.wax - ffh O'lfiifiil ilfi'i'llidil " 'j t W I'M i ' . M ' I ; 1 1 ' I"' I A! ' V t'i ill c i i fi 'i ii-C I 1 u-n 1 1 1 n i ' .ill ii li.-n a ;umUt rf "HI '''' lMM.I-.-i...ri. . .I'm MiHiHt.1. bane, eo, Pa, Apl. Il.Ssrtl. Mifr ;'' ''"".'" ''' , , Jb undersigned, )"iir fellow i ili.Mi, ill (T unavoidably absent lioin their lmn?c. mil I1.1t (IcMilrtlnu L.r n moment, thai .'Iimt cherished i-min ly will furnish Iht lull ti.lu of llii military full ed fr ' y tint Picsi lent "f tin1 United Males, t'i maintain iiml defend tin' Gu oriiineiit In this k our of peril, tike this, 'In1 '-arliest opportunity, pldgo thou solves to each other, mi'l t'i th" yublif , for th pi.yniciit i f tlio lespcitivu sums ct oppi.fi cur names, for tlio iiialnleunnco of the families uf such patriotic ciliiens of tho coun ty as my volunteer or he enrolled in the service tf their txuntry, during tlio period of their nb- cnce. William Irwin, of Cm wensvillo, Jonathan Royntou.nf Cli-ai 'field, John Pattnn, of Curwcnsvillc, James T. Loouard, of Clearfield, William Riglor, uf C'U-nr'iol.l, lvvi i Weaver, of Clearfield, , R. BarroW, of Clearfield, i. H. Lytic, of Lumber City, J, r. Nelson, of liruham tp. An adjourned meeting f tho citizen wiwj held In front of the Aiuiury last night, ut which ( $1170 was promptly added to the above, and aj number of volunteer's names enrolled. j JJamj Ovui.-C. I.miicli "ho lost h . coat, pocket Look, money, Ac, nt tliei " Pig l'lkb," oe;s $10 reword to the finder, I llimmi! lltamvN I'll-. I LOWS. Ollt' fl iellll ! Col. Vnssmo-.e rcfiures roUco that Ins bel lows is now in lull blast k: his r.ew sliop. A Goon Chance iou I.t mukumkn An enterprising lumberman wi 1 iiml a first rate char.ee in tlio oiler of Uiill i'l: Jones, At Duncnnnon. See his advertUunent. 3Ua it. We invito the titteiitfon 01 our reader to mi extract iVoin ui.api'ri written v Hov. h'. .J. ISueckenkiimiic, pub-; lisbed on our first 1 age. The author nev r trust jiolitioiau, but wns known as a1 Whig, anu huteily n member ol the I in.ar;Mii mil l v. 'i'hoinjli wi li.-ips too late to bo tl any real henelit, yet we run not forbear the temptation to lay ciiti menlSBOpuiely patriotic iind national le for nur readers. Ve may yive l'uilher exttacU fioiu this document in our next. Prepaio for tho Worst. We dentil umr duty, at this time, to train our fellow citizens to take time by the forelock, to set their houses in ordei , and prepaie, as far as possible, lor tb" worst, f'ui' lumber bur-inofS is enlnely ruinod for the present. Our lumbermen Jmvo spout their laU dollar m taking Ihoir timber to nimket, hud cannot now dispose of it at any price. It is theieloiv the dulv of all of mto look tlm fnlitlul I iron pec t full in tho face. U'c can do mucL to alleviate our wants, if timely )IOcnutions mo hrtsbxl. I-ct us all, therefore, go to work as if we . " there va no help for us beyond our own re source, to keep our fatnil ies from fcbso ltA n.l i,in,.iiii want. W li ore ver t here ii a foot of unoccupied .round let it be . made to jnoduce Mint thin a fort hv siiKte nnnce of man or beast. Those who have no land, may h avo strong arms, and can eultivai3 tlrit which lai tro owners cannot j cultirMo -and put his faith in Providence I to " g"7 the increase." j , THE SOUTHERN POUTS KbOCKAPKI). Preident Lincoln has iued a Prr.elainalinn : blockading all tho porti in all tho States Sottli of Maryland. ANOTHER PROCLAMATION FROM O0VKR NOR (I'RTIN. . Oot. Curtin has i.-mcd a proelamation calling n eitra session of tho Legislature to meet at IIarristur0' on the 30tli iii'tiint, (n week from to morrow. for tho purpose of "rtialiliu; tho Kx.'C Utiva to rniike the u, ilit:iry power of tho State as available and efficient as it should bo for tho common defence of the Stato and General (iov- PUBLIC MEETING. j In pursuance of public notice a meeting of j the eitixens of Clearfield was held in tho Town j Hall, on Monday evening last. On motion tie ( Tborn was n poi.i ted President and T. J. Mc- , Culloagh and 1. W. Rheam, Secretaries. The object of the meeting was then stated by , Mr, McEnally, when, on niotions of W. A. Wal. ! lace and J. B. MeGaally, Ej.' , die