml l... a .
--t:: -
lla . KurL -r.a. if t
it 4 Co.
IhotuatJ Fulltr, LatelicMar hAtiardjiw
P. D. Oivia Hall. lnon 4 C.
I'udlej 4 Sfor4. Conrad Fol.
IhilaiieJpbia. Pa.
Tt". 1'yott 4 obs, Rob l t-oakr 4 Co.
A. fbnr.uok A Co. Freocli, KkbaxdtX Co
tbe '
All tb PriBCipal Cities and Town
tSdd by
And by rarcon-r, Gaocra and Rrraarai ga
ral!y, in Citt and Cot xrar.
- Cot.NTRI Dcatias can order aa above.
a- j- . r,,.
v v viun? a 1 rw 1 1 nr it .-i t m.. .
I 1 IVV'i aUllaJP.
it it tae.ired.rnj f, Cire-Ur to I)lr,
P...t Vn . . . rn I
af -
MAC him:.
;Ti F-CVD'tK Ei MU'HtN". a a
1 r-t C f b b-f-f i'. -prt..ot. id. bat a.-w
evn a r.'.--.': t .-d favvrttt ;?rye.--'baj
te-? ;Kr-fc:tfX aa-i t. ley::: I t--!.L-.
:e u .; a u eiii-'iuE, I.
Jewjt Mirtm aw --fur sje isut!. t.
Ni- I aal te.-j seat lli.':ai
i Fnwtlv
X' J !-ir fc t'.;.a; iiaty
t work ai I lijr fUirt-,i 'B .
tk. Mab- it araoa a-i-rl fr -.' :t".1
t. aad for t'.t hk U-. ail 4rb. tt it i
I iip...'d A t'b-i A twelve ta-t -M.0 r-ji is wi:i
' : aal je t'.wi.l e fr-.-a tb .
to t-ea-'t It-?-'.' 't 0 tr-.' ? .- 0' p-j.
w - r 1 3 j :kr'.i.I. ', 11 r . . t .
t: b b ti t ;it -.- il. ' -. a- i . rv.a
w ir .i
e-; 'i 1 . t r
0-.' .' X ! t
we a -
best :ia t
r' '
. a- -1 1 :". 11 te
At the Fatr of the t'rauk'ia lattHate, !?.'?.
t FtTtt frexti-ii.
1 At tie PeuBttltaaia ta;e Fat.-, a; Pit!lel-,
-b-. fabfr :t. liji. tae 1 .r.t Prisaiiaai a
A: tie Peocti icuj Fatr. bell at W".
astrj. ,!r M-ij,;.
F.- ta i-e Tbrvai Mack is, a: '..aa. .
ea-.r k"wua: fair, be'd iVtoi-er, loi a er
.Ve.u.1. ,
At tie VM-Tlat;d ;: Far. Sid ai tb Mir,
lac I Utci ttte, lalt.-a: -re. VI, i. br. t.S.'
ua-i-rr etraac vp.i;:caa a ?" Mia. wi
awa-'.i to liu Maoit-a.
A; tte New Catle tn:t -ir. td at Wil-et-.B;iv-s,
I'o.awiK. V:tvle. !.! a I' j -tio.
lie aiote Ma.-b.aet itt atiiafivrta-ed Vt
CHAKll . lion I. i,
iluslti;Wa, licl.
S A L E S K 0 0 d .
N. :y Krvi ;rti. Patlioe't bla. Fl.
Xo. . l 'ark.:tret. Wtl4t:il -t. IV..
S IV t AKtiK.
i'!3 ! ::) A rub t-et, P''r--
I--i'ro!i w .i:r- to ee tbe ik te Ma.-'j ?
ip. p'a:-es. -.t J 1 v v-tl'i- 11 1I1 re?
i;-.-e vf t. W. M r. ia I' e-iel t o-..-ob.
1,CKX) Chances to .Make .Mono
WvTH 01
to fe r:ror: cv ox
a x i: x t 1 1: : . r .v r n
a x
tvaJTA'.l persona dcairoua of securing au
Agency i.i tLis
hculd send on their u;iaii-a at txnee, eti
cJiwing a ti.tvo-ociit stamp to pay post
age, and receive by return of wail
Which afford a j
p ft ,f . ,.
ilifC LikanCe (0 Mak e MollCy.
,' Without risk, together with FULL PAR.
TICULARs rttautivo to this NOVEL
, - .r . , . , !
r-Io injure prompt and aaUfac.ory
' Jealings, direct all orders to
taoiK.r. g. cv.wm,
439 Chcakiut Mrtet,
rr3"t Philadelphia.
