'gritullural. ; A 8 wine Pasture. The praetice of good farmers differs in regard to Ue pBsturnge of ine according 10 their varying ciicunistniioes- In the East, where the country is most dfiiselj populated, and ) msturiigo i curce. the prevailing ounioih is to kci. pig in the ", n (or tho ".leattr part of tho ywir. The .xtt farmers consider the pig too valuable .a laborer in manure waking, to allow him 10 waste his energies i" roaming tho fields. lirefding s:tie, both males mm ovs, arc n'lowed a litti .''cense in green pastures, but tho reit of the herd, from the ng of iwo months, until they are slaughtered, ;.rc kept in close pens and futtoned an rap idly as possible. lTndr this system. Digs lioni ten moi ths to a year old are tuude to weigh about tliroe liunareu j.ounds each, nnd to manufacturo about ten dollars' worth of manure. j s system is undoubtedly the best where all the pasture is needed for cows and sheep, and where large quantities of manure are needed for tho lioed crops. I n-the West and South, where lanj is cheaper, good fotmers rely mainly upon pastuinge to keep their swine growing through the summer. In the newer set tlements they run almost wild in tho woods, and derivo a large part of their liv ing from wive t. Manure is little prized, ar.d the only valwo of the pig is his flesh, when slaughtered. Without committing ourselves at all to this method of making pork, it is conceded, that under certain riicu instances it is desirable ta have svvino get their owu living. Vhat sort of a pasture shall b prepar ed for them? A cone.-pen done wants to know if rye is the beet article for them. Rye is only reliable for a few months, and if sown at all, should l.e sown in connec tion with clover and grass seed, to make a permanent pasture M. W, l'hillips, a largo planter of Mississippi, has descurded j-ye, und now sows u niixtu.ie of elovcr, oats and barley. There is unquestionably a good foundation for tho proverb : "iiv ing like pigs in clover," and whatever seeds are sown, clover shculd havo a pro minent place among them. It furnishes larger amount of lc ivcs, than uny of the grasses, and is greedily eaten by 8win. They aro not very particular as to the kind of green food thoy have, and a fiuni-l er may consult his own convenience as to h.o kind of grain, or grass, he stocks his pasture with. Variety is better than any 'ue kijid, After the pasture is storked, it woulJ ie better not to feed with stvino the first year, unless their noses are jewelled to .keep them from rooting. It should not bo fed closely. A frequent change ftpui ine field to another is desirable, both f:r he thrift of the plants and of the animals. Pig! to bo fattcntd, should be taken out of tho pasture s curly as the first of .Sep .tetuber, and kept ir. closo pens. They can then bo kept very economically upon corn cut by the roots, for two months, and fin died oil' in November with old corn, or moil. Where a regular rotation is pursued, the last year of a field of grass may be devoted U the swinu pasture. As the field is to be taken up in tho Full for wheat, rye, or some i.i er grain, it will be of little con sequence if tho turf be destroyed by the rooting pf the sivine. Good Whitewash for Indoors. At tho roquest ol many sub-cribers who have not read the previous volumes of die American Agriculturist, we here re-publish tho directions given two years since for the best whitewash we have ever used. For a moderate sized house, say S rooms, i&lout 33 lbs. Paris white, a' d 1 lb. best white cluo are needed, Dissolve the glue in hot water ; also make n thick wash with tho Paris white and hot water, and add tho dissolved glue and st.fiicient water to make the wash of the proper consistence. As tho mass stiffens over night, it is better to mix each morning what is wanted dur ing the day. If left over night, warm, or add hot water to make it limpid. The Paris white is chalk cleansed from its impurities, and is only a very pure whiting better than i) ordinarily us.id for making putty. We use the Cooper glue, which is considered the best here, but any good vi ite glue will answer. It costs here 50 cents per lb. at retail. Itoth irti ties can bo obtained in almost every city or village. The above makes an excellent white wash, clean and white, anil not easily rub bed ofT. Its first cost ii mere than lime wash, but it is durable, and for nice rooms, it is far preferable. AuS'.NISTKKINU MEMI'INE TO HottSES. I consider tho usual method of giving med icine to horses by drenching, as it is call ed, highly objectionable. In this process, the horse's head is raised and held up, a bottle