1 1) r i t u 1 1 u r a I . rt n iifi '!iliiiiii(rt fiint hou- ft frv I Tel t.ia i' I M'"""' f f j ,,; In n l .'tic, t wi'Mt. ihr.-. iivotli' If i at I anv Mm- "Mil" H V'". 11 1 Ml . 'I HI 1 ,t. 'I T. T inri ' . ri.ili ji, ! it, ' .i till I I. I'll!'1 illnl ' ii U ("'. , nii'l I mil m in ly i '"I - j ... t... Mi l.i '- i-,i- c' ""I i ..r L ; . r.i ,1i e I.nl 'n. M'tlll' f'f I in'lll wi'io in ft lfi I'li'il. I'"1 h!1V0 ,,t','n 0" .mre, wrll Moip.I ll.ronrli VN'iiitor, ni.. ly . ii r .. 1 . USIHl! C'A'X fl'ill - "I iriH'.n, . iiiuw f" r ''.r suari", il.oni Itioniiu'.hlv toi'i.irt-l. "I'lui Mn.Uo 1 ! . l " i1wHMn;t. ' , , rt''nenl' are li' -rlcl In the II '! ti l1i on ft ii (!,i 1,11., in? In'. f : i I ... I fll . ? !-. 1 1 r ,,,, ,. i . I I I I i IK , i '" 1 " Mu ll. II ii. IT : 1 1' a column," Oil" column, In,, .1 I l' I .' I in i. I I '" ii,, ni-, : : - : ! : 4 : : : ! im : : : H M : : : : H fill 11 Ml I Ml $1 ft'l fl llil dl 111 fill 12 lid mi ilu. 1 1 i"i ? nil ;.u I ii M i. iki 12 1HI 1 1 on m no :i.s mi Mines are in- En.cr 'is natives tint eiceodin srtcl for M u year. Adrrli'inoi.t nit mrre 1 with tbn niiii.iirr of I nsertior. desired, rill fe c minus, until roilnd inJ ohurgcl nceordii.g ti those terms. JOB PRINTING. An extensive slock of .Tfl.linj; niatoria tMial.t.'W Hie ,uMilu r of ll H.pvlilican' toMiiiunn.ee to tJ.e j ublic that lie i jircjKi tilt do 11 Aimls of l'dSTiRs, rn:.iT8, Pko.j it a m m rs, I'.I.ANK", J.mx Eooii, (IK(TI..KS, I .A liKl-i, r-Al.I, TtCKfTS, ll.VNI.IIII.I.S, nii'l cvny Kind cf printing usually done in a ccunUyi oh ofioe. Ailonlrrs will be i-xoeuts.l with ncnt iichs nml ilfRfntch. tl. n. OOODLAN Mi It A CO il'u I'l'iW it i l't(ikpi) ; IMV liiinoW linl J (vr ir,.0' weeks mi l lo" Hum three months 25 I r I. I I.,mI c,.v..r.l : one of mv fCVtluM 1Ta crnt- ("T" " .r - ,.,.. tiadly niHel, nml nnollirr ivhh ln-nt; the home raUo was out of C'-ai' i" vcvrral iln--... nnd mv l.otf , h1.ov1s iiinl nkt-s,- were pretty ha-lly uw.l. . . Will, now I hnvc over haulifil everything, tiii-i'diii, paint-. Imying wlinre nccefsary, nml so have got nil in serviceable trim. This seuHon, there will bo no time wasted or ntiem:e tried in tinkoriiig tools just when I want most to uho thorn How ninny a t into huvo I bt'Rtt-n my unollVniling cattle and horses, nnd scolded my hind men, nolely bccaUMO of my jirovious neglect to buy good tool nnd then keep them in order ,' It shames nie to think of it, but it shall not be so this Summer Then, there are the fnces. In a few days, 1 shall have them nil in complete order. Many of tho posts in tho corner lot aro Wily thrown out by tho frost, nnd then blown over by the wtmng March winds. Tho noil there is clayey and wet, nnd always racks my fences. What can be done with it? Jiouhtless, n thorough draining of the laud would help the fence. Tho posts must I reset ; nnd in doing it, I mean to fill up the boles with unrill cobble btonca ptundcd inh. rd, instead of earth. It is tho freezing and thawing of the wet soil near Hie nurfaco which lift out tho posU ; find if I can keep the hoiI ;.Way from them, perhupn it will keep matters straight. I'm Wind to try it and oe. Then, some of (lie galu pols near fhe house arc out of perpendicular, the gatej tag and won't latch. Ilel'oro 1 1 bleep again, they must bo put in order. I have nailed on tho boards w hich were broken oil' from the orchard fenco ; the garden, is safe from the pigs ur.d cons ; nnd tho rails nro all replaced on the fences, around tho wood lot and pasture. What a tine assortment of seeds I have stored up 1 Sweet corn for the garden, Kiny riiilip nnd tho eight ro.ved ye'low i-orn for the tiold, and Pop corn for the children. Jlcro arc oats, tprhig wheat, buckwheat, clover, nnd timothy, nnd po tutoes etc., all sorted nnd ready for use at five minutes' notice The kitchen garden has not been forgotten. Hero, in these drawers, which are divided oil' into upur ;ito boxes, are beets, (seed) onion', carrot parsnips, vegetable oysters, tomatoes, rau- Jillowcrs, cabbages, cucumbers, melons, BUSINESS CARDS. T. 3. M'Cl'LI.iril1. HM. M. nVri.l.ol'CH. M't UM.OI -H t ItKOTIIKK, AtlnriiejN nt Law. OfTno mi M:.rUot f(rict, npiinnito Mosup's ftoro Clciirfi.-lil, l'ii. Will iittci.il pru.uptly U Colloc tioi.s, Sulo of I.ninlH, Ac. m.v7 II 1) W. 11 AYS, JiiKlici' nf the IVncn, will nltcii . priisipllv ti ciilloc li(,np nml nlliiT iniilicr oil in li if oharp1. A.lilrtts Ktrfoy, Klk en,, l't Oct. If fill. Jy. lANIi:h (iOOl'LANIiK.i:, J I' STICK of tl.o pi-ii co l.tiiliirfliiirg, ri.'iirfii-M 'o. J'n., will Httciid j-rrmptly to yll lnu-im-i? ntiu.