Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 01, 1861, Image 4

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    Sgri'tn Mural . 1
Farmers, spring i ution you. It dc
mantis and duties will crowd upon you
thick and last. Amid the greater Ue-
irwnds do not overlook the unallvr ones.
hestyou thou one of your kind su-
t-et a few Hint. ,
As to your year's stock ol w ood : if you
have not cut and pled that under your
wood shcU, you may os well let Unit pass;
you can haul one loeJ at a time, du-
.in,, il, sr.,,.,,., nii.l cut it entli night mul
a ..... . ,
morning, Sundays excepted, for it will bo
. .1 ...i 1. ......
ltccii anu ciioi) easy j u "
to fast ns seasoned wood, then lliero is
Oinethins so interesting nliout goiiij; out
to tho wood pile and pitching in an hour
or SO in Ilill'VCsl limi., iu rj uuumipuuu,
the good humor that such
an arrange-
uient keeps the women in.
. Those khnde trees in front of tho liott.o
and along the street Hint have never been
eetmightus well be postponed to sotno
ctter time ; you can get along as wen
without tl'cm in )"u hove done hereto
ore ; they might get liroke down, and
I wsnld lake fpme trouLle to get the
tldor bushes and other ruUiisli out of
thef tnee corners.
Ihase old dead apple-trees that you
rere going li re-sei wit!i thrifty prul'ted, ana the fixing up the orchard fence
to keep tho cattle and sheep out, might -
bo left to some other time, or when all
the old trees are dead, bo that you could
set the w hole orchard at onre.
As to fixing up fence", it Is U Wl time
to do it in thefpring, farmers me so bu-
sy ; then the cattle have got such a notion
of jumping tho fences I lint they will jump
them any now. "Old Dose' is a better!
remedy than high fences j it is better to
say "sio," " take 'cm ; lug cm :,' than to
always bo laying up ra'ls and nailing on (
Ifyourgatos have settled so ps to re- (
quire the strength of a man to tug them
around all the better ; they will not lie
"opened only when necessary, and then
only by men who will not forgot to shut
them ; the wind never blows open fuch
calos, neither d boys injuro them by lllarki.niltli. Wsgoiis.i;,.He,,.te.. Ac, ironed
' I X n ehort r. '.i e, und the very beat siyle, ut hit
swiiiglllg on them. li ,t,ind in t'.io toroitgh of Curvenevillo.
If your smsller gates liave a hinge or, Dec. 29, if:s.
tho fastening ofl, neve; mind ;you can do( oBERrjTw'AM.ACE, .7J5cnr at Law,
that some odd spell ; if tho hogs get into 1 V Cleunield, Pa., COico II &Uw' How, uji.
the garden and eat up the c.rly peas and ( u"it8 Jrnjl office. ,
vegetables, or tho old sow gets among 77," Tvir(Vlw,"h.vl,'i ek.nBM I.J"lo7.
the sheep and oat up a half-dozen Iainbn, I J ) lwn from Curwonsvills o Clearfield, rei--lake
a club, call the dog, and settle tho poc.tfully offers his profeafioniil ncrviees to the
, , ., ... . , citisiiis if the latter place and vicinity.
account at onco ; it will givo you more real Kcai(ltfnre
oa Second street, oimosite t, at of
satisfaction than tho fixing 6f a lndf-doz
cn gates could.
If any boards liavo got off from tho
brn, never mind such trifles j it must bo
a poor barn thai cannot stand a half-dozen
boards ofT. If you run for cery uticli
trifle, what will become of your leisure
momenta ?
If tho banks of your ditches' by freeis-
Init nml ilinwmcT Imvn kliil ill and filli il
, , ,, .. , , ,, , 1
ihcm, you had better not clean them out,
for they will surely fill up again, sooner or '
T 1 c 1 1
latcr. 1
A Very Convenient place for old and
, , . , i-i '
new implements, ruju as wagons, Bi.-igus,
sleds, plow, harrows, scrapes, rollers,
and old bits of boards, timb er, plunk, re
fuse brick, cobble stone, apple-tree brush,
eto., is along the street in front of thu
house. How can a man afford to thelter
Huch tilings. liy ! it would require
nearly a half acre rooleu over.
The place for wh;flletrees, chains, clevi.
scs, ami liocs, is to di'oi) tuum where,
' 1 I
last used. Many a farmer knows Letter
than tomuko a fool of himself running
, ,, . , .... ,
to carry such things to some hlding-placo
for shelter. Mowing-machines, horso-
rakes, cradles and scythes, should always
bo left in the field where lat used ; for
tea chances to oae if they co not require
' 1
(O bo Used ill that Very phlCO tho IlCXt
.,.,, . . , , .
l'ldw shullow-phuit and sow lato.
Your manure should bo id ed nuaillil
the sides of your barns and ktables, to
Jiresoive tbui from ixjttitig. If the heaps
bo laigo as to be troublesome, move your
buildings.oT dy as another mar. did make
. . . ,
a bee, and haul and scrapo the manure
into thu river.
Tuke Do agricultural jiapers, unless you
want to be huiubugucd with "book farm-
. "
in ." " ilioy liavo eome to 00 liiiou w ith
all niuuncr ol stuu, sucu as chort-horned
bulls, bhnnghtt cliickci.s, tliinii geese,
. I
gauuig-uicu nurses, ueep i-iowing, com-,
liost healiH, made of boi;s, dry loaves und
dug,u ashes, lime, salt, tudi, and hen
Tcost scrapingH, all mixed pell niell, and
soaked vritL urine and rain water, which
must bo mixed with euano.tiouilrette. an. I
..i -1 .. 1 . . ...1 . .1 . 1
noboby ktios what. And thou they me
brimfull 0 f draining, underdr iiiing, tilo
draining, and machines for digging potu-'
toes, catching ratv, and sucking cews 1
. ,,. . . in-, . ,
Idling how to make flapjacks, nice cuke
roasting turkeys, and shilling cliickt-iit-." j
Mrange pass, surely ; out my spacu is up.
