Mast.. ;:it,uiii AW, ...-..-.i. .--. y I i . i i i -- in (M.i:Aiiii:i.i, r.. Wednmdfty Morning My 8, 18G1. In,- I'rrnlftUon tidMrslInu; O '' U t tilf. In utMi'iino i I in loin ni t 'tif in it ( ' tn I" ') the 1 1 lo t'T lli' he c, li not nullv i' tul icll i s In- I ilU Huntier n" prem ie. I bi lln W it.liii'i' t'uhli 'f t'n phiee on lal W r l in i I ii iiflct noon , 1 I in Ir nt ol llin armor) . i Ihe Ci'lrnl'ini"' in 10 opened with " appropriate- prayer ly Nov. Mr. 4t1lo ny. fter which, mi eloquent ami pah ii ie n,l 1rim t in ili'lii erod lv Hon. (1. II. Par- ....... - - j 'roll -(of which o faded l' obtain a riii Till! WAll NEWS I IM S I s I'lii it I, M A I liS i i.. 1 1 dm it..' H ii In Tin: nun kadi:. Oivin; aid to tlo Enemy. Thot'TM.J of l his place, in its issue, furnished id reader with the following parigiaph : Pintmi rno kk at rue ! stow. It ii rrfiorU'J, tlmt itc number iit'trnnt; ry tininiierii I i tlio Poiiliorn traitors uri ami I V Ttlli flllMI'IM ol tin. mud MTM A I Kori.AM TliiN. Wli.'i.'ii". The rxUiinp exigencies do iimtol immediate and i.ii'.ii.ii. nieimnei for I ho protection of the Nut ionnl 'on-ti-tutinn mi. I the preserve ion ol' tlx N n:.. u. ....:,. r..r nn.l tlmn mm nrcscnt- lioind t'ninn. bv the iiit,ie.u!iin ol' the j ,'iis&..LJlii,'v ----- if ed '.lie Flig '-'"I'1- l'"'1"'. accompany ing it willi tlio following boaulilul Jul dres-.dolivc-'ed in a most creditable style In"'. I . It l !,l i i tiiiiniit l t.i I . I'l 1,- , n .' I'll l 1 I )n I :'l I I 111 I' t to II' I In i i I : Mid ii in . I liii' p. it il l" 1,11 llo In III.' I lil'nli rim til of ilm ' tf no law 1 1 llo I ii"l in i " i.'it.' ll i Hi" In l ilnU ol llo iinl.ii ilr In CIllV lilt' 'IO('M ' ol lltl'll'l'liy lll 'l lll't'1'0 llio lit . mi I IVm.M h nni i, iili ii ii'iii. il pi' 'I'lr, Hill )-'ii llii in nn li'MH'vl, Cii'lilul iitnl nriivn ii'ioii. I ln 1 1'" I.-inriiii t.i iin'M-ivo llio Inloiiiy of tin.' imlionil I'n ! i...... .1 '" i" " '.' . .1 ; l:.... . iii..,.i i.iii.. i ".iil-t'i'ly Iiuvp li"..n iiiiii.ipiilo.l p ,, ii ,,r il in In Irlmll'ol' llio luJiosorCloaiTiclil.liolu imirrioil and sjiij;'.' " nmde my July lo ,M'.'i.t'iit 10) cm tliis Klsi.lln'if j.aliiotic gilt. " : I... Tf .1. V. !.., .1..... 1,1 I... -..r..ri 1 111 J (I III V III 1 Ilk Jim ' wvn nni WUr UllUTI. III I. UU nv, iiivj ..w ... ko thry e.iireii tlinir o'litiiiK'ntK. or lio pnrr- tnoic coiiiit!lcnt and l.lo uatl'ls ; 1UI in i to Uik,u thotr nHndtf with llii'ir frii'inln, Hi ilt'OI) ICUiiril, Hlwl burning lovo, for tlio .Sun una .Su'H'' ol tny country, 1 yioM to none. Vo! it is lair and unspot ted! Mnji'Ktio, louutiful emlili'iii of tl'ti Slates still united. All its giru-t l.( lon ba Pennnylvmiift l.vf;i.ilfiture ut ita lift KVKiun faMod su nc; di'liuiuj; troHOin in lliin Hliilo. Is not this ! art of trraton ? Writom up on Fublic law ngii'tf, '.ve think, in Miyin thut any information by citizen of a na tion to a foreign otuiy 'a an not of trea son. Tberotore, if tho above paragraph contain tho truth, and ly any the information thus given, should reach the authorities or people now arrayed Bjjainst the authorities of tho United .Staten, is not the editor thus " turniuuing informa tion " " giving aid and coaifo.-t," lo the sneniy ? Wo Eubmit tlie question to tho&d bet ter versed in law than wo profess to bu assuring our neighbor that if this ill-na tured and bad tempered article shall lead him into trouble, and ho nil all be arrested under thfl Act of Assembly to which he refers, or under any other act, wo will Toluntecr as witnesses in his defence, and nweur point blank that his assertion is not true, and that there is, therefore no cause of action. If we have " traitor'1 in our mids', and the editor knows it, it is his iluty to make information iu due form against thorn. Lome lor tn, then, .bauimy, ana trivo us their names. If you fail to do this', you tnuHt ei t hoi' ho an iccotnplice., or else tand before your ful low citizetib a self convicted falsifier and slanderer. But the purpose of thiii publication is too obvious to be misunderstood. It is solely lor the purjiofo of tirifying all thoso who are disposed to question iu the lighted degree, the propriety or poliey of any of the measures of our public Bor rants, either Slate or National, or to make any allusions, whatever, to the causes that Iiave led our country into its present de plorable condition. For instance, in his address in Curwensvillo the other night, urging the enrollment of volunteers, Mr. 6woopc commenced by saying that ha ex pected, or feared this result, iu case of the election of Lincoln, aud that he hail therefore sought his defeat. We do not pretend to give his words only tho sub stance, This gave serious offence, as we tons: its thame to the liuse ainl lallen. To