introduced into his mouth, his tongue pulled out and tho liquid poured In his struggle, somnof the medicine is rjiiito likely to bo dra-vn into his windpipe und lungs, and inflammation and fatal re sults sometimes follow- A hotter way is to mix the medicine with meal, or rye b.'un ; make it into balls ; pull out the horse's ton.i'uc, and place n ball as far back in his mouth as possible ; then release his toiip.uc, and he will uluiost. certainly swallow the bull. Or the dose may bo mix ed with meal and honey, or other sub strnce that will form ri kind cf jelly, placed upon a small wooden blsdo made of a shin jrle, and thrust into the back part of his mouth, when he will very easily swallow it. Oien;n Hr.AiEit. tyt Clltarfiflb tpiibliait, Ten uit Subscription. I r..i.l in dvnoe..oT within thru months, $1 2S If Mid any time within the year, . - - 1 SO If paid oftor the eipiration of the yeor, . 2 00 Terms of Advertising. AdvertisemenM ate Inserted mi iue riopuuncon at the following rates : 1 Insertion. ...... r. (11 line., f SO 2 do. $ 75 1 10 2 n .no's. $4 00 ft no g no 10 HO 12 00 S do. 00 2 00 'I 40 12uio Two squares, (28tines,) J Three squares, (42 lines,) 1 3 month" One Square, ! ' Two squares, : 8 i ' Three squares, : i t Four squares, : : : Half acnlumn, : : i fin. oilmnn. ! ! ! r. .. 4 00 : & 00 6 00 : 8 00 ci uu 10 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 35 00 14 00 20 00 Ovor three weoki ana less tlian thro inos ins .3 eents per square for eaah insertion. Eiriisu nstices not exceeding glutei are in erted for f 2 a year. Advortiumsnti net marisl with tie number of motions desired, will hi ecatinasi until forbid 1 snd eharged aocordir.g to these terms. JOB PRINTING. An extensive stock of .Tolbinj mutoria en.il.les the 1'nl.lislirr of the 'Jl.mUicun' Posters, Fai?s:iis, Programmes, Itl.ANX!. Pt?i Ecoxs, 1-IRCll.SRS, I..U.ZI.S, tkli. Ticxitb, llANimiu.s, nr.i every ind cf jointing usually June it) i coumryi oo oaor.. AU orUors will le exocute-1 wttli tidi ness nnl desjiatcli. O. B. OOODLAXDKR f- CO IHJSINESS CARDS. T. J. mVi IXOI OH. . M. M'tl LI.OI CII. M'C t'l.l.Ol C;ll i lllt(TIIi:it, Attorneys at I. aw. OfSee on Market street, opposite Mnssop's Htore Clearfield, Pa. Will attend promptly to Collee lious, Sale of Lands, Ac. ov7-14 II W. HAYS, Juhtiee if the race, will atten .. 1 .pronptlyto collections and other matter eft in fair charge. Addrcfs Kereey, tlk co l's Oct. U 160. ly. DANIEL GOODLANDEK, JUSTIt'li of lbs peace Lutbcrrburg, Clearfield Co. Ts., will attend promptly to sll burincts entrusted to bis csre. March 2, 1 tC0. ly. pd. F.LLIS IRvrN"& SONS, VT the mouth of Lick Ilun , five miles from Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extousive Mnnufactiirers of Lumber, July 2.1, 1S52. jTirTnOMI'SON, Blarbsmltli, Wsgens, liuggies, io., Ac, ironed on ahort niiice, aad the very bcetstyle, at his 1 1 rtand is t'ts kcrouU of Curuentville. Dec. 21), 1SS. UOBKRT J. WALLACE, Attshikv at Law, . Clearfield, l'a., Office io fcuiw's How, op. oaite theJturnul ofTico. dec. 1.JI858. tjT. DH. M. HOODS, hovlit etnnged his loca tion from Curwonsvills 0 Clearfield, res pectfully ofTcrs his professional services to the citinns of the latter pluco and vicinity. Itcsnlcnco on becoud streot, opposite (i st or J. Crans, Esq. my 5 lift. J. 0. hartswick, m. d. I'll) sic I an and Hurgeon, Cleurfield I'v, May 30, 1800. WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly snd faithfully to all legal business entrusted to his caie, in tho several Courts of Clearfield and adjoining counties. OBici lie one foruurly occupied by G. R. Itnrrctt. Oct. 2Cth, IS59 ly. IK. O. V. KTEWAKT 1)liysiriau and Siirpenn, offers bis profes sions', services to the citizens of Now Wanh ington and surrounding community. Office llireo loors went of the Watliington Houi-e, New Washington, Pa., Oct. 14, 1S.'. JOHN HUIDEKOPER Civil KxtJisruR &. Lank Si hvevor, olTers his professioual services to the citizens of Clear field county. All bueineM entrusted to him will bo promptly and faithfully executed. Office with Leonard, Finney if- Co. leveuYlkgaIm Justice of the peace Luthcrnburg, Clearfield Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all butinncs entrusted to his tiro. He alro informs the public that he keeps constantly on band at his shop, a general as ortmcnt of Saddle, Bridles, Harness nnd whips, wUli'li ho will soil on reasonable troius. April -Msec. r, PTC T A T. f! AP TV ctt tt .... i, r....i...i A. to the Inllcaand Centlcmen of Clear- field and vicinity All operation, performed with neatneKS ani ds-pi'.ch. Being fiunilinr with all the late