II'. L. t'urtif, now iiliA; Ohio, in Gene
tee .Farnur.
Lemok Ci sTAiin. Three lemons gruted,
on fKHHrd of sugar, oight -eggs, u pieco of
butter of the size of 11 walnut. Heat thu
yolk, sugar, lemons, and butter together,
the while to a froth, which rc not to be
added until ready for tho oveti. Hake on
TImj ChilliciHhet(i(Tc.reistmials that
one hundred thousand pigeons htva been
ebippod from that city, during Ihe pres
et eeasoi:, by cxpi-ese ox otherwise. 1
gje filtarfolb publican,
Terms ul Hubdcriptiuiu
f paid In advance, or within throe months, f I 2i
rfpij after tho expiration uf the year,
Terms ofAdierUsliiff.
(jVortlsoinouts are inserted in tl.o Uepublicnn
,t tho following rates : J(K , do
i(1,..Hre, (U linos,) t f
Tw0 (2Siiin,) l no, (12 llhciM
St ou
2 oo
1! 50
12 mo
$7 00
10 00
12 00
14 00
18 00
35 00
1 50
2 i
ft 00
g on
in no
12 oo
0n. g,1nrei
Twoaipinros, : i
r,rc9 ,'!"ttre''.
Four aoilaren. 1
Half a column,
One column. :
t t It 00
20 oo
, ., ,, llln ,., m0.lUl! 25
cct por square for eash insertion. I
Esstaw Boticnct deeding Mines nre in-(
'a.-,,,, markei wltktie of
,-.:...l Ill V.. ..,:..... 1 ....lil forbid
mtriions ueeirou, it. 11 w, i,v.ivun.oM .......
,tJ h"Sod accoru,r.g 10 mcso irma.
. . n ... ,lf ti,1,, in.
ollui.les the 1'tiMislirr of the 'llepuldiean' , tJtl.eTUlhy that lie is piepa
tot 0 do fill Ainds of
rnsrr.R?, I' attains, PttodnAJiMns,
Til.AHii, F.?l. E00I5, ClRt Cl.AltS,
J.AhZi.s, fcAt.L Tirrirs, JIankiui.i.s
ar.J t'vc-iy jtindcf j'ih:li.!5 usually dono
in a rouiitiyi b nSloe.
I Ail orders wii tie execu'.sl w ith ncit
ness and tlefpa'.ch.
T. 1. w rri.1.01 on. M. M. M i i.i.oi cn.
M'CUM.tX fill t II1HUIII".!!,
Attorney at l aw.
Clearfield, Will attenj jiroinjitly to Collec-
1) W. II AYS, Juliee of the Teaee. will ntte n
, roriilly to collection and oilier inn Her
elt in Iiif charge. Addren Kerrey, Elk co,, 1'
Oct. Sd lbCO. ly.
)l'STICi: of ihe pence
l.Hthei.'1-urp, Ch in field Co, Til.,
mil nttciid rrruiptly to uli tuinej cittiuitid
to hif (ire. Mnnh 2S, 1 SCO. y. il.
klusTrw IN It SONS,
VT tho mouth of I.ii k linn, five iiiilen f 1 win
Clearfield, .MKliCIlAXf.S and extensive
MannfnetiirerK of Lui-licr,
July 2.1, K152.
' ; J. Cruris, Ejo. uiy "lid. '
I li y s I c I a 11 n n d burgeon,
Clearfield I''i., May 30, 1SC0.
ATTOKXKY AT LAW, will nttend prumptly
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted to
J his cme, in the several Courts of Cleuilield and
! counties.
t Oftir t t-o ono foruurly occupied by
G. K.
Oct. 2rth, I.j0-ly.
; 7--; , -
, ' STKW K1' .
Tiiynirlnii unci llrKelln, offers bis pmfes-
ionn! services to tho eitiicns of X ew Wnsli-
inRton mid surrounding coimnunily. Officethreo
doors west uf the Washington House,
N(,w v.,i,ingion, !'., Oct. 14, Ino-J.
Civil, Kmiinkkr it Lixn Si uvevor, offers
his prolessioual sen ices to the citizens of Clear
field county.
All business entrusted to Uiin will bo prompt!
and tint li lull y executed
Office w ith Leonard, Finney if' Co.
I -
1 li'Vl,' .'rjl
... ' ,., . .. ...
Lulhcrsliirg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will
attend promptly to nil business entrusted to his
r- He also informs the public that lie keeps
constantly on hand at his shop, n general 11s.
r,mont'0r SJ,los, llridles, Harness nnd
irMns, which ho will toll on reasonable treius.
April 4, ISCC
A M" ?M7U ,fcr 'j1' Jr''(?;h,nnl ;"'l,f'
L- to (he l nUcsand (Jcntleineii of Clear-
fiolU and vicittty. All operations performed
.with neutners ai.ii djspttch. lleing familiar
; with nil the Into iinrrc?!ients, lio is prepared to
ironke Artltlclal Teetli in the best manner.
Office in Shaw's new row
Sept. Uth, 18 j8.