-lcil to hi. ,-,irc. Mi.i-.-1j lSl'n.ly. KLUiTiwiN A; SONS, VT (lie mouth uf l.ii U Him, five luilrK fixiu Dli'iirliel,!, MICr.ClIAM'S, uuil extensive Miiiiut.ii'lurei-?' of Lui-.lier, .July 2X, I.-'.'i2. J. I). THOMPSON, I ) litrksmlth. Wj5.-!i, Itisj'pii f, A, is., ironcj J t i n short i-.c tic :nl the very hoe t -tyle, nt lii 14 s f m ii'l i:i the tj.'tnij;!. of Curv.-onviile. Dee. t't, H.'H. H) N W 1MIU.( roitv . I l.t nt II 'Minn t .ml t S' l r.fl l 'I, t, I') ' tlOl'IIM, 1 1, !t Mot, I iv "I V,.i, Ii, 1 Im I M- Irl'iV "I l'in, I oii.Hl Molot'iV '' I -lell.to I, In iR, Ii V i, ii" I 1 "I'lii u It" ll In' . e - 1 1 1 . I .a.i.ly iilli i i v, Pre-'t .t.i lt!P,lloii. f-iuiiio-l I. Inn. Ilell. foMi'. - I., Il,f-r . 1 1'-ri Wl. 1. loo,f, l'lrint, ,l. II, 0 I ' , ) t'.. - il 1 1 . I. Kilo -I - 1 - - r ..(,,-,, ft . Ill ,11, li. ,ih I l',,illie, iol,..iioi.lry ,.1"liii I.. I'mil'-. ;,.... A .him.- ii.li , : Ml'. It,. I- ii .1. Willi... ... I ,., , ' I.. !i. ll i. " (.. .u v ,,;! , II. li, W figi.', i.l. ii li- ),- Coniiiiini'u'r.-.Wni. .M I'mi-ln-n, l.i.m. c ', Win. Merri ll, ( Icnrliel.l h. (', Tlioii.pM.li, MorrlMlnle A.nlitof .", II. 1'. iii.iii, l'liilipsl.nry I imc W, IJr;il.:il,(.'li..ilie,l .1. li. Slniw, " ('uruiicr, (Jnurjru liiclmnlp, " 1. 1st nf I'nst ntlirr-s. 7'lTil'All'. .V.imn nf . U. .V..MH if I', tl llx-ui'ui, lilen Hope, ll. V. t'nUi'll loll, lioncr, ,M..ry lilJ.r . Che.t, T. A. M'lilic fui.li. J. W. fa-rl-U . Osten.l, ,owi. . ii.ith fleurtielil Hriiju, 1'. It. Miller l!SM.U. M MI'IHI A i, i loin. I , I. ,f lin'if li.N il I,. I o'.ll. I A I.l. A N I ' X H i; V -"li' '".' ' t fir- niHhli -,n l I l 1 1 I i"" , to In "I W I N r !. H i i 1 1 ' i s ,i, 1. e oil. I .:lt! ..nlinii.-' l isdi. ism. , I III! MUST AlUt'lVA, FALL. WINTER GOODS AT THl'. Oi l) tTAKlJ 'HEED, WEAVER & CO. On .Miiilsft Sii'ffl .Mufirs ii. .rili m ili Cntiil I Ion-c. wIhm'c :m(! jis (ipi'liinu -'in tnuistiri li l:ii'v.r 'iili.l m II sclcctrtl sli fl id juhmU li-ilitcil to thf (iI'iIk' f'iiuiiii- I ii it y lor 1 1 io Full and Winter tr;i(lc, !li'n li tliev nllir in l:irue unci stnrtiJ .... I I , 1 ... I ! II Uill'llllil .a.., a' m .!.. ii .f,.tl..M H;t M in 1 1 1 1 1 11 H "H 1 HI'-'. I 1 '.. 'iv r l II I . l.r, ll.rir.ii' . .. .V11.iv.' mil I I Im '.'n I for tl.o reception of pupil.-. terms cam. kxa.mim, i or tj .,,,.,,,. Mon.h.y, a..s. :mii, is(i ..,.i-i.-l ere 'I'lll'ir n ?Ofrt iiU'lit ni 7'. ; ;u I er .'---ii.n f eleven Week ll el I no I. .I; r ,( 1 V.i..iii.l.i ..... I. A I ' IJ .MI.I. I:. .1 il o-i..ini. JRicr r. 1 14 fl A Tit iv. ., i. .. r"1. r..,f..ti.ii , '' III., . I n. h I 'i l ilimij )J ,11 I- r i wins?.:! ,. ... .""'V, .... I. M -;.i. Hi'KK. liraill.ir.l, Krn.lv, Wou.lliiii.!, biitlierslnirg, fn.utville, " Jetl'.Ti.ii l.iiu, lilowin, l-'orc.-t, Eiirrn.iile, New Wnvliiiift.iii( " llnrnsiile, flunrf.elil, (,'lcnrlielil, t'ovington, French vi Ho, Kuril, i. ui. Curwcns villi', Unrwcim-illc DccHtur, KcriLsoii, Fix, (iirnrJ, (ioxheu, (imhnm, (liilich, llniton, I..r. li.i., Kiirtlmus. K iiox, I.Hwreiice, Morri.', i. l'f nn, . ike, I'lii-iri, W,.o.l.vir,l, Thin 11. II. Muoro. Jacob KunU John Hetierlmi! .Inn- liloolil J. M, Cuiniiiint Ji.k WcMurriiy M. . Frank. F. C'nililriet J F W !elinrr .siiiiniiel Wny Centre county Kihn. Williini.K i:ik county, l'ii. C. Micnot William Cnrr A. I!, Khi.w T. II. Forces. .1. A. Hupurty C. J. I'liHoy. Daviil Tyler ; 11. Woo.livi.nl ' Flint Clii.so (i. Ilccknilorn D. M. Mokel J, W. Thonip.j'n Jus. Thompson .1. MeClelliin.l W. W. Wright A. C. ,M... re, i. iii'iel Way y i.-h.-iel Wic. . F. .1 'ill It SKI. T. Jleiuler.-ioii -t ('ll'.co will ilo lur Chc't t,jHii.-hij, l'liiliix bur;;. Warron, llelon l'oft OfTK-.' l.iollillllto'M Mill.- li:iM Hills, ShilH.-ville, ll riihiu.iton, miths Millf. M nrleini, Tyler, l'eim tielil, Ansoii'ilk', nit bi.-k, New Millport. lr.,ekciiriil('c, U'ylcrto.vn, Aiorrir .l.i !o. I.uinlii'r ('lty.f (iianipian Hill-, Curw i-us i il!e, lil'ioiniiigvil!", o.-ktiiii, Jc!!ri"S, DRYCOODS NOTIONS i. vry larg nml cinpleto: cnilinicing nlinol every nrlicle l.oth of l'..iiiioii iiml crvice. Kc iioeiiil iittentioi. linn bnnn pai.l to the selection of bAUIFS' MlEStf r.OOUS, wl.icliarcof every variety nn.l tho ery llPFt tylc. ISilks, Helnini'K, I'l ibis, Merino, P..pli.in, Alimccai.. Ci.shnii-re, French, 8cu.ili a ...I Iloin.'ftic (iinliiniiJ, Priiiti', I.in-ey!", Ci.mliiiey, lirilliants, Fi'. mi' I plain ISohinetts, Irish l.inen Cloths Ac. IJl.ick nn.l Fancy f i.sM.ncres, Sutinotl.