Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 01, 1861, Image 1

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    4 I mrr
1 f
TERMS $1 23 per Annum, if jinitl in nt'.vr.ncc,i;ii:svoi4. u.
no mi
cU'AiiriKU), vi:i);av, may i, i,:o,
... Ii ... mi ...
o If
"om.y n ah in(;."
'Duly mulling till tlie rhmluwa
Are a lilllo luiiuer grown ;
Only wniliiiK' Ii" KlimiiH-r
Ot tliu iliiy's I""1 t'fiim in (low n ;
Till the nigh I ( fiirth is linlej
From tlio lie u (, unco full uf day ;
Jill tlio slurs of Jlt-iven lire brciikiiiK
Through tlio twilight suit mill griiy.
' Only walling till tin- reopen
llnvo tlio lust iheiif gmlmrcil lintiio ;
J'or the milliner timo i failed
4nil tlio BUtuiuii ninds luivo cimii'i
Qniekly. roajiem I gallior iuickly
The lust ripe lioiirn i.f my lit'srl,
For Uic I'l"1 hlc i'luTed,
And 1 h.M'ti'B t ) d j':ir;.
Only wailing till tin- iMie Is
Open widu tlio no -iic gale,
AtwlioM' I'-ct 1 long luite lingoro'l,
Weiirj, "mr and ilcsulule,
Kvn now I lii'iir tlicir tuuis ten a
And their voices fur nuny ;
If tin y call me, I mil smiting,
Only waiting lo obey.
Only waiting till tlio shiuluwrs
Are u Utile longer grown ;
Only waiting till tlio glimmer
Of tlio day lust boam is Mown ;
Then from out tlio gathering darkness
Jluly. dtiithless stars 'Lull rise,
Ey Wiiusc light my ou. siinll
Trend it." iiithway to die .-liies!"
ro what ;)( olc.v
I would not pan? from earth nwny,
And leave nu trine liihiiid,
I wish to feci thai 1 have been
Of service to mniikind .
for what in life without n h.mrt
To Sympathise with thoao
HVhuiu ttu'ii iiiisfuitiii'e hus nssniled,
And ciuslii'd with bitter woo ?
I envy net the immlest King
That tits upon the throne,
Who hnth not chaiity (o mak'i
Hie subjects' wants his own;
Nor would 1 f ir a moment.
That treasure of the wml
"Which ever toncheth peace and love,
To gain the earth's control.
How grateful .-hotiM the earth appca ,
With wealth lit their command ;
Tbiil they cull .lre teh tinmnls the p ior,
A tirui nid helping hand ,
And if il cliimce to be our lot
To grace a lowly sphere,
Yet noble acta we may pet form
Though trifling they nppcar.
A kindly word a gentle smile
A fjinpuLhiziug tear,
Hy raise tlie finhing, fainting heart
Ami banish rloudi 'f ;
All ! wo should so ntleuipt to live,
Whi o here on eirt'.i we stay,
That fcarles.i may we bo when death
iibull ;uiniii'):i us aw.iv.
fir.CBEi or .Si ii lx J It sin ess. When
ou find a man doing more business thau
'ou nre, loo!; at the advi-rtiseuient he has
n tho newspapers. The business mnn
vh putf his signs in the papers does a
uucb wiser thing than when fastened
iver the store, and who would think of
ipglecling that ? Tho advertiser, in lor ns
he public that ho wants trade, and his
ard in the newspaper is an invitation to
ustomcrs to ccmo and buy. Where one
ternon reads a sign in the street, live
rundred read it in the papois. So mat
er how well a busincs man is known, ho
an tilways pick up a new customer, if ho
rill tnke tLo pains to let them know
rhere he is and what he h is to sell. No
ne can dllbrd not to advertise; for by
eglecting this means of securing trade
ifl looses tho best part of his profits.
Coolie life in Cuba doe not seoui to be
esiruble. Suicide is a very common thing
mong the poor wif tchoa ; recently the
io'diei of seven, who had taken I heir
ives, were found disposed in order o( iu
erment, on a hill siilc near a sugar puli
ation. " No one would lake you to bo what
rou a',l" said an old fashioned gentleman
he other day. lo a dandy w ho had mere
air than brains,
lintelv ssken. "
was inline
Ite. iiuse thev can't see
our ears."
A prudent tnun n lvi.ed his servant to
ut oy his money for n rainy day. In a
ew weeks his muster inquired how much
f his wages ho had saved. " l-'ntth, none
U,"said he, " it rained yesterday, and it
.11 went."
" Thero nre soino members of cnninni
lily," said the sugiicijus ami nitty Thom
iS Brodbuiy, that inn liken ciuin'b in . lie
hroot; ifthoy go tho riijkt they nf-
'ord but little tiouiishinont ; but if they
lappen to go the wrong uay, thev give a
Ti tat deal of trot bio."
Forgories to the amount of $50,000 have
een detected in Huston, the perpetrator of
lem, U. P. I). I igelow, of the linn of
igelow A Knight, shoe denier s, have sb-'
"tonded. I
o The New Yoi k Supreme Court has d
;'ded that person resident in that Sutc
' liable to be taxed for personal pronertv
hicb. ha owns or uses in another State.
