Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 17, 1861, Image 1

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i H ss 1
VOL. XXXI. WII()!,K NO lfi51.
TERMS $1 25 per Annum, if paid m ndvanc
" Mill 1 T fkTIt
pr Mlli. HKTTT A MOIimro!!.
lttlng idly l,y aiy window,
Ii'staning to tlio aiituinii ruin,
Ai it l faltered, on t ho hotiso tni,
Dashed ajainut tln window rune
While I dreamed about the fu(ur,
Weury turned mo to tho pnt,
Wondering if my ky would ver
Clour fruui clouds iibout it cat.
Ai I tat thus idly dreaming,
Idly K'''"K "" l'10 r"'"'
In tho damp a biri turn flying,
Tapping on my window-pan ;
jQently tapped, a if to auk 1110
For protuctiun from tho f torm,
Bald hirt winc wire wet und weary,
And that 1 could feed unJ warm.
Then I roused mo from my dreaming,
Threw tlio window open wido,
Reached my hand und tuuk tho wanderer,
l'lni-ed him gently by my side,
Dried his wot and w-.-nry plumage,
llnvo him rruniba from out my hand,
All li.-teiK-d to hi.' firigini;,
"Surely," thought I, "1'vo a friend !
" Qod has pout i no thing to lu o mo,
One to love me, ,-ind ivt to leave,
1 will rootho uio nith his niusie,
It will tourli mo rot to j'rievu."
Euttlii.i while Hie sky n::' '-leining,
And a jleaiii of MOiLihiiio fell
On uiy new-found llon' bright jdumao,
And ho (low, nor eaid farewell.
Xetter From Washing-ton Territory.
Tho writer of the following letter is ti
native of this place, and his numerous rel
atives and friends will no doubt lo p.ia.i
ed to hear from Lim.
Snarl Uivek, Wuhingtn Tcrri-
tory, Jmi. 21.-1, 1S01. )
Mr. 0. 11. Welch -
Pear cousin : It is with
pleasure 1 take this oi H'Oi tutiity to pen a
few lines, nnd tit tlio samo time ask to lie
excused for not doing so ago. 1 be
lieve it U tho 1'irst 1 havo written to .you
since 1 loft Clearfield. I am cmilidcnt that
J havo yet tho first to receive from you. It
is a great wrong that friends especially
xelativos-do not, correspond more fre
quently. Travel in very slack hero, times dull,
and I am very lonesome, being ulone in an
Indian country. I suppose, yon would
-like to know where 1 am, what I am do
ing, und what brought mo here. I will
giveyoutihhort sketch of my wanderings.
Though old to me, it may be new to you.
When I left Cleurlieid 1 intended to visit
some of tho Western States and oiliei',
and then go down tho Miesissipii to New
Urleanii, and thence take a cea voyage, as
1 had a great inclination to sec thu world.
I left Clertitield in tho fall of 1SJ3, went
to Pittsburgh, Krie, lUul'alo, Niagara Falls,
Susjionsion Bridge, Canada, I'otroit and
Chicago, und inftiiy other nlaoes, and at
last reached the Mississippi liver at Kock
Island. But, ahw. tho great Father of
Waters was eoveiod from shore to shore
with ice for miles and miles above and be
.low. This iut me all aback. I knew not
.what ,to do. But my buoitiws hero (at
Jlock Inland) was lo look up an uncle, my ;
.lather's brother, Hugh Fuilerton. 1 in..
.quired of many, but no one could give me
iuiy information. In strolling about to
.rulievo.uiy mind I fetched up at the river
and concluded to step over lo Davenport.
In stopping at a hall way station, or sa
loon on tlio ICC, (aplaco wnero pa.-jbeiigeis
Who choose can sup in ami iua - -
und lcavo tneir
ouarters 1 1 learned that my undo tved
at lS to ., to miles above Kock Island,
whiiTh K l reiclitul next day, and ro-
ma necf hero till ring-giv . g up my
TZvlV Tw vl. Iagterfc lelt Ilainp-
, " , ,i ,,.,.: ,i c,,,,.
uio lor viiio tuuiin , ou n.u . , 'j ,
uromer vaeiuoii. i iu ' b , '
J. JWb counties almost two years when ,
thoi'jke Peak 0(i1Jftf lent
out Like thousanos ol ot hers, I sta ted j
Crt tlin nmv H.ldnrfli lo. j Can OnlV 11VO
for tho new Eldorado. I can only givo
you, at present, a very short nkctch of my
travels on tho Plains. It was a very ruiny
day ia April, 1k5'J, when 1 took leave of
my friends in Oglo county. I qienta week
dn Hampton, when my partner and wrag
,on arrived. Though tho roads wero bad,
we mado our way through to Council
Bluff, on tho Missouri river, in three
week i. Hero wo bought six months'supi.
ply of provisions, and crossed over into
Nebraska. Wo got along very well until
,w began to meet the emigration pouring
.back the othor way, with theso beaut fully
illustrated mottoes paintod upon thoir
wagon covers, "Piko's Peak 9 humbug,"
"Homo, sweet home,"
"Ita homo you ought to bo
Ilom, dearest home,
In your own country."