foil iwing j preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : from the Union under nn assumed riht so to do, .and forgetful of thoir duty have inaugurated war against the Hovcrmneiit of tho I'niteJ Etntes ; uud are usurping authority and control which j-ightfully bebii(;s tr, the Federal Government ; .and aa tbe first duty of every citizen is, to sus tain and uphold tht Hug of our country, and tho (Union ef tho States, and obey and prosorvo tho flanctity of the law. And Whereas the President of the I'nitod State baa called upon Pennsylvania to furnish troopt to aid in tiistaininjr the Government, maintaining its dignity and proteetirg the Capi tol against invasion and in diventing ourselves, of all party affiliations ami beiiiK willing to res pond to tho call, and whereas, the Washington Cadets of Clearfield have offerred their services to the Governor, and are preparing lo leave their homes at the call of their country. And it being nmnifestly proper that provision should be mad for tho support of tho families of those who may volunteer therein. Therefore Kosolred, That nn Executiv Couimittoo to consist of five citinens bo nppointod by tho Chairman to proeuro subscriptions for laid pur pose and report to a meeting to to held in this place on Munday evening next, 2!Uh of April. All whose names nre hereunto subscribed do hereby agree to pny to tbe Committee appointed hy this association, to be called tho "Clearfield Hcliof Association," the sums set oppisito our names respect ively to be appropriated to tbe ro ller of the families of such persons in our vicini ty ar may (so into tho military service of nnr country, and may hereafter need relief. The' money io far as it is needed is to bo paid to said Committee from timo to time by ncsessinpnts and to be distributed through said Committee to the aforesaid families as they need it. The Committeo to consist ol 11 vo persons to he elected or chosen by tho association, and tihv0 a Secretary by whom a aittalul record of all money's ree'd and paid out shall be kept, lly whom all subscriptions, records and proceedings shall he kept in proper order and an account rendered to the association nn.n called upon. A meeting of the association may bo called by tl. President ef tho same 01 by any fivo members after public notice. And in tho nnnointment and chango of the Committee as well as in other natters, the majority shall rule. Whereupon the Chair appointed J. P. M'Enal ly. Wm. A. M'.llace, T. J. M Cullotigh, A. M. Hills and U. L. Reed, the Committee in pursu ance of the Orel resolution. j On motion, the proceedings were ordered to P eigaed by the officers and publi.bed. $1000 illO 500 ;;oo liO IjU ISO 1 ..u 40 1 I - 1 iv vi. I int. l! i- lb ' M tl,. . I 1 t 1 I I . . M,M I ' I. " Ul I I .- 1 1 .. Ii . t ' ini 1 . n ( 1 "i'l lli' 1 "ill-, I 11 1 M. I. 1 ' t, t Irit a 1 - mi 1 t.;' n ti 1 1. it 1 b It 1 1 11 1 -i 1 in 1 '! I n I . 1 1 I'll V . ' 1 1 d 1 . nti'l. I r 'llilll lti I 1 ( '-u l .1 'ill i. M' hi' Hi I'll, n I,' I 1 'I 'be M"i. HI if. I Ml V lit Sfllill l, II t i Ul i i'l n I I I.' ol tlldltill) 'l'lt I he 'I "X'l Mi ipt-H aie ll'iatina iii ll .'i nl.-i" in ir li 1 mu-ie is coti-taiilly ll latt li.' oil Ibe bli t e, iind I' r Ini'lid.el ol the Wa-hilij! t. II ('inlets, Cup!. l."i:ii'ie, nie aetivclv be.-itiiinp ict-inis lo fill their ranks. It is thi'Ui..'l tbej ill lie l" idv lo 111 H ill by the lime itiMiteis me pn vidi d for more tic'ps nt Hal 1 isliiilj.'. I 3lclu bcrtiscnunts. 1 To Lunibrriurn : SAU Mil l. KOR SALE. 1 have erected a new first class MAW-MILL for Eighty feet Timber, nt IM'NCANNON, below Green's I'uni, on the SusiUchniitio r.nd desire to have a Part ner who will furnish Squared Rafted Lumber at Green's llam, to stock the Log Pond to its full : cnpa.'itj. This Mill will have tho coinniand of tho niar ' ket in Petersburg and liuneanimn nnd of two thirds of Perry canity ; and a largo amount of j busim-ss may be done at good prices. It is on the iV'tinsylvauia ltaioad, and in communica tion with Philadelphia 11 ml I'altiui'.ro. ! lu tho present depressed state of the Tidows- ter market, I invite attention to a home market 1 that will remunerate. Address earlv bv mail, or 'call on OH1FP1TH JONES, i"-ii Uuncanuon, Perry co., Pa. M I ( WW4 ' I' I b Mil ) if . 