Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 01, 1861, Image 2

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    v ' ATM 1 ' r
1 tltn f'M r,n , f Hi J.' tilt"i
I , . I i i I i 'In I '" '' "
,,. . ,. J .I'll,' . I ' MIM It!"' I I
. ,. !, .11 1 I !' , I 1 . I T
', ii ,' I HI' I'll-'-, "I ( Mil III,' mil
111 '
. .11 1,11
iii in
III" 1 'It I "
Mil,, mi 1 l"lll l''l' t' I '"lin
I I-. !....,.!... i-t.
V) Jl''-V -I Hi" Mil. A, -il.
s!'Y VP -'TVC' f ' 'I.K t"" Ittl-k. !,;'. ) til ll .M.M'l.'l
Vfffi? J .-..l.'.r Hun i I. "".Ill,- un'ltl...
Hf.' A FIT ft' ' ,y -.,, .! Ill" c'lntrv w i n tti 'I 'III-
n r i.i in. i', :.
Wednesday ATorning May 1,
tllC Mil
ni - - i
The News.
We have tuk,"ii sp'-i i ll paitn
ur ii fi'l'-r" tin' 1 il,-t in'..- Iioin
t war in ii iiiti'lm'i'tit a -ha
l'li. Tin' r-r, v ri : r)'!i t hits cot, tin! (,f ;i!l
''if cluintnN of iiifotiii.-.tinii. South of
i Inn i-I .ii rjr mul I'liib.'b-l.h:, hence the
public niu-t depend uj'Oii what is glenm-d
norii passengers. What we give is prin
ipally taken 'rum the, ll.n ri-burg Ji, !'
.i- i ;':..
What relates to nil'.iirs South of Wash
.ngton i::ut l! tiikt-n '.villi many grain.-.
f allowar. te. A erk bl'h, according!"
the";, est rebuilt: inhumation,'1 !.' , ,,!
:us(i,J Scuthei ncrs wcic within 'Jl hour?
fiinrcli c! T"ahingtnn. This was bitterly
Hue, s tie "reliable in formation" did
not rcprcitent them nt soldiers. It is still
mir opinion that Y.rgini is determine!
in maintain n defensive poiiion onlv. end
I Ii a I si m I ins Inn tin in I .i. I um ivl,li.i'n, mT'
attacking Washington, or going out of1
hrr ow n territory.
I1I-I1..1I b tip' 'i ivrti'i! n ft I meiiiner.
ll.l'tl I' II""
I'Utlml it.ll hi
im ii I wool I'inur won
Afnl t'lMto''h'
r . 11 n It ""' 1 I' .1 !'.' S, ' ' .
tl ,1 .In 1 II .1 1 I 'i'i'n lii I (In 11 I I "
jll ,l I. I I' ""'l". Il' 11 Il l,l!l 1 ' I
i' 1 ii' I 111 ni' I I't ' b i'Ii. ni. I n'""il
In. nl d n . f " I 1 Ini'iti' I
I Ii tin' hot" I I' 1 7" b'"ii win 11 II"'
im 11 mi 1 "'I'' I In 1 " 1 1 1 1 1 1 it on'. It I"
..i .. I (but nl hp. 1,1 "I I'linl "I ml
.1 . , 'ii'iilil ft 'id tne "ill is I10W ) i' I '
in i 1 " 1 fly I 111 1 lU "l boil
1 1 11 W 1 I no -1 l.i I In- 17 lli lilt., nn it I 'I 1
..ion nnd liio (k riili'd nl tin' im !I ol l.illl'1
A M' linl-, tin- iii-l in. b"K
wliii-li Ii it i" 1 111 o" n n f o'M'i ovit m:r rii-
I Ins "ell ii (11 I In
I I '., IUtMl!'t 1ll 1l l"l
Mi. ihn. li 1in" 1i.i"' ! f'fli.
1, i n.t I n 1 1 1'i'i i. llmii M si i.iV1i w
. 1 mm 1i""ii IUiM' Inn i'"1
,1A(Hii i'if"i i li''iii r- 1 r 'l I nn
niliHir Inllni; In ll.llliimir 1 Ii I
HtHlmiirr nn tlh wn l i'tlff
tin ni; tn llir lit r tr In It t IMni.ii r, ilr . r,
I'rn.uni, MJ , A 'til II) P.M.
id" lliliiin iH' .V "I Ibis l.l',! I"
ri iM'.l bi I", "IN lb it n ' si ij;i- lliiili
I n.b-cd, il " m yivru out in I ii " " in inn n 1 1 y . I ins tvpii
. I : rlli'M.III III 111, I'll ' Ml I'll IK,
'ITU t-l , 1 liat I
t ik" I .ire on tb" llb, the
. I," nii b r the II ti-i-ilv ol
, i.i I'll jr ii a-iiinv'oii ii'i.ij in'" iii"k
I ''"' . I . . I - 1 1... I
lint on :i' I ii i' Ii ni;. I ne .1'j.'.ii' hum-
It,., lion loimd lb" I ."iei.'il t j's lining th"
. .. . . .i i . i i .. . i ..
oil... doiii roi l, lin ii no i n' 'i. im r 'o'iii' I'm
nun s ii . . . i i i I
. . ... . . . .1 .. 4(it.l'..lf'll.llll(' III. 'IT II ,l'lll. I" S. l.l'l.
l ie iii'Milh ami i.loill 1 miles 1 1 cut inv i " - ' . . . , ,, ,
., ... i .... ... .i he Sunilli .New m k lir-'innnt all'
' -I, ill ,1 ... ( o li'.M It'll.' 1)1 '''
, i , M I ' "
1 , llllrf I 1 Ibis I l ltd' II U'll
1 1, , I be v ii I b -lil, wo' 1 1 I i '.ii'til'l'e
ni i't'i o ii'i? Hon ifirm l.i, find I 'liii'b
tin inn , I 'll oof lnt"i in ml i" il l ti''l
,,, ii t lie I i' t I 'II n t-f I II" t 111 il .
'II," oil! i'f'it l"M l'UfiiB Upon I he
1. 1. !;" ft li'"'" tbfi'ik'h Mn), I'r-
1 1 1 1 , I ,.l-'i'l nt inill'.llv Hip ln f
lb it li't liioie W"nl I I"' "idi inf dirt tin'
..., i f tin' Mi'". I'1? teiiifiikrl thnt
M...I.M.I did .bed her I'bi'i I lieelv ill
I be ir e I II
l, il f.'i t, ... i i.'l.l i t .,f
, I .1 H II It tl, n , . . '
hlo ' I f H ll,. i,,'
i 'i ni!' m ii ''in ii .ni, ,,in.
ll lie I II I I II r Im el 0 I I. ''
ll'i V MH llm l iglilli M. , i , 1"'
l I'llllh V.. .