you, wo entrust this precious llanner to guard and defend, t oiitniout ol your courage and devotion in tno field, we cheerfully commit it to your hands. Uul, I hoar that vou may not t iko this 11 a ,' will, vou. but uiiiv march to tho battle ground under a liuttalion Hag. Ho it to il will bo a twin Hag, nml whichever you wave, either this one or another like il in the actual conflict and tho ensanguined iield, ii ls stars should be pierced, and it? proud I'oMs le ro.jt, clutch it, een in tat t. rs, and heir still aloft its mutilated re mains! bear it, and grasp it, until hoi rt and sinew aliko yield iu death! Had I the power 1 would make this a memorial Hag, and havo it share all your perils and all your triumphs, (in, then, bravo sol diers ! and carry with you our united, heart-felt wishes, our devout hopes foi your success in tho field, ami for your safe return, With tins llunuur Uko our willies Succeed to llic bruvv ; il.iy vou triumph in bottli), Bi'iieutli its pruuj wuvs : May llieso iitiin'ii, in their bisut-, AnJ thoee pt'ina of th blut, liver float o'er the heads Of the loyal ami true. AnJ remember, Cut) folluws, Wiio rovor you g" ; Tour Has uiuft nc'or tremble liefore a proud foo. i.ud uiay (Jod blein you, ! oyr 1 Amid dangers to c jme ; Aud return euch iu taft-ty Ajuiu to bin home. 'Ti iu vuic to tnpprers Tbo caiotiens which swell Our hearts us we give you This parting i'liiStt'ELL. The splendid gift was acknowledged on tho in rt of tho Cadets by W ilham A. Wallac-, Esq., an follows, delivered in bis usual stylo of energy and eloquence. Accept tho thanks of tho Cadkts. Th tiifl yuu bear them lliey will eherisli. In their hands they trust it will never be dishonored. The lair donors will ever be remembered. The- Siaud.trd of then insurrectionary cotulnnati ns now exist ing in several Stales, lor opposing tho laws of the I'niou and obstructing theox edition thereof, to which ctnl a military Inrce, in addition to that called In by my proclamalion of tho blth dny of Aniil, in the present year, appears to be indispen eably necessary. Now, therefore, I, Abrah,m Lincoln, rresident of the United Stales and Com- nl lluil lime, that ivo .Inml l m hooii I called upon I'm' tho piai iii'iil application ol tlie-o liullis in connection with their nippoit nml dilein'.! )'' the t-irong in' of military power. Thn unexaniplod promptm-M and eti thusiasiu 11 ith li it -Ii renn Ivnniu find the older loyal Staten have responded lo tho call ol t lie President, and tho entire ununiinily wild which out people demand that tho integrity of the (ioverntnent shall bo preserved, illustrate the duty of the neveial Slate and National Oovern ' mcnl w iih a distinctness that cannot be (lisrei'ariled. 'l'li ulini irliti-r of northern HI Ii n,,ti I ' i d i 1.1 i ol Ml 1 111"! ' . Hie I'n t i,i tiM, h W i.liii'.'i.'ii Ii' n if ll.f in'i, in" In, il nl ili il ' I" ' nie I. "i i ni i I'd '", l il " '" i iVi'l .'Mil 'll 1 I III I -li' I'M I ' kl 1 I III. Ill l lolllll.B. Ill til'1 ' l lx -1 '..- I'lC I i I I'ttiitilH . I I'm v'a'l I'" be 1' b' f'l ln'r llinl. lli""0 liH'l'.. in llii'il' iti,,'i'" 10 llio S hioiiiiI t iipiliil, ri'.iiiiil' lio.linilil)' Injn- v, altlioilL'll they 'veio -ulii'-'led In in mil iii the rily . f riiliiin"i, mi. It n f.honl'1 tn-t h e been olleied to any lint- lllliel. os to loyal llii'il, ic I'l esidei.t, did MM. II, , I I ' promptly b it their own Mite in the per loiniatii e of the biglu-'t duly and in llio service of their ciun'r.i'. A largo body of unarnn'd mm, 'vho note nol at the'lim i oriMiiizod a a p ir- . . . i : i . . : . ..c ill.. I'...., .... 1 1 1. ' . . ' lion oi uie mi in hi in i.ii- v.i'i.iiii'",-.' pp! I, to tho under the command of olheers without i,iinmisions1 alleiiMited iniler the call ol i..-. Na' ional I iovernuieiit, as I iliide,itand,lo i)P,n reach Washington, and wore iKxuu'.ieil ly armed men in the city of llallnnore, many of their number wore seriously wounded, mid four were kilh'd. The lar- V fi 1 1 I It ir. I I S II I ! 1 , I ; I l ! 1 I'li ' . I I 1.1 I ll . I Ml I. ' I 1 I . 1 1 1 I. I ' I ' . i i 1 1 i' find nn '. 1 1' ', I lit oe liii lid: I i n ini'inii I oi 1 1 1 1 1 , (In. Ii ii e ii 'i in n il I 1 1 1 1 v In i,i . i.. ., Ii "Mi t lin t ni'idil In thi i ik J " inn lit r ew oi I I 'I . i"io i "I i'l, ,-: i -i- ... , i , "i .i I ii w 1 1, i ",,;""h.-n fi'.V !) ,1.... li lit' in il. . ' ' oih " i Nii.e'.'. n member' oi iiv . Win.