Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 17, 1861, Image 3

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    m Hfio AMinlhnnnik i
1 be ..,1 tiSt t t'fl
m im -imv, i l it. i:. i1"' i.
lift "1
Mnii.w vn. . t,.- i
-ii tii Id lii'l'iiHh nn" I'lt'u o
1 1'. I t .1 t In' tfliri' I'm tin l ly
.1, Mi i 'ulli'iirlt, I ' , mi
m id' ,(, M I Itl M'! n.
1 ,r -Tin) l.rjjilntui-e f Mi"crui lmi
jimt piT'l nn m l instituting tho di'iilh
ponalty, lor utea'.ing eithi'r. horses or, I
negro situ v.
Stout Rniuini. Vc li-nrn that Ihestoroi
of . A. I r vin, Rt Curw onsvillc, win cnlrr- j
tally on llio moi ning of the l'llli inst. 1
alu rolibti'5 of several art iciest of dry guml. '
and, report inyn, sonio cli. Our friend,
Joseph Showers, whs tdt'cpiiig in the store
at the time, hut the !nu ylarn very pru"
dontly failed to nrousc him
Wide Awake Cu rs. We. thought that
Iheso articles were only intended to din
tinguitih tho " irrepressible " from their
fellow mortals, riur'ng the ht'.o on.npain,
ut unon v i f i t i n rr the river a day or two
ago, we observed one put lo a much bet
tor Doe, by sliii'lcin Mm shoulders of a
Partly rafimaii from the peltings of the
storm. If ihesti enpes hud not been in
"ftrumenlnl n enti.-iinj; tlio mischief from
vhich tho country is now Mifl'e.riiij;, we
tvould bo happy to recommend them to
all our rafting friend,
Ol'K Coni;iiemosai, Pistkk t. Hy the
new apporiioiniieiit bill as reported in our
Legislature, the 21th, or "Wild Cat"
District, i about being transposed into
the 18th, by striking out Venango and
Clarion counties, and substituting Erie,
which, as a Rcpullican remarked, tvns to
make it perfectly safe for them.
' From the loner end oi Cameron county
to the Ohio line, coveri about hulf the
Jeneth of the whole State, and from tho
only tsrAT.t.itJi.r; rkmldii known.-
l M innr-.
tt New ' ,., ft
" ,, ,',, , h,,,v ',, f
I' rr lie It . , , e, i,nnilt m t Mi 'I rniinl
"III i ll lie
lb' Kill I Ml
I'llft ll.l'C Sti)
iithiii ni i'f
...n., V
ni rin)i:i)
(MIAII1S!! ( IIMIls!!! (
, it r ,
Milinitjrn nr limber, !?
Hi on, t miMiy I t'
J'lin.i I In lute nil
"f tin above arliHi
J mf.s i;.
Imttis Instantly
i:vi:i:y kohm and rr.cirs ok
Wiltlainsvllle, April t, ItSI
" (i i hn -echo m i
Mcrmanlewn, P.
Ihi A i
llll H , 0
civ h I'ii n
L IS .
v a k r
Thnup r rrjuiriilintu (unlike nil ilhcr,) aro
"Fri'f from I'uUon."
"Not lUngomiu to tlx tin ninn fnniil.T,"
" com out of their boln to die."
10 rRAitu tint nmre tulilicliod in New York city,
1'tid hy tlio City rust Office.
t'irilbij (lie City I'i iionn nml Station nousen.
I't-tt by City Ftenmem, Ship, Ac.
1'trH by the City IIKp'lal, Al mi lluuf cs, Ac.
Hie City Hotels (,Af tor," "St. Nich-
c C A Ii Ii II M vV: Co.,
Iiiiporlers, nml Wliolemile Iieslorn In
it r i: Tixti , i) it v tut hts,
Warcliouse. No. .Ml!) (.'heel nut Street,
(Oiiosilo Ptnte llotivo,) j
sprS'81-ly riiii.Ai'Ei.i'nu.
CAIITK. The piil'lic nre hcreliy raiilionnd
niiinst LnrliorinK or trutiti my wifuM'
SANNAII, on my nemiint, nn I am determined to
pay no delit." of her contracting nfti r tliii ilnte.