' The lion. John C.Breckdiridge arrivod
l home, in Kentucky, from Washing.
n on Saturday evening, and will ad
'' ess the IiCgilature beforo the adjourn"
(According to t lie reports in Turin, the
'"t of Oaota to Sardinia alono amounts to
pl.OO0.00O sterling 1
r'Mountnin Maid," n racing mare, well
'li'town to ho.-sc fanciers and sporting men,
ed t Lancaster, l'a., lest weok.
-'.An hour of honest labor will give any
'in nUli. ... .. .. T y
" appetite man an tuc roots
Iween here und Egypt.
I From the li.iiivilln t.biarlerly lleview.
J'.y 11 iv.
Koiii.iit J. lliin hi.MiiiM.i:,
liauvillo Kentucky,
J. 1'..
Com im nn.
il. Iloiill'S llll! CXS'i,ll CdllS'.dl'I'ilt inns
tvliii h wo Imvo (li!Vflon'i, ii pin liculiii ly
icvi'liiiit to tlio I'om 1 1 1 1 i i ol our country,
ii i lit tlio mnuiier in which hor dostiuy
:nuy in; ivli'iovca : iin'io n o jn..nv otlici
eoiiNiilenilioiix of u moru general Uiui'.,
and ol tlie highi's-l loi'ce, all point inu' in
tlio tame direction, whieh it I'diooves
very man to ponder deeply, Wt'oiv he
despaii s of his vomit ry, and Kel'ori' lie
lavs his hair! rudely on our cxiMinir in
.titutiiins, in the vain hope ol' something
butter. I 1 these, there are two so pre
eminent, that we ou'ht !o diioct special
.'itleiiliou to thi'iii. The m7 relates to
that view of the subject winch di.selixes
the inde.-ti ucl ible power ol hie in sui:h a
nation as tins, and the length and depth
and breadth of the uiony liich it can en
dure and yet live. They who kn nv the
past ol human allairs, and t.iey alio 1
I VI jlliiHIHi oll.lll ltMl HH 1 -Ml'; I t
t on that oicrnal lo-i.' which is ol'tho,
essence ot things and events, know- that a
a ion lik.; Tins eamml dn'.. It is harilly
possible to conceive how il can nvn I"'
miirdt ci. ; but iV it eonnot. It would bi
as ea.-y lo conceive that 1' ranee could be
blotted from the map pf Kurope as one of
lis L'leate.-l nation , and restored to tl
coi.d.ticn it occupied before ils compiest
by Cie ar, as to conceive ol the American
nation being annihilated, ils sublime ca
reer CUl hhorl, its boundless pos-c.isioiis
piuclled out, and an ignoinin ins retiutii;
of iniinberless aristocracies, democrat: es,
dukedoms, and pi ineipaliiies, permanent
ly tilling its seat of empire and of glory.
After eighteen centuries ol'anguisl:, Italy,
bailed by the acclamations nf mankind,
is pinging heiM'll in a of blood
from the very condition which men are
prej ai wig lor us ; and the coi.suming in
stinct of her rei.toied lib is for Mi.'t very
I xof.oi ion'; winch we are expected to
saci dice, and ill default ol iviiich she has
sintered every lorin ot evil, in every stage
of civilization, und.r nciy kind of gov
ernment. bat. have they to oiler in, in
exchange for our national unity, but sor.
row without an object and derad.iti:i
wjt ln j t a limit aeeoiiipaiued with strug
gles and sullni:;g lor lis recovery, renew -
ed, and suppressed in blood, and r. newed
for evermore until in some distant age,
perhaps, il shall be I est ore. I a nidst. the
rejoii ings of tho people! Thi. blind nod
lieicQFpir'u oriinarchy which has fa-ten-
ed upon l no r.Mi, unties ol the nation.
and is threatening local into its heart,'
has no a-peet more startling
in its
lrightlul antagoiilsni to the aliso.u'.e teti
delicy and the 'ol d civilization of the cge
iiu which it has nvple its df manifest. The
j ,o i f the two great coiisii'.era
; tious alluded to, relates to iho ilominion
and purpose of (iod over and cone ruing
our country. The revolting disregard
'which this whole movement to.vuid- de
' si 1'iiel ion exhibits towards (iod's ilealiliL's
'with our country.! h shockiiia cncepi ,
tions it proclaims of oar mi.-sion as a poo-
ole. compared with the conception ol that
' . . ' . . . 1 ...
mission as nidicali'd ny ti id liinisell. pre-
sent almost the oddest aspect of the cue.