I , I. I,,. I w
'.' " 'I " "'"Mm l.
i 1 1 I t b, til"!
i'lll'llt" ll
I ll" W 1 I f k Si Ml y - T r t
I ml dm ill) tin' i en iiy
i be Am, "!i .Im,, tin rr1(
ri'l nine to the l ni it .1 n .
... . t . ..T I ,., I In, S....I I
I ! I 1... M ..w ... i ll.. I I s 1-nlll 11 ll'l'l IOIIK ,II'IS ill' .......
elili. ni"' al tin' veil fli in k a vei l in'.n i , i . .,
1 , ... . .. ' i no tbe hue n M ueh rnin A ii Dai oils- on
veil; oi on iiiiii'ii nisi.iiiiiv nniinien " i i
. . ...I .!. u l.n I i. ..;... I r i.. . ' Ii
.. f, . i ii 11' ""'in p im- , - i , i iii.-i. i - ii. i i , , i i "in I luU.I ,
' . . . ...:... ii. i - . I i . . "'" f.
liist to move thr ii l' lion oi ine '.oninu. .icm .v. i or'i, nn nn i 'j , i nnd hn'l ) i""l"'i ner ennpinjr
I il t rt htni'lit t" t n- 1 moil when tin1 l.loo.l
I ol her eilien" had l"n i-ln'l l I) Ml.m
I i L'i r on tbi il way tt a eontliet with her
ip I ni it
i tit ed fi
rd, tntt
1'bil.nli l.ii.i, nnd well kn0
olilte in '!'("
Ib.wm-over tbe eo...h..l..r at the I'-H ol """ n.v ,',.., , ;- ,
thew.'il. The iiimunse lone of the ".n .Uinet ion at I ' elo, k t eMePlay n.ort, n,:.
tl.retv out th-oil in ,l.r , ed,',ited ." let,,; ,ed
l.ty generally e.tii.uted at the rale of t' t b" .1 iinet.on nt I o elo, k . .. .. ., nnd
nii'iit. i ni l ie arrival oiuie ."lenui
on .an"s per hour. I He ri'iioit ol
an iiir.isiially Imavy ttrike drew to th"
well a iniiiiber nf f'e('tators Iron) the va
rious wells in the vicinity. At about ' P.
M. while the derrick and M.aee around
Kpjiineiil at 'aliiii'.'toii they tnarched
mi l'eini Ivatiia Avenue to the 'ici-
r; hill- tlielil t"..'' er a,' lill nt .111
Was this don" under an al
citv on the t of a fnajorily ol (lie iikmii
beis t i i i -it their Ciniiliex? 1 'r it 'I '""
for lb" I'lirfose el seeininL' to tlieinsclve.
extia ay and tilila-e '.' The .e.i.h: ni.iy inte this matter liereafiur I It tl i-',
I'Mvided w e iu"1 t'l ho
I i iur State Trea,i:ry has lpon largely de
' ple'ed diirini: ti.e late "ion, ar.d al the
: same r. it" it will nH take lonj; to linish
i lli the job. '.' he I'ass.'i-e of llie 4t allow
in.L' the P inks to i.u.' nn ill no'.? to .an
anioiint not ex eedniL' tventy ;ereeiit.
of their cat'ital sleek, will be of ltc-U bei , ,,. ... '.lin., ol (. unfortunate,, and , tl'"' ill be Ho.'MHI at Itielmiond by the
i, .1
i i.. t ..... i , i. :. .i "
. ;,. I'.. l. I .. . J
in s i.i i . i, -i.ui j., i V -t I u : rl.
in;;, and taken belore a euniiim.
ly. lie tvrn (ni'd, And
i , . . - I . 1. . i I I ...1 . . I ... ...I l. I : .. ...
.ill' J lliroin niMs,eii in. ii lie iua-,i i ni.n iini ma mini mill , !
the. the troo. only for the defenee of the nieanitv ban;: him but 1,
ntal. not lor Hi" Hiva-aon oi the ; outn- iiHsoim; siiin oi nm-p.n, n,i
I . i . . . . . r . ... F
ern "statrs. "And, lie n.ini, i tiitiM ,erso.n inTieriiij:. pot luni an,
have the trooi, and mathematically, the lord. I c lay ail day Sunday
nece,siiy cxi-t t hat t hey fhoiild come a p ave J ard. I 'n llnii'lav g,;tjr.'
ihroiih Mm laud. They can't cra'il ly diiu-bter, a ;.ri;ditly 1 1 1 1 1 tis;T
under the earth, and they can't lly ever it, years old, lie suited to lJichinon
laud n.'ithein iiically they iuiit come mj. behind biru ii. hi tatniurVfi,
ntV ll .u.e and fio:n theiire to the War aerf. iV. " liv, nr, I liosc i aronniani are meiu m-oui viy, iiious.inu uu
, . ,, Aia i.l'.iL.llliI I Ml 1 111 Til 114 I I' i' III MI linilll'IIV
-i i . . .... . .. i i.iii'ii rmtinr 1 i ' " ' - ' - ' v - .
-I.L;n.-nt .l.n mi.l. i n r, of oil. SX UU'AW Volants .MI C 10 . !.. Iliin I.H-. OM W lint ( in 1 O IIP U U 0 B(U?9 yt.m
' r r i i i . ... . .. '.'i. - l i I r .. n hint, i n I 1 1 n , m nm , .1 nee 1 11 n . r r v i , te r I i;ui,i it l i lie rei iii,.,.ah ..
