. . II',,,. l,t pits M I"ti'H'M I'1' Ot tflfilllUlu iff lUU U.HI, ',lfl,.lM.riVii.limtl"mlHfi--.tlH liniihwn inln'il ,",'I,B ' """" n" l.thriwli our plain 'lty I" yields willing mppoit to Mid i-n-nprrnllon Willi llioo polnKl to ndministcr the gover n ' inciil nml execute the law - holding them, the alinln nvilijed world wiM hold t . i v. im'li,. X, VI.,,, , CI.KAKFIKI.I), PA. Wcdnciday Morning April 17, 1801. i ns llirtn, to ft strict neeountnidtily for the mnnncr in which these lirnvy responsibil ities are discharged. Loc king to sin h reidorntion. we believe the Iemocrats from Main to Texas, llio't t lie best, snl'est, nnd the mint honorable 'course for Mr. Lincoln to have pursued THE DUTY OF DEM0CRAT8. would liavo been the withdrawal of the ,i United States troops from tlio Forts with Now that our country win nn actual , nim' '' , 1 ,, . , .,.,, Uate of Civil War -a fai t w Inch we nro ure very many of our readers will find it diiliiult to rcalue it is well to inquire what, in suh an emergency, in tlio duty of 1 nun-rats? The answer in best furnished by a reference to the past hutory Ih.ninriiitii! Dlll lV. Hlld tO tllO I liar- , -..-i.i :.....,i i n..ini.ii,lrl'i mind, a ns upon which it i founded ; nnd, H.though i .. : .... t it- !.. onni'itn I lnmnrr.'il 4 T , . 'quantities ware recently sent thore by sen, .l.nl,l nniv mirsue ! mnv vnrv ns muoll S M"""""" . .. ihey evei have upon any other question presented to the American people, yet wo in tlm limits of tho so called Confederate States, and n few days after his inaugura tion, it was announced, with seeming an thority, that such was his determination. At this prospect, tho whole, country ro joiced. It now seems that either this was a folse report, or else that ho has changed order for the evacuation of any or these forts has yet been given, hut on tho contrary, provisions in large apprehend that thoso who lully compre hond, nnd properly appreciate, tho pur poses of its organization, can have no dif ficulty in deciding what course to pursue. Every Democrat can consolo himself with the relleetion that neither he nor his party is in any respect responsible for our present troubles, beginning with 18-10, the Democratic party, foreseeing the cer tain dissolution of the Union in the event of tho practical application of the North ern Anti-Slavejy sentiment in the Admin istration of the General Government, was careful to embrace in nil its platforms, the uluin nnd clear doctrines of the Constitu- a tion, and which w ere as cordially accept- i able in the far South as in the Noilh. Its competitor the old Whig party-did the same thing. lletween thcte two parties, . therefore, the country, o far a the ques tion of Slavery, or questions of sectional prejudices were concerned, was entirely safe, flut, ten years later, tho Whig par ity, finding itself controlled, in a great measure, by the Abolition spirits of both i Old nnd New England, censed to Iks a Na tional parly, nnd its ppevdy dissolution followed and out of its ruins grew tho present sectional Jlepublicnn party, which is completely under tho control of tho . AbolitionUU. Our present troubles nro tho legitimate : fruits of tho success of a party elevated to the control of tho Govurnmer.t upon tho distinctive doctrine of hostility to the in stitution of Slavery, and for which, we re ; peat, the Democracy is in no way responsible- having done ull in their power to prevent tho iucccss of that party , by warn ing the people of tho consequences that Tin iMiitifinlly are I'tr-nily rcit"l, mill me r-l tit'H " Mtn. k I.viiIkM. up to hiidnitfhl no ib'monliatlin hs ken hu , nnd pinhnhly no Mtm K ill I'O inn In ti-nlhl. I h military In the eily rc tindet itnu but all Is quiet. Another regiment will unlve hern to morrow. It Is estimnted that betwern ll.W 7,1 H HI men nre stationed on Morris Sullivan's Islands mid points along eo ft. Into In hii ht H lhfni trllifntrl mi tlt ft Sumter in smnll ImnK It In n's" IhoiiL'M, fimit lb teLMihir nnd ie.i'irnt flrii'ft id Mnji.r Andeis.