-. ....I I. : . "'il lir.n I'll, I 1 1 1 1 ,11 1 ' I III I'l V rieies ut Wii!iin'!on. l ei i'i viile nirl A miiit'O'iis. ' '1 i.'iiininoiline "rejiory, nf Iilfi,i n.'coiiii.iitiies this ili'ljicliiinrii f .,"'' cs:lal. IU of 111, 11,1 . . I ll. Ihstandi'i his advunr-vl yp, a'i ! s.'i i ifcs lo tho govern ;arni, ' en in tho navy for li.'iy :a0)L,'ci RF.roIJTS FROM M.nnr AinMrson Arrived at n . niauuer i.i imn o. uic jinny ano .s.iv.y pretenitoil ollence ol m tliereoi, and ul llio .Militia of tho several 0loflho Federal tnivernuient, pea: ably, States when called into actual service, ilo ovor w ndmittedly iu tho Union, and detel.y call into the so:vieo ol the L nile.l llu, ul,i,unte oh ret of defending our -iuium iin'i'Mii'i hum in.uj-u.i.i common lanital ii"amst an arnii U am volunteers to serve lor the porioil ol three invasion, together will- yoHi s, unless sooner ilischargeil, anJ to bo 0lsti-Mct ion of our IVmiM Ivnnia icooos musU-rcl into service as intantry aiuteav- ...i.ol. l.lut ,1.. I on th sa.-n.i imtriotie s ami re.-iionsi iliim iiofin oi:r sliitri HdnmnstiMtion. . will be inadi' known through tho Depart- Al ,lst ,jvi,-o the tienoral Government iniint ol War. had inililnrv possession of th route to Ami i also uiroci mat tno regular army Wnshii.i.i.n. thiou.-h Annannlis Imt ihn c . i . i . i ..- i .i: i.. ger piitkin ini-i waiy riHiiioi ii iiin-i-iijr n. 1 ,1. : t ... I..I 1 . ,.. . .nl itiiiitu ,l t ,,,,i ll'Oi-n I . . ;.. .1 ! li .lii ... ie .1... ' "ii''""") '"".. --' 1 I .......-..., vv .ji.iy , mc,i , Hiiiunioro: soino ol ,.. i, vvui.i nil,. in, i. nl l ,1 j i.'li m if ul I 111' ' . . . .. 'i,'".' ...... .. v ... n ' (,..,, win in i.i-1., 11 mill fit in u . , w. i i . llir.ui nriu null,1" have not yet reached their homes. I liave the bono to say that tho olli- , cers and men behaved with the utmost This dody in no v organized .wunv-, . .v. ..o ....... .v. j ....v. ..... jvnen uespwicueu on me airy. The projiorlions of each arm and rnixsion, impose new duties tho detail ol enrollment and organisation upon our Stale adi . , , ll.l I 1.1 Y . ' , I ..tV.'i.,-q n,im J.ilti M ll.):iuiriii, nn' i urn ' v , , , missioned ; they have I ...en neoepted in thu service, and will go to Washington by any route indicated by the Federal l.ov orinnent. 1 hiive established a camp at Pittsburg, at which the trooos from Western IVnn of tlio U ni ted States be uereaM by t ho , ' 7." ,...a.,i-.,s ; h i . lMi,1UMMed itU(, fvrvi,ei "V .U .. L . " .1 oi ry? ,lm.1 ".'y ..Cni,""-Janl .,r,anize,l and disc.nlined bv skillful addition tit regiments of Infantry, one regiment of Cavaliy undone regi ment ol Artillery, making nl together a n aximum aggregate inetii.iso of twenty two thousand sevt n hun Ireil ami four teen, ollicers and enlisted men, the ! tails of which increa-e will also he made known through the Department ol nr. (Joubiedly are loyal Ami 1 lurtlier ilirecl the enlistment, lor ,.. ..riirivernment a 1 , , , ,.. ., ..'II ll III illll.r" (i,, ,I,,.I'.I.,'A u, DIIIII1UI (ereu aim uc nvu, anil me sa e y c , , v.. , , , u-- ,i .i .i and ox perieneed olheers. Washington itsel liiiin neiitly IhreaUuietl. , ' . , ti.: i. - WlM,i. I communicate to you witn great satis-. inn iiiii.i.,v u i,ii.iii.i..,, ' "".'ic ! ,1..,. , ... I......J -r , i... l.t'jll'.ll, 1,11" i.ivv ilia. inn .riiiiivn in till three o clock thin tfterno-.n, andi ' ed on board transport for Anin.V TllO !rn,'' IVi't A t I'll IV 11 lh in llffril.n., r1 li .. .. .. .......... ,Tu, Maryland may profess to bo loyal to the Union or otherwise, there can bo permit ted no hostile soil, no obstructed thor oughfare. betwHMi tho States that uu- uiiij (heir national I here is reason to not less than one, or tuoro than three ir(0 years ol eighteen thousanii soamen, in aa- niu. )0 no anion to llio present lorce. jueuoiaii.s ,,()l(.f.n)e ol tho enlistment ami organization win , i tie service of the Federal (.overn oe tnado known through the Depaitment : ment- ,u vve ll)usl , fuuv u,sm e(l 0 .. 1 1... v 1 . . , , . ui mu .-. ) . ... ! this, ami nave tlio uni'iterrnpteil einov that the longer closed against the pns-:ao of our people armed ' Oouutiy, received from hands like these', I .1 I . ., ...... ... tl. ii.. u.ii.i.,.i-( r i r . UUIlOIIip. UI1H ni.i i.i.t.iiv. luuu nmujw re informed. In the opinion or soir.o of Lij".t:0. imt three weeks since, our on:o uappy and united country still smiled with peace his hearers, it was such an evidence oi disloyalty ns it was feared 'Tould lead to a ouitiuy. Wo profess to know tho leiitiments of the citizens of this place to whom rofer- nco is made in the above article- we claim that vve know their feelingH, wishes, intentions and speech, much better thai. .our neighbor, ana we have vet to hear the frst wordy dlskytxity rum ony ont of them They are an intelligent, loyal, law-abiding people. But they knov their riahU. and will enjoy the privih'go ol exercising them. Among other free things so much boasted of last fill, "free tpeech " w as most promi aent. Whilst they enjoy this right, it is not their desire or intention to abuse it nor to lot, others do so ; but to live in all jrespects as true, faithful, loyal and law abiding citizen", and the true, steadfast And devoted friends ot the Union ready ftt any hour to spare their fortunes or thoir Jives, cr both in itc support or defonco. StSSorae of tho self-esteemed pa triots havo taken great oU'ence at our re- j marks last week, iu reference to the des truction of the Government property at! Norfolk. We wero not awaro that French terror ism reigned ui this Republic of ours ; but uch seems to bo the fact from wiat we can seo and hear occasionally in the mut tering tones of wralli which soaietimes display themselves to our viovv. We will iniorm thoso toadies that as long as Liberty dwells in our land, and we have an existence, we will criticise the of ficial acts of oui-rulers, both civil and mil itarj as well aa the meddlesome conduct of those self-proclaimed " free ipeecii " patriots, who have dug a ditch for their neighbors lo hdl in, but begin to roalize the fact that they my become the occu pantj themselves.' If, however, these heroes (?) succeed in torturing our liumblo remarks to bo trea-. son, wo shall tell them iu the language of Tatrick Ilerry: ' Il this be treason, make tbo most of it!" and prosperity. Her citizens pursued therr usual avocations, and all hoped for a bright future. Tho usual political divisions yet existed, and although fooling ran deep, no signal of war rippled the surface. A placid calm pervaded all the North, ll was the calm that precedes tho storm. The storm has bur-l upon us, and uviv we find section arrayed against beeliou, broth er against brother, sou against father; armed men aro marching, martial music everywhere resounds, ana all portends that very soon the Souihei n bieee will bring to our cars the sound of the rush of armed squadrons, tho clang of arms, and tno Uiu of battle. Why is this? It is because men have been forgetful of their allegiance, have dated to raise their mailed hand against tho Constitution of their country, and sought to subvert it. It was because this Flag heretofore tho synonym of all that was chivalnc and daring, borne iu triumph through three wars, and bathed in Hood in un bundled vict iries has been insulted. The signal of the majesty of the government, the ensign of tho sanctity of the CouiTioriwi'aUli have voluntarily ten dered any amount of money that nriy be necessary for tho common defence and general welfare of '.he .State and the Nu tion in this emergency : nnd the temnora- l.-.lStlll to . ... r 1 ... I. .... ,1 i .i-i , . - , . , 1 I i I J I "11.1 1 Wl IIIU llMHWIVi. I ll'vl .lll'4 lill S route through Imliiuiore , J., , , ., i.e., i , Huiniii l&C-i oy nit; .ut- ut luu ijiiiiui.ii sembly of llio 17ih April. lt(il, was promptly taken -'t p ir. The money it not y et exhausted ; as it has been impos h. bio lo havo the accounts properly au- The cdl for volunteers hereby made, .. ,.:1,. tn ,.i ilv ' ,;, . i aue.1 aim settien wuu uie accouuung una and the direction lor tho increase of the. u,l every ro-iiw... al to llio VuVJn ''' ,ne -eni..ienl as re. regular army, and lo.- the e tment of r ,!in ,...., ..,., ti.m ,.w. I mtuin. i'l11'1''-'" lj account U luh exp.-n. stM.ueu herehy given, wah tho pl iu oi . , ,,. r ,.- i , nl "l,u.11' l:""u,t ""'v. l"':,i'",', . ' organization adopted for the volunteer ll()t n,.U()ri.l0J Auditor Ocneral und Sl:ile 1 u-asurer haie ainl tor the reirulir fereus berebv aiiihori : . .. . established a system of mm i lenient and zed, ai!l be submitted to Congress as'. 1 ) t.m is p,t lor emponz.nir or tor-. w llK.ntf 0f hi,h 1 enti.ely approve, soon as that body assembles. ( be,ir,"S '. "" I ' 'ost 1 that provides amply for tho proiection ol In the meantime, I earnestly invoke ?aus,!l'Js h.1 l0,7 ;Nort,i '" the. Siat, and to which mII parties having the co-operation of all goo.l citizens in ''.'vaded. nor has the sou ;h to invads a claims w.ll bo obliged to conlorm. the meaiures hereby adopted for tlio el- sn.;;le gaaraiiteed right ol the South tin A much larger sum will be required lectual suppression of unlawful violence, the contrary all polities parties and all thun Ijus ., Uisiinclively approp, mied ; lor :ho impartial enforcement of consti,,-: ,.l'1"Vn"i,,;itU"!i lJUVH ,ull' ' but I could not receive nor make engnze- tionul laws, and for the speediest possible bind 'O'yd every provision of the nlents ,or mo,.y willloul aullinilly 0, res.or.tio,. f, leace and order, and with great com pact between the Male, and re- law, and 1 haie cal.'ed you together, not these ofhappi.iess and p.orper.ty through- g''rU c,s o. our .ews ot . Mate policy, our ol)lV t0 ,,K,Vll,. (),-a complete re-oignni- out our country people have rCHpectcd them, lo predi- lilljon ot-the miliiiu of the State, but also, Intostimonywhoreof 1 have