-. jonn., Tweeds, Cor.luroys, Hickory Hlripc, Ticking, Crash, liinp. r, Illcael.eil nml iil.l.leacl.e.l imiii. lilts A drills, Itcil, (ircy, Whilesn.l Canton Finn ncls. Also a lur;; t..'ck ol Jji. lies' n.l (Jeritle n.ei.s' Sliiiwl.". Ilolibl." nii'l Single, Stelliis Ch.ir.illcs, lil.i.-k ami Drab Cloth enp.-s of and very latest fashion. "'u I (.rll....rr.tlllt . IttVlllillL'. Aritl.i.ietie an, I (.'..riiphy l.n- Wrilin?, l'riin.irv Ill .l.. r Ant iiin I.e. I.iil' i-l. (.rnrninnr. ilei.tr raphy nml History. $'l '' AlKchra, (icinctry, Natural I'hilo.'ophy nn.l Hook Keepimr J ' "0 Latin nml (Ircck Inngunes. $ do To ftii.lents tlcsiroiu of iicjuir!nR n tbnrou'h F.nxlish K.liiciitioii, ninl who wih to quality thcni-alies tr leiielicr, this Institution oilers I desirable i.lviintnKs. No pupil received for lex tliRn bnlf iifesion, and no deduction nnido except for protracted sickness. Tuition to bo paid nt the closo of the term. ('. U. SAN1KUKI), I'ttiMMMi. Miy 2', lwiH.- iv. NK IV GO ODS. 'ml ! 1' IM'.ilwl lilK miv '(K.,. w r-.t t M'.ii tt.-niv.-u.-i. ii, i ii Mmi,,J 'T 'I'l' illH k-li.M .ll ;iirSi.l..lh.), IMUiD- T V ImIa In tlim I'h iiti ii. (' (Ktr-t, ,y mk nyvn w I iu, tui nif w'jw llil clip y. f JiMK nf hHh sirtiii. Wlml in trntui.tk thW tiifml mxt cutuiKuii cuniiUfrit, U riJ1 nf Ilia d-Hii ntuj nixl tiniu'iiroui diiUfu-. ' piircHlivu ftt.trt oxj)U limn. CaiuhhI Ujdr tlun iinrl nrt-ftuv;tiiucUt v tho mHiral 1 Lute tlmtf nrn r-miilw nml n Uy thf Name fnctiiH. Nouo whi know ihnnTl Hill. ...... I 41 . "l int. niu iPi-Kiri i iiM'j iiti'iii WM lllU umiiu'Tin .lie; ...i-. flatxnieiiN from iilluir btiviiMnni u irinciil titttfi, aii'J from otlivr wtll kowij Ac, nt Lurj;p nnd splendid stock of iV. minys, liults, Ileud lresses, N"tts, It. IV. ft Drcs tiim- l'lume CD's, I bur);.' stock f Men k Vtny't elotbinp, just i roecived at (Carpets, DruL'et, carpet J lii.jring, Curled Hair Ac. R. W. A CU's chain, I!:il.m and Tiisl rerclrinj; ami opening nt the Old stnt of Lewis Smith in liethlohem uwell felecte.l a njrtnient of Spring and Summer lioods o! ul, most every description. Staple and Fancy, a beautiful assortment i 2'.'-I Prints ;iud Dress Goods fork lie Will niiswer lor Ferpisj township. IIAUTSWICK'S DRUG ij- VARIETY nnrdiuue ..f every kind, kn. es nml st.nons, I.oeks, Files, Nails. Cow oi d and Hand w Di d Jlill niwnt V.. W. ,1 ( O's I Dili, s' liontiet.-- i.li-l Hats, triuniicd mill un J trimmed, of the bates! Style.- et li. W. if- CO'.-, r--r-- "A" M. HILLS miMh, DENTIST. V' -V V i' t;j.i w ill .t'ii ensivsire, Iriig nml MA HKKT STKtbT NKARLY UFPOSITK J All. 1 The iin ler-ii;re.l will have o n-tart)v mi hiind : OHKPiT J. WALLACE, Ait.riky at Law,, I.'nrhill, I s., f.iv.eo ir. Miin i huw, op- i o.-ite the .Ii.ur.'i:.! office. n we.l -eleet-d ftock of Driitf--, Ci.cmicjls, Live dsc. 1, 1 tf. tStnO. (;i's, faii.ts. Tobneeo and Scfjar-, Station " " I h r v. IVrfuiLer;-, itriuli, s. i.nd Fancy articles I l. .vi. nmiii', nayiLi; eianrcil las iocu wl,,,-!, ). w all .lisp, i-c -f cheap for ensh. J turn trom turweiifvitij t ' i.ienrnein, res pectfully oirors. hi? profv-s.-tonal services to tic ; citiit'ii-- f the latter place and vicinity. Itesidcnee on Second street, opposite ti t af J. Cnuis, Ks.;. my I 'lis. 2'th, Isiii-ly. his euro, in tho several Courts of Clearfield und adjoining counties. (JuVf tho on formerly occupied by 0. K. U3.Mhps ivliatan array ! Ami tboFee.i.i; nre sou nil and ibinii.. bfin -)!.-1 1 1- nf n,u I pit n rum. Warm t.r tho soil, sun ! for! -pnj,,, , .,, ' sUr,n, ofT,rs hi, prof,.,- fbeso early kinds CSU liurjly refrain loi'- 1. sionn! services to the citirens of ew Wi.5li er frcili PlUOUtirU Inton nnd urreu;i,linjr CMnmiinity. U3ico thrca ' ' doors west of the Washington Hu, Who bin better reason to bo j.roud of j N Wr.sbir irt.m. la.,'iict. H, is.v.i. Ch tuanuru heal- thou I ? See, there ore j JOHN HUIDEKOPER. fen j.iles, of no mean (size, whicli liavo ' Civtu Kmjixlkk .V Land Si kvkyok, oilers Jjeon shol out during tho Winter from the; "is I'rofeKional services to the citizen., of Clcar- II.) invites the public to call and examine his t.'.-V fj;, ,i,U- I. .-I'.Tir purchasing elsewhere. Ciiiitry I'h v-.i-i.iii- fun.i.-bed with Iru-it Msdioines, nmi Surgi.'ftl instriim..ii' at the mur ren.