A. J. Hl'DLKR, i
Crahaic tp April 3, 18(11-11 '
i f-l
' Tula
I'n , a
rnivEs fjiom s-io to $70.
graving of which is hern rcnrenentcl. n.. 1
heroine a reeognmeit fnvorits wherever iL.,p , ,vmi,,i .
has heen introduced, nml In, beyond question, SA L 1 LS' AlNIS, i 0 ROCK III KS,
the hcut, as well as the lmnilinmn.ii l,,u-ri,....i I
now nuv
7hsnri...,.i... lii, ,u,n M,,rti,,, at I
i.ii'nc t'.t. M,k, , ( rii(i"i.
li..ii iliMfime i,r. ,. t.lf I i.nii by, i
ft.'.ik of
"HI1" AM, KM hi,
liintiiif.iiirrj iiul ,,f, ,, n,ni,.iitr fliil.lie.l
n a very mpcrW.r tnsnner, and I, he (till tell
LO II' roll CASH, ng rxpeilenee In the
tiiuineM inakci hlin fuel cniin.lent Hint lilm liHin
are made In a ulnlnntlal ami Knrknuinlike man
ner, and mill tnud the tc-t of Irinl. reri'itu
niMinn 10 puri'iinfc itialm simulil call at one
and gel them while they can he hud at the low, it
rates. J : 1 1 N TUOCTMAN.
Mar. 27 IUSI if.
uqrnns or all av.N'M,
lit Nttllk, ll itit'
i in
15 1 AM- I
I i Ii' m i .tuiii
I't -fit . r i.f I'alli-I. fy sii'l i'i.
'lie Vi ii ilnniy t'i.!(.t, 'liln,
Sowing Machine now before the pulilin.
io. i A siniill ond very ncnt Machine fur
Family use.
CJKNTS . XTi:i).We want nn Agent 1 No. 2, A Inrgo Muvhiiio fur nuililno kUVi
In evory city, town, and county, in tho work and for l'luntntinn uo.
olns," rfc.
-the Hoarding Houses Ac, Ac,
-more thun 40,000 1'rir- to Families.
Cambria courty line to tho
line, covers over on
the State. From tho ponderous mzo of
hediaUict it might be justly termed the
Elephant district, but its sli.ipo more fit I)
uggesU ihe name of Irornedary.
late rains hare given
: capital opportunity of
and j
IUrTi.Nti. The
our LumWmen
getting to market. During Sunday
Monday nil our lumbering ttrcams were
unusually high, and th river is still in
good rafting order to day. A great des
truction of lumber has taken place be
tween this place and the foot of the
falls, caused by the great amount of lum
ber afloat, sometimes four and live rafts
ataung at once, mo? t cf which will bo a
total loss.
We heard an t Id Pilot remark, that
there was more lumber staved on Mon
day alone, than was ever known before in
one whole reason.
, Hy the latest accounts v:e have from
below, sales woro madu at Lock Ha
ven at from four and a half to seven and a
balf for pine and oak according to quality,
Mid that at Middletown, Marietta, and
other eastern markets nothing is doing
by way of sales buyer are holding oil,
expecting a large run of kind er.
Vr-,SVr irhnt thr Prnjtlf, lrr$ nud J)rat'-'lt toy.
IlKNKY It. C'IMTAIt. All the mimmer t
have heen troubled with Roaches and Mice. I
wiiMictually nnhaincd of the house, for the Ituacb-
o. ir.t. M.-..r....i..,P t ....r..l,....l . i.... ,.r
I Ul K : Klliirtninnliir itiirl Irin.l it nnil in nnu ttA..L llw.n.
half the width of, Ma llul " Konch or Muu.e in Ihe
Jons B. (iivums, No, 94 Klin street.
HOt'SFKKKlTUiS - troubled with vermin,
need be so no longer' if they une "Collar's" Ki-
tcrininntors. We have used it to our satisfaction ,
1 and if a box tort (i we would hae it. We hud
'tried poisnus, hut they effected nothing; but
: CoiTAii's article knocks the breath out of Rnts,
Mice and lled llugs, quicker than we can write
I it It is in grout demand nil over the country. j
Jxflltil m.i Unit lie.