hereunto t-ate r re.wllion il.erclore, upon any aN that you mav give me authority to 1,ledge set mv hand and caused the seal of the . N'"-"rong mllicted or rough t to bom- Uie laiih of the Coinmonw.ahh to bor- United Si lies to be atlixed Hicted upon the South is to oiler falsehood roiv such sums of money as you mav, in Done at the city of Washington, this . as Bi; ,,ur V10"" . S. l1 lh: your discretion, deem necessary lor 'these the 3d day of Ma?, in the year of our ; c;;:,1'zo' ;' history judge this road I .x ,,l0nl.n..ry re.juiren.cnt. Lord one thousand eight hundrel and e,1'J,t( t overthrow the most benehc.ent U ,s impossible to p. edict the lengths . . . . slriielurn or human onvernment ever . ...i.;..i. ...i i. . . . i . -i. inv.niin. imil ot t he I mleiienaencu ol . .. lowtucu ni numiiess uuik run s in Mirylund, Captain k, 'ales N iv.,,m,jU(U tho United States the eighty-filth. (Signed) Aukaham Lincoln. ty iho President. Wm. H.'Sewauh, Secretaty of State. North ERI.AND, 1 im. j : vised i.y man. hour" iu the rebellious Slates saa'.l lead The leaders of the rebillion in tho Cot-' us, or wneu t ho e.ilamilies which threat ton Slates, uhich has resulted in llio es-'en our hitherto happy country shall ter tnblisiiineiit of a provisioiml organization : inmate. We know that many of our assuming to discharge all tho functions of . people have already iett tho Slate in the ' governiiienlal power, havo mistaken the . sei vie ) of the Ueiicral lroverii:ne;it, nmi ' toi bearance of l he (ieneial tiovei niiient : i that many iii.'i e moil .'ollow. Wchavi-,. ithey have uccepted a fratornal indulgence iong hue ol boid-'r on Sttes t-ru u.d jas an evideiuc of weakne-s, and have in-j disaffected, wliieu sl.ouid be pruti-cieil. j sanely looked to a united South, end a j 1 o lui nisli ready support i ihou vvno )livided North, to ivo success to the wild have gone uut, and lu proiect our bor iiiiilniioii that has Ted to the seizure ofiurders wo should h.ivo a w ell regulate.l mil i national arsenals and arms, tl.e invest-j itary force. nient and boiubarm. nt of our forls, the' I, therefore, recommend the immedi ate organization, disciplining and arming cy upon our commerce, an I now aims at ol at least hlteeii regiments ot cavaln Comtuodoro Pendegrast issues the fol lowing order, anni'ui cing the strict block aue oi llio pons oi iiigmia nii'-i Carolina. TO AM. W II0M IT MAY CONCEPN. Umtku Statls Fla Ship Ci iieri.ani), Off Fl'KTKtSS MONKOE. A. April 3d, r ,.,..,!. .. I' n. ,i. l jiVC"V tnii utbeiiliuil iu tuu uini i - , , ,. . I . i - . .i- l- ii ii i ' . 1 punderina ol our mint1!, has mviled pira million of In Km'IIurv. Alirnhiim ' . . coin, President of tho United Stales un- . i .1 . . r i :i .i- K'jii i' . - ... .. .: .. . & uur it u jiiirii-. inui. lui nil L'liieitii. l .... - . . . . ........ ' ' . ! Iw. li.mii'rpel ion onisL noiv lio inio. Iiv l.iln I he sen ice ol llio I inloil -Muliis-n blockade ol the ports ol Mrg.n.a ami f()0l of anns ; anJ l0 n-rMablish the we have al.eadv ample warning of th. North and warn a persons in-, prnriIOflt upon all enduring hash by , necessity ol being prepaied for any sua litioc a, f ... I iiiu.i kii lll.'iiin f. iiouii . O -' J oil . Ilt.vllili: no tiiiin? rii,. niai j , ic .";iitjii e...-ii.j lliiin iii.ij. the possession of our National Capital. and inlantry, exclusive of those called t 1 have a sulheient nave force hero for the purpose of carrying out that proclamation. All vessels passing the Capes of Virgin ia coining from a distance and ignorant of the proc'amatiou, will le warned oil', arise. 1 cannoi scs the forts ami arsenals and other (iov- crpnienl property so unlawfully seized loo niucii impress this upon you. 1 cannot retrain limn ulludin; tn the i.i. i mi i 11)1) C IllUC ai.u Uo5Up,uss, ironies .uu-uubiii 00 . . (.llys ,,cm.,(J aswitll requirea to ancnor uiiuer uie guns oi mo, . ' , m ,n(, i r,., . . ,,.;,i, , ' . ,. ..,. ,i ... . . i voice, and alll conteiiii tor, as with ion uuii suoicck iiiciijsci us iti an e.uiui , . , nn ! held : to ensuro personal freedom generous manner in which tho people o! end safety to the people and commerce of all parts of ihe State have, from their tho Unioo in every section, tho pooplo ot i private moans, provided lor the la.mlns one ol loose ol our citizens who aio now un or.e ! der arms. Iu many pans ol the Com- nrnis. Major Anderson walked D' the linr uncovrred. " M.ij..r Anderson passed qUotj .. Diiladelphia this inoining. 'flu " thrro, and at every station on t,j'' cheered loudly, f.nd pressed fm ' sli'ike llio hero ty the hand. " pnni.'s of troops went dmvn r,n il,, j1 den as as an escort. The VMi,u took eiht large boxes, Ci Hod for Washington. The steamer M in man. United St;i at Peiry vilie from Aniiai'dlis h,i i' more. Sho brings back the K-X The Paltimorn mid Oiiiu ll'tilrond j, lurnisliotl all liie In eonin lives the go,, menl want. The Maryimid limdi pas-engcr cars nt Annap.jlif, in board a s rong force ol' .MnohJ ' troops, and sailed for Itn 1 1 ituore. ' landed the troops mid a lurg-o quanti'il inilit.