-okiihle rates. " .1. O. IIAKTSWICK. I (",.orfi..,l l . TIN. 9R lsrill J. Q. HARTSWICK, M. D. T I'hy.icl.i. and mu rue ... . Important Notice. ' 1 ue und-rsiKned, late publisher of the "Clear- ClorfielJ IN., May 30, Itififl. I field ltepublican" takes this method of callinK WAITFR BAR.RFTT I upon those who aro indebtu.l to him, or to Lsri- ATT0I5NEY AT LAW, will attend promptly ocd faithfully to all IcruI business entrusted to incr f Ward for subscription, advertising or Job work incurroit duriu the tjsreo years conimen ciiiir July IS;,- and ending .Inly )r,l, to rail ini inediKtely nt my otliee in ihv l.,.r.,uh oi' Clear held, and make scttiem..-!tt of the sum's ns Th e iicroiinl- i,nr , ,7,,7o;. .1. II. LA l KIM Kl'.. Clearfield, December VI, ISoll. tf. :?A'Ti.vilt) attention to th in proper be of jrreat Lorn-lit to every one - iu point of henlth, comfort, and eonv:nionoe. lilt. Illl. I S (f.:: ;-!-.rrt;.-. be found nt his of fice, on the corm-r of Front nn.l Main streets, when no notice ! the contrary appears in this paper. A'. onerr.tioni in the l.ne of his profession perl, .fined in tho styles, nnd guarant atui.il failures. j of the latest styles, nls.) n vnuiety of u-eful No I ti, us. Hats ami Caps, j Jioii'ist,- and Shawl-, Foots and Shoes, I Ilaiilivaro, Mriliiinos, 1'is ('. U O C K li I KS, Tobacco , Scjrars nnd all articles usually kept in a country Stei", all cheap for ca-h. (iive us u cil and see f r yourselves. ii. I.. iii:ndi:!!son, a co. May I'l, l;',-.'). To Vcrsnns out of Kinjilniiiarnt. ACJi:TS WAXTKI). J (MIX ODKLL a i every Coiintv of the Tiu'cd Slnlnf., fll1) tn iii (In- iale of some of liie I.. -t anil JL most elonnlly illii-traU'd Works p.ihli-hed. Jur publ 'ciiiioiis are of the nio-t interettii-.o ehar.icter, ;i l .pteJ to the wants of the Farmer, latest and most improved .Mechanic and A. reliant ; !l.cy are i-u.i-hed m r 1 ir uiiij year niraiiist all 1 the bet style ...id bound in the mo" sub-tnn- iiiii innniicr, ami j.re woru.y n place in the 1,1 brary of every livusebuli in the Laud. "Ssi-To men l . iite.priso nnd indiistrioiis hab its. I li i s business offers an opportunity for profit able employment seldom to bo met with. '4i,l''rison desiring to net ni n;ent will re ceive proicptly by mail lull particulars, terms, .fc., by addreins LKAKY. (iKT.A eo., I'ub, No. ;;t North Hret, Fbiladelphm. Oct 2-1, I8J0 Iv. nrJIOLSTEIv AND CAURIAQK TKIM-MKK, yontf,-. at .1. Mivr't .WAV, out milt Kixt of Vtcarfichl lr rh, T port hules behind tho stables. Then, the Jiof liens have niiido u fair mipjily. The fciieep yard will furnish fc'otno rich beraii ingH. Tho barn yard ior tho caltlo hu jMiarly tvei) feet ioni of composted ktraw, muck jud dung. Won't this make tho l.iioti ni;nr. i look ii i .it i:: i IlK umlersipnud subscril.i rs, take this ni.-t!.- od of informiiiz the l ublic fcnerallv. that they lave this d.-iv entered int.. copaj-li.i-r.-hip in Till: LLACKSMITH 111 SI.N-KS, and can be I'o utnl at the simp formerly occupied by. I. Shimkw ibr, on Third street, in this bo. rou:;h, where thoy will be pleased to see tho r old cti-;oiucr-, and ns many new ones us cau make it convenient t pve th.-in a call. Jiving on your lioes, your spades und piks, Your I'-s-eJiiiiLs ae l vnr piillim' sticks, 1? WATCH & JEWELRY rilHK iin,lcrsit:ned respect fully fiold county All bukiuoss entrusted to him will be promptly Your sleds, yc-ur sleigh-, your horse, your marc and faithfully executed. j No three-year old ihuli then go bare. Office with Leonard, Finney if- Co. L. . , ...... - - - 1 our spenrs will work up thn lust nnut, LKVEll 1'LKG AIj, l" i'rw,"" !uokf f"r 7"r-' , ... 1 our swords too, slinll then li wii.Jf,-lit. JllStlCe OI tl 1C JICMCC To plougb.hnres su. h as fain ne'er boinrl.t. I.utbersburir. Clearfield Co. l...will JACOT! SlUiNKWILLll, .... . . . . ..l.-.i itr ..ilu lte.-pectfully Infcrms the citirens of Clearfield and adjoinini,' coiin'ie.-, that is at all times pr. pared to luani.fa.-lnre. at the shortest notice, ll.iir, lljsk, nnd Straw Mattresses f r.11 kin.U nn.l sis.es. one of ulileli i- a Kol.iiriL Mat- tre.--, suitable f.,r CUilNS (i.N JIA I'TS, w hi. 1. ! Jf J- informs his customers and the can be folded in svi-ill cm! a- vi'id ci-i ti-d in, I : l J put.lie generally, that be has just refilled at ploaMirc : n-d verv clisap. Tie also1 received from the Fast, nnd o: en trims Ciiirin, s. ..iwkes r t.ai'rs to all kinds of '"' establishment in ('. HAM'S l! If Carnaco Trimmin? nnd I i.hobterv. and tenkes , ' 1 nariiei.i, in.. r line assortment o! tl.o. ks Cords f-r M iiin'i Trncinj: Lines, of any thick-i . ATt tii's'. uess or length vj,Co.n.try l'ro.lucc, Corn Hii.