-n, that lin Iim imii'li Uiper lorei rd nu n than mpponl. At any rule, he U flehling bravely. lid it I" rhumeter, Mid Cm m.sTON, Ai'iil M f.VmiV Ho lilitiei have for tlio pfselit reiHed and tlm vietorv beloncs to South farolina. tlio With the display of the Hag of tim e on (he ramparts ol rorisunnerai nan pirn and and l 1 IPi'll AH hhini, 'llll llie H . r. , - V,M .... .. . I VI i.. .i I Will, b.r HmtiV Wreks ,,,, " (tl'tlllllllV mi'l I Ml tlPvlly () , Sale within the Tui,,,, , ' linli'pi ti-nl.il. bmie r, iv., " n I, hi inn lit I ln I,,.l. J , ''')) tins mi'l-1 1 o'clock, the filing eeaed and an iineon d iinmd surrender was made. Tho Cur- General Iteauregnrd will lonvo at ninlil for Morris Ulund. It is rurrently reported Unit nefotia- olinians had no idea that tho lidjht was at tion will bo opened to-morrrw between n cn,t So, soon alter tho flag stall General Iteaurepard and Major Anderson, ,f Major Anderson was shot away, Colo ilmiil tho surrender of Fort Sumter. nel Wii-fall. tho aid of General IVauro- Ollicers commanding dilVorent posts in tho harbor and cost am on tho alert, ex pecting an attempt will oo made eaily in the morning to provision and ruinforco Fort Sum'.er. Tho Harriet Lano is reported to bo ofl tho bar, ami signals are aisplayod by tho guard boats and nniiwereu by tho batteries. Ciiam.hton April 11 Midnight. Negotiation havo liecn reopened bo tween General lieuuregard and Major An dcrson. For this reason the expected hostilities have been deferred. I i 1... l.i. wlknln iliminanl li, lmi'nl fdree Ulll. IV! II l 'J liiu ..'. j-"-... --- of tho government. The Southorn aulh oriiies, if our last advices arc correct, have commit led another grave error in resist ing the supply of provisions to these Foils, nnd in thus striking tho first blow, must bear tho responsibility of inaugura lini! a state of war. This is tho only view lake of it at present, cuided by the meagre despatches that hnve alroady reached us. It is quite posiiblo that when reaching the details of these terrible events shall cola. reach us, tlio lacti may near a itinerant construction. NEWS FROM MONTGOMKKY. Movthohkrv, April II, 1801. Tho War Department nro overwhelmed rlili ainilientions from reeiments. battel- lions and companies to bo takon Into ser Dvr ma:i thousand men have boon Ot Inrtx I from tho border States, exclusive of two thousand warriors from Indians, who desire to co-operate with tho Confederate States. A proat number of companies m o daily aching Charleston, Savanah and Pensa- THE WAR BEGUN. Bombardment of Fort Sumter. 16 HOURSIGHTING. the OF The UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER FORT SUMTER FULLY CONFIRMED. President Calls Militia. for 75,000 Message from Gov. Curtin. The News from Charleston. CiiAiu.r.sTN, April 11, I, SOI. A formal demand for the evacuation ol Foil Sumter was made at tivelve o'clock to-day. No one believes that Mnjor An derson will accede. Fighting is expected to commence in less than twelve hours. Tho New York Steamer now being 12 hours overdue, it is believed she has been seized by Northern vessels outside the harbor, und mode a cover in whirh to throw troops into the fort. CiiARi.tsTos, April 111'. M. Major Anderson hai refusod to surren der. II i reply is to the efleet that to do so would be inconsistent with tho duty i i . . - i.:.. - i i li-.- 1 .l,:l. . lie wes iw nis tuni uiuuiib. wuuui ceiiamiy iuiiu., HujredS ot person havo i now remixing. But while we are thus clearly blameless, ve still have duties to perform, ns citizens, . nnd it id well for us carefully to consider i what those duties are, and how they tdmll 'be perfornieil. What the Future hss in store for us, a a nniicn, time can only unfold. It is tho mighty rrescnl with .which we arc now iiealing. V,'e thould i reflect that we are in imminent danger of losing our nationality ; and not only this. 'but that we are in equal danger of losing "jj" this nationality only ntier long years on a call has been made for thrco hun liutestino war, bloodshed and anarchy. I ami mounted volunteers, ns nn extra pn .And what a reflection! What patriot's i trol in the city to-night. Over one thou- henrt does not ehu.lder at tho dreadful I nd ,,av? responded. 'fhe Sixteenth ,, .i .i c . 'reciment has nleo been ordeted on du'y. .thought? Six months ago, the first nmong flt)ll,rHCe!l ull lhe niili,ia of vhi tho nations of tho earth : now, on tho : ton not already in the urmy. 