-iy stores at Fnit -Vcllenry, V? sailed into i.altimoie w.ili tu9 icau flag flying. Uiher Amnicao i) were also living ing itl Paittmort?. cite was quiet. ' ' t Fort Madison, a strong earbWkeo-. niandinj the harbor and city, isi"W' s on ol fedend Iroops. ' , s The steamers Ualiic and Kk at Annapolis last niplit, wi'.U steim The guns in the bat'. tries at Ferrpi completely comnmnd Havre d tin, and this place is virtually in our po.! ion. , Two companies of the Fourth regin United Slates niiilhry we ainnn t recon l rcitilbrr en. cuts ; f Fort MeLieni I leni 'i lint'i j a-s.-iigei-s v, ;o left nii'i-f lo day, mid who me direct tn Virginia, that the South are laisingtrw in numbers .iot drraiued of by any otii the North. nation. J. iNi)EnAST, Flag Gtllcer, Commanding Homo Squad ron. heart; nnd a qtliilter of a million of j nionweallh, grand juries, and courts and Pennsylvania's sons will an-wer tho call tiiuuiei' al corporations have recumiueii i to arm's, if need be. to wrest ns from a ! ded tho upp:oiu ialions of moneys from rei'Mi of anirchy and plunder, and secute their public funds, lor the same common1 Governor's Meisage. ExEciTivr. CnAKur.n, I llARnisstns, Arnii. 30, ls61 To the Senate unit Jlmisc of Jiejtrescutatives the Lommbniceath of l'ennsyieunia: Ginilemf.n: - The present uuparaHed far themselves and their children, lor ag e to oomo. the perpetuity ol this Gov icrment and its ben.lic. nt institutions. KntertaMiing these views niul anticipai 0f ing that more troops would be jequired " than Ihe number oricinallv calhvl for, 1 dahle purpose. I would recommend the jnissago ol an act legalizing and author! zing such appropriations and expendi tures. It may bo expected that, in the present .letuugement ol trade and commerce, and continued to receivo companies until wo j the wr.hdrawal cl so much industry Irom bad raised t.venty three regiments in . its ordinary and productive channels, the the law, ai:d the herald of th capacity of j exigency in tlio atl'rirs of our country, has Pennsylvania, alio! which have been tiius- selling value of juoperty generally will be a free people for sell-government, has been induced mo to call you together at this tered into the service, of the United State, j depreciated, and a huge portion of our lf iMiiled Itiiro. With an actual and arn od rebellion In this anticipation I was not mistaken. , citizens deprived of the ordinary means ' r , i. ,.., i' , i,.. I'.- ., . .. .... i. . .. l i: : i ii.i. 'This flag, that once through ' Southern ' balls Tb soul of 'vulor ' shed. Now bungs ns uule on ' Southern ' Tfk.Ui Aa if that soul wero dead. Thero aleops tho prido of former daya There glory's thrill is e'er-i-Aod hearts that ooi'o beat high for prnim', Kow feel tbutpulso no more." L.vints Tos;arry this (lug in unsuMied iu some of the States of the Union, mom- On Saturday last, an addi. ional reouisiu 1 of meeting engagements. Alihouitli entous quet;ons have bei n thrust upon ion was made upon mo for twenty livo ,' much Jorbearanct may be expected from us which call for your deliberation, and regiments of infantry and regiment of ' a g neriUs and magnaniiiious jieoplc. yel that you shojld devise means by leg- cavalry ; and there nave been already 1 1 ieel it tny duly to recommend the pas- itilstioil fuf the maintenance of llio umbo. i,ii' nnitumii'S I ondoml linn mill nml: n h:h.h nl u iinlieioim I iiv to i,i,h'i,i i 1i a,,... ruy ui mu uenerai viovernmeni, tue lion- up the entire compionieni. rinco oi pifpeny uy lorced sales in the or and dignity of our Stale, the protection Before the regiment could be clothed, coiled ion ol debts. of our citizens, and the early establishment three of them were ordered by tho Na- Vou meet together at this special ses iroceed from this sion, surrounded by cireuin-taiices in vol FttOM W a s J II Ni rrON f"TY. Washington, May 3d. lfd The quiet of '.ho past week comb here, but eveiy day helps to etrenpa" tl.e defences of Washington and llu j' cipline of the troops. Tin; railroad labilities between liwet Annapolis nie much im,rnved sine i dil ional cars have been brought f;oi I'hiladolpiini, iMr. Thomas A Scoit.Vj Piesiiieiii of lim i't'imsy lvania Ruilttt totinnr.v. ivh.i hun cbaigo of .lie roai,t liei,'h! m. ii :o l.o right lain." j The iji.:ns of tl.e Maryland l.iyilk.V no ioL'iir,i,i.: v.;'i niiri i.iiiaiiH Hut little faith is put in li e prutftuta of li:e Pinider States. A little moie on the j nrt of tho Government u neei , to keep Maryland