&o., Ac. This rather lowered our sails a
little; but concluding to go and soe for ,
,oursoiTCs, wo kept up the north ot tho
.Platte river to Fort Kearney, intending to
oross over, meeting every day from seven
ty-five to one bundled wacons on the
back track. Every camping-placo was a
ceno of destruction. Provisions und mi
ning tooN wero dumped out and left at
the mercy of tho wild beasts, rather than
f jbo permitted to obsliuet their homeward
Thero was no forry on tho rial, and
ii (the water had raisiud so that wo could not
I' -lord it with safety, and wo travelled up to
Port Larrimi. tho last crosiin g on the
',wfty to tho row gold fields, and only sev
,enty miles distant, or 500 miles from tho
, MRsom'i rivor. Tho golden news hying
i! 'still below par, wo concluded to lid ovur
a day or two and take a tutl'alo hunt and
make up our minds ns to w hat we had
best do. This great metropolis, or Van-
vass citv.
wan in uproar from end to end.
ItUUm iloFlinr, .Wli ,1 1. K'lS t Wl'St
and South -parties uividing-somo going
home-some to the Peak, und others to;
California and Oregon : partners dividing
their teaum mukiin: cul ts out of thoir
wajona Homo throwing out others loads
ingup for long journeys. Auctioneers'
voices were heard in all direction?, nulling
wagons, teams, Ac. In cases of law .suits,
olliccrs were nj'iioiuicd, juries sat in tho
brush, free ofeharge, where damages were
claimed lawfully by tho plainti!!' the los
or's team, or ivagon, if ho had either, was
put up nn.l knocked oil to tho highest
bidder, and the claim nati.vlied. Many a
poor fellow was left thero without a dollar
in his pocket.
After considerable consultation as to
our future oxploitx, our little party very
agreeably settled up all standing bills and
divided into three part one for home
one for Cherry Kidjjo (Tike's Peak) tho
other for California, to which 1 united.
We took down our canvass, whilo others
were, still pourinz in. pitching their tents
and keeping up a continual hum up and
down the river. The gold question was
being expounded by male and female
the latter bouncing about in their hoops
as it promenading Broadway. The thous
an Js of cattle, horses, mules, wagons, etc.,
in that vicinity nnd adjoining valley, and
the largo trains continually arriving and
departing, gave the place the appeuraneo
of an old settlement. But I must be more
brief. It would takotnea month towrito
nil I saw, heard, and experienced
Uur load being heavy, we at part of our
provisions nsiuo, t-nougn wo mem
beforu wo got through. We soon Htruek
........ ... ul, -.w ...i-.u,
and we itt o climbing the eastern (done ol
it. I . i I ... r-. .t. I in .... . i j I ..nit
the llocky Mountains. lay niter
irudiim; idotiir beneath a burnim;
su n,
thaded by nothing except clouds of mos
quitoes, all claiming kindred, flaviugno
fan, I was compelled to carry a brush
made of twins lo fight mv wav, or be
smothered with a coat or blanket wrapped
around my head. These sufferings can bo
better imagined than described. Wo
worked on day after day, and week after
week, until we reached till junction of
the California and Oregon roads. Hero
was another mas meeting. Parties here
went tliiMtigli the dividing operation iuoro
pr. ctic.dly, After resting our stock a few
(.lays we drove up to the turning post, ex
changed compliments, good wishes, itc.,
and separated, perhaps forever.
1 and my partner, Mr. II oilman, look
tho Oregon road. The Indians on this
road are
troublesome, though the only
Harm tney done us was to steal live Jiorses
una a lew cuiiie. i o mane up a n am ui
twenty wagons, or 10 1 persons, men, wo-1
nen and children. Wo run short ol pro-
visions beforo we got through, and were
put on s.iort allowance for a long spell.
We then overtook a government train of
soldiers, (the only train ahead of us on
this road,) going from S;dt I.ako to ' ro
gon. They helped us some, but were
short themselves. It was then we thought
of what we had thrown away on tho Plains.