. i ,,.i'i;.... .,i,l ..j i;. ,i,i.,;., nmnn reanv iur hei vice, i in; ii"inia " ' , . - ----.iuiiW
rin i t .. r'.. ' .. i v.i s ih. cv. .Mr. .inco n remarket! that
i.i, and another one three unlet t,ine uieh- in-'i"'.-.. o. m
t , ,n rru. liefiire ibev Irv Ir, ,..i
, . i.i . i a i; n ,i.. r.. Unit-- troo!" are eieciiii2 n oaiierv in lorKiown, " ' .
velo ied the I'Uildin;.' on all Hides, iniion- i r- . . ......i :, .,.,,1..- , , ,.nm,ini.a ;.,.,i.. ri ,ov ran .i i...
i ;. . . , ,.,a,,.i,. i, i ., ,! ivl.ii Ii -"id another one three niiei tiime men- ii-'"""" , e-.ivgemfl.
ed inst.. I.i an e.xplo-i Ii ii .. wonli, ( (J Wl,.lin .,on , tl-.t 'enough army, they may HtUa l
..nun ... I t .rise nl ii ill-l:illi-e like 1 1 11 uion ' ....... i. .1 . c 1 ti .. 1 .
ni. i',l :,ft- niece of uitillerv. Of! The Mea,nl,i, I inn'stowii N Mtv. -no .lack-on in that-no .sjhiik in ma , uitan-ouMi , 'n..( &
1 . , ' ...;..t 'ii,,,.,!,..,-,,,.. son,.. 1 .1(1 litto.I ui. at Kichmond (or a war vessel. IT. Miller nope, mai .nr. j.incm. woui.i l'iv mem comroi o! aiV,
' - "'.11 ... ,.r l,ssrstnf.d or! :-'oin- thoii-aud troon.are at Ilari'.-r' would not allov '.spunk to overrun i'ai-,,.eak Hay waters ; h m.out it tLe
V ' . .... ... 1 1 I K..l-1'l' mill 0 "il Mini N'.illutk imii il is- s:,i,l riOtlsnl.
prostrated. M.e on .mn-eiii; ic,3 R.uu, .'.,. ... .im.f)n doubled if 1.0 or (Vnere
clos.; ol the week. could recoin.o the otilheni .onieuern
Put w ill it be an they returned to consciousness they ran
mav appear ho
.... . .. .. .. I...I... I. .. I i...
... 1 1 . i ...i.i. i I,,,..., ot tt line I lie senooner .iniiie .i. inissen, iviuia i - i . - .. y
elit to llio-e institutions.
, . . . i . i.. i ,
S II I 11 II I 11 I ' 1 I H ILL .1 'I'l.ll r"' ,
' ' ... ... . ,. 'deprived or the power to save them-ehes,
for a time. Put the effect w ill be to drive ,)pV(in(1 ru.., ol ;li, frolI, ,.,..
and si.ver er.nreiv ireiu circiiniuoo vei v ctlort was in ide l,v those who were
i, !i:.-li has lu-eii oi.i t e abii ml. in t lor some ; u in ..iu red or s.iidi t lv hill t. to re-eui
years to the injury and iueunver.ienee of nMt otliers.
... . . ,
. ....... nnn n fi'i.t I ... illk, .. . .
I , ...... jw... . , . . -r .. jV
tnTlt is f-aid to be u "poof rule that
wont dork bothivavs." Pe Ibis as it niav lion of doobl lid nronnetv : and the-ewar ..,.,. no doubt instantly killed. To those lluonce is pmin.' )-'lt.uu. in lUitll.lore.
, ..'.!.. ,, , ....... .r. i . .... , ... i :....,.,..! il... (,... iol seene it is a The .V". emphatically declares it is t,t a
certain ieotiic will only permit to work . ouite an increase iin reoi.
All the people iu ilia nil -
inei bate iieiJiliOl hood tveie soon on llie
u..,,t 1. ,.. lin., niil and lil.lf.V
We have had ouile a curleit of Icl'i1:i-1 . i i... i. ,.v..,ti..ns Several -eeins to indicalo t ha t a cotwrvat lie in
eareo of w heat for a Masyaehuselt. noit. L'ress as the iiext tviUhfc, will
has been seized at h'ichmoinl. Southern Slates out of it, is i;ot likely to
It is reported that the troops at lliir reco-nie i:. With regard to iho lioy.' I'u rv have been ordered toanother erninent, In-aid "he must run the ins..
noint and it is suniio-ed will move to a chine as he found it."
to every inlet, creek and ri rerca
trolled by the Federal (iovertio
Mcnroe ax a force of l.Wid,'
its wiills. I be 1 t ic
Mill l in,
all the utream on I ue-day nil.t with I
pos t ion near the t apital
The liallimoie .V"i has
nd in icfeience
to passing troops through I'.altiinore or
Maryland, he said, 'Now. nir, if you won't
hit me. I won't hit you."
As the delegation were leaving, Mr.
ready to reinlorce tho toil, (j
intends to place ;i,ih HI nien zi
A Mr. Prown, also a resilient
delphia i:i former years, and
dent o! Noifolk. declares that liii
if the 1 eiin-ylvaiua iva the
night he ever hit.
.... w' i . 11 ,
'ii ."siuiuaT Jienry y. Hi.
Line jln said to one or two of the young .speech to an excited crowd nf,
nr.ry. toil naie f,otii Uie l,aleony ot a hotel, till:
the way they want them. For instance,
our (iovermnentril authorities, both Stale
. - ...... .1 II ... l.loll 'IlilLlltrtM
. i -1 . ... i. ;.. 1... i. it i . 1 1 tt . H'ci'-Muii iKiiit-i . ii iiui ur, ii'i. i lie n in If iim ii, ! .
. .... i ' , of a State Convention ol-tr ilin'ctlv ! 1 of lrilnn:n, who. when a lei- that Lieut. i-n. Seott luul rejir-.
Among llie first nnl irjnnjai oi.jects Tl o flow of oil wa not rlierktMl Lv (ho ; from the peo. I he same j.apc r Wtu : v "1l,u "Ui tietaiiieu ni u asniiion fcr
(,r Mir Mories n violence none to I nioii men r;i, i""' ""rr11 inai j,iunnu nnu wni inuue t
i.i- r t . i. . i i ..t, M : . . ........ t i
and National, have called upon the people is the parage of a Stay .a.. 1'nless this .thou, lour inches in ' ' - , way round I , ' X Z,
'over llie jjiiiuii'i - l.. ,,, ,.,,,'l,..,l iwrnt. nut .n(-t l.i I I . 1. , , l. V;....:: " '
i 1.HK1 i an:. .1 1 Tl I o. "' i.iii', iii ii iur , ii iiiitiiii nere L
for convuning the legislature at ibis time, ! explosion, but continued in a stream
to lay aside, nil party spirit, nnd t') sustain : done, seanvli one hiisiness man in fin
'fell iiddinc a dense smoke
I wav territory, I shall be h.i"
Anril L'i'i.