imrrcviMnts, hois prepared to mnko Artificial Teeth in the be.t manner, Office in Slinw's new row. . Sept. 14th, 18S8. lyl. .1 lit. 11. I.AnillllRn. I. TFKT f All ItlMIlK A TKMT, Attorneys at Law 1 J Clearfield, Pa., will attend promptly to Col- Uiuhs, Lahd Agencies, Ac, Ac, in Clearfield, Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y HEXKY WHITEHEAD, Jl'STICH of tho peace Rockton, I'nion tp., will attend nmptly to all busincn entrusted to his care. Sept., 12, I860, ly. MOO UK & ETZWiLSU, Wholesale and Hetall Merchants. Also extensive dealers in timber, (awed luiml ber and shingles. Also, dealers in Hour an grnia, which will be solJ chetip for cash. Oct. H.lS.'iff. 1")onts A shoes of every kind for Ladies, (Ion 3 ttemen, and Children at It. W. f: CO's, D itstins Mill and rut .Vaws, Mann's ties and ' a general assortment of Htrdware at the store of E. A. 1RV1N. Curwensi-illo, My 1ft, ISftO. Call and examine the Patent air-tight Gins and stone jars, they aro just the thing you ucei', for t;l a'. F. , W. A CO'. Salt . 7"EUY CHEAP at the store of Janiil H M. t . IKK IX, IX AM, 1 ilos, Macsorei aoi iiornng for sale J ma kktmi nuibwi t . F. lRH'IX. t'learfio , July 11th 1S ). Avery Inrgo stock of Spring and Summer clothinitof the latest styles for sale law by tuiwonsvillo, May !, 1860. E. A. IRVIX. t.'ge variety at reduced pr. 1'-;lore. Curwonsvills 1(1, 'BO Stella nnd other Shawls in Variety at the chest Store of E. A. IRVI.N: Cin wcnsvillc, May 10. 'CO. XRl'IT. Dried Apples, Pared and unpared 1. Peaches, Cherries, Prunes nnd Raisin, st ' theCornor store of E. A.IRVIN COUNTY DIRECTORY. Time of Holding Court. Second Monday of January, Third Monday of March, Third Mondny of June, Fourth Monday of September, In each your, and coutiuuo two weeks if na eevsarv. C ounty Ofllcenu rre t Juilge.llon. Munuel l.mn. jieueionin. A't lodges, lion Wiui 1, Moore. Clearfield. Hun lien) ttiinsall, I.uthersburg Shor.lT, Fred'k U. Miller ClcarOeld rothnotiiry,Jolin b. Cuttle, " Keg. A Kee. .Tawea Wiifcl-y, " Di.irict Att'y Hubert J. Wallace, " Treasurer, li. I). lloiiillnnde fo. Surveyor. 14. 1!. Wright, (ilen Hope Lumber City Clearfield Mitrri"lnlo Comini'u'r,Wui. M'Crncken, Win. Morrell, S. ('. Thouipson, Auditors. II. 0. Itnwiuan. l'h flip burg laano W. Uruhaoi,Cleartield J. 11. Phaw, Coroner, Ueorge Uichards, " 1,1st of l'oat Offices. Twnthip: tnen'TioVef a 7. llower, Mrv Starr i Dtooaria, ' X- til. " "Tif l'!iot, T. A. M'Hhea Cunh, Ostrnd, ' ( learlield Crii, Woodland, I,utheriliurg, Troutville, Jefferson Lin), Foret, Neit Wncliingiuaf llurnride, Clearfield, Freni-hville, Karthaai, J. V.", CswrViU Lewis Siiiiih P. It. Miller I kj. vinuiuj K. II. Moore. Jacob Kuuts John lieberlinjj Jhs- llloom J. M, Cuuuuiiigs Jas McMurray M. Frank. F. Coudrict J F W aclmarr Samuel Way Centre county Kdm. Williams Klk county, l'n. C. MiKiiot William Carr A. 11. Shaw T. II. Forcce. J. A. Hof&i'ty C. J. Puney. David Tyler II. Woodward Kliia Chano (!. Ileckailorn 11. K. Mokel J, W. Thomps'n Jns, Thompson J. McClelland W. W. Wright A. C. Moore, ainuel Way Michael Wife. . F. Johnson T. Henderson Itlosm, umnsme, . . .. I-Corington Curwenfville, i;urweiiville, Decatur, I'liilip burg, 1 i' aruson, Marrun, Helen Post Office, Li'uounte's Millf, lluld lliil. Hlianivillv, (Iriibumton, iniths Mills, Madeira, Tyler, l'cnnfield, AooWlle, alt Lick, New Millport, llreckenridKO, Kylcrtnwn, Morrisdslo, Lumber City.f tirampian Hills, Curwcnsvillc, Illooniini;ville, ockton, . Jeflrie, X, CirarJ, u tiohau, t!rubtnv Ciulich, 4 Huston, Jordan, V I. ... . , Uwrc' ,.,, Morris, l'cnn, i ike, I'nion, Woodward, J This Pout Office will do for Client township f Will answer lor FerguKjjf tonnrbip. HARM'S WICK'S DRUG tj- VARIETY MAIIKET STREET NEARLY OPPOSITE JAIL Tho undersigned will have coimtnutly nn band a we 1 selected stock of Drugs, Chcuiicalu, Dye StufTs, Oi!s, I'aintH, Tobacco and Segars, Station ary, Perfumery, ltru.liof. and Fancy articles, which bo will dispono of cheap for cah. Ho invites tho public to call aud exumino his stock i.f goods before purchasing elsewhere. Country Physicians furnished with Drugs! Medicines, and Surgical instruments nt tho mos rensotmblo rates. .1. O. 11ARTSW1CK. Clearfield, Pa.. Dec. 2fi 1 SOP. Important Notice. Tho undersigned, late publisher of tho "Clear field Republican" takes this method of calling upon those who are indebted to him, or to Lari mer it Ward for subscription, advertising or Job work incurred during the three years commen cing July 1HJ7 and tndiug July 1800, to call im mediately at my oftico in tho borough of Clear field, and make settlement of the