'very brink of utter nnd hopeless ruin! . Shill this bet Can nothing be done to . avert this dreadful fate? Is there no pos sible way of escape f Alas, we can as yet been wait- inc for hours on tho wharves, and other points of observation, to see the begiu ing of the conflict, among them a great number of ladies. Tho people are out on tho houso tops, watching with feverish interest tor the first signal of attack. The excitement in this city is intf nse. Every train brings throngs of citizens and soldiers to town. Twenty-two car loads camq from Columbia to-night. There are no signs of tho supply ships of the fleet as yet, but it is rumored that the Harriet Lane has been seen by a pilot Major Anderson is said to have fired a eignnl during the morning, for what ob ject has not transpired. He has been busy all day strenghening his position. 'l he movements at Fort Sumter nro plainly visible fvilh a glass. The State has thoroughly prepared for the event. Tho supply of ammunition jand artillery is adequate to any emergen cy. The confidence in his ability to do all that is alien pled is unlimited. File bignals nre now buring in the har bor. Senators Wigfall, Chesuut, x-Govennor Manning, of South Carolina; Hon. W. P. Miles, ex-member of Congress, and 1'ryor of Virginia are on the siniV of General Beauregard, doing duty to-night. Advices just received state that Georgia has ready fifty thousand men, armed and equipped for service. Stirring times nre at hand. Tho bull may open nt any moment with grenl slaughter see no hope, nnd can only rely upon the inscrutnblo providences of the Great King of Nations for deliverence. In tho meantime, it is our duty to sus-1 'tain "the powers that be;" and altLough we emphatically condemn and denounce the policy of tie President, yet we nro not insensible to the fact that tho Govern ment nt Washington is entitled to our al legiance. Constitutionally elected, Mr. Lincoln is tho Chief Magistrate cf the na tion, and as such must to sustained by ev ery good citizen. But le is aConslitu tional President not a Iktalor nnd his duties are as clearly defined, and as nice ly restricted, ns those of any of his subor dinates. Beyond these restrictions he cannot move without authority from Con. gress. Hence he cannot declare war, nor call out tho militia, except in case of in vasion. Should ho madly attempt the subjugation of the seceded Slates, rnd ly force of arms undertako to corcpel them to return to their nlleginnce to the Union, it would be folly to expect to bo sustained, for tho plain reason that tho common sense of every unprejudiced mind would toe that the end des'red tho restor. nl lAH SlT I It A TTn!nn . Ml. ... .. ... ------- i fcX -senator Chestnut, tho special aid attained in tlm way. Henco we sen th!nL wiit. rvi ri.;ti,,i ..!-.'.-.. wisdom of our forefathers in so carefully Beauregard's Stafl; have iust returned Yri . vuiui innjioirmB, nuiii rurv aumier with tfce VIRGINIA VOLUNTEERS EX ROUTE FOK SOUTH CAROLINA. Wapmsbto, April 11, 1861, I lirn from ft raliabU ourc thiit vernl mil itnry rainpftnisi hi (trretly In ft Kichmnud, rd olhtr placei iu Virginia, for South Crolio, witliiu the (n dsvi, nd that more re reftJy to follow pu the nr"t iij;n of hoitilitr. This it in rather striking diiionance with tbo preteidoJ pvace minion of the Virginia Committee of In ijuirr. Th F. V.'i" are getting indignant at the impudenre of lien McC'ulloeh in summing to lead in Virginia. Btreral Virgininm, in alla diug to hii roarte, to-day quoted the following language, uttered bj Jon. Kandolpli In the Hnuio of repreieatatireii : "Virginia will always be defended by her true font, and will never need the help of a renegade." Cnai ESTo.v, April 12, 18l Civil war has at last begun. A terrible fight is at this moment going on between Fort Sumter and the tortificatiom by which it is surrounded. In my last despatch I stated that nego tiations had been reopened between Gen eral Beauregard and Major Anderson. This ws done with a viow to prevent an unnecessary eflusion of blood. The issue was submitted to Major An derson of surrendering as soon as his sup plies wero exhausted, or of having a tire opened on him within a certain time. 1 his no reiuseu to no, ann accordingly, at twenty-soven minutes past four o'clock this morning Fort Moultrie began the bombardment by firing two guns. To theso Major Anderson replied with threo of his barbette guns, after