X..r i-i it tho least remarkable feature f, corning it a ft strict y .louieU.: nistim
the lawless -piril which underlies ihe en- I ! "'idel.lable, neit.ier any other
tiro revolulioo, that whiie in l tli a: - , Sli,u'. the government wlneli ts w-
;il. -,i- tl ii,. ii r.. t ii,..' nion to all the Mates, has any power to
mini! idea- the sUvoiv ol the African race
.is the c m '.rolling' idea of (iod in all his
p .rjioscs .Mi.c.u niiig us, H shoul 1 give
thai idea ils utmost de-:i ucii . eiiess to '
itnd ils o!leiis:vcue-s lo ibid, by
making it, vork in direoiions precisely
opposite. !s it coiieeivabi.) that (jod
should teach Ins children at the X n th, '
that his Irgbo.l purpose eopcerning the
American people js, that thev should ex-
tinguish African slnvi ry ; ' nnd at the
same moment teach his 'children nt the
Siuth.tbat bis bi-'iicst iiurioso coiicern-
ing tho American pivmle is, thai the
should perpetuate African slavery ? K ith.-
nr is it not utterly inconceivable, tliai be
should have taught any of ih.-m that bis
purposes concerning Afiic.m slavery, or
the African race, in any way whatever
contain his c. ief purposes concerning the
white race, on this continet? A more
melancholy instance ran scarcely be pro
duced in any history, of the destructive
extent to w hich religious opinion can be
made to take Iho pievailiiiL' hue of a
fierce enthusiasm , or an intolerant fauati- h'i;cy. Jloreovcr the prompt mid col
cisin, which reigns mound it. It is not dial pel foriuance by all p.ulics, towards
in this manner, on tho one side or the 'm;h ol her, of all the mutual dutn s bind-
other, that tho tens of of thousands of
(od s clnhlieii, sciilloiej over tins great iu ion toucnnig everv suPj"ct, mi I , pel sin that is, so lar as was compatible
empire like salt whit h lias not lost its sa- amongst the rest the st.'l ject of slavery, , with the w.ll of the Giver of all good, thus
Vor, ii, tci pi ot the teachings of his word, mid iimo: g-t the tluti.s couiiccled ivith : made known tu eveiy person And ibis
the indications of his piovidi nee, or the slavery theiciidi ion of fugitive slaves, of ,1 u! is ti tie. and just. Jim what is estab-
tokens of his inlinile mercy to.vards us. which we will spi'.-ik separately, besides ', bshe 1 by .t is, that iiceording lo tl e I. tw
1 1 is not in any such sense uf the mission being every way binding before God and ' of Ivilu o as explained by the sponlaue-
I of our country, or our race, that the poo- man, is the sure, the wise, and the peace-1 out belief of mankind, servilud' in every
pie everywhere, have so lately come be- 1"' M n .to promote all the inteie.-;s of all ' I'm in may, though of itself indilfereiit, b -
fore God, in a great service of national the parties, nnd to secure the lasting glory come right or wrong, gocd or bad, uecor-
lu;miliiit:on, co. fessing their sins, and and prosporily of the country. 'ding to the circumstances of each par'icj
praying for bis gracious iiilcrpoion in' " When we undertake to determiue case. And beyond tiiis uippiestionii-
this lime ol need. Who is authorized to this, or indeed any .juestiiin, under what ble truth h i who will in piiro. w ill get no
say, that God has not luar I Ihe cry ol In
Who will dure to say, that God
is uu able to save? In the utmost ex- lift wc shall say, the.eloie, nn this top
i Ireniity of Ureal, God said to them by . ie, must be in subordination to what has
' M sis, I-ear y; not, stand still, and see jmt been said under the aspect of our
, tho salvation of Goil, which ho will show civil and political obligations, and what
, lo you to-day. I wo shall say pre-eiitly under thi aspect of
I HI. 1- At present and during a long revciiuJ truth and duty. liesaL's the
f course of ptec-ling years, it has jecn the htatemout of the Law of Nature recorded
j very general impression that negro slave-'and reiteiiitod in tie Wold uf God, ol
ry was tip. Hind, if nut the 4.;H ,, dillicul- whi'.-h we do not speak at. present, there
ty, in all the cotunuitions of which wo ' are olhor jiorhaps numerous, but cor"
.....t, tt, .iHKing As lar as those ,
i niniiiiil icnn Ii. I....I .. i , ,. I
..... moral aim long-i lory utioiaueos oi tniH groin uun perni i- . .. muraiiy niiiiaid'i m rti.juco e leu olii.'i
ous tlonielit, and have manifested ibom . nont law. At tho head of tln-sn uttor.m-' into a condiliiiu of subjectinn" -ind have
, selves in the bo-om ot the Chris,' ces we uny place that which tlio human J felt themselves Id bo naturally permitted,
j tian denomination this w ide spread im- ' reason discloses : next to that perhaps, upon a change of fortune, to .uoojii lo a
Iprossion has probable been true. Hut iu tho common impulses of t he liuuimi soul : j slate ofsubjection. Nor is it possible ti
jollier .espects the connection of Negro then, perhaps, the current opinions alii doubt that iho n iluril and universal con
'Uavery with these commotions, through- beliefs of Uie human raco : and then 'duet of mankind, m clearly proves that
mil, Ihis In't'ii iiiilitci't : aii'l il uimnl nr il
ri'lij'ioiia ns'cct lias hal litilo siiiiilirauci',
I'M'CJil U.s till! llUlllti.ill IllOVI'llll'llt lian
lii'cn liii- thinhiici ii) ri'ligi'in. unit ns iiolit-
: .1 . I ...... I. .. ) I'..