We lived on fi-h and water, and a short
allowance of bread, until wo got near
enough to send an express through,
when tin government sent provisions to
our relief.
There were some emigrnnU attacked on
this ro id towards t,hc last of tho travel.
Some were wounded, but none killed. It
is leporli d that ten wagons were atlack-
all the emigrants killed. 1 hero
, -ii i . , t t-.i l:
Acre liH'io Killed on ouier roan, corners
j were stationed on this road this summer
' ..... .i , . . , ..... ..
until llr y inoii..,rii unj emigration over,
but after they left the Indians attacked a
tram and killed between .5.) i.nd 40 por (
son). The soldiers went out nnd recover-
ed 12 persons two women, lour men and
si,X children. J no Indians nolo an tneir
Unraa loon,l ,.;.;, Tho ..rri
. " ' .
vors had to eat tho dead of their
lo coninonions, or j.ensh. They even
'1 to '"tike clot hos, or mats, by weaving
? U '? ilS i
crai cniKiren sun in tno nanus oi me iu-
It is the
Snako And Banact Indi-
nns (bat are loinL' tliis T
But to close this long n
J . ...
They will bo apt
narrative, I will
in Walla Wal
la Valley, Washington Territory, we made
a fimil separation. Some went to Oregon fomothing in tho apartment seemed to
and some stopped here. Wo wero just disturb me. Looking up, I beheld, Bland
four months on tho way ethers wore .ix jn cxnclly'opposite to mo, a singularly
months Two weeks later 1 hired to run beautiful feumlo. So astonished was I,
a ferry boat on tho Snake rivor at !?50 per , f ' j i . j ivc Klrict orders not to ha dis-
month, and am still at tho same. I had a
pretty hard timo of it in tho summer, but
as I said at the beginning, travel is slack
now, times dull, and being lonesome I
thought 1 would devote an hour or so to
giving you n sketch of my adventures.
This is a great piece for raising stock, but
no agricultural or farming country. It is
too dry to produce grain except close
along the small streams. Low, ivet land
produces large crops, and beats the world
for vegetables. Thero are many gold ex
citements in this country, but they do not
amount to much except to break up
poor folks. No moro at present, but re
main yours trulv,
Montgomery Fnt.riuo.v.
It appears by oflic'ud statement that tho
bids for the 8S.000.000 loan advertised for
by the Government, nmonnled to SGUJlfi,
OHO. Of theso bids only about $3,000,000
have been accepted, at (J4, the Secreta
ry believing that ho can procure the
SS.Odd.OW yet wanted at tho samo rate.
The schoonor Carry, whilo engaged on
tho 2(ith ultimo, carrying coal and sup
plies to the U. S. ship" Wyandotte, off
Pensacnla, was captured by tho Confeder
ate forcos, and will bo confiscated.
Tho business men of Pittsburg have de
termined not to rocoivo depreciated mon
ey except at banker's rates. Thero is ev;
cry indication oftho success of tho move
ment. Tho fiirmerj all demand and re
ceivo par funds for thoir nr.idu.-.o. So
wholesome nrt experiment should not
confined to littsburg.
Tho Duchess of Kont, mother of Queen
j Victoria, diod on tho 10th of March, after
a prolonged illuaes.
(From tho Amorienn Monthly.
Tho last time I ever mw Anthony Sher
man was on the Fourth of July, 10, in
Independence Square. Ho was (hen ninety-nine,
and becoming very feeble; but
liiouirh so old, his dimming eyes rekin
died as ho looked at Independence Hall,
which ho said ho had eamo to gaze upon
once more before he was gathorod home.
'What time is it ?' said he, raising his
trembling eyes to the clock in tho steoplo,
ar.d endeavoring to shade tho former with
a shaking hand, 'what timo is it? I can't
see so well no as I used to.'
'Half-past three.'
'('erne, then,' h continued, 'let ih go
into the Ilnll I want to tell ycu an inci
dent of Washington's He, one which no
one al'ivo knows except myself; and i!"
you live, you will before long seo it veri
fied . Mark I urn nut superstitious, lid you
wilt set it verities.'
teaching tlio visitors room.
the sacred relics of our early days
ni" ivieserved wo sat down upon one of
tho old fashioned wooden benches, and
my venerable companion related to me
the following singular narrative, which,
r th(, tK.CuliaritV of
our national at-
i fairs al the present time, I have been in-
finnH to 1V0 t0 lll0 v,orld. 1 give
.,. ,:,.i : .,,
. .
it, as
I t ,1 I L.I lv.-.-i'HJ ill ill."' "-i ii T.x-i-. .