1 't 1 1; r , i IM Al.i.lLl.i; i:i:mi.iH t KM'Ws. Ill knt llmlnllH) i.vi kv i u m M n;t u s it V KUM IN- i . i! 1 1 , . ., I . 1 - " !' : I. .linn I. i Al'l'"-''!' I,.-. . V Ml. I . II'.'.' I 111" II I , ! H',11, 11 ii-M I ' I 1 it 1 i m 1 1 ; i us nn iii'i'r, I 11. now iiir.iiMj; 10 nuv .1, I Tb'i'e rreparatinns (tniliko all others,) aro I "Free from Poisons." j "Not dangerous to the hu man family," "Rats come out of their holes Iodic." treat Discover)! IlIAVf; made a discovery of the utmost im portance to every married person of either e., nnd will send tbe full particulars concerning it to uny one on receipt of a stamp to pay fur re turn postugc. Address 1R. J. II. MARTELL, npl 4 ly. Alfred, Maine. Wake up! Wkc "P! BL.Yt'ksOUTIIIXC;. THE subscriber res pectfully informs bis friends ami tbo public generally, that he is now well e ablished in his NEW SlIOl' on Piue street, o ..poxito the Town Hall, in tho borough of Clearfieid, and upon hi.i own hook, unci where ho is prepared to do nil work in his lino in tho very best style, and on the i-horlest notice. His old custoi' ers nre res pectfully ashed not to forget him, and any tium iier of new ones ure respectfully invited to give him a trial. KIMiE TOOLS. Ilia reputation as a Maker and Repairer of Edge tooh should of itself secure him a liberal patronage. GEORGE C. l'ASSMORE. April 24, 1 SC. 1 .tf. rOST on the 15th i11.1l., on tho riverat or near J the waters of the "Rig Pitch," a lllack Calf skin Pocket-I!ook, cull tn ill in the following ar ticles : Three fi bills Clearfield Rank. Ir ') in !d and silver, j j in Miiall notes. Two School orders amounting to fill One prumiiory note fur s?j;". One do tli 3.). One d) do "'J. Together with reveal other pipers f valuo to the owner only. The abmi reward will bo paid t. any person leaving the same at this office, or with tho subscriber. CHRISTIAN LANICH. Clearfield, April 21, 1801. St. 10 r 1: A it and more c.-tablished in New York oity. I ' C,r,l I.) tho City Post Office. Cniby tho City Piison and Station Houses. ' Virtl lj City Steamers, Ships, Ac. f'rrf l,g tho City Hosp'tuls, Alms Houses, Ac. I f,H,j the City Hotels "Aftor,""St.Nieh- J olas," ,f c. I'ml by the Roarding Houses Ac, Ac, I I'ncd by more than 60,000 Privto Families. VI'UlJIi: 1.4 IT of I-rcsh Drugs just receiv ed and opened at HAR1SWICKS. gtrSrr irhttt the Voii'i, I'irtt fl.li Itnttc mil. j" lli:MY It. t OSTilt, All the sii miner 1 have been troubled with Roaclica and Mice, I w as actually ashamed or iho house, lr the Roach es wele evurywhi re, 1 purehied a b o.x of your ( Exterminator nnd tried it, nnd in one week tbero was not a Roach or Mouse in the house. John U. Givkms, No, HI Elm streot. I HOUSEKEEPERS - troubled with vermin, , need be so uu longer' if they use "Costnr's" Ex terminators. We liavo used it to our sulisfeetiou, I and if a box cost $5 ws would have, it. We hud tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but , Comah's article knocks Iho breath nut of Rats, i Mice and Red-liugs, quicker than wo can write ' it It is in great demand all over the country. .bWiM.i O.J llturtte. j MORE GRAIN and provisions are destnyed I annually in Grant county by vermin, than would ' pay for tons of this Rat und Insect killer. Lim ' ranter ll'in. Jleruht ' HENRY R. COSTAR Your Exterminator is received, used, and pronouueod a decided sue ; cess. We used a box ol it, and the way tho Rats nnd .Mice around our premises "raised Ned" that uight was a caution to sleepers. Since nut a Rat J or .Mouse bus been beard in garret or cellar. j J.oreyur uf'n Time. ill AVE RE EN SELLING Your Extermiua j tor fur tho lust year, and have found it a c hnt every time. I have not known it to fail in ! n single instance." Gun. ItosK, Cardington, O. WE ARE SELLING Y'oiir preparations rap idly, and wherever they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches, and Ycrmiu disappear iuimcdi i ately I EcKKit i Srotu Kn, Drug , X. Windsor, Md. t II I', ,1 , lliiam W,1 1, ( II,,,),,,, Plii l Tlbr, ,,, j II 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 11 ) : 1 h, ,;,, 1 Frail' i l-i.