MOUK UHAIN and provisions are destnyed
annually in Urant county by vermin, than would
pay for Ions of this Hnt and Insect killer. .t
' rimltr R'lVJ llrrald
II EK UY It. COSTAR Your Kxterminntor is
' rcceivcn, una, ami pronounced a rteci.leJesuc
cs. Wo used a box of it, and the way the Kuts
! and .Mice n.'ound our premises "raised Ned" that
uight was a caution to sleepers. .Since not a Hal
or .Mouse has been heard in garret or cePar.
Mntmnr Ais-a Timm.
I IIAYK 1JEKN SKLI.IXfl-Your Kxtcrniina
tor for the lust year, and hare found it a nurr
thnt erery time. I have not known it to fail in
a single instance."
Jo. ItosK, Cnrdington, 0.
WK ARE KKM.ING Your preparations rap
idly, and wherever they hare been used, Rats,
Mice, Roaches, and Vermin disappear immedi
ately ili iKB A Srorrrsn, Drvg , N. Windsor, Md.
l nitod Mutes and Canada, to sell a new patent
article just invented. It requires a capital of
from $1 to $5; and to pemons out of employ
ment, it nfl'ers grent Inducements. For full par
ticulars, write Immediately and receive our letter
by return luuil. 8EAIIOLlT A Co.,
npr.1-4t 4.'I2 Waluut itreot, 1 hiliiclwljihiu.
Administration having this day been grant
ed to the underslgneil on the estuto of JANK
WILSON, lute of Chest township, Clearfield
county, deceased, all persons indebted In saiil
estate are requested to make immediate payment,
nnd those having claims against tho same will
present them duly authenticated for settlement,
tmir20-dt Adm'r.
XKCL'TORS' NOTICE. betters tcstamen-
tnry having this day been granted to the un-
lemigned on tho citato of JAMKS RE A. sr. late
of Jordan township, Clearfield county, deed.,
a J persson knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to miiko immediate payment,
and those having claims against it will present
them duly aut'icnticatcd for settlement.
March 27, lSfil Executors.
This Machine is much admired for its simidiei-
ty, and for its reliability and durability it is un
surpa'sed. A child twelve years can rua it with
ease j and yet it will sew from the coarsest cloth
to the finest Kwiss. Thoro Is no trouhlo of re
winding tho thread, as it is taken from the spools.
It has no belts to give trouble, and will run
backwards as well as forwards. ai:d still sews
equally perfect, and without danger of breaking
needles. It runs hy friction, nnd by closing the
box over it, it is thrown out of gear. In fact,
wo have no hesitation in recommending it as the
best faniily Sewing Machine in use.
The ullou-int Premiums AivanL d the ulove
Machine :
KjyM'or rule very cheap for Cash, by
O. 1'.. MKRRKLb,
In basement of Merrell A Big'er's Store,
Cleufk'ld, Va. feb-27.
f'rankMn Institute, 1858,
The President's Proclamation.
Seventy-five Thouinnd Militia 0:dert
Extra Session of Congress Cul
d Out-cd.
VVfcerra., the l.iw.s of the I'nited States
.have for some time luist. and noiv are. 01
potel, and tho execution tliererf ob!ruc-
ted in the .States of South Carolina, Geor
gla, Alabama, Florida, Missisnippi( J.ouiH'
lana and lexas, by combinations too
'powerful to lie suppressed by the ordina
( .ry course of judicial proceedings, or by
, the IK)wcrs vested in the Marshals by
Now, thciefore. I, Auii.niv Lincoln,
' President of the United States, in virtue
' of the power in mo vested by t he const i
J tution and law, have thought tit to call
, forth, the militia of the go vera I States ol
, the Union to the rggregato number ol
eventf-Jive Ihousamt, in order to suppress
said combinations, and to cause the la--s
' to bo duly executed.
( . Th details for this object will be immo
, diatcly conimur.icated to the State an
I thoritiea through the War Department, I
i appal to all loyul citizens to favor, facil
; itate and aid this effort to maintain the
I honor, the integrity, and tho existence of
our national Union and the perpetuity of
' popular government, nnd to redress wrongs
" long enough endured.