I Alt l I & T I'.ST, Attorheys at Law
J Clcnrfield, Pa., will attutid prouiplly to Col-
Uiolis, Laud Agencies, Ac, Ac., in Clearfield,
r....i- .1 1 , I. .:.... f..l.. 1.1 u
i.emru niiu couiiiius. uuiv ,,. v
Tl'STItli ofthoiienco
I Hockton, Union In., 1
ill attend
roinntl? t'i all business entriHted to bis
' ' Sept., 12, isoo.
1tTI.Ukla lift ln.II Mf.,.AU...(u
11 IKMl KUIt RIIH II I, lit II i'SLI mi iiirs
extensive dealers In timber, sawed kuid
ber nnd shingles. Also, denlers in fiour sn-
' grnin, which will be sold cheap for cash.
Oct. H, ln.M.
1)oot A shoes of ovory kind for Ladies, Gen-
tleinen, and Childrou nt It. W. A CO,
rYfl,t'n' Mill and cut tfaws, Mann's sxes and
J ft Bcncral ssl!0rtmclll of' urdwn,.c nt l!lf
storo of E, A.l llVIN,
CurwD'l!!' Ll?'i!lfl!
1all nnd examine tho Patent air-tight Clas
V-Zand stono inis, they are just the thing you
ee,', fcr nk c. f , W. A CO'.
TfEUY CHEAP at the store of
jan:':i WM. F. IRWIN.
I JAM. 1 dos, MaeKorci ani iierring for snlc
X iu kii.i . h , F. I U H'lN.
Clenrfie , July 11th ISf.
Avery largo stock of Spring end Summer
clothing of the latest styles for sa'e lew by
Cuiwensville, May 10, 1860. E. A. lUVIN.
Vi':51 l!.U. s.'ge variety at reduced prl
! I ti t,J' SJ'ilore. Curwensville 16, 'fiO.
Stella and other .Shawls in variety nt the cbear
Store of E. A. IKVI.V
Curwensville, May 10, GO.
1,'Rl'IT. Driod Apples, Pared and unpared
. Peaches, Cherries, Prunes and Ilaisin, at
tutCorner store of E. A.IUVIN I
lime of Holding Court.
Second Momlny of January,
Third Monday of March,
Third Monday of Julie,
Fourth Monday or. September,
In ouch year, and continue two weeks if no
ccssury. County Olllrrrs.
Pros't Judge. Hon. Samuel Linn. Bcllcfunto.
As'to Judges, lion Win 1. Moore, Clearfield.
lion Pciij Honsull, Liithershu.g
Shcr.fl. Fred'k (i. Miller Clearfield
Protlmnotury,.lohn I., f'uiile, "
Heg. A Hte. .Ionics Wiiglcy, "
District Att'y Ituliert J. Wallace, "
Trouiurer, O. II. (ioodlander, "
Co. Surveyor, II, 11. Wright, (lien Hop"
CouiinUs'ii'rs,Win. M'Crucken, Lumber City
Wai. Merrcll, Clearfield
S. C, 'J'honiiion, Morrisdulo
Auditor.", 11. C, llowmun, I'hilipsburg
Isaac W. lruhmi,Clcarlield
J. 11. Shuw, "
Coroner, Ueorgo Richards, "
List of I'oht Ollires.
A'ltince of I'. O. ..Yiliilrt of I'. SI
II ice inn,
(ilen Hope, (1. W. Caltrel
Dower, Mo,y E! !tr .1
Chest, T. A. M'tiheo
fiiKh. J. V.". C;..r.!
Oxteml, l.oie f.iiiiiii
Clearfield J'.riiji!, V. 11. Miller
Woodland, Ed. V.'iilitun
l.ullii'raliurg, 1',, II. Mooro.
Troutville, Jacob Kuntr.
Jell'erdon Lin J, Jniin iiehening
1'oreKt, JitM. Ill.ioiu
New Wxsliintur ; J. M, ruiiniiingi
lluniKiile, .las Me.Murray
Clearfield, Clenrlield,
M. .'. Kriiuk
Covingtuii, Kreiicliville,
CurweiiM'illc, i urweimville,
1'. Coiidiiet
J V W yehimrr
Stiiiiiiel Way
Centro count?
1'hiliin burg
Kilin. WilliiiuiH
Helen l'ost Office, Klk romiiy, 1'a.
l.eeounlo's Mills, ('. .Miirnot
Ilald Hills,
n 1II1.1111 Carr
Goshen, Sliunsville, A. II, Shuw
tiriihiini, (irahaintoii, T. II. Koreee.
Gulieh iniths Mills, J.A.IIoyurty
' Madeira, C. J. l'usey.
Huston, Tyler, Umid Tyler
" l'ennlield, II. Womiward
Jordan, Ansoin'illo, Kliin ( huso
Kartluius, lilt Liek, li. Ileekmlorn
Knox, New Millport, II. K. Mokel
Lawrence, lireckenridge, .1, W. Tliomps'n
Morris, Kylertown, Jus, Thouipson
" MorrisdAle. J. McClelland
l'enn, Lumber Cil.v.f W. W. Wright
" Grampian Hills, A. C. Moore,
ike, Cm vvcnsi i!!e, aiuiiel Way
liloomiiigville, Jlichuul Wise.
Tnion, oektoii, . V. .T.1I1 iiKini
Woodward, Jeffries, 'T. Henderson
? This Post Ollico will du for Chest township
f Will answer lor Fvrgiisoii towiithii.
The undersigned will have conslanlly 011 hand
a we I selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, I've
Stuffs, Oils, Paints. Tobacco and Segars, Station
ary, Perfumery, Drushes, nnd Fancy urtiilcs,
which he will dispose of cheap for ca-h.
