Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 01, 1861, Image 3

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IhtiU i'i I ilv
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I o fei-i
!'H i I tin' lum ? 1 1 1 1 Mill,
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I II. "tnol':' lin I I I (.till
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i i i I
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i ,- ,.r II
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II . I'.ph-
villi. I I ' ;'
King Presentation
TllC U'lil'f Ol fill' tlUMl, llUVillL Obtain
edly their own cmm tion, n lmitiliil i I 1 1 t.f.n.-.
.. ...... 11 . I I'l'il.ll'.o In t'I'il ,.
Ington ( mMs tit Mir o clock mn aiior- te,.r who go willi him. Tln-n nr. tin
noon, ia front of the Armory, We l.-nrii kind of men n ndt-r the tangible n i I
4J.aL thev hav selected Mis. Sophia Me- to the country, nnd nro nm-t ).i.ti-iit when
lwl I,. ..nfi'iirn. 1 1 iiw.'i ..mull v nl 1 1 ti '- 1 1 - IOillil'Cil
tation, nnd that it wil
fart of tlio company,
Jnco, Esq,
Public Supper
TllO ladies ol Ciea' lield .-in'
I'linnii' .- Wo Inn ii lli it .1 . K. K.'ir,
l.-q, tin- I 'iltnoei ;il ii- cut:, I hi ilo n- ('on. i
gl'i"- ill this ili'llirl l.ii-t I ill, is pi'tlit:" lii
n romp'tt.v of brave Venango hovs Id l' i '
I thru- country. Hi'
. r 1 1 10 -ll. lint I of tin- '
woiih-ii .-ili.l i hiMrrli ol mil L" I I voliiti- Tho'O t r. puriilioiis ( unlike mi otiicr, Miro
"Free ( I'.'i niH."
I . i;, ,1
". .1 II I-, I ,
"In i.i'l. Ili.t,
.1 .
Win. A.
HI till'
to hold up tlii i :i it In ol
l'l ' ill i 'ii I . ( 'liirinn J ), i"H-r,it.
"N'.il ilntiKiT'iii" t llii. Im mini fiiinil."
"ltnli c.inn' mil nftlii'ir Imlri1 In ilif."
lilt. C 1!. I'li'TIH. Wo 1UU I'li'inoil lo
lonrn (lint (lovi'i-nor Curtin h.n nj .oi n t o I
our fi ii'ii'l 1'r. l'o"lor (.f l'liilii'ilmr", ns '
Suii.'t'on to tlio (wn vo'uiiii-i-r ii'iini'iit'i
now Ft.ntinnoil nt ( '!intn1ii-'-lur!.
Il I ".I A t ('iirw..n."villi., on p.i hinlj.v ln-t, I
nf A', Ii:vitii . Tiidmi'siiv, .h . . in t Ii o .
"Till oar of vr n ('. (
Tlic (l('i,oii.-'i"l wiim l.orn in HunlinRiInn rnunty, ',
In the- your 17M I, nml wi'ttl'-il mi " l"ho Itiilj;c'ii '
in lSln. Ilo in- inn' of tin. nirlii ."t fcIIKt of
iil.l". tli ri.uli life fur im iinvnryini; rlioorfulnt'f i
of iliio-'ilinn ii kinilly lininnr iv li it'll luinllj- nny , I ',
i.flcnro coiil'l rliiinui-. II.' innnif'Hi'il n cliil.l-,
lili ilinpoiiilioii to:ir l all. An' opinion i
of liinu "If. In' iviin always imimitoil nilli a fmiil
f', uhii-li niilii'M linn in i ii -i ii y a Iryint'
iOttobo i-xri-ilcil l.v lln slivior Six :n
Ihclr maiiifosl;itioii of rci'iiril for lln-ir
country, nml in n-l.lil i..n totlio lu-onirmg
nd prcspiituiioii 'fu i.o tlio ('al.-ts
Under Cnjit. I-mniinc, nru now mnkinp nr
t-ttnconionts to in.-scn! tin-in with n kuo-
Iicr this cTOliiil" :ifl-r t ho il '.'scntation of our county, an I c-iiiiiilmli-l m miu-li towar.1 a it
... r' ... iHiiTi iiiiinl ii any liiaii in it, Hi-wnn it-mark-1
UIO I lnfc- ."in..-.- i'i ."i""
' AnM nnoKr..--'l'lniniiis Fife, of I.hw
renoe toivnliii',li:i'l lii- i-m hroki-n while
olir.1. tine (Vniii tin-r:is at I.i-wislo.Ml, ()!l
"e e (,
WeJoeg'JilV list. Jlioerowl la-lll. vory J,,,.,r .luring tlio l.Kt vonrs il lii.- lif.-. linvin j lim!
crcat in tho c:us ami on tho t.litfurm, hr i"-evi"ii niiar;s ol ilisciise of wliicli lie ilic.l.
" i .1 f n Ami llii--1ioh-lioaino liiJ H'llaco nml Mroiij;tli,
was forcril off tho hitti-r, nml m tin; lull )(, r,,u ,,, ,,,,,,,,. f,i,.:iili. Ho win nn
the acciilt'l-t ocrtirpil. Me Wits nlso sonic-' ', lioni-t man, nml well cun it lie faiJ lie bail no
.... , . ., . r l : . i n ,. 1 enemy, iind wn nn I'ncinv to mine,
what injun-.l in othfr a:ls r his Loih . .May ho rest in iu-i.e . C.