I I deem it prt per to tail that the first anviee
, attigned lo the forces hereby called forth will
, probably be to rejtosfest the forts, placet nnd
1 properly rnca have been neiseilfivm the. Union
ana in every event the utmost care will
be obsorved, consistently with tho objects
I'aforeaaid, to avoid any destruction of. or
interference with, property, or any d g-
turbancc of peaceful citizens in any part
W M Ik. . it. . 1
.mo vouniry ; ana 1 nerety command
Ii peMpns composing the combinations
aloresatd t0 disperse and retire peaceably
,,-to their reRI cctive abodes within twenty
days Irom this date
t .mi -,hat thoprearnt condition of
l'uu " Fesent extraordinary
occtts.00, I do Why, in virtue of the
CvJrwh nMed by,,h6 Constitution
convene both Houses or Congress.
Ihe Senators and Itepresontatives aro
therefore summoned to .usemble at their
aiichambers at twelve o'clock, noon on
Thursday the fourth day of July ,'lPxf
'Jien and there to consider and determine
'ucli measuros, as, in their wisdom, the
..ublio safety and interest may may seem
vo demand.
;" In witness whereof I have hereunto set
Ktny hand, aud caused the seal af the Uni
oted States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this fif
.teenthday of April, in the year of our
Jrd one thousand eight hundred and
s ri1?0"0' anc f lnc ""Impendence of
wj ne UDled States tho eighty-firth.
' ..T L A brail m Lincoln.
;JJ Seward. Secrlary of State. '
'""'kirl.11' niorn''nc Ribecca, wife of'
rrtneria! ' f Lawrenc0 lowDBh'P. of
7"u I) ft my flats, Roaches, Ac.
To Urtlroy Mice, Molts, Ac,
To Dntmy Hed-Kugs.
To Dmirfy Mollis, Fleas, Ants,
To Drttny Msiu!toes.
To Vrtimy Insects en Plants and Fowls.
To flflroy Insects en Animals, Ao.
To Vt'imy Every form and species of Vermin.
1ST OF ItKTAII.F.R of rrei:.'n and
domestic Merchandise In Clearfield Countv,
lor the year I SGI, subject to tne payment of
License :
Maine and Hittrirt. (7i.
Kltls Irwin A Son, Unshi e, II
A. B. Phuw, do I 'I
James Irwin, (iirnrd, 14
Angustus Lecnate, do 3
Win. F. Humphrey, do It
Thomns H. Forcee, Oriiham. II
Holt, ll'ilson A Holt, do 2
Hirnm Woodward, Huston, II
David Tyler, do 14
ll'illiam itrady, do 1 (
Francis Coiid:iet, Covington, II
P. T. Hcgarty, do II
John llarmoy, do 1 1
V. Huffuiiin, (Confee'y) ilo 8
William .Vankey, Karthaus, 14
It. J. Ilaynes, do 1 1
.. C. Brenner, Morris, 14
Fowler f- Jonos, dij 14
Swurls A Dowers, do 14
J. C, Brenner, do 14
Daniel Iirubakcr, Union, 14
John Shcnscr, do ji
rhrenix bumher A Co, Guelich, 14
Fox A Kouder, do 1 1
James A. Hcgarty, do II
1'. Sneiringcr A Co., do 1 1
. fCf nc.
7 00
10 on
7 00
10 on
7 00
15 00
12 in
7 on
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 no
5 00
7 on
; on
7 00
7 00
At the Fuir of the
tho First Premium.
At the Pennsylvania State Fuir, at I'hilndeb
phia, September 24, 1 S.'.O, tlio First Premium a
j At Ihe Pennsylvania Ptnte Fuir, held at Wyo
ming, 18(10 a Silver Medal.
I For the best Doublo Thread Machine, at
caster County Fair, hold Oetuber, 1859 n Silver
' .ileum.
At the Maryland Stnto Fuir, held at the Mary,
land Insti'ute, Baltimore, Md., October, 185S,
under strong competition, a Silver Medal was
awarded to this Machine.
At the New Castlo County Fair, held at Wit.
inington, Delaware, October, 18611 a Diplonin.
The above .Machines are manufactured by
IIAKI.Kh V . IIOUl. lM),
Hllmlii-ton, Del.
Xo. 7?0 Arek Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
No. 801 Market Street, Wilmington, Del.
S. I). li. K Kit,
marl.t-ly 720 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
TA Persons wishing to see the above Machine
in operatien. can do so by cullinir at tho resi.
uenco 01 11. w. .Moore, in Clearfield borough
The subscribers nave opened a full and com
plete assortment of DltlUiS In the new brick
building of Dr. Woods, on the rorner of beeust
an t Cherry street", in the bureugh of Clearfield,
whero they will be happy to accommodate any
person who may desire articles in their line. The
business will be confined strictly to a
ni7 and JWsci iitwn litisimxx,
And nopainswili bespnred to render satisfaction.