He invites the public to call nud examine his
.stock of goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Country Physicians furnished with Drugst
Medicines, nnd Surgical instruments ut the inos
reasonable rates. J. (!. HARTSWICK.
Clearfield, Pa., Dec. 2. Ictlil.
Important Notice.
The undersigned, lute publisher ofllie "Cleai
field Republican" takes this meihod ol calling
upon those who are indebted to him, or to Lari
mer ! Wanl for subscription, advertising or Job
work incurred during the three years commen
cing July 1857 nnd ending July to cull im
mediately nt my office in the borough of Clear
field, and make settlement of tho same, us these
accounts mimf l,r elnnlnp. J. II. LARRIMER.
Clearlield, December 12, 1SK0. tf.
if Adiiiiuislriition having been this day
gruntid to the undersigned on the Cstnte ef
(iOI LD WILSON, Into of Hii.t.n tp Clear
I eld county, deceased, all persons indebted to
said esutu aro requested to make immediate
payment, nnd those having claims against the
same 'sill present them ilnlv niilhi'iiiicaled for
settlement. l'lll'LIP 11 EVENKI!.
March 20. fit. Adm'r.
rty 11 1; it it 1 t 1 h 11 it 1; v 1 1: H s
( Fr e Church.)
T K II M S. rcriinnuin.
For nny one of the four Reviews, $:t 00
For nny two of the four Reviews, 1 (in
For nny Ihrec of the four Reviews, 7 no
For nil four of Ihe Reviews, H 00
For lllnckwood's Mugaiine, :! Oil
For llluckwood nnd one Review, ft Oil
For Hltiekwood anil two Reviews, 7 (in
For llluckwood nud threo Reviews, (I till
For lllnokwood and tho four Reviews, 10 (10
K. Ik The price in (.rent Riitain for tho fivo
Periodicals nbovo-iinnied is $:II per annum.
Republished h
innrl.l-fiin 64 Oold Street, New York,
jpToi III, BACON, 'r0BACC(),
"5" For Fale very cheap for Cash, 1 iy
In basement of Merrcll it llig'er's Store,
(.Oil field, IV fi-b-27.
ri 00D ARTICLE, for sure m the store of
V A jn2.1
t Large nnd splendid stock of Iress Irim
V. inings, Holts, Head Drceses, Notts, Plumes
Ac., nt
11. W. rf- CO's,
1 Large stock of Von t Hoy's rhftlring, just
J received nt It. W. A CO's
"Carpets, Drugget, carpet chain, Rags nnd
J Hugging, Curled Hair Ac., nt
R. W. ,f CO's
nardwaio of every kind, 4n. cs nnd fork
spoons, Locks, Files, KaiU, Cow Ro
01 d und Hand taws ai.d M ill snwat
It. W. A CO's
Indies' Runnels and Hats, trimmed nnd un
J triiuuied, of the Latest Styles at
R. W A- CO's,
Administration having (his day been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of JANE
WILSON, late of Chest township, Clearfield
County, decrused, nil persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same will
proieut them duly authenticated for settlement.
uiar20-8t Adm'r.
1801. 1801.
!()ti Market Street 2 doors north o
1 1 lie Court House, where they nre
ijust opening an untistially lare
land well selected stock of iioodn,
suited to the wants of the commu
nity for lhc Tall and Winter trade,
which they oflcr in large and small
quantities on the most reasonable
terms cam. and exami.xe ion
YOuitsELVEs Their assortment o
's very largo and complete: embracing nlinol j
every article both of fashion 11 ml scrvieo. Er -1
pecial attcnlioi, has been paid to the selection of
LADIES' DUES GOODS, which arc of every
variety and tho very la list styles.
Silks, Delaines, l'l lids. Merinos, l'opli ..,
Alpuceiis. Cashincres. French. Scot, h
und Doiueslio (iinghauis, Prints,
Linseys, Csuibries, llrilliiints,
Fig. and plain llobinetts,
Irish I. men Cloths Ac. i
niaek and Fancy Cassiinercs, Saliiietls. jeans
Tweeds. Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking '
Crash, Diaper, I ( I ji In-' I and unbleached mils
tins & drills, Itetl, Grey, AVhile and ('anion Flan
mils. Alsonlurg atoek of Ladies' mid Gentle.
incus' Shawls, Doublo and Single, Stellus nnd
Chenilles, lllnik and llrub Cloth capes of tho
very latest fashion. 1
- 1:1 point ol health,
coinl'i rt, nnd ciinv.'iiicnce.
I Pit UII.I.S i.-.i . ;-.vays be found at his of
'liee, on the corner of Front nnd Main streets,
I when 110 notice to the contrary nnncars in this'
Al 0.eir.'ioiu i? ;'..; ,.i.e of his profession
performed 111 tae latest and most improved
styles, nnd guaranteed for one year against nil
ntinal failures.
J O il "() I) 1: L L ,
urnoLSTi:n and caimmacje thim-
N hi!,
Located at A. If. .S'""''. MH.t, mie mite Jinx!
(1 CLie'i Id boneiyh,
Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield
u:id iidjoinin; ronntii s. that hu is at all limes
prepared to moiiufactiire. nt tho shortest notice.
Ilair, Husk, an I Straw .Mattresses of all
kinds and sizes, one of which is a Folding .Mat
tress. suilaMe Tor CAIilNS O.V RAITS, which
can he folded in small compass, and emptied ind
refilled at pleasure : and very cheap. Ho also
trims Cai 1 iages, nlukes repairs to all kinds el
Carriage Trimming and I phol.-kry, nud iruke
Cords for Mason's Trui ing Lilies, of any thick
uc;is or length.