tiie constituted nulho.-ities in their elloits ; hui.d'cd will be able to weather the storm. (1nn ', ,10 horrors of the scene. At the j 'Hie co limunication w .th Paltimore is
to restore peace and order. The conimnnd of G0VPrnnlpnt ProDrtv ftt'P ot ,l'lM,'t ofoil 11 ,0:l,,' '",tn'i0 while ; ''P'-o'"'". Ii improved. The Meaner
is obeved will. nevan,b..l I,,,,!,, I.,. Of OOVemment Property at I , o ., 4 w,,clilelt at one o'clock this,,
......... . Nnrln If. Vft. .... . . . .I ... .1. . .'.ir...... lirrA i.i-l is I in i...... ...
i .tn . simois f.i ti -e ai;o, i: ii nn. in ii ......... ., ,,-
voice 1 raised I I . , ...... I ,. nl out lit .tail, 'in- MiiVleti.l.i-i It i. U,,, li;..t.k l Vi-,'l in-l 1... H.aSIaa.
ineieiiv (ii i"o ieei . . io i "n- n n i , . -- - - - , - . . . ... , . v. , ; . ..v .
J'rmocrats. Not a mul-Ii;
in 0,pObition in Rny 'uarter outside of the
dis.ifTected State.,. If tl(e slightest allu
sion is made, lyo emocr.'itie jmper, to
'he past, or the slightest reference is made
i-t the rtiue of our present troubles, at
hu ii'
Nrw Vomk. April 2'M. 1 .. 1 . j barrels, w h:cn had just heen
'J'he team tug 'i..v has arrived from soon burst by the heat and
Norfolk. She renoits that on urritini; i.t !eonte,its to increase the lire.
Norfolk on the afternoon ol the 17th, the vats nl.-o burst out nnd with that from
finding that there was a movement on 1 1 he barrels, and the immense ,uan:ity
foot to seize her, she projcded to the ia-; jushinu from the well, ran in ditches or
tilled, wen! ' hoarded in the stream 1-y the . apt.un ol
lidded their 'llf Kairy . whii ii brouidit the passengers
The oil in to Perryville, Anion.- the passe, i;ers go-1
rai-'ed, "il, the editor is a ivy yard, and took priKction unde.i
covered the mrface to a conidera!ile ex-
ft Vcji' T and must be sih.-n. , l'i ,i (, the hattrry. "n the j, h t he . tent. All was one lua-s ot name, ami
ustoin hou-e rillii ei s of theStatc came to; within thi-. lierv cucl 'vrte some thirty
i.e th" )' ..'. but the c
fused to yield her up.
'iimiander re-
mer ttc ci v
I'ei!," rnd fr.juently nothing hut want''
ifcciirjgo on the part of hi- asailant-
: aves from the vengeance of the mob. The ;,, then towed the Vniled vourinL- llann
1 his is one of the v w? the rule works. ) States sloop of war ( 'iwlr.nul to Fortress
And hotv U it the other e-.n j M"hi'oe.
ri-,.. T',.t- , ' , r The I idled St.ile sttamer P'',rif. un
it I, v. Jiepubi cans, and Pel iiohcan t .a . , , i i. i r
1 ; d,.r (;o!iiii)aiid o t uinmo'lore I auldin', on
pcrf, it seem-, are permitted to mv about j J(.r arriVa at Fortress Monroe, took on
what they pUa-e w ithout ineunir.g the i board the Third Massachusetts Kegiment,
human beiii!s, frantic with misery mid
terror, or lying in death, ft prey to the de-
y.'.v.Y.vr.r.iAV.i. M:
In the name and by t!ie
I..S. thoi ity of th" Coliltlloliu ealll
I ' I'eiitisvlvania:
A PKix.'I.AMATloN.
nig Aoi in are live .tlaine timoeru'en. or
dered out of Virginia. They report that
tbr.-e schooners, the lien. Knox Victory
'and fJeorgia, of Maine, had Iwen -eized in
the Par.iuka liver, V'irgiiiiii. Cannon
Inn! 1 ecu placed on board thctjen. Knox,
and the secession Hag hoisted. The men
were order" I to leave on Saturday, and
! placed under guard. They obtained a
, pass Iioin iovernor I. etcher out of the
'State, but v.eie stopped l'M'.uently at
I! alt iinoi e. Pr.'iti' intercepted by the
troops, they upealed to (Jen. Tumble per
sonally, who exprei-rl regret that trav
coin would linaly yield.
ii. i. c . i ....
int. i.iini ii siii 5 nn .ner llii;pj
l,eucr .rom oecretary newaru. : cessioni-is about Norfolk pred
I'lm followini: letter was .'iddres-ed, to .conlidence that Jell". Uvii wi(( 1
jdinnei njion the 4th of .3uynU
Home. They areguilty otmanj.
: extravagant e.pre.sioiis. In Iii.
the llower of the upper chisi u- wr
.field, nnd if they suller atevcremJ
: t!i firvt great encounter, they
be able to rally under the l.lotr.
The Border State Convectic
' It seems that an i'ltigetnen'j Ii:
niade tor holuing a i.'otjvont on
the troops oil' Annapolis, and al-o , J-orJ-T Slave Stales at 1 nuiktal,
in-x! .vaiuiiuiy, i:hin-i. jnrw
this (.'onvention, a late iiiimlicrof
iou'u : Xi-o s has tic fold.
rctiiry of State :
lirr.itiTiH VT or Statt, April 2'J, 1 I .
,-.-'. ..-.. TI' " If. (ii.-, r,,nr
at' M'lm'.n.'l :
Sik: I have had the honor to receive
your ooniniiinioation of this morning, in
w h if ii you infoi med me that yo t h.u e
felt it to be your duty to a lvise the Presi
dent o) the I "nitcd State to order el-e
,! s wit,, it, , i.t- C.. r.i 1 1 tt-illt nn. I ,r,,lo,.t,.fl
. .. .. I ...1 .11: 1 ...:.. . ............ . 1
displeasure of these Censors of public opi.r , an 'I pi needed to the Navv ard n ,. , ... ,1 hei r dep-.rlure.
ibut the l"n t- iM"'"'u" .; "" I Ii,tici,t men rom I it timorc express
lon u,e . wl n an evi-l . ,, threatening the d,struct.oti ol the Nation-. - SHwion rnoi,
v.- . .... v . v ........ .- ... v . ... i . : t . . : .
that no more troops he sent tbroug.l .iii, -rvland
: and you have iurther sugg,.sted
that Lord Lyons be :e.ue-ted to art iis
mediator bet ween the contending par
tics in our country to pi event the ciiu-ion
of blood.