OCR Il'lli:KltMl:N. Our itlformntion from I In l'liilailol.liia. after nn illnenj of mnny
-1 . i . ii r il n imn irtut ' inmi'li", on Siimlav liu-t, Mio IIkiitii.i, ilsiiipliter
lioluml.ormcn is Mill of tho gloomiest, w Jii?(.llinl mith llg0(l .,,
cliornctor. A la flll.'llltity is now moor ! years, (i innnths nml one ilny.
mi t.l. M;iii-ti:i. Mill. lli-town, nml other
' . , r .... 1
fie'dt; l.ut no Imyois are 10 neioumi,
A fw rafts linvelipcn run through to l'ort, i
i)Ut a serious niiiirehen?ions of conf'nea-.
lion, in c-uso Maryhunl (-"o:J out (1' tlu;
Union, nro cnli-rtninoil, it is most liki-ly
tht no i.iorc will ho sent fi rwaid until j
111 ?r hij ntul more c-talli-ln-J in New York city.
., ,,, Hi,. City l'n't t)!li.-c.
C,,lly the Cityl'risons uml Ftntion ll..nei.
ril l; City Ft earners, Ships, .te.
fV,, I., the City Ilusp'tnls, Al ins lloiist-f, .to.
I, ,l t,.j the City Jlnteln 'AMor," "fil. Nieli-
ola.s," il e.
the r.'ianliii" Houses .U'., . V '.
'II....,., II
II'H, I- ,!
Ilu v
: i'-.i i ii
, H illhli.l 'rn lv,
I I i ii.' i i'i.ii.:i. I,
1 I' T II T"'ty,
' .l"lm hrti m.. ,
, V. lliiHiiniii. (rmi,
iiiiimi .v., oi. i i
j n. .i. ii vim--.
11 i ,1 im vi I ' '!"'i""'r. Mori
si f. J I . . I'Httl.r.l- .Imi.s, ,1.,
u .. 1. I I'.... .... .1 .
, " '. A , O .V ID to 7(l.
Tin- ltlM lMHH SDWINU MAt'HIM:. an mi
irrnviiiK ol lii, h . I,,. re re r--ei,i-., i:i no.r
l.eiiiiiie n rei-nnii'.l favorite vln-n-wr it
lm lii-cii inlrii'liieeil. nii-l Is, l.ey..tnl inietiiiii,
I he lii-.-l, in well ns the lintnlonn'-t, lnv prietil
Seniiic Maeliiioi now lu-fore the pulili.-.
X'.. I mii nil nml vi-rj mat .MaihiiiK fur
l'ntiiily ii-''.
No 2. A lare Ma, hine for Miiillini; heavy
i.s :: ) i;
1 1 . .
nl ll.(t'i
'I .
l ! I
I ill. Ill -,
I. ('. llli'lilier. do
l'anii l lliiilaker, 1 nion,
.K'hn ShiMi-er, ilo
I'lio nis I. uml,, r X Co, tliii-lii li,
I'ox . Slimier, ilo
.lames A. Ilearly, ilo
1'. Sn.-iiini.'1-r A Co., ilo
I '
'I 1 II 1
' I i..
Tu 'o Whiu-oinli A Soiis.Woo'lwnril, II
, l,v more than ,r0. OHO Privte rauiilies.
i '
31 tin Sbtitrtlsniunls.
tins point is settlml.
A Goon Sn;i;r.sTiiis. We have been re
quested to call the attention of tho persons
wArutfUxl with the improvement of tin;
Park in t!ie North wanl of our hoioti'.'h,
nnd to SKru' st tho propriety of cnolo.-ing
ctntoiice. a i nl having it planted with po--'y 1
tatoes. 'J'his tti:r&'A In- done hy all moan.1 .
tfucll a-orop of imirphisx .1" that lot would
produoa,.if n "11 .furmed, would he an orna
ment BU-oh ns we may have reason to he
proud of. If there are not sulUoient funds
collected to complete the nor!; as oii'in
aily designed, il is po.-.-il le thr.t there may
he enough for the purpose here stp.'gesteJ.
C. S. II A It It I S ,
S. 1'.. COUNKlt l-OiniTH A VINE PTr.KKTS
5Vs-.V,r ,r,f (,, ,,;,', V on. Jlenlf iy.
III'.MIV It. t'OVI'lt, All tin) Kiiiiiiuur I
linve lieen troubleil Willi f.nnrlicj nml Mice. I
wn. actually Hslniiiieil of llie house, for the linnrli
e were evoryivln-ro, I purehaseil n I, ns of your
Kxterniinntor mul tried it, nml in mie week t hero
was not n Koni li or Mouse in the house.
John 1!. Hivkns, No. Ill Kim rtreet.
HOI'?l-'Ki:i:i'KltS - tronhleil Willi vermin,
need he pmio longer' if they use "CostjrV" i'.s
teriiiinator.s. We have used it lo our salisfeclion ,
nml if a Lux cost JA would hnve it. We hud
Iri.'d poiionis, Imt they ellecled nothing; hut
Costah's article knocks llie l.rcath out of Kats,
. ! Mice and lied-lius, quicker than we inn write
' lil SS i it It is inj-roiit ileiiiiind nil over tin- country.