Connliy Produce. Corn Husks, or Cash
taken in Fvcliauge for work,
7 0-AII orders Iclt with any of Ihe Men huts
Cicaiikld borough will bj promptly attended
to. . decili
, A, WAI.I.Al'K.
11. A. KIN SKY
iVuikinn ;uib (CoHftiioii (Dfm
C I, K A !i F 1 I. D,
CLI AllFII-.1.1) CO'.y ), -j.
4 BILLS ol. i:cil.lMiK, uTr.S AM. nil 11 Is CISI'OIM K
i) posi .vs 1: 1 :c i;i i:i,
Ai't i't'i'h.1 tmide and pi'iiceedt peunijttt' reiuit'ed
Mxcliiiiiu on the Cities ruiintaiitly
till llllllll.
jr Of" Office on Second St., nearly opposite thr
Col. A. P. OWENS, ritoi'itiEToii,
Respectfully announces to the travelling public
ll.rt hu has now taken 1 harv of this largo and
well known hoiiso, and w ill conduct it ill such 11
iiiunncr as will render excellent comfort and for,
satisfaction to all who may favor him with v
cnll. nov7-ly
Si HiKiNt; ii.miis i iiiii.i)i:i.
PI'IA! 7'rrntruttiw r.iritiwtttt 0.1,007 th
.I.I..C ! .' FXcniMi FOOT RACE between
the Philndolphiii Polite end ihe notorious For
ger und counteiTeiter, J11 es Rut halinn ("loss ! ! !
Cross Recaptured ! !! '. It seems to be the gener
al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross had w orn a
pair of Frank Short's French-calf Roots, Ibat be
would not be taken yet. However, Shorty is
not much put nut nt missing his custom : hut
would announce to all ? i.n iif.e,,
I ...1,1 11.11 ....... ,.,! 1 ..1. ii'.
1 ,., . ,, 101 1 ""''.' '""
111 ( lioirnstil. ami Sion,.onhi.n..t. In iin.-l t....l..s
, ,." ",, r :. Ll .. V: ii
Shoes nnd (inilcrs of any style or pattern, stitch
ed, sewed or pegged, (uud as he is a short fel
low) on short notice.
All kinds of country produce taken in ex
change, nnd cash not ri fused. Repairing done
in tho neatest manner nnd charges moderate, nt
he Short Shoo bhop on Second Street, opposite
Heed, Weaver A Co's store.
N. II, Findings for sale
Sept. 2fi, lfOO-
I am just receiving nnd opening a largo und
will selected assortment of
ot almost every description,
A beautiful assortment t f Prints and Dress
goods, of the newest nnd luiest styles. Also a
rgent variety of useful notions.
A large assortment, ready-made
G L O T U I N ( 7,
Bonnets, Slmwls,
Huts nud Cups,
Roots and Shoes, a largo quantity,
Hardware, Qi oensware,
Druggs and Medicines,
Oil and Puints,
Cnrpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish, Uncoil nnd Flour,
G R O C E R 1 E s ,
oriho best iiiality,ull of which will be sold at
Ihe lowest cash or ready pay prices.
my inn meniif ami mo puouc geuernlly, nre
respectfully invited to rail.
Clearfield, Oct. 31, 1S6(I. WM, F. IK WIN.
I1T-N. II. All kinds of HA .Valid nriiimva
CurXTilY 1'IIODI CE taken Inexchauge of
2 V VSWirtT U- tjs Proper al tendon to
lfi-i u'l',h '" I'f'M'cr
's 'i'-jft'yji HOg time w ill be of great
V- Ci-iif! ' benefit to every one
Respectfully Invito tho attintion of his old cus
tomers, nnd others, to his stock of
Which ho offers
Ho also continues to deal iu Lt'MRER, of al
kinds, in nny way to suit his customers.
Tho highest market prices will bo paid for al
kiuds of GRAIN.
fag-CALL AND SEE! -a
Nri Washington, Nov. 1, 1SC0. nov7-Cui
rnni; cuuni'iixi) academy, wii
l be opened for the reception uf pupils,
mules and females) on Monday, Aug. 20th, 1S00
'Verm per session of eleven Weeks
Orthography, Reading, Writing, Priniiry
Arithmetic and d'eogriiphy, $2.j0
Higher Arithmetic, English Grnmiunr, Geog
raphy and History. $3.00
Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy
and Hook Keeping 00
l.alin und Greek languages. $') 00
To students desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to iunlily
tlieuisulves lor teachers, this Institution oilers
desirable advantages.
No pupil received for less than half a session,
and no deduction made except for protracted
Tuition to lo paid nt (be close of the term.
C. 11. .SANW'OKI), I'lUNi'lr-AI..
M.iy 2-i, 100.- Jy.
A i; Y f 1 it "a ST
Just rjceiring and opening at tho Old still
of Lewis Smith in Rethlcliem 11 well neloctod a
smtiiient of Spring mid Suuiiuer Goods oful.
most every doseription.
Maple nnd Fancy, a beautiful assortment t
Prints and Dress Goods
of the latest styles, also a vaaicly of useful No
tions. Hals 11 i.J Caps,
Rioi'icls nud Shaw Is,
Roots mid Shoes,
Hardware. (J;i;enswaro, Drugs and
MediiMti", Eish,
G R O C E 11 1 E S ,
Tobacco , Segars ami nil articles usually kept
... h etjunir .-(ITS, hu eoeiip lur easa.
Give us u call uud see f r yourselves.
May 21, ;!liti.
To Vers ns out of Jhijiotmcit.
AtJI'X'IS WAN 1 El).