The Pi esident directs me lo acknowl
edge the receipt of that communication,
and to aure you that lie has weighed
the counsels which it contains w ith the
lich he habitually cherishes for
This body is to meet nt i'nnl;
on Saturday the 4th of May nt:
souri lias appoinle 1 delegate tor
her in it: so has lenne.-.'ee: t
at this moment going on in Kei.'i
the election ol delegates : Virp
appoint delecaiesi to l enrewnt I
it is hoped that Maryland, lVja
.uence wn rivp in,, ir. I'uvm ? ,.nr mi-.i. . i . . .... , ... i .. , in i nivei iiin.'iit. rei lino: imumi,; uii'i mi- ...:m i. ,..i -ri... l i..- r i" "
, , , r , " . . ii ucuon oi me ,.. one .n.K.-r,v, ... u,-.e. , .,ro..rrtv'lii tl.t, ....J " V f , iv i r, r led Vs the , n I i the Chief M.mist rates oftl.e several States, North Carolina Al kai,
from the last .Lnr.,,1 o notn e a s.m,- to prevent .t- allmp he hands o, , I (mmoI1;;lhll n,, in. , 'S ', , j, ) '' ' ? ,,, e " vourstdf. He reg-ets. pre-ent in the person, of million
Jar article in several other Pcpublican the enemy hey had scuttle, a, the ;V8U.,llatie ..i.-a.-y Up our com-1 ' ' mI,,om' -,n X f kUure I as dee ply as any magistrate or citien of re, -ntalive..
rMors: '1 t!' vZ!- . ! A eertlentan dec.ared unbUC, in a ! . .can., thi.t demonstrations: Ti. give the conveii.ion .1, i
-J-n C. r,:r,K:Nm,-cr.-It is ttntml il.nt ; own t e -hears Ac destroyed the i " A'k",,a,lft. IT'","" ' parlor at Ikirnmn', tl,t the ' eeec. ! "Utyol the. I n.ted states, and uign.ty tv net, i err,m
JohnCBkinrWtrhol,., buetofur. W., . h S ,', tll'! -:Uv, , iion H e. would not be allowed . that city I with very ettennye preparations for the Mo it to speak, a 1 the fo
. .. Ill.K ll.r.i ri . ail', jti I'.ir.iuu.iM i ie ..,.. , .,rf t.on-er nt I .e. Stale ,, n . ., .. en s inn, e 1, s ,li,i- t s imtborttv of the nix ml ions of I
qnotPd nn a rtiiunch . nmn innn. ban at last in nn.k.. Llie demoliiion compete. " iT. , ... J ' .. , ., . many (lays. .,' . . .. ' ,, , ., . ,. .-, ........
ca.l OUl to winch you a IllMe. me ,iiiier siave .i,u( 'f.eic.i
fftnrc cut in lii true cnlnr--, nnJ ngrecr Pi fur
c it-It J 0,ieo ii, f n , fr' in
t.otli ff-ceff icnifls Biel tin; givir
ii it to Uic ri.-lols."
.'era if lids i rre tn.f, in all its literal, em
htenmer 1'itmrr, n sled by
.1 . . I iis 11V
lll . i..r.... i- ,i. s;,..i .,,.A
. . .. . , . . . 1 .... - -
nir.nn Ky.Pi Uic Ki-I.or sieaii.e. J an', nniriuiuiiiiii' .im i.i..,
' . i. . t ... . i'....,..i..,n..i .
f-'n John C. nml hif fricn-Uof I.mie an-1 "'' filer passing t In, navy y i d, sen t n p a i ,,..,,.. ,t n ne.-i-ion so evlnordi.
ai.Inn.1 cm-1 rotrkot. w hen the match was applied . ' . .j . ,
and , nn instant the ships. sl.,pho,,ses, W(1'r of ,iie St,te ; therefore
storehouses and workshop., wore nl in , Anuiikw ti, l'i rtiv, (iovernor of the
.lines: lie. su iniii.i i-ii; ,,,,,, .ii,, i
J'he mo-t indispulab'e evidencet have
been received to night of a powerful reac
tion of public sentiment in Pultimore. A
gentleman whose veracity cm not be
questioned states that before he left this
mottling he was gratified to see tJie stars
The force now soipjnl to be brought States ought to l,e repi-eseiilcl if.
through Mankind is intended for null.., 1 entire eight fd.ould net nMtir
ni'' but the lielenc of thi. capital. The The Noith is united; t!;Sutl
Piesident has necessarily confided the I ll ; why should not the centte
choiseof tin- national lii'ditvav wdiich i united ? Why .should not th
iii"i ini.i; ne as "i ai nun in si-e me siiirs,.. ... , ,, . , . . .. i . i . :. -ll stripes llvir.;v,,. MimiU, Men's "';,t "M1 :,ke ro,,,l"3 this slave Mtes, to whom ce
1 . ni IiA t in I ii.iilottiiitH .oiiof..l ....,,n...1 imii ti-i n lirtut tt".i trnn il h IlilVr
.1 ti.A' pia I,,- i ...,.:
...1 .1 . . .i ... ,, . i.. . .'.i . UI IIMJ "i-'vi tt nv.n in inv, ni ii". wiiru
M.m...t, now u.e u-puoiicans ; ..apian, o, . i.e e.n.i s, ; ltion;(o lu-rel-v convene the (icneral
Jiavc the most Bflmistak.tdo pnxif that j unable, to reach tlio rendervous, where a . .c-tnl 1 v of this'Commonwe;iltn, and n-.
boat was .v:iiun; fir them, and they had Luire the members of the .Senate and
lo be left behind. Pcsides tho buildings, House of keptosentativos to meet in their
'respective nouses, in tne apiun ui Jiat-
their lato political opponent -whether
i.rec'kinriilge, I'ouglss, or Pell men are
ns ready .ti themselves to take up arms in
dcfi.'jicc of the Administration, stHi pub
tications arc on!y w o,'
h,r ma
city lo the Lieutenant ienertil comninnd- and lo whom war tvotild I uth'r
'I'l.n ;i.., ....I'll, I'.,;,,., ' ing i lie iirmv i . . lie v i.ueu ,-iaies, WHO, , noil, assei i i nei. lnoii .i.uaiwj, 'i
i , ... .'. ,. , ., , like his only predecessor, is not less diss enticements, ami defy the IiitmIi
nave i.cen more iiouenuiinan clamor'.. . -. .. e . .i i .1 . . ., ,ll..