U .11 llllll SeeilOM.O JOU 1 Mini, v ...
lioious oiii)ioii ill i;u ticular ilii iH liinis,
lor pa.'ty anil sct'tional ii i-j kj.i-s. i he
iiiiihlii'itinii iiiovi'ini'i'l many years ago,
in South Carolina, related to slavery only
in the inot inilirei't way unit in no ::nn
neetion with any moral or religious (jues
lio.l. 1 1 was a (lUi'.stion ol revenue, laxie
I lion, com ineii'i', tarills. weallli : a fulsd
,l,co,-y 1,1 1'i'l'lica l economy tjnniiroU Uy
the peeuliar condition of labor. More
recently, the commotion about- slavery in utma rcusuu Uun.i w ith clenrnos,, il
the Territories, hui lieon a MrupgUi for tlmiu ea:i l. .noli a ihinj; or pucIi an idea
political power, aggravated o.i t he, side ol . as yuiyxv, the higlu-st iona of it imy
the North I y the urgency of its Miitnor- J tliu tlij vury lm.-,is ul'it is thu i i"ht vvliii'll
ours elii!g;iuut .population I'oi cheap homes every one has to himself; nd just as
in fertile regions. And at the piii'iit clearly, that tiie el. dm of pa iperty by the
inoiiieiit the States which have seceded, J. uw ol ' ,'al in e, on the pai l ol uuu person
are of all the nl.ive states the very ones n another person, is loiinded in the re
which would not have seceded, nnd the jection ol the very foundation oi the idea
si.i e .iia ies "mill oie m. .m.,w.,.- ivjw. v't" i i4 , since uiy lliliL lo have
preserve- the the I nion are the very oiks otner re-Is on mi previous li -lit to
vhieh would have proniplly seeeded,
the current impression ol tne ease, was
true and complete. J I at any t in'e w an -
, 1 . .
111 tllu '". "'.""'.V y1.1'-' u involution m
jiionueiiuii, in ii.iue. in coiiiiuen e, in nu)
thin;;, had wiou-ht a thorough cluinjie ir.
the general opinion of the South, toucu-
iug not the essential naturo but the in -
eidenlal advantnt:es of slavery in a polili-
oil and linaneial point o! vii w,ot course iio
one would ever liave tn aiil ol seccs-ion in
'''e South or even seen the reiiioteu iip -
ploacii to tne e.isiiiig siaie oi opinion .n, j
the North. Il is the. idea of po-.v cr-pow- (
er to b; dimilii.ihed by remaining in the,
L nion and to he inealculaPly augmented society, liom its atisolute personal lurni,
by leaving it : the idea nf weallli, ol con- into a m nlifie 1 form d"term:nable only ly
ipiest, of advauceiiii nl all ol them, we ' t10 agu'regate will which will .,, t., be
are thoroughly convinced, in ihe highest deicruiiiicd y the will ol (iod. 1','ut as the
degree illusive an 1 fati.l ; but it is tlieso . human race is in rebellion icaiint (io l
ideas far more thi'ii any digugl tltat (lie ! Uiuiuti leasoii lands the .obleni very
Noith condeiiuis slaveiy as inim or, peai 1 y in a paradox. (J.) if vvc appeal
any ..p.iichcnuoii that slavery will be du- j 11(.xt 'lor guidance to the r.,mm., ,,,,
I urbed, or sla cs stolen, or the South an- . ,,. ,,,, A j,, or,.., t( j,.,vi. ,nis
II lyed in the I'liion thai I'ervades the great -piest ion 'jf human servilude mli r
preseiit dominant jiarly in tho cotton j.ruted, we obtain a response eipially
States, and enabled it lo pnvipilatc them naue.but far more vehement than bel'ore
into revolution. Jlovv lar this a.-peet ot ,su,vly it is, mid Inn ever been. I edesire
the case aggravates or alleviates the tlilli-; 0f everv human being lo be free f,,u res,
cuhy ol dealing with it, m any hope ol ( tciinl tho pavi liate de.-ire of our race
such an issue as we consider loi lunate, (o p,,.. n.h lt c member of it, i bis
mint depend on many considerations particular condition, meant by liberty
which cannot bo utsCJ-sod here. In any !Al. he a'gre'a!e impulse of t be race in
even., il seems cie.o mat uifj iiuoiuiuiti
lu';l1 11 "u)st umlerstamt Us exact
nature.. And :! it is never healed, they
who eagerly desi-? thalll should be, own
t themselves and to po tl lit y u lair and
comp.cto siateuient ol the case, usiil ci ilioj
'-""'.' t-i;-
. iiui.iiiu . .in '-, .1........ . mi a
widest sense, and ol which heroditaiy shi-
very us it exists m ouv slave States n the
extreme form may be discussed in tics
lighof IHvme Kuvi latum or in tin' light
ol the Law of Nature or in tin; light of
the political and municipal institutions
of tlu countries where il exists. Con .id
ered in this last aspect lhe:o ouht lo
I e no dispute concerning it, and
can lo none burly, m this country, ex-
cept in u single point
ol view namely, ' .
lls I'Xistince ' "e ..aiiona, """').,
"icu " - -r'-" l" " r -""-')
.. ..(..., 1.1. n le i SI a te lias I he i'i nio.let.i
', r
"' l'Xi:lu',ve r,'". ,u .,K-U'r,ull, cu"" i
nucl ide nun u, oi ei'iua.-, oii; imy
Stale. And this is not only a matter ol
constitutional obligation on one side, and
unjonuoiieu usin on ue- ..nei , out toe
luaiiiesl (lictales ol prudence, and the
clearest obligations ol morality, imp'ie
"I""1 -s"tes, aid the general,
S 'erii.n mt, tiio buy ol a simple
s-niceie, and l.uthlul observance ol nil
lhal is implied, as well as all that is ox-j
pies.-ed. m these restrictions. Masmeliu-1
setts has no right, ol any kind, to assail
favcry in sou in c.iioima
nor has Nm;i
L'a i oil u x any right ol any sort to encour
age the introduction ol slavu.y into Mas.