Iii every County of t lie United Slates,
'l$V engage in the sule of some of (ho host and
i most elp.-iinlly illustrated Works published.
Our pub! cations nreofiho most interesting
character, n lapted to the wants of tho Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant ; 'hey are I ublished in
the best style nod bound in tho uioj substan
tial manner, and arc. woitliy a place in tho Li
brary of every Household in the Laud.
iti.To men ol enterprise nud industrious hub
Us. Ilm business oilers an opportunity for nrtifit
ible i'in loymeiit seldom to bo met with.
Vvi. P' rsons desiring to net 11s agents will re
cive promptly ty mail lull particulars, terms,
f c, by addressing LEAHY. G E'l'Z A en., Pub,
f'o. Ti North Krcet, Pbiludelpbia.
Oct 21, 3oO-Iy.
fpiIE undersigned respectfully
L informs his customers mid the
1 u ;lio generally, that be has just
received from the East, and o cn
d at bis establishment in li It .1 HA SI'S lit) II'
Clcarfiidd, Pa., a tine assortment of Clocks,
Watci;i:s, and Jkwi:i.iiv of dillcrent quiilitics.
from a single piece to u full sett, which he will
sell at the most reasonable prices for cash, or iu
exebaiigi- f r old gold and silver,
CLOCKS uf every variety on hand, at the
reusonahle prices.
ALL kinds ol Clocks, Watches nnd Jewtlrv,
carefully repaired and H'lirrniiin,
A continuance of patronage is solicited,
S,T- ''J. IS""- II. F.NALGLE.
The uinlersigncd respectfully begs leave ti
iinnouiiee that he recent'y rented house in Ihe
borough of Lumber city. Clearfield eountv. '
for the aecoiiinioihitioii of the travelling public,
"ti 1 anu an oilier. wLo may favor him
with a call.
His table will ulwnys be supplied with lis good
as me loaik ls ulloi.l; and no pains will bo
spiirc.l lu render Ins gucts comlorlnble while
under his roof. To which tho facts Hint no in
toxicating li.,urs of ny kind will be kept about
tlin ..r....,;.. ...Ill 1... . .. 1 .
... , ....-, .,, ,,, iru-ts, contrioiito In no
small uegreo. w hile, what is always important
to the traveller, tho best attenlion will l,
by careful hostler to that faithful companion of
"l Mi.t . 01s paucm steed.
July 4, IStiO. ly. JAMES CROSSLY.
A f AKItl A;i: (.111)1... lleing a priva,c
XlJL instructor for married persons or those
I XIX instructor for married persons ur those
1 1 ... ... ' ' "
l' Ul . " niarrieu, l.olli male and feinnlo, in
e.erytliieg concerning the phvsioloL'v and re hi.
lions or our scxunl system, and the production or
prevention of offspring, including nil the new
discoveries never before given in the English
language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really
it vii lua bio and interesting wmk. It is written
illiiMtrntod with nun.orou. o. vi.,. A 11 "... ...
1 ...h-.i.c .r 100 general rcsuer, anil is
... . ., .... ,
murried people, or those conleinnlalintr ,,,rri..
, ...iu ni.niig me icnsi iinpeiinnent to married life.
siiomarouu tins book. II discloses secrets tliut
. '""i.i "v ncquamieii wmi j still it is a
book that must be linked up, and not lie nbout
Ihe house. It will be sent lo ,mv n rni.
; ..r . . . .
.... 4. n.i. u. m-iii 10 any one on receipt
nty. fivo cents, in specie or postage stamps.
. Ir . WM. YOVNG, No. 110 Spruce st,
mirth, Philadelphia, In.
Iw" " i- i,. -1, 1 ri.iis, in
; A duress
I ..,,, ,,n 1 Hhirtunatr Ko matter
11 .1 may 00 your disease, before you place your
self under (ho care of any ono of tho notirious
, Ooacks, native or foreign, who advertise in Ibis
, or any other paper, get a copy of either of Dr.
, oung s books, und read it carefully. It will be
no means ol saving you many a dollur. your
health, nud possibly your life.
Dr. YOUNG can he consulted oh any of the
diseases described in his publications, at his
wmi-, o. ,m .spruce ft, above Fourth. n7-lv
having been restored to liHHltli in f,.J
weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf
fered for several years with a severe lung nflec
lion, and thin drcd disease Consumption, is anx
ious to make known lo his Mlcw-suflereri the
means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used, (free of charge.) with the di
jctions for preparing and using the same, which
nicy will lind
a sure cure for Consuinntinn.
Anltllllll. Tlrrneliitlt. Ao. Tha nnlv nhtanl ,.r
advertiser In sending the prescription is to bene.
fit the olllicted, and spread information which he
conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his romedy at it will cost them
nothing, nnd may prove a blessing.
Pomona wi.hinn. ih n n M:u nL...
address Hey. EDWARD A. WILSON,
Are you tick. tu.
onuifWulnRt Ar,,oTJ
order, wlih va :.,,l
rmorsl, Mid our halS
ewBinirUtblnf Ttm i
toms are oftsa tht tnlZTt
aarknu IIIush. i, ,. "
slekuett U crei),n Ps '
and should be arena i
timely use uf tlit rliht V
taj. l. Arsr-l miiii
fllMDM mil Ik. u.....
.... wMutuCTig ki.
inort- purify UisUoJ
Ut (lie UoktiiuoT, M J
(fueled In kMlik JJ?
Cl. T & '."7 ,l'nml' ie fuaniM
(lie obsuiicUoDt
disease. A cold settles tninowliere la Uw bwly, ug
Ktruets Its natural fuiirUoui. Thase, if aot rtlUrat
react upon tlirmsnlves ami (lie iirrontiiUiif orntu,
n..i...K n"..r... RNKi.iwii, auuv.i.ig, nnu I1U(.