-i, Ciningi,,,. P. T. II. eiiitv, ,,, .f.lll II I'll! Ml" 1 , J , i V, II llfilll'l II. I util,., ) , , William .VinKc) , K nrtlin'i-, n. .1. ii.'i in s, ii , .1. V. Ilrenner, M..n i, ; Fowler if .l..le, il , 1 Sw nrts .t fiow i rs, do I J. C, Rreiiner, do j fianlel llriibaker, Union, John Sheaser, i,i Ph.i-nix Lumber A Co, (inelich, I l'ox X Soulier, , I James A. llrgurty, do P. Sneiringer A Co.. , Ju 'e Whitcoinh A Sons, Wood win. I, I'. J, McCaiin. ilioma.i lli'iidersoii, , J' llll .M. Chase, J,) Hrum, Lippencoll ,f- t',,., peeatur. J. F. St.'iuer. ili, llowmun A Perks, do James Forrest, Lawrence, Reed A Weaver, Clearllel J, Moore A Euweilor, do It ic Ii inl Mossiip, do Grahaiii A lloyutoti, ilo William F. Irwin, do C. Kral.er A fious, do Mtrrell A Rigler, do J. G. HartMvick, ilu Leonard, Finney, f Co., llrok. rs, do William Luinadoe, Hogg", Henry Waple. Confec tionery, do Matthew l'orcee, P.radfurd, K.I aid Wi I in 111 William Albert, A. Mi'ii'.iinerv, j Jacob Kimlii, John Carlisle, Reuben 11. .Mome, do do Uradv, do do do I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 s 1 1 II II I I 1 1 1 1 II ; 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 ti 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 )2 12 I I I I V II 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II II 1 1 II It l:l 1 1 II V 1 1 II 8 II II I 1. I a 'i ; la I 1 1 " ,1 I 'k I.I II.. 1, M l .1-1 I 1 lln I' 1 1 1 i' I P 1 ' i I . 1 I I f Ml I l r i-l j I I I i) la , , 1 ti ' 1 ! , II I , "11 1 2 :.o ; nil 7 1111 ; mi 7 no ; im r im a in. 7 uu , on 7 00 7 uu 7 no 7 00 7 ro 7 0'i 7 on 7 tm 7 tin 7 on 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 UU 7 on 7 no 7 00 7 00 1 St) 1 2 AO 12 M I IMI til kMlH, llrl'illl ,1 I , 1,1 , I ,, I ,.( ,,, ,,, r -1 If. f ... i I, 11 (1 I'M sup. 1 im 111 inn. r, no I a hi, Ii b.i ml., II HI! 1 I'H, I ,,, , ,, ,j, ,. i .ii.iii.- imiki him f . - I li b ut lh:il bi rhiet nre imi I" in a sub1 1; nli.il nn I ..iktiriulike in hi tier, mi l e ill -Im I llie t -t of I'i il. Pcr-un I -. ,1 lie 10 A . 1 1 1 w 1-1. and rate. Mm ;; t I I 1 1 1 1 t tlll'MI W Ili 7 lM tl'. Ii.v. i',rii. -In 11!, I rail at kiii .. they e 111 I e l,:i-l St the 1 mv -1 j 1 1 n t rout man. i, i, .-ti llllllll Kl hi t .line -. 1 1' . I. i t r I n -t , nt I i-'ifl it,., nm nist, ! Il ll. I 1,1. t"i tb ; . ct Iiiiiih ty jLOl'R, IlAC'OXrolJACCO, .Kjruj;s of M.j. kj.xi.is, ! SALT, OILS, l'AINTS, ,V (illOt.'Kltl IN, , f-jyr'nr fab) very chenp for ("sn, by I t. 11. MKUKKI.l,, In biisement of Meirell it Iliej'er'j Store,' C'lenliebl, I'll. feb-i:7. j i: w Duuci sToitn The subscriber nave opened a full and com plete assortment of DRUGS in tho now brick building of Dr. Woods, on tho corner of Lecu't it n J Cheirv streets, in the borcugh of Clc arllcld, 12 i0 whero they will Im happy to accommodate any 12 ,'i0 person who may desire articles in their line. The 12 ,'i0 business will be confined rlrictly to a j mi ' '''('' urn.' I';?wi'tiiiH ''ismrxx. And m.paiiiswilt be spared to render sati.- faction. 2 j 00 U0 1- 7"IIITE ZINC, ground in lUmar Viunish, iu 21b. cans, at HARTSW1CKS. ."'LOR ENCE White and Florence Li.iiid, just I 1 - .... uun ... 11 uri'iJU'lrL'c 1 li-ui'i.i u nnvi lui rnm u. iktiiL. &'iv7. . L.lt;K AiS(U(T.Mi :XT of colored Paints, Dry and Grund iu Oil, in 1 peund cans, just received and fur sale at HARTSW1CKS. IyVUV. t IIITi: l.MAII, warranted, ground in oil, in 2i and 12 lb. cans, just received ' ... , . 1 1 . i'.- ii' r . i.- . j aim i or saie in. ii.-vii i c n i' LKtlOltS for Medicinal purposos Rrandy Port and Sherry Wine, Nectar Whiskey and I llol and tiin-at H.VHTS W R iv,S. lj A It K I STrT l) K () V E U 7"o Deitmy Rats, Roaches, Ao. To Deitroy Mice, Mules, Ac, To l)e,tn,ij Red-Rugs. To Deitmy Mothf, Fleas, Ants, it-c. Tu Jtmtroy Mosquitoes. j To liihtrny Insects en Plants and Fowls. i , To Ikttrmj Insects on Animals, Ac. To Ihntrny Every funu and species of Vermin. I SE ON LIT "CostarV Itat, Ioacli, ('c. Kxlermiiuitor. "Costai'V Ik'd-lHig Kxtcrminator. 