same, as these accounts MiiMf he. rln'tdvp. J. II. LAhltlMEK. Clenrlield, December 12, IMiO. If. look iii:ii:i look 111:11 1-:: I'WlIE undersigned subscribers, take this moth . oil of informing tho public generally, that Ibev harft this dnv entercil into colinrtnershin in I TIH'. ltt.ACk'KM ITU IIITMIVKSS. and can be found at tho shop formerly occupied by J. Sbunkwiler, nn Third street, in this bo. I rough, where they w ill be pleased to see the r old j customers, and as many new ones as can make it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, I Your log-chains ami your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, No three-year old shall thou go bare. Your spears will wmk up then just right, To prooning hooks for every height, Your swords too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshares such as Coin ne'er bought. JACOB SHUNKWILER, (1E0. W. ORR. Clearfield, December 8, 1S58. tf. RESH ARRIVAL OF - N KW GOODS! AT THE CHEAP CASH STOKE. I I Ju' receiving and opening a largo an selected assortment of lT AND WINTER (JOODS j i nmnsf pvrrv (Ipsr lillt inn j 01 tlCbCripilOIl, i c i k i ti ! r. CV milWflV. lU'a'Mtf UiJ if U.G A beautiful assortment of Prints nnd Dtoks goods, of the newest nnd late.it styles Also rgcal variety oi useiui notions. A large assortment, ready-made C LO THING, Bonnets, Shawls, Hats nnd Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qieensware, Druggs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Vncon and Flour, GROCERIES, of the best quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My uld friends nnd the public generally, are respectfully invited to call. Clearfield, Oct. SI, 1SB0. W.M, F. IRWIN. ffifT-N. II. All kinds ofd'M.Vand approve COI'XTIti PROM If. taken inexchange f uoous. , Flour. 1 00D ARTlCLE.Ior solo at the store of VI jsn23 W. F. IRWIN. I) ii o t o c: It A I II I C I'. H S 1 1! 1 C11A11L.E.S lll.)LiC, a. io., Ileg leave to announce to the citizens of Clear- field and vicinity, that thtir CAR will remain , for some t mi In he above named place, for the pur- w ..in nr nSiirihni, nil tinra.ina i.hnnM tn iret A first class PHOT OH R A PH or AMBROTYPE, From a Miniature to a Life-size. jMt-Ambrotypei and Daguerreotypes copied at' the shortest notice. in Clearfield, and Sinncmahnning in particular. Having had scleral years experience in the that ho is prepared to furnish them with Boots, tho eastern cities, they are confidont that they Shoes and On iters of any style or pattern, stitch- ean please all who may favor them with a call, ed, sowed or pegged, (and as he is a short fel Picturrs tnien equally as well in cloudy as in low) on short notice. clear weather. I All kinds of country produce taken In ex- 1'rlces, from rents upward mnrl.t-U change, and cash not n fused. Repairing dono . in the neatest manner and charges moderate, at Mackerel and Horring for sale at the corner the Short Shoe Shop oo Second Street, opposite storo r E. AIRVIN. Reed. Weaver A Co 's store. FRANK SHORT. Curwcnsvillf, .1ay 16, 'CO. 1801. 1801. i THE FIRST AHKIVAL OF FALL J WINTER GOODS AT THE 0ID STAND REED, WEAVER & GO. On Market Street 2 doors north o (he Court House, where they nrc just opening an unusually large and well selected stock of good?, suited to the wants of the commu nity for the Fall and Winter trade, which they ofli'r in large andmall quantities on the most reasonable terms call and examine for , vounsF.LVES-Thcir assortment o rjf, V mrtn? A MOTIOMG DRY GOODS 4 NOTIONS is very large and complete: embracing nltnol every article both of fashion and service. Es pecial attention has boon naid to the selection of LA Dibs DIIESK UUUDN, wlncli aro ol every variety and the very latest styles. Silks, Delaines, PI lids, Merinos, Poplins, Alpnccas, Cashmeres. French, Scotch and Domestic (jinghnim, Print, Linscys, Cambrics, Brilliants, Fig. and plain Bobinotts, Irish Linen Cloths Ac. Black and Fancy Cnssimorcs, Satinetts, jeans Tweeds, Corduroys, Hickory Stripe, Ticking Crash, Diaper. Bleached and unbleached in us lins drills, Red, lirey, While nnd Canton Flan nets. Also a birg stock of Ladies' and Uontie. Mvns' Shawls, Doublo and Single, Stellas ud Chenilles, Black and Drab Cloth capes of tlC very latest fashion. A Largo and splendid stock of Dress trim. es, .Notts, l'luini R. W. if- CO's, Ac, at V Largo stock of Mon A Boy's clothing, just received at R. W. A CO's Inrpcts, Drugget, carpet chain, Bags and J Bagging, Curled Hair Ac, at R. W. rf- CO's II ardwaio of every kind, kn. -es and fork spoons, Locks, Files, Kails, Cow to d and Hand snw. aid Mill fiiwat R. W. A CO's Initios' Bonnets and