'When the bold action of our Congress,
in asserting the Independence of tho ml
ontes, became k nnwii in tho old world,
wc wero laughed and seeded -ul ns silly,
presumptuous rebel", whom Briti.-h gren
adiers would very soon tame into submis
rion ; but undauntedly wo prepared to
make good what wc had said. The keen
encounter came, and the world knows
the r;'.(H.. It is eay and pleasant for
those of the present generation to talk
and write of the days of Seventy Six. but
they little know, neither can (hey imag
ine, the trials nnd stttlerinirs of thoo fear
ful days. And there is one thing i much
fear, and that is, the American people do
not properly appreciate tho boon of free
dom. Party spirit is yearly becoming
stronger and stronger, and without it is
checked, will at no distant day, under-
mute and lumnio into rums me nouie
st.uclure 0f tl)0 Republic.
But let me
iiasf,n (o my narrative,
' q.-r0m the opening of the Revolution
w0 ox,,01.iorioo, all phases of fortune, now
i j ,)0W m ono timo victories, and
nnolilor conouerod. The darkest period
we iiad, however, was, i mini?, wuen
Washin gton, after soverul reverses, retreat
ed to Valley Forgo where ho resolved to
pass tho winter of '77. Ah ! I have often
scon the tears coursing down our old com
mander's care worn cheeks, as ho would
be conversing with a confidential olliccr
about the condition of his poor soldiers.
Yon have doubtless Inaid the story of
Washington going to the thicket to pray ;
well, it is not only true, but housed often
to pray in secret for aid nnd comfort from
that fiod, the interposition of whose di
vine providence alone nronght us safely
(hroiiLdi those dark days 01 tribulation.
i . l 1 I
'One day, 1 remember it well I ho t hil- j
ly winds whistled through tim leaiiess
trees, though tho sky was chadless and
tho sun shinim: brightly he remained in
his quarters nearly nil the afternoon alone
l0U 10 carao ol,t I noticed that his face
was a !,ado paler than usual, and that
t)er0 S0Pme;i to bo somothing upon his
ln:,wi nr morn than ordinary importance
"'. . ' . , 7" ,. . i. i' .1... I....1
jceturning jusi auer uus, n-. ..e.-,,
t0 (he quarters of the ollicer I
montiollcd, who wa, presently m attend-
ance. Aftcr ft rre:iraiary conversation,
which lasted some half an hour, Wshing-
ton, gazing upftn his companion with that
strango look of dignity, which ho alono
could command, said to tUo.lattor ;
I 'I do not know whether it is owing to
the anxiety of my mind, or what, but,
this afternoon, asl was sitting at mis very
tni,j0 cn,WrCd in preparing a dispatch,
; tnrbed.lhat it was some moments before I
found lancuncoto infinit e the cause of her
presence. A second, a third, and even a
fourth timo did I repeat tho questions,
but received np answer from my myste
rious visitor, except a slight raising of tho
eyes. By this timo I felt strango scns.v
tions snreadinii throughout mo. I would
have risen, hut tho rivetod gazo oftho bo.-
ing before mo rendered volition impossi..
ble. I essayed once moro to address her,
but mv tongue had bocomo poworles.
Even thought itself presently became par
alyzed. A new intluence, mysterious, po
tent, irresistible, to possession of me. All
I could no was gaze, gazo steadily, vacant
ly at my unknown vistant. Gradually
the surrounding utmospiiero seemed as
thornh becoming filled with sensations,
nnd grew luminous. Everything nlout
mo appeared lo ratify, tho mysterious vis
itor herself becoming moro airy and ve
more distinct' to my sight than belore. I
now began to feel os ono dying, or rather
to experience the Sensations which 1 have
sometimes imagined accompany u.ssoiu
tion. I did not think, I did not reason, I
did not niovo; all were aliko impossible
I was only consciious of gazing, fixedly,
vacantly, at my companion.
'Presently I heard a voice saying ;
'Son of the Kepublis, look and iearn,
whilo at tho samo moment, my visitor ex
tended her arm easlwardly. I now be
hold a heavy white vapor at some dis
tance, raising fold upon fold; this gradu
ally dissipated, and 1 looked upon a
strango scene. Beforo mo lay spread out
in ono vast l.lain all tlio countries of the
world. Europo. Asia, Africa and America.