'Costar's'' Electric Powder lor Ir.socts, .to. In 25, iOc, amii $1 Roxks, Rotti.ks A Flasks. $ ANtl $5 .'ir.KS foil Pi.axtaiions. Ships, Roats, Hotkls, dc. sj: wing machine. PJl I CKS FJi OM $ 4 0 to ? 7 0 . The ROUDOIR SEWING MACHINE, nn en graving of which is hero represei.ted, has now become a recognized favorite wherever it has been introduced, and is, beyond nucslion, the best, as well as tbo handsomest, low-priced Sewing Machino uotr before the public. No. 1 A small and very neat Machine for Family use. No. 2.A largo Machine for quilting heavy work aud for Plantation use. ! This Machino is much admired for its simplici ty, and for its reliability and durability it is un stirpastod. A child twelvo years can run it with ease j nnd yet it will sew from the conrsest cloth to the finest Suits. Tboro is no trouble of re winding the threiul, as it is taken from the spools. It has io bells to give trouble, and will run backwards as well as forwards, and still sews equally perfect, and w ithout danger of breaking needles. It runs by friction, and by closing the box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact, wo have no hesitation in recommending it as the best fau ily Sewing Machino in use. The uUmring Premiums Avar Jed the above Machine : j At the Fair of the Frank'in Institute, 1S58, ' tuo I irst rreiinutn. At tho Pennsylvania State Fair, at Philadel phia, September 24, lS.'.'J, Iho First Premium a Diploma, At tho Pennsylvania State Fair, held at Wyo ming, IRtiO a Silver Medal. For the best Doublo Thread Machine, at Lan caster County Fair, bold October, 1859 a Silver M...1 .1 J.SrSidd Errryi, Acre by All Wiiolksalp. Diti iitiisTS in largo cities. All RRTAIL DlMT.GlSTS U ROCK 118 STOKEKKKf- Kns, if-c.,in all Country Villages and Towns. Wholesale Agents in New York city. Shieffelia Riv)lhers' Co. , R.A.l'ahiist k.Uullieo. ' A. II. i D. Sands A Co, i Wheeler A Hart. ! Hegauian it Co. I Hall, Ruckel if- Co. I Thomas if Fuller, ! P. I). Oivis. : Dudley A Stafford. Harrel, Itilcy A Kitchen. Rush, Galo if- Robinson M. Ward. Close A Co. McKUson A Robbing. D. S. lluruee t Co. F. C. Wells A Co. Lazello.Mar h A Gardner Hall, Dixon A Co. Conrad Fox. AND OTHERS. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott A Sons, iRob't Shoemaker A Co. 11. A. Fahnes'.ock A Co. jFronch, Richards .1- Co AM) All the Principal Cities and Towns in tho UNITED STATES. Thomas Montgomery, do Daniel Guodbimlei', do F. K. Arnold, do Samuel Arn. .M, do A. Montgomery, Ciirwen.-villc, E. A. Irwin, do J. if. J. F. Irwin, do Pallon, Nipple if' Co.. do John D. Thompson, dw J. Stephen Graff, Con fectionery, tin John Ptcgnl, Pcnii, Win. W. Anderson, Confei tiunary, do Johu Rrouuiall, Lumber City, Wright A Co., do J. L. Curby, do J. Ferguson, Confec tionery, uo II L. Henderson. A Co, Itdl, E. W. IliaJy, do S. V. Hoover, do James McMurray, I!urnido, E. Mc.Masters, do Patcheu if- Suns, do Russe.l McMurtay, X. Washington I William Hunter, Chest James Cui rv, do Dr. M. Woons. the junior partner, may always i be found and consulted in the " Dri g Store,', ', when nut absent on ptofessiomil busiie'ss. A j i separate room for eonsultutiuii is attached to tbo 7 00 store, w here patients may bo examined privately. 7 00 1 Ercrv article usuully louinl in such an e-tali li.-li incut w ill be kept on hand, and sold at grcallr ' reduced prices. , Tkkm iikinh htiiicti.v Cash, will enable them to offer iuduceiiieuls iu the way of prices ! Pliysie inns will ho supplied lit a HHiiill per CKiitage over cost n,l c.irriaj. and t heir orders I nre solicited. Every article sold will bo pur; and , ol (lie I. est quality. lel'li-lf WOODS A lJAHKirn I I II 1 I 8 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 II David Mi-Gliechan, Jrdau, Swan A Hartshorn, do Wm li. llegarty, do Mary C. Wright A Co., Rcccaria, John RoIh'i.ii. do William R Dickinson, Jo Jcr.miali Cooper, do Groom, Dickev A Co. do Lionel W. Weld, do Samuel Hegurty, do Charles i. Pusey, do John Rubctjou, fa nisTit.t.Kitir.a. Michael Steinkereher, Morris, 1 1 I I 1 1 14 14 II 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 14 1 1 14 II IIKTAII.KIIS OK I'ATLNT VI K Ilk I N r.S. Thomas H. puree, Graham, 4 