Hats, trimmed and un J trimmed, of the Lutost Styles at H. W. Jc CO's, ''T A' HIlls milm DENTIST. JJW roporattcntion to time will bo of great benefit to every one in point of health, comfort, and convenience. I1 Mil l s ar, idvavs be found nt his of fice, on tho corner of Front and Main streets, when do notice to the contrary appears in this paper. A1V operations ia th: V.tie of bis profession performed in tho lntett and most improved styles, and guaranteed for ono year against all aturul failures. J O II N O I) 1: L L , UrilOLSTEIt AND CAHKIAOK MEK, TRIM. Iiocaled at A. IT. Shaw' Mills, one mile Kast of Clearfield borough, Respectfully informs the citizens of Clearfield nnd adjoining comities, tbut he is at all times prepared to manufacture nt tho shortest notice, Hair, Husk, nnd Strnw Mattresses of all kinds nnd sizes, ono of which is a Folding Mat. tress, suitable for CABIN'S ON HAFTS, whicl can be folded in small compass, nnd emptied snd refilled at pleasure ; and very cheap. He also trims Cat riages, makes repairs to all kinds of Carriage Trimming nnd Vpholstcry, nnd makes Cords for Mason s Tracing Linos, of any thick uess or length. i'it-Country Produce, Corn Husks, or Cash taken in Ktrhango for work, . rflAII orders left w ith any of the Mcrcbnts Clearfield borough will bt promptly ultcmlod to. 'dcc20 JAMr.S T. I.EOXARI). WM, A, WAI.LACK. D. A. I'INSKV A. C. KIMMKY JSanhinn anb Collection Mtr or LE0NAR7), FINNEY &Co. C L E A U F I L I), CLEAllFIhJ.I) COL'Xrr, PA. jsii.i.s oi. EXiiiAsnr, notes Asn nnAtrs piscointk I) i'ositm iir.ci:i Ki), QolleMion made and proceeds promptly remitted Kxrhangc mi (lie Cities constantly on hand. O0flico on Second SU, nearly opposite the COURT HOUSE. 'jnROXE CITY HOTEL. Col. A. P. OWENS, PRorRiF.Ton, Respectfully announces to tho travelling public tbs.t be has now taken charge of this Inrgo anil well known houso, nnd will conduct it in such a manner as will render excellent comfort nnd for, '-'ijfuction to all who uny favor him with v call. nov7-ly T IO C'OXSUMITIVI'.S!Tho advertiser. having teen res lured to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered for several yenrs with a severe lung affec tion, aiid Hint ilrcd disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his tWlcw-sufierors the means of cure. To all who desire It, ho will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge.) with the di jctions for preparing and using the suite, which they will find a suro cure fur Consumption, Asthmn, Brcnchitis, 4c. The only object of the advertiser in sending tho prescription is to bene fit the afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to bo invaluable, and he hopes .every sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Persons wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, nov7-ly Williaiusburgb, Kings Co., N. V STItlklNfi 1 111 A ! Trr rmrmlium Erriltrnttit nmoiir th i i .mi ifvciTivu rnnT n ice ( fc p,,;,,,,,,', ,.ni,re nn4 ie nluriuu, For pBr . ' f . Jh 1!llclmnnn rrK, , , , f ...... Cross Recaptured ! !!! It seems to bo the genor al opinion in Clearfield, that if Cross had worn a pair of Frank Short's French-calf Boots, that he would lint be taken yet. However, Shorty is not much put out at missing his custom ; but would announce to all llrcrkinriilyr, l)nui)Ut, .iiieon and IUII mm, and women and children j N. II, Findings for sale Sept. 2(1, ISfiO- UUSSELL Mc MURRAY Keipectfully invites tho attention of bis old cut jtoniers, and others, to his stock of j FALL AND WINTER GOODS Which he offeri VERY LOW FOR CASH! lie ulo continues to dent in LUMDEBof al kinds, in uny way to suit his cutomori. j The highest inaiUet prices will be paid fur al kinds of UltAIN. 4,17 v a ii u i tj u aa . Xn V.'iinhington, Nov. 1, 1 SCO. novT-Bm rpiiH ci,i:.rti ir.LD academy, wii I bo opened for the reception of pupils, , initios and females) on Mondny, Aug. 28th, I860,' jrrmtper session ot eleven Weeks Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arithmetic and 6'eogrnpby. $2.60 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geog raphy aud History. $3.00 Algebra, (feotuetry, Natural Philosophy and Hook Keeping $1 00 Latin and Ureck languages. $0 00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify themsnlvea for teachers, this Institution offers desirnble advantages. No pupil received for less than half a session, and no deduction made excopt fur protracted sickness. Tuition to bo pnid nt the close of the term. C. 15. SANJiFOUD, Princii'al. May 23, lMO.