wo. .1,1 l.v .1 .,,! i ,, i ; i . ! tingui.shcl lor Ins humanity than for Ins i the hostile antngonihts, ami
" .-..--.v.ii- i i: .: : ,. . , ,,,,,, i ... ,i..i...... ..... i ,.t
li'llllil, I'.ll l e'l isiii, iiint lllbl lllll 1MIIH1 .i.i., i. it,,, v,v,iiw ,n--
(l.L.-n ...... n .. .. 1 1. .. 1 .1 , A.r t.rn.i.j.nnj
,,e v .wv v,. T'.lliy TH ' : Til IIJTI
cordage, at, I machinery. j mj ,,'Ay uF APKII.,' A. U. one thou.
Among the most valuable properly des- iU,l eight hundred and sixty-one, at 12
troved arc the following (iovemntent , o'clock noon ot that day, then and there
vessels; Ships-of-thc-line, Pcins) h'iinia,
Columbus, tnd New Yoik ; Frigate", l)el
aw are. Merrimack, and Potomac ; Sloops-o;-war,
(icmnnt', and i'lym'.'uth, and
the Prig I oljiliin ; eairying nlo,it
guns iu all.
With the blowing up of tire dock. Il,!0f
ists have defeated their own purposes.
There is a great feeling among the bus
iness men lor the re-establishment of
trale, nnd their silent conservatism is
gradually changing to unionism. There
is no doubt as to this stato ot atliiirs-
One of the passengers left Washington
... v .,'..!....!, . i...l...", -.r i ... i,
. , . . . - . ., i kj ,.e ,v , , --, v :. .i.i , .it in inn ui. ii neil it 1 1
measiiies in III" premises as mo t.i"eticv . 'e,
' ., 1 .i : i.. Iwasiiuiet J here was no news of mipor-
n-eil- spn 11 tfl lilClll ill UlL'll 11 lVlOlll 111 Me.'. ', -
' to titke into consideration and adopt such
ti tn,'
, t.ince.
He had heard nothing there of ihe rumor
In testimony thereof I have hereunto i ' ,i 't ' '.' ...i . . 1 , I therefore be the least object ion. -.bic ono
, ,.l..l.l.-..-.. . , "', I...,., ..,,,11 ii.i.. .ii 'i -n-,i in i res i , . ... ... .
.... I in. I -t e-n I,... f e.i.ii.i.i .ii ronnni nr
or on armistice of Ml days. .. ... . . ,i i .
... . . I l.i.t I hero luis il n I line in 1 he histo:-v
vd the ntriVii :. thesfvent h ; . ..... ..'
Put, tvosi ha-t iwht the tnith of the
Jibove paragraph. Vlic Ust noti.-r fif Mr.
J'.reekinridgo that re liavc met T.ittt. was
Cliatho hit l addressol his fellow citizen"
at JoKingtoii, Ky., in which h took
ground ngaiiut tho sccesitr. f JCetitucky
t thi' time, but to nv.k-e one more. cUbrt
TO f.tvi: T!iK Union, by ibeyiug
rnati-ftr, of tt Ptvsident so b
ficcial election for members
. . . . . ..... ..... .... . . . . . I ',''',(" 1 ''ii'ti"'fii..ti'int ....... . . . ..... .
lor the extra kcsioii on trio 4th of .Inly ' at least 5ii,,inii,inm. 1 he policy ol this; ..... i n,e,;i was moving to itasinngton at or-
next, nnd (or her Seniors In appear in I net on the pnrt of the government tv ill I to , COMI'AUATIYK TARIFFS OK TIIK FXI TKI .''' was tvceiye.l to slop at the.
their srnts, nnd, as n last efl'nrt, demand ' more fully realized and explained in the
pul'll" sei vice.
The l'lesideiit itistrucU me to add that
the national highway thus sclei.tcd by
the Lieutenant tiencral has been chosen
by him, upon consuliiit;, p with promi
nent magis;r;iti s and cil i.e, is of Mary
land, a the one which, while a route is
absolutely necessai t , is further removed
from the populous cities of the State,
and with the expectation that it would
I 11 , ,1 f . , r ll.ill i. "in i.i,
set my hand and caused the Great of ,(,,.nl Linpo,, - f,
the ( onnnonweiilth t3 he nllixed at Ibu-s! M , .-,.,
.. .1- o, .. i i ,. r ., -i 1 ,, I 1 1 e w ll nes.-"
risiiui L', m. -nni iii ' ni'in, in me t ear i v ' p. ..:..,. .. . i-.. . . - ,
ie moi-eoirovt W Itl, the hlOW 11,2 UP 0 MlK dock. tl.O ,.r ... ..I ,, I l.r...-., ...1 ei,. I, . 1 .1 ll'."' ' mf.m'num ,i' iimi'iih.iii hi ins,
, i, , , r ., v v - , ,i ., "" ''y- -" " "".departure. A the regiment reported
,.theProela.l.urn,,,g of the Navy Urn, nnd all the , and s.x.y-one. and o the I, - ei-endenja. J1 ,
,r as to hold a other government property at Norfolk, !ol the I nited StaU.-s the cighiy-sixth. 'y :a, r,.,,ar;.( th.t mil.
s of Congress' will result in a loss to the govc.TWiv.nt of tliciovernor. LLI SL, ! I U, I While the F.ighth Ma .sac hiisetts LV"i-
i of our country w hen a (icneral of the
of the iniministration and the represent.''-! futire. A three UKUitlis i-Htusion by a
Mr. .1. Smdh lb, MAMS ISrerrtnri of ti Chim-
l r ' I'oiiuitrrff ttf the State nj A' ir Yurk) niltl
! tion and guard that point.
t;vc." from the Nrth -tlmt the Southern
Sttxtes claim to be th-rlr constitutional
rights.. It they fail in obtaining a sull'w
cicnl p'tarnntee that something of this folk and Harper
kind will bo rraUd. it will then be the in charee
foreign enemy could ,wt ive -ost Uie r-,K hisk , ((""'"'y '-""-) eHit..r, ,.r tl,. J
c ' ".Mkih'hms .tlAii.tziMs amu Ommi:,h i tt. 1!k-
Interview with the President
From tin? Ilidiituoro Sun I-'M.