J. C. Premier, Morris, 4 Edward Williams, Eradfor.l, 4 K. A. Irwin, Curweneville, 4 A. Munrgomery, do 4 C. D. Watson, Clearfield, 4 Woods Rarrett, do i hKSTAV UAXT. U. Goodwin, Curwensville, i 7 UO 7 00 7 oo 7 00 7 no 7 no 7 oo Hi no lo oo 7 no ' r on 12 5n. 1 5 00 j 7 no ! I 5 no j 7 no j ii o.i i 7 00 7 oo j 7 00: 5 no 7 oo 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 04) 7 00 7 no 7 00 7 no r no 7 oo 7 On 7 o'J 7 no 7 iw 7 oo 7 00 7 no 7 oo lj oo 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 i 00 I . ' rjr ii i: it i: rns ii it ii v l i: w i AMI I II L A C K X UOD'.S M A (i A V. 1 X K . JM-NOTICK. An Appeal wi'.l e held on the 7th day of MAY next, at, thu CoiumioniouorV Office, in Clearfield Wough , hen nnd where nil who feel themselves agrieved by the abuvo Ap praisement, can attend if they sue proper. E. It. LIVE1U.UOD, apr3-4t MrrcimtUe .17m,'n- " G I. K X -'K C II O M l L I, s7 Germautown, Pa. I THE LONDON (HMRTERLY, (CoMserviitivn.) 'i THE EDINIit'Ktill REVIEW, (Tory.) 3 THE NORTH RRITISII REVIEW, (Fr e Church.) I-TI1E WESTMINSTER REVIEW, (Liberal.) S 11LACK WOOD'S ED IN RURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) V A' it M S . rvr aiinnni. r..r any ono of tho four Reviews, fl 00 For any two of the four Review s, 5 nil For any three of the fuur Reviews, 7 oo For nil four of the Reviows, S 00 For Rlackivood's .Magazine, ;! U0 For Rlackwood and one Review, 5 Oil For Rlackwood aud two Roviews. 7 00 For Rlackwood and three Reviews. il 00 For Rlaukwood and the four Reviews. I n I II i -.. n !, i " I li 'ii i, i. I i o i , "i i. . I Mill ll"W I liiim -'-r 'i'i-I . ' illii-iini.-'l w I'll i ii;;i t i r. (; . Tin: llol:.-!; an d iii l!.-i: s v Wi.l "Ml Vi.u.'I Pr-.'.ling. I niikliT. tiillmit Feeding, llt.'i-tuii'g, Sh'.i ii.g, r.1'1 th g. tu-ri.l ii,a. iigetnet;! i f the bolso - ilh the be-t ii,(n.. i.f a lmil i'teting 1 medii inc. it 1 -. . i',n 'i tnit I'I'ilig, h i. king. Ren ring. M, lug, t'tii milling, t 1 ib l.ilili..', Rei-tlersiiesi. and other vices to w Mi l, j, iml.jc l w ith nu-lueruu- evplan.ilory engt livings. THE HORSE AND H IS DISEASES Will Tell mi i I' the cause, syuiptoiii". an Trentinent of Straie;!i s, Sure Tbront Distemper, Catarrh, Influenza, Run i hilis, PiiAUmonia, i'l, uri-v, Rinkin Wind, Chroiiie C,ni;'h, Homing and Whistling, Laiup.vs. S ire .Mmitli nnd Uli IT', nii'l deeiiyid Teeth, ilh ottur diseases of the Mouth uud Ro-.irato ry Orgnns. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASE ill Tell You of the causes, symptoms, an, I Treotineiit uf Worms, Huts, Colic. ! Slrangiilatiun, Ston Concretions Ruptures, Palsy. Diarrhea, Jaundice lle,,alirrhnca. liluody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Rladder, Inllaiua (iun, a ,i.l oilier diseases of the Stoin- m il, llmvels, Liver and Urinary Or gans. I THE HORSE AND I1 1 S DISEASES Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, nnd i Treatment of Rene, Rio id and Hog, ' Spavin, I'ing Rone, Siveeiiie, Stransy j Rn.keii Knees, Wind tint's, Founder Sole limine and Gravel, Cracked Hoof Scratches, ('tinker, Thrush, und C rn a j also, ol 'Megrims, Vertigo, Epilopsi i Staggi i , and other diseases ofelh J 1-cot, Legs, and Head. THE DORSE AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell uu of the cniiier. .-v miliums nut j Treatment of l i.-Mila, Poll Ei il, titan ler.-. Farcy, Scuilct l ever, Mange ! Surfeit, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism Cramp, Gulls, Disease or the Eye and Heart. Ac., Ac. and how to nianigo Castration, Iilecii'iig, Trepl inning, Kuwciing, Firing, Hernia, Auiputa lior, T.i ping, an. I oilier surgical op erat ions. Till' IDUiSK AND HIS DISEASES Will Tell Y'.m of Rarey's Method of taming IKr, ses ; hull- to Approach, Halter, or Sta ble a Cult : huw to accustom a horse to strange sounds nn.l sights, and how to RH, Saddle, Ride, and Rreak him t i HariK.