right. Tho Providence Marino Artillery ir ed hoi e yesterda" evening, and Welti! admired. Some of the Pennsylvania Iroopilui been sent down to fort Wanhii.gtcn. The accounts fioni down :1 e river I along but h sides of (:heinpcake Ftayt satisfactory. The rebels do not & dem-elies, and no Lalicries Lave U erecleil. Captain Meips relurnod here to dsyfe ni- recent expedition to fort Tick which, he says, is so reinfoiced, and i otherwise strengthened, ns lo niakfiui" tluclion utterly impossible for six moti lor which litno it is well pio isioned. Geneial Harney has prepaied an w droffi to the people of Missour', ur(i them to stay in the Union. Ft w ihem that sece-sion will proio the mint -. their State, and thai as lo himself, fie ready to stnrd lo Ihe Inst by tin fa I . which be saw twenty stars ndueditncel entered the service. War will be opened in a few ivji I demonstration upon Ah xandfit Norfolk. The Sout h has undoubted! cided to act only on Ihe defensive, scd attack is expected here. ' A genlleman of my iicqtiaintsnc?,rfi highest rcspeeiabiliiy, has jr.sf irf' from Ilarjio. 's Fei ry. He tooK piniJ Inr jinins to n'crrlain the condition ' Virginia forces nt that point. He W jiusitively that there are not over $ hundred men Cfingregated there. lW two thirds of whom m e armed I"1 ions are exeeedin)ly scarce, artl troops have hnd to live on short ratio The grntleineii at Curwensvilloi 'V express a willingness to j in a pr!J como down and "fhrow the UtpM-i fico into Shaw's dam," are respect'tfl J-2rThe Patriot Si Union remarks that ol peace and order throughout the land. tional Government to On tho day ol my induction into the Ex- -joint to Philadelphia. I cannot too high- i vina the most solemn resi-osibilines : the ...... : .. ,.n: l . ,.,.i. : i . I . i. : i i . . i . . . , " .... triumph shall bo the hbditst noble-l aiui 1 iv commenu uie iiauioiibm nuu uevouon reconecuo'is oi uie glories oi tne past, of those to whom you present it. ni ,bo j t' .its: of the net. who, at a moment's warning, the rellections f ll e gloomy present an, deadly chai-o or tUr..ugh the perilous No cue who knows tlio history of Penn- snd without any preparation, obeyed the ! ihe uncertainty ot tho tuturo, all ilike bretuiu where'or it leads tho way the 1 'Van'"' ail1 ur"01M,,J!, &o opinions order. Three of tho regiments, under cull upon you to discharge our duly in a ' . . . . . . . And to'litifTS of her lioonli' enn instlv etiu. oimiln i.ii en mktnni'i.4 Iiv iliriielimi t.f m.ii-it ,,l' i.nt i-iii ,,,,.....,. . ....i.... iiiuuLiit. "i as iiur Livera, ui tuu uiiiiuii s . -r , , ,. , , i r .1 t- ' ' i" i .. a. . v. ' :. f i.i . , . . honor of our glorious Constitution ol all hostility to our biolhrenol and acoompiiniotl by ofheers of the Lni- sioe wisdom and hrtu resolution. Never intormett that such an enterprise that we rev-ere in the imt or hope for in olhur 'S,Hes 'o regard them as friends ted Stales army, were transported to in the history ol our peace-lovinu Com- undertaken at their peril. If tlie CJ tho future, shall nerve ihe arm, and prop ' "llcUuntrynKm, In whose welfare Coekoyrsville. near Ualiin.ore, at whi'd. nionweallh hove the heart of our peoph lhc thief co j ,,J0 ,-iirkne99, l the soul, and ..rge them on to victory i We k' ,a kdrj ihteresl; and we roogai- point tl.o.v remn.ned ,-r wo days, and oeeii so si.rred ... iheir dep.t.s a at the ,, , ' . . , Its crimson stripes .show dimly tho 'f0' 1 ,wrl o.Kle.t extent, ali our ronsti- until by duect.'. s ot the Ooiiornl Govern- present moment. An I. I to, I, mat 1 "m,0" R,"i P- 'b.l hour ol tl.e l ... 1 J w. v..v r-kt . 1 1 .ret f li. w tk ll".... 'I'l .. ... I ll.,- -ii n,.j 1 .,,.(.. I Iw,lr imn t ,wi,l ,n, ,i n ...... .I.... :.. .1 I lli; lll.L' Lil,w,nIul n , nn 111 ' carnage ol the ensanguined Held; its stain- , T ,' "... . v.. ..... ..n.v .1. um per- j ... ,.Cs,...... - - I..- wImi. ;u r ii MP ready and willing to observe ennui- nuo camii al Xork, wheto there nre now . foruianco of your du.ies on this r.ccasion. rroncriv : far. n ibi n. , hristisn 1 i"-JJ MllllU I lllVlUllllkllU VI Vlll'lb UIC VV I 1. l l 4 . ,, . . . . . I V ..... .. that should distinimish the noble victor : ous.y una iraie. nai.y m ine.r letter ana live ivguii. k nirir 1111 11 iinLiL'ii runiir in uinn i.imw u.tttriii ana, Jatties, they promise you, that no go, ..V, "--?. v, .. ...... " ...v - - , ..., .. ,... i0 , uiu.jr, gio.y nrot0,tion f)f . r-01,a nnj 1)I0,.erty, .. . .fe .. " (liira id n .tiiiliniin i,ii,iii.nii,nnl II ut i 'I".ml,i.t.u1.iiri. ,, ii . I at nni lira IrniiltliM un, nnpm a . ,f r na n . .. I .1 1.1 I'l "IW-llUIl OI I ersOt.S HIIU piui'mi ry btaiB irom out it crimson stripes shall. , ., , ... ..'.j...- ," - ............., "...mian.