-ks, or Cash t.ikcii in licltnii:;e for work, r;--A!l or li r.. l.'tt v i'!i anv of Cleartield bor. to. ' tie re bats Il will b proniptlv nttended "decIO Indian Corn grow aiiace, and won't it eive1 "tu'nd ''rol,'l'1,y 1,11 Wi:K'" ntrunted tlii . a ,V.j .V b , ' fc icuro. Ho also informs tho public that ho keeps C.eanudd, December 8, lj.s. tf. fljograsis nn early Mart and n heavy , rnnBtnuily on hand t his shop, " K'ueral ns-l-1RFSn ARRIVAL OF iwath, and won't it make the whole farm Wtuiett of Saddles, liridles, Harness miJl h ,- (' (1 HIKI i..! i i i . ... .. . wlitn.. u-hi.-h bo will noil on res.son.iblo trems. ! - i Jj if V W L O . A f,. ,, illlt , t K I il.,.. tt i I . 'wiiuii, wuicu uu will mvii uu rfasvuuuio uciur. i i r ii i jiiabier lor uie ciovcr, ana liio uslie for tba fiasLuro lot. I Jqu'I think neighbor Crown lias kejit Lis cattle and otlier stuck na well for tlio last two months as ho should have done, U) have them oorao out strong and hearty In tfjo firing. !Ii cowi and stocrg nnd y curling look 3aa ar.d scrawny. If he did ; n. a. Ltniau' but know it, tho opening of Bi.rini; is al T AUI,, V,,:K TT, AttorUeys .. , ,,, , Clearfield, l'o., will atthd promptly trying timcfor ttock, and they ought lo'tton,, Und ASeneies, Ac., Ac., in CI UB leu a little better now than Ukual, jj). i Centre aad Llkcoulitios. ttcad of hping k;r.t on short commons. Hope ho won't lose ay by his falso ecou I'ENTAL CARD. M. SMITH olfers bit professional services to the I ftJI. H nml (icntlcmcii of Clear field nnd vicinity. All operations performed with Gi-ktbess anA desp'.'xh. Deii.j; familiar with all the Into imprevtcents, bo is preared to mnko Ai'tilicial Teetli ui Hue Let oiuiiucr. Olfica in Shaw's new row. Sept. 14th, lSi6. Iji. 1. TRST nt Lnw to Col- Clenrlield, July iiil. y II EN II Y WHITEHEAD, NEW GOODS! AT THE CHEAT CASH STOKE, I am just receiving nnd opening u largo and well selected assortment of FALL AND WINTER (JOODS enw nr liodert. 1 clin.il,! m.i-oil. ....! ! "f I'M ILK of tho pence . . , , Itockton, I'nion tp., will attend vvj diiv,. nij owtfc i.vvv iu itnyuu.iy, iiy hoises in jirticular are in tho higbost keeping, and ready fqr thobard wqrk they may have to do. It is a ploasqra to look al tbeir plump, sleek sides. Next week, I 'm going to hn ve a " regu lar clearing up." Chips, saw dust, ah heaps, old boards, brush, boaes, sticks, lenves, nnd all kinds of rubbish that accu mulate around a houso in Winter, sha 1 bo rnkod up, and picked up, and all tho ruraptly to all business entrusted to his enro. Scjit., H, 18f.il. ly. MOOKK . ETZWiLEIl, Wholesale and Itetall Mcrrlianfs, Also eitensive dealers in timber, sawed luuid bor and shiulo. Also, Joulers in f.our en grain, which will bo sold cheap for cash. Oct 14, 1859. 1oot i hoos of every kind for Ladies, Uen- tlemon, and Children at II. W. C CO's, pvisstins Mill nnd cut .?, Mann's nxes and XJ ngenerul assortment of lUrJwnre nt thi i.reiuiaea. shall be nut in iml .;. ""re 01 ... L. A. IKVIJf, . - -f- f u.,.m. (jurwcnsvillo, May It?, ISf.O. tI.bt. Pbi-hk Vnounn tv T,r.,..v i. :.' fn and e xnmine ths Patent, air-tirht 01ns ... .... , , . i Vnud stone jars, they aro just tho thmir'you well known that when land has been plow-1 ueoO, for ml t f. , W. A CO'. cd for innny years at a uniform depth, aj hard crust is formed at tho bottom of tho , irrnv rm-n. . '. , i ClihAr at tho rtoro of fttrrow. I he Country Gentleman says i ' e ! T jn23 WM. F.IRWIN. lutely had occasion to insj.oct a pioco of ! TT ' ground that had boon plowed and was' HC;:"' fu iri0 flooded by a creek, and all tho looso or b-arfio , July litb IS!). plowed hoil wanliod completely away, T .... ., ... f .- , , , J, A ery largo stock of Spring and Summer leaving thu under rrimt untouchod, and 2Y. clothing of tho lat?Ft styles for snie lw by showing every mark nnd scratch of tbo1 "wonsvilio, May 16, i860. K. A. IRVIN. ol almost every description, A benutiful assortment of Prinla nnd Dress goods, of tho ucwest and Intcst stylos. Also a rgeat variety of usoful notions. A largo assortment, read) -made C L O THIN ( ;, Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qi censware, I'ruggs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, G U O C E 11 1 E S , of tho best quality, all of w hich will bo .old at the lowest rash or ready pny prices. My old frienat and the aublio gonerally, aro rcspoctfully invited to call. Clenrfield, Oct. 31, lH(Il). WM. F. IRWIN. r-N. It. All kinds of ll It A X utitl njiprovr. I COl'XTItY rilODI CK taken incxcliango f j Goods. I .. in. s t. i.Vjv t:r wi. A. w i i.l. i, r.. r i m i- v , riMXcr nnd Ji: v.