!. .1. Mi't'aim. do
Tli'inm. Ilemli'ismi, do
John M. Chnse, do
Pruiii, l.ippcncott ,f Co., Decatur.
I. I'. Melli.T. do
Juin.-s l'orrcft, l.uurence,
Iteed A Weaver, Clearfield,
Moore .V. KUweiler, do
Itichird .M.isiiop, do
lirah.iin A lloyntou, do
William 1'. Irwin, do
C K rater A yons, do
! Mi m il A lii-lcr, do
l. llartswiek, do
' l.eouaril, I'iiuiei , .( Co.,
liroki-rs, dj
IWilliinn l.iiniadoe, lii'Kgs,
j Henry Waple, Confec
tionery, ilo
'.Matthew l'oreei', liradfoid,
' IMward Wi liam ', do
Mrilimn (). li'lZ' lit .
MuHKHKAlN mid prnvisioiis nro destr veil
nnnually in lirant county l.y vermin, than would
pay lor tons of this lint ami Insect killer.
mt,r Wit. yeroW
JIKMIY li. COSTAlt Ymir Mxlcrminator is
received, used, and pinnouneed u decided fiie
eesi?. We used a hox otit.anil the way the tints
and Mice around our preinies "raised Ned". that
ui-ht was n caution to sleepers. Since not a lint
or Mouse lias lo-en heard in garret or cellar.
Mtl.frfji.y ,, wo 7V,os.
I HAVK 1SKKN SKLl.IN'd Your V. termina-
iri'inv .n l,rl,v , i"r loruie lasi year, aim nave ioiinu n n "
O li 1 ntrainst purcha-iiic or nieddline wilh ,'"'.' every tunc. I have not known it to fall in
the f "llowiMi; prop-rtv, now in the hands of Ilur- 11 "''K'l-' uislniifc.
ton Munn of llrad'v township, to wit :-To (.ko. I.o. K, Card, nKlon, 0.
Yoke f Oxen, l our Cows, One Calf, Three lleif- M L AKt S hl.MM. mir pr. paralions rap
fers, Two Slee-f. UncSow and i:ilit I'i--a. "".v' ani1 wlierever they hnve lieen used, l.ats,
the same le'l-ou's tome nml are sul'i ect to my J1 l-l. K'-'i'-lics, nml oi inm .lirui'pcar inimeili.
,,r. I. r !in.l li'ivo ,.i,tv l.,.iTi 1,0't ivilli him on Ion n. 1 alell
I'nited States Flas of al'. silos: also'
Union r.adr;es of various slyles and fizes.
s; .1. WFIKn-K..
wmk and for l'lantaiion u
This Machine is mm li mliiiii o'l for its siinpliil
ty, nnd for its n-lialdlity and iliinildlity it i4 mi
siiri;if .sed. A child I well e venrs enn ruu it w ith
ease ; nnd yet it will feu from the cmirscst cloth lloivinnn A Perks
to lli n finest Swiss. There I.s 110 troiilil" of re
winding the Ihreail, ns it is lakeii fiom the s Is.
It has no hells to f.'iv troulde, :iud will run
lnukwanls ur well ns forwards. ui:d c t i H m-w.
e.iially perfect, and will. out dimmer of l.reakini;
needle-. It runs l-y friction, nml liy clo-iiiK 'i'i'
hex over il. it is thrown out of eur. In fact,
we have no hesitation in recommending it as the
best fan ilv Sewing Machine in use.
Tin' ooi(-(o l'rt'H't.iiiis Aif'iril il tin' n;orr
At tlie 1'uir of the l-'rniik'in Institute, 1S58,
llie l'ir.-t I'reniiiiiii.
At the l'ennsylvunia Stale Fair, nt l'liiladel.
phia, Septeiulier 21, 1S.V.I, the l'irt rreiniiim n
At the rennsylvnnia Stnlc Fair, held at Wyo-, William Allicrt, do
nii'K. ISoll-ii Silver Medal. j A. Montgomery, Dradv,
1'or the host llouhle Thread Machine, at ,;1coh Hunt,, do
easier ''ounty Kair, held Dctolier, lsivu Silver John Carlisle, do
Medal. . I 11. Moore, do
At the Maryland Ftnte Fair, held nl the Mary-, Thmiius Montgomery, do
hind Insti'ule, Halliinore, .M-l., (i 1S.V.I, I iaj,. tioodlander,' do
under strong competition, n Silver wus y. K. Arnold, do
iiwardud to tliis .M iii liine. Samuel Arnold, do
At the New Castle County l uir, held nt Wil
mington, Jichiwnro, (letohcr, IS;',,i n liiplnnin.
The above Machine are inMiiif.ietnred by
t ll ltl.I W. IKIHI.AM),
iliiiin-loil, Dil.
S A I. F.S liOOMS,
No. 720 ArcL Street. 1'hilail. lpliia, IM.
No. Sill Market Street, Wilmington, 1'el.
S. I), hakf.i:,
marl.'l ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
IVr-ons wi.shin to s'e the itbove Machine
'in operiiiien, can do so by ciillinp at the resi
dence of Jl. W . .Moore, in Clearfield boroimh.
F i ) U
i;on .Y.ii'.v
T!l V. V N V. M 1 I. O Y F.I:!!