Dr. M. Woons. Ihe junior partner, may nlwuys
ho found nnd consulted in the "Drugstore,',
when not absent on professional business. A
separate room for coniiiltalian is attached to the
store, where patients may bo examined privately.
Kvery article usuully found in such an estab
lishment will be kept on hniid,und sold at greatly
reduced prices.
Ti:nws nr.iso STntcTi.r Cash, will enable them
to offer inducements in the way of prices
1 liysicians will be supplied at a small per
centuge over cost and carriage, ami their orders
am solicited. Kvery article sold will be pur.' and
of tVe best quality.
fehfi-tf WOODS A BArtKF.TT.
it it 1 t 1 m 11 H i: v 1 1: v s
11 1:
"Costar's'' Uat, Roach, fc Exterminator.
"C'ostarV Hed liug Kxtcrminator.
'Costar'a" Electric Towder lor Iniccts, Ac.
Ik 25, J0c, xn $1 Boxrs, A Fluss.
$1 Asn $5 for Pi.astahoxs.
Huin, Boats, Hotri.s, ite.
JtlfSold E tryehert by
All Wnoi.ESALB DRfnoisTS in large cities.
All Rktaii. Dri-ooists flnocuns Storbsssp.
lias, o.,iu all Country Villages and Towns.
Wholesale Agents in New York city.
Shieffotin Brothers of- Co.
It. A. Full nstock.lj nil A eo
A. B. A I). Sands A Co.
Wheeler A Hart.
Hegaman it- Co.
Hall, Bucket - Co.
Thomas A- Fuller,
P. D. Oivis.
Dudley A Stafford.
Harrel.Risley A Kitchen.
Bush, liale f Hobinson
M. Ward. Close A Co.
McKisson A ltohbins.
D. S. Barnes A Co.
F. C. Wells A Co.
Hall, Dixon A Co.
Conrad Fox.
Ju?e WhitcombA Sons, Woodward, 1 1
v. J, McCann. do
Thomas Henderson, do
John M. Chase, do
Drum, bippencott f- Co., Decatur,
J. F. Stoiner. do
Bowman A Perks, do
James Forrest. Lawrence,
Keed A Weaver, Clearfield,
T. TV,
B. A.
Philadelphia, Fa.
I'yott A Sons, ,Rob't Sooemaker A Co.
tuhnes oek A Co French, Kichards t Co
All the Principal Cities and Towns in the
t-C-Sold by
And by Dat ootsTs, GRocras and Rbtailirs een
rally, in Citt and Cocstrt.
KTCoi ntrv Dealers can order as above.
Or address order, direct-for if prices Term .
V i. de,ir,djr-,end for Circular to Dtlr.j
raisctSAL Dsrnr A"o. 41J Broadway-fOni
rite the St Nicholas Hotel.l New York,
Moore A Kuweiler, do
Hichsrd Mossop, do
liruham A Boynton, do
William F. Irwin, do
C. Kratzer A Sons, do
Mtrrell A Bigler, do
J. U. Hartswick, do
Leonard, Finney, Co.,
Brokors, do
William I.umadoe, Boggs,
Henry Waple, Confec
tionery, do
Matthew Forcee, Bradford,
F.dward Wi'liam', do
William Albert, do
A. Montgomery, Brady,
Jacob Knnlz, do
John Carlisle, do
Reuben H.Moore, do
Daniel Uoodlandcr, do
F. K. Arnold, do
Samuel Arnold, do
A. Montgomery, Curwensville,
K. A. Irwin, do
J. rf'. J. F. Irwin, do
Pattnn, Hinulo if' Co., do
John D. Thompson, de
J. htei'hen Uraff, Con-
fectioaory, do
John Flegal, Pcnn,
V m. W. Anderson,
Confettionary, do
John Rrnomall, Lumber City,
w right ft Co., ilo
J. h. Curbv, do
J. Ferguson, Confec
tionery, do
II L. Henderson, A Co., Bell,
K. W. Brady, do
S. T. Hoover, de
James McMurray, Burnsido,
K. Mc Masters, do
Patchen f- Sons, do
Russell McMurray, N.