While Iu this condition, oppwiss.1 by tha ilrnnBe
inke Ayer's 11 1 1st. and see how directly (hey miora oa
imlural artlon of Ihe sjiilsni, and wlik it U.t buu.
r.'clbiic of health kIii. What Is true and to sprttl.
11111 11 ivmi au. 1 coiuiiioii ci,i...wui im wsv irutt la aaar
of the ileep-iMileU and dangerous dltturuissyt. Tht tttj,
pioKstivo eftuct expvlt tliwa. Cauted by thniltr obMra.
liont ami dtfraugimieitts ef (lie nnturiil fuuetioat yf us
Issly, limy are rapidly, ami many uf Ihsni turely, rtM
by llio same misant. Nmio who know the yirlii uf
I'ilU, will ntglect to eaiiloy them when lulT.slii bm
tlm they curs.
Stnti.tiisutt from iMdhie nfiytUlant la torn of ii.
.rlnriuil citlut, aud from other wtll kuewn pabUt
' vim u Vtctrdinf Mtrefainl 1 St, xmi'i, PA. i, Hu
Pa. A rcn : Your I'iltt are the paragon of all llitl a
(rraai 111 iiiviiriuu. j uey liavo curi my unit oaaatHi
of ulceroiit t.ire iijioii her Imodii and fet that hmi prwf
iuciirnlils for Ilur niHihar Iihs been lout grin.
cutty ntltlstcd with blotches aud i.lnit.lnton her ikia aii
in her Imir. Afiur our child wot cured, the altt tntl
your 11111, aim mvy nave cureu ner.
A Family Plijtle.
iVon lh: A'. IK. (uri-cripM. A(ic Orbasji.
Your filial are Ihe prince of purge. Tlitlr tictlkw
luilliiei turuua any catharlle we Htutt. Tbty tn
mild, but very certain and eftVctiml III llieir action on II,, wine 11 mnKci iiiem invaiuuoMi 10 at iu lut dally
1 . 1 mo. 011 1 11 uisvioh..
Ilr nilache, Sic klleadaelie, Foal tlomack,
tram Dr. mart ioytl, UaUimm.
Ilr.ia lino. Arcs: I cannot auiwer you trAiif C0010IJ.1.
1 liiavn cire I with your 111 1 a belter than to lay ( tktt m
rrtr trt it with a pitryiitirt mttticine. I plstoe errtl detns
w wi. hi, . ..wl...., ntiHHitiu 11, 11. y .Hilly colltstl Vltl), sn'1 Itelleviinr at I do thtt your I'illt atTunl ut 11m
ueti wu usre, 1 ui courto vaiut ineiu iii(;niy.
I'lTTSnran, Pa.. Msy 1. HIS
Da. .1. C. Ayf.s. Sir: I have lawn rensttnlly tanAJ
(lie worst A'toofA any Itody can bavt l.y aibittur
01 yt.iir riii". 11 seenn 10 ariso iroio a nil ttiwiKl
nuietj i-.ei..i,v hi iro,
Youit with great respect, EI). IV. PRKRLt
Cltrli of SltamrCUri.
Dillons DUorilert I.lrer Comilalnt,,
From Dr. Thtalort lttll, of Ji'rw I'll Cly.
N..t only ara your Tilli admirably adspt.l lo tllras
Htt. es an Hie'rlsnt. i.nt I mm their hcmniii'ml sRrtitt
the Liver ery uisrked Tbty have In my
ii.-e .roveii more urii-ctuai lor me cure or Siiomj a
li'inU II. an any one remedy 1 cnu mention. I ihickt
rejoiee Hint wo halt at l.-iiili a pmgntive whifh it a
thy the coulldiniti of llic pivretsioii and the i.'lt.
Pi I'Autxest of tiis Inthkiai, I
Watliini-lon, II. I'., ;ih lei.., 1K1.U. J
Pm 1 I have used your 1'ills In uiy geoernl and hmtM
practice ever tilirt yutimado tlisin, andcsiiuot hehilaltn
say thuy are the U'tt rallntltic we employ. 'J'huir r
latins: N. tloii on Ihe liver it ipiiek and ducitled, cutis
quenily they are an remedy (or Uerauiiruiitu
1 1 tiiNt oreiui. linlecd, 1 imvo tebl.tia round a cams'
tidi"iti ditetur so obtliimlt (but It did not readily (rid a
them. liuleiuully I'.iiii, AI.O.NZO HAI.I,, M. H,
i'Uytician nfXht Miirittt yui.suL
liy entri-y, Diarrliwa, Itelnx, AVormi
Viiiii Dr. J. U. Oiun, uf Vkic fj
Your l'ills hnve bud a lung (rial In my prtslira, tint 1
hold II...111 III esteem as one ol' Hie butt aisriielitj 1 Iu.,
eer found, 'llielr altcrnlivo i-ftwct upon lbs llvtr inttui
llielll no xeellelit remisty, when (liven iu small destlM
6.ons iljaeutirti and ditirrhcrm. 'iiivir tiieni-realliv
iioikes llieiii very acceptable aud couivuieul Li tlitius
or woioen and cliliuteu.
Iyieila, Iinpuilly of the Illood
Vni A'ic. J. V. yimei, Itihr of Adrml tV.uie,
Pa. Area: I lisre uivd your Pills with cxlraordiaa'i
tilecest in my Tamily and nniong tlloat 1 am called to riti't
in ilistiesi. To reirtilnta the onraui of illuvstion tn(
purify (he bbssl, (hey are Hie very Itest rerurdyl Utti
ever known, ana I cnu coiilidenliy recommend
my Irieuda. limra, J. . 111111.1
Wtnsw, Wynndng Co., N. Y., (VI. 21, li.