I saw rolling and tossing between Europe
and America, tho billows of tho Atlantic,
and between Asia aud America lay the
"Son of the Republic,' said tho sune
mysterious voice, as before, 'look and
'At that moment I behold a dark
shadowy being like an angel, standing,
or rather floating in mid-air between Ku
ropo unci America. Hipping water out of
tho ocean in tho hollow of each hand, he
sprinkled some npoti America with his
l ight hand, whilo ho cast upon Europe
some with 'ho left. Immediately a dark
cloud raised fioni each of these countries
and joined in mid-ocean. For awhile it
remained stationary, and then moved
ilowly westward, until itenvf loped Amer
ica in its njur'y folds. Sharp Hashes of
lightning gleamed throughout
vals, ami 1 heard tho snioothered groans
and cries of the Atserican people.
'A second time thn aii"el dipped wafer
from the ocean, nnd sprinkled it out as
before. The dark cloud was then drawn
(tack to tho ocean, i . whose heaving
waves it sunk from view. A third limp 1
heard tho mysterious voice saying:
' 'Son of the llepublic, look ami learn.'
'1 cut my eyes upon America, and be
held villages, tows ar.d cities springing
up one alter another, until the whole
land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was
dotted with them. Again 1
heard tho ,
mysterious voice say
' 'Son ol (lie Kepubhe, the end ol the
century cometh look and learn.'
At this, tho dark, shadowy angel turn-
ed his face southward, and ficm Africa I
saw an ill-omened spectro approaching
our land. It flitted slowly ami heavily J
over every town
tho inhabitants
nnd city ol llie latter,
Ol Which presently set
themselves in b.ittlo array against each
other. As 1 continued looking, 1 saw a
bright nnnol, on whoso brow rested a
crown of liL'hl, on which was traced the.
word '1'NION.' bearing tho American
flag, which he placed beiw.ceu the divided
nation and said :
' 'Kemetuber ye are bielhern 1'
Instantly the inhabitants, casting from
them their weapons, beeaico friends onco
mure, and united around the national
etandatd. And again 1 heard tho myste
rious voice, saying :
' '.Sou of tho Uopublic, tho end of a cen
tury cometh, look a.ndlearji.
'At this the dark, shadowy angel placed
a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three
distinct blasts, and taking water from the
ocean, sprinkled it otu upon
Asia and Africa.
Then mv eves beheld a fearly scene.
From each of theso countries imso thick,
black clouds, that were soon joined into
one. And tlirouguoui mis mass mere
gleamed a dark-red light, by which I saw
hordes of armed men, who, moving with
the cloud, marched by land und Milled by
sea, to America, which country was pres
ently enveloped in tho volume of the
cloud. And 1 dimly taw theso at arm
ies devastate the whole country, and pil
lage and burn tho villages, towns and
cities that I had beheld springing up. As
my ears listened to tho thundering of can
non, clashing of swords, and shouts and
cries ofihe millions in mortal combat, I
again heard (ho mysterious voice, saying:
'Son of the Kcpublic, look and learn.
When the voice had ceased, the
shadowy angel placed his trumpet
more to ins muta uiki mew a long, icariui
Instantly alight as of a thousand suns
shown down from abovo me, and pierced
and broke into fragments the dark cloud
deb enve oned America. At tho samo
moment I saw the angel upon whose fore-
bead still shone tho word 'UNION ' and
who bore our natiolml flag in ono hand
and a sword in tho other, descend from
Heaven attended by legions of 1 right
spirits. 1 hc;;e immediately joined tno
inhabitants ot America, who i perceived
were well nigh. overcome, but w ho, immo-
iiately taking courage again, closed up
their broken ranks und renewed the bat
tle. Again Amid the fearful noiso oftho
conllict 1 heard the mysterious voice, say
' 'Son of the Kepublic, look und learn.'
'As tho voice coated, thejshadowy angel
fur the last time dipped water from the
ocean and sprmklcd it upon America.
Instattlj the dark cloud rolled back, to
gether with tho armies it had brought,
leaving the inhabitants of tho land victori
ous. Then onco more I beheld villages,
towns and cities springing up where they
had been before, whilo the bright angel,
planting tho azuro standard he bad bro't
in tho mlst of them, cried in a loud voice
to tho inhabitants ;
' 'While the stars remain ond tho Hea
vens send down dow upon tho caith, to
lorg shall tho Pepublic last.'
'And taking from his brow tho cro-n
on which still blazed the word 'UNION,'
ho placed it upon tho standard, w hile the
people kneeling down said 'Amen !'