William Hunter, Chest 11
James Curry, do 14
David Metihoehan, Jordan, 14
Swan A Hartshorn, do 14
M'm B. llegarty, do 14
Mary C. Wright A Co., Ueccaria, 14
John Robeson, do 14
William R. Dickinson, do 14
Jeremiah Cooper, do 14
Groom, Dirkey A Co. do 14
Lionel W. Weld, do 14
Samuel llegarty, do II
Charles J. Pusey, do 14
John Robeson, do 14
Michael Stoinkereher, Morris, &
Thomas II. Forcee, Graham, 4
J. C. Brenner, Morris, 4
Edward Williams, Bradford, 4
K. A. Irwin, Curwensville, 4
A. Monrgomery, do 4
C. D. Watson, Clearfield, 4
Woods f Barrett, do 4
E. Goodwin, Curwensville, 4
r txiKHS Jupt issued from
I me iHamuiotli I'liUlialiing Ilouso and c
inal (iift Hook establishment of (jKllRlili
EVANS, 4.19 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
"Liberty nnd I'nion, Now nnd Ffurever, One and
liiseperable, One Country, One C n
stitution, One Destiny ! "
A work demanded by tho times. Cnnt.iinin
7 00 j Selections from the writing's of that 1'xKi.txrn.
7 00 iNn STATrmiA.x and Tin a Patriot, DANIEL
7 (10 n iv.
7 00 aiso, tne declaration of Independence; the
7 00 1 u'n?t","n'' n the United States ; and Washing
7 00 I loD." r"rew,!" Address ; with copious indexes.
-n For the higher class f Educational Institu
7 00 1 "n . r,,r '""na ro'''ns- Larf.0 12 mo., with
7 nn !
. - ,u, acpo 1 mnnini ,f,i n - ....
I'cnuiiiiu Btcol 1-ortr lit of Webster. Price,
1. nt.:iMiiiiiiin..ii wiin a uanilsoiuo
worth from JO cents to 100.
"The Lnion Text Book" is a voliimo of power
ful interest for tho present times. Its subject
, ... ...... 11,. mjir, accuracy ana tullness enti
tle u 10 universal acceptance Every Merchant
enouiu nave it: r.vory .Mechanio should have it!
, Every Lawyer, Physician, Politician nud Patriot
1 euiuiii nave ii : intact, Every Uody, whether
i'ian, vtomnn or l I11KI-whethor of the North
ruuiu, i hcsi, enou'U send for u copy of
mis one 01 tne most needed and acceptable
Books ovor submitted to tho notice of the Amer
ican public,
' Th l,r"FrTI,t'lm of !' Constitutional
Text Book to the people of tho United Statis,
certainly needs no apology, fur it contains the
25 00 J ' anaamental Law ol our country, with an intro
duction selected from tho writings of him who
7 00 has justly been termed tho "Expounder and De-
ienuoroi incionsutution." In making the so-
Inltnna from .. r , it, , .
... ,v ...if,,, ui iMr. ouster, great
A . A I. A B . . I . . 0
vie una nira iiinen 10 seieci sucn parts as may
! ur ii.ii-i.nT.u .itmnai, anu wnicB will tend to
sirengtnen tne opinions or tho old, and to im
pr -ss tho young with A Love of Country, A Ven
eraiion lor tue (.onstitution, A Respect for the
aiemory ot the l,rcat nnd good Men who Found-
ca our Kcpulilic, and who have passed away,
lorvoiu aiutcmneni to ino l ninn, to Liberty, to
Peace, 10 Order and to La, and will ulso tench
lessons of Wisdom, of Mornlitv, and cf Keliirinn
-iass uook, uiu volume is most valuable,
and when used as such, the Instructor will readi
ly nra in the Indexes suggestions for all the
questions necessary to bo asked, and the nnswers
01 mo students should always be in the exact
worus 01 tne toxt. Address all orders to
7 01)
7 00
7 00
7 on
7 00
7 00
7 00
12 50
12 50
12 50
12 50
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For Bliiokwood and the four Reviews.
. . 1,10 Pr"'e ,n (,rcnt Britain for the fjvo
1 erioaienis aiiovo-nanied is $:!1 per annum.