-TI'U .viiu i , 1 1
l . V V,'Kr hu''iber La. opened
u. ?, Wf l
HV'.'iitaaai-i'W, retfaW (', 'it..
bet t a ill keep ri.nimui'y on br.d aeeneral
aortinent a.f
ra . ,. . .
av? .r(HiJ, tf.wrm, 1!H4, At.t
wbich be will exchanje for Timber, li.-avrdt. I
r ll 1
Shingle,, Uraia, Country Produc
n wil
ill I piead ta bare all who wi.h to
iisb to
an? of lb. above article r, ku. .
call. JaMie c u-.ri ,:-
B..I- 1 Jf
-t BV' I
R t : -
r K-t
i It :
K- -i
0 V I 1
15 K AN ri
01' t.'" ej-i.Ki
t rya:.
T .t.e
. ;i .
V. .
i. . 1 1 0't- Cru - -
! ' :a- rt
Pia a 1,
i i -v. . vsi I, .
t-e ia-.c j
tl Hi; VI
f W. .. .
d' -'l -i ,
t!'.' lil
: v"
i. :
A- i t .
-.i t.'r i. tv-i.- ,.-ti-.. at,!
t -.-.-( ..-f .,-, r.'o .1 au I t:.-
F "'- tae. '; t ;'?. Fou ii.-r
-v. it -a x u .1 -.-rave., Cra.-ke-a it k.
t-crt2e.CMMir. Ta.ota, atid (.' rt-t
-to. ct V-'jtr-tBj, Ye-t.j.j. ilj;.
'Jtt-r.i:l de- Ui f .-aiv a '. t'e'.t
iot. L;.. au.l IK-al
: u.w;e ami uti 1'isii vsi'5
. oa of tbe etv"r. -ymiH-a-.t pa
Trtttin5 ct' Vt"tt-a. V. .i 't. at.
-r. Farcy, -tear'' Keter. s
?a:::t. Lacked '. Kl-eutstatit
Vn-i .;;,. lmae or tti il ieaai
lira.-.. Ac., 1 mat't
Ca:r-u.'tt. b'e.-d.::-. K. j iaiiaj.
!''' -t.'- Fluu;. Ur-a a. Aa"-ta-V.b,
Tatc.a;. aiti ir;..-J. J?.
era;. '.-da.
Till H0R.SF.
axd ni? mss.vs:
' W.". Tli Y,t m !
j .Xftc. io:tajtttt !K-r.
, ! : b t- Appraacb
lia ter, or Ma
I a i. . .t ; u. to acc.ia.v u
il . f
j io ttttti au l aud : ' Lo
I t F..t. Saddle. ju i'-eai t.ta
toUiraejt. ait", the r-Tiu aud law
cf '--a-". Iie wttul. i. a; ;v r
eu'.t of WvK tiiia rt'teeu tta-t' cire'Li
i ;ai of ti fca.ii . ullaritm.
ai.J L??''ot aui.tta!.
i- i a cou.aint o-a pa. avv-rvrr.ata T U
; '.u.jir-tt'! t'T tearit Oa Itatidrvu c jratutti.
; It t? .'rtattd ta c.var a-l yia tyt. aad will
i b trar-!d aty ali-v-?. potaj a.d, c;
te.-s'H ef p:i.-.. ba.f b.-aci. fl.Ov, t. tu .le.i
. it:, f i.;;-.
! ?tOM i VI: kK ria be a: It by i.t t.-prl-i
ir a-.n eervaere, in telliajt tie abvte. aua
iotaer yct-ail.- wvrkt of ourt. our .a4a.'u.a:
to ai. acii are acee-iiniy liberal.
F.r .t:;!e eo--ie? of tbe Bo 'k. or f. rterrjatc
a;-::-, wr.i tar itttarciatiou. apj' to our a
,i:f Jvlt.N tl. PJlltK. i'u'.uater.
Xj. t'K J-auacat, ybiiad.-'.Cia. ?
r-rcexter U, i'iJ. e'aio.
p iit i-l. r.-s c oin, cooii.
Mul'.'-IN iiiKK"V
' if .? IW r.t .--. ...-r.-t
.tlly KfV"at-y Mc. S. J. Hvt i
, Caro
Yoa l:w to cii- o.-e ell kiiii.- ,.f M-i;
I' , v.aiae. at A ,i; ia, vr;u
:i u.0-; appro . nu-lt.. of lire-aiac
aol eo:r 1-ret aad IVrk
b 'at au t ttaip't-tt w ifsal;
I1115 aud cur-it!,; t' raiue.