which tho bat" terries on Mount Pleasant, Cumming's Point, ind the Floating Mattery, opened a brisk fire ol shot and shell. Major Anderson did not reply except at long intervals, until between seven and eight o'clock, when he brought into ac tion tho two tiers of guns looking towards Fort Moultrie and Steven's iron battery. Up to this hour (three o'clock Friday afternoon) they havo failed to produce any serious etlect. Major Anderson for tho greater part oftheiUy has been directing his fite principally against Fort Moultrie, the Stevens and Floating Battery, theso and Fort Johnson being tho only five opera ting against him. The remainder of tho batteries are hold in reserve. Some fifteen or eighteen shots have struck the Floating Battery, but made not (ho slightest impression upon its iron cased sides. Tho Stevens' Battery is also eminently successful, and does terrible execution on Fort Sumter. Breaches to ull appearance, nre being made in tho several sides exposed to fire. Portions of the parapet have been destroy ed, nnd several of the guns the.-e moun ted hive been shot away. Major Anderson is nt present using his lower tier o! casetnato ordinance. The fight it going on with intense ear nes'.ness, and will continue all night. It is not improbable that tho fort will be carried by etorm. Tho soldiers nro perfectly reckless of their lives, and at every shot jump upon the ramparts, obscrv the efleet, and then jump down, cheering. The excitement in the community is indescribable. With the very first boom ol the gun thousands rushed from their beds to the harbor front, and nil day ev ery available place has been thronged by ladies and gentlemen, viewing tho sol lerun snectaclo through their classes. Most of these have relatives in the aevrr- maws irotn the' nl fortifications, and manv n. tearful vn are supposed attested the anxious affection of tho mo Igard, at his commander's request went to ll'nri Kiimter with n white fbiu to oiler assistance in extinguishing tho (lames. He approached the burning fortress from Morris' Island, and while tho firing was raging on nil sides he effected b landing at Sumter. Ho approached a port hole and was met by Major Anderson, the commandant at the Fort. The Litter said that he just displayed a white Hag, but the firing was kept up nevertholoHH. Col. Wigfall replied that Major Anderson must hand down the American flag that no parlsy would be granted. Surrender or light was the word. Major Anderson then hauled down liia fin it nnd disnhived Olllv tllO flat! of truce. Ill firing instantly censed, and two others of Beauregard's staff, Ex Sen ator Chesnut and Ex-Governor Manning, came over in a boat and stipulated with Major Anderson th.it his surrendet should bo uncoii'litioitnl for the present, subject to Gen. Beauregard' terms. Mnjor An derson was allowed to remove with his men in actual possession of the fort while Messis. Chesnut and Manning came over to tho city accompanied by n member oi the Palmettto guards, bearing the colors of his company. These were met nt the pier by hundreds of citizens and n they marched up the streets to the general's quarters the crowd was swelled to thou sands. Sbouli rent the air, nnd tho wildest joy was manifested on account of the welcome tidings. After tho surrender n boat with an otlicer and men was sent from ono of the four ships in the offing, to Gen. fiim mons, commanding on Morris' Island, with the request that a merchant ship, or one of the vessels of the United States, be allowed to enter nnd take off the Com mander and garrison of Fort Sumter. Gen. Simmons replied that if no hostili ties were attempted during the night, and no effort was made to re-inforce or re take Fort Sumter, he would give an an swer at nine o'clock on Sunday morning. The otlicer signified that he was satisfied with this, and returned to bis vessel. Your correspondent accompanied the ollicers of Gen. Beauregard's staff, on a visit to Fort Sumter None bat tho otll cers, however, were allowed to land. They went down in a steamer, and carried three fir engines for the purpose of put ting out the flames. The tiro, however, hail been previously extinguished bv the exertion of Mnjor Anderson and his men I he visitors reported that .Major An derson surrendered because his quarters and