Republished by
mnrl.l.fiin 54 (ild Street, New Vork,
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Til E UN KM PLOY K !::!!
Hit" till y I l) In
l his. e ( IS
Ti ll Von i.( the O.'lgln, 1liil-.iv an I -Hsiit,,-.
Hir trulls i l lbs Mil'. us liiieils if
For. i.enn, Aslnlle, A ft I. an and Amer
lea l Ilirea, Willi the phy-i. nl f..rius
lion and ecnliarilii'S i l lb. nnlinsl,
nml hm In an erliiiu hli sen by the
number sml condition of bin teeth (
llliislniii'd with tiuuieroui rsplstistury
rngra Ings.
Will Tell You of Breeding, Bri sking, Stabling
Feeding, Urooinlng, Shoeing, and ill
generi l uiniiagement of the horse
with the bcM iiiiideior siliiiliiisterlng
medicine, also, m t ir,,t ltin.
Kicking, Rearing. Shying. Sliimbling,
I rib Liting, RestlcmneM, and other
vices to w,i,.!i he b subject ; !, nu-
roiis explanatory engravings.
Will Tell You of the causes, symptoms, an
Treatment orStrnngli s, Soro Throat
Distemper, Catarrh, Influeiua. Bron
chills, Pn.iumiiiii:!, Pleurisy, Broke
Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring nn
Whistling, Soro Moulli nn
I'hers, and decayed Teeth, with otbo
diseases of the Mouth and Respirato'
ry Orguns.
Will Tell You of tho caures, symptoms, nn,
Treatment of Worms, Ruts, Colic
Strangulation, Stony Concretions
Ruptures. Palsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice
lteatirrhoea, Bloody I'rlno, Stones '
in the Kidneys and Bladder, Iiifluina
tion, and oilier diseases of tho Stom
ach, Bowels, Liver nud Urinary Or
Will Tell You of tho causes, symptoms, and'
Treatment of Rene, Bio id ami Bog,
Spavin, Ping-Bono, Swoenie, Stransy
Hrokon Knees, Wind Units, Foundor
Solo Bruise nnd (i ravel, Cracked Hoof
Scratches, Canker, Thrush, nnd C rns
ulso, of Megrims, Vertigo, Epilopni'
Stagger, nnd other diseases oftith
Feet, Legs, and Head.
Will Tell You of tlio caures. vtni,.,. n,,.'
Treatment of Fis'ula, Poll E il, Olan'
ijers, Farcy, Seurlct Fever, Mango'
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Cramp, (lulls, Diseases or the Eyeantf
Heart, Ae., Ac. and how to manage'
Castration, Bleeding, Trephinning,
Rowcling, Firing, Hernia, Amputa
tion, Tapping, and other surgical op
Will Toll You of Rurey's Method of laming Her-'
ses ; how to Approach, Halter, or Sta
ble a Cult ; how to aeenstom a horse
lo strange sounds and sights, and how
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to Harness, also, the rorm and law
cf Warranty, Tho whole being the re
sult of more than fifteen years' curcfuf
study of the habits pe luliaritios,
wants .md weaknesses of this noble
and useful animal.
The Rook contuins 3S4 pages, appropriately ll'
liislrated by nearly One Hundred engravings,
It is printed in a clear nd open type, and wilt1
be fiirwnrded to any address, postage paid, on"
receipt ef pi ice, half bound, $1,00, or, iu cloth'
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KMM A YK.tK can be mdo by enterpri
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to nil such aro exceedingly liberal.
For singlo copies of tho Book, or for terms to'
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dress JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher,
No. fiI7 Sanson Stroot Philadelphia, Pa
December 12, lAt)U. (lino.
1,000 Chances to Make Money
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7 00
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Send for a complete classified Catalogue, ofour
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Rare Chance to Make Money
Should send on
closing a three
modkrx "(Took ek y,
In all its brunches. Bv -Miss Ki.ui
Ciiretully Revised by Mrs, S, J. Halb.
It Tells Tou how to chooso all kinds of Meats'
I'toll.... ....I ri 'ii .... .
........ j, uiuiip, wiin an variou
and most npproved modes of dressing
and cooking Reef aud Pork; also th
host and simplest way of salting, sick
ling nnd curing Ike same.