A. Montoinery, Curwensville,
' 1). A. Irwin, do
i .1. if. J. I'. Irwin, do
lMtlon. Hippie ,1- Co., do
John 1. Thoinpson. du
J. Stephen (irulf, Con-
fectioaery, do
John I'leal, I'enn,
Win. W. Anderson,
Cnnlei lioiiary, do
John I'.roouial!, I.unibcr City,
Weight A Co., do
J. I.. Ciirby, do
J. l ergusoii, Confee-
tioiiery, do
II I,. Henderson, A Co., Hell,
K. W. Ilrudy, do
S. '. Hoover, do
James McMurrny, I'urnsiil.;,
K. McMnstcrs, do
I'.itchen ft' Sons, do
I'.ussell McMurrny, N. Washington II
S. 1!. LUIJA l
i'.rady In., April 21, 'f !. .!t.
lii KKii A STorrrrn, Iiru, X. Windsor, Md.
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 I
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 I
1 I
1 1
1 I
1 I
1 1
Ifnot, let tho amount ho raised furtliwJth- Al H.
....... -J t mn ml
Those interested should see to it.
ALL persons nro li-reby enii
linst receiving or tni'lin: Corn
certain l romisory ote L'lven bv tin suliscrioer
" l.o Jonnlhaii F,uicij;ti. of Morris township, dnted
IThp Latest NeWS. 'Ji-h April, lsul, cullini; .,r ?lll, as I have re-
"We lcrr, by last ui-Ut' s innil t;iat t-T7. Ovirtm eeirct no value It the same, and will not pay it
compelled by law.
CEO. NAlU:iI0(I,
April 20, 'HI, lit. fit.
To I.iiinbe rmfn :
C1 AV-MII.7. I'dU SAI.K. I have erected n
& new first eliiss SAW..MII.I. for;hty feet
Timber, nt 1'VNCANNON, below lireen's Ham, I
..a the Siisoiii'lianna rnd desire to have a 1 art-;
tier who will furnish Squared H lifted Lumber at ; Tn lhtry-
CrecnV Hani, tu stuck tlio Log J'onu lo us mii i
n.,.l.l n r lisition from the Trc-wct for , mil
20 more Keiment makiiii: in all 2'.i,iif0 men.;
Thine look nmre favorable in Maryland' Craliiim t
Jtnion Flat arc displayed in several places in
Among tlie nianv ruu.uis afloat is one to the
effect that Knlan'l has sent 200, 000 ftand of
ann to put down cecession-
(Jotr. Letcher, of Virginia, having issued a
Iroclnuili"ii scvrral days ngo, for voluntceis to
defend tho State, lias been compelled to i.sue n
.A.mifl. K.r... 1 ti. ti e.'illi.n. .iiioii the volntitei-r
force! to reninin lit hoiiie until invikd into for-j xM'im will have llie eoniuiautl of the mnr
Ticc.and theriby Mive a --rent expense to the u jn yvUrinr., .,,! jUincannon and of two-!
roreroracnt. 'J hi duei nut look much like lu . tliirils of IV-rry t-l unt.v : iiikI a lar'c amount of,
capture of WaslnnirtuM. business may be done at j.nd prices. It is on!
It il reported that (ion. Harney, or the l. .the Vvtlltl,-iy-m l:i,roa.l. and in coininuiiica-1
Army, W arrested by tho lr-inians nt liar- ; (i )i wjt)i j,,,;,,,,,,,, ., I; t i ii.-.i c
jer'BF.rry, wbil.n on Ins way to ashing on ,,., .,,,,.,, ,,,.,,,.,,,,,1 ,,oll. ,1,.- Tidew.1
Bndheldnsn prisoner of war, and nl.-o, : t(.r m.ira.'t, jviie ntlenlion to a homo market
.Senator Mnson of Yirua, had been arrested rt.mllm.,lU, A,,lr(.,, etiry ,v mai, r
aerrhilade!pliin,ty way of retaliation. I'"t , nil, 0 ClilU'ITIl JUNKS. !
till Inter accounts fy thnt t.en. Harney was Dui.ia.inon, Perry eo., IM.
I 1 u- ..f ll..n -
rviciwu vj .'...'-I "-
Tit Il'itmy Eats, Itoaelies, Ac.
7'.. l),;ln,;i Mice, Mole?, Ac.
V'o .'roy Pod lilies.
Tu lhiUny Moths, rii-.i.--, Ants, fc.
'J'" Ili'lri'iJ MosiUito..
Tu Iiiniri ij Insects in l'lniits and Fowls.
To Ih at my Inserts on Animals, Ac.
Every form nnd species of Vermin.
1,000 Chances to Make .Money
won on
William Hunter, Chest
James Currv, do
Ihivid Mcl i hechnn, Jordan,
..vaii a iiariMioru, no
Win II. IIej;ail, do
Mary C. Wri'lit A Co., lleeenri.i,
Joliu Kobc.-on, do
William 1! lli-l;in'on, do
Jer.miah Cooper, do
li room, t'ickev A Co. do
Lionel W. Weld. do
Samuel ll.-j;arty, do
Charlc J. i'uscy, do
Jolin Robeson, do
All nni.'i nt Wnshttiirton the .".'lli. is.timi
roop from the North were said to bo on hand, j
A few Southern troops were said to hd nt liar- ;
' per' Ferry, n few nt Alexandria, n few nt Ao.juin '
ti Creek, aud about !,imo nt Uichmond. So that
: an attack upon Washington is nut npprilieuded.