s.iehusetls : and any attempt on the part
of tlie lieneral Government, directly or
indirectly, to favor any such endeavor on
the pai t of either of them, is a foolish and
wicked perversion of its own mttu'c. Nor
is there any pica, that can bo ollered ei
ther by tlie General Government, or by
any State, for dcp-jitiug fiom this clear
line of mutual duly, which is not iintnois
' lt!-1,11 ""'! revolutionary in its ten-
ii'fc' upon tbeui under the Federal (.'onsti- j
' can ine oi -Nature, we encounter
Gie most serious tlilln
ics at every slop,
tainly nidislmct, and perhaps coiitrndic-
. .... .... . ' , i
Wlll.'li 111 H'luouvj.lTt.s ought to l.) lt.l,
luo.vt Villi, I oi iIJ ; 1, ,:,, al1
icnlly ini'Vitul.ln icmi( vol,,,,,.,,.., ,,
our ra.'.'in nil ng.'s-a, ,1U ,(,sl n)l,(.u..
i i l l ,l-i's h ,l i i if it. : . . i
I - -1 - ""Ill, IIS U II I U I.M'N, Jl 1)1 1
; its I'ui i ciit liolicl', au.l t ln-i elm o ol the
j i-a'.v m its naiin o
ill its pioenl stale. 11
we will rellee. eaielully on each u( these
utteranees ol tlio Lw olWatme lunching
thisva.vt topie oCiuinaii lei vitude, wo will
pi'ieeive how narrow is tho loothold they
a Hunt to Miiiport us in disloyalty towards
the eivil and political institutions of our
country, much less to sustain US in reiei'l
ing ll.c revealed will of tied. (I i 11,,.
my lsell. hi tho other band, luiman
is as
te iches us that property in oursolf is
, capable o beino torleucd li,ii..,i ..
r- , ...iiiivi,
( alienated, as any oilier properly. Tor
c.aiiijiie, me l igiit oi M.iieuee is hi 'her
j than our jiioperty in ourseli ; and it is as
j ubsu:d to say that 1 may lint j,ai 1 also,
j lutely with the latter, i:i oi (ci t,,' M.(.ie
t,.; lormer, us it is :o uv 1 nny l ot limit
my property ir. mysel!', in i rier lo uiako
lllV cMtein o moie cndiirab'i
norj comfortable. And the very nature
Ot (Veil
oi n u man society l.isuch, that tiie liberty,
as well as the liie and propeity of every
one pa5,-es by the fact of iho existence of
1 o ll'.sel Hill w lllll'.i ,ifilv..f il ...i.i
)(.tu.,. rvgated to day than it ever was
bidore, -and the hope of true, and stable
illl(i universal freedom, as the final ir.her-
jUi,eo f .,11 m mkind miyb; nine ri-
tiousilly ( lie: islied, than at any forinor
period. i,ul tho w isest men and t he
,fcst people know the bist--that this
, )f.,-s0 , , u .i,,,.,. f freedom fro,,, ,. .trusiit
js 110,K.,uv w hatever tint rest,-,!,,. U
w roil z : and I hat this tiniver-.d impnl-e
towards what they ni:iu by lilicrty, total
ly fails if itself in proving thai tiiey
who cherish it woul 1 do aught but mi-',
ehiel'.il'C d w r I o gratify all ' : heir des:r s.
It is one of I ho ino-1 i.oii-ie.1 fo I -i , .t . r
Immaii uatuio this coiisiuuiiiL' imiiulso
towards liber
md e luaiitv this la.-lini
of the jjoo 1 and the w ise t h it it
tnighl be gratitied-this total, lily
ol its graUlicaU.m, except under meei;i
r .. i . . ,
cuuuiuons oi a ivaiiccinent. r;.u:iiei as
vol l.v
yet liy eoiiipaiauvely small portions of our
race. (:;.) A i , 1 nov wetiirn to the ( ...,. .i
fpti'tuii ttit'l I :li,-f uj tin' It'itti iit !((-,', as the
tin .' expositor ol that !av of their nature
tn. dor tiie liL'ht of which the in-tilutious
(,i the civil. led Slat
to be iibol-
ishad and the iu-.piied teadiiugs of (iod
u,.0 to K, si,,(.,.,j . ,VL. ,n;,v take me lir.n
step. and then all is chaos, which thickens
us wo. advance. Assuredly there ii a sons,,
of gJ ,d a id t rue - an I t h';refoiv of light
'a, ,,t ju,t univei s.d p, our race; and a
( sense, moreover, thai t hde things apply
to, and o ight t reg dale, ad the e nidiN
jns and relat ions of man - sei vitiide in
nil its foiiiisii ii If there
j vvas ever an oinni m an I I eliel'eninmon to
our lace, thai servitud; in ils .videst sense
was contrary to the nut me of man ; tiieu
th race had before it always, in ihe a. t i
11 1 coiidiiioii ol tiie larger part of it, the
dearest pro l did the belief was absurd.