barracks ero destroyed and lie hat nc hope of reinforcement as the lleot lay idly by during three hour and either woold not or could not help him. Be sides this, his men wore prostrated from over exertions. There are but fivo of his men hurt, four badly and one it is thought mortally. But tho rest were worn out, and phys ically incapable of continuing the fight. The explosions that were heard and seen from tho city, in the morning were caused by the bursting of loaded shells, ignited by tho fire, which could not bo cxtin guishe I quick enough. Tho fire in the barracks was caused by tho quantities of hotshot jwu.ed in from Fort Moultrie. Within tort Sumter everything but the casenien'6 ate in utter rui i. Tho whole interior looks like n blackened ina-o of ruins. Many of the guns are dismounted. i i.ii nl t ("tin whit ll i lM Ii"l to be b maliib d If rtiiinf piibbe eli'iiin y, lmo I een f"r met In e.ilsin id llieMtus. On wlmiev ir pn ( t these t ittanrdmaiy tnilitaiy pi i pm Minns my have bet n made, tin ,in posit that my cnitem plnle r.ii'lane" L i ... ,uii (lit id lhe. lawn. Will meil nmpathv or rin'iitg niei.l front the ( the recover; of nil tU , ' Vnplo ol this Cnumionwealih. Innyl- II, i Onivctitinn driven M 1 ' vnii in i ields to no Mate in her repct I ir, 1 ( iMiti by Ihn irpm, nnd be- willingness to pro-tea, by nil lieedlul guarantees, the constitutional t ight, nnd eonttitulional independence, or her kister Slalei, nor in fidelity to that constituii'-nal Union whose niieqaled benefits have been showrrod nhko upon herself and them. I Tho inokl exalted public policy und Iho clearest obligation of true patriotism, therefore, admonish tin, in tho existing 'deplorable and dangerous crisi of itllairs, ithat our militia system fdioutd receive from tho Legislature that prompt atten tion which public exigencies either of tho State or the Nation, may appear to de liiiand and what may Hcetn in your wis dom, best adapted to preserve und mcure Mo the people of Pennsylvania und the Union the blessing, of peace nnd the in tegrity and stab.lity of our unrivalled constit titional government. The government of thin greit Stato wu established I y it illustrious founder " in deeds of peace " our peoplo have been traiu'd and disciplined in those arts which lead tothe promot'n of their own morahind physical duvelopemcnt and progress, und with the highest regard for tho rightu ol others, huve always cultivated fraternal relations with the people of all the Slates devoted to the Constitution and the Union, and ahvas recognizing the spirit of concession and compromise that under lies tho foundation rf tho govern nent, Pennsylvania oilers no counsel, and takes no fiction in tho nature uf a merino ; her desiro is for pence, and her object, t lie preservation of the political rights of her citizens, ol the true sovereignty of States, and the supremacy of law and order. Animated by these sentiments, and in dulging in an earno;-! hope of tho speedy restoration of those harmonious and friendly relations between the various membors of this Confederacy which have brought our jeloved country ton condit ion of unequalled power and prosperity, I commit the grave subject of this comma., ni'ia'.ion to vour deliberation. A. G CUHTIN. . - in i mm on. Inn ilrliii n,l . . sioli oftlnrp -Met. Stniif'.',1 Hah'loiph to suit upon jr . inquire whether his l'ni,,n '. , 1 pein e or war. A repul.lt,.. ' " intimated that thee ilitinw J ns, ..,,' i.i,- Ulliviij nl uill fn nw iiv nn n i...r ,1. e .... "'"tl i nvn I nn Iwtvf r...-..l, .1 : i"r. ... "ii . . Ill 1,'.. .n .ll.i 'l '' ipilutp, Virginia, nnd next the n.,Nr of fifty thousand men witl,:,,' for warlike operation. Thus the only menus for,(, nf I I.a Pninil y..... .' . y, ... it v mi,, Hinpiirati,.' I mucin anu i-ompromisn npne, (been finally discarded m u-' The Union, we nro told, ffftr" rwirfltA PHtTllllll' nf 1" 1 -.11111 eitperi,. 1 here have been no North for trvo days. They .. !... 1 .,1 1 ... 11'.. !... I.. .. . . . . ivum.ua-utwiiiiraiu .1 uBiuiigiou tiicr, who and sister, nut not a murmur An officer just urrived from Sullivan's 'came from a single individual. Island, informs me that three stoamersj The spirit of patriotism is as i-inc.ero as hung off the coast for a long period yes. 