Sheaker JI.m!.. The extra session of
m lUi IsBjjwl-i't'itro, whii'h moi ls to inonow,
ir..nfloria aur young and talented Sena- ;
, lar.Hi.V. Hall. F-sip, who was rleeted
f .'Kpcaker-ef the Senate at its adjoiii niiK nt
j -on tho 18th ult., an earlv opportunity to
'display his knowledge ol jni liamentary
irules. Wo have no douht he will aeijuit
1 ' iliimself in a mannor cioditahlo alike lo
" tho Sonator and his disti iet.
(.rrat Piscoury.
Hat, Roaeh, ifo. Kxtorminator.
lU'd-Uug I'.x terminator.
'Costar's'' Khi-ti'ic 1'owder ior Insects,
In 25, fiflc, Ain $1 Eiixks, Horn, us A Flasks.
$' ANII $.1 .'I7.KS rott ri.AMTAllUXJ.
SHU'S, JJoiTS, HuTCI.S, f U.
HAVE made n discovery of the utmost im-
laiice to every married person of cither i
T. irSuhl l'ri ryuht rcly
ex. and will send the full particulars e -ernint;
it to any one on receipt nt a stamp tU pay lor re- j A, W ,.pAI r !.,., in Urgp citic,.
till II Mj,-i;i"(.. luuH 'i-
hll. J. II. MAUTEI.L,
apl 21 ly. Alfred, Maine.
to m: disposed of on
Willie up! Wsilie up:
ubscriber res-;
All It kt.mi. Inn ctisTs CiiiH-Kiis STii:rki:Ki'
Ktis, if c.jin nil Country Villages nnd Towns.
I.U'WS.Mt'lMIM-. Till-
pei-tfiiliy iufiirms his friends nnd the public.
jreiicrally. that he is new well e ablisbed in his
NEW SllOl' on Pine street, o pu.-ite the Town
Hull, in the borough of Clearfield, and upon hi
nwn hook, and where he is prepared tu do nil
work in his line in the very best style, and on
the shortest notice. His old i iiston ers are res
pectfully n.-I.ed not to forget him, and nny iiiiiu-
l.i, r iif mnr ,.ii. ,irn t.iu,t,,. I'm II v,.l ... nir..
if tho existence of a secret organization of llinl a ,rill,
Wholesale Agents in New York city.
oft Secret OitiiAMirioss ok Coi.oiir.ii Vr.n
V 0N8. Wc wero inlormed yesterday thnt
' ihere is excellent reasons lor lielieving in
l,e' -colored individuals in J.oston, eonijiosen KDiiK TOOL?. Ilij reputntinn a a Maker
th principally ol fugitive slaves, who have and Itepairer of Ed;e lends should of it.-elfsecure
Id' communicated with parties in h'ichmond, him a liberal pntronajri).
up V.. and also act in concert with negroes tiEOHCL C. l'ASSM01!E.
In Canada. Humor gives the organization 1 J
( tho credit of having attained a powerful, ,f it,, -v yiri
J ' growth, and it is probably unnece.-snry to n,.,. , , . ' ,
alate that the m-.vomcnt has for its ol jeot T Or on the I- h ins ., on he nver nt or near
ik..:.i:..-.. ...,. ,1 n,l ;ue. the waters of the "Hi,! I'ltch. a 1'lack Calf-
.v.U hi Piw. ,f:, ".. skill Pocket-Look, containing tho following nr
fPIO ICbblUII nilll'll LIIC llllllCD 1.1 UIU .-llbll.
lo ( The law, of course, will countenance no
jtieuch affair as this, and if it hopes to con
if0 tinuo in existence its proceedings must
r jindeed be most secret. JUninn I'
The supposed existence of an nssocia
llrtion of the kind in this city caused an in-
,1 rtcnBO excitement a ilay or two ago. It
Shieffelinl:rother.sf- Co.
' ll.A.J''k.llullAco.
! A. 1!. A 1. Sands A Co.
' Wheeler A Hart.
I Ileninnn it- Co.
Hall, Kitrkol d- Co.
Thoiiiiis A- Fuller,
1 1'. 1. Oivis.
I liudley A StJiCord.
HarreUli.-leyA Kitchen,
llu-h, Cale !' Kobinson
M. Ward. Close A Co.
Mciiissou A Itobbins.
P. S. Lame A Co.
V. C. Wells A Co.
Ln r.el 1 o, M a r li A ( i aril n or
Hall. Dixon A Co.
Conrad Fox.
AM) oi
ticles :
Three bills Clenrfielil Ennk.
P.5 in Rold and silver.
.-?.' in small notes.
Two School orders amounting to $53 2i.
Ono priiniimry note for Sa.'..
Ono do du ,'l.r.
Ono do do Xi.
jrethcr w ith ecve:iil other pnpers of vnlno to
oji-wat IUiegOl Uiai. i ;. ... , r ,.iU niplit thc ()WIH,r on,y. Th0 nt()V ri,war,j h paid
Jy in A hall in J aimer alley, and that t.mny person leaving the eninc nt this offieo, or
marching rou Id .jc heard inside. It np-I with the subscriber.
)Slpear, too. that some one overheard a' ClirtlSTIAN I.ANICH.