It T
1 iob all the various and nt irr-jrea:
uioo.j 01 alrew.i-;. ca:r. mi bou
M ........ I ... 1. - . '.- ijiu'u. ct . t.u.try, aua
iiattie ot a i kiadt. -lie d.;
A'ra: " sTi, "4vtej, u ;
pi .ate '.o ta.-b.
' l i n to
' I- tn and p'vserva
a 1.1 i . w ,o tweetea iy
' a., tt, vi t...-, tQ.J
!.' 'f c. k.i;. wt'a
!"tll-V Sa-.tcts. nA
F t o. a., a.
aca ta- -i to 1
lit : hi" ro -.
tbe di-arvi-.t
l .ai vrm; a- p-. pna:e to eacb.
it Tolls Y u ail t.!e varu as ana lu.ui a .; rov4
B..Jet .t'jrrt.i-;-. , h-tv aif.rvH cf .M.-at. Fiah. Fo-I itatae. ani
Yretak: S01 pa, lirvtLt. ail -;ews.
iu ttie rotisues atiu ia.
propriatc to vari.
-.a ap-
It Tell You ail tbe v.H. ns aal :--a.'l ; proved
ni.'de ot"c 'ktitjt Vc,-i xbit ..'( every
dcicr-.ptij , a!?o hi 10 r.-.a- Pice.
I. . Cat.-ut-s aud Curri.-s f kiaJ
P.tied Mcaa. Fub, Oaaie, M.isb-r-'oms,
ll Tcilt Yvu all ie v.iriiu aud uiojt apprri
ujo-laofprcparii-jtaB I o.. kiuc a 1
l Plam aud Fancy Pa.-try. i'u Id it,
Ouiel.-ttes. Fritter. Cakei Coafectkn.
ery, Preserves. Jellies, aud Sweet I'uk
a )( ovcry doavr 4toa.
It Tell YvualliLev riout and luo.-t it-proved
utojet of uiaiti; Urea l. Ita.'.,. Stai r.,
and B oait, filar bet utetbod f prvpa
HU(5 CoCc. Cjocolate, and Tea. aad
bow t- make .-. ui-s. Cordial,' and
V ii.ej if vari-iu ku-.Jj.
It Y04 Uow .o ct tut an oniatuei ial Ta
ble, hjw to Carve all kiudi ,f r.ab,
Ho.!i or Fol. a.d in sb'rr, how ;o a
tiaplify tb abole AHof Cookiri as tv
briiij tbe cbotcitl lu.urii'i of the labia
witbiu itt.' ? rcacL.
Tit bovk contain 4'.S J ac. aitd Cfimrdj cf
i-r. run irea L.-cpi-a. all o.' tuih are tb r-
lulls, of actual experience, Lavii g t eu fullv
rarnu'.ly te,t.d tti.der th per,uual aupcrti.tvu
dene i.t lb r tt r. It i- 1 rittli d iu a .-lea, .,..1
open type, is illu.trated wuli appropriate .-tra.
nuk-t, and will ba f maided to ny dar.-
1 eaily bound, aud p-'ta..e j-id. on reenpt of ta
pri-. 1. 00, or in cioib, etra, $1
SIIX.ll A VIltH fill kat II. at .t 1 t W amaaai.l
'u" u'vu werywUer iu a-l.iuc th ub.. wutk
our luduertueots to all tacli I eirg very lit-eral.
For tingle eopiu i th, Hoik, or lor terms ta
sent.' w,tb otn-r iuion-iain-n. ppiT i. our al-
Jll.V '.. P'l I TK K. Publ.-her.
Xo. IT Sansoiu Street,, P
UeceuiU-r II, Wo. tJmo.
4 It1IMlKkllH'.Nlli( Lwttr
AHiuiinstralion baviitf beta ranld to
Ihe un. er-i.ri.ed. tl is Jar. upon the of
JAMES W. jrTKANFOUL. dee d, of Morri
township. I at-arne! ! couutv. all person, iudf b od
to aid-tt are re,,uel.' d to ui .ke lintnediat
payment, and Ihoa harii.i cUitr aja-ml
In -aui will present tbui I'll w aiiiben'u'aMd
lf 'tiltuanL SAI I l.L CLYI'K,
marlJ Ct AJ.n
vaiin ra
ed a.or.l ,urchilrg
a certain Y0KK a.f OXEN,
T A'' pero-. ar.a brrel.y caution-
g or
Piea-touj wa;a
ai.aa rr n tim-.i-c . , - f
IP in no.ap
a i.ft . ,1 . Nl,B'
u. b loan only.
--a - " J
! WUliaawrilltr, AprU 1, Ittl.
I.TllRilr Trnni.
Fergurn Ip., .Vaita ti, Hl. ..