'it is utiversal. Fivo thousand ladies terday. Major Anderson fired a sicna'. 'stand ready to-da? to respond to nnv sac- mice in 111 may do required of them Governor's Message. PiNMri.vM Kxri iTivE Cii amuer, ) H.irnsburg, April 9, 18t'il. j jo the Senate and House of Rrpretcutatltct o the lJnmnivnf.a(tn nf J ennxytvania: Gentmhin; The War Policy of the Administration and the Probable Consequences. Civil war is cloie at hand. Tho news that it has been inaugurated in a bloodv conflict at Charleston may reach us at any moment. Lieutenant I ahlot, ot rorl Mimter, on his return .journey to Major Anderson, has been detumo.l at Charles ton ; so that the instructions which he carries to that otlicer nre cut oil'. Thus the gallant Major will be left to hi own discretion, although, from the signal lights which nightly not he displays from his stronghold, it would appear that he expects relief and is prepared to co operate w ith any relieving force that may show itself at the entrance of tho harbor. It also appears that the cflort will surely bo made, under the flag of the United States to run the gauntlet of the hostile forts and batteries which mu,t bo passed to rctv.h Fort Sumter, and it is morally certain that any such attempt will result in a bloody conflict, or in the ignomini ous retreat of our relieving squ:idroii. We nre not disposed to conjecture that a mere pretence of relief to Major Ander son is the policy ol .Mr. Lincoln. Our warlike republican ootemporaries of this city, especially the terrible Horace Gree ley, ussure us that tho administration is iu earnest in this matter, nnd hencefor ward abandons tho thankless policy of forbearance r.nd indulgence with re'oels and Ir.utors. common sense and the matiKinri revolt at tins reni,U subversive of overytlung in the pre-existing institutions, jt Abe i.incoln,' ns the first nipaij, administration. isut-l In fHf(;i extra session ot ongre-s in te(. the exigencies of (his fenrf.il cii. union, revolution and im. war, una nan i.e prnvniet an with the seceded Stales forth num. he might have opened us .orih nml itith. lor a lut erance. With the asptriliiin grc-s, a message from him toli:; recommending the Crittendi propositions is thebaxisoft (.'; ; . . i,i . mg i:iiiiipiimiiKi', woiini nnve in, good work. But the ilml'iiion tion rules the republican camp, Mircoeucu )n gaining me mi the administration. The taw war policy thin adopted is t hut ' Chandler, that 'a little blofd-i bo a good thing, and blood itii: e dire say, too, that the v party is mor intent upm iouk stroke of polio- ivl ich ill ret fierce 'ect ional fires in tliPftimj by it has come into power, 'liari plan whatever for the rwloralir seceded Stntbs to the Uninn. II our repulilican w ir inakrw ;;.), nij! or a lengtheneil reievi rtW'y wiin me oppomnj; .-ouui nuiw they may be overthrown livii r' action at the North. Indeed hope nov ngaiust n civil rof duration seems to lii in the ovr this demorali.iiig, disorgiinim; struetive sectional party, nf win, est Abe Lincoln" is the tilinntini Let the conservative people of tl. t.ien, 01 all parlies, who have id lose rr nnythimr to save, in vies ting civil war, prepare ut "life needful work "I patting dvn struetive dominant party. -.V Herald. How it i I'onk. We hnve f heard the rstn.u k lately, tli.il if ocrats have giitu-l two inomW gress in Cotiiieo' ii iit st t lie late the KepubLcuiia have Mrried tin ture liv h large majiiriiv, whicfi ii but wo need only refer our n what a cotemporary says upon tL of tin caso. "Thii fact need cref.lo no when it is considered that a w oiil'Ii system prevails in Connect which several townships of k ! l.CtKI iiii.ibitanLs send a mr j resontatives ,n New I laven, with ft ion ot -Kiiiiiii. Windliaiii mr Ihecountn has been do- , a population ol'iU .G!2S. kcikIs HI I i it . . 