2b, conversation letween two darkies in n' ClenrficM, April 24,
lion one of then remarked "1
.,7-rr7.' . .-..b:.A,,r lime has con... m A ' '.' " '" 01 rrcfii urugs jus, receiv-
m iawg tM R...b ------ - iL id mm opened nl HAUTSW1CKS.
nnf:tntt. and wn'li soon 1)6 able to reveuire
JLi'ourtolves on sotiJC who have been grind- llTE ZINC, ground in Damnr Viunisu,
:...i..l,.,UI." " m 10. enns, nt HARTSW1CKS.
cc The tumor which reachel the Mayor in
i tbregard to a supposed sociot organization
linlmong tho colored people imliiced him to
,fi. WNia polico lorco, wno reconnonereii
)rtj(;?hort street, Taunex's alley, nnd other
,ptif5lace. They thoroiiply aearched tlie hall
Jut found iiu arms in it, aave n Tyler's
: viword. lo that the rumor fo fr as Harris
i' urg is .concerned, is probnbly unfounded.
But if tnie, mich arrangoiucnls are now
in l'"nade u to give our citizens assurances of
fj fetr.
Philadelphia, Pa. j
T. W. Dyotl A Sons, lEoh't Flinemnker A Co. ',
11. A. FnhnesioeU A Co.l'rench, liichnrds ,( Cu Q J
All the l'rincipnl Cities and Towns in the
SuSsld by
.1. fi. 1IAHTSWICK.
Anil by UitrciiisTs, Ciiocrus and I!i-taii.i:iis gen
orally, in Citv and Cot ntiiy.
friT'All persons desirous of securing nn
Agency in this
ni:v FNTF.ia'Kisi:,
Should send on their names nt once, en
closing a three-cent stamp to pay post
age, and receive by return of mail
Which afford a
.Jiurc (Jhnncc lo Mdc Money,
Without risk, together with YV.. TA15
TICl'I.AUS relative to this NOYF.L
; no
; in
-, i n
; nn
s nn
t nn
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7 mi
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I l'l II ! . I.i'l, t, ) I,,. I ',1 f. Mil I
I i,.i, I i , . ,,! , , , ,',, . ,, ft,,, nl,, inn',
Mid I I !' ... I I i ill : li f I lb
I initio I mi l i olid iti', i' , ( hi ' I .--! ;
i'lii-ti il I Htlh I, nut, 1 ii i litiiti ny
en (i .i. in
Iloli. i; AND Ml-' D!.-i:asim
I'll i I Ll, , diiic. l li .il inc. MhI I !'!
I .1 dm;'. 111.... until.. Mho i,. ci d ih
p'lii l.'.l tl.rt l . ll tfi' in . lit 1. 1 the bnire
i.ilb llie lo I mo, I, - i, I n. Iimne t.'iiii,.(
' li' llie, ill ", boil lo In al Li-il'l.-,
K ii kiii'.'. It .-!. rt n ir . Sbi iiiL'. Slnioblio,
t ub Linii', fell... . nest, in., I oil,,.
1 ires lo w In, h I,,, j. ,1 j, , ; nt, ,,u
lin-rmis t'l pbimitoi y li l ii i ii r; s.
Til V. Il'illsi: AND HIS DISK vsi:-'
Tell Von of ll.e causes, sj uiptoni', nn
Treatment o Slinnglc, Sore Ttront
Distemper, Calairh, I ullueiira, lip. in
chili ', I'm. mn, out,,, l'l. ii i ley, Liokuii
Wind. Chronic l oiili, llo.irin mi l
W hi.'ili i.e. Lnmpus Sore Mouth nnd
t hers, and deenved T. elli, with nth. r
disomies ol the Mouth uml Kipirutu
l.V Organs.
Tin: house and his disease ?
'Jell ou of the onuses. Mini, loins, un
'I'realment of Worms, Hots, Colic
Slraiigiilalion. Stony Coiiereliuur
I'.upluics. PhI.-.v. Diarrhea, Jaiindiei.
lli'.itirrlio.a, liloudy t rine, Stoneii
in the Kidneys nml lll.idder, liiflninii
lion, and other diseases of Ihe Stom
liowels, Liver and t'rinary Or
Will Tell Vou of Ihe causes, symptoms, (mi
Trealmeiit of liciie, bio i, I nnd Log,
S..nin, I'ing-IioHe. Sweenie, Strnnsy
Drokeii Knees, Wind Culls, Founder
Sole Uruiseund Cravel, Cracked I loo II
Scralches, Canker, Til rush, nnd C ru
also, of .Megrims, Vertigo, Epilope
Sluggers, mid oilier discuses ul elh,
l'eet, Legs, nnd Jleml.
Will Tell Vou of the enures, symptoms pm
Treatiiient of I'is'ulu, Poll E il, Clan
ib-rs, Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mmigo
Surfeit, Locked Jnw, lihi'iiinatisin
Crump. Culls, Discuses or tho Eye and
Heart, Ac, Ac. and how to inning
Castration, llleediug, Treph inning,
lioweling, F'iriug, Hernia, Amputa
tion, Tapping, and other surgical op
Will Tell Von nf ltarey's Method of Inming Her.