1 f there had over been sikIi a common be
liel strong enough to form the basis of
ble ; then half the lace would have inline
immediately jeiishod fro.'n ,v.u:t or uni
versal rapine would have become its h ib
it mil condition. Too belief bus, no doubt,
been common to our race in all time, that
every one ought to enjoy all the gifts nf
Gud, and amongst tho rest the inestimable
one of personal freedom, so far ns was
cmipatioio iviiu tne circumstances in
which God's providence had pi teed each
ititolk'il'li resj,o:i. (4.) I no last of th
four utterance of Ihe haw of alure
whiih we have speciued, is th -,(.-,'.( ,-.-, .
.Via ftlic I''"', as '.hat is exhibited to us ia
Ihe common sta',2 of the human race, in
nil ages, and in every slate of civilizitiou.
Hero there is no possibility of mistake.
Tne lesti'ii any is us unatiiui us as it is
frightful and .iiiver-:l. Tho diU'jr
cnl inces, the ditlcrent nnions
tlio ditl'erent tribes, tho dilferoiil
families, tho ditlorent individuals all,
everv W hel O. havn le! I 1 1 i,en,el I r l..s
o . : ii.,. , , . ,
men are in thoroughly convinced ihey
ought to lo masters," as their conduct
could povsibly prove Ihey were con -v
inci'd t Ii nt they ought tint to be t-lavcs.
Tho.-e conditionn ot mankind which are
alleged to rc-emMo most no.irly the eon
ditiou chiimed (o be iiatuial to man, a-e
Urn very eondilions in which servitude, in
some lorin or other, i the most sponlum
, , , . 1
ousandcrimplele; ar.,1 u i, in conditions
ol lulvaneei iivi iot on H,i .1 v
oi (Hivaneeil civilization thai the extreme
for us of seivitude gradually expire, tin
lcs soui!) peculiar element in the state of
society opposes mi insuperable barrier to
its exiineiion. It takes not liinr from Cn
bolirdless testimony, to in sei t that the
(beary conclusion it i stablishes is contrary
lo the reason, th( impulses and beliefs ol
inankind : I' r if t'.ie amcriion were trip-,
it only bhows (but inakiiid cannot be,
vylint mankind assorts, desirns, and be
lieves it should be. And the more deso
late the conviction this begotten m.iv be
(he more are we compelled to look lor
the mitigation of human sei vitudi not
to revol itions based on our potions of the
1 I' V ... I ...
i,i oi .Miwire, out the wise and temper
, , ..' . . . 1 '
tlndi r the inlliieiice of tho love of (iod.
And tins more all other rules of law and
ju Igeinent fail us, the mure ought we to
fuel obliged to i.ubuiit oii'-ielves t
the guidauee of Cod, in mat .ers which
I'oi.cei n lis so lien 1 1 as the-e now do
What rem. tins, is to eoniidi.c il
Sllcsilon oi fU.iii.lo servitude in the light
o, liyni levela io: That every lor,,, of se, , itud , u Jlt (0 bo
11 " liie Uord ol (.od that I'm. ameliom edconliuuallv, eenif wo ar
P"'at l"o'I',', 's completely solved. 111. sure it cm never be b ,js i0.l is as clear
, Plan serv. tune. , all Us forms, is one of , u,t, ,t po.'eny should b, alleyiated thou 'h
t he liadi;i!S O the fa en i niwlo ;,, ,! (I...1.... I :. i . "e"
'hone,,, , I ;. ,
, "-I iiy inciueni
of it. that n; g i.vat j i any parti. -i nr
, form ot it, or that augiiK'iiU ine Keveiity !
of all the lorin of it liom the very lightest !
j to the very iesl, is a separate proof'
I that our natural condition is one of sin
! and mi-e.-y. A ml whatever recoil tl,,.,..'
may lo in human nature agai.iit any form
1 or : el vitudc. is a km, of le-o im,,r e i., il .,
i , . . . I
original need Jin in which man was civil -
i':ioii iiiioiiiiijiMii mm, nun ) t1(. ri,
inaining susceptibility of the deprave I na
I . .. . i '" i in.i-
' , " "o.,,-.i , .,iio me uuor ma-
j ,' , ,. . ' r:,n "s
. eplor:iblo condition, show hov deeply
( tho grounds and reasons of that eondil ion
.ne i. on ii, in iruiue. .Vla.lei race. c-
,ii uo'iei me nraui oi loin and tlie eon
deu.r.ation of his holy law but bavin.'
his promise of deliverance even in this
lift and ol immortal blessedness in a bet
ter life to come is making i s way, in this
condition of probation, through the nges
mi I across tho earth. The roc i , w
oxpcrieiico of the cntiie cxi-lencc
of the race, and the uniform
course of divine providence, and the ex
plicit declarations of ( bid's Word, show us
in the cle irest manlier, that the e u cer (.f
Eiich a race, in such a state, an I yet under
such a j ii ion. niusi necessarily exhib
it much that is, so lo speak, unavoidably
"' to such 11 Cava', ill some respects ,'d
lev i. it ing. and in some rcsppet j.,f,ir,.
ing its ordinary, iiveragi; eon lititiii? War
is inevitable; sometimes in its result j;!,,.
rioiis and blessed, somelinies fiightfur in
all its issues ; but war, so far from bein"
of itself, and to all who engage in it either
iusl or sinful, i- often iitrocon . in, I ..
..... i r . . , , . .
a.nongs. ll.e nignest Utnics ,,t mankind.