Prir Fin: I am llsiuit vour Cathartic PHh hi nir .p-
lice, and find litem an excellent purirtillve to rlimrtHlHi
system nud vnruti Ihr. wuiosios l i'is wen.r.
II !n nun. (Ism, Unnt, Neuraigla, llrof"
ay, l-Hi'iuy tin, Mil, cic.
h'rm Dr. J. I'. Vuuglm, J.tstidii, Ootirff.
T-s. inueh cannot 1 snid of your I'illt ftr lltt rural'
crttrrioit. it nttiert of our nnteriiity nare s-uo.1 inn
UN eflieHeit.lH St I have, they should j.mi in It-ltrUiB
io it for the heu.'ht of tho miltlitlldes wbt.tilSer lhi
Ibat .titiiplHiut. which, although bad anough la Itself, k
the i.roi'euitor of otlu-rt that are vrorte. I lisllrrt tm
timirit toorli-iiiste iu (he liver, but y ur 1'illt afftcl Iht
urg in and cure llic iliioiu. . . xj
Fr.m Sin. F.. Suttrt, riyiiciun and Multtfr, Bdnl.
I Hud ono or two Urrt dot-, of your Pills. Inken nl U
.r..Mr limn, are eaevlleiit pr.motivii.iif tht ioil..,.it uti
turn when wholly or partially supprussed, and altli oi
effectlml to ,7s,i,ns tin, 4tntinti h aotl erjtfi winml. Tlei
are a,, inueh the lucit physic we huve thai I itivaisiss
110 oilier to my patients.
Fren IU l!n: Dr. Il.mlri.of (ht SkMiit fj.ii. Clsni
i'ri.tsKi llm sa frniiiwli.ds,. .leu. S, I'M.
Ilnlnran Sis 1 should I umtnitsfiil f,.r Iht rtW
your skill has b.aui.'bt inn tf 1 ilftl not rcstrt niy ro-r.
you. A ct.lil settled lo inv Itoibiiilol Itroiliclil on tirn
cinline tKoiivf'.ie M'ul. whit h ended In rhmuic rlinmt
I.,..,. Xntwlllislnllilinff I Iim.1 II.H Ih..I (if I.IivsImi.
diteasn nivw Worse tod worse, unlll bv Ihe mKire nf y't
excellent aireiil in llallinion., ir. Mat keiitlt', 1 Inril v""!
Plllt. 1 heir rHirta weie slow, but sure. Ity iraerefli
Iu the use of tlieio, 1 am now elilirely well.
CvMiTH CiMMSits. Paton Koiii-e, Iji.. 6 Per. 1U.
Pa. Kir.n : I hare Iteen entlrelv cored, bv your rilli
Jihninoilit G'out a paiuful diteaw Hint bn.l atllii-trd ad
f.r years. 1IM.GM Phiiiaw.
-M.s. rf tha milt In market contain Msr-ira
uhi.-h. nlihoiiph n valanble remedy In tkiltul htntk.a
daiigviiint in a public pill, from the dreadful torn
ii.neci Hint frispiently follow lit Inraiitlout usp. Tho!
iitaiii no uitrcuiy or ailneral siibstAtict whstever.
Frice, 25 cents per Box, orS Boxes ford.
Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Huh
-S3ld by C. D. Wntson, Clenrlell K.4
Irwin, Curwensville; F. Arnold, Luthersborc
Jlonlgomery A Co., New Salem; J. C, Brenr
Morrisdtile, C. II. Foster, l'bilipsbiirg ; anil Eliij
. uaso, Ansonvine ; anu by clculcrs everywoer
Thankful for past furors and solicitiouiof tt
turo patronage. I would respectfully annoM"
that 1 have on bund ngain, and will conitssti
keep nt tho Pottery in this borough, on thioor
ner a short distance east of the Methodist Cbsrt'
a large stock of Crockery , such as Cream crocki
milk puns, Churns, Jugs, Jars, Stove pipe casitf
tf; nnd also an extensive assortment jl
ditforent sizes nnd patterns of brackets u4
rosettes lor coruico on bouses, and other osi
Any mouldings not on hand will te mads W
oi ler on short notice. Also firo brick mtW
and kept for sale.
-tiA liberal reduction on prices miie Id
wliolcsalo dealers. F. LEITZIKUBH.
Clcarfleld, may 2.1, 870. ly.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
&W2 3WX12 AIEiT'tfEiTfl'
JOHN l LICH.of theboreugh of Cleirdfl'
Pa., will be prepared at all times to attend I
to any business in the above line on sbo
notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His pi'1
of business is at the old shop on the north side
Market street, 3d door east of Third it, near
opposite tho old Jew store where he will k"
constantly on hand a largo assortment of Mj
hngonv and Cane Uottom Chairs, and Cabin!
Ware of every description, which he will dlfj
I of on at reasonable terms as the same artifl
can be had elsewhere in the county.
I His stock of Cabinet Ware now on band,
jsists in part of Dressing and Common Bureti
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks 1
Hook Cases, French and Field Post lieasuw
: Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and 1'ier (
blrs, Ac. Coffins manufactured and delivered
any place desired.
I February I), 1859. no. 4, vol. It.
"looking Slovoi ef various sites and prM
J sale by K. A. 11 n
I nov7-ly W illiomsburgb, Kings Co., N. Y
Curwensville, May 16, 'GO.