- Ir. W F I H ill. Ai f NE IV GOODS. Just rereiring and opening at the Old itai of Lewis Smith in liothlehoin a well selocted a sortment of Spring nnd .Summer Goods of ah moat every description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment) Prints nnd Dress Goods of the latest styles, also a vuiety of useful No tions. Huts and Cups, Boniets and Shawls, Boots nnd Shoes, Hardware, (JuEenswarc, Drugs nnd Medicines, Fish, GROCERIES, Tobacco , Segars nnd all articles usually kept in a country Slere, nil cheap for cash. . Uivo us a call and see for yourselves. H. L. HENDERSON, A CO. May 21, 1:100. To Persons out of Employment. A CENTS WANTED. In every County of tho United SIhIps, TlO engage in the sale of some of the best nnd 1 most elegantly illustrated Works published. Jur publications nrc of tho most interesting character, staple J to the wants of tho Farmer, Mechnnic and Merchant; they are ublished ir tho best stylo and bound in tho mo substan tial iniinncr, and nro worthy a place in the Li brary of every lUuschold in tho Land. i-'-To men of enterprise nud industrious hab its, this business oilers an opportunity for prviit able employment seldom to bo met with. i-ft. l'rons desiring to act as agents will re ceive promptly by mail full nnrliriiliir. t,.nu. Jc, by adclro: iait LEARV. (iETZ A ce. Pub, i-o. u iNoriu ttrtct, 1'uiladelphia. Oct 21, 1800 ly. WATCH & JEWELRY rpiIE undersigned respectful! 1 informs his customers and the pulilic generally, that he has just received from the East, ami n. en. ed nt his establishment in UHAIlAifS ROW Clearfield, Pa., a tine assortment of Clocks, Watciiks, ami Jkwkmiv of different qualities, from a single piece to a full sett, which ho will sell nt the most reasonable prices for cash, or in exchange for old gold oud silver, CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at tho mttt reasonable prices. ALL kinds of Clocks, M'ntohes and Jewelry, carefully repaired und irarran'ct. A continiiiinco of patronage is solicited, Sept. ID, istiO. H. F.NAL'GLE. NEAV HOTEL. The undersigned respectfully begs lenvo tt announce that ho recently rented a houso in tho borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pn for tho nrcommodntion of the travelling public, watermen and all others who muy favor him with a call. His tablo will always be supplied with as good as tho markets ufTord; and no pains will be spnred to render his 'iiets comfortable while under bis roof. To winch ie facts that no in toxicnting liquors or any kind wiil bo kept about the premises, will he trusts, contribute in no smnll degree. While, what is always Important to the traveller, tho best attention w'ill bo given by careful hostler to that faithful compauion of his journey, his patient steed. July 4, I860. ly. JAMES CROSSLY. ArAitHIA;K C;UII)I3 Being a private M. instructor for married persons or those about to be married, both male and female, in everything conccruing tho physiology and rela tions of our sexual system, and the production or prevention of i,nltrin inl.liu all tt,. nu discoveries never before given in the English language, uy n .u. 1 JUU, M. V. This is really a valtiitblo and interesting work. It is written in plain lantruaco for the ironnml ,.J., .! t. illustrated with numerous engravings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, nnd having the least Impediment to married life, should read this book. It disclosos secrets tbut every one tdiould be acquainted with j still it is a book that must be bickod up, and not lio shout the houso. It will be sent to uny one on receipt of twenty, five cents, in specio or postage stamps. Address Ir. M M, YOVNtl, No. 416 Spruco st, above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. .7MT- AlKicled mid I ,,;., t..,.t. v ... wh.it may be Vour disease, hefi.ro vu .l,,a ,.. self under tho care of any ono of tho notorious Quacks, native or foreign, who advertise in this or any other paper, get a copy of either of Iir. i .nS b oooks, ana roao it carefully. It will bo the means of aving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described ia his publications, at his oflice, No. 416 Spruco tt, above Fourth. n7-ly Mnriumc Scliwcmrs Infallible Vegetable Powders For tho rpcedy and effectual Cure of all Inflttm m (if i on, Rhumi tinm, Dytprpnia, nnd Lirrr Com. Iilnint aud all Anile and Chmnie Dlnnm of A: diilta mid Children, Bend 3 cent Stamp to her Agrnl. (J. U. JONES, Hundreds of testimonials Box 2070 Phils. P 0 XA,,enci S. W. Cor. Third & Arch 6ts. Oct 24, 1800 lOt. I)oots and Shoes. A larger stock and lower ) prices than ever, at Irvins Cheapost corner. j iJurwcnsvillc, MaylG, '00- F' adlcs dr;r. g.