-uu auuuiu - -. - Affi ...ii.. : ... . .. ' . , . has within tlio Kiiiore ol Hi gnimn ..11 ll.n (i neml (.lU'einiiipnl r nnd live lei'inionts In, m oil hi' m miit u. . II. t, ,.,.,(;.,. t Kevn no niiil-nieht ciiatcl at OUl 'Oiuw uny us pure wuite. ana mat witu the . :. . , - - . . regiments mus , and in prov.di.g the ways and -neans lor ftnii a land provided with ! for 9 are now encamped the maintenance ot our country's clorv . .tny as a nation, vou should 1 i ..- i '-i- by feelings of self-sacrifice. 1 e"P n0 mid-night guard at our C ------ , - . w , ( perlWrmanco or stein, relentless duty 110 l"IHU"'s i sovereignly, ami among are now in camp ai ims piace, aim Kinoren iu ino-e which animate the brave i protwl it Irom the stoallhy approi'"' barbaric act shall mingle ll'ClMJ aro t'-"? right ud duty of self-jire- seven nave been orgnnii-id and muster- men alio have devoted their lives to the I tho house-breaker t Caiieis: Receive vour Fine' lheTlblern H'rvlio it is based uon a compact to ed into Bervioe nt Philud. Iphia. 1 pel ils of the b ittlo field, in dofenco oi l ti .' r .i i'i. wrt ofyourcoumry'shoim wl,idl " te people of the United Slaws j Th- regiment, at this plie are still our na.ion'i flag. I. thm tn i ly 1 lowed meinnrie ilmt. p-iL ,i .i.,. ' puriies. It is the result of mutual supplied by the Commissaiy Pop irtment! Gentlemen, I place tho honor of ii, '"fc', we only ask that they shall coin 1 1 .. .. . ' "'"'Stars and, bv the brieht eves and co,,c,J,'io"'. which wero made for the of the Stale Tho;r quarters are as coin Slate iu youi hands. And 1 pray that . honorable men should como come tw wnue thiiieea appointments havo been ; faiP forms of the donors, by your own and pU'P'-ol'curing reciprocal benefits. It fortable as could be expected, their sup- the Almighty God, who protected our solve- sending no substitutcs-sn a given to tho editors and aiUches of the your country's honor, by IU olemnity of acU d"'tf-'lly on I he people, and they owo ply of provisions abundant, and, under fathers in their efforts to establish this ' n, nn Lv i(1), , n bould ask 'M New York Tribune, not n siiiLdt mi n con. tbo oath you huve iust taken. 1 ooni,ir ,l personal allegiance. No part of the the instruction of competent ollicers.they ' pur great constitutional liberiv who has . V . 5" L""''s ,0 u ,a .. i.i. .i, ...i.i:.,i i vou to bear it worihilv. Follow ii ii,,-.,...i, l"de, no State, nor combination ol are rapidly improving iu military knowl- csnuolled the crowth of i-ivilbminn ,..,,1 ,lU1 previous notice say ono ...w,., ...... ...w . ..iii.,, has ioiuii i .... a- , , - , -e-- ' I . ' v - - p. .... . ......... ,, uv. . , , fim nu- ,. i no State, nor combination ol are rapidly improving in military knowl- csnuolled the growth of civilization und 1 0 prevlou,' notice say .i t. !. A -1 . I . . ISllltPkl. tan. Vn ll n I tirilw a..n.K 1' . t I. 1 . I m . I ul, t Io.iia tnaJn iilTnn,iau'.,l..'..:... ! .. 1 . u.A nun nnf ini I imillP 0T1 illlT 4irUlJ tUIHIIDb IV 1X10 CllniJOU OtOUtll . "'J .V llUlli Uirj CUjjC UllU rrm, . unru "au fwiitsiv,- ; 1 1 r 1 I IUI 1 1 V IMUllr nilUSl. nillV UOt HOW ""U13 uvty nc BIO liwi jiuiin-mi" - I . 1 I i . ' llniiin llnhnLunliin lh,K....l.. C .1tl11.. ...M. p t .1 ! . . A. W'e merely w" ie.u lomitnuineringoi 111s couuvry. and ere it be dishonored, lot the best Uikj. ln,on' l,or nUsolv themselves from their , m-nls to clothe all our regiments w.ith for.ake us ; that He may waicii over vour Poinl otra-MKI. AO ' r 1 1 .... . nlillifnli,ne In il 'In . , l I I. . ...!,l. ..ha.. , i . .. 1 . i oi jour urarii ns azure held and "-e"" v " i"-niiivffiietowaii. ! virgin strii'es in crimson "i pleasure irom uie Union, withmit w-iveaa ,4.0 care ot Dr. 1. W . Potter : Soidior-'-Keceive your flag as soldiers tD0 WM,!ienl of l,'e ". lo confess that iu mioiuer coiumvn. i he Doctor is a war- should. our uovernment is a lailure. Pennsylva- toy young man. andesorves th patron- And the Cadets did recoivo it a s sol-, tlcvnotZZXTZ T itfof thoe who aro indeed of n,,i;..i, a 'a;.... .....n . ... ,rc. nor assent lo a doctnno which in - '--'s. i..,.. neio muum mm iiireo ucariy coc-ers uie uiiuuik uirl',,1131leiii ii pmp- counsels, ana may, in :iia provideneo, ..Uasure ns to this Thoy can oxerciHe their i oi .1 V that before the close of the present week ty, and nre acting in open rebellion to tl.e 1 16 W S that some f all our people now under arms will be Govornniflnt, back acain to 'i-Mfoct loenN their neighbors, as well as some ot s Is TOlvos Ibo dodtructiou of the Govern- clothing. abundantly supplied with gocd and ap ty, and restore peace, harmony, ami propnuio unuorms, oanKots auu otner ternity to our aistracted country. fra- own, who might desire to witness t1fl: L ! tertainment, could thus hav an opp I A. G. CURT1N. I tunity of doin so.