-s, .il-ui, the r. nil and law .!' Warranty, The whole being tho re sult of mure Ihan fifteen years' careful study of the habit pe 'uliarities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and u. el'ul animal. The Rook contain 381 pages, appropriately il lustrated by nearly Ono Hundred engravings. It is piiuted in a cl.'ar md open typo, and will b-j forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt ef pi ice, half bound, $1,00, ur, in cloth extra, $1,25. SJOIIO A T'.AK can bo iinJe by cntornri- 10 0l sin;: aien evervw here, in sclliiiL' tho above, and n. tlie pneo in Grunt l.nt.-nn tor tho live other popular works I ours. Our inducomentl ferioaicals above-named is f !l per annum. tu all such aro cxi .eding'y liberal ncpiililisheil h LEONARD SCOTT A Co., marl-'., fori 51 Ghl Street, N-w York, JJAKDTI.UI S MADKRVSV. ;io xj-:ws V O H T II I-: I ' X E M 1' I. ( ) V V. :!!! 1,000 Chances to Make Monov 1 For single copies cftl.e Honk, or for terms to agents, with other infui m i lion, npply to our ad. dies. .Kill ,' E. POTTER, Publisher, No. CI 7 Saiisoiu .Street Philadelphia, Pa. Deeeniber 12, lM'.o. (iuio. ONK MILLION DOLfsMiS' WORTH OK WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND At the Marvhllld Statn I'nir i.l tli l., land Insti'ule, Raltimore, Md., Octrber. 1S5D, UUiler ttronir colnt,itiliun. n Sili-nr M...I..I awarded to this Machine. At tho Juw Castlo County Fuir, held at Wil luington, Delaware, October, 1859-a Diploma. The above Machiucs aro manufactured by CII.HI.L W.-llm MM), yy iiuiinijtini, Dei. S A L KS ROOMS. J"' lit tTrt. Strccl' ri'iladclphia, Pa. No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del. s- I- HA K K li, marl3-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia. rr Persons wishing loses the above Machine in peratien. can do jo by cal!ing at the resi dence of V. W. Moore, iu Clearfield borough. AT CLEAKFIKLU, IVunn. ia-Sold hy I J. o. iiAirrswicK. And by DnruoisTs, Oiiucr.ns and Rktaii.kiis gen erally, iu Citv and CorsTav. CirCoi NTRr liEAt.tits can order ns above. Or address orders direct or if Prices, Term s, ifc- is desired J-tficml for Circular to Dealers to I ! HEXKY li. COSTA H. i 1'i.iNiirAL Varor -Vo. 512 Rioodwuy Oppo I site the St Nicholas Hotel. New York, ard-l(i-l6J-luius. AfcCALLUM .V Co., MAXlTACTfltER'!, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in V a it i k t i x us, ii it u c; (; i: t s. OIL CLOTHS, H.iTTIXaS, ,fr., Wareliouse. Xo, .riU'.i Chestnut Street, (Opposite Stato House,) apr.1'Sl-ly riil..uKi..iiA, VCJUXTS IV AM I',1)... We want nn Agent in every rity, loan, and county, in the United States and Canada, to fell a new r,('nt article just invented. It requires a capital of from $1 to $5; and to persons out of employ ment, it offers great inducements. Fur full par ticulars, write immediately and receive our letter by return mail. SEAROLDT A Co., nprS-4t -132 Walnut street, Philadelphia. A DMINHTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of XV. Administration having this dny been i-riint- ed to the undersigned on the estate of JANE WILSON, hit-) of Chest township, Clearfield county, deceased, all per-.ns indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, anil those having claims against the same will prccnt them dulv authenticated for settlenint. " DAVID J. CATHCART, ninr20-Ct Adm'r. 1 EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters teslnmen-1 ..:,. J tary having this day been granted to the un- i dersigned on the estate of JAMES 11 EA, sr. late of Jordan township, Clearfield county, deed., all pcrssun knowing themselves indebted to said estate nre requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims nga'nitt it will preseut them duly aut'ientieated fur settlement. R0HEHT RE A. JAMES REA.jr. Tilt ft. K E A , March 27, 1 sr. I Executors. I C CAUTION. The public are hereby cautioned ' J against harboring or trusting my ife SU -1 SANNAH, on my account, ns I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting alter this date. A. J. HUIlLF.lt, , Grnhaic tp April .1, 1SC1 -4t SILVER-PLATED WARE TO RE DISPOSED OF ON It Tells It -l.V EXTJJtF.LY XYAV AND ORIGINAL PLAN! 5" A 11 I'Pi-iions desirous of sccurim: un Agency in this, Xi:V KXIKKIMM.'