'Tho sceno instantly began to fade and
dissolve-, and 1 al last saw nothing but
the rising, curliug w hite vapor 1 had first
beheld. This also disappearing, I found
myself onco more gazing upon my myste
rious visitov, who, in that same myste
rious voico 1 had heard before said:
' 'Son of tho Kepublic, what you havo
seen is thus interpreted. Three perils
will corao upon the Kopub'ic. Tho most
fearful is tho second, passing w hich the
whole world united, iihall never ho able
to prevail agaiiut her. Let every child of
the Republic learn to Iivo for his Ood, his
land and tho Union.'
With theso words the figure vanished.
'I Blurted from my seat, and felt that I
had seen a vision wherein had Detn
show n tc mo tho birth progress and des
tiny of tho .Republic of tho Unitoil States.
'In Union she will have her strength,
in Pi'uiiion her destruction.'
'Such my friend concluded tho vencra
blo narrator,, 'wero tho words 1 hoard
from Washington's own lips, and America
will do well to profit by thetn. Let her
forover remcroSer that, in Union she luxt
her strnnith, in Dinuuiou her destruction.'
The Impending Civil War.
Fensacoi.a. Pensacola is an ancient
town, having boon founded at an early pe
riod by the Spaniards.. Tho houses nro
built in tho olden style, with low, narrow
windows and projecting roofs, which in
some instances run into a bhelter across
tho sidewalks. In speakinzof Pensacola,
tho Mobile Advertiser, in a recent issuo,
says :
Pensniiola is historic ground, and its his
toric nolo is essetially military. Centu
ries ngo the warliko events of which it,
with its vicinity, wus a scene, gave its
name a place on tho pageol history. In
its tin e it has known many maulers, and
none surrendered it except of necessity,
few without a struggle, and none gained it
except by the power of compulsion. It
is a ''debatable ground" by ito tradition,
its chronicle and its local conditions. I!e
I fore the days of He Solo it was not the i:n-
uispiueci possession oi i no nnorigimu na
tionalities ; for our meagre records of those
times and peoplo show that different
tribes c:imc and sojourned on tho waters
of the bay and made it a sort of common
territory a )uasi neutral ground, ivhoiv
they could spend a warm season in fishe
ry, and eniov the cool (lulf breezes which
hinned the waves of (he bay of "Pensaco-
l i ol "Ucnu.s" ol "I anacoi i" or n:
'Pensacola," as woof this day finally have
it in if confirmed nomenclature In later
times the Spaniard, the Frenchman, the
Britisher and Anglo-American contended
for ifs and each and all pos
sessed and held it vicl ariais pi imarilv. and
Fonn. i,v iront v r;,.ltt. for a timo. There
.Tnekson added snmet h'm.r nf l:,nio ti hi
name there Brifon fought with Spaniard,
Spaniard with French and Indian, and
Indian with Indian end now sigair. it iV
the fair bone id" contention but ween the
rival races of Anglo-Americans. In these
hitler days of its history it is become tho
point of interest in the eyes of the nal ion,
and may possibly have tho eyes of the
world directed to It as the Crimea of tho
Now World. Bet us consider this posj,i
bility, premising thai it is contingent upon
the course of governments, and not upon
the humors of those coneornedin the pro
ceedings of tho lcL. The war between
fhoso mighty Towers, 'Russia, Franco and
England, was fought out op the narrow
field oftho Crimea, nnd now, before a blow
is struck, it niav be considejed that, in a
I large measure, the complexion of our dif
ferences with the I nitod States may he
decided bv tho course nnrsued at this r.ew
j d-mica, the classic " Bav of Oclius," and
' befo-o this Sebastapol of Pickens. If we
get into difficulties, it may bo through the
ngencv of this same troublesome locality
in its proving true to ils tradition.
As a summer residence, Pensacola is de
lightful ; for the town is pleasant, th
drives g od, the ceoppry romantic, the
water excellent, and thoro is a fino breeze
from the sea in the hottest day of sum
mer. The sunset scenes are as beautiful
as any in the Bay of Naples.
Pensacola Bav is twenty seven miles in
length, and in its bryadesl part twelve
i miles in width. It lies immediately at
dark i ,uo ":o"11' 01 1110 r.-ieaiv.nia river. Kun
o'neo ' ,IUI5 "'eng (ho front of tho bay for four
teen lenues, nearly cast anr west, is a
ii i: r .
long line oi san'iy snore, .narrow, harden.