Ahieiiciin l'i, ion, w ith forces dosigned for
the defence of its capita'., was not unwel
come anywhere in the State of Maryland,
ai.d cei titinly not ut Annapolis, then, as
iioiv, tho capital of that patriotic State,
and then, also, ono of the capitals of the
I f eighty years could have, obliterated
all the other noble sentiments of that age
iu Maryland, tho. President, would be
... - -..j . . . . .1 ...
r,, ,n. n.1,1 ,r.r.,,tn tiinpn I leu, tl. i -. V. 1 1 ...I... , 110 lClll'11 thill a dclCL'at Kill from ti Vn of I . ' '..'.' ' ' . ' . .
i is"" " rs.r.v. ....... , im. v ,..,',.ri-,i ,'.. ouu r,rK, i . f . I ' ha t wou id lorever remain t here and ev-
lest ruction of the i-ubhc property at Nor- nml l"""""';;i "'" "-i-wct it, :no l-iui t oung .nc, .s .hnstian Associations ' m-where. That sentiment is that no do-
hntever. that ntav
s of this Hcpulilic,
, .. ... .. .A '.. .. I ill' li llllnrvimv uil. l l '.',ki.l., t t. nn.rl.t it, ...... l... ...r. ...l , ......
iui oi Jscntucky to cast her lortuneg ... ... .. vCr 18-12. IR-16. :T 9iid is., thus tlmwinL-. . purpose being to intercede with him in ' forcitn aibitramcnt. leant of all to the ar-
oth her Southern sist ts. i "' . 1 fc : i n y.n,e. tho rnntrn.t in nich iiriirlo, tint ,ip behalf of a eiiceful policy, and to entreat bitramcnt of an Fuivtwean monarehv.
Jtoes this make- him a tiaitor ? ' " KAl-""W W. S" cs me riue c or the ,r.i, ,,, ti.o ,iiy t cnri. untc ; t wiri, is him not to pass troops through Paltimore I have the honor to 1-e, with distin-
pay nuowen in Ues sftny 'o1 Um C luted '-""''i" ..i.... ... i .mn . t ii i or .uiirviaiPi. j.ev. Ur
ic j'ublic iiroperty at Nor- nml l"i'li',, i'hift lrin, tho T-i the i oung Men .s Christian Associations ' m-where Tint sentii,
S I-crt,-, Uy U,e ctUeers ZX'LZJ ' """ 'T"" " 1
ibfliiul litt of all nrti.'lcs, .b.winK the com.'.,- j '.''",cr(!;'-v l"'-e'oVl te- U ashington arise mimiic the l.rt,e.
tiro rirfei" f luty sr..raiiie to ihe Tarifff of tho Uyr tn ''fVlow tvitlt tli i'resident, the ought in ny c'se to It
Hut why is Mr. -Preckit,: -i iga tingled!'
outforsieh bitter deiuinciif'iiin? If the'
States, to which the militia, is entitled
: I7fl th isi',1,
, innn
i ...I , :-t
object was not purely mischief, tvhy is
"honest .lohn Ml of Tonnessoe ,llo.vol j t jonc
to Tsr.r,re V' ,?liWe hisnersionism is umut CoW,
row without qualification, as t' last wei Major,
Jsenrd of him was a fipeech somewhere i:: Captuin,
Tennessee, in t'hicl, lie urged ' rn'sini: ! 'r'lst Lieutenant,
ofSO.OHO tr.iom in that. Stt. .... , ,. ! 'ohd leu tenant.
"Northern invadeis."
llrevet Second Lieuterianl,
First or I liderly Serccant,
. ,.i .......
oNGnrss.-The rresi lcnt hxx'ms. issued . '. . , fe ' 1
, " , ' ui ,oi 11,
fliis proclamation, convening Congress on
thefUli day of July iicxt, elections ' Musicians,
1'cr moii'J,
Kll I lot ftf t liii tf ll 1 Itts.1 .'nnt!, l,.t,i lion fmi 1 I.. ti .. V.
TO ISdl " rf.owinL' bIio were thn iirtiiniwon ' i .. . i i i .. T .... tJ J
in c,,nBrcM ivlio letviirn.od r rpse. i-.n-h ' ly .. -' party, ' mn.i servant.
tarilT. Tho view. i.rc civen, in nconlen.iir..r,,,. I nnu me i - tt H M.tM II.M:tv
f (ioncrnl Iluiiiillun, Men-rs. nml Jof. ly'ruanon was conducted iiiutdy bettveen ' ......
fi'Mon ; IiiKhmn, Wright, Kurhwiun. Stoveti-on. ! " and Mr. Lincoln, nnd was not heard' TOflW iTlTTll OATTrnTT
$2I 00 nf l'l'miMlvniihi; l'i.-keiis, WcMer. 'uiJit, entire by ail the members of the delega-, XiiUrl 1 UD OUUlUi
l; J (i()!l)vi., ii.Mst?r.ehMtef ; lUtnlnlli. ofVirpeit; tion j .
175 (Mt.Cky.on'cnt.iiky; Fm.te,f Cunnpi ticut ; Mnl-j rur inlormaut. however, vouche for ( Fl'0"1 I''0 Harriubu.'!; Patriot & I'nion. 1
1 1 si in ('7 t"l tiiUmner, f t ormnnt : Cai.ibri'lir.r n4 : ,. .,.,,,.:, . ,t., , ,i ,'. ,..,,.,. , . ,
ir. . Sill- Wrieht. of New Y,rk : Mitchell niM dr. V VT0 " 1Ic Mil,os I,I1 ul'on A Jewish clothing merchant, from New
r nt.n,,.. i i . p.. i ii ii..... ini':oo,Mciion they were received verv lork ivln aiiifcd in iliineiiv last nvon-
.pii i. J
i,,.V iY'Wr Khmlo Islnn-l ; Calhoun. Dr.ylim. ! ,;.n"wrVi,IV,,!" ,w,!ru rVtxl very
"; -JO . and Hamilton, ol 8uth Ciirslinn ; Wil.lei f "ordiiWJy by Mr Lincoln a sort ol rude.