1 ... . c jivea, imii street nas com overreached, tat ives, nearly all Itppubliran tho sccoisiotints tiiemstlves havo beer. Haven township, with 4!,OO0wl ieu a-iray, oj me laio pacitic inanitesta tior.H and profession of tho government at Washington, and particularly by its doleful confessions of the necessity of evacuating Fort Sumter. With a reliev ing squadron en route to that point, we nro admonished ol th necessity of holding that position, and ol the duty of relieving it, even at the hazard of war ; and we are further advised that this has boon tha d.v Ibliemte .mil iiilbv:lil immnii nf ( As the period fixed for th adjounrment! Lincoln from beginning, of the Legislature u rapidly nt.proiu hing, Anticipating, then, the speedy inaueu I feel constrained by a sense of duty to!ration of civil war at Charleston, at Pen call your attention to tho military orgmi- !;leol.i, ot in Texas, or, perhaps, at nil zation of the State. the i,bipP tl. innni, ;L .La sends two, and Hartford witli3.l two more: An equal ratio mlh n" couii ty in proiortion to poWtoi jive to those two Democratic tH 50 Hepresentative. They acta. foui ! Wa An extra scson of Cm been called in the Confederated meet nt Montgomery on the 29tL I .tir Twcntv-(ivc to Sixty P oxprnics per month will bt paid I.' I Sewing Machine Comtisnj tntbrirx. ' palliriif the trie Stewing Mnclunt. u Miirhine, ind ro niniple in it. cmitm child enn lenrn to operate it bj W( ' r. 1 r.- ., . , , - , 1 "... wv. ..iv f'.win.uiu KrKl lln"iJU('ll ihimimviiw... tv , itiIi U nuj - mm the militia system ot tho Slate, du-' ipu f Wn nnnr-l nn. I tlnt i U ir Ml . Mnrhir. in uin. iinH thnv ink thf l ring a long period distincumhed by thoifirit tho secession of ViriMmn nml tliaif'.v nn'' on' hundred dollar ro pursuits of peaceful industry cnidusivf.1v 'nl.r ,1.,,. .?.i price is but Fifteen Dollsrt. Thci has becume wholly inefficient ' I ,V , . ' " 1 ... " ' : -P'-y ent. in .vcrv eoun.Ti.-l lh!i.ifr....,..fii.r...:.:. .. ' I .v' ,l""'c ""-""'"i i .Mates. Artrtrem, for iiurlicuUri, r.,T"V.V." . , K",u . ' re-line organization olnn army for the re-.VocA.n. C. 11. Jam, OenerW.P' ' j eueiis, ana to ren- niovnl of tho United States ensign nnd1 Ohio. ' dor it useful and available to the nublle'miiWitiAc fr.,,,, frf,. ..,i.i:..i buildini! within the limils ol'tlm CoiirdnVT''',v . - i .... ll is scarcely necessary to say more than us, what will bo the probable conseouen- cun nt 10 A. M. llusiness is suspended. The Citadel Cadets nro guarding the J he brilliant and patriotic eond-uet of Mtjor Anderson speaks for itself, and tilencet the at battery with heavy car.non. Thousands tacks lateh made at the Xorth i0 A,-, are waiting to see tho attack common-VrVr and patriotism, . . , .1 Business is entiroly suspended. Only One thousand mounted men nnd two those stores ore opon which are necessary thousand patrols havily armed are guard to supply nrticles required by the army. in service. Many of our volunteer not possess nie numoer ol m n ronnir,i by our militia law, and steps should bo forthwith taken to supply these deficien cies. There are numerous companies, too, that aro without, the necessary arms and of the arms that nre distributed, but few are provided with tho more modorn ap pliances to render them serviceable. 1 recommend, therefore, tnat the Login lature make immediate provision for these 3d ZZiLrZ VroU for companies do'erate States, including the White House, tho t-njutni, and other public buildings at I Washington. Alter tho secession of Vir-i from th United States, it is not likely that Maryland can lie restrained from t he same decisive act. She will follow the fortunes of Virginia, and will undoubted-! ly claim that, in withdrawing from tho United States, tho district of Columbia 1 reverts into her poscs.sion under tho su preme rights of revolution. Hero we who may enter into the military service of mo .-Mate : ana unit steps be taken to change tho guns already distributed, by tho adoption of such well known and tried improvements ns will render them ell'ectivo in the event of their employment in actual service. in nits connection T reeommeml a eivil citizens war of five, (en or twenty years duration. iv nat tor J lo'show that wc have a government' to show that the seceded Slates nre still in our Union, nnd are still subject to its laws arid Authorities.. This is the fatal mistake of Mr. Lincoln, and his Cabinet, and his pnrty. Tho simple ' truth, r atent to all the world, is llinl I lm tho seceded States nre out of our V n inn nnd w aiiim;ton iinmx FINANCE No. . Sue. 1. Itt it riuicHd hy the lluy Council nf the Dnroutjh o,Vir H'o'l tl ,' hn 'rhu Ordained lv the tnmr. That within five monlhl i"-' hereof tlm ownerf of lots tnncinede'C Hereinafter nstued, be required to Vi allc in front of their reepcctiT iu fnlliiwin ff . ria The outido of the walk to be U r . 