Fes ; how to Approach, Halter, or Sta
ble a Colt ; hotv to accustom u horso
lo strange sounds nml sights, nnd how
to Lil, Suddle, liide. and lireuk hiiu
to Harness, also, ho rorin uud law
of Warranty, The whole being the re
sult of more than fifteen years' earelul
study of the habits po Milinrilien,
wants .md weaknesse of this iioblo
I nnd useful animal.
1 The Look contains ."S-1 pages, nppropriately il
lustrHted by nearly One Hundred engravings,
I It is printed in ii clear md open typo, unit will
bo lorwarded to any address, postage pnid, ou
receipt ef piice, hull bound, $1,00, r, in clwtli
extra, $ 1 ,2a,
IOOO A Y li t It can bo undo by enterpri
sing men everywhere, in selling tho above, ami
other ioiiilar works of outs. Our induce., tents
to nil such are exeet'dingly liberal.
j l or single copies of tlio llook, or for term tu
"0 l ngenf., wi'li oiher informntiun. np ly to our nd
00 dress JOHN E. PO'l'TEJi, Publisher,
mi No. r,7 Saiisoui Street l'liila Jelj.hia, Pn,
00 I December 12, l.'oil. Ilmo.
un i - - - -
hi i, i:'s cook nook.
' no
on !
(Ill i T
r in ii i:
ji(U)i-:kx cook fry,
all its branches. Ilv Itij l.'.t. A...M
110 j Care lully Ucvised by Mi s'. S, J. JI.w.V
Mii.'hnel Steinkerclicr, M
on is
Thomas U. Forcce, tiraliaiu, .
J. C. Jlrenner. .Morris, 4
KdHard Williams, Lradford, 4
E. A. Irwin, Curwensville, 4
A. Mourgoinerv, do 4
C. 1). Watson, Clenrtiel.l, I
Woods d- Darrett, do 4
E. Coodwin, Curwensville, 4
1 j 00
.', 00
,'i no
ft oo
,'i nu
.r no
,r. on
! It Tells Von how lo rhotiFc al kinds of Moats
I'oiiltr;, , and Canto, with all Hit varioit
and iiio.t approved mode of dresing;
nud conking Leef nud Pork; also th
I host nnd simplest way of salting, J, ick
j bug and curing l'.e s.iine.
It Tell Vu till the various and most ,n i.rnve,
luodis of ilrossing, cooking, and Lolling
Mwttou, t.nuit., Vcnl. Poultry, nnd
(imne of nil kinds, with the different
Dressings, Cravies, and stuflioirj nimro-
T'.r NOTICE. An Appeal will c held on Ike priato to each.
7th day of MAY next, nt thy Cniniiiiouiouer's t TelN Yon hotv to ehoore, clenn, nd preservo Clearliebl boronirli . when and where nit , l'Uh of, ,11 kind. I.,... .. . :.
who feel themselves ugricved by the above Ap
praisement, cjii attend if llieysv propwr,
K. li. L1VEUC00D,
npr.'-4t Mi rrttittite Ajijiruir c
Ci I. F. X -KCKil M I hi. S 7
Cerinanlown, P.
AcC A L IU M & Cu.,
Importer.", .md Wholesale Dealers in
C A It I' i: T I m;s, I) it ire; ; i; t s,
Ware'.iouse. No. ;VI'.I Chestnut Street,
(Opposite State House,)
npr.TSI-ly riiii.Aiirt.i'in.i.
;i: l'S n AM I'.!). We want an Agent I
in every citv, town, and countv, ui tko1
I in 'c.l Stales nml (.aim, la, to sell u new at "lit i
urlii le jii.-t invented. It r.-' n ejipitnl of
froKi $1 lo$.'.; unit 4s. persons out of euiploy
nienl. it offers greu inducements. Tor full par- I
ticulars, write immediately and receive siur Idler 1
by return innil. SI'.ALOLDY A Co., J
iijir.'i-1 1 4:12 Waluut itreet, Philadelphia.
NOTICE. Letters testamen-
dny been grnnted to the un-
lersigiied on the estft'e of J AM ES 11 EA, sr. late
of Jordan township, Clearliebl county, doe. I ,
all pcrs.iun knowing themselves indebted to said
estate nre reiiiested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims uguiunt it will present
them duly nut.'ienlicnted for settlement.
liOLEKT 15 K A.
TIK'S. liEA,
.March 27, ISfit E xeiiitors.
INEt rTnitS' NO
j laiy having this i
when tainted ; also all the various and
most approved modes of cooking, wiflt
Ihe dillirent Dressings, Sauces, and
Flavoring appropriate to each.
It Tells You all tho various kq4 Biont approved,
modes of preparing over fitly ditl'oront
kinds of .Meat, Fish, Fowl, (lanie, and
Vegelablo Soi p, Preths, anl .Stew,
w it!i tho Kelishes sml Kasonings up.
propriate to each.
It Tolls You all tho various nml most approved;
modes of cooking Vegetables of erory
d.-s.-ripti j-i, also hi tv to prepare Pick
les, Catsups and Curries of all kinds,
Potted Meats. Fish, (jaine, Mush
roo.ns, if e.
It Tells You nil ilo various and most approved
iiiiules of prepnringnnd cooking nil kind
of I'luiu nn, I Fancy Pastry, Puddings,
uuieicties, i riucrs. l akes, toiileclion-.
cry. Preserves, Jellies, uud Sweet Dish-,
es .if jvery description.