-i:t.i:v of diflcrent qualities. from a nngle pice., to a full sett, which he will sell nt the most r. nsoin.l.le prices for cash, or in ex.-harge f. r old e,i,l and filvcr, i H.OCKS of c.eiy variety on hand, at tho mist reii-. n il le prices. , ALL kinds ol Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, I enrefully repaired nnd ll'm-ro , .? .(. 1 A continunnee of putrou.igc is solicited, 'Sept. ly, ISf.n. II. p. NAtULK. NEW HOTEL. or Th.i nit.l..rH.rned respectfully be;; leave t. aini niiic" that be roeenCy rented n house in the I. .r.ni-h jf Lumber city, Clenrlield county, la for the nreotnmod.ition of the trnvcllin' public, waAenuen nnd ail others who may favor him with a call. His table always be supplied with as good ns the markets itlfor.lr .in, I nn i...in. mil. . tAiUct.twm innde nnd proceeih promptly remitted' spared to render his guests roailortable while LEOiYARJ). f INKEY &Co. 'j I, K A U Y I 1. I. LLKAUFILLD COI SrV. i'A. JBII.LS 01. KXCIIAN.iE, HOTSM AMD nilAFT mscorKTR i) posits itKci-ivr.n, l'.x linnpe on the t'itjes ruiistuiitly u liuud. rft'OBicoon Second St., nearly opposila the COURT HOUSE. CITY HOTEL rKorrticroK, Kerpectfuily nnnnunees to the trnvellirg public 'PYIiONE Col. A. T. OWENS, l e ... . .. iiouer ..is rooi. jo wiiien tne laets tuut no in toxicating liquors nf any kind will be kept about the . remises, will ho trusts, contribute in no small degree. While, w hat is always important s tyaveller, tho best attention will be civeu by careful hostler to that faithful companion ol his jmirncv, bis J.nieiit steed. July 4, l&SO. It: JAMES iCHOSSLY, about to b married, both iiu.lt nnd f. mnln. in yiiA,i .l,lll-I!oing a juivatc i.lL instructor or married persons or those . uu. ....,-., s ,i. ..ree every tbiog concerning the physiology and rel:.. well known house, i.nd w,ll conduct it in such aj ,in!) 0, (lllr xunl system, ni'd the production or mnnner as will render excellent comfort nnd for, ) prevention of onp. ing, ineludiag all th. new sa .sfacnoa to l who may favor bun with .hWerics never before tiven in tho Em-lish Prvn a Rmearriivg Mtrchant f S. fu , l. Atsr: Your I'llls nr the panoi. irrMt 1 aMKliclutt. They havn cnrwl m;fej, of ulcerous sort upon her kitn.la odfwtttji Inc.iral.le for jn. liar mtl.r butn.. ouslr afllicted with blotches hJ nlmriini. in l.er hair. Aflar our child wai carat J your I'itU, and they l.uv eurad her. ' J ABA H.1M( a. a i-araiiy Fiiyu,, Yarn 1H. i'. W. (hrtumgU, A (HJ Tour Pills are tlis prlnea of purju. n,, omilities suritass any eatharttc we donm i i.itlil, liut very certain and effectual In Uiw ih.tthi, wiiiitii iiinKva uicui iniaiuuuw a a treatment of .Usunse. II end ache, Sir klieadache, Pod J trom nr. Mmtrt wy, Aisnan una lino. Aran: I cau not answer rotate I bnve ewrtit with your Pills hettcr then to a, rrrr trtat with a purnativt nudicint, I iU. der.roonanerTiicti.nl catl.ajtie In m,i.,i.J ilisoiuo, and tielievin? as I do that TOnrNhiJ life, ui uure, i vi oounw tiuiiu inein liij PlTTSK'M, h,n, I Im. J. C. Avert. Sir: I bare Ikw. ntma- I Uie worst k'ailacht any body mn oi iiHir i iii. jt soims io ante irania t wuicii ll. cy cieaiise at onro. Yours with great respect, ID. I ! nrrl-iflj ! Illlloui DUordera I.lver C; j F, us Dr. Vi'odort Ml, of Sm Tin Not only aro your Pills sdn.lrAbtjiUrst, ! pos-' as nn uperi. nt. I.nt I m.U their btuffta!, : (tie I,icr very iitnikeil inilii-d. Tln-rim j tii - in-iivrd more rlTectunl for Xfoantf A , o'.'i'Ci .nun nor one rtiDmur 1 uffftBtoa, j .11 ... !.... l - - . I.... '..1. - . . I I, "j,, .u to... i.u.o fVlwW"Vf ' ttiy Uie confidence of the pioft-s-iou lolita;, PEPintKiNt or ttiilirj Wl.mi;t,,n, I). C, 7 tli H 1 Sir : I have uM your Tills in bij seotn; I practice ever siuco you made ttiem, aadcut. : say Ihey are Uiq Lest cathartic weempH ' IjUiiK action ou the liver Is quick luteal , ipu-iiMy they aie an adniirsMo reined; Is iri i-f tint org in. lu,ii'efl, 1 l.ave sel.J Iwi i I'iUtti dtifusf s,. clifttnmto (Let It did sotm ' tbvui. Iralernslly yours, AhONZHtl. , l'ltiticiotntftklkr.' . Dyerntrry, Diarrhaa, IUUi,1i Vrimx Dr. J. (J. Oran, nJ Cimfi ' Your Pills hare had a long trial liiijRVf iioi.i tne.i. in estoem as one of 'he twtinc. , erer louml. 