:!lml " u"u ln. a severe gaio tn9 read
I wavcs tUS" ovpr ' ens-acola bay has
; raro I,r0Pcrties as a harbor, and cannot bo
i v '.V", " y any in mis
'untry. It . is accessible to frigates of
, 1:lr?e 9,z0 l:ror. ,10,nS wonty ono feot .of
niuvi wn iin, uar ; ami wnen once nisinie,
all tho ships of oir navy could ride in
safety. Tho channel runs near tho coast
- i i . . ...
across the bar, which is short and easily
passed. Tho harbor is completely land
locked, and the road-f ejtd capacious.
The peculiar position of Pensacola bay
makes it desirablo as a naval station, as
excellent positions for dockyards can be
found in the harbor. When tho railroad
from Montgomery, now in progress ot
completion, shall have been finished, tho
facilities lor reaching it will bo so much
increasod that it will present qui to ar.oth-
er appearance. I ho upper arm of Pensa
coh bav receives tho Yellowwatcr or Pea
river. Middle rivei and Escambia river,
eleven miles from dhoGulf of Mexico.
Fort Pickens, tho great bono of confen
tion in tho Gulf section of .tho South, is
the principal work of defenco for Pensa
cola harbor. It is built on a low sandy
spot, on the westernmost end of Santa
Rosa Iblnnd, nnd a little over ono mile
distant from Fort McRex, which forms
another sentinel lo tho bay. Fort Pickens
is a tirs-l class iiasliono t work", Puilt ol
slono for foundation purposes, with walls
of brick and bitumen Its walls are forty
feet in height, by twelve feet m thickness.
I is embrasured for two tiers of gnus m
bombi.roof caseniales, and ono tier open
or ea I r1te. I ho work has all tho usual
. . . . . . . .
coacwmantsoi a nrst ciasj woru, viz :-
coven ways, dry ditch iiue'S and outworks
complete. The guns from this point radi-1
uto to all points of the horizon, with Hank
and enfilading firo in tho ditches nn-1 .v
oiy unglo of ajiproach. Its guns com -1
mand Fort Barrancas, Fort Mcllae, the
avy yarci, and me omer worxs now m
.. - - Pit . r I ..... ,
ho possession of tho Confederate States'
Iriinttt.- 1 !, work iv.u iwit I ,
trooiis. i no worK was commenced in
1X28, nnd finished in IK1. It cost the
federal government nearly ono million of
dollars. When on a war footing the gar-1
rison consists of 1,200 soldiers. Its pre
sent armftmcnt consists of ln btwtiou, -C
twonty four pound howitzers ; casemate, I
2 fody two pounders, 5.4 thirty two
pounders, 51) twenty lour pounders ; in
borbette, 21 eight nicli howitzers, 0 eigh
teen pounders, 12 twelve pounders, 1 ten
inch columbhul. mounted, and 4 ton inch i
mortars in bad order.
Tho possession of this work, therefoio,
by tho secesionisU is, of course, of tho
first nnportunco; for, unless it is occupied
by them it will securo to the United State
troops abuse of operations along the wholo
Gulf coast, and keep open road right
into tho heart of the South, which car.not
be obstructed by ony fixed fortifications.
Oneo within the gates of tho harbor, am
an army could bo disembarked ut any
point on the w ide bay which it might se
lect. It could run up beyond tho Escam
bia riu'i- and land many hours ahead of
any opposing ioi-cp A hieli might be at Pen
sucoia, Desioes placing a wide river between
it ami tho hitter or fevon two rivers, thd
Escambia and the Black Water- -by going
far enough up. Hence, with a start of at
least forty-eight hours, it could march inlc
interior Alabama. A" enemy holding Fori,
Pickens could rendezvous a naval forcq'
there and keep up a blockade of all tho
ports on the Gulf, unless it could bo moi
on the pea. The fort is only cpproacljablji
by land on one side. Owing to tho opW
n.ess of the country, which is but a barren
bed of .sand, a party attacking from that
quarter wou I bi; very much exposed.
The federal forces now in garrison at Fort
Pickens consist of about tvo hundred nn''
fifty men, under the command of Lieut.
Siommor. If F,,rt Pickens bo taken by tho
secessionists. Pensacola will be the great
naval del. I of the Smthern r.fede.racy,
from which no doubt privateers will bo
fitted out lor the purpose, of prej ing upon
the commerce in tho Gulf of Mexico nnoj
the Caribbean sea.
This is a small outpost of defence, or
au-nicry, ol J-ort Pickens, erected by ht.
Slemmer's orders It is situated about
one mile and a rpiarter from Pickens, and
commands the Warrington Navy Yard, in
possession ol'the Conic lerate States troops.
Fori Pickens, .Jr. is new used as a station
for picket guards, ;ind it will answer the
purpose of ellixtm.lly pi even ting any thing
like a sui-pi no of the main fort. '
"Old Hundred."