-,u Is, of patterns and texture to J please all, will be found at the corner store . Curwinsvilie, Mny 10, 1?90. E. A. IRVlN- A. ITER'S SarsapariUa i-uk ruairriNQ the blood, And I the speedy cure tt tl.t following cwiy. Scrofula and firrofnlout AiTrr Ma-. V U Tumors, Ulv.re, orea, KrWaii Pimple., Pu.lules, lllotth, "", Blaiui, aud all akin Ul.e...,.' "" J. C. Ain Co. Oeuiti 1 feel it ,r di ? knowleJge what jour srHll luu ibu. il llaviui Inherited a Scrululuiu Infection. 1 h... 7. from It la various wiiyi for jours. Swatiin, h out III Ukora on my IimhI auj anna; .awL?" tumid inward and dUtreswd ait at tin Uoaucli tL' yam ago it broke out on my head and eottmi a', and tnrs with one sum. which was painful and luJJ1 beyond dctci iptlon. 1 ti hnl ninny uimIIcIiifi mTim pli) nicfuua, but wllhonl much relief from any IhlaT1? tact, the disorder graw worse. At letiKtli I aa m read In tlis Uospel Mecii;er that yoa had J2?' alterative (Saraaparillal, fur 1 ktww fruia ,.!. Jr" i .i... ...J t. i .. '. iuu tn.. i.,i iiiiiih ...iim-j -.ii-. ur ama. j Oiacinuall anil gut It, anil umi It till It cured ma. l y. It, at you advlM, In small dowt of a liipoonru moHth, and used almost throe liottlea. New and basal kin soon lie);n to Kirtn iindnr the scab. hica ittZ while fcll off. My skill is now clear, and 1 know bL' ImIIdes that the disease baa aoue rrnin my lyiico,, r can well beliefe that 1 frnd aliat I ant amvhig wliea lw you, that I bold yon Io be one vf lbs apuatlei uf uaa auu reiuaiu car ginvriuiij. lours, AMIlt.U D IAUn, t. Antnony nn, itoia or Krrili l etter ana Bait naenui, srald lieu Ringworm, Sore ISpcs, Droper, Dr. llobert Jl. Preble writes from Salem, M. T,l' repv lov, uiai ,io una riuru .11 mc.cfaie Cea Vropty, which threatened to terminate fatally, ( 4 persevering nee of our garmparilla, auri also a tlaura. Malignant Vynyoi by large doiet nt the am;a Oe cures lie CVIIIUIWI nrutvn. vj 1. tajiiaiaiiuj, Dronrlioccle, Goitre or Swelled Kttk. Zebnlon Sloan of fnispm-l, Tola, write : "TbmW tie of vour garsanarllla cured me from a Mi11.1L eoos aarelliiis on th uerk, which I had luleiel t ever two years." Licnrnrrhora or Whites, OTarlaii Taaaj Uterine Ulceration, Vernal Dlseaiti,1 Dr. J. I). fl. Cbannlng, of New York City, aril;. moet ebeerfnlly comtily with the request of your Lpii, saying I bare found yonr t4arsrllla a moaluoiat alterative in Ilia numerous complaints for Mtt, employ such a remiHiy. nut esHciiiy in tHnau Aata of the Hcroftilou dlailifsla. 1 bare rnreil ninny lata, ate rases of lurnrrlior.1 by It, and eonie vheto Ihta, plaint was canieil by u'cmifufi of the lmu. Tbaaa. ation itself was eoon cured. Kolhlnir wlthia mj bar, edge equals It for these fenrnle deraiiReiuenU." tdward 8. Marrow, of Newbury, A la-, writes, "i,, gerotis omrian tumor on one of the ftutales hi niyhab which had ilcllrd all the remedies we could enakn,, at length been compli tely cured by your Kitrectefk, oparllla. Our i hniclao tlnantht uothiiif Imt em thin eould afTuril relief, but bo advised the trial utt. SarsapariUa as the last resort before rntllni, lei 1 proved eflectual. Annr luklnir yimr remedy elgbt tea no lymptora 01 the intense remain,-' Syphilis and Mercurial Dlitaii, Nsw Ohi.caks, 2.Mh August, 111 Ds. J. C. Arrst Sir, 1 clieorfully comply with tt, J quest or your agent, ami report 10 you some 01 tbtsjai 1 hate reamed with your Harsai arllla. I have ciin-il with It, In my practice, moat of tatsa Plaint for whi. h It la rerom 111 ended, and haTefbaai.l efTocta truly wonderful In the cure of IVnereirl ni ,! atrial Ihteatt. One of my patient bad Sypliilitkiltal In his throat, which wero consuming bis palate aaliu top of hi mouth. Your Pursaparilla, atcadil; iij cured him In five weeks. Another na attacked r)4 ondarj symptoms in bis nose, and the ulcerata. ktl eaten away a cotisideimhle part of It, ao that I UUmia disorder would anon reach his bralu and kill htn, lei yielded to my adiniiilstratlon of your Haraaparllli; J ulcers healed, and he ie well again, not of eourst nk ome dlshilmtiun to his fnro. A wotnau who liaS ia treated lor the same disorder by mercury was wftr from tills p dson In her Imuea. Tlicy had beroanaa sitive tu tho weather that on a dump day she mllneli cruriatiuL pain in her joint and bine. Sbt. Itai cured entirely by ynur t.iaaarilla In a lew wu Know iroin It lor inula, which your agent gate m this l'reiaratlon fnini your leboratoiy must bet remedy; cuutequeatly, I lies truly rciuaikabla ma with It uavo not surprised lu. IratorHallj .wain, 0. V. LARIMER, 11.1 Kheuinatlam, Uont, Llrer ComplauJ Ipsfsdnh, Preslou Co., Va.. 6th July. lW 1 Da. J. C, Arm: Mr, I hato liern atltlcted with a aof tu chronic kUrumutim for a lung llnie.whirli latlMu skill of phyih hiiis. and shirk to me In spile o( ill u reinediua I couhi llnd, until I tried your Namarwrllla. Da) bottle cured me In two weeks, and reeti,rt'd my rnsu oeaiiii so niucn mat I am lur better than bef! attacked. 