.-sicivii ?ss is uie product o o: s m.) ol Ha l. up, our smlul race, and
is ol , .sell a temporal evil covering the
whole earth ; yet ,t ,s olien made an ,.-
, ., . .r . .l" - v-'is
sl.e ik.'l i e , oi. . .....
(..... :..,: , L. , e, i ii 1 1 s
... ,., i.seii siiiuu, .urrow ai
H e: ion are brought on us in nuni
' 1" I i'
.. .1, .,.. iu, , . ijuaiaer ,! often
, , V- leuioie, nut
I ;,,' ,i,l's. "" ,,n ,,"-,an';:: " "-
:ol the sin ol who snirers. 1'overty,
; a,,. its eo;,ser. t sulb'ring, is of itself one
oi the direst and nio-l nniveisil
ties ol mankind ; and yet it js tlit ,a,
oi many oi our nigiiost vntues and attain
ments .and so tar from being sinful of
itself, is the subject of i.iany of the in ist
lender an I urgent provisions b nh of the
I nv of God anil th" Giisp. l of Tlji-i-t . U
is to this great class of ec', of the in
itial conditions '' our rac!. that human
servitude in nil ils forms belonjs. Kyis
ting, like all we have named, uu 1 inulli
tudes besides, b.c.ius our condition is
ju t what it is a condition of sin an I
misery in a state o," probation; w.oii.h
inevitably, in ?oine form or other, in the
b som o!' such a condition ; muddied in
definitely, by every circu ii-lanc.- lh..t af
fects any considerable portion of tho race;
but utlerly im ip able of being permanent
I; and universally ab iliih '.iu, iihile our
rue; coin inuos in a sline ol sin and mis,
cry, itlended with probation. Ii seeiiis
t us .'i ainuin io eiu ine m u ..
- " - .- v..., lm ICiilMiai Ml ,s.
tor an I so: vant (in any form ol sei yitudel
sinlul ol I'.se.f, or to expect the rela.i i.i to
cea,e. upon e.u lh ; a, n is 0 call Ihe rela
lio i between a sick nriri and a well one,
an iilll.cted and happy m m, a rich
m iu and a poor, Mniul of itself, or
excciil -r of the u to e i n., lo nn ,.i. I
. . , . - .... .....
And tins, il seems to us, is t:,e simple, t,0
.I..... ..I.... 1,1 :.....! ...
i .in..,!,.!,, .mi me ci ip. in ai aecoiini ol hu
man servitiilo in all its pos. ible aspects,
and in its essential nature in the si dit of
.1. If we acknowledge iho sacred Scrip
tures 10 be the divine rule of our fail h an 1
our practice, there ought lo bo an end to
nil extivino opinions, "nnd all violent pro.
ceo lings, ( n this cntiie subject. I',uni
the days ol Abraham, tj tlio dotth of tho
his4, in-pire 1 Ap ..vie, the. e ai o io un.i
for.u doen ino, oiu uniform practice, one
unchanging aspect of the wholo matter
presented by God for thj guidance of
nankind. 'fhrouho it the total revela
tion which (iod has ma le lo thro'
oill the iiiimoiise jk-i ids eml r.ic iig the
dispeiisat ions of A bi aham, of Moses, and
if ( 'Ii rij! I, ii ma n ki.- t 1 1 1 1. 1.. II I ...... ;..
, . , , , ' "'""""on,
.lewis. i, Uuisti.iii, and heathen -and the
be ithcn lepc t of il. Midi us was present
ed in eveiy nation of antiipiiiy, Asiatic,
African and Kuiopean, down t' nnd niter
Ihe perioi1 ol universal dominion ,y the
linn. His; ueiinw. this unmeiise Kiibjcet
exhibited to us, in idl ils no.--ible be;iriii"s,
b Hod hiniscll. Never," in a single i u '
statu o, is il rc resented to us in ,i thin"
p.M'i in i.nrii ; a m avs as it t illl" ncliinl v
existing al,iV9u,be expeeled I e l
i.. . : ', , . ' ""'etl
goail in Ks. ll : alwavsasa thin" in.lonlK.
oi v. i , eoi hiiieiiMl aiel liented iuhisbiw
l iVnlaled by hi, piovid.'iic.', wholly ir
iiiin ui in i iiiici'i i iii" ins grace, nnd to
enter into our linal account to him l.mi,
as wo m ly be masters and as we may 1 e
servants. :n Ihe light of our CiithfuV
charge or imr wi!-kcd negl,.ct of our du
, ties to each oilier in that, iclition. As
masters, our guilt, if we neglect tho iju
, t c.i binding on us, or alius.; tho power we
possess : m that (lie slavery which exists
amongst u-., curie, this re-pou -ibility ton
height, which, to all thoughtful christian,
pels ins, gives the ins-muion onn of its burdens. To consider the
(ioi: on the side of tin' m ister, one, niom-
1 .. ..I . ...,.!'. . .... I . : . ...
i .7 "I "oiii lo lll.lli' ll, Is li) K),- ell 111 OllC.Y
one, on un' niner ji nni, to rob the reim
lion wliolly aijifet, c.iu bu found
ed only im t he notion thai all serviludo
was sinful, else on some f.upitioil idct
oljiistioe or charily, ithieli if rendero t
praetieal wnild put an end lo society, by
pull tig ,mi end to all motive lor any" one
to obt any sort of service fc.,,,, .' ,i '
, , oc preventeu.
that sickiu ss should be relieved, thotp
il is ee. tain il will recur lorever. Clear as
may he thejusldieali n of every form
sen pink- so lar as tne mere ij icstion
is c income t and rierleci as mm
Ihe right to persist in the ex trjme form of
it, s3 fir as the civil power is concerned
th 'U aio th ill s.iu 1 'Oiiiiibe'.if :oi,c ,..
i ... i . ..i i i .
i ii i'n'i imioiic, moral and Polilieu .