Can you find a tomb in the land whore
scaled "hps are, that have not snug thaf
tune? If they were grey old men, they
ha.l heard or sung ' Old Hundred.' Sin
ner and saint have joined with lh ond-r
less .congregation where ii has, and witi',
oyt tho pealing organ, sounded on tho sa
.erod air. The dear little children, look
ing with wondering eyes on this strango
world havo lisped it. Tho sweet yo.unj
girl, tombstone told of sixteen sum
mers, she. whose mire and innocent faco
kjicntci you with its mild beauty, lovc
' O'A Hundred." ami as she sung it, !clos
ed her eyes and seemed communing witG
tho angels who were so soon to claim her.
lie W'huso niar.hood was devoted tp tho
service of his God, and who with faltering
steps a-'-cended the pulpit stairs, tvitfo.
whito hands placed over his laboring
breast, loved ' Old Hundred.' And tho'
sometimes his Jips only ir.cvod, away
down in his heart, so soon to conpo its
throbs, the holy melody was sounding.
The dear while headed father, with his
tremulous voice how he loved 'Old Hun
di ed 1 ' Po you s-e him now, sitting in
the vetwiahle arm chair, his hands oros"
sing over the top of his cane, his silyory
lockj floating oti from his zioljow temples,
and a tear, perchance, stealing doyvu his
furrowe 1 cheeks, as the. nubia strains jririg
out? Do you hear that thin, (piivoring;
faltering pound now bursting forth, ' now
listeno d for almost in vain ? Jf you' do
not. we do ; and from such lips, hallow cd
by four score years' service in the Master'
cause, 'Old Hundred 'jund indeed a sa
cred melody.
Vou may fill your churches wibb choir?,
with Sabbath prima donnas whosj daring
notes emulate the steoplo, nnd cost almost
as much, but givo us tho spirii stirring
tines of '( lid Hundred, ' sung by younp
ami old together. .1artyrs havo hallowoJ
it it has gonetip from tho dying beds'oT
saints. The old churches, where gerioraj
tion after genera'lon have devoutly
worshipped, and where many oftho .doar
de-il have been carried and laid buforo
tho alUir. where they gave themselves ,to
flml t.,...i,w in ln-ivit in of ' Old Miindrnil
""v V..J O"'- V f
1 r,.0iu' yostihulc to tower top tho vory air
is haunted w ti the cpirit.
Think for a uomonlof tio assembled
company who havo, aLdillercul timus ani
in dili'oicnt places-, joined i;i lha familial
tnno! Throng upon throng-tho stern,
tho timid, the gentle, tho brave, the boau
ful their rapt laces all beaming with tho
inspiration of their heavenly sounds. " '
"Old Hundred ! " King or tho sacred
band of ancient airs! Never shall our
oars grow weary of singing Ihol Arid
when we get to Uo'ivon, who knows but
what the first triumphant, strain t;at weir
i ti. . ,1 ni . ...
. comos us may oo iu uuu, v um,vjiih,
ted high 1 '
() p VTl! l:R's".-iUs wi. occ.isici.idly ,lo
, ,V(,iu. (ij llf, S!,llliuKlU t)l0 vhir
! m.u.r f u,,, iVm whom wo dceudod.
, MiM( (v)l ,lV0 ..Uess of th. ir ancestry
i , f)f- t!lul ,. poverty : aro very apt to be
1.,i! r ti1....!v,,s. The ,n m whr.
d. es not feel himself a link in thu great
chain to transmit life nnd hying, inlullec--
lual and ni'iral existence from his ances
try to his posterity, does not j.istly rppro
ciat'j the, relations which belong to him,
Tho contemplation of our ancestors and
descendants might ever to lu within, tho
Ul M'l I1U.U1 I." 'l.Llill Will M' imm.m. v..-
; f . .. ,, ni;,clioiJ. Thl
i. - . .... .
nasi belniiLfS to US bv till -ction ito ullllCI-
pa.ion rf those lo come ulW us. AnJ
then only do vo lio ourielve justice wior;
wo nro true to tho blood we inherit, anfl
true to those to wh im wo have been tbfc
means ol traiiMif.U'ug that blood
The city election held nf St. Paul, Minn
.Id inalant. went Pemocratie. Columbus'
! Ohio, for tho 1'i-st l:me, has also elect
Democratic city oihccrs.
Tho Mnysvillo ( Ky.) says thf
r jspeet for a heavy wheat crop was never
moro promising than now in that section
oftho State. ..