-K, Should wild on their names at once, cn- thiee-ccnl stamti lo iiav not n'e, and receive by lelui n of mail A l'KKMIUM CATAIKil'K, Containing oi; u iNDiir i: mi: nts; Which afiord a Rare Chance to Mile Money. Jill 11 PEOI'LE'S COOK BOOK. MoHivRX UOOKKItY, In all its branches. Ry Miss Eliza Actum. Carolully Revised by Mrs, S.J. Halk. It Tells Votl Ihiw tu chooso nil kinds of Meats Poultry , and Game, with all Iht variou I and imest approved modes of dressing and cooking Reef uud Pork; also th- I I. jst and simplest way of salting, p ick ; ling and curing t'c same. It Tells Y ou all the various nn.l most approved i inods u dressing, cooking, and boning Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, and tinmen-fall kinds, with the sjifi'ereut ! Dressings, Gravies, an 1 dtutlings uppro- ; priate tu ca di. ;t Tolls You how to choose, ele.in, p.nd nresorva Fish of allkinds, end huw to sweeten il when tainted : also all the various nnd most approved modes of cooking, with the dimrent Dressings, Sauces, and Flavoring appropriate to each. You all the various and most niirroved modes of preparing over fitly different kinds of Meat, Fish, Fowl, Game, nml Vegetable Sol ps, Rroths, (oil Stews, with the Relishes aud Seasonings ap propriate tu each. Tells You all the variuiis and mu.-t approved un des of cooking Vegetables of every defcriptij-. also hrw tu pivparo Pick les, Catsups and Currieo f all kinds, Putted Meats. Fish, Game, Mush ruosns, if-e. Tells You nil tie various and most amiroved modes ot preparing and conking all kinds o! Plain and Fancy Pastry, Puddings, Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes. Confection cry. Preserves, Jellies, und Sweet Dish es jf every description. It Tells You all the v riuiisand m. st approved modes of making liread. Ru.ks, Muffiins, aii-1 U'lw'uit, the best method i f prepa ring Coffee, Cbuculate, mid Tea, and how U make Syrups, L'uiJiala, and Wines of various kinds. Tells Yoa bow to set out an ornamental Ta bic, haw to Carve nil kinds uf I'ish, Fli'eli or Fowl, a. d in short, how to sj simplily lha whole Ait.f Cooking as tu bring the choicest Iu.uii of the table within eiery body's reach. Tin book contains 4S page, ami upwards nf twelve hundred Recipes, nil of which are tho re sults o( actual ei.rienee, having been fully nnd ean liilly tested under lb" personal snpiiiiiten denee ol the writers. It is printed in a clear and open type, is illustrated ivith appropriate engra- ings, an. I will be f rwarded to any adjresa neatly bound, and postage paid, ii receipt cfth pri e. $ l,(.0, ur in cloth, extra, ? 1.25. S IOOO A 1 li lit ..m be n inL by cuterpri sii.g men evcrywlicre in selliag the iil.uvo wuik our inducements to all such being very liberal. l or single epics ol the Rook, or for terms to rgeiits' with otlicr into, uin'ion, apply lo our ad dles JOHN E. PUTTER, Publisher. No. C. 1 7 Snnsoin Street. Philadeldiia, Pa. Dcciii.lcr 12, I.m'.II. r.Mio. Il It A' I IM I M x I U. A Ft ) It S O I i f i I. Letters of A.liuinistiatiun I aving bccti granted to the nn. crsiui'.'d. tl is ilav, upon the estate of JAMES W. .-TH A Nl'Olt I), deed, late of Morrii "jaJI-'.W XTOItl".. The subscriber Lasupencd X l a New Store nt Williomttitle, CtenrjUt,! Vuoiily, I'ti., li re ho will ko.p conituntly nn hand a general assortment of Iht (r'o(.y, firiiceries, Vo.oi'oi.s, sir., which he will exchange fur Timber, Hoards, Shingles, (train, Country Produce, Ae. He will be pleased to have all who wish to purchuso any of Ike above aitieles givo him a call. JAMES E. WATdON. Wiiliaiutvillc, April 1, tsttl. -- Without risk, together Willi Fl'LL IU township, Clenrlicl'1 enmity, all persons iudehtej TICULAliS 1'LAX. relative to this XOVT.L to said e.-tate are requested to make iinuic.liiite payment, and Iho.-e having t-laiua against the s;. in j ti ill pr.-.nt theni inly niitbeniicnted . r settlement. SAM I'LL CLYDE, WM. PORTER, mar 1.1 fit AJm'rs tfci'To insure I't'onipt nnd satibfrcbry dealings, direct all ordeis lo t;: oitfii: t:. i:v.Ns, II') Chestnut street, tij'll-l'lt, riiil.ide.'hia. tt tTJTIO All p r-o' s aro hereby caution. ed against pun hasiiig or mud Ring with h certain YOKE of dXEN, n-ii in tho posse--s.uu uf C. T. TUIiRS, a- ti,,. ,-a.i.e l.elunj;, to in-i , jud are left wit'i a i n '"...i n!v. GEflp. )E K. TUIiRS, Fergi- hi ,', Mi l. 2'', I -. ij . I