. which may so upon indivi luals and
liimuiiitios, i s to make it llieie,-
iy. nice r iveu i iieuaiii.ill ees, to put an,
end to Mie hereditary slavery which e.K
: ins amongst us, or under given cireum
! stances to m.iko it improper to i tlempt
or im pi;sibln to aceouiplisi, it Jt id
-u-, t I' ,., , ...
tend thai v.i-l legions of our coantrv
morally bound to the .a-l extremity
as their eliiel duly, to labor for the more
secure establishment and the more etl'ee
tual perpelu t;on of negro slavery ; nnd
e,iially so to array public opinion, and to
d.rect political parties, in other vast por-
u nu oi me co inii'V. to lie rciu'ess ,,
th'i de-lnie!:on of it, on any pretext
a i, union less ai, y connection with
in inn nature. iVo have already shown,
tu.u a nudum oii-ervane ot our eonstitu
tional obligaMo.i,- would pi.t nn md to all
such opinions and practice-, ;-fmd that
ilo'iv is uojudilication fjr any of
prineipl 's upon wnich they rest", or
pioce.'diuys to which thev lead, to
loiin I in natural law. And now it seem
clear, thar the only'.dlibie rule ol con
duct, ( iod's blessed Wor I, condemns in
the most positive manner, nil Iho pre
text concerning negro s'.aveiy, whether
u uio.xoith oral the South, upon which.
Iho public mind has been la hej
l vi . .. .-. .. . . .
I iii.i nie.-s. ci y is.lll lllsllt Ullor.. Whli. 1,
revolution neither perp -tu n ,r abolish
I exeep, und-r c in li ions ivholl- aeciilo U
al. And il .1, an.odoal I,' " . '1".
- v ei.iuies .Htm is career w,; havo tra;el, liially tri
w and af- umplis and this nation is dostroye 1 tiio
nmneiable real problem to h" all, rw.i-ds work" I out
: , .- . -i-. ... n,
.nt io i , career w.j havo tra;el, li,allv
' will b , the ultimate of
U l,i!e i.ue, or of a mixed race essentially
comment. Is the icaugiuii; iii- of
. l-W-m worth the ,; rr t,U Ml
!iu ' 's.ui
j I T, hr r,rM,;l nr.rt -,v.- 1
1 ' "
Tin: I mix Fi.-atinu I'.ATrKity. This is ft
n ivcl w if maehino designed for haibor
o.erations. nnd is at present anchored
near 'i.stle I'iiieluiey. It is constructed
of pahnotlo logs. sheathed w-ith plato iron,
and isMipjiosed to le; in. pregnable against
shot. Ii is e:,ib:-.' sin vil for and mounts
four guns ,,f heavy i.alibre. It reipiires
sixty lin n to operate it. T'-o lirsi im
pie.ssion ou seeing (his machine is that of
immense solidity. The on er or g in sid
is coy 1 with six plates iron two
I he n o i he I railroad teru,
li iiioiitally, and the other four
Cue over the other, in the strut. ost
aced -olted
ni ni-
nor and runnin.' vertically. Tne wall
the gun is lull four foot thick,
stnii'led of that po. Miliar pidm.-lio
so full ol'libn ii- tuiierial (hat. sixty
wood four
Pounders cannot pierce. Tlie main ,1
i ,v; roomy. In ninetr-en open chain
l I s, 'II l l,e , . ! S ,,! () l l lC W Q
is, lill l lie i .;. si ilil OI tip: I
f "in I a . rofu-ioii of shot -thirty-f.
pouiiuei .i- -wiine put iieyond then.
is an pile (,f sand bag-!, w hich ,roteot
an oveih.ingi'-g ro if under which is to bo
pi.'.c.i.l the ho-piinl. Tliis nlo protects
the maga-.iiic. (throe io imm ior,) un-
i n i c ,u l)
s,x entrance, to the hold, which will con-,
i wiiicii is uie nolo iironer. I ,ei,. urn
lain, if iicoessaiy, over three bu idree nion.
hen in lined il is kept in place by
heavy we-l-'es.driveii down by a sicei
es of
lam u li eh wnl hold t fast, and p event
any swaying mound by Iho ii le.
fcy-A friend, while ulkirg nf his skill
in the ska'ing line, was boast ng I ) Hii
o her that he could cut any lo tor, large or
:na ', w.t.i his skates upon ice.
'II i v do y m manage to dot you; i's ?'
a ke tho other.
' 'ii 1 easily euoui:!i,' was the reply, "1
cut the body o ihe loiter, anil in uttin;i
on tip; turn at the hotta n my heels l'oiic
rally s!ii fio n und"r ino nn I I coin
down pi a sitting poij'.tott, . inking tin,
most K" fee; d"t you ever saw.
iien ,i iiioir iiiaiios you a pair ol sill
pcis she w.uitsyou to pat your foot ia it
When a lady nia'ios you a pair of slip