JO'.! 50 ( Uoortfin, nnt other frouiin-u. Mati-Miicn. ! familwrity of manner and the con versa
(M)j To Which nrc ul-o add-e.L, L A Tahlo chi,w'uij t ion openndjby l)r. Fuller scking to im
I rent ns nn ciemv whoever viw
neutrality by treading on tieirK
If the K rank fort Convention
with r. tine perception of, and iti
(or the interest ol the States it re;
it w 11 be an important body, jx
good. Jt will have the pntvfr,
to "arrest the March of the oroi
avert the terrible conflict that '
place, if the combilants meet "
-ivoids. If it reeolten to flui'-:
soil ol the Border Stnte inviniit
oppose by the force of nrms i'"
the progress of the nrmy of er"
across that soil thev will, hrli-
n i,'.-i., bt.-tll ,,t B'lrfli lni
...,.vo "iv .,.. -
tween tho hostile Northern .tn"'
armien, nnd thus prevent n W?r-
i,al strife, in which the conm
Union would become the cow
The contest between the Si-
South thus driven from the In""
have Ic be fnlU'lit Ollt On IM
means of Ptivnteers. It nouldl
extra-Union contest, in wliii'li
nlmin u-nnlil Kiltt'er mill CVin
severely. Miice neither wouiJ
power to inflict any serious blot u,
other, and both alter a i'"1"
weary of the fruitless ami reultU
w ould agree to cease from Hi 41,11
lie thedipute. by Ircaly.
K Ihe Frankfort IJontenlio'
would avert a geneial war, in
''order States would be ground . If
and made a wellerinc dcsert'i1
protect the true intercsti of tho"
let it cast aside all ron-i'Ioratior-I,.,
.,.. -il.,- ,,n,l nil ronsidcH'
Ml C IIIJ'.IVIII , tl t t , I '
impracticable technical duty,
eight border slave states ic.ii'
.ni,l if n.wvl .. ilr.nv the swoid
t , , i
that position.
.1-7 I II, ...... a. ........I K.. . .. Tn.lff . u ... ... ,- 1
-i im -v ..u,..r .i. .v.. ..j. ri.,.. i,...n ,--, ..j.,.,. j ii ess ii poi i r. j. moon, uiovast U'spo,,. ri,)" that
ti, j;"- ''. " '" n a '.''-. , Hilulity of tho position he occupied, and mWs of
on no li'W nf th Vtoii liv S Jite on cni'h TiirilT frmn ..... . i ... .. , , ..' .'
' Kto ISM. Ill 'v-w C t.l.l Heirul.. ' wn ' J" ucI,en ""J lSUe ol tary tol l.,,
-1 "".ii,.... ,.rti. i,, s.... ti 1...1.. . ieiws v war -on ono hand, a terrible, estimate
will have to bo hold in the following! The fust column of ficwre reniiesents rl'let of 12( ,rijo,(jj!.Te. I'mrr. Jo cest
Stntes, if they d.sirc to W represented ' the net monthly sahiry, w,il tWo fiewnd i Thi i ae i.uly utisticM uiU histitriciil r- pettw.
-therein. Alabama, California, Georgia, includes rations, forage, Ac. ' , nU'ni T"if M' ' .'f Mr' L,ncoln' "
ing, fi;iys that he was in liiclimond for a
week, nnd that lio seen nil the troops nl". ,, .',,v ,
there nnl thoic which passed through du- S1 ANirKUl-. I ll' M A hi i'
time. Accustomed to judj-o of
men moving together in n niili-
helhinks that 5 (KM) a hih
i of nil be saw ninrf'i lbi-fiiti1, en.
, Iratriiilal conflict, and on tho other, that were stationed there.
! A young New Yorker, who lnv gone
aia i .South, and was nt FroderickRliurg upon
.... . . . f. in r . ...... i .
Hentucky,loinsiaa, Maryland Miss ,) Ollleers are retired to ovidc their j The St l'liul p" ! nir, let the country know that nwch from ihT.KK3
"ippt, North ( arolina, South Cm-olinn, ow n uniforms nnd eimipments, l.t the "'"h bu lecn jTevniliiig in that lottion you arc disposed to recogni.o tho indo- town not far from Alexandria
Tennessee and Virginia. men nrodolhed and armed by tho Go-vetm. niiUHlTnlTiLnnr 'T ,,h Min; !,R,V1.once.0' tl,e "H'orn States. 1 say ' An ngent from New York of Adaim'
Wo Presume no tlectiom will be hW in ment. , trlbt.rr of the KatherVriv . , , .V. .. , ...... i ... . 5 , '" . ' Jvxpress co.n,,any, and who had boendriv
any of llm seceded States. vVhcther tho ' On tho first of January 1S0O, U,c tcgti-; J',r 'nj
ul" mvo iMutes will order elections to lar army consisted of 1, 0Ls.J commissioned widtu f
1,0 held has not yet been mllv flotermincu ofliccrs, ui'isicians, artiliccis. and ll,S4s ev, 60L 'irJ' .' "Ireaily reach cl tl.reo flantly tako llie placoof unxieiy and kus- way North, and as the city was under mar-1 'Iat' n crent moral question
:y u.e proper niunorities. privates, bein" a total of l''Cl , , v" ulnn 10 r""' a.enei,. ua. law, no could not got out ol it without nnd wo hain't no timo io nrb-v
, ,e.n.. ol. joa the j .. AnJ whnt 13 t0 Lecumo uf thc rcvJ. a j0Un Lotchw. Wo uiv hand lowi- anoler l-ullet.'
1, .o.nsni r. .Mini
"" ' l i
It is reported that an aW '
oy Maryhtndei on llauovcr,
county, on Tuesday lat, vec
counts say that whole fjiniilio.
into Adams, iorK nna r'"" j
in lhiStato. A report V'"
. i .. nr...lana t-
loss oi slaves ny '.' .j iicuiiu -" - - . i
r ..r..i:.w.,l in I he 1XP"
ICKVB Illf I'llin.ilin,'. -- j
ties of the departuro of IM"
,Vh srs lll,,y ut!tc,x (iry - m '--ton m ...e ;reof vok.w- tlie"ol,l,.. inlmbitrint." '1 ho ' 1l"'!r 0.n ,l,x. ,ho' n' 'H neve r be united Sumter, after various adventure's of stir- fivj-Ain't it wickeil to robfl"
f the .Mississippi below st. l'.ul nvern- '"m Ki " North, and peace mil in- ring interest, reached Ukhmond on his roost Dick ? '