Jt Tells You all the various and most approvei
modes of dressing, conking, and boning
Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Poultry, ani
tiamcofall kinds, with the different
Dressings, (iravies, and stuthngs appro
priate to each.
t Tells You how to c!iooe,, nnd prcsorve"
ish of all kind.--, and how to sweeten ii
when tiiintod ; a'so all Hi0 various and;
most npproved moles of cooking, with
the different Dressing.., Sauces, nf
ilavoring appropriate to each,
It Tells You all tho various and most npproved1
modes of preparing over fitly different!
kinds of .Meat, Fish, Fowl, (),0, stl(J
egetnblo Soups, Broths, and Stews;
with the Relishes and Seasoning im
propriate to each.
It Tells You all the various and most approved1
modes of cooking Vegetables of evert
description, also hew to prepare Pick
les, Catsups and Curries of ull kinds
Potted Meats. Fish, Umuo, Mush
rooms, ,fc.
It Tells You all ike various and most approved'
modes ofprepnringnnd cookingull kinds
or I lain and Fancy Pastry, puddings,
Omelettes, Fritters, Cakes, Confection
ery, Preserves, Jellies, and Sweet Dish
es jf every description.
It Tells Younll the various and most rpproved
modes of making llread, Rusks, Muffiins,
and B scuit, tho best method of prepa
ring Coffee, Chocolate, and Tea, nnd
how to make Syrups, Cordials, and
n inos of various kinds.
It Tell. You how .o set out an ornamental Ta-'
Me, hew to Carve all kinds of Fish,
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simplify (he whole Art of Cooking as to'
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5 00
TNOTICE. An Anneal will S held nn iK
7th day of MAY next, at the Coinminnioner's
ftffinA Im CI...II.U I 1. .
t v.u.v, ... iiiii-iu i,i,,uuii , wnvn ana wnere an
who fool themselves agrieved by the above Ap
praisement, Cin attend if they see proper,
j aprMt Mcrtantilt Appraittr
country to huy books is at the Original and Pop-
iaisa wvn u'U'i'l 1 11 HI l
4X9 Chestnat Street, Philadelphia.
March 20, 18(11. 4t. v
l.'S.wm 1P1IJ tiKAIX. The W.ik.. .1. . i- .. . ..
T now offers to purchasers a superior quality """""E". uirecl orders to
of FLOUR, RYE, CORN ,ni OATS, at the Tery J GI OKfiE (.. I.VASH
lewest cash price, at bis Warehouse in Pnilins-
b"(T- JACOB KEPLER, Sr. I 1.19 Chcatntit Street,
soinpiourg, .narcn zo, 1861. iu apr3-I0t
Tin book contains 413 pages, and upwards of
nuiiureu 01 which are tho re
sults of actual experience, having been fully anil
carefully tested under tho personal superintcn,
dence of the writers. It is printed in a clear and
open typo, is illustrated with appropriate etigra
vings, and will bo fcrwnrded to any a.Uren'
neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of to
pn-e, $1,00, or in cloth, extra, $1,25.
fl(MK) A YKAltranb mado by cnterprf
sing men everywhere in selling the above work:
onr inducements to ull such being very liberal
Forsinglecopios of Ihe Book, or for terms to"
ngents' with other information, apply to our ad-J"-s
r JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher.
No. IW7 Bansoin Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
December 12, 1S60. flmo.
4 D.MIMKTR ATOH'S X01 If Letters'
J.Y. of Administration having been grantod to'
the uni'ersigned. this duv. nniin tb iio nr
Willinnt JAMES W. STRANFORD, dee d, late of Morris
itllOUt risk, together with FULL rAnJ township, Clearfield county, all person, iudebted
TICULARS relatire to iRia vnvn lo Mill"t"le "'i"""'1' t'"l" imnu'lim
priv 0 10 tn" r-Ii payment, and those having claitis against
1IiA,;'' ' the same will present them Julv authenticated
Itr setllemcnt. SAMl'EL'CLYDB,
I Adm'ri
CDTIO.-All persons aro hereby caution
id against purchasing or meddling with
. certain YOKE of OX EN, now in th posse,
sin of C. D. TUBUS, as the same belongs (si mei
and are loft with him on loan only.
Forj'Hon lp., Nfarch 20, 1361. t,
fcaTTo insuro prompt and satisfactory