1 Heir alUrativo ftt.ct ur tt tln a. nn eso llont remedy, when p.eBina. otnoia ifyirnrery ant a.trrAiri. iuH. t rrmkos them very acceptaklo cd Ctfnreim. of women anl cl.ttdrca. Dyapepela, Impurity .ftliiU Vot J. I". llimu, IVttor of Aim 0 r. Avir. : I hero used your Pills will d enrcess In my rainily and among Uiowlam in dlstross. To repulule the oraani tt Iii purify the blixnl, tl.ny are the Terr M vt ever known, and J can confidently riessM auy irieaiu. soars, , WsasAW, Wyorui.n Co., S.I.fr PsiR FlK : I am mni your CallisrtkrTi tk-e, and And tliem an eicellent puriattni system and furily I he Aiutifdini of Im JOHN 0. MEiCHi Const Ipntion, Coatlvenesl.iapH Itlirui.iat itiii, limit, NenralH ey, I'nralyele, Fits, etc Vwa Ihr. J. r. Yavtfm, Honlml, CM T'S. much cannot I.e. .-! ! of your Pllki1 c-.j'itTneji. If othyis of our fiaTertltrlai as elllc.cious ns I have, tln-y rtmiilil Waa. bur it f.r ll, h. Heritor tlio iniiltlttiJort. tlnit cimplaiat, whi.-lt. nltl.oiili bad cacfljr the oroiri-nitor of rtloira t..t are wor. I timt'Xi to originate in the liver, bat year Pt. 01 .m and ere the disease. Fnin ilrt. F.. Stuart, ''lysi'tuiitWiWe. I fln.l one or two lnrf doft, of rim W projKT time, aro excellci't prornr-tiTeics'lHe to awli".. wli. l'.yor partially supprewi.' i.ff.-.-tJial t.t i-.Vrt,ifr tl.n r'.iiii.t. h slid fTTf. are so luii. h tin l-st ohvsic we tiiatl no otlier to my patif nts. Frcm thi Htr. Pr. Ihu'Wt, xftht tUSfiit I Pi-uif.i I-irr. SuTanaali.fls.. J Hosonin Sir: I idcuM b amiatetul your skill lm 1mi.ii,. ht me ir I .liJ notref y,..i. A cold wHtW il hi my linUan,lbn ciatinp n'inali;ic u nt, wlii. li mil"! is turn. otn i.l,.ndlni- I lied lll lti disease crew woii ;inil worse, er.'.it b,Ttls exM-llent neent in ISaltuiiore, l'r.MirMur I'iIIm. '1 ln.ir . n -o- .... , u !..- i ntrsn. & lu Uie U"u of th.-in, I am now entiraji I SaAT CniMio-a. Ctoii Ite.it.U- Pn. Aran: I tini-e Iwen entirely Jiheumiihc O'.uf a iuful d.s." is," tor years. vl.Mi -M...t of the Pills la niitW'i ahit-h. althwnch a raluahle nmeitrtl- itanirero.iB iu a puMIe pill, rrorat!i ,uenee that frtsiumtly follow Its iso"' ,..taln do uierrury or uiinerai subfiv Prico, 25 conts per Bor, ori5' Prepared by JJr. J. RAmCO M-Snld hv C. D. Watson. O ill.- V. ArnoId.Il Montcotnerv A Co.. New Snlcra; Morrisdale, C. It. Foster, riiilipt'; Chase, Aneonville ; and by dealers toy T riour. GOOD AKTlCLE.for sulo at th. store of jan2S W. F. 1KWIN. plow m it rififsed over. Tho crust ba !. U. ro variety at reduced pri- t.een niaJe to compact ly the tvholo 1 ' J- untoro. Curwensvillo lft, 'f.n. weight of th t'low, an.I th.lt of tho turn J Qtella nnd other .S'hnwls in variety nt the chesr ing, th.it the flood rnailo not tho sIi"htost O ttro of itnrriieuon upon it, although the soil m iiHlurally qutto utiironu Iftb of two or Ihto fcot." Currvfimvillo, May Id, K, 'CO. A. IIIVIN; 1) 11 O T n i; It A I' II I C N liWS!!! CHAUI.ES 1I0LLS A Co., lleg lcavo to announeo to tho citi.ons of Clear finld and vicinity, that their CAU will remain for soino time in the abovo named i.lnco, for the pur pose of affording all persons a chnnco to get a first elnss PIIOTOIIRAPII or AMBROTYPE, From a Miniaturo to a Life-size. T-f'Am'brotypea and Ilacuerrcotypos copied at tho shortest notice. Having had aoieral yenra ciperienco in the, tho eastern 'cities, they are confident that they j ran plcasoall who may favor them with a call. ; Pictures taien equally as well in cloudy as in , clear weather. Trie ea, liom 3 A rents upwards marl3-4t IiHlurally quit Utiironu llowft to tii0 'TjlRUIT. Iiried Apples, I'urcd and unparcd I I'lacnts, iiieiru't tu Corner dure of I'm tics nnd Kaisin, at L". A IRVIN tlnekorel und Herring for sa'o at the corner ill storo.f L, A, 1KY1N. Curwougvi'llf, -Vuy 13, 'Ol1. y laJiiruago.by WM. YOL'NU. M. 1. Thiiureallv a VlLlualllo Unit illlr.,BtinM unrl- T I. .;.!'. M C'OMUIITIVI.:S! Th ...Irertianr. in ot .i.. r... ' , Y hnvinc een rcstered to henlth n s fi'v.illiu.trnii.il niih nmn..,,,. in .. null, hn n rn,. ,l...,..,l .f,...l....l f I . h" ""J"""!! ....... .v ...j .V...H.J...H-I ....,iK on. innrneu people, or tnoso conton.pInt.ing marrinfre, fered for severnl yenrs with a severe lung atTee- nnd having th. least impediment to married life, tjon, and that dred disease Consumjiti.i.is anx- should rend this book. It discloses secrets Hint iou o make fcuown to his f.llcw-sufJerers the every on. should be acouainted with: .till it i. T .i -7 ! ; x. ., j l""'li tht must be locked up, and not lie about To all who desire it, ho will send a cop, of tbo the house. It will bo sent to any one on receipt prescription used, (free of charge.) with tho li-j of twenty-fvc cents, in specie or postage stamps, ections for prepnnng and using the sarxo, which