1. . i . c i... . : .k ' irnui iiio mis til lot, wnii fcww . plnnk, or boards not lem than one" four feet wiile, laid cromwise o "''"j running in the direction ol the street" ak, or pine, nol leu than four plnnk to be well spiked down i if ( nailed with fnn npiinv nniln rlD . i to project out over till mire 'hnvtwVj I Sit. 2. WnlV (n rnmlnvnoe t o"l1 A.l.l.t:.l t..t. :;... " i. . 1 y.i l "ur,a B ftro f"gflnizl un'r nn independent gov .., . ...... ...o.uniiiu invs o, mo ernmentoi their own. The atilhority of Commonwealth bo so mod.fied nn.l amen-' the United Slates within tho borders of. :Z " T 1 , ,l,4,.n,y organiza- this independent confederacy has been lion or tlm sidlA .a ;ii:... i - ' ,. - j ..... .. Troops are pou. ine into the town bv e aet 1 Vn i u V 1 " L -1 ' , " "7V , "'I''"'? ?"Ppeueu, except in de- hundreds, but nre held in reserve for tho ! nc ' " 1 ".7 . , ,U il ' - 8 EirSd,:h!JL r-aution,suchnsI l,avo .oC. ' SnSSllS M v. --p s ' nro wise nnu proper nr. n .. moo ;n . rs.. ii, i . .i t, ' r. i..i...i, n,i 1 . ... . vw,- .... ... no By t-iuerinc . . ,r. . , r ( . ... f .irAHL i- oi ii. it. nofe s lot on .liiu" " 7 the South nido of said itreut to t cornor efsaid lot. .t ii ttet" i-r.i...,. . UIIIIIICII1 inn . gl M Ptiniminff'. .1,,.. lintlflA on .ll-IB aloig said street to the Norlhwe"'0 M. Itunn's lot on said street. . r.i,. . vnilllHl IlUlllf( of Mrs. Irwin's lot on Front tr'"''(, usiil itTnot in ii.n Snnihuiiit corner ashincton itreet. thence wet lpr. desire orwahinRton Ptreettotne eou- ri. T..U- f b: i n.' ... ...i.t tr(L How' 5. Commencing at thi 8 oi james linlliiher I 101 on ( doration of our once great and powerful 'Confederacy at the earliest possible mo imer.t, and upon such a basis of equality and justice that it may endure forever. The consummation of this happy result, rethink, depends entirely upon "the wis- uom aou aiscrelion ot the present Admin to the artillery can be hoard, tha scone, magnificently terrible. Strand we believ. ,n all the States Answer at the pisTfusedaEZ r SU11 IH XllO UDlOn. 1A 111 lavor nf A rr.av'ninrlnn V. i . . , 1 mo luuuuui' wi : COnaiLlon OI Dtlh in ntlnira Mita JA ' V t ' -n . . . . . " " ' pcriion io do mm live it'fi - ' . v a. - r t lumi eaimuiflni rtAitrmrr ha v- i i .1 . ... 1 0 wuw"w ui liiu a witr win nniv tvirinn ivn,.nu , u im, U yctoriijcalculableconwquoi.ee to nnd enlarge nnd conaolidate thin South' I 1110 people, ana rlemnndinc tho cravest era Confoderacv. Charleston, April 12 C P. M. SWliZft ,,ftn1' U wiU W"."-1 Captain U.S. Parker bring i despatches 1 IntitVl lhi (?ur, " i IT 1,10 raerce, the manufactures, ! Irom the Floating Battery.g SE u l wid, l',, Z SS.S ST?1?"!' " Ta interests of up to this .time only two havo been woun-'tanco. We ,:". 1 'r..:-" . our,0.nnern Clt,e8 .ftn'1 St'. nl Krn.ed to the undersized on ueu on Sullivan's Is and. Il quarters. Every man capable of boarine' urma la s...A Absolute secrecy is still observed as future movements. The derrand for the evacuation of Fort fsumier was made at two o'clock this af ternoon, nnd Messrs. Chestnut, Chisholm and Lee were depjtised to carry tho mes- Adopted .Murcn JVtn, inni. -nH JOS, H. DBBTH, Attewt Jacob A. Iihkth, Sec. ApUOi " 4 I.M1XI!TRATK'S MTICM iV f Administration having M'M isttatun. All nower is in llioi linn, li 1 tftrn f rnm flan Tint a.. I ho liemocrnts, as a parly, can do noth' Immense crowd aro now al lhe differ- , ."no uoi now much we ml newspnper ofliccs jnftydjirar with thcia as lo the policy of for news. engerly watching . . .uv'...,. iu .w umv .ill. ill u n nr.. n . : i : i i ii,i-ii il'ii L'nu mil In r,... ' "1'1'ivonim lllllliarv UOS- nuir thuouji, uA row through. Major Anderson h dil roM Z Xlr0!-. W FM lire in a. mall boat. Portions of thT.lniX'n V'.' T .V. 1 .,.J, T.'v r"cn jfo we to restore theso scce- ? ' ?T ;-,.:;, ihree shins are v h a i n,- rr.- 1 :; i"."" me uei maies to the Un on ! Wo can do it ,uv"." "" ...hes . . . -v mo uiiuii:. iiiiiuirv. 11 nnr. rna nii.tw aI ii.. iiinn tin nraisni main unit '.. nnrl i ia knl.Au. J 4 . P W t w. VMwemnji. U LIIH UnVPrU OTI I V IV c Ann .1 AH 1 ' " I ' VD"" '.i. -l-wmocmaaomontttself.tB endangered. Military or-; thi border riati StatcsiU 3ir t "C-o. . PHILIP Il 4