1 think it a wonderful uirdhhi. J. Vlilll Jules Y. Octrbill. of St. I,.,ui. rllii "I limb, nllliried for years with an aJTrctiim of IA .ir,ko ib slinyed my health. 1 tried e? ery thing, and ery Iks fulled to relieve me ; and 1 bare li en a broken itoei at for some ysara from no other came than aVrunpraeW tt iitvr. My tailored pastor, the Itev. sir. hsr.fir roe to try your tfanuiparilla, because he said he ten )n and any thing you nnulewa worth trying. llvtktU IngorOod It baeciinnl me, and ba ao pnrifird aiy to as to mate a new me.11 nt me. 1 reel young avala. Tie iH-st that can be said of you is hut half good eiiouiV fS l.irrua, Cancer Tumor, Knlargrratiil I leriutlon, larlca ami Kxfollatluan the lionet. A great variety of rawi have been reported totuekrl cures of tlne formidable complaint tiavo reaiillrd Hi the use of title remedy, but our apace here will arti! tin in. Some of them may lie fmiul In cur Amnvl Almanac, which the agents below named art pleaW il iiirnitu grans to all won ran lor them. Dyspepsia, Heart Dlacase, Fit, Cpllif uy, Mclancltuly, Neuralgia. Many remai kabln rurua of Ihrs alTertieai hn ten made by the alterative mwr of this uiedklne. It Ki late the vital functions Into vigorout action, aul tit overcome disorder whlrh would le siiptmM'd beyoeda reach. Such a remedy haa long tieen required by latw erstltins of the people, nnd we ure confldiiut tlatlluin do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral roil TUB RATID Pl'RB OP Coughs, folds, Intlncnta, Hoaneatnl (roup, Uronrhltti, Inilplrnt tea uuipiion, a il lor ine iteiici of CnninmpllTt Patients In advanrcil Stages of the Illaeaa. Tlilt 1 a remedy so universally knows to nrraSj other fur (lot rnre of llirnat and Inrir rnninteintt. ItS it uselea here to publinh the evidence of It vlrtM I'l unrivalled excellence for cough and colds, ana iu in- wonderful cures of oulmonarv illaease. have aek l known throughout the civiliwd nations of Ik art lew are the communitiee, or even families, amoar te who tiara not some peraonal eiperienceof Iti fSV some living trophy lu their midst of its vltoryowr sulitl and dangerou disorders of the throat tl A all know the dreadful fatality of these dlwnlcfl.'" at they know, too, the effect of thlt reniMly, wctrXs do more than to assure them that II haa now all u tnes that It did have when making I hi cure wbtek a" won so strongly upon toe conlldenee of raanklna Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYKE & CO., tewell, I jT?-Sold by C. D. Watson, ClearMJ I1 Irwin, Ctirwentville ; F. Arnold, Lutbintol Montgomery A Co., New Salctuj J. C. I!r" Morrisdale, C. It. Foster, I'hilipsburg; asi V Chase, Ansonville ; and by dealers ertrrskts CLEARFIELD STONE WARE POTTEIJ- Thankful for nnsl fnvnre anil antieiliouisl''! , i - - j ' ture patronage. I would respectfully ssnoitl mat k nave on nnnu again, ana wi.i ci.-i 1 keep at tho I'ottory in this borough, ea tbi"j I nee llinrt ili.t.n.ii ...I f ,1, M ..thiulilt ChlKS a largo stock of Crockery, such as Cresn erndl ; uuia puns, vutirns, jugs, jars, move pipv i i dc. d c. : and also iu eitcnsiro auorto"1 ' different sites and patterns of brsckftl "I rosettes for cornice on houses, and other '1 1 , I Anv mouldines not on hand will Ve olilnp nn el,..e( nnlin. llui Sm ... 1 L...I r. ..In mtm ltrH ll fJISIt,, ' .! i:i.. i j . : mjt wholosalo dealers. F. LEITZIStlf j Clearfield, mny 2.1, 1870. ly. Cabinet. Chair Makincr. "srnnv nn rrii f it,. i.,.,..nb of Cler'l f l'a., will be prepared at all times tosttMJI I.. V ;.. .1.. .kn.. line OO 1 iu nuj wueiiioDs in hid i.iu.v . . . notiuo, and in a workmanlike manner. J ! of business is at the old shop on the north J,1 Market street, d door east of Third ft. opposite the old Jew store j where he will 1 constantly on hand a large assortment of hoguny and Cane Ilottom Chairs, nl! .C.'l,, : Ware of every description, which he will 'T of on as reasonable terms as the isms "' M . w. V. . L.J .1 I. 1H . I. . ..... lit V von oo nail cibi lit-, ill mo vi..j- . j I His stock of Cabinet Ware now on bsn4t H sists in part of Dressing and Common Bs"J iBofas, Hewing and Washing Stsnus, '" : i Hook Cases, French and Field Post Bed it Dinti g, Breakfast, Centre, Card snd fier bs, A. Coffins manufactured and aeiivs" i any place desired. I I February 9, 1859. no. 4, wU I -s. o. ..... endPn'; Curwensville, ily 16,' 'CO.