Address Dr. WM. YOl'Ntl, No. i 16 Spruce at they will hnd a sur. euro for Consumption, ! above Fourth, Philadelphia, Pa. Asthma, I.ronchitis, Ac. Tho only bject of tho f -ir- AjiiruU nd l',orinu-X0 matter n.lv.rtiser in sending the prescrii.tion is lo bene. I r,,lt uinv he v.mr diene.'lf,.r. to.. i,Ip v fit the atl'icted, and sprend infonnnti-m which he1, elf under the care of nny ono of the notcrion. ooncoivos to bo invaluaUe, and he hopes every ; (juacks, native or foreign, who ndvertiso in this sufferer will try his remedy ns it will cost them : or any oil er paper, get a copy of either of Dr nothing, and niny prove a blessing. Young', books, and read it carefully. It will b. l orsons wishing the prescriptionw.il plciuio tl.o means of saving you n.any a dollar, your address Kev. EDWAItl) A. WILSON, ! health, nnd po,,ibly yr l,f,.. '7 nov7-ly Williamsbiirgh, JvingCo., N. Y , Hr. YOI c.n bo consulted on any of the rxTltlklXt; TIMI'.s"is: lMHI.Vlii'T i'1 ,,":! ",,.,r.ri!M"1 publications, at his PPIA!-rr.sr.rfo, Wr.,,,1 .,, ra "''"'('' " ' Sj.ruco ft, above rourth ,(.,,! ; EXCITIN(i FOOT itACK between tho riiila.lolphiii Toliro and tho notorious For per and counterfeiter, James Uuohnnan CroFs ! ! ! Cross Rocnptiired ! !! ! It seems to bo tho gener- T n f'll I il ilif .1 n ri..n-r,.. .. ii.... : r .. .. i - w . w , i vimnoi ........ , i hi v., rt,,,,,,.., un. ii vium Hill H.IIII a . , cous.ai iv on in... c , . . .... .... . .... . . I,,., nn ... .f.... e ..cn i. i. J . . i, ...... rhain. pair oi rratiK Miort s 1 rencli-cau Moots, tlint ho , ,MV r i" ...... .-..'-..u.ii . rr. ... uu innnin- hogony nndCnno i-onom -l.l ...i I.. ,.,1 ..i II ... tl ... .imfioin. A'l.iniof.'sm. n.rl,lin. null . ii-. r p.. : ... r .l...,rii,li.,ll. wbif" ..v ,.inHI, l.un.Ul, fllOMV IB ' ' ' " IIBTO Ol O V O r I ...v.-! .... i .... ... I.- ... . . i . itltiiul noil nil Ami. mni r'A,.,.. ri.'b..a... ..r e. .11.. i.,.,i AS 001 iiiiiru jiui ..ui 111 .iiisHi.iK ins cusioin ; out ' ,, ,-" - 01 on ns reasouaoio m -- would announce to all Urn r.'.oc I),,,,,,!,,,. I ,iu" "d lllildrt'll. Send 3 cent Slami. to L i, i,,i K,.h. ro in the Cl" '. Lincoln sinf lull mm, and women and children , bor A!" "' O.It.JUNES, j His stock of Cabinet Ware in Clenrfield. and Sinnemabomnis in nartienlnr. I Hundrods of testimonial". Box 2070 Phila. P 0'.:... : ... ,.rI)ressing an that be is prepared to furnish them with Boots, fiCTA.rnry S. W. Cor. Third tt Arch Sts. s,)f,k,t sewing and Washi" ' 1 Shoes and Gaiters of any style or pattern, stitch- Oct 24, 1 Sf.O KM. ' Book Cases, French and i i"' j f. ed, sewed or pegged, (and ai lie is a short rl-1 ' Dinintr. Breakfast, tern re, 0j l,..l ... .L... I IV.... .-.I ci a i i .. r n . ...niifaeturfa - v" i vu p. I'M i.viiiv. m nun c-uoue. larger sioea unil .own liles, AO. liollllis iii.,.-- All kinds of country jiroduco taken in cx-J prices thnn ever, at Irvina ijhcapost corner, any place desired. jt chnnge, and cash not n fused. Repairing done I Curwensvillo, MfiylC, 'GO- j February , l".1!0. n ll in .no neniesi manner ami cnarges moiierute, at - . . . . .- , ja U" ik. .ti ci ... c j b. . ... . . . flu okini Stoves ol van""' f tow t-uori r. i.e p.. .011 01. eiecoim cirrei. .... ...is. im ar ijiui . mi 01 ,n inrni ami icAiuru 10 ' Reel, Weavar A Co s store. FRANK SHORT. I I j nloea nil. will h foand af the corner store. ' N. ll, Findings for sals Sept. Ifi, ISf.li- illnchllcBC. 'IlV(llrsa: Market Pnu-.lon,' opposite the obi Jew store: 1 0W tlCr 8 eoi.stan.lv on hnn.l n large a ; V'ciictablc CLEARFIELD STONE WAKE Thnnlifnl fnr tmf fnvnrf and lure pntronage. I would rfMfl'', tlint I hnve on Imnd again, "' keep at tho Pottery in this but'?'' ' -V... .!!...' f.ll.St'V hit n eoori i.ieianee riifi u. . a lnrire stork of Crockery. f' u milk pans, Churns, Jugs, jar.'tt f c. rf-c. ; nnd also an ejienu" . .i:r...A. ..j ,..rnl a ' uiui-ii'iit r.i.ia ni... , ........... C. l.nil.S!. S"1 H.TiU'B IUI V"l UIVO VM - il ! n rr Anv mi-Biilil i n ma nnt An hand ' ....j - , older on short notice. Also nnil knot for unle. frftk lili.irnl reduction 0" f. 1r)w,l...oln ,lnt,,n F- Clearfield, mny 2.1, lST Cabinet, Clair Mj T 01IN (il L1CH. "f the f'""- I t ..-.11 l. .,r..i,iirei! at all n7-lvl.. v....:... ;.. ilm abort .- .o ,..,y cos.i.e . notice, nnd m a wnrKinniini v, of business is nt the aid 'l"'I",Tt etflV Vi ' ton rtreet, :t.I d"or J please all, will be foand af (be corner store, Cnrwinsrilie, May I, lnfl. V., A. IRVIN. sale by . ... .fjl. f'unv navillf, May '" I