It Tells You all the v rioiis and most pproved
modes of milking llrcad, Husks, Mu(Tiinst
un l ll'sciiil, the best method of prepa
ring Cotree, thi'ooluto, nnd Ten, nnd
how to make Syrups, Cordials, and
Wines of various kinds.
Il Tcll Yoa how 'm set out nn ornamental Ta
ble, haw to Caivo all kinds of Fish,
i lesh or Fowl, ad in short, how tu o,
simplify lli whole Art of Cooking into,
bring the choicest luxuries of tin. lablo
within everybody'!! reach.
t'To insure prompt nnd snlisfoclory "IHJS ! ! CHAIRS ' ' '
ILORKNCE White nnd Florence U uid, just
receiveiUnd for srje nt H AKTSW1CKS. jo.-rv J)f.a,.krs can order as above.
I AI;U Ait()TMi;T of colored Taints,
A Dry nnd Crmmd in Oil. in t pound cans, 1 Or address orJoTs direct or if Prices, Terms,
just reciMveiljind for snle t HARTSWICKS. I rf e. U desirodiiiond for Circular to Dealers
Pl'lti; liriniTlUn, warranted. groun.rt0
J in oil, in 2j nnd 12J lb. ran, iut received '
and for s nle nt. HARTSWICKS. j HEXllY It. COSTAlL
T Mil i nt-. tor .iiciiciiiai purpoeiv. linndv I'niNrn'Ai, Dri-nT .Vo. M2 trondwnv Oppo
. . l Ll tir:.. V ...... w , , '. '. 1 1
I on lion cocirjr .Tine, iseeiur ulSKey nnil
'dealings, direct all orders to
i t;i oiu;j; c;. i.vans,
t'Dcstnut street,
! nprf.-I'it 1'hil.idelphia.
TOU H. Tho subscriber has opened
Tin hook contains 41S paged, nnd of
twelve hundred liecipes, nil of which lire the re
sults of actual experience, having been fully nml
carefully tested under the personal superinten
denee ot the writers. It i printed in aclenr nnd
(NtiiTiMV ti ii- ii ' ' open typo, is 1 1 1 ust ra tod with appropriate engrn
All I . The public are hereby cnul limed vings, nnd will be f rnnrded to nny nd.lrcsn
J iipinst Lnrboring or triiMing my wife St:, neatly hound, und postage pnid, on U'ceiiit ofth
SANNAII, on my nccount. ns 1 nin determined to' pri-o. $1,00, or in cloth, extrn, $l,2i,
pay no debts of her contracting alter this ib,ie. j fKMMI A V I'.Alt e.m be inado by entorprf
A. J. Hl',",LEIt, , sing men everywhere in felling the nbovo work
(.rahnm tp April .1, SI-4t j our inducements loull riich being very liberal. '
r or single copies ol the Hook, or for terms to,
agents' w ith other information, npply to our ml
ilresn JOHN E. PTTEK, Publisher.
rn. 01, Snnsoiu Street, Philndolphia, P
a New Store nt
The undersigned hnj now on hand, nt his Fur
niture Rooms on Market St., Clearfield, Pa., a
short ilislnnco west of Lite's Foundry, a l.irgj
stouk of
December 12, 10. Cuio.
1MI MSTIt ATOIfS X()1 it I'.. Utter
of Administration having been granted to.
unci rs:gm .1, tl is hiiv, upon Ike estate of
JAMES W. STIt A NFOIt D, dei-M, late of Morris
township, ClcMilicl l couiilv. sll pereon iii'lcl t J,t
tu said estate are nviu.-t"'l tu iuae iuiuit'diiitu.
Willinm.vill,; Clr.Id fWy, I'n., vory ,,,rr;r Illlinnori an wM,h ,,p wi ,. the siimo will present ll.eii. July nulbei.lic.te4
l.crc be will keen conrnnllv i hnnd . cciicrnl . lie tv.. ,tvit . , . ., i r eeu.cmoui. v....,
o A' " I I'll
Hol'nnd Oin nt
site the St Nicholas Hotel. 1 New York,
assortment of ,
fr, (iooih, drocrrles, Prnvmimn, f-c,
whirl) he will exchnngo for Timber, Hoards,
Shingles, Crnin, Country Troduce, Ac.
He will bo pleased to hnve .11 who wish to
purchase nny of tko nbove articles give him u
tall. JAMES E. WATSON. '
Willinmsville, April 1, lsf.1.
.' CASH, I J 4 w lng t-xperienco iu the
iimrl.-! t
V.'.M. l'ORTLF,,
hiisincss tunkes him fed confident that hisihuirs
arc inado in n fubslantial and worknianlike man- " . , .
. .,, , , . , i 1 t II I ION. All pi-rsurs aro hereby caution-
ner, nnd will stauil tho test of trial, poison? ,,.1 again.-1 pur. basing or iiic. llins wllfc
wishing In luirchnse cluiirs should tail ut once a certain YOK E . f (l. EX, now in tho posses
and gotthciii while Ihcy can be hud at tho lowoH ,,f C- "' 1 1,,'"" "s 'he same belongs ton
riii'Tiini'ro.v and ro U-lt with liim nn bum oolw
rales. TR01 f.MAN. C EOI'.C E E. TL'RLg
Mar. 27-lS If. i Fergu.-on tp., M irch 20, t S H 1 . ;(t.
i r
1 ,